Vol. XXXIV—No. SO.
Bmnd (Dm M»llln« Frirllr.t* Anlboriud M OMha. Nebr.
„ „ , . . , wrnniHiiii trim OMAIIA, NEBRASKA, FBII
M13°s 8 ,6?q*H
Dollar* J'ubllahtd « < n Vriil»7, 1»1 N. 1Mb. Annual Bate <<10Del Cent* pmalm, Nelnt&uL riione t \ IMS. Hlnflc Cop* l» O
Philanthropies Tops $301,265 Non-Contributors Increases Jump 27% Men's Div. Breakfast Preliminary Report Ahead of Last Year Meet at Center Sun. An urgent calf to all BenSrlths to attend tha Grand Rally at JO a. m., this Sunday at the Jewish Community Center for the Jewish Philanthropic* and Emergency United Jewish Appeal campaign was made today by the presidents, or all Omaha B'nal BMth lodges, who are co-chairmen of the General Men's Division. They arc Marvin Kaplan, Harry Wcintwrg and Jerold Rosen. The magnitude and urgency of this year's drive has been intensified because of Israel's desperate need of the UJA Emergency Survival Fund and Mayor John Rosenblatt, General Campaign Chairman, asked the B'nal B'rith presidents to head up the Men's Division. Arreptrd JleiponslbUlty B'nni B'rith, our oldest Jewish service organization, has always shouldered its responsibility in working (or humanitarian causes, the" chairmen stated, andythls year we tiavo accepted the responsibility for the success of the Men's Division in n campaign which scrvADL Head Says . . .
ices the needs of the 200 Jewish agencies. Our'own Antl-D.ef a m a t i o n League which defends and protects Jewish rights receives support from th* Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, they pointed ouf Here in Omaha our Home for the Aged, our Talmud. Torahs, Sunday Schools and .welfare agencies "are either supported entirely or receive subsidies from funds raised In the campaign, the chairmen stressed. Religious and cultural institutions in our country and in Israel are recipients of campaign funds, they added. Spirit of B'nal B'rlth This is your opportunity to enter in tho spirit of B'nal B'rith by being of service in the one campaign which supports the. Jewish causes that we In Omaha are deeply interested in, the chairmen emphasized. Phone a. friend or two and bring them with you, the chairmen urged, so that tho 1800 prospects in the General Men's,Divlslon can be contacted and give their support to the Philanthropies Campaign in this crucial year.
Arabs Seek to Jordan Blamed for of Four Israelis Destroy UJA Murder Tel Aviv (WNS)—The Israel-
The most serious t h r c u t to American Jews since the advent of Hitler Is being directed by the Arab Information Office, Benjamin II, Epstein, National Director of B'nai B'rith'* Anti-Defamation League, stated last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Epstein s p o k e here last Thursday evening at an o p e n meeting of Omaha lodges. Arab"~propagandlsta, he pointed out. want to destroy the United Jowiah Appeal because of the tremendous aid being given to Israel. Their program is threefold, Mr. Epstein asserted: ' 1. To split U. S. Jewry by Implying that it is un-American to be sympathetic to Israel. 2. To show the non-Jewish population that the Arabs are being pushed Into the arms of the Communists ljy tho Israelis and Zionists. 3. To a m c a r American Jews with "dual allegiance" intimating that American Jews owe their first allegiance to Israel and secondly to the country in which they reildc. -The Arab Information Office -Which recently opened a branch In Chicago has an annual budget of $700,000 from the oil-rich Arab States, Mr. Epstein stated. The 'Arabs have teamed up with professlonaV blROts to discredit American Jews, he added. These professional bigots make money circulating lies, and one person who Is well known for his anti-Semitic activities, Mr. Epstein Said, filed an income tax report ahowing an Income of $100,000. The bigots are also used by certain extremist groupB who want to discredit the Republicans and. tho Democrats, he related. In tho last election, Elsenhower was labeled a Swedish Jew nnd Nixon as being anti-Semitic, Mr. Epstein added. ADL Investigated the charges nnd Issued statements Showing that tho charges were false. The ADL Is nn educational orKanlzatbn which seeks to build better human relations between all (groups.
Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission held that the murder of four Israeli "civilians'Jn the Negev April 23 was a Jordanian breach of the 3949 armistice agreement. Commander Elmer J. TerrlU, United States Navy, the neutral chairman cast the deciding vote favoring Israel. Regarding the April 23 attack, the commission found that a group of "apparently eight armed aggressors" ambushed an Israeli car on the Elath-EIn Hatzeva road. After killing all four occupants, the attackers set fire to the car and the bodies of three of the victims.
Sunday, Radio, TV "Th« House With Blue Curtains" will be presented on the Eternal Light program over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The program, based, on Aage Bortclsc,n'g book, "October '43," Is the dramatic sjory of how a community of pepplc worked together to aid the escape . of citizens In Denmark from the Nazis during World War II. - ' The broadcast is produced by the J e w i s h Theological Seminary of America and presented by the National Broadcast Inn Company. The Jewish Theological Seminary will present a series of plays this month on the "Frontiers'of Faith" programs. The first In the series will be "The Enemy" and will be. televised over KMTV from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It Is the powerful story.of an officer In theAmerican army stationed In Germany after tho close of World War II, During nn Investlgation, tlm officer's bitterness against the Germans because of their methods ot persecution, almost load.1! him to commit nn Injustice as a security officer and an a human being.
With the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in full swing, it is interesting to note tome of the findings of a committee of the Federafion for Jewish Service which has been checMng into non-contributors to the campaign. Tho committee appointed by Federation President Jack W. Marer, is headed by Arthur H. Goldstein, who is also chairman of the Jewish Community Center Committee, A preliminary report by the committee has come up with the fact that 130 families whose children'attend our religious schools did not contribute to last year's drive. There are about 162 children attending religious schools whose parents perhaps do not realize that their youngsters are benefiting from the Philanthropies Campaign to which they themselves have not contributed to Mr. Goldstein pointed out For this religious education about $70 dollars for each Talmud Torah student and $15 for Sunday school youngsters each year comes from Philanthropies funds. There are nearly 1000 youngsters enrolled in our religious schools, which means that 85 per cent of our children arc receiving religious instruction. This places Omaha in the top level of communities In the nation who are providing the means for a Jewish education for all.
The Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency United Jewish Appeal Campaign which opened officially April 26 has already pasted the $301,265 mark u of Wednesday morning, Mayor John Rosenblatt, Oeneral Campaign Chairman, announced. •'< •• "We are well beyond the initial phase ofof the campalBn Mflyor Rosenblatt said, "and from now on wo will have to work unceasingly toward raising our complete quota which includes the $123,000 for the Award Night at which out- UJA Survival Fund. standing Jewish Community CenThree Divisions Report ter athletes arc honored will be The amounts raised so far come held Tuesday, May 29, it was an- largely through three campaign nounced by lies Burkenroad, chair- functions held by the Inaugural, man of the Center Health and Women's and Youth Council Divl? Physical Education Committee, s slons. The men's group figure now . Mr. Burkenroad stated that the stands at $233,088; the women's program committee Includes: Bob at 547,587; and Youth Council at Fromkln, Bucky Greenberg and $589. ' ' Irv Yaffc. Seek Complete Coverage "It is our objective to reach ev^ Principal awards to be given are: "Lea Burkenroad Award"— ery possible prospect in tho comto the outstanding senior athlete; munity to obtain everyone's sup"Harry Trustln Award"—to the port in this campaign," Mayor outstanding Junior athlete; and Rosenblatt emphasized. "J. J. Greenberg Award"—for the "The preliminary reports show outstanding midget 'athlete. that wo are sustaining an average Last year's winners were Lindy increase »f 27 per cent on our Paul, John Goldner and Steve pledges. It is very urgent that we continue getting increases on evScgiln. Rayim Fraternity will bo hon- ery subscription Jn order to be ored for the second consecutive able to meet Omaha's share in the year for winning the Youth Coun- Emergency Survival Fund, Mayor • cil's Olympic Award. Royim dom- Rosenblatt concluded. inated all YC sports during the year garnering first and second place in almost every sport.
Center Athletes Will Be H o n o r e d
Spiritual Facade Says Goldmann
Foreign Correspondent Soys . . .
Defensive Arms Will Defer Egyptian War There Is a^'warm thermos bottle war" going on between the Arabs and Israel and the Arabs can pull the cork at anytime, Dr. Ruth Gruber, author and foreign correspondent, declared last Wednesday. ' Dr. Gruber," who has made seven trips to Israel since its War of Independence, addressed about 700 members of tho Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency United Jewish Appeal Campaign Wednesday afternoon. She also spoke at the inaugural dinner that evening hi the Blackstono Hotel. While Unlte.l Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold talked peace in Cairo with Premier Nasser, Egyptian planes Roared over Israel and terrorists crossed the border and killed and pillaged, she asserted. The question being asked today is: "Will Israel Survive?" The sinister alllan - of Arab* and Communists poses not only a threat to Israel and the West, but is aimed at the heart of our civilization as free men, Dr. Gruber declared. The Communists have accomplished a diplomatic coup grabbin:; a toehold In the Middle East, she pointed out. Following the sale of Red jet fighters, bombers, tnnl<£ and submarines to Egypt, at token prices, the Communists have announced that they must he consulted In uny moves for peace in that area. The formula In simple, Dr. Gruber stated, if Israel can buy enough defensive arms, Egypt will not attack. Israel is spending some 30 millions of dollars nettling and caring for new Immigrants, This money she needs desperately for the purchase of defensive armaments, Dr. Gruber said. The money that Is raised by tho United Jewish Appeal will be used to care
for these refugees who arc fleeing from /'burning" North Africa freeIng Israel to buy the arms to defer the Arabs from attacking, she pointed out. Israel Premier David Ben Gurion wants peace desperately, Dr. Gruber said. Israel despite the threat of war has changed in a startling way, a mass of green now stretches from the Galilee to the Ncgc", Areas that have not been populated since blbical days are now teeming with new life, she related. What is Bin Gurion's dream for Israel? It is, she said, that the sand will disappear, the hills be covered with trees and the land be filled with little villages and towns in wHIch little children can play in freedom. Dr. Gruber is the wife of a prominent New York businessman and communal leader, Philip Mlchels. She is co-chairman of the women's '(vision in New York City.
Monsky Chapter To Receive Award For the second consecutive year, B'nal B'rith's Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 has, been selected' as one of the 250 honor clubs in Americja and will bo accorded recognition in the May issue ot Women's Home Companion magazine. • The chapter was selected for tho magazine honor roll in "recognition of distinguished service to your homo community." Tho chapter la being cited for its extensivo human relations program and broad community sorvice as well as its philanthropic work. Tho honor dub awards will be presented to the chapter at the May 22 Installation Luncheon at which all paid-up donors and members of the sewing group will be guests, .
Jerusalem (JTA)—'Fear that the majority of the young generation of Jews in the United States may not retain their Jewish identity and continue a Jewish life as It Is today was expressed by Dr. • Nohum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency executive, In an address Sunday at the World Zionist Congress here. Referring to Jewish life on the American continent, Dr. Goldmann stated that Jewish life in America enjoys a "beautiful facade," but In content and in depth of Jewish spiritual values is not equal to this facade. "Too much," he said, "is being spent on Institutions and on organizational structure, but one needs only to penetrate the facade of American Jewish life to become frightened," He asserted that millions of American Jews do not belong to any Jewish organization, not even to a religious congregation. "A very large section, If not thft majority, of American Jewish youths receives no Jewish education whatsoever," he stated. "Most of the activities of American Jewry are concentrated in fund-raising and in organizational Manifestations. Compared with the Impressive external aspects, the spiritual output of American Jewry is most shockingly inadequate," he declared.
Jewish Emigration Jerusalem (JTA)—Only about 6,000 Jews from countries behind the Iron Curtain came to Israel during tho last five years, it was reported here by Dr. Giora Josephtlml, Jewish Agency treasurer, addressing the World Zionist Congress. Most of them were aged people who came to Join their children, he said. Dr. Josephthal estimated that there aro about 3,000,000 Jews residing today in the Soviet bloc countries. The allocation of per* mlts to emigrate from these countries, he asserted, follows no rule or logic. There must be many thousands of Jews there who ares afraid even to apply for permission to emigrate, he said, _J
Y.C Doings .
Published Every Friday by the Federation olJewish Senrtee
Heajaa Clus Mailtos PrlvUcses Autbgrtzea at Omana, Nebraska. A*HTIIIWT ButwcfiptloiL WUOOt Advertising R#tf# HJ Appicftuon WSJ « m Editanw O f W MB SO. » U Prts* Sbs HARRY HALPERT
Center Sports Deadline for Girls' Tooth Couucl) Badminton registratloan Is today. Competition will be held weekday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:45 o'clock. Single matches onjf will be heM and girls a q r rtgtoier with YC representative or at .phyj. ed. office.
Religious News 7.-OS p. m,
let* El
FrMay, M»y 4, 1830-
BOOSEVXXT CUAPTOt Plans are underway for the annual Spring Party, which for the first time will be held Jointly Ay Hodl and Eleanor Roosevelt Chapters of B"nd B'rlth Girls. Bliss Shirley Sniff of Roosevelt chapter is chairman and Miss Marilyn Dvorkln of Hodi chapter U. cop
The Spring Party will be held at 7290 p. ro.. Saturday, May 19 at the pavilion in Falrmount Park in Council Bluffs, la. A Mother-Daughter dinner will be held at the Fireside Restaurant at S p. JXL, tomorrow under the cfaairmiinslilp of Maddy uifuff and Lois'Moskovitz, co-chairman. This Sunday the Roosevelt chapter is sponsoring a badminton tournament at the Jewish Community Center. Rodi chapter has been, invited to participate, Mas Judy Kntler b chairman for the event
With the Folks At Home
Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau will hold its 23rd annual News SJMI hsfpenlngs at the Dr. Whoopee Daze this weekend. Tlie Philip 8her Jewish Home for" the affair is being held for graduating; Afed b/ David Orkaw. high school seniors from NebrasApril 29: Council Bluffs Chapter i ka, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. . of Hadassah entertained our folks with a program ..of Yiddish con- A barbecue picnic, a dinner tent Mrs. Oscar Greenberg, pres- dance and Sunday brunch are ident of the xroup, introduced Mrs. plained for the weekend. J. 3. Brown,- chairman of the com* nilttee, Who acted as M,C The MOMMMIlt D©diC4llHHI artists Included Mrs. Philip CranThe family of the late Mrs. dell. Dr. Schraon Schlchor and Samuel Zoelmer will dedicate a Mrs. Leo Meyerson and her daugh- monument in her memory al 2 ter Doily. In addition. Rabbi David p. m. Sunday, May 8, at Beth X3 Korb and Joe Katleman, both of Cemetccy. Rabbi Mtyer EL Kripka Council Bluffs, addressed the resi- will pfficlate. Friends are asked dents. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Chapter and to attend the memorial service. included Mrs. Lawrence Krasne, Mrs. Abe Bur, Mrs. Mary Zalk. nated bv, Mr? and M». Sam Frank Mrs. Leo Ostrovlch and Mrs. Ida and Mrs? Frank Corhlsar. Brown. Also present were Mr. May 1: Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Mrs. S. Shyken, Philip Cran- visited the Home today and dis> delL J. J. Brown and Oscar Green- cussed the "Brodies." A new pro* ' berg. •'.'•.'"•' , • , gram was started under the auspices of the Omaha Section, CounApril 30; The beautiful flowers' cil, of Jewish Women by Mrs. Meyin toe Home this week were do- er Beber and Mrs. Arthur AnscheL The program will be continued Freeman and Barbara Brodkey next Tuesday and each Tuesday were elected to Central High following. This program will conSchool'* Student Council as repre- sist of palntirtg and art work for those residents who are Interested, sentatives of the Junior Class.
Sabbath services at Beth El SyThe Jewish Community Center nagogue will begin at 8:15 p, m. Youth Council VoDeybaH team Rabbi Myer&Kripk* wiadeBver won Us first game fa the JCeflora the aennon. Cantor Aaron I. EdCammnnity Center «g-*»»t the gar and the Beth El Synagogue Kelloro squad. The JCC spikeri Choir win vender UM nmsJaal porlost the first same 1543. but ral- tionsft the service. lied to take the last two games Sabbath morning services will 15-13 and 15-11. be held at »JO o'clock. Junior HODI O B A m S Members of the squad are: Lar- Congregation Services will begin Hodi Chapter of xTnai B'rIUi ry Lincoln, John Goldher. Sheldon at 1030 a. m. JCncha-Maartv aer** Girls wiH bold a swimming party iKrantz, Al Corey. Doug Cotatt, Ice is at 7 p. m. Daily services are this Sunday at the Jewish ComGene Kohn, Tanny Harwich and at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . Sunday munity Center pooL Miss Harriet Breslow is in charge of arrangeHoward Goldstein. The JGC Cen- service is at 9 a. tn. ments. A meeting will be held ter squad, used a three and three after the swimming party. defense to overcome the helgbth advantage of the Ketlont team. District delegates to the su Beth Israel nMtr convention are Misses Laurie This Monday evening the YC Oruco and Serena Dwosldn.. team lines up against the Center Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Staff In a volleyball match pitting EU Kagan and Beth Israel Choir DEBKA DEBS jouth against social workers. RUG ft UPHOLSTERY win conduct late Friday services The Dcbka Dets will hold their at 8 p. m. This -wiD be the last annual dtaner-dance May 26 at the CLEANERS This Sunday swimmers will race Friday e v e n i n g service for this Fireside r Restaurant The dance RUGS—CAKPETING against time in the Center pool in season. Traditional Friday serv- committee is headed by Misses ithe National Jewish W e l f a r e ices (Kabbolas Sbabbos) begin at Bonnie Baykui and Midge GreenLAMP SHADES 1 Board's Air Mail Swimming Meet. 7:15 p. ro. Sabbath aervices begin berg. FURNITURE Swimmers divided into age groups at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation , The dub members have revised will start their trials at 11 a., m. at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mmcha at the ctab constitution to include a Cleaned In Your Home! The times will be recorded and 7:15 p. m. followed by Sboleshe central pregiammlng committee li»<flig. Laytig. Itpalrlig mailed to JWB to determine the S*eudos and Maarfv. Daily aervices rather than the six-committee syswinners Some of the ev*nts are at 7 a. m. and 720 p. m. Sunday tem. Don Bernstein HA 2554 free style, * back stroke, breast morning services begin at 8:45 Bi-annua! elections will be held stroke, butterfly and'relay races. a. m. Sunday morning Junior Mhv in May and November. Two Deb members, Misses Sally POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Joe Mieek, aquatic director, said yon starts at 8:30 a. m. there wiH be no Emit on entries Slop! Look! Vote! and the best four times for each event will be recorded. • Bed. El The Jewish Community Center ROASTED DAILY Warship services this evening at Education Department is sponsorFull Line of Nut Meats ing this meet as part of the Las Temple Israel will be held at 8 B'Omer and National Sports Fes- o'clock. Rabbi-Sidney H. Brooks, and Salted Nuts tival being held during May. will discuss "A New View of our for Bar, Bas Mitzvatu, Neighbor's Bible," with special Partyi and Wcddingi The Jewisn Community Center reference to "A Jewish Under•win enter a Softball team in the standing of the New Testament" National League of the Omaha written by Samuel Sandmel. VETERAN Services Saturday moming will SoTtball Commission. Games will be at 11:30 o'clock for members of t* played Tuesday evenings. . the religious school and adults. , The Youth Council Track Meet fia* been rescheduled for this Sunday and wiH mart at 10:30 a. m., Woitamrn's Circle Fete Republican —RAILWAY COMMISSIONER WE DELIVER at the University of Omaha track. Workmen's C i r c l e Dramatic WE S893 Events will include: Relay races, 607 N. 16tfc Club will hold a banquet celebratshot pat, broad jump, football and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS roi.iriCAl. ADvntnswirNT ing the birthdays of seven of its Softball throw. members and Mothers Day at 6 youth Council Softball League p. m., this Sunday at the Labor Some Day Service wffl start Sunday, May 13, at Etai- Lyceonx. No Extra Charge wood Park. Opening games will The celebrants are; Ben Miroff, begin at 10 a. m; with Indepen- Milton Nerenberg, Mr. and Mrs. la at 10 A.M. dents facing AZA 1 on the center Max Levhte, .Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ready by 5 P.M. diamond and Rayim squaring off Sassmao and Mrs. Sam Novak. against AZA 100 on UK east dia- , Mr. Sussman, president of. the CASH and CARRY mond. dramatic club* win deliver the Opening remarks. Louis Witkin The Pre-scnool Lag B'Omer pie- will greet the celebrant* and Mrs. Also Pickup and nie which was postponed last Sun- Novak will be toasunistrcss. day due to bad weather will be Mrs. & H. Binder will speak for OeGvery Service held tUs Sunday at 3 p. m- .in the and Mrs. Yetla OrenBenson Park. An pre-schoolers stelnmothers for the daughters. And then* parents are invited to atCommittee members are: Mestend. Volunteer teenagers will asdames S. IL Binder, N. Lehrman, sist m the program. Vctta Orenstrin and Max Crourae. A short business meeting at S p. m. will precede the banquet.
Elect. WML R. MILNER Your Present and Experienced
Vets Will Install Officers at Center
112N.18rh JA1578
Installation of Beth New officers will bo installed at the May meeting of the Ep- Israel P-TA Officers
stein-Morgan Post No 2G0, JewThe newly elected officers of ish War Veterans to be held nt Beth Isr.-iel Parents-Teachers As8:15 p. m., Wednesday, May 3, sociation will be metalled in Beth in the Jewish Community Center. Israel social iiall. Saturday. May The following officers will be 32. Tlie mectinc will siart at 8 Installed: Milton Oolillxri:, Com- p. m., and Rabbi Italpii Di^Kovcn. mander; Marvin Knplan, Senior Director of Utth Kl I'.i hniou Vice-Commander: Drlmer Klein, School, will tcrve .Vi insUUinc of Junior Vipe-Ctmm.in'lor: Art Sal- ficcr. kin, Quartermaster; Max Belgrade, Stir;"1»nt-at-Arm".: David Dubln, Chaplain; Paul Crounsc, Judge Advocate, anil Dr. Jerome Bleacher, Tost Sur,';ron. NcLrii'knJA UH1 IO tTLBtrt fO Jowa Senior Vico-Commnnrlcr Abe QPhTO€ Tn* JrwlEO iTrri. Miller will install tlie now officers Cuneui n i * a U> «c*j lor e±cb to*ei uoa TUP Frew meirt* l&e rlrtii to limy for the year 193G-57. .1H at axeb *ATtm*LBtttt Plans for Memorial Day services will be discussed at tlie meet- BAH and ^as Milzvah contraUJ ing. This year J.W.V. will hold Jations also for all Jewish boU days and special occasions. Its Annual Memorial Day ServMeyers New^ Stand. 1502 Dodge ices Sunday, May 27.
Want Ads
Special Set for
BAR MiTZVAH Talis and Plush Embroidered Bag Tcliillim and .Plush Embroidered Bog Plus Everyday Prayer Book Alto All Kindt «f Adlclcs
AT 42S2
BW.A Day T. English M. Fitzgerald m Patrick Wm. Lynch [xJL Ross Newttirfc 12 James M. Patton M Herbert Rhoades [DCcirroSS O. Stauffer 0 Arthur C. Ihomsen
All Seek Election The Public Is Entitled to Ht» Services of Experienced Judges
Bar and Bas Mitzvah Frances Erman, daughter of Mr. and Mf». Morris Erman will observe her Baa Mitzvah and Jeffrey Wohlncr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wohlncr. will observe fall Bar Mitzvah at a Joint service |tt Beth El Synagogue Friday eve* ning, May 4 and Saturday morning, May 5 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which, will follow. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cooperman announce the Baa Mitzvah of their daughter, Frances, and Mr., and Mrs. Charles Lleb announce the: Bas Mitzvah of their daughtcr.Unda, at a Joint service at Beth E3 Synagogue Friday evening, May 11 and Saturday morning, May 12. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Basdi announce the Bar Mitzvah of their •on Jonathan F. Bank win be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, May 4 and 5 at Temple Israel. Friends are invited to attend the services and the receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Babendurc of Fremont, Nebr.. announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Stephen Allan will be celebrated at 9 a. m., Saturday, Mny S at Beth Israel Synagogue, Fremont. Friends and relatives arc Invited to attend. Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Ltatzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Llntzman, will be observed this Friday evening and Saturday morning, May 4 and 5 at Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. All members of the family and friends arc invited to attend the services and the receptions following the services.
Hadassah to Hear New Israel Consul The new Israeli Consul in Chicago, 111-, will be the principal speaker ot the Mountain Plains Regional Conference banquet to bo held May 6 in Hotel Chieftain, Council Bluffs, la. The Hadass.ih conference, with tho Council Bluffs, la. The Hadassah conference, with, the Council Bluffs, chapter BS hostess, will bo held May S to 8. Mr. Hiam has Just urrlved Iran Stockholm,,Sweden, where he occupied a similar past Sunday Afternoon •enians on fund railing will feature a panel of-five Omahn women under the direction of Mrs. Morris Jabenia. Members of the panel arc: Mcs' domes Adolf Mayer, Norman DcnenbcTK. Fhincaa Wintroub and Meyer Rubin. Ben Larson, popular radio and television personality will serve a» moderator. A.quartette of singers directed by Cantor Aaron luiirar will be featured lit the Sunday banquet. Members of the quartette arc: Dr. Welvln Tatlemnn, Mrs. Dan Cohen, Mrs. Julia Zuker and Mrs. George EUenberi; at tlic piano. Monday eyenini:, a panel of Senior Judeans from Omnha will hold a panel discussion with moderator. Mrs. Norman Brodkcy of Sioux City, In.1 Those taWnc part will be: Miss i Lora Franklin, Shelly GrcenherB, Itltu Kalzman and Marsha Zalkin, Mrs. J. II. Kulakofsky will be principal npenker Tuesday morning at a M.'-ssinn un "Americiin Affalrii." Mrs. l.sldor Lcvcn.'ion and Mrs. M. A. Ik'rcovicl, chapt<T ehnlrmen of Israeli Honda and Had.T.sah supplii-!. will al'.D take p.ut In the conference.
Hadassah Spectacular Omaha Chapter Hadassah in planning a Hadassah Spectacular to be held at the final meeting of tho year May 29. It will be a musical rovue of the best television shown of the year.
race Tbrw
Friday, M»y 4, 1*5A.
Organizations MIZKACIII WOMEN Due to the i'huvuoth holiday Omaha Chapter Mizrnchi Women's regular meeting ill bo held Monday, May 7 at the Jewish Community Center. It will be preceded by a dessert luncheon at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Paskowltz and her committee will receive JNF Blue Box contributions. On April 11 a board meeting was held at tbe borne of Mrs. Irving Stern. The regional president. Mrs. Abraham M. Danzig of Kansas City, Mo., T'US present Election and installation of officers will be held at the May 7 meeting. 'The following have joined the chapter's Donor Luncheon Circle: Mrs. Frank Sekar, Mrs. B. Grossman and Mrs. George Kaplan. They entertained at dessert luncheon at the homes or Mrs. Gerclick and Mm. Grossman April 12. CHAPTER KaofaSah Chapter of Pioneer Women Will hold their annual Eudice Uirovitz Memorial Tea at 1230 p. m, Monday. Hay 1 to Srandeis Auditorium. Members of the community are Invited to attend. A babysitter service will be provided.
Mizrachi Women to. Hold Blinrze Party
Omaha Chapter, Mizrachi Women Will hold a blintze party for mothers and daughters at 1 p. m., Thursday, May 10, on the Jawii of You Are Needed the home of Mrs. Benjamin Gron at the Growl Sally er, 1502 N. 52nd St. Mrs. Harry Paskowltz Is chairfor Jewish man of the affair. She will be assisted by the following commitPhilanthropies tee: Mesdames Max Arbitman, Joseph Dmkds, Win, Epstein, Rose Of 10 AM. Fojel. H. Franklin, J l J. Frankmv 9. GoodblniJer, J, Janowsld, Harry Lewis, A. T4psm«n. Sol JEWISH COMMUNITY Nan; and ABen Steams. Bltntees and coffee will lie CBITBt served. airs. Irving Stexn, the chapter** program chairman win present a skit with the foQowmc taking part: Mmes. HaskeU Brandatetter, U. G. Cohen. Wm. EJ»teln, Harry Lewia, Harry Paakoaritz M P Party at Horn* and Mrs. Stem. For reaervatians call ICct, FasBusiness and I^rafiesdonal Wom- kowitz,BE6736. en of HadasFah w5H ST-TWIT a Mothers Stay Party at 3 p. m, Sunday. Slay 13 at the Dr. Fbffip Walter Schmidt, Presidem. faSher Jewish Home to the Aged. vestraent Baaken * « • < • " " of Bcftdhmciiti wSU oc served xno America: "Our present e n of proslngiabcri of the ownunlty a n perity . . . extends to nearly all invited to attend. parts of the economy." l b s . JuBus Newman ft * In ctk&rsc of vthc program' u d ifiM Julia Zuker will be jurat vocafist
j Omaha Sketches | Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Klaiman returned recently from a two-week trip visiting their children: and grandchildren.. They attended the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson in Silver Spring, Md., who Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Costrell, Mrs. Costrell Is the former Miss Esther Klaiman of Omaha. ' In Hollywood*, Fla., Mr. and Mrs, Klaiman visited with their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Maurice H. Klaiman aria two daughters. Returning home, they stopped at Atlanta, Ga., to visit cousins of Mr. Klaiman whom he has not for more than fifty years. Mrs. Paul Nerenberg of MonteaeSla, Cal., formerly of Omaha, is iUijnjE with friends and relatives hen. Miss Boberta Raskin, daughter of Me aid Mrs. Milton Raskin, was named to "Mortar-board," a senior boanrary society at the University of nSnois. Miss Raskin, a lournalism snajor, was also promoted b o a campus reporter to Campus editor «n the Dally Illinl, the university newspaper.
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen
ffodossoh x. i. sunxauaooo New officers will be installed by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel at their meeting, Tuesday. May 8, at the Temple. Taking office will be: Mcsdames Edward Gilbert, president; fidward Levinson, first vice-president: Stanley Hsk, second vicepresident; L 1L Wcincr, third vicepresident; Harold Kasin, fourth vice-pretident; Paul Blotcky, carresponding secretary; M i l l a r d Kracnc, treasurer; A. II. Brodkey, auditor; Maurice Frank, recording secretary; LafJir Kaplan, dues cccotnry and Lloyd l''ri(xlm;ui, parliamentarian. A musical skit, "Davy Meiech," featuring the music of Davy Crockett, will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Sidney Brooks nnd Mrs. Morris Kirschcnbaum following the 1 o'clock luncheon. The cast includes: Mmcs. Ixxlle Davis, Warner Frobman, Stanley Xatelrhan, Edward Milder, Robert LevJoe, Maurice Frank with Irs. Marvin Taxman, r.?companist. ~ Mrs. Gilbert, incoming president, has announced that a summer board meeting will be held June 12 at the Highland Country Club. JWV AUXILIARY T Epstein-Morgan Post AindBary of Jewish War Veterans will install their newly elected officers at 8 p. m, Wednesday, Hay 9 in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Max Rosen will be the installing officer. A social hour and refreshments will follow the installation. OOPNCfL WOMKN ' . 'Omaha Section, Motional Couni dl of Jewish: {Women will hold their May board meeting following a dessert luncheon at 1 p. mL. Thui-sday, May 10, at tho home of Mrs. Robert Levtne, 651 N.*fe3rd st. Mrs. Louis Kntz will serve as co-hostess. .I COUNCIL 8TUDV The National'Council of Jewish Women Currqrtt Events Study Group will meet Wednesday, May 9 at the home of Mrs. Harold K.isln, 5024 Webster. Coffee will bo served at l p . in. Mrs. Steffnn Diamant and Mrs. Arthur Sherman will debate '"Hie Political Future of 'Elsenhower and Nixon." Tills will be the last study group of the year. PIONEKB WOMKN ' Omaha Cnaplcr, Pioneer Women will li'ilil their .innii.il donor luncheon at 1 p. m , Wednesday, May fl at the I'"irc-,ide Iicit.iur.mt. Mn, lather Milnor, executive secretary ot tho Pioneer Council of Chicago, will be guest sneaker. For reservations call Mrs. Sam Novak, GL 285G; Mrs. Milton Nercnberg, JA 2591, and Mrs. Harry Rlchlln, WE 1502. Patronize Our Advertisers
•Mill QUO Fomont
Sepreaeotine the Bushtess and Professional Women's Group of Hadassah at the Mountain-Plains Regional Conclave to he held n Council Bluffs, l a , Hay 5th through 8th. wUl be the following delegates: JXrs. Charles Ross and Miss Dorothy RosenthaL Alternate* are Mrs. Carl Logman and Mrs. Julius 'Newman.
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TOMOWIOW they may be targets for the enemy's . But short as the people of Israel are on mftde-ln-RnssIa bombers. protection, they are still long on sheer courage The enemy U only 10 minutes away now and devotion to freedom. — thanks to his new Communist-supplied jets. They know that lens of thousands of Jews From his airfields he can reach Israel's '•"\ they must leave strife-torn North Africa— cities In the time a school kid cats his luncheon .trillcss of possible danger—and they want sandwich! to help. Only right now they can't — there's their own emergency. If the jets do come there'll be no radar warning, for Israel has no radar. night now, only you can rescue these refiigces-nnil Isrncl'i) people pray that you will. Other civilian protection will be short or lacking: air raid shelters in municipalities and Your prompt gift to the United Jewish settlement)...food stockpiles in case cities arc Appeal will help bring in at least 45,000 from cut off •••auxiliary power plants to keep decMorocco and Tunisia. It will maintain great Iricity and water going if present plants are humanitarian programs for refugee absorpbombed. tion, for the handicapped, the aged and youth. So, give your incrcfttcd gift to V J A's reguYou see, Israel has been doing its main lar campaign. Then give a great extra gift to spending for peace, not war-building schools, UJA's Special Survival Fond. Give today. homes and jobs, and taking in refugees.
give :
M»y i.
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In Omaha
United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From the
moro In 19S6
United JewSsh Appeal •land by those who aland for freedom
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