Vol. XXXIV-No. 41.
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of Syrian • Federation Approves Recall Envoy Requested New Center Repairs financial report* were the order pairs made to the Center building of business at the meeting of the during the year were listed. They Executive Committee of the Fed- Included the modernization of the eration for Jewish Service held kitchen, enlargement of the servlast Wednesday afternoon In the ing room, new electrical wiring for additional power, roof repairs, Regis Hotel. Isadora Chapman, Initial Gifts new windows and frames for the Chairman of the Philanthropies swimming pool and shower room, Campaign, reported that $491,020 plumbing, paving the parking lot, bad been pledged to date, which installing now ience and special represented. an increase of 23.2 repairs In facilities of the physiper cent cal education department. These The Federation's support of Included the Installation of new religious schools during the year light fixtures over the swimming Was. summarized In a report presented by Dr.' Morrla Margolin, pool, exhausc fan, celling and othchairman of the Bureau of Jewish er repairs. Art Cohn, chairman of the Dr. Education. He pointed out that Beth El schools lead In the num- Philip Sher Jewish Home tor the ber of students attending during Aged Committee, told of the rethe year for an average of 405 pairs made at the home. Improveyoungsters. Close behind Is Beth ments and repairs Included paintIsrael schools with an average of ing, pavement repairs and reup366 pupils. Temple Israel schools holstcring furniture, had an average of 200 pupils atPresent at the meeting were: tending during the year. Milton Abrahams, David E. Bebor, tsadore Chapman, Harry B. Cohen, A fhrcc-ycar comparative summitry of Federation grants to Arthur A. Cohn, Hyman Fere, Leo schools showed 'a trend of Increas- Fox, Dan Gordman, Dr. Abe ing subsidies to the schools, Dr. Grcenberg, William Grodlnsky, Elmer Gross, Louis Katz, Robert Margolin emphasized. Proposed repairs in the Jewish H. Koopcr, J. Harry Kulakofsky Community Center were approved Mrs. J. H. KulaUofsky, Dr. Morris by I hi! executive committee after Margolin, Calvin M. Newman, Elmer Gross, chairman of the Mrs. Henry A. Newman, Trnest A Buildings and Malntennncc Com- Nogg, Nnlhnn L. Nogg. Joe M. mittee, stated that the Center (,'ym. Tllco, John Rosenblatt, Hurry Sid floor needed sanding mid point- Tiinn, Marvin Trdler. Hurry Tnising. He hlso recommended that tln, Mrs, Sum N. Wulf nnd Kdwanl tbc auditorium nnd lobby lx> re- A. Ilnseii. Jack W. Maror, J'YcliT.itinn painted which was apprised Major Improvements nrr re- pri-Hlent prrsiriol
• Tbe people of Israel maintain their grim alertness against the threat of Arab attack*. The children shown above are getting alr Vmld training In a new Mttlement's Iximli shelter. Meanwhile, the United Jewish Appeal U pressing It* rumpulgn for Increased funds to carry forward humanltarliin programs In Israel for.Immigrant aid sod resettlement.
Israeli Miss Escapes Death 1
Telavfv (JTA)—Four Jordanian Infiltrators murdered an Israeli near too Lydda airport last weekend, but. his 21-year-old girl companion escaped death by posing; as a "Russian tourist." The girl, Helcne Frak, who came to Israel from Poland live years ago, described the details' of the attack and her escape to newsmen Sunday. She and her friend, Arich Grcuback, were traveling In a enr to Pctach Tikvah, when the headlights of their cars revealed an armed khaki-clad man standing In a ditch near the road, and three others seated in the ditch. Grcuback stopped the car and asked thorn to Identify.themselves,,Thny nuld they were Israeli soldiers ami ordered him baek to the car. He did qo hut, growing suspicion1*,
walked back to them. They shot and killed hint' with a burst t>f Sten gun fire. Then one of the men, who Bpokc Hebrew, came over to the car r.nd ordered Miss Frak to follow him. •She was led to a nearby road and was questioned all the while. She told them she was a Htisslan visiting Israel. The Hcbrcw-spcnklnc marauder consulted with the others In Arabic, nnd the young girl could hear them repeating the word "Russia." Having decided to release her, the men told he' to Inform anyone she might meet that the nllackers were Israeli soldiers. When she was left alone, lilie rnn to n nearby settlement, where she culled police, Their investigation revealed the footprints of four men hcariiiii: (•.iiilvvnrd t<> Jordan.
New York (JTA) '—• Charging that the Syrian Ambassador to the United States, >t. Farld Zelneddine, had "grossly violated his obligations as a diplomatic representative of a foreign nations," the American Jewish Congress urged the State Department, to demand the Syrian envoy's Immediate recall. In a letter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the president of the American Jewish Congress, Dr. Israel Goldstein, declared that the Syrian Ambassador's latest breach of diplomatic protocol was contained in a •speech made last June 26 at the Illinois State Normal University. Dr. Zoineddlnc said; "The American Jew Is. not an American emotionally or even ultimately. A, Zionist cannot have real allegiance to the country in which he lives." "This outrageous statement was not an isolated indiscretion," Dr. Goldstein stated. "It Is but the latest In a series "of outbursts by Ambassador Zclneddlne attacking the loyalty of American Jews and arousing antagonism t o w a r d them."
Hearings Urged In United Nations New York (JTA)—The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., was urged liy the Jewish Lnbor Committee Sunday to place the subject of Soviet mitl-.Semltl.sm on the ngen ila of the United Nations. In n communication from Adolph Meld, national chairman of the .II..C, and Nathan Chanin, chairman of its administrative committee, Ambassador Lodge was told that the statement made by several American Rabbis Who had Just returned from a visit to the L'SSR confirms what the Jewish Labor Committee has been saying for the past eight years. "The time has come for a full and open hearing on. the question before the tribunal of the United Nations," the JLC suggested. "There: is a calculated plan on the part of the. Soviets to finish the job begun by their predecessors—tHe Czars—and their former allies—the Nazis. The wiping out of a whole people by strangling their cultural ties, by liquidation of their cultural leaders, decimation of then* press, is not ait Internal problem but Is one with which the free world must bo concerned. "There exists now. the threat of pogroms against Jewish Poland, a Soviet satellite. Confirmed reports of assaults on Jews in other Soviet-dominated n a t i o n s give added fears that the Soviets arc preparing a major campaing to destroy the remaining vestiges of East European Jewry.
Sunday Radio Mark van Doren, poet, critic and Columbia University professor of English, nnd Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer, will cngugc in a series of informal dialogues on highlights of the first five books of the Bible In a 10-week Summer feature, "The Words We Live By," on Eternal Light over KFAII Sunday mornings at 11 .30 o'clock This will be the fourth Summer the two noted men of lottery have been featured on the program. Mr. Samuel's most recent work, "Certain People of the Hook," stemmed In large measure from their conversation.'! on last year's program series. The regular Eternal Light dramatic series will return to the air Sunday, Sept. 9.
JO, 1956.
*8uSi OW
Camp Jqy-C-C Opens Sunday Tlio Jewish Community Center will hum witli excitement this Sunday morning as the first group of youngsters prepare to leave at 9 o'clock for tbeir first session at Camp Jay-C-C. The resident camp is sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service and Is now In its 17th year of serving youngsters from Omaha and. Krushchev Charged neighboring areas. The summer camping program With Anti-Semitism for youngsters 6 through 14 has New York (JTA)—The ques- been extended this year to fivetion of what Is happening to Jews weeks and will Include new activiin the Soviet Union was posed In ties such as photography, boating Newsweek, leading-American and special events. weekly magazine, in its issue of Camp counselors left for camp last week. The publication reiter- Wednesday morning w i t h the ated the charge nK.de by the New camp director Saul Sllverman to York Times that Nlklta Krush- start their pre-camp training and chev, leader of the Communist to prepare for the first group of Party In the Soviet Union, has a campers who will arrive Sunday reputation for anti-Semitism. morning. "One of the Important but gen- Regular activities at camp will erally overlooked factors in the present upheaval In world com- be swimming, other snorts, arts . munism Is Niklta S. Krushchev's and crafts, nature lore and hiking. reputation for anti-Semitism," Improvements in equipment and Newsweek writes, the article says. the general condition of camp "Stalin's anti-Semitism was well- have been made for this year's known. Not so well known, except camping sessions. The sessions will In Communist circles, is Krush- extend until August 26. Registrachev's own record," the article tions for the first three week continues. "As boss of the Ukraine camping period or full season will during the war, he was almost as be accepted until Sunday. After hard on the Jews-as the Invading that youngsters can be enrolled Gorman armies had been. Some for the second period which will 300 Jews were massacred in Kiev, start August 12 and extend to Authe capital of the Ukraine, at the gust 26. Enrollment may be made end of 1944, while he was, in In the Center's camp office and for charge. further information call JA 1366.
Diplomats Shifted In Cairo Trouble Spot Washington (JTA)—Diplomatic and political circles here displayed extraordinary interest Monday In a report that President Elsenhower half decided to transfer Ambassador Henry A. Byroade from his post In Cairo to a new post as Ambassador to the Union of. South Africa. The report also stated that George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, will be named U.S. Ambassador to Greece. Speculation was rife as to the implications of this change, which is bound to affect American policy on the Arab-Israel s 1 1 u a t i o n : Notice of this chango has been given to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, since the Senate nyist confirm the new appointments. Special interest was displayed in the Capital Monday in the as yet unnamed successor to Mr. Allen. Interested Washington circles Monday.waited to learn the Identity of the mat. who will replace Mr. Allen as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, in the hope that this would furnish a key to future State Department policy toward the Arab-Israel question. Byroade Transferred The removal of Henry A. Byroade as Ambassador to Egypt follows a growing conviction in government circles that Mr. Byroade failed In his Cairo post. He was c o n s i d e r e d by some an "apologist" for Egyptian Premier Nasser who did more to sell Nasser's ideas to Washington than vice versa. The growing relationship between Egypt and the Soviet Union was seen as the factor that finally convinced policy makers that Mr. Byroade had tq go. Hure. Named Ambassador Byroade's transfer to South Africa Is seen as a demotion because Egypt today is considered a number one trouble spot. Raymond A. Hare, veteran diplomat who replaces Mr. Byroade In Cairo, has a long record
of service in Arab countries He is known in diplomatic circles to be opposed to the Baghdad Pact because of the embarrassment the pact has caused Egypt, Saudi Arabia,-and other Arabs in the Nasser camp. Ambassador Hare began work In the Near East as executive secretary of the American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant In (Continued on Page 3)
Arab Unrest In Near East j By ninnft Grossmnn ' AJP—It must be quite clear now, even to the more biased observers of the Middle Eastern political panorama, that Israel is not —despite loud Arab claims to this effect—the. sole or even the major cause of the area's perpetual unrest and trouble. Were Israel never to have appeared, in any guise, on the scene, the Arab nations would still face a barrage of problems, some Inherent and ancient; other* contemporary and entire-" ly of their own making. Some of these are the- really critical problems of avoiding Communist penetration while conducting earnest flirtations with the Soviets. Mid-East Rivalry And the present tension between Iraq and Egypt, product of a century-old rivalry, accelerated by Colonel Nasser's overweening ambitions, is another case in point. For several weeks now them has been much written about activity on Israel's borders. Dcspita constant official Israeli and United Nations denials, the world's press continues to describe "mass* ing" on the frontiers of the Jew* Isli State and to wonder aloui about the probability of the recurrence of large-scale Arab hostilities and swift retaliatory a* (Continued on Page 4). t
T*ge Two
FrMsy, Inly M, 1984.
Charges Hurled As Zionist Groups Meet
r grMay ty the WttmwUim M J—1st Ben
Cuu» Mmimf MivtMtt* AUUKSIMO u u u u . I M n i mtlatBt Ust ^uMrtMJT S4ouA0mtlatBt Ustas f t flr|4tip*t*"n OnSTOamb Kditwuu O MJ> ta*. Prtni "t-oe
'ttits front Mnraei ISRAEL GOES "BACKWARD" — TO GO FORWARD UEK1I TUVIA, Israel (IIP)— Inriu-1 ham moved "backwords"—(guile A duuige from ItN n*>U4i1 course chartered la nttitin economic liwie;**.'! I* e n c o — t't I e a e I; I a t* l.itck into 1U curly lilntory to grow flux for the fln.t t i m e glare tho day* *>f t h e nilll«Flat tlnes. T h e trip "b&ckwuds" which Is hell,* financed with UM mli of lonnm from Stale of Israel Donda will prove praDUMe for tho younf republic, which thanks to new local flu production, mill be able within a few years to supply f » bulk of Its fibre reqalramats which At present BMtwItete an annual fJ,000,000 eipeaditure In precious currency.
Philadelphia (JTA)-- The charge when the ZOA convention adopted Editor that the Zionist Organization of the resolution of "so-called affiliaAmerica is displaying a tendency tion" with the General Zionist "to Involve itself iroro nnd more Party of Israel. He Briid the group with partisan activities and to was opposed to the ZOA majority enter Into political controversies in 1942 over President lloostvolt'i. in Israel which arc not in the attitude to Palestine; again In 191G domain of DUpora Zionists," was over majority opinion arninr.t furvoice here by Louis Lipsky, vet- ther negotiation with Britain on eran American Zionist leader. He the Palestine Mandate; and once was addressing the first of » series more In 19-18 over conditions of P u b (JTA)—"Judaism !n Rat- The few prayer books in use were of local public meetings called by fund raising activities for Itruil In sla h seriously threatened with e*- torn to shreds. the newly-formed ' Independent the United Stales. tlnctlon,""two American rabhU re"We "had heard of the establish Zionists of America organization. Arnold It. Glnsbirrg, president of turning from a visit to the Soviet raent of a theological Seminary for "As Zionists we mult take the the Philadelphia Zionist OrganUnion declared here. Tiietwoere the training of rabbis and teachers lead," ization, in an address accepting; a Mr. Upsky declared, "In Rabbta Morris Kertzer and David to serve Russia's estimated 3,000, propagating second term as president, urged the idea of a return Golovemky, members of a delega- 000 Jews. However," they empha- to the broad concept of Zionism unity in Zionist ranks. He suld tion of the New York Board of dzed, "we saw no evidence of any and Zionist tasks, urging unity in he deplored attrrnpts to create a Rabbis. serious attempt to launch this the fundamental work of Zionism, new Zionist orcanlzatlon nnd deThe rabbi* said they had been desperately needed Institution. We namely the moral and economic clared that If "the future activiled to this "melancholy conclu- found no religious schools for the support of Israel, the fostering of ties of these few people jeopardize sion" by what they had seen and youth. Indeed, officials of the a great Hebraic movement espe- the success or effectiveness of the by their talks with Soviet officials, Council of Cults declared that a cially among the youth, Allyah Important Zionist work l>ein[s religious leaders and people in ban on- such Institutions was In and Halutziut In the ofbroadest done by the Philadelphia Zionist many walks of life. . -While the force. sense. "The new Independent Zion- Organization m.cl the ZOA, we Soviet regime speaks of religious "We found," the two rabbis con- ists of America organization, Mr. shall not stand Idly by, we thnll freedom and has in tact somewhat tinued, "no Jewish cultural insti- Lipsky explained, will conduct its not remain silent." relaxed some of its repressive tutions, no religious literature of In "a true comradeship," measures, its policies continue to recent origin, no community or- work no ties to any parties In restrict and strangle Jewish life," ganization, no Yiddish or Hebrew with, Rabbis Kertzer and Golovensky press, no national bodies, no Jew- Israel. Judge Louis E. Lcvinthal of said in a written statement ish social service Institutions with- Philadelphia, chairman of the naRUG & UPHOLSTERY Vanishing Culture out which Jewish life cannot long tional provisional committee of the CLEANERS "We were shocked to find the endure The: brightest ray of hope new organization, reviewed the major institutions of Jewish re- is itill vigorous will for a Jewish circumstances that had led to the RUGS—CARPETING life and the passionate desire of ligion and the vehicles of expreslaunching of , the Independent LAMP SHADES sion of Jewish culture all but parents to instill in the younger Zionist movement in America. FURNITURE vanished leaving a Judaism that generation a love for God and Tracing the history of Zionism In is anaemic and moribund. We had loyalty to Jewish tradition. America before and since the esCleaned In Your Homo! Great Danger hope," they continued, "to- find tablishment of the State of Israel, Moscow synagogues adequate to "Under present conditions, how- he stressed the need of "a strong fllf • Laying • Repairing serve its approximately 300,000 ever, they have none of the bare free democratic Zionist movement Jews. All we could discover was physical meant such as religious today to fulfill the mission start- Don Bernstein HA 2554 one synagogue and two auxiliary books and little possibility for ed CO years ago." houses. transferring the Jewish heritage. The statements by the dissident "In Leningrad, a city with an They are desperately trying to group that Its differences with the estimated 200,000 Jews, we found build bricks without straw and Zionist Organization of America only one synagogue where there this is the great danger to the grew out of the question of whethwere formerly sixteen. For two survival of Judaism in the Soviet," er or not the ZOA should be afyears we had heard of the publi- Rabbis Kertzer and Golovcnsky filiated with a political party In cation of a new prayer book, yet concluded. Israel were rejected by Dr. Emanwe found It is still in the promisThe remaining six members of ual Neumann, chairman of the naing stage despite an obviously the rabbinical party" continued tional executive committee of the critical shortage of prayer books. their tour of the Soviet Union, ZOA. planning to stop off in Kiev and Speaking at a meeting of the Odessa. They win also visit the Philadelphia Zionist Organization "Portraits B.B.Srady... Jewish communities of Poland, at the Adelphi Hotel, Dr. NeuWeddings Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. mann charged thnt differences, The delegation consisted of Ortho- "always involving the same few Commercial dox, Conservative and Reform individuals, arose long before 1951 HARRY HALPER1
Rabbis Give Gloomy Report on Red Jews
Confirms Lack of Civic Personnel
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Washington (JTA)—Confirmation of a serious shortage of trained workers in the various fields of Jewish communal service is provided In a study Just completed by the B'na! B'rUb VoNew yprk (AJP) — Christian, cational Service Bureau, it wai Jewish and Moslem members of a n n o u n c e d h e r e . • • • ' • ? • • , : "-.•..'•' •',,'..'• the In t e r f a i th Committee for The study finds that the demand Peac« in the Holy Land met at for trained workers in almost all New York's Presbyterian Labor professional fields "far outstrips" Temple on 14th Thursday the number of persons being grad- night, July 19 Street ; aud announced uated by schools with preparation plans for a pilgrimage in late Aufor service to the Jewish commu- gust to Israel and the Arab counnity. It points out that the limited tries.; • ;-•;• •;.•„. . . . . •• . number; of ; training; institutions The committee, under the Inand 'present inadequate recruiting efforts are not likely to overcome spired leadership of Dr. Richard E.
Peace Pilgrimage Arabs Intensify Planned f a NJL Boycott of Firms
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London (JTA)—The Arab states fttWWMWWWWWVtWV ' are intensifying their boycott campaign against British firms which deal with Israel or have Jewish employes in senior positions, it was revealed here Monday In a survey of Arab nnti-Jewish activities. The Board of Deputies of British Jews discussed the extent of injury done by the Arab boycott and blackmail.
, tool...
Evans, minister of the PresbyIt was learned that the Arab terian Labor Temple, believes that countries have been taking turns applying press-jre on various British firms. The strategy apparently has been to have one country's embassy write various British corporations threatening a boycott if they do not cease trading with Israel. The next month this embassy remains quiet while the next Arab mission writes to different companies threatening boycott because: "We understand that you have nn agent in Israel" or "You have a Jewish director."
. In a detailed breakdown, the peace between Arabs and Jews . report shows that 2.000 rabbis can be established on the basis of serve the entire Jewish popula- a common heritage going back to tion of the country. It finds that Abraham, Moses and the other only 60 percent of the Jewish con- prophets venerated by both w o gregations in this country employ ples. rabbis; the others rely" upon the The Pilgrimage of Peace, Dr. services of cantors or lay readers. Evans declared, may well accomAccording to reports from the plish what politics and UN judgvarious rabbinical, schools, their ments have so far failed to accomgraduate! during the next few plish. The dynamic Labor Temple years will fill only part of the va- leader announced that the comcant pulpits. mittee plans to erect ah InterfaJth "One of the greatest shortages Monument in the Galilee area In exists In the field of Jewish edu- the Holy Land to servo us an cation, the study reveals. Last eternal symbol testifying to the year nil teacher training institu- common Hebraic heritage of the tions together graduated only 150 three groups, tho Jews, Moslems teachers, although mort than 500 and Christians. _wcre needed. The growth of this Speakers at the Interfalth meetfield is indicated by the fact that ing included Dr. Kasrollah Fatemi Jewish school systems In this former member of the UN delegacountry now operate on a total tion from. Iran; Ibrahim Chowdry budget in excess of $35 million. president of the Pakistan League almost double the sum expended of America and Secretary of the a decade ago. Another field that alanuc Council of New York- Dr has expanded considerably during Sholom Sliakin; Benjamin Leavin; the last two decades without a Hanoi J. Neumann; Julius Salpeproportionate increase in" person- ter, member of the City Council of nel resources is that of. commu- Tel Aviv; UN Correspondent Da•ity organization work. Exclusive vid Horowitz; Supreme Court Jusof fund-raisers, there are only tice Samuel Dj Falco; Rabbi Louis about 150 full-time paid profes- D. Gross and Itabbi David Kahane. sional workers directing and co- Miss Saras E. Dicteon, first elder ordinating the work of Jewish in the history of the Presbyterian community federations, councils Church, is one of the founders of nrxt welfare funds. the new peace movement.
The Finest in Photography
One company which has openly resisted this type of pressure Is Pilot ftadlo, nn Anglo-American enterprise which hns refused to knuckle under to boycott threats and close up a 'subsidiary it recently opened In Israel. The Leyland Motor Corporation, which cells buses .to Israel, has been threatened with boycott unless It withdraws from the Anglo-Israel Chamber of Commerce. A number of well known firms, with heavy commitments In Arab trade, have surrendered to the boycott. The British Overseas Airways Corporation nnd Scandinavian Airlines have, refused to accept Jews 03 passengers in planes stopping in Arab countries, while BOAC discontinued service to Lydda. Israel's major airport.
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Friday, July 20, 1024.
Tore* X
Shabbas Nachmi
1IADASSAII IIOAICD Mrs. iMcyer Kubin, president of the Omnha Chapter of Hndnssah, hag called a summer Ixxirci meeting to be held nt dessert luncheon . Monday, July 30, nt 12:30 p. in. at the home of Mm. Phineas Wintroub. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Morris Fellman and Mrs. Ervin Simon. Schedule of events for the comlnc year will be discussed nnd special reports will lie given by Mrs. Herxog, chairman of the Annual Style Show and Card Party. The show will be presented August 21 at tho Paxton Motel. Mrs. Samuel Wolf, Donor Chairman will outline plans for the annual donor affair, l/lrs. A. D. Frank will report on the year book, now being prepared by her committee. Summer board meeting* of the groups will take place in August.
By Sirs. Morris 8p*rlit«r Tills Saliliatli in rcmlnlacent Of what we have endured. In the pa»t and even the present. No help for us, l»it tho pleas of our ton are heard! Our eni:inli-» have ravaged, And burned many Temples Hi rough the yean, Dut our heroes wilb devotion lavish And «od's might have rebuilt them, throuKh.thelr tear*. Now nur eouragr must not waver. Unity munt be our goal. Working together with our Bnvloar, Israel will b« ours, a* of old.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BcrnstoTn Of Los Angeles, Cal., announce the birth' of a daughter Susan born June 26. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William MeU of Los Angeles and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein of Lincoln and Omaha.
Omaha Sketches
Behind the Scenes
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Milton Moskowitz was among the top t«n Nebraskanswho won awards given tp thoroughbred horse breeder* by Ak-Sar-Ben at the organization's recent r a c e meeting held here. A breeder's award was also presented to D. w . F r a n k .
... . ' • • . • . ' •
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Dr. Alyce Bezman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bezman of Omaha, has received a research fellowship for work In internal medicine at the Boston City Hospital. Dr. Bczman was at Cincinnati General Hospital prior to winning the fellowship.
Jordan Censored for Ambush In Israel Jerusalem (JTA) — The IsraelJordan Mixed Armistice Commission censured Jordan Sunday for an ambush by Jordanian Infiltrators along the road! from Eilath to Beersheba. Two Israeli civilians were killed In the ambush. The MAC called \ipon Jordan to adopt .immediate and effective measures to prevent reoccurrence of such incidents. The commission established that the ambush corresponded to the pattern of attacks on Israel lines of communication conducted from Jordan territory, and that there was no doubt that the Infiltrators who carried out the ambush came from Jordan territory. In It* resolution Sunday, the MAC warned Jordan to take into consideration Its continuous ox-' hortatlons to terminate the repeated incursions into Israel territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Allck Altman and their daughter Gayle have just returned from a month's vacation spent In El Paso, Tex., and Los Angeles, Cal. While In Los Angeles, they attended the Bar Mite, vah of their nephew Arnold LipsWhat Is troubling many of Is- man, son of Mr. and Mrs, William rael's true friends In and out of Llpsman, f o r m e r residents of the UN is tho sombre specter of a Omaha, repetition of (he Western Nations' . v indifference in i the face of threatening genocide)' Tho situation today is not only tolerated by the so-called clvlljzed Western lenders. It is encouraged through constant acts of appeasement. Albany, N. Y. (JTA)—The right And the tragedy lies In this: The of a Jewish congregation of Sands W c s t c r n diplomats know tho Point, Long Island, to use a $215,truth. They recognize "The Big 000 estate it had purchased for a Lie' 'for what It is. Yet they are synagogue was upheld here by the satisfied to let well enough alone. C o u r t of Appeals, New York Escaping responsibility while al- State's highest court leging preoccupation with Soviet Tho court. In a (I to 1 decision, competition, they are placing the ruled that the village of Sands "burden" of "peace-making' on Point, a suburb of New York, the Swedish shoulders of Neutral might not construe municipal rcg. Dag Hammarsltjold ivho serves 76 illations In such a way as to interbosses Including Nasser. fere with Constitutional guaranAnd Mr. Hammarskjold, It now tees of tho "free exercise nnd enappears, finds himself In the very joyment of religious profession awkward position of the somewhat nnd worship." It further ruled that confused referee who cannot dis- the congregation's plan to use qualify the bully wrestler unless some of the rooms of the building he Is caught red-handed pullini; for meeting and social purposes hnlr and punching with his fists. was not inconsistent with the The Secretary General, as referee, functions of a religious commuis going Into the Palestine nrena nity. again. The tricky bully, of course, Tlie zoning regulations of Sands will play innocent and all the ma- Point were amended after the chinery for "The Big Lie" will be Community Synagogue, a Ileform put Into motion—so much to that c o n g r e g a t i o n , purchased the Mr. Hammarskjold, of a necessity, estate, known as The Chimneys. will have to report the "peaceful After losing several actions beintentions 'of all concerned. But fore tho village authorities, the deep In his heart ha knows better. congregation took the matter to When he Is not looking, the bully tho courts where the village WAS will start punching and pulling upheld until the latest ruling. hair again.
NY Court Rules For Synagogue
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas of Dcs Moines, la., announce the engagement of their daughter Janet to Morton L. Glass, son of Mr; and Mrs. Alfred Glass of Omaha. Miss Thomas attended the State University of Iowa and her fiance Is a graduate of the University of Omaha. No wedding date has been set. '
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD.... the man who takes his family
Residential Painting CALL
Svftd«y Brunch
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Mrs. Leo White and her four children, Bruce, Rosalyn, Murray and Sheldon of Silver Springs, Md., arc visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohn and her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman White. Mr. White will rejoin his family here in two weeks. He is a legislative assistant In Washington, D. C, to Senator John Kennedy of Mass.
Des Moines Miss Engagement Told
(Continued from Page L) ' 1926. He later held diplomatic assignment* in Constantinople, • Beirut, Tehran, and. Jidda. He was a U.S. Consul in Cairo during World War n . In 1947, when, ' the Palestine issue was at the' forefront, Mr. Hare became chief of the State Department's Division of Middle East Affairs. In 1948 he was made deputy director, of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs. He later became Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Since the creation of Israel, he served at various intervals as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Lebanon. In 1954 he was made director general of the Foreign Service,
And then will be Nacliml Ami, And blessed will be our land, Our people all forever irtn And strong, without help from other
B. K, BISTKIUIOOD Beth El Sisterhood will hold it* Summer board meeting, at 11:30 a. OL, Tuesday, July 24 at the Visiting in Omaha are H, MortHighland Country Club. ficld and Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackman, father, suiter and brother-inlaw of Mrs. H. Appel of our city. From London, England, they are lit the United States for the first By D»vld Horowitz time. The overseas visitors will attend United Nation* (AJP) — Arab the Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Appel leaden here at the UN and abroad, which will be held next Saturday having learned their 'lesson from Hitler whose Nazi expert* arc now coaching them, are resurrecting "Tho Big Lie" as part of their International policy—and It geetm to be working well. What they themselveg are guilty o f — m u r d e r o u s aggression and threats of expansion—they are Imputing to Israel, a process that has been going on since the Jewish State was founded. ••Big Lie" It Is amazing how successfully th* "Big Lie" tactic has worked < ,i the Moslem masses. To them, the Israeli* and Zionists are the "•cum" of the earth, believers In the Satan who should be wiped off the globe. And these millions of Mohammedans are being groomed for a holy Jihad against Zion. The German* under Hitler, had been provoked into a similar fanatical frenzy against the children of Abraham. The result, as we all know, was the cold-blooded murder of six million of our brethren. The situation In the Near Cast is identical. Nasser Is the new Hitler with the Syrians and Saudi Arabians and his Mussollnis. The Moslem masses, worshipping Nasser as the Nazis worshipped their master, have embraced the "Big Llo" as the "Great Truth" and annihilation of Israel, they firmly believe, becomes a Mitzvah approved by Mohammed. Indifference
Mr. and Mr*. Bernard Epstein ', of Denver, Colo., announce the birth of a son, Steven Lloyd, born Wednesday, July 11. They also have a daughter, Elaine Sharon, and a son, Gary Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Dave B, Epstein of Omaha are paternal grandparents.
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With the Folks At Home
Bread Breakers Install Officers
c^rlduy, July ,20. I DM.
Youngster Sends Gift to Nasser
Mrs. Rose Wohlner New York (WNS) — Little eight-year-old girl, Deborah News and happenings at the Dr. Rainowitz of Queens, L. I,, had been saving money to buy her Philip She? Jewish Home for Aged B'nal B'rith Bread Breakers InServices were held Monday, July little sister a "passover present" but when she watched a TV by David Orkow. 16 for Mrs. Rose Wohlner with inshow last March depicting the plight of many families in the stalled their new officers WednesIn a d d i t i o n to the regular terment at Fisher Farm CeincMiddle East she decided to bypass her little sister and forward "Home fare" which includes ice day afternoon at a luncheon held tcry Mrs. Wohlner, 61, died Sat.the gift instead to Egypt. cream, beer and pop with meals, in the Fireside Restaurant Newurday, July 14 at a local hospital. In a covering letter to General Nasser, the child wrote' in several special treats were pro* ly installed 'officers are: Hot KaShe is survived by her husband, part: "Please buy lome clothes for the Arab children. Pleano Vided by the following: Paul; three sons, Irving, Norman don't have a war with Israel because the children might get A Kiddush by the children of gan. president; Otto Morgenthau. and Eugene; two brothers, Dave vice-president; and David Rosenhurt." Mrs Emma Milder. Charney of Omaha and Sydney C. In his reply to Deborah, which arrived last week, President Charney of Milwaukee, Wis.; three A cake treat by Mrs. Beckle berg, secretary. Nasser acknowledges "with the utmost gratitude the receipt of sUten, Mrs. Katie Kaplan or SacTrellcr on the occasion of her George Shafer, outgoing presiyour two dollars donation to refugee children dissipated by Isramento, CsL, Mrs. Belle Socol of birthday dent, was presented with a key as Milwaukee and Mrs. Charlotte Mr« Anna Nachschoen gave a a token of appreciation for the ex- rael and to commend your really noble feeling." The letter goes on to ask Deborah to "believe that Egypt has no aggressive inReba of Baltimore, Md.; and two double treat on her birthday — a cellent work he performed during tentions whatsoever" and that "our'mission is one of peace and grandchildren. Kiddush for lunch and ice cream the past year. participation in any effort devoted to the good of humanity and for supper. the Peace of the Entire World." • A watermelon party by Mr. A. The Bread Breaker* is the nucleus of the active worker* of Fisher. Deborah's parents said the idea of sending the gift origiMrs. Sam Temin A bottle of whiskey for Kiddush Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354, nated solely with their daughter. B'nal B'rith, which meets regularby Mr. Louis Ringle. Service* were held Tuesday. Floral lisplay donated by the ly every Wednesday noon at the July 17 for Mrs. Sam Tcrnin with Fireside. All members are corBlkur Chollm Society. Interment at Betb El Cemetery. dially invited to ..ttend these noonNew Resident* Mrs. Temin, a resident of Omaha Dr. Philip Sher is now residing day luncheons and to participate for SO years, died Sunday, July 13, In the activities of the organiza- Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Anthony at the Home. She Is survived by her husband, tion. • IIODI CUAPTEIi Ya&mlt Sam; three sons, Edward of Burppel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Special memorial services are An outing is being planned for Appel will take place Saturday Miss Elaine Faiken, Hodi Chap- bank, CaL, Jack of Cleveland being held during the month of AV the first program of the summer morning. July 28, at Beth Israel ter, B'nal B'rith Girls, has been HelghU, O, and Hyman of Wins- ' for the following: Synagogue, 52nd a n d Charles elected as delegate from Cornbclt ton Salem, N. C; a sister, Mrs. 1st of Av-July 9—Mrs •Morris streets. Members of the family Region to the National BUG Con-Mamie Temin A b r a m i o n of Turner and friends are Invited to the serv- vention. Delegates from all over Shreveport, La.; and four grand* 4th of Av—July 12-Mrs. Fanices and to the reception following the United States will meet at the children. University of Illinois August 7-16. nie-Steinberg. the services. 9th of Av—July 17—Mrs. Meyer Miss Laurie Oruch has been Brookstein. elected as President of 'the B'nai Foreign Minister Shlgemltiu, of Japan: "My nation will pursue s. 11th of Av—July 19-Mrs. HarB'rith Youth Council. Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club policy of peace, keyed to the basic ry Freldman. will celebrate the birthdays of four Use the Want Ad» to buy, sell 15th of Av-July 21—Mr*. Har- of its members this Sunday at the or rent Education does not trow from principles of cooperation with othry Adelschstein. er free and Democratic nation*.'' beautiful buildings. Labor Lyceum. Dinner will be 23rd of Av—July 31—Mrs Louis served at 8 p. m., and* all memSommer bers arc urged to call In their reservation) early. Members who will observe their birthdays are: Mcsdames Sam (Continued from Page 1.1 Zwerllng. Sam Ruderman, Max tions by Israel. In point of fact, Katz and Yetla Orenjtem. the actual story has almost nothOut-of-town guests visiting here ing to do with Israe. and every- wit) attend the party. They are: thing to do with the extent of Mm. Lou "BKsen and daughter, Colonel Nasser's would-be empire- and Mrs. S Slepzen,, all of New building. Jordan, already torn and York Cit>; and Sam Lcrner, a disrupted by Egyptian machina- former Omnhah, who now makes tions, is on tho eve of elections. hit home In Washington, D. C, Nasser uould like to annex Jor, dan. This might be an optimum time for a well-organized putsch. The British are gone. Glubb is back in London. The Arab Legion Is currently under the command of a Jordanian gentleman known to be the next closest thing to an out-and-out agent o' the EgypCflnctlrllghling—7:03 |>, m, tian Government. King Hussein's throne has tottered foi so long that when It finally topples may be no one will notice. Another Temple Israel Jordanian will become the straw Worship services this evening a boss. Temple Israel will be held at 7:30 o'clock. Jack W. Marer will conLoose Talk All that is needed in some loose duct the service. cash and looser talk. The Arabs foment easily. Then, Nasser will Beth El be right next to Israel on the other side and In a fine position Sabbath evening services will for Impressing the Arab world be held tonight at 7 o'clock. Sabwith his acumen, skill and total bath morning services will begin invincibility. The only hitch, apart at 8:30. The Mincha service will from Israel's feelings on tho mat- begin at 7:45 p. m. ter, are that the Iraqis, cousins Daily services during the week to the ruling bouse of Jordan, are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The have the strongest possible obicc- Sunday morning service Is held a .• tions to the entire Itea. Their 9a.\m. rivalry with Egypt date*" back a long time, and time has served only to strengthen It. There is Beth Israel actually one effective way for them to nip Nasser's plans In the Friday services, Mincha and bud at on«e and that is by pending Kabolas Shabbos, begin at 6:30 p. m. Saturday services begin a troops into Jordan themselves. 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation a The hitch here is that If Iraq 10 a. m. Mincha followed by SJiaOnce you've tried cooking electrically, you'll agree that an eko« beats Bgypt in seizing control of losh S'eudos and Maariv will betrie range makes a delightful difference ia kitchen temperatures duft Jordan, It will amount to an ac- gin at 7:45 p m. tual occupation of Jordin by the ing hot weather. Sunday services begin at 8:45 Iraqis and this Inrael will not tolm, and Junior minyon at 8 JO The reason Is that your electric oven h completely insulated-* erate at all. In the meantime, a m. Daily services are at 7 a. while the kettle .simmers on the m and Mincha and Maariv servtop, bottom and sides—to keep lieat in the oven and out of thi| c r e s ce n t -s haped fire, Israel ices at 7.1J p .m kitchen. Electric surface units cut waste heat, too, because they hesii watches and wards her borders The Talmud Discussion Group by direct metal-to-metal contact with cooking utensils, and tries to maintain .some kind will tlui Tuesday at 8:30 p. of stable relationship with the m atmeet That's one of fho important reasons why last year housewtvas tsj the 1'lth and Kurt St. SynaJordanians proper. Hits area purchased moro than twice as many elocfrie rangti s i any An example of tills, probably other type. ,| unrecorded by the non-local press, A national speed paving record was the polite advice sent to Jor- w.i<5 .set with the laying of 39i Find out for yourself how cool electric cooking can be, and dlsVt. dan by Inrael last week notifyinf: feet of a 21-foot pavement In 2' cover its other advantages, too. You'll like its cleanliness, safety, and its leader-, that a civil d"fi-nsc minutes, 35 scends. The pavlnf demonstration was economy. See your favorite appliance dealer soon, to take material used was asphalt, an oi place and that Jordan should not product. alarm iUclf unnecessarily over reports of "military activity." And .is the days jw- Iraq anrl Egypt will avail themselves of the permanent excuse that Israel k NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL1 the Middle East':, primary troublemaker (ind busy themselves Ourrtm rtu* IM GO cent* ten eaca I 1104 W.O.W. Bldg., Omaha 2, Nebr. with schemes for mutual tubjugatlon, if not eventual annihilaand .fas Mitzvuh congratution. It is becoming clearer cacl) lations also (or all Jewish hob wcel; where aggression resides, in day; and special occasions. body and spirit. Certainly not in Meyers Ncw^, Stand. 1502 Dodge Israel
Bar Mitzvah
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• . . there's no wasted heat
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