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Vol. XXXIV—No. M.
• M M CUKW Mmiuan r n r u r i o 4«tfe«ri»4 >• ( t w i n Nrti
Servicemen's Addresses
AUOl'ST 9.
UJA Bridge
- The Jewish Press Is mailed each week to Omahaiu in the Armed Forces, If any Omahan in the service is not getting the Press or has had a change of address please let us know. The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Is preparing flash Hashonah greetings to be *ent to Omahans in the service and we wish to keep the mailing list as current as possible.
Land Mine Kills UN Truce Member
Immigrant youngntcn, their hair dusted with DDT powder, recolve their first taste of Israel food after debarkation.
World Scene By David Horowitz
AJP—Colonel Nasser's latest Hitler-like act in defying the whole martime world by his na ttonalizatlon of the Suez Canal has finally vindicated the Israelis who had constantly warned the United States, Britain and France against the Egyptian colonel's treacherous plans. Now that Nasser has revealed himself for what he really is—the irresponsible and unpredictable dictator—leaders in London, Paris and Washington have at last stirred themselves from their daep slumber. Terming Nasser 'The Hitler of the Nile.' London's Conservative Dally Mall called for British troops to "reOccupy the Suez CanaL" The London Tunes described the Egyptian move as an "act of international Closer Ties Urged brigandage." Following an emergency meeting in Paris it was reLondon <WNS>—British public vealed that the French Governopinion, enraged over Egypt's na- ment also favored military occutionalization of the Suez Canal, Is pation of the Canal Zone—an act veering strongly toward closer British-Israeli relations, including the sale of British arms to the Jewish state. This trend was reflected in articles in the press and In statements by leading members of aU political parties. While the general feeling is that Jerusalem (JTA)—The Chief it would be absurd now for the United States and Britain to leave Rabbinate of Israel issued a forIsrael under-armed in the face of mal prohibition Monday against Egyptian assault threats, there no the establishment: of the Reform expectation of an {mediate change movement in Israel, in British policy toward arming This Is tho latest development Israel in a campaign by Dr. Nelson Glueck, leader of the American Shipments Haired Reform movement, to have a ReLondon (JTA>—Prime Minister form synagogue set up in tho liSir 'Anthony Eden Monday announced to a cheering Commons brary of "a projected American that all exports of war materiel School for Archaeology. The to Egypt have been stopped. It school would be part of Hebrew .was made clear that Britain will Union CoUcge-Jewlth Institute of no longer ship arms previously Religion. sold to Egypt under the 1950 Tri"The Chief Rabbinate is aware partite Declaration. The tripartite agreement provided for arms sales of the nature of the Reform moveto toddle East- nations to main- ment," says the Chief Rabbinate's statement The Rabbinate is also tain a regional power balance. aware of the destruction it has caused by tearing away large sec* tors of the nation from Its sacred religion and who arc finally drawn towards total assimilation. -This movement rejects faith In the DiOrganizational copy for the vine Torah and invalidates mltzRosh Hashonah Edition of the vohs, and It is forbidden to enable Jewish Press must be In our it to get established in our counhands by August 10 to be intry." cluded in tho holiday edition. "Croup presidents have been The statement denies that the notified by mall. To facilitate Chief Rabbis negotiated with Dr, the handling of copy, please Glueck for a compromise, insisting turn' in your publicity early. that the rabbinate never enterNotices of mectlris dates will tained such a possibility and only not be published In the holiwanted to hear his views. "Our day edition. If nny meetlncs stand is clear now as never before are scheduled for the first that Reform must not be given an week of September, publicity opportunity to strike roots in our must be sent in no later than land and establish in our sacred August 21. city a cross In the Temple of God," Hie statement concluded.
Chief Rabbis Bon Reform in Israel
U. S. Resolution Hits Arab Bias New York (JTA)—All major national Jewish organizations) issued statement* Sunday welcoming; the United States Senate'* unanimous adoption of a reiolntion establishing that "it U a primary principle of our nation that there shall be no discrimination among V: 8. citizens baaed on their individual religious affiliations." The resolution ifl aimed at checking Arab discrimination against American citizens of Jewish faith.
Second Session of Camp August 12 There are still a few openings remaining (or the second session of Camp Jay-C-C. The session will start August 12 and will extend to August 26. The fee Is $65 for Omaha residents and $75 for nonresidents. Camp Jay-C-C affords an opportunity for youngsters to participate in healthful outdoor group experiences in a democratic setting, Gerald Cross, chairman of the camp committee, stated. The start of the second camping session will also herald the opening of the Pioneer Program at camp. Designed for high schoolers, the pioneer program will offer (pedal sessions in all camp (kills with emphasis on advanced camping, t h e program will include tripouts, water skiing, boating, seminars and swimming. The fee .for the Pioneer Program Is $63 which included transportation to and from camp from ' Omaha. _, . For further information about all camping programs call the Jewish Community Center, JA 1366.
which would undoubtedly bring Russia into the accne, That Nasser was threatening something drastic was understood by a number of foreign observers when several days before his an noiincement of the nationalization act he directed a Vitriolic attack on the United States for with drawing its,offer of aid for the Aswan dam. "I look at Americans and say," Nasser cried, "May you choke to death on your fury I" Too great Arabian hero, whose pride and prestige .had thus been, deflated, decided to take revenge on a grand scale without fully realizing that he might possibly have set the fuse for "World War III. In Moscow the Soviet radio and press praised Egypt's nationalization of the Suez—an act which undoubtedly figured In the secret pact which the two countries entered Into last year. In Washington State Department officials said that the US Government is consulting urgently with the other governments concerned a> to what action should be taken. The N.Y. Times, editorially, had this to say; "By a combination of blackmail, Jfes and bluff Premier Nasser had sought to force the west to finance his cherished Aswan dam project. At the same time he had tried to inflame every outstanding trouble in the Near and Middle East and to encourage every" antiWestern movement there, When .the West refused to bo blackmailed, his bluff of having a firm Soviet offer to finance the dam was exposed for the calculated deception It was. Seeing his whole house of cards tumbling about his cars, he has now taken this illegal step, whose first consequence is to make plain that his promises and pledges are worthless . . . to let a blackmailer profit from his act," Tho Times stressed, "would undermine severely tho rule of law in internatlon affairs and give carte blanche to every other pollUoal adventurer In the world. For the sake of the people of Egypt as well as of the rule of- law in the world, Nasser's bluff will havo to be called—not by force, but by reason, economics and law." New York's Herald Tribune commented thus on "Nasser's grab at the Canal:" "How would this international regime, persist under the nationalistic control of Nasser? Already Egypt has insisted on tho right to bar Israel vessels from tho canal, and although the Security Council ruled against this contention, the Egyptians have actually, in recent months, extended this Illegal blockade to vessels-under other flags trading with Israeli. ports.
Jerusalem (JTA) — A Danish member of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization staff was killed by a landmine explosion near the Gaza strip border Saturday. A truce supervision headquarters communique stressed Sunday that the Jeep in which Svon Rasmussen, 34, had been travelling had struck at least two mines. UN observers found tracks leading to and from the point where the explosion took place, some 900 yards Inside Israel. Mr. Rasmussen was eh route back from duty at a UN observation post set up under agroemenU worked out by the UN with Egypt and Israel. Israeli s o u r c e s believe t Egyptian Infiltrators set the mines In the early hours of Saturday morning. An Israeli patrol crossed the path last Friday evening with, out running Into any difficulty. Early Jast week-end, four Israelis were wounded in the El Auja area, two by a landmine and two during a short attack by Egyptians on a new settlement, Shelach. Several other incidents occurred yesterday in the El Auja area and along the Israel Jordan border. Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish In stitute of Religion, and a prominent archaeologist, n a r r o w l y escaped injury last week-end when an archaeological party which he heads and Us armed escort came under automatic fire in the Negcv. This Is Dr. Glueek's fourth trip to the Ncgev, where he is mapping t h o settlements which existed there during Biblical times.
Fearful Future for Jews in Russia Tel Aviv (JTA)—The "new atmosphero" in the Soviet Union has not left tho Jews of that country any less fearful of their future, a large audience at ZOA House here was told by Rabbi M. Licbcrman, the only Russian-speaking member of a delegation of the New York Board of Rabbis which recently completed a study tour of the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia, "Russian Jews, in spite of the fact that the atmosphere appears to be. freer today, remain fearful and uncertain of their future," the rabbi reported. He cited the fact that Soviet Jews whom ho met insisted that their meetings be kept secret or camouflaged. Rabbi Liebcrman stressed that a new Jewish praycrbook, which has been in preparation for the past two years, has not yet been published. "If tho Soviet leaders really wish to atone tor the sins of Stalin, they should not wait another two years to publish the promised prayerbook," He said. The most paradoxical fact discovered on the tour, in the rabbi's view, was that Soviet passports include reference to the Jewish identity of those holding them. -This fact, he stressed, "is ironically responsible for helping to retain a lingering recognition ot Jewish consciousness among Jewish youth In Soviet Russia."
A Joint statement hailing the S e n a t e resolution was issued through the National Community Relations Advisory Council by the following organizations affiliated with the Council: The American Jewish Congress, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the United Synagogue ot America. Vigorous Efforts The maintenance of this principle, the joint statement of the six organizations said, "will require pi-ampt correction of present policies under which agencies of our government have seemed to acquiesce In discrimination by foreign governments against American citizens. Thus, vigorous efforts should now be made' by the State Department to obtain aban. donment ot the practice by certain foreign governments of denying visas to American citizens who are Jewi«h. There must also be an end to the screening ot American . troops and personnel designed to. exclude Jews from assignment to American bases in any part of the world. No subsidy can now be nade by the Federal Government to support or make possible International trade from which American citizens are excluded because of the religious prejudices of other nations." Made Clear The American Jewish Committee, In a statement commending the action of the Senate, pointed out that the Senate "has rendered all Americans and the cause of Constitutional freedom a slgnlcant service, for It has made clear to the world that this nation honors Its constitutional commitments to all of Its citizens and Its commitment to the charter of the United Nations." The Committee declared that the resolution underscored effectively "the fact that discrimination against one group of Americans necessarily invades the rights of all Americans." Commended The passage ot the resolution by the Senate protesting discrimination directed against American citizens on the basis of religious affiliations was also commended by B'nai E'rlth. Executive vice president Maurice BIsgyer called it a • step in the right direction toward restoring the rights of American Jews In their pursuit of lawful • trade, travel, and othfcr activities abroad. A similar statement was •' Issued by the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nal B'rithv i
Sunday Radio Mark van Doren, poet, critic and Columbia University professor of English and Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer, engage in a scries ot informal dialogues on the highlights of the first five books of the Bible on the summer series of the Eternal Light program. I t Ik broadcast each Sunday at 11:30 a. m., over KFAB. This is tho fourth summer the two noted men ot letters have been featured on the program.
FrMay, Aogwt 8, IBM.
Newman, oil of Omaha; two brothers, Jacob and Jack E. Kap- Music Post lan of Seattle, Wash.; two sisters, Aaron Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cella Brenner and Mrs, Rose Mrs. Mark Schmidt of Fremont, Mrs. Jules Newman Jaffe of Senttle, Wash., and three Nebr., has accented a position at Services were held Monday. grandchildren. Austin Peay State College, Clark*July 30 for Mrs. Jutes M. Newman with interment at Pleasant ville, Tenn. Hill Cemetery, Mrs. Newman. 37. Mrs. Eva Kogen lie will serve as an instructor died Saturday morning, July 28 at Services wvre held Friday, July in the music departmen* and will a local hospital 27 for Mrs. Kvn Carson Kogan act us assistant band director. She was the wife of Jules M. with interment ut a Lincoln, Neb., Mr. .Schmidt will also be music Newman, general manager and cemetery. Mrs. KoR.in, 75, died consultant to the board of education for the ETtato of Tennessee. president of Hlnky Dinky Stores Thursday, July 2C in Omaha. During the past year, he was Company, Mrs, Newman had Shi- is survived by her husband, served as a chairman of the Wom- Moishe of Omaha; two daughters, instrumental music supervisor at en's Division of the Philanthropies Mrs. Dave Davidson and Mrs. Abe the University of Nebraska, Campaign several years ago. Friedman, both of Lincoln; a son, She is survived by .her husband, Sum Garson of Lincoln; five Patronize the merchants who grandchildren and four greatJules; four sons, Calvin M., E. advertise In YOUR newspaper. Robert, L. James and Murray grandchildren.
FuNUoed Every ffrldi
bf tkc M e n t i o n of Jewlab Bervlet i Attlmlaiu at UBUl. Monaka. NftUlBi Batt* oq AnUaa EdJtor
SDT Alumnae
Religious News Oaadellfntliig—TM P
Beth El • Sabbath evening service* will be held tonight at 7 o'clock. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:3a The Mincha service will begin at 7J5 PL m. . Dally services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service Is held at 9 a. m.
Belli Israel Friday services, Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos, begins at 6:30 p. m. Saturday services begin, at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Mincha followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv will begin at 7:30 p. ra. Sunday services begin at 8:45 a. m.; the Sunday morning Junior Minyan begins at 8:30 o'clock. Dally services, ore at 7 a, m. and -Mincha and Maariv services at 7:30 p. m. The Talmud Discussion group will meet this Tuesday at 8:30 , p. m. at the 19th and Burt Sts., Synagogue. .
Temple Israel "Worship services this evening at Temple Israel will be held at 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the service.
I With the Folks | At Home News and Happenings at the Dr. Philip Sber Jewish Home For Aged by David Orkow. July 24—Thanks to Mr. Polan•ky of Ak-Sar-Bcn TV who is repairing our TV and radio set* without charge. July 25—The floral arrangements at the Home were sent by an anonymous donor. Anyone •ending dowers to the Home is asked to send a card along. July 26—liquors were received from the Milder family in memory of Ben Milder. July 30—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appel tent flowers to the Home in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Stephen Anthony. July 31—Special Vahrzeit service* were held for Mrs. Louis Sommcr In the Home synagogue. Rabbi Nathan Feldman was our visitor today. There will be four more visitors before the High Holiday, Rabbi-Benjamin Groncr will visit the Home. August 7;' Rabbi Sidney Brooks, August 14; Rabbi David Korb, August 21; and .Rabbi Myer Kripke. August 28, Yahrzeit Notice; Memorial services during the month of August arc bejng held lor the following: Elul 1—August &—Dorothy Milder. Elul 2 — August 9 — Morris Grossman. Elul 5— August 1 2 - H a n n a h Solig. ' Elul -19—AUKUit 13- Mrs. Ychudas SiegeL Elul 23—August 30— Rvbrccn Classman Epstein.
KashruHt Directory The 1336 Fall edition of the Kasliruth Directory, s t n n (1 n r tl guide for kosher shopping, has been published by the Union of Orthodox Jcvw-h Consrcn.itiMn'j °f America. Free copies nre nvnll.ible and may be obtained by writing to the Union at 30o Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. The number of kosher products m some classifications has more than doubled. Patronize Our Advertisers
The Omaha Alumnae League of Sigma Delta Tau will hold their luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., August 11 In the Fireside Restaurant For reservations call Mrs. Sol Schwartz, GL 6236 not later than August & Patronize Our Advertisers LEGAL NOTICE
LEOAL IfOTICE Or MEASURE TO BE VOTED UPON HOVEMBEB I, UM. BALLOT TITLE AMD TEXT OP AM ACT PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION PROPOSED BY nrmATtVE PETmOM An Act to provide a highway use tax, based on weight and distance, on all commercial trucks carrying loads of ten or more tons and on intercity buses weighing twenty-eight thousand or more pounds; to provide that revenue from said tax be distributed to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and to Counties and Municipalities of the State in the same proportion and for the same purpose* as revenue from the gasoline tax Is distributed; to provide for enforcement and administration of the Act; and to amend and repeal certain Statutes.
300 L J For 301 [ _ ] Against OF PROPOSED INITIATIVE PETITION "flt it Enacted by the People of the Stat* of Nebraska, "Sac. 1. Beginning January 1, 1857, in addition to the license fees provided in section 60-331, every commercial truck, trucktractor, semitrailer and trailer licensed under the laws of the State of Nebraska to transport ten or more tons shall pay a highway use tax for each and every mile operated annually over the highways of this state in excess of a mileage equal to the quotient produced by dividing the license fee paid by the rate of tax per mile stated below applicable to such vehicle, the following amounts per mile: Ltnnsad Waigbl to B« Carried la Tons
Tax Par Truck Nil* In Cm! 1.9 22 iA
10 11 12 13 14 IS
3X> .
34 3.4 42 4.4
18 17 II
20 ~'.
4.7, **
9.4 M 5.9 • as e.i For each additional ton or fraction thereof over twenty-five tons that may be authorized, the tax per truck mile is Increased three-tenths of a cent Vehicles, as'described in this section, carrying bulk cargo only or livestock and which operate substantially empty fifty per cent of the time shall pay a highway use tax at a. rate equal to two-thirds of the tax per mile provided in this section on the total mileage of such vehicle In Nebraska annually in excess of a mileage equal to the quotient produced by dividing the Nebraska license fee paid on such vehicle by the rate of tax per mile applicable to such vehicle. 32 28 24-
"Sac. 2. Beginning January 1,1957, no vehicle not registered In the State of Nebraska which, if registered In this state, would be required to register under the provisions of section 00-331 to transport a load of ten tons or more shall be operated over the highways of this state outside the limits of any city or village without (1) registering the vehicle in the manner as prescribed by the laws of the State of Nebraska for a resident vehicle and paying the fec3 as prescribed by the provisions of section G0-331 and the highway use tax as provided in section I of this net or (2) securing a permit from the Department of Agriculture nnd Inspection to transport property not to exceed the weight specified in the permit and paying a highway use tax for each and every mile traveled within the state in the amounts provided in section 1 of this act. "Sec. 3. Beginning January 1, 1957, in addition to the license fees provided in section GO-329, every vehicle registered under the provision-, of subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) of section GO-329, shall pay a highway ur.c tax of two cents for each and every mile operated annually over the highways of this state in excess of a mileage equal to the quotient produced by dividing the Nebraska licence fee paid by two cents. "Sec. 4. Beginning January 1, 1957, no vehicle not registered in the State of Nebraska which, if registered in this state, would be rtquirLd to be licensed under, the. provisions of subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) of section GO-329, Shall be operated over the highways of this state outside the limits of any city or village without (1) reel-' tcring the vehicle in the manner as prescribed by the laws of this state for a resident vehicle and paying the fcea provided by the proviiions of section GO-323 and the highway use tax os provided in section 3 of this act or (2) securing a permit from the Deportment of Agriculture and Inspection to operate such vehicle over the highways of this state and paying a highway use tax for each nnd every mile operated over the highways In this state in the amount of two cents per mile.
**S*c S. The owner or lessee of every motor vehicle subject to, the highway use tax under the provisions of this act shall keep an accurate record of the miles traveled by each of such vehicles la Nebraska and shall report the mileage traveled by each vehicle In each calendar month on or before the fifteenth day of the following month to the Department of Agriculture and Inspection. The department Is authorized to promulgate forms, rules and regulations tor the keeping of records, the making of reports, and is authorized to require any additional Information necessary for the use of the department in enforcing the provisions of this act. The department is authorized to make such Inspection and audits of the tax* payen' records as may be necessary In its Judgment to Insure accurate mileage statements. The department is authorized and directed to use the Nebraska ports of entry so far as practicable for the Issuance of permits and to enforce this act. 'Sac. t. In each monthly statement the taxpayer shall stata the amount of the tax. If any, due under the provisions of this act told shall remit the amount thereof with the statement to the department. Such statement and the amount of tax shall be subject to review and audit by the department and If any additional tax Is found due, the same shall be paid after ten dayi written notice by United Bute* mall to the taxpayer. "Sac. 7. The department Is further authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of the permits authorized by this act and is authorized to require payment in advance of th« tax which may-become due under any permit or in lieu of payment to require reasonably adequate security therefor. "S«c I. Failure to pay the tax prescribed by the provisions of this act when due on account of the operation of any vehicle for which a permit has been issued, shall cancel such permit and al? rights to operate such vehicle thereunder shall terminate on the date of such default. "S«c 9. The owner or lessee of any vehicle operated without the permit referred to In this net and for which a permit is required shall pay an additional tax of ten dollars for each day such vehicle is operated without such permit, in addition to the highway use tax prescribed in this act. "S»c 10. The owner or lessee of any vehicle subject to the provisions of this act shall pay an additional tax of ten dollars for each day such owner or lessee Is In default of payment of the tax prescribed by this act on each vehicle for the operation of which the highway use tax h due, and the owner or lessee of all vehicles subject to the provisions of this act shall pay an additional tax of ten dollars for each day such owner or lessee is in default Of the reports required by the provisions of this act, in addition to the highway use tax due on such vehicles. "S»c. 11. The owner or lessee of any vehicle subject to the tax prescribed by the provisions of this net shall give notice in writing to the Department of Agriculture and Inspection at the time of payment of the tax demanded by the department of any over assessment of such tax. Such notice shall specify and identify the vehicles on account of which such demand is made and as to each vehicle, set forth the mileage and other details claimed by the owner OI lessee to be correct and the amount of tax claimed to be dueand the amount of overpayment as to each vehicle. The department shall determine such claim and refund any overpayment within sixty days. If the ov/ncr or lessee be dissatisfied with the decision, or if no decision la rendered by the department within sixty days, the owner or lessee may institute an action against the department within sixty days thereafter in the district court Of. Lancaster County, Nebraska, to recover his claim. In such action the plaintiff Khali have the burden of proving the correctness of his claim. The disputed tax involved Khali be held by the department until the action is finally determined. "Sec. 12. Revenues collected under the provisions of this net by the Department of Agriculture and Inspection chall be remitted' to the stale treasury aii'J placed by the State Treasurer in the Highway Use Tax Fund. The State Treasurer chall allocate and distribute the fund in the same manner and for the same- purposes that the Gasoline Tax Fund is allocated and distributed. "Sec. 13. The operator or driver of cny vehicle, and the owner or lessee thereof, which vehicle is within and subject to the provisions of this act, who operates HIP same in this utotc with the intention of violating any of the provisions of this act, or.who Intentionally evades or attempts to evade the highway use tax applicable to such vehicle provided by this act, or who operates such vehicle in this state without the permit required by this act with the intention of violating this act, shall each be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. '"Sec. 14. That section GO-303, Reissue Revised Statute* of Nebraska, 1043, be amended to read as follows: "GO-3D5. The provisions of law relative to registration and the display of registration numbers shall not be construed to apply to any motor vehicle owned by a nonresident of this ttate, except vehicles moved Over the highways of thio state on their own wheels for the ^ purpose of exchange, sale, or offering the same fpr sale to or by on agent, dealer, purchaser, or prospective purchaser, or for delivery nfter sale or for storage prior to sale, nnd except as otherwise provided In this act, if the ov/ncr thereof shall have complied with the provisions of the law of the state of which he fcyj resident, relative lo the registration thereof and the display of registration number plates thereon, and shall conspicuously display his registration number plate3 as required by the laws of this state. "Sec, 15. That section 00-305.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, be amended to read as follows: (Continued on Pace 3.)
Friday, August S, 1MM.
Organizations IIADASSAJI JIOAKIM Board meclincs of all Hadnssal groups have set for 12:30 j>. m Thursday, Auc. 9 nt draser luncheons. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, |>ie.',lden of Henl Group, will entertain he board in her home. .Stylo Shov -chairman, Mrs. Seymour Colin, will report, with other report;; t be given by Mrs. Charles Gnrctz, Zionist Public Affairs, nnd Mrs Sol Littman, American Affairs Mrs. Samuel Rothenhcri; will re port on the summer meetings belt by the Hadassah Medical Ori;an izatlon committee. Plans for new membership affairs will ho pr scntcd by Mrs. Ervln .Simon. Szold Group will meet nt t home of Mrs. Lou Canar, will: Mrs. Dan LInzinnn ns co-hoiittss. President Mrs. Max Gieenberg will preside. Mrs. Jlenry Green berg will discuss the forthcoming Style Show to be held August 21 at the Paxton Hotel Ballroom Mrs. Sydney Katlcman will present the latest developments in the Hudatsah Medical Organization project. s~
' ,
• • . • • '
Omaha Sketches
Private First Class and Mrs. Raymond Drown announce- the birth of n daughter Deborah Ann born July M at Lawson, Okla. Pvt. Brown is stationed at Fort Sill. They also have a daughter Kusan Gail. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Ehrenreieh are maternal grandpan nts and Mr. onrl Mrs. David lirown are paternal grandparents. Mi;!. Ilccky Brown of Los Angeles. Cal., is paternal jiroat-nraudmother. * « • Mr, and Mrs. Harold Morton Mozer of Seattle, Wash., are parents of a daughter Nancy Catherine Ijorn July 25. They also havo n daughter Anne Klizabeth and a
Arnold K.'iiman, son of Mr. an Mrs. William Kalinan, has teen elected associate ruljbl for the year at Temple Ik lie Israel iii Hamilton, O.( It Ir. Ohio':; oldest reform eon^ivj;utioit served by Hebrew Uniun . College. His v.'ife Judith, a piano major ai the Cincinnati College of MU.MC, has been appointed music director of file religious school. Mr. Kalmnn is in bis fourth year at tin college and is to be ordained early in 195H. During the Iligh Holidays, he will serve at Temple lieth-E" in Colorado .Springs, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. son David Mycr. Mrs. A. E. RuKalmnn plan to visit Omaha durinc the latter part of this month. bens of Portland, Ore., is maternal grandmother and Mrs. Abe Mozcr Mr. and Mrs. Samuel \). Neren- of Omaha is paternal grandberg nnd their aon Hill from Phde- mother. • nix, Ariz., nre visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and A daughter Cherri Ann was born Mrs. George Elsenbcrg and fan* ily. The former Omahans will go July 25 to Mr. and Mrs.' Milton on to visit their other daughter Goldberg at a local hospital. The and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don- couple also has a son Jay Robert Mr. and Mt% Barne? DreVlch ald Lcrner of Bclolt, Wis. Mrs, Lcrner is tho former Miss Cheryl are maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents ore Mr, and Nercnbcrg. ^ ' Ms. Marx K, Goldberg all" of Mr, and Mrs. Isadore Forbes Omaha. Me* Drevichc-f Miami, left Monday for New York q t y Fla.; U great-grandfather on the where they will visit their daugh- maternal side of the family. ter, and son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Ncrllss. Patronize the merchants who advertise In YOUR newspaper. •
Slosburgs to Mark 50th Anniversary
Pioneer Women to Hold Bake Sale
By Borfa Smolnr Jewish Problems: Jewish organizations which conduct relief activities among Jews in North Africa, with the financial aid of American Jewry, are faced with a serious problem . . . The Arab governments art. asking that the aid given by these organizations should not be limited to Jews nlone, but should be extended to the Moslem population as well . . . Requests to this effect have been presented to the ORT, which is maintaining vocational training schools in Tunis and Morocco, ami to the OSK which Is doing'excellent medical work for the Jews in these countries . . . The authorities argue that since the Jews in these countries enjoy equal rights with the Mos|ems, needy Arabs should receive equal treatment In Jewish institutions . . . Thus, the OUT was nslced to include Moslem students In its training schools, and the OSK was requested to treat Moslems as well as Jews . . .Leaders of the two organizations cxniO'-i'd willingness to Include the Aral) population In their programs, providing the local Kovernments carry tho financial burden Involved . . , They stressed that the organizations devote their activities to Jewish needs, because they receive their luniks from American Jewry for this purpose . . . However, the North African liovcrnmcnls Insist, that at least n goodwill "token" to offered by thrtc organizations by including a minimum of Arabs In their proj(rYmtinued on Page 4.)
F*K* Hire*
Mrs. Hyraon Belman will meet with the board of The Weltzman Croup, of which she is. president, at the home of Mrs. Harry Kerenstcin. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Joe Bernstein. Mrs. Max Platt, general ticket chairman of the annual card party, will report for her committee. Mrs. Irving Genillcr will report on American Affairs. Mrs. T. A. Tully will present the Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Slosburg, Hadassah Medical Organization Jr., will celebrate their 50th wedcommittee report. ding anniversary Thursday, Aug. ](j. Thoy will receive their friends nt a reception at 8 p. m., in the social hall of Temple Israel. No invitations have been issued. They were married at Temple Chapter No. 1 of Pioneer Worn B'nai Abraham in Chicago, 111. en will hold their annual Hake Mr. Slosburg, a native Omahan, Sale from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., has been nctive in communal afTuesday, Aug. 14 at Brundels fairs for many years. He served Store. Members of the Pioneer •is vice-president of the Wise MeWomen will prepare the pastrica morial Hospital. He was a foundand cakes. er of Beth El Synagogue and a Mrs. Jake Kaplan Is chairman member of the Hoard of Governors of the affair and Is assisted by of the Federation for Jewish Mrs. Sam Okun and Mrs. Isndorc Service. Mr. Slosbury was also a member of the building committee Forbes.' Call Mrs. Kaplan. WE 5454 or of tho Jewish Community Center Mrs. Sam Novak, GL 285G not la- ind a president of a early Omaha ter than Monday, Am:. 13 to have B'nai B'rlth lodge. your baked goods picked up. MemMrs. Slosburg, a native of Bisbers may bring their pastries and marck, S. D., has served as treascake to the store the morning of urer of the Federation of Jewish August 4 4 . Women's Clubs and on the Fcderaion's board of Governors. She Is a graduate of the Chicago Musical College. .
Between You and Me
Kahns Will Make Their Home Here. Miss Use Hcasel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sicgmund Hesscl of New York- City, and Lieutenant Marcel Kahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. oseph Knhn of Omaha, were married June 24 In New York City. Lt. Kahn is stationed at Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Ga. The Kahns will return to Orriaha this winter to make their home here.
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Rosh Hashonah Edition of The Jewish Press Call JA 1366
Hadassah to Hold Sardine Canning fish canning industry in IsMad Hatters Show raelThecan produce high quality ' Omahn Chapter Hadassah will present its Mad Hatters Style Show and annual card party Aul*ust 21 in the Paxton Hotel Ballroom. Dessert luncheon will be served (it 12:30 p. m._ Mrs. Irving Herzog, . general chairman for- the affair, announced that M^s. Max Platt was named tlcket.chalrman. Members of her committee are: Mesdames Seymour Cohn, Abe Katelman, Henry L. Greenberg, Sam Geifman, Barney Hoberman, -Irving W. Forbes and Ruben Murcus.
products in industrial quantities with the help of quite simple and inexpensive investments, Ernest Tengberg liansen, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization expert from Denmark, announced here. Mr. Hansen just ended a sixmonth stay in Israel, during which he studied the seven fish canning plants, their production methods, and their possibilities for development He compared the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) sardine with the Scandinavian brisling, and thought that With satisfactory processing it could secure on excellent market. LEGAL NOT1CB
(Continued from Page 3.) ' "60-305.01. Except as otherwise provided in this act, a nonresident owner owning any foreign vehicle which has been duly registered for the current calendar year in the state, country, or other place Of which the owner is a resident, and which at all times, when operated In this state, lias displayed upon it the number plate or plates issued for such vehicle in the place of residence of such owner, may operate or permit the *• operation of such vehicle within the state without registering, such vehicle or paying any fees to this stale. "8M. IS. That section 60-305.02, Revised Statutes Supplement^ 1955, be amended to read as follows: "60-305.02. Trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, and trailers carrying loads of less than ten tons, or buses weighing less than twenty-eight thousand pounds, from states other than Nebraska, entering Nebraska shall be required to comply with all the laws .'nd regulations of any nature imposed on Nebraska ; rucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers and trailers carrySg loads of less than ten tons, or buses weighing less ;hnn twenty-eight thousand pounds, and. to comply with all the requirements as to payment of all license fees, permit fees, and fees of whatever character which owners of trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers and trailers carrying loads of less than ten tons, or buses weighing less than twenty-eight thousand pounds, owned and operated in Nebraska, are required to pay when operating In such foreign states, unless the state or states, in which such trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, or buses are domiciled, grant reciproccity comparable to that extended by the laws of Nebraska. "S«c. 17. That section 00-305.03, Revised Statutes, Supplement 1055, be amended to rend as follows: "00-305.03. (1)' In ca.«c a foreign state or territory is not reciprocal 03 to licence fees on commercial trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers and trailers carrying loads of less than ten ton.i, or buses weighing less than twenty-eight thousand pounds, the owners of such nonresident vehicles from those states or territories will be required to pay the same license fees as «re charged residents of this state in such foreign state or territory. In case no fees arc charged in Nebraska on such trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, Ity comparable to that extended by the laws of Neor buses, other than license fees, and the reciprocity law of any other foreign state or territory docs not act to exempt such Nebraska trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, or buses operating in that state from payment of all fees whatsoever, the owners of such foreign trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, Or buses shall be required to pay a fee in on amount equal ' to the fee of whatever character, other than license fee, is charged by such other state to such foreign trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, or buses; Pro' vidwL that the owners of all such foreign trucks, jrucktractors, semi-trailers, trailers, or buses, doing intrastate hauling in this state, shall be required to pay the same registration fees as those required to be paid by residents of this state. In no case shall the fee charged to an owner of such a foreign motor vehicle exceed the total fees required to be paid on like vehicles by residents of this state. The Department of Roads and Irrigation shall remit all such fees collected to the State Treasurer, who shall place such money in the Highway Cash Fund. ; "(2) In order to effect the purposes of section 80-305.02 and subsection (1) of this section, the motor ' vehicle division of the Department of Roads and Irrigation shall have Authority to enter into reciprocal agreements with the responsible officers of other states, provinces, or countries as to licenses and permit fees, under which such motor vehicles, trucks, -truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers, or buses properly licensed or registered in other states, provinces, or countries may be operated In interstate commerce in this state without a Nobraska registration or the payment of permit fees Or taxes; Prorldad, that like provisions are accorded to such vehicles owned by Nebraska citizens when . operated In such other state, provinces, or countries. It shall be unlawful to operate such trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, trailers or buses owned by nonrcsidents who ore hot In compliance with the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section and with section 60-305.02, or any agreement executed under the authority granted hcreundcr. It is the Intention that the highway uso tax provided by this act shall be imposed in accordance with its terms upon the operation in Nebraska of vehicles to which this act applies. No vehicles to which the act is otherwise applicable shall be exempt from such tax by reason of nny reciprocal or other agreement.
"Sec. 18. That original sections 00-305 and 00-305.01, RehsaA vised Statutes of Nebras'-*""" and" sections " /tevlscd Nebraska, 10-13, 00-30502 s a l 60-305.03, Revised Statutesi iSupplement, 1055, are repealed,1* Hwpecifully submitted. MJUtMf'
jistteWsjhjs*!* Montey, Jojj. jij|j(iio':; Vv'
Center Sports By Jim Karbatech ALL STABS TO FLAY Coaches and representatives from the four Youth Council softball teams along with league officials selected twenty-five players to be divided Into two teams for • Youth Council All-Star Softball game to be played this Sunday at 30 a. m. Parents were Invited to attend the game. Royim o u t f i e l d e r Shelley Krantz. a unanimous selection, will be unable to play because of a wrist fracture suffered in a varsity game. Blue team members under Coach Al Begrad are: Art Novak, Mikt Blatt, Mike Canar, Al Krize.man. John Okun, Howard Goldstein. Dave Goldstein, Mike Plan. Jamie S l . a p i r o , Jeff Schwartz, Al Siccal and Ray K'lrlie. Coach Ernie SaltZman's While team lists Stuart Kutler, Bill Cooper, Larry Kahn. Al Noddle. Jerry Rosen, John Goldncr. Doug Cohn, Murray Mayer, Larry Herman. Tanny Horwieh. Justin Greenberg and Willard Plotkin. VAU.S1TV I.OSK8 The JCC Varsity Softball team lost its third game of the year to St. Mihel at Boyd field last Tuesday Terry Bernstein pitched good ball for the varsity allowing only five hits, but the winning run was scored oh a misjudged fly ball that went for a home run In the fourth inning. Final score was 2-1. The last game of the season will be against the Clifton Hill Merchants who hold dawn the cellar position in the league and the tournament starts August 5. A 13 man roster was submitted for tournament play and includes Terry Bernstein. Bernie Bogdonoff, Doug Cohn, Llndy Paul, Dan Epstein. Norman Zcvitz, Ray Kirke. Bill Cooper, John Goldner. Al Bograd. Sheldon Krantz and Wayne Sicgal. CEHTIKICATEH Certificates for participation in the National Jewish Welfare Airmail Swimming Meet have been received at the Center. These individuals are asked to obtain their certificates from Joe Micek. James Surber. John Surber. Jr.. Jerry Schwartz, F. J. Pepper. George Kahn. Judy Kutler, Pat Greenfield. Phyllis Lewis, Kuniald Mihara, Scott Haykin. Jr., Al Corey. Mark Plattner. Marshall Kaplan and Scott Haykin
Bias in Elections New York (WNS)—A group of six religious and lay leaders, Protestant, Catholic and 'ewlsh. have Urged the Democratic and Republican parties to prevent and condemn emphatically any expression or occurrence of "racial or religious bias" in the forthcoming national elections. The group called upon Leonard W. Hall, national chairman of the Republican Party, and Democratic Parly Chairman Paul Butler to organize in every community a "non-partisan and non-sectarian committee" which would keep "a watchful eye on campaign activities and call to the attention of political leaders any instance of appeals based on religious or racial prejudice." Close the Gap To exert every passible effort to eliminate un-democratlc practices and undemocratic attitudes, to do all that we can do to close the gap between out' professions - of democracy and our practice of I t , •. Is the only way that we can achieve our maximum national strength and unity and fully discharge our international responsibilities. In these critical times, this we must do. We cannot afford to do less.—Ralph i. Runcbe.
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BorMitxvah Marvin PoUkov, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Polikov, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah, Saturday, Aug. 4 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Members of the family and friend* are invited to attend the services and the reception which will follow.
Candidates Named For Sweetheart Dance AZA No. 1 has announced the candidates for their 1956 Sweetheart Dance to be hold September 6. Each year six candidates are chosen of the basis of activities and club spirit. The candidates are: Diannc Fellman, Rohanue; Diane Singer. Modi BBG; Judy Kutler, Hodi BBG; Laurie Oruch, Eleanor Roosevelt BBG; Lenl Wine, Eleanor Roosevelt BBG; and Marsha Zalkln, Debka Debs. Co-chairmen for the dance arc Al Siegal and Harold Kaiman. i
Hodi Picnic Hodi Chapter of B'nai B'rith Girls will hold its second anniversary picnic August S. Each family will bring their own supper. The chapter will supply soda pop and ice cream. Misses Lynn Singer and Miriam Katz are chairmen for the affair.
Oil Agreement Jerusalem USD—On July 17, an Israel purchasing mission signed in Moscow an agreement to buy from eighteen to twenty million dollars worth of Russian petroleum in the next two years. The agreement provides for the oil to be brought to Israel in Israel tankers during 1957 and 1958. The Israel mission also conducted negotiations regarding the purchase of Russian drilling equipment for Israel's oil search.
Between You and Me (Continued from Page 3.) ects . . . The OSE. which Li financed primarily by the JDC, has refuscJ to submit to this demand, but the ORT did take in a small number of Arab students into its training schools as a "token gesture" . . . The JDC has not been approached by the Arab authorities, apparently because these governments do not want to risk any negative answer from this large American Jewish organization . . . On the contrary, Morocco Is now interested to see JDC relief activities for Jews In the country expanded, since the country needs dollars and In view of the fact that assisted emigration of Jews has been banned and the Jews remaining in the country will need more aid.
Off the Record By Katham Zlprta LET THEM DAVEN . . . I am generally reluctant to Inject myself Into a religious disputation, but it seems to me the Israeli rabbinate was trodding an erroneous path when it put its foot down against Reform "davenlng" by students In the library of the Jerusalem Archaeological School, sponsored by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of America. The way to "tshuveh," repentance, i teems, is through "davenlng" of any kind rather than alienation from shul. Ideological opposition to Reform Judaism loses its deeper significance-when it sacrifices the great principle of tolerance. WITH MARILYN AGAIN . . . The London story that Marilyn Monroe, now Mrs. Arthur Miller, is contemplating official conversion to Judaism may not be wholly true, but this writer would not be surprised if that unique lady became m Jewess. Marilyn may not be an intellectual, but as an artist no doubt she is groping for a faith, a new faith, amidst the spiritual ruins of our mid-century civilization precisely perhaps because in a way she has.come to symbolize the confusion of values In our days. EXPOSING THE J U D A I S T S . . . The nudity of the American Council for Judaism has never better been exposed than by Rabbi Reichert of San Francisco who, in his letter of resignation from the outfit, not only accused the council of conducting an obstructionist campaign against the Welfare and legitimate interests of Israel and its people but of being a pariah In Jewish organizational life. To be sure, the Judalsts weren't going to meet the blast without answer, but their reply was as evasive as their claim to Judaism.
Nuclear Reactor
Exchange Students
Jerusalem (IS!)—The Atomic Energy Commission of Israel is about to sign an agreement for the construction of a nuclear research reactor. Prof. E m i t D, Bergman, Chairman of the Commission, disclosed here. Recalling that the Commission was established by Prime Minister David Ben Gurlov in 1952, Prof. Bergman noted th&t its aims have been to encourage atomic research in Israel, to stimulate the application of atomic energy in industry, agriculture, and medicine and to study the application of this new field of human energy to the economic needs oT the country.
Washington (WNS) — At a State Department ceremony attended by Israel Ambassador Abba Ebon, Assistant Secretary of State George V. Allen and VS. Senator J. W. Fulbright, an agreement was signed according to which Israel became the 31st country to participate In the Fulbright Educational Exchange program sponsored by the United States. A provision has been made for $500,000 to cover Israel-American exchange students during a period of 5 years.
Pointing out that some notable progress has been achieved in the development of processes for the production of uranium and heavy water, Prof. Bergman said that atomic research is still in its infancy as regards industrial and economic application. community but their "lest they multiply" fear Is evidently as strong as it was with Pharonb. Significantly enough it was a Supreme Courl Justice named Christ who was able to penetrate the fallacy and hypocrisy of the legal argument when he turned down the contention that potential damage, to property in the unpredictable future wan proper justification for barring pescnt religious right*.
Five Israel air cadets are now visiting Washington with air cadets of 21 other nations as part of an international exchange arranged by the U.S. Civil Air Patrol. The young men have been briefed by VS. officers at Bolllntf Air Force Bate, conducted on sightseeing tours, and feted here. They are member* of the Israel Air Cadet organization "Gadna Avir." According to one estimate, M appears that by 1958, It wlU take a fuel of about 93 octane to get top performance out of 90 per cent of the c a n on the road.
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ZONING FROLICS . . . Some day perhaps the story win be told how community zoning laws have been used as a screen for antiSemitism. When that story Is written, the author will find unbelievable material In an Impudent brief filed In the New York Supreme Court by the Zoning Board of Garden City, a suburb of New York City, claiming justification for its refusal to issue a synagogue permit to the Jewish community on the ground that future expansion by the congregation would render the building Inadequate and thus have a deleterious effect on neighboring property. What those gentlemen did in effect was to echo Pharoah'i "leit they multiply" fear as justification for reducing the Jewiih population In Egypt through the drowning of all Jewish male children. The gentlemen of the zoning board are evidently too "civilized" to suggest drastic measures for the curtailment of the Jewish population In their
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