March 16, 1956

Page 1

Vol. XXXIV—No. TA.

Jewish Child Day Sunday World Jewish Child's Day will IH; observed this Sunday throughout the globe by millions of Jewish children, a d u l t s mid Christian frlencK The holiday symboli/t'H the friendship between the children Of I 9 r a e 1 mid the youngster* throughout the free world. Here In Oiniiha many Jewish organizations will mark the occasion Including our Talmud Torahs und Sunday schixds. I/x-al television stations will present Jewish Child's Day programs. (See ICudio and Television box for tline.) It served as u means of highlighting the activities of Youth Ailyall, (in international children's rescue and Immigration movement Which sprung up to brine children from Hitler's Germany to what Was then Palestine. Today Youth Allyfili (aliyah Is a Hebrew word meaning to ascend) brings youngsters from North Africa and Koine Middle Kast countries to Israel where they are rehabilitated in special children's villages and training Institutions. Since 1811 when Henrietta Hzold '(founder of Hndassah) engineered the emigration of the first givup of 4.". children from Nazi Germany, more than 7.1,000 youngiters from 72, nations have l>.->i'n rehabilitated through Youlli Aliyah. Additional Ihoii.-aml-i still await reseu" by Youth Aliyah mostly from North Africa and Middle EaM e..imtrn'i.

Y.C. Program Set For Youth Week A pi'j^'fain o( si«>r(s, social -md eultuial activities will h<- preM'iit{•d hy Omaha Jewish YonthOninril in oh^'ivance of National Jewish Youth Week. Al Epstein i'. Yinith Week chairman. Activities will Include: — Father and Son Bowling Tournament this Sunday nt Music Box. «- A novel iKiys against the girls basketball came Monday nfternoon. - Mother and Daughter liowlIIIK Tourney Tuesday. , —Boys Macabhlad in the Center gym Tuesday evening. —Cowl Macabblad Thursd.iy. —Club cholrn will compete Friday evening. —"You Name It, We Can't" dance Saturday evening. —Storytelling, poetry reading and original oratory contents next Sunday.

11 1*1*1-


v i nir,\^(i A


M i n / 1 if



X'ubiiJiaea every triaajr,

101 H. autu.

Annual 4 Dollmtt i'tate Oopy 10 Otat*

French Drama at Center Sunday A historical in o l i o n pictun (Jnuna "The Two Orphans" r<*MK'irkahlo for ils nx-rc^Ion uf 18th century Pari.s will bo the fifth pro mentation of the' Jewish Community Center Film .Scries this Sunday Qt 8:15 p. m.f in tho center auditorium. The Italian made film revolves alxjut two beautiful i'irls, one of whom in blind, who ar<_- .separated on their urrival in Paris. The plot provides (in absorbing d r a m a against the foackcronnd of social conditions of the times. Admission is by series tickets or slnj.'U' Admission of 75 cents. These .stTie.-i are open to the public.

"Afternoon of Fun" For Golden Agers "pie next meeting; of the Golden Ai;e Club will be held at 1 p. m., Monday, March 19 in Jewish Community Center. Saul Silvermnn, Center Activities director, will conduct "An Afternoon of Fun." The Golden A|:e Club is sponsored jointly by the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women mid the Center.

Jerusalem (WNS)—While lei ers of Arab countries surrouir Israel were making every ef. to link their armies, Lsni started to die trenches In bon settlement!! threatened by At attack. An Israeli military spokesman declared that Israel has come to regard the dancer of war as highly concrete. In a dramatic move to spur tho defense of Israel, Prime Minister David Hen-Gurlon, together with his Army Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. Moshe Daynn, and top military leaders, net an example in digging trenches and erecting barbed wire fences, rifle pits and machine-gun nests nround the border settlements. An army spokesman said that Israel would try to eonvert every settlement Into a defensive position, a concept that had proved valuable in the War of Liberation. About 1,000 Israelis from all parts of the country will work voluntarily on these defense1:, he announced.

Second Oil Strike Reported in Israel Tel Aviv (JTA I -Oil was struck al a second well (it Heletz late last Friday afternoon, it. was reIKirted here. The new .strike was made when drilling had reached a depth of about 4,0'K) feet. Initial reports indicated that the gusher had reached a bright of about 55 feet. The second oil .strike appear.') to IK? much more promising than the first oil strike In Israel last September. Dr. Tehop, Swiss chief geologist, has upped his estimates of the oil reserve In the Heletz area from 3.7 million barrels per square kilometer to seven million barrels. Other oil geologists In Israel have also tipped their estimate of reserves in tho whole productive horizon from the previous .'!0 million barrels.

Kusevitskf Concert Sunday at Cantor Moshe Kuscvitaky, recognized an one of the w o r l d ' s greatest exponents of, cantorial Kinging, will be guest-of-lionor at Beth Israel'* Fourth Annual Citation Dinner at 0 p. m., this Sunday. Max Fromltin will be toastmastcr. Dr. Abe Greenberg will open the program. Uoncdtctiops will be* led by Messrs. A. IJ. Gendler, Sam Bloom and Sam Freed. In appreciation of the cantor's contributions to Jewish music, a special citation of '"Distinguished Merit" will ba presented to Cantor Kusevitsky by Harry Sldman, Beth Israel president. Cantor Kll Kagnn and Ilnbbl Benjamin Groncr will also participate In,tho program. After dinner, the concert will be presented In the synagogue's main nuditorlum ut 8:30 p. m. Cantor Kuiovitaky will be accompanied by Jack Barras of New York City. Rabbi M. M. Pollakoff will act as Cantor Moshe Kiuevltsky commentator. The cantor will arrive In Omaha The dinner and concert aro unthis morning and will worship with der the gencraj eo-chalrnianship of Both Israel congregation at regii- Dan Gordman and Maurice Katzman. . lar Sidibath services'

. j-uwin K. Urodkey, chairman of the Women's Division of the 195G Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, announces the appointment of advisors to women's division co-chuinnen. Advisors to Mrs. Max Canar are: Mesdnmes David Bernstein Fred D. Brodkey Bennett L. Cohn Homer Farber Morris C. Fellman Alfred A. Fiedler Maynard M. Greenberi: Ben K. Kaslow .-•• Hobert H. Koopcr • Alfred S. Mayer William Raduzlncr Sam S. Steinberg . Phineas Wintroub:/ . Advisors to Mrs. E. Leo Nogg a r e :

Spring Art Classes Several opening are still available in tin? Jewish Community Center Art Class. Spiiri:; sessions under the direction of Mrs. Meyer TVbor have just ber.un. Classes 'are held each Monday from I to ,'(::!(! p. in. For ri'Kktr.'ttion and further inf'lnn.'ition conlac! the Center Activities office, J A ^"r,r,,


Passover Gifts for Omaha Servicemen Passover Rift packages are being '•nt to Omaha Jewish servicemen stationed overseas, it w a s announced by Mrs. M. A., Vengor, chairman of Services lo Armed I'orcej Committee of Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, Greeti n g iire al«) l>eing mailed to servii-emen stationed in the United Stales. Mrs. Kdward K. Urodkey, women's chilis' president, asserted that this is part of a program to keep in touch with our servicemen especially during Jewish holidays. Members of the committee preparing the packages are: Mesd.unes Samuel H. Stern, Ernest Wintroub, Joseph Freeman and Sam Steinberg.

Radio and Television World Jewish 'Child's Day programs will be televised over local 'IV stations this weekend. "Josef," the story of a Youth Aliyah boy and his tractor will be presented tomorrow o v e r KMTV In color from 12 noon to 12:.'i0p. m. "To Have One Life,"the story of two Yemenite sisters who were reunited and rehabilitated in Israel by Youtli Aliyah will be telecast over WOW-TV this Sunday from 9:30 to 10 n. m. The tradition and symbolism of Passover will bo televised on "I^amp Unto My Feet" program this Sunday at 9 a. m. over WOW-TV. Dr. Harry M. Orllnsky, professor of Bible at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City, will display archaeological and scholastic evidence of Jewish residence in Egypt before the first Exodus. Dr. Lyman liryson, a lilbical scholar, wlU explain symbols of the Seder Service and t h e ceremony's meaning to American Jews in the modern world. Chaplain Samuel Sobel attached to the U. S. Pacific Fleet with headquarters at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, will discuss "A Serviceman's Faith" on t h e Message of Israel series broadcast over KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m., this Sunday. The Eternal Light series will bo heard this Sunday o v e r KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.





New York (JTA)—The United Jewish Appeal will seek the raising of $8,000,000 towards iU Specal ISurvival Fund by April 16 as a symbolic 8th birthday gift for Israel's people, and will seek to bring tlila sum to $10,000,000 by April 30, It was announced Sunday by William Ilosenwald, general chairman of the UJA. In a message to UJA-affillated campaigns In all parts of the country, Mr. Rosenwald urged fullest cooperation in this birthday drive. The UJA Special Survival Fund has a 1956 goal of better than 125,000,000 and Is in addition to a regular national campaign goal of $105,283,435 In behalf of the emigration, settlement, welfare and rehabilitation programs that arc carried on by its constitutent agencies. ' ' • • .- • .'.••• Mr. Ilosenwald r e p o r t e d t h a t supporters of the U J A have a l ready contributed $9,500,000 for the: Special Survival Fund a n d $1,9,500,000 toward Its regular c a m paign. H e stressed, however, t h a t "the steady worsening of t h e posltloon of Israel's people is dally r e arlcting their ability to receive tens of thousands of Jewish Immigrants who m u s t leave strife-torn N o r t h African countries. This situation d i c t a t e s . t h e Immediate raising by American Jews of another $10,000,000 hy t h e end of April, a t least 58,000,000 of this by April 16, for great humanitarian tasks."

Mcsdnmcs : Rbbert Bernstein Norman Bordy Abe C. Fellman ' Stanley Flak Stanley R. Katelman Manuel Kruplnsky / Isldor Lovlnson Lawrence Plattner Henry Rlekes Krvin n. Simon Alfred Sophlr, Albert Steinberg Nathan Turner Albert L. Wohlner Advisors to Mrs. Harry Sidman a re: Mesdames Three Omahans were elected to Sam Bcrman tho executive board of B'nai Izadoro Elcwit/. B'rlth's Antl-defamatlon League, Albert Fox Plain States Region a{ a regional Alfred Frank meeting held last Sunday In Dcs Arthur H. Goldstein Molnos, la. Leo Elsenstatt Is new Henry Leon GrccnberR • regional vice-chairman, Ben E. Charles Guss Kaslow, treasurer and Mrs, Sam Sidney Katlomnn Pollak, Nebraska vice-chairman. IJJUIS Katz Dr. Abe Greenberg, retiring reHarry Ravitz gional 'chairman, summarized the Morton A. Richards findings in the following state-' Sidney L. Sncider ment: "Social or "polite" discrimAllen S. ZnlkJn ination is a wider and more provoking problem than we had sus'ADL Charge! . . . pected." In our region, according to reports, Dr. Greenberg said, there are social clubs, resort hotels and residential areas in which Jews are systematically excluded. Abbot Rosen of Chicago, MidWashington (JTA)—The results of n four-year study on political west ADL director, principal nntl-Semltism in the United States, speaker warned that the Arab InWest Germany and the Middle formation Service will be opening Kant were made public here by tho a office in Chicago next month. The conclave was attended by Antl-Defamalioon LeaRiie of B'nai IS'rith. The study established the Bob Sliver, George Shaffer, Sarn Pollnlc, Harry Goodbindcr, Paul following facts: 1. Religious bigotry had crept Veret and Sol Littman, Plain into some areas of the Federal se- Stales ADL director. curity program in tills country. The ADL. asserted flatly—on the basis of its own Investigation — that many of the Federal employees suspended during the 1933 security investigation!! at Fort Monmoutli, N. J., were "hapless vicDeth El Synagogue Annual Contims of anti-Semitism, pure and cert of Jewish Music will be presimple." sented this year at services Friday 2. Official delegates from Arab evening, March 30 at Passover . nations, operating in tho United time. States "with diplomatic status and This year's concert, the 20th Animmunity," are engaged in "an or- nual Concert given by C a n t o r ganized and well-financed conspir- Aaron I. Edgar and Beth El Synaacy to stimulate anti-Semitic feel- gogue Choir, will .celebrate the hies In this country -oir purpose 75th Anniversary of the prominent to thwart Amerlc;^ nhy and composer, Ernest Bloch and will •.;'•; 1 aid for Israel." ••J '^'.^ include tiiree of his compositions, It described t's? &£• . atmos- as well as the music of other conphere" of roe '^A •V 4 "one in temporary composers'. The proA" which disser^'iv^* .onformlsm gram will include Yiddish and Ismay be mi* •£*.£" v^ y at the cost raeli folk songs. of. a mar ,£> * and the risk Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will interof his .' ' .or patriotism." pret the maiic and offer comment As a „. .- security of miThe concert Is free and Is open :••. nor!!., largely dependent to the community. We cordially in; , upon i. ^ngth of our demo- vlte non-Jewish friends to hear cratic ins... atlons, is Imperiled," this concert of authentic'Jewish the ADL said. music, .

Omahans Elected To ADL Region

Anti-Semitism in Security Program

Beth El Annual Jewish Concert



B'nai B'rifh Benefit Banquet in April rublisbeU Kvery Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service

Friday, March 10, MS.


IJ'nal B'rilh Benofit Banquet vvii

Rabbi Announces Itabbi Nathan Feldman of B'na Jacob-Ados Ye';huiun Syna^o^ ,'iO28 Oinilnf; Bt., nnnouiu'es tha lie will ri'i longer sell mat/us f'j: the r,i:,s'jver holiday. He;s liiat tho:.e person uishin;; to cell him their ("hornet? to come to his home a t 12L'G N. 3-ltli .st. C;all <JL Iftl'i. Kabul Feldman will be at iiome eacli day mv til (! p. m., and will be at the ny nai;0Kue from G to 7 j). m.

Obituary William G. Singer

Services - . w e r e hi.Id .Sunday, be hfirl at 0:30 p. m., Weilnc- il.iy .March 11 for William G. SinRiT April 4 in the Hi<;lil.u)il Wi'.-it Club with lriicrim'iit nt (Joldcn Hill by tlm Henry I-oil;;i'_ Cemetery. ^ r - Hinder, ^ , died aALPmi Editoi Procr-td< Will fit, t,. the Uisfricl Tlimsiby, March H. Service Fund which ^up;wrl^ H'n.i He is survived by his wife, JJiH'rilh -T^oncii-'s sucli a1; youth servtiior; a daughter, Diane; f i v e ices, natiuna) lioipit.d;, Anti-lA'fabrothers ufid one sister, mation I^afiuo, L'hiiilren's Honn* 6:12 p. m., Candlll in Israel and Henry ^.loniliy Foundation. Beth Israel Victor Zucfcer News and HijpiHiihij;'* at the Dr. Rabbi Benjamin GrontT. Cantor .Members of tho board of trustees Hadassali Bowling Services were held for Victor Ell Kngan, Beth Israel Choir and I'liUJp Slir-r Jcnhli Home fur llu; arc In char;;e of "Patron Ticket" III|:h srorcrs this week in Ha Zuckrr Sunday, Murch 11 with inssah Ijowlin;; ij'nrM^ mv: D. Primary classes of Both Isrnt Agiil by David Orkoiv. sales. A headline ect of profesGreen 203—1?11, .*?. Welnsteln 201 ferment at Beih El Cemetery, Mr. Talmud Torah vviU conduct luti sional entertainers will hi;:h]ii;lit March 2 — in .Mt'jnori.mi: Mi'. the program. -Am. G. Zovitz 472, A. Frank Zucker, fi2, died Saturday, March Friday eveninn services ta : Sam Kabin. •JGfi. R. Pitlor iCG. A. Snelder 4G5, 10. o'clock. More than 300 member, nnd M. Survivors Include a daughter, Fromldn 4M. U TVxn V^i, L. March G — A co:nn!itU-e of tiic friends attended lait year's affair Traditional Friday services be Kin at 6:15 p. m. Sabbath morning IJikur Choihn Sx'iely vu.ited th including many of Omaha's non- Hotx>mian 441. A. Schulman 435. Mrs. W. A. Ilacusin of Omaha; a services at 8:30 o'clock, Junior ino, Meiidarneg J;ike Wino, Al- member civic lenders vvho endorsed IL Wintroub 432, H. Swartz 431 brother, Phillip, and a slater, t i n , M. Wine 420, I.. Sachs 423, I .Sophie Gutflelsch, both of New Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath len Zalkin, Max Kaplan, P a u I the fund raising project. reenberf; 4IK. P. Crops 418, M York City; one grandchild and one Mincha at 6:15 p. m., followed by Katzmcm and Charles Ross, disShukert 418. P. Marcus 417, 13 great-grandchild. Sholeshe S'eudos und Ma&rlv. cussed a new program of weekly der Joe Radinowskl was master Atller 417, I. Gacr 414, I.. KpDally services at 7 a. m., and C.23 activities with home tupiTmtcnof ceremonies. Itefreshinents were steln '411, U. Spiej.'al 411, K. p. m. Sunday morning services at dt-nL M. 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Jun- March 8—Dr. Edwin D., served in the main dining room by Schloff 403. It. Gelfand 403, Same Day Service he ladies of the pro;;nim commitGreeiibciK 401, P . Kniser 401.!, 1C. ior Minyan starts at 8:30 a. in. H e a l t h Commissioner, nccom ee. /Vsbyl) 402, )!. Cain 402. No EJcrra Charge panied by the President of the Temple Israel B o a r d of the Douglas County In at 10 A.M. Worship services this evening Health Association and chief nurse nt Temple Israel will be held at of Ready by 5 P.M. the Visiting Nurse'Association 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H, Brooks visited our Home to take piciures RUG & UPHOLSTERY CASH and CARRY Mill dbcuu The Curse of Noth- for their weekly program, "The ingness." CLEANERS Doctor and You" on KMTV, whfch Services Saturday morning will is televised each Sunday. We are Also Pickup m d be at 31:30 o'clock for members gratified RUGS—CARPETING that the Dr. Philip Sher of the religious school and adults. Jewish Home Delivery Servlc* for the Aged was seLAMP SHADES lected as the Home best qualified Beth El FURNITURE Sabbath services at Beth El Sy- to *how the current trend and adCleaned In Your Hornet nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. in. vancements In care for the aged. Itnbbl Myer &, Kripke win de- March 10 — A ipcdai Klddush Binding • Loylng • Rcpolrtag liver the sermon, Cantor Aaron X was given by one of our residents, Don Bernstein HA 2554 Edgar and the Beth £3 Synagogue Morris1Wlntroub in memory of his Choir will render the musical Father ! Vahrwlt. March 11—Sam Wcinbcrg | 8 a portions of: the service. 112 N. 18th JA1578 Sabbath morning services will Dew rcildent. The Omaha Choir be held at 9:30 o'clock. Junior and Dramatic Club entertained our Congregation services begin at olks today with "A Ylddlsher Pro10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv serv- gram." which included recitations ice is at 6:15 p. m. Daily services by Mrs. Philip Crandell; songs by Are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. andMrs. Milton Nerenberg; poems and a special skit by Mr. Abe SchneiSunday service at 9 a. m. w u i . aaoitnpuon i t )iuin«i uiliue—10. A 'lAI dbop Addr****—-*M

Religious Nev/s

V/ifh tiie Fefics


Your Old-Time Friend, JOE ADLER, This Year Has the G r e a t e s t Assortment of Passover Merchandise and as Usual—at Lowest Prices in Town. WE FEATURE Homemade Horse Radish, Borcht, Dairy Products and Largest Prunes, in Town — 15 Prunes to a Pound.


Check these other quality "extras": 9 STRICTLY FRESH EGGS EXOUSIVUV

from ihe famous Viocland, N. } . « g , ttrml . . . delivered tight to the Mftnischrwitx Foodl plaof ia Viae(and, where they ore opened, ia•netud and used — o/lra lit lime JUj Ibtfrt Indt

Free Delivery

1513 N. 24th Street

Sells More New Ghevrolets Than Any Other Dealer

• MATCHLESS TASTE £ TEIiDFJiUESS GeoUy tenoned with pure bonwkitthen ingttdicaii . . , then cooked Co perfect tenderness!


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See Why


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Ifs the REAL gefilte fish with the dear g o t o broth


that jells






Wo have Passover buffer, sour cream,

Children—SI.00 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

and milk—Kosher for Passover—under OLD rASHtOKID

persona' supervision of Rabbi Nathan



• Mad« with atn of the choicest wftitefiih

At Your Door or Favorite Store

• The clear golden isroth gives you a quick, pure, natsra! jell from the fish itself

family BUFFET SUPPER Children—$1.50 5 to 9 p.m.

• Ready to serve — hat or co'd

Place Your Order Now


Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer


(Note: Tbese Products Are Limited In Quantity)

Hotel Blackstone

K o s H n t ran


lUVvcft Hunt lUdiili •*:» |a>t U» ri|bt U«f

i \m creruw <UICMU>O# «otiiw» rooo raooucij. i»c. nt*u»« %.»,$.

free Parking

Friday. March 10, 1850.




Mrs. Fromkin Prexy Of Regional Group


Miss J. K. Weiner Engagement Told

Dr. and Mrs, Milton Simons anMrs, Max hromMn was elected COUNCIL WOMKN 1 nounce the birth of a daughter Mr. nnd Mrs. Ismlorc H. Weiner John A. Aita, AI. 1),, p-.ychialrist X^aurie Jane t>>m March 7 at a President of the Mid-Central announce the en^.i^'ement of their Stales Chapter of the Women's and neurologist, will discuss men- local JiospHnJ. Tho couple has tlm.e daughter Miss Janey Kuy to JerHrmich of the Union of Orthodox tal health rit. the regular luncheon other children. old A. Dann, son of Mr. and Mrs. meeting of Omaha Suction, Na- Mr.i. Jennie Iltfkin is maternal Jewish Con;*rc^afiony1 of America Nathan A. Dann of Newcastle, tional Council of Jewish Women to grandmother nnd Abraham .Simons at tho first umiuul conference Ind. held March 7 nTjd 8 in Kansas bo held nt 12:'M p. m., Tuesday, i^ internal grandfather. City. Mo. Miss Weiner is a sophomore at March 20 In Jew-Mi Community Indiana University at BloomingAmonj; the other officers electCenter. Jlis topic will IK- "you're ton. Her fiance, n member of SigMr. and Mrs. David Hoar an- ed was Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Your Own Worst fnemy." ma Alpha Mu Fraternity at InDr. Alta h a Kniduale of the nounce the birth of a ;;on Philip who was chosen correspondinf; diana U. will be graduated Jn Kocretnry. Allan born March G in a Council University of Iowa, School of MedJune. Mrs. Kromkin alao presentetl a icine and did post-j;raduate work Bluffs hospital. Paternal grandThe couple are planning a June at Yale University and Mayo Clinic. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Abeprepared paper on activiUe.s In Bear, nnd maternal grandpa rents sisterhoods at one of the sessions. wedding. He will be introduced by Airs. arc Mr. nnd Mrs. I^con Blmnbern Mrs. Sam Kat/inan of Omaiia A r t h u r Kulakofsky. Lum-heon of Philadelphia, Pa. acted as president pro teui. chairmen arc Mesdames Abo .SlutDo You Need Extra Mrs. Sidney Goldher/;, president aky and Walter Jncobson. Mrs. of Beth Israel Sisterhood also atTobies or Chairs Henry GrecnberK is decorations Monsky Lodge tejided (he conference. For Your Passover chairman. Airs. Uoyd Friedman Mr*. Max Fromkin Henry MonsJty I/xtye of B'nai wlU preside. Seder? B'rith will IK? host to the citywide Indoctrination of oil new MONSKV CIIAITEK LET Zionist Council to Meet B'rith members at 8:30 Henry Monsky Chapter will hold B'nal in., Wednesday, March 21 in Its regular board meetinj; at 1 p. p. The Omaha Zionist Council will the Grand Ballroom of Ulackstonc The Workmen's Circle Midwest m., Thursday, March 22 at the Hotrl. hold its regular meeting at 8 p. m., home of Mrs. Harry Smith, 4810 District Committee will hold* its Wednesday, March 21 in Jewish Take Care CharlcgnL Mrs. Harry Friedman The dejjrcc team comjtosrd of ficnil-annual conference In Omaha liy Shrier, Harry DnBoff,' lz Ber- Sunday, March 18 at Labor Ly- Community Center. Tho monthly of Your Needs will be co-has less. covici, Joe Hornsteln, Rloe Kn^an ceum, 3021 Cuming st. report will Ix? given by Mrs. J. H. nnd Karl Siege! will pei-fonn the The first session will start at 10 Kulakofsky. Phone AT 4089 JWV AUXILIARY ceremony. a. m., and luncheon will be served The regular meeting of Kiutolnat 12:30 p. m. Delegates from , Morgan Ladioj Auxiliary, JWV, Denver, Lincoln, Sioux City and ' will be held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, KADI.MAII CHAITKIt Des Moines will attend. K n d i m a h Chapter of Pioneer Vri t> I? VC BAKERY AND •March 21 at Jewish Community Center.. A jjate of officers will he Women will hold Its meeting at 8 Members of Workmen's Circle r U K B & b DELICATESSEN p. nr, Wednesday, March 21 at the and Auxiliary are Invited to be on proKntad. Please note change of nieetirij: home of Mrs. Alan Cipinko, 3102 hand at the conclave. Louis WitH. 54th st. The business meeting kin was named chairman for the date. Now Available-Most Complete Selection of .Mrs. J, Milton Margolin, overi will be followed by n .social hour. regional meeting. scat chairman, reports that 20 Purim gift packaRcs v.crc sent to Jewish servicemen stationed overseas. Omaha's Finest SeSecfion of It £ V IIAD/IS.HAII I) & P Jlndaasah Group will hold n combined board and regular meeting this Sunday at 2 p. ni. in Jewish Community Center. Mrs. IN THE MIDWEST J u l i a Jacobs, Youth Activities chairman, will be In charj:e of the program which will be dedicated Shop Early . . . to World Jewish Child's I>ay. Tak Ing part In tlie program will be Klrls of Senior Judaea Groups, Mrs. Only at Forbes will you find Kopper's ffnest assort.Sally Meyers, hospitality chairman, and Mrs. Julia Jacobs will be ment of Passover chocolates, fruit slices, hard and hostesses. raspberry filled candy—and Passover cheese, smetna Miss Evelyn Ixvy Is in charge of the Clothes for Israel project. Boned and Filleted Free and other dairy products. Place your orders early! You may bring clothlnc for the project to the meeting. It Costs No More

Workmen's Circle Regional Meeting


Passover •foods





to Eat the Best


AT 8720 i

enjoyed. Give MOCEN DAVID

WINE to tho folio on your gift\h>t. It'oalwayswclcomo. Available*


Insist o n the original, genuine

Homemade Horse Radish and Borschf

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MOGE Made, from pure Concord grnpea . . . to give yon tho beat-tasting wino you ever

50th and Underwood RE 5560


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PASSOVER SPECIAL Best Brand Vaeuum Packed




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JA 0736

f V*ge Four


An Open Letter t ) the Sioux City Jewish Co mmunity Since assuming thn chairmanship of Hi s year's rampalgn I luve received tin? most encouraging ri-at»su'urne that !'<JA t-an •nil will r»lw< tin! goaj no arc utter tlili >i-:ir, Today, two cuiumuiilcatlons rruchtMl me \vhl<h have made !ne more dfttrminiil than ever, not only to ML- this goal ttiroii It, but to ilo »v< rythloic ponsltilo to surpass It]l One of theso was u memorandum from iJKdwunt M. M. Warburg, president of the United Jewish AjijM-jil, niduslng u h-lter from Clloru Jowjihthal written from Ji-riMlmi .Munh .'. I a ni going to quota ft few grim sentences frotu It:,, "The development!* over the w<-*U*-ml Ijihoiild worry everyone wbo*e heart la In Israel'* future. \V: Ijinust ( M» 11 a c.nibtaed command of all the Arab armies, mayjic t\< IIUIIIIK I'.i'i .• • "We have to /arc a IVarl Harbor uttsiflk on uur towns anil ulrtlrUs. "Hie special fund ami the rrni-ival ani ••nlurK' m« nt of all available credit linos, u r th« only way to mil;,- us utrongrr at thla time . . . " The other communication nan a tehiprmn from William Koaeawald, and gave the SUHB alarming*1. "OANfJI'JIt TO ISRAEL'S *>EO1'LE MOUNTING BV Tirl; HOIK." It began. "AMEBICAN JKWS MUST TAKE SWII~f ANI> I'KACTIC'AL. ACTION TO M I T MOKALK BY EXAMl'Lif. OK TIIKIK VlllVANTHBOPIC GIVING." Tim telegram w(fnt on to rail for a •pedal nirvtval fund goal of 10 million dollars In addition t<i thn 25 mlllloB emergency goal we- In Sioux City have already endoned by resolution, and »e*k this goal by the end of April. y We will meet thU deadline, I know. Our campaign Li dun to open April IS, but long before then the groundwork will barn

Friday, March 10. IBM.


Sioux City Section Parents to Be Guests Of Young Judca Clubs

Judaea clKiinn-m Mrs. Norm 'Urodkt-y. At 3:30 p. m. visiting purcnt:. will attend :t si*eci;il Town HaU di->ciissi<*n on "A.SM-ts and Liabilities." Members of the Town Hall pinei will Include O:,car Litllcfield, Harold Ivener, Mrs. Brodkey and Charles Greenwald. 'liiere will also be an exhibition of club members' crafts work.

Slotsky to Fill In

Men's Division Colonels Named UJA Men'ii iJlvisioti cliuirninn Neil Gorchmv unnaunced th<1 ni>pointment of Marvin Cohen, N<itc Goldli'.TC .'r« Goldstein, Joe Gorchow, Irving No;;tj and I'en Sh-'iI>ln> »s Division Colonel:;. More appointments will IK? announced shortly, .Mr. Gorchow stated, us the Division Is brought up to full strength. Oitonlni: date of tho General Men's Division has been tentatively set for April 22.

'Mechiras Chomeix'

| Advance Gifts

at 'Jay1

Sioux City UJA Cabinet has formally adapted a i*jllcy of holding the annual Advance Gifts dinner in the Jewish Community Center hereafter, instead of in a downtown hotel. Tiic Advance Gifts dinner this year i.i scheduled for Sunday, April in. The change, thuiigh radical, Is highly advisable, chairman Frank J. Margolin states. Though criti« cized for it, .Sioux City has justU fied p,v;t practice by the cxperii.'nce of UJA leaders in other cities, who have felt that the bu*iness-liko iitniosphere of downtown iwteln h coinliicive to large-sura giving. Tin's kind of artificial at» mosphcre, Mr. ?>!argolin stated, Is no longer necessary for Jewish fund-ral'iing in .Sioux City. The Federation annual dinner and other recent large-scale affairs have demonstrated that attractively ap» ixilnted high calibre dinners can bo held in the Center under conditions that conform to traditional Kashrut. Campaign dinners of (he Gent-ral Men's Division, the Women's Division and the Business and Professional W o m e n's Division have always been held at the. Center and will not be affected.

Rabbi Saul I. Bolotnikov, func tioning for the Orthodox Council, will be available for "Mechiras Chomctz" from March 18 lo Match 22, betweep 6 p. in. and 7 p, m. at to be atarted. Our goal which has heretofore been to maintain Beth Abraham Synagogue, ""<' last >e«r*s total and to ralan an additional SO per cent toward Sunday, March 2T>, from it a. m. to liraei't emergency fund, will not only have lo be Insured, but Innoon, at Adas Yeshurun and becreased. . tween 6 p. m. and 7 p. in. nt Beth I know- well do It. It means Israel's•jiirvlval. Abraham. First born males, following traditional practice, may Frank J. Murgolln. Sunday, Marrh 18 attend morning service, Monday, UJA Chalmtan. Sioux City vs. Omaha Basket- March 26 at 7:45 a. m. in Beth Abraham Synagogue. Rabbi Bolotball. Morning, JCC Young Judaea Parent's Day, Af- nikov will conclude the reading of a tractate of the Talmud. Council Women Asked ternoon, JCC. Women's Committee U. S. Y., Evening, Shaare Zion To Help in Campaign OfBrandeisU. Synagogue. The young Jewish matrons of Sioux Gijty Section members of Shaare Zion Married Couples, Pesach Skit Sunday Sioux City wiU.bc guests of the the National Council of Jewish livening, Shaare Zion. Women's Committee of Brandcis W o m e n are being; individually 'I Remember Mama's Pes;icb," a Monday, March 19 University at a 1 p . m . meeting urged, botti by^Nationol president Hebrew Women Board Meeting, skit dramatizing the Seder cere- Lost and Found Wednesday. March 21 at the Mrs. MoW S.fCahh, and section Afternoon. mony will be presented at Shaare home of Mrs. E. N. Grueskln, 2506 president s| n. Louise Lasensky, to TIICMIJI.V, March 20 Zion Married Club's Model Seder, A Woman's.f.mcy bifocal glasses W. Gollway. give to U J \^ and to lend their ennd.-iy, March 18 nt G:.'* p. in. in a light Minkeskln case, have Shan re Zion Women's Lencue l Mrs'. Hymun Fcrer of Omaha ergies to the Women's Division t e g u l a r Meet Ing. Afternoon, The *.k!t, written by Mrs. Neil C.or- been lunieil in a( the Jewjsh ComHill be guest speaker. An Invita- campaign. frs. Lasehsky also gave h cliow and Mrs. Mullie lyvitsky. m u i i l y Cciiii-r. A ci>nsiderabl** tion is extended to all young mur- her assiira ice that local Council O u t e r Adult liililv Kvc- will hv.e the folluwinj: cast irictn- nuinb'-r t,[ <,lh<T lo^t -:tnd found ried women to attend- v o r reser- members »ill do their utmost to ix'rs: N'-il flnrchow, S;ira I*evich, iel''^ an- waitinj; l o ho chtimed, vatlons call Mrs. A, II. Baron. see that th > 1956 campaign goal is 13. i!. C,., iv. nm::. JCC. Berth.i .S;ie'K;( Jrvinic and In,i Iv; itvlin,; to H.trold l\<'ner. Ill8-5125. met. : . A. Z. A., Kv MiMs:, JCC. vicii and loverly and lien Kcl;;e>. ' iri'-, ^huuid I>M a d d i f ' ^ e d to him. W. C. Slotsky will substitute for Will Good.ilte. as colonel in the Advance Gifts Division, Chairman Margolin announced. Mr. Goodsito, who hns left for Florida, is expected to return and resume his campaign responsibilities about April 1.

Coming Events

Center Sports MIDGET BASKETBALL . '.--••/Two upsets In final midget "A" basketball games last Sunday tied up first; place between H. A. Wolf : and) Independent Metal squad; who vereboti).beaten to give them : -\. ^3'records fortbeteason. .. .Third place goes to Mogen-Da.vid: with four wins and five losses and fourth place to Riekcs & Sons ; :;:;tt1th.3-6;-. ;• . • • ' -.' . Tfhe best game of the day saw ' Independent Metal and Riekcs & Sons go into overtime. Baskets by . Larry Kohn and Dan Holjis overcame a free throw by Ban and a basket by Goldstein to put Mckcs squad on top. H. A. Wolf went down before , the hot shooting of I3ill Horwich in •i a nip and tuck game * itli the scyr< ending 18-20. "A" league all-stars will travel . to Sioux City this Sunday witii coaches San Ban. Shcff Kalskw, Bernard floldstrom and Ed ii.'igrade, for u return round of play. Fireside sits on top of the "15" league with a 9-0 record and will face Gerelick Motors thn Sunday after boating \-&o h-M week. Sl«-burg squad bumped Gereiiek out of a tie for second place last .Sunday and face the Cowboys this week. The second game this Sunday will find Richm.'in-Gordmun fiquaring off against I-Go in ,i bid to hold on to Kerond place. Y. V, ROYS' IMDMINTON John Goidner i-s still favored for the Youth Council Boys' Badminton crown after nine matches of play. Al Siege! will meet Howard Goldstein In the quarter-finals. The tourney is set uj^ so that tliree players will reach the finals for n round robin to determine the win. ner. OOLF LESSONS Center Phys. Ed. department is itartlng a ten-lesson series of golf Instruction.beginning at 7 p. m., Thursday, March 22 for persons 18 and over. Golf pros Dick Knight and Lee Pounders will instruct the classes.

;. • •,

.-The. lattj! three1'-sessions will be held at Mhlght-Pounders Driving Range for field practice. Fees will be five doljnrs for Center members and seven foliar* and 30 cents for non-memW|rs. Equipment will be available. lor those who do not have their own nets of clubs. fleEistraJion may lie made at the Center be(bre March 23 and further Iritonjnation may be had by calling Jirli ^arbatsch, JA l-'tCG, ext. 26.

• •



Jit. Y. <:. boWLINti Uayim £j|- O. S. kept their one linme lead^; in the Junior Youth Council Howling League winning two K.'inie!);. There are now three weeks left jlln the league ract. Ijirry Kohn, With a ,'S02 s<'ries. broke high averalpc and now holds a 12!) high a v e r s e . High tea flies la-it week were: Larry Kohn ljp.l, K>H-.J0U, Dick Zachitri.-i Kl.l, !|I5-27S, and Jool Davis



Pre-School Values iJr. Mor;fis Mnrgolin, director of tlie Jovvis|;i Uo.'trd of irMucation, stressed tliie educational and development il values of pre-schoo! for children at the meeting recently of ; he Parent-Teacher Organization of the Jewish Community Pre-s 'liool. Dr. M;i lKo!in pointed out that during th|| first five years of a child's lif|, the youngster develops a philosophy of life and attitudes wljjlch often stny with the child for we rest of hio life.

Counselors Recruited Recruitment of counselors for Camp Jay C-C are well underway, Gerald S. Gross, camp committee chairman announced this week. Applications are being received dally at tie Center Activities office. Furth :r announcements about the camp | program for tills year will appea In the Press.

Rabbi Says . . .

Bar Mitzvah

Youth Is Ready For Jewish Living Jewish > 'iiini'stei > today are ready for Jewish livinj; in contrast to 15 yenrs JIJ.',O, but need to have their role explained to them, Rabbi Amrnin I'rero, National Director of American Zionist Youth Commission, stated Tuesday. Ilabbl I'rero .sprjkc to senior amii junior Young Judeu leaders fnrl this week. Youngsters sliould he made aware of Jewish history, culture and achievements, the rabbi pointed out. It is a niiddle-of-road program which alms to present an understanding and respect of traditional practices of Jewish life, Rabbi Prero asserted. We must also rfcogni/c tiie place of Israel in Jewish life, lie added, with her contributions of mnklng Hebrew a living, siKiknn language and her creativity in developing new music and dances. It is important to know, the rabbi affirmed, that our brothers In Israel ore doing something important for tho whole Jewish people. Tlie youth commission was set up by Hadnssali and Zionist Organization of America and youth groups lire sponsored by our local lladassah units.

Jr. B.B. Bowling Matt Faier was |iif;li man in Junior 13'mii IVrith 11 o w 1 i n;; League last Sunday with his 2.">7 .series.i Mike combined games of i:i2-12. i. Buddy Marcus scored tin; high game of the day witli a 134. Lubeth Schwidel.son was high kegler In the girls' division with games of 122-119 for a 241 eerie:;. Marilyn Katzman converted the 6-8-10 split.

Tour Completed Martin Nearcnberg has returned home after completing a two year tour of duty as a second lieutenant the United States Air Force. He U the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ncarcnbcrg of Omaha,

Mr. ond Mrs. I. M. Uhermun ;intn;iiiice the IJar MHzvah of their son, Keith, will be celebrated Friday evening and .Saturday morning, Mar. 2.'! nnd 21, nt Temple Israel. Friends and relatives lire Invited to attend the services and the recent inn .'which will follow.

Ml/in Mllrlrl KosenbUU

'Sweetheart Candidate' Miss Muriel Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt, is a candidate for the title uf "Sweetheart of AZA No. 100." The AZA "Sweetheart" wilf be crowned at the annual AZA dance to lie held at Fontcnelle Hotel March 2.1. Miss Rosenblatt is a. charter member of Rohnnue, a member club of Jewish Youth Council, and is serv:n:; as Us first vice-president.

Stoler Scholarship Loan to Be Awarded Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women wishes to announce again the annual award of the Marion Stoler Scholarship l*oan to a reserving Jewish student. The scholarship Is granted, for study In one of the following fields: College and professional training, graduate work, study in the arts, mid nurses' training. In addition to appropriate scholastic standing the applicant mast be a Omaha resident for two years and establish financial necessity. Anyone Interested in further information alxnit the procedure to follow for application for the scholarship : should contact Mrs. Sidney;ILRrooks, SG08Karmim st.

Charles Ginsburg. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Yalo Giiwburg and Michael Hornstcln, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hornstcln, will become B'nal Mitzvnh nt sen-Ices Friday evening. Mar. 10 and Saturday morning, Mar. 17 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends nnd relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

Meeting Dates Changed The meeting dates of Beth Israel Men's Club have been changed to third Wednesday of each niontli. An unusual program lias Iwen arranged for this month'! nieeting to bo held at 7 p. m., Wednesday, Marcli 21 in synagogue social hull. Reservations may be made by calling tlic .synagogue office, UK C2K8.

Young Judca Leaders Senior nnd Junior Youth Judaea leaders will he paid for attending meetings, It was announced by Phyllis Hittner. Anyone who Is Interested In attending can contact Mrs. JJitlner, WA 0232.

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