V*il Y Y Y I V
xr« l a Bound w Second • CLUt littler at post*
Arab Boycott Is Denounced Now York (WNS)-Sharpciit(elim of the Arab boycott of Jewish concerns in the United Stales, couplet] with it demand fur n bipartisan Congressional commission to study the effect of the Aral) iKiycoIt against American companies dealing with Israel, won sounded nt the four-duy nnnual midwinter conference of Haduhsah by itf; president Mrs, Rebecca Sluilman. Mrs. Shulmnn asserted tluit Saudi Arabia was "especially flagrnnt in prosecuting the Arab League campaign against American firms that practice the doctrine of equality In selecting personnel. That l>oycott, according to a report released thin week by. the Anti-Defamation League of B'nul Il'rlth, In nnw being practiced by Iraq. Mrs. Shulman also rejected "as contrary to the. best American interests of full and open debate of all major Issues" the recent proposal, iiaiil to be stemming from Secretary of State Dulles, that the Middle East issue be excluded from the forthcoming Presidential campaign."
Around The Nation
vmrrrAitv lirnr*JU(UAJ(X
Resolution Adopted at Federation Annual Meet The Omaha Jewish Community joins with the American Jewish commnnity in endorsing the following measures taken to meet the emergency in which Israel finds itself today, and which threatens the normal development of the State and continued immigration of Jews from lands of persecution: 1. That there shall be constituted a United Appeal Special Fund to secure the sum of $25,000,000 to be contributed by Jews of America. 2. That this Special Fund be in addition to the normal United Jewish Appeal income. 3. That contributions to this fund be secured through the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign of Omaha. 4. That contributions by individuals to the Special Fund be made, and accepted, over and above and without reduction of their respective contributions to the 1056 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. 5. That over and abovo the Special Fund, the Omaha Federation agrees that the UJA share from the 1956 Campaign in no case be less than the UJA share of the 1955 campaign proceeds. 6.'That the Omaha Jewish Community, along with other communities, acoept for itself its fair share of the total $26,000,000 to be raised by the Jews of America, and gives itf solemn pledge that it will consider it a point of honor and conscience to raise its fair share.
I A IWoO. io*ii 1U,
every ajr, 101 H, 2utb, u l a evry iridajr, Nb/iika, Phone Pho JA JA 130G Omaiw ^ Neb/
AnuuiU *ute 4 Dollar* dioglt d l Copj 10 C Ceou
Dulles p '
for Sale Of Arms to Israel Washington (JTA)—Secretary of Stale John Jester Dulled Monday rejected, for the time being «t least, a Congressioiuil request tlint Israel be permitted to buy American arniM to offset the flow of Communist munitions lo Egypt. lie mndu iiis views known in a reply to a letter presented to him by Republican ^members of the House of Representatives. It was learned from official sources that before Issuing his statement, Mr. Dulles discussed it with President Eisenhower. "The United States," Mr. Dulles said, "recognizes that current developments could create a disparity in armed force between Israel and its Arab neighbors. However, we are not convinced that that disparity can be adequately offset by additional purchases of arms by the State of Israel. Israel has a population of under two million, whereas the A r a b population amounts to tens of millions, and they apparently have boon offered access to huge stores of Soviet bloc material. Under this circumstance Mm. J. II. KiilnkiifHky the security of Israel can perhaps better be assured by means other than an arm? race." Mr: Dulles pointed out that "the combined Influence of the nutions Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will pre- which would, under the United side at the Brotherhood Week Tea Nations Charter and tho Triparto be given at 1:15 p. m,. Monday, tite Declaration, be against any Feb. 20 in Hotel Fontonelle. The armed aggression Is o fur more efFederation of Jewish Women's fective deterrent to any potential ClubH is one of the co-sponsors of aggressor tl.an any amount of arms which could be obtained by the affair. Mrs. Charles M. Houser of Des either side." He argued that "the Molnes, la., will be gue.it speaker. having in hand, by Israel, of equal Mrs. Houser is serving on the Des or superior arms Is not the only Molnes board of the National Con- deterrent to aggression." "We do not exclude the possiference of Christians and Jews. Morton Downey, nationally fam- bility of arms sales to Israel," the ous singer, and his trio will pre- Secretary said. "Hut It Is our belief that the security of states ia sent a musical program. the Near East cannot rest upon an"« alone but rather upon the InHAIIIIIH ItKCJIKHT ternational rule of law and upon Atlantic City (JTA)—The Sov- the establishment of friendly relatons among neighbors. We are aciet Government has l>ccn asked by tively working toward the estabtin.' Rabbinical Council of America, lishment of such relations." an organization of Orthodox Tho Secretary of Stute empharabbis, to permit the receipt of sized that "tho foreign policy of religious articles, kosher food and the United States embraces the matzolli by Jews in the U.S.S.R. preservation of the Stato of Isand the bringing of Jewish stu- rael. It also embraces the prindents from the Soviet to rabbini- ciple of maintaining our friendship cal schools in the United States, with Israel and the Arab states." It was reported here by Rabbi He reiterated the proposal he 26, David B. Hollander, president of made last August g , that the tho organization, at the opening United States would participate in session of the annual mid-winter an international g u a r a n t e e of conference of the Council. Tho "agreed frontiers" if t h e Arab Council also requested the admis- states would agree to Israel's fron' sion of its delegation to the Soviet tiers. He also cited the statement issued February 1 a t the concluUnion to study Jewish religious sion of tho Eden-Elsenhower tulles life there. on the Middle East.
J. Kulakofsky Eisenhower and Eden in Joint Mrs. Named Chairman Statement on Near East Policy
Washington (WNS) - President Klsenliower and Sir Anthony Eden of Britain concluded their talks U.S. IIOI.US KKV on the world situation amidst InNew X»rk (JTA)—Mr*. Hose dications that they considered the 1» HulprJn. acting chairman of Middle Kant an area of potential the Jewish Agency, laid on her return from Israel that "Israel IK almost without exception believe* that tin- United Slat™ holds the key | o peace In the Middle East." Mm. Ilalprln, who attended u Miami (WNS)-Tlie Umied plenary session of the Jewish formally Agency executive in Jerusalem, Jcwlxh Appeul will Maid that she found the mood in launch Its 1956 nationwide camInrar-I to Ix- one of "Kobcr real- paign at a two-day National Inism" "The people fully realize augural Conference to be held February 25 and 20 at Miami the dancers of the situation creatBeach, Kla., it was announced In ed by ("well n n m shipments to New York by UJA general <:halrKgypf and there in Krent anxiety," nuin William Rosemwild. she Mild. The two-day conference will mark the Appeal's 18th •airresslvc nationwide campaign. Federation Board In making the announcement of the parley, Mr. Roitciiwald railed To Meet Thursday for the "greatest campaign openIng In the United Jewish Appeal's " The Hoard of Governors pf the Fedcrutlon for Jewish Serv- history In the light of needs of ice will meet at 8 p. m., Thurx- Jews In both Israel, and North day, Feb. 16 in the Jewish Com- Africa." He reported that $17,munity Center, Jack W. Marer, 000,000 has already comn forward Federation p r e s i d e n t , an- from contributors in all parts of nounced. Five new members the country and stressed that "this will be elected to the Federa- tide of glftu must mount if the UJA is to meet the gravest retion executive committee. sponsibilities it has evor faced.
UJA '56 Opening Parley at Miami
threat to world Evidence of this concern was mirrored In a joint statement they Issued disclosing that the United States and Great Britain had pledged to take action jointly with France In the defense of peace In the Middle Knit. At the same time the two Western lenders asserted that an Arab-Israel settlement WHS most urgent now and that "this will he possible only if both sides are willing to reconcile the positions which they have hitherto taken." The joint statement was couched In generalities, and while there was no .speculation as to the specifics that will surely emerge In the future, Arab reaction was (|iiick and negative. Cold reception of the talks by eight governments was conveyed to the State Department by I,el>ani'»e Ambassador Victor A. Khoiiri, who told Assistant Secretary of State George V. Allen that the Arub countries w e r e not bound by any decisions reached at the Elscnbowcr-Kdcn talks. In Cairo reports said the Ar.ilit saw nothing new in the development. Impartial observers here noted that the joint communique was ambiguous except for expressing Anierlcan-Hiltiih solidarity.
Women's Division of 1956 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign Heads
Mrt. Hurry Slilnuin, (ii-iliiilriniin
M m . K. I/Co
, *:ir.
IHH KIlMilirtli J. Hart, It. it V. Olinlrnian
Mm. Max Onnnr, Co-rlinlrmnn
Mr*. Edivin E. Tlrmiltey, Clnilrm.iii
Fkge Two
B.B. Symposium on Human Relations FubUsked Every Friday by the Federation tor JcnUh Survive Jtaww u Meoad-cuui t u t u r mi umAh*, Ncbruia uatM* tut « t <rt Utrui 3, I8?o Aaww daMenpuoo, M 00. Adnnlnoi i u t u on APPIIUU^. JC«M»»m OtUw—l<r. Ma xu> Suut. Omalu. Nefcr., JJUkaon 136a. jTus atep xhirMt linn a a i&ui s u e u .
With the Folks At Home
Friday, February 10, J030.
Religious News
Henry Moii!,i;y Lodj;i; of IS'n; Ii'rilh will hold a sympniiuin o "Whore do wo stand in huina relations in lnter-n li^ious rela tionship" at 8:30 p. m.. Weilnca day, Feb. 22 in Hie Jt.virh Com munily Center. The program, in obiervanct' o) Brotherhood VVM>1C, will hav Mayor Jolin Rosenblatt, Otti Swanson. Reverend Neil DantK-rp. executive director of Omalia Chapter of National Coonftrence of Christians and Jews; Dr. Wilfrc Payne, University of Omaha facul ty member; Jack W. Marer, president of Omaha Federation foi Jewish Service, and Leo R. Ken nedy, Crelghton University facul ty member; taking part in the roundtable discussions. The meeting nill be open to the members of the community.
New* u d tappmlngs at Ibe Dr. FUHp Sher JewUb Home For The Aaged by DAVID OBKOW. 8:81 p. m , Caadlellghtlac February 1: A special Kiddush wa» trwn by Morris Adcerman In mematy of his Mother. February 4: The flowers, at the Sabbath Services at Beth £1 SyHome this week, were sent by nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Mluard Speter In iUbbi Myer S. Kripke vrill deliver honor of the Bas Mitzvah of their the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Ed(laughter, Susan, at Temple gar and th- Beth El Synagogue Israel Choir will render the musical porFebruary 5: Oar Folks enjoyed tions of the service. Sabbath morning services will the Sunday morning radio broadcast of A Village In Israel. An be at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation Services are at 10:45 a. to. - our residents listened and enjoyed this, very wonderful experiment Mlncba-Maarfv Services are at 5:30 p. m. Sunday services are at In care of the aged in Israel. B'nal B'rilh chapters, Omaha February 7: Rabbi Benjamin 9 a.m. National Council of JewDaily services are at 7 a. m. and Section, Groner of Beth Idrael Synagogue ish Women and lladassah groups was our rabbinical visitor today. 7 p. m. will meet Jointly at 12:30 p. m., The topic for discussion was a Tuesday, Feb. 21 for dessert lunchcontinuation of "Mishnais." eon and a special program In the B«riiltrael February 8: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jewish Community Center. Kaplan gave a special Kiddush Dr. Herman Finer, professor of RabM Benjamin Groncr, Cantor In memory of Mrs. Fannie Adcl Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and political science at University of srhtcln, former resident of the B'nal B'rith girls will conduct late Chicago, will be guest speaker. He Home on the occasion of her Friday services at 8 p. m. Tra- will discuss "The Defense of Our yahrzeiL ditional services begin at 5:30 p. m. Democratic Freedoms." YAHRZE1T: Memorial Services Sabbath services at 8:30 a. m. will be held in The Home Syna- Sabbath Mincha at 5:45 p. ra. folKosue. 4801 No. 52nd St. for the lowed by Sholeshe S'eudos and following, who have Yahrzelt dur- Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. m., ing the first week in Adar: and 5:30 p. m. Sunday services at In observance of Brotherhood Adar 1—Feb. 13—Hurry ftolt 8:45 a. m. Week, Tieth Israel Sisterhood will stein bear two outstanding guest speakAdar 1—Feb. 13—Rote Freldcn. ers at the February 14 one o'clock Adar 5—Feb. ]?-~Faiuiic Lle- Temple Israel luncheon-meeting to be held in .bovtd. Worship services tonight at !he synagogue social hall. Mrs. COMING EVENTS: Temple Israel will IK held tit 8 Verne Vance, president of the February 15: "An Afternoon Af- o'clock. A guest preacher. Dr. Omaha Urban League, and George fair"— o party. In tune with Jewish Charles S. Smith of Drake Uni- I. Hobinson, executive secretary, Music Festival Month will be versity Divinity School, will dis- uill discuss "New Frontiers in sponsored by Omaha Chapter of cuss "Not as a Stranger." lace Halations." Brandfils University Women. This Saturday hervicos will be hold Mrs. Vance was honored yesprogram will be under the chair- at 11:30 a. m., for mi'mlwrs of terday with B'nai B'ritI Women's manship of Mrs. Harry Rochmnn. he religious school nmJ adults. Citizenship Citation. February 19: The Biotherhood Mrs. Robert Smith lias arranged Week Program—(sponsored by for baby sitter service at the U'nnl B'rith Henry Monsky Chapmeeting. ter. Mrs. Abe Glnsburg '« chairN'ow accepting reservations for man. this outstanding afternoon are: Mrs. Kobert Endelman. PL 3551. February 26: Purlm Party sponBlkur Cnolim Chanukah lunch- and Mrs. Harry Segal!, PL 0718. sored by B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 340 with Mrs. Harry eon nnd card party which was to Mrs. Sydney Goldberg, presiKpsteln as chairman of the affair. have been held December 12 which dent of sisterhood, announces the was postponed due to the death appointment of Mr. A l f r e d of their beloved honorary presi- Frank as overall chairman for the dent, Mrs. Lewis Ncveleff will be annual donor luncheon to oc held held at the Jewish Community early in March. Assisting Mrs. Center Monday. Feb. 13 at 1 p. m. Frank as co-chairmen are: Mrs. Mrs. Jake Wine, president, has Harold Zelimky. Mrs. George Omaha Workmen's Circle Dis- appuin ed Mr*. Harry Sidraan and Shapiro nnd Mrs. Sam Berman. trict Committee will hold IU an- Mrs. Myer Linda ticket sales nual Bazaar. Card Party and Buf- chairmen. Luncheon arrangements fet Supper at 5 p. m., this Sunday wfl] be handled by Mrs. Jake Wine Temple Nursery Temple Inrael Nursery School nt the Labor Lyceum. 3024 Cum- and her committee. ing s t GuesU are urged to make up has started It* new semester and The supper, a variety of Jewish their own tables and bring their will continue until June 8. Sesdishes, will be served until 8 p.m. own cards and Man Jongg sets. sions arc Monday through Friday Admission Is 50 eenu per person Proceed* of this luncheon will bo mornings from nine to 11:30 used for the Medical Fund of the o'clock. There are three vacancies for Bikur Cholim Society. Japanese DoH Gift Tickets at one dollar each for children aced three to five. For further information, rontnet Mrs. A Japanese doll was sen in care llie luncheon will l)e available at Stanley Katolmnn, chairman of of Mrs. M. A. Venger, chairman of Ihe door. Tickets which were paid the nursery school committee, at Armed Services Committee of for for the Chanulrah luncheon WA Ki Federation of Jewish Women's will be honored. A dcor prize will Clubs by Lieutenant Colonel H. A. also be awarded at the conclusion Zionist Council to Meet Soskln who Is stationed in Tokyo. of the program. Japan. Omaha Zionist Council will meet The Federation women sent hol- 'ionecr Oneg Shabbaf at 8 p. m., Wednesday. Feb. 15 In .Irwish Community Center. Mrs. iday gifts to servicemen in the United Stales nnd overseas and Omaha Chapter of Pioneer J. II. Kulatorsky will preside. Heapparently the doll is a expression Women uffl hold their Onec Sbab- ports will be hear' on the current of than UK. Iwit at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow at the situation In Israel. The doll which according to Us home of Mrs. Gimple, 2003 N. Slfit. description Is n model of a cliar- Dr. Simon Sehicher, a Beth El in- Visitors ncter from a famous Japanese play structor, will be presented In a Mrs. T*oy E. Belzer. of Glencoe. will be displayed at the Jewish musical program In tune wilh the III., with her two children Avrum Community Center. nationwide month-long J e w i s h «nd Dena are visltlni* her parents. •Iiisic Festival. Mr. anil Mrs. J. II. Kulnkofsky. Mrs. Milton Nerenberg, cultural Engagement Told chairman. Is In charge of the proBOND Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bara of Los Mrs. J. Kaplan will give a Miami Beach, Fin. (JTA)—The Angeles. Oil., announce the en- gram. AU members and friends Israel bond cimpalfpi for 1956 gagement of their daughter Miss reading. ire Invited to attend. waj launched Sunday of a nationMarilyn Sondrn to Sol I3enton Coal conference hero It which It was bon. son of Mrs. Molly Cohen, fordecided to respond to Israel's imerly of Omaha. ZBT Mothers'Fere urgent plea for economic aid by Miss Bara is in her final semeslllnt; $75,000,000 In bonds during Zola Beta Tau Mothers' Club ter at Los Angeles State College «hd Is practice teaching in the ivill hold their dinner meeting at the current year. Pre-campalcn 3:30'p. m., Sunday, Feb. 12, in subscriptions amounting to $11,I.. A- school system. rfer fiance Is also attending slate lighland Town Club. All parents 154.150 were announced nt the college where he is working 1 for ind alumni are Invited to attend. conference by Morris W. Bernreservations call Mrs. Irving stein, national campaign rhnlrhf"•• school teaching credential !. • Th<? wedding date has been set lenujg. WA 2080* or Mrs. Leon mnn, who reported rt>i| $12,318.oilman, GL. 3274. fd'Ait'W' 550 were raised In 19513.
Joint Meeting for Women's Groups
Sunday Radio RaliM Jonathan 13. Wise of Central Synagogue in New York City will discuss "Abrnham Lincoln" on the Mf'sszip.c of Israr-I program to bo broadcast over KKON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. '11K Ktcrnul Light serifs will ho heard over KFAB from l:.'Kl a. m. to 12 noon.
v'ddaism Institute A t Temple Today
Cantor Kusevitsky Will Appear at B.I. An oul.'.t.'iiulin;; souvenir journal i, >hi]uii:' \i\> foi Fourth Annual Ik'tti Ji.i-iicl Citation Dinner. Dan Ciordmnn. co-chaii"man of the affair, M.itrd. The dinner to be held at G p. in., Sunday, March 18 will have Cantor Moalie Kusevitsky us cur it of honor He is cantor of Congregation R'.'th El in New York City. The uinlur was catapulted to fame when us « yMiuii; man of 28, he was .'clictitl to succeed the brilliant fli.i/un Suot.i as chief cantoi of iinounid Tiiimat7ki SyKfij:un in Warsaw, Poland. In 1930, he w.,s invited to make his concert ili'but in 1'uriii. Ciintor KiiM.'vitsky i'i one of four talwitcd brothel's two of whom hold cantoiial posts In New York City and the other Is the leading cantor of Capetown. South Africa. The cantor has made numerous recordings and a complete set will be released shortly In album form. He bus made several trips to Israel and has appeared in London's Albert Hall and In South Africa.
Tlie 181h annual Institute on Judaism sponsored ljy Temple Israel for clergymen of nil faiths opens today at Temple Israel Dr. Charles L. Smith, professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature at Drake University Divinity School will be guest speaker. Dr. Smith will discuss "Judaism and its Sects—Mentors to the Early Church* at the morning session beginning at 10JO o'clock. At 1:30 p. m., he will speak on "The Golden Link." Monsky Lodge to Meet Dr. Smith, was the first to study Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nal at the Hebrew Union College on n gradualc fellowship made avail- B'rith will hokl their regular business meeting Thursday, Feb. 16 In able to Christian ministers, Fireside Restaurant fallowing din* nor at 6:30 p. m. The meeting will start at 8:30 p. m. Patronize Our Advertisers
B.I. Sisterhood Guest Speakers
Bikur Cholim Party Monday at Center
Workmen's Circle Bazaar and Supper
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Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Friday, 1'rliruary 10. ]!).">«.
B.E. 'Country Fair' Pioneer Women Tomorrow Night
'MIZRACIU WOMEN Both El Slstrrhood'y Counti-y The regular ineclini: «f Oinalin Fair Dance will b<? held tomorCliaplcr Mizrachi Women, Wedrow r\onin;j in synrinoj^ue sociiil nesday, Feb. ]!>, will be preceded h.'il. llulfct suppri will he st'i'vod by a dessert luncheon lit one Iiorn '.> p. in. to 1 n. in. O'clock at the Jewish Community Cncle KunilM l I M'bt, In .nl( d l>> Center. J.icli J.idilj.iin and 1'LII', Mill' At two o'clock, the business Hill ncnlhal will operate the meeting will be given over to the "Ki intry Kitchen." They will be collection of Moes Oiltim contrilisted by Mine, ljiccnn O>i>por butions. Moes Chitim Is the fund tr-Ks, .Stanf(jid I.i[)s( y, NCMwhich provides Passover foods for Demnberi:, Irvini; Simon, the needy In Israel. The injuncMom-s Rn/nlck, I>JII l/'wis an<l tion In the Hnnadnh, "Let all who Sidney Snelder. ore hungry enter and eat," each Assisting In the cvrnlnc's enMizrachi meml>er feels is beini; IC'i'tainment will IK.1 Messrs. and carried out by her contribution to Mesdamcs C:harles Lleb, Irvln Moes Chitlm. Tills feplini; has K.ilin.-in, Al Swartz. Max Novak. Chillies Kimmel, Ralph NORK, IX>U been voiced by members ut all Mm. Julius Mrcr Hiirwltz, Harry Havitz. Norman the MOCK Chitlm meetings. Halt, und I^v)nard Gould. Master Mrs. Irving Stern and Mrs. of Ceremonies will be Eddy Rosen. Ilaskell Brandsettcr have prepared a quiz program in which all present will take part. member of Denver chapter for 22 Baby-sitter service will be pro- Omaha Chapter Hada&sah Board years. She served as president In vided. members and ^roup Hadassah 1952 and '53 and as speaker's buboard members will hold a com- reau chairman of Mountain-Plains bined meeting at 12:S0 p. m., Mon- Region for four years. Mrs. Mccr B * F IIAOAS8AU The Business and Professional day In Rose Bowl. Guest speaker has just completed serving as Women's Group of Hadassah will will 1)0 Mrs. Julius Mccr of Den- chairman of the Women's Division hold a board meeting nt a 12;30 ver, Colo., who is returning from of the Allied Jewish Campaign of p. m. brunch, Sunday, Feb. 12 at the mid-winter national board Denver. She has also served on the Blockstone Hotel. Guest of meeting of Hadassah held In New the Denver Community Chest and York City. honor will bo Mrg. Julius Meer, • Mrs. Moor has been nn active Federation Board of Women's President of the Mountain-Plains Clubs. In the absence of chapter presiRegion of Hadassah. All members of B 4 P arc welcome. Ing will be to the music of Mai dent, Mrs. David Brodkcy, In Dunn and. his orchestra, Mrs. charge of arrangements will be Sidney Schwartz, general chair- Mm. Meyer Rubin, vice president. T.I. BIHTEM1OOD Temple Israel Sisterhood will man, announced. Tickets may be purchased from hove an "Intcrfalth" program nt their regular luncheon meeting Mcsdames Leo Eisenstatt, Edwin Feb. 14, at 1 p. m. In Temple Milder and Isadorc LJberman. Arrangements for the Ball are Social Hall. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will re- being made by Mmes. Howard view, "The Last Temptation," by Kaplan, Mrs. A. V. Venger and Josepr Vlertel. Guests will Include Mrs. M. A. Blank. members of other faiths. Mrs. Louis Llpp and Mrs. Max Cnhn, luncheon chairman, will \v assisted by -Mcsdames Jlrrnhanlt Wolf, Clarenrn Hernman, M a y n a r fl f;ro»nl>»n,\ I"r<il Uioilkey, Irvine Mnlnshoclc. Jtoliert Kni;el, Norton Kulesh, Al>e Katelmim, Paul Veret, Frank Llpp, Mlllanl Spelr anil Harvey Ferer. The board will meet at 10 n, m. preceding the luncheon. Mm. Bernhardt Wolf, president, will preside.
Hadassah to J4ear Mrs. Julius Meer
Hadassah Bowling
High bowlers this week in Hadassah League were: S. Green* berf, 191-523; II. Platt, 463; R. Mrs. Genie Twersky, Moelzel Wintroub, 4G0; 10. Schioff. 459; E. Jlopulot Hcprf-Sf-'nt.'itive f r o m Ross. 4Dr>; Weinstein, 450; A. Israel, will be rjucst of Chanter 1 Schulman, 448; II. Shukort, 446; .unl Kiidim.ih Cluster of Pioneei D. Green, 44'2; M. OHiporman, Wmii. ii. Wulni'il.iy, Feb. 'i.L 4.'iS; It. Friedman, 4'Mj, L. HoberMis It.iMiionil f'nie> and Mis miin, 421; 10. Jiicobsen, 420; A. l]''iii).in Honddiin, (o-th.iiinidn, Kirschenbaum, 418; A. Snieder, ,11 e |)l,innliii: a luncheon to be |;iv- 41H; S. Trcfialt, 418; p. Hoborman, (ii fur Mis. Twuslty. Tune ami 417; P. Marcus, 412; R. Gelfand, plate will he announced in next 400; I. Gaer. 406; K. Asbyll, 406; week's Jewish Press. A city-wide G. Zevltz, 406; R. Sokoloff. 406; evening meetlnf; will he held at K. Turkel, 405; S. Lewis, 404; D. Rubin, 402, M. Fromkln, 401. the Jewish Community Center. Splits were converted by S. Mrs. Tweisky will present a first-hand report on Pioneer Wom- Weinstein, 3-7-8-10 and P. Map. cus, 6-7. en's projects in Israel. She has been a member of Knesset (Lsrael's Parliament) since its In- Man was created alone, for the sake of peace among men, that ception one mii;ht not say to his fellow: 'My father was greater than thine.'—Mlslinah, Sunliodrln, Iv. 87. Patronize Our Advertisers
To Hear Israeli
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Just mix and bake
JWV AUXII.IAHV Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No. 260 of the Jewish War Veterans will meet at 8 p. m., Thursday, Feb. 16 in the Jewish Community Center. National auxiliary president, Mm. Fannie Bramnlck will arrive In Omaha Feb. 25. Plans are Being formulated for her visit. In observance of Brolherhoo<l Week, Mrs. Edward Simon, Americanization chairman, Is arranRlnp; the auxiliary's annual presentation of nn American FlaK t'> a Omaha public school. This year a flag will be presented to Rohblns School. , COUNCIL Members of the Education Council of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will meet Tor an Onerr Shebat Saturday, Feb. 18, nt' 1 p. m.. at the home of Mr«. Abe Bear, 2115 So. 42nd St. Coffee will tie perve<1. Co-hostess with Mm. Bear will be Mrs. Robert Faler. C.OVWAl. WOMKN Omaha Section. National Counrll of Jewish Women, will hold their board mectlnc at a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon, Thursday, Feb. ]fi at the home of Mrs. A. V. VenK cr, 1805 N. 51th St. Mrs. Sidney Schwartz will be co-hostess and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman will preside The croup's "Winter Wonder Ball" is scheduled for Feb. 23 at Hotel Fonlenelle. Dinner will be Borved from 8 to 10 p. m. Dane-
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UAIt and ''as Mitzvnh congratulatlons also for all Jewish holidayB ond BiWdal occasion*. Meyers New> Stnnd. 1502 Dodne
Free Torii\m}
|r>f e Four
Friday, February M, IDS*.
Sioux City Section Cmdr. Feddersen March of Dimes Brotherhood Guest
Advance Gifts To Open '56 Drive
Commander Morvln W. Fcddcrscn. battalian commander at the Sioux City Naval Kescrvc Center, will be the guest speaker at on nual Brotherhood meeting at 8 p. m., Sunday. Feb. 12, In the Jewish Community Center. Traditionally held In February under the .sponsorship of the Jack Greenberg Lodge of B'nai B'rith, the Brotherhood meeting will be chaired by Ilabbl Albert A- Gordon and will be participated in by clergymen of all faiths. Mayor W. Young and other leaders will also take part In the program. A mutical program, under the direction of Herman W. Slotsky, will feature Mrs. Margaret Hcnrickson, Paul Snydcr and Frankie Williams, all well-known in Sioux City. The meeting Is open to the public.
Sunday, April 15, will mnrk Uie formal opening of the 1956 UJA Campaign chairman, F r a n k J. Margolin has announced. The opening will take place at (he Advance Gifls Dinner at the Hotel Martin. Always a dramatic community event, thin year's opening UJA dinner will be colored by the important international events that focus on the Jews today, and particularly on Israel. As never before in Its eight year history, Israel's survival will be linked firmly with the success of the 1956 UJA drive, in Sioux Cily and elsewhere.
Hop Sat Feb. 18
FDR Chnpter, B'nal B'rith Girls will hold a MARCH OF DIMES jive sock hop, Saturday night, Feb. IB, at (he Jewish Community Center, The hop, following a Central High basketball game, will start at 9:30 p. m. and will be open to all senior high school students in the city.'Admission fees will all be tunied over to the March of Dimes drive. I'JIII Dclmao The BBG sock hop and the JCC Brotherhood hop, both of them Inter-falth and unscgrcgatcd. arc two Jewish-sponsored youth activities that have won city-wide fame as significant youth-conductFederation president, A. M. ed inter-group activities. Last Gruoxkin announced S u n d a y , year, FDR chapter received the March 4 t s the date of the FederaParents Magazine citation for extion annual dinner and meeting. traordinary community service. Paul DeJman will head up activiArlene Epstein is over-all dance ties as chairman of the meeting chairman. Co-chnirmen aiding her and the dinner program. are: Janet Raskin, Brenda KapPromising on interesting and lan, Serene Merlin, publicity; BetInformative evening, Mr. Dclman ty Dlmsdnle and Norcnc Merlin, stated that a program is being decorations;:.Brenda Kaplan, proplanned which will dramatize in gram. BBG advisors arc Mrs. Naa novel manner the many varied "The Golden Age News" is the than Goldberg; and Mrs. Sam problems, community issue*, human-interest IndderU, and re- name ot new publication of the Bernstein. sponsibilities that so with the Council-Federation Golden Age operation ot a central community Club distributed to the memberagency. The program, Mr. Dclman ship last week. To be Issued from explained, will present the heads time to time, the publication will "A Glimpno at World Jewry of Federation's several divisions contain personal news and social Today" will be the subject of In a town meeting type of forum, news items of members and their a talk by Rabbi Albert A. Gorin which they will have a chance families. It will also contain corto explain the workings of their respondence and on occasion don at the Hebrew Women's service and to answer challenging stories and articles written by Association luncheon at 1 p. m., questions about them. Tuesday. Feb. 14. in the Jewmembers themselves. Editor of the ish Community Center. Rabbi Also, as part of the program of irsl Issue wan Mrs. Leon DobrofGordon will compare the difsky. the annual meeting, there will l>c ferent types of communities the annual election of board memthill comprise world Jewry tober*. Man-in J. Kkuw, chairman he Federation board. Nnmlnaday. The. speaker will Iw introof the nominating committee, will lons and election will be conductduced by Mrs. l\an I,'u>ensky. " present a slate of candidates for ed according to provisions Itild election to three year term'- on i ilinvn In the Federation's charter.
Fed. Annual Meet Set for March 4
'Golden Age News' Issued to Members
A Glimpse at Jewry
Center Sports By Jim KmrlmUrh AIJ^STAlOi NAMKU Ten playen were picked by league officials and coaches to represent Omaha Jewish Youth Council in a basketball scries with the Sioux City. Members of the team from Raylm are: John Goldner, Al Corey, Larry Lincoln, Howard Kohn and Howard Goldstein. AZA 100 placed three men on the list: Bob Ep«teln, Jerry Rosen and Nelson Gordman and AZA 1 placed two with Chubby Passer anil Tom Brombcrg. Ballots were cast by Referee Steve Lustgarten, ilayim Coach Ed Belgrade, AZA 1 Coach Sam Epstein, AZA 100 Coach Jerry Simon and .T'r*1 Karbatsch. V. C. "A" IMSKKTIIAM. Running true to fonr In "A" Youth Council Basketlwill League, Raylm trounced AZA 100 li 88-2fi. but AZA 10O row; up to beat AZA 1, 39-'S4.ln last week's gnmes, Bob Epstein and Don Formnn teamed together for AZA 100 to score 2.*» points which balanced the 2*5 point*, storirj hv Kill: .ind Passer for the Mother Chapter. That left the liil'iiuf of the iroun;.; up to other fi'animatr's and they came through with i\ points each l»> Nellie fiordniuii anrl Mile lilatt. Larry Lincoln climhed up to tin* top in -c. in1: Illinois in t>in; Al f o i f j v it]] !(>(> point T ItASKKTIJAI.L H. A. Wolfe .suffered its firs! loss of the season to Independent Metal s'lu.'iri in Midget IJasketliall iasi week. Bruce Gold-stien .sank the winning basket w : th seconds t o go to v.'in the c,nme hy one point, after Jerry Coldstrom Cleared th(: hacklxiard from a missed free throw. Independent Metal, sparked by Justin Ban, trailed throughout three quarters and see sawed for the lend clear to tiw final l/uzzer. Roy Katsker was nidi point1 nmn for the game wifh I')
In thr other game. Mogen-Ua vid tied for second place by liciting Itlekes & Son 35-22 after jumping off to a 6-0 lead in the first quarter. Dan Holds came bock to Kiekes & Son squad nfter a two week illnexs and scored 14 point*, but the rebounding of Bill Ilorwich and Don Forman enabled Mngen-Davld to spread their scaring over almost the entire team. In the "B" l e a g u e . Fireside Restaurant continued their winning streak by running over Gerellck Motors 28-18. This team also has two top scorers In the league with Howard Slider nl 44 and Justin Mulnlck at 40. KlchnwnGordman squeaked by I-Go Van 24-21 while Slosbun; Realty hit 20 ogalmtt 15 for the Cowboys. Standings as of this week nrc Fireside 54), Slosburg and Richnian-Gortlmim 3-2, Gcrclick Motors 2-3 and 1-Gnn Vim nnrl Cowboyii nre M . v . c I»OWLIN<; Ijist Sunduy nt the I l w Bowl ••it least sixty kpcrtulors watched ii scratch bowling m:ilch between the hit,'h fives of the Yotith Couneil "A" League nnd the men's li'nai H'rllh Imwlers. Yfiuth Council lxiwlcrs Allkf Platt.,Jerry .Sherman, I^irry Herman. Howard Koopi'r and I',oh Kpstein were given a lesson in howliju: from the more experienced men. Final score for the match hetuecn the two teams1 was 2.K12 for the IJ'nai li'rith nnel 2.-I.1H for Youth Council. H'n.'tl li'rith was represented by Sam Knlzmnn, Paul Steinberg. \jm Singer. Ix'O Weitz and Phil Katzman. Hl|;h total for the day was hy Lou Sinner who put together lines of 21K, 207 and 179 for n C05 series. I>ol> Kpstein nearerl Iy>u Singer's total for hif;h game with .'i 212 and .'i r>78 «er>eH. Y.C. IjowlcrK were grateful for the pointers given to them hy the men nnd fidjusted nicely to llie finectnlor tension with every howler improving in each lino. The iliftvrvt\c(: in (he last line bet\wen
One of the most successful nicans of leadership training' offered by Federation, BrandelR Camp has turned out more than .10 local alumni and given them their start In Jewish communal leadership. Recclit graduates are Vicky Lasensky, Ed Shulkin, Frances Folk, Mrs. Neil Gorchow and Harold Ivener. Other Brandeis Cnmp alumni arc Mrs. Leonard Lcbowlch, Mrs. Willard Fish. Howard Chalkln, Ronald Grueskin, Harold • Rosenthai. David Bclln. Mrs. David Sterling, Harold Folk, Mrs. Norman Powell, Kay Krigstcn, Robert Kiilman, David Mazle and Dr. Norman Brodkcy. Applications arc still open to high school graduates 18 to 25 yearn of age, Mr, Goldberg tnted.
Campus News lly Dim I)«nily Jerry Hohennan and Iliirlmi Kmldlc have been selected by the Nebraska Z.B.T. chapter to ropresent It at th'e regional fraternity convention which will I * held at University of Indiana, in Iiloom> inglon, the first weekend in March. Donald Dandy and Michael Segal have recently been elected to the Heart and PngKor Club of the University of Nohnu-kn. Saturday, Feb. 4, David Snlzmnn, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Snl7man, received his Master of Ann Degree In Geography.
MIM 1'IIJIIIH Brriutrln
Jr. B.B. Bowling League 'Spring Serenade'
Camp Positions
The Brondels Institute Camp, at St. Sutana, Gil., attempts to train youth for leadership In the American Jewish community. Operating in an atmosphere of informal out' door camp life, it stimulated think* ing and discussion on Jewish problems In the American scene, Jewish literature, culture and art, Jewish religious observances and ceremonies, problems of Israel and methods of group work.
What's Doing?
Mr. Hurl Mrs. Max Sacks an nouncp the liar Mitzviih of their son, Michael, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Ijizei-son announce the Bar Mllzvnh of (heir son, Lynn, at a Joint ncnlco Saturday morning. Feb. 18 at Belh Kl Synagogue, Friends. and relative* arc Invited to attend the service and reception which will follow.
John Riekex wns high in Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling League with a 301 series. He scored games of 157 and 144. Ml*s Sheila Novak captured the queen's position in girls' division with a 237 nerics. A modest 8,1 average keglcr, jihe rolled game* of JZl-llL Malt Faicr picked tip the 0-10 split nnd Alls- Phyllis Kiit/nuin. the ,1-7.
The Federation Youth com. it(ec has begun sifting applications for 1056 Brandeis Institute Camp scholarships. Nathan Goldberg, Youth committee chairman stated that several applications have already been turned In, and many more arc expected, for the two Federation leadership scholarships.
The keynote speaker invited to address the opening dinner, according to Mr. Margolin, will be an unusual choice this year. Believing that Sioux City Jewish leaders this year, above all else, want the complete inside story, chairman Margolin and the UJA cabinet, arc making extraordinary preparations to bring a top-ranking authority to the opening meeting—not only a first-hand witness of historic events, but a genuine historic figure himself. The name of the guest speaker will be announced shortly, when all the details of his speaking engagement* in Sioux City have been completed. Announcements will follow on the opening dates of General Men's and Women's Divisions in Sunday, Feb. It succeeding Issues of the Jewish Junior Youth Clubs, JCC, Press, Mr. Margolin staled. Since JWV Committee, JCC. these divisions usually start and B.n. Brotherhood, JCC. finish immediately after the AdI'.SY. Shnare Zion. vance Gifts division, tlie campaign Mondny, Feb. IS tihs year promises to wind up .Sh.inre /.Ion Women's League. Board, Ir\ing Levich Residence. promptly early In the Spring.
Bar Mifzvah
Arnold Altmder, son of Mr.,nnd Mrs. Harry Altsulcr, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning, Feb. 17 and 18 at Temple. Israel. Friends And relatives are invited to attend the services and reception* which will follow.
Brandeis Institute Camp Applicants
By AZA No. 100 AZA No. 100 will hold Its nnnual fund raising affair Sunday, March 25 at Hotel Fontenelle. This year's affair In entitled "The Spring Serenwli-." The1 "AZA HX) .Sweetheart" will be crowned nt the dance. Ml*s Phyllis Ucrnstein i« on of the four c.indldatiK for ihe title. The l.r>ycur-iild Koplioinorn nt Ontr.il High S<I1UHII lia.s niiide an outxlniuliiiK record Ijolh in tile Jr-wiiili Youth Council and nt Central Illnh. She s the daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. David liernstein. Miss IJonlstein is a charter member of rtohaniic and Its first president.
One iveek remains fur interested collegiate« mid hl|:li schoolers to apply for n summer camp position nt Camp Jay-C-C. The deadline for npplicanlis has been »et for Chairmen for the dance are: February 15, and applications air available In ramp office at .IcwMi Bob Kpstein, Allan Forrnan, Mnrvin I'Vcedman, H'nvard Kaslow, Community Center. Howard Kooper, Arnold Joffe and Jerry Rosen. Phil Kutler and the two teams was only .'}."» pins I^)u ('anar an* dance advisors'. contrasted hy a firet line difference of 200 pins. Thanks for. finance-merits on Mother Chapter will meet this this match should i;o to Phil Kut- .Sunday at the Center. A cultural ler and Jerry .Sherman nnd the program will lie U:i\iuivd at the member'; of B mi Il'nlli «ho Mip- meeting. lJians have been complcmenlcd nil already full IIOMI- pleted for a llrothei hood lias!;( 1ing hchr-fluN h i l l [ . i m e t n In h e l d IV 111 il i l l Ti
AZA No. 1
Girls' Clubs M)xs Kllcn Canor wo* elected president ot the sixth grade girls' club "Dixie Dandies." Other off), cers arc: MUs Suzle Gllirusky. v!c<presldcntj Miss Kllzabcth "<nlzt Hccrctary. and Minn Iy>ls Grconl«rg, treasurer. ' Committee chairmen are: MIKK Linda Joffe, social; Misx Barbara Knplun. religious nnd cultural; Misses Vivl Fcliltruin and Sharon Miller, spoi In. A carnival In planned for Itanrch 11, with Misses dinar and Joffe heading tne commiltcp. Fifth graili1 (jlrls' club "Junior Debs" will hold a Valentine parly nt the Center Sunday. Planning the pai ty aie Misses Diane Drncnhcr:,', Linda ^ielfand and I'nrhani Kutler.
B'nai B'rith Girls Newly named B'nal H'rlth Girk' committee chainnen are: Mnrllyn Dvorkin, social; Harriet I Breslow, athletics; Barbara Bernstein, cultural; Lynn Singer nnd Pauline Stone, cooperation; Florence Shrag«, inter-j-roup; Sandy Matters, service, and I'.ozanne .Slnorin, religious. Plans haw IM-CII eom[ileted for the annual winier fiirnial ".StaiililM UaM" to be held r-'ehruary IS it )U in Hole)