March 2, 1956

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YoL XXXTV—No. I t .




2, JB38.

i'ublia.iea every Irridgj, 101 « . 2mo, O.uaua. NcbriuU, I ! 1M( JA 1300

< Douua is Owu

Lelyveld S o y t . . .

Blending Needed Of Skills. Values

Missing in higher education today is the blending of teaching of facts and skills with the teaching of the values, we lii'e by, Rabbi Arthur I-elyveld, slated WedThe IIL \s°^' iutcd Community Statistics Committed of nesday mornlnf;. the Federat . ior Jewish Service presented its first formal reThe rtabhl. national director of IJ'nni H'rlth Hilkl foundations, port at a Federation board meeting lfeld recently. Leo Eisenspoke Wednesday evening at tin.1 statt, chairman, reported that the records show a'total Jewish third annual dinner of iirandels f population in Omaha of 6,984 perUniversity Association of Omaha. sons including those who are now. Political Scientist Says . . . Two important factors faeini; in the Armed Forces. educators are that in tvn years A card index for every Jewish our university enrollment will person in the Omaha area Is condouble and the awareness of an stantly revised and kept up'••'to dual obligation^ he slated. We Peace in Israel In the long run date in the Jewish Community must expand our technical traindepends upon Inducing the arabs Center. ing and to couple it with the! Manger to accept the justice of Israel's Two startling facts In the report teaching of our democratic goals, MiJtun Abrahams existence stated Dr. Herman Fin- stand out, Mr. ElSonstatt revealed. values and ideals, the rabbi er, Professor of Political Science Out ot 326 Jewish high school stu? stressed. Values may be lost by dents in Omaha schools, 317 are lit the University of Chicago. not understanding (lie contribuDr. Finer was in Omaha recent- enrolled at Central High Schboj; ( tions of the past and universities ly to address a joint meeting of The other surprising fact of the r e - ' must foster the growth of the study of humanities in addition to Jewish women's clubs at the Com* port deals with synagpgue affiliation. For of the 1,815 Jewish famItzlk Manger, noted Yiddish Milton Abrahams, n promlni'iil. the teaching of technical skills, he munity Center. poet, lecturer and critic, will dis- We are living in nn "angry time" ilies, 150 of them are not affiliatedOmaha attorney, was re-elected opined. "The Contribution of Yiddish Dr. Finer explained, and United with any synagogue, Mr, Elsehpresident of United Community The students of today should cuss ; •'; Literature to American Jewish States, Great Britain and France statt pointed out. . ... Services nt the annual meeting !>e practical enough to co[m with Life" at 8 p. m., tomorrow in theshould In the single adult category, her sign a security treaty with technical society yet mellowed held Tuesday evening In the our added, more than S O per cent of v Jewish Community Center, Israel to show their support of by the values of a long historical our young people arc not syntt-" Tho program will be presented the little democracy. JllaeUstone Hold. heritage, the director emphasized. : •."-'•'..••; ' . ; • •', Democracy in Israel Is sound g o g u e m e m b e r s . Mr. Abrahams lias served as The tiend of western society is under the auspices of the Center chairman of the Jewish Commu- toward leveling out and a con-and the Workmen's Circle and. is and well-rooted, the political scien- Another Interesting aspect of the 1 nity Center committee, ADI, Ad- scious effort Is needed to preserve open to the public free of charge. tist related, following the British record shows that' in pre-schob ,'. Mr. Manger wove many of hissystem. When queried on the en- elementary, high school and uni- : visory Committee nncl a member individual dislineliveness as a (if Federation for Jewish S e r v i c hedi;e against mediocre uniformi- poems out of the stories and heroic franchisenicnt of the new Immi- versity groupings the boys put!..% riMive Committee. ty, he'pointed out. Democracy. figures of the Bible and Imbued grants' to vote in Ihe new state, number the girls but in the single i adult class the true, the.' : ,uN Koinberg. who has been Ihe rabbi added, i ; enriched by them with modern significance. His Dr. Finer recalled that the "abuse chairman said, ' ••..••:•'.'• ; ,'i" ui'nibcr of the Federation w e - harmonious co-exKir-nee of valu- work is recognized as reflecting of liberty is more liberty" as It The compilation of data also reul \ r Committee, was named ;t able difference;. The role of dif- the heritage of generations »f Jew- was stated by Thomas Macaulay, veals that during the past five, ish folk crrativeness. Knj'lish historian. I.'C '. diivrlor. Morris K. Jacobs, ferences should be harmonized in licfre .huH'nts will lie served and Turning to til*' operation of Is-years our population has Increased pasl |)ri"-i'l'-iil (if th' 1 l'V'il.'i'iitirin. Ihe setting of e.roater unity of a (illation period will follow at 111" common objectives he explained. rael's government, Dr. Finer said by .31.1 persons and that in the last Is ,' l i v i n g on the CCS IKKIMI As an example, the director com- I,di:»r Lyceum, it was announced the coalition was operating well year departures have exceeded arof directors pared it to n symphony orchestra by Max Crounse, Joseph Kadinow- and the number of parties are not rivals by 70 persons, Mr, Elsen• •'••."•', in which distinct sounds are har- ski and I/Hlis Witkin, meuibers of detrimental as long as one party statt related. moniously woved into the whole. Ih..1 arrangement committee. has the support of nearly TiO per In summing up, the chairman cent of the voters. Continuing said: "Although the statistical/ In conclusion, the rabbi naid, along this line, lie pointed out that work lias been going on since 1038^-« each Individual should have the Ticket Sales Soar the party system follows tiie so- the formation of our 'Committee'.', opportunity to develop his perthis year is a step forward, in rec-..'.. Concert cial structure of the country. sonality so that lie may put hisFor Kusevitsky y Educators in Israel today are ovvn imprint on society. Welfare activities are remark- ognizing the importance of the' response of "Th d The tremendous forthcoming working toward closing the edug able in Israel, Dr. Finer stressed, records in our community and in the ppublic to tho cational cap between older aged Kuscvitsky concert to be held nt touching on the expansion of thesecuring a broader and more efMiss Franklin Places v. Beth Israel Synagogue, G2nd and hospital system nnd adult educa- fective use of them." immigrant* and youthful ones, Donald Nogg is the other memtion facilities. Charles, Sunday, March 18, at 2nd in Essay Contest members of un Israel Cultural . .. ' What will Judaism be like in ber of tiie committee. 8:30 p. m., has been overwhelmMission nlnled, who were in Oma- Miss Ix>ra Franklin was award- ing," stated Ilnbbl M. M. Polia- Israel? The professor opined: "Ised second prize Tuesday in a con- koff, chairman ot general admis- rael will evolve a Judaism ap- Ceramics, Photography ha last week. test sjwnsorod by the Mayor'H sions. "Sales of concert tickets propriate to Its environment and The group, part of the mission Committee to Kmploy the Handi- have exceeded our fondest expec- diverse J u d a i c groups living Courses at Center touring the United States, were capped. She the daughter of tations," he ndded. there." invited to U.S. by Town Hall to Mr. and Mrs.IsMorris New programs at the Jewish Frnnklln. familiarize Americans with the Community Center will Include a The contest was open to all history, culture and problems of high .school students and the c e r a m i c s class, photography Israel. course and a fourth grade boys topic was "Independence for the club. Ceramics nnd photography ffpeclnl adult programs, mobile Handicapped Through Kmployclasses will be formed for teenlibraries and the living theater ment." agers and adults. arc some- of the means used to Miss Franklin's concluding senThe first meeting of the Fourth ' : tell the immigrants of the history tences of her essay read: "By beGrade Boys' Club will be held at , find tradition*) of Israel. An acute littling the worth'of the individual 2:30 p. m. at the Center. Al Fell-' teacher shortage has added to thebecause of n disability and by reman, a junior honor student at ' problem and now Immigrants are fusing to recognize that the IndiUniversity or Omaha, will'lead'-'' being trained to te.ich,other mem- vidual is perhaps even more capthe group. . )' bers of their I'.roup the elements able because of u disability, the For added information about of rending and writing. Illiteracy employer actually loses. these activities contact the Ccn-' is high especially among tho wom- Ultimately, by recognizing the ter activities oflce, JA 1366. i en who never before had the op- truth and by acknowledging the portunlly to learn the fundamen- wortli of the Individual, the en, tnls. lightened employer will be ready Mrs. Ben Garrop Wins Immigrants are being tiuight to wipe away the cobwebs that Haman Taschen Bake that education Is part of modern are veiling the real truth and will Golden Ager Mrs. Ben Garrop living In an democratic state and seo that the only way the handicapped will become independent walked off with the first prize educator.-) are reaching out to all is 'through employment." Monday afternoon in the Purim age levels to overcome the il"Hamen Taschen Contest1' at the literacy problem. Jewish Community Center. Members of the group who visMrs. Garrop competed again 25 Sunday Radio ited Omaha are Dr. Iicrnard Golden Age Club members at tho Rabbi Irvln I-chrman of Cherrick. Dr. Ilanoch Rclnholdt, festive Purim program which Temple Kmanuel in Miami Mrs. Phyllis Palgl nnd Dr. Uriel brought out an attendence of 100 lieach, Kb., will discuss "Our Heyd. persons. Spiritual Goals" on the Church Mesdamos Abraham Linsmau; Dr. Chcrrick, an authority on of the Air program broadcast P. H. Miller, Sol Nogg and Mortho "Dead Sea .Scrolls," fi»ld seven over WOW-Ilndio from 9:30 rls Specktor were runners-up. major scrolls are at Hebrew Unito 10 n. in. . I versity in Jerusalem. Two scrolls I3IIAEL SUMMKIC JOBS icontain parts of text of ( the Old The lOlcrnul Light series New York (JTA)—Summer po-. Testament and are close to Hewill be heard over Kt'AD from sltions In Israel will be open in brew text used today. Two other 1936 to American college and unl-. scrolls are commentary on the 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. vcrslty students with three or Ulblo and ore dated about one Chnploln Ilillel A. Fine, staIsrael Ambasiador to IT. 8. Abba Eban (seated at left) and more years of training in the; century B.C. The remaining three Assistant Secretary ot State George V, AUcn (right) are shown put- sciences or engineering, It was. scrolls contain literature of a tioned In Stuttgart, Germany, ting their signatures to »Q agreement to sell $10,000,000 ot V, 8. announced by the Office of Pro-' hereto unknown Jewish sect who will discuss the "Meaning of konher beet to Israel. Looking oa arei (L to r.) Senator Boman fcsslonal and Technical Worker* lived by tho Dead Sea In tho pre- tho Fourth Commandment" on the Message of-Israel proIlruska of Nebraska, Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson and Sen- Ally ah of the Jewish Agency in Christlan era. These three scrolls. gram broadcast over KBON ator IJourke nickenlooper of Iowa'. The agreement signed recently New York. Applications forms mayDr. Cherrick itald, help fiU in a from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. la Washington, V.C., will result la n»»- fe*» Auddlav meat ton- be obtained from the Jewish blank period from the close of the inmptloB la Isnel. Agency, Bible tojnlmudlc literature.

Peace Depends on Arab Acceptance

Lawyer Re-elected Chest President

Yiddish Poet to Speak at Center

Progress Made on Educational Gap

U. S. and Israel Sign Beef Agreement


Religious News 3:56 p. in.,

Beth El Sabbath services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Mrs. Sidney Schwartz will UJWIJC on behalf or the National Counci Of Jewish Women. Sabbath morning services at 9:30 o'clock. Junior congregation at 10:30 a. m. Minelm at 6 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. ami 7 p. m. Sunday at 9 a. m.

Beth Israel Late Friday services will start U S p. m. In Beth Israel'Synaeogue. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein will (peak on behalf of National Coun. cl] of Jewish Women. Kabbolas Shabbos at 6 p. m. Sabbath morning services at 8:30 o'clock. Junior congregation at 10 a. Hi. Mincba at 6 p. m.

Temple Israel Worship ' service* 'this evening • t Temple Israel will be held at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Edward Levinson, regional officer of National Counci) of Jewish Women, will discuss "A Woman's Reflection." Services Saturday morning will be at 11.30 o'clock for members . of the reUgious school and adulls.

With the Folks At Home s and bapiH>nln£& at The Hhct Home For Tuo A(;i'<l by David Orlimv. February 22: This being Wush lnijton's Lirlhd;iy, our Kcsidenti celebrated the d;iy v.itli a discus sioli of UiLs Iccal holiday. February 25: Tin- Mf*i;ilUth read in The Homo Synnco^iie l)> Sam Poster. February EG: linal Drilh Ne brablca Chapter No. 31G entertained wilh A I'urim Party featuring a variety nlwvv. A Special KidfitL* h was i;iCcn today in memory of her niothc. and her son l»y Mm. I/.a Halprin. one of our IlcsMent:;. Being I'urim Nichl, a "Seudah" was given our Folks liy Duvitl Or kow. Home Superintendent. February 27: Mrs. Sarah Min kin attended the Hrith of her great-Rrand&nn, Keith Micliae Bnbcndir today. February 28: Rabbi David Korb, our rabbinical visitor this week, spoke of The "Dinum," especially the three before we received The Torah. A group of our Folks were guests of Ralph Goldberg at the State Theatre to see "The Benny Goodman Story." Mr. Orkow arranged this treat through Iz Weiner of Universal-International Coming Event* March 11: The Omaha Dramatic Jircle Production. March 18: The Bikur ChoBm March Birthday Party.

Obituary. Sol Sflverberg Service* were held Tuesday in Storm Lake, l a , for Sol Silverbars with interment In Sioux City, la. Mr. SUverbcre. 65. died Monday in - Storm Lake hospital after a long illness. He is survived by his wife. Helen; a daughter, Betty of Lincoln, Nebr.; two sons, Bernard of Moline, 111., and Jullnn of Newton.

Same Day Service No Extra Charge In at 10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.

CASH and CARRY Also Pickup and Delivery Service

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rrid»y, March t, 1IM.


Spring Style Show At fief h El Thbrs. Sprint' will make its debut this year Thursday, March 8, at 12;'M p. m. at the luncheon find spring style show at lietli El ijyminonne social hall. Mrs. A. C ; Kellman nnd Mrs, Gerald Grcws arc cochairmen of Hie event. Protcsilon»1 models will participate In the style show, and in addition the fullowinc sisterhood members will model: Mrs. Ilubin Katncr of lietli Israel; T.Irs. IJenihardt Wolf, of Temple Israel, End Mesdame:; M. II. lirodltpy, David R. O)hen, George Kisenberi;, Ix^onurd Gould. Ixon Graetz, Hen Novak, Irvine Selineicierman, Leon Sclixnldman. Sidney Snelder, Josejjli Koshnilt, and the Misses IJnda Farter, Ilarhara Cusi ond Oieryl Milder of

f etoisft ' I'uUUshed Every Friday by the E"s4eiatlon tor Jcwith Kctvlvt. catcftu u ie«o&a-cia.ii mailer a; VBUUIA. Hebiw±

u:ifi*i lAf •<:( of Mwx3) I, U7I.

tillturiEi OUicfr— i«. No a'JUj (i'.n«t, Ou.lUt*. liebt.. ;Ac[;£on 1360. enjjt Bi.vp taanuta^-ibM Bo. i5LC Elretu



Cousins' Club

Confer Pre-School P-TA

Mrs. Artlmr Mcyei-son will enDr. Munis Margolin, chairraan tertain the Cousins' Club at a of Bureau of Jewish Education, 12:.'i0 luncheon Wednesday, March v.ill nddrcs a meeting of the ncw7 nt IJlnclistone HoteL ly formetl I'arent-Teaclicr OrfjaBizatlon of Uic Jewish Community Beth Kl. Center Pre-Echool at 8 p. ra, Narrator for the show is Misr» Jennie Feldmnn Giul nuisicat ac- March 8 at the home o{ Mr. and companist is Mrs. Russell Blu- Mrs. Sam H e r m a n , 20O7 Ni menthiil. Sitter service will be 52nd st. Mrs. Berman, temporary chairprovided. IUr,ervations can be made with Mrs. Fellman. GL1547 man, nnnounces that the !ilm *"A Child'* World" will be shown. or Mrs. Gross, GL 4CC7.






A Statement by the Jewish Agency jii i . ^ j , American contributors to Israel causes face fin unprecedented challenge to their understanding and their generosity. Th« people of Israel, faced with the gravest threat to their security *lnc« the Arab invasion of 1018, arc forced to devote all their resource* to coping with their precarious position. They find it impossible to continue the substantial financial contribution they have been making to the absorption of emergency immigration. The full burden of bringing the refugees to Israel from North Africa, of caring for them, housing them', eatablishing them in agricultural settlements and development areas, must inevitably fall upon philanthropic funds. THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THESE JS THE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. In the past year and a half, tens of thousands of Jews who felt themselves in peril in North Africa have found haven in Israel. But at least 100,000 more have applied to the Jewish Agency for prompt emigration and are awaiting their chance to go. Whether ox not they will have that opportunity depends on the reaulta of UJA'a 1956 campaign. SPECIAL FUND FOU KOKTn AFMCAN IJIMIOnATION Faced with-greatly increased needs, the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL has set a dual goal for 195G: the provision of greatly increased eum» for vast programs of vital humanitarian activities in Israel and in areas of danger and distress for Jews overseas, requiring $105,283,435, «nd, in addition, the raising of a SPECIAL SURVIVAL FUND OF $25,000,000 PLUS for the immigration and absorption in Israel of North African refugees. If these vitally important goab are to be achieved, UJA must have priority over all other campaigns for Israel causes, UJA must have first call on the generosity and efforts of the American Jewish community. The challenge of 1956 can bo met effectively only through greatly increased support of the regular UJA drive plus great extra contributions to UJA's SPECIAL SURVIVAL FUND OF »25,O00,00O PLUS. There are other authorized agencies with established records of constructive effort in Israel that are entitled to support from, the American public. However, none of them surpass the pre-eminence of the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. On occasion new campaigns have been launched by individuals and organizations which havo put .forth claims not always warranted by facts and havo requested support out of proportion to their importance. WHEN IN DOUBT

The Jewish Agency for Palestine, with the approval of the Government of Israel and in response to requests from organized Jewish communities in the United States, has had since 1949 a Committee on Control and Authorization of Campaigns. Its 1956 list of authorized agencies will be published shortly. Until that time, whenever you are in doubt, write to the JEWISH AGENCY, INC., 16 East CGth Street, New York 21, N. Y.

In Omaha RESTAURANT 1819 Faraam



Far Reservation* Call JA5244

Free Farting o» Loop Parking, 1814 Haney

The UNITED JEWISH APPEAL is supported by


Friday. M u c h », IBM.

Organizations MIZRACUI WOMEN Because of Uic Passover holiday, Omnhn Chapter Mizracl• Women meet ing date has ben changed to Monday, March 5. A dessert luncheon will bo served at one o'clock. The following delegates attended the Midwest regional conferonce held In Kansas City, Mo., February 28. Mcsdames Ilaskcll Brandstetter, Herman Franklin Harry Paskowitz mid Irving Stern. They will nivc their re ports at this meeting. IL E. 8ISTEIUIOOD Beth El Sisterhood will hoitheir regular luncheon board meeting at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Mar. 6 at lielh Kl. Mesdames A Hoffman and Harry ltochman nrc eo-chslrmen of the hostess committee. The sisterhood has Iwen asked to repeat its performance on "The Dead Sea Scrolls™ nt the Unitarian Church March 7. Jenn I.llton Is In Charge of production.

Miss Waxenberg Engagement Told

Tm; nvnsa


Choral Play at B.I. Donor Luncheon A Cantata, "I Am the Synagogue" will be presented at 1 p. m., Tuesday at the annual d o n o r luncheon of Beth Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. Alfred Frank, chairman, is assisted by .Mcsil.inifs Harold Zelinsky, George Sha[>iro and Sam Herman. Tlio priKluction will feature colorful tableaux, n choir and nurruth'c background under tiu? direction of Cantor JCIi Kafjan. , -Sisterhood members participating in this projiram are: Mmrs. Milton NcrcnbcrtJ, Harry I«wis, Irving Stern, Isadore Vcwis, Ijproy Katr, Huben Ratner, Sam Collck, Julius Siroff, Alfred Frank, Harry JJppctt, Harold Zclimky, Jtobcrt Gerclick, Max i-'romkin and Meyer Goldman. Junior cast members arc Miriam Frank, Susan Berman and Kdward Zelinsky. A door prize will be presented and a baby sitter service wilj bo provided. Reservations are being taken by Mmes. George Schapiro and Alfred Frank.'

Order Your Passover Candy NOW!



High ecorei-s this week in Iladassnli BoWling League were: R. Wintroub 506, R. Cooper 497, It. G«lfand 497, R. Pitlor 480, E. Turkel 474, L. Faier 472, S. Greenbcr« 470, R. Klein 4C8, G. Zevitz 408, L. Hulwrman 4G7, A. Schulmnn 4GG, A. Sneider 403, P. Lipton 455, P. Hobcrmun 447, S. LewIs 443, K. Kchloff 438, R, Sokoloff 438, K. Hobei-man 434, E. Ross 430, L. liloch 430, P. Gross 428, R. Freidmnn 42C, M. Fromltln

Births Lieutenant and Mrs. Marshall Forbes announce the birth of a. daughter Jody born February 23 in New York City. She is th» couple's first child. Mr. and Mrs, Isadore Forbes of Omaha are pa* ternal grandparents. 423, S. Tretiak 423, D. Green 422, R. Platt 419, D. Adler 414. M, Sloan 407, M. Cooperman 400.


Mrs. George Schapiro

Residential Painting CALL


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Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. WaxenliprR announce the en£.if;ement o f their daughter Miss Marsha Loulst- t Sherwin J. Feinhandler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel FVinhandlei • f Chicago, III. Miss Waxenben; !<; a sophomore f t Northwestern University, Ev•niton, 111., nnd n member of Alpha Kpsilon Sorority. Her fiance will be graduated j n Juno from Northwestern. The couple plans a midsummer wedding. Patronize Our Advertisers

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Frld.y, March 2, JMM.


Federation Annual Meeting Sunday A

'- Federation's thirty-third Annual Dinner and Meeting will be held at the Jewish Community Center this Sunday night. As the pne yearly meeting open to the entire community membership. the Federation Annual Dinner has always provided a dramatic setting for a review of the year's c o m m u n a l achievements. The main feature of this year's Dinner will be a "Town Hall Forum" program participated in by the heads of the various Federation divisions. The participants will undergo pointed quizzing from each Other/ and from the general audience, intended to bring out the underlying facU and Inner workings of Federation's operations and activities. ' ; Pour Dolman. Annual Meeting Chairman, will preside as master-of-ccrmonies at the forum, which will be staged with special care to make sure that Federation's activities arc clearly presented and thoroughly understood. The dinner Itself will be prepared and served under the supervision of Mrs. Irving Mlttleman, chairman, aided by Mcsdamcs Ubby Bftshefkln, Abe Berkowltz, Louis C. Fish, S. Ben Gelfand. Ed. 1 Kantor, William Kutcher, Morris Roblnow and Esther Sfcalovsky. The program will be as follows: . Invocation—Rabbi Saul 1. Dolotnlkov.


Drive Benefits Local Services Community Relations Post Goes to Chaikin Federation p r e s i d e n t A. M. Grucskin has announced this week the appointment of I>'o Chaikin as chairman of tlie Community Relations Committee. Mr, Chaikin succeeds Mrs. Ham ShuHtm, who has held that position for file past three years. Tlie Community Relations Committee concerns itslf in all activities Involving relationship between the Jewish community and the Sioux City communlty-at-Iarge and is rejjKjnsible for maintaining the good name and good public relations of the Jewish community. Leo Chaikin Is also the Sioux City representative, of the AntiDefamation League.

AZA and BBG Cited

SzoldeHes Play in Center Gym Stoldcttn Club mrmliers Ksther (Jlniibiirir, MIUI Grossman, Ilnrb»r» Fisher, Itlta Frlireulmurn and Judy (iunloii piny "kcrpu-uay" at the Jewish Community Center gym. Tlir Szoldetten, one of tlie tenter Young Judaea Club*, IS led by Mr». Jttkr ICotman and Mb* Sally Ivener.

After-Dinner Prayer—Rabbi Albert A. Gordon. Leo Chalkin, Public RelaIntroduction of visiting guests tions —Paul Dclman. Mrs. A. M. Davis, Social ServGrectlnss—President, Commu-' ice nlty Chest. Nathan Goldberg. Youth Ac' President's Report— A. M. Gructivities >kin. Louis LBclin, Hebrew School Executive Director's Report—O. A. M. Crueskin. President Uttlcfleld. O. Llttlefirld, Executive DiElection. New Board Members. rector • Town Hall forum. j Paul Dolman, Moderator Mrs. Albert A, Gordon, NursBenediction- Rabbi H. R. Raery School binowitz. David J. Albert, Budget

Bar Mitzvah Donald Fiedler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Fiedler, and Richard Kaslow, son of Mr. and Mm. Ben E. Kaslow, will become final Mitzvah at a Joint service Friday evening. Mar. 2 and Saturday morning, Mar. 3 at Beth El Syna Cogue. Friends and relatives arc Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gould announce the Bar Mitzvah of their • con, Stephen, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Chudacoff anounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Howard, at • Joint service Friday evening, : Mar. 9 and Saturday morning. : Mar. 10 at Beth El Synagogue. c Friends and relatives arc invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Bar Mitzvah of Paul Kutler, *on n( Mr. and .Mrs. Morris E. f Kutlcr Vili tako place Saturday morning, Mar. 10 at Iieth Israel ' Synagogue, 52nd and Charles sis. Ail friends and relatives are cor, dially invited to attend the service and the reception following the service.

Nazi Scientist Kiel cU'NSi Sixty women have given depositions and offered to testify against Professor Carl Clauberg. infamous Nazi gynecologist who made brutal sterilization experiments on thousands of Jewish women in the notorious Auschwitz extermination camp, it was disclosed here by the West German prosecutor in an announcement which .said his office war; conducting an investigation of the charges made against Clauberg by the Central Council of Jews in Germany. N o w in a state hospital for the insane at Neustadt, Dr. Clauberg, a recent returnee from a Soviet VW camp, boasted on his return t o Germany about his sterilization

experiments and told newsmen he felt no remorse whatsoever over what he did.

CampusNews On the academic side, Alan Ileeger, Sigma Alpha Mu, Chapter president, was elected to Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary math fraternity. Mr. Heeger was also the main speaker at the fraternity's annual dinner February 21. Dick Pocras was recently elected vicepresident of Alpha Kappa P«i, Bis Ad fraternity. Sigma Alpha Mu also took first place In the Delta Sigma Rho speech contest. The winning team consisted of Larry Schwartz and Stan Fellman. Fellman also won an Individual trophy.

Purim Thoughts

Albert Elected Prexy AZA president Mike Albert has been recently elected president of the Central High School Student Council. Outstanding all-around athlete as well as student leader, Albert is n starting mcinlwr of the varsity basketball team, and also holds varsity letters in football and track.

Kven in the old days, Though you plotted and omspired, Tlie Jews were not defeated. They wore by God inspired. That's why King Ahaseurus, At long last shown the facts Heeded .Mordieai and Ksther, Hung you for your acts! Oh. Mr. Insignificance, In -Shuslian high you rated,. But you're the (,ne the.gallows claimed, And not the Jews yon baited. Hitler, our Harnun of recent days. Has followed in your path. He tried his best to end the Jews, But he suffered from God's wrath. So let us rsvel. Have a merry Purim, one and all, And dance and jlng together, "Shoshanas Ya/akov Tsohalloh Vsomahcho!"

out, are the first Sioux City groups, adult or y o u t h , to be •-<>

honored. Both have worked ion| slstriitly In behalf of March I D i m e s for o v e r M d o z e n y<\-ir>\


Center Sports JUNlOlt YC JK)\V1,IN<; LasL week in Junior Youth Council Biwling, Hell's Angels lead was cut to one game. With 4 Aces and Raylm S. O. S. both winning over Hell's Angels. There are five weeks left In the schedule. • Bill Horwlch Is holding high game and series with a 388-.'13.t. SKIN DIVING CLUB A special exhibit of equipment will be on display for tile first meeting of Skin Diving Club to be held at 7:30 p. m., Sunday in the Jewish Community Center. ALI.-STAHS All-Star squads fr*«n Omaha and S i o u x City split a basketball double-header with the Om.iha

Uy Mrs. .Morris Spcrltti-r Honorable .Mr. Hainan. Lot me show yuu how, Kven in Persia, You're of no imporlaner IMK.

March of Dimes certificates of appreciation were awarded to AZA and BISG last week—to AZA boys for their annual task of distributing find collecting Mnrch of Dimes boxes, nnd to the H'nai U'rlth girls for their popular and successful Sock Hop at the Jewish Community Center. The certificates, sinned by Hasil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, were personally presented by Mi< J. H. Humphrey, ohahnKin of the local group. AZA 'and BUG, it was pointed

Jev/ish Children Not in Boston Plan Boston (JTAi— No Jewish .students In Boston's public lichools are now taking part in the released time program for religious instructions, it was made known here tills week by the Jewish Community Council of .trcater Boston. The statement, issued by the Council's executive director, Robert E. Segal, followed a checkup by an official of the Boston School Committee, following Indication by school authorities, through an error, that rome Jewish children were participating in the plan. The. Community . Council had recommended to the Bureau of Jewish Education in 1919 that the Jewish community withdraw from the program. It was felt that religious education was properly the concern of the home and the synagogue. That recommendation came at a time when 2,363 Jewish school children were taking part in the program. This week's statement indicated that the entire Jewish population of the city is adhering to the principle of nonparticipation.

Junior High team winnin:; .'19-ID and tho Sioux City Senior High team winning 43-39 In the second game. Both games were played at the Omaha Center as the first part of a series between the two Centers. Omaha teams will travel to Sioux City March 18. Omaha Juniors had an easy time of It through superior height and team play Jumping to a 10-2 lead in the first quarter. High scorers were Hollis with 12, Katskee with 8, and Goldberg, Goldstrom and Ginsburg with u. It was a different story in senior game which was close all the way with the lead changing several times. The most noticeable deficit for Omaha seniors was tlie lack of team play and coldness at the free throw line. VAItKlTl" HAHKKTHAI.L Jewish Center Varsity lost its second game last Sunday evening to Ernie's Market of the Tech High AA league in the last fifteen seconds after enjoying a fifteen[Mint lead early in tiie fourth quarter. The game see.sawed in the first fjuarier vvilh Krnie'.s Market ahead Ifi-i.'J mi superior floor play and rebounding, bill tlie second quarter ended with the Varsity on top ,'A21 after Ernie's .Market could only score S points In 18 for the Varsity.

Jr. B.B. Bowling Roger Smith was hij;h in tho Junior H'nai li'rith Howling League with his .'1G5 scries, ilia games were 381-J8-1. Sharon Frank was higTi in the girls' division with her games of 1.12-110 for a 212 series. Gary Parilman, a modest 75 average keglcr, fired games of 12G-07 for a 223 scries. The great Secret Is not having bad manners or good manners or any other particular sort of maoj nere, but having the same manners for all human fouls.—George Bernard Sh«w.

Though Israel and North African Jews arc the main appeal of our UJA drive this year, they are not tlie only social service beneficiaries our community supports, A very important part of our UJA need, according to UJA chairman Frank J. Margolin, is light here at home. Mr, Margolin called attention to Federation's own social scrvice program, which helpj the needy anil troubled Jews right here ill Sioux City. Since it operates quietly and privately, and kecjw its work strictly confidential, few Sioux Cityans realize how much of this social nervloe work Is done. Mr. Margolin slatj eil that cases of destitution, lonely old age, chronic ill health and troubled emotions when they turn up In. Sioux City can b o a s acute and heart-breaking as the same problems over-seas, though there may not bo as many of them. , Mr. Margolin referred to the facts nnd figures disclosed by tho Social Service Committee for 1935, A total of 108 Individuals were aided by Federation social services of one form or another that year.

Rabbi Gordon to Speak On Judaism at Huron P..-.bbi Albert A. Cordon will give a MTies of lectures and leii'l class di ;cu 'ii'ms on Judaism at Huron College, Huron, S. D , next week. The cerlcs is being KponM>if<! by the Jewish Cbaulauqu • .Society, uml'T whole (inspires liulibi ha.'; IKJCII lecturing at ni!d»ei,t colleges and unlversitii;; for many years.

Y. C. Doings At the recent Scholastic Art Inhibition, Bruce llloom nnd Jiihn Schlinnu.-l, of AZA No, 100 won merit nwards. Century..Chapter members Howie Kooper, Marv Friedman, and Howard Kaslott' will participate In the coming Mortensen Debate Tournament to bo staged fit Central High. AZA No. 1's Mike Persell was on the winning team that garnered first place honors at tlie Mercy High School Debate Tournament last week. Rayini members Hill Cooper, Dick Kin.slein, Tanny Horwlch, Sheldon Kr.-intz, Mike Luzer, Lee Marlln, Dick Ilaskin and Mike Yudelson will participate in the senior play. Shelley Grcenbcrg and Janic Fellninn me two Debs to be featured In the play white ISunny Ravltz w.ii named as student director. Carolyn Stern was the recipient of the Debs "Uesl Pledge Award." Report Says . . .

Less Freedom for Jews in USSR New York (JTA)— Jews do not feel us free in the Soviet Union us other citizens, according to C. L. Sulzbercer, chief correspondent of the New York Times, who recently visited various parts of thu U.;.SU. Presenting his Impression? of the statu-; of religion and religious groups in.the USSR, Mr. Kulzberger wrltfs: "JN'o Hebrew 13lblc has been published .since 3017. The few remaining rabbis use prc-revolutlonary prayer honks which even Includo a benediction for the Czar. Hebrew type fonts have been de« Btroyed. A new liturgy is to bo published but It will bo an electrolytic reproduction of the old version minus prayers for the Romanoffs. The position of Jews differ from that of other believers because of political implications, Bolshevism is anti-Zionist as well as antirRcliglous. Stalln'a principles of nationality, enunciated In 1930, did not acknowledge the Jews as a minority.

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