Vol. XXXIV—No. 20.
fcecond Class Mailing Privilrftr \utUurittd at Omaha Ncl»r,
27, 195G.
J'ul.llslirJ every Friday. 101 N. 20tb. Annual Bate 4 Dollar! Oinulm, Met raslia. i'liunc 4A 13U(j. bingle Copy 10 Vents
Jewish Agency Progress leporf on Israel Jerusalem (VVN.S)-On the eve Of Hie 24th World Zionist Congress, which opened here on Tues'day, tile Jewish Agency issued ;i report which shows that Bincc • 1951, 21 .'1.000 Jewish immigrants entered Israel. At the end of the year, the number of uimiigrants in transit centers was reduced to 70.000. The report nlso showed that 123 new agricultural settlements were founded in that period. Last year, thanks to a new "ship-to-village" plan, 70 percent of the Immigrants were taken directly to prepared settlements in new and border development areas, which helped reduce the ntiml>cr of people in trim; •it camps. Immigration Needs Figures for immigration during the four-and-three-quarter year period revealed that 1,482 Jews from the United States settled In Israel, whiln Argentina contributed l.fiOG Jewish immigrants. The largest number of Jewish immigrants from n single country, 108,000 camo from Iraq, while 33,800 came from Rumania. After a hiatus of more than three years, Jewish mans immigration from North Africa was resumed In August, IMJ. The needs of North African Jewry, endangered by nationalist upheavals an'.1 general political uncertainty, were met nt the expense of n program, approved at the last Zionist Congress, filmed at obtaining middle class immigrants from Western countries. youth Training
.Youth Allyah Institutions mid farm nnd training centers absorlied about 23,000 youths during this period, and there are Btill 11,000 children in the movement's various centers. About half of all the children Youth Aliyah cared fof have gone into agriculture, the report showed, with the remainder choosing the army or various other occupations. Seventy percent of the children absorbed during this period were boys. Some $40,000,000 was spent on Youth Allyah activities. 8OV1KT JKWS London (JTA)—More than 20 Soviet Jews were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from three to ten years at a trial held in Moscow at the end of March for "possessing and distributing illegal Zionist literature." the Manchester Guardian, leading British newspaper, reports.
Dr. Arthur Lelyveld
Lelyveld Named To Fund for Israel Dr. Arthur J. IxOyveld, National Director of the IS'nai B'rith Hiliel Foundations, lias been appointed Executive Vlee-1'resident of the American Fund for Israel Institutions. The American Fund supports many of the leading educational and cultural institutions In Israel and In turn receives support from the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. Dr, Jxiyveld was formerly the spiritual leader of Temple Israel. CAUTIOUS CEASK-iaiEK Jerusalem (WNS) — Israeli newspapers this week welcomed the cease-fire agreement which Mr. Iliunmarskjold arranged between Egypt and Israel, hut all cautioned that a crisis had been postponed, not dispelled. It was noted that the cease-fire order provides only that there shall be no shooting across or penetration of frontiers but does not obligate Israel and Egypt to refrain from all "warlike or hostile nets," as provided In the armistice. Israel contends that Egypt's claim to be still nt war with Israel ami Its closing of the Suez Canal are "warlike or hostile acts," and therefore violations of the armistice.
Jerusalem V, ^nie Soviet .statcntent pledging support to United Nations efforts to secure a settlement of the Arab-Israel conflict was welcomed with much criticism and caution by Israel's Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett. Addressing the Israel Parliament, Mr. Sharett insisted that the Soviet statement "still bar; to pass the test of action." He lambasted the Soviets for their "unstinting" support of the Arab cause and for having added fuel to the Aral) fires by supplying arms to Egypt. K<M! Htutrmrnt Noting that the Moscow statement contained phrases which might be considered "innovations'' compared with earlier pronouncements, the Israel Foreign Minister declared: "We sincerely hope that the new formulations herald u change for the better In the climate of relations between ourselves and the Soviets, the deterioration of which we never desired." He warned, however, that the "Sovlels have lent and are lending sincere and wholehearted'support to the Arab states' aspirations." It is noteworthy, Mr. Sharett went on, that "in talking of a peace settlement between Israel and the Arab stales, no mention was made of direct negotiations— a principle which the Soviets have always upheld for the sett lenient of international affairs." Negative AspnctH The negative aspects of the Soviet statement take on additional importance, he said, in view of an article in last Sunday's Izvestia— Soviet Government organ—emphasizing in great detail the onesided friendship of the Soviets for the Arab states and in which Israel is accused of violating the UN Charter by her actions along the border. That article also stigmatized Israel as a tool of United States and British aggressive circles and the article differentiated between the armistice demarcation lines and permanent frontiers, Mr. Sharett pointed out. The whole intent of the article appears to be obscure the positive aspects of the Foreign Ministry declaration and to stress Its negative aspects the Israel Foreign Minister charged.
Mayor Rosenblatt Receives ADL Book
•ACTIVE C'ONC'KKN' New York <JTA>—The "active concern" of t". •• United States Government for the welfare of Israel was emphasized here by Edward B. Lawson, U.S. Ambassador to Israel, In an recorded message to the annual dinner of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce held at the Waldorf As• toria Hotel. Ambassador Lawson referred to President Eisenhower's call for "the courage to be patient," and said he believed Jaracl would abide by tills kind of courage. "It fs in full good faith and conviction that I say to you now," tho Ambassador added, "that I believe Lirael will choose the way of reason and steadiness and patience,
Members Grand Rally for Jewish Philanthropies at Sunday Breakfast
10 A.M.
in Jewish Community Center Pleaso Plan to Bo There
Chairmen Named For Survey Study Two chairmen of volunteer committees to probe the attitudes concerning Jewish education In Omaha were named at the first meeting of the Omaha Commission on Jewish Education held last week, it was announced by Dr. M o r r i s Margolin, commission chairman. They are Mrs. Morton Hlller and Edward D. Iirodkey. Mrs. Miller's committee will interview parents of children in school, those whose youngsters have dropped out and the parents of children who have not attended any of the schools. Mr. Brodkcy'.! group will contact leaders of all Jewish organizations here to solicit their views. Dr. Margolin, who also heads the Bureau of Jewish Education, pointed out that about $100,000 Is being spent annually to educate nearly 1,000 youngsters. The Federation for Jewish Service through the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign furnishes a 538,000 subsidy for Jewish education in our city. One of the questions that the survey will attempt to answer, is Dr. Margolin said: How can our educational program be improved? He added, the survey which is part of a national sampling, is sort of a inventory of the progress being made in Jewish education. The national survey, which is being made by the American Association for Jewish Education, is the most thorough and widest Jn scope that has ever been attempted, Dr. Margolin stressed. Seventy cities arc Included and results of tho national sampling will be compiled some time next year. Dr. Uriah Engclman, national survey co-director, will arrive here May 7 to conduct the Omaha sampling.
'The Bride's Dream' At Center Sunday
Sunday Radio "Tho Cedar and the Reed" will be presented on the Eternal light program broadcast over KFAB from 11:30 a, ra. to 12 noon. It Is a dramatization of the story of Rabbi ben Eleazar and his visit to a vUlago.
All B'nd B'rith
Mayor John Bosenblatt, second from the right, receives a copy of "Crofts-Currents," the latest book puMlshed by tbn Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith, The presentation, in the Mayor's office, m i made by Leo Elsenitatt (second from left); vice-chairman of the regional advisory boArd; Harry Collck (extreme left), member of Omaha ADL Committee, «nd Sol Llttnxn (right), regional dlreotor of the League. .
Workmen's C i r c l e Dramatic Club will present "Tho Bride's Dream," a four-act play in Yiddish at 8:30 p. m., this Sunday In the Jewish Community Center. The dramatic club stages a play each year to raise funds for its project of supporting two adopted children.one in Israel and the other in France. Tho production Is Under the direction of Louis Witkin, the club's dramatic director. Admission is 75 cents per person.
• Jerusalem (JTA)—Opportunities for reducing Arab-Israel tension have arisen now as never before in Israel's history, but the danger of war has similarly increuscd as never before, Premier David Ben Gurlon told an extraordinary session of the Israel Parliament Sunday. He reported on Israel's security, on the constant efforts of the Israel Government to secure peace and on his talks with Dag Hammarskjold, United Nations Secretary General. Danger of Wnr The apparent contradiction, Mr, Ben Gurion said, can easily be explained by the fact that the danger of war has obviously nroused the concern of great, and small nations to realize that any conflagration in the Middle East is likely to spread throughout the world. This, the Israel Premier emphasized, has been revealed by Mr. Hammarskjold's mission and perhaps also by the shift in the Soviet policy with regard to the Middle East. Strives for I'eare "Israel has always striven and will continue to strive to maintain peace in the region," the Premier continued. "To our regret this is not the attitude of our neighbors for whom the signing of the armistice agreements mean nothing more than a scrap of paper. They have never ceased openly and secretly to prepare for a 'second round' lo wipe Israel off the map. As long as they arc not certain that they can achieve this by military strength, they use boycott and economic blockade and guerrilla warfare In open defiance of their undertaken obligations." Mr. Ben Gurion then reviewed the acts of violence committed by Egypt and Jordan against Israel leading to ever-increasing tension. The danger, he said, became more acute after a stream of Soviet arms and hg,ivy bombers and tanks began to flow.into Egypt in addition to arms which she had already received from Britain and supplies which Saudi Arabia and Iraq have been receiving from the United States.
Justice Frankfurter Hits 'Dual Loyalty* Concept New York (WNS)—Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, in a special message to the recently concluded convention of the American Jewish Congress in New York, declared that faith in the traditional American Ideals "does not preclude active sympathy with, and support of, such aims as Israel represents. Noting that the AJ Congress* meeting was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Louis Dembitz Brandels, Justice Frankfurter pointed out that the venerated jurist's "efforts on behalf of Zionism and the establishment of Israel presented for him no irrelevant problem of what timid souls call 'dual loyalty.' The history of our Republic is the story of the most significant admixture of peoples in history. The ideal, beyond any other, that holds us together is our belief in the moral worth of man, whatever his race, color, or religion. This faith does not preclude active sympathy with, and support of, such aims as Israel represents. The depth and range of Louis D. Brandels' contribution to. American life afford {he most telling meanihg of hi? conception of American citizenship."• ' l
F*f« Two
With the Folks At Home Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service
.£tfoona Claw Mailing Privileges /uthorlzen at Omnha, Nebraska. Annual Subscription, 34.00. Advertl-slnr ItfitOH on Application. KdltiOflaJ OKIce—101 No. 20Ui street, OmuDu. Ktbr. JAckton 13C0. frtnt Shop Address—4S0S So. Kith Street. HARRY HALPEOT Eclito.
Honor Dr. On 75th Birthday New York (JTA)--A check fur $230,000 was presented to Dr. Mordecal Kaplan, founder of Iteconstructlonist movement, at a dinner Sunday celebrating his 73th birthday and 50th anniversary in the rabbinate. Addressing the dinner, Philip M. Klutznlck, president of the IS'nai H'rlth, paid trlhute to Dr. Kaplan for "his provocative views and Ideas, his search for new pathways and methods, his phlsolopliy of Judaism which allows for pluralism and th.? free exchange of Ideas f nd opinions." In a review or the current Arab-Israel situation, Mr. Klutznlck insisted Hint the world1:; concern with the Middle Kast cannot be solved without arsurinf; the survival and continued pr«j;re:;s of the State of Israel. In his address, Dr. Kaplan too stressed the importance of Israel, asserting that its existence as an autonomous and sMr-siistnlnini; country and as a homeland of Jewish culture, tradition ami religion was essential lor the roeun-1 s traction of the Jewish people a ; WcU'ss the revitalization of tin; Jewish religion and the replenishment of Jewish culture, H.- ur;;<!il Jews to defend themselves as a "dynamic religious civilization." ISRAEL IM.MIfiKATION Tel Aviv (JTA) —Israel will \y able to feed 2,500 people when its current Irrigation schemes nrecompleted in 1057, Lincoln Hale, chief of the United States Oporatlons Mission in Israel, declared here. Dr. Hale, wlio spoke to the Rotary Club of Nathanyn. revealed that an American industrial deletion will be arriving son in Israel to advise local Industries on methods of Increasing efficiency in production and to increase production for export.
Religious News, 6:57 p. to., C'nndlelightlni;
Betfi Israel Habbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Kli Kagan nnd Keth Israel Choir will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday services (Kaubolas Sliatolxw) bc;;in at 7 p. fn. Sabbath services at H:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at ]0 n .m. Sobbuth Mincha at V p, m., .followed by Sholeshe S'eudos anil Maariv. Daily ttrviccs at 7 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday services be[;in at 8:4:5 a. m. Sunday morning Junior Minyan starts at h:30 a. m.
Temple Esrael Worship" services this evenlnn at Temple Israel will be held at fi o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Iirooks will discuss "A New View of Our Bible" with special reference to "Certain People of the Book" written by Maurice Snmuel. Services Saturday raornln;; will he at 11:30 o'clock for members of the religious school and adults.
Beth El Sabbath services at Beth El Synagogue will be,'!in at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kriplte will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning cervices will be held at P.-30 o'clock. Junior Congregation Services begin at 10:45 a; m. M' cha-Maariv service is at 7 p. ra. Dally services arc at 7 a. ra. and 7-p. m. Sunday service h at 9 a. mJ
Mr. und Mrs. Lloyd Bank <itv nounce the Bar Mltzvah of thcii son Jonathan I\ Bank will be cele hrated Friday evening and Satur day morning, May 4 and 5 nt Tern pie Israel. Friends are invited to atteni the services and the reception which will follow. Deanne Shapiro, daughter <. Mr. and Mrs, Morris Shapiro an Rochclle Steinberg, daughter ol Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, wil. become IS'pi>3 Mitzvah at n join cerviec th!r. evening nnd Saturday morning at Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends nnd relatives ore in vited to attend both services jim tho recf'ption:; which will follow. Mr. ami .Mr:'. Nurmnn Wohlner announce the liar Mitzvah of their son, Jeffrey nnd Mr. and Mrs Munis Krin:tn announce the liar Mitzvah of their daughter, Trances, at a joint service at Beth E .Synaf;oi;uc Friday evening, May •1 and Saturday morning, May 5. Friends aiul relativeri arc invited to attend both i;ervice:i fine the receptions which will follow
A group Has Mitzvah will be held at li'.-th Ir.rael Synai;o;;uc Knd and Cliarle.s sts., this evening al 8 o'cluck. Tho folluwinrj f;irl.s will celebrate their lias Mitzvahs Su'.in Ash, iJora Geiber, Sharon (iro.^sman, Kraft, Itofu| lind Morris I^'anne and Sheila Itudennm! All members of the families and friends ore Invited to the service.* a.vl reception.1:. The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Uiiiy.man. son of- Mr. und Mrs Joseph Lintzman will be observed next Friday evening and Saturday mornfnc May \ and 5 at the Beth Israel S y n a (; o a u e, 52nd nnd Charles. All members of the family, and friends are invited to attend tho services and the1 receptions following the service. !.
News nnd Happenings at tin Dr. Philip Slier Jewls.h Home Fo Aged By David Orkow.
rrld»y, April 27, IS5O.
CampusNews Sigmn Alpha Mil Fraternity will entertain Nebraska high school seniors this weekend. A dinner and dance tomorrow evening will highlight the weekend of nc tlvitlea. Frat member.1; were honored fo scholastic achievements nt n re cent convocation. They are: A Garfinkle, a senior in law; A Heeger, a junior in arts ant science:;; Dick Pocras, bus, ed. and Marvin Breslow, arts am sciences. Mr. Hecgcr was also clecte< president of Pi Mu Epsllon, tin math fraternity. Mr. Farfinkle re celved the Order of the Coif. Her nie Turkel and yil Rosen were on tho winning ROTC drill team. Marshall Becker and Ira Epstein was elected to Law Review. Norm Krivosha won an award from tho Moot Court of Advisors. New officers were elected recently. They nrc: Al Heeger president; Marv. lircnlow, v, p.; A •Rosen, treasurer; and Larry Schwartz, secretary.
April 19—David Orkow, horn superintendent, took several o: the residents for a tour of lioyi Town. . April 22—Tho April birthdaj party was held under the auspices of tho Hikur Cholim Society. Mrs. Jake Wine was MC. The program Included readings In Yiddish by Mrs. Morris Grossman; son£s by Mr. and Mrs. Zwerllnc and pL selections by Mrs. Finkowltz. freshments were uerved by the ladies of Bikur Cholim Society. April 23—Joe Radinowski ten flowers on the occasion of his COth birthday. April 21—Rabbi Sidney Brooks poke today on ethics and the heart In Judaism. Rabbi Brooks used last week's Sedra nnd tev eral Chassldische stories to provi how this view fits into our way of life. April 2G—Cantor Aaron I. Ed f;ar of Beth El Synagogue entertained our folks with a muslca program. Mrs. A. C. Fellman at the piano accompanied Cantor Edgar. April 29—The Council Bluffi Chapter of lladavsah will celeNew York (WNS)—The New brate Lug B'Oiner nl the Home York Tinier, President Yitzhak today nt 2 p. m. Mrs. J. J, Bro Hen Zvi of Israel, and Maurice is in charge of this program. Snnnif-1, author, have been named recipients of the Stephen Wise fnr 1(155, It was announced Synagogue Council for Awards by Dr. Israel Goldstein, president End of U.S. Segregation of the American Jewish Congress, which grants the annual awards. New York (WNSJ—An nppenl The Mew York Time>i received for the "swift and harmonious ending of segregation throughout ihe Award for "the uniform excelour country" was issued this week lence of it.q editorial policy on the by the Synagogue Council of subjects of civil rights and civil America through Its president, Dr. liberties;" President Ben Zvi for Abraham J. Feldman of Hartford, Ills role In the growth and develop^'onn. The appeal was released ment of Israel, nnd Mr. Samuel imultaneously with a call to for his contribution!; In the field prayer issued by Dr. Eugene Car- of Jewish culture und scholarship. son Blake, president of the NaThe Awards, each tearing a tional Council of the Churches of cash value of $1,000, are present3irist in the USA. ed annually for outstanding service The head of the national organ- In tho major nreas to which the ization which represents Ortho- late Dr. Stephen Wise, internadox, Conservative and Reform tlonnlly-notcd religious lender nnd rabbinic and congregational bodies a founder of the American Jewish of Judaisn. in the United States Congress, dedicated his life. The urged the entire American Jewish recipient!! of the 1055 Awards community "to petition in our were Btlocicd by a committee of prayers" for Divine wisdom and leading citizens, Jewish and noninspiration "to rise to the chal- Jewish, headed by U.S. Solicitor lenge of eur religious and demo- General Simon K. Sobcloff. cratic traditions which vouchsafe Ihe Inalienable rights to all our citizens, regardless of color or creed."
WAB CLAIMS Washington, April 23. (JTA)— Abraham S. Hyman, executive . secretary of the World Jewish Congress and former" general couniitl of the U.S. War Claims Commission, told n Senate Bubcommittee that a proposal providing for the partial return of enemy n:;te(s and the award of compensation for war damages, wag a "ra/zle-dazle bill" which would prove "n disappointment to those who look to Congress for a law that h boll! comprehensive- and Just." Testifying on behalf of tho American Jewish Congress, an affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, Mr. Ilymnn informed the Senate Subcommittee on Trading With the Knemy Act that the proposed measure "not only fails to come to grips with tho outstanding problem of World War II war claims, but Is basically nn unjust measure."
Brodkey fo Run For City Judge
Recipients M&oied For Wise Awards
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lcderman of Kearney. Nebr., announce the liar Mitzvah of their i;on Joel Hurlan will be celebrated at Congre- Anti-Semitism Under gation Tiffereth Israel In Lincoln. Stalin Regime Told Nebr., Friday evening and SaturNew York (JTA) — For the first day morning. May 4 and 5. Kricnds and relatives are invited time since the death of Stalin, the to attend the services and recep- Soviet press admitted that antiSemitism had been practiced in tions which will follow. the Soviet Union during the poiitvar period when many Jewish In:ellcctuals wcro annihilated und Ihe entire Jewish cultural life wan lquidated. Reports from Moscow quote An outstanding staff of coun- /oprosi Istorri, lending: Soviet orSpecial Set for selors have been selected for an, as declaring that "iserioua crCamp Jay-C-C this year, Gerald ors in tho leadership of the parC. Gross, camp committee chair- !y" have been made during the man announced this week. wst-war period with regard to Tails and Plush Murray Belman, a student at ational minorities. The Journal Cornell University and a veteran recalls Lenin's rejection of antiEmbroidered (tag counselor, will supervise the boy lemltism and says that his views counselors. Miss Deanne Mnrko- ivere "misinterpreted" in the Tehillim and Plush vitz will return to direct the arts :ountry today. and crafts activities. Boys' counEmbroidered Bag seling staff - Includes: * Richard C'HOOL DEDICATED Chosid, Harvey Lapldcs, Jerry Plut Everyday Jerusalem (WNS) — Premier Friedman, Dick Wcincr, Iljwle Prayer Book Shapiro, Jerry Starr, Al F^imnn David Ben Gurion and Edward B. and Marshall and Michael iJenen- .awsqn, American Ambassador to [«rael, recently paid tribute to berg. AI» All Klodi of Members of the girls' stiff are: tobbl Abba Hillcl Silver of CleveReligious Article! land, veteran American Zionist Misses Sari Shukert, Marti Gelpham, Nancy Barron, Matlee Katie- leader, at the dedication of the man, Carole Frank, Bunny Iiavitz "Kfar Sliver Agricultural School," named for him. and Sybil Horowitz. 3014 Wetr.lcr AT 4252 The farm school is located on Assistant counselors are: David Goldstein, Marty Well, Marty the southwestern coastal plain of LIpp, Miss Sally Freeman, Miss Israel near tho western Neccv, Andy Jean Gross, Miss Biii-bara now opened up to Intensive nfiriBrodkcy and Miss Linia Veret. cultural development The school Frank BerE will bo in charcc was established by tho Gqneral Phoat JA lies to a i m foul Wtni M Tte /rnUB I'reji of tho KP staff and Jlrs. "Addic" Zionist Party of Israel and the Currrni Jt u> ecsiv Sat Mcli toccr* Zionist Organization of America Ion. Tut rfcu Seals will be camp cook. k'wt* nstrru the r!<bt lo jtunif Registration for Camp Jay-C-C on a 470-acre plot of land pro- >u« at tub -^dranuemiot may be made now at the camp vided by the Jewish National IAR and ^tas Mitzvah congratuoffice at the Jewish Community Fund and Includes bousing for lations also for all Jewish bollCen cr. For further Information 300 students as well as an orange days and special occasions. . call JA1366. grove, vineyards nnd fields. tfeyen New* stand, 1502 Dodge
Counselors For Camp Jay-C-C
Want Ads
JJonnltl BrodUey Announcement has been made the candidacy of Donald Brodkey for the office of Municipal lge, City of Omaha, In the Primary Election on May 15th. Mr, Brodkey, nri Omaha attorney for the pat>t 23 yean;, is married to the former Miss Gertrude Rothkop, nnd Is tho father of Liruce, Amy, nnd Frank Brodkey. Mr. Drodkey received his Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees from tho University of Iowri. He is a past Hoard Member of Temple Israel, nnd n past President (if Henry Mom.ky Lodge No. 354, IJ'nal IJ'rith. He Is on the Board of Trustees of the Good Will Industries, i.nd Is President of the Omaha Association of Phi Betn Kappa. Ills fine record ns nn attorney warrants your support. For integrity and dignity in tho courts, be sure and vote for Donnjd lirodkey in tho Primaries on lay 15.—Political Advertisement.
NUTS TO YOU! ROASTED DAILY Full Lino of Nut Moafi and Salted Nuts for Bar, Bat Mifzvahs, Pariys and Weddingi
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Friday, April 17, 1S50.
Organizations A WOMEN Omaha Ctiaptcr of Mlzrachl Women will hold a MoUier-Dauelitcr Lnwn Puily at 1 p. in., Thuisdny, Mny 10 at the home of Mrs, Benjamin Gj-oncr, 3812 N. 52nd at. Mrs. Harry Paskowitz is chairman of the af/air and luncheon will bo served. JWV Al/MLIAIIY Kpstein-Morcan Post Auxiliary of Jewish War Veterans will hold their board mcetln;; at 8 p. m.. May 2 at the home of Mm. Delmar Klein. Plans for Flag Day will be discussed. Installation of officers will be held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Mny 9 In the Jewish Community Center. II. K. SISTKKIIOOn A board meclinn of Iieth El Synacocue Sisterhood will bo held nt 11 n. m., Tuesday, Mny 1, In the lietli El..Social hull. At 1 p. m., May 1 nil members of the Sisterhood will convene for n' luncheon nnd meeting. Torah Fund donors will be honored and presented with rifts- Mrs. A. I). Frank Is in ciinruo. New officer.1: for the coming year will be elected and will be installed by Mrs. Morris II. UrodIfey, past president of the Sisterhood. Cantor Aaron I. 3:Jli;ar will present n musical proi;rmn. Mcsflames Morton Kichard'i and llrnry liiekes rind their member!; of1 (jii:le 7 are in charge of tlu
Mrs. Leo Benton
Region Hadassoh Meet to Be in C.i.
F»ge luree 1
Golden Age Club Turn About Party
Miss M. Morris j Engagement Told !
The Golden Age Club will hold its second annual Turn About Party nt 1 p. m., Monday, April 30 In the Jewish Community Center auditorium. The Golden Agers are inviting their children and grandchildren to be quests at the meeting. The program will include a grand march and dancing. Mrs. Fanny Newman, a 92-year-old Golden Ager, will recite (in original poem. Others taking part in the progra'm will be Mrs. Don Nogg, Miss Sarah Milder, Mrs. Russell Blumentlial, Mrs. Lloyd Fj I( dman and Mrs. Nathan Simon. The Golden Age Club la fiponsoretl by the Jewish Community Center and Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Morris announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marcia Morris, to H. Martin Blacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker. Miss Morris will he graduated in June from University of Omaha. Her fiance is a sophomore in the University of Nebraska's CoTlege of Medicine, The wedding date has been set for June 17.
Mrs. Leo Benton, a national Hadassali board member, wit! be adMr. nnd Mrs. Selwyn Suvnlsky visor ut the Hadassah Mountain- of Council Bluffs, In., announce Plains Regional Convention to be the birth of a daughter, Marti Elheld jn the Hotel Chieftain, Coun- len, bom April 16 in a local hoscil Bluffs, la., from May 5 to 8, it pital. The couple also has a son. was announced by Mrs. Leon .Steven David and a daughter, Frankc], conference chairman. Honda Lee. Maternal grandparThe Council Bluffs chapter will ents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobo convention hostess. lien of Omaha anil paternal grandMrs. Benton is from New York parents are Mr. and Mrs. Saul City. She Initialed and headed Suvnlsky of Council Bluffs. Mrs. leadership training program for Ida Goldberg of Chicago, 111., Is Ilada.ssah, which i:j now a basic paternal great-grandmother. part of their program. For almost three decades, Mrs. _Benton has A daughter Annie iU'bocea was been identified with Hadassah in born Saturday, April 21 to Rabbi a variety of leadership ami organ- and Mrs. Matthew M. l'oliakoff. li. r. SISTKitUOOI) izational capacities. Siie is now a The couple also ha.<; one other The Filth Annual Mother and member of Hadassah's National daughter Gail B. Daughter I3ana.net nponsored by Service Committee. PnlciTial graridparent.s are Mr. lieth Israel Sisterhood will be Delegates from the Omaha and Mrs. Raphael l'oliakoff of held Thursday, May 3, nt 6:30 Chapter Board are: Mexdarncs J. Baltimore! Md., and Mrs. A. N. p. m., in the synagogue social hall. II. Kulakofsky, J. J. Friedman, Schwartz of the same city is paMrs. Henry Grcenberc, chair- Meyer Ituhln, Leo Weltz, Morris ternal great-grandmother. man of the affair, will be ar.si.stcd Fcllman and Ira Whitcbook. Alhy Mrs. Jack Levey and Mrs. Hen- ternates arc: Mines. A. D. Frank, nnd Mrs. Alfred Feldman ry Appel, co-chairmen. Mrs. Green- Morris Stalmaster, Morris Frank- of Mr. Minn., announce bert: has appointed the following lin, Julius Stein, Jack Kaufman, the Minneapolis, birth of u son, Steven Brian. rh.-irmen for the event: Mrs. and M. F. Levinson. Paternal grandparents are Mr. Itobcrt Gerclick, Mrs. Al Sorkin, Delegates from the Henrietta and Mrs. Jake Feldmnn of Omaha program; Mrs. Arthur Parilman, Szold Group are: Mmes. Sidney and Mr. and Mrs. Max Chasen of notification; Mrs. Sam Garrop, Katleman, Max Grecnberg. Phin- Fremont, Nebr., are maternal decorations; Mrs. Sam Berman, eas Wintroub, Morris Grossman, grandparents. Jacob Wolf of Glenprinted projinim; Mrs. Maurice and Max Grossman; Alternates Calif., is maternal greatMeches, waiters; Mrs. Sidney arc: Mmcn. Arthur Friedman, Wil- dale, Kwaltck, tickets, and Mrs. Harold liam Raduzlner, Sam Gcifman, Jo- grandfather. Bloom, publicity. seph Soshnldc, and Albert Garber. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Jacobson of Reservations can be made by Delegates from the Herzl Sacramento, Call?., announce the calling Mrs. Grcenbcrc or the syGroup arc: Mmes. Arthur Gold- birth of a daughter Cheryl Ann nagogue office. stein, Abe Bear, Ervln Simon, Sam born April 5. The couple also has KothenberE and Al Wohlncr. Al- o daughter Janice Ida. Mntcrnal grandparents are Mr. ternates arc: Mmes. Morton Richards, Louis Alberts, Harry Ravitz, and Mrs. Harry Sommer. Paternal grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Fox and Al Itimmcrman. Ity Ifcisello IVrRi Smith Delegates from the Weitzman Charles Jacobson of Piedmont, Calif. The books listed below-are n Group are: Mme3. Joe Bernstein, few of the recent additions to the Ilyman Belman, Jack Kaufman, Jewish Community Library. All Harry Ferensteln, and Loui3 Hur- ZIONIST LABOR MEKGE witz. Alternates arc Mmes. Fred are available to borrowers. Tel Aviv (JTA)—The national "Gideon Goes to War" by Leon- Brodkey, Maurice Newman, T. A. convention of the Hupoel Hamlzard Mosley: The biography of Mn- Tully, David Gross nnd Charles rachl, Zionist Orthodox Labor Parjor-Gcneral Orde C. Wingate, an Fcllman. ty, has voted approval of a merger audacious emotionally violent with the Mlzrachl Organization. ninn, whose ambition it was to lead n Jewish army of independence ill Palestine. High scorers this week in the "The Scarlet Cord" by Frank G. Slaughter: This story of Itnhab, Hadassah Bowling League arc: It. the woman of Jericho, and Joshua, Wintroub 553, S. Grecnberg 513, leader of the Israelites, Is filled E. Jacobsen 100, G. Zevitz 439, E. jvlth romance, action and intrigue. Ross 489, L. Sac!i 489, R. Platt "What Manner of Man was 4G7, R. Pitlor 407, R. Klein 447, R. Moses?" by Fcniand E. d'Humy: Gelfand 445, E. Cohen 445, P. An eftsy-to-read biography, which Gross 441, M. Wine 441, M. Shucontradicts the Freudian theory ltert 437, E. Hobonnon 428, C Famous Milder 424, D. Rubin 422, L. Hothat Moses was an Egyptian. "Honey From a Dark Hive" by bcn'nnn 420, M. Sloan 418, S. Bernico Kavinoky: The love story Weinstein, 41G, E. Turkcl 414, E. 0 0 SUNDAY of a Jewish girl and a Catholic Rico 414, I Gaer 412, M. CooperBRUNCH man 4tl! M. Grccnborn 4fW, R. boy. beautifully written. "Itcjoico In Thy Festival" by Friedman 407, L. Bloch 401 and Children—SI.00 Philip Goodman: A treasury of A. Klrschenbaum 401. wisdom, wit and humor for the Splits were converted by E. 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Sabbath anil Jewish Holidays. Hobcrman G-7-10 and E. Ilaznilc "My Jewish Hoots" by Solomon 5-7. Simon, translated by Shlomo Family Katz: A record of development of personality, ideals and motivations of Jewish lifo in a distant BUFFET Matt Fnicr was high man in country half a century ago. VDevil's Diary," compiled and the Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling SUPPER edited by John L. Stlpp: A docu- League in last Sunday's competimentary record based, on the State tion with games ^65-134 for a 209 Children—S1.50 Department's nine-volume publi- scries. 5 to 9 p.m. Miss Hence Franklin was high cation, "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression" which was - the source among the girl kcglers with her of the evidence used at the Nur- game of 153 and 252 series. Miss Bonnie Tarnoff converted the enburf; trials. "Open Every Door" by Zelda 2-3-7 split and Miss Franklin the Popkin: The witty nnd Inspiring 7-9. This Sunday will mark the end personal story of a successful Hotel Blachstonc newspaperwoman and novelist of the. current bowling season. The league banquet will be held lntbo whose exciting life has taught her Free Parking lhat "there arc no strangers any- Pirate Den of the Fireside Rev taurant at 1 p. m., Sunday, May 6. where."
Pre-School Picnic The Jewish Community Center Pre-school Class will hold ita Lag B'omer Picnic at 3 p. m., this Sunday nt Benson Park, 72nd and Military ave. There will be supervised play for the children. Miss rliyllls Ivnplni
Miss F. Kaplan Engaged to Wed Mr. nnd Mi*s. Nathan Kaplan announce the encasement of their daughter Mis:; Phyllis Mae Kaplan to Elliot liurt Brown, son of Mrs. Leah Brown and the late Harry Brown of St. Paul, Minn. Miss Kaplan attended the University of Nebraska, where .she was a member of Sij^ma Delta Tiiu Sorority. She is now a junior at the University uf Omaha nnd is affiliated with Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary social science society. Her fiance was graduated from the University of Minnesota and attended the university's law school. Mr. Hrown is now residing fn Omaha. A December wedding is planned.
Cousins" Club The Cousins' Club will meet at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, May 2 at the home of Mrs. Jack Lincoln, 432 N. 38th St.
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30-40% Rise at Combined Meet An Inspired and entralled audience of contributors and captains, 4 both men and women, heard * Israeli correspondent and political analyst, Yehuda Hellman. give a graphic and penetrating address on the present Israel and North Africa crisis before the combined Men'* Division and Business, and Professional Women's Division dinner last Sunday night Immediately on the close of the speech there followed one of the most dramatic fundralslng sessions In Sioux City's experience, in record* short time. 'Spurred by Men's Division chairman Nell Gorochow and general chairman Frank J. Margolin, 137 Men's division pledges, and 23 Business and Professional Women's pledges poured across top head table faster than the chairman could call them n u t The Men's Division recorded alt increase of over 40 percent, the Business and Professional Women, nearly 30 percent, making a total that insured the success of both the 1956 campaign and the Emergency Survival Fund. The dinner was preceded by a special Men's Division captains' meeting Which, fired by an earnest appeal by Frank Margolin, created a spirit of urgency and fervor that pervaded the dinner afterward and made the solicitation of the pledges spontaneous and success assured. Co-chairmen Bob Friend and Lawrence Slotsky, who took over the leadership of the Men's Division campaign at the end of the dinner, have announced that the completion of the Men's campaign may be expected within two weeks of the dinner. Most of the pledges arc either already in or accounted for, they pointed out. The final outstanding ones will \K .solicited in one concentrated day of canvassing planned next week. Chairman Mrs. Stanley Karl nl the Business and Professional
Sioux City Section Sioux City Section Will Leave Press This will be the last issue of the Sioux City Section of the Jewish Press, president: A. M. GruesIdn of the Jewish Federation announced. Started Jointly early 4n the year by Federation and the UJA Campaign Committee, the Sioux City Section carried primarily campaign news. However, the page .also carried local news of interest to the Jewish community as a whole, including news of organizations,: thus taking the place of the News tetter. The Sioux City Section, campaign officials feel, was a valuable aide, to the organizing and conducting of the current campaign, now moving so successfully. Federation and Sioux City UJA express thanks to the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service and the Jewish Press for their neighborly cooperation. Local Sioux City news will resume being publlshed-in the Newt Letter.
Mom-Daughter Fete The Shaare Zlon Mothers and Daughters banquet will be held at 5:30 p. m., May 2, with USY and the mothers and daughters of the congregation jointly conducting the program. Specially honored will be four generations of mothe n and daughters in direct descent. Mrs. S<un Welner.lt dinner chairman; Mrs, Meyer Epstein is program chairman. Women declared the experiment of meeting together with the Men's Division in every respect successful. The earnest spirit of the Men's meeting served as an incentive to the women.
Y.C. Doings
Two Youth Councilers, Gene Kohn nnd Gary Gitnlck will represent the Statn of Nebraska at the National Forensic League Tournament to be held in the latter part of June in Muckogee., Oltla. The two Central High seniors; teamed up with Marvin Frecdman And Howard Kaslow, juniors at Central, to win first place in debate for Central nt • the district tourney held nt the University of Nebraska two weeks ago. Mike Ban, a senior at Central, placed third In extemporaneous •peaking and Mr. Kaslow rated fourth In oratory at the district meet. About J5 high s c h o o l s tiiroughout the state competed for the opportunity to go on to the national tournament.
Mini Illla Kntzmnn
Teen of the Week By Hotvli- Hooper Miss Rita Kat7man has been named 'Teen of the Week" by the Jewish Youth Council. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mr:;. Sam Katzman. A senior at Central High School, Miss Katzman served as a officer of the Youth Council and regional president of Synagogue youth Organization.
Dr. Burke Will Address Temple Youth Group Dr. Harry A. Burke, Superintendent of Omaha Public Schools, will be guest si>eaker at a meetIm; of Temple Youth Group at !IPC p m., this Sunday in the social hall. Dr. Burke will discuss "The Making of a Living—To L'arn and to Yearn." An open discussion will follow the talk. This program is the second in n series of cultural events planned by NIFTY. All teenagers are invited to be guests at the meeting. A social hour will follow and refreshments will be served, Patronize Our Advertiser!.
Women's Division] Increase at 30% Nearly 200 women contributor! hcaid Mrs. Barnett Janner, vbsltlf ing woman magistrate of Londnii, Knglanrj, address the Women's D^ vision luncheon, Tuesday, April 17, and resjxindpil by Increasing their pledges an average of nearly 30 percent over what the same contributors had pledged in 1953. The luncheon, climaxing weeks of prepnrutions, including an advance gifts tea April 12, and following cluse ujxjn the schedule and general pattern of the men's Advance • Gifts division, resulted in nearly tlie same proportion of Increases. The luncheon program was k e y noted by chairman Mra. Leo Chair kin, who outlined the emergency need as Sioux City women perceive it, and who also Introduced the guest speaker. Frank J. Margolin, who ulso spoke on the program, pointed out briefly what the goals arc of the campaign, and how the pledging by the women must follow tho pattern of giving In addition to their husband)' gift*, and giving for the emergency fund as well «a to the regular UJA fund, which also support* local services and the Jewish Community Center.
Young Judaea clubs will be held at 5:30 p. m., Thursday, May 10, in the Jewish Community Center. Program will include a .special review of the season's activity and presentation of awards for sports and other acliicvements. Mrs. Norman Brodkey will preside <a mistress-of -ceremonies. The Young Judaea clubs, numbering six In all, provide cultural activities for the great majority of Sioux City Jewish children aged 9 to 14, They are Jointly governed by the Zionist Youth Council and the Jewish Federation Youth Activities, Committee. Mrs. Norman Brodkey is Young Judaea coordinator. Club advisor* for the groups include B e r n l e Flah, Charles Greenwald, Miss Laurie Knox, Miss Sally Ivener, Ed Kantor, Norman Manson, Fred - Ron, Mrs. Sam Shlndler and Mrs. Joseph Shulkln. The Young Judaea Annual ' Mrs. Chalkin pointed out that Booklet, prepared by the local with many scores of captains folmembers, will be presented to lowing up the opening luncheon, these attending the banquet the total canvass of. the division Mr. Rich stated that he hopes may be expected to bo completed to see the Area Division built up shortly. to become a substantial factor in Hebrew Women the community as well as the UJA Mrs. Jack Zabin has been recampaign. elected for a new term of one Omohan Will Speak year as president of the Hebrew Women's Association. Other offiThe Sioux City Women's: ComHebrew School to Hold cers elected at the April 19 meet- mittee of Brandeis University will Graduation Ceremony ing were Mrs. Dan Levlch, first hold a Spring Membership Tea at Hebrew School graduation will vice-president who Is In charge 1:13 p. m., Thursday, May 10, at be. held Sunday, May 6 at 3 p. m., of ways and means; Mrs. Max the home of Mrs. Milton BoUtcin, in the Jewish Community Center Gelfand, second vice-president, in 30 nidgeview Road. Guest speakauditorium. Dip!">mas and awards charge of program; Mrs. Lester er at the ten will be Mrs. Hymait for scholarship, achievement and Lazcre, third vice-president, in Forcr, of Omaha, past president attendance' will !«• presented by charge of administration; Mrs. of the Omaha Chapter of Brntj|principal li.iMii Solomon Miller, Irving Levlch, recording secretary; del* Women, and meinlxr of tlft A reception foll'ming the gradua- Mrs, Martin Lazinger, corrospond- national board. Kleetim of officers and board tion ceremony will be sponsored ini; secretary; Mrs. IJen Lebmvich, liy the Hebrew Women's Associa- treasurer, and Mrs. Joiejili Irvine, members i-i alro scheduled for life meeting. financial secretary. tion.
Ily Jim KnrlintKdi
A group, of Debka Debs took 1!) youngsters from the Nebraska Children's Home to the Shrine Circus, held at the City Auditorium last week. Miss Dody Shapiro was in charge of the excursion
Youth Councilers Win Debate Crown
Starting unprecedentedly early In the Spring instead of as usual In the Summer, chairman Harry Rich of the UJA Area Division, announced that more than 75 per cent of the entire solicitation of the division has been completed. To date. Area gifts show a 28 per cent increase over 1955 gifts. Working with only one aide, Louis Sjrongin, chairman Rich visited or reached by phone nearly 30 prospects who reside in outlying communities as far away as 150 miles from Sioux City. Many were induced to come to Sioux City and attend the Advance Gifts dinner. Those that did, Harry Rich stated, were caught up in the enthusiasm of the occasion and made substantial: increases. All those visited also responded welt Chairman Rich reported that there is a general feeling in all the small communities throughout the area of appreciation of Jewish need and desire to maintain ties with the Sioux City Jewish community.
Cenfer Sports
Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter of B'nal B'rith Girls will hold their "Spring Party" May 19, it was announced by chapter presld. nt Miss Shirley Shiff. Co-chairman of the affair with Miss Shift is Miss Marilyn Dvorkin of Houi Chapter. A badminton toufnemont Is planned for May 6 and a MotherDaughter Dinner May 5 at Fireside Restaurant.
Mother Chapter of AZA will hold their 23rd Anniversary Weekend May 11-13. Members working on the committee are: Gary Xtnlcfc, Allan Slegal. Harold Kaiman. Jerry Cordman, Mike MORII, Allen Epstein, Jerry Schwartz ^nd Allan Krizelman. Messrs. Knimnn. SIcgul and Epstein will represent AZA No. 1 at the District Six Convention to be held In Wiseon'ln inis June.
Area Gifts for UJA Young Judaea Clubs To Hold Annual Banquet Drive Up 28% The closing banquet of the
frltey. April *7, MM.
Ruyim fraternity ran off with Youth Council wrestling crown last Sunday at the Jewish Community Center with six Individual champions and four second place winners out of the seven possible weight divisions. The Rayim club also swamped, the entry list with AZA 1 and the Independents completing the roster. Because of a light entry list, several of the wt'Kjht divisions had no competitors, and some of the boys had to wrestle ,out of their respective weight classes. Results of the finn] - matches uere: Dave Wintroub beat Chuck Ilnvife; Mike Kurtz pinned Steve Flsk; Al Kutler downed Ijirry BBG Softball Squad Zacharia; I-irry Lincoln pinned Jerry Friedman; Art Novak threw Pictured above in the only girls' Mike I-azer; Sheldon Krantz pinned Jerry Sherman and T.inny Softball team In the Jewish Youth Council. Team members of the Harwich over Joe Pltlor. Kleanor Itooseve.lt Chapter of Ii'nai B'rith Cirb are: II. to r.~ Last Sunday at Klnnvooil Park, front row) Mrses Shirley Stilff, the Jay Tween Sports Club voted captain, and Judy Freed; (1. to r. by a large majority to switch to — b;icl: row) Mbws Dirtne Singer, baseball from Softball so that they IJerdine firetn, Maddi Mlroff. may be prepared for competition Maxine Z'.veil'-'ick nnd Judy- Kutduring the summer months. Ne.tt ler. Not shown are Miss'-i Saliic Sunday, baseball is the order of Markovitz, Sandra Ilaiien and Lois the (lay ami each boy will bring Moskovitz. his glove for special coaching and competition in the national past* Beth Israel Picnic time. Boys wishing to participate in Beth Israel Talmud Toiah and this program must l>c members of Sunday school classes will not the Jewish Community Center and meet Ibis .Sunday morning. The be at the Klmvvood Park Center Lag B'Omer Picnic will lie held at diamond each Sunday from 1:30- 11 a. m,, on the synagogue 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The grounds. program Is a part of the. Jewish Community Center's new Jay- 880 sprints, 410 relay, broad jump, Twecn program for boys and girls, shot put, football and Softball ages 10-15 years old and is under throws. .the direction of the Health and Entrants will be limited to two Physical Education Department. events In either track of Held categories plus participation In the The Youth Council Track Meet •140 relay. Youth Councller3 may will be held on Lag B'omer (this compete by registering at the Sunday) at 10 a. m., at Crelghton start of each race. The meet will bo held under tho University Stadium. Tho competition will bring together a large auspices of the Center's Physical number of entrants from Rayim, Education Department and .tho Athletic Committee of the Youth AZA No. 1 and Independents. Events will include CO, 100, 220, Council,
Epstein Named to Nebr. Yell Squad Larry Kpstein, son of Mr. a n l Mrs. Sam E. Epstein, was named Assistant Yell King at the UnW vei-sity of Nebraska. Mr. Epstein is a sophomore in the-College o f . Liberal Arts and Sciences and Is majoring in prc-mcdiclnc. 'Die University Yell Squad or* gauizes student cheering at var*' sily athletic -james. Wlille tit Central H i g h School,, he was active in ROTC, JournalIsm, music and was vice-president of the Senior Class. He was Aleph Godol of AZA No.-1, a member club of the Jewish Youth Council urn! also served as a regional officer. At the university, Mr, Epstein is a member of Sigma Alpha Mil, Corn Cobs, a board member *f the Red Cross and a member of the University's Men's Glee Club.
Scholarships Planned To Zionist Youth Camps The Zionist Youtli Commission, of Omaha will award ten scholarships to boys and girls to attend Her/1 Camp, Webster, Wis, TIte scholarships will be part payment toward a three week session lit camp. The junior sesilon (ages 10 and 11) will be held Juno 25 through July 15 and tho Intermediate session (age? 12 and 13)! will be held July 16 through August 5. in addition two scholarship.! will be awarded to Camp Tel Yehudah, the national Jildacan Camp for toys and girls, ages H through 18. For furthsr information about the camps and the leadership training program to be given at Camp Hcrzl by the Tel Yehudah staff, please contact Mrs. Mervin Lemmerman, BE CG71,
He Can!
When a woman really loves • man he can make hoc do anything s h e wants to do. — StarksviUe (Mils.) Newt