Vul. XA'XJV—No.
>tl.irr Oiiinhn..
OMAHA, NKIIKASUA, 1'KIJIAV .lANl'Alty 37, J!>r,(i.
Ask $110,000 Be Added to Goal to Meet Israel Crisis AM KmcrKeney supplement of $110,000 to bo IK|(I(M] to tlif (|iiolu of tlic I'liiG Jewish Philanthropies Campaign was unanimously roo ommonded by the Philanthropies Campaign Advisory Council at a dlnner-moellng held at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Ilyninn Fcror Wednesday, Jan. 18. This motion was approved following a detailed report by Hymn n Feror who attended tho Emergency Conference hold recently In New York City <.s Omaha's deli-gate and which dealt with the imncndlm; crisis which Israel . faces now. Following considerable discussion. Fred White moved the adoption of the emergency amount of $110,000 mid the motion was seconded by Julward Jx." Inion and Karl N. Louis. "Tlie action of the Campaign Advisory Council demonstrates how Omaha Jewry feels about the cmorncnoy requirements; which arose as a result of the arm** race initiated hy Kirypt, which endanger* seriously the future of 1,700.-
$22 Million Fund For Nazi Vicfims
Vkii.m (J'l'Ai Tin' Austrian Parliament has adopted a ineasurc formally establishing a fund of !M0'million schillings (approximately 522.000,000) for III" payment of restitution to Austrian victims of political persecution now res/dine abroad. The phrase "political" perseeuteCK" os used in the measure Is tho Austrian technical tenn covering persons who suffered jicri;,;cutlon ^clween 1933 and 10in on rnclnl or religious grounds or for holding .anti-fascist political vleww. ThC fund, established as a reunit of negotiations between the Austrian Government and major world 'cwlsh organizations orgnnized In the Committee Tor Ji.-wUh Claims on Austria. toi;etlier withs the Association of Jewish Communities in Austria, envisions the p a y m e n t s to perscnitir't nbroad Rtretehinc over a period of 11 years. The fund, to bo established by grants from the Austrian Treaty, will he free of all fees :md taxes. It him l>een estimated by Austrian Government circles that the KM million schillings Is about the .same amount thnt the Nr,7i victims would haw? received Jf they were now living in Austiin.
1-Year Course Offered At Hebrew University New York UTA)- Application* Jiom American college students who desire lo take n special oneyear course at the Hebrew Univeraily In Jerusalem will lie accepted (rntil March lii, it was announced hy IVof. Oscar I. Jnnow;;k>v chairman of the academic iT/imeil of the American Friends of the Hebrew University. The program, conducted hi cooperation with th(! Jewish Agency. i> oiien to I) o t h graduate nnd undoi-grudiinlc students from U. S. and Canadian colleges and universities. The curriculum is dcfllgned lUr those who desire to acquire an extensive knowledge of Hebrew and to study the history, literature nnd philosophy of the fno(i|t. l(f the Mlfldk- Kant.
Annual Rep~ >fllti,» It. Abrahams, CJiuirimu), Alii +c.3\* ...ntler Nutlmn I,. Nngg, Chairman, Htltlget C . <• f>r. Morrl? Margolin, Chairman, Iltm-u.i of Jewish Ktluratloii
IC/1 H. 20th, Amnui iUte « CK>lIa.» rme JA ISGd Single O>l>y 10 Ontl
Meet Delegates ' To Bring findings Three special reports on the
(XXI Jews who live in lsr»/-l," Jack grave situation which Israel Arthur If. <io(ilKt«-iii, ('liiiirnmn, Jewish (>»nimiiii/<y Center \V, Marer, Ked'Tatlon president, Arthur A. Colin, Cliiiirnian, Dr. I'lllllp Slier Jewish Home now faces will be presented at who presided at the meeting, said. the C2nd Annual Community "Wo hope the entire community Jwmlt Itutr, Clmlrman. .IIHINII W'clfuro Hervlce Meeting' oi the Federation for will back *liis decision which is KriiPKt A. Nii(;g, Cliairnian, IMS Jewish I'ldianthropies the only answer we can give at Jewish Service at 8 p. in., this I'. Itulpli Ndgg, Ciiuirmun, Jewish 1'rosn this hour of near catastrophe," Mrs. Kilnunl K. Broilki-y, I'resldent, Federation of Jewluli Sunday in tho Jewish Commuthe Federation president added. nity Center auditorium. In his report, Ilyman Fcrer Arthur Novak, i'rcHldcnt, Jewish Voutli Council analyzed the proceedings of the 1'uul Vrrtt, Kx.Tiitlv," Director, JcwUh Federation The reports will be given by New York meeting, relating tho Herman Ferer, Mrs. Mike Freeresponse of those who attended it. man and Paul Blotcky, who were lie also reviewed the current r.ltdelegates representing Omaha at uation in the Near Kast pointing national conferences held recently up tho most urgent need for imIn New York City and Washington. mediate assistance to embattled D.C. Israel. SummarlcD of the year's activiThe following attended the mootWashington (JTAI—State Deties of Federation departments will Ing: Milton Abrahams, Moe ISerbe made by department chairmen. eovlri, David Blacker, Kdward I). partment sources sounded a pra- CANADIAN BAN Brodkoy, Isadore Chapman. liar- sfmlstic note Sunday on Israel's Ottawa (JTA)-—The Canadian (See box at left for complete list* old Cliernlaelf, Harry IJ. Cohen. rtH|ucst for American arms, which Government has placed a bnn on Ing). Richard Kinstein, Ham F.psteln, was repeated here by Israel Am- all arms shipments to the Middle Mayor J o h n Rosenblatt will Haruld Farber, l>r. Abo C. Fell- bassador Abba Khan wh) ]iointcil Kast pending n decision by Par- bring' greetings on behalf of City man, Hymnn Forer, Barney Fink, out that Israel's peril "is progres- liament on the matter, Prime Min- of Omaha. Joe Freeman. Mike Freeman, Al>o sively mounting," ister Louis St. Laurent announced. Ernest A. Nogg, general chairF!. Ondlcr. Abe Goldstein, Arttuir In the opiiiina of State DepartBefore the Prime Minister's anIf. Goldstein. Paul Goldstein, Dr. ment r.'flclaN, the rcsidiltion nouncement, if became known that man of the 1955 Philanthropies Alie Creenberi:. William Grodln- adopted last week by the United Israel had received an export i>er- Oimpaign, will deliver his cam. • sky. Klmer. Cross anil Hen Kas- Nations Security Council con- mit for some S,"iO,OfX) worth of paign report. An invitation to the young adults Jow. demnini; Israel for Its recent re- ammunition — about Oilier.; were: I.-i/ar Kaplan. taliatory raid on Syrian military 1,700 roiintb. Last week, Die Ca- of the community to-.attend' has a been sent, Jack W. Marer, FedI-'izier Kavieh, llobe.rt Kooiwr, Kd- imaitlora would delay considera- nadian Government confirmed r v/anl I/'vinson, I\arl N. T>>uis. tion of Israel's arms application. report that it had shipped 1.> Har- eration president, stated. "We These officials indicated that Secare," he pointed up, "most anxious vard trainer pianos to F.;;ypt. Jack W. Marer, Alfred Mnyi.-r, Alto develop an awareness among I^Tt'l'. Newnian, I^rnesf A. Nocc, retary Dulles' promise this rnonth the young folks of their comNathan Nui:i;. Italph N'oi;;:, Har- to take a "fresh !<wik" at the ap- IIMNDKIS I-TNII plication following the decision of munal responsibility and of the ry Perimeter, Sam A. Hlce, I'klWaltham. Mass. (.ITA i -The esward '/,. Ilosen. Hen Shapiro, Jnco)> the Security Counrll was linked tablishment of a $2.()0O,WMI fund need for potential leadership." with the nature of the decision. Sloslmrc Stanley Slosbun;, I»uis Tlie newly modern'aed kitchen to complete the physical facilities SomberR, Hr. Maurice Steinl>erK. One official, however, said it and academic requirements of and food bundling facilities at the Sam S. Stclntwrs, Isa<lore Trc- was "not realistic" for Israel to Itrnndcis University, first and only Center will be dedicated. This tiak. rrarry 't'rnstln, Yale Tnistiu, expect favorable action on the Jewish sponsored non-sectarian marks the completion of the first Moe Veneer. Paul Vt-rct and Fred irms list for a considerable time. university In America, was an- phase of repairs l>eing made to <_hf White. His explanation was that the ma- nounced bore by University offi- Center building. jor coal of U-S. Middle Kast diplo- cials. Federation officers will be electmacy at this time is to win Eirypt The fund lias been osfnblished ed for a new term of office. away from Soviet influence. Sale in honor of the late Supreme Reds Approve Arab The Golden Age Club will preof VS. arms to Israel, he said, Court Justice Ijjuis I). Brandeta. Policies—Khruschev would jeopardize American efforts for whom the University Is named, sent a gift of a sliver serving tray to the Community Center. Thp If these efforts succeed, and whose centennial fa ljein/j obFsmikm (./TA P -Nikitn Klirui - inle Cairo. Golden Agere decided to make Die said, Israel may sec peace with served this your. More than $2,Rclu-v, Soviet Communist P a r t y lie Arabs and have no need for gift after a successful auction held 000,000 lias already been sub- at their meeting Monday! loader, was t|iioted here as declar- additional arms. scribed to the fund nnd friends of ing that Soviet policy "cannot bo A social hour will follow under the Institution will lie asked to pro-Arab or antl-I.nrael." He mnde contribute more, In $5,000 units the auspices of the Federation of this statement,to HnroM Wihon, Jewish Women's Clubs, payable over five years. I-alKirlte niember*of the Ilritlsh Parliament and former president of the Hoard of Trail", who visited KAtr.icoAii iiKAn Now York (WNS)—George AlMiKcoW. Ivindoii (.JTA'i 'Hie British l>ort, son ot n Jc\yisli immigrant Mr. Wllsun, ri^KU'tin;: his talk (iovernment has published its from Poland, a prominent mcmwith the .Soviet leader In the LonPaper on .surplus war ma- IXT of the Massachussetts Bar nnd don Observer, said that Mr. Klirti- VVhito teriel findings its way to Middle United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— scliev aureed that in his last speech Kastern countries. While the Kdon loading Jewish communal figure, he iiad sj>ok<:n "against Israel." Government deprecated the use to has boon named president of the The first global survey of discrimThis was simply Kecuttse Israel which Hritlsh surpluses had lieen New York. New Haven nnd Hurt- ination In religious rights nnd was playinK "an unpleasant role" put In the Middle Kast, it insisted ford Kallroad, one of the major practices, proposed by Justice In Middle Kasteru affairs. "lint that this flow of war materiel had commuter railroads In the coun- Philip Halpern, United States exIt is, of course, a .state like all in no way disturbed 'ho balance try. He. succeeds Patrick B. Mc- pert on the United Nations Subwho resigned in the face commission on Prevention of Disother states . . . It in made up of of power and the relative strenj'.th riittnis, of a W'avo of complaints against crimination and Protection of all levels, there are the peasants, of the Arab states and Israel. the railroad by commuters. Minorities, was authorized by the the workers, the administrators, The WliHe Paper, issued over Subcommlsslon here. Arco Krlshetc." TUNISIAN KI.KCTI0N8 the /;h,'n.'((»re.s of Foreign .Secrenashivam), of India, will conduct Mr. Khruschev said so far as tary Tunis (JTA)—Tlie forthcoming Relwyn I-loyd and Defense the special survey. policies are concerned, tho poli- Minister Sir Walter Mnncktnn, national elections, ordered by the Two other global studies aleio:i lwine; pursued hy the Arab assorted that investigations by Bey of Tunis, pose a serious prob.states' meet with 1,'reater approval the rfovernment established that lem for the Jews of Tunisia inas- ready undertaken by the subcoinfrom the Soviet Union than ilo between HO and 100 old disarmed much as they fear to antagonize mission deal with discrimination those iH'In;; presently pursued l>y Sherman tanks, licensed "for ship- the candidates of competing par- in employment and discrimination in education. Tho group also voteil Israel, Mr. Wilson noted. ment to France, had readied Is- ties. that still another study, on disTho Nco-Pestour Nationalist crimination rael, and tni disarmed Valentine in political rights nini tanks and fsun platforms iihippcd party has reiterated its position practices, shall be undertaken next Art Class Openings, from Hritain tn I3cl';ium had that Tunisian Jews are to bo year. treated as fully equal Tunisian reached Ki;ypt. Ceramics Planned citizens—and It treats them as 'The violation of the human such. For their part, Jews here right to freedom of religion," JusRegistration is still open for enwish to retain tholr ethnic nnd tice Halpern told the subcommlsrollment 111 the Jewish Commucultural identity, and do not wish RIOII, "is widespread and apparentSunday Radio nity Center Art Clas.s for begintn become "lost" in Hie Moslem ly Incrcnslng. Not only do these ners and advanced students. Mrs. Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein of community. They take note of the violations prevent the full developMeyer Holier IK class instructress. Call the Center Activities office, Temple Ohabi Sholcm in Brook* fact thnt Tunisia does not con- ment of the spiritual values, which JA T.'ififi for further information. line, Mns.q,, will discuss "Yes, sider Zionism to be "subversive" are an essential part of the huas do other Arab states and no man persoim!/ty, but they freA bcRinnors1 ceramics class b You Can," on the Massage of being planned at the Center. All Israel series heard over KBON Interference with immigration to quently involve violation of other Israel has been noted. those who wish to creato their from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. humnn rights as. well, including own dessert plates, decorator tiles However, Tunisian Jews arc dis- the right to security of person and The, Eternal Light program turbed by differences between the Tight to life itself. Whatever for children's rooms, ashtrays ami howls may obtain further informa- will bo broadcast over KFAB Neo-Destour leader Habib Bour- is done to re-establish religious tion ut the activities office In the from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. guiha andrhis opponent, Salah Ben freedom will help to recaptur" Vonssef. other freedoms as well."
Censure Delays Action on Arms
White Paper Lists Tanks Sent io NE
Global Report
Religious Rights Survey by UN Unit
w':.».: P»Re Two
ltiMbhed K w r y FrMny by the Federation for jdnLtti Si -nice JCactf u MCundclaas !t AJUMMU Subscription, Hod£<MLorlaJ Office- 1«. V, 2i d
r *t omijia. Nrt>ru.ik* wulrr
Religious News 5:14 p. DL, CaadtellglitiaK
Frld»y, January «7. 1050.
Bellefaire Supervisor Quiz Winner Lives Workmen's Circle Addresses B.B. Group Alexander Horwitz, regional suIn Hebrew Home Plan Annual Fete pervisor of Bellefaire, simke to New York (JTA) M r s . Mabel Workmen's Circle Midwest Dis- representatives of all B'nai B'rith Morris, 75-year-olfl resident of the trict Committee will hold their lodges and chapters on lU'liefaire'fi II»m» for Aged nnd Infirm He- annual bazaar, card party nnd program for treating emotionally disturbed children Tuesday afterbrews here, with her eucyclopcilic knowledge of the works of Charles buffet supper nt C p. in., Sunday, noon. Dickens has passed up the clmnee Keb. 12 In the I^ibor Lyceum. Mr. Horwitz Mopped in Omaha to go for the highest question on Arlmls.sfon will bo HO cents per on his tour of the midewst an"The SM.000 Question" television |w.T.son and proceed;) from the nf- swering gujietions nnd bringing program. Mrs. Morris, who stopped fair will lie used to aid t h e com- people u p to date on the Btlleat $31',000. explained that fhc wns mittee's "adopted boy" in Paris. fnirc program. acting on doctors' orders. The group has undertaken to help Bellefaire, located in Cleveland, Mrs. Morris, who was faced with the youngster improve his educa- O-, is' the oldest exLstlng Jewish child care institution in the, Unitthe problem of what would hap- tion. Mrs, Max Schwartz is chairman ed States. It was founded in 1808 |»en had she won only $8,000 since by B'nai B'rith. for the district committee. that sum would have left her 55-10 in debt nfter taxrri and her obligations to the local Welfare Department, no longer has that poser to consider. It-Js estimated that she can settle all her debts, and still have $10,000 W t .
lue *ct "f ISiiufi 3. 1679.
fitnH, 6ir.jti.'i. Nt{,r., J A i k s j n !3f>J.
riAMH> HALPi-an
: . Kdiioi
With the Folks At Home News and Happening 1 ! a t tliA Dr. 1'hllip 8hcr Jewish Home fur the Aged by David Orkow.
January 17: Hablii S i d n e y II. Brooks of Temple Israel visited the folks today and discussed the newly d i s c o v e r e d "Dead Sea Worihip (crvices will be held at Scrolls." 8 p. in., in Temple Israel this eveJanuary 19: A program of innine. RabU Sidney H. Brooks will preach on "Solitary Confinement terestl/.i, movies was shown today. —Who A t e You When You're January 20: A morning record Alone?" program featured selections by JoC'OI'NHKI-S Services Saturday morning will seph Rosenblatt and David ami Toronto (JTA) — Eleven Canabe at 11 JO o'clock for adult* and MoLshe Kusevltsky. members of the religious school January 22: In spite of the in- dian Jewish members of the bar clement weather many visitors have been appointed Queen's Counsels. One of the eleven, Helen came to see our Folks today. Beth El Grossman, of Toronto, was the January 2 3 : A special Kiddusli only woman appointed this year. Sabbath Services at Beth £1 was given by t h e family of Mr. Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Nichols In memory of his wife, a Rabbi Hyer & Kripke win de- former resident at the Home. MYRON COHEN January 24: Rabbi Myer Kripke liver the sermon on T h e Ethics fONCKUT MAhTKll OMAHA MMI-IIONV of Retaliation." Cantor Aaron L of Beth E l SynogoRue visited us VIOLIN STUDIO Kdgar and the Beth E3 Synagogue today arid discussed this week's Violin ulurk'ntt, beginners flnil mjChoir will render the musical por- "Sedra" and inteprcted the m;tny vu!ir<-<j, ncril t h e rareful attention points of conflict Inherent in the tions ot the service. of iirWiilc Instruction. OR M3S Sabbath morning service! will be story of the Exodus from Kgypt. at 9 JO o'clock. Junior Congrega- A question and discussion iK?riod followed. tion services are at 10:30 a. m. January 2fi: Omaha Cliapter of Mincha-Maaiiv services arc at 5:15 p. m. Sunday services are at Hadassali cntertnlned the residents today with a program of 9 a. m. , Dally sen-ices are at 7 a , in. and games followed by refreshments of fruit cake nnd coffee srrve<l by 1 p. m. the ladies of the Omaha Chapter. Mrs. Sam Green was in charge of this affair. Beth Israel
Temple Israel
"The Greatest Name^IniKosber Tocos'
Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor KU Kagan, Beth b r a e ) Choir and Talmud Torah Alumni will conThe Zionist District of Omaha duct late Friday evenlnR servlco-i will meet today at 32:15 p. m., in at 8 p. m. the Downtown Highland Club, Abe TraditlonnI Hridny s e r v i c e s H. GeniJer, district president an(Kabbolas Shnbbns) begin .it 5:15 nounced. Mr. Gendler urges all p. m. Sabbath, morninn services at members who have not sent in 8:30 a. m. Junior Congrei;ation al their dues for the new year to do 10 a. m Sabbath Mlnrh» al 5:15 so now. Make your checks payable •p. m., followed by Sholeshe K'eu- to Zionist District of Omaha nnd dos and Maanv. Daily morninf; mall to 101 N. 20th St., in care of services a t 7 n. m.; afternoon serv- the district treasurer. ices a t 5:20 p, m. Sunday services besfn a t 8:45 a. m. followed' by breakfast and Rabbi's clnss in HiLondon (JTA) Some ten to .blc. Sunday morning Junior Minyan. followed by breakfast starts twelve nnd a half 'percent of nil Jews marrying in Britain take at 8:30 a . m . non-Jewish males. Dr. I. W. SlotL i e Talmud Discussion croup kl, a demographic scholar, assertmeets every Tuesday evening nt ed in an article in the 7»Tancries7:30 p. m. a t B i m Synagogue. ter Guardian, lie based his figures J9th and Burt. on applications for marriage licenses, discussions with rabbinical authorities nnd socinl workers. This figure does not include marriages solemnized in civil services nnd In Liberal and Reform synaMrs. Abe Meyer gogues, he stressed. Services were held Sunday. Jan. Dr. Slotki quotes one well in22 for Mrs. Abe Meyer with inter- formed social worker n.s estimating ment a t Gulden Hill Cemetery. that there is hardly ,t Jewish famMrs. Meyer. 50, died Saturday, ily in Britain in which a near or Jan. 21 in a local hospital.""" distant relative has not married She Is survived by her husband. out of the Jewish faith. Citing Abe; a son, Gerald, a daughter. other authoritative sources, includArlene: two Bisters, Mrs. Anna ing rabhis. he expresses the opinRifkin of Omalia and Mrs. Ida ion that intermarriage is on the Hill of Lincoln, ,'ind :i brnthcr. increase in Britain. Jack Mnclrennff of W.i'.hin'-'ton IX C. ISKAKI, BOND r;oAi> Nfw York (JTA) — American iv.imen have adopted a goal of Mrs. J . Yahubovich 51S.50O.O0O for the 1056 Israel Servlc'S wore held Sunday. Jan. 22 for Mrs. .Iamb Y.ikubovich wilh Band drive. This is part of the inteirnenf" nt Kisher Fnrm O-me- total goal of $75,000,000 estabtery. Mrs. Ynkiibnvich, .')4, died lished by the organization for Issuddenly Saturday, J a n . 21 nt a rael bond purchases this year. loeal hosjill/il. Survivors Inrludn her hiishnnd. Jacob: a son. i : m . and a daughter, Bella.
Zionist District to Meet
British Intermarriage
It's K M Job of Hi. Omaha Public Powtr Dilfrlcf fo bring you ALL fn« •lecftlcify you n « * d . . . a) •II t i m t t . . . at fair pricif.
mamifacturan of •lecfric appliancm bring you mot* md baffar eUcfrle :rvanh . . . at pricat au can afford.
Want Ads
Joseph Casrieman Services were held Monday. Jan. 23 for Joseph Castleman in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Castleman. 05, a former resident of Omaha, died there Saturday, Jan. 21. He Is survived by his wife, Anna: a daughter, Mrs. Frank Gottefeld and a sort, Arthur, of Van Nuys, Calif.; four Brothers. Nat and Morris of .Los Angeles, William «nd Frank of Chicago; three sisters, Mrs. Morris Rubensteln and Mr*. Harry Rubensteln, both of Omaha, and Mrs. Max Wezelman of Chicago; and three grandchildren, .
Phsne JA IjQO u> insrrt your Wuit Ad n Thp Jeir!«h t'rttt. Currrnt n'.t A !tO frntd tor rarti \n»nU',n Thr l*r**» rv«*rYM (he rfxbt to limit
BAR and "'as Mitzvah congratulations also for al) Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers New* Stand. 1502 Dodge TAKE advantage of the tremendous savings on many magazine s u b s c r i p t i o n s tills month. They're the hottest special in years. I can honor any offer you receive in the malL Mrs. Ilorwlch, WA 3957. WANTED—Ironing to be done in my house. Charge Is 65 rents per hour. Mrs. Koons—call HA 5112,
It'* your Job Co see fitiaa your home has
MOOEREi WSSIBNG Eight out of ten homcj—even many new ones— just don't have enough wiring to take care of their electrical needs. Old-fathioncd wiring keeps people from adding appliances they badly need and want. In most cases, it prevents them from satiifactorily using even those they already have. It's easy to bring your home's wiring up to date. Modern wiring is moderate in cost, can be installed • without fuss or muss. Often just a little more wiring it all that's needed.
WIRE ON TIME Me ion piyinMt— p*y
month. You/ t ! « M ««l contractor k u «H <ht <!•»•»!, e»»
Have a "power-full" house and llva better—electrically
HA 2172
i If ( t ( I ft 11)., 11' i i .
Friday, January I". 1950.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward I. Chirniss, formerly of Council Uluffs, la., now residing in Fresno, Col., announce the birth of a d.'iUk'hlor Jennifer Robin, born January IG. Paternal grandmother is Mrs. Harry L. Chcrniss of Council Bluffs, and great-Grandmother is Mrs. Myer Llpp of Omahn. Maternal Krnndmother is Mrs. Herman Krause of Council Bluffs. The Chenilss' have two sons, Michael and Jeffrey. Dr. Chernlss is associated with th<? Veterans Hospital in Fresno. Mrs. Krause Is presently vlsltinc her daucbler and family.
H. B. VKIIB. CHAPTER Nebraska Chapter No. .116 of B'nal Brith will hold Its annual dessert luncheon and card party at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 31 in the South Omaha Syn.iRo;;ue. Mcsdamra Ifernlan Franklin, Sol Martin, Sam Manvltz and Sam Gorelick will be co-hostcssos at the luncheon. A charpe of 75 cents per plate will be made with the proceeds to go to Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Rochester Center, National Jewish Hospital and Ueilctaire Home. Door prizes will be awarded and a babysitter service will lie provided. MITZRACHI WOMEN At the January meeting laet Week of Omaha Chapter, Mizraclil Women the movie, "And 'iliey Met ill Galilee," received many pleased comments, as did the talk on 'Hnmisha Asar b'Shevat" y.lvvn by Mrs. H. Brandatetter. Mm. Lewis Gerellck, chairman, announced that the annual Bake Sale will be held at the Hramlels Store In February. The name of Mrs. I>ewi5 Paperny was Inadvertently omitted from the tot of hostesses for the potato latkc party held In December. The following ore members of the late Joseph Halt family who • contributed a pew in the synagogue of the Chjldrt-iffi Village in Raanana, Israel, In memory of the late Mrs. Joseph Rut: Mr. and Mr». Max Wintroub; Piny and Sid Wintroub; Bill ami Monette Wintroub; Mae and Lou Krawitz; Row and Milton Krankle; I/JU and Eve Wlntroub; Gerry and Mark Jlaymoti; Morrio and .Sylvia Wintroub. 1IADASKAH Sol Uttman. regional director of the B'nal D'rilli Anti-Defumntion League, will speak at Omaha Chapter Hadassnh's Ones: Shnbbot lo bo held nt 2:30 p. m., Saturday, Fob. 4 In the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Unman will d i s c u s s "Achieving Goals in the Hrolherhood Program." Mrs. Arthur Goldstein will dlaplny the "Dolls for Democracy" collection. Al Interested persons are Invilod to attend and a coffee hour will follow. Mrs. M a u r i c e Alperin Is the chairman In charge of the program and «ho is assisted liy Mes/Janies Arthur Goldstein, William Freiden , and Sam Turkel.
Mr*. lU'ubeu II. Itrown
Brandeh Book Fund Mrs. Reuben 11. Urou-n, third vice-president, Omaha Cliapter, National Women's Committee of Brandcis University, Is chairman of the chapter's Book Fund. Mrs. Drown is assisted by her co-chairman, Mrs. Moo Bcrcovid. Contributions to the book fund are used to purchase hooks for the Iirandels University Library. Anyone wishIng additional Information may call Mrs. J)rown. WA 3.381 or Mrs. Bcrcovicl, WA 5402.
B.B. Women's Bowling "A" division high scorers are: Rose Oruch, 20.1—502; LaRcinc U'Vlne, 4'J6; Ruth Klein, 1SG; Phyllss Frank, 177; Flora Bloom. 174; Kllic .Schloff, 470; Wolf Brothers Is In first place with Auirie's Beauty Salon second. "B" division high bowlers are: Jean Abrnmson, 176—429; Pearl Upton, 421: Betty Muskin, 403;. Shirley Wohlncr, 154; Jjois Prlesmnn, 153; Ruth Fox, IG1; Patty Knlser, 7-9 split. Best Appliance Is In first place and Kish Furs cccond.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nerenfwrg, former Omniums now of Rosemead, Cal., announce the birth of a daughter Vlcki Ilelene liorn Jnnuary 12. They also have a son Stewart Randall. Paternal grandparents are Mr. onij Mrs. Pnul NcrenberB, formerly of Omahn now residing in Montflwllo, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cliudacoff of Omaha are maternal cranrfparents and Mrs. Ladel Katkman of Omaha Is maternal irreat-crandmothor.
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday Sunday Branch
Ed Rosen to Spark Country Fair Fete Ed Rosen will serve as masterof-ccremonies ut Beth El SisterhixnYs "Country Fair Dance" to be lie-Id at 0 p. in., Saturday, Feb. 11 in the synagogue social hull. The program will Include a baby picture contest and a cniie baking award. A fortune toller .will be on hand und refreshments will be available. A ticket in flje SMcrhood WgWlights i3ook of Events entitles the holder to four single admissions. Call Mrs, AI Rlmmerman at GL 49C1 for reservations. Ernie Prirsman and his orchestra ivi'l play. ENVOVS* HANK Jerusulem (JTA) — Israel aiid Italy have agreed to raise the rank of Uieir respective envoys from minister to ambassador.
Don Bernstein
Hadassah Bowling High bowlers Ibis week in Ha» dassah League are: Helen Shukert 504, A. Snelder 485, D. Rubin 482, P. Marcus 476, L. Hoberman 459, E. Schloff 450, L. Faler 455, n. Klein 44G, S. Trctiak 445, S. Grecnberg 445, R. Wintroub 441, E. Ross 441, G. Zcvitz 435, D. Green 431, B. Perimeter 428, P. Gross 427, P. Turek 421, R. Platt 420, A. Schulman 413 and R. Gelfand 403.
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Kosher, . . . »et Dromedary ciiti M noril
BRANDKIH WOMKN Mr*. Joe Zwelhack, {'resident of the Omnhn Chapter. National Women's Committee of Ilranckls University, announces tin: next regular board meeting will l>e held Monday, Feb. 6 nt II a. m. In the Downtown Highland club. Mra. Raymond Myemon of II't:hlnnd Park. 111., will be a nuest nt this board mcctinjf. Mm. Myereon Is n member of the Nntlonnl Boanl of the Women's Committee of Ilrnndeii University. All board memben arc urged to attend.
n v r ?:4i ASKSYQURlGROCpFOpDROMEDARY J White Cake Mix?* Vellovy Gak^Mi^r^Deyirs Food Mix • Ginge
JWV W Epstein-Morgan Indies Auxiliary will hold n board meetlnd nt 8 J>. m., Wednesday. Feb. I at the home of Mm. Nate Marcus, 1504 S. 58th fit. Mr«. Delmnr Klein, president, urges all board members to attend. PKRKTZ HIIISCHHKIN Two new membera were In•talled at the January meeting of pcrefaj Ulrschbeln held nt the home of Mm. S. Orensteln. They •re Mm. N. I/Crmnn and Mrs. S. Mogln. Guests were Mrs. Ell Blttner and Mrs. S. Sussman. Mm. Kllben; of California sent an apron which was raffled off. Donations amounted to $33 which will-t* distributed to needy organizations. The February" meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. R. Gerelick, 1123 Sherwood nv.
Cousins' Club The Cousins' Club will meet «tt 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Feb. I In the Downtown Highland Club. Those. who arc unable to attend call Mrs. Reuben Kulokofsky, RE J526.
hem i h . WILLIAM MARCH N o v e l
...and SILENT as a CAS FLAME
Order Through Hadassah ikiHticsDistrict «AS Bfli
$5 Per Ticket Send Orders With Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope to Mrs. Irving Herzog, 668 N. 66th Ct. WA 2080 Orders Must Be Received Before Feb. 6
, January 37, 1»K.
Sioux City Section
Grueskin Stresses 'Growing Needs' Though the Federation thk year mast put UJA's needs first, requirement* cannot be overlooked, ncconlinn to Federation pit if It lit A M C*rueskln. Fedora* tion n IK in; mked to maintain its rnr> Ji w 1 of spending in 105C, to allow as m in> additional dnllar.4 is JHJ '.iljlc to nid in the *vmor<,;fncy o\( IT' IS This will bo accomphslird Mi CiiiKskin .said, by <>\M(i
Advance Gifts Division Heads Plan Campaign Advance (ilftn divUlun hearts meet und study mram of Intensifying 1950 drive. Tin)' arc: (I,, to It.) Jon Kutthrr, Harold (irurskln, William Goodsltc, A. M. tirurskln, cumiiulcn chairman, l'runk J. Murcolln; exi>cutlvi> director, Vhtcar I.lltlrflrld; Divld i. Albert and Hldnry K»Ilo.
Parents Consider School Changes
The present tuition rate, Mr. Bolin stated, meets about half the cost of teachers' salaries and school operating costs. Federation pays the remaining costs and also provides class-room space, janitorial i:rv!ces, etc. rent-free. Since operating costs have been going up constantly and tuition rates have not changed In several years, the need for adjustment has become acute. Mr. Belin pointed out that Hebrew schools in large and small communities throughput the United States have been undergoing simitar experience and have raised tuition'rntevOn the other hand, a larger grant from Federation can only come about If 1956 contributions (o UJA arc sulwtantially increased. Then* are many advantages in allowing chihircn an extra free
Parents of Hebrew School children were summoned to a special parents' meeting Tuesday night, Jan. 24, to voice their opinions on certain proposed changes. One of these was to lengthen weekday doss periods an extra half hour, to allow students an extra free day for other activities. Another proposal called for increasing tuition rates. Louis I, Bolin, school-board president, stated that both these proDosals have been considered by the board for some limn. Recently, a survey committee which had interviewed a cross-section of par. ehta in their homes had found that parents by and large favored the longer class period nnd extra free day and that they also recognized the necessity for increasing tui- day. also KHIIC jM^sihle' inCOnVCntion.
YX. Doings AZA NO I Mike Mogil, Mike Meyer and Stan Kaiman of Mothc. Chapter, made the final tryouts for the Central 'High School Senior Play to be presented this spring. Jerry Ferer and Norman Wine are marching in the 1956 Central High School ROTC Military Ball to be held tonight ' ; Mother Chapter will hold its monthly party tomorrow. It wiV hea'TJiw Party with a secret destination." .••'.•.••• . ; . • ; . • •
. U A T f l M
Ilaylm will hold lu. formal initiation of pledge* tomorrow under tlin direction of Bob Joseph. •, New committee chairmen arc: Phil finrron. community service; Bernie DeKoven, religious; Dave Goldstein, t.thletic; Shol Cohin. cultural, and Mike Shrier. courtesy, llnrnie DeKoven will conduct a ilisrtixsion on Judaism this Sunday. A/A Kill AZA M) will hold its Third Annual Anniversary and Fonnal Initiation Banquet February 5 at the Fireside Itestaurant, it was announced l.y Irvin lielzer, the president. At this time, the Alephsin-trainint,' will be accepted into tho order and there shall also he the presentation of other awards.
Jr. B.B. Bowling Ilfixcr Smith had high series in tho Junior B'nai B'rith Bowliiu; ic with liis MS. Buddy Herired the hi^h ^ame of the day, 1 v Diane Schreiber had tho hl|;h series in the girls' division with a 2.*!8. Janice Katclman had IUKII game in tho cirls' divsiion, a 130.
Ed Belzer Elected Kdward Belzer, Bon of Mr. and Mr*. Nathan Belzer, a sophomore «t the University of Illinois was yrcccntly elected president of Star and Scroll, a sophomore men's tionornry fraternity.
Opening Date Set for UJA Drive An early April opening date is 'lx'ing tentatively planned for the Sioux City UJA campaign, chairman Frank J. Margolin announced this week. April was selected, according to Mr. Margolin, because it is to all indications the most promising season for conducting the drive. The date will follow both Passover and Easter, and will come at a time when many contributors who normally take* winter vacations will l>e returning to Sioux Oily. Though the campaign will not open formally until April, preparatory work will start immediately. The six colonels, who with Mr. Margolin, make uj> the Advance (lifts general stuff, have begun recruiting th** captains who will solicit tin- rimlrilmtur.s in that division.
Center l".v .ll.n Kiirlut.srh ISIJG 1 nuned into first place In Youth Council Girls Volleyball IvCHjue last Friday Iwating I>ebka Debs 2, two out of three jjnme;:. Y. C. fUrls Howlhn: I^acuo is tied with four teams in second place. Coeds are leading the league with 17 wins and 7 losses. Girls athletic committee announces badminton is scheduled to start March it with a deadline for entries March 2. Kntiies are to lx> turned in at Center athletic office. Itnyim has run away with first place in lioth the "A" and "It" basketball leagues. The "A" »r|iiad won eicht .itraiijlit j.iames while "IJ" ti-iim has one loss after r,ix Kames. I^ist week, Ilayim "A" T>eat AZA KM), !i7-.V> while AZA 1 tromped ovor VM}. ,19-20. The current standings are Hayim 8-0, AZA 1 C-2. AZA 100 2-G and AZA MM'. 0-7. In the "B" I^airue, Ilayim C ami AZA 100 C have one make-up K-'ine to play, but the current standings are Hayim II .VI. Ilayim C ?.-2, AZA IB 2-1 and AZA JOOC 1-1 Bobby F.pstoin placed fiist in scorinij with YX\ for AZA 100, bi't Al Corey and 1-arry Lincoln of Itayint are second and third respectively with V.\2 and I IK. Maynnrd IV-^;en has progressed to the (juartcr finals beatin;; L;irry Lincoln and Al Krizclman to remain a leading contender for the Y. C. Handball Championship. In second round of play Al Corey meets Ilay Kirke. Others still in after one round of piny aro Dave Widmnn, Al Siegel and Hov.-ard Cloldstein. Justin Ban, of the Independent Metel team, top:; all Midget I-e.iKue Basketball scoring with a total of HO points for three games. That total is almost twice aj much as his nearest competitor Bill Ilorwitz of the Mbgen-Davld team who, has 28. Thfrd place scoring es to Roy ICatskce, the stalwart center for the It. A. Wolf team with 2.-.
In last Sunday's Midget "I!" I-caciK1, four teams' wound up tie<l for third 1' ice. Toppln:: that league is Fireside Restaurant with a 3-0 record, Slosburg 2-1 and M Jo-Van, Cerclick Motors, Itlchman-Gordman and Cowbc>yK Bar all have a 1-2 record. So far in "I!" I-eaf;ue Ifi.wie Shrier h:is sroml 25, J. Mulnik and Joel Sneider have 21 while Ai Itos:> scorcil 17. "A" I^nijm: scores* were Monen-Davld 1M, II. A. Wolfe 21: Independent Metal •lO, HiekeK & Son 1«. Hell's Amvls sit rif;ht on top of the Junior Youth Council Bowline I.eni:ue with 17 wins and .'1 lus',os. Ulch bowler for Kami- and series is liill Horwich with a ji-'mie of 18.S and i. r.';.T series. The current standinj's are: Hell'.s Angels 17-:!. Itayim SOS M-f., -1 Aces l.'l-7, I'in Sjmtter.; ll'.J-S'J. Lucky I*a[;uers fl'i-lO'.i. Belles & n Beau 9'i-lO'i, Pin Smashers K-12, Hanrllcaps 8-12. Hot Shots 7-1:1, Kellers 2'.i-17',i. Two teams have IK'CII formed out of the varsity leacuerij for outside basketball coni'>etitlon Thun;day evenings ut the Jewish Commmfity Center. Players wishing to Join one of these teams are asked to contact Jim KariiaLsch in the Physical Education office of the Jewish Community Center.
Fifth Grade Girls Officers of the Center's Fifth Grade Girls' Club arc: Miss Paula Ziccman, president; Miss Irene Snlyis, vice-president; Miss Sheryn Colin, secretary; Miss Nancy Herzoff, treasurer, and Miss Frances Grossman, reporter. A movie was shown at their meeting Sunday with the proceeds going to the March of Dimes. CIIKKSK FOK ISjKAUX Washington (WNS>—The Agricultural Department has announced that Israel has purchased over a million pounds of chedder cheese at i) cost of $300,000.
m j ; tciitiotin a n d bujiiM'.'S^Mkr'
\ij'ilni(ii o u r every txp .iidiUuo, Lonl nttdj aie rising, however, ind the? demand for additional rvieo is continually j>n.';;f;injr. Federation's local rasl.s are heaviest in social service1, service for the Uf'.ctl, Jewish education, Mr*. Uit V. ('liulkln md in maintainlni: Ihf: Center, P utioularly fur eliildren and ><mth. Social service, wliich proudes assist a net' fnr novvconier.s ind for ill and needy resident.';, has reerntly added citizenship instruction to its program. .Service for Mr;:. I^'o V. Chaikin has acae,ed includes the Golden Ay.o. pro- cepted tho chairmanship of the gram nnd the cost of affiliation Women's Division for 1950, UJA with the Iowa Jewish Ai;cd Ilonn*. Chairman, Frank J. Margolin anJewish education Is bound to ex- nounced this week. A former copand ;M the t number of children rhalmvin in the years when Sioux enrolled increase, nnd the num- City UJA raised record amounts, l>er has been crowing every year. Mrs. Cliaikin has been an active Kven an increase In tuition, as is worker in every annual campaign. now contemplated, will not. meet An active mrm!>er of the Fedthe rising cosfK of tho Ilehresv eration Hoard, Mrs. Chaikin wan School. also president of the local chapter Thr* only answer \o ('rowing of tho National Council of Jcwilh wls h a more thorough UJA Women from 1918 to I9D2. A» an drive, Mr. Oruenkin empha/ii/ed. active member of both organizations she was instrumental in starting l>oth of Sioux City's successful Council-Federation projects -the Nursery School and the fJolden A(;e Club. She is also known for her active leadership The Sioux City Poale Zionist;: in the Mt. Sinai Temple Sisterwill stand solidly behind the UJA hood, in the National Conference in the present Israel crisis, Max "f Chrl.itl.ins and Jews and in the Kaplan anil Saul Melchcr declared League of Wmnen Voters. this week. The announcement followed tin1 action by the national>or Zionist Movement, which on'* week'* income to tho Special met in Mi-w York January 11 anil l.'.IA Fund. I2i To make this convoted: (1) To call upon every I.i- tribution in nddition to, and over bor Zionist to assume an obliga- and above the regular 1!>.">G camtion of honor in defense of Israel, paign i.'ift which will not l>o losv and to contribute a inlniiniim of j than the lir,.", plinlce.
Mrs. Chaikin Head Of Women's Div.
Poale Zion Group Pledges Support
Bar and Bas Mitzvah Mr. and Mrs. Millard .Speier nnnounce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter Susan will be celebrated Friday evening a n d Saturday morning, Feb. .1 and -1 at Temple Israel. Fricndi and relatives are invited to attend the services and the receptions which will follow.
Sfaff Jobs Open For Camp Jay-C-C Applications are now lx'ing accepted for positioiw at Camp Jny-C-C, Saul Silvermun, CJimp rlirector, announced this week. Applications are available In the activities office of the Jewish Community Center. Staff positions are open for unit heads, activity specialists, cabin cotmF'.'lors, assistant counselors and KI's. Deadline for applications have been set for February 1.1. For further information call Center activities office, JA l.TfiO...
Uobert I>ihrm;in, son of Mr. :iiu\ Mrs. William I/ilimian will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening. Jan. 27 and Satunlay mom- Miss Falken Wins inir, Jan. 2S at Beth Kl Synagogue. Mis:: Elaine Falken, 1G. daughFrlendt and relatives arc in- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kalken vited to attend Ixith MTylees 'mtl of Council Bluffs, bus won the anreceptions which will follow. nual prose and poetry contest sponsored by Abraham Lincoln • Bar Mitzvah of Dennis I/'wis, High School literary safeties. Mb'; Falken. a junior at Lincoln son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry I/ewiu High, was awarded first prize of will be observed next Friday evening and Saturday morning. Feb. a $:!.) saving bond f or her rending '.' nnd \ at Beth Israel Synagogue, of nn old Negro preacher's sermon . .Tirid and Charles. All memlters of "Let My People Go." the family and friends, are cordially Invited to attend services and receptions following the rcrv- Manpower Controls
High Schoolers to Aid March of Dimes Drive High school seniors have formed n "Teens Against Polio" unit to help in the March of Dimes campaign in progress this month. The youngsters have planned a twoday program to help swell the March of Dimes fund. They will hold "Blue Crutch Day" this Saturday in downtown Omaha a/id climaxing their effort will l» ,1 benefit wheelchair basketball game- at S p. m., Sunday In Crclghton University ram Admission Is 50 cents and tho proceeds will RO to March of Dimes. High school .vocal, dnnec and band groups will piitertniu during half-time peilofl
Jerusalem (JTA>—The Israel cabinet has approved measures aimed at tightening governmental control over nkllled manpower needed by the military or for work in the new settlements. One measure amends th« emergency regulations .so as to require validation by the Defense Ministry of exit visas for reservists of military ago. A second measure Mnends a 1!M8 law to give the government authority to mobilize any individual or class for requirements of tho Labor Ministry. A six*man ministerial committee was set up lo seek voluntary means to find physicians, nurses, touchers nnd agricultural instructors for rural communities. If voluntary measures do not nucceed under the amended law the Lalior Ministry would be /.'•!<• to draft > neccfitMiry personnel.