Y6L JUDU V—No. 17.
, (fiW(i oaiaii*. Kebraak*, under Act of 187*. O.MAIIA.
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'*bon» JA iiifiG
ent Awards Presented Drive Chairmen
Fascist Elements With Poujadisfs
.l.-iel; W. Mare.r was imaui. motisly re-eleeted President ot the Omalia federation for Jcw» ish .Service, nt the 02nd Annual Community Meeting held Sun« day evening iu tho Jewish Coinmimily .Center. Other Federation officers re« elected were: Dr. Abe Greenbera first vice-president; Robert" H, Kooper, second vice-president; ' Harry Trustin, treasurer; Ernest A. NoRg, secretary, anr1 Dr. Philip Slier, honorary president
Paris (WNS) — Pierre Poujade Union for the Defense or Ti-iiilt-i men and Artisans was In anile hero this week by one of Its former followers as nn anti-Semlti outfit whose piop.ig unl.i method: arc akin to those of I lit lor. This chaiRu «ii> made liy Jen J, Kuufman, former chairman an founder of the Union's commltte for the l_/nvcr Rhine Departmen 111 Alisace, in :i letter to 1'ierr Poujadu accusing hltn of bavin llcil when ho. recently claime* havini; received benediction froi the Grand Unbbl of France. Kanfman pointed out that when li .joined the movement he was mo tiiated' by Idealistic mid profe Blonnl reasons but that nfter JoinIng the union lie noted that I hod taken "a definitely nntl-Seinl tic" trend. He bolstered his ehari; of nntl-Semlllsm by referring i< H recent speech by I>eon Duiwmt a lender In the Poujadir.t move ment. At the- same time it u-as reported hero by the influentia weekly "Franco Ob;ervators" tha fascist element!! had infiltrate!. • he Potijadlst movement to s oil extent that they expected ti shortly cnpluiv c o n t r o l of tin union.
WML Itolxirt II. KOOJHT, Hrrond Vlie-nrosldcnl
Mrs. NeveSeff Memorial Rife At Beth Israel
Dr. Philip Slier,
A special Memorial .Service dedi Honorary President cated to the late Mra. Ix-wis Neve left will be held at 2::;<) p. m. Sunday. Feb. 5 at Hcth Israel Sy nngocue, 52nd and Charles sts. Dr. Abe Groenberg will deliver the memorial address, It WHS announced by Ttabbl M, M. Poliakoff New Ynrk (WNS) - -V o r m c r chairman of the arrangement* President Harry Truman, In hi« committee. Roltert H. Kooper, Arthur II. Goldstein. Putil Veret, lie; memoir;; currently being published K KlUlow, Ucrnard White. Cantor by Life magazine, discloses that Ell Kagan and ltnbbl lienjamlr U. S. policy In the creation of Israel was "an American policy rather than an Arab or Jewish policy" and that "it was American, because it was based on the desire to see promises kept and human misery relieved." 'The simple fact Is that our [Wiley was an American policy rather than an Arab or Jewish I>ollcy- It was American, because it alined nt the peaceful .solution ot a world trouble sixit. It was American, because it was based m the desire to see promises l;ept and human misery relieved."
Creation of Israel, US Policy—Truman
Sunday Radio I.a(-
I^HIS NYicleff
(ironer will participate In the nervices. Morris I-e.voy will recite the Kaddish. Harry Sidinan, president of I'.elh Israel, fiald; "Through l:er supreme Uiyalty to synagogue and liistcrhood and by her unparalleled devotion to humanitarian onuses. Sophie Nevelcff succeeded in writing a glorious chapter in the life of our community." Mr. Sidinan announced that the. memorial services nre'oiien to the niemlyers of the community and i':;'ciided his Imlliition for nil to
aineit Copy ui Ceato
• "A Very Special Vlllai:<-" will lie presented over KFAI) this Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to \2 noon <m the Klornal Llcht scries. It Is the .story of a village in Israel inhabited by person;-: over G7> years of rifle, who ,'irc findinf; new life and hope in their old a;:e. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, nn ai;ency ot the United Jewish Ap[>eal, supports the village. Tin1 Eternal IJijlit programs nro presented ns n pulillc: service by the Nntion.'il Urondcastinj; Company under th^ .'Wi'ijiicos of the Jewish TtioolOKlcal Heminarv of America.
Dr. Al»fi First Vlrr-prmlilriit
Ernest A. NO Herrrtary
Jack W. Mar?r, I*reslilent
Hurry Tmstlu, Treasurer
Mrs. Verne Vance to Receive i.B. Women's Civic Award Mrs. Verne Vance, President of the Urban League, will receive the third annual "B'nai B'rith Women's Citizenship Citation" nt n luncheon Thursday. Feb. O.at 12:30 p. m., in the Highland Town Club. Miss Tliresa Clark, last year's award winner, will make the presentation. The citizenship award presented each year by Henry Monsky and Nebraska" Chapters of B'nal B'rith is |;lven in recognition ot outstanding service in communal 'affairs and human relations. Mrs. Vance Is active in YWCA work, the Nebraska W >lfare Association and is n member of the ('inventor's Human Itelatlons Committee. Shn also Is a member of (lie I'lanniiu: Committee for Women's Activities for Brotherhood Weel; sponsored by the National Council of Christians and Jews. Mrs. Sam Pollak. Monsky Chapter mid Mrs. William Stone, Nebraska Chapter, are co-chairmen for the affair. Members of their eommitte- are: Mesdames Harry Wise, David Illeleher, Joe Guss, Sidney Sneider, Harry Friedman, Aaron Kpitoin, Al Swerlinft, Morris Franklin. Max Sachs. Al Oruch •nd Phil Kullcr. Mrs. Alfred Frank is in chan;e of decorations. Mrs. 3ten Kaplan and Mrs. Stanley Shapiro are ticket rhainncn. P.esen'atlons are Sl.!>0 per person and may be made by returnthe card enclosed In the Invitation or by calling Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, WA 7967 or Mrs. Ben Kaplan. OR .ITOH.
Mr*. Verne Vance
Servicemen's Addresses The Jewish Press is mailed free to Oniuhans In tho Armed Forces who are stntioned In the United State.? and overseas. Notify the Jewish Community Center ot chances o£ their addresses or tho addresses of servicemen who are not receiving the Press.
A Certificate of Award was presented to Ernest A. Nogg, General Chairman of the 195S Philanthropies Campaign, by Robert H. Kooper. last year's general chairman, Mr. Nogs I" turn presented certificates to his chairmen; Sam S. Steinberg, Initial GlUs; Harry SIdmnn, Men's Division; Mesdames ' Mike Frcon.an, IMwhr l" Brodkcy, Louis Knt7. Morton Richards and Eve Konecky, Women's Division; Gerald C Marer. Miss-Rita' Knt/man and Jerry FpreV. Youth ' Division. Tribute A silent standing tribute WHS paid to the ntemory of the late Mis I^-WIS Ncie'leff, a communal leader who died recently. HlKhliKiitiiiK Ih" program were annual reptn-ls of I''ederati'»n uctivities told graphically and vividly by department chairmen. Reports were given by David Goldman, ADL Advisory; Nate Nogg, I!udi;et; Dr. Morrlt Margolin. Jewish Education; Gerald S. Gross, Camp Jay-C-C; Arthur II. Goldstein, Jewish Center; Arthur A. Colin, Home for Aged; Yale Richards, Family Service;-Ernest A. Nogg, Philanthropies Drive; Ralph Nogg, Jewish Press, and Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey. Federation Women. • Women's Chairman Mrs. Brodkey, President Foder- > at Ion of Jewish Women's Clubs,' announced that Mrs, Edwin K. Brodkey has bocn chosen as overall chairman of the Women's Division for the 1956 campaign. Mrs. Nathan L. Simon on behalf of the Golden Age Club pro- » scnted a silver serving tray to thft Center. ' Mayor Rosenblatt lauded the growth of. Jewish institutions in Omaha and the participation, in civic endeavors in the community. lvoiolutlon Adopted < A somber note wns added to, the meeting In the reports by Pa"ul "• Blotcky, Mrs. Mike Freeman' land Iyman Ferer oh the serious crisis acing Israel. Mr. Bloteky inld the l)aslc fact Is that Israel is in grave danger. The balance of power in he Near F.ast has changed by the influx of Red arms to arab counrles and Israel needs defensive weapons for her very survival. Mrs. Freeman stressed the point hat Israel Is tho only potential lome for Moroccan Jews who wish to escape tho squalor and poverty ->! North African ghettos. Mr, Ferer rounded out the reports telling how the immigrants are absorbed into Israel's economy and emphasized the importance of the need for the special fund to meet the emergency. Mr. Ferer proposed a resolution that Omaha Jewry pledge its support of the special fund which wns adopted unanimously. Paul Veret, Executive Director, ecalled that this month maria the 25th year of the merger ot Federation activities and praised the pioneers who set a pattern for community growth nnd development.
' Face Tw»
Rubinstein Shows Magic Expression Published Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service i «j Mooud-ciaju m*ttcT at Omaha, ISebrajlu, uadw tbt « t of M*/cS 3, 1S79, •luacnptlfm. ^4 OJ. AdvtrUahj- jutm on Applicauoo. ' Ottltt—101 Mo 20Ui Binvt, OniaJia, N<*jr., JAekJoO X366. » Addi— IM8 So. itta Etrtti,
Israel Asked in Joini New York (WNS) — Former President Harry Truman, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Walter Reuther, vice president of the recently merged Americin Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Joined here in an appeal for U S . defensive arms t o Israel i o as to enable the Jewish State "to protect itself •gainst any aggression made possible or incited by the Introduction of Communist arms." In addition, the statement called upon .the United States to offer Israel a treaty guaranteeing her present borders against aggression and any- Arab state that wished i t The statement was made public by Mrs. Roosevelt,-who said It represented the views of three signatories as non-Jewish Americans who are interested in preservine peace In the Middle East. The statement urged the U. S, to "counteract trray attempt by the Soviet Union to upset the present
precarious balance of power" io the Middle Easi throuah provid ing Israel with the defensive anir it needs. At the same time the tignatorica to the statement called on the U.S. to make It clear that any change in the status quo in the Middle East by force would neither be recognized nor tolerated. The statement noted that no constructive purpose can be served by gnawingint or seeking to roll bade the boundaries of Israel, that Israel and the Arab states "arc bound by the United Nations Charter not to use threats of force or force as ar instrument of nation.il policy" and that "they ore bound by armistice agreements that forbid alteration of boundaries by the use of force." On the question of the Arab refugees, the statement said "It must be recognized that Israel cannot economically or politically nfford to admit more than a small number."
Global Report AtC STATEMENT New York (JTA)—The American; Jewish Committee concluded its three-day 49th annual meeting her* with the adoption of n state ment on Israel calling for speedy arrangements by the United Suites to conclude security guarantees applicable to every' nation within the Middle E.ist willing to .-ibid' by such an agreement. The statement also asked that Israel bo permitted to purchase defr-nsive arms in the United States, In or der "to protect itself fn>m the threat of war." The statement outlined four prerequisites for peace In the Middle East area: 1. No change in the status quo by either side through force; 2. Cession of any and every aggressive act on the part of any natkmr 3 Withdrawal of economic boycotts, and 4. Elimination of hate propaganda. * ARABS IS ISRAK1London (WNS)—Arthur Creenwood, one of the leaders of the British Labor Party, declared here on returning from a visit to Israel that the Arabs there are enjoying the same rights nnd privileges as Jews and that they i m not secondclass citizens, an nnti-Ismrl propagandists would have 1he world believe. Mr. Greenwood sail] IM- reached the conclusion" on talks he had with Arabs of all classci.. 1 Ic asserted that while there is room for differences of opinion with je-gnrd to Israel's iKirder strategy, there is no doubt that Israel is gonuinoly interested in ,x\ice. AIIKTTO KKVOLT KITK Vienna (JTA)—The Communist munlcipali'.y of Warsaw .MLS assigned giant c-rth-moving maehincry to level the ground fur a soccer sports field at a site where many Jewish martyrs of the Warsaw ghetto found their last resting place. It was reported here. . The entrance to the area is at 43 Okopowa Street, near the border" between the Nazi ghetto and the "Aryan" part of the Polish capital. During the German oceupatx n, a pre-war sports arena located there was used by the SS for mass executions and to dump the bodies of uncounted Jews killed elsewhere In the dty. notably during the heroic ghetto uprising of 10-13. A B A S BLACKLIST
Washington (WNS)—Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was Dreed by Senntor Herbert H. Lehman to protest to Saudi Arabia against its boycott of American firms under Jewish ownership. The policy to which Senator
Ix?hman referred in Vii< letter to Mr. Dulles was a blacklist originated by the Arab League some three years ago against Israel and which has own extended by the Arab countries to business dealIngs with any firms with Israel connections or miking contributions to the United Jewish Appeal. Merchants on the blacklist said the Arab boycott is rapidly becoming anti-Jewish in the broadest ,*;rn.*;c of the word. MEDAL TO DB. SAIJK Washington (WNS)—The Congressional Gold Medal was presented here last woek to Dr. Jonas Salk, discoverer of the nnti-pollo vaccine that promises to banish the dread disease from the face of the earth. Presentation of the medal, originally surcfsted by President Eisenhower last spring when he presented a personal citation to the Jewish scientist tit the White House, was made by Marion P.. Kolsom, Secretary of Health. Education and Welfare. In a letter to Dr. Salk. President Eisenhower told Dr. S.ilk that "through dedicated nnd selfless effort, in the best traditions of medical research, you have brought new hope to mankind in the continuing battle a gainst a drrnd disease."
fty llanrf Uar-r Artur Rubinstein's piano rocita last Thursday filled the Musi Hall of the City Auditorium with siciil glaniour, brilliance, physical ond psychic .strength, magi art 6f expression and the mos delicate area of touch. Mr. Ilubin stein played for the Tuesday Mu nical Ciub. lf,* is now more th.tn CG year? old mid he is still at the peak i) his career. The way Mr. Ilubin stein plays rcmin<Is one of thi "grand jeu" of artists who thirty or forty years nj;o formed the front troop of the vanguard o outstanding pianists. Rubinstein lM-ion;;s to this group, but beciiu.sehi- Is younger than these pianists of the past this permits him no nly to perfonn works of classic nnd romantic composers, but also to offer compositioa'5 of contemporary masters. Under his bands not only flowed nusic \iy Chopin, Liszt and Cesar Franck, but also "The Maiden ond the Nightingale" by Granados and the "Sonata in Three Movements" by Stravinsky. These works were transformed into a performance of extraordinary viruosity, plansm, tension nnd fascination from the first to the last tone. The apilause wns jubilant.
Obituary Mrs. Sam Lerner Services were held in Washlne;ton, D. C , for Mrs. Samuel Lernrr. Tuesday, Jan. 31. Mrs. Lcmer, 71, who left Omaha six years aco. died Sunday, Jan. 29. Survivors Include her husband, S.unucl; four daughters, Mrs. Ben Brodinsky, of Kldgewood, N. J., Mrs. Jack Obon of San Francisco, CaL, Mrs. Joseph Davis of Fleasnt Valley, N. Y., and Mrs. David Richards of Omaha; t w o sons, Harry V , of Washington, D. C. nd Eugene M, of Rome, Italy; nnd IC grandchildren.
Sam Stein . Services were held Tuesday, Jan. 31, for Sam Stein with Interment at Golden 1UU Cemetery. Ir. Stein, 70, died Monday, Jan. 10. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; a daughter, Kdith Stein Of Los Angeles, Cal.: a son, Pliillip of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Esther MaJtln of Omaha: nnd a brother, Abe Stein of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Harry Frey
Services wore held Tuesday, an. 31, for Mrs. Harry Frey with ntrrment at Pleasant Hill Ccnv;ery. Mrs. Frey, 8G, died Monday. f:in 30. She* Is survived by two dmigbt^rs, Misse3 Pauline and Minnie WMIAN IIKADS SVKAGOfilJK Frey of Omaha; and a sister, Tina laser of Lor, Angeles, Cal. Baltimore (JTA)—Mrs. Hugo D.ilshcimcr was Installed here as president i>( Maryland's oldest sy- Mrs. Morris Zalkin nagogue. Mrs. Dalshoimor ii presService's tt'^rc held Monday, Jan. ident of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, the agen- 30, for Mrs. Morris (Ltbby) Zalkin ivith Interment at Golden Hill cy which represents over 100.000 mrn in more than 500 uomon's "emntc-ry. Mrs. Zalkin, 83, n reslauxiliaries throughout the West- :lent of Oinaha for 42 years, died Sunday, Jan. 29, in a local hnsern Hemisphere. [lital after a lingering Illness. She vas the widow of the late Morns Zalkin. UN Report on Arms Mrs. Zalkin Is survived by three United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — sons, Allen and Eli M., both of Israel purchased only $8,D8T,,000 Omaha, and Keubcn of Los Anworth of arms from the western geles, CaL; two daughters, Mrs. nations during the four-and-a-half oe Itichlin nnd Mrs. Isaac Domyear period ending last cummer, nitz, t»lh of Sarr Diego, Cal.; 14 while $13,029,000 worth of war grandchildren and 14 great-grandmateriel was sold by the West children. during the same period to Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon. Syria and Saudi Arabia. These figures were culled Judaism Institute here this week-end from major Dr. Charles L. Smith, professor United Nations economic reports. )f Old Testament Languages and The figures do not include var- Literature, Drake University Diious recent large armament deals .inity School; will be guest speaklike the Egyptian-Czechoslovak •r at the eighteenth annual Inmunitions pact or Britain's ship- stitute on Judaism to be held Friment of "demilitarized" tanks to day, Feb. 30 at Temple Israel. Egypt. French arms trade la also Dr. Smith was the first to study excluded from the statistics as it the Hebrew Union College on well as aircraft shipments of nil graduate fellowship made avajlbinds. b!c to Christian ministers. Dr. Smith wllldelivcr a sermon Patronize Our Advertisers n the evening at worship services.
Religious . News 5:22 p. m., CaiuHrlighting
Beth Israel Ilabbi Ik'tijamin Groncr, Cantor lCli Kayaji. Beth Israel Qiuir wil conduct late Friday evening services nt H p. m. Traditional Friday evening torvfs (Kabbolas Khabbf>s) l>cgin r S:30 p. m. Sabbath morning !^i"i Ices begin ut 8:30 a. In. Junior Congregation at 9:30 u. m. SaUhnth Mlncha nt 5:30 p. m., followed by Sholcshc S'cudus and Maariv, Dally morning services nt 7 a. m.; afternoon r.crvicre at 5:30 p. m. Sunday morning services bccin at 8:45 n. m. SuntLiy morning Junior Minyan, followed by breakfast, ttarts at 8:30 a. m. Tlie Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. at BHII Synagogue, 19th nnd Hurt.
Temple Israel 'Vorship services will be held in Temple Israel at 8 o'clock this evening. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will preach on "HCUKIOUS Committment in America"—a com ment on "Protestant-CathollcJew" by Will Hertcrg. Services Saturday morning will lie at 11:30 o'clock for adults and members of the religious school.
Beth El Sabbath Services at Beth Kl Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. lUbbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron L Ed;ar and Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the Ecrvicc. Sabbath morning services will l>e at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation Services are at 10:45 a. m. pfincha-Maariv services are at 5:15 p. m. Sunday services arc at 9 a. m. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m .
Art Class Suspended The Jewish Community Center art class will be suspended until March 12, when Spring sessions l start, it was announced by Saul Silverman, Center activities director.
Parliament Hears Request for Arms London (JTA)—Israel's application for purchase of defensive arms from the United States Is inc of the subjects to bo disciKscd during tho current Washington talks between Sir Anthony Eden, Britain's Prime Minister, md President Eisenhower. This nformatlon was disclosed in the flotisc* of Commons here during a k-bate on the Middle East tcnilons, l)y Anthony Nutting, Minster of State for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Nutting Is the ranking foreign affairs, officer of the government now, while Sir Anthony and Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd nre in Washington. Pro-Israel sentiments were disilaycd through the questioning of Jr. Nutting by many members of Parliament, especially a number )f M. P.'s representing the La« r Party. The matter of iHiacl'K request for American ana? came up, however, in questioning by o Conservative member, Eric Johnson, who asked Mr. N u t t i n g whether the government would consider It necessary to furnish Israel with m o d e r n anti-tank weapons nnd modern fighter aircraft—If Israel shows Blic has no aggressive intentions and will not alarm the Arab states unless the latter attack the Jewish State. "I would prefer not to be drawn into discussion about I n d i v i d u a l weapons," replied Mr, Nutting, "since these ore among the matters to bo discussed by the Prime Minister in Washington."
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With the Folks At Home New» und buppeulncn at the Dr. l'hilfp Khrr Jfivlsh Home For the Ac*<] Uy David Orbuw. Jan. 2C: Omaha Chapter of llada.ssati celobratid Tu U'Shevat . witih n program of games. Indi-, vicinal packar.es of fruit, typical of tins Itracl Arbor Day was given to each resident. Refreshment* . wrro Ff?rv(.'tl by Mr:;. Sam Green, clinlrnian and the following: Mesdnmes Han-y Schulman, Albert Garljcr. Alex l'lotkin, Charles Fredkln, Donald Nogg. Wm. Albcrts, Albert I*. Soldinan, Leonard L. Friedc!. Sam Hothenberg, Sidney ICatlcm.in, Sidney Dorfm.'in. Ix™ Taub, Joe Bernstein and Morris Margolin. Jim. 2C: A special Kiddush was given by the Pcltz family In memory of Mrs. Max Peltz. Jon. 29: In Mtinorium: Mrs, Libliy Zalkin. Jan. 31: Ilabbi David Korb o f Council Bluffs visited us today and discussed "The Celebration at Cliamlthah Asar Blshcvat"—the Israeli Arbor Day. Rabbi Korb told why we celebrate an Arbor day in mid-wlntcr and the relationship of our thinking of Israel in terms of present day conflict* and high level conferences, such as tho Eisenhower and Eden meetings In Washington today conccminr; Israel and the Arabs. Tills Informative program was followed by lunch In the Home dint ing room. COMING EVENTS Feb. 10: IVnal B'rith Henry Monfky No. 470 undi* the chairmanship of Mrs. Henry Gin.iburg will celebrate brotherhood week with an afternoon program today at 2 p. m. Feb. 2G: li'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 34C will give the PurIm party this Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. Mrs. Harry Epstein will bn the rh.'ilrmnn for this affolr.
Mizreschi to Meet In Council Bluffs The ne>;t regular M'Lavah Molkah meeting of the Mizraehl* Organization of t'oundl Bluffs and Omaha will he held Saturday, Feb. 4, nt 8 p. m. in B'nal Israel Synagogue of Council Bluffs, 618 Mynster Street. Rabbi M. M. Foliakoff, preslrlent, announced that the spiritual cader of the B'nal Israel Syna;oguc, n.'itibi David Korb, would be the prinlclpal s p e a k e r . Joe Kntelman, recently elected Councilman of Council Bluffs and president of the B'nal Israel Syna- , ^oguc, will bring greetings. Simon Shykcn nnd Sam Sncks, co-c)iainncn of the hOEpltality committee, have arranged the program, i n c l u d i n g refreshments. Cantor Ell Kagan will lead the ; musical portion of the program. Reports will be presented from lie various committees headed by Nathan Lcvinson, Eli Bittner, Jake Kaplan, Mclceh Katzman, nnd William Weiner. Mcmljers of tho community art cordially invited to attend.
Katelman Elected B'nai Israel Head Joe Katelman was elected president of B'nai Israel Synagogue In Council Bluffs, Ia_, at annual elections held recently. O t h e r newly elected officers are: Ben Seldin, vice-president; Lloyd Krasne, secretary; Ed Tcpperman, financial secretary; Abe Katelman. treasurer, and t r u s t e e s , Leon Frankcl, Lou Katelman, Sam Colick, Harry Cohen, Charles Saltzman and Sara Meycrson.
Hornstein Named Joseph Ilonistein, f i r s t vicenresldcnt of .Zionist District of Omalia, was named district membership chairman. It was announced Friday b y A. B. Gendler, district resident. The tense situation In Israel h a s added Impetus to the need for on Intensified membership drive, Mr. Gendler emphnteed.
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Country Fair Fete AtBetfeBFeb.il A cake-baking contest and a baby picture contest will be highlight! of lieth El Sisterhood's Country f a i r Dance to be held Saturday, Feb. 11 at "J p. m. in tlie synagogue social hall. Chairman of the cako-buklni; contest, Mrs. Harry Schulmnn. assisted by Mnies. Josc-i>h llornstcin and Yale Ginsburjj will jiick up cakes to be entered in the eontest. Men or women who plan to enter ihould call one of the chairmen or the synagogue office, (JL 3221. Mrs. Max Rittncr, chairman of the baby picture contest, assures all contestants that their pictures Will be Imiiillcil carefully nnd returned to their owners. Entries must be pictures of Beth Kl members age five,or under. Pictures must be at least twenty years old. Prizes will be awarded to persons guessing the identity of the pictures, as well as for the prettiest baby. Mrs. Hlttner and her cochairmen, Mmcs. Al' Shrler and Arthur Abrams will pick up entries, or they may be mailed directly to the synagogue. In addition to the contest1!, there *rlll be gnmes, stunts, prizes nnd dancing to Uie music of Krnie Ptlesman's orchestra. A snack bar Will be opened at 0 p. m. Beth El Synagogue Boy .Scout troop will be In charge of checkroom fadlltlc*. Reservations may l>e made with Mrs. J. Lewis Ya&cr, WA 0753, or Mrs. Sheff Katskee, IlK 2203. Single admissions are one dollar. felt Gurion Says . . .
U.S. Arms to Israel Will Prevent War Jerusalem (WNS)— P r e m i e r David Ben Gurion, expressing conviction that the United Stater, is Becking to prevent war In the Middle Knst, declared that this could be accomplished through granting amis to I s r a e l and through conclusion of a security pact. The Premier made the statement here at a conference with Louis Segal, secretary 'general of the Forband Labor Zionist Order in the United States, who is now visiting Israel. Mr. Ben Gurion •aid he wants the Jews of the World to know that Israel Is bent on preventing war but that it Li determined to win the war in the event It is forced upon her. At the game time the Israeli Premier laid he was grateful for the efforts of American and other Jewries. Those efforts, he Bald, Indicate that world Jewry Is determined not to permit the collapse of the Jewish State. ACHTRIAN POrX Vienna (JTA)—Anti-Semitism In Austria is on the decline, It was asserted here by "Der Neuer Kurler," a Vienna newspaper, on the basis of replies It received to a questionnaire circulated among its readers. Eighty per cent of the persons who replied indicated they would welcome more ChristianJewish understanding. NEW IIATE (UtOUr Minneapolis, Minn. (JTA) — A new hate group — Americans for Individual Action — is covering Minnesota with mass mailings of an anti-Semitic and racist character. The group, which is self-styled as an "independent political action group for veterans," Is headed by A. M. Moycc, of South St. Paul.
Want Ads Fbant J* :JM to Uucit roar J i m Ad m Th. Jewiift I'reti. Current raw :* W eeoU for each ln*trHon. Th« rrcu reserve* the right to Umll
Fossover Cards BAR and ^ o s Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holldaj'R and special occasions.
Meyers New* Stand. 1502 Dodge TAKE advantage of the tremendous savings on many magazine s u b s c r i p t i o n s this month. They're the hottest Bpeclal in years. I can honor any offer you receive In the malL Mrs. Horwich. WA 3957.
Mr. and Mis. Adolph O. Susholtz of Houston, Tex., announce the birth of a daughter born January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weiss of Omaha are maternal creatBrandpurents.
The deadline for obtaining tickets for the best Music Hall seats for the performance of "Bad Seed" Is this Monday. Order through HadnssAh for the choicest scats by calling Mrs. Irvin;; Hereof;, WA 2080. The play will be presented Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 21 and 22, with a matinee Wednesday afternoon, iri the Music Hall of Omaha Auditorium.
Hadassah Bowling High scorers this week in lladassah League are: Helen Shukert 208--505, M. Coopcrman 490. B. Perelmeter 4S5, G. Zcvilz 4S4, E. Ross 480. P. Marcus 478. S. Lewis 476, I.. Faler 471, It. Wintroub 4C0, E. Cohen 4WJ, L. Holierman 449. It. Cooper 417, E. Schloff 43!), S. Grcciibcrg 438, H. Pitlor 434, M. Frank 428, A. Klrxehenbaum 424, I. Gaer 420, E. Noddle 419, U. Gelfand 419, M. Kromkln. ft. Klein 411, I'. Hoberman 40G. K. Ifnhennan 405 and JC. like 404. .Splits were converted by: P. Gross C-7-10, M. Kat/man 4-7-9.
ZBT Mothers' Fete Zeta Beta Tan Mothers' Chin will hold their dinner meeting nt G:30 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 12, in Highland Town Club. All parents arid alumni nre Invited to attend. For reservations call Mrs, Irving Hereof;, "WA 2080, or Mrs. Leon Fellman, <;i. 3274.
SDT Mothers'Club
Mrs. Jcrald Katlrnun
Beber-Katleman Rites in Chapel Miss Joan Bcber, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Bober, nnd ).t. Jcrald I-ce Kalleman, USN, son of Mrs. David Katlcman, were mnrrled in the Navy Chnpel nt San Diego, Cal., Sunday, Jan. 15. The couple will reside in San Francisco until June when Lt. Katlcman finishes his tour of duty with the Navy. Patronize Our Advertisers
Sigma Delta Tail Mothers" Club will hold their luncheon meeting at 12 noon, Thursday, Feb. 9, In SDT sorority In Lincoln. Those who will attend are asked to cull Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, WE 4455. Hollywood (JTA)—George Jessel was on the program for a speech at a dinner in Snn Francisco, and he happened to bo billed last, after a crowd of long nnd boring speechmakcrs. By the time he reached the platform it was nearly midnight, nnd the crowd was restless nnd uneasy. Tlie toastmaster a n n o u n c e d , "Mr. George Jcsscl, the famous comedian and producer, will now give you his address." Jesse! rose, stated: "My address Is the Friars Club, Beverly Hills. California." and sat down to the largest ovation of the evening."
LIBBY'S KITCHEN 1510 N. Saddle Creek
Closed for Winter
B. I. SISTERHOOD ' Board members of Beth Israel Sisterhood will meet at 12:45 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 7, in the club room of Beth Israel Synagogue. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, president, will discuss the donor luncheon which is the cistcrhood's fund raising event of the year. The donor luncheon Is scheduled for March.
Mr. and Mm. Sara Slutzky of Milwaukee, Wis., formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a daughter Sharon Lee born January 21. Mrs. Harry Slutzky of Omaha is paternal grandmother. IIAIIAHSAII Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kulawofsky Sol IJtirian, executive director of Milwaukee are maternal of Oie Anti-Dffumation League of grandparents. B'nai B'rith, will address the Hadassah Oneg Shabbat to be held Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Gron- Saturday, Kob. 4 at Jewish Comer announce the birth of n daugh- munity Center at 2:30 p. m. Mr. ter Linda born Saturday, Jan. 21 Littman will discuss "Achieving nt n local hospital. The couple lias Goals In the Brotherhood Prothree other children Diane 13, gram." Mrs. Arthur Goldstein wjll display the "Dolls for Democracy." Gladys 8 and Raphael 10. All women of all other organizations are invited to attend. A cofMr. and Mrs. Arthur Gould an- fee hour will follow. TTic commitnounce the birth of n son Marc tee consists of Mrs. Maurice AI« Jeffrey born January 12 In a local perin, chairman, assisted by Mmes. hospital. They also have a son Arthur Goldstein, William Freiden I Toward Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Snm Turkel. • Coopcrman are maternal grandMrs. Julius Meer of Denver, parents. Colo., will be guest speaker at a combined chapter and group board NKl-OMNICK'S ANNOUNCE luncheon meeting of Hadassah, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Nepomnick Monday, Feb. 13 nt 12:30 p. m. In arc parents of a baby son Ricky the Rose Bowl. Alan. Mrs. Sam Nepomnick Is paternal Grandmother nnd Harry Patronize Our Advertisers Diamond l.s maternal grandfather.
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
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rnua>, February :i, J.'ril
Sioux City Section Sioux City Hebrew Teachers' Profile
UJA Invitations .Sioux Cityans wintering in Florida this month have been included in the guest list of nationally known contributors invited to the National UJA HiK Gifts me*1 tin;; a t the Saxony Hotfl in Miami Jicach, February 20. "Jlils national meeting, always held in advance u( the regular campaigns in Florida, usually sots the pact-1 for drive in the? Immo community later in the Spring Pled;;.-* mado in tlu; Florida nicoMtn: art' nationally announced, but crr-dil'-d to the home-town earn* jjaiKn of each contributor.
Hear Plight Of Moroccan Jews Frank J. Margolin, A. M GIIH-
sltin and O. Littlefield represented Sioux City nt tlie West Central regional conference of the- Council of Jewish Federations In Kansas City last weel:. Consisting of leaders and workers of the Jewish Federation;! of the entire region, tile conference dealt with all problems of providing community services nnd fund-raisin;:, Hij'h point of the sessions attended by the Sioux Cilyans were direct firsthand reports from North Africa md Israel. Sioux Cityans roc'ivin:: inSamuel Ilalr. r, .IDC director of i vitations lire: Sum Uenv-t' in. Morocco, who arrived In the Unlt1>n Fisli. J. ) : . Ka,)]nn, MJIX 1 Slates juiit two days before. I-nscrr-ky, Saul Melehcr. llob•scribed a Jewish community of rrl Sacks and (irorr.** Shra;:*». H0.000 of which r,0 per cet.t are already in serious straits, and 100 )er eerr are fearful nnd npprelensive of the future. Their conlition. Mr. Halier reported, suggested the state or mind East Kuropcnn Jews during the days if Hitler's rise. No one IIMK yet been ablo to Ernest Stock, tin authority on measure directly by an established srnel's economy, and editor of unit of measurement the worth of Israel Fact Sheet, reported that u Jewish education to the individ- intil last summer Israel was on ual or t h e community. Of this Ls way toward a balanced ccon«, we are certain, however—If Jewry >my, nntl promised to reach that In t o have leadership in future itnte In from 7 to 10 yenre. Egypt1! rs our children must have n ecent armament moves hnvo crc'ish education now, nnd not tcd a double crisis for Israel.'
Many parents who IMU d CUSScd their children's priori with them, or who lm\e ht.ird them npeuk at public Catherines have at various times asked to know more tibout the H e b r e w School teachers. For these, the followinc brief biographies liave been prepared: ' Babbl Solomon W. M 111 e r, rtared in St. Paul and educated In S t Paul public schools, obtained a Bachelor of Science degree at the Illinois Institute of Technology. In Chicago. He went on to further graduate work in education at the University of Chicago. While attending these secular colleges, he also studied at the Hebrew.Theological College and was ordained a Rabbi in Pictured from left to right ore: (front row) Sammy Kuoper1940. lie was R a b b i of Beth Nina Kupernmn, Alan Ivener, Hurry 1-evicli; (wionil row) Shalom Congregation in East Chi- nian, Kurilj6 FT»li, <iary Lclroivlcli, Hobliy <;niesliln, Alun VVitlrnwlez, cago, Ind., until 1944 and has Jimmy NMHII; (rrur row) David Arltovlrli, Su/aiinn Ivrncr, Drew been orincipal of the Sioux City Kaufnuu, Elulnn Nrlilndli'r, JCusscll No/fir ami Mleluul Klat.«. Minn Hebrew 'School since that time. Julia Bcrcukln. standing nt rear, It teiirlirr of I In- <|a»«. HIM J a i l * Bereskln, born in Winnipeg. Canada, has made her tomedny hence. home in Sioux City since the ace Nursery School Opens Center Activities Rate Our Sioux City Hebrew .School of. 6. She was educated in Sioux With 25 Youngsters is IODR established—its teachers Praise by JWB Visitor City schools. MornuiKslde College re capable and conscientious, and The busy, teeming activity of and the University of Iowa exThe secondI semester of the !he results of t h e combined eftension division. She received her Coundl-Federatlon Nursery Sclioul the Center was praised by David 'ortH of p a r e n t s , Mudents and field secretary of the Jewish education In Sioux City started February 1 with nn en- A. }Jonder,Jewish Welfare Hoard. teachers is lx»f;innini; t o show, Talmud Torah. predecessor of the rollment of 25 children. The school. National who visited the community last founf; leadership is making Its Hebrew School, and the Yiddish «tfltc licensed. i« now entering its week. Mr. Homier rated Sioux ippearanc*; and we pnipo';o to FoBuhul. which has since been sixth year. Teachers ore Mrs. City JCC high among mid-western iMrture it until it Is fully declosed. She was prevailed upon by Frances McKnight and Mrs. Mor- Jewish Centers. •eloped. the Hebrew School Board to be- rix Ixrkc On tli'* wh'ile, mil* nimniunity A consultant in the operation come a teacher In 134G. Since The nursery school program of Jewish Community O u t e r s , Mr. s to 1KI cf)inrne.nd'id for its attithen she has continually been im- stresses ploy, teaming simple skills Uonder met with A. M. Crjicskin udi.1 toward Jewish education. Uy proving her Hebrew knowledge find learning to K9t alonR with and other board members to eval- ind Ifirpn it has under,sti»ml and through priwite Instruction nnd other children The school is gov- uate policies, and with N,"than cccptod the lu-ed of a JcwLsh edby attending the summer II"h:rw rmil b> a hoard made up of rep- (Hildlierg. Mis. Neil (iorehow. Mrs. ir.ition for its children. Parents
Jewish Education To Fight Bigotry
Hebrew Class in Session
seminars a t Ixt, Angeles spmsored by the American A--o< .ition of Jewish Education
Y.C. Programs! 1
e v r i t n t l w i of the National Omn- I<enn Dohrofsky and tiie O'lifer •il (if Jewish Women mid the Jrw- staff to diheu--. the planning of h Federation. nctivit ies.
Center Sports
The Youth Council "Hrmli Club ! lt.\ Jim Ki.rlmtM-li meets each Thursday after school In the Jewish Community Center •«IO1 X CITY TII.T Junior und senior high school A different book Is discissrd encn week and discussions are led by all-star teams from Sioux City and Omaha will tangle in a basmembers of the group. double header at the CenThe next book selection for dis- ketball cussion is Stephen Crane's "The ter gym rVbruiiry 26. Arrangements have also been Red Badge of Courage." made for a return game in Sioux : Bob Kcllman. riflery chairman. Has Issued c call for more YC dry, All-stars will be select/members to participate in this oc- edOmaha from the Midget "A" and Youth tjvity. Practice and competition Council "A" leagues. Is held at the city rifle range. Members of the Speed Heading V - C . itASKKTIJAIX class arc constantl> motivated to Raylm now hns nine w develop their vocabularies and Increase their reading rati-s nnd against i,o Kisses 'with a r.' comprehension. Sherm I'uska. Y clmnce to end the Benson 'unbeatC director, stated. A rl.iss for en. AZA 1 holds the second s,pot teenagers J* nehl in the ;ift(rnoon with two losses and seven wins. and adult el.iv, in the rzoning The century wiuad Is in the cellar w:ih their A team, in third place A radio ilm'. will he staite'l in and HIP P, team In last place.
lo H'c<>f;ni/'1 that th" tx-*.t weapn to fii;ht confusion and bigotry
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
What's Doing ; Hunduy, Feb.* ft A7.A meeting, JCC. All Junior Youth Clubs, JCC. ' Shaare Zlon Illble Class, Home. Tiii'sduy, Fell. 7 Council meeting. J C C Center Adult ISible Class. JCC. W!G meeting. JCC. . Wednesday, Feb. 8 AZA Pledge meeting. JCC TliurMluy, Feb. U II.ida-s.ih meeting. JCC. K-.eeuthc. Hoard Meeting. JCC, DP.'.; Formal Initiation, JCC. , Ivre Club. Hotel.
Beth El Open House
ISelh i:i Talmud Torah will hold' Open I louse for the parents of the Talmud Torah students Sunday, | Justin Can still leatk the "A Feb. 5. Parents are Invited to^ttlenpie scorini; ndilini; \<) points t< tend at their children's regular his 50 point total of last. week. Tlie liar Mitzvah of Den class time. Children ol the Tal-' Kntskee jumped into second with I-ewls, son of Mr. und Mis, Harmud Tofah will lie excused from* a J.I point spree to hit IK while ry Lewis, will be olncrved tlii classes on that day so that (heir Bill Horwlch Is third with .'12. Friday evening and Saturday parents can attend in their place. morning. Fob. 3 and •; at Iletl ItOVS" rfAMIINTON Israel S y n a g o g u e , 52nd and Youth Council l(<iy.i IJadminton Charles. AH members of the famTournament is nil set for Feb- ily and f •'ends, nrp Invited to at- Scientific Experts ruary V\. Three time champion. tend the services nnd the recepNew York (JTA)--A plan for" John Cioltlner is brick to defend tions following the services. leading experts in different sclen-, ills title n:;ainst Dine Widinnn. tiflc nnd technical fjelda to go to Al SifRel, Al Corey nnd others. Israel fur several months each, Mr. nnd Mr.s. Millard Speier an- year Kntry tleadline is set a t 5 p. m., for a five-year period as nounce the lias Mll/vah of their permanent Friday. Feb. jn. visiting profcsnoni lit daughter Susan will be celebrated the Israel Iit'itllute of Technology' Friday evenini: and S n t u r t l u y BOVS" IIANDItAI.I, has been worketl out hy the Tech-morninj;. Fell. ;: nnd \ at Temple nlon and the United Nation* SdenHoward tloldstelu readied t h e Israel. tlfle. Educational ?*d Culturnl semi-finals of the Handball tourFriends nnd relatives are invited Organi/ation it was announced. nament by defeating Al Siegcl to attend the services nnd the re- here hy David Rose, president of 21-1! nnd 2103 this week. He will ceptions which will fol/?rv,. tlie American Teclmlon Society, ' play the winner of the Corcy-Kcs-
two weeks rtirivMiw, of in-ttuctlon in r.idn tl<eur> anil am.itrui en match which looks to he one of co<le piactlei Itei'Mratlrm c m be VAISSITV I.KAfJIKKS the best in the tournament. In the first week of invitational made al the VC office In tlie '"cuKinie,, the varsity squads split ter. Miss Marilyn Kalviiian nml f I'S' l!OWI.I.,<i the lirwt two names. The JCC i^c won the annual Winter HowlFebruary F rns l>ccn ruled out Hal nstoiini l s winninj: r>7-ri."» and for Youth Council Howling at the ing Tournament sponsored by Junthe JCC Windjammers losin" Music I!</x. On that day. Y. C.ior li'imi H'rith howling I-eague. f'Ji: ague members howl at Parkway r i c h Five will bowl the high five Mother Chapter Alephs Mike from the Ji'nai ll'rilh at the Rose each Sunday nt 1 :.1O p. .n. Mogil nnd Mike Meyer have won Miss Knt/ninn fired 82 pins over IS.i-.vi .iccoi-din,-: to Phil Kutler. ' parts in the Central High -Senior 'o win the trophy In the "A" Mlthct l/.-ague. two secretai-j- of the li'nal Il'rith her Gl average p'.ay in the girl.1;' division. Mr. Nogf; The name of I.ee Simon was (earns are tied for second place I/'H'IK'. captured the award In boys' divibehind H. A. Wolf and t h r e e omitted from t h e list of Mother learns are tied for second in the So far in Y. C. Howling. Veni- sion with a 202 series which was Vedi-Vici is on top with a ril-fi Chapter »rti m l w s v-ho rri-ire^.etl "IV league. 72 pins over his average. reeoid for AZA K)0. Following 111 the Central High Military Ball ltogfr Smith was nigh man in "U" J^e.i^ue n-MiIts were Gere- them is Pins or Points and S. O. S.. lick IK. Slosbiirg 4; PJcJunnn- both of Ha vim. High game is held Vtst .Sunday's competition with o Gordman 11. Cowboys 12: F i n - by Jerry Sherman with n 2iR and .'til series. He combined games of side 25. 1-r;,, V:m 18. Fireside re- I.arry Hennan hoUN Hii;h series 157 nml iril. Miss Kilen Colin took hir;h came in girl's division with a main:-, in first place so far bein;: with .ViO. 150, Miss Frances Itifo garnered undefeated and followed by Sloshigh series with her 2-l!>. Matt bui'g Realty. Gcrelick Motors nnd Faier converted the 7-8 split nnd Kiclnnan-GordMian with a 2-2 Mike Simon the .'1-10. record. An even tighter r-iee is forecast as I-Go Van and the CowGene Kohn is the newly elected boys have 1-3 records. president of O m n h a. Safe-Teen AZA 100 Banquet "A" I/vigiie leaders. H. A. Youth A t l u l t Committee. SafeWolf, had little trouble handing Teens is a group of teenagers inA7.A No. 100 will hold Us tinHiek'-s & Son their'third defeat. terested in promoting safe1 driv- nuul initiation banquet this Sun,".K-17. Imk-iiendeiit Metal suffered ing day at Fireside. Restaurant. Sol tliejr second lt»?s at the hands of TbeysTnrc sponsored by the pnr- Liftman, regional director of ADI., Mogen-Dnvid tinder the ler.dershlp .iclpnting high schools, Junior Red vill be guest speaker. of conch Steve Rosenblatt find Cross xind the Safety Kducat'on The group is p I :i n n i n e. Its the 1-1 polnl scoring of Dun Fot- Jep.irtmenl of the Omaha Police 'Spring Srreniide" affair.
Jr. B.B. Bowling
AZA No. 1
Gene Kohn Elected Head of Safe-Teens
Did You Know That...? Tlie Jewish Community Center Swimming Pool under the dirco" lion of Joe Mleek serves on tlie average of 150 Hoy Scouts each * third Saturday evening of the month from the outlying districts of I»ulsvllle, Springfield. Grctna. I'nppilion. Plntti.iiouth, Bcllevue and Kalston. Tills program was worl:etl out through the cooperation of tin' Scouts Covered Wngon Council and the Center PhysicalEducation Staff. FIIIST I'ltAVKI! HOOK New York (JTA) -- 'Ilie first Jewish prayer hook to be puhished in the Soviet Union since thr> Bolshevilt revolution will lie prin teti in Moscow, tho New York Times reported from the Soviet capital. The volume, which will , Include the dally prayers. Sabbath ervlces and abridged versions of 'ajisover, Yom Kippur and other lolidny service*, will he financed .'ntireiy by voluntary contributions of Soviet Jews, according to the Time*. It wi|j l>e published in n» •'iition t>( ,^ever;il thau'ijinil.