June 15, 1956

Page 1

Xol. XXXIV—No. M.

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PublUbedNctrHka e»er» fTrhte* , tatb. Annul PbonrHI 4AM ligs Btnirlr Kne OODI «l«iMIUn OeaU


Federation Increases Loan For UJA Day Camps To Open Mon.

Amount Upped to $375,000 For Aid in Refugee Program

The Jewish Community Center The Federation for Jewisli (service lias completed arrange, Day Camps will open Monday ments with a local bank to increase the Federation's loan m a d s two years ago frj>m $325,000 to $375,000 Jack W. Marer, 1'Vderamorning, it was announced jointtion President, announced this week. This amount, Mr. Marcr ly by Edward Sliafton, Day Camp said, rcpreoentB our share toward the nation-wide loan' project chairman, and Mrs. Howard Knp" —Hot Israel which was undertaken lan, chairman of the Pre-school by the United Jewish Appeal. camp. The 1954 loan enabled the State Regular Day Camp will be held of Israel to convert Its short term In a special play area at Peony obligations to long-term notes Park. The pre-schoolers' : camp which were secured at a more favwill be on the grounds of the Dr. orable interest, rate, Mr. Marcr College graduates in our area explained. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the who have received degrees this Aged. The Increased loan this year will month from the University of Special buses will pick up both help speed up the emigration proNebraska Include: groups of campers at four spots.' gram of the UJA In strife-torn —Stanley L. Magld, B.A. North Africa where many thouThey arc: Beth Israel, Beth 151, —Miss Shirley .R. Rochman, B.A. sands of Jews arc clamoring to esPhilip Kliitznlck Temple Israel and the Center. —Miss Louise H. Stern, B.F.A. Irvln T>Ke cape the wrath of the Arab uprisPre-school youngsters will be —Alan H. Rice, B.S. ings, the Federation President returned home at noon and day —Mclvin Hurwlch, B.S. added. campers will be left off at pickup —Arlen J. Kuklln, B.S. spots at 4 p. m. The State of Israel now faces —Sol B. Stlns, B.S. —Marshall D. Becker, B.S. in Law the greatest threat to Its very exThe regular day camping period Respects for each other's be- —Ira S. Epstein, B.S. and B.L. istence with the pouring into Arab will be for four weeks and'Is Irvln Yaffe will head the Jew. divided Into two sessions. The pre- liefs is the Inevitable result of a —Gerry L. Fellman, B.L. states of vast quantities of planes, tanks and ships, Mr, Marer pointed b h Community Center's Physical schoolers will have six weeks of more knowledgeable humanity, —Nathan Voltzcr, B.S. in Law. Education Committee, it was an- camping consisting of two three- Philip M. Klutznick, President of —Miss Josephine A. Margolin, B,S. out. Israel cannot divert funds to aid these refugees, ho added. B'nal B'rlth, told seniors and nounced this week by A r t h u r week sessions. G r a d u a t e s , of University of alumni of Creighton University at The negotiation of tho increased Goldstein, chairman of the Cen- Both camps will have their pro- their annual banquet last week. Omaha include: loan was handled by J. Harry grams geared to meet t h i needs —Lcroy A. Katz, B.S. ter committee. Mr. Kluznlck was awarded the' Kulakofsky, a past president, and of the specific age groups, —Miss Felicia A. Alberts. B S. Robert H. Kooper, vice-president, He will succeed Les BurkcnThis year a camper council for honorary degree of Doctor of —Miss Bctte Ann Poska, B.S. with tho assistance of Harry B. road, who headed the committee day campers will be formed to Laws at Creighton's commence- —Eugene Jacobs, B.A. ment exercises. Cohen, chairman of the Federa—Miss Shirley T. Glmple, B.A. for more than twenty yean. A assist and share In program plantion's Legal Committee. It Is reHe stressed that greater scien- —Maurice Llpton, B.A. Resolution of Commendation was ning. Counselors have undergone payable over a five-year * period a two-day pre-camp training pe- tific and technological' knowledge - M i s s Marcia Morris, B A . unanimously approved by the Fed- riod this week to ready them- presages not the doom but the —Arnold G. Kalman, M.A. out of Philanthropies funds which go the UJA. The loan was aperation for Jewish Service's Exec- selves for the opening of camp. progress of a sorely plagued Maurice B. Schwartz received proved unanimously by the Fedutive .Committee, trailing Mr. Appointments to tho Center's world. The results-can be mag- his Doctor of Medicine d e g r e e eration's executive committee a t Burkenrosd for his years of serv- Day Camp Committee were an- nificent, he asserted, if our edu- from Creighton University. their meeting held May 21, and nounced this week by Edward cational Institutions continue to Sol L. Weinberg received the the terms were unanimously apice. Shafton, committee chairman. New produce trained and Informed per- degree of Master of Business Ad- proved and authorized at a meetMr. Yaffe Is a graduate of Cen- members of the committee arc: sons, whose eyes are set on dis- ministration at Washington Uni*tral High School and the Univer- Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bernstein, tant goals but who possess "hu- versity, St. Louis, Mo., and How-Ing held Monday afternoon in the Jewish Community Center. sity of Nebraska, where he earned Dr. and Mm. Abe D. Faior, Messrs. mility of faith and spirit." ard E. Krafitz, his B.S,, from the two letters in basketball. " i and Mcsd&mes Lloyd Friedman, University of Oklahoma, He said: "All Of us need the He was the winner of the Les Leonard Lewis and Ervin R. SiJerry Weinberg, son of Mr. and inner pull of a distant objective Mrs. Harry Weinberg, has receivBurkcnroad Award In 1954, which mon, to stretch.to our fullest capacity. ed his master's degree in physics -is presented annually t o the outWithout knowledge there Is no at the University of California. standing senior athlete at the real freedom. In the world-wide Berkeley, Calif. He has accepted Center. struggle of the hour, prepared a position with an electronics comThe Jewish Youth C o u n c i l and able minds are the most prec- pany In San Francisco. which Is now in Its 24th year of UJA PARLEY ' ious weapons we can forge to susserving its member clubs will be New York (JTA)— The United tain the free world." presided over by Harold Kaiman, Jewish Appeal Monday concluded newly elected president. He is the its 2-day National Action Conferson of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaience with an announcement that man. Tel Aviv <JTA>—Heletz Five, $40,350,000 in cash has been raised A Central High School junior the fifth oil well in Israel's first during the first half-year of Its and member of AZA No. 1, he proved field, was brought In last campaign, including $15.0qO,000 The Golden Age Club will hold will direct Youth Council proFriday with a huge gush of black, presented by leaders from numerHarry DuBoff was elected pres- a picnic Monday, June IB, at grams until next June. crude oil. The pressure in the well ous communities at the final sesis $o great that it, like two other sion this morning. More than 750 ident of Beth El Synagogue at the Rivcrvlcw Park Pavilion. PicnickElected to the vice-presidency four wells In the Helcfcs field, will leaders of UJA campaign units first meeting of the newly elected ers will moot at the Jewish Com- was Irving Belzer, a past presisupply oil under Its own pressure from all parts of the country par- Board of Governors. Other newly munity Center at 11:30 a. m.. dent of the Mother Chapter Miss elected officers arc: Ralph Nogg, where chartered buses will take Phyllis Bernstein Is assuming the without pumping. ticipated .In the conference. f i r s t vice-president; Dr. A. G. them to the park. Ice cream and duties of secretary, while Marty Meanwhile, production Of crude Rlmmcrman, s e c o n d vice-presi- cold drinks will be served, and Lipp and Miss Diane Llntzman oil began a t Helctz Two, the most BOW TO AUAB8 dent; Saul Graetz, secretary; and those attending arc asked to bring wore selected to take over tho promising of the five wells. The New York (JTA)—The National their own lunch. duties of Council reporters Israel Oil and tapidoth Oil Com- Education Association, l a r g e s t Nathan Turner, treasurer. Members of the Golden Age New board members are: Ralph panies, which have brought in teachers' organization In the UnitThe newly elected officers are these five wells, have decided to ed States, was strongly criticized NogR, Dr. A, G.. Rlmmermnn, Dr. Club and their friends arc invited setting up plans and policies for drill new holes In the field and will for submitting to Arab demands A. C. Fellman. Irvin C. Levin, to attend the picnic which will be the rushing of Incoming h i g h try to tap deeper strata. that Jewish members of the As- Joseph Hornstcin, Nathan Turn- co-sponsored by Omaha Section school freshmen and programs for . Gov, George Leader of Pennsyl- sociation bo barred from Joining er, Enrl Sicgal and 'Eugene Rich. Council of Jewish Women and the summer and fall Jewish Community Center. vania, who Is touring Israel as a tours which Include visits to Arab The council is a federation of all guest of the Israel Foreign Minis- countries. Jewish youth groups of high school try and the Israel Bond Organizaago. It serves to supplement the Four round-the-w o r 1 d tours Scholarship Winners tion, visited the oil field last week- sponsored by the Association now of member clubs, to stimDestroyers Acquired program end during a trip through the exclude teacher. Non-Jewish teach- At Central High School ulate and develop youth leaderNegev. Gov, Leader Is accom- ers applying to Join in the tours Scholarship winners were anship and awaken a communal, conFrom British Navy panied on the tour by his wife and arc required to file affidavits from nounced at Central High School's sciousness through a program of Pennsylvania Jewish leaders. London (JTA)—The latest planned activities initiated and clergymen attesting that they arc Commencement Exercises h o l d additions to the Israel Navy, carried out by youth. not members of the Jewish faith Saturday evening in Central's authe destroyers Y a f f o and ditorium. Sherman Poska is Youth CounElath, sailed from Plymouth TITO TO VISIT cil director having served as diAmong the recipients were; for Haifa Sunday. Tho vessels rector for more than two and a Geneva (JTA) — .Yugoslavia's —Michael Bun, University of Chiwere bought from the British half years. cago and Ripon College Marshal Tito plans to pay an ofN a v y and were converted, ficial visit to Israel, It Was learned —Jane Fellman, Associated ReThey will bo the largest units TICKKOR IN ALRKItlA The rabbis of. our community here from unimpeachable diplotailers in Israel's fleet. Israeli seawill be honored for "their 'inspir- matic sources. —Gary Gltnick, University of ChiParis (JTA)-Antl-Jowlsh w men have spent months being roi continued In Algeria yesterday ing and excellent spiritual and re- These sources-asserted that the cago and Rlpon College trained in handling the de- A bomb was thrown Into the en« ligious programs" a t tho Dr. Yugoslav Premier wants to visit —I*o B. Jahr, University of Nestroyers). Philip Sher Jewish Home for tho the Jewish State to allay certain braska Music Scholarship • trance of a synagogue In the AlShortly after the announce- gerian city of Bone just as '.he Aged, It was announced by Ar- "misunderstandings" w h i c h he —Gone Kohn, Rlpon College, Uniment of the sule of the two thur A. Conn, chairman of the feels have arisen in Israel regardJews emerged from the Sabbath versity of Michigan, Dartmouth destroyers to Israel last year, morning prayer session. One ol the home for the aged committee;. Ing his recent visit to Cairo. At College, Colgate Unlvc/slty Nathe Admiralty confirmed that Jews, Edmond Lev!, was killed t The rabbis will be died a t a the tamo time, It was indicated, tional Scholarship two other, destroyers of the when the bomb exploded. There luncheon meeting of tho commit- Marshal Tito wants to emphasize —Rita' J. Feltz, Creighton Unlvcr' Bamc class had been sold to were additional Jewish victim*, actee to be held at 12:1$ p. m. Mon- to Israeli leaders that Yugoslavia atty President's the Egyptian Navy. Is not a party to any bloc,, bo it cording to a report received herd day. June 18, In the Jewish Com—Allen' Shukert, Creighton _ Uniin Europe. Asia or the Middle East. today, munity Center. versity.

Omahans Earn Their Degrees

Creighton Degree To Phil Klutznick

Yaffe Will Head Athletic Group

Kaiman to Head | Youth Council

Global Report

Israel Brings in Fifth Oil Gusher

H. DuBoff, New Beth El President

Home Committee Will Cite Rabbis

Golden Age Club Picnic Monday


' .11

With the Folks At Home

r PnMUied Every SWdaj bj tbe Federatios ot Jewish Bervtet ilua iTIvllcgei iTivucgei AuUionzco ai Onuuuu Nebraska. I t N U U i u Mailing Netm Ion, *4.0C AdvertlUni Hotel on Annual SubacrlpUoi * -street, Oraana. - Apt&fcatlon. .•_» JT- IMe. 103 Na 30th Nefar. jAckaop Koitunai OIIIco—K am—teas So Frut Shoe Addraa—4808 _. »u> Btteet HARRY HALPER7

H. Monsky Lodge To Install Officers B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 will formally in»tall its new elected otflcen at a dinner-dance tg be held at 8 pjn. Saturday, June 23, In the FonteneUe Hotel Ballroom. Edward A. Rosen, pait president, will serve as toastmaster and Dr. Abe Greenberg. member of the national board of governors, will be the installing officer. The following will be installed: Sam H. Pollak, president; Ruben Llppett. first vice • president;' Lou Canar, sec-' ond vice - president; Lou Jess, third vice-prcsl. dfint: Nate Turner, treat u r e r; Sam Epstein, recording s e c r e tory; Moses F. Kagan, financial Follak secretary; D.ove Jlosenberg, warden; E. I. Wldman, guardian; Henry Welnberg, chapHan; Dr. Abe Grecnbcrg, honorary trustee; F. Ralph NogR, Earl Slcecl, Edward A. Rosen and Marvin Treller, trustees. Reservations are three dollars per person and may be made by .calling Ruben Uppctt, RE 1016, Moe Kagaji, AT 3210 or WA 0921.

Suppression Told Of Jewish Culture New York (JTA1—Suppmwion of Jewish culture in the Soviet Union continues and Soviet Jews fear that eventually they will lose their identity as a croup, theState Department has informed the Jewish Labor Committee here in a communication sent under the authorization of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. "Apart from the rehabilitation of a few writer*, improvement In the status of Soviet Jews during the post-Stalin period baa not been great," the State Department statement said. "During the past year some • minor concessions have been made In the practice t>l Judaism as part of a le*« stringent approach to religion. A small number of Soviet Jews were allowed to emigrate to Israel. A few Yiddish-language aetisU have been permitted to appear on the stage. In addition. Soviet period! cajs during the past year have In two instances specifically denounced anti-Semitism In contrasi to earlier practice of avoiding comment on the subject. "Nevertheless." the statement continued, "the basir poUcy of severely restricting Jewish cultural activity ( p u b l i c a t i o n s schools, libraries, and the theatre' especially In evidence since the purge of 1348-49. remains unchanged, and Soviet Jews hnve expressed fears to forrripners Dial eventually they would lose their identity as a group."

To Leave Omaha Dr. and Mrs. M a u r i c e B. Schwartz will leave Omaha the end of June to make their home in C i n c i n n a t i , O., where Dr Schwartz will Interne at the Jewish Hospital. He is a June graduate of Creighton's School of Medicine. Mrs. Schwartz Is the former Phyllis Kloppor of Omaha.


Religious News 7 i » p. m, C»11lrttchtinr

BctfcB Sabbath evening services at Beth H Synagogue will be held at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 o'clock. The Mlncha Service will begin at 7:30 p. m. Daily services are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is held at 9 a. m.

Beth Israel

"The Man Who Rode Like Revere" will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over KFAE. It Is a stirring story of Francis Salvador whose heroic ride during the American Revolution saved the Colony of South Carolina.

June 28—An afternoon of chamber music nt 3 p. m. His* Llsbeln Chernlftck

Browned Queen

Traditional'Friday services will begin at 6:30 p. m. Services Sat* urday begins at 8:3C a. m. and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m., Saturday Mlncha and Sholosh S'eudos at 7:45 p. m. Services Sunday begin at 8:45 p. m. Jr. Tails and Tephllln services begin at 8:30 a. m. Weekday services at 7 a. m. and 7:50 p. m.

Miss Lisboth Chemlackf was crowned queen at the annual commencement exercises of Brqwnell Itall last Thursday afternoon. She U the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chemlack. In her senior year, she was president of the school's Service League and vice-president of the Student Council.

Temple Israel

Rabbi Reappointed

Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks was reWorship services this evening at Temple Israel will be held at 7:30 appointed to serve a three year term as Rabbi of the Congregao'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks tion of Temple Israel at the anwill deliver n sermonotto. nual Congregational meeting held June 6 at the temple. Members who served on the various comJWV Annual Meet mittees Included: Mesdames StanAcceptance has been received ley Perimeter, Paul Ulotcky, Laby representatives of (he Gov- zer Kaplan, Irving Malashock, ernor of Nebraska ami the Mayor Herbert Well. Max Schetiermnnn. of Omaha to mldress the sixth an- Len Eisenstatt, Alfred Mnyer, and nual department meeting of Ne- Herman Goldstein. braska-Iowa Jewish War Veterans. TENTH ANNIVERSARY The meeting will start at 10 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosenberg a. m, Sunday. June 24. in the will celebrate their tenth wedJewish Community Center. Abe ding anniversary this Sunday at Miller is convention chairman and a'family dinner at their home. Max Kanner is co-chairman. DISCRIMINATION Sew York (WNSl-rThe Home«tcad, resort; hotel In Hot Springs, Va., Is charged with "unlawful discriminatory practice" in a suit filed this week with the New York State Commission Against Discrimination by Mrs. David Kaplan of New York. Accusing the Homestead, one of the nation's prominent resorts, of having rejected her request for reservations "solely because of my being of the Jewish faith," Mrs. Kaplan charged that the alleged discrimination violated New York's anti-bias law because her application and l u rcJecUon were processed through the Homestead's New York booking office.

Monument Dedication Mrs. Kva Alplrn Stein will dedicate a monument in memory of her late brother, Morton Mayer Alpirn at 5 p. m. Sunday. June 24. at Beth El Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the. memorial service, which will be given by Rabbi Myer S. Kriplte. Ttic family of the late Harry Rasnlck will dedicate a monument in his memory at 11:30 a. m. this Sunday at Golden Hill Cemetery. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the memorial service.

Obituary Sunday Radio

ewH and Happening at (lie Or. I'hlJip Stter JPUIKII II(ini<< for the A^-fd, Ily lhivld Orkovv June 10—A (xmqnet oi m^es was tent by tho 'IVuipIo Israel sterlKKxl. June 11 --Scveml at <,«ur residents nttt'iirk-fl 1 hf: IJikur CJiolim luncheon today. June l2--KahU Sidney Urooks iiii our \i;;it(fr tod.'iy nnd spoke to us on "Thi? Jew Our Urnthcr." Mrfi. Mryer IU:\HT announces that the art classes lu.-Jd each Tiles* <ift*Tiioon will t>e reeeised for the summer season. This was a project of the Council of Jewish Women ond it will be resumed in the fall. Juno 14—Tlte Kndfmnh Pioneer Women Father's Day party was held today In the air conditioned auditorium and dining room. COMING EVENTS

Michael Tuchman Michael Tuchman, C6, a former Omaha grocer, died Friday, Juno 8, at his home In Santa Monica, Oil. Survivors include a son, Harold, of Santa Monica, Cal.; a daughter, Mrs. Fred Press, of Bellflower, Cal; a sister. Mrs. Arthur Rubin, and 8 brother, Joseph, both of Omaha; nnd five candchildrcn.

Beth El Men The Beth El Hen's Club will hold 1U Baseball Outing Tuesday, June 19. Members will meet at 6 p.-nu, at the Falstalf Brewery for a tour and a kosher buffet supper. They wilt then board special buses to see the Omaha-Chnrlcston baseball game at Munidp.il Stadium,

'The Young at Heart* ' "The young at heart" cele-, liralcd tlidr birttidays together liut Tliursday at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewkta Home lor the Aged. Tluff are Mls» Linda Orkow, 9, and Samuel Sdinmir, 05.

Dramatic Club to Hold The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will celebrate Father's Day tomorrow evening at 9 p. m., In the Labor Lyceum. Louis Witkln and Sam Sussman will be honored as representative Inther and son. respectively.

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rrldsy, June 15. 1950.


ORT Women Tel A\iv (JTAI Uioundbrcokiny ceremonies were held here Sunday for the new ORT Vocation Training Center in the eastern section of this city which will be built with tin- help of UnAmerican Women's Division of OUT w.h!ih coninliiitdl N/rfj.MXJ for (he purpose. The new vocutlon KIJMIOI will occupy a 30-duii(mi plot of land containing work*hi>i>s ci ISSUKJIUS. a .laboratories, a library, auditor)' Urn, dinini; room find PIK» ts field. It will accommodate 550 pupils. 350 of whom nrc at UITSCIII students at on OUT school using unsuitable quarters in J a f f a . Among subjects to bo taught will be Included elcctro-mcchnnlcn. training for radio technicians, electronics and precision mechanic*.

Tucson Visitor Abe Chanin, sports editor of the Arizona Dully Star published in Tucson. Is in Omaha covering the College World Scries for his newspaper. Mr. Chanin is vicepresident of the Jewish Community Center in Tucson.




Curb on Jews in Soviet Professions

Organizations MIKKACIII 'WOMEN' The fimil meeting of the season of the Omaha Chapter Mizrnchi Women will 1M; held Wednesday, June 20. a* the Jewish Community CY'iiK-r. A dessert luncheon at 1 j>. m. will precede the business meeting at 2 o'clock. Those who have not yet done BO may bring their JNF box contributions to tbls meeting. The newly elected officers will be installed. B;iby Hitter service will be provided.

Ml** Theme Knhn

Engagement Told Of Miss T. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Therese, to Sol B. Stlss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Izzle Sliss, at a family dinner held Wednesday a t the home of Mr. a n d M i l , K a h n . , '•'••;'."':',';.-'' '•'. Miss Kahn Is a student at the University of Omaha. Her fiance was graduated this month with distinction from the University of Nebraska. He Is a member of Sigma: Alpha Mu.Fraternity and Beta Gamma Slgrta, national business administration honorary. In AilKUtt, he Will start a two year tour of active duty with the U. S. Army at Ft. Bliss, Tex. No wedding date has been set.

I1I8TADKUX New York (JTA)—"Biggest" is the word for Jllstndriit In the Wall Street Journal. The national business newspaper, In a dispatch from Tel Aviv on what was termed n h o world'* most astonishing labor union." notes that the Israel labor federation Is the "little nation's biggest capitalist, its most vigorous entrepeneur — prmgins into the manufacture of everything from artificial legs to nonCrete mixers." The Article also notes some of the "biggest" things for which the union Is responsible —newspaper, cement mill, wholeThe Omaha Zionist Council will saling outfit and Insurance combold its last meeting of the seapany. son at 8 p. m. Wednesday, June 20, In Mm. J. Harry Kulakofsky-s Mental strain Is worse for high apartment In the Blackstone Hoblood pressure patients thnn phys- tel. Officers will be elected ami ical exertion, cnutlons the Ne- a resume of the year's activities braska Heart Association. will be given.

Zionist Council to Meet

IIAUASSAII COUNCIL, Omaha Chapter Hadassah Educational Council will h o l d Its meeting Monday, June 18, tit the apartment of Mre. J. Harry Kulakofeky in the Blackstone Hotel instead of the date previously announced.


A son, Ronnie, was born May 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Temln of Winston Salem, N. C. Mj. and Mrs. Simon Temln of Omaha are paternal grandparents and , Mr. and Mrs. Leon TeUchman of Winston Salem are maternal grandparents. The couple has two other children. Michael: and Barbara. RIFLES TO SVB1A Paris (JTA)—France will deliver 2,000 semi-automatic rifles of 1649 manufacture to Syria, the newspaper Paris Solr reported. The same newspaper asserted that France had recently shipped six Mystere lets to Israel and wat rcadyin g another six. ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ; Paris (JTA)—An attempt was made to assassinate Rabbi CucdJ of Batna, as he was leaving the synagogue in Constantino, eastern Algeria, last Friday night. The two men who made the attempt succeeded in escaping. The rabbi was rushed to the hospital, where rfport9 said hla life was not In dinner.

New York (JTA) — N l k l t a Khrushchev, head of the Soviet Communist Party, defended a curb on tile number of Jews in the Soviet |n.ife,-,ions in a conversation uitli i French Socialist delegation in Moscow last month, the Jewish Daily Forward reported here In a cable from Parts. The dispatch 'said that Mr. Khrushchev admitted that the number of Jews in the professions had been restricted to the relative proportion of Jews to the general population—between one and one and a half percent. After the Bolshevik Revolution, Mr. Khrushchev reportedly told the French group, Jews occupied a disproportionately large number of such positions because relatively few I trained people were available. Mrs. A. D. Frank, pictured Now, he continued, there are many above, has been named General more trained Russians. and the Chairman and Editor of the Ha- high proportion of Jews in redassah Year Book lor 1956-57, In- sponsible positions Is no longer cluded on the staff with Mrs- needed. Frank are: Mi's. Morris Franklin, The Communist leader is reportad chairman; Mesdames Jack Kaufman, Jack Friedman, Max ed as having stated to the French Kaplan, David Llnzmah, Jack delegation that the Soviet GovFriedman, Max Folk, Ben Zoof- ernment had received frequent will and Milton Mintz, membership protests from' various Soviet relists; Mrs. Max Grossman, key publics that too many Jews held code and credits; Mrs. Leo 'desirable" posts. He pressed Lafcar M. Kaganovlch, then the only Weitz, contribution credits.; Jew In the Cabinet—Mr. Kaganovich resigned yesterday—to con8 C H O L A K S H I P 8 ...•;'; .; . ' ; • : ; / V firm his statements to the French delegation. Mr. Kaganovlch said New York. '(JTA)—The third only "correct," the French dele" annual program of International gates reported. scholarship and fellowship grants for the academic year 1956-57 will be offered by the Conference on Jewish 'Material Claims Against Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Marks Germany, .it was announced here; The grants Will be awarded to will hold open house for their Jewish victims of Nazi persecu- daughter and three grandchildren tion who qualify for Jewish teach- tomorrow from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m., er training scholarships, graduate at their new home. 4326 N. 54th scholarships in Jewish studies and st. Their daughter, Mrs. Al Adlcr, research fellowships for independ- makes her home in Arcadia, CaL ent projects In Jewish arts, let- She is the-former Miss Jeanette ters and social sciences. Marks, Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Use the Want^Ads to buy, Patronize Our Advertisers or rent.

Hadassah Editor

Open House

nit \ MM: is Everything Is Going to POP on Father's Day

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Beth El Schools Hold Graduation

, June 18, IMS.

Center Sports Religious Grads

Cincinnati (WNS»—Sixteen stu dents were ordained as rabbis fo Reform Judaism at the 72nd com menccment exercises of the He brew Uni-n Colli'gejewish Insli tute of Religion, held here. The doctorate of philosophy degree was conferred on Mrs. Mary Gray, of Berkeley, Calif., who Is the first woman to receive that degree under the school's graduate inlet-faith fellowship' program. She is a 31-year-old Congrcgationalist Minister who studied the Old Testament and Semitio languages at the Hebrew Union College here

By Jim Kariwtwb

Four pupils of the Beth El High ZEVITZ CHAMP School of Jewish Studies were con The final match was played firmed and 20 pupils of the Tal last week In Youth Council Girls mud Torah were graduated al Badminton League as Maureen cervices last Friday evening. Zevitz outlasted Diane Singer aftThe Dr. Philip Shcr prizes In er dropping the first game. Scores memory of Rabbi Solomon Cold- were 18-1L 11-7 and 11-10. The. man, were awarded to Andy Jean match was closely played in evGross, of the confirmation class, ery game and the margin of four and to Carolyn Dolgoff, Frances points was the widest held by Erman, Madeline Kripke and Pam- cither player at any time in any ela Perelman of the graduating game, class. VAKSITV SOFTBALL The Zlotta Epstein Memorial The J. C. C. Varsity Softball Award, established by Mr. and team hopped back on the. win New York (JTA)—Seventy-two Mrs. Charles Cuss, was presented wagon with a 10-9 victory over a graduates of the Jewish Theologl to Estelle Schulman. strong United Air Lines team In cal - Seminary of America were It was announced that the names a thrilling bottom of the seventh given certificates and degrees at bf Frances Erman and Madeline squeeze play that culminated a the 62nd annual commencement Kripke would bo inscribed as hon- four run rally. It was the fifth exercises here of the Seminary. or pupils of the Class of 1956 ort win against one loss for the Var- E i g h t honorary degrees were awarded. At a meeting of the the new Honor Roll Plaque pre- sity and leaves them still On top Seminary's Board of Overseers' sented to the talmud torah by of the six team National League. held In connection with the comMr. and Mrs. Ben E. Kaslow in The J. C. C. trailed at the top mencement. Sen. Herbert H. Leh honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their of the fifth 9-2 after the United man was re-elected chairman of team scored five runs on three the board. Son, Richard Kaslow. A t the services, the confirm errors and two hits off pitcher Al Bograd, but they chipped back ands and graduates presented an with two runs in their half of the original narration with song, "The fifth, two in the sixth and four Club Charters Light, The Tutor, The Guide," in the seventh. Bograd was vicRabbi Harold Cohen, Director written and directed by Rabbi timized by some errors and judgeMyer S. Kripke and with music ment mistakes and had difficulty of the National Conference of chosen and directed by Cantor with control, but Terry Bernstein Synagogue Youth of the Union of Orthodox Congregations this week Aaron I. Edgar. came in to relieve him during .the presented charters to two Beth fifth inning to put out the fire. Israel clubs. They are Club Tovlm Terry pitched effectively, not al- and Synagogue Youth Organizalowing any hits during the rest of tion.

Y.C. Spotlight

Bernard Bloom was elected Alcph Godol of AZA No. 100 at a meeting held recently. Other newly elected officers are; Steven Rlekes, Aleph Sigan; Stan Green field, Aleph Mazkir; Tom Platt. Aleph Gizbor; Irv Belzer, Kohen CodoJ; Larry Gillnsky, Aleph Shotare Koton; Mike Platt, Aleph Shotare Godol: Ed Schnlder, Aleph Sopher; Stuart Fogel, Aleph Sopher; Marty Lipp, Aleph Moreh, and Mark Samuelson, Aleph Historian. Regional officers will be elected at the AZA-BBG summer conven (ion to be held in Lincoln. Nebr. Members of the Hod] Chapter of B'nal B'rith Girls will attend. Miss S. Shiff was elected president of Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter B'nai B'rlth Girls at elections held Sunday afternoon. Other newly elected officers are: Miss Diane ^Singer, first vice-president; Miss Maddy Miroff, second vice-president; Miss Lois Moskovitz, recording secretary; Miss Bcrdinc Green, corresponding secretary: Miss Judy Freed, treasurer; Miss Judy Kutler, financial secretary; Miss Maxlne Zweiback. historian; Miss Kay MarkoviU and Miss June Znlcmcr. co-editors. Debku Debs Misses Lynctte Forbes, Barbara Brodkey. Dody Shapiro and Nancy Friedlandcr have won parts in Central High School's. Fall play. Miss Marsha Zalkln was named student director. Miss Sally Freeman is a newly elected officer of Central's "Safe


Miss Lynctte Forbes was awarded a scholarship to the Young Judaea Camp Tel Yehudah.

BAVIM ' Dick Raskin, president of Rayim. recently announced that the annual Formal Dinner Dance will take place at the Highland Coun, try Club tomorrow. Chairmen for the affair..Murty Greene and Bob Joseph, stated that Inn officers for the coming six month trim will be installed and the It.iyim Dream Girl will be crowned.

the game.

VC SOFTBALL More than 766,000 persons were Rayim went down to its first Injured in weekend traffic accidefeat in extra innings against dents last year. the AZA 100 club in a well-played game on the East Diamond at Elmwood Park last Sunday. The Unafflllates scored only four runs In a five inning game against AZA 1 on the Center diamond to remain winless In the league. AZA 100 Jumped off to a 3-0 lead in the first inning, but began trailing 10-4 at the end of the ifth. The Centurymen took the game into extra innings by coming even with Rayim at the end of the seventh 10-10 on a home run by Mike Platt with none on. Both teams scored in the eighth, but Rayim had a serious threat foiled by the' game's most outstanding play. With bases full, and none out Maynard Rosen speared a line drive on third base and threw home to catcher Mike Blatt for a double play. The last out was made when pitcher Stuart Kutler forced Doug Cohn to pop up. That was the end for Rayim as AZA 100 scored In the top of the ninth with two out and Mike WIN Stand on Their Head* Canar on first base as Mike Platt re Deal With foul came through again with a triple.

tollman Gets Grant Gordie Fellman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellman, was elected Community Managed, the top student office "on the campus of Antloch College. He also received a J600 research grant from the Social Science Research Council. A sociology major, Mr. Fellman will be a senior next year in Antioeh's five year program.


Fred Fuik, son of Mrs. Funnlc Falk, will observe his Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, June 23, at Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the service and the Kiddush which will follow.

Omission The Bar Mitzvah announcement of Steven Bernstein was omitted from last week's Press. His Bar Mitzvah was observed last Friday and Saturday at Temple Israel.

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*-' TO "H'ASK I'KACK" 817 S. 36 St. J Wa.shmst'jn (WNSi —Prr^ident HA 1044 • Eiscnhovwr fus di'-tiKnatcrl the* preii'l'-nr of th- SymjioKiip C nincil of Ami'ria, ftnbbi Abraham J. Feidman of Hartford, Conn., as the Jewish co-chnirman of an ter-r.'li^ioiii committee which, gclhor uith rcpr'1si.int11'tti\ps f it. ist,', (t y.aen yuur Waui AC al! wallt; of American life, h; rn run j 6( cctiu toi tzcn lunerbeen Invited lo lielp the Unilwl States "vv,i;,'(i> po.ice thrmigh f Son-to-pLT.son commiinicvition in 2AP ana "Vii- Mitzvah congratuforeign liinrls." Serving iviih Ilahbi lations also for all .k'lvi^h holiFeidman on this committee lire Dr. days and special occasions. Eugene C. Blake, president of the National Council of Churches, and Msgr. .H J. Caroll, K'"neral secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Conference.

Eleven Sigina Alpha Mil fjraduales received tlielr decrees Monday at the University of Nehrnskn. Parents, relatives an<i friends joined with tho graduates at a luncheon in the Cornhusker Hotel. Earlier In the day, So' Stlss and Norman Veltzer were commissioned second lieutenants in the United States Army Artillery and Ordnance Corps, respectively. For complete listing of grad uates see "Omniums Earn" story

Bar Mifzvah Arnold Manvitz, son of Mr. 'nd Mrs. Sam Main-itz, will Decome Bar Mitzvah at Beth El SynaKo^'ue Saturday morning, June 16. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the service and the reception which will follow.

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