March 30, 1956

Page 1

VeL XXXIV—No. 25.

(Wand O'luss 5Ulline r r l i i l T n Atltlitirlird ut Omutiu. Nrbr.


R(il.,,ir 1UIDAV, AiAULIt

in-p iWf, IUUU.


1'ubliwlird every Yrlduy, 101 N. SDtli. Annual ltate 4< liUoIlM* om»lii», Nrl ruilca, phone JA 1306. .Single Copy ]] •• Gait*.

Isado Drive Faces j; Crucial Task


Personal Mayor J.

'G U[o.itii'j IUD[JO|SIH O)R1 S

Isadore Chapman, active communal and civic leader, has accepted the post of Initial Gifts Chairman of the 1956 Jewish Philanthropies and United Jewish Appeal Emergency Campaign, Mayor John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the Campaign, announced today.

General Chairman of Jewish Philanthropies and UJA Campaign • With so much at stake in this year's campaign—the 'most critical campaign wo havo faced since 1948—We need 5iardworlring volunteers to lielp mobilize the great funds that must be made available to tho United Jewish Appeal. I am therefore calling on you directly, and I know you will respond with tho same great understanding that you have displayed in the past. Why do I call this the moat critical campaign since 19487 Simply bccAiuo now, as ten, the people of Israel aro faced with a deadly peril. With the Communists pouring arms into Egypt, the question for them bocomca one of simple survival. They are forced to allocato huge sums for defense-—they have no choico in this, because they don't lmovv how BOOH it may bo before they find these arms used against them. Even in their hour of terrible danger, however, tho people of Israel refuse to abandon their responsibility to other imperilled Jews. They are determined to keep the gates of immigration open for the tciM of thousands who wish to leave the tension and misery of North Africa. But it is up to tho Jews of America, through the United Jewish Appeal, to see that those refugees reach those gatc3, so that they may take up new Iive3 of dignity and opportunity. We must not fail them. To make this campaign a success many workers are needed, for they are tho heart of any campaign, those who do the actual plugging, the leg-work, the persuading. We havo so many ]ou3 to do to Achieve our goal. That is why I am appealing to you personally. Pleaso join us as An active campaign worker, Let mo know I can count on you by signing and returning tho form below, Mayor John Rosenblatt General Chairman, ' Jewish Philanthropies and UJA Emergency Campaign 101N. 20th it. Omaha 3, Nebr. Dear Mayor Rosenblatt: • Yon can count on me to help yon in the 1956 Jewiib Phil, anthropiei and UJA Emergency OMBpaigs, Name. . Addreu


Benefit Stag by Monsky Lodge Henry Monsky Lodge ot IS'nal IJ'rilli will honor Its past presidents nt a Benefit Stag to be held at. 6:30 p. in., Wednesday, April 4 nt the West Highland Club. Lenny Colycr, up und coming television and motion picture stnr, will be the featured entertainer. A "gormct" dinner will be •erved nnd civic dignitaries have accepted Invitations tor attend. Past presidents of the old Nebraska Lodge, which wns in existence from 1893 to 1917, the old McKinley and Omaha Lodger), will l>c seated at n special table. The Henry Monsky IXKIRC, renamed In 1934, is the outgrowth of these organizallons.Spedal awards will lie. presented to these pant presidents. Karl Slegel Li In charge of this part of the program. Tlclcets are ntlll available from any of the l o d g e officers or trustees. Frc-d White will serve as masterof-ceremonies.

"Isaflurc Chapman brings to our campaign u long Career of active and successful leadership In tho community, and in fumi-iaising programs. His devotion to Jewish! needs and causes have made him an exemplary member of our community. Ho accepted the post of Inijial Girts chairman because he understands the problems faced by world Jewry, American Jewry," and embattled Israel citizens. He has undertaken this Important task because he believes that a crucial test faces us all, and n i one has the right to avoid responsibility," Mayor Rosenblatt said.

Sparkmars To Speak A t UJA Tho importnncc of the1' emergency Central States Regional Conference of the United Jewish Appeal which will be held in Omaha Sunday, April 8 at the Black•tone Hotel was emphasized today by Jack W. Marer, conference chairman. The region encompasses Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. "In view of the present sharp danger to Jewish lives arid freedom, the emergency UJA regional conference hag assumed mnjor Importance," Mr. Marcr said. "Attendence Is the responsibility of every Jewish leader in these areas. The 195G campaign Is the most critical since 1!MH, the year Israel's people won their freedom," he added. Senator John Sparkmanof Alabama will bo tho principal, speaker at.the conclave. Mr. Mflrer announced. Henry I.evy. Joint Pis-

B'nai B'rith Blood Day Wednesday

ny C'oljrr , , . to entertain

Annual Beth El Concert Tonight

Passover Deadline

The 20th Annual Concert ot Jewish Music presented by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nnd Beth El Syna|»o|jue Choir will bo field this evening at 8:15 o'clock In Both Kl Synagogue.

All publicity releases should IK; in our hands by this Sunday for inclusion In next week's edition of 'Die Jewish Press.

Member* and friends bf the Congregation'tire cordially Invited to attend.

"All of us are exceedingly happy thai Mr. Chapman will lead our Initial Gifts group and wo are confident that under his devoted and competent leadership, the Initial Gifts Division will reach the (joal that will be assigned to It." Active Worker Mr. Chapman has had a wide? rango of communal and welfare experience, having participated in every one of the 26 campaigns held by the Jewish Philanthropies, He has served as a member of the Jewish Federation board several terms, has been active in Beth El Synagogue, and has participated tribution Committee Director for in many civic groups. Tunisia will also speak. "Wo Mint Save Israel" The senator will report on the "While our Jewish Philanthrotense and ominous developments pies Campaign raises funds needaffecting Israel's people and the ed to support some 200 local, navital role of UJA in the present tional, overseas, and Israel agenemergency. cies and causes," Mr. Chapman The one-day conference will be- Said, "this year's campaign ii difgin with a morning work session forent, because of the Emergency at 10 a. m.. and luncheon and aft- United Jewish Appeal. An addiernoon session will follow at 12:30 tional twenty-five million dollars p. m. must be raised to enable the citizens of Israel to concentrate on their defense preparations and relieve them from the burden of supporting the Immigration pro. gram. "At stake Is the safety and future of tho State of Israel, with BETH EL Its population of 1,750,000, which Mon., April 2—9 a. in. and 6:30 Is bending every effort for peace, p. m. but of necessity is preparing • to Tucs., April 3—9 a. m., Ylzkor meet whatever danger may beMemorial Service will be recited. fair them. Omaha Jewry mUst consecrate Itself in this tragic ItKTII ISRAEL hour toward doing its utmost Sun., April 1—6:30 p. m. share In the support of our beMon., April 2— 8:30 a, m, and leaguered brethren In Israel, our C:30 p. m. persecuted brethren In Tunis, Tues., April 3—8:30 a. m. and Morocco, and other lands from 10 a. m., Yizkor Memorial Service. which they flee to Israel. In this year's campaign, we will TKMPLE call upon members of our commuSun., April 1—5:30 p. m. Mon., April 2—9 a. m. and 6:30 nity to give their funds In the spirit of sacrifice. Citizens of Isp. m. rael face destruction every mln- . B'NAI IHBAF.L ute of the day and night; we are Sun., April 1—6:30 p. m. asked to give only money. We Mon., April 2—9 a. m. and 6:30hope that our community will p. m. cosily raise its share of funds reTues., April 3—9 a. m.-10:15 quired in this supreme hour of a. m., Yizkor Service, 6:30 p. tn. the real emergency. There is simply no other answer we can give," Mr. Chapman concluded. i To Enlist Workcm Federation Executive Mr. Chapman announced that Committee to Meet enlistment of volunteers for the Initial Gifts Division will begin A special meeting ot the Immediately. Executive Committee ot the "We need a sufficient corps of Federation for Jewish Service workers," he said, "to enable Uf will be held at 10 a. m., this to cumplete the campaign proSunday in Jewish Community gram of our division. A call for Center, It was nnnounccd by workers is being Issued and wa: Jack W, Marer, Federation hope to have the kind of response • President, thnt ttili emergency campaign. needs." . • . . ,

Omaha B'nai B'rllli Iodises and chaplers will s[>onsor a Jll<n><l Bank Day, Wednesday, April 11 from noon until 5:45 p. m., at Rikl Cross Wood Con KM-, 2.">1!) Farl^am si. Sponsoring groups are:a Henry Monsky, Nebraska nnd Cotjihuskcr Lodges and Nebraska an<l Henry Monaky chapters. « Corned Beet jmndwlche:): will be served to prospective donors who plan to gl\c blood during their lunch time, It was announced by Mrs. M a x Sacks, recruitment chairman. !l All donors nre asked Id! contact Mrs, Sacks, AT 0602, oii| Robert Silver, JA 0789, or any niomhbcr of tho following committee: Mesdamos Harry Smith, Barney Hob* ehnan, Aaron E p s t e i n ' Harry Schulnian, Harry Friedman, Abe Bear, J. Milton Margolin Al Temln,' Ben Zoorwill, H a n y Welnborg, Al Onich and Nforrls J.


Passover Services

Pace Tut



UJA Bridge to Israel Published Kvrry I r l i l i y by the Federation uf JewUh Service Second Clani Mailing I'rlw.i ;;of> Authorized lit Omnhu, Nebruhka Annual !lub>rripti>iii, Slim. AdvcnislliE Idilca on Application. Editorial Ofriro—1U1 :lu B'lth Strett, Omaliu, Nibr,, JAcktuii 13<;<J. Flint Shop Aildrcr i — .;MJO •„. iJlh Street.



British R e p o r t Tells o f . . .

Military Training Egyptians by Sovl of Gdynia. Instruction was reported to Include the use of radar, submarines and all forms of artillery. A Slate Department .spokesman said that li.c United State:: has not yet made a decision on the suggestion advanced by French Foreign Minister Christian Pineau to hold a tripartite Foreign Ministers conference on the Arab-Israel question in Paris I.Iay 5. It Is understood that the State Department Is awaiting elaboration of Rt Pineau's proposal from the French Government. The State Department indicated that It is also awaiting details from London on an announcement New York (JTA)-The Special by the British Government revealSurvival Fund of the United Jew- ing that It has completed a ish Appeal has now reached $12,- "stand-by" plan for military ac000,000 and strong efforts currem- tion in the Middle Hast in case of )y are under way to increase this on Arab-Israel war. The British to 120,000,000 by April 30, it was report said that June and July reported at a press conference here were considered the most crltlr.sU by Herbert A. Friedman, UJA ex- months in relation to a full-scale ecutive vice-chairman. He gave the war between the Arab countries following picture of the Appeal's and Israel. two-part campaign: Meanwhile, reports reaching 1. The regular UJA drive Is more Washington from L/Ondon say that than holding its own as compared the steady increase of Kfjyptinn with the results at this time one power has influenced British miliyear ago. • tary authorities in favor of EcllZ Its extra drive—known as the ins arms to Israel. The baulnee Special Survival Fund—has raised of power in the Middle Kast is $12,000,000 thus far, thereby ac-. being nltered much more rapidly counting for a strong load over last than these military men had esyear. Full proceed! of the Survival timated, the report state, onrj Fund are to be used in Israel. there Is a lielief that the moment 3. With a major effort now un- when that balance will shift In fader way to raise additional sums vor ,of the Arab states Is In sluhL ln honor of Israel's eighth anniThese military circles see the versary, the expectation is that the current $12,000,000 standing of the (jrowth of Arab power indicated in the reorganization and reSpecial Fund will f;row to between $17,000,000 and $20,000,000 by the equipment of Egyptian armed forces, the establishment of a end of April. In reporting these figures, Mr. joint Arab military command unFriedman gave high praise to the der Egyptian leadership and the Jews of America. "Israel's people possibility that Jordan may swinp; Will be glad to know," be declared, from'ISrifish to Egyptian influence "that the Jews of America are in any action against Israel. Some solidly behind them, h a v 1 n f; British officials have come around achieved a new awareness of their to the Israeli view that continued difficulties and dangers, and are Soviet arming of the Arabs while Israel receives no help will result eager to help." in an attack by confident Arab states.


Washington (JTA)—The State Department declined Sunday to comment on a rci>ort by the British Foreign Office — confirmed Saturday in Cairo—that a considerable number of Egyptians are receiving military training in Poland. The British report estimated that about 200 Egyptian officers and noncommissioned officers are bdnc trained In land, sea and air operations at a Soviet base hear Poland's Baltic Sea port

UJA Campaign Is 'Progressing Well'

Ikes Message Asks for Patience Dr. Kaplan Cited

Jerusalem (JTA) — President New York <JTA) —'The purKisenhowcr, in a personal im.4;- . pose of the Zionist movement sacc of Passover greetings to Is- should be to reconstitute world rael President Itzhak Hen Zvi, IJewry as a .spiritual people," acemphasized that "the American j cording' to Professor Mordecai M. Government is earnestly nnd in Kaplan. Professor of Philosophies the friendliest spirit explorm;; fv- of Helij;ion at the Jewish Theoery avenue to bring aliout a satis- logical Seminary of America. factory and peaceful solution" of Prof. Kaplan sjiokc at a luncheon the Arab-Israel problem. He asked markln;; the end of the 105.V5G the Israel President for* "patience Somlnary-Isra?! Institute h e l d and mutun! confidence and ;.'r>od- here. will." Dr. Kaplan received this year's The Eisenhower im-ss.ijje was Institute award, delivered here to President Ben Seminary-Israel for "his singular contribution to Zvi by Dr. Abba HUM Silver who th? development of Zionism as an is now visiting I.^rnel. The text of effective intellectual nnd spiritual the messnpe was m'tde public find movement, h.-is Indefatigable lareads as follows: bors in the enterprise building "Throuf'.h my friend. Dr. Abba the State of Israel, andofhis ceaseIliilcl Silver, who is about to visit less efforts to bring about better Israel, I j>houl<i like to take the understanding everywhere in the opportunity lo convoy to you my warm personal tprcptln&s on the role of the new State In history." occasion of the celebration of Passover, your historic festival of MILLION HOLLAR <HiANT freedom, nnd on ihe eve of the New York (JTA)—A 51,000,000 eighth anniversary of the estab- grant to Brandels University by lishment of the State of Israel. the Dorothy and Lewis S. RosenI have followed with admiration stiel Foundation was announced the progress and development of by Lewis S. ilosenstiel, chairman your country. of the board of Schenley Indus"The American people wish your tries, Inc. young state peace and prosperity. The $1,000,000 grant will be Permit me io assure you that the used for the establishment of a American Government Is earnestly Dorothy Itoscnstiel New Science and In the friendliest spirit ex- Research Center at Brandels Uniploring every avenue to bring versity. The Center will bo dediabout a satisfactory and peaceful cated to basic research in biosolution of the problems which chemistry with special reference confront Israel and its neighbors. to glandular disorders. The RosenWe shall all need patience, mutual stiel Foundation donation i3 the confidence and goodwill to help largest that Brandels University «ac along the way." has ever received.

The Iruld In the .Marseille Immigrant (inter are crowded with Nortli African Jewish families bound fur Iirucl. Tlie iiini|>, which lias iMien het ui> because. North Afriean governments prohibit direct • mlKrallan to Israel, Is used for prrmigrntion screening, medical examination ami Rettlement assignments In Israel.

Council Women Bikur Cholim Starts Project at Home Gray Ladies Group

Friday, March SB, IBofl,

New Snag on Arms Complied from (JTA) Dk]ratf'lir« Israel's urgent JO' for defensive aims to offfc-t; the flow of Communist arms to l -jrypt i^ n^ain being delayed by the referring of t h e "Palestine Question" once again la the Security C.iuncil of the United Nations. Israel's retjuest. for arms was .submitted last November. The Associati/d I'ress Tuesday icported that the Security Council which was to have \uteiJ Monday on the American proposal of a UN I'alestlne jwuce niKsiftn had ix).;ti>one<l a vote on the nii-.iion until next week due to> del.'iyin;,' aetioni>\"(*nunent soure^s .said Presi<lont Kicenlnnver feels that arms sale.; to Israel at this time might mike tlie .situation more d.inKf^'ua at n juncture when be thinks the United Nations niijrhl make some progress in les .••nlng tension. The United States plan before tiie Security Cuiincll calls for a Q! mi.ision to the Near Kast by United Nations Secretary-General .iK ir-jinmnr.skjold, It was reP')rtetl. The President has appealed for mediation of the Arnh-Israel crisis nd he vvdrnril that any major out* break of hostilities would be a catastrophe for UK1 whole world. H© stressed the imp.3rtance of Arab oil to the West.. The major American •ffort, lie added, is to find some vny to hi.dp the Arab.? states and Israel see that their Interests lie Itt mediation.

The- Bikur Cholim Society has Omaha Section, National Coun- organized a "firay Ladk-.s" i;roup cil of Jewish Women, has initiated to visit the Dr. Philip Sh'-r Jewish a new service project at the Dr. Homo for the Aged. Each week Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the two "Gray Ladies" will visit the Aged. Mrs. Lazar Kaplan, chair- home to read to the folks, take man of the committee, stated that them for rides, write letters for a program of occupational therapy them or other duties that will help and recreation Is being planned. to make it more pleasant for the C:28 p. in., Candlrlightlng Members of the committee nre: residents. Mcsdames M. H. Brodkey, Abe An initial committee of four made up of pre,.,id''nt, .Mr:;. Jake* Katelman, MilJard Krasne, Maurice Newman. Leo No(;i;, John Solo- Wine, Mrs. A. S. Zalkin, Mrs. Paul Temple Israel mon, Dave Stein, T. A. Tully, A. Katzman and Mrs. Max S. Kaplan, Worship services this evening V. Veneer, I. II. Weincr and Sam chairman of this new project, made nl Temple I.';rnel will l>e held at the first visit to tin; ared honi'.- 8 o'clock. Guest preacher, RcvZacharia. Tiie r;roup Is planning to redec- Wednesday, March M. trtnd Dr. Guy M. Davis, Jr., disorate the lounge with new drap- The "Gray Ladies" entertained tinguished Christian clergyman, ery, have the upholstered fural- the folks Sunday, March 18 with a Professor of lleligion, nt Chapture recovered, and purchase new birthday party and served tea and man College will preach. ItubM tables. The downstairs recreation cake. A skit by Mrs. Zalkin ami .Sidney H. Brooks will officiate. room will also be done over by the Jewish folk songs by a group of young Judaea girl;; were p*irt °^ Beth El committee. Sabbath services nt Beth El SyThis project will be financed by the program. Anyone who is interested in join- nai;o;;ui; will begin at H:15 p. m. contributions to Council's Molly Schimmel Fund, It was announced in;; the "Gray Ladies Service" can Tile unnual Concert of Jewish by Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, council contact Mrs. Kaplan or Mrs. Wine. Music will bo given by Cantor The. .service was approved by the Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El president. The project was approved by Executive Committee of the Fed- Synagogue; Choir. Ilabbl Myer S. the Executive Committee of the eration for Jewish Service and thr- Krlpke will interpret the music Federation for Jewish Service nnd Home for Aged committee, it was nnd oiler comment. .Sabbath morning services will the Home for Aceil Committee. annonecd by A r t h u r A. Colin, Arthur A. Colin, chairman of the chairman of 1 lie home committee. bo held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation service in at 10:45 home committee stated. 'Hie Home a. m. Mincha-M.'uiriv (services will for the Aged is nn department of Youtft Week Climax bo at C:30 p. m. Daily KCrvlces nre the Federation. Jewish Youth Week activities at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. and the ivpre climaxed Sunday with the Sunday service i-, at 9 a. m. naming of .Howard Kaslow as winner of the oratory competition, Beth Israel Services Friday evening will Elnine Falken, poetry reading, anil l>C(jin at C:30 o'clock. There will IXTII Wine, story te.llinc. Reverend Dr. Guy M. Davis, Jr., Tiie choir of Itohantic won the l>c no late service this evening. professor of religion ut Chapman choral sini;in;; contest with BBfi .Saturday mornini; nt 8:30 a. m. College, Orange, Cal., will be gueit Nn. 2 taking second place and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. peakcr at Temple Israel tills eve- I'-iyim j;arnerin;; the third posi- Minchn at 0:30 p. m. ning at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning. April J, morntion. Dr. Davis is the Christian minIng services nt 8:45 a. m. Mincha ister who was enthusiastically acat fi:30 p. m. claimed for |ils outstanding nd- Memorial Service Weekday services begin at 7 drer.s at the recent biennial con- F.irband Branch No. 51 Labor a. m. and CiAO p. in. vention of the National Federa- Zionists will hold a memorial .servtion of Temple Brotherhoods held ice at 7:30 p. m., Sunday, April 15 •IKON GTItTAlN1 AKRIVAM in Jewish Community Center to Jerusalem (JTA)—Nearly 800 honor the heroes of the Warsaw Immiijrnnts from Eastern Europe Ghetto Uprising who died fighting arrived In Israel In 1955. accordNazi tyranny. Ing to fiKures nnnounceri here by The. six million Jews who were the Jewish Agency. Of the tolnl, killed in Hitler's purges will also 280 were from Hungary, 279 from be honored. Russia, 133 from Poland, 30 from Tiie details of the program will Czechoslovakia and Dl from Kuappear in next edition of The m.-inin. A transport of 1,000 ImPros?, migrants arrived nt Haifa Sunclay. Most of them came from verslly of Houston. At rchool, lie North Africa. played football, baseball, and has boxed as nn amateur and profes- on. WKIX piconucnoN sionally. During World War II, (JTA)—Israel's new he was a communication!! nnd oilJerusalem well—Hcletz No. 2—Is exgunnery officer in the Navy and pcclwl to produce 1,500 barrels a ecrved In Atlantic, North African, dny, five ns much as Heletz European and Pacific theaters of No. 1, it times was reported here. The operations, estimate of the well's production He Is associate minister of the was made following the compleOr. Gay SI. Davis, Jr. First Methodist Church of Orange, tion of Johnston tests. Meanwhile-, New Orleans,.La. . ' . Cal, and Is also instructor In Bible Dr. Davis was educated nt Uni- ot University of Southern Cal- tho pipeline from Ashkclon to Haifa, where the refineries nro versity of Southern California, ifornia and at Hebrew Union Col- located, was completed last weekNotre Dame, Harvard and Uni- lege, IXB Angeles Branch. end.

Religious News

Dr. Davis io Sped: At Temple Esrcel

Friday, March SO, 19.16.




Tfcw* 1


Israel Celebrates Passover

Bar & Bas Mifzvah

The Bur Mitzvah of Howard IIADASS.Ul A (I.iujjht'T WfH burn J'Vbruiiry i.'eldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omaha Chapter JIad,if.--,ih will 23 to -Mr. find Mrs. Philip L. N;iU'nAbe L. Feldman, will be observed hold nn One;.; at 2:30 |i.btT(j nf CiJlcaj;o, 111. Th-- c.juplc »Vn]-;/ili'm l.JTA) -Tin.* h.»M.-; tho JLWS i>i i.ii'j world uryinj; rc- Friday evening and Saturday m., Saturday, April 7 ;U Heih ]•,- Ii;i.s two otlKT L-iiilflrt.'n. Alra. of JMVI"1 WITO fidrly full Momin> \ ival of XUcr "r(,'li;;iuvi:i sjiirit" morning, April 6 and 7, at Beth racl Syn.i|;<j|;ui', 52nJ and f-'iiirn's Nuh.'/iU.'n; i.i tht.1 fnnner Mivi Kvc* nn the C\<J of Pa.'.sov^r as a r.;rc;it iiinonj; Jews and calling for aid Israel S y n a g o g u e , 52nd and sts., dcdicatln;: this affair to 'in lyn GruL'n of Onit'thj. runny lourivt.-i from all p : nis of to IM'IH-I. "In tfiiy solemn season," Charles. All members of the famJewish National Fund. Mrs. M. F Kranfipiiront-s arc Mr. and Mr> the wurlrt flockrd hvrv for the* tin.' Chk'f liubh'i said, "when wo ily and friends are cordially inLevenson, President of O.nalia Morris Green of Omrtlia. huliday, (U.-y.pW: the ten.-,iuii. Ilun-remember tho miraculous libera- vited to attend the services and Council of the Jewish Nation il tlrcds uf tourists li;ivt? arrived tion of tlu.' J«J\V;> from K;ryptian the receptions following the servfund, will be fiucsi speaker. 'i from the tJ!i]('.<] State,-; jiloiic in boiidajje, w<-1 ctppcal to o\cry Jew ices. Visiting Mrs. Jack Diamond will rnlerrecent (lays. to identify hiin.elf with the threat toin with SOJIKS und stories In Jew- Dr, f)on Oree:i, revision t p h y Although til*? iioIi'K'iy niuod has task of tho liberation, physical Mr. and Mrs. David Roles ariish, Hebrew at»d EM(;!H1I. llcfrcsi- sieian at Vfli'r.ui; Hoii)ital in LO.T eased tho tcn.'.inii amon;; JsraoJir;, and spiritual, which j;oos on ments will l>e served. Anct'loi, ('til., is vi:,itlri'^ lij^ pai1- thfro i.^ han!ly a family in Israel through the CROS and which tills nounce the Bas Mitzvah of their Members of Hie One;; Slnlilnil enti here in Omaha. Hw niothci' which will not have at its Mvder j;r-norattoii is called upfjn t o real- daughter, Kochelle Heies, and Mr. committee urer Mosd;ime-; Arthur who 1-i ill is in Mfth.idNt Hospital. to nicht u younfc Jii'in or wt»mnn ize." Kmphasizintf that "peace Is and Mrs. Irving Kubinow anGoldstein, William Fn-iilcu, Sam Dr. Green it a graduate of Central subject to immediate mobilization Judaism's very essence," tho Chief nounce the Bus Mitzvah of their Turkel and Maurice -Al/icrin. Hii;h .School and Crei;;hlon 1,'iiiver- in the rvrnt of Arab attack. In Rabbi concluded: "Peace, say our daughter, Diane Itublnow, at FrlOmaha Cliaptir II;ul;i-i.-,ali ex- .slly's School of Medicine. tlu' border scttloimcnt.-i uml in n j*os. Is onn of Cod's names. We dny evening services, April 6 njid ecutive board will meet Thursday, army positions fncini; thi.1 Arabs hate war. We hate hatred. We Saturday morning, .April 7 at Beth April 12 at tho hum..- of Mrs. J. J tin.1 traditional ;;rder will ho in- pray to our Heavenly Father t h a t El Synagogue. Friedman, C8-1 I'arlcvvood I^inc. Friends and relatives are invited t r m i p t r d by younf; men and worne .sp'ire Iii5i hnllowed land from Special reports will bo heard. to attend both services ond the ei) loaviiif? to tnkf? their turn at tho horrors of war." Members of Hadassuh's educareceptions which will follow. the watch tower or },ontry duty. The Chief Knbbinate of Israel tional council will meet at 1 p. m., Military chaplains wero i.^nt to Monday proclaimed a worldwide Saturday, April 14, for nn Once Tel Aviv (JTA) — Israel Is ready tlm most remote mean of Israel day of prayer for .April 15 to comShabbat at the home of Mrs. ITir to enter into po.'K;c nr;;otiritionb' to hold i^'der.i for «;ervicoinrn on memorate I s r a e l Independence Same Day Service ry Ilavit2, 112 S, 4'Jtlrnv. with the Arab st.-ites- without :;et- a c t h c duty, 'jiioy also conducted Day, which this year falls on tiiif; any jiiiur ennditiuns, I'reniier scrvlcns In all rnniiK and rear April 1G. The proclamation calls No Extra Charge MONSKY CIIAITEK David Hen Gnrion s.'iid here in an po'atloni. Meanwhile, all bvt.-i fa- on Jews in oil countries t o pray ciliti(.'3 \vri"O .strained os I>rnelis Impromptu prr!;s conference with for Israel's deliverance from the An orlRlnal skit "Tho Darling In at 10 A.M. Dilemma," written by Mrs. I^ouia a party "of 42 Anierlean editors moved in nnd out of the cities to dangers which threaten her. Ready by 5 P.M. ' Kline and Mrs. Lee Sloan, will nnd radio nud teicvlsion ne\v^ upend the holiday wlfhfamlly and highlight the luncheon rootling of commentntorj. Tlie Aincrlcnns, friends. CASH and CARRY Chief Hnbbi Itzhalt Halcvi HerB'lifll B'rith Henry Monsky Ch.ip- who arrived here on a two-day ter No. 470, to be held Wednesday flying visit, entered from Jordan 7.o\r, is.'aiod a Piissovcr mPssnK*> to April 4, nt 32:30 p. m, at Jewish by way of the Mnndclbaiim Gate RUG & UPHOLSTERY Also Pickup ami in Jei'u'ialfrm and firfit conferred Community Center.1 Delivery Service Spring Vacation CLEANERS ' The cast Include ! Mmei. I.mils with Furi'lcn Minister Monho Miss Kami Ifricsfcld, daughter Kline, Lee Sloan, Ben Wintrjub, Sharett before coining to Tel RUGS—CARPETING of Mr. and Mrti. .Joseph Krlcsfeld, Max Sacks, Bernard Zovltz; ac- Aviv. will arrive hero today to spend her LAMP SHADES companist, Mm. H»-:sel lilumenWhile th'1 n(!v.;,men botnbarded Spring ion nt home. Miss thol nn<l props. Mr.i. Barney Ilo- Mr. Hen Gurion with rjuejition.s, FURNITURE ICricsfoM Is a student nt Univerberman. he emphasized that war could be sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Cleaned In Your Home! In recognition of the fine con- averted If the United Stcte.1 would tribution by Jfnal B'rilh bowlcra Grant Lsrael atlcquate (iiiantitieii BtadlnQ - Laying • Repairing Mlssr.-t Mnrsh,i FoMman and Leto the projects of B'nal B'rith of defensive arnig to offset the ona Brown left Thursday eveninn 112N. 18rti JA1578 Don Bernstein HA 2554 Henry Monsky Chapter will nine Soviet M1G fighters and llyushln devote this meeting to honoring bombers which the Egyptians have for ChlctRo to spend their Spring all B'nal B'rith bowlers. obtained. He said that he could vacation there. The bowlers play an important not believe that the U.S. would part In ndding to the B'nal B'rith remain adamant In Its refusal to BAKERY AND roster. Their contribution tv an- r>eil Israel onus, tilnce the securnual fund raising exemplifies their ity of the entire world had been DELICATESSEN nwareness of the need of support- endangered by Egypt's dcnl with Inn such philanthropies as the Leo the Soviet bloc, not just Israel's 50th and Underwood RE 5560 N. Lcvl Arthritic Hospital, the peace. Jewish National Tubpreulosis HosMr. Sharett, who also nnnwered pital, the Bellcfaire Homo for M.-il- questions pcjcd by the American ndjusted Children, the B'nat B'ritb newsmen, nnld thnt Israel would 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Children's Home In Israel and the resist n "new Munich" which Anti-Defamation League. might be offered her under threat Last Shopping Days for Passover In addition to the pr.>;;ram and of the Arab build-up. There could the honoring of B'nal U'rllii bowl- 1)0 no nreatcr fallacy than cuch a ers, there will be the election of belief, he continued. The people Closed Monday and Tuesday officers, following n brief business of Isnie) will not submit to such meeting. pressure, he said. "We know what Open Wednesday Morning All B'nal B'rith member? nre is nt stake nnd we shall fight as Urged to attend and vote for the a united people to thwart the With Forbes Full Variety of candidate of their eho-M. Arab design to destroy us." Reservations for the luncheon Fresh Bakery Products may be made by calling Mrs. Abe Patronize Our Advertisers. Ginsberg, «odal chnlrmnn, nt GL 5291. Win Stand on Their HcoA .riONEKU WOMEN Omaha C h a p t e r of Pioneer to Deal With You! Women will hold a Oneg Shnbbat nt 1:30 p. m., tomorrow at the homo of Mrs. Harry Klcklln, 3031 Lafayette 6t. Joseph Undinowskl will sneak on Passover and discuss the latest jiews from Israel. Mrs. Wilton Nerenbcrg will present a musical

Israel Leaders Tell Peace Aims




Rosen-Novak Chevrolet

6,883 Omahans Switched to


Engagement' Told Mrs. Harry Bush of Los Angeles, Cal., announces the encasement oj her daughter Miss Elberta Bush to Sidney Greenbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Greenbaum. Miss Bu«h attended tlio University of Nebraska and was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fiance was a member of Slf^na Alpha Mu Fraternity at the University pf Southern California. An August •wedding is planned.

Send Scrip to Israel Gift Certificates How! In Time for


Cousins' Club The Cousins' Club will meet at ]2:30 p. m., Wednesday, April i «t the Hotel Blaclcstonp. Those who nre unable to attend call Mrs. Jfjck Luttbeg, HA 4344.

All Strictly Kosher

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Jewish Community Center

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James Roosevelt To Speak at UJA Opener James Roosevelt, Democratic Congressman from California, and eldest Bon of late president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, will be guest speaker at the UJA Advance Girts opening banquet, Sunday, April 15, at the Jewish Community O u ter. James Roosevelt, like his father, has long been a partisan of the Israel state and a sincere champion of the United Jewish Appeal's program of rescue, migration and rehabilitation of refugee Jews. He Is known Internationally for hlx convincing and earnest speaking In behalf of UJA. Born in 1903, Mr. Roosevelt attended Groton and Harvard, served in the Marines in World War II, earned the Army Silver Jaracg Star and the Navy Cross. Active most of his life as a Democrat In the national political scene, he was elected to Congress from Southern California in 1933. He is privately engaged in the InsurHenry Levy, director of the ance: business. Mr. Roosevelt's appearance for Joint Distribution Committee in the opening of the UJA campaign Tunisia, will be one of the main will mark his first visit to Sioux speakers at the Central States City. He will be introduced by Regional UJA Xfcnference at the Blackstone Hotel, Omaha, Sunday, Frank J. Margolin. April 8. The . conference, which covers five states, is designed to inform UJA chairmen, captains and leaders of the newest developments In the Israel and North v African crises, v The' AZA annual Sweetheart Dance will be held Saturday, Apr. Jack W. Marcr of Omaha will 14, at the Martin HoteL Bob Mil- be chairman of the one-day conler's band will provide music. ference. Frank J. Margolin will Most important youtli affair of the serve as one of the co-chairmen, entire year, the Sweetheart Dunce which also Include Harry Dnicker will 'climax AZA's active social of MarshaUtown. l^>o Hill of Linseason; and will feature the coln. Louis R. Ilunvitz of Sioux crowning of AZA Sweetheart. Falls, and Meyer Tralch of ToStan Shindler is dance chairman; Kansas. A lame represenLannie Katzman, ticket chinnan. peka. tation of Sioux City Colonels anil AZA dance hostesses will l>e an- Captains ore expected to attend. nounced In next week's edition. The Sweetheart Dance is AZA's .Mr. Margolin stated. Wives tuny only .fund-raising project, and its iil.-io attend. proceeds help finance the club's It's hard to Ix'lieve nil the things year-round program. you expert your children to.

JDC Director at Regional Meeting

AZA 'Sweetheart* Dance April 14

Sioux City Section UJA Chairman Says , . .

Harry Rich Named Area Chairman

UJA Call for Cash Reflects Urgency The Nati >jial United Jev.ish ApI>o;il has i-^ui.-d an urgent call for Survival Fund cash, according to UJA chairman Frank J. Margolin. The call, .Mr. Margolin slated, reflects the ir.uuiMing emergency in Israel antl North Africa. Through a grim coincidence, this urgent drive for UJA is scheduled to open on the 8th Anniversary of Israel's independence, April 16. Through a second near coincidence, the date also comes the day after the Sioux City advance gifts dinner. A special communication from William Rosenwald, UJA general chairman, cites a series of events that threaten the very survival Harry ICIch of the Israel nation. The outlook for Jews, 08 they approach their country's 8th birthday, has never been so grim, nor the need for Memorial SIT vices, conducted UJA money so sharply marked. Events are approaching the crisis on the latter days of the Passover holiday, will be hold nrcordinj; to point: schedule: A coalition of Aral) powers Is theAt following Mount .Sinai Temple, Mon-. forming around Israel determined (Jay. April 11 a. m. to blockade it militarily and eco- At Shan2,reat Zion Synagogue, nomically. Tuesday, April 3 at 10:30 u. m. Moroccan Jews are near the Rabbi H. It. Habinowitz will depoint of stampeding in a panic to liver a .sermon on—"To whom do leave their country before political we owe our .souls?" following the developments close the door to Yi.skor service. emigration. Orthodox Visitor service will be Israel Jews must divert all their conducted at Beth Abraham Syvelfare funds and rehabilitation ^oi;ue Tuesday, April 3 at 1CKK) rsourcos into building air-raid n. m. Rabbi S. Holotnikuv will deshelters. food and fuel reserves. liver a sermon. Only UJA can rescue North African refugees. 'llvro is only one possible reply Young Judaea Clubs to this kind of communication. Mr. AH Younj: Jud.-ie,i Clubs will icMargolin stated. Sioux Cityan;; who follow the news will give the Kimie meeting Sunday. April 1. answer through the regular cam- 2:30 p. m . - a t the Jewish Community Center. paign and the emergency fund.

Memorial Services

UJA Chairman Frank J. MiirRolin has announced that Harry Rich will he chairman of the Area Division. Mr. Rich, who Is president of the li'nnl li'ilth lodge, lias been a loyal campaign aide for many years. He will succeed Saul Mcleher, wlui was Area Chairman in 1935. The Area Division, according to Mr. Margolin, has always been an Important branch of the UJA campalgn. Over 50 Jewish families live and conduct businesses In 30 or more small towns. within a radius of approximately 75 miles of Sioux City. Despite their dls> tancc these families consider themselves part of the SlOUX City Jewish community. Many are at* dilated with Sioux City congregations, and many have been repreesnted at UJA dinners, and have been recognized as leading, pace* setting contributors. All feel closely identified with Jewry and with the problems of the Jewish people. Mr. Itlch plans to divide the Area into six sections, and hope* to enlist a sun-chairman in each, from among the residents of the area. Area 1, southeast of Sioux City, Includes Denlson, Mapleton, Onawa, Odelwlt, etc.; Arcti 2, toward the East, Includes Storm I.'ike, Cherokee, and neiRlilx)riiiK towns; Area ''. northeast. Includes the lakes; Area 4, Includes the northwest; Area 5 and f> Include South Dakota and Ni-hrnskn lownn rr-^pc-clively. History jirovi-1; that any o.tM'Stion settled hy force rather than reason always coinefi up for r<lli ini'Ut.

1 a 2^'-l.'t record. Ix'ona JJrown took liigh ganu1 with a 207 and high series with a X>'.\. Maureen Zcvitz A ban(|iiet was held recently by tied Miss Hrown for high average MIDGET WINNERS team captured the title in the with Sigma Delta Tail new initiates. a 138. Jewish Community Center Midg- Hoys' "A" Youth Council Bowlof the newest programs by Omahans represented were: Misses theOneJewish Final standings nre:Coeds, 29-7; Community Center " ct Basketball season came to a ing League with a 46-8 record for Sandra Krizelman, Donna SteinDeb Stars, 2G-KI; DiJoe Mojo's, Athletic Department is the class dose Sunday with a Father-Son the three-month season. Members berg, Elinor DeKoven, Shirley Raz23-13; Shlumps, 2:4-1.1;, for Kiddy Kuaties—a program for get-together at which team and of the winning team are; Howard Sue Simons, Sari Shukert children over three and their Individual trophies were awarded. Kooper, Hob Epstein, Mike Platt. 21-15; 4 Drips, 20-10; Deb Netw, nick, and Jean Kutler. 16-20: Strike Outs, 15-21; Highmothers in a water orientation and Championship trophies In the "A" Maynard Rosen and Marty Sophir. Miss Raznlck W;LS b a n q u e t learn-to-switn class. The class is league went to H. A. Wolf arid In- They topped the second place Pins Low Fours, 11-22: Gloops, 8-28; speaker; the pledge scholarship Four Freshmen, G-M, and Wood designed to give the youngsters dependent Metal whose teams or Pot hy eight games. Third place trophy went lo Miss Cutler, pledge a early start in mjuntic activities were tied for first place. went to Raylm SOS with a 2K-20 Peckers, S-:!l. activities cup to Sari Shukert and and to give the mothers a chance Paul Grossman accepted the, record. Second and third place outstanding pledge award to M!.-:s to continue their child's water MOTIIK.ll-I>Ai;<;HTEK trophy for the Wolf team and "Olympic" i&ints go to Rayim. .Sandra Kully of Grand Island. MM. Ethyl C o h e n and her education throughout the summer. Dave Bernstein for Independent Jerry Sherman took high game daughter Judy teamed up to top Rabbis Myer S. Krlpke and Sid- The is arranged on a rota(quad. honors with a 21H and Larry Her- other Mother-Daughter teams in ney H. Hrooks s|K>ke during Re- tionalclass parental supervision basis Fireside Restaurant won the man captured high scries with '.VM) last week's Mother-Daughter IxnvlEmphasis Week hold c.iriy under the direction of Jiie Micck, "B" league first place award total. The champions also took inn CfKiipetition as {>art of tile cele- ligious Center Pool Director. It will run the pionth. which was accepted by team cap- high team scries. 209K and high bration of Jewish Youth Week. in Miss P. os i! n t h a i was over a ten-week period on Tuestain Howard Shrier for Dan Co- team game, 7(W. The highest aver- The matches were held at the- Mu- pledged Willie lo Sigma Alpha Iota, a day and Thursday mornings from hen. ' .. age in the lcj'ti:!!*' was made by sic liiix last Tue.iday and saw .some music sorority. 11-12 o'clock. Charges for nonRnl>ert Fromkin, member ol I!ol> Epstein with a 17R hotter than average bowline for menilK-rK of the- Center for thbi Center athletic onnmittce. prethis type of an event. class is ten dollars for mother and sented the "Most Improved Midg- X/.A imoi'.s TOIUNKV child. At this'point, an afternoon Mrs. Ctiben rolled a 17."! and a et Athlete Award" to Alan Ross class Is tentatively scheduled for Sam Epstein's AZA No.136 for a 311 total which was put of the Fireside team. Al had .shown 1 Coach Roger Smith, Jn Junior H'nni Monday anil Wednesday afterteam lost a close one, 52-55, to together with her daughter's 123 the most improvement in team- Chicago in the district AZA bas-and I'll) for a 5K2 total score. This ll'rith Howling league, blasted noon.i from 1-2 o'clock. Persons ivork and shontinj; during tin: .sea- ketball tournament held last was almost forty pins better than the first 200 game of the season wishing additional information son according 1 to the ballotinc of weekend In Chicago. about thin program should call the the .second place, team of Mrs. for a commendable SM series. league official. . Renee Franklin, n modest 7.'1 Physical Education department of Hose Oruch and Carole Krank who Chicago team led at the half by Ed liastian, business manager : i-vcu points and Omahans couldn't eamc in .secund with a 515. Third uvi'inge ltegler," fired nway with the Jewish Community Center nt * of the Omaha Cardinals, w.i'. close the gap in the second half. place went to Mr». Harriet Schloff a 111 and llfi for a 200 series, to J A V,CiC>. guest KpeakiT and stressed Un- The Chicai'.oatis went on to win aiifi her daughter Ellie with a 511. take tlii" high honors in the girls' importance of teamwork, desire to the tourney. Seven teams entered tin? compe- dl vision. play, rnaching and the building of Splits were mastered by: MarStan Widman dropped in the tition including Mr-;. Ida Sacks and ' character in his talk "The Price most baskets fur n .score of 2.'l Kl-irence Shrago, Mrs. Abrahams sha Cori'n, 5-7; Renee Franklin, of P.ccoming an Athlete." Mr. points. Other team members were: and daughter Phyllis, Mrs. Shmger 5-7-ft. Hastian brought wilh him a film I-Yank IV'nr. Al Kri/elman, Dave and daughter Chcrna, and Mrs. The Spring Tournament will Of the 1955 World Scries between WIdm.-in. Will Plotkin, Chubby Gra<v Sacks and Jna Margolin, M;irt this Sunday and continue Jewish Community Center sponthe Yankees and Dodders which f'as>rr, Mike Mo;;in, Al Sicgel an3 through nexTSunday wi as to en- sored clubs will have a hwimmlng was shown as part of the program. Hoy Kirke. The one-game elim- y. <;. n o v s MACCAISIAK able all team members to bowl program this Sundty in the newly Coaeh Sani Han acted as inns, ination round raw Mother Chapfor nwarfls. Trophies will be renovated Center .sw'imming pool. Art Novak amassed a of ••IK awarded to the High Roy anil High ter-of-cc-rt-rnonifs and coach Slier ter go down ns the Chieagonn.s I*»int.s The Indoor JKK>1 IS one of the in five events for the Hoys' Katskee made the awards'. wr-nt on to victory o\er Minneap- Maccabiad last Tuesday evening as Girl on a iiins-over-avcrage basis. finest In the Midwest, according to Jim Karbatseh. Center athletic olis by 12 |toints. The champions part of the Jewish Youth Week IJCH Hurkciiroad, chairman of the director, presented a projto'-etl admitted .Mother Chapter was the celebration. Art M/ored five points Synagogue Youth Center Athletic committee. New sports program to the group call- best team they had coin*' up in frf(. throws, four in track, ten modern lighting fixtures have been ing for the formation of a new against during the whole : cason. in .softhall, ten in target catching, Rabbi IJenjamin Groner and Irv- installed, tiie room has been resports club lo be called Omaha four in medicine ball heave and 15 ing Stern represented Beth Israel painted and new ventilating equipJny-Tweons, The new club is to <;nti.s i:o\vi.iN<i Youlh Clubs at the Central Re- ment Ims been installed. in push up-, to top the field. be for hoys and girfc <* the junior Howling for Youth Council girls CIoso behind Art were Tanny gional Youth Commission meeting All girls' groups wjjl go swimhigh school age who will take part ended last week with a very close iforwich with 11, Ray Kirke with at the lieth-l'.'l Jacob Synagogue in ming after their regualrly schedIn a year-round program of sports race between Coeds and Deb Stars :ti, Wiliard Plolkin with 2« and Des Moirnrs, la., March 12. Several uled meetings. Members of the activities The plan includes tak- with Coeds coming out on top by Joe Pitlor had 27. These were the midwc.Mern communities met to fourth grade boys' group will play ing a ".sports ballot" to determine three games. Members of the win- first five places in what Is hoped discuss future Synagogue Youth Kofthail at Central High School which sports the youngsters lire ning team /ire: Phyllis Frecdman, to be an annual affair during Jew- Organization plans. with n big splash party afterwards. Interested in. Rita Peltz, Joyce Canar and Car- ish Youth Week. " file. Fnink. Third place was tied up The Boys' Maccabiad Is similar athletic events to determine, ir The family that makes, their In'tweeh' DiJe Mojos and 4 to a Pentotholon whereby each in- est amount of general athleti** home a heaven will IK- |ir«tty sure Boys- nowMNO Tirr.r. ' Shlumps nnrt A Si-i»r, TV,". i,-.i in inntr,. hrvivon their home. /iUrMit-,1 iw»t«.in<! in u varies of Hy. . Veni-Vedi-Veci AZA No. 100

Center Sports


'Kiddy Kuatics at Center Swim Pool

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Sunday Swimming For Center Clubs

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