King and Queen of Merit
Will Pre-Schoolers
Arthur Nov«k
M I M Bits Katznua
Arthur Novak and HIM ItlU K n t u n u were named King and <tu««n of Horlt at the ZOUi annual conclave staged by the Jewish Youth Council yesterday evening In the Jewish Community Center. The conclave b an annual event at which Youth Council member* are recognized, for their 'contribution* during the year. Kovod Keyi wan preaented to Stanley Kaunas, MISSM Carole Frank, Jane Fellman and Mldfe Oreeabenr.
Jews Praised A t Tercentenary Fete London (WNS)—The Duke of Edlhliurgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, and Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden joined last week In paying tribute to British Jewry a t a banquet in London's historic Guildhall marking the 300th anniversary of the return of Jew* to Britain. Leaders of Britain's political,, social and religious life and outstanding personalities in Jewish life here Joined in praising the contributions of Jewry to Britain and the welcome the Jews had received in this country. The Duke of Edinburgh, propos-
Arabs Fight Down Peace. Conditions United Nations. N. Y, (JTA)— Arab representatives at the United Nations Monday scored a victory—with the aid of the Soviet Union—when the Security Council adopted a British resolution on the Arab-Israel issue from which had been deleted u paragraph stating that the" Security Council is "conscious of the need to create conditions In which a peaceful settlement on a mutually acceptable basis of the dispute between the parties can be made." In objecting to the paragraph, the representatives of the Arab nations made It dear that they did not want any "mutually acceptable" peace with Israel. They insisted that the resolution should limit itself only to tho armistice pledges given Mr. Haminankjold by their governments. After the vote had been taken, Israel Ambassador Abba Ebon addressed the Security Council, cxprcsiing'the mixed fcclings-of the Israel Government in regard to the amended resolution. On the one hand, he sold, t h e , Security Council has "just been exalted to a high level of moral authority" by deciding to continue 'the Secretary General's Jurisdiction in connection with the Middle East problem. On the other hand, he said, Israel is deeply disturbed by the fact that the Council has failed to reaffirm openly thnt In the MlddlO East must m u l t from a "mutually acceptable'' agreement. 8YNAGO0UE MJKNKD London (JTA)—The y R c and . a number of Jewish-owned •hops in Orlcan.willo, Algeria, were burned down this week-end by Algerian nationalists, the Daily Telegraph reported from Algiers.
ing a toast to the Anglo-Jewish community, said that the members of this community "have achieved gr|fat things which have left or mode a lasting impression. Perhaps the greatest achievement of tiie community as a whole throughout the 300 years has been its success at fitting itself into the life of its adopted country, yet at the some time retaining a sense of common Interest and reverence for all the best traditions of the Jewish faith and culture." Prime Minister Eden, stated that no people in history had been "a magnet for >so much cruelty and persecution" as the Jews. The world, he continued, is forever in the moral debt to the Jews for the pogroms practiced against them by the Nazis. "From all that suffering we pray that one lesson hai been learned! the freer development of racial tolerance. Tolerance is a test of civilization," Sir Anthony asserted..
Orthodox Rabbis May Leave Council Greenfield Park, N. Y. (JTA)— Trie 14th annual convention of tho Rabbinical Alliance of America, representing about 400 Orthodox rabbis, concluded here with decisions "to make Orthodoxy a militant and autonomous group free from any encroachment and Influence by our pscudoco-rcllgionlsts from the Conservative and Reform ranks." Leaders of the organiaztlon. in their addresses at the convention, urged Orthodox rabbinic and lay group* to disassociate themselves from the Synagogue Council of America and from the New Vork Board of Rabbis. The two latter bodies ore composed of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform congregations. ZOA MfCMBKItSIIII* yew York (WNS)—The Zionist Organization of America, having enrolled 15,000 now members during the last nine months, now has a total membership of 103,000, it was reported this week by Rabbi I. Usher Klrshblum, national chairman of the ZOA membership committee, at the meeting of the National Administrative Council of the organization here. l i e appealed to all ZOA chapters to step up their membership campaigns in oriJer to secure even larger membership totals before tho opening of the ZOA convention August 21 in Waihlngton.
Camps June 18
Global Report
TO VISIT ISRAEL The Prc-School Day Camp, servNew York (JTA) — Dr. Elmer ing children flve-ycars-old or under, will be conducted for six Hess, president of the American Medical Association, will visit Isweeks, beginning Monday, June 18, on the spacious grounds of the rael In July to survey the medical Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home, Mrs. Installations maintained there by Hadassah, it was announced today Howard Kaplan, Chairman of the by Mrs. Rebecca Shulman, nationPre-School pay Camp, announced. al president of Hadassah. The Pre-School Day Camp will Dr. Hess, a noted urologist, has be especially geared to the needs discussed his forthcoming trip to Of children of pre-school age. Israel under Hadassah auspices The program of the camp will will carry a personal letter from include games, dramatics, recrea- the President to Premier David tion, nature study, arts and crafts Ben Gurion of Israel. Both Dr. and singing. Hess and Rabbi Abraham B. ShouL The children will have their own son, spiritual leader of the Erie garden, a few small animals to Jewish Center, who will accohv care for and supervised use of pany him, will travel with State playground equipment. Department status. Pre-school camping will be for a six-week period, divided Into two three-week' sessions. Pro- VANDALS School's second session will start Pittsburgh (JTA)—A gang of Monday, July 9 and continue until vandals broke into a Jewish cemeJuly 27. tery In the nearby town of HomeThe children will be picked Up vlllc, West Mlfflin, last week and at the following points: Beth El caused $10,000 worth of damage, Synagogue, Beth Israel Syna- It was reported here this weekgogue, Temple Israel, and the Jew- end. ish Community Center. They will Eighty-six tombstones w e r e be returned to their respective overturned and broken and grave sites were ripped up and plants homes at noon. Registration is now being ac- trodden Into the ground, police cepted. Enrollment will be limited reported. West Mlfflin Borough to moke possible an effective prd- police, who estimated the cost'of the damage, asserted that a gang gram, must have been Involved since the STALIN PLOT extent of the damage was too Washington (JTA)—The State great for one or two persons to Department released Monday the have accomplished. full text of the speech which Nlklta Khrushchev delivered at the Communist Party congress in Mos- TO VISIT RUSSIA Jerusalem (WNS) — A delegacow February 24, denouncing Josef Stalin and revealing that it was tion of the World Jewish Congress, Stalin himself who had fabricated invited to Russia by Moscow Chief the notorious "doctors plot" in Rabbi Solomon Schleifer, will leave which eleven doctors were arrest- for the Soviet Union in Septemed on charges of serving as ber to be there during the High "agents" of American Jewish or- Holidays, it was announced here ganizations and plotting against this week after a meeting of the Israel section of the Congress. the Soviet regime.
Day Campers Registration is rapidly filling up for the Jewish Community Center's Day Camp which will open in two weeks, it was announced by Edward Shafton, newly appointed Day Camp chairman. Day camp will start at 9 a. m,, Monday, June 18 at a special play area in Peony Park. Special buses under the supervision of trained counselors will pick up campers at four convenient points. They are: Beth Israel, Temple Israel, Beth El and the Center. Day campers will be returned to the pick up points at 4 p. m. Highlighting the camp program will be nature' lore, cook-outs, camp crafts, hiking, trail blazing and athletics. This year a camper council will be organized to assist and share in program planning. The focus of Center Day Camp programming is to enhance the development of the Individual child, Mr: Shafton emphasized, by offering each camper a wide variety of creative outdoor experiences in a, natural setting. There will be four weeks of day camping which is divided Into two>' periods. The second session will begin Monday, July 2 and will extend to July 13. Enrollment is still open to youngsters from five to twelve-years-old. The camp office at the Center Is open each night except Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7 to 10 p. m., so that parents may talk to the camp director and his assistant.
Camp Committee Inspects Camp Site Camp Jay-C-C Committee toured and inspected the facilities at Camp Brewster Sunday and were favorably Impressed with the improvements in the equipment and general condition of the camp. Gerald Gross, committee chairman, reported that the camp has taken on a new look after undergoing painting and repairs. The committee visited the camp site after their regular meeting at the Center. Members of the group -vho participated in the inspection tour were: Mr. anfl Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey, Don Brodkey, Gerry Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batt, Dr. and Mrs. ban Miller, Morris Erman and Mrs. Mike Freeman.
Abe Brodkey, New Temple President
Warning Hint despite a seeming relaxation of Middle East tension, this su/nmcr still threatens to produce "the deadliest of emergonclcn" for Israel's people, William Roscnwald, general chairman of the United Jnwlnh Appeal, stated recently In a report widen appeared In a Jmvlnh Telegraphies Agency dispatch. Mr. Rotenwald announced tlmt tho UJA Is launching • $50,000,000 cash collection drive, Jack W. Marer, I'realdent of the Federation for Jewish Service, declared th»t Omaha wlU take part la this effort U r a t e the needed c u h ,
Milton S. Livingston outgoing president was honored at the 86th annual meeting of the Congregation of Temple Israel which waa held Wednesday, June 6, in the Temple Social Hall. Toostmaster was Alfred S. Mayer. A tribute to past presidents was given by Harold Farbcr at which time an engraved scroll in recognition of their service waa presented to the following Post Presidents: Harry Rosenfeld, David Rosenstock, Abe Goldstein, Harry Wtlinsky, David Goldman. Morris E. Jacobs, Milton Abrahams, Louis Somberg, Jack W. Marer, Paul Blotcky, Louis E.' Llpp: and Alfred S. Mayer. Mr. ' Blotcky spoke for tho past presl- * dents, Morris E. Jacobs presented the scroll to Milton Livingston. Abe Brodkey was elected president of the congregation at the meeting which followed. Other officers elected are: Harold Far(Continued on Page 2.).
rr* tta»
ram nmtsa num
sfrttajr, June 8, UM.
VehWHMeeT At Center Wed robiWwd Bren rxUay tar Ow VMusUoa af Jewtak
Members of Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, JewUh War Veterans will meet at 8 p. m., Wednesday, June 13 in the Jewish Editor Community Center to discuss plans for the sixth annual meeting of the Iowa-Nebraska Department. The annual meeting will be helt. Sunday, June 24 at the Center. This will be Ike last regular meeting of the season and the annual picnic will be discussed. There win be no regular meetings during July and August Senior Vice Comamnder Marvin Kaplan will announce plans for the Post's Thanksgiving Dance, the group's only fund raising affair. Past Commanders Abe Miner and NaJe Marcus and Sr. Vice Commander Marvin Kaplan participated in the Annual DAV and VFW services at HUlcrest Cemetery. Commander Milton Goldberg, Past DcpL Commander Max Kanncr and Chaplain David Dubtn. participated in the American Lelon Services at Forest Hill Cemetery on Memorial Day,
Obituary Samuel Corenman
Temple Israel Carnival This Sunday
Services were held Monday, June 4 for Samuel Corenman with interment at Beth El Cemetery. Pictured above (I, to r.—top row) arc Mrs. Kobert Levlne and Mn. Morris Upp; (1. to r.—bottom row) Mr». Men In Lemmermaa Mr. Corenman, 82. died Saturday, and Mn. Max Wolfson chairmen of Temple larael Staterkood'aid June 2 at his home. He was a Yootb Group Baffet Sapper, Carnival and Ice Cream Soda] to be South Omaha grocer for many neM thla Sunday from 430 to 7 p. m., a* the temale. Pony ride*, years before his .retirement a a merry-go-roand, cotton candy and sMvealr booths, refreafcmeat* month ago. aad dinner will be Teatared daring the *£t*rno*m mmS tmmiag. Tick- Survivors include three sons, et* are mrailabl? at the temple or may be purcfcaaed from yoaUi James of Sioux City, Aaron and srarp maabcn. The affair will be held on the temple ground! or Nathan of Los AJtos, CaL; four daughters. Mrs, Phlncas Wlntroub la case of rain It will be In tte social hatt. of Omaha, Mrs. Ed Kusbner and Mrs. Sam Sarver, both of Oakland. CaL, and Mrs. Leon Kraft of KcKfimab Program at Charlotte, N. C; 17 grandchildren Jewish Hone for Aged and 7 great-grandchildren. (Continued from Paige L) - Kadimah Chapter or Pioneer ber, vice-president; Lloyd Bank, Michael Colton Women wlU entertain the resiServices were held Tuesday, dents of the Dr. PhUip Sher Jew- Spcler, Bernhartjt L. Wolf, Sr, May 29 for Michael D. Colton with ish Home for the Aged, Thursday, secretary; and Lazar Kaplan, Interment nt Fisher Farm CemeJune 14 at 2 p. m. with a Father's treasurer.' New members chosen tery. Mr. Colton, 68, died Monday, Day program. to serve on the board of trustees May 28. The dancing students of Miss arc Millard Krasne, Hlllard He is survived by his wife, GerCarolyn Kagan will present a Fatrude; three sons, Fred of Los Anther's Day dance and song routine, and Harry B. Cohen. geles, CaL, Dr. Erwln of Atlanta, entitled "Happy Father's Day to Arrangements for the program Ga., and Martin of Chicago, III. You." The students participating were made by Herman Goldstein, include: Betty Brinkman, Amy chairman, with Lloyd Bank and HASAS8AU COUNCIL Brodkcy, Connie Canuso, Christine Millu-d Rosenberg assisting. DinThe Educational Council of Cook, Ann Hoch, Grctchen Juffer, ner arrangement* were under the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will Kristin Juffer, Laura Kutler. direction of the Temple Sister- hold their workshop meeting at Gaylle Lerman, Phyllis Lcrman, hood. Mrs. Edward Gilbert, new 1 p. m.. Wednesday, June 13 at the Dentee SHverman, Julie Simon, Sisterhood president, was assisted •partmeiit of Mrs. J. Harry KulaRandi TVrkel and Karen Win- by Mcsdames Leonard Krasne, M. kqfsky hi the Blackstorie Hotel. trdub. M. Krupinsky, Morris Pepper, Mrs. Morris Spcckter vytll give Lazier Knvlch,- Paul Vcret, Leon several Jewish readings, and Sam Feliman, Millard Spcicr, Lee Sloan Rlfkin will entertain with Jewish and Robert Silverm&n. AK-SAR-BEN folk songs.
Temple President
DAY CAMP PARENTS Parents of Jewish Community Center Say Campers are invited to attend a spedal pro-camp meeting to be held at 7:43 p. m, Wednesday, June 13 in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center,
The annual Donor Luncheon will be held by the Omaha Chapter, Mizrachl Women at 1 p. m., Thursday, June 14 at the Jewish Community Center. AH members who have Joined the Donor Lundveon Circle will be guests. Anyone wishing to attend the luncheon may call Mrs. Ruth Ackerman, JA1926. chairman of reaervatiooa, which will be taken until 9 p. m. Wednesday; June 13. The proceeds from the dooor luncheons benefit the Children-* Village at Baanana. Israel, which provide* maintenance'and education for hundreds of homeless children from Africa and Yemen, Mrs. Edward Gilbert Mrs. Irving Stern, program announced tint Rabbi T.I. Sisterhood Board chairman, Benjamin Gromer will be the Mrs. Edward Gilbert, newly speaker. elected president of Temple Israel Sisterhood, will preside at her first simmer board meeting to be Held Day Service at 12:30 p. in., Tuesday, June 12 No Brtra Cfcargt following a luncheon at the Highland West Club.
Moflten'ClubTea The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club is having Its annual tea at 2 p. m., Wednesday, June 13 at the home of Mrs. Jacob Bernstein. r<K K. 58th st Guests will be the mothers of all Jewish boys graduating from the Omaha high schools this year. Mothers and wives of active and alumni members arc Invited to ttend. Speakers representing the freshmen and graduates as well as the alumni of the fraternity will participate in the afternoon's program.
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Bar Mifavah
David Babendure, ion of Mr. and Mn. Harry Babendure of Mr. and Mn. Milton Minte an- Fremont, Nebr., will observe his nounce the birth of a son Alan Ira Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, born May 28 at a local hospital June 9, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are InvitThey also have a daughter Frauds and a son Joseph. Maternal ed to attend the service and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.reception which will follow. m j Sam Loser of Mitchell. S. D., and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manvitz anMr. and Mrs. Solomon Mintz of nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Arnold, will be held SaturPort Jcrvis, N. Y, day morning, June 16, at Beth El Synagogue.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith Friends and relatives are inof Kansas City, Mo., announce the vited to attend the service and the birth of a son James David born reception which win follow. May 22, The Smiths have three W N W MM MM other children, Sarah, Judith and Deborah. Mrs. Smith is the daughATTENTION FOLKS! ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. Htiie baravwl
JWV The Ladles Auxiliary of the Epstein Morgan Post 260, Jewish War Veterans, will hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, June 13, at 8 p. m, in the Jewish Community Center. Final plans will be made for Flag Day. June 14. Delegates to the national convention in Milwaukee will be chosen. Refreshments and social hour will follow. All members are urgently requested to be present and vote for their delegates.
PIONEER' WOMEN Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women will install their officers at 1:30 p. m., tomorrow at the tor md lot MHmh M M Noddy Bcheln home of Mr*. Harry GUM. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin .Givant of Milton Nercnberg will serve as InDes Molnej, la., announce the stalling officer and will also preHit* birth of a daughter Debbl Ann sent a selection of Jewish songs. born May 16, They also have a Reasonable Prices Mrs. Morris Specktor will give daughter Cheryl Lynn. Grandparseveral readings. Mr. and Mrs/Bernard Schein ents arc Mr. and Mrs. Isadora SMITH PRINTING CO. Mrs. Sam Rifkln has been Commercial Printers announce the engagement of their Givant of Des Moines arid Mr. and named mailing chairman. Mrs. F»ul Alpenon Mrs. H. Kramer of Omaha. 1429 S. 46th Ave. daughter Miss Noddy to Ira Stanley Epstein, son of Mr. and Mis. Patronize the .merchants who . Call GL 7023BikurChoJim Society Harry Epstein. advertise hi YOUR newspaper. 4MMWMM June Luncheon Monday Mr. and Mrs. Schein, formerly The Blkur Chollm Society will of Minneapolis, Minn., aro now Miss Margie Gendler and Paul Alpenon were married Sunday, hold its June luncheon and card making their home in Omaha. June 3 in Beth Israel Synagogue. party Monday afternoon In the Miss Schein attended tho UniThe bride is the daughter of Rev- Jewish Community Center. Pro- versity of Minnesota. Her fiance 50tti and Underwood 24th and Farnam erend and Mn. Arthur Gendlor ceeds from the luncheon go to the win be graduated this month from and the bridegroom Is the ion of medical supplies fund for the Dr. the University of Nebraska's Philip Sher Jewish Home for theSchool of Law, where he Is afHyman Alpenon. Aged. filiated with Sigma Alpha Mu and Rabbit Nathan Fcldman and Mn. J. Wine, president, la in Phi Delta Phi Fraternities. From 6 A . M . Till 7 P.M. Benjamin Grpncr officiated. charge of the affair. Mn. B. The bride wore an original Prls- Schcon Is decorations chairman cllla of Boston sown of silk taf- and Mrs. Harry Sldman, ticket Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday feta with French lace, The basque chairman. bodice featured a portrait neckPicnic Salads and Specialties Paul Verct, Federation Execuline outlined with applique lace RUG & UPHOLSTERY embroidery with pearls and Irides- tive Director, will speak. cent sequins In the wedding ring CLEANERS pattern. Her French illusion finRUGS—CARPETING gertip veil was held In place by a Queen's crown of lace trimmed in LAMP SHADES •cod pearls and iridescent sequins. FURNITURE The bride's attendants wore yellow cocktail-length gowns of nyCleaned In Your Homel lon tulle and light-weight silk. ll«dl>g • Lcrylsg • bpalriaa The maid of honor was Mlsn Sally Gendler, suiter of the brido. Don Bernstein HA 2554 The bridesmaids were Mlsn Jean Gendler, lister of the bride, and Mrs. Art Stein, and the junior brldemald was Miss Judy Gendler, niece of tho bride. The best man ROASTED DAILY was Leo Alpenon, brother of the groom, and the ushers were 8am Full Line of Nuf Meats Gendler, brother of the bride, Dave and Salted Nuts On the track, as well as in central air conditioning, horseChorney, and Merle Potash. for Bar, Bas Mitzvahs, power can be misleading. In the stretch when it gets really After their honeymoon, the con Party* and Woddings not, many systems (so called "bargain units") lose up to pic will make their home in 30% of their cooling capacity while consuming excessive Omaha.
Miss N. Schein Engagement Told
Gendler-Alperson Wedding Sunday
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen OPEN EVERY SUNDAY
Memorial Fund for Mrs. B. Boasberg Business and Professional Women of lladossah have established a fund In memory of the late Mrs, Benjamin Boasberg who died recently. She was a member of BAP. The fund will be used to purchase a plcco of medical equipment for the new Hadotsah Medical Center in Israel Those who wish to contribute contact Mrs. Eve Konecky, AT 1475; Mn. Julius Newman, HA 6039; or Miss Julia Zukcr, WE 2295.
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Center Pre-Schooiers Are Graduated Wed. Twenty-one youngsters and their parent* were on hand at the graduation exercises of the Jewish Community Center's Pre-schoolers held Wednesday morning at the Center. Spotlighting the program were two puppet shows presented by the children and their teachers, The puppeters of the "The Three Bean" were Steven Rosen, Marcy Kaiser, Stephen Neesman and Doraleo Kaplan. Tho second play "Scat, Scat, The Little Cat" had Bobby Brody, Pattlo Kimmcl, • Danny Caulflold, Irvln Gary Blumkln and Kay King put tho puppets through their paces. Each graduate received a certificate. Registration Is now open for the JWl-Wlntor term of the Center Pre-fchool which will start SepWID STOSKI M Their Head* lead* i tember 4. Further Information to Deal With Yotil may bo had at the Center Ac tMtics office, call JA 13G6. Pre-school camp will open in .two weeks. (Sec camp story.)
the man who • takes his famify
MM AM. DM IiM f.M. ahrH* Hxt •( U M U I Snilfnl Dl.k.i
| t* t«f* UM
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Neagle Heating Service 2322 I I M Wt 2041 Parker Furnace 707 N. l*l» AT If49
HA 3232
trU*f, June 8,
Service Tonight Mr* Mrs. Marcus For Beth El Grads 50tft Anniversary Confirmation and graduation ceremonies of Beth El Religious Schools will be held thlf evening, during the course of the religious service at 8:15 o'clock. The service will be conducted In part by the conflrmandiand the graduates. Included in the service will be a special presentation, "The Light, The Tutor, The Guide." The text will be narrated by the confirmonds and the musical portions will be sung by the graduates. Dr. Joseph Soshnlk, Chairman of the Beth El School Board, will award certificates, diplomas and prizes. The graduates and conflrmonds will be*prescntcd by Rabbi Ralph DeKoven, Director of Education. The charge to the grad« nates and the confirmanda will be delivered by : Rabbi Myer S. Roy Katskce, center, and Howard Goldstein, rljht, unite their Kripke. appreciation at having won the "Outstanding Athlete*" awardi while The conftrmands who have comHerman Bohrlg look* on with approval. The boy* were presented pleted two years of-study In the their trophies at the Jewish Community Center's Annual Award Beth El High School of Jewish Might held last week In the Center auditorium. Mr. Kdhrlg, football Studies arc: Ann Blumbcrg. Eleanor Falkenjteln, Berdine Green official for the Big Seven Conference, was gurst speaker. and Andy Jean Gross. The graduates who have completed the Talmud Torah course of the Beth El S c h o o l s are: Phyllis Belzer, Eden Cohn, FranNews uid happening* at the ces Cooperman, Carolyn Dolgoff, Dr. I'hlllp Sher Jewish Home Frances Erman. Matthew Faior, Arlene Grossman, James Guss, For Aged by David Orkow. Steven Guss, Donna Kalman, Jan• ice Katleman, Madeline Kripke, June 1 — Flowers this week were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barson will
Center's 'Outstanding Athletes'
Omaha Sketches
•ttend the gradaution exercises tomorrow at Iowa State College >f Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, la. Their son Fred will rereive his Doctor of Philosophy degree in physics.
With the Folks At Home
sent by Mr and Mrs. Ed Morris. June 3—A special party "Scudali" was given our folks today by A. Fuller to celebrate the birth of a granddaughter, Mits Molly Fisher June 4 -Rev. and Mrs Arthur Cendler sent flowers to the Home in'honor of the wedding of their daughter Margie to Paul Alperson, son of Mr. Hyman Alpcnon. Bikur Cholim special Gray Ladies Service visited today and assisted the "plnochlers." This is a regular service group who visit the Folks twice a week.
Mrs. H. Wohlner has just returned from a Carrlboan cruUc to Venezuela, Columbia and Dutch West Indies. She was accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Wohlner of Far ttockaway. N Y. Mrs. Wohlner Also visited her suiters In Schnectady, N. Y., and her daughter in Buffalo, N. Y. While in New June 5--Rabbi Benjamin GronYork City. Bhe attended the mammoth celebration in Yankee Stad- er was our visitor today. Mrs. ium of the Eighth Annhorsary of Meyer Bebcr, our art teacher, is Israel's Independence. continuing her class In painting. This program is very popular. June 7—.The combined May and Dr. Dan Miller returned yesterday from Detroit, Mich., where June Birthday Party sponsored he attended the annual sessions of by the Bikur Cholim Society unthe National Cancer Conference. der the chairmanship of Mrs. Allen Zalkln. was held this evening. Those particii>.itinK were: Samuel Mrs. Jules Wail, formerly of Somme£ Call Sirlruky, Mm. Pearl Council Bluffs, Is visiting her sis- Cohen. Mrs. Mina Krestul, Mrs. ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and MM. Abe Bear. She will attend Bessie Scglln and Mrs. Toney the graduation exercises today at Stern June 8 A special Klddush was the State University of Iowa, where her niece Miss Harriet Ka- giten by Max Pcltz to honor his tetrnan of Council Bluffs is being grandchildren. Mr. and Mm. Paul graduated. Miss Katelman is the Alperson who were married this daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I,<HI Ka- week. telman June 9 - S a m Summer will give a special Kldduih today /in the occasion of his 93th birthday. Mrs. Morris Kanter of Kansas New Residents are Tauba FeldCity, Mo., is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Herman Johr. Mrs. Knntcr >k> the man and Pearl Cohen. outgoing president of a ICjinsas .City chapter of Hadassah. j Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Okun. has been elected to the University of Mrs. Herman Bondarln wi)l at- Minnesota Chapter of Phi Beta tend the graduation ceremonies Kappa, national honorary scholJune 14 at Wayne University. De- astic society troit, Mich., where her son Arlcy Two Omatums who are students will be graduated. He is a| past president of AZA No. 100 and the at the University of Oklahoma were elected officers of the Pep Jewish Youth Council. Council. They arc Avrum GreenMr. and Mrs, Leonard Pinkovltz berg, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mayleft yesterday to attend the'wed- nard Greenbcrg and Miss Muriel ding of a nephew Byron Davidson Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in Phoenix, Ariz. They will also Samuel Green. visit their daughter in Los AnRonald D. Garber, son of Mr. g e l a , Cal.
and Mrs, Albert Garber was one
.Bobby Epstein, son of Mr. and of the State University of Iowa
KOTC students to receive a Minute Man Medal from the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Mrs. Sam Epstein, will compete In the Omaha Open Golf Tournament which opens today at the Field Club. A Omaha World-Herald sporUwriter rates the sixteenyear-old youth as "the brightest young star on the Omaha golf scene In years." He has won his second conseu ja«cn rout ivao «« tt tit,o i«o6 iru*. cutive Nebraska high school title Uurreot rut 4 bL BMU COf Mcfi mMTthis spring and captured the In- joa rut fnMt nttnt* uw rlx&t V ttout tercity League crown. The Cen- 4M 9t MCT tdvcrUMmfOL tral High junior led his school to BAH and ''as Mltzvuh congratuitate and Intercity team chamlations also for all Jewish holipionships. days and special occasions.
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Miss Barbara Joffe, a student at the University of Minnesota, WANTED—Furnished apartment In Jewish home for mother and Minn., was pledged to Chimes, and daughter. Call PL. 6381 altJunior women's honor society. ' > r ft n m "" j« Mis* Carols Okun, daughter of'
Religious News 7iM p. m., CandlellghUng
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marcus who commute between Omaha and Los Angeles will celebrate their gold' en wedding anniversary at 1 p. m., this Sunday at a family dinner in Beth Israel social hall, Greatgrandchildren, grandchildren and children will take part In the festivities, * Rabbi Benjamin Groner will read the original Jewish marriage contract which the couple has still preserved from the time It was presented to them at their wedding in 1906 in a town In the Russian Ukraine. Mr. Marcus was active for many years In Jewish communal affairs. He was the organizer and first president of Union of Orthodox Congregations which tied together the then loosely knit orthodox synagogues in Omaha. Mr. Marcus also served as president of South Omaha Talmud Torah and Omaha Hebrew Club. He was president of Beth Israel Synagogue, from 1933-35 and served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federation for Jewish Service. Mr. Marcus headed the local Mizrachl group and was a regional vice-president. Sheila Novak, Pamela Pcrelman, Louis Rich, Estclle Schulman, Martin Sheidcr, MSynard Wouv berg, Arnold Welntraub and Mary Yager.
Beth Israel Traditional Friday services will begin at 6:30 p. m. Services Saturday begins at 8:30, a. m. and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m., Saturday Mincha and Sholosh S'eudos at 7:45 p. m. Services Sunday begin at 8:43 p. m. Jr. Tails and Tephllln services begin at 8:30 a. m. Weekday services at 7 a. m. and 7:50 p. m.
Temple Israel Worship services this., evening at Temple Israel will be held at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney i t Brooks will preach, Services Saturday morning will be nt 11:30 o'clock far member* of the religious school and adults.
Beth El Sabbath services at Beth Ei Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Confirmation and graduation cere* monies will be held. Cantor Aaron I Edgar and the choir will sing the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will bo held at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation services begin at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv serv« Ices are at 7:30 p, m. Daily scrv« Ices arc at 7 a. m. and 7 p. nt, Sunday service is at 9 a. m.
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