Tot XXXIV-NO. SO. fu""o^tT.i,'u2i!ttJi«'"ci"<
NKBItAHKA, 1 IUI.AY, I KIHtl AltV 2«. 1950.
Oneg Shabbat for
.'UIJIUJMI «rery fcrlUtty, jui N. itUlti, Annual iUt« 4 Oolltr* Omnna, Ncbrnrlia, Phone JA 1300 ; dinjle Copy \10 OeaU
i: ^Tomorrow Omaha Federation of JewisK Women's Clubs will sponsor an Oneg Shabbat for four member* of nn Israeli cultural mission at 2 p. iM,, Saturday, Feb. 25, is tho Jewish Community Center. All members of the community urn invited to attend.
Dr. Urlrl Heyd
Dr. Bernard Clierrlrk
Purim Services
Fed. Reports Spot light Expanding Programs Committee reports took the spotlight nt the Kcderatioii for Jewish Service Board Meeting held lust Thursday evening In the Jewish Community Center. Harry Siilmiin reported on the religious program al the Dr. Philip Shr-r Jeu'lsli Home for Iho Acid. All tho rabbis are cooperating, Mr. Sidiiwin said, with alternate weekly \IMII discussing loplm of i n t e n s e A new step in the program him lieen taken, lie ndiled, with C'nntor Ell Kngnn of Beth Israel bringing the folks musical selections of Jewlnh folk and religious songs. Arthur A. Goldstein t;nve his findings on non-contributors to the Philanthropic* Campaign. Mr. Goldstein said his findings were in the nature of a progress report and tho scope of non-given Is being looked Into thoroughly. Leo ElsensUtt save tho Federation board the latest figures on the Jewish population of our city, A complete story will appear In the next Usuo. Dr.' Morris Margolin, who recently returned from tbe Midwest regional meeting of tho American Association for Jewish Educators in Chicago, stated that Omaha stands high In tho nation's communities with 80 per cent of our Jewish children attending religious schools. Sol Gold/orb, Jewish education survey coordinator, emphasized the need for volunteers to take part in Uio survey which is now being undertaken here., Mrs, Edwin E. Brodkcy. chnlrman of the Women's Division of tho 1956 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, reported that her dlvl-
Sunday Radio Rabbi Jonathan B. Wise of Central Synagogue in New York City will discuss 'The Burning Hush" on the Message of Israel scries broadcast over KF1ON from 12:0r> to .12:30 p. in. The Internal Light kerics will be heard over KFAB from 11:30 n. in. to 12 noon. The Jewish Comnuinlty Center will present a program of Jewish music In conjunction with Jewish Music Month over Hadlo WOW from 4:0ri to 4:30 p. m. Miss Ida Gitlin will bo featured soloist nnd professor Hans B/ier will play some of his original compositions. Mrs. Harry OuBoff will be plnno accompanist nnd Elaine Jubenls will serve as moderator.
sion's plans are well underway. Saul .Sllverman, Center program director, annoiinrec! u Jewish Music Monti) prognnn with local t.ilent will be presented over WOW Radio at •1:ti.~> p. m., Sun(lay, Feb. 20, Ait Colin, Home fur Hie Aged ch.ilnnan, told ot a new activity of community cooperation at the Home. The Onmlm Section, National Council of Jewish Women, Imve started K e c r e . i t i o n nnd "Home Beautiful" projects. Dr. Abe Grcenberg, Federation vice-president, brought n campaign message of the perilous position Israel now finds herself in. He stressed the need for the United Jewish Appeal Special Fund for which funds have been pledged over and above last year's total. Five hew members were elected to the Federation executive committee. They are Dr. Abe C, Fellman, Arthur H. Goldstein, Morton A. Richards, Harry Sidman and Mrs. Samuel N . Wolf. Jack W. Marer, Federation president, will name three additional members to the executive committee. ••••'" Retiring committee members are: Milton R. Abrahams, David Blacker, Mrs. David Brodkcy, Isadoro. Chapman, Harry B. Cohen, Morris Levey, Dr. Morris Margolin and Louis Sombcrg.
Saturday evening Maarlv Service at Beth El will follow after Mlncha, and Purlm will be observed by the reading of the Me;lllah. Purim Cervices Sunday morning will begin at 9 a. m. The Megillah' will be read following the Shocharls Service, A Purim breakfast will follow the service. TIvMI'I.K Purlm services will be held Saturday at G p. m. in Temple Israel. The Megillah will be rend. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate and the religious school choirs will sing.
Members of the mission are: Dr. H n n o c h Reinholdt, director of Youth AHyah in Israeli Dr. Uriel Heyd, associate professor at Hebrew University; Dr. B e r n a r d Cherrick, Director General of Hebrew University; and Mrs. Phyllis Palgl, advisor to the Israeli Ministry of Health. An Israel exhibit of cultural, educational and general phases of development will be on view at the Jewish Community Center. Members of the mission have been Invited to our country byTown Hall in order that Americans may o b t a i n more Information about the history, culture, economy and problems of Israel. Town Hall produces the country's oldest radio audience participation forum "America's Town Meeting of the Air." The Foreign Policy Association is cooperating with Town Hall in arranging the group's American tour. ! At the Oncg Shabbat, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkcy, president of the women's clubs, will welcome the guests. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, president of the Omaha Zionist Council, will Introduce the speakers. Mesdames Henry Newman and Mike Freeman will be hostesses at the tea table. Mrs. Davit Cohen Is in charge of arrangement!!.
Memorial Plaque For Mrs. Neveleff
Morrfo K. Jacob*
IIKTII IHKAKI, Beth Israel Purlm festivities will get underway at 7 P. m., SatA Yahrzelt plaque in memory ot urday with the reading of the Megillah. Purim services Sunday the late Mrs,'Lewis Neveleff waa installed this week on Memorial Morris E. Jacobs, past president morning at 9 o'clock with the Tablets In the synagogue of the reading of the Megillah. Dr. Philip Shor Jewish Home for of the Federation, has been named Aged, Arthur A. Cohn, Home comchairman nnd toastmnster of the mittee chairman, announced. third annual dinner of the BranThe plaque was presented by Mr. dels University Association of and Mrs. Hymle Milder. O m a h a . ; , :-•••: •" . • V . '..••/'''• In connection with the placeMayor John Rosenblatt was cited ment of the plaque, the Home will The dinner wlU be' held at 6 p. m., Wednesday, Feb. 29 at Monday evening by the Omaha notify the relatives of the Yahrzeit Blackstonc Hotel. Reservations arc Chapter, National Conference of date. Kaddlsh and Yahrzelt recitals available from Frederick C. Cass- Christians and Jews for his "dis- will be conducted in the traditional Inguishcd contribution to good hu- manner in the Home Synagogue. man, SOS Insurance Building. Arrangements for placement ot Brandeis University Associates man relations among all men." arc "foster : alumni." Although W. Q. Swanson, regional chair- names on Memorial Tablets may none have graduated from the man of NCCJ, made the award. be made cither at the office of the elght-year-bld university, they The mayor accepted the citation In Jewish Federation or with David have adopted the role of tradition- the "name ot the people of the O r k o w , superintendent of the Home. community." al alumni. Rabbi Arthur Lolyveld, former spiritual leader of; Temple Israel, nntlpnal director of the B'nai M e m b e r s o f the Golden Age B'rith Hlllel Foundation, will be Club will; hold a "Hpmen Tashen" thqjfcaturod Bpeaker. . Members of the dinner commitcontest at their regular dessert tee include: David Blacker, Mrs. Mrs. Mike Freeman, Omaha civluncheon meeting to be held at 1 Hybian Fercr. Miss Sara Gllinsky, p. m,, Monday, Feb. 2? In the Jew- Dri r A. Grcehbbrg, Ephralm '. L. ic leader, was chosen as a member Marks, Jack Schragcr'and Mrs. of the Board of the National Womish Community Ccntbr. .••;:'•• *•••-.••,•.••: en's Division of the United Jewish Four Judges skilled In cookery J o 4 Z w c l b a c k . Life Members of the Omaha will judge the Purim Roodles. They Appeal. are: Mesdnmcs Bottle Tolson nnd Associates arc: E. John Brandcls, As a member of the board, Mrs. Kthel Dougherty of" KMTV, Mrs. Hijman Cohen, John A. Forbcr, Freeman will help organize womOiretchen, homo service director of Hyman Ferer,- Milton 8. Living- en's division throughout Nebraska j Omahn Public Power District, und ston and Mr. Jacobs. Dr. Philip and Iowa. Miss Alice Keaton, home service Slier and Hubert Monsky hrc ,• ,; t Mrs. Freeman has been active in , director of Metropolitan Utilities scholarship.donors. • community affairs for a number District. of years. She is second vice-presiGolden Ager Mrs. A. Lipsninn dent of the Omaha Federation ot f will ap[)ear on Mrs. Tolson's TV Jewish Women's Clubs nnd was program. Chairman of the Women's DiviDr. Shimon Schlclior, instructor Jack W. Marer, Omnhn Feder- sion of the Jewish Philanthropies at Beth El, will offer n program ation President, was recently elect- Campaign in 1955. She served as of Israeli songs and head the com- ed Treasurer of the West Central a division chairman for the 195G munity sing. Region of the Council of Jewish Community Chest Red Cross The Golden Af;e Club Is co-spon- Federations and Welfare Funds, Drive. | sored by Omaha Section, National at the conference held recently In Mrs, Freeman will visit Lincoln •. Council of Jewish Women and the Kansas City. to meet with the Women's Dlvi- \ \ Jewish Community Center. Mnics. The r7glon includes the followJ. Milton Margolin and J. A. Solo- ing states: Illinois. Iowa, Kansas, slon Thursday, March 15. She will Mrs. Mike Freeman mon are coordinators for the Missouri. North Dakota, Minne- conduct a Women's Workshop In Council, Mrs. Nathan Simon is" sota, Nebraska, South Dakota and Sioux City Wednesday, April 11 their Women's Division Bis Gifts Golden Age Chuhmaii. Wisconsin. and also will make an address at Tea Thursday, April 2,
Jacobs Chairman For Brandeis Fete
Mayor Cited for Human Relations
Golden Age Club Homen lash Fete
Mrs. Mike Freeman Named ToUJA's National Board
Marer Elected to Region Fed. Post
Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service
Noted Lecturer to Speak at Center
The Jewish Community Center In cooperation with the Workmen Circle will present Itzik Manger, Fiitoi noted Jewish lecturer and poet, a the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. Saturday, March 3. His topic will be "The Contribution of Yiddish Literature to American Jewish Life." The program ii open to the public free of charge.
Jfiaiarae u aaamw i m i KAtur it OauUta, Nctraau ttmStr UM *ct W Uu-cJ) 3, Aanuau aiUBcnpual, 14.O*. A«venudii, Kiln on AptiilcaUon. JCdileruu Uffic*—10; No 2Wh Blrtet, Om*Ua., Nebr., JAcksoa 1 3 « r m i $oop »<Wrtl>—IbOS Bo. ll:n Strut.
Neighbor Sabbath At B.I. Tonight
Religious News
"Know Your Neighbor" Sabbath will be held at Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles S t , 8:*S p. m , CaadkUgtitinc thU evening at 8 p. m. Members of the Omaha Council of Church Women and their ram- Betfclsrael M a have been invited t o attend. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Thii year, Neil B. Danberg, Regional Director of the National Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir will Conference of Christloni and Jews, conduct the Annual "Know Your will speak on "New Hope in Hu- Sabbath" this evening at 8 o'clock. Kabbolaa Shabbos begin at 6 p. m. man Relations." A reception in social hall will Sabbath services a t 8:30 a. m . Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. follow and discussion period sponsored by Beth Israel Sisterhood Sabbath Mincha a t - 6 p. m. folunder the chairmanship of Mrs. lowed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. m. Harry Sidman Is being arranged. and 6 p. m. Sunday services at Thii is the fifth annual "Know 8:45 a, m. Sunday Junior Minyan •Your Neighbor" Sabbath sponsored at 8:30 a. m. by the Sisterhood and was inaugurated by the late Mrs. Lewis Nevelerf to promote the understanding and good will that is needed in Worship service* this evening at building a community of unity and Temple Israel will be held i t s poace. Members of the community are o'clock. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Phyllis Palgi from Jerusalem, cordially invited to attend. Israel. She will discuss " T h e Cultural Integration of Israel's New Immigrants." . Services '•: Saturday win be at 0:30 a. m. for members of the religious school and adults. News and happening* at the Dr. I'hlllp fiber Jewish Home For tbe Aged by David Orkow. Sabbath Services at Beth El SyFeb, 21—Rabbi Matthew M. Pollalcoff visited us today and in- nagogue will begin a t 8:15 p. m. terpreted the meaning of the Pur- Dr. Bernard Chcrrick, Director Im Festival t o our folks. A dis- General of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University of Jercussion period followed. usalem will be guest speaker. CanFeb. 25—On this Purim Eve. tor Aaron I. Edgar and Beth El •the residents will enjoy the read- iynngogue Choir -will render the ing of the Mesillah-The Scroll musical portions of the service. of the Book of Esther—read by Sabbath morning services will Sain Poster in the Home Synagogue. This was repeated the fol- !>c at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation Services are at 10:45 a. in. lowing morning. Mincha services at 5:45 p. m. Feb. 2ft—The Piirim party will be held at 2 p. m. .sponsored by B'nal B'rlth Nebraska Chapter No Anniversary Noted 346 under the chairmanship of David Rosenstock will celebrate Mm. Harry Epstein. All friends the 60th anniversary of his Bar end relatives arc invited. Mitzvah at Sabbath Service.'; in VAHRZETT: Memorial Service* Temple Israel this evening. will be held in the Home SynaA past president of Temple Isgogue for the following: rael and for many terms a memAdar 21—Mar. 4, Mrs. Harry ber of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Friedman. Roscnstock will read the Scdra Adar 22—Mar. 5, Morris Spivak. for the week from the Torah. Adar 24—Mar. 7. Louis S. Rabbi Sidney I I Brooks will Urnunstcin. conduct a special ritual and will Adar 25—Mar. 8, Ruth Shames. bless the celebrant. Members of Mr. Itosenstock's family will participate In the Medal of Honor Vet service with him.
Temple Israel
With the Folks At Home
Friday, February U, 1936.
Comhusker Dance Cornhusker Lodge of B'nai B'rith will hold its annual Spring Dance April 21 at Paxton Hotel, it was announced by Jcrold Rosen, lodge president. Earl Knglish and Ms orchestra will supply the musical background from 9:30 to 12:30 m. Gerald Bernstein, dance chairman, stated tickets are two dollars per couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Moe A. Veneer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pcrclman announce the birth of a son Dell ha3 presented to the Jewish ComKdivurd born January 28 in n lo- munity Center two silver cream cal hospital. The couple has twi: and sugar sets. 'Hie gifts will beoilier children. Piifcrnul grandpar- come a part of the serviiii; utensils ents nre Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Ptrelof the newly modern i/rd Center man and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Block kitchen facilities. of Los AngHes, Cal.
Residential Fainting
Pre-Donor Tea
Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold their Pre-Donor 5004 Cimltg WA 3212 Tea at 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 28 in Jewish Community Center. Joseph Radinowskl will bo guest siwakcr. He will discuss "United Nations and Justice." for the affair are: Mesdamcs Sam Novak, Marion Bomlarin, Harry Shrafio, J. KapArt you diuatiifitd with your ;tn, Abe Cohen nnd Gorclick. prcitnt fob?
Train fo Be a
Sates Execfllits
Planning fo m«k« « changa?
Chins,* (or «IM k«tt»r by Invw iigating (tit fin* opp»rt»nHy mm availiblt with • fait f'owlnf c«H
Car nacaiiary. T«kt «<fvanl«f# of thii wondarful dianca to tttp up to th« hlghar Ineora* brackaf.
Cleaned In Your Home!
Sand full dataili in flri»Mt«r. All rapliat Mi confld.ntl.l. Wrll. Otpt. A, Jawiih Pratt.
I M I s f • Laytaa, • Repairing
Don Bernstein
Vengers' G i f t
HA 2554
To Address JWV
Ben Kaufman, who was awarded Yoffe Printing Moves the Congressional Medal of Honor N. S. Yaffc is marking a mileduring World War I, will be guest speaker at an open meeting of the Ktone this month celebrating his Epstein-Morgan No. 2G0, Jewish 50th year in the printing business War Veteran?. The meeting will In Omaha. At the some time, he ba held at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday, Feb. announced the moving of N . S. 28, In the Jewinh Community Cen- Yaffe Printing Company to its new building Monday, nt 2626 Ilamey ter. Mr. Knufmnn. national executive nt. The company was located fn director of JWV, is Hie only man the Kaird Building at 17th and to have been elected to two suc- Douglas for 33 years. They have cessive terms ns national com- retained their same telephone m.'indpr of Jewish veterans organi- number and are open for bu-dnrss. Their new quarters includes two zation. Cjinmantlrr Shxrman I-ip-tein of parking nreas one in front of the the Omaha Post urges all mem-building and tire other nt the rear. bers and prospective members to attend the open meeting.
Workmen's Circle Fete
The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Abe Leibovitz
Club will hold their Purim celebration at 8 . p . m., this Saturday In t h e Labor Lyceum, The Workmen's Circle family will try to raise $100 for emergency shelters in Israel. In charge of arrangements arc Mesdames Nathan Lerman, Sam Binder and Yctta Horns tcin.
Visitors Omahans Mrs. Reuben Epstein • n d her nephew Sidney Fcldman • r e visiting Mrs. Feldman's brotb• n and their families in N e w York City for several weeks. ' Mrs. Sarah Shcrling of Chicago fc visiting her daughter and son-lnIcw, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tutzcr •T Omaha.
Services were held Monday in Council muffs for Abe Leibovitz, 63, who died Sunday morning at a Bluffs hospital of burns Buffered Friday.
Mrs. Phil Greenstone Word was received here of the death of Mrs. PhiJ Greenstone, 62, Monday, Feb. 20 In Inglcwood, C a l Mrs. Greenstone was a resident of Omaha for 30 years before moving to Inglewood. Services were held yesterday. She Is the widow of Phil Greenstone who died December 25 in Los Angeles. Survivors include a son, Joseph of Omaha; a daughter Mrs. Eddie Butler of Inglewood; and f i v e grandchildren.
Don't blame
fha appliance
.... New y«i cat
CHECK YOUR WIRING 11 you frequently have to stumble around in tbt dark to change a fuse or trip a circuit breaker, it's a sure sign that your home, like 8 out of 10 today, needs modem wiring. Other eaiily' recognized symptoms of old-fashioned wiring arc dimming lights, tlovf heating irons and toasteri, shrinliag TV pictures, and "octopus" outlet!. Why let old-fashioned wiring deprive you of the comfort and convenience of modem living? Modern wiring doesn't involve a major operation. Therc'i no fuu or muss. Very often, just a littla more wiring it all tbat't needed. Hav« a "power-fuU" BOB$»—
WIRE ON TIME H H pttf. PmiMb « Urn M K par n»n»V. Vaar tbcMal •Mrfrscfor will hwdla i i l h « V
FREE BOOKLET f a l l Uf«m«tl*a oa) fc«w ! • lav* • "*e«rtr • fa!T host*. J a i l M»4 a coral • r M t t r (•• WUUM8. 1104 W.O.W.
Hv« better . . . •lecfrleolly.
Friday, February 24, 1950.
Organizations II. E. HISTIvltUOOD A luncheon nnd sprint; style show will be held Thursday, March 8, at 12:30 p. m. In the HiMh Kl Synn|;oj;uo sorial hull. Mn;. A. ('. Fellman and Mrs. Gerald Gur--, are co-rhairmcii of the event (sponsored by Beth Kl Sisterhood. Circles 5 and 7 headed by Mrs. Morton Richards, Mrs. Hen Itlekcs, Mrs. Homer Farbcr, Mrs Irving Sherman and Mrs. Jerorn Milder are in charge of the af fair. Mrs. Ilarry Roclunan head" tlif-- ti<l»le-sc'ttlni: committee; Mrs. Hnrold Coonennnn, table decorations. Hand-made aprons will he on sale with Mrs. Leon Grnetz a ehnirnun. Professional models nn< ion members will model
Face Xki««
Hadassah Bowling
JWVA President i , Will Speak Here 1
High scorers this week in lladas sah League were: It. WintroubMl, E. Kof;s 523, A. Schulman 501, H. Klein 500, S. Lewis tG9, A. Kirsclienb.ium 401, V. Chen 4C0, G. Zevilz 451, K. Turkcl 450, U Faier •J47, M. Slown 415, I t Sokoloff 438, M. Cooperman 434, M. Wine 433, D. flreen 433, M. Kat?man 432, E. Jiictib:,cn 42H, II. .Schukert 422, D. Rubin 420, I. Gaer 419, P. Gros: 418, M. Kromkin 417,1.. Sachs 403, It. Gclfand 400, and U. Adler 400.
SAM Mothers' Club 'Winter Wonder Ball'
Si(jma Alplia Mu Mothers' Club will meet at the home of Mre. Milton Margolin, 5019 Charles Street, Tuesday, Feb. 2 a Mrs. E. I. Wldman will be cohostcss. Dessert luncheon will precede the meeting, Reservations may be made with Mrs. Margolin, GL 0475, or Mrs. Wldman, GL 3435.
Pictured above nrc A. V. Venner nnd II. Kaplan, ar rnnccments chairmen for Council's Winter Wonder Ilnll" to be held at 8 p. m., Saturday in Hotel Fontrnclle. Tickets rn.iy be purchased at the door. Proceeds from this dance will be used to further the |iro(;ram of Council to continue bringing to this country cradiiale students the only center for training of secfrom foreicn countries to receive ondary school teachers hi Israel advanced training; which they In B * P HADASSAII turn take back to their own conn' Member* of the Business nn< try. In the pnst 10 years, 116 Professional Women of Hauas.sah scholarship students have been will have their regular mectini brought to American universities. Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In Jevvisl In nrirtiflun, Council supports the Community Center. Festival of Department of Secondary nnd Piirlra will be celebrated. Hiliher Education of the school of Two films will be shown, "Tbi Education of Hebrew University, Jir Israel" a current picture on life In Israel, and "No Eauy Answer, a discussion film for Jewish Adult*. Bring; your Shalach Monos In the form of good, clean, usable rji$\ Just mix and bake clothing for the less fortunate In Israel. Mrs. Carl Logman, president, Children—$1.00 will give a report. COUNCIL, STIJDV Omaha Section, National ('mm Cil of Jewish Women, Curren Event* Study Group will mrf Tuesday, Feb. 28 at the home o Mrs. I I F. Kesnick, 37JG Dodi;c. Coffee will be served a t 1 p. m. Mrs. Charles Schneider will dH cusi "France at the Crossroad <.' Everyone Is welcome to attend am participate In the discussion.
M n . Fannie Bramnlck
Epstein - M o r g a n Auxiliary of JWV will honor their national president Mrs. Fannie K. Bramnlck at a dinner in Harry's Itestattrant at 8 p. m. this Saturday. A brunch for Mrs. Uramnlck will be held at 11 a. m., at the Castlfr Hotel coffee chop. Call Shirley Klein for reservations, KK 7858. An open house for the national president will be at the home ot, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Marcus, 1504 S. 58th St., at 8 p. m., Sunday. Mrs, Bramnlck helped spearhead the JWVA Israeli program and on her recent tour of Europe and Israel visiting the Tel Hashomar Hospital and other Israeli Institutions bringing back with her a message of Israel progress.
OF '56
NKPKASKA CHAPTER Nebraska Chapter No. .140 of R'nal B'rlth wUI be host to a Purlm Party at the Dr. Phillip Shcr Jewish Home for the Af;cd. Sunday, Feb. 2G at 2 p. m. Mrs. Ilarry I. Kpstcln, program chairman, will IK* assisted by M«.-.dflmes Morris J. Franklin, Josef Mayer, Paul Socks, Max Sack-i. Sam Manvilz, Ooodman Cohen, Phil Kutlcr and Abe Barr. Bradley Epstein, Lenl Wine, Carolyn KnRan, Rachel Zwcrlini:, Barbara Kutler nnd Sheryl Friedman will entertain with a mar.'c •how, Yiddish reading, acrobatic dancing, and Yiddish SOURS. Refreshments will be served The public Is invited. IIADA88AII~ Hadassah's March mcctlnn will feature creative works in pointing, ceramics, etc., done by members. Contact Mrs. Morris Fcllmnn for additional information, call WA7257, SfONSET CIIAPTEB Henry Monsky Chapter N o . 470 Of B'nai B'rlth will hold Its monthly meeting at 1 p. m., Wednesday, March 7 at 1 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. This meeting Is the Annual Coin Shower for the Leo N. Lev! Hospital In Hot Springs, Ark. There will be baby-sitter eerv-
A dessert luncheon will be •erred. Mrs. Abe Ginsburg Is In tharge of reservations. Please Make your reservations by canine. CL 5391, by Monday, March 5. Delegates to the Detroit convention In July, will be announced Bt this meeting.
Council Sabbath Council Sabbath, an annual celebration of the Omaha Section, Hatlonal Council of Jewish Wompn, win be observed March 2. RabWs have invited Council eirmbers to deliver messages from their pulpits. Mrs. Sidney Schwartz will speak Bt Beth E l M a Arthur Goldstein • t Beth Israel and Mrs. Edward Lcvinson at Temple Israel, The theme of this year's observance will be the marking of the 10th anniversary of Council's service projects both here and oversea*. The Council pioneered the "SMp-A-Box program of sending toys, clothing, play and teaming materlab to Jewish children in orphanage*, hornet, schools, irurtcrlcs and hospitals abroad.
make JPPVSLthe
$ 0 0 0 SUNDAY JL BRUNCH 11:30 (Mo.-2:30 pan.
ALSO romil,
WITH NEW FREEDOM GAS LAUNDRY TWINS The Bendix GAS duoraatlc and tb« Ruud laundry-iated GAS water heatef make a handsome pair In youi laundry. See them today lor new freedom in your laundry.
S O 5 0 BUFFET JL SUPPER Children—$1.50 5 to 9 pjn.
Kssher, too— it has theQ yet Dromedary casts no moci'I
While hit Mix •TellowCiktlfu Devil's food Mix • Giife/bread Mix
Pound Calu Mix Hontf '•' Spit* Caks Mix
Win a new freedom GAS laundry. Enter the Colgate-AD loop contest. Entry blanks at your grocers or GAS appliance dealer.
Hotel Blackstone Free Porting
WE'VE MOVED to 2626 HARNEY STREET Our new building on Harncy Street is completed and we moved In Monday! Plenty of parking space, front and rear, so come out and
see us. Same telephone number— JAckson 0770—and same fine quality printing, same fast service, of course!
N. S. Yaffe Printing Co. NQRKHI • • • Sol • • •
Friday, February M, 1839.
Sioux City Section
Center Arts, Crafts Group at Work Jrwlsh Community Center arU and rntfU (croup biuy with modelling wire preparing to sculpture animals—left to right: Jeffrey Ktrenbrrr, David Block, Judd Kutcher, Barry Lcvlch. Arts and Crafts are among the group activities pro\1ded by the Center. Over a dozen children's and youth club* utilize the Center's numerous faculties. The boys' group pictured above are member* of the Welxmann Club. ,•
Sock Hop Nets Over $100 for Polio Drive
Over 500 teen-agers attended the BI3G March of Dimes Sock Hop at" the Jewish Community Center, February 18, netting over $100 for the Sioux City Polio drive. With student* from all of Sioux City's senior high schools attending, the affair was judged a success, both as. a nodal and u charity event. Arlcne Kpstcin w u general chairman of the Polio hop. New 1956 BBG officers are Riva Kriv, president, Norene Merlin, vicepresident, Trudy Shulkln, secretary, Joan Dpskovsky, treasurer, Muriel' Lelchook, corresponding secretary, Patty Herzoff, sergcantHt-nrms, Arlene Epstein MITmother, Serene Merlin and Mnrlenc Levin, reporters, and Betty Dimsdale, monitor.'
Indications Good Says F. Margolin All Indications point to a successful 1936 campaign, according to UJA Chairman Frank J. Margolin. Day-to-day bulletins from cities that have already started their campaigns show excellent results, in fact averaging SO pep cent increases over last year. These cities, which Include Toledo, Detroit, Winnipeg, Atlanta, and Miami, indicate the concern that American Jews feel about the current developments in Israel and North Africa, Mr. Margolin stated. Sioux City's UJA campaign will (.tart in April, and will aim to increase 19S5's total by 30 per c e n t To assure this increase, the local UJA cabinet must set its sights at a higher percentage—at least 50 per cent, Mr. Margolin stated.
Center Will Name 'Memorial Room1
Town Hall Forum" At Annual Dinner
The "Sun Room" of.the Jewish Community Center will be renamed the "Veterans' Memorial Room," in special ceremony at tho JWV 10th Anniversary Banquet Sunday night, Feb. 26. The decision to rename the room was unanimously voted at the Federation Board Meeting, February 16. The renamed room had been associated with the Jewish War Veterans since the Center building was completed in 1950. JWV Post 337 provided the furnishings for the room and portraits of Sioux City Jewish veterans who have died in.the service constitute the only decorations on.thc walls. People got into the habit .of calling the room the "Sun Room" because of the many windows around the walls and its sunny aspects. Jewish veterans memorialized In the Center arc; the late Hurry Bernstein, Charles Ginsberg, Jack Greenberg. Joseph Hnfflts, Fritz Kahn, Sidney London, Herbert Marsh/Bernard Pollack, Arthur Raskin and Maurice Raskin. Commander Neil Gorchow and Federation president A. M. Grueskin will participate in the rc-dedlcation ceremony.
A novel "Town Hall Forum" program at the Annual Dinner will dramal Ize Federation'! many services and functions. Seated on stage, as u panel of "experts," the heads of the various Federation divisions will quiz each other about services they perform for the Jewish community, about needs they meet nrid the costs of operating them. Spontaneous and informally staged, tho purpose of the pro* gram to make Federation's work clear to everyone, according to Paul Dclman, chairman of. the Annual Dinner, who will be forum moderator. The audience will be invited to join In the questioning. "Experts" on the panel will be Mrs. A. M. Davis, Social Service; Mrs. Albert A. Gordon, Nursery School; Louis Belln, Hebrew School; David J. Albert, Budget; Leo Chalkln, Public Relations, and Nathan Goldberg, Youth Actvitles. President A. M. Crueskln and executive director Oscar Littleflold will also be ex-offido panel member*, The meeting will be open to all Federation members and their families. They will be required however to make reservations and attend the Annual Dinner, to vote in the annual election of board members and to participate in the program.
, Ben Kaufman, (pictured above) World War 1 hero, Congressional Medal holder and One* famed "best top kick in the AEF, now national executive director of tho Jewish War Veterans/will be guest speaker at the JWV Pott 337 tenth anniversary banquet a t Jewish Community Center, Sunday night, Feb. 26. Dinner reservations for the banquet were closed last week Inter tho capacity of the Center audiGift to Golden Agers torium was passed. However, adA recording of "Elli EM" and ditional seating will be provided the "Bal-A-Golc Lied" by Cantor for people coming to hoar the Monday. Feb. 27 William Wolf, has been donated speaker after the banquet. Council Board Meeting, JCC. by Julius Riaff to the CouncilTuesday. Feb. t» Federation Golden "Age Club. A Center Adult Bible Class, JCC. long-time favorite of the Golden Agers, Cantor Wolf has frequentWednimUy, Feb. M Sunday, Feb. 10 ly entertained the group, The gift Golden Age Purim party, 1 p. All Junior youth Chilis, JCC. of the recording by Mr. Riaff was m., JCC. JWV . 10th Anniversary Banacknowledged with formal thanks B'nai XS'rith Board Meeting. by president Sam Sacks. quet, JCC. JCC
Coming Events
Center Sports ALL-STARS TO The Jewith Community Center will be host to Sioux City AllStars in a basketball double header this Sunday in the Center gym. Junior and high school squads will make up the two divisions with the first game starting at 11 -TO
a. m. VC BASKETBAIX A 47-36 victory over AZA 1 netted Raylm fraternity an undefeated season in Youth Council basketball last week. This club topped the league in 12 easy victories . >ver second place AZA 1. third place AZA 100 and fourth place AZA 100B; Their closest game of the year came in the second round when they defeated AZA 1, 44-30 for an eight point spread. Last week also saw AZA 100 trounce their B team 36-30. VARSITY BAKKKTHALL JCC Varsity dropped their third game of the year to" Thetu Chi fraternity from Omaha University lost Sunday 65-74 in a rough hall game that saw 27 personal fouN called but only one man fouling out of the came. The next came for the Varsity will be this Sunday at 7 p. >n. when fhey piny host to Krnir's Market of thf Parks imd Recreation AA League. MIIMJKT I.I:A<;IK Things went about as expected last week in Midget Basketball as all of upper division clubs handed defeats to all imver division teams. Closest r/ames of the day c.'tme in the "!->" League as Gereiick Motors won over I-Go Van 12-0 and Slosburf-. Realty squeaked by Richman-Gordnian 18-1G. Fireside Restaurant topped the Cowboys Bar 2G-1-J. That leaves the standings as follows: P'ireside 7-O, Slowburg 4-3, Gereiick 4-3, Rieliman Gordman 3-}, I-Go Van 2-5 and Cowboys Bar 1-0. Richman-Gordnian has a good chance to tie with Gereiick if they can win over
them Id their next game March 4. Fireside Restaurant still has the two top bcorcrs in Howie Shrlcr with 70 and Justin Mulnlck with 67. This leaves them a food fifteen points ahead of the nearest competitor Gordon Hollls with 52. Other high scorers In the "B" league arc At Ross with 42 and Joel Snider with 30 for the Slosburg Realty team. "A" League standings went unchanged as H. A. Wolf topped Kiekcs & Son 33-12 and Independent Metal defeated Mogant David 32-24. A scoring race Is developing in the "A" League between Roy Katskee who has 84 and Justin Ban who totals 81, Third place In the scoring is still a tossup between Bill Horwlch with 36 and Franklin. Coldburg with 52. Midget League basketball will tie suspended for one week next Sunday as the Omaha Jay plays host to the Sioux City Juy In allstar games between Junior nnd •Senior High teams. The Junior High g a n e starts nt 11:30 a. m. nnd features the best ton players in the Midget "A" League who are Dan Ilollis, Roy Katskee, Jus. tin Ban, Bill Horwich. Frank Cioldburg. Walter Wise, - luirry Colin. Boh Ciinsburg, Jerry Goldstrum and Bruce Goldstein. The Senior High game starts at 12:30 p. m. and features tho Youth Council All-Stars who nre John Goldner, Al Corey. Boh Kpstein. Chubby Passer. Larry Lincoln, Nelson Gordman, Tom ISromlxvi;, Jerry Rosen, Gene Kohn and Howard Goldstein.
Meetings Postponed The girls clubs sponsored by the Jewish Community Center will meet next week in the place of the usual meeting this Sunday afternoon. Club members nre urged to attend the Purlin Carnival staged by the synagogues.
JWV Guest Speaker
Bar and Bas Mitzvah Bonnie Tarnoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tarnoff, and Ronnie Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lester Meyer will celebrate their Bus Mitzvah at a Joint service Friday evening, Feb. 24 and Saturday morning, Feb. 25 at Beth El Synagogue, Friends and relatives arc invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Teen of the Week By Howie Hooper This week, the Youth Council honor* Mlw Carole Frank ** "T«*n of (he U'rt'k." Minn Frank; the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Frank, U u senior «t Ontral Itlch School. Shr In rrKlonnl president of K'niil ll'rlth , Writ imd Afcretary of the J w Inli Youth Council.
New BBG Chapter Miss Shirley Shlff was elected president of the newly formed chapter of B'nnl B'rith Girls. Othor - officers are: Misses Diane Singer, Maddy Miroff, I-ois Moskovitz, Maxlne Zweiback, Juily Kutler, Judy Freed, Kay Markovitz and Berdine Green. A mother-daughter installation tea Is planned for March 1 at the home of Miss Kay Markovitz. Manny . Desnct, regional director, will visit the new chapter Monday. Mrs. Sol Goldfarb, a past BUG president of a Detroit chapter, will be an advisor to the group. Patronize Our Advertisers
Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Kaslow announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Richard, and Mr. and Mrs, Alfred A. Fiedler announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Donald, I ,MIM Laurie Omen at a Joint service Friday, evening, March .2 and Saturday morning, Sweetheart Candidate March 3, at Beth i d Synagogue. Miss Laurie Oruch, 17, a junior. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend both services and the at Central High School, is one of •the four candidates for the title rcccptioruTwhlch will follow. of "Sweetheart of AZA No. 100." She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Oruch. Mlis Oruch is president of B'nal B'rith Girls and n three yenr honor roll stuTemple Israel 'Religious School dent at Central. will hold its annual Purim Carnival Sundiiy afternoon from 2:.'K) to 5 p. in., in Temple Social Unit. The children will come in cos- Beth Israel Concert tumes, many of them depicting the Tickers Go on Sale important personalities of the Purlin story. "We have almost filled our full complement of Sponsors for Both Israel's Annual Dinner to bo held Following the reading of the Sunday, March 18, at 6 p. m.," Mi^lllnh. at the' children's Purim Harry Sidman, sponsor committee Service at 7:30 p. m., Saturday chairman, announced, ' • . evening, a Coronation ceremony Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky will will i»e held In the .Social Hall of he the featured artist at the Anthe IJi'tli El Synagogue. nual Dinner, Tickets for the concert portion I3et h Israel Purim royalty will of the evening, scheduled to begin be crowned Saturday evening fol- nt 8:30 p. m., will be available lowing the reading of th? Mcgillah. after February 18 by calling the Tlie annual children's Purim office of the Synagogue, Regent Carnival will take place in Hejli G288. Admission to tho concert will Israel social hull from 2 to 6 p. m., ho three dollars per person. Mail S"urftlay,- ' orders, addressed to Beth Israel, l">02 N. 32nd St., Omaha, will rePatronize Our Advertisers ceive prompt attention.
Purim Programs