Vol. XXXIV—No. 3H.
bfcund Cliu* Mailing I'Mvllrgr* lutliDriced ftf Omaha N*ltr
Schools Handle 1044 A total of 1,044 children attended Tnlmud Torah and Sunday Schools in Qmaha during the school year 1955-56, Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the Bureau of Jewish Education of. the Federation for Jewish Service, announced today. The average monthly enrollment was 904 pupil* jn nil schools. . Schools opened in September with an enrollment of 1,011 pupils. During the- year, 33 pupils were admitted, and 68 pupils left Of this number, 11 pupils moved out of town. Schools closed with a total enrollment of 976 pupils. The monthly averages by the schools were as follows; Beth El Talmud Torah, 227.2; Beth El Sunday School, 178.3; Beth Israel Talmud Torah, 165.8; Beth Israel Sunday School, 178.3; Temple Israel Religious School, 199.8; Shaarc Zlon Talmud Torah, 22.6. This year's average enrollment. Dr. Morgolln pointed out, was 994.1 as compared with 923.2 as of last year.
Mfced ntrj Pndai. lfl M. totli Annual lute < l»Uai» Omaha Netra«ka fUont JA U8B Sim IF O D » At Cent*
Co-Chairs For s^6tiiig Adtilti '
The appointment of young adults as associate ehuiwntji of various departments and committees of the Feicratloii for Jewish Service was announled this week by Jack W; Marer, Fod'cratiott president. ; . ' :
"In making:these appointments, we ore involving further-"ybung. adult leadership in the program of our community's Federation," Mr^ . Marer said. "Through service as associate chairmen,. young adults will have a real opportunity: •to> train for •- community leadership," and the community Itself will get the benefit of continuous leadership, drawn from the ranks of A recent survey conducted by young people." , • the local section of the American Tho following will serve as asCamping Association pointed out that Camp Jay C-C, the Federa- sociate chairmen of their respecy tion sponsored camp for children tive . eommlttecs: ADL Advisory 6 through 14, provides the high- Board, Millard Rosenberg; Jew-" ish Education .Bureau, Joseph p est quality of counseling and. the p Jay-C-C, y , Dr. RRobb fewest number of children per Soshnlk; Camp Center, Ci C counselor than any camp In the ort E n g e l ; Community Donald Rice; Dr. Shor Home for Nebraska area. The survey also pointed out Aged, Stanley Perimeter; Family that Jay-C-Cs program provides Service, Irvin Gendlcr; J e w i s h the greatest v a r i e t y and has Press, Richard Goldman; Budget greater focus upon the needs of C o m m i t t e e , Calvin Newman; Buildings and Maintenance, Alex children. This summer Camp Jay-C-C Welnsteln, and Community Statiswill extend its camping season to tics,. Donald Nogg. five weeks and will add new fea- Mr. Marer indicated that he tured activities like photography, will shortly submit a program for special all camp events, extend action, outlining further steps t o ed camping trips and water ski be taken to involve young adults Ing and boating, to meet the wide in active participation In Jewish community affairs. Interests of its campers.
Jay-C-C RatesHigLh In Survey
JEWISH Oltl'HANM TO I Sit A EL The Polish Charge d'Affaircs In Israel announced this week that Poland has agreed, for humanitarian reasons, to permit the emigration to Israel of Jewish orphnnv 'Hie first croup uf Jewish The second session of the Cen- mitti'f, announced. Mr. Shafton children and youths may arrive 1/1 Israel this work, Miid the dip- ter-spon:,orod Day Camp fur boys stated that a limited number of nntl girls 5 to 12 will start this registrations are still being aclomat, who nlsti uVrlnrid that Poland and Israel would soon Kljjn Monday. Mr .Kdward .Shafton, cepted for these last two funn trade agreement. Chairman of the Day Camp Com- packed weeks. Day Camp activities, including swimming, group activities, trips and excursions, arc designed with the youngster In mind. Well planned and balanced meals arc served every noon with a light snack being served in the middle of the afternoon. Tho fee for the two week session IK $30 and Includes the cost of Tile price that Is paid by (he average man and woman in transportation by largo', modern ' Israel today for the present, severe crisis was brilliantly described buses to the spacious Day Camp j>y Colonel Chalm'Herzog, Commander of the Jerusalem Military site at Peony Park from the con:Dl»trlet, at the recent National Conference of the United Jew. venient pick up points at tho Beth 1*11 Appeal In Now Y/ork, Kl Synagogue. Temple Isrnel, Beth •''•'•'... '"Take the average citizen of Israel today," he said. "He has Israel Synagogue and the Jewish been through all that wo In Israel have experienced In the past Community Center. ' twenty years or more He pays an income tax roughly equivalent The Day Camp Committee sugto your*. Me pays indirect taxes, which arc far higher than those gests that parents register their imposed on you. A few months ago, he voluntarily came forward youngsters now to avoid possible and donated one to two weeks' salary or Income to the Defense disappointments. R e g i s t r a t i o n s • F u n d , : ' , " ; ; : , / •'..'..'.•• ,.•'•"...' may be mailed to the Day Camp "This year; he will bo required by law to contribute un adOffice or they may be phoned to ditional 12 d a y (alary or income to the defense levy, In addition JA 1366. to an additional'excise on numerous articles and services such Those desiring further informaas electricity, gas, beer, etc. He has not yet paid off a 10 per tion or particulars arc urged to 'cent capital tax which was Imposed on him two years ago. He Is contact the Day Camp Office. paying a special immigration tax on a number of Item* such_as tobacco,' to support tho Increasing Immigration from North Afrfea. He Is called on to leave his job and business for 30 to 40 RAYON PLANT IN ISKAEL days each year on active reserve military duty. And now he has A group of American indusvolunteered six days of hln annual vacation and has spent them trialists and financiers, headed by digging fortifications along the frontier. Israel Rogosln, Is to build a $20,"How can I describe tho scene ns dally, every morning, scores 000,000 rayon plant In Israel, It and hundreds of people from all walks of life—supreme court was 'announced : here The plant Judges, ministers, rabbis, workers, clerks, civil servants—conwould establish n new industry In verge on Die vital border areas and voluntarily, cheerfully hack the country, the manufacture of away at the hard stone of the Jerusalem hills? Or us the Yeshiva rayon. boys, and particularly the Cliassldlm of Jerusalem, perform the work with bleeding hands to a "Chassldlschc" tune. On the morning I left Jerusalem this week, one of the Ycshlva boy volunteers, and only son to his parents, was brutally shot down In cold blood by Arab Legionnaires, ns he performed the holy task of fortifying our eapltol. The Israeli is prepared for every The Moroccan Government has sacrifice, great though It may bo, and answers every call uncomproposed to permit between 5,000 palnlngly and understanding!^ Ills sons will go out and face the anil 0,000 Jews to leave the counenemy against every odds, and will win. nut at what cost to those sons?" try, on condition that they should After that devastating but typical picture, II would be n be the last to migrate. Jewish waste of words and time to try to compare the sacrifices of Immigration agencies in Israel American Jews with those of Israel. The fact Is, that nothing are expected to reject this offer, wo can do or say or give, In terms of fund-ralsinR, can measure since 415,000 Jews, among whom up to the demands that are made upon and willingly accepted 10,000 have relatives In Israel, by the people of Israel. And mind you, there will be no let up have already registered for emifor them this summer. David Ben-Gurlon, Israel's Prime Minister, has warned that the summer months may bring an Intensifigration and have passed their cation of the atmosphere of peril suffered this past year. medical examination. If you haven't paid your pledge to our local campaign, may In Washington, Philip M. Klutiwe urge that you do IO at once. nlck, president of B'nai B'rith, upon his return from a visit from
Second Day Camp Session Set to Open on Monday
Think You Have It Tough? Listen To This...
Youngsters may still be registered for the full five weeks of camping for the three week or two week sessions. Because of the limited size of the camp and of the large early pre-registratlon, parents arc urged to register their children Immediately. Parents desiring further Information or particulars arc urged to contact the Camp Office at Jackson 1366 or to call In person and discuss their camping plans with one of the Jay-C-C staff.
B'nai B'rith Women Attend Convention
The Women of Henry Monsky Chapter 470 of B'nai B'rith will represent Omaha at the annual district convention. Convention will be held at Detroit, Mlche, at the Sheraton Cad-' lilac Hotel from June 30 through July 3. Those attending arc Mmcs. Harry Sidman, Harry Friedman, Harry Smith, Sol Mlroff and Sidney Zncimcr, Also attending will, bo Mrs, Goodman Conn of the Nebraska The members of the Workmen's Chapter. Loan Association held their annual meeting on Monday, June 25 TWO DKSTKOYERS * at the Jewish Community Center. FKOM ENGLAND After approving the •-financial In Haifa, Premier Ben Gurloii report of the Association, the following were nominated and elect- this week welcomed the arrival ed for .the ensuing year: Presi- of two destroyers which were sold' dent, Mr. Isdore Abramson; Vlco- to Israel by tho British Navy. The Prcsldcnt, Mr. H. Guss; Treasur- ships, largest units In the Israeli er, Mr. Harry Richlin; Secretary, Navy, did not compare with what Mr. Harry Staenberg. The follow- the "enemy" has received front ing were elected to the board of the Communist bloc, s a i d the directors: Messrs. Ben Llndon- Premier, but added that "our adbaum, Ben Mlroff, Mayer Frank, vantage is our superior spirit, Nathan Rcsnick, J. Kaplan, Avc which cannot be shipped to our Cohen, Mrs. Rose Glnsburg. Fol- enemies." The destroyers have lowing the election, .a social hour been renamed Yaffo and Elath. was held. During the summer months, FAVORS ARMS FOB ISRAEL meetings will be held on alternate Ottawa (JTA)-Hohn DlefcnMondays. The first meeting will baker, leading Progressive Conbe held on Monday, July 9th. In servative party spokesman In the the meantime, for loons and pay- Canadian House of Commons, In-, ments, please contact Mr. Harry dlcated In the House mat his parStaenberg, 2208 Cumlng St., JA ty is prepared to support arms 5995. shipments to Israel.
Yearly Meet
Propose Migration for 6,000 Mbrocco urged the establishment dltc the emigration of the estiof an interim procedure* to expe- mated 5,000 to 7,000 Moroccan Jews who have liquidated their homes and meager belongings. After the present "pressing emergency" lias been handled, said Mr. The deadline for publicity Klutznlck, consideration should be for the next edition of tho Jewgiven "for the creation of reasonish Press will bo Monday at 5 able procedures to glvo meaning p. m. All releases must be In to the Moroccan government's our hands by that time. The declaration that it will not restrict deadline has been moved ahead Individual emigration. This may duo to the observance of Independence D a y , Wednesday, Involve another 40,000 to 50,000 July A. Jews who are mnntally committed to leave." ' .-.'.
Early Deadline!
Friday. June 29, 1930
'i .)'
PobUabed Bret) ITridai bj the FederaOoB of Jcwkck Bervtc*
jumwu iuo«eni>u«L*4.uu ldverurtni lute* goapSbcaUaa eeutyrub UfIlt^-53 No. awn 8U—LOman*. tS&.Tacksoii Uttftrail ~>oj address—«* 80 mFBOMt HARRf HALPER1 , Editoi
Letters Letter From Brmadeto Uatvenity to Or. Philip Slier Dear Philip: Our commencement festivities marked a wonderful dlmax to a very productive and rewarding year. One of the high points was the utlgnment of p r i c e * and awards to pur mott gifted students. I cannot let this moment pats without once a g a i n expressing thanks to you for establishing the Dr. Philip Sber Scholarship Prize. It was assigned to David McGavern who was graduated Cum Xaudc and with Distinction in Sociology and Anthropology. David, one of our finest st-idents and a credit to the University, 1* planning to pull up roots and settle on the West Coast for his future life and career. I am enclosing the copy of bis prize essay. I assure you that this award was not only very much appreciated, but it had great exemplary effect. With many thanks, , Cordially yours, A. L. Sachar. (Brandcis University) LEAVE FOR ISRAEL New York. (JTA)—The first group of 80 American Jewish youths to attend the 1356 Israel Summer Institute, a 7-week study work and tour project sponsored by the Jewish Agency, sailed this week-end for Haifa aboard the new Israeli passenger liner S. S. Zion. of the ZIm Israel American Line. They were followed today by another group of 60 which left by air via El Al. tbe Israel airline. The group which left today is comprised of members of the B'nai B'rlth Youth Organization. Young Judea and the United Synagogue Youth Organization. A third group of 60 will leave via £1 Al on July 4th. The Israel Summer Institute, a non-profit project now in its eighth year, has its center in Jerusalem. The students will attend orientation sseslons, lectures, Hebrew language and other courses relating, to Israel's history'and development Tbe major part of the stay in Israel will be devoted to extensive guided tours of the country and a period of work at typical- agricultural settlements. The Institute is open to American students, teachers and other* be. tween the ages of 18 and 30. JDG RELIEF WORE Paris (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee's health and welfare services for Jews in Morocco is continuing at f u l l strength. Charles IL Jordan, JDC : European director, reported here on his return from a five-day Inspection tour in Morocco. Approximately 50,000 women, men and children bencfitted from JDC-«ponsor«l nnd subsidized activities in Morocco durinc List year, Mr. Jordan reported. "The meeting of physical nnd spiritual needs traditional services which we provide Jews throughout the world," he declared, "are more important now than ever before to the Jewish community of Morocco. It was extremely gratifying to see our basic program in full swinff nnd to have nssurnnce that it would continue undiminbhed."
/ Religions News Tempi* brad Temple Israel, service at 730. Mr. Harold P. Farber will con-, duct the service.
BeriiB Sabbath evening services win be held tonight at 7. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:3a The Mlncha service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Daily services during the week are held at 7 a, m . and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service la held at 9 a. m.
Beth Israel Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 6:30 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7:45 p. m. followed by Sholcshe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning services at 7 a. m.; afternoon services at 7:50 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan. followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 8:30 p. m. at BIMI Synagoeuc, 10th and Burt.
Obituary MILS TAUBA FEIOMAN Mrs. Tauba Feldman. 69. died early Friday morning, June 23. A son, Walter Fcidman of Omaha, survives. Burial was 3:00 p. m. Friday at Colden Hill Cemetery, MRS. LENA BORSKT Mrs. Lena Bonky, 85, diedThursday, June 14. in a local hospital Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Bay Soklyn and Mrs. Bess Bernstein; sons, Abe and Louis; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Burial was Friday morning at Golden HIU Cemetery. BEN MILDER Ben Milder, 62, of 4820 Cass Street, died Tuesday, June 26. He Is survived by his mother, Mrs. J. Milder of Omaha; four brothers, Morris, of St. Joseph, Mo, and William, Hymic and Abe, all of Omaha, nnd one sister, Mrs. Ben Taxman of Ccntmlln, IIL Funeral services were held Wednesday nt the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was In Golden Hill Cemetery.
Visitors From Canada
Omahans In the News
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Monument1 Dedication Mrs. Arthur A. Joseph will dedicate a monument to the memory of her late husband, Arthur A, Joseph, .Sunday, July 1, at 10:30 a. m., at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Friends and relatives arf invited to attend the memorial service, which will be given by Rabbi Benjamin Groner. 'RECOGNIZE ISBAEL' London. (JTA)—The Japanese Socialist Democratic Party executive has adopted a resolution expressing grave concern over the Middle East situation and voicing Its sympathy with Arab and Israeli peoples "who are trying to surmount difficulties standing in the way of the building up of their own states." The text of the resolution, as received here, states that the party "welcomes the recent move* towards peaceful settlement of the conflict being made by the parties concerned in cooperation with the United Nations." It urges an nations "to whom peace If precious" to insist on the follow-1 ing conditions: "1. The Arab countries and I»i reel should refrain from the use of force, secure a cease-fire and limit border incidents between themselves in cooperation with the United Nations and finally to negotiate a peace treaty to settle all the outstanding problems existing. "2. To facilitate a settlement, the Arab states should Kcogniz*) the existence of the State of Israel. The problem of the Arab refugees should be solved through joint efforts by brad and tha Arabs countries In cooperation with the United Nations. "3. Large-scale economic aid for the development of the region should be given the big powers thrdugh the United Nations, Within the framework of such • scheme, the Arab and Israeli people should work together for their mutual benefit. The resolution asks the Japanese Government not to act In any way counter to the party's recommendations and demands that the government "should strictly prohibit the export of arms, to the Middle Enst demncd three times for violating the armistice pact Four.Israelis have died and six have been wounded in the attacks and raids which led to these condemnations; the spokesman added. A Jordan royal decree today mode it unnecessary for Jordanians or Syrians to obtain passports for traveling between the two countries, except' for Syrian Jews, It was reported today in a Jordan radio broadcast monitored here.
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Monument Dedication The family of the late Dr. Bernard Joel Wolfson wiJl dedicate a monument In his memory at 11 n. m. Sunday, July 1, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. R a b b i Groner will conduct the (service. Ail friends nnd relatives are invited to he present.
Library Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Osoff and children Judah and Tallc of VanListed below are some antholocouver, Canada, arrived Wednesday to be the guests of Mr. Os- gies for pleasant summer readingoff's brother, Mr. Hytnan Osoff All are available at the Jewish Community Library. and family.' "Feast of Leviathan," edited by Mr. Osoff Is principal of the Vancouver Parochial Talmud To- Leo W. Schwarz, consists of tales of adventure, faith, and love from rah. Jewish literature. Some of the authors represented are- Herman SALE OF ISRAEL HONDS Charles Angoff, Meyer LeJerusalem (JTA) — Abraham Wouk,' Felnbcrg, president of the Israel vin and Edmund Flcg. "Men of High Calling," edited Bond Organization in the United States, and Dr. Joseph Schwartz, by Charles Nelder, contains 14 stories In which the central charexecutive vice-president, who are now in Israel, reported to govern- acter Is a minister, a priest, or ment leaden today that the sale a rabbi. Told by Stephen Vinof Israel bonds In America Is 38 cent Benct, Lloyd C Douglas, per cent ahead of the correspond- Franz Werfcl and others, the stories make fascinating reading. ing SK-montb period in 1955. Land, These People," and The two top leaders of the Is- Its•This sequel, "These Your Children," rael bond campaign, together with edited by Harold U. Ribalow, are members of the Israel Governof stories about Jewish ment,, will map plans for intensi- collections life In America. These stories fication of the bond drive with a have all been published before In view to secure maximum financial leading magazines,* and lad for Israeli projects. Mr. Fein- some of Lterary the writers arc: Howard berg' declared here that the extra- Fast, Delmore Schwartz, Jo Sinordinary response of American Jewry to the bond campaign dur- clair, and Ben Hecht "In England and in English," ing June Is an indication of the great alertness toward Israel's edited by William Goldman, contains stories by European Jewish needs prevailing among Jews in authors who are not always Jewthe United States. ish in background or outlook. Some of the contributors are: Gertrude Brawerman, William Goldman and Max Clapper. 'Jewish Short Stories,* edited by Ludwig Lewishohn, includes such well known writers as Isaac Mr. Irving Stern received a Loeb Perez, Sbolem Alelchem and Bachelor of Religious Education Sholem Asch. degree from Yeshlva University of Isaac Babel's "Collected StorNew York. ies'' presents the Work of a man who spoke with a new inflection Monument Dedication and expressed a folk life that had roots in the deepest soil of RusThe family of the late Monus sian experience. The stories arc Fish will dedicate a monument in terse and powerful his memory at 11:30 a. m., Sun'A Treasury of Jewish Folkday, July 1, at Golden Hill Ceme- lore." edited by Nathan Ausubel. tery. Friends and relatives are includes stories, traditions, leginvited to attend the memorial ends, humor, wisdom and folk service, which will be given by soncs of the Jewish people. Rabbi Benjamin Groner. The Jewish Caravan," edited by Leo W. Schwartz, Is n collective portrait of the Jewish peoMonument Dedication ple, and reflects, in so far as literature is a reflection of life, the The family of the late Dr. Bernard Joel Wolfson will dedicate social development of this peoa monument in his memory at 11 ple over a period of almost 3,000 o'clock Sunday morning, July 1, years. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. ASKS EMEKGKNCV MEETING ON BASEBALL TEAM Jerusalem. (JTA)—Israel today Leonard Wolk, son of Mr. and asked the Israel - Jordan Mixed Mrs. Julius Wolk, 852 South 35th Armistice Commission for on Avenue; Is a member pi the Sec- emergency meeting to discuss Jorond Guided Missile Group baseball danian attacks yesterday on Isteam at Fort Bliss, Texas. rael, personnel and property in the Kfar Saha area. Two Israelis 7, - , • ••' S u r v i v a l . . • ' • . . Tbe brotherhood of man is not were killed, one was wounded and a dreamt it Is a fact. And if man-: a train and trucks were brought kind is to survive as a spedes, under fire in the Incidents. this fact must be recognized. This . Announcing the Israel demand curious point where biology and for a meeting, a foreign ministry religion meet must be our new spokesman noted that since April point of departure, the only basis 26 when Jordan gave United Nafor a brave new world—its alter- tions Secretary General Dag Hamnative being war/and chaosv- marskjold its word to maintain the peace, Jordan has been conS t o a r t C l o e t e . ' •• :• •'••..'
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Friday, i n e 10, 1966
Debka Deb Group Plans Program
Guests, Anniversary
Mrs. Harry S. Allen, Denver, Colo., and her children, Joel, Daniel, Miriam and Morris, have been guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Arbltman for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arbltman observed their 40th wedding anniversary at an open house and family dinner on June 17th at the home of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman. Mr. Allen Joined his family for this occasion.
The Dcuka Di'b l\xecutl\e Committee, consisting of tlic rjecrutj\o Hoard nnd the Ontral Programming Comniittci.1. rod Mon<l;iy night, June-18, nt Miss Martia Calkin's home. The program until Uinmhcr *;is clc<:iOe<l upon to insure meetings A*MI Interestinj: nnd wcll-iWi ndco events. A group has Ix'i'fi ajuxjintec1 to rewrite the constltuclun during the summer. This committee consists of Mlssei Sally Freeman, Andy Jean Gross, Diane Llntzman, Barbara Brodk?y, and Beverly Goldberg.
Thank You
Kadimah Chapter Plans Picnic —Claud* CocutabU l*botn
Kadimah Chapter's s u m m e r event chairman, Mrs. M e l v i n Brown, announces that on Sunday, July 8, at 3 p. m., a family picnic will be held at Peony Park, Each member and her family will meet in the "D" area of the picnic grounds. Lll asks that each family bring their own picnic baskets, and the Chapter will supply the pop and watermelons.. An entertaining afternoon has been planned In which there will be games and prizes for the children, and bingo for the adults. All relatives and friends of Kadimah members are cordially Invited to attend.
—John Kalina Photo. I Mrs. J. Joel Milter A personal thanks Is extended to all of the women who participated in the sale of flags on Flag Day for the Ladies Auxiliary of Epstein-Morgan Post Jewish War Veterans by President Ethel Miner and Senior Vlee-Presldent Yetta Saylan, chairman of the event. Proceeds of this sajo will go for the rehabilitation and hospital HIM Carolyn KuUcr and EUle program of the Auxiliary. Temple Israel was.' decorated A candlelight ceremony was Morton Ratncr were married June with white chrysanthemums, Mathe setting for the wedding of The Ladles Auxiliary served the jestic daisies and woodwardla fern 24 in Beth Israel Synagogue. The Miss Louise Helen Stern and Mr. bride i» the daughter of Mr. and buffet l u n c h at the Nebraska- for the Saturday wedding of Miss J. Joel Milder Sunday night at Mm. Sam M. Kutler. The bride- Iowa Department meeting on Sun- Janey Weiner and Jerold A. Dann. Beth El Synagogue. day, June 24. Ida Simon, refreshgroom, the ton of Mm. Mary The ceremony was performed at Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Rabbi fyitner. RabW Benjamin Croner ment chairman, was assisted by 8:30 by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks. Sidney H. Brooks and C a n t o r and Canto EU Kagan officiated. Mmes. Ann Margolin, Bebe MarThe parents of the couple are cus, Yetta Saylan, Jennie BelAaron Edgar officiated. The bride woro a Vene' im- grade, Betty Rablnowitz, Selma Mr. and Mrs. Isadora H. Weiner The bride is the daughter of ported rosepolnt lace gown with Goldberg and Ethel Miller. and Mr. and Mrs; Nathan J. Dann, CoL (ret) and Mrs. Benjamin nylon toOla over duchess satin. the latter of New Castle, Indiana. Stern, the bridegroom the son of The fitted lace torso bodice outTtie bridal: gown . of Mousellne The Pioneer Women's Organiza- Mr.'and Mrs. Howard Milder. lined with scallops formed a porde sole was trimmed with medaltion, The Workmen's Farband and Mrs. Robert P. Jaffer, Miami, trait neckline. The bride carried lion of Alencon lace on the scal- the Pola Zion will hold their an- Fla., was matron of honor for * Bible covered With an orchid Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Coren loped sweetheart neckline. Ros- nual Joint picnic on Sunday, July her sister. Bridesmaids were Mrs. corsage and streamers of white announce the. birth of a son, Da- ettes of the embroidered lace dec- 15, at Elmwood Park. Food will Norman Engman. Des Moines, la., ttephanotis. vid Meyer, on Juno 17. Maternal orated the bodice and the bouf- be served starting from 2 p. m. cousin of the bride; Miss Nancy Her silk illusion fingertip veil grandparents' are Mr. and Mrs. fant skirt which fell Into a court until 8 p. m. Tritsch, Plattsmouth, Ncbr., and , was held in place by a Jeweled Noah Medlov of Kansas City, Ma, train. The bride's fingertip veil nnd .enjoy home cooking Mrs, Howard Venn, sister of the q u e e n ' s crown encrusted with and paternal grandparents are fell from a cap of pearls. She of Come bridegroom. R i c h a r d Kaufman gefilte fish and a complete dinrhlnestones and pearls. and Mrs.' Harry Swengil of carried a prayer book with white ner for only $1. Children, 50c a and Stephen Marx, Lincoln, cous• Mother of the bride wore a Mr. orchids and streamers of stcph- plate. Omaha. ins of the bride, were candleroyal blue chiffon cocktail lace anotls. Fun for all. Games and prizes lighters. drew in turquoise trimmed with The m a i d of honor was the for young and old. Bring your Engagement Mr. Jaffer was best man. Ushsequins. Both carried orchid corbride's sister, Miss Bette Weiner, family and friends. ers were Joseph Bolker, Los Ansages. Matron of honor was Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green an- and matron ot honor was Mrs. J. Chairman for this affair is Mrs. geles, Calif., uncle of the bridePhillip Slporln, aunt of the bride. Levinger of Yankton, S. Sarah Okun. groom; Michael Grcenberg and Bridesmaids were Mrs. Sidney nounce the engagement of their Charles D., another sister of the bride. Norman Engman, cousins of the Ochs and Mrs. Joseph Frank. The daughter, Sondra Joy, to Fred J. Bridesmaids were Miss S u s a n Ostrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbride, and Lieut Vann. Junior bridesmaid was Sandra SiLlpp, Miss Nancy Farber and Miss liam Ostrow of Omaha. porin. The bride wore a short sleeved Miss Green and Mr. Ostrow Linda Wolf, the latter of Beverly gown of white peau de sole with Best man, Phil Ratner, brother both attended Omaha University. Hills, Cal. The girls of Eleanor Roosevelt an panel.'Of Imported chantilly of the groom. Ushers were BenAttendants were gowned alike BBG have started planning their lace on the .skirt. The bodice was No date has been set for the nett Kutler, bride's brother, Izzy wedding. In coral colored chiffon ballerina rush program. Maddle Miroff has fashioned with a bateau neckline and Harry Ratncr, brothers of the length dresses. They carried fan- been appointed rush chairman. embroidered with lace and segroom, and Dr. Sidney Ochs. Canshaped bouquets \of chrysantheAt regional 'convention In Lin- quins. The .veil, which had been dlcllghtcrs were Bernard PollkoV mums in shades of c o r a l and coln, Juno 10-12 some of the girls worn by the bride's sister at her and Norman Pitlor. The attendwhite. Were members: of the baseball wedding, was held In place by a. ants wore cocktail, length gowns B. Michael Dann was his brothof chantilly lace and orange of princess lace over matching BETH ISRAEL 8I8TKBH0OD er's best man. The ushers were team that won the first place cap blossoms. A wedding band worn taffeta in shades of orchid and Mrs. Sam Katzman, newly elect- LeoSchear Cohen, Evansvillc, In- trophy. Congratulations to B e r d i n e by the bride's grandmother was aqua. They wore sequin tiaras of president of Beth Israel Sister- diana; Steven L. Jacobs, Indianin the ceremony. The bride pale orchid and turquoise. hood has named the committee apolis, Indiana; William Emll. Green who was elected regional used treasurer at convention She and carried a white orchid surrounded chairmen for the coming year. East Chicago, Indiana, and Ronv Sandra Siporin, junior bridesShirley Shift this week attended by lilies of the valley on a Bible. maid wore a gown of French tulle Those appointed were: Mrs. D. B. aid Cohen, Lafayette, Indiana. district convention In Wls-» The matron of honor wore an and lace over taffeta, full hoop Epstein, Linen Showers; Mrs. Sol Mrs. Weiner wore pink mouse- cthe s i n ' • • • •••••• accordion pleated pmk n y 1 q n skirt In palo pink, \ ; ; Ash and Mrs. Julius Hornstein, line de sole and lace for her b •n Congratulations also to Maddle gown with a rose chiffon cumReview,; Mrs. Sam Garrop, daughter's wedding and the brideOut-of-town guests were Mrs. Book a part in the merbund and a coronet of small Sale; Mrs. Harry Sldman, groom's mother chose an aqua 'Miroff for getting ; Phillip Siporin and children, Billy Bake pink flowers In her hair. She carChanukah Candles; Mrs. Alt • c h i f f o n . ; \'[:\ •".'::- .;:-••"'••':: -/.'•: fall play and Sandra, of Los Angeles, Calif., Frank, ried a colonial bouquet of blue Mrs. George Shapiro, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Klrschcach of Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Donor The couple left for Pittsburgh, and white. Esther Reed daisies. South Sioux City, Nebr, Dr. and Luncheon; Mrs. Sidney Kwlatek, Pa., after a reception at the Tem- Larry, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. The bridesmaids wore matching Mrs. Sidney Ochs and children Mrs. Walter Frank and Mts. Da- ple^ They will make their home Louis Tokman, Belmond, Iowa; gowns of light blue nylon with RacheUe and Raymond of GalvesIn Pittsburgh for six weeks. The Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Potash and royal blue cummerbunds and blue . ton, Tex., Mrs, Gertrude Lobelson vid Kdtzman, Gift Shop. bride wore a beige shantung suit Debbie and Bruce, Lebanon,' HI.; flowers in their hair. Their bouof Miami Beach, Flo., Mr. and Among others appointed were: with brown accessories for trav- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Solomon, St. quets were of pink and white Mrs. Joe Chalt and Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Sam Bcrman and Mrs. Max eling. :• ••:•'•<: : ' / }O..J <'' •'• Louis Park, Minn., and Mr. and Esther Reed daisies. , ; Mike Kocffer of Des Moincs, la. Fromkln, Special Contributions; Out of town guests were: Mrs;. Mrs. D. Beiltchor, Minneapolis, Mrs. Milder.attended Douglass Immediately following the cere- Mrs. Sidney Goldberg and Mrs. Herman B. Itkoff, Cincinnati, College, New Brunswick, N. J.; , mony, a dinner and dance was Max Fromkln, Know Thy Neigh- Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Frank KropTyler School of Fine Arts, Philaheld at the Blackstone Hotel for bor Sabbath; Mrs. Iz Elewite, In- man, grandparents, Mason City, delphia; Pa.,; and was graduated tra • faith Meeting; Mrs. Max Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinall the guests. from the University of Nebraska. After a brief wedding trip to Greenfield Jr., Congregation; Mrs. son and son, Jerry, Dei Moines, Mr. Milder attended the UniverLos Vegas, tho married couple will Frank Cohen and Mrs. Louis Tur- Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Wolf ]*»A <WM sity of California at Los Angeles, kcl, Monthly Luncheon; Mrs. Her- and daughters, Linda and Judy, make their home in Omaha. 1*41 "0 p«D4S HIM the University of Nebraska, and bert Mclches, Community Co-op- Beverly HUb, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Is a student at Croighton Univercratlon; Mrs. Sidney Foldman and Julius Davis and sons, Steve and sity School of Dentistry. He Is a Mrs. Sol Ash, Bas Mitzvah conVISITORS IIEUE |8|OJA8I|0 member of Xi Psl Phi, dental fraMr. and Mrs. Sidney Schwartz sultant; Mrs. Benjamin Groncr, terinty, and Zeta Beta Tau. and their two children, Rose Sha- Courtesy; Mrs. Ell Kngan, Table JJBA0U-U8S0U A reception for 300 guests was ron and Bruce, of Seattle, Wash- Decoration; Mrs. Henry GreenberK, Mother - (laughter dinner; held In the social hall of the synaington, arc visiting Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Weiss. Baby Sitter gogue. Among the out-of-town Haskcll Morris. Mrs. Schwartz Service; Mrs. Harry Lewis, Table guests were Mrs. Abraham Bolkis Dr. Morris' sister. She Is the Setting. er, grandmother of the brideformer Esther Morris of Omaha. groom, and Mrs. Joseph Bolker, aunt of the bridegroom, both of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Hpgo Kren, San Francisco, Calif.1, greataunt of the bridegroom; Mr. and Portraits Mrs, Sidney Gcl^er, Mr. and Mrs; Weddings 50rh and Underwood 24th and Fornam Harry Stem and Mrs. Lona Green, all of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Clara Commercial Robinson, Little Rock, Ark., aunts and uncles of the bride. K After a honeymoon In Mexico From 8 A.M. Till 7 P.M. and Flqrlda throughout tho summer, the couple will return to Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday Omaha in the fall. Hn.
Elite lUtner
Mrs. Jerold A. Daan
Miss Weiner, Jerold Dann Rites Held
MissKutler, Blie Morton Are Married
Louise Stern, J. J. Milder Nuptial Rites
Plan Picnic
Rush Program
M i n n . . " : '
The Finest in Photography by JOHN
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen OPEN EVERY SUNDAY
Picnic Salads and Specialties
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Patronize the merchants who, advertise "hi YOUR 'ncwkpapVi, -
Face Wan
JWVs Urge Aid to Egypt
Liberties Discussions Scheduled
The Nebraska-Iowa Department of Jewish War Veterans at its annual conference in Omaha Sunday called for Immediate American economic aailttance to Egypt to boUter her difficult internal economic situation and to provide defensive arms to the state of I s r a e l to maintain adequate strength on behalf of the Western democracies defense requirement* In the Middle East This came In the form of a resolution adopted to be sent to congressional representatjves of Nebraska and Iowa, as wen a, to Secretary of State Dulles.
The freedom Agenda will s\x>nsor a combined discussion, coffee and sewing group each Friday morning during July tc covet material In the Freedom Agenda pamphlets on Individual Liberties. The group will meet informally from 9:30 to 11:30 a, m.. starting July 3 at the home of Mrs. Homo.- P. Smith, 8356 Woolworth. "Everyone Is welcome to participate," Mm. Smith said. She pointed out that the dlscussioni will offer a special opportunity for new members of the League of Women Voters to cover background material for their coming national study of the Federal Loyalty-Security programs. Here is the discussion schedule: July 6 - T h e Bill of Right* and Individual Liberty and Where the Constitutional L i b e r t y Came From. r July 13-Constitutional Liberty
At the some time the resolution pointed out how Communistic infiltration in Egypt through the Czechoslovakia^ arms deal ha> vaulted over the northern tier defensive alliances entered into between the United States and its allies, endangering the entire South Kuropcan and North African structure.
and the U, S. and Israel for the prevention of aggression of cither party against thd other. More than 90 J. W. V. representatives attended the conference from Iowa and Nebraska. In addition all other veteran organizations in Omaha were represented Including Commander Walter Petcrsen of the American Legion, D.A.V, state department commander Jack Head, and Ivan WesterBard, past commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wan. Abe Miller of Omaha v a s elected commander of the Iowa-Nebraska department for the coming year. Other officers named were Sid Levine, Des Moines, senior vice-commander; Ben Shapiro, Sioux City, junior vice-commander; Nate Marcus, Omaha, quartermaster: Me] Tcppcr, Omaha, adjutant; Gerry Grossman, Omaha, judge advocate; Aaron Shaefer. Omaha. sergeant-at-arms. a n d Dave Dubln, Omaha, chaplain.
Friday, fane CT,
In addition, the resolution pointed out that the vulnerable and strategic area in the defense perimeter of the United States and its flHlcs-:n the Middle East is analogous in great measure to Formosa and Korea; and besides asking that loans, materials and technical assistance be provided by the V: S. In the building of Egypfi Aswan Pam, ft seeks the establishment of mutual assistance pacts between the U. S. and Egypt
Building for West Omaha A $-Vn
insura/ie" stone. It was (li-slijnea by Leo
btnliliiif; uil bi' crri'tci] in tin' West Oiniilin iirru startinj,' September, officials revealed today. 1'rvhiilcrit lialpli K. KipJinfjcr, Uunranti'o Mutual Jjiir Company, said his firm will build the edifice at about 8S1I1 and Dodge Sis. The announcement was marie at a press conference Thursday. An 11-acre tract of land has been secured for the site. Ground breaking will be held in September and the building is expected to be ready for occupancy by 1958. The two-lcyel -,plus basement building will be of brick and
Oaly Architect finr and Peter Kii'wit Conslrunllon Company will build it. (Guarantee Mutunl operates In 20 Mares and Iluwnil, Its home of» fice is located at 1803 Douglas St. Mme than ,'iOO are employed by the* nomo office in Omaha, Mr* Klpllngcr said. The building will feature many modernistic facilities, Including a cnfetcria-lnungc and m e e t i n g room combined with a folding slaj;e. unusual use of color on small movable panel* throughout, a modernistic metallic screen at the entrance, adequate o f f i c e space for expansion, parking area for employes and visitors. Mr. Kipllnger said the 11-acro site will be adequate for future expansion of the building. He said millions of motorists'each year will view the building as It fronts Dodge street road.
and Seditious Activity. July 20—The Constitution and Congressional Investigating Committees. July 27--The Constitutional and Loyalty Program or Freedom of The English language has fewer Speech and Press. Registrations for the discussions definite standards of spelling than may be made after June 21 with any other language, there being Mrs. Smith by calling her at WA moro exceptions to established 9686. rules. •'•".•.'•.;.
SECURITY! To the people of Israel, time is a most precious c o m m o d i t y . They need time to strengthen themselves against the threat of Arab attack made imminent by the shipment of arms to Egypt. The/ need time to complete the.-urgent economic .upbuilding of their country.
- '
' '
They need time that can only be bought at an exorbitant price. The people of Israel are paying that price . . . with the highest personal income tax rate in the world . . , with their savings and personal belongings . . . with contributions as high as half their income. But it's not enough.
Want Ads si rbt..tvr»t rt«M Onrruui bur j »• Man MM MC£ e*«f llk» "in I'm* m n w ux n*ft> u am • as* u wsr
BA> »no T«* MCzvun cungrutu lattont disc toi all Jewish hoi day* and special occasions. Meyert New Stand 1502 Dodci REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13th and Leavenworlh 8. W. comer 60x66 in heart of trucking dist., 1 story building of 3 units now being remodeled. Tenants are waiting. Other space Kept for new owner. WE 0240 JA 3310. Eves. VVA 18-M. CHARMING home near Beth Israel. 4 bedrooms or 3 and den. 2 baths, 22-foot livinc room, dining room, enclosed porch, full step-out basement. Gut heat. Show by appointment 551.r> Blondo, WA 6001.
In Jewish communities across the nation, men and women are striving as never before to furnish the capital needled by, Israel. They recognize that this is Israel's gravest crisis. They are doing their part to the best of their ability. Now is the time for the people of Omaha to stand, by their brethren to insure Israel's advance to economic security . . . to buy the t i m e that means safety and security!
DAY work wanted. Experienced with references. AT 3601. GIRL wants day work. 51.00 an hour. PL 2365. RIDER to share expenses to New Jersey. Leaving July 3rd. WE 5000