Vol. XXXIV—No. ST.
ix-tond Clfiai MatitriK I'rivllrite 4utliDrlird KI Omaba Nrbr
128 Campers Will Attend First Session One h u n d r e d twenty-eight Pay Campers will attend the first period of the Jewish Community Center Day Camp, it was announced todny by Mr. Kdward Shafton, chairman of 'lie Center Pay Camp Committee. • A full enrollment for the .second period Is also exacted as many first session campers me pUnnlng to continue through tiic four we«lc encampment. This year 1* expected to be the biggest day camp year, Mr, Shafton stated. f£pcaking at the counselors' prccamp training institute, Mr. Shafton expressed satisfaction with the quality of staff, and emphasized that the staff is well trained »nd competent to handle day camp situations. Specialists in all p h a s e s of tamping activity such as swimming, water front, arts, crafts, dramatics and athletics, will asliit regular counselors In providing a creative program for every camper. Day Camp also features living In and appreciation of out-of-door life, games, scavenger hunts, song feits and p r o g r a m s centered around the Oncir Shnbbat. Special camp themes will highlight this program, Mr. Shafton said. Parents ore urged to icglster their children for the second perlod of the day camp while tVsc are still opcnlnc*. Many youngsters can avoid dlsapiiointmcnt if parents register their children today.. Itpglstrntion Is limited. The second period begins July 2 and ends July 1.1, in:*.
U.S. Criticized for Tolerating Ban on Jewish Gl's Washington (JTA)—The United States should withdraw its Air Force units from Saudi Arabia rather than submit to anti-Jewish discrimination, Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon Democrat, told the Senate this week-end. Agreement was expressed by Sen. Paul Douglas, Illinois Democrat Sen. Douglas sold: "The State Department not only has been extraordinarily timid, but also has been extraordinarily callous as regards human principles in till;: whole matter." Permitting the Saudi Arabian Government to exerclso a veto power as to what members of the U. S. Armed Forces shall be permitted to go to Saudi Arabia "Is a disgraceful ceding of national self-respect," he stated. Sen. Morse said that "an air base In Saudi Arabia is not worth the sacrifice of American Ideals, and neither is oil worth the sacrifice of those Ideals." 116 termed the discrimination against Jewish personnel "simply inexcusable." He said, "If the Government of Saudi Arabia docs not wish to (Continued on Page 2.)
Henry Monsky Lodge Schedules Installation And Dinner-Dance Invitations have been mailed ti> nil members of IVnai IJ'rlth Henry Monsky Lodj;c 354, invlting all li'nai IJ'rith mernbr.'rii. their families and friends to the installation and dinner(innce to bo held Saturday. June 23. 8 p. m.. at the Fontcnelle Hotel ballroom. The newly elected officers will be Installed immediately after the dinner. Dancing to the music of Robhy Frazler and his fine band will follow. Chairman I I u b e n Llppctt stated that reservations at $3 per person arc still available and can be made by calling Ktiben Llppett at RE 1016. or Moe Kagan. AT 3210 or WA 0921.
Moroccan Talks Seek to Ease Immigration Ban Casablanca (JTA) — Negotiations were started this week-end with the Moroccan Government In an attempt to secure partial restoration of organized emigration of Jews fr> Morocco to Israel, it was learned here today. The outcome of these negotiations will not l« known for several days. In the meantime, it was officially confirmed today that more than 30 Israeli citizens attached to various Jewish organizations In Morocco have been ordered to leave the country within eight days. They include leading members of the staff of Kadimah, the institution which directed Jewish emigration from Morocco and which was dissolved last week by order of the Moroccan Government. The New York Times reported from Algiers that in Tunisia, too, the Jews fear enactment of restrictive antl-Jcwlsh measures "In the name of Arab solidarity." These measures, the report said, might take the form of restrictions on emigration to Israel, on transfers of funds and on commercial and professional activity.
Bureau of Education A luncheon meeting of the Bureau of Jewish Education Committee will be held on Thursday, June 28, at 12:15, at tho Jewish Community Center, Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman, announced. Among the matters to be taken up will lje: A summary report for 1955-50; Progress Report of the Education Survey; and Consideration of Budgets for 195G-57.
Federation Gets Dr. Sher Grant The Federation for Jewish SorvIco has received the second annual grant from the Dr. Philip Sher Endowment Fund for Oneg Shabbat Project, Jack W. Marer, Federation President announced. The fund was established in 1934 by Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president of the Federation. The Jewish Community Center received the amount of $200 earmarked for conducting "Oncg Shabbats" for Jewish boys and girls at least three tlnira each year, this grant cover) the expense of having cultural programs and r ra* frcsbin bnts." - ' • • - . ,•*,-. .•,. ' '
Harry Sldman, chairman of the Home Religious Committee, cited members of his Religious Commitee, Rabbis Sidney Brooks, Nahnn Fcldman, Benjamin Groner, Myer Kripke, Matthew Pollakoff of Omaha and David Korb of Council Bluffs, and Cantors Aaron Edgar and Ell Kagan. By conducting weekly sessions on an alternating plan the rabbis and cantorg have brought a new spirit Into the Home, Sldman sold, and this activity met with complete success. Tho rabbis and cantori'responded'and • •siuredXthe committee iRat they would con-
Omnlii Helrubn rbonr M 1SI0
Sluclr C«p» It Otmf
arett Quits As Foreign Minister Fleischman To Address War Vefs Ed Fleishman, national executive commltteeman of the Jewish War Veterans, from Chicago, 111., will address the Sixth Annual Department Convention of Nebraska-Iowa to be held in Omaha at the Jewish Community Center. The convention p r o g r a m is scheduled to begin at 10 a m Sunday, June 24, with greetings from heads of various government and veterans organizations according to an announcement by Department Commander Nate Goldberg of Sioux City, la. Delegates from JWV Posts In Sioux City and Dcs Molnes, In., will Join the Omaha delegates at the meeting. After the opening ceremonies, the convention will adjourn for a buffet luncheon that will be served by the Ladles Auxiliary of the Epstein-Morgan Post After the luncheon, the business meeting will highlight yearly report* of the Posts comprising tho Department, election of delcgttcs to the national convention in Milwaukee, Wla., In August and the election of officers for the department. Through the co-operation of Paul Veret, a display of books and pictures depicting Jews in the .various wars of the U. S. will be (Continued on Page 2.)
Will Telecast 'Lachish Story' "The Lachlnh Story" will be presented over KM.TV (Channel 3), this Sunday, 10:30 to 11 a. in. This half-hour film, dramatizes the human problems Involved in the historic "Ship to Settlement" program for new immigrants in Israel. Filmed on location in France, North Africa and Israel, "The Lachish Story" tells of a group of immigrants who e m e r g e from the misery of North Africa ghettos to make a new life for themselves in the undeveloped territories of Israel
Rabbis, Cantors Cited for Sher Home Spiritual Work Rabbis and Cantors of the community were paid tribute at the meeting of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged Committee for their spiritual activities on behalf of the residents of the Home, at the meeting of the committee held Monday, June 18.
tinue with this important activity. Jack Marcr, Federation President, reported on progress of construction of an additional wing. He indicated thut the executive committee of the Federation favored the construction of the additional facilities, and special committees are now working on the dctuils of the addition and funds for the project. Reports were submitted by Mrs. Lazar Kaplnn, chairman of the Council projects at the Home, and Mra. Allen Zalkin on behalf of tho Hikur Cholim projects at the Home. Arthur Cohn, Home chairman, appointed a Fee Review committee and also a Budget committee to plan 1956-57 budget of the Home. Harry DuBoff, chairman of Admissions committee, in his report stated that there are 49 residents at the Home at the present time.
Myerson Successor
Moshe Sharett
Global Report ARABS ATTACK VILLAGES el Aviv (JTA)—Arab infiltrators from Lebanon last night attacked two more villages along the Israel-Lebanese border, It was announced here today. As In an attack last Thursday, Arab villages In Israel were the targets. In last night's attacks, khaklclad raiders opened fire on a village In which one Israeli Arab was killed and nine others, Including two women and six children, were Injured In bomb blasts lost Thursday. They also blew up a house In a nearby village. The gang which carried out last night's raids, like the one responsible for the earlier outrage, seemed to be trained In sabotage work. ISRAEL'S ECONOMV REVIEWED
. •.
Jerusalem (JTA)—Prices were generally stable in Israel In 195S, David Horowitz, overnor of the Israel State Bank, reported today In a review of the country's economy last year, Prices levelled off to a far greater extent during 1955 than in 1934, he said. : ;National production rose by 10 percent during the year, Mr. Horowitz reported, while the number of employed persons Increased by 5.5 percent. National income Was tip by 14 percent and Investments Increased by 225 percent Only slight progress was made, however, In solving basic economic problems of the country and there Is a danger In the fact that the trade balance. has not Improved, Mr. Horowitz pointed out. He noted that the principal sources of capital Imports—German reparations and American grants-ln-ald —were being reduced and would gradually dry up. It Is known that Mr. Horowitz's report is being given serious study by the government. It is expected that a series of measures win be Introduced to step up. production In all fields.
Camp Jay-C-C Registrations Soar Advance registration for Camp Jay-C-C which will open its 1956 season Sunday, July 22 has soared to 100. The five-week camp to be held at Camp Brcwster In Bcllevue will extend to Sunday, Aug. 26, Gerald S. Gross, Camp Jay-C-C chairman annouced this week. Campers are looking forward to the new season according teuarS received at the Center camp office.
Jerusalem, June 18 (JTA)—• Moshe Sharett, who held the post of Israel's Foreign Minister sine* the establishment of the Jewish State, today submitted his resigns* tlon at a special meeting of, the Cabinet. He took leave of his col* leagues and left before the Cabinet meeting was over. He w a l k e d home on foot, refusing to use tho official car which was assigned to him during his service as ForeignMinister. i Later In the day. Premier Ban Gurlon announced Mr. Sharett'* resignation at a session of Parliament and said that Mn. Gold* Myerson would take over the post of Foreign Minister. He assured Parliament that the government'* basic policy will remain the same as hitherto, particularly in the field of security and foreign affairs. Mr. Ben Gurlon referred to hU address before Parliament on November 2nd of last year, which h« delivered following the fighting In the Nltzana demilitarized zone. At that time, he emphasized that the Israel Government would standup vigorously for its rights and would not shrink from using force if force were used to Infringe upon these rights or to violate Israel territory. Mr. Sharett, who followed Premier Ben Guripn to the rostrum, thanked Parlament for the trust it had shown in him and revealed that when Mr. Ben Gurlon formed his Cabinet last August, Mr. Sharett had asked the Premier not to Include him in the Cabinet because he had reason to believe that their cooperation would not be successful. "I felt that It would be best to free the new government of superfluous complications," Mr.Sharett told Parliament. The former Foreign Minister disclosed that his request at thai time was rejected by Premier Ben Gurlon. During' the period of his office in the present government, he continued relations between the Premier and himself had been sub*' Jeeted several times to "difficult tests." "We overcame these tests by efforts to preserve the cooperation which had existed between us for two decades and in view of the emergency through which the country was passing," Mr. Sharett reported to the Parliament. , A tense House heard the Premier pay tribute to Mr. Sharett and stress that not only the members of the Cabinet and Knesset and Mr. Sharett's colleagues but a largo number of Jews and nonJews throughout the world hadreceived the' news of his resignation "with regret." He Insisted that no other member of the Cabinet was as well fitted for his task as) Mr. Sharett by virtue of his "work • for the state, wide culture, extensive knowledge, thorough understanding of international affairs, natural talents, tact, tempera(Continued on Page 4.)
Federation Executive Committee to Meet The Executive Committee of the Federation f o r - J e w l a k Service will meet at 11:19 noon, Wednesday, June 37, at the Regis Hotel, Jack W. Miter, Federation president, announced, i,
Friday. June 12. IBM.
Monument Dedication
With the Folks
Religious News
The family o[ the late Israel at Home Krantz will dedicate a monument in his memory at 10:30 a. m., Sun Nfwit usd happenings at the FvMfchad Cvery rrlda* I * OM rederattM at Jewtab Senr day, June 24, at Golden Hill Ceme- Dr. I'liUip SIHT JewUh JIomc for Seowu -Jnu» MaiiBw rarUcaat Auuwjrttto ai ~ tery. Friends and relatives are In-the Aged. By David Orkow. AAttmu & vited to attend the memorial serv 1M0. lauumai otitai—ia ice. June 14—Mr. Sam Poster gave m a t "hoc Addrtd Editor a Klddush for Yahrbelt for Mr. BARRY HALPEH1 BethB Becker. Mr. David Orkow gave a * Klddush on the occasion of his Sabbath evening services will be The Rebbe and the Rebbetsin birthday The Father's Day party held tonight at 7. Sabbath mornwas sponsored by the' Kadlmah ing services will begin at 8:30.Hie commentaries." By U n t d Shaplra Pioneer Women, Mrs. Dave Wine, "When our son will come Fri- Mincha service will begin at 7:45 Former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs,Chairman. (Editor's note: The following I* days from the bath I will honor p.m. June 1G—Mr. A. Gendier gave a ••printed with pernilMlnn from "A him with fresh fish, and when be Dally services during the week Abe Hermanson and daughters . Treasury of « M k k Storks," • « * - returns from the synagogue on are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Nancy and Barbara are visiting Klddush to honor his daughter ed by Irviac Horn «a4 EHeaer the Sabbath I will meet Urn with The Sunday morning service is at the home of Mrs. Hermanson't and son-in-law who were married parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Magza- last Sunday. held at 9 a. m. Greeaberf. Published by the Vik- the sacramental wine." mln. June 19—Rabbi Matthew M, ing PTCM la U M , the book baa And a while later the townsPollakoff was our visitor today. baea widely acclaimed as a s e»- people again remembered them Temple Israel June 28: 3 p. m. A program of oelleat coatribotion to Jewfa* n i - and gave them advice. "Adopt a On June 7th Mrs. Ann Rocht o n . ) It U i n haafl la ttw itmVh child and bring It up, and a hunWorship services this evening a t man and Miss Sarah Nemser flew chamber music will be presented Oommnalty library. dred y e a n b o m now i t will say Temple Israel will be held a t 7s30 to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to at- today. The trio of artists will in* • * Kaddish for you." p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brook* will, tend the funeral of their brother, clude . Myron Cohen, violinist; John Nemjer. He Is survived by Gladys May, pianist, and RoseThe two of them shook their deliver a sermonette. Once upon « time there were a bis wife, Cecelia, two daughters, mary Madison, Cellist. This must•ads. The rebbe answered, a rebbe and rebbetsin. Mrs. Saul Kate and Mrs. David cale was made possible through "How can I instruct • strange When the rebbe studied Torsh Sigel, one son, Morris L. Nenuer, a grant from the Music Perform* child in Torah and good deeds if Beth Israel the rebbetsin would say she beard all of Pittsburgh, and another sis- ancc Trust Fund of the Recording I am not respansiMe for his start angels chanting, and when the And the rebbetsin said, "How win Traditional Friday services will ter. Mrs. John Kass of Stockton, Industry and arranged by the rebbetsin cooked fish for the Sab- I be able to love a strange child begin a t 6:30 p. m. Services Satur- California also nine grandchildren. Omaha Musidans Assoc. Local No. 70 of the American Federation of bath the rebbe was certain that If be has not cost me my bloodT" day begin at 8:30 a. m. and Junior Musicians. Congregation at 10 a, m., Saturday he smefled the odors of Paradise. And both of them added, "No, Mincha and Sbolosh S'eudos at Eve L. Konecky had her son IN MEMOR1AM: Lena Borsky, Both the rebbe and the rebbeUln God will bless us with our own7:45 p. m. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. were equally good, pious, and wise. YAHREZIT: Special memorial child!" Milton S. Konecky as guests for -Services Sunday begin at 8:45 II ther» ever was a difference beThe twonspeople.gr urn b l e d , p. m. Jr. TaJli and Tephilin serv- the week, Mr. Konecky ls<prcscntly services will be held m the Home tween them, it was that the rebSynagogue for the following: called them stubborn, and in time ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Weekday attending the graduate school of • betain could almost issue rabbini- forgot them once more. 18th Tommuz—June 27, Louis 8 . services at 7 a. m. and 7:90 p. m. Illinois University In Charaalgn, Liebowltz. cal Judgments, while on the subIllinois, where be has been awardAnd the two old people decid27th Tommuz—July Oth, Sam ject of cooking fish the rebbe ed a Fellowship in Chemistry. 'Mr. ed: When our treasure grows up claimed no knowledge. Konecky is working for his PHD.Josephson. he will issue rabbinical. Judgment* U.S. Criticized God had dosed the womb of and write holy books . . ' . When (Continued from Page L) the rebbetsin. The rebbe would our Joy reaches eighteen, we will Shapiro and Milton G. WaMbaum Word has been received that received their Doctor of Medicine lit in one corner, the rebbetsin in lead him to the wedding c a n o p y . . . respect our right to have any American, regardless of bis race, Howard B. Stern, son of Mr. anddegrees from the University of another, and they would plead to One after the other, In the flow color or creed, serve In a United Mrs, Samuel H. Stem, has been Cod in silence: Nebraska's College of Medidi* of eternity, the years passed by. Greater of the Universe, heed On a .nomlng they were found States uniform at a United States promoted to Aairman, Second at commencement exercises Sat* Class. Airman Stern 1* stationed urday in the Music Hall of the the prayer of your servant and dead.. They were sitting on their base in Saudi Arabia, then let us bless me with a son, so that I may beds, facing each other, in the remove our forces from Saudi with Detachment No. 1, 48th new City Auditorium. Fighter Bomber Group at ScmArabia." teach him y j u - Torah and good same nlght^hrits, clasping their Sen. Morse said he thought "the bach, Germany as a Suply Spehands, like children, around their cialist. He has been overseas for - Creator of the Universe, Lord knees. Across their faces slltted Importance of that base Is greatly 13 months. Of the World, hearken to the pray- a smile. And In the air of the old overrated." He expressed the opiner of your servant and rejoice me house, as though the words still ion that the base probably is considered of more importance to The followlnfi Omahans have With a child, so that I may plant hummed: certain economic oil interests than been graduated from collece.i and (bod ways in him and teach him When our son will grow up . . . it la Important to the United universities outside Nebraska: to do your w i l l . . . When our Kaddish will grow States as a blockade against posU n i v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania: And the rebbe would sit down older . . . by the side of the rebbetsin and (Copyright, 1954, by Viking Press) sible aggression by Communism." Lawrence Ravitz, 1212 North 2nd He said he did not believe Saudi St., and Alan Simon, 1439 South say, "When our son begins to talk, Arabia would go over to the Com- 87th St., Bachelors of Science. I will myself teach him how to Portraits munlsU "but if It should happen. Sarah Lawrence College: Joan read and the meaning of the Weddings JWVMeet let me say it would be quite a Micklin, 740 Happy Hollow Blvd, Bachelor of Arts. headache to the Communists." Commercial And the rebbetsin would add, (Continued from Page 1.) Harvard University: Floyd H. "When our Kaddish awakens I will on display. Abe Miller ind Max Abramson, 701 North 72nd Avc., say morning prayers with him, and Kanner have been handling <le- Workmen's Loon Group and Harry L. Freeman, 304 South before h e goes to sleep evening talk of the convention program. Will Meet Monday 57th St., Bachelors of Laws. prayers." Northwestern University: LawPhotographer And --Q the y e a n flew by, and At the last meeting of Epstein- The Omaha Workmen's Loan rence Ctopman, 121 South 53rd the townspeople began to whisper Morgan Post, a resolution was Association will hold its annual S t ; Bachelor of Arts. 817 S. 36 St. among themselves, "If a woman passed endorsing the nomination meeting Monday, 7:30 p. m., June HA 1044 has no children after ten years of of Abe S. Miller, past post com- 25, at the Jewish Community CenHarold A. Oberman, I r v i n g marriage, the, husband must not mander for the-office of comman- ter. A report win be given showing Jive with her." der of the Nebraska-Iowa DeAnd Mia was told to the rebbe, partment at the Department the financial condition of the organization. meeting to be held in Omaha, and the rebbe answered, "I will Following the nomination and not send my wife away, and God June 21th at 10 a. m. The following delegates from the election of officers and Board will y e t give me a son." of Directors, a social hour will be The townspeople grumbled and the Omaha Post were elected: held and refreshments will be thought of removing the rebbe, but Sherman Upstein and Nate Mar- served. later the, decided that If the cus, past commanders of the post, barrenness of his wife didn't trou- and Marvin aKplan and D a v e Ford Seib More Convertibles (39.3%) ble him. it certainly should not Dubln. trouble them—and so the yean Than Any Other Manufacturer w e n t The ebbo sat opposite the the GREATEST GUY Irving Cohen Lodge rebbetrin and they talked. '**, * in the WORLD.... "When our child prows up, I will Host to Veterans teach him the Gcmarah nnd all the Irving Cohen B'nai B'rlth Lodge !;l ; the man who >t Council Bluffs entertained 41 ratlents from the Veterans' Hostakes his family 1 iltal In Omaha at KMTV Booster < r ball came Monday night. RefreshRUG & UPHOLSTERY ments and cigarettes were distribtV Buikm Ammitf uted by the Council Bluffs Lodge. CLEANERS Those attending were; the presiRUGS—CARPETING dent, Maynard Telpner, Harold DOUBLE FEATURE Epstein, Ben Telpner, Meyer McyLAMP SHADES EVERY SUNDAY erson and Phil Kalken. Thci group FURNTTURE was headed by Lou Passer, chairin Ford Sates in Nebraska man of the service committee for Cleaned In Your Home) veterans. Sliding • Laying • Sepolrfag Monthly visits to the hospital Thira's a Reaion! And if you'ra thinking of « Convertible (or any modoll i«a'GereHcE now. Don Bernstein HA 2554 and several summer picnics arc being planned. Over 400 Color Combinations, •xcluitva at Gerelicki. Prices «r» lower now, trad*«-tm higher and tormi bolter. Soo Sorelick NOWI
Omaha Sketches
The Finest in Photography by JOHN
FORD goes first
__ in CONVERTIBLE Sales! _
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen
SOfb and Underwood
24th and Ftirntun
Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday Picnic Salads and Specialties ,.
GERELiCK, AND DRIVE A 4719 No. 30tfc
FORD! ft till
y, * me W, -rtfr.
Harriet Soskin. Organizations DEBS H. J. Schneider DEBKA The Debka Debs held their annual Senior Farewell Party Wednesday, June 13, at the home of Wed Sunday Miss Sally Freeman. The party
Blumenthal-Greenberg Engagement Is Told
Minn Han iet Soskin and Mr.was a box lunch affair. Tile girls are goim; to net toHarold J. Schneider were married Saturday eevning. June 10, at the gether sometime in the next week Beth-El Synagogue. The briilc Is lo finish a stuffed doll for Israel the daughter of Mrs. Anna M. project which has boon started. Soskin and tho bridegroom is the •on of Mr. and Mrs. J o s e p h HODI 11NAI li'Itrril GIIII.S Miss Elaine Falkcn, President of Schneider of St. .Louis, Mo. llodi DBG, was elected President Rabbi Meyer Kripko and Can-of Cornbelt Ilcglon at tho AZAtor Aaron Edgar officiated. CBG Convention in Lincoln. The The bride was gowned In white Best Chapter Award and the Baseembroidered tulle In the rose- ball Tournament trophy were prepoint pattern over silk taffeta. sented to Hodl delegates. The princess styled bodice, butMiss Leni Wine has won a part toned at the back, featured a in Central High School's Fall play, iwcctheart neckline and deep V and Miss Joan Marx has been Insert of shirred tulle. Swiss or- named Stage Manager. gandy rose applique outlined the chirred tulle Insert on the bodice KADIMAII WOMEN front and continued to accent the The first meeting of ttic new shoulders. Brief sleeves were of board of Kadimah Chapter of Pioshirred embroidered tulle, Below neer Women was held on June 14 elbow gauntlets were pointed and at the home of Mrs. Herbert Wincrushed at the wrists. The very troub. Plans were made for the bouffant skirt gathered to the coming year. . pointed bodice flared into a chapel Heading Kadiraah for 1956-1957 •weep. Her veil was an Imported Is a Board of Governors comprisFrench Illusion three-tiered fin- ed of Mmes. Herbert Wintroub, gertip, held by a Chantilly lace Herman Mlrowitz, Charles Cuss, plateau trimmed in tiny pearls and Raymond Corey. Other offiand Iridescent sequins. Her bou-cers for the year also Include: quet was aii arrangement of white Mmes. Dave Wine, first vice presorchid*' and demure sweetheart ident; Ben Wine, second vice presroses on a white Bible. ident; Melvin Brown and Harry The bridesmaids wore pink silk Sirof, third vice president; Richtaffeta dresses in cocktail length. ard Splcgal, Treasurer; David BeThe honor a t t e n d a n t s were ber, Financial Secretary; Bernard Mrs. Jerome Spitzer Pressed in rose silk' taffeta in Kaufman, r e c o r d i n g secretary; cocktail length. The matching MOD Kagan, Historian; Paul Wolk, coronets Were of shirred hair- Bulletin Chairman; Eugene Braun, braid trimmed in tiny rosebuds Publicity Chairman, find Dan and a face veil. The attendants Gordman, Civil Defense Chairman. A summer event for Kadimah is carried nosegays of pink sweetnow being planned. heart*, (weetpeos and daisies. The recent rummage sale was a The mother of the bride wore Miss Shirley Noodell and Jer• champagne cocktail dress of success. Mrs. Isadore Falk was pure silk chiffon. The mother of chairman for the event. Assisting ome S. Spitzer were married Sunthe bridegroom wore a mauve her were the following: Mmes. day, June 17, in Beth Israel Synadress of silk taffeta. Both had Charles Guss, Dave Wine, I. J. gogue. Kraft, Bernard Kaufman, Haycorsages of white orchid!!. The bride Is the daughter of The matron of honor was Mrs. mond Corey, Richard Spiegal and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodell and Hilton Soskin of Omnhn. The Paul Wolk. the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. maid of honor was Miss Ruth nnd Mrs. George Spitzer. Rabbi CARD OF THANKS Schneider of St. Louis, Mo. The Benjamin Groner officiated. bridesmaids were Miss Iluthann rtabbl Matthew M. Pollakoff The bride wore a chapel length Chudacoff and Miss Barbara Joffe wishes to thank all of his friends of Omaha, and Miss Marlcno Katz who were kind enough to offer Miriam Original gown of white Of Dallas, Texas. their condolences during his rc-hand-clipped Chantilly lace over satin and nylon tulle. Candle-lighters were Mr. Gerald oont bereavement. The illusion n e c k l i n e was Heegcr of Omaha and Mr. Joel trimmed by the same Chantilly Flnkel of Council Bluffs, la. House and Gardens Room of the lace which formed the f i t t e d Best man was Mr. Charles Gold Blackstonc Hotel shirred bodice. The lace {tamers of St. Louis, Mo. Ushers wore Mr. After a wedding trip to Kansas Alan Heegcr of Omahn and Mr.City, the couple will make their on either' side floated into the Steve G e 11 m n n, Mr. Richard home in S t Louis, Mo. For trav- full train over the very bouffant Flschmann and Mr. Stanley Gold- elling, the bride chose a beige nylon skirt, which was held aloof by the three very full petticoats. stein, all of S t Louis, Mo. shantung suit with navy acces' The reception was held In thesories. The bride'* circular veil of imOut-of-town guests Included Mr. ported silk illusion was held in and Mrs. Louis Minkln and family place by a tiny queen's crown of of Denver, Colo., Mrs. G. Soskin Iridescent sequin* and outlined in of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. andseed pearls. Mrs. Abe Cohen of Pueblo, Colo., The attendants wore matching iAK-SAR-BENl and Mr. Sam Flschmann, Mr. and gowns of embroidered nylon sheer Mrs. Milton Fischmann and fam- organdy designed by Nat Cantor ily, Mr. Don Gcllman, Miss Elaine in limeade and lemon chiffon. Schneider, Mrs. Jake Schneider, The tiny c a p ' s l e e v e s and Mrs. Louis Diamond, Mr. Harvey sweetheart necklines were intriSchneider, all of St. Louis, Mo. cately embroidered, with Soutash braid and lace which was also duplicated in the full waltz length skirts. Queens' crowns of matching nyn IA u a w town root Hut A*
Shirley Noodell Bride of Jerome Spitzer Sunday
A son, Steven Jeffrey, was born Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Yvonne to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayer Blumcnthal of Mexico CHy andWolf April 19 in Los Angeles, Walter Grcenberg, son of Mrs.CoL Mrs. Wolf is the former Miss Leon Greenberg. Arlene Winer of Omaha. He U Miss Blumenthal is the daughter their first child. Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. Paul Blumenthal of Mex- Sam Winer of Omaha are maico City. She attended Trinity Uni- ternal grandparents and. Mrs. Sol. Wolf of North Hollywood, Cal., is versity In San Antonio, Tex. Her fiance was graduated from the paternal grandmother. University of Nebraska where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. AlFraternity. bert annouce the birth of a son, The couple plans a ' summer James Yale Albert. Maternal parwedding in Omaha. ents are Mr. and Mrs. David Katzman. Paternal parents are Mr. and Marlene Faye Will Mrs. Louis Albert Maternal grandparent is Mellach Katzman. PaterWed in August nal grandparent is Mrs. M. WohlMr. and Mrs. S. A, Rife have ner. announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Marlene Faye and Donald Stuart Dandy, son of Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Harold N. MargoJoseph Dandy. lin of Cincinnati, Ohio, announce Miss Rife and her fiance attend, the birth of a daughter, Evelyn ed the University of Nebraska in Ruth, on June 10. Maternal grandLincoln. Mr. Dandy Is a member parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. An Goodman of Forest Hills, N. Y., August wedding is planned. and paternal grandparents are Dr, and Mrs, Margolin of Omaha. ion organdy formed the t i a r a s worn by the attendants. Patronize the merchants who The matron of honor was Mrs.advertise in YOUR newspaper. Harry Alloy, sister of the bride. The bridesmaids were Miss Joyce Goodman of Chicago, Mrs. BerFOR COMPLETE TV nard Bogdanoff, s i s t e r of the bride, and Miss Shirley Goodman, and RADIO SERVICE cousin of the bride. The best man See Said Libowski was Mr. Dan FogeL and the ushers were Mr. Don Sllverman, Mr. Ftirawf Ows#f of GrOtttowii TV Phil Alberts, Mr. Norman KroNOW LOCQfCQ Or vosha, Mr. Harry Alloy, and Mr, National Appliance Bernard Bogdanoff. The candle lighters were Mr. Jom Spitzer. Store brother of the •bridegroom, and $730 CootrytM* Fiaa Mr. Don Noodell, brother of the Call GL 2782 bride. Music was provided by Mr. and Evenings W A 0574 Mrs. Harry DuBoff.
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ram rcwisn
Global Report
Friday. June SI, 1»M.
Rabbi Kripke Will Attend Seminary
Moshe Sharett
Campers Look Forward, to Jay-C-C Fun
(Continued from Page L> ment and agreeable manner, loyhas no objection to such sales by TO VISIT BSSB alty to duty and tremendous dilRabbi Jrfycr S. Kripke is schedNew York (JTA)—A delegation other nations, "Whether America igence." " , of five Orthodox rabbis left here gives planes and arms to Iwael uled to leave Omaha on Monday, He further lauded Mr. Sharett's today for a tour of the Soviet Un- directly or delivers these planes June 25, to a t t e n d Graduate accomplishments as Premier and "I can hardly wait to get back ion, the ftnt group of American alternately via France and Can- Courses for Rabbis at the Jewish to camp this summer and see all enumerated a long list of accomnbbU to visit the USSR since the ada, our view toward America Theological Seminary, New oYrk. of my friends," says Isobel Hur- plishments, Including the forging would not change," the Cairo end of World War IL of strong bonds between Israel and The courses are arranged an- wlu. On the eve of their departure, broadcast said. "These elementary, nually for advanced s t u d y for Iaobel, her brother, and nearly other countries. The Premier unthe rabbis revealed that they had political tricks no longer deceive members of the Rabbinical As- two hundred other youngsters will derlined that he had worked with received permission from the Com- us. America should realize that, sembly of America. They Include Ito at Camp Jay-C-C this summer Mr. Sharett for 40 years, "gengr« munist Rumanian Government to like other sections of mankind, we work in Bible. Mldrash, Homilet- participating in one of the na- ally In agreement, always in coninspect Jewish communities In have brains." fidence and mutual respect" He tion's top camp programs. lcs and Jewish History. that country. The Federation of Swimming, w a t e r skiing, ex- then announced Mrs. Myenon's The rtfbbl will return to Omaha NEW INDUSTBY Jewish Congregations of Rumania tended camping trips, horseback appointment to succeed Mr. Sharinvited the American rabbis to Jerusalem, June 18 (JTA)— in late July. riding, camp craft and nature ett and Mordecai Namlr's appointPlans for the establishment of a visit lore are but a few of the many ment to the Ministry of Labor pott new Industry in Israel, rayon manactivities offered the campers un- left vacant by Mrs. Myerson'f ufacture, were announced here toREDS 8TBESS FRIENDSHIP der the Instruction of well trained change. day by a spokesman for the Minand qualified counselors. (Israel Ambassador Abba Eban, London (JTA)—The Cairo ra- istry of Commerce and Industry. in connection with Mr. SharAn addition to the Jay-C-C fam- who dio broadcast a statement today He said that a group of American 1 ed resignation Is mentioned for. ily will greet the campers on made by Soviet Foreign Minister Industrialists and financiers, headNewly elected Aleph Godol of Dmitri ShepUov upon his arrival ed by Israel Rogosin of Beauknit AZA Cornbelt Region Is Marv opening day. A new camp mas- a post of special adviser to Israel's to Egypt in* which he emphasized Mills, plan to build a S20.000.000 Freedman, 16-year-old son of Mr. cot . . .a little buro called Jake. newly, named Foreign Minister Soviet friendship for the Arab plant. Rogosin Industries Ltd. will and Mrs. Irving Freedman. Marv Jake will be at camp to provide Golda Myerson, left the United States today by plane for Israel.) countries and. declared that the include on ft* board, beside Mr. previously served as regional sec- rides around the camp grounds. Soviet Union Is against "colonial Rogosin, Abraham Feinberg, as retary and president of AZA No. Because of the limited capacity expansion" and "imperialist mon- chairman of the board. of Camp Jay-C-C early registra100 in Omaha. Use the Want Ads to buy, aeB opoly," especially "oil monopolies." Active in debate and forenslcs tion Is urged. Youngsters may be or rent. at Central Marvin competed this registered for the full five week At the same time, the official Bernstefnt Visit Here week in the National Forensic season or for the three or two Egyptian radio attacked Secretary League tournament in Muskogee, week periods. of State John Foster Dulles for Same Day Servk* Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bernstein of Okla., in extemporaneous speakThose desiring further informastating that while the United Los Angeles, Calif, are arriving ing. He previously had been a tion and particulars may contact States is refusing arms to Israel, it No Extra Charge in Omaha to visit their relatives: member of the winning team in the Camp Jay-C-C office at the Mrs. M. G. Cohen. Mrs. William the Nebraska NFL District tour- Jewish Community C e n t e r . A ! • « • • • A.M., Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. H. Levey, nament Marvin is president of camp staff person Is always on Monument Dedication and Mr. and Mn. Joe Levey. the Central NFL chapter and of duty to answer Inquiries. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gazin of Central's >Latin Club for the comCASH o»d CARRY Hollywood. Calif, will be In Omaing .year. J ha to dedicate a monument for Charter Meetings their mother, Mrs. Hinda Yora Akotkkwpmd Skurnlck, at the Fisher's Farm The City Charter Convention Scnrlc# 'Cemetery Sunday, June 24, at II will hold evening meetings open a. m. Mrs. Gazin is the former to the public during the summer. New York (JTA)—World JewAt the annual formal held SatStella Skurnlck. All suggestions and opinions will ish population increased slightly by Friends ^and relatives are in- 38.557 during. 1955'to reach a total urday, June 16, past-president Dick be welcome. Raskin announced new of fleers for vited to attend. The meeting da tea are: June 26, of 11.908,443. or 0.4 per cent of the next six months as follows: the total world population, it is President, Marty Green Vice-Pres- 7:30 p. m. at the North Branch of • ° .• Mrs. Eva Alplrn Stein will ded- reported In the 57th annual Issue ident, Paul Shykan; Secretary, Bob the P u b l i c Library, 29th and icate a monument In memory of of the "American Jewish Year Brodkey; T r e a s u r e r , Howard Ames; June 28, 7:30 p. m. in the her late brother, Morton Mayer Book," published by the American Welnberg; Sgt.-at-Arnu, S t e v e Council Chamber of City Hall; July 2, 7:30 p. m. at the German- 112N. 18rh JA1578 Alplrn, at 5 p. m. Sunday, June Jewish Committee. Flak and Justin Greenberg; Youth Si. at Beth El Cemetery. Friends A significant fact revealed In the Council Representative, Bob Fell- American Club, 4206 So. 13th S t and relatives are invited to at- 89-page record of events and trends man, and the alternate, Larry Hotend the memorial service, which In American and world Jewish life bcrman. will be given by Rabbi Myer S. is that New York, the city with Also announced was the lUylm Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Ed- the world's largest Jewish populaDroam Girl for the coming year, gar. tion, lost 80.000 In Jewish popula- Nancy Friedlander. tion, mostly to suburban Long Island, Wcstchestcr and New Jersey between 1952 and 1935. Manhat- Sig Delt Alums Entertain tan dropped by 30,000 to 320,000; Chooto Your Steak From Brofix, dropped by 50,000 to 475,Omaha Alumnae League of Sig000; and Brooklyn at 870,000 show- ma Delta Tau will hold Its sumOur Giant Frooior—Watch tpo*H H*U mo pinus IH/V ed a loss of 70,000. mer tea from 2 to 4 p. m. SatIt Charcoal Broiled Over The distributions of Jewish pop- urday, June 23, at the home of Our Famous Ember Glo Grill |9|0JA9Un ulations by continents is as fol- Mrs. Seymour Abrams, 6309 Glenlows: Europe (including Asiatic wood Road. Chairmen arc Mrs. USSR and Turkey), 3,442,627; Dan Miller and Mrs. Sol Roslnsky. CONVENIENT PARKING America (North and South), 6,- Committee members are: Mmes. 062,362; Asia, 1,684,454; Africa, Kurt Hlrshlnger., Robert E. Wag660,750 Australia and New Zeland, ner, Sol Schwartz, Morely ZepurRESTAURANT and KEY KLUB sky, Harvey Aronson and Max 58,250. During 1955, the United States, BIttner. I8I9FARNAM. Coll JA S244 (or Rctrr.nl.cn Soviet Russia and .Israel mainAll alumnae and active memtained first, second and third posi- bers of Sigma Delta Tau are weltion* respectively as the countries come. with the largest Jewish populations, with Israel showing a oneyear Increase of 62,488 for a total of 1,550,958. The Jewish population of the United States remained at 5,200,000 or 3.1 per cent of the total population of 165,248.000.
Marv Freeman to Head AZA Region
Jewish Population Increase Reported
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