re** FablUhed mn M t a r . 1*1 M- *•**• AnatMl IUt« « itoUan Omilw. Metnuka PtavM M MM. Single Copj It Oeat*
An Open Letter From Baccalaureate Mayor Rosenblatt My Pear friends: I appreciate that all of you are busy in the day-to-day tur moil of business and social obligations. I am now asking you to recognize the fact that the time of my small committee is also very limited. As for myself, for the duration of our present Philanthropies Drive, I am foregoing personal activities and sacrificing my own time. Thcro should be no need for me to impress you with the importance Of this year's drive, I know that those of you who have not already signed their pledge cards arc prepared to give even more than you havo given before. I am sure that your humanitarian spirit moves you to recognize the fact that some of onr brethren in Israel arc giving their lives—all we are being asked to give, is money. Need I also remind you that a large portion of the funds raised support our local talmud torahs, Sunday schools, old people's home, Jewish Community Center and the like. Those agencies need funds in order to meet increased costs. ' With this'thought in mind, I am now asking those of you who recognize the tremendous demands upon my time for this cooperation. Those of you who hare not already completed your cards, sign them today—with an emergency increase of not less than twenty-five per cent—and send them to me personally either at the City Hall or the Community Center. Sincerely yours, * Muyor John Hoscriblntt
Educational Units Fail to Keep Pace Jewish educational Institutions have failed to keep pace with the general development of the community charged Dr. Uriah Z. En Kclman, director of the National Study of Jewish Education. Dr. Engclman spent lest week In, Omaha directing 4hc sampling which will be Included In the na tlonal survey of 70 cities. He cited Cleveland, O., a* an example of what ho meant Cleveland was one of the two cities selected for a pilot study before Initiating the main survey. In Cleveland much of the Jewish population has moved to the suburbs, which caused the one big central Jewish educational school to lose most of its i jpils, he said. After this, fragmentary schools, were set up in'the suburbs to take its place, Dr. Engclman added. What Is needed now, ho emphasized, Is a rcconsolldatlon of Jewish educational schools In the suburbs following the American cxpcrlcnco In public school consolidation.
Global Report l'KACE P1IOSPEOT New York (WNS)—Despite a relaxation of tension In the Middle East there Is "no immediate prospect" of peace talks between Egypt and Israel, declared MnJ. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, chief of staff of the UN Truce Supervision Orznnlznflon In Jerusalem, on his nrriva! in New York at the beginning of the week to participate In the sessions of the UN Security Council. Both sides, he said,.appeared to be living up to the cease-fire recently negotiated by UN Secretary General Hammnr skjold.
CULTURAL SUKVIVAL New York (WNS)— The need for a strong Zionist movement fur Jewish*cultural and spiritual survival In all lands outside of Israel was stressed at a meeting here this week at which leaders of American Zionism reported on the 24th World Zionist Congress recently concluded in Jerusalem. The meeting was held under the auspices of the American Zionist Pr. Engclman said that he hopes Council, the national study will be completed this year. Each community is being studied separately in light of its historical development and existing Institutions, ho added. Each community wlU receive an Individual report which will conJerusalem (WNS)—Israel and tain the findings, their evaluation and recommendations for Improve- Egypt have agreed to Implement the arrangement for establishing ment, Dr. Engelman pointed up. The study, he reflected, is not United Nations observation posts geared to any one religious orien- along the Gaza Strip by adding 21 tation, but Is committed to free more U.N. military observers to scientific inquiry letting "the find- the 40 already In the area, according to an announcement by Ings lead where they will." Ma]. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, United The aims of the study arc three- Nations : truce chief. fold, the survey director stressed. (At the United Nations In New First we must take stock of what we have, 'he said, Then, the direc- York, Secretary General Dae tor stated, we seek to discover the Ilammarskjold declared that Ausobjectives of the schools. Are^thcy tralia, Canada, New Zealand, Norclear to the persons conducting way and Sweden have appointed the schools? Arc the objectives a total of 21 military officers to being reached in the light of tho act as U.N. observers on each side courses of study? Finally, arc tho of the Egypt-Israel demarcation objectives adequate for the pres- lino along the Gaza Strip, At the same time energetic steps were ent day Jewish community? The national study of Jewish taken to convene the Security education was set up at the first Council on "the Palestine quesnational conference of Jewish edu- tion" during the week.) cation which was held several (In Washington, tho White y e a n ago under the auspices of House corrected a statement by the American Association of Jew- President Elsenhower at a press ish Education. It was the first conference the previous day to the tune that all elements sat down effect that Saudi Arabia hnd been together to discuss Jewish educa- sent, or would be sent, this year tion, Dr. Engclman said. n total of $10,000,000 worth of milA Commission For the Study of itary old. The White House suid Jewish Education In the United that tho $16,000,000 total'covers States was established made up all the states In' the Middle East. Of 70 eminent persons in Jewish Of this sum, Saudi Arabia would Ket $7,000,000 worth of equiplife. Dr. EnRelmnn makes his home ment, nil the other Arab states SC. OOO.OOO and Israel $3,000,000. (Continued on Page 2.)
Israel and Egypt Accept Gaza Plan
Will Be Held Tuesday Graduates are: BENSON HIGH SCHOOL Thomas Markel
Rita Joy Peltx and Hurray H. Newman, graduating seniors at Central High School, will speak on behalf of Omaha's Jewish high school graduates at Baccalaureate Services at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, June 5, at Beth Israel Synagogue.
BBOWNELL HALL Lisbeth Cherniack Barbara Raskin Barbara Ungar CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Bojnt Marvin S. Abramson Michael M. Ban Edwin B. Bcrcovld Arvin Isadore Cohen Stephen Jay Cohen Douglas B. Cohn William L. Cooper Alan M. Corey Danlel,PhilIip Dcnenberg Richard K. Einstein, Jr. Michael Erman" Jerome Harlan Forer Gary Lee Gitnlck John C. Goldncr .Howard D. Goldstein Jerome P. Gordman Colcman M. Greenberg Tanhy Bernard Horwlch Marvin Lee Joseph Stanley Curl Kalman Raymond Klrkc Eugene H. Kohn Sheldon Krantz Michael Loroy Laici Larry D. Lincoln Leon Arnold Martin Michael Louis Meyer Michael Edward'MORII Milton A. Moskovitz Murray H. Newmiin Arthur I. Novak Joel Ross Pltlor Norman Plotkln Henry Richard Raskin Murray Jerome Rose Sidney J. Rosenblatt Steven Rosenblatt David N. Rothcnbcrg James Stuart Shapiro Alien Samuel Shukcrt Lee David Simon David M. Wldman Norman Wine , Michael Jay Yudclson
,; -:i —Cptvin Heya Photo.
MUn KIta J. Peltz
Sunday Radio "Another June Third" will bo presented on the Eternal Light series over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It tclls j the story of how a group of' children were sent from the slums of New York City to the Pennsylvania countryside and how a fresh nlr fund for these youngsters was started. .
The Beth ' Israel Synagogue Choir under tho direction of Cantor Ell Kagnn will take part lit the ceremony. Dr. Philip Shor. originator of the annual baccalaureate service and honorary president of the Federation, will extend greetings on behalf of. Federation.'Arthur I. Novnk, president of the JewLsh Youth Council, will also speak. A reception by the Beth Israel Sisterhood will follow the service.
Goldstein, Katskee Capture Awards
—Col via Heyn Photo.
Murray II. Newman Girl* Jano G. Brodkcy Lcona Marilynn Brown Joyce Anne Caiiar Carolyn Cohn Eileen Mae Epstein Jane Fellman Sandra Lee Fellman Sandra Jean Fiedler Carole June Frank Lorabell Franklin , Phyllis" Lou Frcedman Judith Helcne Glmple Hone Sue Greenberg Judy Greenberg ' Rochellc Greenberg Bonnie Jo Haykln Lee B. Jahr Elaine Marsha Jangci Rita Katzman Jullanne Kurtz Susan Kay Llpp Carole Jean Mlnkln Rita Joy Pcltz Anita Rac Ravltz Thelma Rae Raznlck Lorraine R. Roltstcin Marleno Barbara Swartz Helen Sue Vonn NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Michael Welsberg Estellc Kalman WESTSIDK lUGII SCHOOL Beverly Konccky
Seventy-nine Jewish boys and girls will be honored at this annual- program sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel will deliver the baccalaureate address. Rabbi Mycr S, Krlpke of Beth El Synagogue will give tho Invocation and the closing prayer and benediction. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr of Beth Isrsfel Synagogue will conduct the service.
Landen to Receive Monsky Citation Clarence L. Landen has been named recipient of the fifth annual Henry Monsky Lodge Americanism Citation, it was announced today by Ruben Llrpett, chairman of the lodge's Americanism Committee. The Citation will be presented at a luncheon In the Fontenclle Ballroom Tuesday, June 19. The award Is given on the basis of contributions to community and civic betterment and for general advancement of citizenship responsibility. Previous winners of the award were W, Otto Swanson hi 1952, Morris E, Jacobs in 1953, E. F. Pcttls in 1954, and Robert H. Storz last year. Mr, Landen Is a native Omahan and has been active In civic, charitable and religious affairs for many years. He was president of tho Salvation Army Advisory Board for 13 years and is now honorary chairman. Mr. London has been active In Community Chest work. He was the general chqlrman of the 1952 Drive, which, up to then, was the only such drive to exceed Its goal. In previous drives he managed the Business Division and the Lnrgcr Gifts Division. Mr. Landen was one of the original trustees of the Children's Memorial Hospital and of World War II Memorial Park. He Is a member of the Lay Board of Regents of Crelghton University. Mr. Landen was crowned the fifty-ninth King of Ak-Snr-Ben in 1953.
Howard Goldstein and Roy Katskee were named "outstanding" Jewish Community Center athletes at Ninth Annual Award Night held Tuesday evening in the Center auditorium. Over 100 Center athletes received trophies, medals, plaques, certificates or pins for their performances in Center athletic programs. Mr. Goldstein won the Harry Trustin Award which is given to tho "outstanding" junior uthlete. He was a membe/ of the championship basketball and Softball squads and placed on the Youth Council All-Star teams. Roy Katskee edged out Justin Ban and Franklin Goldberg to walk off with the J. J. Greenberg Memorial Award which Is given to the "outstanding" grade school athlete. Mr. Katskee v.'ns h.'ifh point winner In the Midget B a » ketball League. He was a member of the All-Star squad arid captained his teum to a ca-champlonshlp in the league, Herman Rohrig, football official for the Big Seven Conference, was tho guest speaker. Sam Ban served as mnster-ofccrcmonlcs. Members of the refreshment committee were Morris Franklin and Max Platt. Award Night Is an annual presentation of the Health and Physical Education Committee of the. Jewish Community Center. The committee is headed by Leg Burkenroad and other members are: Louis Paul,. Bob Fromklh, Irr Yaffee, Stcvo Lustgartcn, Yale' Trustin, Barton Greenberg, Isadore Levinson, Sam Epstein, Norm Zevitz, Dr. Meyer Bebcr and Arthur Goldstein. ASSIMILATION DANGKlt Rome (WNS)—Italian Jewry, whose number Is currently estimated at 30,000 Is In danger of aasslmilation becanse of Ignorance of Jewish traditions, indifference to them and the fact that many active Jews had left for Israel, said Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff, thlk week at the fifth congress of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities.
Mtcfofnin Piotes
Of Talmudic Notes
y Friday bjr the VMentta «t
rri*T, June 1, ISM.
BarandBas Mitzvah
Vets to Convene At Center June 24
New York (JTA)—The estab The annual convention of the lishment of a Talmudic Research Iowa-Nebraska Department of the Institute at Yeshiva University Robert Wolfe, son of Mr. and Jewish War Veterans will be held edit and publish 7.000 tiny two Mrs. William Wolfe, will celebrate In the Omaha Jewish Community Editor inch square microfilm plates of his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Is- Center, Sunday, June 24. it was HARRY BALPEKT Talmudic literatures smuggled ou rael Friday evening. May 1 and announced by department comof Nazi-dominated Europe over i Saturday morning, May 2. mander, Nate Goldberg of Sioux decade ago, and discovered recent .. , Friends and relatives are invited City, la. ly in the United State*, was anto attend the services and recepConvention sessions will start WTflard Flotkm was elected nounced here by Dr. Samuel Bel tions which wfll follow. at 10 a. m. president of AZA No. 1 at semi Un, president of the University, Abe Miller, department senior United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— annual elections held Sunday. Oth Misses Helene and Renee vice-commander, has been apThe Sortet delegation at the Unit. cr newly elected officers are: Al- The Mwly found manuscripts; Franklin, daughters of Mr, and pointed program chairman. Offithe only extant copy of the "Comed Nations went oat of iti way to lan KrUehnan, viec-ftesldi Mrs. Morris J, Franklin will ob- cers tor the coming year will be disseminate a statement stressing Stave Frankel, secretary; Harold mentaries" of the Gaon of Roga- serve their Baa Mitzvah this eve- elected and delegate* win be that the Jewish religion enjoys Kaiman, treasurer; Allan Epstein, sbov, represented the most Im ning and tuiuniiw morning at named to the National Jewish fuu freedom in the USSR and that pledgemastor; Hilton Katakee and portant addition to Tabnudie War Veterans Encampment to b* erature in modern times. Dr. Bel Beth El Synagogue. there a n even a. "mikveb" and • Stem Dolgott, co-editors: and Biff Friends and relative*. art In- held to Milwaukee, WJa. "Sukkah" in the Moscow syna- Bobriek and Jerry Freedman, scs> kin stated. geanta-at-ana*. - ' Joseph isen. Rabbi of Dvinsky, vited to attend both services and Max Kanner, past commander gogue. the receptions which will follow. of: the department, will assist Mr. The statement estimates that Bodl Chapter. Knal BVith Girls In Latvia, (1858-1936) and called Miller. the "Gaon" or genius of Jtogaabout 1000 Jews attend services WUA hOlii jl ftlflffftfflfl DQOOfSOK f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Babendure at the synagogue oh Jewish holi- lots an) dub advisors Jane 7 a shov, after the city ot Urn birth, of Fremont, Nebr, announce (he was one of the most unique and days and that an average of 10,000 Harry's Restaurant Miss Marilyn Bar Mitzvah of their son, David, persons attend the synagogue each Dvoridn is chairman of tb* affair. brilliant figure* in the history of Saturday morning, June 9, at Beth month. It reproduces the full text Debka Debt are stuffing toy Rabblnlcs. Possessed of an en- El Synagogue. of a prayer for peace Included In animate and soap dolls for Israeli cyclopedic mind, the Rogashov Friends and relatives are inOfficers and members of Omaha a Siddur "published on the initia- children. A farewell party for sen- Gaon could literally reel off vol- vited to attend the service and the umes from memory, aa scholars veterans' organizations attended tive of the Jewish community" and iors la being planned. reception which will follow.' who know him have testified. It the Memorial Day Services held edited by Moscow Chief Rabbi S. Was said that be wts his own liSunday by the Epstein-Morgan M. Schliffer. LEAVE FOB NEW TOBK brary. The Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Bud- Post No. 260 of the Jewish War "Soviet Jews," the statement Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mattey dy Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Veterans at the graveside of Her-, lays, "guarantees to religious peo- will leave Omaha today to make Nathan Marcus, will take place man SUverman at Golden IIIH ple complete freedom to perform their home in New York City. this Saturday morning at Beth Cemetery. their rites, to observe all dictates Mr. Mattey is transferring to Israel Synagogue. Services will beEdward Foster, Commander ot of thwr faith. The Soviet Govern- the third year class at New York gin at 8:30 a. m. Relatives and Post No. 1, represented the Amerment sees to It that they are able Medical College in New York friends arc invited to attend the ican Legion. Ivan Westergard, to exercise this freedom.*'. For ex- City. Mrs. Mattey waa employed and the reception following Commander of Veterans of Forample, a big state bakery supplies at the Jewish Community Center Graduation exercises of the Beth service the service. eign Wars, spoke on behalf of Israel Talmud Torah will be held matzohs for the Passover holidays. as the Family Service secretary. VTW and Commander Jack Head Wednesday, June 6, at 7 p. m. in Matzohs may be bought In 30 the synagogue. A reception honorMnand Mrs. Leonard Bernstein represented tho Disabled War stores at Moscow. The Jewish *• Ing the graduates will be tendered announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Veterans. community, which has charge of by their parents after the services son, Steven, will be celebrated Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth the Moscow synagogue, decides all Its problems independently. It* Rayim continued Its winning In the social hall. Friends and rel- Friday evening and Saturday Israel Synagogue gave the memorning, June 8 and 9 at Temple morial address and Cantor EH affairs are conducted by the board ways in the Youth Council Soft- atives are invited to attend. Kagan chanted tb« memorial of the community and auditing ball League by running over the The members of the graduating IsareL . commission." Friends and relatives are Invited prayer. UnaffiUates to the tune of 19-3 class arc: Daniel Abramson, MadMembers of the Epstein-Morgan in five innings to remain unde- elyn Dolgoff, Leonard Frank, Saul to attend the services and recepPost who took part in the services feated in league play. Tms gives [Caiman, Stephen Lintzman, On tions which will follow. are: Paul Crocmse, Max Belgrade, Rayim the inside track over the 3all Pollakoff, Michael Rosenblatt, David Dubin, Herbert White, rest of the league having beaten ilephen Appcl, Meyer Coren, CarLouis Goldberg, Abe Miller, Milevery team once in the first round. )le Gomfocrg, Marshall Kaplan, ton Goldberg, Sherman Lipstdn, Pitcher Art Novak had an easy Karl Lticfschuetz. Marvin Polikov, HOVSa VOLUNTEERS Nate Marcus, William Milder, London <WNS>—The first group time of it as his teammates easily Mnrvin Ruback, Nell Bloom, KarBy Boselle. Perils Smith Marvin Glllnsky, Irv Babendir, of Jewish young nun and women pounded out a victory for him. en Forbes, Raphael Groner, Paul The Jewish Community Library Marvin Kaplan, Yale Ilalperin, between the ages ot 18 and 27 The game of the day came when Kutler. Aaron Marcus, Gerald has an interesting section on Art Salkin and David Kavitch.' who have volunteered for border Ray Kirke pitched his second con- Rosenblatt and Keva Shyken. Archaeology Including several volsettlement In Israel are leaving secutive one hitter for AZA 1 Kaddish was Riven by Dr. R. A. umes on the much-discussed Dead Britain this week. They will live against AZA 100. Jerry Rosen ilvcrman and Don SUverman. Sea Scrolls. Listed below arc some and work in border settlements landed the only safe blow, a sinof the books available. for a period of one year. gle in the first inning. It was a "Qumran Cave 1" by D. BatheThe first contingent consists of ten run shut out in five Innings lemy and J. T. Milik contains a 20 young people, two of them for the Mother Chapter as Kirke description of the contents of the girts. Only four members of the fanned ten men in a row. His first Qumran cave, consisting group have ever been associated teammates played errorless ball mostly of fragments of the origiNew officers of Omaha Chapter, 7:51 p. nu, OaadleUchttng with Zionist activities. They are while AZA 100 committed only nal scrolls. Translations of and Pioneer Women will be installed leaving under the "Shnat Herut" one error. Pitcher Stu Kutler gave commentaries on them constitute at a Oneg Shabbat to bo held at emergency scheme r e c e n t l y up eight hits to four men In the the greater part of the book. 1:30" p. m., Saturday, June 9 at launched by a committee repre- AZA 1 line up. Jerry Ferer and emple Israel -The Dead Sea Scrolls of the the home of Mrs. H. GUM, 143 N. senting all sections of the Zionist Al Krizelman both hit three for movement In this country. three while Bernstein and Moeil Worship services this evening Hebrew University, edited by E, 35th av. each got one. it Temple Israel will be held at L. Sukenik, publishes three of the The newly elected officers are: 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks Dead Sea Serous in full. They are. Mrs. Sam Novak, president; Mrs, THE ATOM IK ISRAEL "The Second Scroll of Isaiah/ Milton Ne'renbcrg, financial and will preach. "The War of the Sons of Light corresponding secretary; Mrs. Haifa (JTA)—An encouraging Services Saturday morning wtn the Sons of Darkness," and Harry Rlcklin, recording secretary picture of the prospects for early be at 11:30 o'clock for members with (Continued from Page 1.) the "Thanksgiving Scroll." This and Mrs. H. Wohlncr, treasurer. use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes in Israel was presented in New York City. He is bead of of the religious school and adults. volume appeared after Professor New committee chairmen were 3ukenik's death, and a few ex- also named. They are: Mrs. J, here at the meeting of the Board the Department of Research of the American Association ' for xacts from his diary are included. of Governors of the Israel InBeth El Fcldman, advisory; Mrs. Sarah Jewish Education where informastitute of Technology. T h e Scrolls from the Dead 3kun, National Fund; Mrs. J. Sabbath services at Beth S3 Sy- Sea" by Edmund Wilson Is con {apian, membership; Mrs. HerDean Joseph Weil] of the En- tion on all phases of education are gineering College of Florida Uni- compiled. A review of Jewish edu- uigogMe will begin at 8:15 p. m, sldered ono of the most popular nan Bondarin. Israel Bonds; Mrs, speak books on the subject The author tferenberg. cultural and program; versity told the board that the cation published annually in the fiss Pearl Franklin win 1 world if on the brink of a new ta- American Jewish Year Book comes w "The New Israel. " Cantor writes with warmth and lucidity, ilrs. Leonard Plnkovitz, publicity Aaron I. Edgar and the choir will telling of the discovery of the ind welfare; Mrs. Rlchlin, telednctrial revolution—fuel. Given from his department. . An educator and sociologist. Dr. render the musical portions of the scrolls, the historical background, phone, and Mrs. Sam Rifkln and the necessary power, Israel wfll Mrs. J. Fcldman, Moetzct HapMApply nuclear energy to industrial Engelman authored "The Rise of ervice. ind the personalities involved. Sabbath morning services will purposes and will become one of the Jew In the Western World." "The Archaeology of Pales- lot. the great Industrial centers of the collaborated on "The Jews of e held at 8:30 o'clock. Junior tine" by William Foxweli Albricht Members of the telephone cbmworld. That time is not far off. Charleston" and has contributed Congregation services begin at contains chapters which explain ittec arc: Mmes. Max Levine, to many journals. 10:45 a. m. Mlncha-Maarlv scrv- how the archaeologist carries on be Cohen. Nathan Martin and he stretssed. Women volunteers who helped co is at 7:30 p. m. Dally services excavation.?, how the subject ;adore Forbes. in the Interviewing are: Mesdames ire at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday developed from a treasure hunt Mrs. Jacob Fcldman it outgoing Edgar Will Graduate Marvin Taxman. Robert Levine, icrvlec Is at 9 a. m. to a science and how civilization iresldcnt Morton Kulesh and Paul Vcret at From Canrorial School Temple infolded from the Stone Ace to Israel; Mmcs. Sidney ho height of the Roman Empire, Raphael Edgar will receive the Snelder. Max Lashinsky, Yale eth Israel rwo chapters summarize the bcar- eth El School degree of Master of Sacred MUiic Ginsburg. Leon Gractz and Traditional Friday service* will nR of these researches on the Old A luncheon for all pupils of and Diploma of Huzzan for the Charles Guss at Beth El; and cgln at 6:30 p. m. Services Sat- ind New Testaments. Jeth El Talmud Torah will be Cantors Institute of the Jewish Mmes. Henry Appel, Samuel irday begins at 8:30 a., m. and "Archaeology Explains" by W. •Id Saturday. Juno 9 at 12:30 Theological Seminary of America katzman, Alfred Frank and Wal- unlor Congregation at 10 a. m.. I. Boulton includes many helpful In the recreation room of In New York City this Sunday. ter Frank at Beth Israel. 'aturday Mincha and Sholosh ind illuminating details for the iem.synagogue. Awards and cerMr. Edgar received his B. A. cudos at 7:45 p. m. xpllcation of Bible incidents and flcatcs for perfect attendance from Roosevelt College. Chicago, Services Sunday begin at 8:45 torles. synagogue services and at the JD. After graduation, he will asi. m. Jr. Tails and Tcphilin scrv"Discovering Burled Worlds" by 'almud Torah will be presented. «ume cantorlal duties at Shard ces begin ot 8:30 a. m. Weekday Indre Parrot provides a general Ttedek Congregation In Brooklyn, erviccs nt 7 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. urvcy of the great work done by AUfCDIO EDUCATION Mrs. H. Friedman New York. e archaeologists over Uie last Casablanca (JTA)—The MorocServices were held Friday, May Workmen's Circle undrcd yearn. The Look is bcau- in Ministry of Public Instruction 5 for Mrs. Hannah Friedman ifully illustrated with plates and isumed rcponslblllty for Jewish Beth Israel School r-ith Interment at Golden Hill Workmen's Circle Dramatic ira wings. Ilglous education In a statement Certificates of honor and pro- Cemetery. Mrs. Friedman, 78, died Hub will meet nt 5 p. m., this "Junior Bible Archaeolouy" by jfinlng Its area of Jurisdiction, motion and awards for perfect at- Thursday, May 24 in a local hos- Sunday in the Labor Lyceum, in- •L V. Morsloy Is written for chll- t announced that Talmudic educatendance In Sunday School will pital. tead of their regular meeting lren of Secondary School age. The on will come under the aegis of be presented Beth Israel youngShe is survived by her daughter, ime on Saturday. easons for excavating burled sites ie Ministry following discussion •ters Sunday morning, during the ilrs. Sarah Morris; three grandAll members are urged to at- ind tha methods employed are cx- ith Chief Rtibbi Saul Dahan who regular class periods. This will be :hildren, Mrs. Bernlce Crounse tend- A financial report will given ilaincd. Attention is directed to ill designate a competent rabbi •the concluding session of the Sun- nd Marda Morris, both of Oma- on the sum raised by the presentao Importance of the alphabetical > direct this area of pubic educaday School semester. Talmud ia, and Mrs. Harriett Tisscr of tion of the circle's annual play. cript of Palestine and to the ion. Talmudic education will be Torali Promotions will be pre- Harrlsburg. Pa.; and three greatA social hour will follow the tartllns discovery of the Dead dmlnlstercd by the Ministry's Secsented Thursday, June 28. grandchildren. lusiness meeting. ca Scrolls of 1947. Ion for Private Teaching.
Red Statement on Y. C. Doings Religious Freedom
Veterans' Groups Attend Services
B.I. Talmud Torah Graduation Wed.
Y.C. Softball
Global Report
Library Lane
Religious News
Educational Units
Pioneer Women Elect Mrs. Novak
Friday, iiau I, US6.
Hadassah Groups Install Officers
fage Sbraa
Mrs. Guss Heads an-B.E. Sisterhood
Plan Style Show
Mrs. Irving Herzog, general Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fox JWV AUXILIARY chairman for the Hadassah Sumnounce the birth of a son Richard Final plans for the Flat' Day mer Style Show to be held on Newly elected officers of OmaAt a recent meeting of the Beth ha Chapter Hadassah were In- program of Epstein-Morgan Aux- Nathan born May 1 in a local El Sisterhood, Mrs. Joseph Guss Tuesday, Aug. 21, will be hostess stalled at ttie meeting held May iliary of the Jewish War Veterans hospital. They also have two was installed as president Other to her committee Honda/. June 29 In the Jewlth Community Ccn have been completed, it was an- daughters Sally and Marda. Mr. new officers are: Mrs. Sam Ban. 4, at 10 a, m. at her name, for nounced by Mrs. Jack Saylan, aux- and Mrs. Leo Fox are paternal coffee. Plans will be made for the ter. grandparents and Mr. and Mrs.first vice-president; Mrs. Ernest Style Show. iliary vice-president. Nogg. second vice-president; l b s . Mrs. Meyer Rubin Is chapter Members of the Jewish Youth Arthur Conn are maternal grand- David Katelman. third vice-presipresident Other chapter officers Council will help in the Bale of paents. Mrs. Sarah Conn of Los dent: Mrs. Eugene Rich, record•re: Mrs. M. C Fellman. Mrs. J. J. the American Flag on Flag Day, Angeles, CaL, is great-grand- ing secretary; Mrs. Arthur Gross- Vfchwi Friedman, Mrs. Phlneas Wlntroub. June 14, auxiliary Wss Lillian Franklin of ChiMrs. mother. vice-presidents; Mrs. Alfred Fied- Abe Miller stated. president man, corresponding secretary; cago, m , a consm. and Mrs. D. S. More persons ler, recording secretary; Mrs. Al are needed to help in Mrs. Morris Roitsteln and l b s . Flnkensteta at Los Angeta, CaL, this project. COtlSINS' CLUB (red Frank, corresponding sccre Mrs. Miller ndded. Proceeds Harry Ferenstein, financial secfrom Mrs. Louis London of Council retaries; Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, an aunt win attend the Bas MItztary; Mrs. Jack Kaufman, finan the sale of flat's are used for of Misses Helen and Renes the da) secretary; Mrs. Morris Stal auxiliary's rehabilitation and hos- Bluffs, 1 la., will entertain the treasurer: Mrs. M. A. Bercovld. vah this evening. (See Bar Cousins dub at 12.30 p. UL, Wed- auditor; Mrs. M. A. Venger. par- Franklin Ouster, treasurer; Mrs. A. D. pital program. and Bas MItzvahs.) Prank, parliamentarian; directors, nesday, June 6 in the Regis Hotel liamentarian; Mesdames' A. D. Anyone wishing to take part in Those who are unable to attend Frank. David It Cohen, Phlneas Mesdamcs M. F. Levenson. David Sherman, Samuel Wolf, Leo Wcltz the project contact Mrs. Miller, call Msr. London. Coundl Bluffs, Wintroub. Robert Kooper. A. C PL 7371 or Mrs. Saylan, WE 207L 7509 or Mrs. Phil Rlnglc, RE 1979. and Aaron lUpn; Mrs. Irvin Levin, Fellman. Aaron Rlpsr, directors. auditor, and Mrs. David Brodkey, MIZIIACIII WOMEN BOASTED DAILY ex-offldo. MISS MANVITZ ELECTED Mesdamcs Herman Franklin, FuJIUneofNutMMtf Miss Fayna Manvitz. a student Mrs. Arthur Goldstein Is presi- Rose Fogcl and Sol Nogg have and Salted Nuts dent of the.Theodor Hcrzl Group. Joined the Donor Luncheon Circle at the University of Iowa in Iowa for Bar, Bas Mirzvahi, . Other group officers are: Mrs.of the Omaha Chapter Mlzrachl City, was recently elected secrePartyl and Weddings RUG & UPHOLSTERY Sam Rothenbcrg, tint vice-pres- Women. They will entertain at a tary of the university's Hillel ident; Mrs. Ervin Simon, second luncheon in the Jewish Commu- Foundation. CLEANERS vice-president; Mrs. Ted Sanford, nity Center at 12:30 p. m., ThursPatronize Our Advertisers RUGS—CARPETING recording secretary; Mrs. Seyday, June 7. The proceeds from mour Zoob, treasurer; Mrs. Jack these affairs benefit the Children's LAMP SHADES Friedman and Mrs. Max Kaplan, Village in Raanana, Israel. For FURNITURE dues secretaries; Mrs. • Robert reservations, please call Mrs. Fclnbcrg, corresponding : secre- Handler, AT 9826. Cleaned In Tour Homel tary; Mrs. Albert Wohlncr, Mrs. Albert Fox Mrs. Harry Eavltz, WEDBJVEK Temple Carnival directors; and Mrs. Sidney Hollis, Don Bernstein HA 2554 WE 5893 407 N. 16th A Carnival Buffet Supper and ex-offldo. Ice Cream Social will be held Mrs. Max Creenberg Is presi- Sunday, June 10 from i to 7:30 dent of the Henrietta Siold Group. p. m. at Temple Israel under the Other group officers are: Mrs. auspices of the sisterhood and Sidney Katebnan, vice-president the youth group. and liason officer; Mrs. William Mesdames Max Wolfson, Robert 24rh ami Famom SOrh a d Uiderwood Raduzlncr, vide-presldent; Mrs. Levine. Morris Lipp and Mervin Albert Garber, recording secre- Lcmmerman are In charge of the tary; Mrs. H. D. Marks, corres- affair. Martin Weil Is chairman ponding secretary; Mrs. Lewis SI- for the youth group. porln, treasurer; Mesdamcs Max h»m«A,M.Tni7P.M. The carnival will include pony Falk and David Unzman, finan- rides, concessions, movies and cial secretaries; Mmcs. Joseph merry-go-rounds. Fresh Bakery Producrs AH Day Sunday Soshnlk. Max Grossman and Arthur Friedman, directors; and THANK YOU Picnic Salads and Specialties Mrs. J. J. Friedman, ex-offldo. Miss Barbara Ann Brodkey Mrs. Hyman Bclman Is president wishes to express her thanks for ef the Chalm Wcizmann Group. the Unlongrams she received aftOther group officers arc: Mrs. er her Confirmation at Temple IsLouis Hurwits, first vice-presi- rael, May 15. dent; Mrs, Harry Kerens tein. second vice-president; Mesdamcs Ben Z. Zoorwill and Milton Mintz, fiSome Day Service nancial secretaries; Mrs. Sam II. Green, recording secretary; Mrs. No Extra Charge Max Platt, corresponding secretary; Mesdamcs Fred D. Brodkey, • • a t 10 A.M. T. A. Tully and David L. FredReady by 5 P.M. licks, directors, and Mrs. Maurice Newman, ex-offldo. CASH and CARRY Mrs. Charles Ross is president of the Business and Professional Hadassah Group, Other group ofAbo Pfckap awl ficers arc: Miss Rcna Gross, first DeuVery Servk* vice-president; MUs Dorthy RosOn the track, at well as in air conditioning, horsepower can enthal, second vice-president; Miss bs misleading. In the stretch when it gets really hot, many Beverly Pcssen, corresponding air conditioners (to called "bargain units") lots up to 30% secretary; Mrs. Alice Hceger, reof thalr cooling capacity while eoniuming excessive amounts cordlng secretary. Miss Lee Greenof power. berg, financial secretary; Mrs. Iska Rothholz, treasurer; Miss Myrtle Freeman, historian; Mrs. Julius Newman, parliamentarian; Mrs. Julia Jacobs. Misses Elizabeth 112N.18th JA1578 Hart and Evelyn Levy, directors, HEATING A COOLING and Mrs. Carl Lagmart, ex-offldo. Products full coeOag power wfcea It get* m he* m 105° Patronize Our Advertisers oatside. This m m that at at rimes you get fall temperarare differential. the GREATEST GUY Put your money on the leader. The air conditioner that will keep vou In the chips In the long run. If you can afford central in the WORLD.... air conditioning, you can't afford anything but toe best—especially when the difference in cost is so little that you may save it In one year's power and service Mils. the man who
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SAHDBACCID Sandbags around the nursery to tuck Junior out of sniper's range... The door of the underground shelter always open so Mom and the kids can take cover in a hurry...A neighbor standing guard while Dad gets the ploughing done... That's life today in Israel'* two hundred •nd fifty frontier •etllemetiU a« Jewish pioneers keep building the Middle East's only democracy. Sound familiar? Yes, it was that way in America's beginning also as determined settlers forged the American dream from coast to coast. In five years 884 of Israel's settlers have been killed or wounded by border terrorists. Now the enemy is stronger than ever — thanks to vast Communist-furnished arms. Now Israelis cjties are but ten minutes away from the enemy's airfields-thanks to his new Soviet-supplied jet bombers.
But Israel's pioneers aren't stopping, aren't running. They're still building, always hoping for peace and the day the aandbags can come down. And they're hpping for something else; That you, who have helped them take in 800,000 refugees in eight years, settling them and absorbing them, will keep on with this great lifesaving effort. Right now, at least 45,000 refugees must be brought to Israel from tension-ridden North Africa. Faced with the supreme emergency of insuring their own survival, Israel's people can't meet the great emergency of those who must leave Morocco and Tunisia. Bui you can - through your prompt gift to the United Jewish Appeal. Give your in> creased gift to UJV* regular campaign - and then give • great extra gift I* fJJA'f Special Sorviral Fund. Give today.
United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From
Jewish Philanthropies Campaign ;
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United Jewish Appeal •land by those who stand for freedom 1
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