•atlwriMa' M
PublUM4 e«rr Friday, 1M H. ttth, Annul Bate 4 Italian Omaha. Metnuka Fame M 1IM Magic Oo»? U Omts
Award Night to Fete Egypt to Get Polish Arms; Center Athletes Tues. Dicta ijrSilth Red China
Herman- Rohrig, an official of at the University of Nebraska. He the Big -Seven Football Confer- played in the College All-Star . ence, will be guest speaker at football game against- the Green Award Night to be held at 7:30 Bay Packers In 1940 and was a Philanthropies Funds p. m, Tuesday, May 29 in the member of a Nebraska squad Jewish Community Center audi- that played In the Rose Bowl. Raised as of May 23 torium. It was announced by Les Center athletes are honored on $354,388.75 Initial Gifts Washington (JTA)—Grave con. Burkenroad, chairman of the Cen- Award Night for competition in 11,894.00 cern was felt in government cirCasablanca (JTA)—Ten Jews Men's Division •.. ter Health and Athletic Commit- Center sports during the year. were kidnapped in Eastern Mor58,049,40 Women's Division One of the evening's highlights tee. 2,079.00 cles following an announcement within a .48 hour period in a B.A-P. Unit . . . . . Mr. Rohrig, general manager will be the presentation of out- occo Children's Dlv. . . , 1,082.25 in Cairo that the Egyptian Govresurgence of activity by the unstanding athletes' awards. The of a group of sporting goods 79850 ernment has concluded an arms Burkenroad Award , will be derground "Moroccan Liberation High School Dlv. . ' stores, won All-Conference hon- Lei Miscellaneous . . . 3,264.39 deal with Poland similar to the to the best senior ath- Army" that has left a number of ors lo football in 1939 and 1940presented lete; the Hany Trustln Trophy people dead and has taken some will go to the outstanding junior 15 persons prisoner, it was re- Total to date . . . .$431,556.29 one reached recently with Czechoslovakia. The announcement athlete; and the J. J. Greenberg ported here. came on the heels of a report that Award to best midget player. Six Jews were abducted in OujEgypt Is also negotiating an arms The Center Varsity Volleyball da, five from their shops and one team who won the City Chamdeal with Communist China. ' from his home.' The other kidpionship will also be honored. The Executive Committee of They will officially accept the napped Jews were taken in the Washington views the possible the Federation for Jewish Service trophy presented by the Omaha Fez area. One Jew, Identified as Cairo-Peking rapprochment as an attempt by Col. Nasser to evade unanimously approved increasing Parks and Recreation CommisAzlza, a grocer, has already been what appears to be a forthcoming the Federation's loan to the Unit- sion. United Nations-initiated arms emed Jewish Appeal at a meeting freed. Members of the community are bargo on the states of the Middle held Monday evening In the Jew- Invited to attend Award Night, Reacting to the campaign of East. Communist China Is not a ish Community Center. which Jews were the chief vicMr, Burkenroad stated. member of the UN and would not tims, Jewish-owned shops in OujThis will Increase the amount of be bound by such a prohibition. da have closed in protest. Telethe loan secured from a local grams demanding action to free bank from $325,000 to $375,000. Until recently, it was the ofthe Jews have been sent to the The sum of $194,000 is still owed ficial American view that Col. on the loan and an additional Sultan of Morocco, Moroccan PreNasser's deal with Czechoslovakia $180,500 will have to be borrowed mier Sldl Bekknl and French High was a "one shot" affair and that to bring the total to $375,000. when Egypt achieved a certain Commissioner J. DUbols. Harry Trustln; Treasurer of the level of armaments It would halt The loan made in 1954 to the The five other Jews abducted further shipments and turn Its at» UJA enabled Israel to convert its Federation for Jewish Service, In Oujdo, and presumably held for tcntion to economic development short-term obligations to long- was elected a delegate to the City ransom, have been identified as; Charter Convention. Mr. Trustln rather than to pan-Arablsm as term notes which were secured at Lascar, a Bmall shopkeeper Benreceived the greatest number of opposed to Western friendship a more favorable Interest rate. votes for a delegate in the elec- chetrit, another small shopkeepand to war against Israel. er; Ben Sassoun, a hardware merThe extension of the loan this tions held last Tuesday. chant, Ben Samoun, a furniture year is asked for the emigration The Soviet Union was reported V. Cooper, a member of dealer, and Eibaz, a grain merJacob T. Znkerman here Saturday to have delivered, program of the UJA In which theSamuel Federation's Board of Gov- chant. to Egypt last weekend 21 large North African Jews fleeing from ernors, also elected as a conjet aircraft suitable for use by the strife-torn countries of Africa vention was delegate. Revision or reparatroopers. It was also report; are being settled in Israel. writing of the City Charter must ed here that as Egypt receives The State of Israel due to the be completed by September 15 modern military aircraft,-she sells Influx of communist arms Into and then the new charter will be Jacob T. Zukerman, national her obsolescent planes to Saudi' the Middle East is concentrating voted on In the coming November president of the Workmen's Cir- Arabia or other Arab states, thus all of Ita resources on survival elections. war materiel all over Commander Milton Goldberg, cle, will formally Install a new spreading and cannot divert funds for the the Middle East. branch here tomorrow evening at newly elected head of the Epsteinabsorption of the new arrivals. Donald Brodkey, a member of The recommendations for the the Federation's Camp Jay-C-C Morgan Post No. 260 of Jewish 7 o'clock in the Labor Lyceum. increased loan will be submitted Committee, won sixth, place . in War Veterans,- today urged every This wUI mark the first visit to to (be Federation's Board of Gov- nominations (or Municipal Judge. Jewish war veteran in Omaha and Omaha by a national president ernors at their next meeting. Mr. Brodkey has served on the Council Bluffs, la., to "honor the of Workmen's Circle. memory and shield from neglect Jack W. Msrer, Federation Federation's Board of Governors the graves of our heroic dead" by A. Gale of Chicago, 111., regionpresident, presided. Members In and Family Service Committee. attending the Post's Memorial Day al director, will also be a guest Washington (JTAj—A mountattendance were: Milton Abra- He is a past presWent of the Hen- Services at 10:30 a. m., this Sun- speaker, it was announced by Ing wave of protest and exospera Louis Wltkln, chairman for the hams, Paul Blotcky, Arthur' A. ry Monsky Lodge of B'nai B'rith. day. tlon against the continued shipCohn. Or. Abe Fclbnah, Leo Fox, Five judges will be chosen in the The memorial services this year affair. ment of substantial quantities of elections from the ten Workman's Circle, a Jewish armaments to Saudi Arabia by the Mrs. Mike Freeman, Arthur Gold- November will be held at the graveside of the fraternal order, established its stein. Dr. Abo Grcenberg, William nominees elected lost Tuesday. late Herman Sllvcrman, who was first branch here in 1907. A year United States, coupled with conCrodinsky, Paul Grossman, Ben tinued U.S. refusal to furnish dea charter member, of the Post later another chapter was formed fensive arms to Israel, followed Kaslow, Robert-Kpopcr, Mr. and The (best actress Oscar award Rabbi Benjamin Groncr and In South Omaha. Mrs. J. II. KuUkofsky, Calvin of the University of Nebraska hat Cantor disclosure last week of a Shipment Eli Kagan of Beth Israel for -the second consecutive year For reservations caU AT 4815from a North Carolina port of Newman and Harry 81dman. been presented to Miss Josephine Synagogue will conduct the serv- or JA 2304. U.S. arms for the Arabian kingMargolin, • daughter of Dr. andices at Golden Hill Cemetery in Mr. Zukerman is also executive dom. • Mrs. Morris Margolin. The Oscar conjunction with the dedication director of the National Desertion Republican members of the Conis given by the. university's Mas- of tho memorial stone. Bureau. Ho has nerved on comMember* of the Post have been mittees of American Association gress indicated, that they arc conquers chapter of the National Collegiate Players! Miss Margolin was invited to attend Memorial Day of Social Workers, New York templating direct representations tied this year with another stu- Services, Wednesday, May. 30, of County Lawyer's Association, Na- to President Elsenhower against Baccalaureate services for Jew- dent for the best acting accolade. Veterans of Foreign Wars and tional Jewish Welfare Board, Jew- the continued shipment of Ameri- 1 American Legion Post No. 1, Com- ish Labor Committee, United can munitions to Saudi Arabia, as ish graduates of Omaha high Goldberg stated. He urged American freighter carrying schools will be held Tuesday eveYale Trustln, member of the mander Jowlsh' Appeal and Federation of the all members to attend. ammunition to that country sailed ning, June 5, at 8 o'clock, in Beth Jewish Community Center's AthJewish Philanthropies. from a remote Atlantic port at Israel Synagogue, under the aus- letic Committee, was installed as Sunny Point, North Carolina, pice* of the Federation for Jewish secretary of the Omaha Chapter, Service, Dr. Philip Shcr, anDemocratic members of Connounced. Dr. Shcr, honorary Reserve Officers Association last Sunday Radio, TV gress, led by Senator Estes Kef(Continued on Page 2.) president of the Federation, Is the auver, Sen. Herbert'Lehman and The Eternal Light series will originator of the Union BacRepresentative Emanuel Coller, feature "The Guardian Angel calaureate Service. denounced Secretary of State John Philip Klutznlck, International of Gencsse County", over KFAB Seventy-nine graduates will be Foster Dulles for authorizing anpresident of B'nai B'rith will speak from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. honored at the services, which other shipment of arms to Saudi It Is tho story of an angel who at the Creighton University Sen- Arabia at a time when Israel has are held annually with the cooperMore than half of the enroll- unbidden brings a rabbi to ior-Alumni Banquet to be held not been permitted to obtain arms ation of all synagogues of the ment for the first session of Camp heaven for reassignment to a community. Tuesday, June 5,ln the Hotel Fon- In the United States. Sen. LehJay-C-C has been completed. It A reception honoring the grad- was announced by Gerald Gross, new congregation.„ tenelle, It was announced by Very man stated that he would demand on inquiry. ,', uates will be held after the serv- camp committee chairman. ' "The Gift" will be presented Reverend Carl M. Rclncrt, univerices In Beth Israel's social hall. Registration Is still being ac- on the Frontiers of Faith series sity president. l| cepted for either of the two camp- Which Is telecast over KMTV f An honorary doctor of laws de- NEW SOCIETY FORMED ing sessions or the full five week London (JTA) — A "Jewish- j from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. gree will be confered on Mr. session. "The Gift" tells the story of Klutzlck at tho university com- Christian-Moslem Society," dedl- ' Over 60 campers have been en- how Judah Touro, the first Jew mencement Thursday, June 7. Mr. catcd to the Improvement of re- ; for the full four-week proThe deadline for publicity rolled gram of tho Center day Camp, it to settle In New Orleans, freed Klutznlck, a former Omahan, was for the next edition of the Jew- was announced today. Parents are a slave, Tom, and the amaz- graduated from Crclghton's School lations among the three groups ' was set up here as a result of a ' ish Press will be Monday at 5 urged to register their youngsters ing results of that act. This of Law in 1930. Sunday's telecast la the last in p. m. All releases must bo In before registration Is closed. series of letters to the British I of four presented dur- TRADE AGREEMENT our hands by that tlmo. The press urging the formation of ; Both Camp Jay-C-C and Day aingseries May, The next scries of deadline has been moved ahead Camp The Hague (JTA)—A new Is- such a group. The society is to be arc sponsored by tho Jew- Jewish programs to bo presentduo to the observance of Me- ish Community rael-Holland trade pact covering Center under tho morial Day, Wednesday, May direction of the Center Activities ed on Frontiers of Faith will the exchange of about $11,000,000 non-political and open to all who 30. office. Call JA 1366 lor further be televised In November, worth of goods has been conclud- a n Interested-In fostering bettef, i ithtbhtttikV Information. ed, it"wu announced b*Nt •iz!" l l
Soviets Deliver Large Jet Planes
Violence Flares In East Morocco
Fed. Board to He^ir UJA Loan Request
Omahanjs In the News
Workmen's Circle Memorial Day Rite Prexy Will Speak By JWV Sunday
Arms Shipment to Arabia Protested |
H.S. Graduates Will Be Honored
Klufenick to Speak At Creighton U.
Camps Enrollment Filling Up Rapidly
Early Deadline!
rrltliiy, Muy 23, 1SI50.
'Shower for Israel' By Pioneer Group
Clubs Charged Wifh Aiding Business Bias
Kiamc=ha I^il<o, N. y. (.ITA) — I>»»U»b«d B*er> Ifttas; bj tfa* r e d e n t t o a * Jewish Semite The Pioncor Women's Organ "Exclusive" Eoci;il clubs -have bes«Hina -CUun Mwaai) m i l i t i n aiitiurtzcci U (MMUu. Nebraska. l/ation will liolil its annual Shuwcome a powerful social force which Anaiui nuMcnpuua st«C loveruaei Katas j o Application, eoiuuuu Offlct—KB ha. aOHi StrML/Omalui. J t a c jAckson 1MB. or for Israel nt 1 p. in., Thursday, "patternizes and perpetuates ills* Pnnl "MOB AcMrws—<SQ6 So S S t F s t r t May 31 at tlic Lalwr Lyceum. criminaliun in business, education, HARRY HALPER1 Editor 31th and Cumlng fits. A dessert hoiislnj; anil civic affairs," 'Henry ••• E. Schuitz, chairman of the B'nal luncheon will be served. The program will include read, B'rith Anti-Defamation League, inys in Yiddish by Mrs. Philip told the 104th annual convention Crandell and Jewish folk songs of B'n.-ii U'rith District 1 Sunday, Mr. Scliulii charged that "social sung by Mrs. Milton Nerenbcrg. Piano selections will be played by separatism" practiced by country ; News and Basvanlngs at the and luncheon clubs has kept memMrs. Leonard Plnkovltz. Or. BatH* BUw Jawtea Hosao Mra. Sam Novak, general chair- bers of minority groups from the 7:23 p. m., OaadleUxlitlnc ' For The Aged by David Orkow. man of the project, said the need leadership councils of their comMay 17th—T»* Pioneer Womfor clothing is urgent for the new- munity, lie said: "No one can en held a Shavoitnj celebration comers to Israel. They require decry a man's right to choose hi* tUs evening. A Jewish program ItrthB house dresses, linens, blankets. friends unc! social companions. But was presented by Mrs. Jacob Feldbaby clothes, work Khlrts and when this becomes an organized man. chairman, and Included Joe Sabbath services at Beth £3 shoes, she added. Call Mrs. S. H. subterfuge for gaining or retainRadinowski. Mrs. Philip CrandaU, Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Binder. RE 5349 or Mrs, S. Wfkin, inc power and special privilege in Mm. Sam RJvkta cod J t a U . Rabbi Jlyer & Kripke will deliver HA 4030 for clothing pickup for his community, it is a serious at" Nerenberg. the sermon. Cantor Aaron 1 EdMlas Pearl Franklin tack on democratic society "and the Shower for Israel. May 20—The Carolyn Kagan gar and the synagogue choir will contradicts the equally inviolable Mrs. Novak is nssisted by Mr. right Dancing School entertained our render the musical portions of the of all men to equal opporand Mrs. Sam Richmnn, Mesfolks wltb • delightful program service. tunity." '•".;• dames J, Kaplan, N. Lcrman, YettntlUed "Oandnc Dolls of 1936." Sabbath morning services wfil Oreratdn, H. Richlin, Morris May 21—Golden Acers cele- be held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Sterenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Sam MOVES TO HOUSTON , ; brated their flrUi anniversary at Congregation services will ~beghi Miss Pear] Franklin of Chicago, Rifkin. the Home. The biggest crowd of at 10:45 a. m. Mlncha-Maartv A. Wise, a retired : merchant/ , who h:- just returned from toe season, approximately ISO service is at 7:15 p, in. Daib/ the World Zionist Congress in Isleft yesterday to make his honM people taxed the fadlitln of the services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m, rael will be guest speaker at Beth ST. LOC1S VISIT In Houston, Tex. He has been a Home. The musical program In- Sunday morning service Is at 9 £3 Snagogufeuat Sabbath Eve resident of Omaha for 51 yean. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geisman have cluded Cantor Eli Kagan, Hyman a. m. Services, Friday, June L Miss returned recently after visiting Karl and Mrs. Leonard Pinkofranklin will speak on "The New their niece Miss Unda Pollock in vttz. The refreshment table was Israel" She will be In Omaha to S t Louis, Mo. Some Day Sendee highlighted by a beautiful Birth- Bofiilsrael attend the Bas Mitrvahs of her day Cake and a floral centerpiece, No Extra Charge which was donated by Mrs. Na- Traditional Friday services at cousins Misses Renee and Hekne than Simon. Golden Age Chair- Beth Israel Synagogue will begin franklin. la at 10 A.M. Miss Tnuikiln, a retired school man. at 6:90 o'clock. Services Saturteacher, was tmt of the organizers ' ROASTED DAILY day tegta at 8 JO a. m. and JunMay 22-Itabbl Myer S, Krlpke of Hadassah In Chicago and served Full Una of Nut Meats was our visitor today and dis- ior Concrecitton at 10 a. m. Min- as president for nine years. She CASH and CARRY and Salted Nuts cussed the week's chapter of the cha and Sbolosh S'eudos at 7:40 was also a national vice-president for Bar, Bai Mltzvahi, p. m. Scdra. Services Sunday sit 8 4 5 a. to. of Hadamah for nine years and Party* end Weddings Mrs. Meyer Bcber is continuing Abo Ptcksft a»d Tails and Tttphflin services at 830 has attended^ seven .world conher class in Art and Painting. gresses av a Haaassah delegate. Derhrary S«r«te* a. m. Weekday services at 7 a. in. and 7:10 p. m. Memorial Day Services, Wed.. b ANCMI Conclave May 30 at 8.-43 a. m. lUbbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul TcmpM brad Blotcky and Mr. and Mrs. Abe 11. The Irving Cohen ITnal B'rilh Lodge of Council Bluffs. l a , win Worship services this evening Brodkey will attend the Midwest WE DELIVER bold their Memorial Day Serv- at Temple Israel will be held at Regional Convention of the Un- WE 5893 112 N. 18A JA1578 607 N. lorb ice* at 11:45 a. m., Wednesday. at 8 o'clock. Harold F. Farbcr ion of American Hebrew ConKreMay 30 at Oak Hill Cemetery in nil! officiate In the absence of eatlons which starts tcxliy in St. Louis, Mo. Itabbi Sidney H. Brooks. Council Bluffs. Gfcn C Hammer. Commander Services Saturday morning will dt the Council Bluff« Amorlcan be at 11:30 o'clock for members VISITINO Vegan Post, will present an Amer- of the religious school and adults. Mrs. II>"mnn Osoff is visiting SOtli and Underwood HE S560 ican Flag to the lodge on behalf with her d.iutfhtrr, Mrs. Marvin OT the Post Pizcr, who Is convalesdng m Los MBS. SOLZMAN &ETDRNS Dr. Isaac StcmhUl will deliver Mrs. I. Solzman has returned Angeles, Cal. «n eulogy fai memory of veterans home after atteodtag- the funeral From 8 AM. to 7 PM. who died In past wan. Rabbi Da. services for Maurice J. Ephraim rid Korb will conduct the services who died May 2 in Plaquemine. WE WILL BE OPEN MEMORIAL DAY and L. E. Katelraan will call the From S A.M. to 6 P.M. He was Mrs. Sotonan's faroll of veterans who lost their r. Other survivors *re his wife RUG & UPHOLSTERY lives in service. We Do Our Own Baking Henrietta and two grandsons. CLEANERS Lloyd Kraanc, president of the Mo«r Available—Half Done Kosber Dais lodge, wfflpreride. Tjxris Passer, RUGS—CARPETING Patronize Our Advertisers general chairman, announced that LAMP SHADES the public Is Invited to attend the services. FURNITURE " In caw of ram. the services will While Other D e a f e n S a y It . . . Cleaned In Tour Home) be held in the synagocne. 618 Mynster rt.
WiHi Me Folks A* Home
Religious News
Miss P. Franklin Beth B Speaker
TEDDY BEAR Clesiiett
Bluffs B.B. Lodge
Memorial Services
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen OPEN EVERY SUNDAY
Don Benutein . (Ooottoued from Pace L) week. B e to a ea|»tain In the Air Florae Beserve. lft^ Boberta Aesnick, daughtc Of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jtesnick. was elected president of the Sigma Delta Tau chapter at the Univenlty <* MJUnols. Urbana. 111. MJs* Resnict a junior at the university, will attend SDT national convention to be held In Estes Park, Cola, the last week of June.
Monument Dedication The family of the late Herman Sflverman will dedicate a monument in his memory tfais Sunday at 11 a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. J
That's why -Gerelick sold more new Ford unit* (cars and trucks )than any other dealer in Nebraska in 1955! Before you sign any order •, . . SEE
the min who takes nts family
CaO PL 8111
4719 No. 30th St.
The Bett Used Car Deal in Town — 30th and Spragae
Honald J. Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grossman, was named editor-in-chief of the Chicago Maroon, the college newspaper of the University of Chicago. Mr. Grossman is a pre-med student working for his Bachelor of Science degree. He is serving as ireamm 1 of the Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity and was elected to the Iron Mask Honor Society of the university. BETU ISRAEL SCHOOLS Awards will be presented at Beth Israel Sunday Promotion exercises to be held June 3. Talmud Torah exercises will be held June 28.
HA 2554
Rosen-NovaE( Cbevroiet Will Stand on Tkefr Heads \ to Deal Wth YOB!
to express my sincere gratitude to my many friends nnd customers who have so kindly allowed me to continue serving them at DIAMOND'S KOSHER MAHEET^-Nathan Shukert At Diamond's you will find a complete selection of beef, veal, lamb, turkey and capons. We now also have smoked salmon and white fish. Call Wednesday lot Thursday Delivery Store Hours: Mon. thru Tbnrsv. 8 cum.-6 p.mFriday. 8 ajn.-3 p.m. Sunday. 7 a.m.-5 pan. Mail Orders Filled Promptly.
WE 4955
1'rlilay, May 25, 105<|.
Hddassah 'Spectacular Tuesday
' M r s . Morris C. FeUnuq (right), program chairman af: Omaha ''I "Chapter Badassah's musical spectacular, Is going ever a "bit" In the show with directors Mrs.. Robert SUremua (left) aad Mrs. Morris Jsbenii.
: ' . '. ••/.•...
Omaha Chapter Hadassah •will pica*nt a musical spectacular based on tbe best television pro*; -Crams of tos year at its final luncheon oT tbe year at 12:30 p. a v Tuesday, May 29 in the Jewish Community Center. : The show will Include sklu on The;Medic," the "164,000 Que«"Uon,":T)ragnet": and many other Wt programs. .,'-.. Members of the cast are: Mes; Barnes Hyman Belman, Don Cohen, Donald Nogg and Norman Whitwan who are assisted by Mmes. Norman Denenberg, S e y m o u r Goldston, Sam Harwich, Jrvin Kalsnan, Maary Landman. Edward Milder, Robert Rosen, Hy Shrl and Seymour Zoob. • Newly elected officer* for the year 1856-57 will be totalled by llts. A. a frank. Baby sitter servioe will he proT i d e d .
: "•;••••..,
-,. .
. . . . . . . .^ ••:
Page Three
Mrs. Miller Heads Former OmahaatoWed Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Wolf, forJWV Auxiliary merly of Omaha, announce the en-
•Ml Ilia
Pr. an* Mrs. Ferry London an-, nounce the birth of a daughter Epstein-Morgan Ladies Aux- gagement of their daughter, Miss Miriam Diane born -May 'JO in iliary No. 200 held its Installa- Sandra Lee, to Melvln Chavin, son New York City. She is their first tion of new officers recently at of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Chavin of child. v tbe Jewish Community Center. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Hn, Max Rosen, past president, Chicago, UL Miss Wolf attended Max London of Omaha and Mr, lbe University of Illinois and her was installing officer. • and Mrs. Abe Jacobson of New. Mrs. Abe Miller Is the newfy fiance attended DeKalb Teachers York City. elected president. Other officers College In DeKalb, UL She Is the are; Mrs. Jack Saylan, vice-presi- granddaughter of Mrs. Rose Kutdent; Mrs. JT. Milton Margolin, ler of Omaha. Tbe wedding date ATTENTION FOLKS! secretary; Mrs. • Ed Simon, treas- has been set for September 3. urer; Mrs. Debnar Klein, historirWlo bgrawd an; Mrs. Max Belgrade, guard; %m <wdSos Mitsvs* Mrs. Aaron Epstein, color bearer; Miss Bernran Engaged Mesdames Abe Kaplan. Frank CoMr. and Mrs. Sam Berman anhen and Sara Feltman, trustees. Reasonable Prices Volunteers are needed badly to nounce the engagement of their daughter Either Jean to Robert help in the Flag Day Sale to be held June 14, Mrs. Miner stated.; Katlemao, son of Mr, and Mrs. SMITH PRINTING C O . Funds raised will be used for local, Oscar Katleman. No wedding date Commercial Printers community service projects Indud-1 has been set. 1429 S. 46th Ave. ing programs at Omaha and Lincoln Veterans Hospital*. Call GL7023 Mrs. Miller. PL 7971 or Mrs. SayTor further information contact • Ian, WE 2O7L
Organizations B * P UADASSAII The final meeting of tbe year and installation of officers for the cooing year, of the 13 & P Group of Hadajsah, win take place, Sunday. Kay 27, at the Jewish Community Center. There will be a short report on the regional conference held recently in Council Staffs, la. Chairmen win give tbetr final reports for the year, lira. Dave Sherman, past advisor, will tnstall the new officers. Hostesses for this meeting are Sally Tieyea. ABce Hoegcr, and Mrs. Carl ragman Board meeting is called for 2 p. m. and will be followed by regular meeting at 3 p u n .
: • • • • .
B. I. fOBTOUiOOO Beth El Sistei-hood will spon•or an Ice Cream Social at the synagogue Sunday. June 3, treat 2 to 4:30 p. m. Mra. Louis Hurwitz and Mrs. Lou Shrier are eo-2 thairmen of the event and they will be assisted by the chairmen of Circles B, 8 and 5. H w f are; Mesdames Shcff Katzkee, Lewis -Yager, Jack Jacobton, Russell Blumentha), Irving Sherman, Jerome Milder, Homer Farber, Yale Glnsburg, Albert Rhnmennaa, Joseph Hornstcln and Arthur Ad/Jer.-- ..
. . , - . . - ;:.;•:•:;
: Pony rides, a merry-^o-round, cotton-candy, refreshments and souvenir booths will be part of the program along with a teenage dance. "•••', A ticket for the event which •wUl be odd rain or thine is Included m the Sisterhood Highlight Brents Book or individual Admissions may be secured at the door.
Mrs. Fellman Heads ZBT Mothers'Club Mrs. Leon Fellman was elected president of the Zcta Beta Tau Mothers' Club at a meeting held recently. Other newly elected officers are: Mrs. Irving HerzoK, vicepresident; Mrs. Mlllard Krasnc, treasurer; and Mrs. Robert Noddle, aergeant-at-anns. Meetings win be resumed in the Fall and mothers and wives of alumni arc welcome to Join the group. Call Mrs. FcHman, GL 3074 • r Mrs. Krasne, WA 9922. Patronize Our Advertisers
,lkr«cIi' : -Ctxit; : ,.\:. .•;.;'.', „ * < , £ V i . . . . . . . 3
f 8
B e r m u d a S h o r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . •.,',,..:.... 2 * ^ Bateau B l o u s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Button Front Sldrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Separates Not Pictured
M ^ M M i i M ^ ^ ^
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Short Shorts....;,. > ; ,...^V;.. M ; .....,..,.. I ' M •,•• . : ^ t t » ; ^ i ^ r o ^ ;; /:•;•• •'.';•; : . ^ V / - v ^ S i ^
" •• ^ :•' : ', •.
> Herrtj a brand neW cool way to'^^4 t t * Wmnier^:-i; } in white cotton splashed with contrasting eyelet Eight '••; \ ' ]action-bound Beparates that wfll,srt;'off.;yjour ^'Itt5i-;:ii;i;f charmtog, feminine manner. Just whtek them through ] I suds and give them a light touch;of the I r ^ t o r e s t ^ ' • ; - j 'theu* crisp fwssluiesk-'V: •;,';.,. ;. • ;-^';'^-'-::;-;.'1v •x^.P^ot;^;^ MaQ and PhatM Orders Welcome Budget BaleOnr—Main Floor
ran • * »
Y.C Doings Marty Greene, a Junior at Cen• tral High School, vrw appointed Editpr-in-Cbief of the Centra) High Register, the school newipa< per. He U vice-president of Rayim. Other staff appolntmenU were: Lowell Baumer, associate editor; Howard Kaslow, sports editor; Miss Serena Dwoskin, business manager; Mia* Harriet Epstein, advertising manager; Steve Silver, circulation manager; Misses Diane Fellman and Nancy Blotcky. advertising: staff; Joan Mayer, library, and Bob Oberman and Arale Weiner, reporters.
Friday, May M, 1»M.
THE tmwua nusss
BarandBas Mitzvah
Egypt Newsman Teen Broadcasting Young Judaea Year* Course Reports on Israel Formed at Center in-lsrael The first Young Judaea Year-
By Sherm Poska London (JTA) — An Egyptian In-Israel course will begin in SepTBC, Teen Broadcasting Com- tember of this yenr offering stunewsman newly returned from a pany, has been formed by memlegal visit to Israel declared Sundies in Hebrew, the Bible, Jewish Miss Hally Sue Gerellck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gerelick. day Israel .is aiming, with Ameri- bers of the Jewish Youth Council. History and Modern Israel. A porand Miss Nancy Ann Rlekes, can backlog, at economic donrina. Operating after school hours at tion of the year in Israel will be daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uon of th» Middle East The the Jewish Community' Center spent In agricultural settletnenU Rlekes, will become Bnos Mitzvah newsman is Ibrahim Izzat, diplo- programs aired by the station may and in visiting points Of interest. be heard in the Center canteen at service* this evening, and to- matic correspondent for the Cairo and Young Judaeana who are high lounge. Directed by Bill school morrow morning at Beth El Sy- weekly TUise al Youssef. He is the Cooper graduates are eligible for and chief engineer, Bernle this course. first Egyptian to enter Israel on a nagogue. Grossman, the station serves as non-war mission since the Jewish Friends and relatives are InvitWrite to Jerry Cohen, National an outlet for teen talent ed to attend both services and the State was founded in 1948. Young Judaea, 16 E. 50th »t. New Musical Mike, a record program The Egyptian Journalist reportreception* which will follow. ed in his first article Monday that featuring Mike Mogll; Steve and York City 22, N. Y., for further the Arab boycott in effect since John, a take off on the Bob and information. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Franklin the Palestine war of 1948 was es- Ray Show are Just a few of the announce the Bas Mitzvah of their Gene Kohn, a member of Ray- daughters. Helene and Renee, at a sential for protection of the Arabs featured programs. on the sU im. will deliver the commence- Joint service at Beth El Synagogue against Israeli dumping. He wrote tkm's schedule. Special events are ABOBAEOLOaiOAL FINDS Jerusalem (JTA)—The discovment address at Central High on Friday, June and Saturday that ''the day Israel is permitted supervised by Wlllard Plotkln to smell the air In the Arab states" with Al Krizelman serving as his ery of important archaeological School's Graduation Exercises. morning, June 2. assistant Plans are underway to —by the lifting of the boycott—it finds in the area of Massada IDs theme Is "Criteria for the Fu Friends and relatives are in- would start a dumping program tape record local talent, visiting where King Herod'* Palace one* ture," vited to attend both services and sufficient to kill any Arab local professional entertainers and lo- stood were announced here fay the receptions which will follow. Industry. cal personalities for future airing Dr. Yochanan Aharon!,; Israeli on the station. Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter of archaeologist : Describing Israeli Industry as BaJ B'rith Girls will bold their Those interested in working in Robert Wolfe, son of Mr. and flourishing and expanding, largely He announced that some broken "Car Wash" this Sunday at the Mrs. this radio station may audition pottery William Wolfe, wiU celesupported by American capital, and a papyrus fragment Dividend service station, 48th and brate his Bar Mitzvah at Temple any afternoon. Plans arc underLeavenworth «ts. The girls will Israel Friday evening, May 1 and Mr. Izzat said: "All this greatness way to form a Summer Radio and containing inscriptions similar. to in Israeli industry ana this huge those of the Dead Sea Scrolls had wash can for one dollar from 9:30 Saturday morning. May 2. industrial effort point to one tar- TV Workshop with local stations been found. a. m. to 4 p. m. This is the group's cooperating. This will be a proget—to pave th*way for economic Friend* and relatives are inbig fund raising affair. to attend the services and domination of the Middle East. gram designed for those with proMIJU Shirley Shift is a member vited But this effort Is not Israeli alone. fessional Interest In the entertainreception! which- will follow. of Central's A Capelio Choir.' It Is really an American aim work- ment field. An application for a non-commercial FM radio station ing through Israel. The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen permit is being considered by the Members of Dcbka Debt are "Pease with Egypt is the hope, group, Kutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben planning to take a group of childrca mand target of every Israeli •Kutler, will take place tomorrow dren from the Nebraska Chilrom Premier David Ben Gurion dren's Homo on a picnic The girls morning at Beth Israel Synagogue. down," the Egyptian Journalist 10,000 rEAR TOMB arc also planning a fund railing Services will begin at 8:30 a. m. wrote, "but this hope docs not re- Jerusalem (JTA)—What may affair with the proceeds going the All relatives and friends arc in- duce Israeli preparations for an of- be the oldest tomb yet uncovered vited to attend the service and Israel has been discovered at Philanthropies Campaign. fensive." He added that there In Misses Shelly Grecnberg and the rcocption to follow. were "wide-scale preparations for the village of Mahalla In the Huleh region, it was reported here. Janie Fellman had parts in Cenwar and Incessant military moveThe tomb Is believed to be 10.000 tral's senior play, "Wlntcrscl." The Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Bud- ments In Israel." years old. The excavations arc dy Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. proceeding under the direction of Miss Elaine Falkln was elected Nathan Marcus, will take place Jean Perrot, French archaeologist. president of Hodl Chapter of B'nai on Saturday morning, June 2 at New Kiddy Kuarics Beth iHfael Synagogue. Services B'rith Girls at a meeting held Sunday. Other newly elected offi- will begin at .8:30 a. m. All rela- Program at Center cers arc: Misses Serena Dwoskin. tives and friends are Invited to The Jewish Community Center Ina Margolin, Harriett Breslow, attend the service and the rccepi program for this summer Lcni Wine, Patsy Greenfield, Roz- lon to follow. will once again Include a class anne Slporln, Florence. Shrago. for children from three to sixJean Marx and Alice Kurz. years-old. A parent is required to go Into the water with the child to help the youngster Icam the fundamentals of swimming. The ten week class Is scheduled to start The second week of Youth New York (JTA)—The expanNo Racing on Council Softball finds Bayim un- sion of the CARE service to Is- June 12 and will bo held Tuesday defeated after having downed rael was announced here by Rich- and Thursday mornings from 8 Sundays or Mondays . AZA 100 and AZA 1. 13-10 and ard W. Reutcr, executive director to 9. Registrations are now being 16-6. Both of tbesc dubs have of the organization. lie said that accepted for the clasi which has beaten the U/isff Ulales which, puts .he1 cooperative' non-profit Amer- a limit of 15. Fee Is 910.00 for ten lessons and information may be > Rayim in the League lead. ican aid agency has inaugurated Last week, AZA 100 and the a "self-help" program which will obtained by calling the physical ADMISSION 75c Unafliliates had, .a. .marathon, <mt- Uit took of their trade into ed. office of the Center, JA 13C6. SU(« in<t Federal T u ) game with the Centurymen final- the1 hands of apprentices and oth- Aquatic Director, Joe Micck is in charge of the program. ly* winning 22-16. The game went er needy craftsmen in Israel. UDIES' DAYS the full seven innings after .the, .Asa.first step in the "self-help" tUESDAYS and FRIDAYS UuafTIUates came 'within three program for Israel 130 tool kits (Admi..ion h» Udif S3o) runs of tying the game in the 'or carpenters. and joiners, mefifth- Inning. Four .Pj'chers, took chanics, .electricians, and .other Advance registration for Temthe mound fdr'trie'losers In a vain rades have been distributed by ple Israel Nursery School's fall attempt to (till the bats of 100. the CARE in Israel among youth semester wlH be held from May 28 • « « • * " • Hi Rayim won in five Innings over workshops and various manual 0 June 8, 11 was announced by PHtiCaktMU AZA 1 scoring 16 runs on 14 hits raining Institutions, Mr. Rcuter Mrs. Morris Lipp, chairman of the with two errors. said. lie reported that since 1949 nursery committee. Games this Sunday will find his prganiaztiqn.hos brought more Three-year-olds and children unRayim pitted agsmst'Unaftmates than J5.fc6.6ob worth of Ameri- der kindergarten age may be enon the West diamond because of can aid in the form of- food and rolled in the five day a "week preBeth £1 Synagogue picnic on the textile packages, books and selen- school program. Sessions will be. East diamond -and AZA 100* #cr- itic1 equipment /to Israeli fam- held Monday through Friday from sus AZA I on the Center dia- ilies and educational institutions. 9 to 11:30 a.m. mond. Both games start at 10 Teachers arc Miss Patricia' THE STORE FOR EVERYONE! a. m. • Self what-you 'don't'need . . . Graham and Mrs. Edward Maklci Buy, what you need through the sky. For further information conHOfiCOW MKAT , Want Ado. tact Mrs. Lipp. GL 9197. Hinky D M y ' t fabuloui M W Supm- Market at New Vork-UTA)—£*vic4 mcat-| shops in Jewish neighborhoods 72nd and bodg*fcas will soon be selling kosher meat In Moscow and the government will open kosher restaurants. Moscow's Chief Rabbi, M. Schllffer, announced at a Shevuoth service last Thursday, accordlne to a cable to the New York Times.
Jost mix and bake
Y.C. Softball
CARE Expands Service to Israel
CAK! MIMIS make cake!
N O W thru
JULY 7th
8-Races Daify-8
Temple Pre-School
JOEflEV BAILKOAD Tel Aviv (JTA)—Plans to construct a. railroad between Becrsheba and the phosphate mines of the deep Ncgcv and an aerial railway for the transportation of chemicals from the potash plant at Sdom to the port of Kilnth were placed before the Israel Government.
Want Ads Hwrw Jfk tatt to u«cn youi Wan; At m T&r JtwUa rrtMu. ; Current rate J 60 CCDU toi MICA m*?rMoo. Tiu tfrtm» reserve* Utc rifitii to limit 4 M <A MC& lrdrertisemoit.
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