Vol. XXXIV—No. 44.
SttSSf rSHi^BSS-
AJC Reports...
Israel Negotiates for Bypass Oil Pipeline Ixmdon (JTA)—Israel Govern, ment representatives have opened negotiations w i t h British an American oil companies on a plar to build an oil pipeline from El at to Haifa to by-pass the Suez Ca nal. It was reported here Mondn from Jerusalem. The pipeline could be built i one year and would cost $30,000,000 the report said. It would be 16 inches in diameter and woul carry 4,000,000 tons ot Oil a year. The line would terminate at Haifa
Present Peril By Rinna ClroMmnn Jerusalem (AJP)—The spectacular currently staged coup by Colonel Nasser against the vital backdrop of the Suez Canal has successfully arrested the world'* attention and has served, among other things, to distract this attention away from the still acuti situation on the very borders of the State of Israel. Israelis, In general have tended to reserve their opinion on the subject of Colonel Nasser's) coup, waiting, perhaps, until the vlolen response of the West crystallizes into action of some sort—action incidentally that may in no small measure effect the future of Israel herself. -People here talk about the Ca ' n a l of course, about the relative inevitability of Nasser's meglomanlac attempt to superimpose; triumph on fiasco, on the possible result his decision will have within Egypt, but the man in the street in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Beersheba is still more concerned with the present peril which accompanies his daily work and leisure. For the situation In Israel and the continued murder and pillage directed against her heart, are both dangerous and disturbing. It might have appeared for a while that the United Nations had acknowledged this danger fully—and possibly were even prepared to implement resolutions and alchemize talk into deed. Secretary General Ilammarskjold made his dramatic visit. He conferred and observed and dls(Contlnued on Page 2.1 Scientists'Say...
Fingerprints Show Racial Grouping Copenhagen (JTA)—The Jews in all parts of the world are members of a Mediterranean racial group having distinct genetic factors, not found among non-Jews, two- Israeli scientists reported here last week-end at the first In tcrnatlonal Congress of Human Genetics. The Israeli scientists, Dr. Leo Sachs of the Welzmann Institute, and Dr. M. Bat-Miriam of the Israeli Institute for Biological Research, used fingerprint patterns In their investigations. After examining 4,000 prints of immigrants to Israel from Poland, Germany, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Bulgaria and Turkey, the scientists found a unique pattern of loops, whorls and arches which 'cduld not be" found In samples or fingerprints of non-Jews which they studied. Dr. MlUslav Dcmcrdk, director of the genetics department of Carnegie Institute in Washington and a noted export on racial science, declared that he never beforo knew that fingerprints could be used for establishing racinl origin. ."It1 is entirely ft now approach," Dr. 'Dcmerck snld. "I know Dr. Sachs. He is a noted scientist and I 1 avc complete confidence In hl"
where the oil would be refined at refineries which now operate at far less than capacity because of the Arab refusal to sell oil to Israel or to pipe It Into Israel. The Israel plan is for tankers to un< load In the Gulf of Akaba, at Elath, the report stated. At the same time, It was Indl catcd here that the Foreign Office has given no consideration, nor does it intend to give any thought, to the proposals for the digging of an alternate canal or the construction of an oil pipeline across Israel. Apart from the cost, it Is felt that such a canal or pipe line would have to be constructed only in the event of closure of existing facilities., If such a situation ever arose, the Foreign Office believes, the Arabs would be equally p r e p a r e d to halt supplies through a cross-Israel pipeline or blockade the Red Sea entrance to an alternate canal. Meanwhile; the influential weekly Economist calls on the government to consider an alternative channel to the Suez Canal and not to dismiss the Idea as visionary. The newspaper suggested that the de facto border area between Israel and Egypt along the strip from Akaba to Gaza could be placed under United Nations thorlty—with Israel and Egyptian agreement—and could carry pipelines, land traffic and possibly a canal. NEW BOYCOTT PLANNED London (WNS—Intimation of an inter-Arab boycott of Danny Kaye films was disclosed here In a report from Damascus, which said Syria had banned movies of the American actor because of his pro-Israel activities in the United States and Israel. At Damascus, the report said, a theater running "Up in Arms," starring Danny Kaye, cancelled the show in compliance with the government ban. Danny Kaye recently visited Israel as part of a world tour on behalf of the United Nations International Children's Fund. POLISH JEWS FHEE New York (WNS)—Categorical assurance by Poland's Foreign Minister that all Jews in Poland arc. free to migrate to Israel was reported here by The Day-Jewish Journal, Yiddish dally, in a report telephoned from Warsaw by its correspondent Dr. H, Shoshes. Dr. Shoskcs reported that after witnessing the long qucus of Jews before the office of the Israeli Consulate he contacted the Foreign^ Minister, who, in the course of a long conversation assured him Jews In Poland were free to leave for Israel without any restrictions.
ruMimcd oierj runs* I t l d. tout Annual UMt « Uallws Omfthft Netruku I'bon* JA I I U Blnrlt O w I* Omit
Anti-Semitism Up In France J'aris (JTA)—'Ajiti-Scmtism in gaining ground iu France and arousing increased concern in West Germany, the European office of the American Jewish Committee disclosed here after completion of a survey of* anti-Semitism in 12 Western European countries. The survey was based on the opinioiu of Jewish community leaders throughout Europe. •
— m i n t Studio Photo
Mnury I,. Schwartz
Schwartz to Head Temple Schools
Incidents Threat To Cease-Fire United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Repeated shootings involving a total of at least nine dead and 20 wounded among Israelis, Jordanians and United Nations observers along the Israel-Jordan border now constitute "a greater,threat to the policy of cease-fire than had so far arisen," UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold Monday warned the Security Council.
faaury L. Schwartz has bean named Director ot Religious Education and Youth Activities at Temple Israel, it was announced by Abe Brodkey, President of Temple Israel. In an unusual document, in Mr, Schwartz with his wife Es- which ha reported to the Security telle and their two daughters, Council on various events that Naomi Ruth, 2 and Deborah Gail, have developed since the Council'! 3 months, arrived in Omaha dur- last resolution on June 4 authorlz. ing the last week of July. They ing him to continue his "good of' are making their home at 4803 ft flees" in relation to the Arab-IsChicago Street. rael dispute, Mr. Hammarskjold Mr. Schwartz received his B.A. reported to the Council In detail so and MSW at Washington Univer- that tho principal security bod) sity In S t Louis, Mo. He has also here may be aware of the litua' taken post-graduate social work tion. at Columbia .University .In New The Secretary General attached York City. He waa a student of the late' ifi his brief, two-page report eleven pages summarizing reports direel Rabbi Julius Gordon at Temple Shaare Emeth in S t Louis with from the field by the United Na whom he studied in the fields of tlons Truce Supervision OrganizaBible and Jewish philosophy for tion's, chief of staff, Maj. Gen. E. L, M. Burns. The Burns' reports sue years. s u p p o r t Mr. Hammarskjold's At Temple Shaare Emeth, Mr. warning to the Council that the Schwartz was a member of the Jordon-Israel Incidents have "InReligious School Faculty for nine volved clear elements of the ceaseyears. fire assurances." Gen. Burns' data After serving as teacher in var- shows: ious grades of the religious school, Between June 26 and July 28 IsMr. Schwartz was appointed by Rabbi Gordon as supervisor of the rael filed 130 complaints with the Israel • Jordan M i x e d Armistice Senior Department ot the ReligCommission, while Jordan count ious School, ered with 270 complaints. During Mr. Schwartz has also pursued the same period Israel casualties private studies with Rabbi Robert numbered nine dead and clgh P. Jacobs at Washington Univer- wounded; Jordan reported seven sity, and Dr. Norman Paris, Di- wounded; at least (We UN milirector of the St. Louis Yeshlva. tary observers were wounded, four At the same time Mr. Schwartz of them "seriously." was principal of the United HeTho Burns reports backing Mr. brew Temple In the Trl-citles of Illinois, and Director of Education Hammarskjold's characterization at the Jewish Child Welfare As- of the Incidents as "a greater sociation In St. Louis. threat" than has developed along Mr. Schwartz has had extensive experience working with young- the Israel borders since the ceasesters in directing teenage groups fire agreements were concluded of St. Louis' Jewish Centers As- last April Indicate, according to sociation. He has served as a di- observers here, that Jordan is by rector of a summer resident camp far the more culpable of the two (Continued on Page 4.) parties.
Yiddish Poet Tells of Red Imprisonment New York (JTAI—Of 85 Jew Lih literary and theatre figures working In Moscow after the war, at least 15 arc not longer alive, as a result of Soviet persecution of Jewish culture, Moshe Broderzon, renowned Yiddish poet, declared Sunday in Warsaw following his return from the Soviet Union. He spent five and a half years In Soviet prisons. A cable from Warsaw to tho New York Times reported that Mr. Brodcrzon said - ho was arrested by the secret police in Moscow on April 21, 1950, after the Soviet authortics dosed the only Yiddish-language newspaper there, disbanded the Jewish Antl-Fascldt Committee, and shut down tho ewLsh theatre studio where ho had worked. "We all knew what was happenng," he said. "We knew of the irresUi pf,,pth£C Jcwiih. waiters n<J urtists and lived in dally fear
of our turn." When it came he was held for nine months In two prisons ,ln Moscow and interrogated nigh'fly for eight of the nine months. His Interrogators accused
Sunday Radio Mark van Dorcn, poet, critic and Columbia University professor of. English and Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer, engage In a series of Informal dialogues on tho. highlights of the first five books of the Bible on the summer series of tho Eternal Light program. It is broadcast each S u n d a y at 11:30 a. jn.fover KFAB. This is the fourth Summer the two noted men of letters have been featured on the program.
him of having said that antiSemitism existed in the Soviet Union and he recalled that he told them "It's • true—there Is antiSemitism In Russia." At the end of nine months he was sent to a camp in Taishet, Siberia, to serve his ten-year sentence, He was freed last September. He carried back to Poland lost week Q notice from the Soviet Prosecutor General that the "proceedings against you have been terminated and in this matter you arc now considered rehabilitated." He and his wife fled to the Soviet Union in 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland. Both worked in the Yiddish theatre in Moscow and in 1940 the Russians made them Soviet citizens. Mr. Brodcrzon decided to stay on after the war because, he said, "I did not want to come back to the, place where three and a half million members of. my. iamlly.Jiad .been .lost"
"The electoral campaign and subsequent victory of the Poujade movement at the French polls last January have given definite impetus to anti-Semitism in France," the AJC reported. There has been a "noticeable Increase" In unfavorable comments about Jews, In the appearance on street walls of signs like "Jew, Go Home" and in the arrogance of the French.anti-democratic and anti-Semitic papers. New publications with anti-Semitic tendencies have, more over, appeared In France In recent months, the report emphasizes. "While Poujadlsts have not been effective in the French Parliament and while there has been some Internal dissension in the Poujade movement, there Is no real evidence that Its strength has diminished since last January," the AJC report stressed. "In fact, French troubles at home and in North Africa can give Poujadism an even greater appeal than before." In West Germany, the AJC survey noted, many Germans are now warning with increased urgency of the need to take vigorous counteraction against a renewed flow of neo-Nazi literature, against theGerman public's tendency to excuse and Ignore the evils of Hitlerism, and against the Infiltration ot former Nazis into important posts. They point out that present democratic progress in West Germany has been made In a period of outstanding economic prosperity and political stability and that the German public's attitude toward democracy has not yet been t o t e d by difficulties such as those which beset the Weimar Republic in the 1920's for example. Outside France and West Germany, anti-Semitic elements constitute a "nuisance" but pose no serious problem at the present time, according to the reports received by AJC from the European Jewish communities. In addition to France and West Germany, the survey Included Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. "Open anti-Semitism is stilt considered a 'political mark of Cain' In post-war Europe, a fact recognized even by the anti-Semites themselves," tho report continued. "As a result, they prefer to work anonymously and under cover, or deny their anti-Semitism even while engaged In anti-Semitic activities."
NEQEV SETTLEMENTS Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jewish Agency Is currently building eight new settlements in the Western Ncgev for 900 immigrant families, M. Talman, director Of the Negcv Authority, announced here. He said that the new settlers in the Ncgcv urgently needed physicians, teachers and agricultural Instructors. More livestock and irrigated lands will soon be givepi these settlers, Mr. Talman revealed, and a winepress will soon be built near Bccrshcba for the grates they arc growing.
Haifa Shipyard Tel Aviv (WNS)—Construction of a 30,000,000 pound ship yard a t Haifa is being planned by the I s raeli Government. , Technical questions Involved in the construction of the project will be studied abroad by 4n I s acll. delegation. ' _,
>»*;• -TWO
TMJC «c.tvig|l
Bible Translation Will Be Revised Puhhshmt Ever? Vriasj bj the Fadeimttoo «l Jewish Service
Friday, August 10, 185k.
Omaha Sketches
S. Berek Authors North Bends Show
By Fhittp SlomorM* Samuel I. Berek, prominent IMcvni. 'JMW Mailing rtirUese* AuUHirutc at umalu, IMOrMsa. Fremont leader in dvic affairs, Is (Copyright. 1956, JTA) 4»ii)i»j auMcnptkia S4JX. Advertising Katet on AppileatMl the author and producer of the iuiluruu Utflm—1(C No. Sum filrm, Omaha, Nebi. jAckm 1*» American Jewry is in the proenai «rpr 4<Mrt»-~«8Oi So ZiUi «txeei A native Omahan, Erwin J. North Bends Centennial Pageant HARRY HALPER1 BdJ«« cess of performing a task that The pageant will be presented AuWczcUnan will head a new derecurs ' only once in a lifetime." partment at the Nebraska Cloth- gust 17, 18 and 19. Thanks to the Jewish Publication ing Company, It was announced by Entitled "Cavalcade of a CenSociety, a board of distinguished W. O. Swanspn, company presi- tury," it has a cast of over 300 scholars win soon begin tbe job dent A new department, the persons. During the past 25 years, itable as he had anticipated . . of preparing a new, revised Eng- Voung Mister Shop will be opened Mr. Berek has produced over ISO By Boris Bmolar The long-term action would be to lish translation of the Bible. this Monday on the second floor pageants for civic organizations. (Copyright. ISSe, JTA) finance, together with Britain and The "onee-ln-a-lifetime" phrase of the flare. Tbe shop will feature SOVIET DISCRIMINATION: France, the construction of a canal was cobMid by the JPS president, the popular ivy league type of libUcal Zoo Jewish groups In the United States in Israel parallel to the Suez Ca- Edwin- Woif 2nd, who thus ex- young men's wear. Mr. Wczclman Jcrsalem's latest and rarest Im•re complaining against the sup- nal . . . The idea of constructing plained the project: bat been with the company for 28 pressioi of Jewish culture in the such a canal, which would stretch consecutive years except for four migrants, a pair of sea lions, spent Tor over a generation,' the years their first day in Israel alternateSoviet Union . . . But no Jewish from Ashkelon. Israeli city on the that be served with the organization seems to pay atten- Mediterranean shore, through the Jews of tbe En»n«H-«n«kin* VS. Army during World War IL ly frolicking In a pool and basking world have been grateful to the in the strong sunlight at the Bibtion to an even more basic dis- Negev to the port of Eylat, was Dr. A. C Feliman, member of lical Zoo. Sent to Israel by tbe San crimination against Jews itlli seriously discussed years ago when Jewish Publication Society of prevalent In the Soviet Union . . . Palestine was. under British Man- America for its translation of the the Executive Committee of tbe Diego California Zoo in exchange This discrimination consists of in- date . . . At that time it was ar- Bible. This translation has until Federation for Jewish Service, for animals native to Israel, the dicating in all identity documents gued, however, that it Would take now represented Bible srholiirshlp was re-elected secretary-treasurer sea lions are the first to be lodged carred by every Jew in the USSR a long time before such a canal at Its best and the Jewish spirit of the Lutheran Hospital medical in any of the country's animal staff. Dr. Abe Greenberg, first homes. that tbe holder is a Jew . . . Tbe could be built i . .This argument at fU finest. practice, which was abandoned is no longer valid in the age of "The time has come to revise vice-president of the Federation after the fall of the Czarist re- atomic energy . . . Russia is using this translation in line with the and a past president of the hosgime, was quietly revived under atom energy for building water latest scholarship and with current pital staff, is a member of the hos- Israel Olympic Team Tel Aviv (ISIl—Eighteen Stalin and has not been abolished canal inside the USSR, why can- English usage. Only thus can the pital staff's executive committee. since . . . It has the same effect not the Western Powers use the Bible continue to be a living book Also on the executive committee sportsmen will represent Israel at as the word "Jew" stamped on the same power for the construction and a constant source of inspira- is Dr. A. S. Rubnitz, Chairmen of the Olympic Games to be held in various cither committees Include Melbourne, Australia, in Novemidentity document* of Jews in Hit- on the canal through Israel ter- tion. Dr. E. M. MaUshock and Dr. M. ber. ler Germany and In Nazi-occupied ritory to parallel the Suez Canal? 'It will be an arduous and ex- H. Brodkey. countries • • • Unlike the suppresThe contingent will include a • • • pensive undertaking, but It is a sion of Jewish culture, which afteam and men and Miss Lillian Bittner, daughter of basketball task that has to be assumed if fects only tbe Yiddish-reading women athletes in track and field Cultural Plans: The Joint Disand Mrs. Ell Bittner, arrived events, Jews in the Soviet Union, the tribution Committee is consider- we are to remain true to our re- Mr. shooting and swimming. yesterday after receiving her practice of stamping passports ing plans to grant cultural old to sponsibility. Our self-respect as home master's degree in music theory and other identity documents af- Jewish communities in EuropeJew? demands It. We owe It to from the Eastman School of MusPresent Peril fects every Jew . . . In fact when which are in need of teachers, our"heritage and to the world of ic at the University of Rochester, tbe notorious "Doctors' plot" had text-books and school facilities faith and spirit." (Continued from Page 1) In Rochester. N. Y. Miss Bittner sent Soviet anti-Semitism to new . . . A conference of Jewish educaof : the project plans to teach music theory at on cussed. He departed. But the Arab height, every Jew in the USSR tors from various countries in Eu- is Editor-in-chief world requires considerably more Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, of the university, was a marked man . . . Many Jews rope will be held this summer in faculty than conferences, observation or of Hebrew Union Collegewere dismissed from their posi- Paris under JDC auspices to take Louis Somberg was reappolntcd even supervision before It win Jewish Institute of Religion, who tions as office workers, clerks, and to serve a second term on the Uni- yield to law and order—and Hameven factory hands only because stock of Jewish educational needs was tbe only Jewish scholar on versity of Omaha Board of Re- mankjold's visit put no end to the their Identity documents Indicated . . . A noted American Jewish edu- the Revised Standard Version gents by the Omaha School Board. continual harrnssment. The toll they were Jews . . . The managers cator has been commissioned by Committee that prepared the new rose. Seven Israelis died unpeaceof many Soviet factories were the JDC to survey the situation in Protestant Bible translation. Servfill deaths, eight more suffered Europe and to organize the forthing on his committee are distinafraid to keep Jews in their emgrievous injuries on the Jordan ploy, lest they be accused of pro- coming conference . . . The JDC guished scholars, representing OrborVIer alone. Arab defiance was tecting Jews . . . Today, the So- has also engaged a second Ameri- thodoxy, Conservatism and Reroost explicit, viet Union is practically the only can Jewish educator as a per- form—Dr. Max Artz, Dr. Bernard Hammarskjokl made a second country In the world where every manent member of its European J. Bamberser, Dr. Harry Freedvisit Once again he conferred, obJewish citizen has his Jewish Iden- staff to be in charge of coordin- man. Dr. H. L. Ginsberg and Dr. served, discussed. This time he tity stamped on his documents . . . ating and directing technical as- Ephraim A. Spdser. Ex-offick) made public Ben Gurlon's pledge Under the Czar this was done on sistance for Jewish school* and members of the committee arc that Israel would not abandon her the pretext of religion but in tbe other cultural institutions in Eu- Mr. Wolf, Dr. Solomon Grayzel, pohey of non-retaliation, come USSR, where religion is not taken ropean countries . . . Leaders of, editor of the Jewish Publication BETH EX what might The slight agitation into consideration, such a practice the Jewish communities in prac- Society, and Judge Louis E. LevArab capitals that had proceedamounts to pure and simple dis- tically- all countries in Europe Inthai, chairman of the JPS pub- Sabbath evening-services will be in held tonight at T o'clock. Sabbath ed the Secretary General's second crimination . . . Such discrimina- have welcomed the JPC effort and lication committee. visit to the Middle East evaporattion opens up possibilities for any have, in fact, asked for it . . . The JPS Bible translation' cur- morning services will begin at ed. The position of the UN had kind of anti-Jewish action against While some of the Jewish commu- rently in use was published in 8:30. The Mineha service will be- been made clear. No one was preSoviet Jewry as a whole . . , Jcw- nities In Europe have regained 1917. The translation began in gin at 7:15 p. m. pared to do anything—and now Doily service* during the week1 the published their economic equilibrium, they 1898 and was completed in 1918. promise of Israel's held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Premier was tantamount, - ish organizations in the United still are handicapped In bringing The new project is not expected are for IsSunday morning service Is held at their cultural life to the pre-war States, by overlooking this aspect rael's hostile neighbors, to a carte to exceed six years. 9 a. m. of anti-Jewish discrimination in' level . . . This Is especially true blanche. There would be no punLinked with the first JPS Bible the USSR—and by concentrating in the field of child education on translation are the names of ishment at all. Even Israeli would merely on the suppression of Yid- which Jewish leadership is begin- American Jewry's most distin- BETH ISRAEL spare the rod. dish culture—display profound ig- ning to lay great ^strcs:; . . . The guished leaders of the first half Friday services, Mineha and Kn- To no one's surprise, the murder norance of what they should real- need for qualified 'Jewish teachers of the present century. Among bolos Shabbos, begins at 6:30 p. m. and pillage continued as soon as* ' ly complain about. . . How should and proper text-books is especially them were Dr. Solomon Schech- Saturday services begin at 8:30 llammarskjold had made his secthey act If authorities in the Unit- great in countries like Germany, ter, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Dr. Kaufm. Junior Congregation at 10 ond departure. More deaths, more ed States, or in any other coun- Austria, Belgium, Holland, Scan- man Kohler, Prof; Israel Friod- a. m. Mineha followed by Sha- injuries and more loss of proptry, were suddenly ordered to dinavia and even France . . .This Iacndcr, Dr. Joseph Jacobs, Dr. losh S'cudos and Mnnrlv will begin erty.: The borders seethed with stamp the word "Jew" on every need is all the more aggravated Samuel Schulman, Dr. David Phll- at 7:30 p. m. clandestine destructive activity. A identity document held by a Jew- by the fact that most of.these lipson, Prof. Max L. Margolis, and Sunday services begin at 8:45 substantial and meaningful comish dtbscn? countries have different languages others. a. m.; the Sunday morning Junior mitment had been made by Ben require books of Jewish conMinyan begins at 8:30 o'clock. Gurion to the cause of peace. None WASHINGTON ECHOES: At- and tents in the languages of their Dally services are at 7 a. m. and similar had come from the Arabs, teriton is being paid in Washing- lands . . .The "technical assistMineha and • Maoriv services at not had any been demanded of ton to the fact that Israel has re- ance" program in the field of Jew7:30 p. m. them sfrongly, and the statistics fralncd from injecting Itself into ish education, upon which the JDC The Talmud Discussion group of morality and wound showed the the issue of Egypt's seizure of the is embarking, will serve- to alleviRalph Goldberg will meet this Tuesday at 8:30 fearful result Suez Canal . . . This, despite the the difficulties which Jewish p. m. at tbe 19th and Hurt Sts., Israelis, confused and tcniling fact thjit Israel has been suffering ate Services were held Sunday, Aug. Synagogue. communities face now in trying i [,' increasingly towards bitterness, an the time from Egypt's blockade to implant a Jewish spirit among 5 for Ralph D. Goldberg; with Inpondered the ethics applied to and notwithstanding Nasser's bel- the Jewish youth. terment at Golden Hill Cemetery. them, if, net against them.' They ligerence toward Israel . . . The Mr. Goldberg, 58, a native of TEMTLJE ISBAKL bad been asked,-twice now and attitude of "watchful waiting" Genoa, Ncbr., died Thursday, Aug. Worship services this evening within a'short span of time, to taken by Israel on the Suez Canal Cupid's Darts Find 2 at a local 'hospital after he had at Temple Israel will be held at maintain • their present sta<4 of issue is deeply appreciated in ofsuffered a stroke last Tuesday. Ho 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H, high vulnerability, their constant ficial circles . . . It is being real- Targets in L A . Home was a veteran of World War L* Brooks win conduct the service. alert and the debilitating strain ized that Israel, more than any Mr, Goldberg Is survived by his Angeles (JTA>—A couple on their! national and human; 'reother country, could have utilized of Los people: who met each other here wife, "Hei-mlne of our dt'y. sources. No one would guarantee the present anti-Egyptian fury in recently . and, according to, their security or even the elementary Workmen's Picnic more than one way for its own own testimony, fell in love "alright of self-defense. And the interests * • . Israel's restraint at most immediately,*' applied for .a Max Shames The Workmen's Circle family, Arabs, aggressors for a ninth year, tins critical moment— at 'a time marriage license here' and got under tbe auspices of the Midwest wreaked havoc and re-affirmed Services were held Friday, Aug. when Egyptian President Nasser more publicity than is ordinarily District Committee, will hold their their aim of annlhllatlon^almott shows DO let up in his anti-Israel accorded such events. The reason 3 for Max Shames with interment annual picnic at 3 p. m., Sunday, unrebuked, totally unchastiscd. Of at Pleasant HU1 Cemetery. Mr. diatribes—is winning her more for the public interest was un- Shames, 67, died August 1 at a Aug. 13 at Hantcom Park. what other people in the world friends in Washington. than ever derstandable though, because the local after a lingering ill- Members are asked to bring would nave been demanded that before . . . Astothe Suez Canal prospective bride, Caroline Levy, ness. hospital which had been demanded—and their food baskets.' Ice cream and He founded and operated » issue itself, some diplomatic dr- is 85 years old and her groom, Da- Shames Body & Radiator, Inc., pop wm be served to all. AH mem. given—by the people of Israel to ' cles. believe that the key to the vid Cohen, Is 88. Both are resi- for 40 years before retiring in bers and their families arc urged the cause of international harsituation lies actually In the hands dents of the Jewish Home for the mony? Israelis, asking the questo attend. of the United States . . .They Aged here, where they met. Miss 195a tion, found no answer. Mr. Shames Is survived by his speak of "immediate action" and Levy entered the Home last Octowife, Martha; two daughters, Mm. Perhaps the drama being played "long-term action" that the Unirfd ber, while Mr. Cohen came there Morris Franklin and Mrs. Harold Birthday Fetes out in Suez was the more exciting, States is in a position to take to three months ngo. Barish; two sisters, Mrs, Harry The Workmen's Circle Dramatic but the conduct of the world, as check Nasser . . .The immediate Asked about their plnn3, they reflected in Israel, was surely the action, they believe, could bo tak- said they intended to remain nt Z. Bernstein and Mrs. Rose Miller; Club will celebrate the birthdays more significant The attempt of a brother, Frank, and three grand- of four of its.members at 9 p. m., en by V£. subsidizing (he shipping the Jewish Home. Their decision children. Saturday, Aug. 11 at the Labor the Western powers to defend to do BO, they added, is based on valid self-interests against a mon- of oil and other cargo through the Lyceum. longer route instead of through the fact that the Home is the Nichols II, the last czar of RusBirthday celebrants are: Mrs. strous temper tantrum might well the Suez Canal . . . It would thus place "where we have found great sia was worth about $130,000,000 Sarah Schwartz, Mrs. Shncider, be contrasted to Israel's request that she, ..too, be permitted UUS take Col. Nasser very little time happiness and where we can spend and had an Income of Sl.000,000 Sam Zwerling and Sam Novak. to realize that his seizure of the the rest of our days taking care a month when he was killed in Members of the dramatic club measure of essential self-lnterc** of each other." and self-defense 1918. ' Suez Canal would not be ns profare Invited to attend. ''
Between You and Me
Friday, August 10, 1956.
Pag* Three
Hadassah Show To Be at Paxton
Hadassah Benefit
HADASSAII Chapter and group presidents of Hadassah-will meet with chapter bulletin chairman, Mrs, Sol Crandell and her group chairmen, at the home of Mrs. CrandeU, 6631 Western av., at 10 a. m., Thursday, Aug. 16. Hn, David Brodfcey win preside and plans for the coming season will be discussed. Coffee win be served.
All proceeds will go to Hadassah from a dinner dance which will be givei by Al Green in his Sky Room Wednesday, Aug. 29. For reservations call Mrs. Irving Herzog. WA 2080. Ticket* are *Z50 each.'
Pioneer Bake Sale Tuesday
A Mad Hatters Style Show and The Pioneer Women will hold annual card party will be held by their Bake Sale Tuesday, Aug. 14 Omaha Chapter Hadassah at at-Brandeis. Store. All friends and members are 12:30 dessert luncheon Tuesday, Aug. 21 in the Paxton Hotel Ball- asked to either give a donation or bring baked goods to Brandeis room. Store Tuesday. Mrs. Irving Herzog, general Call either Mrs, Jake Kaplan, chairman for the affair, has WE 5454, or Mrs. Sam Novak not named the following committee later than Monday for pickup of chairmen: Mrs, Leo Weitz, models; baked goods. T. L SISTEBBOOD Mrs. Jack Schrager and Mrs. Ell Zolkin, wardrobe; Mrs. Harry DuDecoration chairmen for the Boff, music; Mrs. Hyman Belman, Visitors coming year were named at the vocalist; Miss Jenny Zeldman, meeting, of Temple Israel SisterMr. and Mrs. Alex Bolker of Out-of-town guests will help Mr. narrator; Mrs. Norman Cain, ar- Washington, D. C, arrived here hood held Monday at the home of and Mrs. Jacob Slosburg celebrate rangements; Mrs.. Lou Shrier, re- Wednesday to visit with Mr. BolMrs. I. H. Weiner. They are Mrs. their golden wedding anniversary. freshments; Mrs, Philip Feldman ker's brother and sister-in-law, Edward £. Milder, chairman and Mr. and Mrs. Slosberg will receive and Mrs. Harold Garber, model Mr. and Mrs. David Bolker of our Mrs. Irving Malashock, co-chair- their friends at a reception at 8 techniques; Mrs. Seymour Zoog, city. Mr. Alex Bolker is a former man. p. m., Thursday, Aug. 16 in the telephone; and Mrs. Robert Ros- Omahan. Mrs. Jake Wine Plans for future.luncheons and social hall of Temple Israel. No en, entertainment dinners were made. invitations have been issued. Mrs. Eddie Kuklin and her two Guests from out-of-town will inCOUNCIL BOABD sons, Stephen -Howard and Scott clude: Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Arab Village Allen, of Sherman Oaks, CaJ., are The Executive board of theSlosburg, their son and daughtervisiting with her parents, Mr. and Omaha Section, National Council In-law; Barney Barron, brother of Jerusalem (JTA)—Electrifica- Mrs. More than fifty women will be Harry Whiteman. Mrs. Kukof Jewish Women will meet Mon- Mrs. Slosburg; Michael Harrison, hostesses at the third annual destion has come to the first Arab villin is the former Miss Elaine day, Aug. 13 at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barron and Mr. Lloyd Friedman, 616 S. 37th s t and Mrs. Roy Barron, all of Chi- sert luncheon and card party be- lage In Israel, Talbeo. The lights Whiteman. Both Mrs. Kuklin and Plans for the coming year will be cago, III. Others will be Mrs. Anna ing given by the Bikiir Cholim were put on nt a ceremony preside her husband who stayed at home, Aug. 13, In the are former Omahans. formulated. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Society Monday, Hotel's air conditioned over by Minister of the Interior Asher, sisters and brother-in-law Paxton ballroom. Israel Bar Yehuda. of Mr. Slosburg from Los Angeles, Vienna Actor puffs The funds raised at this event First the village mosque was lit Calif. wlD go towards paying off the bal- up In many colon. Then 40 street Diw to Anti-Semitism ance due on the elevator at thelights went on amid the cheers of Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the local people. Other Arab vilVienna (WNS)_The anticipatthe Aged. lages are planning electrification. ed first post-war appearance of Open House The Bikur Cholim Society has Fritz Kortner in his native Vienna Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinbcrg The cost of the project was assumed responsibility for all of tame to an abrupt end last week will hold an open bouse this eve. 60,000 pounds, 25,000 of which was the medical expenses at the Home. with an announcement by the raised by the village itself. .Annlng, August 10, from 7 to 9 p. m. great Jewish actor and director to welcome their daughter and Once a month, members visit the other 25,000 was borrowed from that he will not appear In Ten son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin psychiatric ward at a Lincoln hos- the Workers Bank: and 10,000 was pital and make weekly visits to borrowed from the government. nessee William's play Cat on a Hot Zlporin of Chicago, III patients at local hospitals. They The village has been hooked into Tin Roof "until such time as the have also recently organized a Xhe national electric power sysintellectual, representative and ofGrey Ladles Service for the Jew- tem. ficial circles of Vienna have disas- Nasser and Hitler ish Home for the Aged. sociated themselves" from recent anU-Semitlc episodes involving the Mrs. J, Wine, president, asks Jerusalem (WNS)—Hitter and German actress Kaeth Dorsch and Nasser met at the Lydla airfield that guests at the card party moke the Austrian film director Franz last week, but don't let the story up their own tables and bring AnteL frighten you. Albert'Hitler was their own cards. Bingo will also RUG & UPHOLSTERY Miss Dorsch, who appears in the an American Jew of German ori- be played. famed Burgtheater, received an gin and Nasser, was Reuben NasCLEANERS adverse review from the Vienna ser, a Jewish Immigrant from PerPatronize Our Advertisers RUGS-CARPETING Jewish drama critic Hans Wcigel, sia, who stood shoulder to shoulLAMP SHADES whom she publicly abused and as- der for inspection by customs ofsaulted, breaking bis glasses. Lat- ficials on their arrival. FURNITURE er, the Munich daily "Sueddeutsche Will Stcnd M I M r Hwds Zeltung" charged that the attack Cleaned Iq Yoax Bomel to D*d WHfc Yo»l the GREATEST GUY on Weigel stemmed from tho nec- Calvin Coolldge was Vlce-Presl• M i s t • Layls* • bpalHag Na*f proclivities of Miss Dorsch, dent under Warren Harding. He in the WORLD.... who had been Quite a favorite with became President at Harding'! Don Benuteln HA 2554 death in 1923. the Nazis. When the incident was taken up ihe man who with the Burgtheater cast, the vet- of indignant press reaction, has eran actor Raoul Asian shouted tended a full apology to the Jewish takes his family that Vienna-born Wcigel ought to critic, who lived In London during be expelled from the country. With the Nazi nightmare, 24th end 50th and Underwood the cast siding with tho "lady," -Kortner, who lived in Hollywood Franz Antcl.proclaimed with ap-during the war, is considered by proval of a chorus that Wclgcl many the greatest living actor and DOUBLE FEATURE was a "repulsive Jew" whllo defi- director of the German stage. He antly boosting that he himself had currently directing S h a k e EVERY SUNDAY From 8 A.M. Tin 7 P.M. been an "old Nazi." Antcl, target speare's "Henry IV" in Munich.
Golden Wedding Fete for Slosburgs
Annual Party Mon. By Bikur Cholim
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Beth El Nursery Registration Open
B.B. Bowlers B'nal B'rltri men bowlers will meet at 8:30 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 28, In the Blrchwood Club, 2S82 Redlck. Announcement will be made pf the formation of teams In the four leagues.
Registration for the first seme* ter of the Beth El Nursery School Will be held Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept 4 and 5 at the Beth Office. The first session of the week semester will be Monday, S e p t 10 at 9 a. m. Classes will meet on Monday. Wednesday and Friday mornings from P to 11:45 a. m., for children from 3 to years of age.
Hodi Girls
Special attention will be giver this year to those children whe will mart kindergarten in September of next year, with equipment and programming geared U their age, according to Rabbi Ralph DeKovcn, director of Jewish Education at Beth EL Mrs. Alex Katz, who has servec its principal of the nursery school previously, will again head the school dnd will be assisted by Mrs. Shown above are the members »f the June nursery claas of Tnmple Israel with their teachers. Top Philip Sokolof who also taught row (L to'r.) Mrs, Edward Maklnky, Skipper Bounstock, Alan Ijerameiman, Steve Prlesman, Mark lasr year. Schoenbaum, David Slonburp, Laurie gmecrln, Itonale Malashock and Ml** Pat (Iraham. Bottom row Included in the progressive type L t o r . ) Billy Klrschenbaum, Beth Malathocb, Mary Jo Slmburf, Miriam Brooks, Cathy Rips, Ellen of program used at Beth El school Botrn, Jane Illlltr and John Pepper. U the most advanced type of equipment and a full session of nctivlt} of supervised play both Indoors and o u t games, painting, The fall session of Temple Israel can understand, Mrs. Llpp stated. and history, will be stressed on records and rhythm band, stories Nursery School will start Monday, Mrs. Thomas C. Ernest! will di- the children's level so that the and a mid-morning snack. Observrect the school and she will bo as- youngsters can learn more about ance of the Jewish holidays and Sept 10, it was announced by Mrs. sisted by Mrs. Bernard E. Green- the holidays and the importance of the Sabbath ceremonials * are Morris J. Llpp, chaknan of the berg. of the Sabbath whUe attending the also a part of the program with nursery school committee. • Youngsters will attend classes nursery school classes. appropriate prayers and songs and The program has been planned Monday through Friday from 9 to The program will Include games, decorations for each. to assure the child's development 11:30 a. m. Parents wishing to story hour, painting, gardening an individual, as a member of register their children can call and a science corner where the Transportation pools made up of either mother drivers or cab driv- his family and as a member of a Mrs. LiPP, GL 9197, or the Temple children can learn about plants, ers will be available for the chil- group with emphasis on Jewish Office, RE 6636. flowers, birds and shells. Special dren. For further information content at a level the young child Jewish holidays, their prayers events will include trips and a picabout enrollment and transportanic tion, mothers are asked to contact Mrs. Morris Fellman. chairman of the nursery school committee, at A M MOVING TO WA 72S7 before Sfljti«mber 4.
Temple Nursery School to Open Sept. 10
Hodl Chapter of B'nal B'rlth Girls will hold a lawn party for incoming freshmen girls and their mothers August 19 »t the home of Mrs. Paul Sachs, Miss Marilyn Dvorkln is chairman foi the affair. Miss Pat Greenfield has received a certificate for participation In the National Jewish Welfare Airmnll Swimming Meet,
Schwartz to Head (Continued from Page 1) and was a supervisor at the St. Louis County Welfare Department. Mr. Schwartz also served, as a case worker with the Jewish Child Welfare Association of St. Louis. Mr. Schwartz assumed his duties, at Temple Israel August 1* Working with Rabbi Brooks, Mr. Schwartz as Director of Education and Youth Activities will serve as supervisor of the Religious School Faculty, and Hebrew School Department of the Temple, the Teacher Training program, the Temple Youth Group and the Temple Nursery School. • M H I M ApwfSM* Sin
George Stock Baby Grand Piano Whk wala* fteftfc, M M S022 Ua<«rw«»< WA ( M l
Center Sports ;
Camp Jay C-C*
By J i n KarbaUeb
With the approaching of the By Camp iteportrr basketball season, the Center gym will be open Wednesday evenings Last Sunday was visitors' day from 7 JO to 9:30 o'clock for those who want to start getting in shape and parents, relatives and friends came out for a look at the camp for the high school squads. and the campers at play. The workout room will also be Starting Monday and lasting for available. three days the campers formed two teams, the Army and Navy, Coach Al Bograd's Blue All-Star and competed in fire building, poteam scored one run In the bot- tato peeling, milk drinking, rifietom of the seventh to salvage a ry, swimming and cabin clean-up. 10-9 victory over the White team, The competition ended Wedncscoached by E r n i e Saltzman. In the bottom of the fifth, the Blues had a commanding 7-3 lead osher Boat which was erased .In the fifth, sixth and seventh Innings. The Haifa (JTAI—A "kosher boat" game was played lost Sunday morning at Elmwood East before with a crew of five British Jews a small crowd of friends and par- —four of whom had no previous experience at sailing—pulled into ents of the players. port here recently to climax a tcntear old dream of its owner and The JCO Varsity moved Into the ptflln. Michael Lederman. A City Softball Tournament with a London real estate man, Ledcrvictory over the Cudahy Office an had been planning to make team in the second round after he trip ever since he got the boat, gaining a forfeit from the Dundee 'Moonyecn" ten years ago. The Presbyterian team in the first rip was made via Lcllavrc, Margame. ijles, Naples and Athens. A*. Boyd East, last Tuesday, the Lcdcrmah's crew of four, none flni'i score was 10-5 over Cudahy as I. ifh teams got seven hits, but if whom had ever been to sea boore consisted of an engineer, a the • nrslty put together three hits ami '.wo errors in the first inning tudent a fashion adviser and a for n seven run total as Lucas, ypist. All five plan to remain In losing pitcher gave up three con- Israel for some time, after which hey will return to London aboard secutive walks. ihelr "kosher boat"—which got ts nickname because every avail' Four swimmers competing at able spot Is'affixed with mezuzot the Jewish Community Center in The return trip will be made via the National Airmail Jewish Wel- Malta end Gllbraltar. fare Board Swimming meet won honors in the 40 yard pool competition. People In Russia are of the oplnJudy Kutlcr won a third and sixth place in the 20 yard free on that Walt Disney movies are style and 40 yard backstroke re- \mcrica's greatest contribution to spectively. Jerry Schwartz took a< :hc entertainment world. third In the Intormediate breaststroke, George Kahn placed sixth in the Senior 40 yard freestyle* lie date for the swim meet to be competition and Karl Luefseheutz ield at the Jay for Ml members placed third In the 20 yard free- mi summer swim students. Aquaic Director Joe Micck, Kays a Style for Juniors. Competition was held in May oo<! percentage of more than 700 and the Omaha Jay entered seven- upils are expected to enter. Events will include the human teen'competitors. All contestants roke for beginners, freestyle, were timed by the Aquatic Direcementary b a c k s t r o k e , backtor Joe Micck and his nsslst^nts rolce, breast strolte and divine. with the times being mailed to the National Jewish , Welfare )istanccs will be 20, 40 and CO ards according to at;e groupings. Bonrd. Certificates of merit await the lembers ami swim students will winners at the Aquatic Director's ;ceive an official entry blank rough the mail which must be office at the Jewish Community ailed back to the Center by Sep. Center. ml>er 5. September 9 has been set as
day evening with a unified Military BalL While the competition was going on, the older boys were on their way to the Black "Hills for five days of outdoor camping. Shoihanah and Bet Hok'tanlm cabins were not to be outdone by the boys and they left yesterday to spend two days swimming, hiking and cooking o j t near Louisville, Ncbr. The girls have even planned their own Sabbath services. Besides the campers being in high spirits, we also have a few high-spirited animals in our own zoo. We now have two nanny goats, a Jackass, a colt, a monkey, a racoon, a turtle, a pig and two white rabbits. With the first session of camp drawing to a close, we arc having a big farewell party Saturday in the form of a nightclub night. This Is one time when the campers get to sit back and be entertained —for the counselors have planned a wonderful show for them. We are all awaiting the second session of Camp Jay-C-C. Registration has almost reached its limit However, there are still a. few more openings left Last minute registration can be made by calling the qamp office, MA' 0958.
Sweetheart Dance Tickets for the AZA No. 1 Sweetheart Dance will go on sale August 15. The tickets, which may be purchased from AZA No. 1 members, will cost $1.75, stags extra at the door. The dance will be held September 8 at the Blackstone Hotel. Music will be provided by Skippy Anderson and his orchestra.
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