> VoL XXXIV—No. St.
becond Ul»*t Mailing t'r 4athoriiM) al Ommiu
Vernal S a y i . . .
Arabs Playing Off East Against West Editor'* Notei This letter appeared In the Public Pubic In the 'Monday editions of the Evening • World-Herald. AltAB BLACKMAIL , Chicago, • In a recent issue, your European correspondent, John B. Crone, asks whether It makes sense that the United States should lose tho 'friendship and goodwill or 40 million Arabs who control the world's greatest oil reserves. In order'to curry the favor of 1,600,000 Israelis who aro doomed to economic (allure, anyway, Unless America continues to grant them millions of dollars to keep them .going, ' Israel receives, appreciates and constructively applies theMJnlted States "money, but Mr, Crane's Egyptlon friends seem to have Withheld the fact that Egypt and all the other Arab countries arc receiving economic aid from tho United State* on a much more substantial scale than Israel. The grants-ln-ald received by Israel arc vital to Israel's development. The United States. Is investing in one of the very few democratic enterprises throughout the strife-torn feudal regions of the Near East. Tlie Arab* are playing off tho Kant against tlin W(*t and the Went against the Kant with uliookfng Biidnrity. Tlie Hi-cut of withholding Hie friendship of 40 million'Arabs unless the United States forsakes Israel Is merely one phase of the Arab game of competitive blackmall. The Arabs arc in no position to use their oil reserves ns nn Instrument Oi blackmail. Klni; Saud of Saudi Arabia receives some 400 million dollars annually in royal tics from tills country. He cannot get that kind of money anywhere else. If he were to attempt to cut off the oil to the-West, he would merely cut off his nose to spite hit face. I. D. Unaa, Vice Consul, Consulate General of Israel
Federation Executive Committee to Meet The Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service will meet at 12:15 p. rt., Wednesday. July 11 in the Regis Hotel, It was announced by Jack W. Marer. Federation president. -
Kit IDA V,
rnblUhed mrj Vrldaj. 1*1 N. Mtn. Annual Bate 1 ftollai* Omaha. Nerraaka rtuini IA ISM. Single Oo»7 I* Cents
23y<>Uicrease In Giving Tho amount of $486,314 has been raised as-of T u e s d a y morning in the 19S6 United Jewish Appeal and Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Mayor John Rosenblatt, General 0amp a i g n chairman, announced. This amount represents a 23 per cent increase on the same cards, compared with last year.
'Israel in Mortal Danger'-Friedman New York (JTA)—Ilabbl Herbert A. Friedman, executive vicechairman of the United Jewish Appeal said Sunday on the eve of his departure for a survey of Jewish refugee conditions In Europe and Israel that "Israel's people still stand in mortal danger of a possible mid-summer attack by their Arab neighbors." Rabbi Friedman c a u 11 o n c d "friends and supporters of the UJA against diminished campaign activity during the normally slack months of July and August." He said that "the facts show that Jews in overscan lands have not been In ruch serious straits since Hitler assumed power in Germany In 1033." And that funds from the UJA since tho start of 195G hud made possible a speej up In the absorption and the resettlement In Israel of manyt thousands of refUKees.
"To the extent that we have done this," he stressed, American Jews have lifted a tremendous humanitarian burden from Israel's hard-pressed people, who could not possibly pay for the Integration of refugees and for sharply increased national defense programs at one and tho same time." The UJA executive head sold that "'lie tensions and outbreak* of border violence that led tho UN Security Council to take action this spring have not diminished. There Is nothing In the behavior of the Russians, the Egyptians and the Jordanians to warrant a relaxation of a sense of alarm. Behind the scenes," Rabbi Friedman emphasized, "Egypt has been perfecting Its use of the weapons it has been receiving from Communist Czechoslovakia, welding the armies of the Arab States Into a Tel Aviv (JTA)—The "vital" unified command. differences.between Moshe Sharett and Premier David Ben Curion which ended In the resignation of the former from the Israel Cabinet Included t h e , question of whether Jerusalem should be the New York (JTA')—A check for capital of tho Jewish State, it was $200,000— the first advance payrevealed by Baruch Azanya, - a ment on a pledge of $1,000,000 toward the construction of a HistraMapai member of Parliament, Sat- drut hospital In Beorsheba—was urday night. presented here by David Dublnsky Addressing a Mi pal Party meet- president of the International Laing at nearby Kibbutz Netzer, Mr. dies Garment Workers Union, to Azanya asserted that the two top Dr. Dov Bicgun, national secreleaders of tho party and the gov- tary of the National Committee ernment had also disagreed over for Labor Israel. The ILGWU opening the road to Elath and-on pledge Is the largest single gift of such Incidents like the Gnzn strip Its kind ever made by a trade un; .•,•'..• attack when Israelis crossed ion. ' Egyptian linos to deal relallntlve At the same time, Mr. Dublnsky blows. Mr. Azanya, who called Mr. announced receipt of a cable from Shurett'.H resignation a "tragedy Kupat Hollm —. tlie HUtodrut's for the Mapai," Insisted (bat there health iasurance program—anw/is no difference of opinion be- nouncing that ground breaking for tween Messrs. Sharett mid lien the new $2,000,000 necrsheba hosGurioM on such questions as orien- pital 'began last week. He extation toward East or West, or op- plained that check was the first position to a preventive war. of four to IK- presented annually In ills first public appearance by ILGWU to Histadnit, as an adsince liis resignation ns Foreign vance on the collection of funds Minister, 'Mosho Sharett told n rom the union's locals, Majal rally liere Saturday night Dr, Tk'igun said that the new that selective immigration from 200-ued hospital will triple tho North Africa was essential to the number of beds available to Ncgcv security of Israel. Speaking of Tu- •esldents. The population of the nisia rind Morocco, Mr. .Sharett Ncgev Is now 70,000 and the numexpressed the hope that the Mos- ber of beds currently available Is lem countries would not use their only one per one thousand of popfreedom to suppress tlie aspira- ulation an compared with 3.."! beds tions of other nations nor to at- facilities will he open to nil resitempt to "uproot Jewish senti- dents of Hie area on a non-sectarment and devotion" to Israel. ian ba.sis.
Differences Told By Mapai Leader
First Payment by Union for Hospital
Exhorting al] workers to finish the solicitation of all prospects, Mayor Rosenblatt indicated that the cards still outstanding have an approximate value of $24,000. Paying tribute to his co-chairmen of the various divisions, and the devoted workers who are continulng their clean-up work In the hot weather, he said; "The sudden peril in which our brothers in North Africa have found themselves makes it all the more urgent to complete our cum* paign speedily, with the largest amount possible. Jews can still be saved und brought to Israel from lands whore they face destruction, if only more funds were available. "This Is the time for our community to take a vow not to give , up until every card is accounted for, and solicited in this campaign." The HO Immigrants from ritrlLV-torn North Africa whom* facrs show thrlr Joy nt hrlng n-xrurd from Arab lands nn* bring settled In liomf'H In tho Nuiitli of Israel, Without funds rained In our KmerC«ncy United Jewish Appeal and *?<-iv]<ih I'lillnnthroplcft Campaign thfs could not h:iv<< hiippciifd.
First Camp Jay-C-C Session Sun. July 2 2 While focusing on the needs and Interests of each Individual camper, the Camp Jay-C-C program is designed to give an enriching experience of living together in a healthy, outdoor environment for all campers, Gerald Gross camp chairman asserted this week. Camp Jay-C-C will open Sunday, July 22 and will extend for five weeks until August 26. Youngsters may be registered for the full season, the three-week period from July 22 to August 12, or the two-week session from August 12 to 26. Enrollment may be made in the camp office In the Jewish Community Center and for further Information call JA 1306. i . The Federation for Jewish Serv-
ice camp Is now In its 17th year of serving Omaha youth. Regular' camp activities like arts and crafts, nature lore, rlflery, swimming and horseback riding are supplcmente1' with: outstanding special events such as pirate days, pioneer elections and night dub night Plans have been made to improve medical services at Camp Jay-C-C, It ^was announced by Dr. Maurice Sachs, chairman of the Federation's Medical-Dental Committee. A doctor will visit the camp daily and will be on call In case of emergency. Adequate medical supervision will be available on a 24-hour : bails, Dr. Sachs s t a t e d . "••'.
• ',.
Lust month the camp commit tee toure&and inspected the campsite and was favorably impressed With the Improvements In equip1 ment and general condition of the camp. \ See page 4 fpr the pictorial Jerusalem (WNS)—Premier David Ben Gurion told the United story of life at .Camp Jay-C-C. Nations truce supervisor, Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, last week Community Services that n "grave situation" prevails along the Israeli-Jordanian fron- Budget for Federation tier and in effect warned the A budget for the coming year United Nations to do something about the situation or to accept of $C2,8n8 has been earmarked for tiie Federation for Jewish Service the consequences. Ben Gurlon's warning came only by tlie United Community Serva few hours after the Israel-Jor- ices. The amount Includes an Indan Mixed Armistice Commission crease of 51.833 over last year. The recently approved budget found Israel t;ullty of having opened fire across the frontier the for operation of agencies in 1957 hlnccs on the total amount which >roviotiH Sunday, precipitating a four-hour clash' in which two Is- will be raised In the Ked Featlierraelis were killed ami an Israeli Ued Cross CampalRn which will settler wounded. The Israeli dele- open this October. gation was so indignant at "such a travesty of justice" by the MAC Veretrs to Visit Israel that It refused to submit Its own Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vcret will resolution calling for condemna- visit Israel this summer for three tion of Jordan for firing on Is- weeks. They will leave Tuesday. rael personnel nnd property. Tho July 17, via El Al Israel Air Lines, Israelis Insisted that the Incident nnd will arrive In Israel Thurswas caused by an "unprovoked day. July 19. attack" and was "thi: latest In a On their return, they plan to chain of aggressions" by Jordan visit Jewish communities In sevln'it Israel. enil countries.
Border Situation 'Grave —Gurion
Moslem Scores Arab Leaders New Vork (AJP) — A leading Moslem, Professor Salirom Faterni of Iran, who served as a UN delegate for his country between 1950 ' and 1953, declared in New York . this week that "the Arab leaders have no conception of Democracy" and that Instead of "worrying" about the few hundred thousand , Palestinian refugees they should ' try to do something to better t h e , lot of their own thirty-five million poverty-stricken subject-refugees. "The real enemy," he said ,"ls poverty and the ruling classes in ' the Arab world." Prof. Fateml, who was the main speaker at a luncheon of the World Interfalth Committee for Peace In the Holy Land, ridiculed the Arab demands at the UN. He declared that "There Is no precedent in history where a defeated nation should dictate terms as the Arab leaders are and demand that a pre-armistice condition be resurrected before any peace can be made." Such demands," he added, "are against all international law." The I r a n i a n Professor, how teaching at Princeton University, said that he Is telling all his Arab friends that It is high time they accepted Israel as a fact. "Only a miracle," he declared, "can explain the birth of Israel against the overwhelming odds." While Prof. Fateml expressed the view that one Israeli brigade could easily stop any Syrian lnva. sion, he did not think Nasser ' would be foolish enough to risk his. career In a war with Israel at this time. "The Egyptians are not prepared for any blow from Israel," ' he said. "The first counter-attack : from Israel would arouse the • whole population against the dictator Nasser."
Camp Scholarship Two women's organizations have set up annual scholarship funds for the summer camping programs. Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women is providing scholarships to both Center "bay Camp and Camp Jay-C-C. The Epstoin-Morgon Auxiliary of tha •Jewish War' Veterans has a Day^ Camp fund. '
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Anti-Semitism Rising
Globed Report New York (JTA) — The Joint Distribution Committee made pub. lie it* annual report showing thitt 164,000 Jews in 25 countries received JDC aM in 19S5. Almost 100,000 of them were in Moslem lands. The report states that J25,500> 000 wai speat by the JDC in It* 1955 operations while i u budget for 1956 is 129^00,000. The JDC receives most of its -funds from the ' United Jewish Appeal.
New York (JTA) — Documents ty on March 20,1956—which took Indicating the rise of anti-Semitism place after the funeral of Boieslaw in Poland were made public here Beirut, chief of the Polish Comby the Fme Europe Committee munist Party— Nikita Khrushparallel with the news of the up- chev is Deported to have said: United Nation* (AJP) — The risings in the Polish city of Poz- "You have too many AbramovitM m o* Councilor Robert BdsJUUI. The committee reported the ehes here." His statement brought coe'« election as the Xord Major foBowing tacts: a protest from a leading member of Dublin—the fiat Jew to hold k*(btta*-4iaS «, at. S0UMEB8 HBAISED X A great number of articles on of the Polish Communist Party. this po»t—quickly penetrated the anti-Semitism are currently ap- S. A group of Jewish emigrant* New York <JTAJ—The military • marble and d a n wall* at Uditequality of Jewish soldiers in tne pearing in Polish newspapers, after who arrivod in Geneva Iran .Poteroational ceittiT and s d Lfetfibrad the problem bad been completely land on June 3, JflS6, reported: U. S. armed farces was praised passed over in alienee by Polish "The most important reasons be- here today by Gen. Maxwell D. ben. Everyone, from the elevator Traditional Friday evening •erv- Communist propaganda for a pe- hind the decision of those previ- Taylor, U. S. Army Chief of Staff, girls to the delegatea, found a car* ioes begin at 6 3 0 o'clock. Sabbath riod of 11 years. Some of the ously hesitant about emigration to addressing the third annual armed tain sense of pleasure in rUmmlng services bagm at 8:90 a. m. Jun- articles give dear faints that the' Israel Is the anti-Semitism which services rally arranges by the -Ilie Irish Miracle." ior Coagrefcstion at 10 a. m Sab- aoareei of the recent anti-Semitic hi recent months h a s greatly National Jewish Welfare Board. Indeed, the election of » Jew— bath Mineha at 7:43p.m. followed events are being sought within the grown in strength in Poland This Two hundred and forty-throe voland not just an asslmllaUpnlst by Sbolesbe S'eudca and Maarlv. party. anti-Semitism always e x i s t e d unteers active in JWVs morale who divorces himself spiritually Daily services at 7 a. m. and 720 2. On May 26, 1996, hooligans among the masses, but the regime and religious programs for aerv« and pottfcatty from * is people, but p. m./Sunday morning services beand hospitalized veterans a synagogue in Lodz. and the party k n e w nothing Icemoa an observant one leaning toward! gin at 8:45 o'clock. Sunday morn- attacked 42 military Installation* were They entered the place of worship, about it officially. Now this anti- in orthodoxy and who hai been in- ing Junior Minyan starts at 830removed honored at the ratty. Semitism comes-from above and Is the holy books, tore them strumental in instituting Kashruth a. m. an echo of what is happening In to nieces and scattered them all laws throughout Ireland—ID an al over the synagogue and in the Russia." REGION rOBZ DO 6HYKBN. mof t totany Catholic country was •twet outside. The new wave of anU-Samitism Paysfe Shyxen, son of Mr. and of particular Interesj.here at Hie Temple ltrad in Poland appears directly trace-, 8. Anti-Jewish sentiment, which Mrs. Sam Shyken, m elected UN, our new "World Order" strivable, according to the Free Europe did not exist at all in the past, is Worship services this evening Central Regional Vlce^presfdeot <af ing to seek methods for brotherhood and human right*—the very at Temple Israel will be held at developing now amoflg Polish Committee, to Khrushchev, who the National Conference or Synaaim and purpose of the Charter. I-JO o'clock. Harold P. Farter, youth. They seem to believe that did sot include in bis condemw gogue Youth at their first annual Jews are competing with them for tloa of the Stalin cult at the 20ta convention held recently in Near vice-president flf Hie g For the rank and file -within this tion livelihood. Inscriptions "Jews Go congress of the Soviet Communist York City. The organization is Urn will conduct the service. international organization t h e to Palestine' 'have appeared on Party, any reference to Stalin's youth arm of tho Union .of OrthoDublin action meant something. walls of houses in the cities of anU'SemlUc actions and views. dox Jewish congregations of It was proof that brotherhood BeAB Wroclaw and Szczecin, each of The . New York Dally Worker, America. could work and little Ireland, one which nave several thousand Jew- American Communist organ, called of the 16 new members to be ad- Sabbath evening services will ish residents. attention to this in 1U Juno fl, mitted to toe UN last year, has art be held tonight at 7 o'clock. Sab1956, issue, pointing out that as or .4. At a meeting of the central FOR COMPLETE TV a wonderful example, they felt. bath morning service* win begin committee of the Communist Par- that date "this series of outrages" had not been publicized in Mos- and RADIO SERVICE Councilor Briscoe himself, who at 8:30. The Mincha service wfl] cow. had spent some thru* with your begin at 7:45 p. m. See Saul Llbowtkl coRrespondent discussing world There are today about 50,000 Dally services during, the' week Fomtr OWMT cf Cmrtim* TV Jewish affairs during his last visit are held at 7 a, m. and 7 j£ m. The Jews in Poland. However, this io America, testified to this truth Sunday morning service is held at Now Located at figure does not Include a large the moment be took w e . his new 9 a. m. number who conceal their Jewish National Appliance office. Said he: "It is a significant Identity or continue, to live under Store gesture that in Catholic Ireland it Atlantic City (WNS) — Thenon-Jewish namw assumed during is possible to elect to this Impor• 730 ComtrriM* H m Central Conference of American the Nazi occupation of Poland tant offlce a man of a different Rabbis, Reform body, concluded its when they purchased false docuCad GL 2782 faith, particularly my own. Which four-day G7th annual meeting here ments—Identifying them as nonproves that hi Catholic Ireland Jews—to prevent the Nazis from Evening! WA 0574 ith the adoption of a resolution tolerance exists. I hop* It wttl go DEBKA DEBS ippealing to the Soviet Union to sending them to the gas chambers. forth from this chamber to the The Deb rushing program Is Inrestore the cultural and religious world that in a Xrec Catholic Ire- the hands of JUlss Barbara Wogg. rights of Jews. land there would be no Intoler- pledge-mother. The first party for The convention adopted a proincoming freshman girls will be ance." held July 16 at the home of Miss posal by retiring president Rabbi John M. Canway, Ireland's Con- Andy Jean Gross. The party is Barhett Brickncr for a "religious sol General In New York and who being planned and rupervtsed by summit conference" of Catholic, ha* been representing hi* country Misses Fran Davidson and Brcn- Protestant and Jewish groups to at the UN since she was admitted, da Katnnan. work out a "modus operand! to expressed the greatest satisfaction clergymen and laymen" on Deb Diane Untzman was elect- guide over Briscoc*s election. "Everythe Issue or segregation. body Is happy about it." Mr. Con- ed vice-president of the Temple The American Council lot Jndar way told this writer with enthus- Youth Group. Nifty. She was also iasm. "He Is a great man, a hu- lected cc-rcporter of Youlh- ism was castigated by the Beform Councfl. rabbis for "impairing" the -vital: manitarian who has the public inwork at toe United Jewish Appeal: terest at heart at an times." lor injecting "damaging divisive-' Mr. Conway, who first revealed BOBASTOE nets" within tome Reform conto your correspondent that the Rohanue'a rushing program for.gregations; for attempting to InIrish Ambassador In London. moomtaig freshmen win include an fluence the'State Department in Frederick H. Bolaod. had been: inform*] party to lie beM July 19. policy "contrary to the best Inchosen aa Dublin's first chief rep- Miss fludl Ban fs rushing chair- terests' 'ot both the United States resentative to head the Irish dole* and Israel; for Impugning the pagation to the UN. iiuii«-t»<i that Three of Rohanue's members of the vast majority of Y-. Brlscoc. who is a member or were given Youth Coundl posts. trotism Jews) for "distorting" DeValera'i opposition party in the They are YC secretary. Phyl Bern- American and "misrepresenting" the nature present coalition g o v e r n m e n t stem; YC athletic chairman. Mau- of Judaism, and for reinforcing "stands a* good a chance as any- reen Zevttz, and YC rushing Arab efforts to "Incite prejudice one of being appointed a delegate chairman, Judi Ban. and enmity against the State of to the UN." In Ireland, he said. Israel nnd Jewish ppoplp throughAll coalition means coalition. All jut the world." parties arc working for the com- UAJIOI UONOKEO Uy a unanimous vote Uie delemon good. Washington (JTA) — BritUh rates elected Dr. Israel Ucttan, Besides being an absonant Jew, Ambassador Sir Roger Making Professor of Homilotics and Midalways battling for Torah-Trullus. :cndered a luncheon at the British rash at the Hebrew Union ColRobert Brlscoc is an ardent Zionassy here In honor of Rabbi lege-Jewish Institute of Religion, ist, and it may be of interest to srael Brodie, Chief Rabbi of the us president to succeed Rabbi note that, like so many of the Jritish Commonwealth. Sir Hoger Brickner. Irish, drlscoe had .sympatliiyx'd md Lady M.iklm arranged to have with Mcnachem Uecin's Ir;:un and , kosher caterer come to the Em> had even associated himself with assy to prepare Uie lundheon. It VMA l ItE.SH>KNT-EI,ECT Atlantic City, N. J. (JTA)—Dr. that group during the critical days MI attended by-As.oclato Subefore Israel attained statehood. renic Court Justice Felix Frank- David 13. Allman has been named This writer, who has been cor- 'urtcr. Sen. Herbert H. Lehman, president-elect of Uie American tlediea] Association. He is the responding with the Irish-Jewish ind O I M T f>f r"tti<ililir<j irst New Jersey physician ever to patriot these past years, discover>old that post. A graduate yd Jcfed that Bob Briscoe Is also a schol- MlAtt DI.SCIilMINATION erson Medico) College la Philaarship of .note. He has n deep knowledge of the Bible and He- Washington (JTA)—A number Iclphla, Dr. Allman will be inaugbralca In general. What he has ac- f additional Senators last week- urated at the AMA's next annual 'CMiplishor' for Irish Jewry no rab- end joined In sponsoring the bl-meeting Jn New York in June, i'i.in Senate resolution oppos- 1937. bi or group of rabbis could ever do. In this lies his greatness as a i Arab discrimination against Jew and a citizen of u prnnd little taierican Jews. The resolution, land whose sovereign symuo' is Uie hich was originally introduced iy Scnaton. Lehman, Douglas and Harp of David. Let your response to Israel's cad be Immediate! zvr, nov; iins 15 co-sponsors of eaafa JA I4M ic u t n j p u Wu> MM The case of Rolwrt Briscoc joth parties. It will be referred T u Jtwutt rn*M. proves one thinR: the world reOumnl rau * tA t n u tm e*«t> m«erIf ease Send Yoar Checks to •pects one who honors his own o the Senate Foreign Relations «i tin rrau rtnrrtt Qw ttfu u ana basic faith proudly upholding its Committee for consideration. principles before the public eye. BAR and "ns Mltzvah congratuThis can serve as a lesson to many have BC\cn children, four boys and lations also for all Jewish boBa wavering child of Israel here and three girls. dayj and special occasions. abroad. The /act tliat the Irish and Is- vtcyers News Stand. 1502 D 101 H. 20TH ST. rael flaps fly next to each other Sixty-one years of age, Robert Brtecoc married his childhood here at the UrJ now becomes more PAY WORK wanted, laundry pif-1 fcrred. Call WE 1881. BwMth<>.irt, Lilian Isaacs They meaningful and significant!
Irish Miracle
Religious News
Reform Rabbis Elect Dr. Bettan
V.C. Doings
The Emergency in Israel
PLEDGE REDEMPTION MONTH July the 6th to August 3rd
Do Not Wait!
Pay Your Pledges
Want Ads
e. 1M6.
A. Kaimans Make Home in Cincinnati The Hebrew Union College Cbapel at Cincinnati, O., was the Menc of the wedding June 3 of Miss Judith Fox of Cincinnati and Arnold G. Kaiinan of Omuha. Dr. Samuel E. Snndmcl, profeslor of Hew Testament at the Cincinnati seminary officiated, with Rabbi Emnnucl Ito.-,o of Elcin, 111., assisting. The bride is Uic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Fox of Cincinnati and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kniman of Omaha. Rabbi Jacob Spiro of New Orleans, La., served as best man and ushers were: David Rosenberg of Hastings, Nebr.; Rabbis Daniel Kaplan, Daniel LIU and Robert Rothman. After a honeymoon in Miami Beach, Fla., and Havana, Cuba, the couple is now residing at 3295 Morrison. Av, Cincinnati, O.
Joint Picnic Planned.
Pioneer Women's Organization, Tho Workmen's Farband and Poalo Zion wiU hold their annual picnic Sunday, July-15 at Elmwood Park. A complete gof lite fish dinner will be served from 2 to 8 p.
Pinner will be oho .dollar-per plato and children's portion will be fifty cents. Soft drinks will be served at no charge. Mrs. Sarah Okun, picnic chairman, is assisted by: Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hlfkin, Harry'Rlfkln, Max Rlscsbaum, Mr. nnd Mrs. Abe Cobori, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fcldman, John Factor, Mrs. II. Richlln, Mrs. J. Kaplan, Mrs. M. Sternberg, Mrs. F. Lcvine, Mrs. B. Wohlner. Mrs. I. Forbes nnd Mrs. S. Novak.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Hersehel David Premack o* Aberdeen, S. D., announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Dcbra,- born June 12. They have another daughter, Kllcn Miriam. Mrs. Premack is the former Miss Bcrnice Wintroub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fhineas Wintroub of Omahn. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Julius Premack of Aberdeen. Sam Smllo of Aberdeen Is paternal great-grandfather and maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mns. Max Wintroub of Los Angeles, Cal, A son was born June 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kristal of Houston, Tex. The couple har tWo other children. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leiben of Omaha. Mrs. Kristal is the former Miss Sylvia Lelben of our city.
Mrs. Turlcel Elected Mrs. Sam Turkel was elected president of the Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club, at their annual tea held recently at the home of Mrs. Jacob Bernstein. Other newly elected officers are: Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, vlce-presiden* and secretary, and Mrs, E. I. Wldman. t r e a s u r e r .
•' •••.:•.•••.:;• : .. "•
Mothers of boys from this year's high school graduating class were guests at the meeting. Mothers and wives of active and alumni member* attended the affair. Talks were given by Stanley Wldman and Ira Epstein. Members of the tea committee were: Mesdamcs William Albert. Charles Fellmnn and Max Rosen.
Picnic Postponed
Israel's Foreign Minister Former Milwaukee Teacher Israel's new Foreign Minister, Mrs. Golda Myeruon, brinps n varied and extensive backgroQnd in world affairs, as well as a demonstrated and incisive ability at public administration, to her new post. A Member of the Cabinet u Minister of Labor since 1949, Mrs. Myerson is well-known to American audiences through her many extensive visits to this country. Mrs. Myerson also headed Israel's Delegation to the Unite Nation's General Assembly in 1953. One of the signers of Israel's Declaration of Independence and a member of the Provisional Council of State, Israel's first legislature, Mrs. Myerson was her Government's first envoy to the Soviet Union. Elected to Israel's First Knesset (Parliament) in absentia, Mrs. Myerson left Moscow to assume the post of Minister of Labor. In this position, she played a major role In the great work of integrating hundreds of thousands of new Immigrants into the economic structure of the country, "mothered" popular and Immigrant housing schemes was responsible for the adoption of the first provisions of a comprehensive National Insuranco Plan and labor laws for the protection of youths. Born Golda Mabovltz in Kiev fifty-eight years ago, Mrs. Myerson and her family settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1900. MarTied to the late Mcir Myerson in 1917, Golda Mycrson taught school In Milwaukee until 1921 when she and her family settled in Palestine. From pioneering Morhavla, a collective settlement in the Valley of Jezrcel, Mrs. Myerson became
Penn. Gov. Urges Arms for Israel
treasurer of the Office of Public Works in Tel Aviv, which later developed into Solcl Boneh, Israel's largest construction company. In 1928, Mrs. Mycrson became the Secretary of the Women'* Labor Council and its representative on the Executive Committee of the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor). For 'he next twenty years, Mrs. Myerson assumed roles of leadership In the World Zionist Organization, in Hapal, Israel's labor party, and in a wide variety of Histadrut enterprises such as Kupat Holim (Workers' Sick Fund), Aviron, an aviation company, and Nakhshon, a shipping enterprise. During World War n , Mrs. Mycrson was a member of the War Economy Advisory Council of the Palestine Government Mrs.'Myerson served as acting head cf the Political Department of the Jewish Agency on several occasions in 1946 and 1947, and also frequently assumed the postfolio of Foreign Minister when Moahe Sharett was on trip* abroad. Mrs. Myerson has a daughter, a member of the settlement of Eevjvim in the Negev, and a son who is a known cellist.
T d Aviv OSD—Governor' George M.-Leader of Pennsylvania asserted here that it Is the responsibility of the Western.Powc-s to assure the provision of arms and equipment to Israel in order to insure the : strength of . this country'J stand fat the present precarious Middle Eastern situation. Governor Leader was concluding a week-long visit to Israel which included meetings with the country's leaders and visits In several towns Inhabited primarily by minority groups. Assessing the attitude of Israelis towards their government as a most "positive" one, Governor Leader also termed Israel's attitude toward* her minorities as "extremely good." Be cited the enthusiasm of minority communities for the country and their delire to serve it aa evidences of significant accomplishment in the achievement of friendly relationships between different sections of the populations. Patronize Our Advertisers
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Some Day Service No Extra Charge U a t l O A.M. Ready by 5 P.M. CASH and CARRY
Mrs. Melvin Brown, summer event chairman for Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women, has B.I. Men's Club to Hold announced that the family picnic scheduled for Sunday, July 8, has Steak Fry at Elmwood been postponed indefinitely until Beth Israel Metis Club will hold further notice, their annual steak fry this Saturday beginning at 8:30 p. m., in WEDDING ANNIVEKSABY Elmwood Park. Co-Chairmen for Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear celethe event arc Sidney Kwlatck nnd brated their 30th wedding anniverLeo Kraft. Free pop will be served. sary last Saturday at a family All members of the Mcns Club and dinner. An out-of-town guest was their friends nrc Invited to attend. their son, Max, who is a student at the Roosevelt Collece in Chicago, HI.
Also Pickup and Delivery Service
Win Stand e* Their Heoai to Deal W M You!
112N. 18rh JA1578
New Company
Alex Welnstoln with two others members of Steele, Sandham nnd Steclo have incorporated the new architectural firm of Steele, Sandham and Weihitein Company. Mr. Welnjtpln is a newly named assodatc chairman of the Buildings and Maintenance Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service. Patronize Our Advertisers
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
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MICE MIXESji£/_"»»^; mate the cake!
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SOrh a d Uaaerwood
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takes his family
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen
MANISCHEWITZ K-p h chilhd, ko,p It fcondy^fcuy H by th*
DOUBLE FEATURE EVERY SUNDAY Sunday Bruf>c>i >»Ml li.M AM. U.rt ?:10 f>l,
5 Yt>i, a bjond rmw klrti ^ iwlmming pool— curving 'round '' fha paiio — righl in iht centor of fettivili^s. Air Condtlionmg, too!
latwr jg Ginoa City. V/iiconun S|3 i Juit 1 Hour From CMcogo
Iraalfatl Dltkci f "•» *,n«a UDQ CM4r.a f l£0 BufTot Supper S»r..d | U»I3 f »U. C , l , b . U, II.. CUJ...I OH.n.j fk. riant la SWK)>) II.JV tn ••run 1JM CUJ... t l . U
tMndwmoR Maiiagimtnl • ! • N. Michigan, Chicago Mohawk 44440
firm Wmmw
Camp Office. 101 N. 20th St. Call JA 1366 j CAMP STARTS IN 2 WEEKS ON JULY 22
"Its everybody's
I j
Religious Services Nature forms a synagogue for campers as they conduct their own service's under a canopy of blue sky.
Campers' Council Campers gather for a council in which the youngsters assist in planning and programming. Here is developed leadership and a more active participation in camp life,
-ii I ' :
Hit That Ball Over Athletics are also a part of .ij well-rounded camping experience
Arts and Crafts In arts and crafts, a challenge is offered Jo trie creative talents of young campers.
History Brought to Life Camp programming includes dramatics where young campers relive the stirring moments in the lives of Jewish pioneers of Israel.
Our Answer to the Old Swim Hole A clean, filtered, modern swimming pool is just the place to cool off for Camp Jay-C-Cers.