f ,t,ru»n
I'ltlllAV iiilK/il,
Cultural Brotherhood Panel at Israeli Mission to Be Y Center Wed. Evening An outstanding array of Omnhsns. ench an expert in nix field, will tako part in a panel discus»lon on the timely topic, "Where da we stand in human relations In regard to education, civil right* and Inter-rellglous relations?" at 8:30 h. rn.. Wednesday. Feb. 22 in the Jewish Community Center! The program sponsored by Henry Monjky Lodge No. 354 of B'nal B'rlth will highlight the national observance of Brotherhood Week February 19 to 25. B'nal B'rith Is dedicated to Brotherhood, and Service to all, regardless of race, creed or color and Henry Muniky Lodge extends its invitation to all Omahans to attend. There Will be no charge for admission, i Otto W. Swanson, vice-president Of the Omaha Chapter of the National Conference of Christian* and Jews and the first recipient of Henry Monsky B'nal B'rith Americanism nward, will Introduce the guests and participants. ReVercml Nell Danbcrg, regional director of NCCJ, will modemte the discussions. The panel will consist of the following Omahnns: Dr. 1,00 R. Kennedy, Professor of Education at Crclshton University and dl-
17 J7,
l a w , I'ubiuieo ertrj trloar, 10) N. sutu. Annual Kate < u m u n JWj>" < oinolia. Kturaika, Phone JA 1300 simple Qfcle GOUT Cony II CeoUi
&.; Israel Sign Beef Agreement
An fJni'g Shabbat, sponsored by the Omaha Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, honoring four distinguished citizens of Israel will be held* at 2 p. m., Saturday, Feb. 25 Forty million pounds of kosher beef tlie equivalent of about at the Jewish Community Center. 60,(M)U licnd of cattle will be purchased by Israel from the United An invitation is cxtcnde: to all in States, Mrs. ,1. Harry Ktilnkofskv was informed in a letter Saturoui ,-ir. to attend this function. day from Roman Hruska, U. S. Members of the cultural mission Senator from Nebraska. are Dr. Hanoch Rclnholdt, DirecThe agreement was announced . tor )t Youth Resettlement in Isby Secretary of Agriculture Ezra rael: Dr. Uriel Heyd, Ast.oc.inlc Tart Benson and Israel Ambassa- • Piod-ssor of Middle Eastern Culdor to the U. S. Abba Eban signed ture nt HtLrew University; Dr. for Israel. Bormiul Clientele, Director GenMr. Benson said the agreement eral of the Board of Governors of will permit Israelis to greatly InHebrew U. and an nuthority on crease their consumption of beef the "Dead Sea Scrolls:" and Mrs. during the next year. The program Phyllis Palgi, anthropological nd»III raise the consumption of meat vlsor to the Tsrni'li Mlnistr" of am' poultry In Israel from about Health, 24 pounds per person a year to 49 Tlie group visiting | n Omaha pounds per person, Mr. Benson's February 23 to 25 Is part of the statement affirmed. Israeli Town Hall Mission sponThe agreement signed last Frisored by Town Hall Inc., witli the day was witnessed by Senators cooperation of the Foreign Policy Hruska, Thomas Martin of Iowa, Association. Browncll Hall will be F r a n k B a r r e t t of Wyomlng,Host to the group at 2:30 p. m., Bourke Hlekenloopor of Iowa'and Thursday, Feb. 23 at n convocaGeorge Bender of Ohio and it intion. At 8 p. m., that evening at volves the sum of ten million dolBrowncll Hall, the mission will lars for the purchase of the kosher conduct a typical Town Hall panel tieef for which tickets will be made available without charge to the general public. The group will he guests of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Friday, Feb. 2\ Uiihhl Arthur I.elyvclil
Rabbi A. Lelyveld Will Speak Here
panel member.
rector of the dcpurtmcht; Dr. Wllford Payne, Professor of Humanities at the University of, Omaha, and Jack W. Marer, one of Omaha's leading nttbrneys and President of the Federation for Jewish Service. The meeting is open to all. Admission Is free. Refreshments and n social hour will follow.
Women Units to Hear Chicago U. Professor Di. Herman Finer, Professor of Political Selcneo at the University of Chii'.u;o, will discuss "The Defense of Our Democratic Freedoms" at ii Joint meeting of women's (irgnnlzntlonii' at 12:30 p, m,. Tuesday. Feb. 21 in the Jewish Community Center, The croups who will hear Dr. Finer lire: B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky find Nebraska Chapters; Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women and Hadassah. A d c w r l luncheon will be scried nnd babysitter service will bo provided.' All members and friends of the-sponsoring organizations are Invited to attend. Professor Finer, • a Doctor of Science (economics and political science), came to the United States in 1041 from the University of London where he was a senior faculty member 'or 22 years. He Is n visiting professor at Harvard and Yale Universities. Dr. Finer is a member of the University of Chicago Round Table of the Air and has instructed tclc-
I'Kliltl'AHV i MlHimil
I)r. llrrnum Finer vision programs Including a full credit course on "Governments and Human Nature." Ho Is the author of 14 outstanding original works on government, administration, economics nnd international politics.
Salute to Jewish Music Over W O W » In celebif'tlion of Jewish ^fusic Month, Januuiy 2H to February 2S, the Jcviish ConimunltN Center m conjunction with Radio Station WOW will present u program of Jewish music Sunday, Fell 'X from 4,03 to 4:30 p. m. Featured soloist will lie Miss Idn Gltlln, Choir Director cif Temple Israel. Prof. Hans B.ier, noted pianist, will play some of his original compositions, Mrs. Harry DuBoff will IH? piano accompanist. Elaine Jabenls will act as moderator. Jewish Music Month materials arc on display In the Joslyn Museum end the Jewish Community Center.
Kabbl Arthur I.elyveld, former ipliitual leader of Temple Israel, will he the featured speaker of the Third Annual Dinner of the Brandels University Associates to b(< held nt the Blackstonc Hotel Wednesday. Feb. 29. Rabbi Lelyveld Is now the National director of the B'nal B'rith Ilillel Foundation. Morris K. Jacobs is chairman of the local committee sponsoring the dinner to which the public i: invited. Other members of the committee are Mrs. Hymnn Fctcr. Mrs. Joe Zweiback, Dr. A. Greenberg, Frederick C. Cnismnn and Ephralm L, Marks. The Brundels University Associates arc "foster alumni" of the University,
Education Survey Plans Discussed 'Flanders Carnival* Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of Jewish EducaFilm at Center Sun. oftion,theandBureau Solomon Goldfarb, coThe French film masterpiece "Carnival In Flanders" will be presented this Sunday at 8:15 p. in., In the Jewish Community Center as the fourth presentation of the Center Foreign Film Series. Admission is by scries ticket or hlnglc admission of 75 cents.
ordinator of the Omaha Jewish Education Survey, discussed layIng the groundwork and organizing the Omaha survey at the Midwest regional meeting of American Association for Jewish Education held In Chicago last weekend.
Omahans In the News
Hurry DuBoff, Vice-Presidcnt of Belli El Synagogue, has been elected to the Nntlonbl Council of the United Synagogue of Amorlcni national body of Conservative' Synagogues In the United States and Canada, The National Council icrves as the advisory body to tlie National Executive Committee of the United Synagogue and consults with the Rxccutive Committee on all miittcii of major national policy. Mrs. Jay Cbornlack wus elected .second vice-president of the Family nnd Child Service of Omaha nt a meeting held recently. Mrs. Edward Levlnson was elected to the hoard of governors. The service Is n United Community Services agency.
Sunday Radio Kabbl Jonathan : B.. Wise of Central Synagogue In New York City will discuss "George Washington" on the Message of Israel s c r i e s broadcast over KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. The Sternal Light scries will be heard over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
Steering Committee of 1956 Women's Division of Philanthropies Drive
Tin- first gathering of tlie 19.10 Women's Division l'lillnntlitjiplrs Storing comnillti-e lii'lil recently bruugM together tlie ubovn wonioji: (I, to r.) front row an Miss lintuli Kninlilln, Mr*diimrn K. IA-U NORR, Kdwln K. llrodkry, Max C'unur nnd Harry sliliiinn; (I. to r.) tmrh row nri> Mran. Davr f'ohn, Julra M. Nrwmnn, Henry A. Sew-
man, Mllte Fireman, Dsvld tireenberg, Kdward E. Brodkey, David Sherman, i. H»r*7 • Khltikofsky 4ijil,Albert B, Newman; Nut present are: Mints. Joe Greenbcrg*, Morri* < Kutlcman, I.ouln Kiilukof»ky, Krnett A. Noes. Aaron Kips, Hubert Summer* and Harry Trimtln. "
' * * * • Two'
Friday, February 17, 1050.
Neighbor Sabbath By B.I. Sisterhood PobOsbed Breiy Friday by the Federation for J e w l * Service u i m M Mcoootiur u u m u umuu. fwcruu BOOM UM v t ot Utiio J, 18; W U H I WIIMHUS Ha. WU BUHL Oculu. fiibr.. J&ckwo ItM. f i w a n «mi iwn« lauacrwt tiAKM* BALPEin
With Hie Folks At Home
Religious News
Monsky Lodge Henry M o n s k y Lodi;i> H'nal B'ritb business meeting, originally scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. IB, has been Changed to Monday evening, Feb. 20 at the Fireside Heslaurant. Members arc Invited to Join the executive committee for 6:30 p. m. dinner or attend the meeting of the Lodge at A 30 p. m.
Tbo Annual "Know Your Neighbor" Sabbath, siKjnsorer1 by Uctl) I-i.iel Sisterhood, will bo held lit 8 1>. m., Friday, Fob. 24 in Ucth 1-iael S y n n n o R u o , 52nd and Charles i;t. lir'Vercnil Nc-il 13. Dan berg, reCional director of the Natoiial Conference of Christians and Jews, Beth Israel Men «ill speak on "New Hope in Humnn Relations." Cantor EH Kn- Alvln Goeser, Director of Public Krin will direct the choir in the Relatlonos for the World Insurance incing of the Psalms. A short dls- Company and faculty member of twfiion i»erio<I, led by Rabbi Ben- the University of Omaha, will adjamin Groner, will folltjw the serv- dress the Beth Israel Men's Club, ice. Sisterhood members will be Barney Drcvlch, club p r o g r a m hostesses at the tea following In chairman, announced. The dinner meeting will be held the social hall. at 7 p. m., Thursday, Feb. 23, In the Beth Israel social hall. For reservations call the synagogue ofMrs. Vance Honored fice, RE 0288.
Newt and happenlngi a t The Dr. Philip Sl>er Jewish Home For The Aged, by David Orkow. S:M p. m , CandtoJ e htin R February 10: Mi*. Either Malatbodc and Mr*. Esther Rotentbal w e n welcomed a t new residents Temple Israel tt the home. Worship services this evening o . February 12: a'-r. Herman Nichols went to Lincoln today to Temple Israel wHl be held at 8 Mm. Genia Twermky o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks see his great-grandson,. Michael 'will discuss "The Rsbbi Who Sdxwartznian* Wouldn't Pray." February 13: A Kiddiuh, folServices Saturday morning will Personable and charming, Mrs. lowed by a special dinner, was giv- be at 10:30 o'clock for members of Veme Vance, president of Urban Need Wedding Gowns en by David Orkow today to mark the religious school and adults. League, was awarded the third Wedding gowns vintage of 1940 his fifth anniversary as home diMrs. Genla Twcrsky, a member annual "B'nal B'rith Women's Citi- or older nre needed by Omaha Sec« rector. zenship Citation" last Thursday at tion, National Council of Jewish of the Israel Parliament, will be February 14: Rabbi Nathan BertiH guest of Chapter I and Kadimah a joint B'nal B'rith chapters' lunch- Women. Call Mrs. Stanford LipFeldman of B'nal Jacob-Adas sey, WA 6183. Sabbath Services at Beth El Chapter of Pioneer Women. Mrs. eon meeting. Yeshuron Synagogue visited our Synagogue will begin at 8:13 p. m. Twcrsky will, be guest speaker a t folks today. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver February 15: Osias Wddmann, j the sermon. Cantor Aaron X Bt- a dty-wide luncheon Wednesday, one of our residents, wai honored igar and the Beth El Synagogue Feb. 22 a t the Fireside Restaurant today, when he was granted Unit- Choir will render the musical por- a t 12:30 p. m.fqt reservations RUG & UPHOLSTERY ed States Citizenship in cere- Mom of the service. call Mrs. J. Feldman at RE 0938 CLEANERS monies in federal court. Sam Post , Sabbath morning services will be or Mrs. R. Corey- at RE 3988 no cr gave a Kiddush today on tbc .at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congrega- later than Feb. 20. Baby sitter RUGS—CARPETING occasion of Yahrzeit for his Fa- tion Services are at 10:30 a. in. service will be available. LAMP SHADES ther. Omaha Chanter of Brandcis Mincha-Maariv Services arc at Mrs. Twcrsky will address a University entertained our folks 5:30 p. m. Sunday services arc at combined meeting of both chapFURNITURE with a full-length, feature film. 9 a. m. ters that night, at 8:30 at the Cleaned In Your Homel T The showing of the movie was fol Daily services are at 7 a. m. and ewish Community Center to lowed by refreshments served uri 7 p.m. F!id!»9 • Laying • Rtpalring which the public Is invited. No der the chairmanship of Mrs. Harreservations necessary. ry Rochman. Don Bernstein HA 2554 Beth Israel February 19: A special program has been planned by Mrs. Abe Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Ginsburg, as chairman of the Brotherhood Week affair spon- Kli Kngan, Beth Israel Choir and members of the Senior "U" Class sored by B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter. The program will be- will conduct late Friday evening gin a t 2 p. m. and everybody is services at 8 p. m. Kabbolns Shabbos becin at 5:13 welcome. p. m. Sabbath at 8:30 a. m. Junior Coming Event: TTic Purim Par- Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath A Joy and a Delight—N. Y. Times t y this year will be held Sunday. Minchn at 5:45 p. m. followed by Feb. 28. at 2 p. m. This affair is Sholcshc S'eudos and M.iariv, Dally sponsored by B'nal B'rith Nebras- services at 7 a. m. and 6 p. m FIRST TIME IN AMERICA! ka Chapter No. 346. Mrs. Harry Sunday services at 8:45 a. m. SunEpstein is in charge of the pro-day morning Junior Minyan at 8:30 gram.
Israeli Pariiament Member to Speak
rtjW\ Just mix and bake
Don'f Miss These Two
CAKE make
Beth El Host An all-day meeting of the board of Midwest Region of United Synagogue of America was held Sunday a t Beth El Synagogue. Delegates from S t Louis, Kansas City, St.* Joseph, Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul were in attendance. Beth El Sisterhood members served as hostesses at dinner, with Mrs. Joseph Guts, Mrs. M. A. Venger, Mrs. David Conn and Mrs. A. D Frank in charge.
Photography Workshop To Be Offered at Joy A photography workshop will Iw offered to beginners of all ages at the Jewish Community Center. The eight sessions will cover the fundamentals of photography and will be geared for b a n n e r s . The workshop will be under the direction of Harry Rock who has h;id many years of experience in tiirj field of photography.
Sioux CHyan to Speak ! To Farband Group 1
- Max Kaplan of Sioux City, la., will address a meeting of Farband Labor Zionist Branch 5 Poalc Zion to be held at 8M p. m., Saturday. Feb. 18 in the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Kaplan, regional president, will install officers of the Omaha group. Officers to be Initalled arc: Mrs. Marian Bondarin, chairman; Max Reisbaum, vice-chairman; Harry ttifkin, record secretary Sam liif:in, Poalc Zion secretary; Louis 'reedman, treasurer; Hen Klainian, hospitaler; Joe ItadinowskJ, 'inanctal secretary; J. Keldinan, 'xecutlvc board. Refreshments will bo sr-rved by committee headed by Sl'-»d.invs :ina Feldman and Ito.e Cohen. rUvs(rv.itiuni will be taken until fi m tins fvemnj;
Obitua ry
Services were held Monday, Feb. 33 Tor Mrs. Carl Furth with interment ot Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Furth, 84, died Friday. Feb. ] 0 at n local hospital. A native of Palmira, Mo., Mrs. Furth was a Omaha resident for more than 50 years. She Is survived by her daughter. Mrs. Leon Marks of Omaha ond two grandchildren.
White Cake Mix • Yellow Cake Mil Devil's Food Mix • Cinferbread Mil Pound Cake Mix Hooey 'a' Spice Cake Mil
Want Ads m
J 0J e n t i t
An and n a s MJt/vuh ronpratuknlonr, nho for all Jewish I10JI<I;iy5 nnd special occiisions. ileycrs Nf;w. Stand. 1502 Dodfie
DANCERS • SINGERS COMPANY This Attraction Recently Toured Israel March 1 — 8:15 P.M.—Thursday
Workmen's Circle Party
Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club ill hold (heir February birthday arty at 0 p. m., Sunday, Feb. lit n the Labor Lyceum. The follownz will CPlebrjtc their li.rthd.-i>1:: Hr. and Mrs. Louis Witkin, Mrs. \be Forrnan, anti Mrs. Nath.in Adolph Homstein ?rman. Supper will be served at C p. m. Word has been received here of program of Je;\:.h sc»n,;s wj]j t«' the death of Adolph Hormteln February 7 in Los Angeles, Cal. irescnted. Rehearsals are in progress tor He is survived by tils wife, Bess, formerly of Omaha; and five bis- The Bride's Dream," a four-acl fieladrama which will be offered ters and two brothers. \pril 2D.
Mrs. Ccrl Furth
Keihef, to»~ It hai Die ret Dr»e«iry coiti no mne
S. HUR0K *...„..
Children—S1.0O 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Family
BUFFET SUPPER Children—SI.50 5 to 9 p.m.
$4.50 PER TICKET Send Orders with Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelopes to
Hotel Blackstone
Mrs. Irving Herzog, 668 N. 66»h St. W A 2080 Order Now!
Free Parking
Friday, Frlinmry 17, 1958.
r*gt Three. *\
Council Will Hold Winter Ball Fete
MI/ltACIII WOMEN A board mod Ing of Omaha Chapter, Mizraelil Women, was held last weoic at the home of Mrs. IS.I;. s i s T r . i t i i o o n Herman Franklin. The Donor Omah.i Section, NailonnI Ciiui\Vinn('iK of ronte.sts at thr- Luncheon Circle was reactivated lty Huns Boer cil of Jrwi-.lt Women, will hold ' ( \ j u n l i y I . i n " d a m e h( I'l <it 1 h«> To attend the donor luncheon, one The Omaha Symphony Orches* their "Winlfr Wonder Hall" at llelh 101 Synai;ui:iie social li.-i U tra in its fourth concert comeither contributes cash or joins p. m., Saturday, Fell. 23 in Hi Fi-liiuary 11 ait- .is follow,' Idenmeliorated the Mozart Bi-Contenthe Circle. To join the Circle, one nial and the 90th birthday of Finilotcl Kmlonelle. Mrs. h.dni y tifiul j ; n , i t i , t iitwnljer of Inljy dives a dessert luncheon. The re- land's eminent composer Jan SiSchwartz, chairman fur Die affair, Jjlctuif", M i s L m n .Simon; I'irtannounced the appointment of tif si li.iby M i s . .SeXvjn Itijffin,in; ceipts benefit the Children's Vil- belius. The program opened with ticket chairmen, Mesdaim , I,eo Hest t\iki i 1st p n / e , Mrs. M o i n s lage in Itaanan, Israel. Mozart's overture to the "Mar^ Etsenstatt, Isndurc I.lbcmian and Mines. Mary Zalk, Bessie Uehn riago of Figaro." Though this masArkin; 2nd prize, Mm. Munis FellKdwln Milder. man; .In! prize. Mrs. Sam Ilor- and Ida Urown will Rive a dessert ter work was technically well Their commit lee Includes: Mine, wlch; 'llli prize, Mrs. Albert lllm- luncheon at 1 o'clock, Tuesday, played, we would have wished a Homer Farber, Julius Culm, Stuart Feb. 21, at the home of Mrs. somewhat quicker and partly more mennan. Simon, Hyman l'Vrer, Louis Kal/, tender interpretation to scoop out Door prize was won by Mrs.Zallt. 115 N. 50th S t Warner Krohman, Joseph ZuciA bake sale will be held at the more of the delicate spirit of this Hubert Kndelnian. baeh, Irvln Sherman, Lloyd Kindlirandeis Store, Monday, Feb. 20. music. Three extremely charming I'Mnred nhovu «iro tlrket mnn, Harry KIsenstatt, Martin Mrs. Lewis Gcrclick is chairman. "German Dances" p/id also the rliitlniii-ii for Council's "WinU-r 1IADASSA1I COUNCII, Stoenbcrg, Gerald Uernsli-in, (Jil\V»nil"r IliUL" They urr: (L to MCIDIMTS of the Kducatiiuiul Anyone wishing to contribute "Prague Symphony" were interbert Friedcn, Morton Fricdlnnder, r.) M-Mdnim-s K. Mllilrr, I . Kl- Council of Omaha Chapter Hadas- baked goods, please call Mrs. preted with all of Mozart's nuJack Jacolwoi., Harold Hrodkey, Mnslutl und I. JJlHrmun. sah will m « l Saturday, Feb. lit,Gercllck. HA G375 or Mrs. B.ances. Iiadorc Chopman, Dave Fedcr, The climax of the program how. for their monthly Oneg She-bat at Grossman, HA 7316. Hany'nochmnn, AJon Farbcr, I*o a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon, at the Mizrachi VTomen's Organization ever came with the rendition of Nogg, Ray Simon, Yale Richards. Hadassah Bowling the symphony N. 2 in'D major by home of Mrs. Abe Bear, 2115 So.Midwest conference will convene Eme»t NOKB, Ed Malashock, Nor42nd st. Co-hostess will bo Mrs.Feb. 29 at Kansas Ctiy, Mo. The Sibelius. man Cain, Leonard Fricdel, Sidney High bowlers in J I a d a s s a h Robert Falcr. chapter will send delegates. Taren, Loul*. Hurwitz, Laznr Kap- League this week arc: P. Marcus arc Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lcmmerlan, Bernard Altsulcr and Al Ne401, n. Gclfand 489, L. Hoberman MON8KV CHAPTER man of Maplewood, N. J. pomnlck. 478, A. Sncider 459, M. Fromkin February Board Meeting of 458, E. ROSJ 450, H. Cronland 440, Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nal A son David Jahr HaJpcrt was L. Faler 434, B. Swartz 430, E. B'rith, will be held at 1 p. m., Visitors Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Lemmer- born Monday, Feb. 13 to Mr. and Rico 426, A. Schulman 425, n. Thursday, Feb. 23, at the home of man announce the birth of a son Mrs. Harry Halpert at a local hosMrs. Tiybc Cross of Burlington, Platt 424, S. Greenberg 422, D. Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, 2615 N. 51 pital. This is the couple's first la., and Mr». Gladys Perllk and Fcllman 419, H. Shukert 409, It. Avc. Mm, Ben Blatt will be co- Daniel Jacob born January 31 at child. Maternal grandparents are daughter Beth Jean of Chicago, all Spkoloff 406, B. Raznik 406, I. hogtess. Plans will be made for the a local hospital. The couple has Dr. and Mrs. Herman Jahr and former Omahami, will ottend the Gaer 405, L. Epstein 403, C. Milder March meeting, which will bo the-two other sons Alan and David. paternal grandparents are Mr. and Baa Mitzvah of Ron] Meyer at 402, Splits were concerted by E. Coin Showpr for the Leo N. LcW Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Saui Weiss of Irvlngton, Mrs. Max Halpert of Philadelphia, Beth El Synagogue. Hospital Project. Rice, 3-7, nnd L. Epstein, 5-10. N. J., and paternal grandparents Pa.
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Special Carload Sale of Sam Moore Chairs Custom Built—Fine Construction Styles! Traditional or Modem! Mahogany Finished Wood Trim!
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Free Delivery to Any Town Within 200 Miles Furniture—Seventh Floor
Pose Four
Arrangements by Mrs. Irv Mittleman Mrs. Irving Mittleman is to be Chairman of the Annual Pinner arrangements, P a u l Dolman announced this week. She will be aided by Mrs. Louis G. Fish In the preparing of the dinner menu, Metdames Llbby Bashefkin, S. Ben Gelfand, Morris Robinow and Esther Skalovsky, In the supervision of the kitchen, and by Mesdamcs Wm. Kiitcher and Edward Kantor in the setup of the dining room. .The annual dinner program, according to Mr. Delman, will concist of a forum made up of Mrs. A. M. Davis, chairman of the Social Service Committee; Mrs. Albert A. Gordon, Nursery School chairman; Louij Betln, Hebrew School chairman; Nathan Goldberg. Youth Actlvics chairman; David J. Albert, Allocations chairman; President A. M Grueskin and O. Lltllerield. Representing Federation's various divisions these panelists will quiz each other on the whys and wherefores of their departments' activities. The questionings will be pointed and aimed at bringing out facts. The public will also be invited to ask questions of the panelist*. Mr P •<~\
frldny, Frlirunry 17, IBM,
Chairman Says . . .
Sioux City Section Mrs. Karl Named B&P Chairman
United Jewish Appeal Chairman Frank 3. Margolin has announced that Mrs. Stanley Karl will head the business and professional women's division this year. Always conducted as a separate independent division, B. & P, Women reach those women who follow business or professional careers. The division maintains separate autonomy because business nnd professional women can seldom find time to attend women's division luncheons or fit their schedule into the activities of women who are primarily homemakcrs. However, the two divisions work closely, a n d M r / . Karl will work coopcratlvciywlth Women's Division Chairman Mm. Committee mi-mlxm lire planning a I'urlni Luncheon fur CounLeo Chalkln. Mrs. Karl announced that the B. cil-Federation (ioldi'ii ARC (Iroup. Tiioy lire: Left to right—Mrs. A. Tilevlctz,Mr*. Joe Ililin. Mm. Ike WeJiittrln, Mrs. I t Itown, Mr*. & P. Women's giving has always been on n high level In Sioux City A. Orllkoff, K, Uorkln, Mm. It. Uurkln, II. Friedman, Jacob floldnnd that the women arc proud of berg, -Mrs, i. Monlrow, Mrs. Frank Gorchow, Mr*. Sira SluUky, their record in the past years. Ten- Mm. II. Frlodman. Mrmbcn of the. lumlnwn committee not shown tative plan* fur the division arc to are! Mrn. Ilarr) !.•«•, M M . lltnnali Harks and presldrnt Samuel hold ;i Sunday night dinner on the Sack*. same date tli.it th>> General Men's Di.Wlon hold their dinner. In the Thorough preparations, down to have shared the last place card and decorations InterfaithTeabyMt. UJA Women's Division's c/itn- past these divisions l the hani'"* gut *t speaker. detail, arc being made for the Sinai Sisterhood Feb. 24 paign plans arc progressing rapid* Golden Age Purim luncheon, Wedly. chai.-man Mrs. Leo Chnikln rrMt. Slnal Sisterhood will hold nesday, Feb. 29, at the Jewish ports, W.rklng in a steerinK com- Purim Dance Feb. 25 Community Center auditorium. Al- an intcr-faith tea at 1:30 p. m. Frlmittee of 15 members, the WomShaurc Zion Women's League ways proud of their holiday and day, Feb. 24, in the Temple Annex. en's Dlvihion leaders have begun recruiting a corps of volunteer >will hold tmftr annual Purim Dance Jewish festival banquets, t h e The ladles of the First Baptist, Saturday, Feb. 25, at Hotel Martin. Purini luncheon Committee has ancaptains tl»at they hope will reach F i r s t Christian, Congregational a total of ICO—thereby Insuring Mrs. I-eonard 1-etwwltz and Mrs. nounced that no effort will be Nate Magid are dance chairmen. spared to make this the biggeit and Unitarian Churches will bo adequate coverage of all Jewish Jimmy Hittle's orchestra will pro- since the organization was started guests. women in Sioux City. in October of 1954. Rabbi Saul X. Ail the Women's Division's ef- vide the music. Mesdamet Victor Mazlc and Bolotnlkov will be gueit speaker forts and preparations are being Jack Ttohlnson aro tea chairmen. focused on opening date tentn- J A. M. Grueskin, A. A, Gordon, Hi the program. The program will consist of a skit lively set for early in April. Mem- j Nathan Goldix, Joseph Kulman, President Samuel Sacks also anbera of the steering group aiding j Sidney Kalln, Karl Kline. Frank nounced that election of new offi- "Jewish Holidays in the Home," Mrs. Chalkiri are Mesdames A. M.' Margolin, r. Mittleman, H. R. lln- cers will be held at the meeting written and acted out by SisterDavls. E. W. Baron, Robert Friend, blnowitz anil Morris Wclncr. following the program, hood members.
Purim Luncheon for Golden Agers
Women s Division Steering Group
Center Sports •.s I-Go (li'fc.itrtl Slinhui'i; lU'alty tram 13-ZI; Flre»l<lc beat UicnV. C. (illlLS VOLLEYBA1.J. - nian-Gordrnan 26-11 unil Gerelick Girls Youth Council Volleyball j M 7to«"'m7rc;imp'\he ' Cmvboys last 20-ia. Hint leaves Fireside ast week saw the best game oof[ ! | nj ? u r 2016 the season between Debs 1 • undefeated 6-4, Slosburg, RlcliB B. G. as the latter took 11 r mnn-Gordmnii and Gerelick each 15-7 and 18-16. Tills le.i base a .T-3 rerand. I-Go Van reB. B. G on lop with a 4-1 icmrd mains a threat with a 2-4 record. followed hv Dctx 1 3 3 pnrt Del* 2 The best game of the day in that 3-2. league HOI i nee-saw battle bet tween Gerellek nnd the Cowboys VAltSITV HASKETIJAI... lire Uud Kpstein for the winners Both Center Varsity teums met poured in 12 polnth. defeat last -week in invitational "A" League Basketball saw two competition at the Jay gymnasium thrillers with II. A. Wolf winning The first gume featured the .ICC a disputed game ncainst 5log.cnBarnstormers and AA Briley Mo Dnvld 22-27. A discrepancy In tors team. The score of that scoring called for nn argument to game wan 86-60. In' the second replay the last quarter which game, the JCC Windjammers liwl started nt 13-14 In favor of Mogcnby ten points to Mondo'x, 47-37. David. The score ended In a 22-22 tie and saw H. A. Wolf come out "ft" BASKKTBAIX In front during one overtime on ' Slnal standings in Youth Oiun- baskets by Gould and Wise and ell *'B" basketball find both IViyirn one free throw by Katskec. B and Rayim C on top of the Hiekes & Sons had a hard time heap. Rayim B had 8-1 record and Ruylm C ended with u 5-1 rotting past the Independent record. Th<" C team achieved this Metal defense and could only score standing in the last giimc by limit- 28 points with three men doing the scoring. The picture of the ing AZA ifjOC 99-25 In thr- best victory lies In the fact that Inplayed gmne of the season. AZA dependent Metal had all but one 100C w.is nutsruird in every i|unr- man in the (.coring column. Thin ter except the first which ended was a close game all the way with 6-6 but thi" eo-opcrntiw senrim; tiic loser out in front a Rfwtl deal of Wintr/mii, Oreenl>erK, ,'ind Olcun of the time. put Rnyirn ahead and kept them there. This m'Ttns a clean sweep by V.C. IIANKKTiiAM, Ttayim in the basketball season, With one moir wcelc of coinwinning the "A" loaew and plae-. petition to go. liaylni ii.itirnily Ing OIH1. two in the "T." league. l(X)ks like sure to have an undefeated season. IJISI week they V.C. UAUMINTON Nineteen entries are in for the ran over'AZA 100 51-.'18 and next Youth Council Hoys Badminton v.wk they meet AZA 1 who they Tournament. Three, double learns have beaten twice all ready. At will also compete. Competition the other end of the scale, AZA starts Monday, Feb. 20 at .'!:.'U) ItAlii lias not liad a win all senson Ixrinf; lK-iiten liy AZA 1 M-l!) •p.-mj in fhc Center Gym. • -• their lost time out," That leaves AZA ] with' a 7-1 Tecord arid AZA OTDfiKf fJAfiKKTBAtX Mlctgt'f Basfcetfcaii l i s t 'Sunday 100'with it 4-7"rMinl to Rlvtf a «aw a three way tie for second clear a demnrcatlon in the standplace develop in the "K" League ings.
News Can Change But Needs Remain Sounding the right publicity note to the United Jewish Appeal is a problem when the overseas news picture changes from day to day, according to UJA publicity chairman David J. Albert. Looking ahead to a campaign opening dale in April, no one can foresee the state of mind of tho Jewish community with respect to the Israel crisis, on the day the drive starts. Spirits may g» up or down with each new overseas development, Mr. Albert p o i n t e d out, but changes in the Israel news will not actually affect the UJA need this year. UJA will still need to raise IU full quota of dollars and the special fund of $25,000,000, even if the Egyptian arms crisis were to tic completely settled. The funds arc needed for the ImmlKratlon of North African Jews, and for the economic absorption of immigrants Into Israel. The Sioux City UJA needs, which also Include the o p - ' cratlon of the Jewish Federation and allocations to National agencies, arc bound to remain the same,' The news picture dramatizes Israel for us, Mr. Albert stated, and brings the needs of overseas Jews sharply to our attention. However, Sioux City Jewry's respond- • bllity'ls still lo the Unlled Jewish Appeal./ .,
'Honor Medal1 Winner To Address Veterans Since attendance for the Jewish War Veterans Tenth Anniversary Banquet will be limited to 200, Chairman Ben Shapiro announced that reservations must be In no later than Monday, Feb. 20. Ben Kaufman, National Executive Director of the Jewish War Veterans and.holder of tho Congressional Medal of Honor, will be principal guest speaker.
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
By Jim Ksbatwh
Mr. and Krs. Harry Althulor announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Arnold will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. Friends and rclativcx arc invited to attend the services nnd receptions which will follow.
Teen of the Week lf> IIuu •>• Kon|>er Arthur Novak, president of Jewish Youth Council, is Hie "Teen of the 'Veck." I!c is the son'of Mr. and Mrs. lion Novak. A senior at Central High School. Mr. Novak Is a major In Central ROTO. He Is a member of Rnylni.
Campus News Marvin Urcslow, I.arry Schwartz and Stan Fe-Hman of Sigma Alpha Mu have entered the Delta Sigma Klio speech contest. Alan Farfinkle will tin his uradiiate work nt Harvard University. Bennett Albert was accepted nt College of Medicine at Nebrnskx Larry Kpstein was appointed to the ex'-cufive boaril of a Nchl. Ucd Cross unit, Sunday evening tin; CJni.'dia Mothers' Club of Z?m Hot a Tan hold their annunl Parents Dinner, For the first lime In miiny years alitmni'of tli« Alumni Club «ltended"nmf" tiartrcipnfed in (lie short meeting' afterwards. Tlic dinner' was nrr.in'.ed liy
Lyiih Ijtizcrson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay A. Lazcrson, nni Michael Sad^fi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Sneks, will celebrate their Bar Mitzvah at u joint service nt Beth HI Syn.i^oguc Saturday morning, Feb. 18. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the service nnd reception which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Ronle, and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tarnoff announce the Bos Mitzvah of their daughter, Bonnie, at a Joint service Friday evening, Feb. 24 and Saturday morning, Feb. 25 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend '.he services nnd the receptions which will follow.
Youth Brotherhood Fete In observance of ISrotherhood Week, United Syn.-igoKuc Youth, Temple and Belli Israel youth groups arc planning nn'inteiTaith program to he ln-lil Sunday, Fc-li. 11*. Kacli mciniK'r was asked to invite a non-Jewish friend to attend. Heveri'iul Neal I);inbcri; of N;iIjoonal C'onferf.'ntv of Christians and .lews will fop ^UCM sfK-alcor and lead the discussions. Mrs, Leon f'ellm.'in ami Mrs. Irvinj; Jfor/og. The difieu.s.sion wan 1.1*. liy ftobnrt Frotnkl'n, fincident <% the Alumni Club, uiiil Lloyd FriMlm. n. Iristcc of the frnternily.
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Miss Fran Davidson
Sweetheart Candidate Miss Fran Davidson, 17, a Junior at Central High School, is one of the four candidates for tho title of "Sweetheart of AZA 100." She il the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, David Davidson. Miss Davidson is athletic committee chairman of Debkn Debs, a member club of tho Jewish Youth Council. She is a member Of Central High Players, Thespians, Library Club nnd Junior Iti'd eras';.
B.E. Purim Carnival A Purim Carnival for nil children of IJeth K| Synagogue&nd Its school!! will be held Purim, Feb. 20, in social hall of Synagogue fooinning at 2:30 p. m. Tile carnival will feature the annual masquerade parade, a* 'veil as booths of many different kinds, Kami":, contests, movies, etc. Itefreshrnents will he served.
Beth Israel Purim Fetes Heth Israel Purlin festlvllkvi will «et underway at 7 [.. m. Saturday, Ki'b, 25. The children's Purini carnival will It.- liciil id Hi,1 t.K'ia! hall at 2 p. in.,.Sniulny, K:l>. '£'X