r ea* b«coad CJIaftt HtMIInc frtvilrutt Authorited »f Onmlm Nrti*
VoL XXXIV—No. 40.
Red headers A
isL^ulture;;'y(rtU«iHy :inct' in Soviet Union London (WNS) — Jewish culture in the Soviet Union is virtually extinct, three Soviet leaders admitted in conversation with a delegation of French Socialists, it was reported here by tho Anglo-Jewish weekly "Jewish Observer." +• According to the Observer's correspondent In Paris, Soviet Vice Premier Anasta* Mlkoyan conceded the existence of anti-Semitism In tho Soviet Union, claiming how. ever It was a remnant of nationalWashington (JTA) — Official 1st capitalism. This Soviet official sources have revealed that Presi- admitted that Jewish culture In dent Eisenhower personally de- Russia was dead, but that the elded ngalnst approval of the fault rested with Jewish parents arms list submitted by Israel. who prefer sending their children They said that this decision, to Russian rather than Jewish originally recommended by Secre- schools. tary of State John Foster Dulles, Whitewashed has been Incorporated into basic When a member of the French policy. delegation pointed out that a Jew. At the same time, State Depart- ish woman he had talked to in ment sources said that the United Kiev had been ousted from the States has not intention of selling Communist Party some three military jet planes to Israel re- years ago when she accused the gardless of whether other nations party of anti-Semitism, Niklta halt their shipments to Israel. Khruschev replied that the Jews They indicated that the State De- in the Soviet Union were being repartment now accepts the premise habilitated, adding as proof that that the real purpose of Israel's he was under medical care of Jewapplication for arms was not so ish doctors who have been whitemuch to obtain weapons but to washed since the Stalinist "doc"force" an action by the United tors' plot." Khruschev was also States In support of Israel. In the reported.to have denied that Jews view of some State Department had been arrested on charges of experts, Israel sought arms here Zionism, claiming only those servns a means of complicating Arab- ing the interests of other countries Amcrlcnn relations at a time when were placed under arrest. He the Soviet Union nought to link called Israel a slave to "ImperialAmerica with Israel. ism" and said that the Jews held The State Department Is taking in Russian prisons were "spies." Dmitri Shepilov, w ho at .the the position that It is not In America's security Interest to bo more time of the talks with the French delegation had not yet been named closely identified with Israel. Such identification, it was said here, Foreign Minister, said the "Jewish, might further propel the Moslem theater was closed down only beworld toward Moscow. The whole cause few poople came lo performWhen Khruschev in Ihe policy and concept of "Impartialiof tho conversation obty" was conceived as a means 6f avoiding this "Communist trap," served that the Soviet Union wasn't encouraging i m m i g r a t i o n , according to authorities here. Intervened to say that, In Tho views of the Stalo Depart- Shepilov no Soviet citizen ever asked ment were made known Just after fact, to emigrate, France and Canada hncl an- for permission Position Worae nounced that they would halt shipConcluding the Observer's corments of Jets to Israel until the United States' ngrees to partlcl- respondent notes that a French Journalist who had Just returned pato.'ln such sales nnd thus share responsibility*- France has sold 24 from Russia advised him that the Mystorcs to - Israel. But Canada position of tho Jewish minority, has .not yet released any of the Jewish culture and Jewish synagogues was worse than those of Sabre Jets under order. any other minority. (In the July 9 issue of'the New STork Times, C. L. Sulzberger reports from London (hat ugly intimations of anti-Semitism, tolerated If not encouraged by the Communist regime* In power, a r e again appearing In Eastern Europe, and that, according to availIsrael troop concentration, with able evidence, Khruschev Is perthe Foreign Office In London of sonally connected with this unthe opinion that no new Arab- Is- pleasant recurrence of racial prc- . rael crisis was now developing, judlce." Sulzberger notes that ' At the same time a spokesman when Khruschev was prime minisfor the Israel Government termed ter of the Ukraine after World the Arab claim as pure "non- War II ho was not only the first sense," declaring that the war cry premier of a Soviet republic to was precipitated by the recent ban Jewish theaters, schools and arrival of an Iraqi army conting- publishing houses, but also tolent nlong Jordan's northern fron- erated an anti-Semitic outbreak tier. Its presence there Is do- In Kiev that was to serious that scribed-ns a Just-ln-casc measure Stalin sent Malenkov to Investiin anticipation of any possible de- gate.) signs by Egypt against Jordan, Iraqi Troops POLISH JEWW Tel Aviv (JTA)—Polish Jews Meanwhile it was reported that Jordan had moved'tho bulk of its who want to leave for Israel are army and that Iraq had mobilized having no difficulty in obtaining forces at the Jordanian border the necessary documents, a party with a view to Joining Amman In of Polish immigrants who arrived the event of war with Israel. Tho hero Monday sold. They reported only Incident reported alone tho that from now on the number of Isracl-Jurd.'in border was in ex- Polish Jews arriving in • Israel change of firo between two sol- would Increase steadily. They further reported that Poldiers across the borders. In nn official denial of Jordan's ish Jews were visiting the Israel claim, the Israeli Koii'lgn Minis- legation froely nnd without fear, try declined that "the truth is unlike some years back when Pol* that what concentrations of troops Ish nationals woro arrested after are evident In the area are to .1)0 leaving the legation. The party. found In the Arab countries nnd of Immigrants, who came oh the not in Israel," adding that "the S.S. Jerusalem, Included Jews' from Ilungnry, USSR, CzechosloEbyplnn (iicl.'itur N.'iwrhrisopnnvnkla and Rumania. ^(('onliniK?!! on fi'iK'1 !•'•)
Sunday Radio
UJA Bridge to Israel Leaving the (hip at Haifa marks tho end of one voyage anil the Iwgtaalax of a longer, more complex one, at the newcomers enter brad and atart on their pathi toward rehuhilitntlon and resettloMcnt.
Camp Jay C-CWith the opening of Camp JayC-C Just armind tho corner, camp activities arc speeding up. Par «nU of campers'- will meet with counselors at 8 p. m., Thursday, July 19 In the Jewish Community Center. Camp program plans will be announced and staff members will be introduced. Counselors for this year's camping session which will start Sunday, July 22 arc: Miss Nancy Barron, Murray BeUnari," Richard .Chp•Id, Manhali and Michael Dcncnberg, Bernle Fcldman, A] Fellman, Jerry F r e e d m a n , Miss Marti Gelphman, Miss Sybil Horowitz,
American Rabbis Visit Red Cities Moscow"* WNS) .':•—,' Over/ 1.Q0O Jewish worshippers c o n v i r g c d upon the. largo Leningrad synagogue last Friday evening In tribute to a delegation of American rabbi* representing the New York
Miss Matlce Katlcman, Miss Bob. bic Jo Kelly and Harvey Lapldes. Others are: Miss Deanne Mark ovitz, MI.H Doris Raduzlncr, Miss Bunny Itavitz, Howard Shapiro, Jamie Shapiro, Miss Marilyn Shor, Miss Sari Shukcrt, Jerry Stiirr. Dick Weiner and Miss Evelyn Sirota. The staff will also include junior counselors and kitchen assistants. Mrs. Addle Seals will again head the cooking staff. Counselors will start their prcr training this coming' Wednesday at the campsite in Camp.Bre.wstpr, This year the camping season has been extended to five weeks so that all lhoseT youngster* Interested will have the opportunity 16 attend : Camp J^y-C^C, , G e r a i d Gross,, camp committee chairman, p o i n t e d
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parents may; still register their children for tho; full period, the' two week or the three week iosslons; "Clampers may be. enrolled In the camp office at the Jewish Community Center. . .-'•.For further .-Information callthe Center activities office, JA 1366,
B o a r d o f T l a b b l s . . -.••••••'. •'••..
-The American rabbis conducted the Friday evening and Sabbath torvices amidst jubilation of tho Worshippers who came to express religious onL-Ass and togetherness with their American brethren. When the delegation of American rabbis arrived at Leningrad, It was greeted at the railroad station by Soviet and representatives of the city's Jewish community. Next on the rabbinic Itinerary is Kiev, Odessa and, later, Warsaw and Prague. Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz, delivering a Sabbath sermon In Yiddish, spoke of the unity of faith that binds Jews everywhere. ' .When the [services were over there was much milling about, with the worshippern conversing on tho American visitors anxious to greet them with shake of hand and "goot Shabo3" salutations. Some attempted to embrace and kiss the rabbis, Mnny were In tears, appealing not to bo forgotten. EOVIT TO Sl'KNJ) 'London (WNS)—The Egyptian Government hns revealed that It plans to spend a record 521G.000,000 on anus In the coming fiscal year. This new 1military allocation, ns announced, I ; $(M.000,000 above that •.•prill In the same period III .'1 !!.">.
Compensation Offered To Former Slave Labor Bonn (WNS)—An offer of $7,000,000 in compensation to the slave labor it used during ihe war has been made by I. G. Farbori to the Jewish Material Claims Conference. The'now liquidated com* pany had at that time utilized the Inmates of the Auschwitz camp to construct and operate a large synthetic rubber and gasoline plant In nearby Monowltz. Through the efforts of Norbcrt WoIIhelm, a past Inmate of the camp and laborer In the factory the offer of compensation money was realized. On behalf of himself and others who worked with him, Mr. Wollheim sued tho company In a German Lower Court. The court decided in his favor. After appeal to n higher court, It was determined that a .settlement fihould be made, out of the limits of the courtroom. The Jewish Material Claims Agency has at present only 2,<10G persons who havo filed for compensation, 'but it is estimated that there are at Iea.it 43.000 eligible. Tragically, the majority of those eligible died In the camp( either from overwork or by J;/I. >, when the Nazi authorities (liMonnlned they writ1 no longer fit for .iCrvicc.
Mark van Boron, poet, critic and Columbia University professor of English, and Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer, will engage in n series of informal dialogues on highlights of the first five books of the Bible In. a 10-week Summer feature, "The Words We Live Fly," on Eternal Light over KFAB Sunday mornings at 11:30 o'clock. Tills will be tho fourth Summer the two noted men of letters have been featured on the program. Mr. Samuel's most recent work, "Certain People of the Book," stemmed In large measure from their conversations on last year's program series. The regular Eternal Light dramatic series will return to the air Sunday, Sept, 9.
Ben Gurion Raps 'Trickle of Arms' Jerusalem (WNS)—Sharp criticism of Britain's position that the balance of arms In the Middle East favored Israel despite Communist arms shipments to Egypt was voiced here by Premier David Ben Guflon at a press conference where he said "nothing can compare" In the Middle East with Egyptian air power. Deriding Britain's views on the balance of arms in the Middle East, The Premier said: "There are perhaps British motives— whether sound oc unsound Is not for me to say—for leaving Israel defenseless In the face of an Inercaso In her neighbors' armed strength. But If Britain's policy of permitting only a thin trickle of arms to roach Israel-rwhlch she has openly adopted roceri tly-r-Is based on the argument that Israel has military superiority in land, atr' and, naval armament, that contention is In flagrant violation of;the true facts."
War Scare Arab Ruse For Mobilizing Army Jerusalem (WNS) — Jordan's dramatic claim last week that Israel was massing troops along her frontier was labeled "pure fabrication" by Israel Government sources, but the true significance of the war scare was to emerge later when the Arab states began bringing: up powerful forces to tho Israeli frontiers despite denial by U.N. observers and Western capitals of any knowledge of alleged troop movements by Israel. The Arab war alarm was being viewed in Informed sources here as a ruse for Justifying mobilization of large-scare forces along the Israeli frontiers. Non-Existent The troops that the Jordan army was so carefully watching were declared to be non-cxistont by an officer at tho U.N. headquarters here who said no U.N. observers had reported any troop concentrations, Tho fact that there- were no indications of a troop build-up by Israel alone her borders was conveyed to the United Nations In New York by U.N. Truce Chief Major General E. L. M. Hums. At the same time two of the major Western capitals, London nnd Washington, made It ck-.'H" they had wi knowledge of
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Israel Arms Ban Approved by Ike
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friday, July IS, ISM.
AJC Opposes Formation Of New World Jewish Body New York <JTA)—The American Jewish Committee has issued a statement here announcing its opposition to a plan for the formation of a new world Jewish body. The plan is now under contidera' tlon by a number of Jewish organizations lii the United States and other countries. The recent national convention of the B'nal Frith held in Washington approved the idea of such a world body. Varying Views Asserting that "no single organ' Uatlon can speak for the Jews of the United State* because, like Americans of other faiths, they
Youtti CounciTs Rushing Program By Inr Beixer, YC Vice-FnaUeat At this time, each year, the various dubs of the Jewish Youth Council begin an active program of introducing themselves to the incoming freshmen. This piogiam usually consists of two parts. First, the informal program at which members of the chibs become acquainted with the' freshmen. That is, they introduce themselves to the freshmen. They answer any questions concerning high school and Youth Council life and they inform them about the various aspect* of their particular club. The second type of program, the formal one, which may consist of a swimming stag, a baseball game, or a tea, gives the freshmen a chance to meet the (individual members of the clubs. These programs prove to be very beneficial to both the club members and the freshmen. To the average freshman, it means that he will have a chance to gel fully acquainted with each of the dubs before he loins one, as well as to receive some advice on high school activity. To the club members, it provides an opportunity for them to sec how their type of program is being accepted by the new Youth Coundler*. The rushing prognun of each club began July 1 and will extend until September 4. From September 4 to 11 rushing activities will be inactive so that the freshmen might nave a chance to weigh the merits ai each dub. On September I t the freshmen will be allowed to pledg* the dub of their ' choice. Below are the dates which the various clubs have taken for rushing programs, . AZA No. L-July 20 and 30. Aug. 11 and 22. AZA No. 100-July 16, Aug. 7 arid 27. Sept 1. BBG (Eleanor Roosevelt)—July 24. Aug. 15. Sept. 2. BBG (Hodl)-July 11 and 17. Aug. 19. , Debsr-Juh/ 16. Aug. 1 and 30. j Rayim—July 12, Aug. 4 and 25. '; Kobanue—July 19, Sept 1.
differ among themselves on social, economic and political issues, and hold varying views of domestic and world affaln,".the statement of the American Jewisn Committee mays: "By the same token, no single organization can presume to s p e a k for the Jews of the world." The bonds between Jews of various countries are exclusively those of religion, cultural heritage and common history," the statement continues. "For framplr. while we have been helpful to Israel, our relationship to the Jews there rests solely on acknowledged bonds of a common religion and history, and on philanthropic Impulse. We reiterate that citizens of the United States are Americans and dozens of Israe' are Israelis; this we affirm with all Its Implications. Whether our relations be with the Jews of Israel or with Jews In any other part or the world, we speak a* Americans and advocate policies which in our view serve the best interests of the United States and world peace. "Cannot Condone" "Therefore," the AJC points out, "we cannot condone a permanent global body which sets out to deal with issues affecting the dvic relations'of Jews of various countries. Although we appreciate the validity of this type of organization for the fostering of purely religious, fraternal, or philanthropic activities, we would have difficulty in recognizing such a body if, in the name of all Jews in all countries, it undertook even to serve in a consultative capacity to the United Nations. Certainly we cannot countenance' a body which would arrogate to itself the prerogative of determining our position as free American citizens with relations to our own government" No Obligation Stressing that frorr. time to time the American Jewish Committee cooperates with other Jewish organizations, a* in the case of Jewish claims against Germany or in matters pertaining to Israel, the statement explain* that these cooperative activities have been pursued on an ad hoe. voluntary bads and with no obligation to any permanent international body. Today, as always, we remain ready to confer with other responsible organizations, wherever they may be, on particular Issues as they may arise, at all times doing to as an autonomous! agency accountable solely to our constituency, and within the framework of our American citizenship obligations. And, today, as always, we firmly oppose any "permanent organization which would act on the basis of majority vote and whose decisions would inevitably be considered as the policy of the constituent organizations U. their respective countries," the AJC statement declares.
New Settlements Israeli Wcrilboard
Rehovot USD—The first phase of the Lahish settlement project was completed early this week when the 25th village w a s established in the region. The Lahish Development Area 13 being built up as an agricultural and industrial region on 750,000 dunams (1H7.500 acres) of uninhabited land in southern Israel. Settlement was initiated about a year ago. A cotton-gin is also already operating in the new town of Kiryat Gat located in the area. The settlers, members of the Tov>n-to-Country movement, arc all workers from Jerusalem, Haifa and Natanya. They wil< cultivate 4,000 dunams (1,000 ncres) of land, principally in industrial crops. There arc now 1,400 families Speeding on U. S. streets and highways injured 702.5GO men, settled in the Lahish area, including many recent immigrants. women and children. Haifa ( I S n - T h c Sefcn wallboard plant in the Jordan V;illey will export $1 million worth ot boards to the United States this year. This export constitutes about 60 per cent of the plant's total annual production, according to the plant's general manager. The plant has teen operating a little over two years and doubled Its production during the past year. Sefen's sh.irc-s are owned by the American Fiberbo.ird Coropratlon and five collective settlements in the Jordan Valley. About IL.4.5 million has been invested in the plant.
Eight fears • ( • Itr»el'# people won lhtir freedom dr*pite A n b afgreutML Tht Arnmtite wai spppoted lo end \he fifliliaf, yet bundrrdi of Israel it hivr liren killed or wounded—rainy of ihrra women and clitldrrn—hy the Mtak atlickt of Arab murder Mrtp. Tbe Ar«l> itlirki *nd Ihrtal ef all-out invnion with Coinmuniti jrl bomber* •tod heavy tanks have foreed Itraet*i proplr lo divert much of their energies to defense. Thkl U why llic rorutrnctive Wftrfc tf reaeltlmg thoaiuttU «f imroijcrantii from North
Center Pre-School Registration Open Registration for the Foil-Winter term of the Jewish Community Center Pre-School is now open. It was announced this week by Mrs. Sam Bcrmnn, chairman of the preschool committee. Pre-school sessions will start September 4 and extend for 20 weeks each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Enrollment will be limited and children may be registered at the Center's activities office. The program offered for preschoolers, nged three to five, Im dudes transportation to and from school, free-play: period, painting, games, rhythms, stories, dramatics, excursions around the city, cooking, rest periods and snack time. Tbe objective of the Center's Pre-School is to aid and guide the children to have a happy play time among themselves, Mn. Berman said. Holidays become well-remembered occasions at the pre-tchbole n celebrate them with parties, music, stories and games, Mrs. Bcrman added. A highlight of the past year .was the dramatized verslon of the Purlin story which was put an by the pre-school children. Call JA 1366 for further information about the pre-school program.
Whitebooks Mark 50th Anniversary
Africa Is now tlir rrRpomitiiiity of Amrrlnn Jewry tnd the Unilrd Jrwith Appral. I'inuret iliow (lop tefO Outdrrfi (riving a bomli *liell*r after an air rtiil drill; ' l o p right) Prime Mirmtrr David Ben-Curion j a i w •*> tlrinfr* in* ltsrbrd wire ltarrir*de» near the Gaza birder: tL«Ucm» left I All (hat remains of a home in a a border J brr M f l raid; d flmttom l h Urieli* l «f ail a t " afirr in Aral* right) help litiilil civilian drffnur*. tneJudinv lM» pttrimi^k »i$ginc an air defmic Irrnrh.
Religious News CandleUgbtlng—7:37 p. m.
BethEl Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at .7. o'clock. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. The Mincha service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Dally services doting the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday-morning service Is beld at 9 a.m.
Be*, brad Friday services, Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos, begins at 6:30 p. m. Saturday services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Mincha followed by Shalosb S'eudos and Maartv will begin at 7:45 p. m. Sunday services begin at 8:45 a. m. The Sunday morning junior miqyon begins at 8:30 o'clock. Dally services arc at 7 a. m. and Mincha and Maariv services at 7:45 p.m. . ; There will be a special Mincha service Tuesday, July :17, TI#ha B'av, at l'p. m.
Temple Israel
Worship services this evening at Temple Israel will start at 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whitcbook p. m. Jack W. Marer will conwere honored Sunday, June 24 at duct the services. a family dinner in the Cameo Room of the Fireside Restaurant In observance of their fifieth anniversary. In Omaha for the celebration were the sons-in-law and daughPioneer Women's Organization, ters: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cuhn and their children Ronnie nnd Workmen's Farband and Poalo Shcrrie, Rock Island, III.; Mrs. Zion will hold their annual picnic eorgc Sclig and her son, John, Uiis Sunday at Elmwood Park. A complete fish dinner will be Alameda, Cat.; Mrs. Leo Weintroub, Trenton, N. J., ond Mrs. served from 2 to 8 p. m. Dinner will be one dollar for adult's and Jack Jiicobson of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Whitcbook were 50 cents for children. SoJt drinks married In Omaha June 24, 190G. will be served at no extra charcc. Games will 1M? held for youngsters and youns;-at-heart. Prizes 8EHVICEMAN RETUBNS will be awarded. Mm. Sarah Okun Leonard DePorte, son of Mrs. Is chairman for Uie picnic and Joe Bess DePorte, has returned home Radinowski Is in charge of the after completing a three year tour games. Members of the community are of active duty In the U.S. Army Invited in attend. Medical Corps
Joint Picnic at Elmwood Sunday
Fromkins Return From Tour of BJ. Mr. and Mrs. Mnx Fromkln hav* juit returned from a two month'* tour of the British Isles end Scandinavian countries. They visited London, Knglnnd, and Stratford" on-Avon, where they saw the famous Shakespearean Players In a performance of "The Merchant of: Venice." In Dublin, Ireland, the couple saw the Abbey Players In "The Peacock." The Froenkinj also visited Oslo, Norway; S t o c k h o l m . Sweden; Edinburgh, Scotland, and Copenhagen. Denmark. They attended services in the oldest and largest orthodox synagagues In the major cities visited and met with th« rabbis. .
War Scare , (Continued from Page 1.' ly admitted that strong Eior i » military forces are concentrated In the Sinai peninsula." "If Jordan is at all endangered." the Foreign Ministry spokesman said, "it is by the ambitions of her neighbor!, who are endeavoring by subversion and force to intervene In the unstable political situation that has been created after t h t dissolution of the Jordanian. Parliament v Optimism Voiced In Moscow, U.N. Secretary General Dag Hnmmarskjold was reported to have voiced cautious optimism about nn ultimate settlement In the Middle East. At a news conference, Mr. Ilammarskjold said he was not inclined to take too seriously the current flare-up of tension In the region. At the snmc time Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri T. ShcpIIov, who recently visited the Arab countries, was reported to have nssured Mr. Hammarskjold of Soviet willingness to support UnlU ed Nations action In easing tension In the Middle East.
Former Omahan Nathan Wicsman, former Omaha businessman, now a resident of Sherman Oaks, CaL, is convalescing at home after undergoing surgery last month. His brothers, Sam and Philip Wicsnvin, and a Bister, Mrs. Minnie KurLtman, arc residents of Omaha. Use the Want Ads to buy, «'ll or rent.
rtttay, July U, MM.
Temple Sisterhood Board Members
Library Lane Fur Coats From Fish Ponds
Kfar Masaryk is a well-estabBy Bogella Peril.'Smith lished Kibbutz, fifteen years old, Mrs. Edward Gilbert, president S u m m e r Is a good .time to of Tempel Israel Sisterhood, has browse through COOK ' books and near Haifa. One of the most suftcessful branches of occupation Is announced the following officers sway recipes lor cool'weather the taking of fish for the table, and board members for 1956-58: file use. It Is also a.good time to disMM. Paul Bloteky, correspond- cover cool new salad and dessert in • artificial ponds.' About foar ing secretary; Mrs, Mlllard Kraa- favorites. The Jewish Community yean ago, Shlomo Rlgov, a vetne, treasurer; Mrs. Abe Brodkey, Library's assortment of cook books eran member ' of Kfar Masaryk, began searching for a means of auditor; Mrs. Maurice Wank, re- is varied and excellent exploiting the luscious, green wocording secretary; Ms. Lazor Kap"The Complete American-Jewish terweed, fouling the beds of the lan, dues secreUry, and Ma, Cookbook," edited by Anne Lon- fishponds, which it was Ms Job Udy d a p fitri don and a K. Blshov, will neJp to care for. Farm animal* would Working with Mr*. Edward Lev- any woman become'an expert in not look at the growth, anf. yet It lnton, first vice-president In the the kitchen. The Introduction tells seeomd pity to waste department of religion and educa- about the kosher kitchen and gives quantitiesa ofgreat green stuff, which tion, are: detailed instructions for kosberlng renewed itself almost as soon as Mrs, Marvin Taxman, Mrs. Jul- meat and poultry. Included are a ius Conn, programs; Mrs. Harold glossary of special Yiddish terms,! It was cleared awayi and offered Bmdkey, Mrs. Marvin Treller, a section devoted to Passover reci- a valuable source of feed. A doMm. Al Gillnsky, Uniongrama; pes, a dictionary of culinary terms mestic animal had to be found Mia. Arthur Qreene, religious and sections on nutrition and con- which would agree to subsist on achool; Mrs. Max Wolfson, youth trolling weight. There Is a liberal waterweeds. activities; Mrs. Morris Llpp, nurs- sprinkling of Uluttrations, many of Nutria Farms ery school; Mm. Leonard Kulatof- (hem In color. Directions for preDuring Ms investigations, Shloskjr, prayer; Mrs. Nathan Novak, paring all the Jewish delicacies arc mo read of the nutria farms which cradle roll; Mrs. Sidney Brooks, clear and easy .to follow. flourish In South America and religious discourse pnd peace and some countries of Europe. Nutrias world relations and Mrs. C. M. "The Molly Goldberg Cookbook" burrow in the banks of streams Newman, family education. is replete with Molly's good hu- and spend most of their lifetime Mrs. Stanley FUk, second vice mor. Some'of. the recipes ore: in the water searching Jar the president in tho department of smoked salmon and potato kugel, green pond-plants which are their membership and administrative meat and carrot uimmes, sweet staple food. The fur of the nutria, and sour meatballs, kreplach, bor. when processed is soft and silky, service in assisted by: Mn. Hymle MlUer, Mm. Wil- sent, and Dora's gefllte fish. closely resembling beaver, and is "Florence 9reenbcrg*g Cookery in liam Kaunan, Judalca Shop; Mrs. great demand for the making Leo Eisenstatt, membership; Mrs. Book" conforms, with Jewish die- of fur coats and coat trimmings Leo Nogg, house and floral hind, tary laws and contains not only a of the more expensive varieties. and Mn. Jacob Hew, nursery great range of dishes for general Study Made use but many traditional and contcbool fund. tinental recipes. Israel's climate is similar to Working with H a . L H. Wetae*, "Modern Jewish Meals" by Mil- that of the area where nutria third Ttce ptesldent. In the depart- dred farming has been most successful. G. BeUln contains menus for merit of advancement of Judaism, every day of the year and will ap- Kfar Masaryk decided it would be are: ' peal to those women to whom the worth the outlay of time and monMrs. Abe Katelmaa. Mrs. Harry question, "What shall we have for ey in order to send Shlomo to Allsuler, table setting; Mn. Adolf lunch and dinner?" has become France and Italy, the European Mayer, House of Living Judaism; one of their dally problems. centers of the Industry, to make Mn. Alfred Sophlr, Mrs. Harold ID T h e Jewish Holiday Cook a study of an stages of nutria Skaburg, house committee; Mrs. Book" by Leah W. Leonard, are breeding and skin processing. Louis Llpp, receptions; Mn. Leon- many new as well as the When Shlomo r e t u r n e d , he ard Krnsrie, Mrs. M. M. Krupin- traditional recipes ones associated with sky, congregaUonal dinners; Mrs. Jewish holidays. Joseph Levey, Mrs. Howard MildJewish Festival Cookbook" MID-EAST SPENDING er, luncheons, and Mn. Paul Ver- by"The Fannie Englo and Gertrude United Nations, N. Y. (WNSJ— et and Mrs. Adolph Trost, tele- Blair gives directions for the prep- Dancer of inflation looms above phone. aration nnd serving of traditional Israel and the Arab States beWorking with Mrs. Harold Kn- dishes for the Jewish holidays, cause of their heavy defense exsln, fourth vice president, In the nnd explains their origin, history penditures, according to a report department of human relat-lons, and symbolic meaning. on the Middle East made by the are: United Nations Economic and SoMrs. Edward D. Brodkey, hiscial Council. The economic diffitorian; Mrs. Bcrnhnrdt Wolf, hosculties facing these countries, the pitality; Mrs. Robert Irvine, pubreport declared, "are not lessened licity; Mrs. Nathnn, Mantel, courby unsettled political situations tesy; and Mrs. Julius Newman and D. I. SISTERHOOD in tho Middle East." Mrs. Sol Llttman, community coAlthough the report noted IsThese names were omitted from operation. Beth Israel Sisterhood list of com- rael's merchant shipping as the mittee chairmen for the coming only business that fell off, it year: Mrs. H e n r y Grccnberg, stressed the fact that over the Mother-daughter d i n n e r ; Mn. past few yean, her mining and Bernard Weiss, Baby sitter serv- heavy industry have not mainFirst Lieutenant and Mn. Har- ice; Mn. Harry Lewis, table set- tained the rate of Increase of vey Cooper, announce the birth ting; Mn. Sam Stone, liaison; previous years. The only exception of, their first child, a son, bom Mrs. Henry Appel, kitchen serv- to this Is Israel's newly developed July 7. LL Cooper is stationed In ice; Mn. Wm. Wolfson, notifica- oil production. tion of board; Mn. Vera Lewis and Sioux City, la. Maternal grandparents are Mr. Mrs. £d Lincoln, telephone; Mn. Patronize the merchants who and Mn. David Hobcrman of Albert Sorkin, publicity. advertise far YOUR newspaper. Omaha and maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mn, Ike So- SURVIVAL FOBOE kotoky of Los Angeles, Cal. Mn. New York (JTA) — "No other Sarah Cooper is paternal grandmother and Mn. Susan Ruback Is force seems available to ensure our survival but our education and our paternal great-grandmother. religion," Herman Wouk, novelist, told 600 Jewish educators here A daughter Xinda Joy wis bora Mr. Wouk asserted that Jewish June 8 at a local hospital to Mr. and Mn. parwin Msmts, They education is no longer a matter for also 4iave a daughter. Jody. Mr. specialists, but had "moved into and Mn. Hymle Zorinsky arc ma- the tint position" as a problem for ternal grandparents and Mn. Zipa community leaden. Zorinsky is maternal great-grandmother. Mrs. Adalyno Marcus U paternal grandmother.
brought-with him two couples of nutrias, and from these thirty-six animals have been bred. They have not been' allowed to increase at their normal rate—they -have two litters each year—owing to the fact that the kibbutz is shorthanded and Shlomo has other duties to attend to, which barely leave Mm time to keep an eye on the existing nutria population and surely not enough time to attend to several thousand which must be raised before the ranch will be functioning on an industrial scale. Meanwhile the nutrias are cared for by young Itzhak Yochai, who came from Turkey /our yean ago and Is now a member of the Youth Groups which live and learn at Kfar Masaryk (Youth Allyah) spending four hours a day in the schoolroom, and four hour* a day learning farm work. Itzhak intends to become a nutria-breeding specialist. The market value of nutria skins is high. Today's price ranges from five to seven dollars per skin, and a woman's coat may take a hundred or more skins. Sample skins from Kfar Masaryk have already been sent to England for experimental processing and have been judged to be of excellent quality. There are a number of outstanding furriers In Israeli, who have all the skills required for dressing the pelts and making them up Into garments. They believe that here Is the nucleus of a valuable export Industry, calling for a relatively small outlay and with no foreign currency or imports involved. From The Jewish Agency DlffMt, April 20, 1950.
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LEADER RELEASED Berlin (WNS)—Arrested seven \ ' yean ago on tramped up charges by the East German regime, Fritz Katten, noted figure of the Berlin Jewish Community and president of the Berlin Mizrachi Organization, was released last week from prison and permitted to rejoin his wife, who manage a Jew* ish old age home in Dusseldorf, West Germany. **««
The Finest in Photography Portraits Weddings Commercial
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Want Ads BAB and ''as Mitzvah congratutations also far all Jewish bolldays and special occasions. Meyers Ncw» Stand. 1502 Dodire W A N T E D —Someone to share drivinf! and expenses to San Francisco. Cal. Will leave July 21, Call UK 25G1 after d p. m.
FIRST PRIZE WINNER Mrs, Ervin Simon won first pttce hi the'ticket selling contest for the Summer Pop Concert Series of the Omaha Symphony Or. chestra.
Sludlag • laying . Repairing
Mr. and Mn. Leonard L. Fricdcl announce the birth of a daughter, Lynn Diane, born June 29 at a local hospital. She is their first child. Mn. Dorothy Kern of Kansas City Is maternal grandmother.
MUM .A uot> w auen yotu Wui _> B TM Jtwuo rrcM. Ourrtqi mti 4 &t ctDU lot ••«» IDH»mm Itit Hr«M rcurvu me rtWt u brolt 4 a n i l
Two Dcbka Debs, Misses Grenda Katzman and Dody Shapiro, both seniors at Central High. School, will spend part of their summer vacation at Senior Judaea's Camp Herd.
YX. Doings Hodl Chapter of B'nai B'rita Girls are planning their first affair;"' of the rushing season under the direction of Miss Ina Margolin, . MIT Mother, and Miss Marilyn Dvorkln. The first event will be a film party at the home of Mrs. M. Kutler. Miss Elolne Falken was chose* as one of/the delegates from Iowa to the national Girl Scout Roundup to be held in VilfonJ, Mich.
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twit U,
Your Single Contribution to the
Jewish Philanthropies Campaign Supports these Agencies and Institutions FOR REUGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN AMERICA
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Hebrew Theological College
American Jewish Committee
Hebrew Union College""
American Jewish Congress
Jewish Theological Seminary
Antl-Defamatton League, I'nal I ' r r *
Mlsraehl Education Committee
JeWlsh Labor Commltte*
Torah Umesorah
Jtwlsh War Veteran's
Union of American Hebrew Congregation*;
United Synagogue of America World Union for Progressive Judifsm Yeshlvah University
American Fund for St Israel Institution*
Yeshlvah—Chachmey Lublin
•tllefaire Jewish Children'* Home, Clav.land
American Ort Federation
Yeshlvah—Chofefx Chalm
City of Hope, Los Angela*
Ezras forth Fund
Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Denver
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, D O T
Federated Council of 144 Israel Institution*
•YetMvah—Rabbi Israel Meyer Haoohe*
Hebrew Imntigrant'Aid Society . Hebrew University in Jerusalem Institute df Technology In Haifa
Leo N, Lev! Memorial Hospital, Hot Spring*
Yeshlvah—Sheerith Hapletah
National Home for Jewish Children, Deajve*
National Jewiih Hoipital, Donver
" . '
National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women's Organization Weizmann Institute of Science
— Youth Aliyah, Hadanah
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B'nai B'rifh Hillel Foundations
Beth Israel Talmud Torah and Sunday School
B'nal B'rith Vocational Service Bureau
Shaare Zton Talmud Torah
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization*
Temple Israel Religious School
Oropsia College
Jewish Community Library
Histadruth IvritlT
Camp Jay-C-C
Jewish Chautauqua Society
Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged
Jewish Teachers Seminary
Jewish Medical and Welfare Service*
National Agrtculturaf College -
-Yiddish Scientific Institute
Refugee Aid in Omaha
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j !{
Jewish Philanthropies 101 No. 20th Street
Omaha 2, Nebr.