H U M UikM * « ( i u l*n»ii*ite« 4uth«rl»rtf •• thank* Nrfcf
.'uMUIied era? trldajr 1S1 N. tstb. Ann ami u»tt « u»Uan Omaha Nei-nwlii Pboor t* !*«« Blndr Con If Onto
Democrats Approve Arms for Israel
Federation Executive Committee to Meet The Executive Committee -of the Federation for Jewish Service will hold o luncheon meeting today at 12:15 p. m., at the Regis Hotel.
Chicago (JTA)—The provision of defensive arms for Israel was included in the foreign policy plank adopted by the Democratic National Convention Wednesday evening which also called for strong economic aid to the A Near East. •' platform plank pledging defensive arms to Israel was pro*
Suez Crisis
posed before the resolutions committee of the convention, in the name of 91 Democratic members •• Hy David Horowitz of Congress. The current policy of the United States Government AJP-—The Suez crisis has shed Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jeru- of falling to provide, such arms to new light on the hitherto rather Israel was sharply criticized at the salem municipal council was fac vague Savlet-Asian-Arab alignIng a crisis Monday following an committee hearing. The proposed ment so cleverly engineered by Inannouncement by the religious plank, submitted for the group dia's Krishna Menon.' The Sue? parties participating in the coali- by Rap. Thomas J. Dodd o f Condeclaration from Moscow and Nehtion municipal administration of necticut, read: ru's' "conditional acceptance" to Ilnrman Go)<l»t«lr. Hiss Bhulamlt Bfn-YI»h«l the city that they wore breaking attend the London conference fol"We shall strive to avert war away from the coalition, lowed by Dictator Nasser's own in tho Near East by vigorous lead"explanation" on Sunday reveal The announcement came after ership in the. UN, by strengthena remarkable unanimity In aim the municipal council approved a in o our commitments in the 1950 and purpose directed against the building permit for the American Tripartite Declaration, by. security It now becomes clear that School ot Archeology In Jerusalem, treaties to give effect to that decHerman Goldstein, u member of West. a "Master-Plan" behind In which students will hold Re- laration and by making defensive the Board of Governor! of the there.is Suez grab and .the Western Miss Shulamlt Bon-Yishal, on form services. The services will arms available to Israel to enable Federation for JewliH Service, has the nations will have the Kremlin* and tour for the American Zionist be held, in the library of tho in- her to defend herself from the been named chairman of the mer- New Delhi to contend with as well Council this month, is spending Communist weapons which now cantile division of the United Red as the Little Hitler of the Nile. four days In Omaha as the guest stitution, which will be sponsored form a steel ring around her fronby the Hebrew Union College-JewFeather-Red Cross c a m p a i g n ' of tho Omaha Chapter of the "The Suez crisis," writes C, L. American Association of Univer- ish Institute of Religion, the tiers. Which will open thla Fall, general American Reform seminary. "We will not countenance boychairman, James L. Paxton, Ji\, Sulzborger in the Times, "shows sity Women. ' The Orthodox members of the cotts and blockades in tho. Near only two evident avenues of develannounced today. municipal council, opposed the East which deepen conflict there, Friday noon she will address the and neither appears comMember* of tho division solicit opment forting. The first, which seems im- West Rotary Club. She will be the project for weeks on the ground which violate the UN armistice merchandising, automotive and probable, is war. The second Is A guest of the Education Coun'cil of that it introduces the Reform agreements and the principles of food product* firms. Organizing long process of diplomatic discus- Omaha Chapter Hadassah at an movement in Jerusalem. A vote tho UN Charter, and which interand planning under Mr. Gold- sions which Moscow will Oneg Shabat Saturday afternoon. was finally forced Sunday night fere with the rights of American stein's direction has been going on reopenduring citizens. the issue of supervising Sunday morning at a brunch at by Mayor Gershon Agron, since January, Mr. Paxton noted. all strategic "As a true friend of both the waterways. Britain the Blackstone Hotel she will The Mayor noted that there Mr, Goldstein, vic^presidont of and France," Sulzbergcr adds, speak to the Business and Profespeoples of Israel and -he Arab differences in religious serv- countries! Goldstein Chapman's Company, "were heading toward military a<> sional Group of Hadassah. The were shall encourage all conducted by Jews from var- tho peopleswo worked up through tho division's tlon when President Eisenhower subjects of Miss Ben-YIshal's ad- ices of the region to conious countries, including those ranks, Last year he was a quota- personally put his foot down. Ho dresses are: "Israel andtho Middle from Yemen and Aden and from centrate their energies and rebusting section leader. Previously, urged that the argument be set- East," "The Status of Women in tho Western countries. Finally, ho sources, not on military pursuits he'' was a team capfaln and a tled with talks, no tanks. This Israel",and "Education 1A Israel." charged that the religious block but on economic development and worker,- - • disappointed the British who oreFriday at 4 p.' m., she will be in- members found financial contribu- technical cooperation to raise livHe has also been active in the' tired of having small countries terviewed by Mary Ann Peters on tions from Reform, s o u r c e s ing standards, to utilize water and .Jewish Philanthropies, Temple Is- twist the lion's tail. And it ir- KMTV and Monday or Tuesday at "kosher" but Reform Jews them- land resources, to remove the ritated many French who wished 9:30 a. m., by Jean Sullivan on selves "not-kosher," although they causes of: tension and unrest, and rael and Red Cross drives. to strengthen democratic instituto discourage Algerian rebellion KFAB. had become Zionist adherents, In accepting the post, Mr, Gold' by squashing Nasser. Some Jingoes tions. Thursday afternoon Miss Ben t Stein said: "Since the United Com- believe the London conference will councillors attacked "We shall foster and support an munity Services Is the broadest lead to a Middle Eastern Munich." Ylshal was the guest of the Ameri- theReligious Reform movement as a form can Association of University of assimilation and insisted that a effcctlvp humanitarian program city-wide fund-raising agency and, for tho resettlement of the Arab therefore. In my opinion docs the In London, the Western Big Women of Omaha at a tea given In Jerusalem would di- refugees. We shall work both in most general city-wide good, I Three had agreed upon a common In the home of Mrs. Merrill He- "temple" vide the people of Israel. Citing and outside the UN to promote witt. At noon preceding the tea, have always been a strong sup- stand, namely, 1. A reafflrmatlon the religious character of the negotiations between Israel and porter and a interested and will- of the. principles in the 1888 Con- Miss Ben-Yljhal spoke to the city's student population, they said the Arab states to bring about an ing worker." stantinople Convention that pie Council Bluffs Rotary Club. the councillors must look beyond Arab-Israel peace settlement based Canal be opened to all nations; 2. Miss Ben-Ylshal was born in the technical problems and sec on mutual agreement. a new International Suez Canal Jerusalem, attended the School of the possibility of disturbances of Creative Life Only in "We will not condone any pracauthority to have genuine control Law and Economics in Tel Aviv in the peace created by tho presence over the Canal's operations, etc.; 1950, entered the Faculty of Law of Reform adherents, They insist- tices by any government which Israel Says Ben Gurion 3. a provision for a reasonable In- of tho Hebrew University in Jeru- d that Premier David Ben Gurion's discriminate against the rights of Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jew in come for Egypt; 4. a firm arrange- salem in 1950 from which, she was dictum that American Jews might American citizens on the ground countries outside of Israel lives in ment for compensating the shrro- graduated In 1954, receiving the contribute to Israel but must not of race or religion, and we will two sometimes conflicting worlds holders of the old Canal company, degree of Master of Laws-cum interfere in its internal politics, oppose any agreement which in and Is a split personality, Premier and 5. a provision for the arbitra- laudc. Following her graduation, hold true for religious matters, any Way sanctions or permits such practices." David Ben Gurion said here in an tion of disputes between the new she served as a law clerk with the too, address to some 1,500 youths from authority and the old company on Deputy President of the Supreme 24 Western countries at a roily of compensation, and between the Court ot Israel and then worked Israel-Turkish Trade students from various summer In- new authority and the Egyptian with tho legal adviser of the Mingovernment on Egyptian income istry of Labor. In August 1955 stitutes. Istanbul (JTA)—Two new Isshe was admitted to the Israeli ; Only in Israel, the Premier de- from the'Canal. raeli firms have begun building Bar. clared, can there be a Jewish Ufa homes in Turkey, it was announced An indication that Moscow cares of their own production and their little the fate of Israel was In September 1955, Miss Ben- London (WNS)—Regardless of here. - In addition, the Ministry of own creation. Speaking In Eng-borne about out by tho fact that the So- Yishal came to the United States what happens at the International Trade has granted licenses for the lish Mr, Ben Gurion told his audl- viet "acceptance" to the London on a grant from the American As- conference here dealing with Importation of s o m e $600,000 etioe to weigh carefully whether invitation asked that all the Mid- sociation of University Women to Egypt's expropriation of the Suez worth of Israeli cement and other they wished to give up their dle Eastern Arab states bo Invited do post graduate work In law at Canal, Israel is not likely to get building supplies. hornet, comforts and many facili- also along with Yemen, the Sudan, the University of Chicago Law defensive arms from Britain, acWolf berg Udassin Company, one ties for difficulties, danger, tribu- Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Morrocco School. She specialized in private, lations, uncertain security and tho and the satellite countries. Israel international and criminal law. cording to official Indications. Of- Israeli construction company, has dear price which must be paid for was completely forgotten; The Her research work on Jurisdiction ficials.are stressing tho viewpoint just signed a $2,000,000 contract expressed by the Prime Minister, to build a block of apartment deeds, fof lite In Inraei. declaration also Justified of the Rabbinical Courts and Ter- Sir Anthony Edon, which holds houses containing 1,000 apart' One thing, however, is unobtain- USSR ritorial and Extraterritorial Jur- that Britain's quarrel Is with ments. Nasser's "nationalization of the able In Galutfi, Mr. Ben Gurion in. which "in reality,'! tho isdiction have been published by Egypt's dictator, Col. Gamal Abdel The granting of licenses for tha fitted, and that is—national Jew- Canal" Kremlin leaders declared, "has had the Israeli Bar Association. She is Nasser, and not with tho Arab importation Israeli building maish dignity. no effect on the uninterrupted now the' recipient of a fellowship world—and that tho Arab-Israel terials is seenofas a positive sign for passage of ships of all countries from Yale Law School for 1956-57 disputes should not be linked with Israel-Turkish trade prospects, bethrough the Suez Canal, which where she plans to completo her the Suez issue. cause the Trade Ministry is grantcontinues to function as it. had studies for the degree of Doctor of On the arms to Israel Issue ing very few Import licenses Sunday Radio these Jurisprudence. functioned before nationalization" • there Is one further and Important days.' Mark von Doren, poet, critic —open to all except Israel. Bonn (WNS)—Citrus purchases reason why Britain is not expectand Columbia University proAnthony Eden's forceful antl- from Israel valued at $3,500,000 ed to be more forthcoming, that fessor of'English and Maurice made by West Germany dur- is the position of the United Samuel, author and lecturer, Nusscr position has convinced ev- were ing the 1955-1936 fruit sbason, It States, which is looked to by all engage In a series of internal eryone In Britain that the British was here In a report tho Western nations for the lead dialogues on the highlights of Government has concluded that a whichdisclosed A note to organization pubsald_that 650,000 cases of Is- in this matter and which remains, the first five books of the Biblo Suez agreement will be virtually rael oranges licity chairmen: All publicity and grapefruit have as before, opposed to further BUPon the summer scries of tho impossible so long as Nasser rc- been imported through about meetings and the like commercial plles to Israel. Thero is no doubt Eternal Light program. It is which will take place before rade arrangements outside of rep- in the minds of observers here broadcast each S u n d a y at mnlna in power. This explains Lon- arations Rosh Hashonah should be In that, 1 : " the United States had channels. don's present military moves not11:30 a. m., over KFAB. our hands not later than 5 p. made available only token supplies Israel's chlot citrus fruit cuswithstanding the conference. It is m,. Tuesday; Aug. 21. The speThis is the fourth summer Is Britain. By buying 650,- of certain kinds of arms to Israel cial Rosh Hashonah Edition ot the two noted men of letters reliably reported that Winston tomercases West Germany has In months past, the other Western the Jewish Press wll. be pubhave been featured on Oie pro- Churchill 1* in close touch with 000 Powers would have been prepared moved into second place ahead of lished Friday, Aug. 31. gram. Eden counseling him to remain Sweden, the Soviet Union, Fin- to satisfy many of the Jewish State's urgent needs. firm. and and France,
Chest Drive Post To H. Goldstein
Permit Approved For Reform School
Israeli Portia Speaks Here
Britain Still Cold To Arms for Israel
„•..,.,„ THE fBW18U
rsxe TOT
Yiddish Publication Planned by Soviets
Friday, Aiupist 17, J956.
Religious News
New Way Found To Desalt Wetter
New York (JTA)-Soviet plans Jerusalem (WNS)—If you want for the publication in Moscow of a bimonthly magazine of Yiddish to get salt out of sen water, the CandeUghtlng—7:01 p. m. writing to appear soon and a Yidusual process is by boiling and dish newspaper to begin next year, evaporation. Anyone who can dewere revealed here by the Yiddish vise a cheaper method would be daily Day-Morning Journal In a TEMPLE ISRAEL dispatch from Moscow. Worship services' thlc evening a foremost benefactor to humanThe newspaper reported that at Temple Israel will be held at ity. He would have the secret of Yiddish type, heretofore reported 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. making the millions of acres of . . . Small communities will not by Soviet officials as non-existent Brooks will conduct the service. By Boris SmoUr desert land fruitful. Israel now be handicapped in consideration In the USSR, except in Birobldjan, (Copyright, 1856, JTA) believes that an inventive Jewish ELECTION MOODS: Ad la I for the award by the size of the was found in the Moscow printing UETII EL Stevenson, when M was Demo- project... . . Jewish communities establishment of Izvestia, the gov- Sabbath evening services will be refugee from Soviet Russia, now cratic candidate for President In and individual Jewish community ernment newspaper. The type is held tonight at 7 o'clock. Sabbath settled in Israel, has found the se1952, told a cheering Jewish crowd leaders are being asked by the believed to have been used for the morning services will begin at cret, which may bring' about a in Boston that Jews make the best CJFWF to submit entries and Yiddish newspaper Einigkelt which 8:30. The Mincha scrvic. will berevolution in world agriculture. Democrats . . . Exactly 40 years recommendations for the award suspended publication In 1948. gin at 6:45 p. m. earlier President Taft assured a before September 15 . . . The rec- The Union of' Writers of the Tho man Is Alexander Znrchin, Daily services during the week ommendations must state speciJewish audience that "Jews make USSR will invest some 400,000 are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p. m*. The a 59 year old engineer who fled the best Republicans" , . . The fically in what manner the leader- rubles ($100,000 at the official Sunday morning service is held at a Soviet forced labor camp in conversion of many Jews from ship of the persons recommended rate of exchange) in the maga- 9 a. m. 1947. Mr. Zarchin worked out the good Republicans to good Demo- has been so pre-eminent as to zine, each of whose issues are process for the Soviet Union years merit consideration . . . The first crats did not occur overnight . . . ago and in 1931 registered the planned to be about 200 pages. BETH ISRAEL It was Woodrow Wilson who be- presentation of the medal will be This information was givon to patent in the USSR. The Soviet Friday services, Mincha and Ka- Union used it in Turkestan desert came the first Democratic Pres- made at the national convention Henry Shoskes, a New York Yidbolas Shabbos, begins at 6:30 p. m. idential candidate to break the of the CJFWF, which wlU take dish Journalist who is now visiting areas for its military Installations Saturday services begin at 8:30 Republican hold over the Jews in place In Toronto In November. Moscow as correspondent of the a, m. Junior Congregation at 10 and has guarded the process as a • '. • ' • half a century . . . The shift grew military secret. Before ho was sent Day-Momlng Journal, by a group unusually large In 1932 and 193G UJA D I S T I N C T I O N : And of prominent Soviet writers which a. m. Mincha followed by Sha- to the labor camp, Mr. Zarchin losh S'cudos and Maariv will begin when Jews—parallelling the na- speaking of medals, an advertise- Included Jews and non-Jews. Ho worked out and registered a score tion as a whole—voted heavily for ment used by the United Jewish was also told that a conference of at 7:30 p. m. of different patents. Sunday services begin at 8:45 Kranklin D. R o o » c \ e l t . . . It Appeal In its fund-raising cam- Jewish writers from all over the a. m.; the Sunday morning Junior reached the highest point in 1940 paign was awarded a medal by the USSR would be held soon. Minyan begins at 8:30 o'clock. and 1944, when 90 out of every "Advertising Age" . . . The adverDally sen-ices aro at 7 a. m. and 100 Jews in the United States, ac- tisement was carried in the genMincha and Maariv services at You Can Send cording to the American Institute eral press under the title "It's 7:30 p. m. of Public Opinion, voted for Roose- Going to be Mom's Night Out" . . . Information Parley velt . . . J e w i s h Democratic It shows a preoccupied Israeli The Talmud Discussion group Geneva (JTA)—Israel's public will meet this Tuesday at 8:30 strength diminished slightly In mother with the rifle in her hand 1948 '• . . Actually the combined while her two children arc watch- information Chief Moshe Pcrlman p. m. at the 19th and Burt SU., for the Truman-Ilarklcy vote was almost ing her intensely . , . She will bo and his Egyptian counterpart have Synagogue. as high In Jewish districts as the out during the night guarding her shown that frank talks are posvote for FDR had been four yearn border settlement and she is pre- jlblff between representatives of TO VISIT before . . . Jews voted heavily for paring for It,,. . "If any advertis- the two countries. The two men Herbert H. Kalman, son of Mr. Democrats not only in New York, ing illustration deserves a medal, were among a group of governChicago and Boston, but practical- we feel this one does," Advertis- ment radio directors and public In- and Mrs. Jack J. Kalman, left toTo All Member* of ly all over the country , . . How- ing Age says . . . The authoritative formation heads who just conclud- day for a two-week visit to Los ever, there was a slight defection magazine especially laud* the im- ed two weeks of discussion under Angeles, Cat. Our Community at ~ in the 1952 Presidential elections, mense power developed in the ad United Nations auspices here on the flow and freedom of informawhen a portion of every clement by the conjunction of the right One Time by Placing of traditional Democratic strength picture with the right headline tion. Your Greeting in the switched to Eisenhower . . . Why . . . The headline and the copy for Mr. Perlman made no bones did about 75 percent of American the advertisement was written by about pinning down his Egyptian RUG & UPHOLSTERY Jewry remain Democratic in 1952? Raphael Levy, the UJA national colleague on the strict censorship CLEANERS . . . A variety or studies otter no publicity director . . . This is the still prevailing In Egypt and quesclue t o explain' the continued second time in three years that tioned him on why Egypt had not RUGS—CARPETING Democratic strength of Jews in Advertising Age has taken special opened Its.doors to an Israeli jourthe face of the Eteszihower land- cognizance of United Jewish Ap- nalist In reciprocal action Jor what . LAMP SHADES slide . . . However, It was estab- peal a d s . . . And speaking at mag* Israel did some weeks tSo in alFURNITURE lished that Jews In the suburbs adnea, a group of men are now lowing an Israeli correspondent - were primarily responsible for the planning to merge the English- to visit the Jewish State. Cleaned la Tour Home) Jewish defections which took place Jewish weekly publications In New In a wider sphere, Mr. Perlman •Mao • U|rbo> lUpahfef Call JA 1366 in 1952 . . . In the present elec- York into a single national week- answered many questions concerntions, Jews will probably continue ly . . . Plans have reached the ing Israeli economic and political Don Bernstein HA 2554 to vote for the Democratic can- stage where headquarters for the developments and opened up new didate because the Eisenhower merged publication have been channels of information for newsAdministration has shown Itself rented and furnished . . .The papermen from a number of counmuch less friendly to Israel than American Hebrew and the Brook- tries who expressed keen Interest the Truman Administration . . . lyn Jewish Examiner are in the in knowing more about Israel, This does no reflect on Eisenhow- merged scheme . . . A full-page ader, whom many Jews consider lib- vertisement announcing the mer-. SO* M d UMhrwood 24Hi « 4 Farm eral-minded . . . However, it docs gcr will probably appear soon in Speeding on V. S. streets and reflect on the State Department the larger New York daily news- highways last year killed 12,700 whose Middle East policy has been papers. men, women and children. strongly criticized ever since SecFrom 8 A.M. TIB 7 P.M. retary of State Dulles began to display, a tendency of appeasing the Arabs, often at the expense Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday Of Israel. PwWhhnl Eves? rrUUj DJ the Federation ol Jcwtob Service 6«CVBV _i«u ttuius: nrivucgat AulUurttao « u i n i u , ntbtuuKL Annoau sutncnpUuD. t*JK. Advcrtuuit K*t« on Application Uoitvrwt Ulrica—JU No. 20U> StracL OnuiUL Nebi. JACMJOO land fnnt 'frit 4dares>—480t So 2Mb Street . BARRY HAIPER1 .' Edft«
Between You and Me
Yonr Best Wishes NEW YEAR
Rosh Hoshonah
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen OPEN EVERY SUNDAY
PkRte Salads and Specldffes *
Isaac Schwartz
COMMUNAL TRENDS: AmerServices were held August 9 for ican Jewish community leaders Isaac D. Schwartz with interment ' seek no glory . . . They contribute at Mount Sinai Cemetery. Mr. their time and money generously Schwartz, 64, a resident of Omaha merely for the pleasure of seeing for 34 years, died August 7 at a American Jewish life strcnethend local hospital after a long illness. and Jewish' institutions functionHe is survived by his wife, Rose) ing . . , . However, beginning with three sons, Ben of South Bend, this year, some of them will be Ind., Dr. Melvln of St. Louis, Mo, marked for special distinction . . . and Sol of Omaha; three brothers, Th, Council of Jewish Federations Harry and Ben Schwartzman of and Welfare Funds U introducing New York City and M a r t i n a medal as a token of recognition Schwartzman of New Orleans, La.; of lay and professional leaden for a sister, Mrs. Ben Teltelbaum of outstanding achievement In Jew- New York City; and five grandish communal activities, especJal- children. ' ly In the achievement of cooperation among Jewish organizations -. . , The medal, which will be Beth Israel Picnic known as the Edwin Rosenberg The annual Beth Israel Picnic, Award, carries Mr. Rosenberg's name in recognition .if the role under the direction of the Men's he played In bringing about the Club, will be held a t noon Sunday, merger of HXAS. United Service Aug. 26 in Elmwood Park. . for New Americans and the emi- All members and friends are ingration department of the JDC vited to attend. There will be gifts into a single organization^ now for the children and games and known as United Hlas Service . . . prizes. The award is financed by Ben Toustcr, former president of IIIAS See. who admires Mr. Jtosenberg'n and later of the United Hias Servdevotlon to ending overlapping Phou IK ISM to lnjtrt rour Wmat A4 functions among Jewish organiza- la Tht JewLJh Vrtu. Current rett u so esou for ea«fc fosertions . . . Both Mr. Touster and tloo. Trm vrtm* mentn UM r1£bt la limit Mr. Rosenberg arc also active in MIMM of «acb ftdvertlicmfsit. the Council of Jewish Federations New rear Cards And Welfare Funds . . . The proj' BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratufeet* for which the award will bo lations also for all Jewish holigiven may involve the smallest as days and special occasions. well w the largest communities Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
Want Ads
Jewish New Year Cords Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends arid Every Member of the Family
Meyers News 1502 Dodge
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CASH and CARRY Abo Pickup awl. Delivery Service
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FrMaj', Aarwt 17. MM.
50th Anniversary Fete for Shermans Two childhood sweetheart* whp grew up together and were married here in Omaha will be honr ored by their family on their ftt> - tleth wedding anniversary August 36 ata reception In the Blackslone Hotel. They are Mr, and Mrs. David Sherman who are resident! of our city for more than 65 yean. Host* will be the couple's sonsin-law and daughter*, Messrs. and Mesdame* D. David Nefsky, Lin coin, Ncbr., and Edward E. Brodfcey, and ion and daughter-in-law, Mr. and MM, Irvln A. Sherman. Hours will be from 3 to 6 p. m., anil no Invitations have been is sued. Mr. Sherman wag one of the organizer* of Beth El Synagogue. He Jj a charter member of the McKinley Club, an early B'nai B'rith Lodge, and has been a continuous B'nal B'rith member for more than 50 years. Mrs. Sherman Is alto active in civic affairs. She served as chairman of the Women's Division Of the Jewish Philanthropies Cam palgn. Mrs. Sherman headed the Jewish women's section in a past Community Chest Drive, She Is a charter member of Hadaisah and a past president of Beth El Sisterhood.
Monsky Chapter Member Luncheon Members of the B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold their annual paid-up membership luncheon Thursday, Aug. 30, at 12:30 p. m. In the Black Mirror Boom of the Foatcnellc HoteL The newly elected officers of the chapter will be honored at this luncheon.* They , are: president, Mrs. Harry Sidman; first vicepresident, Mrs. Max Krizclman; second vice-president, Mrs. SM' itey Zneimer; third vice-president, Mrs. Harry Smlthf recording secretary, Mrs. D M Gordman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ben Zoorwill; financial secretary, Mrs. Sam Garrop; due* secretary, Mrs. Sol Miroff; treasurer. Mrs- Charles Stern; sentinel, Mrs. Abe Ginsburg; historian, Mrs. Nate Git; nick; guardian, Mrs. W. S. Abrahams; trustees, Mrs. Richard Wright, Mrs. Ruben Itatner and Mrs. Nate Kaplan. Reservations can be made with Mrs. Harry Smith, luncheon chairman, call WA 2G9G.
'Judaism Alive in Rumania'—Rabbi
TOE suvnsB rasas
Organizations KADUfAfl Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women's summer event will be the attendance of a baseball game at Municipal Stadium Sunday, Aug. 19 at 8 p. m. ' Tickets may be purchased at the box office under the name of Kadimah for 91.50 each in a reserved section. All husbands and wives are asked to meet at the stadium and will meet for a late snack after the game. For further information call Ruth Kaplan, OR 3395. MONSKY CHAPTER B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold their first board meeting of the season Wednesday, Aug. 22 at 1 p. ra. at the home of Mrs. Max Krlzelman, 331 S. 93 av. Mrs. Harry Sidman and Mrs, Max Krlzelman are hostesses far the dessert luncheon whl£b will proceed the meeting. Plans for the paid-up membership luncheon will be completed at that time.
Hadassah to See New Fall Fashions Omaha Chapter Hadassah will present Its Mad Hatters Style Show and annual card party following a dessert luncehon at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 21 in the Paxton. Hotel ballroom. Mrs. Irving Herzog, general chairman, announced the following models: Misses Julie Ann Bernstein, Sally Jo Cooper, Barbara Ann Zoob and March Lauren Kaiser. Others modelling will be: Mcsdames Donald Nogg, Stanley •Perimeter, Edward M. M.alashock, XJoyd Friedman, Howard Kaplan, Harold Garber, Harold Slosburg, Donald Rice, Leonard Luttbeg, Sol CrandelL Irvln Sherman, Edward Milder, Stuart MusUn, Morris Jabenis, Leo Eisenstatt and Philip Fcldman.
Roffmcm-Cohen Nuptials at Beth El
Miss DeKoven to Be Wed in Beth El
Births Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Winer of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of a daughter, Lori Mlchele born July 23. They also have a son Richard Steven. Mr. and Mrs.'Sam Miller of Kansas City, are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winer of Omaha arc the paternal grandparents.
Just mix and bake
"Young Mister SHOP
Opens at the Nebraska!
Erwln J. Wezehnon Manager THE NEW YOUNG MISTER SHOP
A summer dessert luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's dubs will be held Thursday, Aug. 23, at 12:45 p. m. at the home of the first vice-president, Mrs. Mike Freeman, 6419 Western av. Plans for the ensuing year will be discussed at the meeting. Sixteen organizations are represented. Mrs, Henry A. Newman is president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs.
Chapel Ceremony For Kahn-Stiss
Miss M. Morris Engagement Told
Fed of Women's Clubs Will Meet
Gross Gets Degree
Stanley Gross won his Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry at Miss Barbara Rae Roffman and the close of the summer session at Miss Therese Kahn, daughter of Jerome E. Cohen were married Creighton University. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn, and Sunday at noon in Beth El .SynaLt. Sol B. Stlss, son of Mr. and gogue. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke and Mrs. Izzle Stlsa, were married] Cantor Aaron L Edgar officiated Wednesday evening In the Beth in the presence of the Immediate Israel Chapel. Rabbi Benjamin families. Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan ofThe bride is the daughter of The engagement of Marcia Mor- ficiated. Mrs. Abe Hoffman and the brideMrs. Hilde Gottlieb, cousin of groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. ris to Bernard Lashlnsky has been announced by her father, 3, Stuart the bride, was matron-of-honor David R. Cohen. Chicago, 111. Mr. Lash- and Jack Stiss, brother of the After a brunch at the Black- MorrisIsofthe son of Mrs. Bertha groom, was best man. Joseph stone Hotel the couple left on a lnsky Loshlnsky and the late Mr. Alex- Kahn, brother of the bride, was brief wedding trip to Kansas City, ander Lashlnsky of this city. usher. Mo/He is a • graduate ct Central The bride wore a ballerina .The newlyweds will make their High School and received a Mas- length gown with a strapless bod" home at 4905 Famam st. ters Degree from the University ice and a cutaway jacket with finof Chicago. The co-jpla plan to gertip sleeves and a tiny collor. reside in Chicago where Mr. Lash- A seed pearl band held the shoulJnsky is employed as an Economic der length veil. She carried-a Analyst. Miss Morris graduated white Bible with an white orchid. from the University of Illinois. The couple will reside In El The marriage of Miss Elinor DeA Into September, wedding is Paso, Texas, where Lt. Stisg will Koyen, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. being planned. be stationed. Ralph DeKoven, to Howard Sllberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sllbcrman of La Crosse, .Wis., will be solemnized Sunday, Sept. 2, at 4 p. m. in Beth El Synagogue. Rabbis Myer S. Kripkc, Ralph DeKoven, and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. A reception honoring the bride and groom will follow in the social hall. Members and friends of the Congregation, are cordially invited. No invitations have been Issued.
Fashions will be shown from the exciting fall collection of the Brando!* Store.
New York <J"A)—"Judaism is European Tour Bllvo in Rumania" and is "capable Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Hirsch of reproduction," an American rabbi who visited the Soviet Un- will leave Omaha this weekend to ion and three other Communist fly to Europe for a two-month, states in Eastern Europe said In tour of Germany, Switzerland, 'an article in the New York Jour- Italy, France and England. While al American. The rabbi, Samuel In Germany, Mrs. Hlrsch will visit Addition, contrasted religious her brother in Berlin whom she freedom and a rich religious life has not seen' since she escaped in Rumania with the barreness of from Nazi Germany in 1937. Judaism in the USSR. Rabbi Adclman reported that r his party of Orthodox rabbis found 48 synagogues serving Bucharest's 80,000 Jews, and that they found a rabbinical seminary In And. "Every city has at least one Talmud Torah and Bucharest has 3," he wrote. He added that the government helped promote religious education tad that a surprisingly large' number at Jewish children attend yeshlvas. "The Kosher butcher shops, the prayer shawl factory, tho Kosher wine, the Matzo. bakery, tho ritualariunu, the Rabbis, the Cantors, the Shoctlm (ritual slaughters), the Yiddish theaters in Jas*y and Bucharest, the Jewish library in the capital city—all gave concrete evidence that Judaism Li alive in Rumania. And that Jt was still capable of reproduction," Rabbi Adclman said. In Czechoslovakia, Rabbi Adcl, WWII CtUMh'WlowCiM Mil man wrote, "we were depressed by an almost complete absence of Of rll'l Food Mil • Binsertraad Mbi religious education except for one Tmi Gikf MU : t* hour n week of instruction mod'•'tplMbtoMUTKi elled after the release-time program in New York schools.
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD.... the man who fakes his family
The curtain is going up on the newest service In the Middlewest for style-conscious young men. A Nebraska shop designed, created, stocked and staffed exclusively for college men, junior executives . . . and all the young in spirit to supply distinctive clothing for the young in build. Here you can see both—au thentic Ivy League suits and American lounge models with a complementing layout of topcoats, slacks.and sport coats with prices geared to a young man's budget. This clothing is cut to fit better from the first try-on . . . and The Nebraska's expert tailoring staff adds the finishing touches to make them fit you perfectly. There is rio better place to find clothes that make you feel you "belong" In your crowd! Consult one of our specialists in The Nebraska's new "Young Mister Shop" on the manly art of dressing right . . . and do it tomorrow!
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men's clothing . . . second floor
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Vorsify Lo$e$ in Softball Tourney
Suez Drama .
Sweetheart Candidates
* 7. C. Spotlight Eleanor Roosevelt'i Chapter of B'nal B'rlth Girls held their second rush event Wednesday,in the form of a progressive dinner at the home of Misses Maxlne Zwieback, Judy KutU-r and Shirley Sniff.' Ml.ss Kutler attended the national HUG convention held August B16 ut thp University of Illinois, Urbann III
By Bbuu 4)ro**mu
By A m Harbatach Jerusalem (AJPJ—The anxious The Letter * Carriers put to- attention of the tree world regether two big innings to elimi- mains riveted on Suez. nate the JCC Varsity from the The drama of tension and conClaw C Softball tournament at flict approaches its second a c t Boyd Field last week 3-4. A 12-hit to be developed in London towards . barrage with nine.of them concen- the end of the month—and pos trated in the first and fifth inn- sibly to be played out there to Its - Ings was too much of a lead for still unpredictable climax. What• the Vanity to overcome as they ever comes of t h e . controversial garnered seven hits over a five conference, one thing is clear: inning- span. Nasser will be denied the flam Al Bograd started on the mound boyant victory tin which he so lor.the Varsity and retired l a t h e recklessly counted. fifth inning lii favor of Terry Britain and France, having finBernstein with the bases loaded ally undcrc'.ood what manner; of , and one out. Terry could not es- man this is, cannot again be miscape unscathed as pitcher Brown led by the myth of his adherence , tripled on the 2-1 pitch for three to the principles of Western dem"runs. ..{ay Kirke ended the big ocracy or those that dominate fifth innings for the Letter Car- Western realpolltlk. The cards are riers when he made an over the on the table.—And far too much fence catch on a fly ball to short depends on the outcome of the right field game—for' anyone to yield preNot one man struck out for the cipitously to further bjackmail. Varsity, but two double plays and Nasser still risks a defeat which alert fieldins by shortstop Krebs may cost him his government, his kept the damper on the losers. An prestige, bis boundless ambitions extremely muddy field did not pro- for himself and His articulated demote zood play for either side as sire to head an Arab-African emordinary hit fly balls dropped in pire that will girdle one quarter for base hit on the wet turf. of the globe. The Varsity, National League Twenty-four nations, have been Champions, finished the season with a 13-4 record In the won and invited to the London parley. All lost column. The squad consisted of them concerned in one measure of Lindy Paul. Wayne Siegel, Dan or another with the freedom of the Epstein, John Goldncr, Ray Kirke. waterway at Suez. And Israel, AI Bograd. Bernle Bogdonoff, Ter- closest of them all to Egypt, and ry Bernstein, Doug Conn, Sheldon the first and so far only concrete Krantz, Bill Cooper and Norman example of Nasser's Intention to Zevitz. Sandy Bropby started the abrogate the convention which season with excellent pitching, governs that freedom, must, for btit an arm injury forced him to reasons of Western policy, be excluded from this assembly. drop out. '
Israel's Views on Suez to Be Told London (JTAJ— Although Israel is not among the nations invited to participate in the International conference on the Suez Canal which opened here Thursday, Israel's views on the Issue will be known to the governments represented at the confereoce, Israel diplomatic represcnta*tlvej, it was learned'here, will maintain constant touch with conference participants. They will outline the Israel Government stand on the -Egyptian blockade against Israel shipping, which has been maintained since the establishment of the Jewish State. At the satre time, they will Insist that Israel's interests should not be overlooked In any decision which the conference takes. Israel Ambassador Eliahi Elath, who »'as due to proceed to Jerusalem for consulations, is remaining in London for the period of the conference, The Israel Government is also sending to London Dr. Emll Najar. head of the West European Department of Israel's Foreign Office. If was announced here today that all sessions of the London conference will be held In camera. The representatives of the 22 nations which accepted the invitation to attend the parley will meet at • Lancaster House where simultaneous translation equipment is being installed. Although Egypt and Greece refused to attend the conference, scats will be reserved . f o r them at the conference table. The conference will be presided . over by British Foreign Secretary Sehvyn, Lloyd who will, in bis opening statement, set out the Western plans for international control of the Suez Canal. Israel will make certain "readjustments" In Its foreign policy In the light of the present situation precipitated by Egypt's Internationalization of the Suez Canal, it was announced in Jerusalem Monday following a meeting of the Cabinet * (In Washington a State Department spokesman refused to comment Monday on whether U.S. plans for finding an International means to Insure free and open passage-to ail nations throuch the Suez Canal would include assurances t o Israeli ships and ships bound for Israel in their use of the Canal.) . M. Belgin. loader of Rightist Hcrut Party, claimed that Israel •nnnot remain passive since Egypt
Debka Dubs will hold their flush Tea August 30 at the'homc of Miss Joanle Mayer. Miss Donna Cannr is general chairman. Debs Misses Marcla Zalkin and Linda Verct will attend tho National Judaea Convention In New York at tile end of August.
Miss WarcL Zslkln
Hiss Lenl Wlnn
Pictured above are two of the six sweetheart candidate* from which the Sweetheart of AZA will be chosen at the Mother Chapter's Sweetheart Dance to be held next month In the Blackstone Hotel. Hiss Wine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wine, Is a senior *t Central High School and corresponding •ecretary of Ilodi Chapter, BBO. She Is also » past BBYO and YO representative. MUs Zalldn, daughter of Hr, »n» Mrs. EU Zalkin, Is also a srnlor »t Central and IS l i n t vleo-prtsldent of Debka Debs. by arms and economic assistance, there will first have to come a true realization that neither appeasement nor partial protest can do the trick this time. In Israel, people are hot quite sure that this realization exists.
Memorial Prayers As In previous years, someone will be available to offer memorial prayers al the gravesites at Mount Sinai Cemetery every Sunday from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. until after the High Holidays.
Aware that the conflict this time is one' between Nasser and the Western world, faccrto-face, Israeli diplomats have been careful to do no more tlian express their warranted and most earnest apprehension over the matter of the Canal's nationalization. The fact that in all these month* that preceded the coup, Israel, deprived of the' freedom of the Suez, warned repeatedly of just this possibility, is now known to all concerned but the pleasures of chorusing "I told you so" is meagre solace and solves nothing. People here arc worried. Neither in informed circles, nor to those of the boulevard statesmen in Jerusalem, Half a and Tel Aviv Is there any tendency to lessen the significance of what has happened—or what may lie ahead, The man in the street wonders what will be proffered to Nasser In order to placate him in this extreme temper tantrum. One wonders, too, how far we will go to save Nassar's [ace, or its own'and how deeply engraved is the more accurate Image of Nasser which slowly is replacing that of the dedicated and democratic leader? Do British statesmen or those of the Qua! D'Orsay, or the gentlemen of the concerned desks In the State Department really grasp the extent of Nasser's desires or of his ruthless determination to fulfill them. So many times before It has appeared that surely the rulers of the West must fjliy comprehend the total dimensions of Arab unreliability. From Iraq, 1941, to Jordan, 1936, the story has altered not at alL The West has never come to terms with the reality f Arab nationalism and in Israel, today, there is no firm conviction that the lcscon has been well and truly learnedThere are various things the West c-n do if It wishes to guarantee essential stability in the Middle East. If it intends to solve the question of Suez and those problems which threaten world peace and heighten the chances of a major conflagration. Some of these possible moves—all of them at one time or another advocated by the Government of Israel—are now making the.headlines of the world press. But whether it be the guarantee of economic sanctions against Nasser, the creation of a canal or a giant pipeline through Israel, the strengthening of Israel Is Israel's most dancerous foe. He said that the nationalization of the Suez Canal actually turns the canal Into an Egyptln Inner wterway through which no Israeli shipping will be allowed to pass.
All incoming freshman girls and their mothers have been invited to the Hodi Chapter, B'nal B'rith Girls Lawn Party, which will b» held August 19 at the home of Mrs. Paul Sachs. An Interesting p r o g r a m and skit have been planned.
Mixed Bowling The Mr. and Mrs. Mixed League will open Its new season Sunday, Sept. 11 at the Forty BowL Any couple Interested in bowling In the league and did not bowl last year year call Ruth Kraft, WA 678% before August 20. The group Will bowl each Sunday starting « t f a. m.
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