May 11, 1956

Page 1

Vol. XXXIV—No. SI.

Second Cluna Mailing l'rh Urges Authorised al Omuha. Nebr.


Fed. Board to Hear Survey Director Dr. Uriah Z. Engclman, Director of the National Jewish Education Survey, will be guest tit a special luncheon meeting of the Executive Commlttf t of Federation for Jewish Service at 12:15 p. m., Monday, May 14, ft was announced by Jack W. Marer, Federation president 'Dr. Engelman will direct the Qmalia sampling of Jewish Education during this month. 'Fifty volunteers have signed up with Mrs. Morton Hillcr, chairman of a volunteer committee to aid Dr. Engelman, It was reported by Dr. Morris Margolin who heads the Omaha Commission on Jewish Education. The commission was let up by tho Federation's executive committee to assist Dr. Engelman. "The volunteers are: Mesdames Morris Fellmon, Ralph Nogg, J. Feldman, David Blelchcr, Dan Gordman, Arthur Grossman, Fannlo L. Crecnberg, Sidney Sneldcr, Louis Hurwltz, N. Julian Rips. Marry Trustln, Edward Gilbert, Hnttle Mantel, Bernhardt Wolf, Edward Z. Rosen, Arthur Goldstein, Jack Brnmson, J. J, Levey, J. J. Greenberg, Fred Brodkey, A. C. Fcllman, Maurice Frank, Julius Newman, Mlllard Krasne. Leon Fellman, Morris H. Brodkey, Morton Richards, David Lewis, Albert Rlmmcrman and Maurice Pepper. Others are Mmcs: Sam Newman, Clarence Bergman, Adolf Mayer, Mlllard Spcler, Mux Grossman, Sidney Hollis, Norman Whitman, Meyer Beber, Milton Frohm, Louis Katz, Harry Wicodsky, Harry DuBoff, David Orkow, Harry Welnborg, Milton Margolin, Rose Orodlnsky, Al E. Swartz, Arthur Kroog, Marvin Kaplan and Max Bondnrin.

Cantor Aaron Edgar

Beth El to Honor Cantor A. Edgar Cantor Aaron L Edgar will be honored for 20 years of service at tho annual meeting of Beth El Synagogue congregation to be held at 6 p. m., Sunday, May 20 In the synagogue social hall. General chairmen for the dinner are Ernest Nogg and Mrs. A. D, Frank. Dr. A. C. Fellman will serve as tonstmastcr. A short business meeting will bo conducted by President Ben K. Kaslow. Mrs. A. D. Frank has announced the following B»th El Sisterhood women who will serve on table seating;, decorations, menu and reservations committees: Mesdames William Alberts, David R. Cohen, Arthur Colin, GeorRe .Kagan, J. J. Grcenberg, Aaron Rips, Harry Rochman, Samuel S. Steinberg and M. A. VenRcr.

Freedom Stimulates Growth of Jewish Life

The B'nai B'rlth leader asserted that United Nations Secretary General Dap; Hammnrskjold's mission to- the Middle East "very like-

ruMUhcd every Friday, 101 M. 20tb. Annual Hate < Dollar* Omnliu, Nelratka I'hone JA 1SG0. blnile Copy IV Cent*

Granu Response by Men; Women's Div. at $50,527

Kluhuilck Says . . ,

.Washington (JTA)—The spirit of American freedom "is stimulating a new growth rot her than a decline" in Jewish life in the United States, Philip M. Klutznlck, president of the B'nai B'rith declared here Saturday. Jews in America arc "enjoying the freest environment for tho longest period of time known to a Jewish community," Mr. Klutznick added. He spoke at the opening session of (he five-day triennial convention of the 113-year-old organization, the oldest of Its kind In the United States. Mr. Klutznick predicted the expansion of Jewish communities throughout the non-Communist world "both numerically and ax spiritual and cultural movements." He decried "excessive nostalgia" among some Jewish lenders who. he sold, are attempting "to superImpose on Jewish life In America some of the methods, Ideas, inngrams and customs of the Jewish communities of yesterday." The world president of B'nai B'rith scored the "penitence by propaganda of Soviet rulers. Tin' new Soviet rulers, lie declared, "are trumpeting .some truths alwut the persecution of Jows behind the Iron Curtain, hut .seek absolution by custinf: the blame for It on Stalin." He s.ild he would "accept tho premise thnt the lienSoviet regime is truly opposed to anti-Semitism the name day thnt I recognized the existence of conditions which would make possible n B'nnl B'rith movement in Moscow or Kishinev free to pursue its purpose as are the Jews of B'nai B'rith in such places as Rome and Dublin."


ly averted a shooting war" at this point, but questioned the longterm value of the cease-fire agreements. He called for tho U.S, to supply Israel with defensive arms and to bolster the chances of peace by restoring a military power,balance.

The mini of $5O,f>27 has been plcdficd as of this Tuesday, Mrs. Edwin K. Ilrodkey, chairman of tho Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies nnd Emergency United Jewish Appeal, reported Wednesday morning. This Is nearly 25 per cent more than was pledged last year at the same date, Mrs. Brodkey stated. She urged all members of the division to speed op the solicitation of the remaining pledge cards. The Women's Division, Mrs. Brodkey emphasized, has always set the pace in the campaign and this year In particular the urgency is greater than ever before. With more than two thirds of the pledge cards In, the chairman stressed the importance of sollctlng the remaining prospects so that the additional funds will be raised to meet the critical needs that face us this year.

Arab Pledges Must Be Tested—Kidron

Czechs Send Arms and Experts to Syria London (JTA)—Czechoslovakia is shipping some $30,000,000 worth of weapons and ammunition to Syria at bargain prices, It was reported here in the Daily Telegraph, a leading British newspaper. The Telegraph said the shipment was agreed on six weeks ago, and that some arms already arc believed to have been unloaded in the Syrian port of Latakla. Equipment being shipped to the Arab nation Includes 100 tanks, 50 of German and 50 of Russian design; nearly 100 armored cars; heavy anti-aircraft guns and field artillery In undisclosed quantities; 25 Russian-made MIG jets, naval munitions and other ammunition of various kinds, the newspaper said. It reported that Communist experts arc being sent to Syria to train troops in the use of the new weapons, and some Syrian officers will receive special training in Czechoslovakia.

More than 100 volunteers from Omaha B'nai B'rith lodges heard Mayor John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency United • Jewish Appeal Campaign, stress the need for increasing the amftunt * of money to be raised this year. • Mayor Rosenblatt spoke Sunday at breakfast meeting of the Men's Division in the Jewish Community Center and emphasized the urgency for an increase of funds to save the last Jewish community in the free world from being crushed under the tide of Arab nationalism. In North Africa.

The Mayor said that he was pleased with the tremendous turnout of B'nai B'rith lodge members which is indicative of the B'nai B'rith spirit to help save our Jew* lsh brethren in Morocco and Algeria, Jack W. Marer, President of the Federation for Jewish Service, also addressed the volunteer* pointing out that 200 Jewish agencies benefit from the funds raised by our campaign. Men's Division chairmen, Harry Wcinbcrg, Marvin Kaplan and Jerold Rosen wish to thank the Ben Brlths for the fine turnout and those members who phoned to say that they wanted to solicit pledge cards. The grand response and enthusiasm of B'nai B'rith members in this drive is a thrilling experience nnd indications, even at this BETH EL early date, are that the Men's DiTues., May 15—7 p. in. vision will go "way over the top," Wed., May 16—9 a. m. and 7 the chairmen stated. p. m. Thurs.,, May 17—9 a. m. and 10:30 a. m.

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold'g peace mission to the Middle East has resulted In certain positive achievements, but the agreements he has obtained "must be tested In practice" by the Arab states. Mordecal R- kidron, deputy chairman of the Israel delegation to the UN, declared here Sunday. "The Secretary General," Mr. Klrdon declared, "set out to do certain things, most important of which was his obtaining a ceasefire from all five governments concerned, Israel and the four Arab states signatory to the arm- BKTII I8KAKL New York (JTA)—Tho role istice agreements. But this Is a which Senator Albe'n W. Berkley, Tucs., May 15—7:30 p. m. scries of agreements on paper and who died last week, played In by word of mouth. How firm these Wed., May 1 6 - * 3 0 a. m. and American Jewish life, was emagreements are depend on Israel's 7:30 p. m. phasized in a message of condolneighbors. Thurs., May 17—8:30 a. m. and ence sent to his widow by William "Mr, Hammarskjold has made 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rosenwald, general chairman of. the United Jewish Appeal. At the considerable accomplishment. same time, the national board of But the same dangers that existed Hndossah voted today to plant a before his mission exist today. Ul- TEMI'LE ISRAEL grove of 100 trees in Israel in Sen, timate optimism depends on how Tucs., May 15—8 p.. m , Conse- Bnrkley's memory. the agreements are translated into cration Service. "Sen. Barkley will be particuWed., May 10—11 a. m. action on Israel's borders. larly missed by the American Jewish community, for he gave invaluable support to the campaigns of the United Jewish Appeal on behalf of the survivors of the Kazl holocause and thousands of other victims of oppression," Mr. Ros*, enwald said in his message. "His consistent championship aided in' tho re-blrth of the Land of Israel and helped immeasurably in developing tho State of Israel ns an outpost of freedom and a haven for the homeless."

Shavuoth Services

UJA Eulogizes Late Sen. Barkley

Newly Installed Officers of Fed. of Women's Clubs

Registration for Center Day Camp Registration will open Monday for the Jewish Community Center Day Camp, a camp spokesman' announced today. Parents will: re- . celve camp brochures and registration forms by moll. Day camp, directed by Saul Sllvcrman, will be held from June 18 to July 13 nt Peony Park. James Karbatscli. Center Athletic director, will Im in charge of the programs. Campers will be picked up at 9 Mm. Edward E. Brodltey (front row—left), outgoing prraldrnt of tho Federation of Jewish Wom- a. m. and returned at 4:30 p. m. at four locations. The pickup spqls en's CIIIIIH 1» oliown ruiiKrutuIatlnK tho newly Installi-d prrMdent, Mrrt. Henry A. Newman. Htumllng next to Mr». Newman In tlm front row It Mrs. M. A. Vungrr, Installing officer; and on extreme rlfflit, will he the Center, Beth El, Betli Mrs. ailltc Freeman, Unit vice-president. In tlm Tiuelt row (I. to r.) are: Mm. Lloyd Friedman, second Israel, and Temple Israel. Campers will be served lunch vice-president; Mrs. Hurry Siilman, secretary; nnd Mrn. Arthur Goldstein, parliamentarian. Outgoing president Mr». Edward B. Ilrodkey received an award for outstanding servlco during her term of nnd also a snack at 3 p. m. There office. Mrs. Brodlicy In her annual report noted that the federation of women's clubs was In lt» tenth will be two Day Camp perloda and the rates are $50 for both peyear of cooperative activities. Tliesc activities Included helving with the sale of Bonds for Israel, Children's Hospital Bazaar, riods and $30 for a single period. arch ol Dimes Campaign, Jewish Home for tho Community Chest, Red Cross, Goodwill Industries, M The rates include transportation, • Aged, Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Needlework Guild, food, Insurance and trips. ...Registration will -be, limited. [ • Service, to, Aroitd Irprccs, Vel,<\r»R> Jl<wolt»l nod VnlunUwr Bureau. .

Fage Two


Friday, Muy It, 103O.


Press Receives Savings Bonds Citation

NCWN and Ha|»|M'itliifra At The

M l t | by the FtdostUa • ! tart* Serrlee MaiMnf mrtMcef AaUransrt at O n t k Mebraasa. Etffiorlal Olflce—iSf No. 30u> Street, Smaba. NSW.IACIUOII IMa. Print Shop Addms—480S So. 39th Street. HARRY HALFERT BfflW

Israel in Shadow O f Power Conflict

With the Folks At Home Dr. 1'lillip Sber Jrivlnh llornr (or the Aged liy David Orkuw. Mny 3: Uikur Oio|im Gray Ladies visited the folks today. Muy 7: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linizman hint flowers to the Home on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Stephen. M.iy 8: The class in art and painting for our residents was held this afternoon by Mrs. Meyer Bebt-r and Mrs. Arthur AnscheL Tea ' v«u. bcrved In the downstair* recreation room. Saul SUvemuu?, director of camp activities end Mrs. Winnie King in charge of preschool programming visited the I Tome today to discuss a preschool summer program at the Homo. May 17: ShavuoUi Celebration at 8 p. m. under the auspices o f ' the Pioneer Women.* Mrs. Jacob Fcldman Is chairman. Way 20: A special party sponsored by Mrs. M M Kagan a t 2

Religious News

The crisis to the Middle East Is the number one problem facing the statemen of the world, Yehuda Itll •. ax, Hellmon. United Nations analyit Mated at the Initial Gifts Dinner of the Jewish Philanthropies and Tempi* Israel Emergency United Jewish Appeal Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks wil. Campaign which was held last Wednesday evening in the Black- discuss "The Real Root of Your Politics"—a sermon on how the stone HoteL We live today under the shadow family shapes our soda] views, at o( conflict between East and West, the Family Consecration Service Ralph Nogg (right), Chairman of the Jewish Prriw Committee, Mr. Hellman pointed out, and this to be held this evening at Temple luwpU m citation from Harvey Hoffman, 8tat« .Sales Itfprrwnt*shadow determines Israel's ac- Israel at 8 o'clock. Services Saturday morning will Uve, Having Bond Division or tor United States Trewary Ilcpurttions. The staggering quantities of be at 11:30 O'clock for members meat The citation wm» presented to the Jewish Press last week Communist arms of which delivery of the religious school and adults for "ouUUadlnjr cooperation" la the t). 8. Savings Boad program. May 21: The Cold Age Chita wlU to Egypt has now been completed bold their final party at the seacontain the seeds of a shift of BetfcB son at 2 p. m. power in the world today, the A special Memorial Service will analyst cautioned. The commuSabbath services at Beth El Sybe held In the Hone Synagogu* niiU are hoping to realize the old nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. > RoffiiittD for the lollowine whose Yahnelt dreams of the Czan to penetrate Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke wil] deliver A Memorial Tablet has been to the warm waters of the Medi- the sermon. Cantor Aaron L Ed- presented to Beth El Synagogue Services were held here Thurs- falls during the month of Sivam Sivan 1, May 11—Israel Sadofterranean Sea, he said. This is the gar and the Beth El Synagogue by Mr. and Mrs. Alien Zolkin and Russian attempt to break through Choir will render the musical por- Mr. and Mr*. E. M. Zalkln to day, May 3 for Mrs. Selwyn Rolf- sky. Sivan 1, May 3 Z—Dora Chalt in our century, Mr. Hellman tions of the service. memory of their parents, Nachum man with interment at San An- Slvan 14. May 24—Joseph Bush. warned. Sabbath morning services will Mordecai Zalktn and Llbby Zalkln. tonio, Tex. Mrs. Roffman, 28. died Sivan 14, May 24 Morris The Arab States are bold, the be held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior This tablet, together with Me- Wednesday, May 2 at a local hosTurner. analyst asserted, for they feel that Congregation services win begin morial Name Plaques placed on pital. • :'-;~;V •;••':"/••' Slvan 14. May 24—Sarah Weinthe Russian veto has tied the at 10:45 a. m. Mincha-Maarlv the Memorial Tablets In the SyShe is survived by her husband; steln. hands of the United Nations' Se- service is at 7:15 p. m. Daily serv- nagogue during the past six Selwyn; two sons, Mark and RichSlvan 19. May 29-Malcta curity Council. ices are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun- months, will be dedicated at the ard; an infant daughter; parents, Gross. Shavuot Yizkor Services ThursMr. Hellman sold that he would day service is at Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Davis of San day, May 1 7 . like to interpret public opinion in Antonio. Israel concerning the crisis in the Those whose names will be comMiddle East first of all, Israel Beth Israel memorated by their families at Mis* Unda U e b , daughter of does not want any United States that time arc: the late Esther Mrs. H. Mcnvifz Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Blacker, troops In the area, she wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Charles LJeb and Sarah Blolcky, Anna Services were held Tuesday, Miss Frances Coopcrman. daughdefend herself, he emphasized. Eli Kagan and Beth Israel Choir Cooper, David Cooper, Llbbcy Secondly, Israel wants the same will conduct traditional Friday Faicr. MJiton It Frohm, Rbca N. May 7 for Mrs. Hyman Munvitz ter of Mr. and Mm Harold Cooprights as other sovereign nations. services at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Meyer, Joseph M. Morgan, Fannie with interment at Fisher Farm crman will become linos Mitzvah Mr. Hellman added, such as the morning services will begin at hapiro. Max Shapiro, Ruth Sha- Cemetery. Mrs. Manvltz, 83, died at services Friday evening. May 11 right to purchase J.S. arms as the 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation piro, Benjamin A. Simon, Kihcl Monday, May 7 in Denver, Colo. and Saturday morning. May 12 at Arabs are doJ/ig. Defensive arms at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at Simon, Vera Solson anil Victor She was a resident of Omaha for Beth El SynaHoiiuc. Vi year'; and had mined to Denare necessary to avoid conflict, he 7:15 p. m.. followed by Sholeshe Zucktr. Frirmis ami relatives are invited ver about five years ,i|;o. stated, for the Arabs will not at- S'eudos and Maariv. to attend both nervlcc!i and th* tack if they think that they will Daily services at 7 a. m. and She is survived hy IMT daughter, receptions which will follow. be beaten back. 7:25 p. m. B.E. Study Group Mr*-, ilarry Harris of Denver; two Sunday sen-ices at 8:45 a. m. vim;, David nnd Sum of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein anReferring the deteriorating situBeth El SynnirojTue Saturday ation in North Africa. Mr. Hell- Sunday Junior Mlnyan at 8:30 Night Study Croup will meet at "icven cramlcliiltlrcn and five nounce the lias Mitzvah of their grPat-crundchiMrcn. man said <he Jewish population is a. m. daughter, Ixsllc. nnd Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan seated on the horns of an actual David Foj.'d announce tl»e Bas Kartman tomorrow evening. "Hie dilemma with the French on one Gift for Aged Home MUzvnh of tliclr dnunhtcr, Diane, group is led by Itabbl Myer S. Dramatic Club end and the Arab nationalists on at joint service Friday evening, A Memorial gift in memory of Kripke and the topic of the course the other. They find themselves (he late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batt is "Some Characters of the Bible," Tlie regular weekly meeting of May 18 and Saturday morning, having to chose between the twoand Mrs. Israel Xrantz was preMay 19 nt Beth £1 Synagogue. ed on Maurice Samuel's book the Workmen's Circle Dramatic and are at the mercy of the group sented to the Dr. Philip Sber Jew- "Certain People of the Book." Club will be held at 8:30 p. m. to- Friends nnd relatives a n invitthey antagonize, he related. The study group is open to alL morrow In the Labor Lyceum. ed to nttend both services and IB* ish Home for the Aged. North'African Jews form the The Home reception room was If you wish to attend, fall the Morris Goodman's birthday will receptions which will follow. last great Jewish Community that redecorated and refurnished with adult education chairman, Mrs. be celebrated. A financial report can be saved. Mr. Hellroan this memorial gift Max Grossman at PL 7760. will be presented. Patronize Our Advertisers stressed, The refugees from North Africa are pioneering assets for brae) and they want to come spurred on by a tremendous fear WE'RE GIVING MOTHER of what will happen'when the A BEDROOM TELEPHONE... French army leaves, he pointed out . . . I N HER CHOICE WITH A OF COLORS... » M . *§ 21'« <?7 SPRING CORD... '

BJE. fo Dedicate Memorial Tablet


Bas Mitzvah


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Endelman announce the birth of a sort Michael Hy born April 27 at a local hospital. They also have otic other son, Charles Randy and a daughter, Susan. Mrs. Charles Rndclman is paternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Scgali are maternal Krandparents.



Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Joel Malushock announce the birth of n fwn Larry David born May 1 in n local hospital. The couple also has a daughter Beth Susan and a son Neil Harris. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fox of Chicago, 111., and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joy Malashock of Omaha.

Annual Card Party Workmen's Circle Branch 58 will hold its annual card party at 6 p. m., this Sunday in the Labor Lyceum. Tickets are 50 e_its per person and the public, is invited to attend. A bu/fet supper will be served from 6 to 7 p. m., at a nominal price. Members of the arrangement committee are: Milton Nerenberg., Sam Tarnoff, Ben Gorelick andi Morris Goodman.

A wonderful Mother's Day gift coming up! Tlierc's a wealth of Eiit idea3 in the new telephone conveniences now available —telephones with light-up dials, volume control phones, speaker-phones for "no hands" telephoning; epace-saving wall pliones. And there, arc now eight glamorous shades to choose from in selecting a colored telephone.

You can order any of Uicsc modern conveniences for installation wherever your Mother may be living — even in another state. Charges will be billed to you. Make your Mother'* Day gift truly thoughtful, truly lasting. Call your Telephone Business Office for full details. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company

rriduy. May 11, ll)SC.



Fane Tbre« 1

Council Women's Annual Meeting

Miss Sylvia Shyken To W e d in August

Miss N. Breslow Engagement Told

"The Girl That I Marrinl," un original Rkit will lie featured nt the I'innual imx-tini; of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women to be held at 12:30 p. m.. Tuesday, May 15 al tin Highland West Club. WcddinR gowns dalini: back to 1913 will be modeled. A Chuck wagon Lunch will be served. Mrs. Louis Shricr is general arrangements chairman and reservations arc being handled by Mrs. Stanley Heraoff. Mrs. Stanford Lipsey. program chairman, is ns•Isted by Mrs. Hubert Iloxvnblum and Mr*. Itussell UlumcntJiul, accompanist. Modeling the wcdclim: gowns, some of which were in fashion more than a generation ago will be: Mesdames Harold Garner. Julius Cohn, Leon Alexander, Norman Smccrln, Barton Grecnberg, Ernest Wint.oub, Louis Katz, Robert Kngel, Mward Milder, Edward Zorinsky, Itobert Fromkln and Ilobcrt Bernstein. Modeling their own gowns will be: Mmes. Edward Mnlashock, Irwln Sbermnn. Jcrold Itosen, Owen Mcycrson, Robert Newman and Richard Goldman. The following members have loaned their wedding gowns to be modeled: Mmes. Henry Itoscnfeld, William A. Racusin, Paul Blotcky, Sam Stern, Howard Milder, Jack Marer, Shef Katskce, Edward Levinson, Arthur Goldstein, Edward Z. Rosen, Henry Rlekes and Homer Farber. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman will give her annual report. Last year's Marion Stoler Scholarship recipient, Annette Kosowsky will be Council's guest at this luncheon meeting. A Bazaar and bake sale will also be featured at this final meeting of the Council year. Reservations must be made by Monday, May 14.

Mrs. Jacob Shyken of Omaha, announces rhe bcthothnl of her daughter, Sylvia, to Dr. Jacob Kirsliner, son of Mr, and Mrs. Philip Kirshncr of New York City. Miss .Shyken, daughter of the late Jacob Shyken, is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. She also attended the University of Omaha. She is a member of Sip;ma Delta Tau and American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Miss Shyken Is with the Department of lk'matoloj;y at Mount Sinai Hospital In New York. Dr. Klrshncr was graduated Magna Cum Laude from the College of the City of New York and received his master's degree from Columbia University and his M. D. at Miss Nwline Breslaw Long Island College of Medicine. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha. Dr. Kirshner is assistant chief of the Mother's Day Party Cardiac Section of the Veterans For Home Residents Administration Hospital, Bronx, N. Y. Business and Professional WomAn August wedding In Omaha Is en of Hadassah will hold a Mothers Day program for the residents being planned. of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged at 2 p. m., this Sunday in the Home. Mrs, Julius Newman Is In charge of the program. Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold its annual Mothers and Children Luncheon at 12 JO p. m., Saturday, May 12 In the Temple social halt Mrs. Millard Rosenberg is general chairman for the luncheon. Mrs. Paul Blotcky is tablesettlng chairman and Mrs. Julia Jacobs Is in charge of luncheon arrangements. The "Two Checkers," a variety act recently featured on television will be presented. Mrs. Marvin Trailer will speak for the mothers and Miss Phyliss Abrahams will represent the daughters. Reservations- may IK? made nt the Temple office. ROASTED DAILY

Mr. and Mrs. Max Breslow announce the engagement of their daughter Nadine Eunice to Norman K. Chudacoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Chudacoff. Miss Breslow is a sophomore at the Slate University of Iowa where she is majoring in Clemen-' tary education. She is a member of Sigma Delta Tau social sorority. Mr. Chudacoff is a junior at the State University of Iowa, where he is majoring In electrical engineering. He Is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi social fraternity. A September w e d d i n g i« planned. __•

Bikur Cholim Tea Monday a t Center A tea honoring great-grandmothers, j;ranclinothers, mothers, and daughters will be held Monday, May 11 at 1:30 p. m. by Bikur Cholim Society at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Mrs. Phil Smith and Mrs. Klnar Auramson. chairmen of (special events committee, have promised an interesting and enjoyable afternoon. Prizes will be uwarded to the oldest and youncest person present. Preceding the ten, a short business meeting will be held and the election of officers for the coming year will take place. Friends and members nre Invited to attend.

Council Awards Camp Scholarships For the third consecutive year, the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, has awarded three scholarships for youngsters to attend the Jewish Community Center Day Camp. Mrs. Julius Newman, chairman of the Council's Service to Foreign Born Committee, made the scholarship Grant in behalf of tho Council. In addition to the day camp scholarships, Council will give a ncholnrship for a youngster to attend Camp Jay-C-C, the resident camp sponsored by the Center. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Council president, said the grants are; part of the group's program for new Americans. HADASSAII SPECTACULAR The Hadassah musical spectacular planned for May 29 will be directed by Mrs. Morris Jabenis and Mrs, Rolx?rt Silvcrman. Mrs. Russell Blumenthal will provide the musical background and Mrs. Leon Schniidman will be stage manager. Soloists will be Mesdames Donald Nogg, Norman Whitman, Dan Cohen and Hyman Bclman. HADASSAII COUNCIL The Educational Council of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will hold its May Oneg Shabbat at 1 p. m., Saturday, May 19, at the liome of Mrs. Ilyman Bclman, 120 S. 50th st. Dessert will be served.

Mm. Alvln C'otninur

Frank—Comisar Wedding at B.L Mothers, Children Miss Edith Sybil Frank and Alvin Comisar were married Sunday, April 29, in a candlelight ceremony at Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan officiated, and a reception and dance followed the ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Snm Frank, and the bridegroom the Bon of Mrs. Frank Comisar. The bride wore a gown of Imported hand clipped chantilly lace and tulle over slipper satin. The moulded bodice was styled with a portrait neckline, long sleeves tapering to a point over the wrist and fastened nt the back with tiny buttons. The very full bouffant skirt worn over hoops was scattered with medallions of iace and ended in a graceful sweep train. A lace half hat trimmed with tiny seed pearls and iridescent sequins held her finger tip veil of imported trench illusion. She carried a white orchid on a white Bible. Maid of Honor, Miss Beverly Bernstein, wore a choral ballerinaJength gown; MIKS Anita Fellman and Miss Joan Wiseman, bridesmaids, wore ballerina-length gowns. Hyman Comisar was his brother's best man. Ushers were Joe Frank, brother of the bride, and Lelloy Katz. Miss Sylvia Slater was soloist. The bride's mother wore a light blue lace street length dress, and the groom's mother a beige lace street length dress. Both mothers wore orchid corsages. After a trip to Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Comisar will make their home in Omaha.

New Projects a t Home by Council The Omaha section, National Council of Jewish Women have appointed several new committee chairman for three new projects at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. The recreation and occupational therapy chairman will be Mrs. T. A. Tully and Mrs. Dave Stein co-chairman. The new Ceramics project will be supervised by chairmen, Mrs. Meyer Beber and Mrs. Arthur Anshel. The Work Project Committee includes Mrs. John Solomon antl Mrs. Joseph Harwich. They will direct the residents in various work projects to be started soon. The Omaha section of Council is also pleased to announce that Mrs. Joseph Morgan has presented an air conditioner for the Home in memory of her late husband Joseph Morgan.

Golden Ager Wins Golden Ager Mrs. Fannie Newman won a blue ribbon nt the Fifth Annual Handicraft Exhibit for Senior Citizens held nt the new City Auditorium last week, Mrs. Newman took second prize for her gaily decorated clothes hangers.

Fete a t Temple


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Full Line of Nut Moats and Salted Nuts for Bar, Bas Mifzvahs, Parfys and Weddings

Former Omahan Weds Former Omahan Miss AnnC Fay Edel and Leonard Seidman of Los Angeles, Cal., were married April 29 in Los Angeles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Seidman, brother of the bridegroom. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Sam Minkin of Omaha. The newlyweds will make their home nt 315 N. Stanley av., Los Angcels, Cal.


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Friday, May 11. IBM.


First Youngsters to Sign Up for Camp Jay-C-C Jr.

B.B. Bowling Trophies Awarded

By <llm Karbatoch

YC Spotlight

The D c b k a Debs executive The annual banquet oX the Jun- board has chosen nine members to ior B'nal B'rlth Bowling League be on the central programming was held at the Fireside RcsUu committee which is headed by rant last Sunday. Greetings were Mlsa Marcla Zalkin, first Viceextended by the league counselors, president. They arc: Misses DonHarry Collck, Ida Sack* and Harold Bloom on behalf of B'nal na Canar, Dody Shapiro, Barbara B'rlth. Roger Smith, league presi- Brodkey, Beverly Goldberg, Linda dent, Introduced the league of- Rosenbaum, Andy Jean Gross, ficers: Chuck Ginsburg, vice-pres- Carolyn Stern, Barbara Burckctt ident; Howard Martin, treasurer; and Beverly Bloom. Larry Garrop, secretary and Matt Faicr, sgt.-at-arms. Roger preHodi Chapter of B'nal B'rlth sented a trophy to Larry Garrop Girls will hold its election of offifor his outstanding accomplish- cers meeting at 2 p. m. Sunday,' ments as secretary. May 20. An Installation tea will Trophies were awarded the follow May 27 at the home of MUi members of the 1st Place "Super Carole Frank. Valu" team which was made up Eleanor Roosevelt' Chapter of of: Roger Smith (Captain), Bob- B'nal B'rlth Girls will hold their by Singer, Bradley Epstein, Es- fund-raising affair May 27 In the tolle Schulman, Nell Bloom and form of a "Carwash'1 at the DiviMarilyn Katzman. A sponsor tro- dend gas station at 48lh and Leavphy was presented to Lou Singer ehworth »ts. Tickets are ono dolof Super Valu. lar and can be purchased from

' Youth Council Unaffillates dom tn»ted the Youth Council Trad ' M*;t- lost Sunday at Unlversit; o f ' Omaha running up 41 poin over second place AZA No. 10 with 15 and third place Rayii with 11. ' A poor turnout cut down the possibility of setting new records this year. . Dave Goldstein of Unaffiliat won the 60 yard dash. Nelsor Gordman of AZA No, 100 capturec both the 100 and 220 in eleven and one tenth seconds and 25 seconds respectively. The UnaAfetes team com posed of BanTWiso, Goldstein am Sherman won the 440 relay. Lar ry Lincoln of Rnylm took the 880 In three minutes, and two and one ' tenth seconds. Nelson Gordman placed first in shot put with his throw of 33 feet and seven inches. Jeff Schwartz of Unaffiliates won the Softball throw with a toss ol 207 feet Dave Goldstein garnered first place in broad jump with his leap of 16 feet and three inches.

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POLITICAL AKVKBTIHKMKNT The first two youngsters to »lgn up for Camp Jay-C-C this year were Richard (left) and Randy Bagel, tons of Dr. and M n . Robert The Jewish Community Centei 1. Kngel, while Camp director SUverman looked on with approval. Varsity volleyball champions o More than tS campers »i|tned up In the Initial week of registration, the inter-City Class B Leagw VOTE FOR were presented a trophy last Wed' It was announced by Gerald Gross, chairman of the Camp Committee.. Camp Jay-C-C U tbe rammer ronldent camp uponaored by the nesday evening a t Rlvcrview Park Pavillion by the Parks and Rcc< Federation for Jewish Service. Mr. Gross »U|fif,eited that parent* enroll their children early to avoid possible dUappolntmpnt. For reation Association of Omaha. further Information, parent* may contact the Crater activities of fire. Team members arc: Al hamson, Bud Beber, Don Stern Jerry Cohen, Elliott Brown on Club Camp-outs Youth Council to Hold Sherman Poska. The trophy will be on dlspla, Overnight camp-outs arc in Operation Interview for at the Center during the Aware store for the Jewish Community Operation Interview, a systemaNight program to be hold District Judge Center sponsored Fourth and tic screening of all high school day. May 29 Fifth Grades Girls' Clubs. The seniors In Jewish Youth Council The Center varsily Softball learn canipouts will be held In Johannes was initiated this week. This prorOI.ITICAl, AnVKBTIKUWKNT notched Its first victory in the Na- Cottage at Camp Brewster located gram, developed by the Youth tional League last Sunday at BW Council's Pre-collcge Committee, ford Park to the tune of 12-6 ovc in Bellevuc about ten miles south is designed to answer the quesof Omaha. Clifton Hill Merchants. The Fourth Grade group will tions of graduating students re- VOTE FOR leave at 4:.'J0 p. m.. today and re- lating to college. AZA 1 to Celebrate turn tomorrow afternoon. The Seniors have been notified fifth Grade uroup will leave the through the mall of an appoint32nd Anniversary following Saturday. ment time. . Mother Chapter or AZA wil ITH.ITICAI. AnVftllTWRMKNT I'm.tTlCAi; ••ADVKHTISEMBNT: celebrate Its 32nd anniversary this weekend. Members will ut tend synagogue services as < group this evening. A birthday for ELECT party will be held Miller Park tomorrow. All girls situ-ndiitg the party will be required to bake Member of Board cakes which will Iw judged by chapter advisors. of Metropolitan Members and their parents will attend a banquet Sunday at 6:30 Utilities District p. m. in the Blackstone Hotel Guest speaker Will be Reverend Neil Danberg'of theNutional Conference of Christians and Jews. Two members of Mother ChapPOl.'TICAI AOVERTISKMKN'lt! ter were in Central's Senior Play last week. Mike Mogcl and Mike POLITICAL ADV; POLITICAL ADV. Meyer were In the production of Wintered.

club members. Miss Maxlne Zwelback wax appointed chairman of Parents Newlettcr project, POLITICAL ADVEBTISEMENT



Judge Patrick W. Lynch DISTRICT JUDGE

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Paul Kruger Republican for Congress f r«r Canf. 0**,., •«» FrmMT, 1 n M



Sunday Radio, TV The Eternal Light program will be presented over KFAB •from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.

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•Trees In the Wind" will be the second presentation this month by the Jewish Theological Seminary on the Frontiers of Faith scries which is telecast over KMTV from 11:30 a. rn. to 12 noon. It dramatizes an episode in the early life of the artist. Chalm Soutine. Theseventeen-year-old artist. In spite of adverse pressure from his family, feels the challenge of the artistic talent he has had from early childhood. While he does not wish to hurt his family, there rises the growing conviction that to leave this talent unfulfilled would be to turn his back on God.

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