May 18, 1956

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over; Iridjtj. 1*1 «. 20th Animal lute • VaUaaa

Nt-trnsUu l'l'«nr JA 1360

bliucle Copj M Ctmt*

Date Dr. Greenberg National Board

UJA to Launch Cash Drive

Dr. Abe Grocnberg was eleeti (I for n second term to tho Bonn! Of Go*ornors of B'imi IJ'rith, tinmajor policy mnkini; body, at tin Triennial Convention hold last week In Washington, D. C. Dr Grecnberg in the first vice-president of the Federation for Jewish Service. Philip M. Klutznlck, fonnerly Of Omaha, was re-elected president of B'nai B'rith for a second three year term. The proposal made by Mr. Klutznick that B'nai Brill) t.-iktpert on an "experimental basis" In an Internationa} group ot Jewiih organizations to act "consultatlvely" on world Jewish problem! was approved at the concluding session of the convention. Washington (WNS)—The tlirec Western powerit, the United States, Britnin nnd France, "all intend that the Stato of Israel •hall be maintained in Its independence;" declared Secretary of Slate John Foster Dulles In an address delivered here at the Tiiennlal Convention dinner o[ B'nai B'rith. Mr. Dulles revealed that (it the conference of the foreign ministers of the ]5 countries belonging to tho North Atlantic Troiily Oig im/.iliun, which took place the week before in I'nri;, there VMI<» lO'o/nition that '\vi<le dUcrepam it's in armed strength" between the Arab eountrirs mid Israel "would bo likely to create dangerous tensions." While slating that I he ArabTsrael problem could not l)e solved easily, Mr. Dulles said that the United States will strive "to maintain the momentum now* establlnhed by L'N Secretary General Dag Ilammarskjold" in his current effort to check hostilities on the Arab-Israel borders. Ho expressed the opinion that reliance should, nbovc all, be placed In the United NaUons.

Beth El Annual Meeting Sunday The annual meeting of Bclh El Congregation will follow dinner to bo held at 6 p. m., Sunday, May 20 In the synagogue social hall. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will be honored for hi? 20 years of service to the synagogue congregation. Eight synagogue board members Will be elected at the brief business meeting after dinner. "Holiday 1'arade" written by Mrs. Mycr S. Kripkc will be presented. It Is directed by Mrs. Ccorge IUienl>eig and Mrs. A. C. Follmnn will bo the accompanist. Mesdamcs Wallace Elkon and Arnold Koseman are In charge of stage n n d props. Mrs. Leon Schmidman Is in charge of costumes and makeup. Narrators will bo Mme.s. Norman Whitman anil Leonard Gould. CANADIAN SAI11IK JKTH London (JTA) — Israel will probably get a number of Sabrojcts from Canada, in addition to the twelve French Mystere Jets which Paris announced Saturday would be given Israel as a "last" shipment, it was Indicated here in British official circles. C. S. TO 1'ItOHB W a s h i n g t o n (JTA) —Lloyd Wright, chairman of the Commission on Government Security, announced last week-end that his group would investigate charges by Antoi-Dcfamatlon League head Henry E. Schultz that the suspension of numerous government employes was "animated by elements of anti-Semitism."

New York (JTAI - •Warninr. that despite a seeming relaxaion of Middle Knst tension, this stifumcr .still threatens to produee "the oVatlllt'!,! of eineif:encies" for Israel's people, William Hiisenwald, general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, announced recently that the IMA was launrliing a Sr>O,00O,()O0 cash collection drive and was .summoning its nationwide leadership to a National Action Conference in New York on June 9 and 10.

30% Increase in Big Communities' I»r. /Vie

Upsurge in Jewish [Education Told J.'V-'i'.h education is on the upsurge Dr, Uriah '/.. Kni;clinnn, 1)1reetor of the Nutlonal Jewish Education Survey, told the members of U\f J-.xc-ctii ive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Srrviee Monday afternoon lit a lunchcon HH'etiiu:. I >r. Khrelninn is in OuKthu to conduct tin! Omaha Miriiplln;: which will l>e included In the national survey of Jewish education. The number and types of schools are being increased, ho pointed nut. Mote money is belnR spent nnd moro Jewish organizations are becoming Interested in Jewish education. Dr. Engelman added. What is the reason for the natlonnl purvey? Dr. Engelman said lhnt there is a "feeling of disenchantment" nnd a "reaching out for more results" In Jewish education. The national study, he said, will try to answer questions being asked about the quality and quantity of Jewish education. Dr. Engelman had a word of praise for Omaha. He said that our community was unique in that survey volunteers had been recruited before.hl* arrival. Ho also stressed the value ot the Community Statistic!) File available at Hit" Jewish Community Center.

Goldberg Elected JWV Commander Milton Goldberg was Installed as Commander of (lie Epstein-Mori;nn Post No. 2(10 of Jewish War Veterans at their May meeting held last week In the Jewish Community Center. Other newly installed officers are: Marvin Kaplan, senior vlcocommamler; Deliner Klein, junior vicc-commaniler; Marvin Glllnsky, adjutant; Arthur Snlkin, quarter, master; Dave Dubin, chaplain. 1'aul Crouuse, Judge advocate; Dr, Jerome IJlcieher, post stjrgcon; nnd Max Belgrade, serjeant-atarms. Abe Miller, s e n i o r vice-commander of the Nebraska-Iowa Department of JWV was Installing officer. Sherman Llpstein was the retiring commander. Commander Goldberg announced that this year JWV will hold its annual Memorial Services at 10:30 a. m., .Sunday, May 27, at the graveside of late Herman Silverman, a charter member of the Post. The service will be held in conjunction with the dedication ot tho memorial monument. Paul Crounse has been appointed Officer of tho Oay. -

New York (JTAI—Spring welfare funds arc "moving Into the homestretch" of their campaigns with results ranging far nbovo the 19!i5 drives, It was announced Monday by Herbert U. Abeles, president of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. Keports from 43 of the largest communities show campaigns running ahead of last year by 30 percent. As of May II, these cities raised $10,741,303 thus far this year against a com*'arable total of $:)],:i.-)l.l!(I for 195.*). "These impressive results demonstrate the understanding and the determination of our welfare funds to meet the ureat challenges on every front," Mr. Abele;; declared. "Great responsibilities rest ujwn our people—in their own communities, nationwide needs, and the critical emergency overseas. It is to their everlasting credit that they are responding so generously." Eight of the 1G largest cities have already exceeded last year's totals, and with the drives still far from complete, several others arc within percentage points of surpassing their 1955 totals. Cleveland, with a total of $4,825,f)G0, has raised more money this year than any other year, Including 1948. This compares with $4,0."i5,000 raised last year, and $4,811,000 raised In 1948. Detroit, with $5,113,000 raised thus far, Is running 32.3 percent ahead of last year's campaign and has already raised 24 percent more than last year's total campaign results. Houston, with $-171,72.') has already raised 2!) percent more than last year's final figure. Toronto in also mounting an impressive campaign, with results running 47.5 percent ahead of 1055 from the sumo people. Baltimore, Cincinnati, Kansas Cily, Newark and Pittsburgh are within close reach of last year's totals and are expected to exceed them In the near future.

y fRosenbiaff Reports Pfiilfsufhraples Ahead 25%

Mayor John Rosenblatt, General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropic; and Emergency United Jewish Appeal Campaign, in his report to tho community announced that as of Wednesday the amount raised in tho drive amounts to $422,510. 'This compared to $338,152 raised last year at this time represents an 25 per cunt Increase. Steps Outlined The mayor next outlined the steps necessary to bring the camThe Center Pre-School Day paign to a successful conclusion. Camp this year will be conducted • J, Complete coverage of the re« cards Including contribuon the Grounds of tho Dr. Philip maihlng tions to the special fund. Slier Jewish Home for the Aged, : 2, Review of cards bearing regMrs. Winifred. King, pre-Bchool ular contributions but no additionteacher, will be ngaln be In charge al amounts for the special fund. 3, Jtesolictatlon of those who of the camping program. have not given adequately. Camping scsfiionB will be held :. In Home-Stretch from June lfl to July 6,! from July . We are in the home-stretch 9 to July 27 and a full session now, Mayor Rosenblatt emphafrom June July 27. Ilates arid all Indications point to for the full session are 50 dollars sized, a successful campaign. and 30 dollars for first 6i* second The heeds of all of our agencies s e s s i o n s . . . : '••• '••' • ; . . : ; ' .'.-..:• ••' " and particularly the plight of the The pro-schoolers will use'the refugees In North Africa are wellhome recreation room during In- known to us. Mayor Rosenblatt clement weather. declared. However, wo cannot A special garden area will be over-emphasize tho fact that It is set aside for the youngsters to only through the funds provided crow flowers or raise pets. Port- by this campaign that we can able play equipment and special guarantee the continuation of the materials will be available to the services of our local ngencles, national organizations and the Unitchildren. ed Jewish Appeal, which is literDavid Orkow, home director. ally saving tiie lives of thousands said: "It will bo wonderful having of Jews In the holocaust tho little children here. The folks of North caught Africa, ho concluded. at the home will enjoy seeing Ihem."

Center Pre-School at Home

Camp Office Open Evenings at Center Camp Jay-C-C office at the Jewish Community Center will be open from 7 to 9 p. m. Monday through Thursday for the convonienco of parents wishing Information, it was announced by Gerald Gross, chairman of the camp committee, Parents are invited to direct their inquiries to the camp director and his assistant who will be on hand to answer questions reHarding camp.

"A Very Special Village" will be presented by the Jewish Theological Seminary on the Frontiers of Faith scries which is telecast over KMTV from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It tolls the story of an unique village In Israel, Shaar Mcnashe, which is composed of people over 65 years old. A project of Malben, a unit of the Joint Distribution Commlttco, this village actually exists. Our Jewish Philanthropies Campaign helps underwrite, tho work of JDC.

5th Year Party f o r / Golden Age ClubC A Fifth Year BirLhday party will be celebrated by the Golden Ago Club at their meeting Monday, May 21, at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. Members will meet for .coffee at 12:30 o'clock. Cantor Eli Kagcn will present t musical program. Games and cards ill follow. Mrs. Nathan Simon is Golden' Age chairman. Mrs, John Solomon and Mrs. Milton Margolin are golden age co-ordlnaton for the Omaha section National Council of Jewish Women who sponsor the Golden-Age club with,,the Jewish Community Center. JEWISH QUARTER ATTACKED Algiers TJTA)—Six p e r s o n s were killed and four wounded In t fresh outbreak of fighting In the Jewish quarter ot Constantlne, s city some 200 miles east of here. This followed the wounding of 13 Jews during a scries of running battles between Arab rebels and Europeans In that city.

Sunday Radio, TV The Eternal Light program will bo presented over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.

j '


Jtlko MlMer

Mike Milder Is Jaycee President Myron (Mike) Milder, a member oC the Federation's ADL Ad visory Committee, last Friday was named president of the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Milder Is guardian of Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nai B'rith. Ho la a graduate of Central High School and tho University of Omaha. Chi Farber was elected to Jayceo board of directors. Donald Stern, Sheldon Harris and Alvln Nogg were to-elected to the board.

RADIUS TO VISIT New York (JTA)—The Rabbinical Council of America, an organization of Orthodox rabbis, announced that it has received word from tho Soviet Embassy in Washington that it can send a delegation of six rabbis to visit the Soviet Union to study Jewish religious life there.

Center Stamp Club


Boys and girls Interested in stamp collecting or those wlio would like to develop an interest in stamp collecting are Invited to join the new group at tho Jewlsli Community Center. Tho group is in process of beinfj formed under tho leadership of Al Fcllman. Mr. Fellman 1* • student at Omaha University tad • stamp enthusiast. Anyone Interested Ja jotaiag tha stomp club may enroll by callinc the Activities OfUotat«M CeatMfcj JA 1304. , ....... j]

• ' - - - " • • ' ' • " ' • -

• • *

P»fe Two


Friday, May 1H. 105(1.


Mrs. J. Wine Heads Bikur Cholim Unit

Published Every Prlda? b j U» Federation of Jewtah Service t Nebraska. 1366. Editor


With Hie Folks At Home News u l happenings »t tbo Dr. FhUip 8ber lewlsji Hone for tta by D»vU Oitum. May 8 - George Kek-Patrick once again cam* *way from the Handicraft Exhibit with a Blue" Ribbon.


Befh Israel

Traditional Friday evening services wfll begin at 730 p. m. ServSarah Ccndler. ices Saturday begin at 8:30 a. m. May 10—Rabbi and Mn. Benjamin Craner sent a tponge cake and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Saturday Mincha and Sholosh for a Klddush. May U-Davld Orkow took a S'eudo* at 7-JO p. m. ServtCM Sunday begin at 8:45 'parly fat our folks for a sightseeing trip. A special Klddush by a. m. Jr. Tails and Tephilin serv"Cowboy" on the occasion of his ices at 8:30.a. m. father. Israel Sadofsky1! Yahrzelt. Weekday services at 7 a. m. and May 12—Mr. and Mrs. Harold :40 p. m. Cooperman sent flowers-to t h e ' Home In honor of the Bas Mltzvnh Temple Israel of their daughter Frances. Mazellov! Worship services this evening at May 13 — A special thanks to Temple Israel will be held at" 8 Mrs. Stella ftosentha] of Temple o'clock. Martin Well of the TemIsrael Sisterhood for the laundry >lc Youth Group will deliver a serbags we needed to much. B & P monette, "A Viait To Hebrew UnWomen of Hadassah sponsored the ion College." Mother's Day party today. Mrs. Services Saturday morning will Julius Newman was the Master of lie at 11 -JO o'clock for member* Ceremonies. Tne program Includ- >f the religious school and adults. ed songs by Miss Julia Zukor and piano selections by Mrs. Marvin Taxman. Baskets of fruit were do- BerhEl nated by Beth El students markSabbath services at Beth El ing the Shavuoth holiday. Synagogue will begin at 8;15 p. m. May 14—Several of our folks at- SUbbl Myer S, Kripke will discuss tended the Bikur Cholim tea hon- "Cantors and the Cantorate"—In o r i n e great - grandmothers and recognition of Cantor Aaron Ed.grandmothers. Flowers to decorate gar's 20th anniversary of service the Homp Synagogue for Shavumh to Beth EL The cantor and choir were provided by the Bikur Cho- win chant the musical portions of lim Society. the service. May 15—Rabbi David Korb was Sabbath morning services will our visitor today and spoke on be held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior "Shavuoth and Its Meaning." Congregation services Will begin at 30:43 a. m. Mineha-Maariv service is at 7:15 p. m. Daily Zionist Council to Meet services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m Sunday service is at 9 a. m. ©m*ha Zionist Council will hold i Its regular monthly meeting at 8 p. m., Wednesday, May 23, in the Paperny to Be Honored Jewish Community Center. The nominating committee will On His 65th Birthday make its report. Louis Paperny will be honored on his £5tii birthday at 6 p. mn Sunday. May 20 In (he Rome Hotel by Workmen's Circle, Branch 25& Representatives from WorkCharles Guss men's Circle, Branch 173 and LaServices were held Monday, bor Lyceum Association will take May 14 for. Charles Cuts with in- part tn the celebration. Mrs. Milton Nerenberg will preterment at Golden IIUI Cemetery. Mr. Guss. 61, a resident of Oma- ;nt several musical selections. Sam Tarnoff will serve as ha for 45 years,'died at a local hospital Saturday. May 12 as the :oostmasler and Morris Goodman a* chairman for the evening. result of injuries received from an Members of the committee In assailant , He is survived by a ton Barney charge of the affair arc Milton Nercnberc and Ben Gorclick. Guss and four grandchildren. M«y



Services were held Tuesday, May 15 for Mrs. Benjamin Boasberg with Interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Boasbcrg died Sunday. May 13. She Is survived by her hushnnd. Benjamin; two sisters. Miss Elizatwth J. Hart of Omaha and Mrs. Van D. Alborts of Lo% Amides, Cnl.. nnd n brnirer, Kdward M Hart of Wayne. NYlir.

Regional B'nai B'rith Meet in Grand (stand

The Southwest Regional Council Sprinc Convention of B'nai B'rith will be held Saturday nnd Sunday. May 2G nnd 27 at Hotel 'nnccy in Grand Island. Nebr. Harold Grossman, member of lie Central Nebraska Lodt;e, will »rvc as General convention chairlan. Ben Novieoff of Lincoln. Nebr., regional president, will preside at the sessions. Mrs. Sarah Gendler Omaha, Council Bluffs. Lincoln, Services were hold Thursday, ;i',ux City, nnd Sioux Frills lodge: May 10 .for -Mrs. Sarah Oendler '/ill 5*cnd (lek'^atc-r, to the conwith interment at Beth El Ceme- •l;ive. tery. Mrs. Gcndlcr. 7-i, a resident of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Jiovnc for the A^ed, died Wednes- Hebrew Offered day. M;iy 9 at ri local hospital after A course In Hebrew modeled on a long illness. She was a resident le Israel Ulpan system will be of Oniaha for 27 years. offered this f-.unimer at the now Mrs. Gendier Is survived by a Camp Ilatzofeh near Coventry, son, A. B. Gtfndler; a daughter, Conn., by the Youth department of Mrs. Marvin Belzcr; seven nrand- the American Zionist Council and childrcn and two Rrcat-crandchil- Student Zionist Organization. The dren. ' course for hish school graduates arid COIIOKC students will be tim;;ht by David Ron. a noted HebrcuRaphael PoIiakofF cducator here in U. S. on a leave Services were held Wednesday, of absence. Kay, 9 for Raphael PoiialtoH in For further information contact Ealtimore, Md. Mr. Pollakoff died Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president there Tuesday, May 8. lie is.sur- of Omaha Zionist Council or write vived by his son, Rabbi Matthew to Ulpan, Jtoom 1421, 342 Madison av., New York 17, N. Y. J>oliakoff of Omaha.

Dr. Turkel to Head Cornhusker Lodge

A daui'.hler Curia Ann was born April H to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilernarr More tlum one hundred memDr. rtnlph Turkel wa, rlecled Jtijikch (if Dilli, Tex Tln-y are bers of the Bikur Clmlum Sodi.-ty fnmitT Oniuiuiim. The couple *iiso president of Curnhu.skiT I^odKC h o n o r e d t h e'i Midni.ilhers 1TG0 of Il'nai IVritii at a niectlng grandmothers and mothers Ht the have a dinirlitor TI-ITI Kllcn. Mr. held lnst vsct'It. first annunl Miithcr-Daiinhtcr Tva and Mis Rolici t Miner .ire nvit« rOtlicr newly elected offiri'is me: given Mundiiy, May 11. .'it the Jew- f;i itiwlpitu nts Klliot IJrown. Gerald UernsU'ln, ish Community Center. Willis Epstein, vlcc-presidcntis A d.umlKcr Ronua was bom to Bob Newman, recording secretary; Mrs. M. G. Coin n «os the crfatgTandmothcr honored for having Mr. and Mrs. Monte Hermann Muy Hurry Alloy. corrcsnandLne sccre^ the greatest number of grand- i) at a local hospital. She is the tnry; Dave Hire, financial secrechildren. • Her d.uir.liter, Mn». couples first child. Mr. and Mrs. tary; Alvln Abrahamson, treasCharlcn Itois was tlie youngest Leo Taub of Omaha are maternal urer; Joseph Mayer, warden: HargrandmiJlher nnd Mrs A Lcvinii grandparents and Air. and Mrs old Fox. Kiinrriinn; Jcrold Rosen, was died for having the young- Lee Hermann of Colorado Spring*, chnplaiii. and Warner Froiuiian, Colo., are paternal ^randparcjils. Ed Doli;uff. E<1 Stein, trustees. est granddaughter. In conjunction with the ten an Mrs. Mary MnrkoiviU of Omaha I > Inst.-illaticm of officers will l » held Juno 14. election of officers was held with great-grandmother. the following elected: Mrs. J. Wine, president; Mrs. Harry SidMr. and Mrs. Alan L. Katskee Henry Monsky Lodge man, first vice-president; Mrs. M- of Lincoln, Nebr., announce the Llnda. second vice-president; Mre. birth of a daughter born Sunday, Will Elect Officers I t Lippctt. third vice-president. May 6 in a Lincoln hospital. Mrs. Election of officers for the comFinancial secretaries are Mrs. Edwin Katskee is paternal grand. Wm. Epstein and Mrs. Joo Lav- Mother and Mr. and Mrs. Mose ing year will be held at the next )nsky. Recording secretary is Mrs. Krosne of Fremont arc maternal meeting of the Henry Monsky dco No. 3*1 of B'nai B'rith at L. Siporin and treasurer Mrs. grandparents. Great -grandjnolh8:30 p. m., Thursday, May U, at Charles Ron. ers are Mrs. David Diamond and the Fireside Restaurant. Mrs. Abraham Katskee. Refreshments will be served and a social hour will follow. To Eaterfoin at Home Richard W. Slocum, president, Patronize Our Advertisers Dancing students of Miss Caro- American Newspaper Publisher lyn Kagan will entertain the resU Association: "Public indifference dents of the Dr. Philip Shcr Jew- and silence are our greatest danish Horfie for the Aged, Sunday, gers to freedom of the press." May 20, at 2 p. m. The them* of the presentation win be a Toyshop scene, entitled "Dancing Dolls of 1936." is First in Ford ROASTED DAILY sates and is gofeq Full Lino of Nut Mcah to Stay First? and Salted Nuit for Bar, BAI Miizvahs, SEE Porfyi and Weddings RUG & UPHOLSTERY




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24th end Fonwm



Mrs. B. Boosberg


Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday Same Day Service No Extra Charge In or 10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.

Ask for a Real Treat . . . ;



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Also Pickup end Delivery Service

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V/e Deeply Grieve the Loss of


Who Died in Baltimore, Md. on May 8

Formerly with Shukort's Market Will Be Associated with

He Was the Father of Rabbi M. FolioJioff Rev. M. Landsmen and Family, Rev. I. Block and Family

Thar Starting Today


WE 495S


Friday. M«.v 18. JB5fl.


Organizations II. I. SISTERHOOD Mrs. Sam Kat/nun w:n, Installed ai president or Beth I ;rael Sisterhood at the Idkt iffular meeting of the season h> Id last Tiu-^lay. Rabbi lionjiijnln Ciuiicr v.ia the . installing officir Olhor newly installed officers an1 Mrs. Henry Appcl, fJr»t vice-pi evident: Mrs. Arthur Panlmun, sprond viec-iin...Wont; Mrs Harold Z'-linslty, third vine-president; Mis l.nvlt Appel. treasurer; Mrs Sidney Fcllmun and Mrs. Hnruld Bloom, financial •cerrtanes; Mr»- N.ithan Kaplan. reeordintr secretary; Mrs. David Frank nnd Mrs Iljiney Grey, corresponding secret.ines; and Mrs. Alfred Frank, p irlhnncntarian. MIZKACIII WOMEN Mosdames J. Gwxlbinder, UJUIS Paperny, M Brodkcy, and L. Gcreliete have Joined the Mizrachl Women's Donor Luncheon Circle. They will entertain at a luncheon at the Jewish Community Center Thursday, Mny 24 at 12:30 p. m. Fat reservations call Mrs. J. Goodbinder. GL 3115. BRANDEI8 WOMEN TT)» National .Women's Commit, tee of the Branded University will hold their SptteR Meeting art the Highland W w t dub Wednesday, M«y 23 at 1 p JIJ. An election of officer* for the 'coming year will be hcM, The officers -Who are alacted will 1>e totalled % H n . Harold Parbcr. ' A <pragram -The Gift That Uvei,™ -unaor the Slrectton A ton. Danald Hogg and narrated By Elaine Jabenl*, will "be presented, Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Uymon Teror, GL 1435, .ana Mr*. Reuben Brown, WA 3381. For those who need of transportation, caJl Mrs. Hubert Monsky, RE 1430.



OmnTia Chapter of Pioneer Womon -win hold thrir ' regular mertlntf at 12 -.10 p m., Tuesdny, Mny 22 In the Jewish Community Center. Luncheon will bo sirvrd, Election of offlwns will U- held. All members am a'ked to ottend. IMDASSAH Mrs. David Brodkcy, OIIUTOIIH: president of Oinalm Chnptor HadntMh, win entertain the chapter board nt n brunch in linr home 1121 N. 5Cth »t., nt the taut board mcrtlng of the season to bo hold at I l : 3 0 / i . m., Monday, Mny 21. All -chapter toard nvcrabcra have been Invited to attend, The Group boards wiH <noct, Thursday, May 21, at 12:80 p. m Herzl Group will be entertained by Mi*. Sam RotheriberK, 1301 So. 52nd s t and her co-hostesses, Mrs. Robert Flnobere aitd Mrs. Edward Simon.*- Mrs. Max Grecribercr, president of the Szold Group, will be hostan t o this croup nt her home. 2H'So. 24th st. The Wcltzman Group Will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Friivlen, wth Mrs. David B. Grons co-hostess. Dessert nnfl coffee will be served. This Is the final hoard mcetlnc of the your and all members are urged to attend. An orlclnnl muslcalc, written by several of Omnha chapter members, based on the licit television shown of the yenr will bo presented at the last Omuha Chapter mectind of thr nr-ason to be lield Tucidny, Mny 29. Mesdamw Morris Fellmnn, Hnl)ert Sllvnnnan, Morris Jnlirnls, Leon Schmldman nnd Russell Blumenthttl will dirwt the rJiow. Newly dcrted offipers will he Inntalled nt the mwtinf;.

Pioneer Women Shower for Israel Omaha Chnptor of Pioneer Women will hnld their jinnual linen nnd new clothes for Israel shower nt 1 p. m., Tluirmlay, May 31 nt Labor Lyceum. A dMsert lunrlu'on will be served. Clothes that sire needed are children'^ npp.nd, liouscdrcssen, work Khlrts, baby lnyettcs anil blanket';. Mrs. Sam Novak is chairman for the affair. She is nssistod by Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Wfkln, Mestlames Morris Stcrcnborc, Harry Ricblin, Philip Crnndcil, Milton Nercnbcrc and Sam Hlchman.




District President To Install Officers Mrs. Frcdericl: P il.i'non, prosld^.'iii of v/omoiTs di'itiit.'l Grand Lod|;e No. C, will hi t,r|""'t of the H'naj B'rith wonifii s eh iptci of Omaha, Tuesday, M ly 21 Mr.;. Solomon lias ii'lui/ird from a visit to the Nutiiiiml nos;»ital in D e m t i , C\A >, tind wan also u district ^x n pir .cnt.illve to the B'nal H'rith Triennial Convention held rcf'< ntl> in Wjsliington. D. C. She will serve n. tin in^l.illini: officer of the Henry MonsKy chapter at 12:21) p. m., Tuesday, May 22 nt the Firomde ill* .tauiant Newly elected offici1! , arc: NTrs Hnrry Sidman, prenii"nt; Mrsdames Hurry Smith, Kidney Znelmer and Max Kri/clman, viccpresidonbi; Mrs. Dan Gordmnn, rocording secretary; Mrs. I!cn Zoorwill, corresponding nccretdiy: Mrs Sam Garrop, financial secictary; Mrs. Col Mlroff, .dues secretory; Mrs. Charles Stern, treasurer; Mrs. Abo Ginsberg, hentinel; Mrs Nate GItnick, historian; and William Abrahams, guardian. Truatees are: Mmcs." Richard Wright, Rubui Ratner and Nate Kaplan. : Mrs. Harry Friedman is, inonJtre*s. : Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Solomon will be .guest speake r and inxtall the officers of t i c Nebraska chapter «t South OmaTu Synagogue; •;.:..•':.; , Newly elected offIcori -are: Mrs, Goodman O>hen, '.president; Mrs. W i n i a m Stone, vice-prosldcnt; Mw, Joe Llpton, vice-president; Mrs. Paul Sticks, recording »ecrct»ry; Mrs, Boh Kaplan, financial necrctary; M M . Robert Rimmerman, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Louis Wohlner, treasurer; Mrs, Al Zwerilng, sentinel; Mrs. Charles Scuilder, Runrdlnn; and Mrs. Josoph Mayor, historian. Trustees are: Mmcs. Sol Idttman, Harry I. T^wtcln tmtl Snm Mnnvltz. Mrs. Morris Franklin Is monllress. Nebrankn Lodge No. 1445 will hp ^uff,ts of the clianter, It wafi announced by Mrs. Al Onich nnd

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JOHN KAL1NA Photographer 817 S. 36th St. HA 1044

the GREATEST GUY in Ihe WORLD... the man who takes his family




Step-Claymen Wedding at B.L Miss Sally Lorraine Step and Albert Clajmap were married Sunday in Beth Israel Synagogue by Rabbi Benjamin Groncr and Cantor Ell Kugan. The bride I s the daughter of Mrs. Harry Step and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. anfl Mrs. Sumuel M. dayman. • Mrs. Kugene Step of Indianap-, oils, Ind , was matron-oT-honor and Miss Florence 7zenstat of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Yale Kaplan were bridesmaids. Harry Lewis was best man and Yale Kaplan, Saul Llbowsld, Louis Paul, David Keiser and Allen Clpinko ushered. , A reception in the synagogue nodal <hall was followed *y * family dinner in Cemea Rsom of •the; Fireside .Restaurant After a wedding trip <to .Kansas a t ; , M o , the Douple will make their home .at 4S10 Capitol av. •

Hlis ?«an Kntz

Miss Jean L. Kate Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Max KaU have announced t h e engagomant of their daushter, Miss j e a n l<orralne, to Eric S. Marx, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marx of West Englewoou, N, J, Their betrothal was revealed at, a family -dinner hold recently at the Fireside Restaurant which was attended by Mr. Marx's .parents. ; Mr. Marx attended the University or Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. No wedding date has been set.


Miss Stem Hans To Wed in June Retired Colonel nnd Sirs. Ben-.Jamln Stem announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise Helen, to J. Joel Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder. Miss Stern will be graduated In June from the University of Ne» brnska. She formerly attended tba New Jersey, College for Women a t New Brunswick, N. J., and Temple Unlverntty's Tyler Sdhool of Fine Arts at EDdns Paflc, Pa. Her fianoe attended the VTAversity of Nebraska, where tie wa» a member of Zeta Beta Tan Fraternity. He Is now attending the Creighton School at Dentistry where he Is a member of XI I'M Phi Fraternity. A June wedding Is planned.

Patronize the firms that advertise in YOUR newipaper.

Mrs. Louis Glassonbarg of Chicago, 111, li visiting with tor daughter and «on-ln-law. Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin. Groner of, Omaha.

IF... You're Going to Bay A New Car Within I

SAMMofheis'CWb The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club wilj meet at 1 p. m., Tuesdny, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Joe Llpton, « 3 6 Pine st. Mrs. Max Rosen will be co-hostess. New officer* for the coming year will be Installed. Mrs. Max Sachs. For reservations to the Mon«ky chapter Installation call Mrs Stanley Shnplto, WA 7907 or Mrs. Cohn, GL 3979.



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Center Sports Bar and Bas Thfe Jewish Community Center summer' swimming program will •tart June 11. A feature of the program win be recreational swim periods for class members on their days off. Each member will also receive two, one hour lessons per week. Fee for children non-members is $2.50 a month and S3.00 for adults who are not members. Beginners' swim classes will be held Tuesday and Thursday evenings for men and women from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Call the Center for further information.




Youth Councilers High on Honor Roll

Rita 1'elti, top student in the senior class, I/jivell n.-nimer, Marty Greene, Howard Kaslow tine Miss Diane Fogcl, daughter of Dick SpruiT lid the student body Mr. and Mrs. David Fogcl and of ...-ntm! His'h 'Uiol.istic.illy the Miss Leslie Epstein, daughter of first half of the second semester Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, will by scoring 11 points on the honor become Bnos Mitzvah at services roll. Other "students receiving outFriday evening, May 18 and Sat urday morning. May 19, at Beth standing marks for the first half Of this term were Gary Gitnick. El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invri- Lora Franklin, Murda Zalkln ami Tom Kully. ed to attend both services and the Credit points arc received on the receptions which will follow. basis of the grade received in the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlekes an course. A total of 80 Jewish stu dents qualified for the honor roll nouncc the Bos Mitzvah of their out of 231 students qualifing for Eighteen swimmers represent- daughter, Miss Nancy, and Mr. the recognition pward. ing the Jewish Community Center and Mrs. Phil Gcrelick announce Over 40 Jewish Youth Councilers were timed for competition In the the Bas Mitzvah of their daugh- at Central High School were nationwide meet sponsored by the ter. Miss Hally Sue, at a Joint named to the Junior Honor SoNational Jewish Welfare Board, service at Beth EJ Synagogue Fri- ciety, a society that recognizes the it was announced by Joe Mlcek, day evening, May 25 and Satur- high scholastic achievements of day morning, May 26. Center aquatic director. underclassmen. Best times were posted by Judy Friends and relatives are invitNamed to the honor roll were: Kutler in the 20 yard free style, ed to attend both services and the Lowell Baumcr, Harriet Epstein, Jerry Schwartz In the 40 yard receptions which will follow. Marv Frcedman, Marty Greene, back stroke and Karl Luefschuctz Larry Kahn, Howurd Kaslow. In the 20 yard freestyle. Their The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Laurie Orach, Dodi Shapiro, Mark times were 105, 29.9 and 11.6 Kutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schlmmel, Larry Zacharia, Marcia seconds respectively. ' Kutler, will take place Saturday Zalkln, Judi Bon, Irv Belzer, Howmorning May 26 at Beth Israel ie Kooper, Bernard Bloom, BarSynagogue. Services will begin bara Brodkey, Charlotte Brodkey at 8:30 a. m. All. relatives and and Robert Brodkey. friends arc Invited to attend the Others named as honor roll stuservice and the reception follow- dents were Marilyn Dworkln, Gering the service, ald Friedman, Sally Freeman, Richard Fellman. son of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hiriam Dwoskin Beverly Goldberg, 'Nelson GordMrs, Leon Fellman, headed the announce the Bar Mitzvah of their man, Andy Jean Gross, Saul Kripstaff of the Nebraskan the Uni- son Albert will be celebrated Sat- ke, Tom Kully, Martin Lipp, Mike versity of Nebraska daily news- urday morning, May 19 at Beth Pcrscll, Justin Ravitz, Steven Rlekes, Lena Rife, Linda Rosenpaper which w on the coveted Ail- Israel Synagogue. baum. Florence Shrago, Richard American rating. The award was Friends and relatives nre Invit- Speler, Howari Wcinbcrg and made by the Associated Collegiate ed to attend the service and the Maureen Zevltz. Press, the only national press group on the university level for reception which will follow. Phyllis Abrahams, Barbara Adthe semester ending February ler, Susan Baron, Barbara Bcr1956. Graduating Students cutt, Steve Bloch, Judy Cohen and This makes the third time that Larry Elewitz were also named the Nebraskan has received the To Conduct Service o the honor focii-ty. Students of t h e graduating award having won it in 19-17 and :lass of the Hebrew School of the 1932. AZA Awards Mr. Fellman is senior In - the 'cmple Israel Religious School Highlighting the celebration of College of Arts and Sciences and ••ill conduct services, Saturday, Alcph Zadik Aleph Mother Chapii majoring in political science. May 19, at 11:30 a. m. Members of the das*, who will ter's thirty-second year last weekHe will start his law studies this conduct the entire Service in He- end was the presentation of Best fall. Aleph and Athlete Awanh. Mr. Fellman was editor of the brow, arc: Arnold Altsulcr, Nancy Gary Gitnick and Stanley KaiNebraskan last semester after Brodkey, Ronald Greene, Myra man shared t he Best Alcph Award Llpp, Robert Nogg, Bette Weiner, working his way up through the while Willard Plolkin waj judged and Walter Wise. various staff Jobs. He is secreLloyd Bank, chairman of the the best athlete, Sam Ifpslcin. tary of the Innocents Society..the along with last year's winners senior men's honorary and has Temple Religious School Commitbeen active in university debating tee, will award the graduation di- ack Orach and Stan Widman preteams, the student council and plomas and R a b b i Sidney H. sented the awards. Fifteen new alephs were formalZeta Beta Tau. Mr. Fellman is Brookn will apeak. A special Kiddush will be held ly initiated inlo the chapter at the also. farm : editor of the Lincoln "•arenU-Foundersi D a y Banquet n the social hall following the Star. Service at which time the gradu- eld last week. He headed the Jewish Youth ates will be honored, Council in 1932 and was Rayim Fraternity'* first president. Use the Want Ads to buy, sell r rent.

Fellman Headed Top' Nebraskan

Confirmation Held At Temple Israel

College Life Forum by Temple Youth Group

Confirmation services were hek Tuesday evening at Temple Israel Eleven members of the Confirmation Class participated in the services with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. Confirmands were: Barbara Ann Brodkey, Charlotte Alice Brodkey, Wallis Wessel Chernlack, Jean Linda Goldstein, Toni Judith Kaplan, Faye Anne Katz, Linda Sue Kavich, Nancy P a m e l a Lewis, Martin Ell Well, Bernhardt Louis Wolf, Jr. 'and Barbara Susan Wolfe.

Tile Temple Youth Group will hold a forum and discu-ilon on college life at Its meeting Sunday afternoon, at. 3:45 p. m., In the Temple. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will bo moderator bf the discussion en» titled, "Jewish Youth Faces ColleKe Life." Speakers on the panel will be Dr. J. II. MacCiregor, Dean of Students of the University of Omaha; .Murray Newman. Central, High School senior; Dick Fellman, University of Nebraska senior; and Mrs. Paul Veret, whose son Barry is a Junior at Princeton University.

Women Bowlers Present Awards Wolf Brothers -and Best Appliance teams, were presented league championship trophies at the seventh annual B'rial B'rith Women's Bowling Banquet held last Tuesday evening at the Fireside Restaurant. : V • Members of "the/Winning Wolf Brothers team were:. Libby Hober*' man, Diane Rubin; Betty : Perelman, Audrey Kirshenbaum, Dora Wclnbcrg and Time Lincoln. Best Appliance squad was: made up of Julia Schaplrp. Millie Wine, Frances Klein, Vleld Richards, Lucille Rosen and Freda Stoller. Officers were elected for the 1956-57 season; They arc: Sonla Forbes, president; Helen Shukert, first vice-president; M e r r 1 a m Cooperman, second vice-president; Lottie Bloch, recording secretary; Rose Oruch, Dlna Bloom, Helen Tarnoff, Eye :- Wlntroub. treasurers; Beat Weinbcrg, sergcantat-armj, and Ida Sachs, publicity.

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Pioneer Program For Camp Jay-C-C

Freshmen and sophomore terns will be able to participate in Pioneer Leadership Training Program at Camp Jay-C-C. The Pioneer Program will emphasize the development of leadership and special skills relating to camping Saul Silverman, camp director stated. • .Plahnlng of the pro^r-ams will be shared Jointly by Pioneers and staff. Full-time leadership will be provided for by specially trained staff acting as counselors. For further information cnli camp office, JA 1366. •

Friday, May ID. 1930.

LIVE BE\lER...£/ecMca//yM AK-SAR-BEN

B.I. Men's Club Both Israel" Men's Club will honor the boys ami girls who celebrated'their Bar'and Has .Mitzvahs durins





monthly dinner meeting to l« held at. 6:43 p. m., Thursday, May 21. Mr*. Sam Kat/man, president of Beth Iirael Si-itprhiM'l, will install the newly elected officers of the men's club. For reservation-; c ill tin- «.ynagogue office, flf 0^'8S, on o: Ivfuic May 22

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