jM-<-»,nd Clui-
MillliliK PrJvlli-rra, ut Oiimhu Nt-I,r.
n l I I I I > r rlil i \ i l r i i s l . i I'll.
's Division
Women's Division Reports 30% Rise An increase of sunn1 .W ' ) JM-I- cent over lint year's jiifls was the re• the four meetings of worker* In the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropic: which were held simultaneously last Monday, Mrs. Kdwfn E. Brudkoy, Wonvp s Division Chnlnnan nnnounccd today. '••- -' : -; Omniums Kpfluls Spoukcm at the meetings were: David Blacker, at - the home? ol Mr*. Harold Cbcrniack, with Mrs. E. Leo Nogg, co-chairman, piesiding; Dr. Abe Grcenucrg, at the home or Mrs. Allen Zalkin with Mm. Hnrry Sldman, co-clialrman, presiding; Jack W. JVIarer. at HIP home of Mrs. Herman Goldstein. with Mrs. Mnx dinar, presiding, and Joe M.- Rice, nt the home of Mrs. I.nzar Kaplan, with Mrs. Edwin K. Brodkoy. chalnn.-in, pirilii
Illl N. ::llln. Am. Jill llutK 4 Dollars i J.\ inijil. single Opjr l O O n U
Kaplan, Weinberg And Rosen Named Tha selection of the presiI dents of tlic three B'nai B'rith j lodges in Omaha r.s Co-Chairmen of the Men's Division of the 19SC Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency United Jewish Appeal Campaign was announced today by Mayor John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the Campaign
Mrn's Division to-clmlrinun nf Jewish riilluntriiple* nnd Kmergeney I'nlted Jewish Appeal ('uilipulgn map (ilans fur opening ot drive. l''rcmi left to right—rlark W. Marer, I''ederatl(ui 1'renUlent; p«. chairmen, Jirnlil Itiisin, Harry Wi inlii rg and M.irvln Knplan, and Mayor John HoKenMntt, ' Ouncral Clampalgn Olialrfiian. See Htury nt rlglit.
Home Residents Plan UJA Drive
US Will Support Peace Mission
"We have tried a new method this year In 'preparing our workers for the Women's Division camAll|;ust;c, ("la. (WN.SI President paign, by using four group meet- Eici'niiower aiimiuiM-eil iliat t h e 1 ings Instead of a single meeting. U.S. "will (iljsi'i'.i' its c o m m i t m e n t s Omnhn lenders brounht tlu- mes1 sage of the cnmpnir.n to us. In u i l h i n eriiisl.ittjtiuiial mean ; to o p smaller groups fine! through out- pn-M- any a(;i;rw»inn" In tlie Millstanding, find moving presenta- die East. tions of the emergency need1; InA s t a t e m e n t i^m-d I v r e liy spired nil thf "inker:-; and lirom;lit flirlh n magnificent M'.-|«IIIVI'. We l'n-iiilent E l s e n h o w e r and Kecrcare grateful to thr-in their Inry o l S l a t e Jului F o s t e r Dulles share In liie initial phase <if our regarded the silu.-illun in Hie area drive." Mrs. Unidliev paid. "with tin.' u t m o s t seriousness." Plan tlty-Wlile Mi-W T h o President j>ro:iii-..'d support Plaiis for the City-Wide Wom- in t h e "fullest , m e a s u r e " of t h e en's Cumpalgn IJcswrt Luncheon t'.N. peace mission of S e c r e t a r y to 1)0 lield Wednesday, April 2">, General Hiimmiirslfjold. T h e st.itent 12:.'!0 p. m.. at Beth Israel So- ment snid that "tlie U n i t e d S t a t e s cial Hall, are being completed. in . . . d e t e r m i n e d t o hupport and Invitations to tills meeting were assist any nut inn which m i g h t b e subjected t o such jie^ression. Tlie mulled tills week to all women ill United State:; Is confident that the community, Mrs. ISrodlcey inother nations will net similarly in dicated.
the cause of pence."
s IsraelCahi Emergency Measures
The residents of the Dr, Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged will ngnln conduct tholr Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency United Jewish Appuil Campaign Mondny evening, April 16, nt a special piogram dcdi;.it<.d to the observance of. the 8!h Anniversary of the State of Israel
\ Miss I'll) Illi
Miss Bernstein Heads Youth Div.
Mayor John llosenhlatt, Genet d Campaign Chairman, annoimicd tlie appointment of Sam l'ostei as chairman of the Home Mins 1 JiM^imi nnd MIJ,. Minn i i i f i l u l ns chairman of the Home Women's Diwsum D.iwd Orkow Home .Superintendent, Is advisor to the group.
'I'ne f'o-C'h<iiini'ii a u Miirim K ipl in Pipildi'M or the Nebraska I.ol^e, Jeuild I. Roien, President, of the Coinhuskcr Lodge; and Har• y Weinbeig, Piesldent of the Ifenty Min^ky Lodge Harry Wein. beig scived as Chairman of tho M-n's Division In the 1952 Philanthropies Drive. "Fateful ITeur" "I am very pleased to report to the community that the Presidents of the three B'nal IJ'rlth Lodges have willingly nccspted the responsibility for the Men's Division in the Emergency Campaign upon which we are embarking. Through them, the entire sbength of thV B'nul.BKth of Omaha will be mobilised in the support of the fateful 1050 campaign. The Men s Diutlon Is a most challenging unit in the CKlnpaign, ulnee it Involves the coverage of some 1,800 prospects and their gifts. With th" type of ljad"rship » e have tblt yjiir. I urn confident that the Menu Dlv.iion will perform with di-dincllon anJ effectiveness."
In accepting Ihe invitation of Jack W. Marcr. Federution~prC!ildeiit. anJ John Rosenblatt, General Campaign Chairman, t<5 serve at lcador.fc.of the Men's Division, the three co-chairmen issued the folA special piogiani will be held, lowing statement. and refreshments will be .sencd ll'iml It'rlth Hole through the com I c y of the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliniy 'The B'nai B'nth organization
has played an hislonc role in. the establishment of Israel as a final Miss Phyllis Hernstcln, daugh- IIEKKSIIKBA HAIL LINK haven for our persecuted brethren. ter of Mr. and Mrs. David BernTel Aviv (WNS)—A forty-two S i n c e its establishment, B'nai stein, will lead the Youth Coun- mile rail line linking the city of B'rith hau been In tho forefront of cil's Division In the 1956 Philan- Beershcba, hub of the Negev, with the builder., nnd supporters of the thropies nnd Emergency United Israeli's roll system was formally state. Jewish Appeal Campaign, Arthur dedicated at Beershcba recently this most critical period In Novak. President of the Jewish with the arrival of the first pas- the"At life ot the infant state, Omaha Youth Council announced. senger train. A rain-drenched B'nai B'rith Lodges, In full force, Miss Bernstein, who is the 1956gathering at the celebration heard will take over a very Important AZA No. 100 Sweetheart, an- Premier David Ben Gurion declare segment of the campaign. Ours nounced that tho campaign among he hoped their children would sec will be the task of reaching n large the High School students will bo the tracks extended south \o the number of prospects and securing conducted along lines, whlqh will Red'Sea port of Elath" Tho nowfrom them gifts commensurate bring home to them the emer- line, traversing the undulating with the critical needs of this mo. gency situation in Israel and of plains of Lachish and the north- ment." North African Jewry. ern Negov, opens up possibllltl • The Co - Chairmen announced Additional campaign personnel for agricultural and industrial de- that a preliminary meeting ot their will be announced shortly. velopment of these thinly popu- Boards will be held to make plans lated areas. for the Men's Division Drive.
Jerusalem (WN.S)--Thc Israel At tlie same time Die Premier Cabinet, meeting in session at conferred with U.N: truce chief which Premier David Ben Gurion Gen. Hums who voiced hope that nnd Foreign Minister Israel would not retaliate against Sharett reported on the mounting Arub forays and attacks which in Kgypt's liilest attack pending U.N. recent days have taken a toll of investigation, General Hums told five Israeli lives, adopted a scrier, the Premier nnd Foreign Minister of emergency measures aimed at Moslie Sharett, who attended the tightening the security situation. conference, thnt K;:ypt would be Among the measures is one au- placed in the position of an aggresthorizing the Defense Minister to sor if it Is proven tlmt the Egyprequisition equipment. Another authorizes the Ministry of the In- tians were behind the attacks on terior to require all males over Israeli settlements by Arab suiHarry Trustln, Treasurer of the the age fifteen to carry Identity cide squads. Federation for Jewish Service, cards. It was nlso decided to call Most of the Israeli casualties— and Morris E. Jacobs, past presiKnesset back Into session to ob- seventeen wounded nnd five dead dent of tho Federation, were tain authority for increased de- —were suffered ii\ tlie road am- elected to the board of directors fense expenditures. buscndc.1. At the' immigrant camp of the National Jewish Welfare at Askelon, a C5-yenr-old Jewish Hoard at lLs biennial national grandmother was killsd by a hand convention held last week in New grenade seconds after she snatched York City, her infant grandchild from a crili Mr. Trustln was also appointed in tho path of the fire. The Inci- to the Omaha Bridge Commission dent occurred while a celebration by Mayor John Rosenblatt. was going on in honor of the old A cedes of special exhibits woman's granddaughter, who was ,aro on view at the Jewish Iwlng engaged. The bride was Community Center, highlight- Injured seriously. Hand grenades ing important events observed were nlao tlirown nt the Shnfir settlement some twelve miles from In April. Featured nro tho following the Gaza strip, wounding a child subjects: Tho 8th Anniversary and near Ein Hnshovet a motorof the Stato of Israel; Jewish cyclist was attacked and wounded for an History Week; tho 13th An- in the leg. Firings were also renjveraary of tho Warsaw ported in other settlements, many Ghetto Uprising. ' of which returned tho fire: At There Is also a display on Migdal a woman was killed anil a Shovuoth and the aspects of 19-year-old girl was wounded this Jewish holiday., when Arab commandos threw grenades at their home •
Omahans In the News
Special Exhibits At the Center
Important Announcement
Memorial Program to MarkGhettollprising A memorial program comme- community will light memorial morating-the 13th anniversary of candles. They arc Carl Rosenthe Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, In berg, Joe r.ictor, Joe FKhsel, which heroic bands of Jews died Oscar Wiildfogcl, Mnndel WeiBfighting savage Nazi stornitroop- bauni nnd Joe Landsman. A special exhibit from the Jewers, will be hold this Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock In the Jewish Ish Community Library will bo • shown. i Community Center auditorium. Tlie committee in charge of arRabbi Sidney H. Brooks, Rnbbl Benjamjn Groner, Paul Veret and rangements include Mrs. Herman: Alie Cohen, Carl Rosen- , Max Rehbaum will be the prin- Bondnrin, berg, Max Rcisbaum and Joe Fac« cipal speakers. tor. Rabbi Nathan Fcldman will deThe affair is sponsored by tho liver the Invocation and Rabbi Farband Zionist Order Mycr S. Krlpke will give the bene- Brancli 54,Lalwr Ponle-Zion. ' ' diction. Cantor Ell ICngan will chant memorial prayers and Joe Tlie public is invited to attend. Radlnowskl will serve as narra- CITRUS TO GEKMANV tor. /Professor Hans Baer will be Bonn (JTA)—Wcsi Germany the . piano accompanist. Mayor expects to purchase,some $4,000," John Rosenblatt Is honorary chair- 000 worth of citrus fruit from Is- • rael in the current season, It was , man. • Survivors from Nazi concentra- learned from government quor-, iters here. : . ' , ,;•' tion camps now members of our
UJA Bridge to Israel Published Kv«r> Friday by the I>de ration of Jcwbtfi Srrvirt-
With the Folks At Home
j > m s .Hid h.tjipt nirtKH lit Ttie i I'lilllp s l u r J i - u M i H o m e F o r T h e | Aci-it l>> D.ulit Orttoiv. I M . i i i h 1!1- M r s S a n i h Mmkui, iiuti,.1 ii . x k n t , J»J\C u hiH.'L'ial kid*
UUBA Mailing Privilege* Authorized at ointiftu, Nt'tmitKu. AruuiAl Subacnptlun. s i u u Atlw-rtiMnu ilnirn mi Apnlirutuiii fc.Uitun£l Office—101 N« 2nth street, Omaha. Ne&r.. JAckvm lSwV. PrlM Shop Addrew—»WJS Stx 2&m btrnc.
HARRY HALPERT . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, April 13, ISIJO.
•. > . . . v _ , . . . Kdiirn
• iti-h In honor of the 25th ttctllin ; /irni'.rr ,uy of her children. Mi HI i .Mrs. Abe Cohen. ' .MMtli 1!C: Pa>.Ho\cr wine nnd Israel celebrates her eighth birthday Monday, April 1C, but bi.indy wore received today from instead of wishing her well, her neighbors art conducting a re,Mi. .ind Mrs. Louis Puperny, lentless campaign of bate against her. I March 28: Mr. and Mr*. WUHam ToBav Israel stand* on the firing line, a email but resolute Alberts sent a batch, of fancy holination, determined to stand fast against the spread of totalitarday canes and cookies to oar folk*. ianism which would, if unopposed, engnlf not only her but the Mnrch 29; The Mlzrachf Women entire free world Kinged round by hostile, threatening armies Passover Festival Party was held equipped with awesome quantities of Communist-supplied arms. today at 2 p. m. boycotted by all of her neighbors and shut off by illegal blockAt 2:30 p. m., we btUrrrupt«tf ades from the vital sea lanes, Israel today rightfully looks to the the Mizrochi program to view the democracies for moral and material support. lleth i:i Seder on TV. Israel's continued existence and development isU matter of April 1: We welcomed :\ tisw immediate concern to the United States. It is a pilot plant of resident. Mm. Yettu GetE. democracy in a feudal, backward part of the world which is ripe April 3: Special Yizkor S w v l « t were held in the Home SynagOKUe. for Communist expansion. In an area grievously stricken with April 5: The Council of Jewish poverty, ignorance and disease, were labor unions, the party Women Home Project Commute* system, free elections, and orderly parliamentary government mot at lunch with David Orkow, are practically unknown, where the standard of living is abyHome Superintendent, and dlasmally low, where child labor is the rule and women are recussed an overall program, which garded as little more than'chattels, Israel stands as a beacon of includes occupational therapy at light and progress, proving as a living example to her neighbors well as recreational activities. The following memben of The Council that a nation does not necessarily have to turn to extremes of At about A oVImk In Ihv morning tin- ilcik of an Incoming ship Committee were present: Mrairight or left in order to survive and flourish. It is, therefore, damet Lloyd Friedman, Uizar at ITulfa Iliirbor Mirijcs to Ktv an Isrnrl-hwinil immigrants front understandable why the Communists are so determined to deMax Kaplan, Millar* stroy this little outpost of democracy in an area of the world Morocco crowd I In: rails to c i t a gllmpsr of their new lunil. Her*, Kaplan, Kruno, John Solomon. Dav» which they so determinedly covet. If this little light is allowed an nilcjit muflirr fi-vila IK r tvvu <lilldrin »t alien. Stain, T. A. TuIIy. Sam Zochnria to be extinguished, it will prove to nations all over the world and Abe Vcngcr, ittrthBr detail* that the democracies will not stand behind their allies, and that Monument Dedication will bo- announced later by tlw Council. IN MEMOIUUM: The their turn may be next. The family of the late Mrs. Sam residents and staff of the Hum* Israel has no quarrel with the Arab peoples. She has reSchneider will dedicate a monu- extend sincere- condolences to the peatedly- offered to conclude non-aggression pacts, write perment in her memory at 11 a. nu family of Mrs. Sam. Gllmun. manent peace treaties and resume normal trade relations, but Sunday, April IS at Mount Sinai April 8: Flowers were donated Cemetery, 7705 Crown Point av. these overtures have been just as repeatedly spnraed. In the llabbi BenjamU Groner will of- today by Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Ru8:12 i>. m., face of publicly proclaimed threats of a second round and a Combinow and Mr. nnd Mrs. David ficiate. Friends and relatives arc munist-mspired buildup of arms by her neighbors, she has no invited to attend the memorial Rciss In honor of the Bus Mitzalternative but to look to the West, particularly to Uie United Beth El vah of their respective datightcra, service. States for help. Diane- and Rochelle. Sabbath services at Beth.El SyWe trust that help will be forthcoming before it is too late. April 10: After the Passover reThe family of the late Joseph Our country has never before denied military aid to any nation nnojjue will bej.;in at 8:15 p. m.IJpsry will dedicate a monument cess, The rabbinical vislta were endangered by Communist arm3 and it b unthinksiblo that we llabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver in his memory nt 2:45 p. m., Sun- continued witli Tlnbbl Nathan should depart from this policy in regard to Israel. Arma to Is- tho sermon speaking on "Israel's day, April 15 at Beth El Cemetery, Krldman di.scus-ini; the Mishnais. Birthday and tlie World 84th nnd L »ts. Ribbl Myer S. blii l'cliininn joined us for lunch rael and a mutual defense pact againit a/jffrc:.:iion would be the Ki(;hth followini; the disiMission period. Zionist ConrjK:n." Cantor A.-iron best birthday gift we could give her. They would also he a I. Ed;;ar anil Beth 101 Syn;j|;oi;ue Kripke will officiate. April 14: Mr. and Mn. Ben Minbirthday gift for America itself. Choir will render the musical porThe family of the late Mrs. Joe I:in i;av(? a special Kitldush in tion:, of Uie service. of the birth of a |;randDaytch will dedicate a monument honor r Sabbath morninj; services will In her mitmury at 2 p. m., Sunday, Iau;;l!t<*r, Flizalioth Ann Addinon. IOT held nt 8:30 o'clock. Junior April 15 at Fisher Farm Ceme- Mrs. Saraii Minkin and Mrs. Polly re.';i(lent3 arc great- ' Congregation services begin nt tery. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke nnd I'crU*;. botii ancJparrjnts. Mazcl Tov!!! 10:45 n. m. Mincha-Manriv serv- Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate. Ynhr/.cit: .Special Memorial ice Is at G:45 p. m. Dally services Services will be held for the folare at 7 a., m. and 7 p. m. Sunday JWB AWARDS lowing whose yahrze-it comes dur» • Washington (JTA)— The prob- arisini: from the school's nim tonrvice is at 9 a. m. New York (JTA)—-The 10ZG g tho month of lynr: lem of how religious institutions foster moral, ethical, and spiritual Frank L. Weil Awards of the Na- Tyar 1—April 12, Harry Steinmay cooperate with public schools values in the student involve tional Jewish Welfare Board have berg. remains unresolved in a report "widely d i f f e r e n t convictions Beth Israel been voted to Ernest Bloch, world* presented to President 8 -April 10, Jleycr Potash. famous composer, Jack Nadel, lynr 10-- April 21, Joseph Koer- by the President's Committee about fundamental .Issue* of the- Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Can- executive director of New York's for the White House Conference ology and about the respective tor Eli Kagnn, Beth Israel Choir 92nd St. YM & YWHA, and Joand Young Judea members will lyar 18—April 29, Brana Ferer. on Education. Nor did the report responsibilities of family, church,, seph F. Barr, former national determine the extent to which anil school in religious education." conduct late Friday services at commander of the. Jewish War 8 p.m. public schools may take cognizVeterans of the United Slates, it Recognition of the principle oE Traditional Friday s e r v i c e s was ance of religious values. announced here. Presentation The report urged continued separation of church and state is (Knbbolns Shabbos) begin at 6:45 of the awards—bronze medallions Study of the problems at Uie com- the approach ta solving the prob- p. m. Sabbath services begin nt and citations—wlU bo made at munity,- state, and national level lem, the committee BUGSestoL It 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at the banquet cession of the JWB Workmen's Circle Branch 254 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:45 Jn. the light of the "strong differ- said that judicial decisions on p. fallowed by Sholeshe S'cu- convention, Saturday evening. will hold a testimonial dinner a t ences of opinion" on the Issues. church-state relations have clari- dasm., April 7. G p. m., Uiis Sunday in the Roma nnd Maariv. Daily servitca at It emphasized that the problems fied only small parts of the whole 7 it. m. and 6:45 p. m. Sunday Hotel honoring Ben Gortllck, question. It also recommended services begin at 8:43 a. m. Sunbranch treasurer, on his 6StH that the homo, the church, the day morning Junior Uinyan starts at Temple Israel will be held at birthday. Representatives will ateight o'clock. ItabM Sidney 1L community and the school must at 8:30 n. m. Brooks will discuss "Why We Pay tend from the Workmen's Qrcla share responsibility in inculcating Union Dues." Tho UAHC nnd midwest district moral and spiritual values in t i e Mr. Gorellck has been a memWhat i t Does for Temple Israel. child. Services Saturday morning will ber of the Workmen's Circle fat Temple Israel United Nitons, N. Y. (JTA)— 49 years. be at 11:30 o'clock for members The 50.000-word report repreUN Secretary General Dag Ham> sented toe final act of a 34-memr Worship" services this evening of the religious school and adults.. Morris Goodman will serve u marskjold at n farewell press con- bcr committee named by President master-of-ccremonies and MUtoa ference here pointed out that his Eisenhower to study the needs Nercnbcrg will be caairman toe Middle East trip will be based not and problems of tho nation's the evening. Mr. and' Mrs. MUtm* «my on the Security Council's school system. The conference Korunberg will present a prostarr* mandate, but will also permit him program culminated last Novemof musical selection*. Mrs. Paul" m I cscnt a orach wider leeway as Secretary ber when, nearly 2,000 persons Nerenberg of MantebcUoj CaL< J S u n i i yProgram entitled "Nobody Runs m ta will be a guest General. "This operation takes from all states and territories «Z **, T f , " ^ anioncUim with, the observm e t o the Middle East," he said, met In Washington for tho na- ance of Israel's clchth anniversary as a free nation. The Dim Members of the committee In "ex the agent of the Security tion's first White House conferstars Joseph Cotton, Cameron Mitchell and Virginia Grey and. charco of the affair, am Milton Council and under a Council man- ence on education. teUs how Israel is keeping her gates open for new immigrants Nercnberc Sam Tarnoff and Morwmjo struggling against Uie economic and military pressures of HatB. However, tho Secretary rls Goodman. nerArab neighbors. Mr. Cotton portrays the narrator who vtslis General and his rlghi3 and. duties a Dorder Kftlemcnt and meets, a new immigrant family. co-exist with that mandate. Ex- tion requesting Hammarsltjold to ptoration by the Secretary Cen- undertake an. immediate' mission Omaha Zionist Council in cooperation with WOW-Itadio an<L tral at an proper and useful ave- In the AUddlo East. KBON will present "Eight Little Acres," a moving report on Is- B. Oscar Weinstein nues remains passible. The Sec- The resolution roniests Mr. rael through the eyes of an American visitor. The dramatic preretary General can bring up dis- Hammarskjold to arrange with E. Oscar Wclnstcin, 55,, former sentation will be broadcast Monday, April 16 from 9:30 to 10 p. cussions with the governments in the Arab countries and. Israel for Omaha musician, died Tueiday, m., over WOW-Radio on Israel's Eighth Independence Day. Each Ida regular capacity. Problems tho adoption of the fallowing April 3 In Beverly Hilla, Cat, wiUt not within, the scope of the Coun- measures: "L Withdrawal of the little acre, one in rocky Galilee, another in the Negcv desert crvlces there. the third in a children's village, the fourth on the plains of cil resolution could properly be forces of the parties concerned Mr. Wclnste&v played cello and] Sharon and on to an acre In Jerusalem help tell tho story of the ttacuoed by the Secretary Gen- from the armistice demarcation saxophone In dunce bonds here new democracy. Abba Eban, Israel Ambassador t o tho United eral In his own capacity." lines; 2. Full freedom of moveand tor several years was cellist States, will speak at the close of the nim. , After two weeks of debate, dur- ment Tor U N military observer? in the symphony arcehstro. Ha ing which four Arab delegations along these lines and in the? demovcrf to California about 18 " I t i a Urns Walk to Jerusalem" wBl be presented over employed a variety of delaying militarized'zones and in the deyean ago. KFAB tsls Sunday from 11:30 ». m. to Vt nooa an the Eternal taetlc* whfls the Soviet Union fensive- areas; and 3. EstablishHe Is survived by his wife; PaulLight program. I t telia tfu story of a boy who walk* from trtef hard' to turn the move into ment of local arrangements for ne; a son, Martin;, a daughter, 111 1 11 Yemen to Jerusalem In time to celebrate hi* Bar MHzvan. th» 'sup sntl-XsrafT rflrntfrfi * **" ) the hff pceve&timt o f tnddents and Mrs. Carol Cbrngold, oB of Bevbroadcast will mark Israel Independence Day. ifiecurity Council h&d unaoiinous* the- prompt dfecttbn'4C m y violaerly Hill**, and- sisters including Jgil adopted an American resolu- tions oC tho armistice AgreancDts. Mn. Max Fromiln of Omaha,
A Birthday Gift for Israel
Religious News
Eisenhower Gets Report on IE@H i n
Workmen's Circle Testimonial Dinner
UN Head in Dual Role on Mission
(Radio and Television
Friday, AprU IS, 1956.
Israel, Symbol of Free MenSaysDr.Kingdon "Wo must keei> faith with Isrnel and ho who comes to the help of Israel comes to the help of free men everywhere/' Dr. Frank Kin;; don declared Sunday. Dr, Kingdon, noted author and commentator on international affairs, spoke to Jewish community leaders from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota who attended an all-day Central States Regional Conference of the United Jewish Appeal nt the Blsckstonc Hotel. Me urged that the United States base a revised policy In the Middle East "on the obvious fact that Israel Is the only steadfast friend ol the free world in that area." American policy, Dr. Kindlon asserted, "must be drastically revised if we •re to stem the tide ol column Bism in U»e strategic Middle Kast." "The lour outriders of Omnmnlsm," he sold, "are'poverty, disease, illiteracy and misRovcrnmcnt, The Arab feudal dictatorships arc making little efforts to fight those four evils. Jn fact, they are openIng the door to Communism even further by importing vast amounts of communist armaments — along with communist agents in the guise Of technicians." Dr. Kingdon pointed to contrasting conditions in Israel, where its people are pulling themselves upward zni Uiero is no poverty on communism can feed. Apart from military and economic consideratloon«, he added, Israel Is a living laboratory of democracy in an area where there Is no other democratic government. This year Is the year that we Will stand the test, Dr. Kingdon emphasized. Will we stand up un der the pressure or will we break, lie asked? The major conflicts arc between Kast anil Went, ovi-r oil, between Ar.jbs anrl Arab.; and between Israel and the Arabi. 3>r. Klngdon has nn intimate knowledge of Israel gained from his ranny visits there.- He 5)ff;an hU career in public affairs after 20 years as to Protestant clergyman. He helped found the University of Newark nnd served as its first president For his help is rescuing some of Europe's most prominent entl-nnr.I from Hitler, he was given Denmark's King Christian Award. The situation in North Africa "Js worse than Jt was "and will psl even more worse," Henry I.cvy, director o* Joint Distribution Cinnjniitee in 1\ml»ia told the conferees. The events, which In rapid succetxkm Jiave caused the situation to deteriorate, are: t, Basda. tuu entered the Near Rut 2. Israel faces war. X Shift In political power from French to Arab government, What <Joe* independence for North African countries mean for thn Jews remaining there? Economically, the result Is "a clean »nd neat boycott" of Jewish businessmen and politically, pressure Jewish professionals to keep them from practicing their professions, Mr. Levy pointed out. Subventions by Arab governments ere now being cut for Jewish education and pressure in schools is for the "arablzatlon of the country," he ntlded. The Arabs do not want the Jews to go to Israel where they will hecome productive members of her society, the director said. Emigration from North Africa is continuing nt about 4,200 to 4.500 persons a month with 100.000 rcEistercd for exit, Mr. Levy said. How lonn must we let this last reservoir of Jewry in the free world wait, he asked?. It means more money must be raised so that immigration into Israel cm be stepped up, Mr. Levy concluded.
Veret to Address ; • Lincoln Groups 1 I'aul Verel, Kxecutive Director ol the Federation for Jewish Serv* , ice, will address a joint meeting of the Lincoln Chapter of Hadassnh and the Lincoln Interclub Council Tuesday, April 17. He will • tliscuss the Middle East situation, in the light of his observations when he visited Israel In the suiriV mer of 1955, as a member or the United Jewish Appeal Survey Mission. . ./
ul Women's Division, saii! we wornen have the happy facility of identifying ourselves witii the valiant women of Israel who .servo in the Knesset and in burder settlements. We must, she added, translate these sentiments Inlo action. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the National Women's Division, Mrs. Freeman slated, and it is the most critical year for Israel.
Spring Session of Center Art Class
Sr. Young Judaea Meet at Center Chaim Adler. of New York City, national field worker ftir Senior Young Judaea, will speak nn "The Meaning of Prayer" »t thn .Southwest IiPi;lorinl Senior Judaea Convention to be held In Omaha April 13, 14 and 15. - Other speakers and leadeis of discussions will be Allen (iraubard of Philadelphia, Pa., national Senior Young Judaea President; Perry Unch of St. Paul, Minn., area vice president, and Lihby Seltzer, a national executive member of St. Louis, Mo. Delegates from Kansas City, Des Moines nnd St. Louis will arrive today for the three day conclave to bo held at the Jewish Community Center. Misses Dlano Fellman of the Ilolmnue nnd Shelley Grecnberg of the Debka Debs are convention chairmen. An Invitation has been extended to nil Jewish girls cnterim: high school nc.\t fall to attend the session Saturday nt 1:30 p. m. nt the JCC. A tlanre, "I.ullaby of Blrdland," with Cliff Dudley's orchestra, will be held nt the. Castle Hotel, Saturday evenint;, April 14. Dele* gates will take part in services this evenlnir nt the Ileth Israel Synagogue.
Education Survey Group Will Meet The first organizational meeting of the Omaha Survey Commission of Jewish Education will be held at 8 p. jn., Thursday, April 19 In the Jewish Community Center. The commission Is composed of memlwrs of the Bureau of Jewish Education and delegates of nil Jewish organizations in the city Interested in promoting Jewish education. Dr. Uriah Z. Engylman, co-director of the national survey of Jewish education, will nrrive here May 7 to start the Omaha curvey which will be part of the national survey on the status of Jewish education. Mrs. Morton Hiller has been appointed chairman of the volunteer committee, which will do the Interviewing ol parents, it was announced by Dr. Morris Murgolln, head of the Bureau of Jewish Education and survey commission.
Snack "N Dance at B.I. Beth Israel Men's Club will hold a Snack 'N Dunce at Beth .Israel hall, Saturday, April 28 nt 9:30 p. jr.. Tickets are TIOTV on sale for $3.!iO per couple. Hnruld Rubin is dance chairman and Normnn Roscnnvcls, co-chairman. Leo Kraft Is hi charge of iidcet sales. Call TIE G2K8 for reservations.
Japanese Film Will Close Center Series
"The Impost or" a Japanese motion picture will conclude the Center's Forelrm Film Series for this season. The film will he presented at 8:15 p. m., Sunday, April 22 In the Jewish Community center auJack W. Marer, Federation Pres- ditorium. ident, presided at the morning sesAdmission is 7fi cents per person sion at which panel discussions or by lierieR ticket. were held on plans to accelerate the four-state support of the 3!)">G nationwide United Jewish Appeal campaign. Mayor John Rosenblatt, Herman M I r o v i t z wishes to Rcnoral chairman of the Philan- thank all his friends and relatives thropies Campaign, stressed the for their kind expressions and urgency of this year's drive. prayers for his recovery while ho Mrs. Mike Freeman, member (if was in the hospital. Mr. Mirovitz the executive board-of the Nation- H now recuperating at home.
Thanii Yeu
Center Pre-Schooiers* Outing Jewish Community Center I'rr-selmolrra arc retting In Itlvcr»Iew I'arU ufUr an exciting morning visiting tho '/MO. Front left to right, bottom row ,are: Kjiuflip Kaplan, Stephen Nt-rimmi, Kay KiuK, Don Hurt, Iriln BlumUa, Mitelirll Stone; second row: Hobby Yufre, HtundhiK; united "re, Hobby Ilroily, Linda Wolfson, Marry Kulser, Jounln Ynffe, n,, n ny OauUicId, I'uttle Klmmel, Steven ItoM'n; top row: l'nulu Wolfson, Solomon Melunird, Mnrylnn Itil/.lmum, Edgar Kulnkofoky, Dorulce Kaplun, David Herman, nnd Murnln Ann Fonnun.
The Spring Session of the Jewrish C 6 m n u n i t y Center Art Clusscs, under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Belwr, will begin Monday. April IB, from 1 to 3 p. m. Both ^beginners and advance stu» dents mny register. Students may use a variety of media such as oil, pastel or water color. Reclstor by colling the Activities Office nt the Center, JAckson 1366. „ .'
Patronize Our Advertisers
Bar and Bas Mitzvah Marilyn Katzman, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Katzmnn and Susan Sachs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs, will'become B'nos Mltzvnh at a joint service this cvenlnc, April 13 and Saturday morning, April 14 at Hcth El Synncnjjuc. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both .services and the receptions which will follow.
Birthday Party The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will give assistant director Milton Nerenberg a birthday party tomorrow evening at the Labor Lyceum. The party will follow the rehearsal of tho club's four-act melodrama "The Bride's Dream." Tho play will be presented Sunday, April 29 nt 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Admission will be 75 cents per person.
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Mr. and Mrs. Iturwick announce the Bas Mitzvah of their d;u»:hter, Ellen Ilurwick, and Mr. and Mrs. Yale Halprin announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Konna Halprin, at n joint service Friday evening, April 20 and Saturday morning, -April 21, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Bar Mitzvah of Arnold Brcslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Breslow, will be observed next Friday evening and Saturday morning, April 20 and 21 at Beth Jsrael Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. All members of the family and friends are invited la attend the services and the receptions followinE the services. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hnkcl announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joel, will be celebrated at 8:30 p. m, Friday, April 20 and nt 9 a. m., Saturday, April 21 in U'unl Israel Synagogue of Council Bluffs, la. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the services and the receptions which will follow.
Same Day Service No Extra Charge In at 10 A.M. - Ready by 5 P.M.
CASH mi CARRY Aboriclapand Delivery Service
TEDDY BEAR Gleaners 112 N. 18th JA1578
Nebr. Lodge, Chapter Nebraskn Lode,e No. M<15 nnd Chapter No. 34G of B'nai irrlth will hold their regular meeting nt 8:30 p. m., Thursday, April 19 in the South Omaha Synagogue. The chapter will elect its new officers for the year and all members are urged to1 attend. Past president. ;, Mesdames Jo Goldware, Al>e Kazlowsky, Max Sachs, Dave Bleicher, Abe Baer, .Sol Martin, Al Oruch nnd rhil Kutlcr will be honored. The program was arranged by Mines. William Stone and Paul .Sachs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zvverlintr will sine Yiddish songs. UefreshmcntR will be served by Mines. Harold Sloi;el, Bob Himmerman and Al Temln.
Zionist Council to Meet The Omaha Zionist Council will hold itu re^ulnr monthly meetins al 8 p. m., Wednesday, April 18 in tho Jewish Community Center. Mrs. J. II. ICulakofsky will preside. All members arc urged to nttend ns important matters will be discussed.
Rosen-Novak Chevrolet W H SUnmi on Their Heacb to Deal With Yon!
DOUBLE FEATURE EVERY SUNDAY M O W Femes $<T)OO SUNDAY JL BRUNCH Children—$1.00 11:30 cum. -2:30 p.ta. Family .
make tho cchef ,''•-
•' Try M> new Pound C > leading foail stares everywhere!
BUFFET SUPPER Children—S1.50 5 to 9 p.m.
ORLEANS ROOM Hotel Blackstone Free Parking
tmdsjr, Apru u, imtt.
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**• *~ *.•
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* ** "r f /
TM$ Is the Choice That Israel Faces Unless We, Here in Omaha, . Help to Do Something About It! It costs $500,000 for one jet plane; Israel Deeds many jets for its defense. It costs $500,000 to transport and settle 500 North African Jews tn Israel. At least 50,000 must be moved to Israel this year! If, we, through the 1956 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, fail to provide Omaha's Bhare of the $25,000,000 UJA Emergency Fund forfeerescue of North African Jews — if we leave it all to Israel to pay — Israel will be forced to make that choice. Israel is in grave danger. Arab hostility reinforced with Soviet tanks, jet bombers, and guns, is threatening its very security and safety; endangering die hundreds of thousands of refugees from persecution who found a home and new life there. Israel must arm herself —must buy defensive weapons with her own funds — to meet the onslaught of Arab armies, wherever and whenever it starts. Arms cost vast sums of money*
- Because of the necessity of raising funds for defense, Israel cannot pay the cost of absorp* tion of "North African Jews. Last year Israel spent $35,000,000 of its own funds for the settlement of newcomers. She cannot afford to spend it now. The rescue, absorption and rehabilitation of immigrants must, therefore, be our complete responsibility. If the UJA were to fall short and. ask the people of Israel to pay the costs of immigration, as they have in the past, we would be guilty of tragic neglect. We would be forcing Israel to decide whether it should rescue Moroccan Jews or buy arms for defense. We would be asking Israel to make the choice:
One Jet Plane or 500 Jews How lowly we would be, in all our power and wealth, if we forced Israel to make that choice. We are being asked to give to the $25,000,000 UJA Emergency Fund for Israel through increases over and above our 1955 gifts to the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign,
Friday, April ±a, it»M.
, • ' « Frtt , ,' ' ' *> , fix1'
f , , , .1 k > .
The results of the 1956 campaign of our Jewish Philanthropies for the normal needs of all our beneficiaries - and for the urgently needed Special Fund above that level • are bound to have the most fateful consequences for the future of Jews beyond our shores, espe* dally in North Africa and in Israel. In 2956, just giving is not enough. You must give enough for the on-going needs, and then more to the Special Israel Emergency Fund. We must help Israel in her hour of supreme crisis. This Special Emergency Fund is our way ;— YOUR way — of standing by Israel and the "Jews of North Africa in this emergency.
There Is One. Clear Solution: • Israel's people must pay the cost of rearmament. . "
. -T1»." ' ^ * ^ \-^ ' ' ^," r ,
• Jews of North Africa must be helped to get out.
" '" „ '
„ • We must pay the cost of emigration!
In This Hour of Need, Our Action Must Be Bold—Our Giving Must Be Generous!
101 N. 20TH ST.
Israel JAckson 1366
*-/' ^~
Organizations BUZKACHI WOMEN , In order not to conflict with Jewish Philanthropies Campaign meetings, Omaha Chapter of Ml2rachi will hold their regular meet Ing Mon-'\y, April 16. A dessert luncheon at 1 p. m. VlU precede the two o'clock bust' ness meeting at the Jewish Com' munity Center. Baby sitter -fecrvIce will be provided. An Israel Independence Day program will be presented. Mrs. Irving Stern, the chapter'! program chairman, was masterof-ccremonies at the chapter's annual Pcsach party given at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Mrs. IlaskeU Brandstetter gave a reading in Yiddish; pantomine sktts were presented by Evelyn Levy and Mrs. Sam Zwcrling offered several Yiddish songs. Refreshments were served, Mrs. Herman Franklin was chairman of the affair.
Two Governors Hit Immigration Policy
New York (JTA)—The "na tlonal origins" quota basis of the present Immigration policy of the United States was criticized here at the Inaugural dinner of the Na. tlonal Committee for Immigration and ClttensMp by Governor Goodwin J. Knight of California and Governor Edmund HADASSAH COUNCIL Muskie of Maine. Both charged The Education Council of Oma that the present U S . imroigra' ha Chapter of Hadassah will hold Uon policy jeopardizes America's en Oncg Shabbat at 1 p. m . Sat relations "with a great many na urday. April 14 at the home of t l o n s . " ••;-:• -.:•: •' ..: . . . • Wra. Leonard Gould, 120 S. 51st st. Governor Knight cited the lnv Co-hostesses for the dessert portance of immigration to our luncheon are Mesdames Hyroan own national economy and culBelman and Harry Ravitz. A (pe- ture. "Our entire American way dal program will be dedicated to of life," he said, "has always been the 8th Anniversary'of Israel's Improved by a liberal addition to Independence. Each member is our population of people from all Urged to bring a guest parts of the world, regardless of their color, their religions, their national tics, their economic staCOUKCO. STUDY National Council of Jewish tus or their soda] position.' Governor Muskie summarized Women Current Events Study Croup will meet Tuesday, April his views with two recommenda17 at the home of Mrs. Seymour tions: 1. People should be adAbranu, 6309 Glenwood, Rd. Cof- mitted to the United States befee will be served at 1 p. m. J. W. cause of who they are. not where Redclfs, member of the firm they are from. 2. All citizens, Elsele. Axtell, and Itedelfs. Inc. whether naturalized or nativewill speak on "How to Invest torn, should have equal rights as Your Money." A discussion peri™! weir as responsibilities. "CitizenWill follow. Everyone is welcume ship is a privilege," he asserted, "but no -itlzrn should be more to come and brine a friend. privileged than any other. Natur* alized citizen1!, and even the naKADIHAII CUAPTKK tive-born, do not have the same City Commissioner Warren Swl- protection and rights of citizengart will speak at the regular hin they formerly had." meeting of Kadimah Chapter of One of the most Important Pioneer Women at 8 p. m., Wed- principles of the new organizanesday, April 18. at the home of tion stresses Hint American imMrs. Charles Cuss. 5703 Harncy migration and citizenship policies St should be free from any implica• Commissioner Swigart will dls-- tion of superiority between peocuss "Should Omaha Change Its ples b*cau-e of raw, nationality, City Government?" or religion. The Committee will Mrs. Ben Kaplan fa program conduct a vigorous educational - chairman. campaign throughout the nation to stimulate public interest in imMONSKY CHAPTER migration anrl citizenship. It was B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky announced at the dinner. Chapter will hold Its adult education meeting at 8:30 p. m.. Wednesday, April 18 at the home of Mm. Ben Blatt 5024 Miami s t Mesdames Harry Sldman and Stanley Shapiro will serve as ayJerusalem (JTA)--Saudi Arabia hostesses. Sol Llttman. Plain States regional director of the is receiving American weapons, Anti-Defamation L e a g u e , will earners and other vehicles through •peak on "Religion in Public Jap-in, and weapons carriers deSchool." stined fir Saudi Arabia have already hecn .shipped from YokoIIADAHSAn homn, according to reports rcAU Hadassah croups will meet ceiveil In Hong Kong and quoted at 12:30 p. m.. Wednesday, April by the Jerusalem Post. 18. Herzl group will meet in the Aecordin;; to this information, Jewish Community Center audi- Syria Is now ncRotlatlng with the torium; Weitzmann group in the Japanese for alrerafls parts and lodge room and the Szold i^roup ammunition valued at $10,000,000. At the YWCA. The programs will note the ob- The Tokyo dally Yomulri Shimservance of Israel's Kighth Inde- bun which first revenled the Syrian pendence Day. Zionist public af- negotiations, asserted that the fairs chairmen will spo:ik on the Japanese Government wan at"Birth of a Nutinii." They are: tempting to establish a three-corMesdamen Max Grossman. IJ;i\id nered trade arrangement in which a third party would receive the Ravitz and Charles Fredkin. "Tongue of the Prophets" \w!l military equipment from Japan be rf'vir'wrd hy Art Goldstein, for rcKhipment to the Arabs. The Pan! Veret ami Calvin N'ewmnn. paper said this wa» to avoid critic"I^earnini; Hebrew Can he Fun" ism for shipping anus to the M'dWill Iw discussed by Reverend Alex dlo East. Kntz. Snm Stone and Mervin Lcmmrrman.
Friday, April IS, 1956,
Hadassah Bowling High scorers this week in Hadassah Howling League are: U. Winjoub 520, It. Pitlor 500, E. Schloff 430, M. Slnikort <18G, It. Sokoloff 479, II. Klein 478. L. II oberman 4S4, G. Zovitz 471, M. Fromkln 40-1, S. Tretiuk 4G1, A. Schulman 455. II. Gurrop 4,r>3, A. Frank 453, M. Coopcnnan 451, M. Sloan 418, I. Gaer 417. R. 1'latt 445, E. Hoherman 4-11, S. Greenberg 433, K. Lngman 430, K. Gelfand 428, P. Gross 417, E. Jacobsen 415, L. I.lppett 415. M. Frank 415, 13. Perelmeler 414. B. Adlcr 411, I>. Hoberman 407, E. Uoss 405, L. Lleb 404 and E. Tutkcl.
Births Mr. (ind Mrs. Harold Coodmnn announce the birth of a son Thotnas Jay born March 5 at a local hospital. They have two other SOILS named Bruce Wayne and Michael Richard. Maternal grandparents are Mr. nnd Mis. Karl Slefitl and paternal jjraiulpnrents are Mr. and Mrs. Irwln Goodman. MB. Jake Kaplan Is paternal great-grandmother nnd maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Nystom
A daughter Amy Sue w»» born April G to Mr. and Mcs. Manny Dworkin of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Du-orkin is the former MM Sally Miss Linda Riekes in Solomon or Omahn., Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Junior League Play John Solomon of Omaha and paMiss Linda Hlekes, daughter of ternal grandparent* arc Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes, wiU Mrs. Morris & Dworkln of Merplay the only Child's role In the rlck, N. Y. Omaha Junior Theater's presentaMr. and Mrs. Morton Kaplan tion of the fantasy "King of the Golden River." The play, a male of Moline, 111, announce the birth Cinderella story, is being pro- of a son Todd Alan born March duced by the Junior League of 27. Mr. Kaplan is a former Omahan. Paternal grandparents arc Omaha, It is the story of three broth- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kaplan at Omaha and maternal grandparents are ers, two who arc selfish and the Mr. and Mrs. George Shamon Of other who is not. Davenport, la. The play will be presented at April 17 to 27 at 4 p. nu, on weekA. daughter Sandra Elian was days and at two o'clock on Satur- born to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence day afternoons. Epstein March 31 at a local hospital. They also have a son, Joel Patronize Our Advertiser! Richard and daughter, Marilyn
Spring Piano Recital The annual Spring Piano Recital by students of the Center Piano Studio will be held at 3:15 p. m., Sunday, April 22 in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Twenty-two pupils will perform, I'lofetsor Hans Uaer, director of the studio announced. Among the performers will be five students from professor Baer's studio In Auburn, Nebr. The public Is invited to attend.
Visitors Mrs. Marvin Plzer and her two children will arrive in Omaha for a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Osoff. Her husband will join her later. The Pizcrs mako their home in Los Angeles, Cal. Gail. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles's, Ross am) paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Epstein. Paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. M. O. Cohen. Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Rubnlts of Wlnnetka, 111., announce U * birth of a son Thomas Block bom April 2 In a Chicago hospital They also have a daughter Mary ham and another son Peter. Dr. ao4 Mr*. A. 3 . Rubnltz of Omaha ara paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph L. Block of CMeago aiw maternal grandparents.
you are using more electricity
as you bring more appliances into your home
Japan Trades U.S. Arms f o Arabs
Conclave Delegates
Want Ads
Mott electric bilk are higher than they wet* a (ew years back, but it's because you are using more and more electricity to do dozens of new jobtl; Actually you are payinj; leu per kilowatt boar for electricity than you did back In depression yeanf And just think of the many new uies you have made of electricity right in your bouMl.
VOUI ILICTI1C lATIf All tOWd THAN IVII W O U I Th« chart iKo« haw tti* iringi coii par tilowttt hour (or homtt k«« d t c r x w d mt hvm Id* ui« of •IwhtcHy hit kcra«u4> Thi low coil of aUcMclty In th* OPfO « M t«tt you <n|oy moJ«rn living t( Hi bwt.
I'njtlF JA ufltt ic wttn yeny IVao. Ai 1) I'tiP JC*f!/D l'r»«». A>u rut l*r«?3 rtsprvtt. the nclJi lo i.-Tif ix« «1 tacfi vlvcftl*i:iienl.
Mesdames Lloyd Friedman, Edward Lovinscin, John Solomon. Sid;iey Brooks, Joseph Ilonvich and Robert Lcvine will be dele- BAH and *>a» Milzvnh congratugates to the North Central Itelations olso for all Jewish holiRlonal Convention of the National days and special occasions. Council of Jewish Women to be kleyem New. Stand, 1M)2 Dodpr held in St. Louis. Mo., April 1G DHKSSKS SHOHTENED, 51.23; to 20 at the Chase Hotel. Alterations and Fur restyling, The North Central Region Is capes and stoics—§25 nnd up. represented by delegates from Ne35 yrs. experience. Call WE braska, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, 3332. Illinois. Minnesota nnd Michignn.
fmaha Public fower District Electricity doei so much—costs to little.
Friday, April IS, IN*.
Btvm V
MOM'S NIGHT OUT IN OMAHA l'r*« fmwT* 5«fc fn&axincleneo Day-and Mom's making • night of I t She's abrading guard on the settlement watchlowcr. Ptrf yourself in Mom's place. It's not much of a way to celebrate-your country's birth of
freedom. Bat on Israel's frontier there'* no half price for liberty. Yon *UU pay In (all In eternal vlgUsAee, si«eat, leers—and often, blood. Beyond the border is an enemy with contempt for all your country represents; opportunity, tid to newcomers; democracy. In lilt bands are late model Communist arms —swift Jet bombers, sleek fighters and heavy •tnks-weapons for attack. Oa Us lips b a threat-to sweep all of you n d eight yean of amaslng. Western-style •regrets late* the sea. If Man ibottM think about these things in the
Jong night on the tower, wouldn't it be natural ? If the worries that Israel's people have no arms to match the enemy's, wouldn't one understand? .But Mom—being Mom-will probably think about tho kids. She'll think about her own .and all the kids who should be growing up healthy and free. Mom knows her job is on the border, guarding freedom. Just now sho can't help bring the kids —and adults —who plead to come from lands of danger. Because she can't-we must. At least 45,000 Jews in turbulent North Africa must bo rescued now. For Freedom—their freedom—give * • tntretued gift to the United Jewish Appeal. Then give • great extra gift I* UJA'* Special Sorrival Fund. Ckm toiql
stand by those who stand for freedom
> . "
<• - ' i
0 '.'-•-
United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From
• Jewish Philanthropies Campaign
more In 1956 A
United Jewish Appeal
r r««-
Friday, April 13,
UJA Advance B.&P.W. Division Dinner April 22 A large turnout of Jewish business and professional women to the UJA B.&P. W. Division dinn e r April 22, Is being sought by Chairman Mrs. Stanley Karl. The group, which will dine and meet a t the Jewish Community Center Bt S p. m., Sunday, April 22. will be addressed by Israeli journalist Yehudi Hellman, who is also addressing the General Men's Division later, during the same evening . •.:•;•;:: Mrs. Karl stated that t h e business and professional women have always been sympathetic And uj»derstandlng of the UJA need, and have unfailingly given solid support to the campaign. I n recent years, however, only p a r t of tlie group have come to the Division banquet Mrs. K a r l announced . that she is personal!-' inviting and urging all to come out In full strength. They have always done their share, and they have a right to hear the story a t first hand. Mrs. Karl is being aided by captains Ida Chaplin, Boss Babbitz, Rose Itesnlck, Freida Turcheh, Hannah Llpman and Floretla Drcben. •
Yehuda' Hellman, Israel political commentator and- news analyst, will be guest speaker at the General Men's Division Dinner. Sunday.. April 22, at 6 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Israel-born and educated. Mr. Hellman has been a newsman all his life. He has worked for the Israel Time*" and the Jerusalem "Post" and has covered every aspect Israel's political and military emergence as a nation. Me also knows the Arab countries, having dealt With them as a correspondent for many years before and after Israel's nationhood He studied at Hebrew .University and the. A m e r i c a n University at B e i r u t : : -
Exterior of New Tempfe
'Best Pledge Award' MIBS F a y n a Manvitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manvitz, has received t h e "Best Pledge Award" of t h e Sigma Delta Tau Sorority a t University of Iowa in Iowa City, In. . •;-.
Club memlx.-r.'i in all Young Judaea Clubs meetinj; at the Jewish Community Center have taken on a piojei-r of m'tkini* parents aware of IJJA tlurinr; the e;iiup.ii;',n this year, according to Youni; Judaea chairman Mis. Nornuin Urodkcy.
a Hellinun
AZA-BBG Regional Conference Sunday Tlie Sioux City Jewish Community Center will play host to AZA and R'nai B'rlth Girls clubs of the Cornbelt U<'(;ion, which includes Omaha, l)es Moine.t, Lincoln nnd Sioux Falls, nt an a'l-day regional conference .Sunday, April 35. Besides business sessions, there will be regional oratory ami (lelintin;; contests. Adult hosts of the event, representing Sioux City B1SYO. are Edsvard I. Kantor. T>r. lien Sacks Rolicrl Sabcl, Stanley Wallers, Robert Lipshut/. Mis. Nathan Goldb'-r;; and Mr:.. Sum 7:erns!"ln.
The Four Aces came out on top in the Junior Youth Council Iiuwiing League with a record of 26-10, only one game in front of Hell's Angels and Itaylm SOS, in one of the closest contests In junior bowling competition. The lead hnd fluctuated between those three teams from the very beginning, but consistency and accuracy paid off f y the winners. Members of the winning team are Howard Feldnian, Dick Zacharin, Steve Gus«, Bud Epstein and Kova Shykcn. All members of the team had an «\erBno of 100 or hotter. The final standings find Belles & Beans in fourth followed by Pin Smashers, Lucky Leagunrs, The Keglers, Handicaps and Hot Shots. Miss ISonnle Ilaykln Star bowler of the league was Bill Horwich with an average of 12*j which was second high to Larry Kohn's 130, but Bill had high game for the.season of 188 and Hy Howunl Kooprr high series -vith 333. Other high This week we salute Miss Bon- five aCerages are Howard Feldnie Haykin, daughter of Mr. nnd with 121, Frank Goldburf; Mrs. Harry Haykin of 5024 West- With H 3 and Joel Davis with 110. ern Avc. Bonnie is it senior a t Central High and participates in many activities there. She is on the Register Btaff, O-book staff, member of Latin Club, Thespians and also takes part in school musJerusalem April 2 ( J T A ) - - T h e ic activities. Bonnie, a member of status quo in the Zionist moveDcbka Debs, also is active in ment will have to be revised radiYouth Council: She has written cally a t the forthcoming 24th the Debs stagenight skits during World Zionist Congress, otherher sophomore nnd junior years. In her junior year," it won first wise the movement will suffer, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of place. the Jewish Agency executive, declared at' a press conference herd today. H e indicated that if such reforms did not take place ho Beth Israel Talmud Torah will could not be expected to assume a position of responsibility' on the hold an open house Wednesday, April 18 from 7 to 9 p . m., in.the Zionist executive. Among the changes he advor synagogue social hall. A display of books of Jewish interest from cated was establishment of rethe Omaha Public Library will be lations between Zionists nnd nonshown by MIsa Sylvia Kline. Sy- Zionists and the participation of nagogue Youth Organization will non-Zionists In the Jewish Agenhold a bake sale. Members of t h e cy executive. Ho called for aboliTalmud Torah will exhibit some tion of the "shekel fiction" as a of their projects completed dur- means of determining representation at world congresses. ing the term.
Teen of the Week
Basic Reforms Asked In Zionist Movement
B.I. Open House
Club leaders in every croup will devote discussion linn: to tellIni; the story of Israel's plight nofi the difficulties facing North African Jews. Children will become informed enough, Mrs. Drodkey felt, to bring the subject Vip in talking to their parents; they will also be supplied with pamphlets to show parents, which conjaln answers to questions alrout the United Jewish Appeal. Young Judaea members have in past years participated In the UJA drive, Mrs. Brodkcy stated, but this will be the first year that the help of children will be sought for stimulating and Informing their parents, Instead of soliciting donations frnm the children themselves.
Camp Man-Gi-Nah
First in Series of Divisional Affairs Tlie I!)."/1, UJA Campaign . will open with the Advance Gifts Dinner Sunday night, April 15, at the Jewish Community Center. First of a series of divisional dinners, the Advance Gifts opening will be followed by the Women's Division I.unelieiiii, Tuesday, April 17; the I'.usiness and Professional Women's Dinner, Sunday, April 22; and by the General Men's Division Dinner, also on Apil' 22—all at the Jewish Community Center. James Roosevelt will be guest speaker a t the Advance Gifts Dinner and will be introduced by chairman Frank J. Margolin. The Women's Division Luncheon. Tuesday, will be addressed by Mrs. Barnctt Janner, wife nf n Jewish Member of Parliament f.-cm the London district. M*«, Jnnncr will be introduced by cliairman Mm. Leo Chalkin. Yehuda Hellmnn will address t h f General Mens' and Business and Professional Women's dinners Tlie 1056 Camp-jigri opens with, a stronger appeal th.-ti any" campaign In recent years. Israel, threatened by Arab neighbors, and the Jo-vs of North Africa, fa<!Cd with hostile aggre.--.lon in cve.-y Arab-dominated country, linpoja a ueifari" problem on tlio ITnlted J e w s h Appeal greater than in any year since 1918. In addition to tliis cu-rsens need, Sioux City C J A must also rai. r» the money 10 siipnoit the regular national agenf ' w and tnc Ideal VP.Uration.
Camp MAN-GI-NAH. the Jewish Community Center Day Camp, will operate again this summer, chairman Nate Goldberg of the Federation Youth Committee announced. Tlie Day Camp will be open for enrollment of IHJJS and er.ift.1-, and other eainp pursuits. I'reci'din:; the Conference, April girls aged 7 to I I . Activities will Information about camp schedH, will be the AZA Annual Sweet- include swlMniing. outdoor and ule, enrollment, and fee charges Indoor names, field trip?, arts and will be announced shoilly. heart Danee, at the Martin Hotel.
Bill Norwich Tops Junior YC Bowlers
Center Sports
The Boys' Youth Council Athletic Committee last week set up time schedules for the Spring sports including wrestling, track and Softball. Wrestling Is scheduled for Sunday, April 22, with weigh-ins ot 11 a. m. This year there are five returning champions. They are: Larry Lincoln, 145; Dan Denenberg, heavyweight; Chuck Ravitz, 95; Larry Zacharia, 112, and Maynard Rosen,' 127. These boys are expected t o come through again, but stiff competition will be provided by such grapplers as Mike Curtz, AI Swartz, A r t Novak and Sheldon K r a n t z . The meet is expected to draw about thirty entrants from t h e three organized clubs and the Independents.
Young Judaea Clubs Havel-Jew UJA Project
Men's Div. to Hear Israeli Analyst
Hadassah Bazaar
' Youth Council Softball is shaping into a four-team league with •quads from AZA 1, AZA 100. Raylm and Independents. The season Is scheduled to open' May 6, a t Elmwood P a r k with games on the Center and West Diamonds. Raylm looks like the strong club Again this year with pitcher Art Novak looking forward to another good year. The Youth Council Softball league of the Center is being held in conjunction with t h e National Sports Festival being Celebrated during the month of M a y throughout tlie nation.
••Mr. Hellman will be introduced by General Men's Chairman Neil Gorcbow. Known as a down-toearth speaker, Mr. Hellman Is expected t o give a factual story of the current explosive situation, Mr. Hcllman will also address the Business and Professional T h e Hadassah Bazaar, annual Women's Dinner, a t 5 p. in., also all-day family event, designed for at the Jewish Community Center. persons of every oge, will be held He will be introduced by Mrs. Stanley Karl. Sunday, April 29, a t the Jewish Community Center. Starting at 11:30 a. m., activities will include 'Die exterior structure of the games, dancing, display booths, new M'junt Sinai Temple". .'!Kth arid sale of merchandise. Food will ami .Jones Slreets, is nearin;: combe served all day. pletion, building chairman David .1. Bazaar co-chairmen HIT Mrs. Albert announei-d. ami interior I. Shlndler nnd Mrs. M. Rice finishim; anti wood work will WHIM Ticket chairmen are Mrs. A. BCT- 1)0 started. Final completion date kemitz and Mrs L,. Shulkin. is set tentatively at August 1.
On Lag B'omer.April 29 the Jewish Youth Council will hold a track meet at the Creighton University Track nt 10 a. m. Events for the track meet will include t h e 60, 100, 220, 880, 440 relay races, shot put, broad jump, football throw and Softball throw. Howard Kaslow is the only' defending champion holding a record to compete this year. In 1951 • he broad jumped a record 19' 2".
Y..C. Spotlight W Day for a I the Jay," a jam Youth Councilers and"Jam dance will be held at 9 p. m., Youth Council members ore reminded t o m a r k down April 20 as MOBILIZATION DAY. On this date members are to report to tlie Jewish Community Center at 5:30 p. m. Members will receive announcements through the mail.
Spiegal, Hornsfein Win @.i. Bowling
SattiH'ay, April 21 in the -Jewish Community Center by Kaylm F r a ternity. Tickets nre $1.25 for cither couples or stags. The Den tllce Combo*will provide the mutlo and nets from Central High's Road Show will be featured. Dick Spelr is general chairman Mhh Rob Brodkey in charge of ticket Katc-3.
Misses Judy Kutlcr, Kay Mnrr.ovitz nnd Lois MoskoviU ot B''iai B'rith Girls were chosen as deleMiss Connie Spiegal and Mike pates to the Cornbelt Regional Hornstein won the Junior U'nai Convcndfri to bo held in Sioux B'rith Howling Tournament. Miss City, la., April 17. Splcgal bowled 50 pins over her average and Mr. Hornstein rolled Miss Jwin Mayer was elected 73 pins over his average. They will he presented trophies a t the president of Debka Debs a t a league banquet which will be held meeting held recently. Other newa t tlie close of the season. The ly <:lecied officers a r e ; Marcla last day of the? bowling season Is Zalkin, first vice-president; l i a r Sunday, April 2!) nnd the b:ino,uot hara No^g, second vice-president; will bo held at the Fireside Itcs- Arlene Kuklln, secretary; Sally taurnnt at 1 p. m., Sunday, MayO. Freeman, treasurer; Dlnno LlntzJ e r r y Ciplnko was high mnn raim ,ducs treasurer; Linda Passer in last Sunday's competition. He and !.enora Falk, f^rgeant-utposted games of 157-142 for the a r t m ; Lynetto Forbes, hUtorlani Kayo Turner, Youth Council R e p - . high series of 299. Buddy Marcus' 102 was the rescntative; Linda Hoscnbaum, high Individual game of the day. Y.C. Alternate; ond Andy Jeun IJe ndded a 125 for a spicy 2S7 Gross, reporter. series. Formal Installation of officers Eden Colin was high in girls' will be held April 22. division with her games of 112-125 Last month, eight Debs cntcr» for a hefty 267 scries. talned the jfoungr.tcrs a t the N e Masters of splits were Mike Si- braska Children's Home, mon, 5-6; Marsha Coren, 5-10; The Deb style show "April Marvin Cohn, 3-9, and J e r r y Ros- Shower of Styles" will Ire h e l l a t enblatt, 5-10. J. L, Brandels & Sons Store April Other High Games and Series 21 TiriicU will go on sale April were: Itogcr Smith, 155-139— 16. 294; Douglas Platt, 134-133—207; Edwin Sldmnn, 137-123 — 200; Mickey Sacks, 125-121—246; How- Mike Hcrnstcln, 139-74—213; ffikm ard Martin, 143-99-242; Marvin Simon, 120-85—211; J e n y Ito*i Ruback, 121-114—238; Marvin enblatt, 117-91—211: L a r r y Rolb. Cohn, 123-111—234; Larry Garrop, stein, 125-84—209; Mclvln Epstein, 118-114—232; Heleno Franklin, KM-100—204; Gary Parilman, 128j 117-112—229; Bradley Epstein, Mike Rosenblatt, 118; France* 135-92—227; Meyer Coren, 130-96 Coopcrman, 113; Bobby Singer* - 2 2 C ; Marty liercovicl, 111-109— 112; Neil Bloom, 108; Marsha*. 220; Jim Krasne. 119-98—217; Coren, 101 and Rcnl Meyer, 100,