April 6, 1956

Page 1

ruhlixhril r v i r j rriilur, 101 M. toib. Annual Kat* i Dollar* 'liuiiliii. Nil ratlin I ' l l x f JA 1300. lilngle ( u p j ID Cents

Workers Div. to Some uOO women v.oikers of the 1956 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign will meet Monday, April U, at 1 p, m., at four different homes at ii workers' dessert luncheon, which will mark the opeiihii; of the women's division drive, Mrs, Kdivin

Secret Arab Plan Against Israel Told New York (WNS) Insistence of a secret Arab blueprint delailtng planned moves against Israel Is revealed In the current Issue of "Vision," S p a n i s h-languagc weekly with n wide circulation in Latin America. The author of the article writes that while he did not see the document, fully trustworthy sources which vouch for Its authenticity have c'ven him n verbal account of the gist of Us contents. / - The plan Is based on the premise that Israel Is "an alien body in the Arab bloodstream which has to be removed nt any price so that the Arab peoples can live." According to the authors of the document, Arab statesmen may have to (jive assurances of peaceful intentions in order to Cain timo hut, in reality, there enn tie no compromise .solution for a modus Vivendi with Israel. D-I)ay in Palestine is to start with it series of massive bombardments. The Egyptian bombers will 1» under Held order.*! not to touch lit the port district of Haifa, especially at the Hrlthh oil refineries 1 In the northern sector of the haj . Only a number of strategic points on the hills of Mount Cannel are to be destroyed. ^ • The blueprint contemplates no aerial nttneks on Jerusalem. The battle for the city is to !«• fought exelujilvely on the ground by troop* of Jordan's Arab Loiiion. The mnin emphasis of the staff is •peed, aimed at ending the war before any of the bin powers ban made up Its mind to Intervene. The Aral) aim Is to put the world before an accomplished fact, on ..'.the theory that possession Is nine points of the law. The plan envisae.es distributing Jewish homos among Palestine Arab refugees while the Israeli population is to be put Into ramps.

ites UJA *p K. Hp/dkey, eh-iirm.in of the women's divhitui, announced, "In view of tin- in^>ortancc of l!C'i Philanthropies and United Jewish Appeal Campaign," Mrs. lirudkey said, "our Steering Com• nic tft- fell thai smaller group iiu'<-tinj;s will prove more effective and b'MH-'f icial for the. drive. Therefore, instead of having QIIC overalt worker*' meeting, we will meet in four units un (he same day and al the same time. The-meetings will be held In the homos of the following: Mrs. Harold Cherniack, Mrs. Herman Goldstein, -Mrs. Lazar Kaplnn and Mrs. Allen Z-ilkin. Workers have been advised as to where their respective croups will meet. Addressing these groups will be David Blacker, Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, .lack W. Marcr and Joe M. Rice, who will brinij to their respective groups the significance of the 1HI3G campaign. "Our cutntnittee believes that Ihc-sp comnmnlty leaders with their wide campaign experience will help us to understand the objectives of (he critical campaign which we face in Omaha," Mrs. flrodkey said. Mrs, Hrodkey, General Chairman ot the Women's Division, and her co-chairmen, Mesdames Max Canar. K. Leo Nog;; and Harry Sidman have appealed to all volunteer* to attend these important meeting-) without fall. "Women of Israel are now preparing for threatened attack:; to IK able to carry its brunts. We arc asked only to attend a meeting and plan ways and means of saving these women and their children. All workers are'asked to give the two hours for these meetings which will be held next Monday. It's a MUST on the. part of every worker to be present and heip start tlw> emergency campaiRn of the'Jewish Philanthropies and the United Jewish Appeal," they emphasized ntlttONKIl KXCIIANHK Tel Aviv <WNS>—In a warlike netting, Israel and Syria this week exchanged pirsoners. Across the Daughters of Jacob Bridge above tho Jordan Itiver, forty-one Syrians and five Israelis were exchanged in a transfer negotiated by Ihe United Nations Truce Su[MTvision Organization and the International Red Cross.

Sale of Banned Washington (JTA) -High official sources here Monday revealed that President Eisenhower has personally decided against approval of the Israel arms list nt this lime and ordered Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to suspend action on the matter until United Nations peace moves are attempted. However, Jufo In the evening, White House spokesman James Hagcrty Bald that tho Israel request for arms was still "under study and consideration." Thin was taken by some to mean the President's stand on thp Israel urms request had changed, and thnt he was ngaln considering action on Israel's arms application. The earlier report said thnt ProsWen t Elsenhower's d e c i s i o n against Kellinrr arms to Israel wns taken nt n White House meeting last Wednesday and that Secretary Dulles recommended to the President against nppi*oval of Israel's request. The Washington high officials who revealed Mr. Eisenhower's decision of Inst Wednesday, said

that the Israel arms question emerged at While S u l p h u r Springs, W. V. They said that nt White Sulphur Springs Mr. Eisenhower was urged by Canada to approve Israel's arms list. They also Indicated that Mr. Elsenhower, although he banned the sale of arms for the present, had not ruled o ut on Wednesday the possibility of a future decision to revive consideration nnd sell Israel tho arms it had ordered. There was a good deal of confusion in Washington over tho fact that the While House found it necessary to becloud Mr. Elsenhower's decision by announcing in the evening that Israel's application is "under study.1' It was believed that the confusion resulted from the fact that leaders of the Itepubllcan Party objected to the fact State Department officials made public Mr. Eisenhower's decision. It was .said thai they insisted that the refusal to grant amis to Israel should 1)0 kept secret nnd that the. general llnR of public comment should be that the m.'itter was still being ntudled.

JDC Director • Gtiesf Speaker

s Jack W. Marer, Chairman of the Central States Regional Conference of the United Jewish Appeal, today urged community leaders to attend the conference this Sunday at which plans will be mapped \tt accelerate the fourstate support for the 1D5C nationwide UJA drive. Mr. Mnrer termer* this year's campaign as "tho most critical drive since 1918, when Israel's people won their freedom." Tho conference will also mark the forthcoming Eighth Anniversary of the re-born State of Israel on April 16. Henry I*vy "As they near their 8th Independence Day," Mr. Marer declared, "th democratic people of Arabs Threaten West Israel face a grave threat of ag- With Red Intervention gression by Arab dictatorships that have been strengthened by Washington (WNS I — Should massive shipments of Communist the. Western Powers carry out armaments, Israel's people arc any plan for military intervention struggling to cope with their de- in the affairs of the Arab counfense emergency. They cannot tries, Kgypt, Syria and Saudi continue to care properly for tho Arabia will open their territories influx of Jewish refugees from to Soviet Alined forces, it was explosive North Africa. The American-Jewish community, through reported recently in a radio UJA. must take over the financing broadcast from Beirut, Lebanon. The repor' said that n decision of tho humanitarian program of rescue and resettlement in Israel to this effect was taken by these of Jewish refugees from lands of countries at their recent Cairo conference nnd that this decision dnn?;er and despair." Conference panel discussions has been communicated to the will start nt 10 a. m. In the Ulnck- Western powers. This induced stone Hotel, followed by a lunch-4«4-Pros!dent Eisenhower to bring the eon nnd afternoon sessions starJ question of the dispute between ing nt 12:.10 p. m. A special ex- between the Arab states and Ishibit will be on display to mark rael before the Security Council, tho 8th Anniversary of Israel's In- the broadcast claimed. dejiendencc.

Extension of Service For Home Approved The present facilities of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged are not adequate to provide the kind of nur.sing and convalescent care that tin; residents are in need of, J. Harry Kulakofsky reported to the Federation for Jewish Service Executive Committee at a special meeting Sunday morning In the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Kulakofsky is chairman of the Home for-Aged Survey Committee which was appointed by Federation President Jack W. Mnrer to look into tho matter. Mr. Kulakofsky said: "The committee finds a present need for tho continuation of the extension of the Home's services to chronically III aged nnd feels Hint the Federation should provide this type of care for them. The Home with Its present facilities Is physically Inadoiniate to continue this program." This resolution was unanimously adopted by tin: Federation executive committee. The survey committee was directed to study tho moans for Implementing the new program ot extending care to the chronically ill residents. Arthur Colin, chairman ot tho Homo committee, pointed out that tho character of the Home has changed to that of a convalescent type home duo to the fact that today many of tho residents have ailments which require additional care. The Home, lie added, has outgrown its original medical facilities. •-.••••• Dr. Abe GreenliorR, Federation vice-president. stated that tho

hospital .section of the Home is filled with well residents and more room is needed to take care of those who become ill and require special attention. The number of residents living at the Home ha:! for several years e x c e e d e d the accommodations originally planned for, It was emphnslzcd by Mr. Kulakofsky. The survey committee recommended the building of an eightroom wing on to the Home, which would provide for medicul and nursing facilities needed for the propcr^care of the residents. The committee was asked to make a study of the cost of the additional facilities nnd report back to the executive committee. Members attending the executive committee meeting w e r e : Paul Iilotcky, Arthur A. Colin, David Feder, Dr. Abe C. Fcllman. Hymnn Ferer, Leo Fox, Arthur Goldstein, Dan Gordman, Dr. Abe Crccnborg, William Grodlnsky, Gerald Gross, Paul Grossman. Robert H. Kooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hnrry Kulnkofsky, Dr. Morris Margolin, Calvin M. Newman, Ernest A, Nogg, Mayor John Rosenblatt, Harry Sldman, Sam S. Steinberg. Hnrry Trustin and Mrs. Sam N, Wolf, DOItDKK DEITCN.SK Tel Aviv (JTA)—A resolution calling1 upon the Israel Government to give more attention to the problem of defending the border settlements was adopted hero at a conference of Hashomer Hat/air collective .settlements.

Jewish community leaders from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Soutli I Dakota will attend the Central States Regional Conference. of tho United Jewish Appeal a t tho 131,'tckstonc Hotel in Omaha this Sunday, it was nnnounced by Jack W. Marer, President of tho Omaha Federation for Jewish Service, who is serving as Chairman of the UJA Conference. Henry Levy, head of the relief: ;; and welfare of the Joint Distribution Committee In Tunisia, will be guest speaker. Mr. Levy will ' give a first-hand report on Israel's .., problem of caring for a mass inflow of Jewish refugees from violence-gripped North Africa. c«pecially from Morocco and Tunisia. ' Mr. Levy has a background of nearly two decades in the field of social welfare. During World Wai" II, he served with the American Red Cross as Home Service Director for the U.S. Air Force i n < England. After thCvAHied victory, he accepted n post with t h e ' American Joint Distribution Committee nnd achieved a notable record in helping to liberate and succor tho concentration canijt survivors and, later, the thousands of war victims who filled tho Displaced Persons camps. : At present, Mr. Levy heads the , JDC aid program for distressed and dependent Jews in Tunisia.' , Tho delegates to the UJA Central States Regional Conference on Sunday will map plans to accelerate the four-state support for the 105G nationwide UJA / drive, the most, critical since 1918. Serving as Conference CoChalrmen with Mr. Marer, are Harry Dniker of Marshalltown, la.; Leo Hill of Lincoln, Neb.? Louis R. Hurwilz of Sioux Falls, S.--D.; Meyer Tkntch of Tppeka. Kan.; Frank Margolin of Sioux City, la.; Louis Nussbaum nnd Moso Waldlnger of Des Molnes, In., and, Abe Katelman of Council Bluffs, la. ;.•• ;;••-/ The Omaha Sponsoring Committee includes Mayor John Ros-enblatt, lOIifi General Chairman . of the Philanthropies and UJA drive; Isadora Chapman, Initial Gifts Chairman; Mrs; Edwin E. Brodkey, Women's Division Cam-' paign Chairman; Mrs, Mike Free- . man, member of the National Board of the UJA Women's Division, nnd Mrs. Edward E. Brodv key, President of tho Federation •." of Jewish Women's Clubs; Others are-: Milton R. Abrahams, David K. Beber. Paul Blotcky. Rabbi Sidney N. Urooks, Harry B. Cohen, Arthur A. Cohn, I/Co Elsenstntt, David Fcder. Rabbi Nathnn Feldmnn, Dr. Abe C. Fellman, Hyman Ferer. Leo Fox, '-, Arthur H. Goldstein, Dan Gordman, Dr, Abe Groenborg, William Grodlnsky, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Gerald Gross. Elmer S. Gross, Paul Grossman, Morris E. Jacobs, Ben K. Kaslow, Louis Katz, Robert If. Kooper, Rnlibi Mover S. Krlpkc nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. H a i ry Kulakofsky. . Others are: Milton S. Livingston, Dr. Morris Mareolin. Cnlvht M. Newman, Jules M. Newman* Ernest A, Nogir, Nathnn L. N o w ^ F. Ralph Nogg, .Toe M. Rice, Morton A. nichards. Dr. Philip Shcr, Harry SMmnn, Sam S. Steinberg. Vinrvin Treller. H a m ' Trn»"-i, . Paul Verot nnd Mrs. Samuel N, . Wolf. /

Page Two

Friday, April S, lo.jfl.

Beth El Concert Very Impressive

Jlje Published Every Friday liy the FrdrruliuD of JcivL-.li Service

lly Hans |t:n-r The twentieth annual cuncet of Jewi>,h inu.iic, presented last Print Shop Addreu—isus .So. a;<tti Friday by the Beth El choir, conHARRY HALRERT Editoi ducted by Cantor Aaron 1. j;dj;ar at Beth El left very pleasant mii ical impressions. The voices thi year sounded particularly clear and we heard in this chuir some representatives of the younj;est generation. They are I'm-hara Bercutt, Betty Ennan and I>imis Schulmnn. The performances of most of the soloists were belter than ever. Harry DuBoff tf.-ivc- n short but Interestingly performed solo from the works of Paul Discount. Dr. Melvln Tatelman had several :bances to present his warm, velvetly Koundini; voice. Mrs. Dan Cohen, Mrs. Stuart Muskin and Mrs. Donald Noi',1', presented a very fine rendition of a Passover son;; by Hugo Adler. Other soloists were Mrs. Robert Schiller and Miss Julia Zuker. Cantor Edj^ar directed the concert with Ills fine, musical skill and succeeded excellently In performing compositions by the now seventy-five-year-old Jewish composer Ernest Bloch and works by Chajes, Jospe, Adler, TisltovskyGoldman etc. Rabbi Kriplto explained the program in his understanding and sympathetic way and Florence EifenlHTK at tiie organ Mr* tarry I'liittner (left) onil Mrs. William FORI-I, program supplied musical background and chairman of Temple Israel Sisterhood's -ratio and Country CI11I1 rood Interpretation to the choir Style Show" »re showing one of tlic drefcses that ulli be modeled. and the soloists. The «t>ie sliow will be o feature of the sisterhood luneheon meeting to be held at 1 p. m., Tne«<lay, April 10, In the Temple social lialL McKlamen Harold Clu-rnlark ami Harold lirodkry.ari; in rhargR of luncheon arrangement*. J'rofesslonal mndeln from a loeal department (tore will »hoiv the latest nununrr patio and country chili •tylet. Mrs. Harry Alttfiler Is general arrangements chairman o«d Mn. Paul Blotcky, table wttlnjj chairman. An eleven o'clork hoard meeting presided over l>y Sirs. Uernhardt Wolf will precede the regular meeting. 0:31 p. m., Candlellghtlm; Second.Class Mi,lllnir lYlvllfKcs Aulliurt/.e<l ut Omaha, Nr-lirutku. AfmUul Subscription, 1 4 * . AdvMtl-mi- J^itU's un Ar,p!triitUm. Editorial Of/lce—10,1 m t Omalia N.-tir JAe):.sull ]3«<i. Etorial Of/lce10, No. »l!h h s tm Print S h A d d i s s S a;tt s u t

Temple Sisterhood Style Show

Births Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wigottky announce the birth of a son Scott JAV burn Marrh 21 at n local hospital. They have three other children. Cathy Jo, Steven Jay and Bruce Irwln. I'.iternjil {'.randparcnt.1; are T and Mrs. Harry I). Wigodsky and Mrs. I. D. Wci:s is maternal granilmotlivr. IV. and Mrs. Robert G. Aildir,on of Chicago, 111., announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, born March M. Mrs. Addicon Is the former Miss I!evcrly Minkin. Maternal "grandparent!, are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Minkin ol Omaha and paternal grandparents nre Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Adilison of Chicago. Great-grandmothers o r e Mrs. N. Perils and Mrs. Max Minkin of Omaha.

Mrs. Kripke's Book •One of fhe Best' Mrs. Myer S. Kripke's new book "Lot's Talk Alwiit Riijht and Wion);" has been called "one of the best" that ha.s appeared recently to help parent:.; in dealing with the religious training of their children. Nash K. Burner in the New York Times Hook Heview Mild: "Jn well-chosen stories a,nd simple exiK>sition readily understandable by younj; children, tho> author presents the rclfftlous basis for rlj;ht conduct, The pragmatic, utilitarian value of an ethical code Is not slighted but is subordinate*} to the religious concepts of Judeo* Christian tradition . . . The illustrations In two colois arc cheerful, clever and appropriate." The review appeared in the March 25 edition of the New York Times.

Holiday Dance Club


'Hie Holiday Danclnj: Club will hold its Sprint; Dinner Dance at 8 p. m., Saturday, April 7 at the Hotel Fontenelle. The new officers for 1!)3C are: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Llpsteln, co-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Yale Ginsburj;, co-treasurers, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sllvennan, cosecretaries.


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Don Bernstein

HA 2554

Religious News

Council Hear Former Envoy's Wife Mrs. Barbara Il/irr, a younj: her, her six-wcek-old daughter Christian housewife who .spent .'aid three-year-old Eon. Because two years living^ in Israel and of her continuing effort to live traveling extensively in other Mid- ainoni: and come to understand dle Eastern countries, will speak Israel's people rather than livini; at the Council Bluffs Jewish Com- the conventional diplomatic life, munity Center, 224 So. 8th St., I she earned recognition as an outThursday evening, April 12 in be- | stamlinj; "j;rass routs ambassahalf of the United Jewish Appeal. dor" for America. The annual meeting "f the Mrs. Ifarr made a special study Council Bluffs Jewish Welfare of the sociological effects of IsFederation will be held folloivini: rael's massive Immigration. Her a buffet dinner that will be served particular interest was the inteat 6 JO p. m. Flection of six mem- gration of immigrant children, in bers '.o the board of directors. which she utilized training gained and a report on tlio past year's at the University of Illinois. She activities will bo the principal a!/;o made study tours in Kpypt, itetns of business prcccdin;; Mrs. Jordan, Syria, iA-banon, Cyprus Harr's talk. ] and Turkey, Mrs. lfarr accompanied her I Since her return to the United husband to his official p * t with I States in Ifl."i1. Mrs. Jl.-irr has rc~ the United State?; Embassy in Tel j ported on her Middle Eastern exAviv late !n 1931, bringim: with periences to many American audiences, both Jewish add Christian. Shc'has ipoken on behalf of Iiadas.sah. the American Christian Palestine Committee, American Zionist Council and various ProSidney Hollis testant church iiroups. Services were held Sunday, April 1 for Sidney Hollls with interment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Hollis. 42, died Friday, March 30 at n local hospital. Jle is survived by his wife. Rose; Officers for the coining term three sons, Daniel, Gordon and will bo elected at the regular Jeremy; his father and mother, meeting of Epstein-Morgan Post Adolph and Esther Ilollis; a broth- No. 2G0 of Jewish War Veterans er, Arnold of New York City, and to bo held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, n sister, Mrs. Sylvia Levine of April 11 in Jewish Community New York City. Center. Nominee for commander is Milton Goldberg; for senior yice-dommander, Marvin Kaplan, Nate Sefcerman and for junior vice-commander, Nate Sekerman, 47, a fonner Delmer Klein. Omahan, died Wednesday, March Installation of o f f i c e r s is 28 at his home in North Holly- planned for the May meeting. wood, Cal. Burial was in CaliforMarvin Kaplan, junior vice-com_ nla. mander, announces that a free, Before leaving here in 11M0, he membership breakfast for all paidWorked for the Associated Press up member:! of the post will be and was well-known locally as n held at. 10 a. m., Sunday, April 8 musician. at Red Lion Inn, ."}8th and' FarMr. Sekermnn is .survived by nam f;ts. his wife, Sara: a aon. Charles; ,-i daughter, Janet; three brothers, System Harry Ben and Hymie, all of California, and three sisters, Mrs. To remodel a house, first figGeorge Herald of California, Mrs. ure the- cost of materials. Then Sol Lincoln and Mrs. Charles estimate the cost of labor, and Mathisen, both of Omaha. multiply by three.—Miami Herald.


Veterans to Hold Officers' Election

Beth Israel Itabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Ku(;an, Beth Israel Choir will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday s e r v i c e . ' ; (Kabbolas ShabbosJ bepin at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath services bcj:in at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:45 p. m., followed by Shokshe S'eildos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. in. and 0:50 p. m. Sunday services begin at 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Junior Minyan starts ut 8:30 a. m.

Temple Israel Worship services this evcnlnr; at Temple Israel will be held at 8 o'clock. IJjibbi Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "The Search for Brirlic Murphy—Is She Worth LookIng For?" Services Saturday morning will ic at 11:30 o'clock for members if the religious school and adults.

Beth El Sabbath services -at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. linbbi Myer S. Kripkt will deliver ho sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Ed:ar and the Beth KI Synagogue Jhoir will render the musical porions of the service. Sabbath morning services will be held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation services begin at 0:45 n. m. Mincha-Maariv service Is at 6:30 p. m. Dally services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. will. Sunday service is at 9 a. m.

Same Day Service No Extra Charge ID at 10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.

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Organizations mour Goldston, 5C05 Bricks at-, with co-ho.stc.SKeg Mrs. Kivin .Simon and Mrs, Bernard ScliHn. Weitzman croup will inert nt tin? home of Mrs, Max Pliitt. 2544 N. 33rd St., with Mis. Max ilitlncr, co-ho.ster,s. C O l ' N C I L WO t i l N Tile lU'UKlI ho l i d mM lui{* of

Omaha .Section. National Council of Jewish Women will IK: hold at l p m , Thin d ly, Apiil 12, at the home of Mrs. I. II. Wdner. Mil Lotil.t IJpp will be co-hostc .



will bo (jiK.'st speaker. IIo will dlscu.s.s "It's A Women's World." Mr. Alje:' was a news editor of KOIL, a instructor of speech at Omaliu and Creichton Universities. IIo was recently bcun over a local television station on his "Here's Allen" program. Mr:;. Sidney .Sneider is program chairma: She is assisted by Mrs. Jake Bernstein and Mr;;. Ileuben Hordy of Circle 11. IllKUR CIIOI.IAf Tho regular dessert luncheon meellnj; of liikur Choliin Society will be held at 1 p. m., Monday, April 9 in the Jewish Community Center. -An interestini; program has been arranged. All members nre urnod to attend.

II. K. 8ISTICKIIOOD Beth I.I Si.trrhood bond will meet at 11 a. m., Wednesday, Remember April 11 in the social hall. The slate of officers for the now term In selecting hair shampoo, rewill be presented. member that you use it in the eyes The regular sisterhood meeting as well as on tho hair.—Columbia will be held at 1 p. m. Phil Allen (S. C.) Record.


Hadassah Meetings


Miss Julia Pinsker Plans June Rite

This month Iladnssah members will meet with their groups Wednesday, April 1H. The meeting (late has Inen changed due to the Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Goodman dty-widc meeting of the Women's of Tulsa, Oltla., announce the enDivision of tho Jewish Philan- gagement <i[ tiei daughter, Mi&s thropies Campaign. Julia Ann Plusher, to Harold.Lester Konowllch. He Is the son of Mrs. Anna Konowllch of Wildwood, N. J. Mi--. PlnMicr attended the University of Nebraska, where she wa-i a'.sod.ited with Sigma Delta Jlabbi and Mrs. Ralph DeKoven Tun .Sorority. She is now rcsldannounce the engagement of their Inc In Omaliu. daughter, Elinor, to Howard SilHer fiance was graduated from berman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Rutgers University, where he was ry Silbcrman of LaCrossc, WIs. president of the local chapter of Miss DeKoven, a Junior at the Zeta Beta TUH Fraternity. He \» University of Nebraska, Is a mem- field secretary and assistant to the ber of Slcma Delta Tan Sorority. general secretary ol the national: Her fiance Is a senior In Univer- office of Zcta Beta Tau Fratersity of Nebraska's iaw school and nity In New York City. a member of Sigma Alpha Mu and A June wedding is planned, I Piil Delta Pill Fraternities. I The wedding date Is set for SepPatronize Our Advertiser! tember 2.

fvilss E. DeECoven

—Photo by Hnrry It. Itoyt Studio Mm. Marvin Zi|i»ryn


Miss Weinberg Wed in Chicago Miss Charloltc Weinberg and Dr. Marvin Ziporyn were mnrried Sunday, Miircli 25 in the cluipcl of Temple Mizpali In Chicago, III. The bride i:s the duunhtor o( Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Weinberg of Omaha and the bridegroom is the ton of Isadora Zlporyn of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Aaron M.illrisky of Chlcniio. Tlie bride h n craduatc of the University of Omnhn and the nroom was crnduntcd from Northwestorn'fl Chicago Medical School. He is n member of tho psychiatric staff of Chlcnco Stnte Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weinbcrg of Berkeley, Calif., were nttendont.i. The couple Is mnklni: tholr home In Chlcnco.

Organizations IIAIMSSAH Omaha Chapter H;id;w:;iili will have It next Onci; .Sliablut Saturday, April 7 nt 2:30 p. rn. at Beth Israel1 Synaconuo, 52nd and Charles fit. !. This affair will be dedicated to the Jewish National Fund and will feature; Mm. M. F. Lcvdnson, President of the Omaha Council of the Jewish National Fund, us cue.'it speaker. Mrs. Jack Hlnmond will entertain with storied and son^K in Jewish, Hebrew find Kni;llsli. Ten will 1)0 served. The committee In ChaiRc of this event Is hculed by Mrs. Maurice Alperln who is ussliited by Mines. Arthur Goldstein, William Krelden nnd Sam Turkcl. HADASSAH COUNCIL Members of the Uriel.ivf.ih rducntlon Council will meet Saturday, April 14, nt 1 p. in. nt the home of Mrs. Harry Ravitz, 112 S, 49th ave. Dessert will be served. All members are urcert to attend. The Omaha Chapter Hnrinssah board members will meet Monday, April 16, nt the home- of Mrs. I.co Wcltz. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Dave .Sherman and Mrs. Phil Gcreliclc. Plans for the regional conference will be made. IIADASHAII TICKKTS ITiiflassah Is nRnin celliiiR tlckrtfl for the next theater production, "Teahouse of tho August Moon" which comes to Paramount .Theater May 8, 9, 10, and 1.1. Tickets may bo purchased through Hadassah for Sli.00 per ticket. Mall Kelf-nddre.i.'ied Mnmpcd envelop to Mrs. Irvinrt licrzoR, GRS No CGlh r.t. for your tkki Is C.ill WA 2080. Make your check out to Hnd.VA.ih IIADASSAII HOARDS Hndassah croup boards will meet at 12:.'!0 p. m., Thursday, April 12. Unite i for the S/oId croup In Mrs. David Rosonbaum, lifiOfl Howard St.; with Mnsdninns Albert Garbcr nnd Abe Marcus mi co-hostesses. Hcrzl croup will meet at the homo of Mrs. Sey-



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1 Dearborn Maple Hutch and Server, Save Over Vz


1 Dearborn Maple Extension Table. Orig. 29.95


4 Timely Modern Double Dressers, Sandrif t Finish. Orig. 69.50 . . . . :


2 Timely Modern 2-Drawer Chests, Sandrif* Finish, Orig. 39.50


2 Timely Modern 5-Drawer Chests, Pink, Orig. 59.50


2 Timely Modern Slide Door Cabinets, Black, Orig. 29.50


1 Timely Modern 3-Drawer Chest, Black, Orig. 44.50



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Electric Ranges


5 Dearborn Cocktail Tables, Save Over Half

Wesringhouse 2 1 " Console 299.95 Philco 2 1 " Console 349.95 G-E 2 1 " Console, Save Over Vz . G.E 2 1 " Console. Blond 249.95 RCA 2 1 " Consolette 219.95 Capehart. 2 1 " Console, Blond . . . 319.95


Dining Room

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Gas and Electric Dryers Orig.

6.88 7.88 29.88


229.95 269.95 229.95 279.95 229.95


129.95 . 149.95 139.95 179.95 129.95


Friday, April 0, J03A.


Sioux City Section UJA Workshop To Hear Omahan

UJA Men's Division Colonels Chalrmnn Nell Oorclioiv and colonel* of the UJA (icncral Men's Division: Vett to right, (btundlue) I.aurciK,. SluNliy, Nell (iorcliiivv, Irving Nogg, Marvin Culwn, Nuthun <i<ildl>»-rjj: below, (I*, to B.) joteph Gorclioiv, Hubert Irlintl nnd Joseph Goldstein. Over 60 General Men's raptnln* turned out for the March 25 brunch, together with 30 captains of Mm Advance Gifts Division. The brunch wat.the biggest rally of campaign worker* In many years. VJA chairman Frank .1. Margolin Mules that over 300 captains will work In the 1956 campaign, counting all divisions. ,

Hostesses Named for AZA Sweetheart Fete

Father-Son Banquet •A I.EBEDIKE VKLT" js the theme of the Shanre Zion Fathers and Sons banquet Sunday night, April 8, at the synagogue social hall. Harry Kich, master of ceremonies', will introduce a program accenting youth and meaningful father-son relationships. Harry Fisher will play a stand-in role, for the father:;; Kli Chesen will represent the sons.

Jonl . Daskovsky, Judy Kirenberg, Reva Krlv, Nurcnc Merlin, Serene Merlin and Sharon Shulkin were elected AZA hostesses for the 1936 Sweetheart Dance. to be held Saturday night. April 14, at the Hotel Martin P.allroom. Biggest social youth event of the Jewish community, the Sweetheart Dance will IK.1 climaxed by the crowning of the A/.A Sweet- among the M<c AZA hostesses, will heart of the year. The "Sweet- bo cleeletl by the AZA members heart", who will he selected from attendin:: The danre.

Regional Senior Judaea Conclave Allen Graubard of Philadelphia, Pa., national Senior Young Judaea Pfenident, will speak at the Southwest Regional Senior Judaea Convention to be held in Omaha April 13. 14 and 15. Misses Shelley Greenberg and Diane Fellman are convention chairmen. Mrs. Abe Venger and MrH. Henry Grcenlwrg are eo'. chairmen of the mothers" advisory committee. . Perry Bach of St, Paul, Minn.. area vice-president, will help lead discussions. Delegates from Kanla* "City. Des Moinos and St. : Louis as. well as Omaha will 1» present. The three-day conclave will be hel() at Jewish Community Ceiitcr. Delegates will take part in : lerviecs Friday. April 13 at Beth * Israel Synagogue. They will'Have * dance the "Lullaby of Binlland" at the Castle Hotel. Saturday. April 14. Mervin. I,einmcmiaii. Director of Temple Israel Religious School. and' Saul Silvcrmnn. Center Acr tlvlties Director, will address discussion groups.

Mrs. .Mike Kreeman of Omaha, rnemhi.-r of ihe National Hoard of the UJA Women's Division, will IK* j;u<rst speaker at the Women':; Division c-ip tains' workshop, at 1 :M0 p. in., Wi'dtiosfK'ty, April 11, at tho Jewish Community Center. An experienced lender of Wunion's Division crirnpaij;ns, Mr«. i'lOMnan \vnt invited by chairman Mi-s. Leo Chatkln and tho members of the Womcn'.s Division cabinet to advise Sioux City cipt iins on the most effective methods of conveying tlie messij, p f>f UJA needs, approaching then prospects properly, and assuring their attendance at the Women*K Division luncheon. Mrs. Freeman will also address the Ilij; Gifts Tea Thursday. April 12. Mrs. Freeman was chairman of

Bar and Bas Mitzvah Diane Iliibinow, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Irving Rubinow and Rochellc Iteiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Reins, will become H'nos Mil/.vah at a joint service this evening. April (J and Saturday moniini;. April 7 at Beth KI Synagogue. Friends and relative:; .-ire invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. l)i. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs announce the lias Mitzvah of their daughter. Susan Sachs, and Mr. riml .Mrs. I'liil Kat'/nvm announce flip •Has Mit/.vah of their daugh'/'('.. .Marilyn Katzman, Friday evening. April J.'i and Saturday momin::. April 11. at Beth KI Syn.'il,''.i:;ue,

Kriends atid relative.; are invited to .-ittend Ixith jiervices and the receptions which will follow.

Mr*. Ml tip I"rt'#-nian

Jr. B.B. Bowling

British Jurist to Talk To Women's Division Elsie Sybil Janner, Magistrate of the Juvenile Court of lymdon, an outstanding leader in British Jewish communal life, will he the guest speaker of the UJA Women's Division luncheon Tuesday, April 17, at the Jewi-.li Coinmunity Center. One of the most influential woznen in Knj;lish public life, Mrs. Janm-r is in private life the wife of Baruett Janner, n I-!ritlsh rneinher of parliament, and a Jewish leader in his own rif.ht. Both she and her husband have been identified with Israel's welfare, and welfare of all Jews, for many years. A teacher and professional social worker, Mrs. Janner became a juvenile court Magistrate in ]D.'iO. the younr.est Magistrate in I-ondon at the time. .She is now Chairman of the Educational Committee of I lie Hoard of Deputies of British Jews, and is a member of the Educational and Cultural Department of the Jewish Agency. She has travelled to Israel many times, ha.« held council with Israel Government leaders and la familiar with Its problems. She is currently touring the United States impressing on Jewish audiences the desperate need for UJA's emergency survival eam-

Mrs. Baer Marks 90th Birthday

.-Thank Yau'...._

Attendance Asked For Omaha Meet

A call to all Sioux Cityans concerned with the plight of Jews and with Israel, to attend the UJA conference at Hotel Dlackstone, Omaha, Sunday, April 8, has been the Omaha Womon's Division Issued by chairman Frank J. Mur» campaign in 1!).">5, and was a divi- (:olirj. Captains and colonels In nil sion chairman of 19.~i5 Hcd Feath- UJA divisions, especially, are be* ' er drive. ing urged to attend in order to 'The Women's Division cabinet hear first hand reports on the comprises chairman Mrs. I*eo peril facing North African Jeww, Chalkin, Colonels Mrs. Kobert Tlie conference will start with a Friend, Mrs. AllKTt A. flordon, morninj: workshop and a luncheon Mrs. Nathan Goldis. Mrs. Sidney and afternoon session will follow. Kalin. Mrs. Joseph* Kaiman, Mis. UJA leaders, captains nnd conEarl Kline. Mrs. A. M. Gruesliin, tributors of all the cities in the Mrs. I-'rank J. Margolin, Mrs. Irv- are.-i will be present. Wives and ine Mittleman, Mrs. Morris Woin- husbands of campaign worker* er, area chairman Mrs. Sam Hern-" are welcome and may attend stein, and Mrs. A. M. Davis and lunelieon and discussion sessions, Mrs. II. It. Rahinuwitz. I Mr. Margolin announced.

Sunday Radio, TV

M.'irvin O»hn topjw.'d the com"Vistas of Israel, No. 1" will prtilion in tin; Junior H'n.ii U'ritli !«.• telecast over WOW-TV Ilo'.vJinj; \A"A\\\\C. l.'i.st .Sundny. Mnrfrom 10 to 10:13 a. m. In the vin fired |;:m:c.s' of 1H'5-117 for a form of a .screen maca/.ine, the ."-00 serins. film deals with many off-l«at Sliaron Knuih, thouf.li fhiulcinf; activities and episodes in Isout on IMT M;cond came, came rael's everyday life. The mothroii|;h with "hij»lr lionors in the tion picture contains scenes j'irls* divi^idii with a 1Ti7 y,;\n\c for from "The Life of an Idraell a 2,'Wi scries. Policeman and Hulldini; the Splits wen? picki-'l 11r» |>y; IIoIroad to Kilat, Israel's !>ort on vw Kti'inUlin, ,r)-10; I Jtida IJcl>, the IU>d SIM." 5-8-fMO, ntvi I,nny CJarrop, 8-10. Tho:;*; members of the league, . The Kternal l.ijjht series who did not roll uith tho l^aj;tKf will be broadcast over KI-'AB will i',cl a chrtnee at the tournafrom 11:.':(! a. m. to VI noon. incnt nexl Sunday. Tlie how) in;; season will end April 110. Tlw-U'tmiuet will be held at the KirrsSfic May fi in tho I'ir- Jordan King alrs l)vn at 1 p. in. Tin* banquet will IK; frro to aU !i'a);iie members. Jerusalem (ZI.WSi Foieii'.n At, the baiKjilet, trophies will IK.' diplomats report that Hussein, the awarded the champion team and Iwy klnt: of Jordan, is rushing to thr-ir KfH»nsor: for the bii;!i team meet his cousin, Faisal of Irao,, j;anie and series* \<> the hifjh ln)ys after suffering af;onizim' afterand y,irhi for fjaines atn' series. thoughts fm his darinj; di:-nus:;al A bf>wHn;; ball will be awarded of Glubb P.-isha and Its deep anthe youngster having raised Ins or tanonization of Kni;land. He ai>her avfraue the most during the fwaled to Faisal for help in medseason. iating with Knfilaud, Hussein

The Bar Mitzvah of Howard Feldman, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe I..- Keldman will l*e observed this Friday evening and Saturday morn'uu;. April G and 7 at Beth Jacobs Will Speak to Lsrael Synagogue, 52nd and diaries. All members of the fam- Temple Youth Group ily1 and friends are. invited to atMonis K. Jacobs, former prestend tho services and the recepident of Temple Israel find prom, Mrs. Eliza liaer, mother of pro- tions following (lie services. inent civic leader, will address the fessor Hans JSaer. will celebrate Temple Youth Group nt .T:-l!> p. in., her ninetieth birthday, Monday. this Sunday at the Temple. Mr. April 9. In 1951. she immigrated 4th Badminton Title Jacobs will speak on "You Must to tho United States, where she Won by John Goldner Pay Rent" and will lead the open had livod alone for twelve years during the Nazi persecutions.- • • . John Goldner defeated Howard discussions with the teenagers. Marty Greene, . president of She is making her home in Goldstein 15-:i and 15-8 in the Omaha with her son and daugli- 'filial 'mafch' to win the Youth Temple Youth Group, will preside. Council. Hoys! -Badminton Tour- All teenagers are Invited to atter-in-law. Mrs. Baer is an accomplished nament for the fourth straight tend the open meeting. artist and has exhibited her paint- year. He leached the finals by heatIng at tho Joslyn Memorial Art Museum, Lincoln Art Museum at Ing Jerry Sherman. Second ;imi University of Lincoln nnd at the tliiul. place winners will be deDr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for termined when Sherman and GoldWilliam Epstein wishes to stein play their final match. the Aged, thank his friends and relatives for Mr. Gbldner, Y. C. athletic their kind'expfessirtns and prayers Mrs. JJaer still paints .mostly ; views from her -window and has chairman, is row looking: forward for his recovery while- lie was in a large collection of pictures done to competition in tlje <rominR city a local hospital. Mr. Kpstcln Is now recuperating, at- home. - - - in Omaha. . . . tournament.

Mr*, name It Jannfr paign. She will be introduced by Women's Division chnlrman Mrs. JOB Chalkin.

learned that Saudi Arabia has desi^n.s on Aquaba, and tli'at K^ypt Intends to con\pert it into a general Arab port independent of Jordan, and that Syria loo is planning to annex Jordan territory. He also learned that the offer of the Arab "summit" conference hi Cairo to replace the Knf'lish subsidy to Jordan was sheer propanandn. Syria Informed the conference that It has no money for Jordan. Nasser nlso dated that ho cannot spare funds for the Hashemites because he needi to buy arms, and Kinj; Sand declared that all his funds are tied up in Internal development projects. Tlie Arab rulers were stae;trered when they learned that the KtiRllsh s u b s i d i e s to Jordan nmounl to over forty million-dollars.

Passover Brings Understanding A Passover Service In a Fremont synnuoKiJc has brought a new understandlni; of our Jewish P.eli;;ion to a youni; Christian girl. In a letter to lienson Fnllk, u Jewish religious school teacher in FrC* mont, Kirs. lister Walker told ' how her daughter Anne returned from tho service with a further understanding of Judaism. Mrs. Walker Is the wife of the editor of the Fremont Guide and Tribune. Mrs. Walker, a member of the Kpiscopal Church, said her Interest was aroused after scelnft an advertisement in the New Yorlt Times showin:: the arrangement of a Seder table with a description of each article. She. praised Mr. Falik for bis efforts to foster understanding and brotherhood by, "the actual experience . . . and contact of minds brought about by pracllca.1 demonstration."

Oneg Shabbat Held At Center Auditorium An Onei; Shabbat program Wan held by the Jewish Community Centor Saturday, March .'il, for fourth, fifth and sixth p,rade. Girls, in the Center Auditorium. The program consisted of .slncing, story-telling, Israeli dances, and an original presentation. Passover r e f r c s h m e n t K were served. Tho Children's Oneg Shabbat Series Is sponsored by'the Center through a special gift from tho Dr. Philip Slier Endowment Fund.

ISItAKL-TUItKlSH TItADi; Istanbul (JTA)—Israel-Turkish trade received a new boost when the Turkish Government granted licenses for the importation of goods worth $1,500,000 from Israel. The products to be bought Include Israeli .cement, plastics, Human tliotiRht Is the process glass, electrical (appliances, cars, by which human ends lire ui. automotive spare parts, chemiMinutely answered. Websior. cals and drugs.

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