August 24, 1956

Page 1

Vol XXXIV—No. « .

vnd OIM* Mailing Pr t h r t * • ' umiti









Mionr ih


Slnclr CoDf 10 l-enti

Newcoat <>n»aint Republicans Pledge

Behind the Scenes tty Onvlil Horowll/.

ForCer*-3qoH-Bu,ooun Xiojaog



Preserve Israel

United Nation* (AJP)-The imThe Jewish pact of the Dcmoerntlc Party Congymnasium wi vention was felt most strongly in day, Sept. 2 nftor undergoing reSan Francisco (WNS)—A plank pledging the Republican this world organization. While the painting and rcfinishing of the Foreign Ministers of the leading gym floor, Irv Vaffe, chairman of Party to maintain the integrity of Israel and to support the inmaritime states found themselves the Health and Physical Education dependence of the Jewish State "against armed aggression," but entangled In London over the Suez Commit too, unnounccd this week. totally silent on the issue of arms to Israel, u expected to be crisis, delegates and newsmen in The painting of the gym was adopted by the Republican Kational Convention when it conthis sensitive hub—forgetting the begun this Tuesday and the floor siders its foreign policy platform. UN for the moment—sat glued to will be rcfinlshed next week. The • The proposed plank on Israel TV sots watching the hectic and floor will also be remarked for was recommended by the Repubdramatic proceedings in Chicago. basketball, volleyball and badmin- Synagogues to Hold lican Resolutions Committee. . What Impressed most ot the UN ton games. P r o m i s i n g maintenance of Memorial Services viewers was not so much the quesPrior to this phase of improvefriendly relations with all nations tion of candidates as the platform ments to the gym, all gymnastic Annual Memorial Services will in the Middle East, the suggested —more particularly the plank on apparatus was removed and setbe held at Omaha Jewish ceme- plank reads: foreign affairs and the Middle up in one of the handbnll courts teries. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and East. They all knew that the ultito make a new workout room. Ap- Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will con- . "We recognize the existence of mate results would directly affect paratus Includes wrestling mat, duct services at 11 a. m., this Sun- a major threat to International throw mats, punching bag, hori- day, Aug. 26 at Beth El Cemetery peace in the Near East. We supthe future affairs of this organIrving Tdclicr port a policy o£ impartial friendzontal bar, stall bars, pulley lbvcrs ization. What astonished them Beth Israel Synagogue services ship for the peoples of the Arab and overhanging ladder. molt was the complete and overwill bo held at 11 a. m., Sunday. states and Israel to promote a whelming victory the Convention The new fall athletic program Sept. 2 at Golden Hill Cemetery peaceful settlement of the causes •polled out for Israel. One observwill have morning gym classes for and at 2 p, m., at Beth Ilamedrosh of In that area, including er put It this way: "The p.oplc of the ladies, volleyball and basket- Hagodol Cemetery. Mr. A. Fried- the tension human problem of the PalesIsrael will now emerge from a Irving Telcher has been appoint- ball for the men as well a» a com- man will be on hand at Golden tine-Arab refugees. sports itate of depression engendered by ed manager of the Nebraska- plete round of competitive Hill Cemetery for the reciting of p p "Progress toward a Just settleyear; of border dashes as well as for the members of^ghe Jewish memorial prayers. Iowa area for the sale of the Dement of the tragic conflict between . frustration in Washington with a Youth Council. MldgctSports will Temple Israel services will be the Jewish state and the Arab navelopment Issue Bonds of the new feeling of hope and conInclude: wrestling, boxing, volleyState of Israel. Mr. Telcher comes ball, table t e n n i s , basketball, held at 2 p. m., Sunday, Sept. 9 tions In Palestine Was upset by fidence." the Soviet bloc sale of arms to ' The Democratic Platform plank to our city from Cleveland, O. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. swimming and gymnastics. Arab countries. But prospects of on Israel—calling for the resetHe Is a native of Detroit, Mich., peace have now been reinforced tlement of the Arab refugees In where he mnnnged his own conby the mission to Palestine of the Arab lands; pledging to supply cert series before Joining the United Nations Secretary General arms "to redress the dangerous Bonds for Israel staff. upon the initiative of the United imbalance of arms In the area creMr. and Mrs. Telcher and their Stales. ated by the shipment of Commu- three children Elsai), Carol 7 and "We regard the preservation of nist arms to Egypt," and promis- Robert 5 arc making their home Israel as an important tenet of ing "to take steps Including se- at 5014U Cass st. American foreign policy. We are curity guarantees as may be re- The fall campaign for the sale New York (JTA)—The shortage creative expression; and failure of quired to deter aggression"— of bonds to begin in October is inof qualified teachers is the major the community to attach the same determined that the integrity of marked a complete departure from the planning stage. problem confronting the communi- status and prestige to Jewish edu- the independent Jewish State shall the Administration policy of virties in developing adequate Jew- cators that aro accorded other pro- be maintained. We shall support the Independence of Israel against ish education'programs, Philip W. fessions. . tual strategic abandonment of the Lown, president: of the American 'Jewish State. To UN delegates— Atoms Exhibit As a primary measure to Correct armed aggression. The best hope Association for Jewish Education, the situation the American Asso- of peace in the Middle East lies U)ose who know that In Washlngin the United Nations. We pledge ' ton "mllltaVy -assistance 'is" invar- • 'Tel-Aviv'UTA)— Israel and the declared in a statement issued ciation for Jewish Education has our continued efforts to eliminate iably Ideological—this signified United States will open a Joint through the Council of Jewish Fed- called for frank and-open meet- the obstacles to a lasting peace In ings in all communities to "bring that Israel is once more being rec- "atoms for peace" exhibition here erations and Welfare Funds. this area." ognized as an outpost of Ameri- next month, Marshall Berg, man- Mr. Lown warned that the prob- home to our people the clear and can democracy, a position which ager of the exhibition to be pre- lem is becoming increasingly present danger that Imperils the Among the witnesses to appear ' it held until John Foster Dulles sented by the U. S., told a press grave and complex" as the Jewish future of Jewish life In America." before the platform committee was reversed It. To UN delegates this conference here, Israeli' govern- school population continues to rise Mr. Lown reported (hat the Asso- Bernard Katzcn, head of the Jewwas an indirect admission that the ment bureaus and scientific Insti- while the number of teachers con- ciation has also held a series of ish Division of the Republican Nathree-year old policies' of appcas- tutions will cooperate on the Jew- tinues to shrink. "During the past rellgional conferences to air thetionoal Committee, who claimed ' ing the Arabs had not "paid off ish State's portion of the exhibit. two decades we have witnessed an problem on a broader scale and that the "present relative peace" except in the case of the Suez This'is the first time the two awakened Interest in religion and that more arc planned. Climaxing In the Middle East had been community and regional meet- brought about by Secretary of ' Canal. These UN delegates have countries arc cooperating to such Jewish education," Mr. Lown re- the ings will be a national conference State Dulles. Inclusion of a proan extent In a display, and the now become fully conscious of the ported, "Reform and Conservevision In the plank with respect to 1 fact that the fight for free navlga- show will be the finest of Its kind tlve, as well as the Orthodox in Washington, early In Novem- arms for Israel was opposed by - tlon through the Canal was first ever put together, Mr. Berg said. movement, are rapidly increasing ber. Thurston B. Morton, former Asinitiated by the State of Israel In The U. S, section will picture the their ranks. The number of new sistant Secretary ofState for Legthe Security Council. It is doubt- use of atomic energy for agricul- temples and synagogues has more islative Affairs, who acted as ful now that Mr. Dulles, who did ture, Industry, power production than doubled during that period chairman of the platform subnot then go out of hi* way to lm- and medicine In the U. S. Israel and the number of children atcommittee that considered the Istending Jewish schools has simiwill stress the country's achieve• plement the Security Council resrael plank. Mr, Morton said there olution in support of Israel, will ment! in the field of atomic en- larly grown. London (JTA) — Dr. A. G. R.was need to include an arms proviergy. (Continued on Page 2,) "Yet the supply of educational Ardalcn, Iranian delegation chief sion In the plank or to spell out personnel has not only tailed to to the 22-nntlon International Con- exactly what measures should be keep pace with the rising enroll- ference here on Egypt's seizure of taken in that' connection. Mr. ment in the Jewish school, but the Suez Canal, Is the first Mos- Morton, while with the State Dethere arc even Indications of a de- lem or Asian representative to call partment, was said to have opcline of interest on the part of the attention of the Conference to posed arms for Israel whlld justiJewish youth to enter Jewish edu- Egypt's boycott agtiins Israel ship- fying such shipments to the Anil> countries. cation as a profession." Schools ping through the Canal.

Israel Bond Area Manager Named

Shortage of Teachers Called Big Problem

Parley Hears of Egypt's Blockade

Dulles Plans to Curb Arab Discrimination

for Jewish

educators arc "not

Declaring that Iran was "moti-

Starlight, Pa. (WNS)—Secre- tion against American Jews "arc graduating even one-third of thevated by a sense pf the right of tary Of State Dulles In a letter to obviously circumscribed by thenumber of teachers requlrred to nations and international justice," B'nal B'rith president Philip M. fundamental principle t.rat sover- meet the growing needs of the Dr. Ardalen asked the Conference ' Klutznlck, disclosed that the State eign states have the right to con- Jewish school movement," « hoto recall that the Constantinople Department is planning "formal duct their affairs In such manner added. Convention of 1888 required freediplomatic action" in an effort to as they deem to be in their own New York (JTA)—Revised regMr. Lown reporfed that a sur- dom of passage through the Suez curb discriminatory practices by best interest" and that "interna- vey undertaken by the American for all shipping, and that the An- ulations issued by the U.S. Air Arab states against U.S. Citizens tional law and practice recognize Association for Jewish Education glo-Egyptian agreement of 1954Force provide that the Jewish of the Jewish faith. the fundamental right of a sover- had revealed that the total an- tor the evacuation of British forces Sabbath shall henceforth have Referring to a recent Senate eign state to determine whatever nual graduates of Hebrew teach- from the Canal Zone made the equal religious status for Jewish resolution calling such discrimin- and under what conditions aliens ers colleges yielded only 20-25 per same requirement. Then Dr. Ar- servicemen as docs Sunday for their Christian comrades, It WHS ation incompatible with American may enter its territory." Cent of the number needed and dalen continued: principles, Mr. Dulles said that that the unmet need Was filled "In the United Nations, " too, announced here, Commanding ofthe Senate move "has afforded the Mr. Klutznlck called the Dulles largely by sub-standard teachers. Whenever the question of the ficers are directed, under the new Department of State the oppor- statement "an Improvement over "Many Jewish communities have Canal has come up for discussion, regulations; to excuse Jewish men tunity to continue Its efforts to our Government's previous posi- spent millions of dollars in recent the principle of freedom of naviga- from duly on the Sabbath upon impress on the Arab states tho tion In the matter " but one that years to erect up-to-date school tion In respect of this waterway request, subject to the same milisentiments of this country." That fell"! short of giving equal protec- buildings, with "all the - necessary was reaffirmed. As an example, tary exigencies and requirements resolution, Mr. Dulles revealed, tion abroad to all American citi- facilities. But. what benefit can be I would cite the resolution of Sep- as to total duty time as apply in - has been relayed to U.S, missions zens." He said "there is historical derived from these splendid struc- tember 1, 1951, in which the Se-the case of Sunday religious obin Arab states where American precedence for accomplishing this tures if. there Isn't an adequate curity Council called upon the servance. representatives "have been direct- by appropriate action In a man- supply of qualified teachers?" Mr. Egyptian government to terminate "This step marks the first time ed to take every appropriate op- ner that does no violence to the Lown strongly urged community restrictions on passage of Inter- in which the military establishportunity to emphasize the prin- offending nation's sovereignty, but leaders to look Into the reasons national commercial shipping and ment hap effectively implemented cipal of equality of all Americans merely insures the, integrity of for failure to attract more teach- goods through the Suez Canal the policy of official parity for the and to seek Its compliance by the A m e r i c a n sovereignty," B'nal ers for Jewish schools and take wherever bound, and to observe In- Jewish Sabbath," the Union of Arab states." measures. He listed as ternational conventions." Orthodox Jewish Congregations' B'rith, Mr. Klutznlck added, will remedial possible causes for the lack Declaring that the Arab "dis- "seek to pursue the matter in per- some In Cairo, Egyptian President said in a statement. Besides its' of sufficient Interest in Jewish edgreat moral value, the ruling of-! criminatory policies are of recent sonal consultation with Mr. Dulles as a career; Inadequate Nasser said Sunday that Egyptian fcrs a major gain for Jewish reorigin" and attributable, to theat a more propitious time than ucation lack of security, nationalization of the Suez Canal ligious life In the service: It will Arab-Isrnol conflict, Mr. Dulles the present when the Secretary Is remuneration^ Company had nothing to do with noted that the State Department's involvod in the tense situation af- tenure or fringe benefits; Irisuffl- the question of f r e e passage greatly facilitate Sabbath and (Continued on Page 2.) , efforts to halt Arnb discrimina- fecting the Suez Canal," clenf challenge or opportunities for through the waterway,

Revised AF Regs Note Sabbath

•»-••-.- -•_'.

Friday, Aaftut **, }***.


Shermans to Mark Workmens Circle Hodossah Benefit Conclave Sept. 2-3 Golden Wedding Every Vrtdaj bj the Fedemuon erf Jewtab Servicr .iu» guuna t-nvuete* AuUwrtteo at umaaa. rarer**** suoaenpuun M-UL Mv«rtMi»t luut w AniliuUun iL. o(flt»-IlC No 30U> WraaL oauha. Nat*. JAciuoD MS* Prim -"» «dont» * • » So *U> SUM. HAItm HAIJ»nn

Miller Reports on JWV Convention

Out-of-town guests will be on hand to greet Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman who are going to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary thia Sunday, Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman wUl be honored by their family at a reception at he Sladcstone Hotel Out-oMowners will include: Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sherman of Los Angeles, Cat; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wright of Portland, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Nate H. Sherman, Mr. Cantellfhtlaf—«ae p. m. and Mrs, Gordon Sherman and Miss Betty Lou Sherman, all of Chicago; Mrs. A. L, Grcenberg of UBTU ISBAEL San Francisco, Cal.; Lt. and Mn. Services Friday at 6:30 p. m. Michael Green of Columbus, Ga.; Saturday morning services 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baron, Mr. a. m.. Junior congregation, 10 and Mrs. Bernard Welner, Mrs. a, m. Rabbi Croner's Talmud class, M. A. Welner, Robert Welner and Saturday pfternoon at 6:30 P- rn. David Welner of Sioux City, la.; followed by Mincha, Shalosh Mrs. Sarah Galitzkl of Topeka, S'cudos and Maariv at 7 p. m. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. D, Nefsky and Dally services at 7 a. m. and Sherman Nefsky of Lincoln, Nebr. C 55 p. m. The -weekly Talmud Discussion Group will meet at the 19th and Burt Street Synagogue at 8 p. m. on Tuesday. S'lichos services Saturday, Sept. 1 at midnight.

Religions News

Skyroom Aug. 29

The Roof Garden Buffet Supper and Dance, sponsored by Al Green, with all, proceeds going to Omaha Chapter Hadasaah will be held Wednesday, Aug. 29 at the Skyroom. Dinner will be served from 7 to 9 p. nx, with dancing to the tunes of Gene Pringle's .Orchestra from 9 p. m. to 12 JO a: m. For reservations call Mrs. Irving Herzog. WA 2080 or Mrs. Phineas Wlntroub, WA 1681. Tickets ore $2.50 each for the buffet dinner and dancing under the stars.

The Workmens Circle Midwest District Committee will hold its 27th annual conference In Omaha September 2 arid 3 at the Labor Lyceum. A. Gale, representative from the national office, will be guest speaker. Delegates and guests will attend from Des Molnes, la., Sioux City, Ia^ Denver, Colo., Lincoln. Nebr., and Omaha. The first session will begin at 10 a. m., Sunday, Sept 2 and will be followed by a luncheon at 12:30 p. m. and a banquet at 6 p. m. Monday sessions, Sept. 3. will start at 10r30 a. m,, followed by lunch at 1 p. m.. which will close the conference. Members of the Workmens Circle family can make their reservations by calling AT 4815 or JA 2301 Al Witkin will serve as u«slmaster at the banquet

Mr. and .Mrs. Abe Miller and daughter, Sharon Kay, returned "Yrorh Milwaukee. WU.. last week where they attended the national convention of Jevrfch War Veterans and Jcwiih War Veterans Auxiliary. Abe Miller, C o m m a n d e r of Ncbr.-Ia. Dept, JWV, represented the Department and local Post 260. Mrs, Abe Miller, represented the local auxiliary. Highlights of the convention were Commander Miller declared, the factual disclosure that the US. Air Force Regulations now News and happenings at The Dr. classify Jews as a distinct race Philip Sher Jewish Home For The and Jews are prohibited by these Aged by David Orkow. same regulations to serve in any Air Force Installation in any Rabbi Sidney Brooks Was our Arabian country. rabbinical visitor Tuesday,. August 14. The flowersTin the Home over V.S. Air Force Manuel .TO-l, TEMPLE ISItAEI, The 13eln Israel Synagogue will dated Juno 20. 1953. includes these Worship sen-ices this evening Suzanne anil Suzcttc Es- the week-end were presented by hold it* annual picnic this Sunday, paragraphs. at Temple Israel Will be held at trada, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. s* Jean Kate and Eric Marx in Aug. 20 at 12 noon In Elmwood "Individuals of the Hebrew 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. David Estrada, have returned celebration of their engagement. The picnic will Ix? held In race will not be iuued vUas or Brooks will conduct the service. home today after spending a yenr Alex Sand will once again be Park. the main pavillion regardless of admitted to Jordan." (Section of study at the Hebrew University the cantor at The Home for (ho weather conditions. The Men's XII. Par. 30,) in Jerusalem. The Kir Is wore part Aged for the itlgh' Holiday)! and Club is In charge of arrangements. "Individuals of Jewish faith UKTH EL win officiate at Sellihoth Services. Sabbath evening services will be of a American group sponsored by Mrs. J. Shykeri sent flowers in Each youngster attending: the or descent arc strictly barred the American Friend* of the Hebentrance or tramit of Saudi hold tonight nt 7 o'clock. Snhbnth rew University. honor of her daughter, Sylvia's picnic will receive a free prize. morning services will begin at Free soda pop and popslclca will Arabia. Farther, any prunport On their way home the girls marriage to Dr. Jack Klrslvncr. containing an Israeli visa will 8:30, The Jllnrha scrv-Icc will be- toured Rabbi David Kerb Wi.; our rab- be supplied to the picnickers. through Italy, France and not be h o n o r e d." (Section gin at 6:30 p. m. binical visitor August 2L lie disThere will be games, races, conDaily son-ices during the week Switzerland. •XXCH7 Par. 3.) cussed the significance of tho High tests and free merry-go-round JWV is opposed to the govern- re held at 7 a, m. and 7 p. m. The Holidays. rides for the children. . Phi] Mande], a former Otnnhan, ment Undertaking to enforce with- Sunday morning service is held at Yahrzdt: Special M e m o r i a l Co-chairmen Gene Hroun and now residing in New York City in our border*, prejudices of a for- 9 a. m. Services during the month of TlshGould Invite all Beth Israel eign government and its discrimS'lichos services Saturday. Sept. will arrive in Omaha next week rt wUl be held for the following: Art families and their friends to atto visit his mother, sister and inations. Commander Miller re- 1 at midnight. Sam Epstein—TUtarf 3, Sept, 8. tend the picnic. brother. ported. Tht Jewish War Veterans Rebecca Zwelbaclt—Tishri 5, Sept Committee member* ' Include: took thl* position on resolutions 10. Lee Martin left last weekend Sam Kaplan, Norman Rosentwefg, Adopted at the 61st Annual ConDavid Cooper—Tishri II, Sept IS. for San Francisco to attend the Morris Kuttor, Leo Kraft. Sam vention, he stated. City College of San Francisco. Ho Barney Markowitz — Tishri 14, Stone, Harold Rabin. Nate Gbnple, \. Opposed the Srtcfcer AmendSept. 19. is the son of Mr. and Mm. Sol Manny Simon. Sid Kwfatek, Mel ment to limit the President's treaMrs. Sam Poster—Tishri, Sept 2L Tapper and Irving Stern. Martin. ty making powers. Sam Hoffman—Tlsbri 27, Oct 2. 2. Urged UN sanctions to guarPhilip Saks—Tishri 28, Oct 3. By Boris Sniolar antee safe passage through the Lottia Sitverstone-^TUhrl 29, Oct (Copyright, 1936, JTA) Behind the Scenes Births Suez Canal for snipe bound for JEWISH TEEN AGERS: Is our (Continued from Page 1.) • - Israel and other nations. -generation Jowlsh-mindedT be able to win his present easo on Mr. and Mrs. William Nash an3. Urged revision of the McCar- young . . .VA study conducted by B'nal the Suez crisis as conclusively as Holiday Tickets nounce the birth of their first child tan-Walter immigration act. Marlene Gayic bom August 7 at 4. Urged extension of the GI B'rith among 200 teen agers—all Israel won tier's. Tickets for tho High Holy Day a local hospital. Paternal grandFrom all this emerges the conBill's educational provisions dur- of them members of the B'nal B'rlth Youth Organization-offer* viction here that it is not so much Services at the B'nal Jacob Adas parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam ing selective service. n very gloomy answer to this quesYcshuron Synagogue will be avail- Nash of Minneapolis, Minn. Ma"Zionist pressure," as the Arab* 5. Asked Congress to double the tion . . . The youths, 120 boys and and their friends of the Middle able at tho synagogue, 3028 Cum- ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Roto Voice of America appropriation*. 80 girls, were selected at random East Would have Americans be- ing st, beginning this Sunday. Freed of Winnipeg, Canada, and 6. Reaffirmed Its support of the from a group of more than 2,000 can be obtained In the maternal great-grandmother.. is President's Civil Rights program. adolescent member* of the BBYO lieve, as Israel's superior wisdom Tickets or evenings. During the Mrs. Cella Goldberg of Winnipeg. 7. Opposed admission of Red residing in an area from Ohio to of the whole Middle Eastern situ- mornings ation which encouraged the Dem- day, they may be had at Joe AdChina to the United Nations. the Rocky Mountains . . , They ocratic leaders to adopt such an ler'i Delicatessen, 1313 N. 24th s t Revised Regulations William Carmen of Newton. were questioned about their inMas*., was elected National Com- terest in nine types of activities all-out pro-Israel plank. (Continued from Page 1.) The question, of course, is: Will Holiday observance by Jewish permander of JWV and Mrs. Saul IS. . . . Interest in athletics turned out sonnel." Samuel* of Cleveland. Ohio, was to be first among boys and in- the Democrats be elected? Thia elected National Auxiliary Presi- terest In "Jewish content" activi- question, UN observers recognize. The new Air Force Regulation dent. Boston; Mass., will have next ties turned out to be last . . . Is not as crucial as It sounds. In Robert Bieicher reads as follows: "Commanders, the first place, it is a foregone year** convention. In fulfilling their responsibilities Among the girls, social activities conclusion that D e m o c r a 11 c Service! were held Sunday, Aug. for the religious life, morale, mortook first place In Interest while strength in the Congress will cer"Jewish content" activities was tainly not lessen. It i* expected to 1» lor Robert A. Bieicher with in- al character guidance, and reCousins' Club terment at Pleasant Hill Ceme- Ilglous matters within their comone removed from the botMrs. Sam Meyercon will be eighth, tom .... The definition for "Jewish Increase, Congress today is a bi- tery. Mr. Bldchcr, 68, died late mand* will, subject to -military hostess to the Cousins' Club at content" was given as projects or partisan factor in foreign policy. Saturday, Aug. IB. He ba3 owned necessity, excuse from duty per12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 29 activities focused on developing Therefore, whether Adlal Steven- and operated an insurance agency sonnel who expresses a desire to in the Regis Hotel. Those who arc Jewish consciousness, J e w i s h son and Estes Kefauver are elect- in Omaha for more than 40 years. attend religious services of their UJtable to attend call Mrs. Meyer- knowledge, or pride In Jewish cul- ed or not, one thing Is certain Mr. Bieicher was a former presi- faith on week day* which have Platform: Mr. Dulles' dent of the Omaha Association of the same ecclesiastical obligations son, C. B. 6453. ture and way of life . . . The boys from thapolicies will never enjoy Accident and Health. a* Sunday, and upon request, exrated the following quite low: dis- pro-Arab the bl-partljan support he seeks/ cussing books with a Jewish The Monument Dedication He I* survived by his wife, La- cuse these Individuals from all Democratic Platform should normal duties on such day*. When theme, listening to Jewish music, a dungs in the Republican Vaun; a son. Dr. Jerome of Oma- Individual* are excused from duty, Tb« family of the late Mrs. singing Jewish folk song*, taking compel ha; a brother, Dave of Omaha; policy to be formulated at San Julius (Ida) 8brrman will dedi- dates to a Friday evening service Francisco. If It does not, the Re- sisters, Rote Sarouebon, Detroit, they will be required to make up Jo«t time to equal the total duty cate * monument in her memory . . . The girts rated the following win have to measure Mich., and Coral Gables, Fla., Vic- time required for the week for at 9:45 a. ttt, this Sunday, Aug. among the lowest Items: discuss- publicans consequences in term* of toria and SonlaiLewI* of Miami, military personnel oi the unit in20 at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rab- ing books with a Jewish theme, a the Yvctte Kaplln and Rae Felngold The Suez challenge has crevojved." bi Myer S. Krlpke and Cantor quiz program on Jewish history, votes. a new situation. Now the of New York City. Aaron Edgar will conduct the listening to a lecture on Jewish ated highest commercial Interests' of A similar chance In Army regumemorial service. Friends and rel- customs . , . Both boys and girls the American people are tied up lations wlU be announced shortatives are asked to attend the were Interested In "discussing Re- In common -partnership Loafs Gtassenberg in the ly. The revised version win read service. form, Conservative and Orthodox highest security Interests of. Israel. a* follow*.' "in those instances Judaism." however neither group Word was received here of the where no" military requirement The family of the late Harry seemed Interested In "hearing a The American peole spoke when death of Louis Olasaenberg who prohibit*, commanders win excuse Levey will dedicate a monument rabbi discuss some phases of Jew- the Middle Cast plank of the Plat- died Tuesday In Chicago. He was from duty personnel who are re68 ynn old. Services were held quired by the tenets of their faith In his memory at 11 a. m, this ish life"... The younger boys and form was written in Chicago. Wednesday In Chicago. Sunday at Golden Hill Cemetery. girls seemed somewhat more Into observo certain customs and/or terested than the older boys anS - He Is survived by Ms widow; a desire to attend religious services Friends and relatives are invited Hebrew If. Library girls in "participating in synadaughter, Mr*. Benjamin Groner, to attend the memorial service. on: 1. Sundown preceding; Saturgogue or temple services" . . . In day In the case of members of deJerusalem (JTA>—A new addi- and four tons, The family of the late Mrs. answering questions about their tion to the Hebrew University will nominations' which observe anLouis Blotchy will dedicate a Interest In community service ac- be inaugurated here next Novem- student* In the first year of Its op- ther weekly holy day; or 2. Weektivities, the boys and girls listed inonum*nt in her memory at 2:45 which carry the ecclesiasthe following high: collecting toys ber with the opening of a Graduate eration. The course wot extend dny* p. mv this Sunday, Aug. 26 at and obligations of Sunday or clothing for the needy, a par- Library School The new school over one year, and In special cages tical Fisher Farm Cemetery, which recognized as having ty for orphans, a show for old win go into operation when the over two. Graduates will be special are religious importance." next academic year tltat*. The awarded a special diploma. folks In homes . . . At the same The family of the la to Fisher Url:e. they rated "soliciting pledges first of its kind in this country, No change is deemed necessary Blotcky will dedicate a monument for the UJA" at the bottom of the new unit alms to relieve (be The united State* government, In Navy directives a* they are bl his memory at 2:45 p. m. this thrir lists. severe shortage of trained li- since the conclusion of World War considered by Jewish organizabrarians. Sunday, Aug. 26 at.Fisher Farm U. ha* released almost $42,000,- tion* to provide already for reJemetery. Tbe school will acoept only, 25 .000,000 in foreign aid funds. ligious observance.

With the Folks at Home

Omaha Sketches

Beth Israel Picnic At Elmwood Sun.

Between You and Me





Elberto L Bush Weds California!.


Mrs. Harry Bush announces the marriage of her daughter, Elberta Lorraine Bush, to Sidney Groonbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenbaum. The ceremony was solemnized in the Beverly lills Plaza. Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 5, by Rabbi I. Bernstein. The HI2RACHI nomtx bride's gown of Italian Silk was mounted on Alcnca Lace fashA dessert luncheon and board ioned on Princess Ones-Jewelled meeting W M held by ttw Omaha highlight*. Alencon lace at porChapter Mizraehi Women Monday, trait shoulder line and down front Aug. 20 at the home of Mr». Herof Princess fitted bodice. She carman Franklin. Mn. Harry Paskoried a white orchid and a white witz, the newly elected pmjdent, Bible. The bride was given away presided. in marriage by her brother, Robert Plan* were made for the coming H. Bush. Other members of the year. The tint meeting of the seabridal party Included Mrs. Leonson win b* preceded by a denert ard Bush, matron-of-honor; Mrs. luncheon Monday, Sept 10. at 1 Mb. Judith A. Melvin Schryer and Mrs. Ira Ep o'clock at the Jewbh Continuity stein were bridesmaids. Center. The regular date of the meeting was advanced because of Following a wedding trip to San tell High Holidays. Francisco, Carmel and Los Vcs a s . the newly will reside in Los Angclcs. IIADAS9AU Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rosen The bride attended University The Hadassah Medical Organiz- have announced the engagement of Nebraska and Omaha Univeration and Vocational Education of their daughter, Miss Judith sity. She was a member of Sigma (See story at left) Mm. J«rob KIralmer Committee will entertain It* capDelta Tan. Her husband Is a Mn. Sidney Creenbaom tains at a tea Monday, Aug. 27,Ann, and SA Kenneth Paul Wein- UCLA graduate and o member of at the-home of Mrs. Harol#Coop- er, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Sigma Alpha Mu. engagement of their daughter, erman, C72 Parkwood Lane. Mrs. Wolner, Chicago, III. Omaha relatives attending the Miss Shirlee Fay to Dr. EL Gordon J. J. Trolrlmnn, one of the chapter The announcement was made Wedding were Mr. Max Levlne, Margolin, son of Dr. and Mrs. chairmen, will preside. .VUM SylvU Shyken, daughter of Sunday at a family dinner nt thegrandfather of the bride. Mr. and Morris Margolin of Omaha. Guest speaker for the afternoon Fireside Restaurant. Miss Green attended the UniverMn. Jacob Shyken and the late Mrs. Phil Ostravich und sons Bersity of Cincinnati. Dr. Margolin, llr. Jacob Shyken, and Or. Jacob will be Miss itudnssuh Sokolik of Mr. and Mrs. Wolner were in nard and Allen. Jerusalem. who is practicing internal mediKlnthher of New York City were The committee consists of Mrs.Omaha tor the party and were accine iii Cincinnati, is a graduate married Sunday, Aug, 19 at Beth companied to Chicago by their son, of the University of Nebraska and Israel Synagogue. Knbbl Benja- Ira Whitcbook and Mrs. Friedman who has been visiting nt the Roits College of Medicine. min Groner and Cantor Gil Kagan assisted by Mcsdamcg T. A. Tully, sen home. Sraman Apprentice Fred Brodkcy, Joe Bernstein, officiated. Welner will leave from Chicago for A winter wedding is planned. Harry Ravltz, Al Wohlner, Sam The bride wore a chapel length San Diego, Cal., Where he is staRothenbcrg, S i d n e y Kntlemnn, Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Green gown of pare Italian silk and A)cntioned with the Navy. gon lace. The scoop neckline was William Kiiduzincr and Jack Jaof Cincinnati, O., announce the Patronize Our Advertisers Mlis Rosen Is a student at adorned with layers of sequlncd cobson and members of their respective committees. Northwestern University, Eyanslace. The fingertip Icneth sleeves ton, I1L, where she Is a member of were edged in iridescent sequin* Alpha Ep.ilion Phi Sorority. and empire yoke. The princes* B, I. BISTKIUIOOD Her fiance attended (he Universtyle bodice In Italian (ilk featured The monthly board meeting of a tiered buitle which ended in1 a Beth Israel Sisterhood will be insity of Wisconsin, Madison, where he was a member ot PI Lambda bouffant court train. The bride * the form of a dessert luncheon at handroUed French silk Uluilon veil the home of Mrs. D. W. Frank, Phi Fraternity. He abo attended flowed from a crown of seed 543 N. 73rd »t. The meeting ia the University of Chicago Law pearl*. She carried • bouquet of scheduled for August 28 at 12:30School and plan* to re-enter the school when he U discharged from white orehU* and Stepanotls on a P. m. the Navy, whIU Bible, The Peretz JBnehbdn group wilt hold It* regular meeting at ft 1 p. m. luncheon, Tuesday, Aug. 28 at the home of Mr*. S H. Blatter, 3304 FrankHft.

Miss Judith Rosen Engagement Told

Miss Shyken Wed To N.Y. Doctor

Cincinnati Miss to Wed Dr. Margolin

Jewish New Year Cards

Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family

The bride'* mother wo™ a beige The monthly meeting of the •quare necklincd sheath dress of Beth Israel Sisterhood is to be Imported lace that featured a full held at the synagogue, September nylon chiffon bow streaming from 11 at 1 p. m. Luncheon will be the side. served and sitter service will be The bridegroom's mother wi* available. for dressed In a dark turquoise sleeveMn. Harold Zelliuky, program less drea* with matching Jacket. chairman, ho* announced an InterThe bride's attendant* wore sim- esting panel discussion about the ilar ankle-length dresses of shrimp responsibilities and duties) of our and aqua In nylon net and chiffon. tcadjer* In our religious educaEsreigim from Israel is The bride was Riven In marriage tion' system. The moderator will by her brother, Dr. Herman Shy- be Mrs. Morris Shapiro, and the scarce this year, but I ken of S t Louis, Mo. Her attend- panelists are: Rabbi Benjamin ants were Mrs. Edward Freeman Groner, Mr. and Mn. Sam Stone, have succeeded in getof New York City, sister of theIrving Stern, Cantor Ell Kagan, ting a shipment for my groom; and Mrs. Herman Shyken and A. Elicnsteln. A question and of St. Louts. Norman Shyken, answer period will follow. customers. brother of the bride, was best man If you have not been contacted, and Edward Freeman of New York reservations can be made by call Cty served at usher. ing Mn. Vera Lewis, GL 3107 or" Out-of-town g u e s t s Included: Mr*. Ed Lincoln, OR 2991. Mr. and Mn. Philip Kirshner of 1014 Wrtttar AT 4252 New York City, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Betrothed to lowan Freeman of NYC; Dr. and Mn. Mr. and Mn. Harry Winer have irerman Shyken o( St. Louis, Mo.; Or. and Mrs. Perry London of announced the engagement of Tacoma, Wash.; Norman Shyken their daughter, Miss Pauline and the GREATEST GUY of St. Louis; Mr. and Mn. Alvtn Mclvin B. Wynn, .son of Mr. and Gorodetzer of Wichita, Kans.; Mrs. Mrs. Sam Wynn of Des Molnes, in the WORLD.... Jacques Polrier of Durham, N. C ; la. The couple plan* a November Mn. Sam Rothman of St. Louis; wedding and will live in Des Dr. and Mn. Jack Gordon of San Molnes. the man who Francisco, CaL; Mrs. Herbert Specter of Rock Island, III.; Mr. takes his family and Mrs. Abraham Jacobson of NYC, and Mr. and Mn. Bennett Sllberman of NYC. TO After their honeymoon trip to western national parks, Dr. and DOUBLE FEATURE Mrs. Kirshner will make their BVttY SUNDAY home In New York City.

Religions Articles High Holy Days

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Fresh Bakery Products All Day Sunday Picnic Salads and Specialties

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Insurance law* generally prohibit a person buying insurance on property In which they have no Irmirnblo interest. Patronize the merchant* who advertise in YOUR newspaper.

BETH ISRAEL PICNIC Means Lots of Fun This Sunday, Aug. 26, 12 Noon at Elmwood Park (Rain or Shine) Free Merry-Go-Round Rides and Prizes for the Kiddles Races, Games, Contests Free Pop and Popsicles for AD EVERYONE WELCOME

Miriam Shrier

Married or Tempi* Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lekowski of Dts Moincs, la., announce the marriage of their daughter, Mn. Morris Rovner also of Des Molnes, to Robert L Passer. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiated at the ceremany August 17 at the Temple Israel Mr. Passer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passer of Council Bluffs. The couple will moko their home In Council Bluffs, la.

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Midget Swim Meet Sept. 9

Sweetheart Candidates

Camp Jay C-C* By Camp licpnrter As the last week of camp comes t o a close we look b a d over the tecond session t o the many activities that took place. The seeoncj session opened with a big tamp fire at Inspiration Point The evening was highlighted by the arrival of the phantom rider who brought a message of greeting and welcome to the new campers:

Sunday, Sept. 9, at 1 p m has been set as the date for the Midget Swim Meet to be held at the Center pool. Competition will be according to sex. and two-year tigo division with distances from 20-60 yards, according to Joe Mlcek, Center Aquatic Director. Swimming styles will include human stroke, back stroke, elementary buck stroke, breast stroke and free style. Diving will be open for boys and girls. Ago limits were set from 7 to 10 <md all those children participating In the summer jwlm program as well as regular Center^ members will receive a post card registration form that must be mailed back to the Center. There Miss Dliinn Singer Ml«« Ijnirlr Omrli Is no limit to number; of events that may be entered, but the eleMl»« DUne Singer, daughter of Mm. William Singer, and MU» Laurie Orach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oruch, ar« two of mentary strokes are open only t o tbc nix candidates for "Sweetheart of AZA No. 1," M I M Singer la those 7-10. Information on this meet may serving her second trrnt >• first vlco-pretldent of Eleanor Itooncvclt Chapter of ll'nal IJ'rltli Girls, M I H Oruch In * patt president of be obtained from Jim Karbatsch, Hodl Chapter of UB<< and was elected as the bent member of Ilodl Center Director of Health and for 1935-38. The JSrd Annual Sweetheart Dance will IK held by the Physical Education. Mother Chapter of A7.A September R at Ike Blackstonft Hotel.

backwards and with reveille they went to bed.

Saturday night, Aug, 18, a WOW radio program was recorded at Camp Jay-C-C In the main lodge featuring Jolly Joe Martin, Counselors Bernic Fellmaji, Barbara Brodkcy, Janet Handler and Dick Weiner were interviewed by Jolly Joe. Gerald Gross, chairrnaji, explained the functions of the camp committee. The program m 9 • was presented Sunday morning The campers were in their glory from 11:25 to 11:55 on WOW-Ra* August 15 when they became the dio. counselors and were permitted to conduct and run the camp for the Following an exciting visitor's day. Everything was backwards day when over 200 people visited that day even to the extent that the camp Sunday, the camper* the camp wakened to the tune of were treated to malted milks and "When Day Is Done" The activi- Ice cream sundaes. Then the camp ties were backwanLs, meals were settled down to a quiet evening and watched n special camp movie.

Temple Classes To Start Sept. 8-9

Monday, Aug. 20 was Olympic Day. The campers were seen parBowling Stag ticipating in races, relays, jumpB'nal B'rlth Men's Bowling AsUnited Synagogue Youth is Temple Israel will hold the Ing events, ball throwing events opening sessions of lls Religious and swimming relays. At the close starting a new chapter for Incom- sociation will hold their kick-off School September 8 and 9, It was the Macabblad a w a r d s were ing Bcvcnth and eighth graders to Stag at 8:30 p. nr, Tuesday, Aug. announced by Maury U. Schwartz. presented to the campers. 28 at the Birchwood Club, 2582 Director of Education. Camp Jay-C-C was projected be called United Synagogue inter- Rcdlck. A buffet dinner will be served The Temple Israel Hebrew into the news with the Evening mediates. School will hold Its first sessions World-Herald carrying a front USY and USI arc co-education- following the business meeting and with the Dalet Class meeting Mon- past' story on the camp wrangler al youth organizations whose pur- the announcement of the formaday, Sept. 17; the Gimel Class, and his wager to stay aboard a pose is t o foster and promote our tion of teams. Tuesday. Sept. 18; the Bais Class. horse of which he was half owner Jewish cultural heritage in our Wednesday, Sept. ] 9 ; and. the for 24 hours. He won the bet and youth. It has a rounded religious, Use tlic Want Ada to buy, sell Aleph Class will meet for their the other h;ilf of tin1 horse from cultural and social program. The first session Thursday, Sept. 27 •Shcrni Poskn. nsslstnnt ramp di- organization Is the only Conserva- or rent due to Succoth falling on Septem- rector tive youth group sponsored by the ber 20th. United Synagogue of America. The Temple Religious School, This evening, the camp Jay-C-C A Honv-camp party for proswhich i n c l u d e s Kindergarten Pioneers (the teen-age group) will pective members will be held at through 10th grade and Confirm- conduct the closing Sabbath Serv- 6:30 p. m.. Thursday, Aug. 24 in ation, will divide its sessions and ice- for the camping season. Fol- Beth El social hall. grades 5 through 10 wiJI start lowing the services, an Israeli Saturday, Sept 9 fror., 9:30 lo dancing exhibition will be featured 12;I5 p. m. for Instruction and by the counselors. regular Sabbath worship. Pioneers have completed their Primary departments meet. Sun- program and will be Swarded cerThe Highland Country Club will day morning from 9:45 a. m. to tificates at an inspiring ceremony close its dining room and swim12:15 p. m. during the senior Oneg Shabbal, ming pool after Labor Day, It was In addition to the regular teach- Saturday afternoon. announced by Arthur A. Cohn, ers the School staff Includes speThis Saturday will feature the Highland president. The golf cial instructors in Jewish Music, big day in camp when all the boys course will remain open, he added. and Jewish Arts and Crafts. will draw girls names out of a box The downtown club Will keep on The Faculty of Temple Israel and spend the day preparing for Religious School includes six the Ijjrdi and Ladies Night. After Its summer schedule during the teachers who are continuing their the Ball Saturday night, (he camp- month of September and lunchassociation with the school. They ers will gather around the swim- eons will be served and the card 817 S. 36 St. arc Mrs. Edward (Helen) Mnkjc- ming pool for the flnnl closing room will be open. Lady golfers will take part in sky, Mrs. Norman (Elinor) Whit- ceremony. HA ,1044 "Historical Fun Day Wednesday, man, Mrs. Irving (Elaine) Shapiro. • * » Air Conditioned Aug. 29. Luncheon will be served. Mrs. Charles (Etliiland-Sls) GarCamp Jay-C-C cuniperi. will be etz, Mrs. Robert (Muriel) Cere- returned to the Jewish CommuSAKINCS MOM NIW TOUC TO lick and Mrj. Sidney (Jane) nity Ontcr. Sunday Morning, at Brooks. T. zee new teachers on the 9 a m facility arc Mrs. Howard (Judy) Vann, Mrs. Robert IMarclal l i ylne. and Mr. AJon Farbcr. Miss Ida Gitlin will continue a * Music and Choir Director, and Mrs. Ed ward (Cecilia) Milder will in struct in Arts and Crafts. Plans are being made by Mn>,

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DRESSES SHORTENED, $1.25; Alteration! and Fur restylin;, A* in previous year, someone capes and stoles—$23 and up. will be available to offer memorial 35 ytt. experience. Call WE prayers at B'nal Jacob-Pleasant 3932. Hill Cemetery Thursday and Sunday mornings and afternoons from WANTED—Sleeping roam near 50th and California for visitors 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. until after High from Lincoln here for High Holy Holy Days. For ndditional information call'Mr.. Adler. WE 4959. . Days.-Coll GL'6841. , , . . ,

112 N. 18th JA1578



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Monsky Chapter Membership Fete

Harry Smith and her committee for the annual new members and pairl-up membership luncheon of IJ'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470. The luncheon will bo held Thursday, Aug. 30 at the Enrollment applications urc be- Sheraton-Fontcnclle Hotel's Black ing accepted for the lieth Israel Mirror Room at 12:30 p m Talmud Torah and Sunday School. Applications arc available at the Earl Slegel will be guest synagogue office. Enrollments arc speaker. Members of Mrs. Smith'ij comalso arranged by phone. The school mittee arc: Mesdnmes Auron Epnumber Is REgent 6288. stein. Stanley Shapiro, Solomon The Sunday School will open Goldfarb, Sol Miroff and Harry Sunday, Sept, 16. The Sunday Friedman. school consists of five grades starting with pre-klndergarton and continuing to the third grade. ^Children four years of age and older 'arc accepted in the Sunday School. Hiufn J A Unt vi lown four w»nt The Beth Israel Talmud Torah Tbe JewuB Prm. will open Monday, Sept. 10. Chil- IQ Cumnl r»u it lo « n u lot tuh IBMUtioo. Prtu rucrvtc lh« rlgfct to UmU dren from the age of seven and i l u atTh« MucU utTtniMntniL older Wit be accepted Ip the TaJ' mud 1 Torah. • The Talmud Torah New rear Cards Extention Department now in-BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu cludes a post graduate class and latlons also for all Jewish noli * fla|> for young adults. days and special occasions. Meyers New* Stand, 1202 Dodge

HA 2554

Professor Hans Baer Is Accepting Enrollments for the School Year 1956-57 7 full days .and nights • Se« all Nebraska

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Piano Lessons for Children and Adults, Beginners, Advanced and Professional Students Phone JA 1366 or WE 8681

Sept. 1 thru 7 at Lincoln


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