March 9, 1956

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Vol. XXXIV—No, 23.


Israel Presses for Clarifying Policy

'See §1 Now1 Visits Israel; Be Televised Tuesday viewed by Howard K. Smith, CBS News Chief European Correspondent. The program will show the Israeli Air Force and paratroopers who help guard, Israel's borders. Mr. Murrow will also interview Isael's F o r e i g n Minister Mashe Sharett. Scenes of night fighting on the 'Sea of Galilee near the Syrian border, an Israeli Kibbutz along the Gaza strip and a concert by the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra will lie Included In the liour and a half show.

East to Bring War

Sunday Radio

•• Jerusalem, (JTA) — Foreign Minister Moshc Sharett has told tlm, Israel Parliament that the v .unon Executive" views on the Arab-Israel situation expressed by Secretary of Stat6 •committee to Meet John Foster Dulles In his testimony before the Senate Foreign Federation for Jewish Serv- Relations Committee are "alarm« ice, Executive Committee, will ing" fop Israel, even If they did hold a luncheon meeting Rt not represent the "last word" in 12:15 p. m., Thursday, Murch the policy of the U.S. government. 15 at Downtown Highland Club, On the other hand, he stressed, it was announced by Jack W. If this did represent a crystallizaMarer, Fodenition President. tion of U.S. policy then the stark fact was that Washington was "abandoning Israel to its fate.". He referred" to Premier David, Ben Gurlon's earlier statement to the House that Israel preferred peace to victory, but dots not fear the result of a war which might Washington (JTA)—A definitive be forced on It. Mr. Ben Gurlon answer to Israel's arms request aluo charged Dulles' testimony was evaded here, Ambassador "encouraged the Arab dictators In" Abba S. Eban Indicated after a 65- their-hostile attitude toward 1B* tninute talk withi Georg<j V.AJlen, rael-"-: •,:-.. Assistant Secretary of State, for •Mr. Sharett rejected the Dulles'' advice that Israel put its faith Near Eastern Affairs. the United Nations or the tri' Mr. Eban sought a clariflcatidh In partite Declaration. With due reof American policy toward Israel spect to the UN and its role In In tho light of recent statements the establishment of the Jewish made by Secretary of State Dulles. State, the Foreign Minister sold, The Ambassador said that the it had proved helpless to prevent arms Issue was central In the dis- Arab aggression or to make the cussion. Some points were clari- Arabs respect the UN Charier. Nor could the Tripartite Decfied, others were not, he said, but he refused to say whether Depart- laration substitute for a supply of. he continued, "Is It assumed ment had given the final word on arms, that the Russian-Egyptian IlyuIsrael's request for arms. fihln bombers will remain i»ised Mr. Khun indicated only ,hat In the skies of Israel and refrain Israel would continue to press for from dropping bombs" while the complete clarification of tho Amer- UN or tripartite signatories conican position. He said he will re- sider action? Mr. Sharett asked. Israel has made It clear to the sume talks with State Department officials soon. Tho Wash- U. S. he added, that It is entitled ington Post and Times-Herald said to a clear answer on the arms editorially that Mr. Dulles, in his question, "within the shortest appearance before the Senate For- possible time," and that the abeign Relations C o m m i t t e e , sence of a decision will l>e re"seemed to dlsplny n hostility to- garded as a decision. If Israel's ward Israel quite out of keeping request goes unanswered, Mr. underlined, this does not with an understanding of tension Sharett represent a failure of the governthere." ment's policy but a failure of international consciences. .As. a member of the.UN.Israel will claim every bit of assistance TKe UN can give In the case of need. Mr. Sharett declared, but the UN Charter recognizes the London (JTA)—II. N. Caryalho, inherent right of self-defense. He president of the Anglo Jewish As- said that If the Soviet Union sends sociation, presented a frank char- arms to Egypt and Syria, and If acterization of the American Jew- the US sends arms to Iraq and ish community in a report to the Saudi Arabia, and if Britain arms AJA Council on his recent visit to Jordan and Iraq, and if Israel tho United States. : . ^ alone Is refused arms, and If In "From our point pf view, it (Tho these circumstances the Arabs American Jewish. community) Is attack Israel, "then Israel will unorganized or oV e reorganized, fight with whatever arms she has the responsibility will be which ever you will," he said, and by those who could help "There Is no coordination and in- borne Israel In time and did not." tense competition . . . leaders are well Informed, but I thought the rank and flic surprisingly Ignorant of conditions in other countries. The outstanding Characteristic of them all is an Intense wish to do good and a real desire to be advised how good should be done. •Morris R Jacobs, a past presiThere is a tremendous potentially dent of the Federation for Jewish In the American community and I Service, will load the G r e a t e r Creighton Development Campaign believe It Is being harnessed." Dr. Carvalho revealed that the to raise $1,750,000 for the first AJA, tho American Jewish Com- phase of the university's ten-year mittee and the Alliance Israelite expansion program. Unlverselle have under discussion "This drive presents to our complans for religious, cultural and munity the chance now to build educational work In Europe. "We a greater university for n greatdo not wish to establish anything er Omaha and Middle West," Mr. In defiance or opposition to any Jacobs asserted. ] other organization and are thereA native Omahan, he has been> fore having consultations on the active in community service for highest and widest levels before many years. Mr. Jacobs headed making an announcement or ap- the 191G Red Feather Drive and proving any plans," ho said. was general chairman of Omaha Centennial celebration in 1954. He has served as over-all chairman 1'OI'K UKEETKD Itome (JTA)—The best wishes of the Jewish Philanthropies Camof Italian Jewry to rope Pius paign and president of Temple Is. XII on the occasion of his 80th rael. birthday were voiced here last In 1954, Mr. Jacobs was named weekend by Chief Rabbi Ello King of Ak-Sar-Ecn and Is now Toaff, In a specially-arranged na- chairman of the stale board of tionwide broadcast. education. ..0^

Growing Military Imbalance

Center Art Class Spring Sessions

4 Doilftr* Uf Cent*

P * , r \rt"' 3'o<3

ftlward K. Murrow (left) coproducer of "See It Now" interviews Israel's Prime M i n i s t e r Onvid Hen (liirion on patio adjoining the home where Hen Gurion lives, in Kihbutz (communal lillarje) Kde linker in the Negev Desert, Israel. The "See It Now" report on the Middle East, with special emphasis on Kgypt and Israel, will be broadcast fcinn 7:30 to 9 p. m., Tuesday, March 13, over WOW-TV, Channel fi, and Omaha .Mi Mi V.»iih Council will feature interviews with Tien has iimpped plans tn marl; the oli- finriun and Kgypt's Premier (lamnl «er..<me of National Jewish Youtli Alnli-1 Na*ier. the latter InterWeek which will extend from /•arch 1G to 2.1. Art Novak, eounell president, announced thN week, Israeli General Warns Alun Kpsk'ln was named nrtlvltles chninimn. Misses I.lmla Rosenhnmn and Sally .<ieeman rue in charge of nrrnnrtcmcritfs for n Jcen-ace style show and IJordinc Green In chairman of tlie reception New York (JTA)-A Btrong which will foe held for parents, Israel, equipped with qualitative Miss Inn Margolin heads the dunce committee and Misses Lenl Wine parity in modern arms, is one real and J™n Mnrx are In charge of 1,'uarantee of ;>eace in the Middle the Sunday Cultural Kaleidoscope Kast, YiiiM Allon. who rose to the rank of Ilrlt;adier General In J'ltOfiKAM HClmWI.'C Israel's Army during the War of Munday, Hnrcli 18 Independence in 1918 and now is • Ctilturnl Kaleidoscope a member of Israel's Parliament, Teen-age Style Show told n press conference nt the naFather-Son Uowllnp: Tourney tional headquarters of the United Monday, Murch IB Jewish Appeal last week-end. Co-e<l Baikcthall Gen. Allon, acclaimed by his Tn«<l»y, Mured 20 countrymen an the "Liberator of Mother-Daughter Bowling ih-vNegcv," arrived .n New York Wrdnrmlay, Mil rob Jl , to start a month-long speaking Macnbbiad tr r Boys tour of key cities on behalf of the Thursday, March 23 tIJA'a lilHG nationwide campaign. Co-ed Maeabblad A second generation Israeli, he Friday, March SS grew m> In a settlement which had ' Religious Emphasis Night many Arab nelghljors and he Is Saturday, March 24 fluent in Arabic. Diirinc his youth Youth Council Dune"! often served as a mediator in blood-feuds between Arab families. 'Continuation of the present arms situation Is explosively dangerous," Gen. Allon warned. "Moddern offensive armaments arc goCenter Art Classes under the di- Ing to the dictatorial Arab powrection of Mrs. Meyer Holier will ers while the democracy of Israel boffin wring sessions at 1 p. m Is denied weapons of equivalent , Monday, Mnrch 12. quality for self-protection. This is A variety of media such as oil, building up a grave ilisaprlty in pastels and water colors will be military force, If the military Imoffered. balance is allowed to develop furFor registration call tho Center t'nT, It will embolden an aggresActivities office, JA 1.1CG. sor to strike." "There are statesmen," he added, "who tell us that they are not giving us arms In order to prevent an arms race. IJut In fact, as Chaplain Charleit A. Annes, everyone can .sen for himself, tho stationed nt La R o c h e l l o , •ace continues, with only'one horse France, will discuss "Tho Will- allowed In the field. That kind of ing Heart" on the/Message of race can end only one way. The Israel series broadcast over arming of the Arabs only, mokes KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 the renewal of large scale war p. m. almost Inevitable." Oen Allon said that Israel was The Eternal Light series will under great pressure to accept "a !>e heard over KFAH from peace based on blackmail— the 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon, . urrendor of the Nep,ev." Israel's people, he declared, will never give

Youth Council fo Mark Youth Week

Annual Hute tiiiiKlr C o w

sroeSi Leaders Find Hew Alarming

Fund Raising Decline Halts Now York (JTA i For the fii :.l time since 19-18 (he declining trend in funds raised by cent rid Jewish cummunlly catnji.ii^iis was reversed last year, ;t WHS reported by the Council of Jewish Fi-derations and Welfare Funds. "Latest infnniiiitlon from 127 Sprint; nnd Fall campaigns reveals n percentage Increase of 08 per cent over 1!).">1," the C'JI'WF report inid. Although both Spring and Fnll communities showed increaseB n.. (croups, strong impetus was Riven to the upward swine 6y the results reported In five of the largest Fnll Campaign cities, Boston, Montreal, Rochester, Toledo nnd Youngstown all reported increases ranging from 1.0 to 15.4 percent. Tho 127 cities rnlscd a lulal $65,696,3-11 In 1955 ngalnst JGr,. 145,101: In 19.">4, the report revealed. Well over half of the reporting communities nald that they raised the name or more In 1!>.T>. Pf these, 07 were Increases while three remained ttir? same. Of the Increase*, 2(3 cities reported gains Of 5 percent more. On the nec.iti.'e sli'e, nlmost half of the cities which raised less this year than In 1T>) reported Kisses of under n percent.

l'utiii.i.piea every * n d a y ( iOl M. Hutu. OuimiJi. Neoraakft, fbunc JA 1360

up the Negev or make any other territorial sacrifice. "The Ncgov Is our Texas. It Is the future of Israel. Without the Ncgev, Israel would be no more than a city-state and I think we can agree that the days of the city-state are passed. Such a state would not exist one month." Gen. Allon made Jt clear, however, that his present mission In the United States had nothing to do with Israel's military or political problems. "I nm here on a humanitarian mission," he said. "Israel's people will do whatever they must to defend themselves. But we are also concerned with the problem of a new mass Immigration of Jewish refugees from tense North Africa. It is beyond our financial means to properly absorb these thousands of newcomers. We are calling upon the American Jewish community to make available through the UJA the urgently needed funds that can help provide homes, agricultural training and constructive- lives for the Immigrants we arc welcoming."

Center Swimming Pool Renovated The Jewish Community Center swimming l»ol Is closed for repairs, Les Burkenroad, Center Health and Physical Education chairman, announced this week. New lighting fixtures are beinp Installed, tho floors reburnlshcd and the ventilating system Improved, Mr. Bprkenroad stated. The pool will bo reopened Sunday, March 18 for the Women's Midwest A.A.U. Swim Meet. Regular programs will be continued start inc Monday, March 19.

British Leaders View U.S. Jewry

Jacobs Will Head Creighton Drive

l*««f Two



Largest Group of Rabbis Ordained PubUnhed Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service JCmcno- u **cooa-ciu* ELmttrr a; u m u i , fteuruia uodn UM %cl ol UtrcB S. 1879 A M U ; MMiaen«cjoii, M.oo. A«veni*u> l u m oa APUH^IMJO. MUuru. Ultw— IK. M Z'JIO b:rt.t_ Oir.»:,«. f.«Lr. J«'>K>I> UM. m m Uop Atianm—ttue no. ism mint. BA>. \ HA1 J"KR'l , Bdilra

British See Danger to Israel In Glubb Ouster London (JTA) —The Jordanian dismissal of Lt. Gen. John B. Glubb M head of the Arab Legion has caused the British Foreign Office, for the t i n t time, to believe that the greatest danger to peace in the Kiddle East may lie In Arab aggression, it was learned here Monday even as Prime Minister Anthony Eden told the House of Commons that Britain was studying the effect of this development on the entire Middle East situation. At the same time, Sir Anthony told the House that ail senior Briti "i officers serving with the Le>>n— about 15—were being with.

Global Report ISKAKL PAYMENT Washington (JTA) — I s r a e l made its fourteenth semi-annual payment this week-end to the US Export-Import Bank on a development loan received in 1949 and 1950. The payment amounted to 53.J39.937, bringing the total payments by Israel to date up to $33,800,000. Of this amount, nearly $21,000,000 was on account of Interest and $15,000,000 on account of principal. Melr Sherman. Israel Economic Minister to the United States, commented on the latest payment, saying that "it sparked considerably Inrger Investments in all areas of Israel's economic life, and thus contributed beyond measure of Its dollar value to the remarkable progress of the country." FRKIGIITKK TO KI.ATII Tel Aviv (JTA)—A small Greek freighter, the Kunitza, carrying a cargo of cement and other build' ing material from Haifa, arrived in the Gulf of Akaba port of Elath. the first ship in nine months to reach the blockaded port. The freighter, which passed through the Suez Canal, was detained for two days at Port Said by the Egyptians. Arrival of the siJp created hv tense excitement in the town And was the occasion of celebration. Resident!i of the town were taken aboard the freighter for a cruise In the Gulf. JULABAHA COIXNCIJ-S Birmingham, Ala. (JTA)— Anti-Semitism has made Its appearance in the Alabama White Citizens Councils movement it became known v.hen it was learned that the North Alabama Citizens Council, led by Ace Carter, a fillins Motion operator, has adopted as a membership requirement the "heller in the divinity of Jesus Christ." One result t»f the injection of anti-Semitism into the movement has been n spilt between Carter nnd State Sen. -Sam Knglehardt. one of the founders and executive secretary of the Alabama White Citizens Council1;. New York I WNS) —When the United Suites signed a pact with Saudi Arabia in 1951 for use of the Dhahnii' air base there was never nhy intention of barring American Jews from the base. former President Truman asserted this week. .Mr. Truman said that the treaty provided, as do all 'such agreements, that Saudi Arabia might object to nny individual entering, or remaining In the country, but tha: no religious or other bar was intended. Mr. Truman was commenting on Secretary of State Dulles' testimony that the U.S. did not assign American Jewish servicemen to Saudi Arabia because of the 1051 pact. A patch on your coat and money In'your pocket is better and more creditable than a writ on your back nnd no money to take Jt off.—Benjamin Franklin.

drawn and that the future of some 50 .British officers serving In (he Legion under contract would be discussed with the Jordan government. He further revealed that 'these are matters we are discussing with our allies," but refused t< comment on the wider aspects. In another development. Sir An thony called the commanding officers of the British Army and Royai Air Force to an emergency Cabinet meeting devoted to the worsening Middle East situation. Although the Foreign Office appears to be swinging to the view that the withdrawal of British control from the Legion may lead to that force being tued as the spearhead of an attack on Israel, there was no indication whether this would lead to any change in the Western policy of withholding arms from Israel. It became evident here that members of Sir Anthony's own Conservative Party were becoming restive under the Eden-Dulles policy. Sir Robert Boothby, Conservatlve, demanded in the House an Immediate Jo I n t Anglo-American policy.for the Middle East and a decision whether the West will permit Israel to be destroyed by Arabs using Communist a r m s . J u l i a n Amery, a Conservative "rebel." criticized the withdrawal of all British officers from the Arab Legion, Insisting that this was just what the extreme nationalists in Jordan had wanted.

Beth Israel Men 'Snack n' Dance' Beth Israel Men's Club will greet the coming of Spring with a "Snnck 'n Dance" to be held at 8:30 p. m., April 28 in the synagogue social hall, Sam Knplan. club president announced. Tickets arc $320 per couple. Dance co-chairmen arc Harold Rubin and Norman Roscnswclg. Reservations are limited, call Leo Kraft, AT 5358 or RE 9432 or synagogue office. RE 6288.

U.S. Surplus Food Donated to JDC

Friday, March 1), 1030.


New York (JTA) One hundre and thirty-one rabbis were dalned by Veshiva University Sun day at the larger r.-ibbinical i vocation in JevvMi hKt >ry. Tli< rabbis, graduates of the Univer sity's Itahbi Isaac Klch;in;m 'Iliec logical Seminary, r e c h e d ".Seni eha," the degivc in Jewkl theological learning fruni Dr. Sain uel Belkin. president, The gradu ating CI.LSS included rabbis from 1 states and seven foreign countrie Fourteen chaplains in service will armed forces In this country ani abroad were aho included in th group. For the first time, fou South Americans from Brazil, Ar gentina, lJcru and Chile were or daincd by the institution.

Mrs. Roosevelt S o y i . . .

R eligious News - 0:0'.' p. )iu. Caudle-lighting

Temple Israel Worship Services this cwnin;; a Temple Isi\1 •I will be held at u'doeli. Itaj >bi iienj.iinin L, Mar cu.s from Te[nple Iieih Kh'ilom, To Jieka, Kans.; will b.- guest sjh-alt er. lie wil <ii; 'I'Oiir Dilem m.l Today." Services fjaturdny morning wil he at H:.')0 ^'clock for members ol the religious school and adtilK


Tile "Semicha" exercise^ held every three yeans, aUo marked tin sixtieth anniversary of the Semi nary, founded in 381M5 and named In honor of Rabbi Isaac Klchanan Speetor, recognized as the great est religious authority and leader of the 19th century. In accordance with traditloon, the exercises arc being held on the, 21st of Adar, corresponding this year to March 4, the anniversary of the death of Rabbi Spcctor (1R17-1S9G).

i! Sabbath ||ervice.i a I lie 111 KJ Synagogue M'ill begin ut 8:15 p. in "tabbl Myer B. Kripke will deliver he sermon Ifcm "A Philosopher of American Judaism." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and! the choir will render he musical jfortlons of the service. Sabbath niprnlng services will be held at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Con' gregatlon services begin at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv Service is at 0 p. m. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m., And Sunday (service at 9 a.m.

Canadians Win Issue On Religious Teaching

Beth Israel

Edmonton (JTA)—Opposition by Dr. J. D. Dower, president of the Edmonton Jewish Community Council, against the Introduction of religious Instruction In the local public schools has caused * the Jocal authorities to turn down A proposal by the Edmondton" District Council of Churches for a weekly half-hour of religious instruction In the schools. After studying n memorandum from Dr. Dower, acting In behalf of the Jewish community, the school authorities expressed "unalterable" opposition to the proposal which would have placet! the onus "upon the pupil to leave the room if he does not care to listen" to the religious instruction. This ruling returns the situation to what it was previously the school day may be started with the reading of a prayer and one day each week may IK* closed with the reading of a Biblical selection from a compilation provided by the school authorities and drafted by a representative group of ministers.

Obituary Mrs. Sol Logman

Services were held T u e s d a y , March 6, for Mrs. Sol Lagman Paris I JTA)—Two m i l l i o n with interment at Golden Hill pounds of surplus foodst iffs donat- Cemetery. Mrs. Lagman, 56, a resed by the US. Department of Ag- ident of Omaha for 50 years, died riculture were distributed to needy Monday at a local hospital. persons by the Joint Distribution She Is survived by her husband, Committee during 19r>5, It was rc< Sol; two daughters, Mrs. Norman pcrtrd bore by Charles H. Jordan, Halm and Mrs. Nace Jabenis; n acting director general of the son, Jordan, all of Omaha; a sisJDC. Uist year's total, which ter, Mrs. (jilbcrt Cutler, of Los reached 2.200.000 pounds, almost Angeles, Cal.; nnd four grandchildoubled the amount given in the dren. previous year. In terms of dollar value, he noted, JDC distribution last year amounted to approx- Samuel Rabin imately $014,000. Services were held .Sunday, The foodstuffs were distributed March 4 for Samuel Rabin with nterment at Fisher Farm Cemein France. Germany, Israel, Italy, Morocco. Tunisia ind Yugoslavia tery- Mr. Itabin. 64, a resident of and Included cheese, powdered the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home milk, butter and cottonseed oil. for the Aged, died Friday. March For the current year, the U.S. De- 2. H(; was an Omaha resident for partment of Agriculture has add- 40 years and had been a furniture ed wheat, flour, rice, licnns, corn dealer. Mr. Kabin is survived by and corn products to the list of relatives in Israel. available surplus. A monthly average of 79,000 persons benefited Sidney C. Singer from '.his surp'us last year, Mr. Word has been received here of Jordan declared, compared with the of Sidney C. Singer a monthly average of "i-1.000 the •March 3 In Glendale, Cal. He was year before. The largest sin;;le a resident of Omaha 30 years ago. consignment- more than 700,000 Mr. Singc-r is survived by a son. pounds—went to Israel. Sidney. Jr., of Glendale; two sls"Through the generosity of the ers. Mrs. I. Rosenthal and Mrs. American Government," Mr. Jor- Leo Ilo.senthal of Omaha; a brothdan asserted, "we arc effecting er, J. J. Singer of Des MoincB, la., chances in the eating habits of an and two grandchildren. entire generation. The food they have supplied, supplementing our Monument Dedication regular feeding programs In many Tho family of the late Morris parts of the world, provides thou- Kalmnn of Glenwood, la., will sands of youngsters with much dedicate a monument in his memof their nutritional needs nnd put* ry at 11 n. m., Sunday. Mar. 11 them on the road to better health..' at Fisher Form Cemetery.

Rabbi .Benlamln Groner, Cantor EU Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and. the Senior classes of Beth Israel Talmud Torih will conduct late F r i d a y evening services at 8 'clock. Traditional Friday evening sereIces (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at ";15 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at iM a. m. Junior Congregation at fix a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6 15 p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'< udos and M n a r l v . Daily mornir g services at 7 a. m.; afternoon sc •vices at fi:20 p. m. Sunday mon ing service* begin at 8:4.1 a. m. Si nday morning Junior MInyan Mart at K:30 a. m.

Tercente iary Hailed London (J]TA)—The>p of Canterbury Sunday heailed i list of prominent Uritish Clirfcitlnn church leaders who greeted Ihe Anglo-Jtfwish community on Ihe occasion of the tercentenary of the returrt of the Jews to England. The Archbishop's greetings and those ijif the other church leaders, including the Moderator Of the Free Church Federal Council, Which encompasses 2.1.000 churches in Kngland and Wales. and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland; were published in "Common ([round." publication of Ihe Council of Christians and Tews The Archbishop hailed the "association of l)ie Jew and the English" us having brought great Iwnefits lo bpth, but warned thnt the danger of nntl-.Semitism "still urks" ready;to Mrlkc at the first opportunity. At Ihe same time, he railed attention to the existence if the CounAil of Christians and Jews to wan} off such danger and lo reaffirm |jho positive religious values of bo^i faiths.

Problem of Israel Concerns World New York (JTA)—The problem of Israel is not just an ArabIsraeli problem but one^thnt concerns the uhole free vvorld, Mrs, Franklin D. Iloosevclt told over .'1,000 particip'ints in the 17lh annual conference of the Council of Organizations of the United Jewish Appeal, meeting Sunday on the Manhattan Center grand ballroom. This is Ixeausc "Israel Is the onlj area In the Middle East in which a democratic form of government Is understood by the existing government, and the people have a feeling that life Is being built and made worth while," Mrs. Roosevelt explained. She urged that t' United States government tL'.ked lo "move there in conperaiion with Great Britain and France, or all of them throughout the United Nations should move, to guarantee existing borders In that urea of the world and thua 1c .d eventually to a peaceful solution nf the difficulties." Louis Llpsky. Zionist leader who nlso addressed the conference, said thnt the 'vertones of this yoar'i L'JA campaign arc "burdened with fcrevish anxieties and fears" because of the political unrest in the Middle F-ast. "Never before in Israel's short life has it been threatened by such a situation," he added. "Preparations for war are quite evident and the savage boasts of revenge by a chorus of Arab states are greeted In silence by the world."

Oil Group Admits' Hiring Agitator New York ( J T A ) - A charge by Eujtace Mullins, cited In 1931 ai a neo-Frt.scist by ihe House un-Amer« lean Activities Committee, that the American Petroleum Industries 'ormnlttee had failed to live up to a agreement that he was to ct as its chief nnti-Zionfst propagandist for a fee of S2*>,000 has b ^ i branded by the committee as "completely preposterous." T h e committee, 'Which conceded that Mullin? had been employed by hem for about a year, denied cilonorically thai he had been cm* iloyed "in any capacity at any imp for the purposes he alleges." Mulllns, whose employment with he committee began on April 27, 1033, and ended on April 30, 1934, celts 550,000 in wages and damn : s from the committee. He aserted that he bad been asked to jntinuc his anti-Zionl>t activities ivlth no direct connection with the M'lC by John If. Divins, l u dlreeor. Mr. Ilivins, who Issued tl»a itatement for the APIC, asserted hat Mulllns had been employed 'as one of several eeonomlst-wrlt•rs in a subordinate capacity." The APIC director also declared i.i t his organization disclaims 'any connection with him or wilh iny activities ho may have undcraken since Oiat time. The APIC Iocs not concern Itself, nor has It ver concerned Itself, with other lian purely domestic matters."


"The Two Orphans1 "A absorbing Italian drama against a rca istic background of social conditions , superb."


Jew sh Community Center 5INGLE ADMISSION 75 CENTS


frridny, Mart* B, JOM.

Harmonic Close of Symphony Season Ity Huns Ilurr The final concert of tl«> wiiiler stnson of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra under (he bil.di of Dr. Richard Duncan uiuleil with a wonderful harmonic chord. There wan the ifrandenbuo: concerto N». ti in G major by Bach, performed In the .original 'score and played willi such a fine and chamber nuisic-liUe style that it was a pleasure t(i listen to. Liszt's sentimental and dramaticJjut dusty and antiquated composition "Leu Preludes" received also (in excellent rendition. The program also offered an impressive and full of mood work "Deep Forest" by the American woman composer Mabel Daniels and some special music by the Englishman Walton. His "Facade Suite" Is spiced with wit, sarcasm and Irony and has one of its climaxes In the "Swiss Yodellinc Sony" in which a melody of the "William Tell Overture" k woven into the yodelling sonf». It was true amusement and a reminiscent of the music in the. mountains of Swltzerand, Bavaria and Austria. Jan Pcerce, famous tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, was the most welcome guest soloist. He has won enough fame so it is unnecessary to praise hi3 nrtlsllc .qualifications. However, wo want to thank him for his performances of works by Torclli, Mendelssohn, Handel, Verdi and Cilea, in whlcli We enjoyed his wonderful, Iljiht and still youthful voice nnil the seriousness of his interpretations. Pntronlzc Our Advertisers

Do You Need Extra Tables or Chairs For Your Passover Seder?

Home Folk Program By Dramatic Club


Kusevitsky to Feature Workmen's Circle Outstanding Repertoire Six birthdays will be celebrat-

"Cantor Kusevitsky will present the outstanding selections from his brilliant repertoire of liturgical, operatic, and folk sonft numbers at Beth Israel Synaj;oj;ue, Sunday, March 38, at 8:30 p. m." said Henry Appel, foremat chairman. "Among tlio world-famous numbers to bo featured are "Klbbono She! Olum," "Akuvyoh," "A Chazzan Un A Gabbai," "A Postichel A Trolmer," and "Lnmento dc Federico." " Tickets are $3.00 per person. London (WNS)—A memorial at which Rabbi Emll Davidovic officiated, was held in the old synagogue in Prngue to commemorate 5,000 Czech Jews murdered by the Nazis 011 the night of March 8, 1944 lit the Blrenau conNew Quarters Donald D.-odkoy nnnouncrs tlie centration camp according to a moving of his law office to 1137 Prague radio broadcast heard Omaha National Bank Building. here. His new phono number Is AT 1170. Mr. Brodkey Is now associated with nttorncrys Kelso MorRan. Ixnils Cnmnzzo and Ralph Uremers. Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club will present u program for the residents of the Ur. I'hilip Sher Jewish Home for the AK<-'d at 2- p. in., this Sunday. Mrs. Philip Cranflr-ll will recite Yiddish readings and Mrs. Milton Keienbei'; will sine Yiddish folk soni:s. Joe Kadinowskl will act as narrator find will speak on the crisis facinf; Israel today. Abe Schneider will present an original iKiem written especially for the oce.ision. Miuibers of the proj>rum committee are Mesdames Sam Tarnoff, J. J. Brown, lion Martin, .Sam C'tnur :md Abe Schneider. Itefiesbrnents will IK.' .served.

CA.MI'ING POST Saul Silverman, Center Activities Director, wns recently elected vice-president of Nebraska Section of American Camping Association.

ed at the monthly birthday party of Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club ut C p. m. this Sunday In Labor Lyceum. Celebrants are: Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Mogll, Mrs. Ii. Miroff, N. Lernian, II. Carl andMaxCrounse.



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Sells More New Chevrplets Than Any Other Dealer

BICBABD ANDEMON Bstchar ft* A m w i t ' t U TwWUy Nlata St., Carter L a t e , «*ysi "Thli li my tint ntw car. N a t u r a l l y I •fioppMl a n x m i mX i l l of Ch« d i a l i r i in Om&hA. I tKMlgbt K 'DO FORD from OERKLICK b«c*BM M gsv« me tb» btrt 4f«l. ire dOM WlUitlM M f l bt'lt

BETH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 52nd and Charles REgent628S

WE'RE SORRY—We cannot accept any more dinner reservations for Sunday evening, March 18. A limited number of tickets for the Kusevitsky concert scheduled for 8:30 p.m.' Sunday, March 18, are still available, at $3.00 per person.


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...RESULT: GERELICK SOLD MORE, m m NEW FORD UNITS (ears and truck*) THAN ANY DEALER IN NEBRASKA in '55 COMPARE THESE PRICES! •U '5ft '5ft '5ft '5ft '5ft


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Bar Mitzvah

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Libermaii announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Keith, will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday momIng, Mar. 23 and 24, at Temple Israel. Friends' and relatives are Invited to attend the services and the rcvfptlon which will follow.

John Iliekes was fop man i the Junior B'nai B'rith Bowlin League with his 263 series. John had games of 132-131. Mickey Sacks' 146 was hljjh game for the day, and with hi 104 give him a 250 series. Sharon Frank was high in tin girls' division with games of 116 114 for a 230 series. Splits were converted by:. Chuck Ginsburg, 4-5 and 9-10; Meyc Ooren, 3-10; Frances Conpcnmin 3-10; Phyllis Kntzman, 5-10. HIGH GAMES AND SEMES Buddy Marcus 126-120-246 Roger Smith . . . . . . 135-106--241


iliiy, March 0,


National Zionist Youth Director to Be Here

New York (WNS) — of the Hitler persecutions, ''Genmmy has a special responsibility in helping to brinR a!>out Arab-Israel peace, this week declared Eric Couth, founder of the 'Trace with Israel" movement in West Germany, after completing a sixweek lecture tour in the United States. Mr. Lcuth said hi> had been "most touched by invitations to speak In the synagogues of America and by the generosity with which 1 was received at Jewish gatherings."

Rabbi Aimviiii Fiero, National Director of the' American Zionist Youth Commission, will be in Omnha March VI and 13 to meet with leaders of youth groups. Omaha Zionist Youth Commis sion President Lee Gendler and members of the commission will meet with the director Monday, March 12 at 12:30 p. m.

Bar Mitzvah of Paul Kutler. son of,Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. The director will speak to DebKutler, will take place Saturday ka Debs and Uohanue members morning. Mar. 10, at Beth Israel Monday evening. He will me«t Synagogue. 52nd and Charles sts. with leaders of Junior Young JuAll friend* and relatives arc cordea groups Tuesday. dially invited to attend the sen' Mrs. Max Blttner is Youth Comlee and the reception following the 138-102—240 mission coordinator and Mr*. M. Bradley Epstein •mice. 131. 97-230 F. Levenson Is the newly appointBobby Singer 122-107-229 ed Youth Activities Chairman of Howard Chudacoff, son of Mr. Melvln Epstein 115-111—226 Hndassah. . and Mrs. Lrving Chudacoff, and Jerry Clplnko 12197-218 Matt Faler .. Stephen Gould, son of Mr. and 107405-212 V. O. GIKLS1 VOLLEYBALL. Mrs. Leonard Could, will become Larry Roitstein 11499—212 B'nai Mitzvah at services Friday Douglas PUtt . 107-102—209 In Youth Council Girls' Volleyevening, March 9 and Saturday Phyllis Katzman ball, B.B.'G. topped the league morning. March 10," at Beth El Frances Coopcrman 118- 89—207 with a 2-1 record over Debka Debs 11091-201 Mike Green Syriagogue. 1 with a 3-5 and Debka Debs 2 whowon 2 and lost 6. Friends and relative* arc invited to attend both services and the re- Mitzvah of their son, Charles, at The next Item In Girl*' Voljey. coptiont which will follow. services Friday evening, March 16 ball U the Governor1! cup tournaand Saturday morning, March 17, ment w h i c h will be held this month. Mr. and Mm. Joseph Hornstein at Beth £1 Synagogue, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Friends and relatives arc invited .son, Michael, and Mr. and Mrs. to attend both cervices and the reYale Giiuburg announce the Bar ceptions which will follow.

AAU Meet at Center The Women's Midwestern AAU Swimming Meet will be held Qt the Jewish Community Center < pool this Sunday, It was announced by Les Burkcnroari, Ccn» ter Health and Physical Education chairman. Directors of the meet will be Jim Karbatsch and Joe Mlcek of the Center staff.

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Only MAHISCHEWITZ has this EXTRA futurt!

MAN tunos • • tec WINE







NOW OPEN ON SUNDAY STARTING MARCH 11 Finest Quality Bakery Products Baked All Day Sunday A Complete Selection of Kosher Delicatessen Meats, Fish and Cheese

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Our 24th St. Store Open All Day Sunday Shop Friday for Your Saturday Delicatessen and Bakery Foods Bagels, Onion Rolls. Poppy Seed Rolls and Dark Rye Sticks Will Be Available


It's the REAL gefilte fish with the clear golden broth that jells .*

At end of wash time, SudsMiser automatically pumps hot sudsy water into a stationary tub for storage.

During storage time, suspended soil in the Sudsy w « h water settles' to the bottom of laundry tub.

PLUS NEW EXCLUSIVE TWO-SPEED, TWO-CYCLE ACTION Now, only RCA uimarooL gives you two separate washing actions to wash everything safely and automatically. One onion is normal speed and time for regular fabrics; the other is low speed and short time for dcli«ie scd sheerest fabrics


Trade-In on Your Old Washer . . . • Made with racre of the choicest wliitefiili • Trie clear EoliJeo broth fives you a quick, pure, natural jell from the fish it self


Reg. 359 $ 89 95

Tor washing the next load of clothes, only the bot sudsy water is pumped back into washer automatically.

WASHING ACTION Clothes are washed cleaner yet gentler. You'll hare the cleanest, longestlasting clothes with ncA WHIRLPOOL. SEVEN RINSES Most thorough rinsing of any automatic washer yet RCA WHIRLPOOL uses less rinse water than other washers.

ULTRA-VIOLET LAMP Built-in germicidtl lamp helps sanitize clothes, imparts sweet, freshsir fragrance.

CYCLE-TONE* SIGNAL Two short signals tell you when wash i.s finished; saves time and steps.

You Pay Only.

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1510 Capitol Ave.

Open Moniliy and Thunt&ty Till 0 I\M.

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Friday, Mnrrli 9. 10.10.




Organizations IIAI>A*SA1I COI .N( II. In1 imiMcralor ' Mrs. .Sam (Jreen, Mrs. RosenMembers of ()-n ih.i Ch ipti'i II d.i-.<.th Jjl.i'-Tillonal Ciiiiiu-il ml blatt nnd tlieir Circlrt No. 2 lire meet for an Onf'i; Sh.ibbat S u m in charge iJahy Miter srrure will day, M.'irih 17 at J p in, .it tin be pioMded. home of Mr-.. D iv,d liio'llny, 112 N. 56th =.t All in "ill) i , ,M i- in •/•< COl.'NCII, STUDY to attend Ndtlonnl C o u n c i l ,A Jewish W o m e n Current KveiilK Study fioup will meet Wcdni-sdny, March HADASSAII ISOAICI)-, Mmes. A. C. Krllmnn, S mi H i m M at 1 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. and I'.ml Vi-n-t will be Iw^tr,-,, , |< Iluin.ih Orloff. 4721 D.neniwjrt. Mis Flojd IVilmetir wlll\llsmembers of Hadjss.ih C l w i p t c .Hoard at tin- horn,, of Mi-, Fell ei^^1 •It.".olt in the South." Kwrymanh. 6ai P.irkuood l..m<\ .M.m onf. is welcome. day, March 11), at 12-30.1) »' ' Group Board-, will nuet I'luii . MIXKACill WOMEN day, March 22, nt 12-M p m , will Mmes. II. Hraiidsletter, II. the following members lib hint Kninklln, H. Paskowitz, nnd Irvesses. Howl Ho in] will meet at tin home of Mrs. Adolph MJJIT, 5607 Harncy, with Mrs. Seymour Zo»b as co-hostess; Szoid Hoard ull meet at the home of Mrs. Uizlcr Singer, 2511 Country Club, with Mrs. Arthur Friedman and Mrs. Harry Marks as co-hostesses; and the Weltzman Board will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Stern, 6484 Cumlng, with Mmes. Ben Zoorwil and Wm. Alberts as co-hostcssos. IfADASSAII FETE New members of Hadassah.and their husbands will be entertained at an evening, of fun Wednesday night, March 21, at 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lrvlng Herzog, 688 N. 66th st. In charge of arrangements for this event arc Mrs. Irving Simon, chairman, arid her committee, Mmci, Aaron Rips Seymour Gold^ton, Philip Rosenblatt, Lazier Singer, Hymle Gendler. and David Shukcrt. A program has been planned with Mrs. Sidney Hollis, mistress - of. ccrcmonlci. and participants, Dr. Shimon Shlchor. Mr*. Robert Riwn • and Mr. Sojmour Goldston. Refreshments will bo si-rw'd. T. I. SISTKHIIOOI) 'Ton Homo of the A u g u s t Miwn," n reo'nt Uroadway Int. will be recltfd by Ken Seymour (Seymour Golikton) nt Hie 1 p. m., March 13 mcetlnu of TVmpic Israel Slslorhood Mendames Larry Pluttner nnd William are program chairmen. Mrs. Paul Blotcky Is table setting chairman nnd Mrs. Ilnrry Altshulcr, general luncheon chairman. Mr*. Bcrnhardt Wolf, sisterhood president, will preside at a board

IIIKIJK ( IIOMM Uikiir Cholim Society will hold Its regular meeting following a dessert luncheon tit 1 p. in., Monday, March 12 In tin Jew.Mi Community Center. All members are urged to attend the meeting.

Hadassah Bowling

The new Mnnlschewllz 1'assover Recipe Hooklet i.s a concise, nnd valuable collection of holiday recipes prepared and tested by the Manischewitz Home Economiej IJeinrtiiu nt in its famous model lio-,hei t( si ldtdien. <'ontaininr supi'estci! menus for tlK' and second Seder and a variety of recipes ranging from stuffings to i l c c i l s , the Manischewitz Passover Recipe Booklet Is the result of long and intensive creative work In the. kitchen. Free copies of the Manlschowit/ Pa-^over Recipe Booklet may be obtained by writing to Mnnisrhewitz, Box 28881, Jersey City, N. J.

High scorers this week in Hadassah bowling are: L. Sachs 212-502, D. Rubin 485, L. Hoberman 480, L. Faler 468, R. Garrop 466, G. Zevltz 1G4, R.: Wintroub 463, R. PUlpr 459, S. Lewis 453; R. Klein 449, A. Snelder 437, P. Marcus 437, S. Groenberg 436, D. Green 435, A. Schulman 434, M. Cooperman 436, B. Swartz 427, R. Platt 426, M. Wine 125, E. Jacobsen 425, K. Asbyll 417, P. Llpton 410, B.' Hoberman 408, R. Cooper 407, M. Fromkln 405, P. Gross 403, and R. Sokoloff 401.

Patronize Our Advertisers

Jerusalem (WNS)— Five hundred Immigrants from North Africa and Eastern Europe arrived this week In Haifa aboard the liner Negba. Fifty of the arrivals were from Eastern Europe and the rest from North Africa. :


We Guarantee Our Fit or Your Money Back A. Opal

Black Patent White Leather Also Pump Style in Light Blue, Pink and Yellow

B. Veil

* Black Patent ' Red, BJue, White Leather B.

Buy Buster Brown Shoes For Correctly Fitted, Smart Looking Spring SJio«s.

meeting at 11 a. m. Mmes. Edward D. Brodkcy nnd Arthur G r e e n e announce thnt Temple Bnkc Sale will' be held at BrandclB Store April 23.

C Culver Blue and White

Brown and White

COUNCO, WOMEN Mr*. Lloyd Friedman will proside at the regular board meeting jf Omnhn Section, Nationnl Council of Jcwl<sh Women to be held at 1 p. :.i. Thursday, Mnr. 15, at the home of Mm Phil Laser. 1302 N. 54th St. Mrs. Stanley ', Herzoff will be co-hostess. Mrs. Stanford Upsey, program chairman, htlll n e e d n wedding gown* thnt were In style liefoie ' 1940. Cnll .VA G183.

D. Fran

According to Style and Size


Styles, B, G, D also available in Teen sizes 4 to 9, AAA to C widths.

Our expert fitters will fit your child's foot with our exacting 6-point plan to assure a perfect shoe fit every time. Bring them in now while.our - new spring Buster Brown stocks ;! are complete. ,


Black Patent Red, White, Pink and Wedgwood Blue Leather,

B. I. 8I8TEIIIIOOI) Mm. Ruben Rntner, program chalrmnn for Beth Israel SlRtcrhood, onnonneoi! thnt the Mnrcli 13 luncheon meetlnc will feature a musical proKrnm. Tlte 1 o'clock affair will tnke plan? In the synagogue social hall. Taking part In t(ic program will be Professor Hans finer nnd Miss Barbara Alexander. Mrs. Robert Smith has arranjied for nursery service. Reservations can be made with Mrs Robert l'ndelmnn nnd Mr". Harry SeKnll. Board memljfTS will uieet nt 11 n. m. prrer-din;; the afternoon meeting. ii. K. s i s r i . i i i i o o i ) The mi' luncheon ine«tui|; of Beth i:i Sisterhood will 1«> held at 1 p m Tue-.d.iy, 11, In the social hall. "Meet the Kxperts," n panel mnd" up nf Mesdnmes Max .Sachs, Albert Feldmnn, Seymour Zooh nnd Max Grossman will discuss Oio uteps In nrcparlne for Passover. Rnbbl Mycr S. Kripko. will

IIIK .Stern ii'liiimd honi the Midwestern conference of the Mi/i.iclii Wonien'b Oifani/.itlon held last week III Kansas City. Mo. The anniial World Jewish Child Day will bo observed March IK. The ioc-iil chapter u ill tiupate. The April meetinj; dale, not to conflict with the Philanthropies programs will hi: advanced to Monday, Apnl ](J

Passover Recipes

E. ChrUty

America's Favonle Children's Slioc

Black Patent and White Leather

F. Albany Brown nnd White Blue and White All Red, All Brown nnd Blue with Suede Moc

G. Tilt Black Patent White Leather

Children's Shoes—Fourth Floor


Friday, Match 9. WM.


Center Sports MXDOBT BA8KETBAIX Standings in Midget League Basketball were completely jumbled • as a result or Cut Sunday's fivegame play in both the "A" and "B" League. Independent lfy>tal pulled a s iligfat upaet over H. X Wolf, 37-32, in the lait game of tbe day. That -put* these two teami in a tie (or t i n t place with a 6-2 record while •Mogan-David u «tlll In third although getting beat by 'last place .Rlekes & Son In a thriller 26-25. . Next week's complete the regular season play with the top .team* playing the second division dobs. High,scorers for the day were Roy KaUkee of H. A. Wolf with 16 and Dan Hoffis of Klekes & Son with 13. . The "B" League finds Fireside Restaurant on top with 8 wins against 0 losses while Slosburg Realty. Gercllek Motors and Richman-Gordman are In a tie for second place with 4-4 records. The two last place dubs. I-Go Van and Cowboy's Bar each have a 2-6 record. Came time In the "B" League s a w Rlctunan • Cordman defeat Cerelick Motors 8-3, Fireside over Slosburg Realty 27-20, and Cow. boy's Bar over I-Go Van 8-6. High scorer far the day In the " ' League was Al Ross of the Slosburg Realty team with 12 pointsSecond high scoring goes to Justin Mulnlck of the Fireside team with 10.

Golden Agers Celebrate Purim with Hamantashen Contest Hamnntnshen Content Judgra umlle tlirlr approval of the winner and runnern-up of the con t u t hi-ld at tbe tioldrn Agp Club mrctlni; last week In the Jewbh Community Center. Standing In tbe rear ara Jadgrs Mrs. Ethel Dousjhrrty, KMTV; !tlls« Alire Kcaton, MUW; Mrs. Qretchrn Thomas, OPPD; Mrs. Bcttle Tolson, KMTV; and Mrs.

the finals by winning over Mike find a two-way tie for first place MogU, Ray Kirke and Haynard between the J. C. C, and the Y. M. Rosen In two out of three game C. A. with ten wins and one loss. matches. Goldstein advanced to JK. T. C. BOWUtNO the finals .over Jerry Fcrer and Al Both teams have defeated each Rayim S. O. S. took the lead Siegel before running into Corey. other once, with both matches beaway from the Hell's Angels last ing played at the "Y." Sunday In Junior Touth Council Bawling as they won two games JOC VOLLEYBAU. Current itindiiiKS for the Intesby forfeit: • They came in the easy Patronize Our Advertisers way but are by no means safe. City Class B Volleyball League Four Aces and Hell's Angels are one game behind. tour Old-Time Friend. JOE ADLER, This Year With four weeks remaining In the schedule, the championship is Hat the G r e a t e s t Assortment of Passover still undecided. X. C BOYS' BADMINTON In the Youth Council Hoys' nadmlnton Tournament live matches were played last week. Howard Goldstein advanced to the quarter finals by defeating Jack Licb and Jerry Ferer. In o t h e r close matches Jerry Sherman won over Justin Grceniierg, Jerry Fcrer and Hike Mogil, Al Siegel over Al Kutler and Joh'n Goldner over Ed Levy.

t . C. BOYS' IIANDBALIAl Corey walked off with the . Boys' Y o u t h Council Handball Tournament last week after a dose call with Howard Goldstein In the finals. Corey advanced to

Send Scrip to Israel Gift Certificates Now!

Merchandise and as Usual—at Lowest Prices in Town.


WE FEATURE Homemade Horse Radish, Borcht, Dairy Products and Largest Prunes in Town — 15 Prunes to a Pound.

Order Notv for Early Free Delivery '•

Joe Adler's Delicatessen Free Delivery

1513 N. 24th Street

HASKELL'S PRODUCE 1445 North 19th St. After 7 P.M—HA 4110

AT 7010

WE 4959

Homemade Horse Radish and Borschi

In Time for


Uctty McAlidrfws of Klukcly-Vun C'nnip ulio Kupplled tbe fruit v - i c d at the lunrlicon. Sirs. Urn Gnrrop, second from the left la the front roiv, «an unarded.first |>rlw for hrr Purbn deUcadea. Itunncrs-up, front row (I. to r.) are: Mm. M. Mpaman, Mrs. O. II. Sillier, Mm. 8. NoRg iind Mrs. M. Six-cktor.

Choice Meats and Poultry


All Strictly Kosher Gift Certificate* Can Be Purchased at

Jewish Community Center

Full Line of Passover Products and Goodies Mother's Old Fashioned

For Further Information


Want Ads Ftna* IK I J M to m«cri roar WAJDI AO M Ttit i«wtsa fro*. Carrex n u s Ca ecau tot mch mwr(too. Tltf f'reu nwtrrtm Ou rlcbt lo limit

dm at «lce idnru»tmtaL

Faxsover Cards BAR and "as Mitzvah congratu. lotions also for all Jewteh holidays and s o c i a l occasions. Meyers New- Stand. 1502 Dodge WANTED—Housework during the day. Call Mrs. Burns—AT «255.

We have Passover butter, sour cream, and milk—Kosher for Passover—under

10! N. 20th St.

CALL JA 1366



• porsonal supervision of Rabbi Nathan Fcldman.

a Pint

' At Your Door or Favorite Store

Place Your Order Now

Shukert's Kosher Mkt. and Delicatessen 1619 North 24th Street

Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer (Note: These Products Are Limited in Quantity)

JA 0736 Patronize Our Advertisers

Friday, »Urn|> a. MM.




9 A TIMB OP TRIAL and gravest emergency for vast number* •f freedom loving people overseas. Tens of thousands of Jews in tension ridden North Africa plead for the chance to exchange misery for dignity and despair for epportunity. They want to go to Israel. But in democratic Israel a million and a half men, women and children face 0 supremo threat to their very existence. Vast Communist arms arc flowing into a hostile Egypt-Jet bombers, MIG fighters, tanks and submarines. "Will these shortly be turned against Israel'* people?"" that is the question many ask.

An emergency to be answered The people of Israel have nothing to match these arms. Their chief resources aro their own courage and the hope that those who value freedom will not let them down. Their peril is great and necessity demands that they devote •very energy and resource to self preservation. To ask them to assumo the extra burdens of a new mass immigration is unthinkablo. They could do so only at greatest risk to their own survival Yet In their own grim hour Israel's people ask that the emergency of the Jews of North Africa be answered — that at least 45,000 be brought In.

In Omaha United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign

. -





It Is we who must answer — and answer in rufl. The doors of Israel still are open - if we will bring tfce refugee* to them. New homes and settlements can spring up in Israel's empty) stretches - if we will help to build them. Great tasks of development and restoration can be carried forward and freedom reinforced — if we will do our part.

What we can do now In seventeen years UJA has rescued or aided more than 2,250,000 " distressed and oppressed persons - despite Nazi tenor. Communist terror and Arab terror. x The sum and substance of that work has been and remains: to save lives, to build lives and to aid those who aid democracy. In 1956 the UJA invites all Americans to the continuation of .regular life-saving. life-building programs requiring $105,283,435—' , much more than last year. Give these your fullest support, to make possible great welfare and assistance programs in Israel, twenty-four lands overseas and this country. Then give a great extra gift - to UJA's SPECIAL SURVIVAL FUND FOR 125,000.000 PLUS - f o r human rescue, for human survival*] In a time of crisis, Israel's people are giving with maximum courage of their greatest treasure: freedom. •. , . Can we do less than match their courage with courage - theft l giving with giving? ' '.i

Give^more in 1956-

United Jewish Appeal P«



VNITRb U R A l t


• J O I N T 0 I » T RI » UT I O N C O M M I T T I S )


Atriml CtefrMJu VBIHm

fuMnli Zdx*<i W. U. Wtrlnrg i_fttlkiMl Chclmmi O N I * D Stow, Icrmh M Witt, Htnit W- fwfnitrti, Swwf {V, Otrtt, M t*dk>w>, Jtajh FfHflitn. ft)) V. ptf$



'"Wi:^C -'yy'Jf:-•'•^'^••'v': '




Neil Gorchow to Head General Men's Group

Friday, March 0, IBM.


Sioux City Section

UJA Chairman Frank J. Mar golin has announced that No Gorchow will serve as chalrma Youngsters to Conduct of the General Men's Division Long identified with the Unite Model Seder Thursday Jewish Appeal drive, Mr. Gorchow hat worked in every campaig Hebrew School children will conOver 2fX) Federation members since 1949. He was a captain i duct u model Seder Thursday, Seven new directors were electwho attended the Federation Anthe 19SS General Men's Division Marcli 15, at i:'M p. m. In the nual Dinner ioM Sunday nisilit ed to the Federation Hoard lit the Center auditorium. The children Port Commander of the Jewish Annual Dinner, March 4. Kiected heard the Jewish community hii;hWar Veterans, he Is well-know will read the HaKgaduh and sing iy praised by Community Chesl to serve :t tlnee-yt .'ir term, to Passover songs. a* one of the community's mos Parents and president Harry A. Honvitz as an March li!5fl, are Sidney IJiium- friends will be permitted 'to visit active young leaders. He is stein, Mrs. Sam Bernstein, Dr. exemplary agency in the Jled member of the Hebrew Schoo and observe the model performFeather i;rouj>. They also elected Martin Di.shlip, Morton Green- ance. Board, a member of the Board seven new bv>ard members, and htone, Mrs. Earl Kline. Irving of Trustees of the United Ortho A "Seder" menl will be prequizzed a panel of six division Ij-fkow and Lawrence Slotsky. dox Congregation, and a boarc President A. M. Grucskin stated pared by the Hebrew Women's heads about the deration of the member of the Jewish Federation that tiie new members will be in- Association and will be served to various Federation departments. Nell is the son of Joe Gorchow ducted to their responsibilities the Hebrew School children. who was chairman of the Men'i One significant fact brought out at the first lioard meeting, schedDivision In 1955. by the panel quiz was that the uled for later this month. The new division chairman an' Federation budget has been steadJWVA Speaker nounccd that he h o p e s tc ily going down, while Federation strengthen the General Men's Di unices have been growing and and the affiliation with the NaMrs. Dorothy Drawn, regional Nfll fiorehow vision this year by the addition expanding. The saving was at- tional Jewish Post. Only more vice-president of the JWV Auxof many younger men as leaders tributed partially to greater econ- generous giving to the Sioux City iliary, will address the JWVA and captains. He plans to hold omy and efficiency of admlnistra- United Jewish Appeal will forestall luncheon, Thursday, Marcli 1.1, at recruiting sessions at Jewish War ion, and partially to the dropping further reductions. It was pointed the Green Gables. Mrs. David Vet and B'nal B'rith meetings and of the Artist and Lecture Scries out. Sterling Is reservations chairman. to organize captains' teams representing these and other men's organization*. He recalled the Rabbi Saul I. Bololnikov was strong endorsement of the UJA hc*guest speaker at the Golden campaign made at the 10th An Age Purim party, February 29. nlvcrsary dinner. Speaking of the gaiety of the PurThe General Men's Division cov- lm holiday and telling many hu ers the second echelon of contribu- morous stories. Rabbi Bolotnlkov tors, below the Advance Gifts Di- congratulated the Golden Age Club vision. Its record of giving has on successfully completing nearly always been good. Mr. Gorchow me and one-half years of organizastated. The General Men's Divi- tion. Mrs. Isadore Lasensky, pression has at least held its own, and klent or the National Council or has even shown increases, during ewish Women, and Oscar Littlethe past several years. icld, Federation director, a l s o ipoke briefly. flection of officers for the com ing year was also held. Sam Sacks, I. Friedman and B. Bernstein Saturday. Mnrrli 10 erf re-elected president, first AZA Social, Evenlnc. JCC. -ice-president. and treasurer Mt. Sinai Mr. and Mrs. Club. peclhely. Mrs. Sam Sacks and Kvenlng. Mt. Sinai Temple. Mr». Sarah Slutiky were elected Sunday, March 11 econd and third vice-presidents; U. J. A. Cabinet Meeting. . Ike Weinsleln, secretary: Mrs. Morning, JCC. Frank Gorchow. Sunshine ChairAll Junior Youth Chilis, After- man, and ZcliK Orlikoff, Program noon, JCC. Chairman. Shaare Zion Married Couples, Mrs. Leon"Dobrofsky, .lender of Evening, Shaare Zion. he group, was voted Honorary Ad Monday, March IS Sisterhood Board Meeting. Aft- i<or by acclaim. ernoon. Shaare Zion Women's LeagueB'nai B'rith to Meet Board, afternoon. Tnwdar, March U Initiation of 40 new .members Hadassah Regular Meeting, Aftand the election or delegates to ernoon, JCC. the District 6 convention In DeCenter Adult Bible Class, Evetroit, July 2 to S, will be among ning, JCC , , B'nal B'rith Initiation Meeting. the important busine/s Items scheduled to • the Tuesday, March Evening,-JCC. 13, meeting of the B'nai B'rith at Nothtnq to' do. nowh«r« to 90, Wedne«U)r, Match 14 nobody *o %••. he Jewish Community Center. Temple Brotherhood, Evening. It w«t different wh»n 1 h«d • Mt. Sinai Temple. family *nd horn*. Thin w» nttdtd —-ind winlid—««cS oth*r. How Golden Age Club, Afternoon. Hadassah to Hear I'm *lorii. JCC. Nobody niadt mt. Dotin't anybody Thursday, Harefa IS Dr. Roger Bosworth will address car* anymora? • Hebrew School Seder, After- Hadassah on 'Tension in the Middle" at luncheon, Tuesday, noon, J C C , Yet, wi car*. Our Jawiih ^edarattpn and /our UJA car*. - Federation BAard Moctlatr, Eve- March 13, at i the Jewisii Combonlty Center. The meeting: will We want this frtgManad little lady ning, JCC;'iff* Jiit';'! and the many others t!(r« htr in sjs chaired by 3>lrs. Leonard I«eb% JWVA. AjfUrnoon, Gnun ' Cabur community to knoy tnat h«r itJbles. •, • h ! . • ' ! ' 111" Ufa, her happlnett are precioui FrkUy. March JO, to us. Sisterhood Regular i Meeting, 'emple Brotherhood Afternoon, .Mt Sinai Trraple. With trie help of your UJA gift, Federation hat the fundt to tupport , Saturday, March' IT Av Uondarln. executive assislour Social Service, health Shaare Zion Men's Club Dinnermt of the National Association program, to atture Sioux City Dance. Shaare Zion. if Temple IJmthcrhnods will adaffiliation in the \owa Jewith A god Hunjay. March 19 Home in Dot Moinet, to support a UJA CtfWnet Meeting. Morning, Iress the Ml. Sinai Temple UrothGolden Age program overy week rhood. Wi'ilm-sd iy. March 14, and JCC. at )h» Jewiih Community Center. ill ;iko -.hou ri film, "This is our Parents Day (Junior Youth .nth" < Clubs I Uternoon, JCC. With the help of your UJA gift, Omnh;i w SKJIIX City Hiskdwe can toe to it that thit little ball. Afternoon. J C C lady and othert like her At IJI AKAIIIA MAV «;KT H«v* companiomhip and security, USY. Kvening, Shaw Zion. Wivhin,:li#n (JTA) -State Dcfriendihip and care, when it Sha.irc Zion Mirrird O.uple-. ii tm'nt nffici iN revealed Sunit needed. Evening Shi.'ne '/Aim y lhej :ne j;iwnf; consideration \'> .1 Smdi Ai iluan ref|uest to buy n numbei nl military jet planes UJA Meeting Sunday Your UJA gift supports Federation ,ind W .n]i|iiK.n,il lanks from the Social Service, the Jewish ComThe UJA Cabinet bo^nn map- I'/ntfd .States The new tanks munity Center, the Hebrew School ping strategy for cnmJuclinj; the >.i>U(;iit me '>! the Pat ton ty[>e, and our community program. If Advance ("lifts drive last iveclc. iibotit lutce ;ii heavy an the Walkalto tupporti the United Jewish Chairman Frank Marijolin an- er "liulldo;;" t.inks r e c e n t l y Appeal program overseas, and the many national and oveneai causes nounced plans have Iwcn '.hi[ir>"d to S.iudl Arabia. that have olway* depended on made for n scries of Sunday Tiie number of jet jjlanes under your Sioux City UJA drive. brunch menlii»;s at the Center iiplicition v,ni not disclosed. Offistarting March 11. The main ob- cials said that $7,000,000 worth of jectives of these strategy sessions U.S. munitions were authorized will be to dctcrmino how to meet for shipment to Saudi Arabia In this year's UJA coal and to raise the last six months. Saudi Arabia V HEED THE CALLl Sioux City's share of the national received in addition to the Walker HEED THE CAM $25,000,000 emergency fund drive. "Bulldocs" a number of D-2C bombing planes and other equipment. Patronize Our Advertisers

Budget Decreases, Seven Directors Services Expand Elected to Board

Golden Age Club Officers Elected

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