August 31, 1956

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Annual Kit* 4 Dollar! aififl« Copy 10 Cenli

Ent«r«l ** ft office, OIMIM,

N»w Year's Edition -


PRESS —Roil. Ha.hon.h 5717 —Frid.y, Augu.t, 31. 1956


sem'ces Ha-Am, Father 0/ Brandeis ^ H e Set A For //iferA Spiritual Zionism p a t t e m foy tfo> Future ffo(y Days


BethEl Rosh Hasfionah Wednesday, Sept 5 Evening Service 8;15 p.m. Thursday, Sept 6 Morning Service 8:00 a.m. Youth Service 11:00a.m. Mincha-Maarlv 6:30 p.m. Friday. Sept. 7 Morning Service 8:00 a.m. Youth Service . , . .11:00 a.m. Mincha-Maarlv 6:30 p.m.

Yom Kippur


Friday. Sept. 14 KolNidre 6:30p.m.

AHAD HA-AM—The Great Jewish Philosopher On the 100th Anniversary of His Birth By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ (Copyright, 1050, JTA) A call him been issued by the Jewish Agency for the celebration, this autumn, of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ahad Ila-Am, the philosopher whose name is recorded in Jewish history as "the father of spiritual Zionism." In marking this important anniversary, in tribute to Ahad Ha-Am (Aahcr Ginsberg), who died on January 2, 1927, Jewry again pays tribute to tho Philosopher of tho Zionist movement who gave a soul and a cultural aspect to the movement for Jewish national and cultural rebirth. In the philosophy and teaching of Ahad Ha-Am, everything that was Jewish, all things Hebraic, every element in life affecting the Jew, found an exponent, i , To Ahad, Ha-Am, the typical product; of Hebrew genius was the prophetic, which is able to enunciate moral laws based on spiritual truths. The spiritual creations and cultural possessiona of the Jewish peOplfl were tffiinV ' therefore tho supreme expression of the Jewish existence, and the influence that his philosophy had on the rebuilding of Palestine lifts found root in a system which affects the growth of Jewish nationality, n system in which the prophetic plays the part on a par with the diplomatic. A Practical Man Ahad Ha-Am was above all else a practical man. His Rood business sense and powerful administrative .ability which he demonstrated in his own busiiiess affairs, were reflected in his theories affecting his moral Zionism. He declared that the Jew cannot be himself either in the Ghetto or under conditions of emancipation, hut that what is needed is a combination of unadulterated JcwishncsH with the freedom of modern life. To make this possible he urged a fixed center for tho Jew, a soil of his own where the Jew could concentrate his national Sjifc. His conclusions •were not dissimiliar from those of, Theodore Hcral. Asher Ginsbcrjj, tho philosopher, who assumed the pen-name Aha-Aha-Ha-am—One of the People—like Herzl, tho diplomat, saw the. only solution for the Jewish problem to be in Palestine. That his theories should become practical, the return to Palestine was essential.

Saturday, Sept. 15 Morning Service 8:00 a.m. Yizkor Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Service 11:00 a,m. Mincha-Neilah Service... 4:15p.m.

Beth Israel and Beth Hamedroth Hagedol Rosh. Hashonah Wednesday, Sept 5 Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Thuriday, Sept 6 Morning Service 7:30 a.m. Sarmon 10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation ...,10:30a.m. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. - Fridayr Sept. 7 Morning, Service 7:30 a.m. Sermon , 10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation . . . .10:30 a.m. Evening Service 6:30 p.m.

Yom Kippur Friday. Sept 14 KolNidre 655p.m. Sermon 6:45 p.m. Saturday, Sept IS Morning Service 7:30 a.m. Sermon 10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation . . . .10:30 a.m. Yiskor Service 11:00 a.m. Junior Congregation . . . . 2:30 p.m. Ne-i-lah Concluding Service 5:45 p.m.

Temple Israel Rosh Hashonah Wedneiday, Sept 5 Evening Service 8:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept 6 Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Children's Story Hour.. .10:00 a.m. Children's Service 11:00 a.m. Friday, Sept. 7 Evening Service 8:15 p.m.

Yom Kippur Friday, Sept 14 Evening Service 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15 Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Children's Service . . . . . . 1:15p.m.

Congregation of Israel Rosh Hashonah

Yet, in spite of his having made Palestine the basis of hi* teachings, Ahad Ha-Am was one of the most misunderstood men in tho movement for Palestine's regeneration as the center of Jewish life. The People's Will Ahad Hfl-Am worked on the same principle an Hcral. He maintained that where there is a will there is a way, and that the more difficult tho way tho more ardent must be the desire. What Ahad Ila-Atn charged is that the Zionists assumed this desire to exist, whereas he maintained that with the overwhelming majority of the Zionist rank and file it was a conviction that lacked feeling. AVhat the philosopher of the Zionist Ideal charged wail that where failure met Zionist enterprises it was because of thu lack of desire and the weakness in the feeling for the national aspirations of the Jewish people. To the student of Zionism Ahad HaAm wns not mi antagonist but one of

Wednesday. Sept 5 Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Sept 6 Morning Service 8:00 a.m. Friday, Sept. 7 Morning Service 8:00 a.m.

B'nas Israel ofCo. Bluffs Rosh Hashonah Wednesday, Sept. 6 • Uveiiiii« Service > Thursday, Sept. 6 Morning Service ,8 n, m. Sermon 10:30a.m. Kvcning -Service 8:30p.m. Friday, Sept. 7 Morning Service . . . . . 8 a.m. Keimon 10:30 a. m. Mmrlm-V.'i iin (!:3Cp. m

the most contributing forces in Hi" n a tional liomflniiil moMrni'nt I n hpitc o f t h e p« i s i m i i i i i o f I n - , p r e d i c t i o n s , t h e l e n d e r s o f t l m iiKivi-meiit, a d m i t t e d t i n : I n i H i . Iw I ' t p i i i i i n l i d , | i , i i f n t i l i r l v w h i n lu> n i i i i i i l i n n i l H i i t it i , o f t i n , r . . i l l t o n t l i i i i p t I n i-ini- l l n ' o r | ; , ! i i i s n i . v. i t l i p i , i , l i i , n i i i l i l l Mi' i ; i . luit^r n i t h ' I n ' . i l l n f t i n i i , i 1 1 o n '.'.as i n l i l ,iriil w e i i K

Yom Kippur Friday, Sept, 14 Baliirday, Sept, 16 M.irinii'; S HII-I-

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strong and secure it strong and secure and and to to transform transform it into a powerful agency. He has set down this maxim which is to this day among the truth-giving elements in the Jewish national movement: "The concentration of the Jews in Zion must be preceded by tbe concentration of the Jews in the love of Zion." Teachings and Ideals In the long run, Ahad Ha-Am's philosophic teachings and ideals complemented the practical and political aspirations of Dr. Herzl and Max Nordau. Ahad Ha-Am demanded a stronger foundation. He charged the Zionist malady to be of an internal spiritual nature and demanded the remedy to be made equally internal and spiritual. Zionism and Ahad Ha-Am both demanded the restoration of Jewish life in Palestine, What Ahad Ha-Am feared was that Zionism would concentrate upon the saving of the body of the Jew» ish people without heeding the demands of the soul. Tho spiritual Zionism of this philosopher is one of the necessary complements of practical Zionism. Ahad HaA.m urged that danger in the split and divided Jewish ranks be averted through the creation of a common culture which should unite Jewish feeling and make of the people one national entity. Palestine as the center and Jewish culture as the motivating force; these were the aims of Ahad'Ha-Am's philosophy, A rebuilt Zion will number among the greatest prophets of the redemption of the name of Ahad IlaAm. Interpreter of Conflict To speak only of Ahad Ha-Am's Zionist philosophy is to do his memory injustice. He was a great interpreter of Jewish life and Jewish law, of the conflicts that concerned Jews everywhere. His essay on Moses is one of the very great masterpieces written in the past 50 years. His attitude on assimilation is marked not only by his analytical comments but also by sincere assertions of a proud Jewish spirit. l a his essay "Slavery in Freedom" he upbraids the assimilators who sell their soul and their birthright. To quote from this essay: "Today, I try to give my weary eyes a rest frota the scene of ignorance,' of degeneration, or unutterable poverty that herein Russia, arid find comfort by looking yonder across the border, where there are Jewish professors, Jewish members of academies, Jewish officers in the army, Jewish civil servants; and when I see there, behind the glory and grandeur of it all, a two-fold spiritual slavery, moral slavery, and intellectual slavery, and ask myself: Bo I envy these fellowJews of mine their emancipation, I answer, in all truth and sincerity: No! a thousand times.NO I The privileges are not. worth the price! I may not be emancipated, but at least I have not sold my soul for emancipation. I at least can proclaim from the housetops that my kith and kin are dear to me wherever they are, without being con(Continued on Page 2-A)


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Louis Dembitz Brandeis, lawyer, social philosopher, humanitarian, author, and Supreme Court Justice was born a century ago. This year, a centennial focused on the 100th anniversary of his birth, Nov. 13,1856, will honor the late Justice for his leadership and example that has affected so many fields of thought and action in America and Israel. Social s c i e n t i s t s still find his thoughts on the "curse of bigness" a. useful concept while his fellow luwyers use the "Brandeis brief" in their legal practice. President Dwight D, Eisenhower, in noting the centennial celebration, recalled that Justice Brandcis "initiated many changes in socio-legal thinking which are accepted today as a matter of course."

By Meir Charniak (Copyright, 19.W, JTA)

He died at 85, and most of the photographs we see of him today arc of the old, white-haired Supreme Court Justice, so that noWj as we mnrk the birth of Louis D. Brandeis 100 years ago, we forget that he was a firebrand of a man, one of the most controversial in American jurisprudence — and one of the greatest Jews in American history. In a recent book of letters of Rabbi Stephen A. Wise, there, is an illuminating passage about Brandeis, who was Wise's authentic American-Jewish hero. In a 1920 mcetjpg.betwflen Wise and. Charles W. Eliot, retired President o f Harvard, Eliot said, "Hrandeis has the most interesting'mind I ever met " And Wise responded, "He is eawly the first Jew in tho world.". It is as "the first Jew of the world" that he is remembered with admiration and affection by American Jews today, as his 100th birthday (November 13, 180(i) is being commemorated. Yet Drandeis was far more than a man who devoted himself to his people. This is how A. T. Mason, his chief biographer, characterizes him in a1 few lines, prior to explaining him nm| his career in a fascinating biSgraphy. Controversial "Famous at 21 yean, and to the end of his days, Louis D. Iirandeis is among tho most controversial public figures of our time. He was a great lawyer, uncommonly effective both as advocate and counselor. He was a great judge. But relentless curiosity and ardor for seeing things whole broke down the conventional barriers of his profession,

President's Message Washington (WNS) "Rosh Hashonah is significant to e v e r y American," President v Dwight D. Eisenhower declared this week in a formal greeting, on the eve of the Jewish New Year, to all his "fellow citizens . . . of the Jewish Faith." A similar ^greeting, expressing his hope that, this New Year, "the shadow of war might be lifted," was issued by Vice-President Richard Nixon. President E i s e n h o w e r ' s full New Year message read: "At this season when men and women of the Jewish Faith sit in judgment on themselves, reviewing their personal practice of moral and religious precepts during the year just ended, I join with my fellow Americans of all faiths In cordial greetings to them. "Rosh Ilashonnh is significant to every American for, in the deepest spiritual sense, we are nil of the seed of Abraham and Isaac. Our moral code, the idenls thnt animate us, the fnith in God that strengthens us — nil these were clearly and most inspiringly proclaimed many centuries TIRO by men of Jewish blood. "Their descendants, In nice and in faith, have contributed greatly to the knowledge and the skills and the culture of America. In war, tliey have freely given their lives for Hie pioservation of the Ili'puhlir In pcice, they have contributed greatly to the advancement of the general welfaie. "At. this Rosh Hashonah, I know that, all Americans join with me in best wishes to their fellow cili/ens — their friends and neighbors of the Jewish Faith." DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER

drove him beyond the law into lift itself ,forcing him to see that no man, no group, eon lay exclusive claim to the truth." One should recall some of the skeletal facts of Brandeis' .fabulous career so that his Jewish activities can fall into placd and be properly understood and appreciated. Brilliant Student He was born in Louisville, Kentucky,- tho son of Adolph and Fredericka Brandeis, a young coupl* born in Prague, Louis entered Harvard at 19, and wau- ono> of the' htosb hriHiant Students -the'law school *>ve£:h&d. His grades were fantastically high and from the outset of his student days, he awed his professors with the'quality of his mind. Dean James M. Landis says Ilia] no student ever made'hjft.high grades and he graduated before 21, so that the rules of the law school had to be waived in order to permit him to receive his degree, for until he came along, no one under 21 was allowed to be graduated from the Harvard Law School. After a short tenure as a lawyer in Ht. Louis, Brandeis moved to Boston where he became successful at the l!ar from the very beginning. He was, as few remember at this time, an eminent corporation lawyer and became rich early in his cureer. But he was a man of immense courage and eventually became known as "The People's Lawyer" He fought the railroad interests, the utilities, the fii'e insurance interests and J. P. Morgan. He was an eloquent opponent of "Bigness," and in case after case, he gave of his enormous talents to fight for the small men as against the vast financial interests. Hostility to Hrandeis prow as he fought more and more successfully. Again and again, he went before the Supreme Court and, as the notablo judge said, he not (Tilly "reached tho court, but he dwarfed the Court." His famous book, "Other People's Money" made the great financiers livid with rage, for he questioned the use to which they put people's funds. He 'nave Wall Street the jitters and rapidly became one of the most hated and loved men in America—at one and the snnie time. Appointment Stirred Storm Thus ,whcn Woodrow Wilson, whom he supported for tho Presidency, picked him for a .Supreme Court post, the storm that was blown up was enormous. The New York Times Said'that "Mr, Brandeis is essentially a contender, a striver after changes and reforms. The Supreme Court by its very nature is- the conservator of our institutions." Ho was called a "radical agitator" and reference i was made to "tho Jewish i.iind." Earlier lie had been opposed when Wilson was thinking of naming him '-Attorney-General. Now, it was even more violent. Fifty-five lending Hostouians, headed by the then Harvard President A. Lawrence Lowell, 'said, that Hrandeis "Ims not the confidence of the people" But Chailes \V. Eliot supported bun. William Howard Tal'l, a political I'm', attacked linn Yet s l o w l y , h i s l i i c n d s |>iov••<I ( h i c i s " l o r h i m . s i n t l h e w a s n a i n c i l t o 111<• ( ' u n i t . It is I n s t o n t h a t In1 v a s o n e of t h e Iniist . l u s l i i c s in I h e ('niirt's , m i n i s

In 85 years of service to his family, nation, ideals, and plans for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, Justice Brandeis authored countless thoughts that embody the spirit and philosophy of the man. His words, recalled now in an age that they predicted, illuminate the central themes of his life. The Law Justice Brandeis loved the law when it could work for all the people all the time. "1 believe," he said, "that the courts and the people iiave been too far apart. There is no sUbjeet so complex that the people cannot be interested in it and made to see the truth about it if pains enough are taken; and I believe that a common agreement of public sentiment should influence the court's decision on many a question . . / ' Other comments on the law by Jus-^ tiee BrandeiR included: "In old times the law was meant to protect each citizen from oppression by physical force. But,we have passed to a bubtlcr civilization) from oppression by force we have come to oppression in other ways. And the law must still protect a man from-the'things that rob him of his freedom, whether the oppressing force be physical or of a subtler kind . . ." "The law has everywhere a tendency to lag behind the facts of Jifc . . . " "Knowledge of decisions and powers of logic are mere handmaidens — they are servants, not masters, The controlling force is the deep knowledge of human necessities, Tbe duty of the lawyer today is not that of a solver of legal.conundrums; he is indeed a counsellor of law . . . " Democratic Ideals Democratic ideals play a large role in tho life of Brandeis' American as well as the State of Israel for which he planned so much. His writings include such "pronouncements as: "Democratic ideals can be attained only where those who govern exercise their power not by alleged divine right or inheritance, but by force of character and intelligence." He felt education played a key role in a Democracy: "Democratic ideals, cannot be attained by the mentally undeveloped. In a government where every one is part sovereign, every one should be competent, if not to govern at least to understand the problems of government; and to this end education is an essential , . . " "Our great beneficient experiment in democracy will fail unless the people, our rulers, are developed in character and intelligence . . . " . His Idea of a University Brandeis University is founded to further the principles of the late ju<£ tice, expressed by his statements; "To become great, a university must express the people whom it, serves-, and must express the people and (he community at their best. The aim must be high and the vision hioail; th" goiil Seemingly attainable hut beyond the immediate reach . . . " "The respect to


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Tb* problem of suppression of Intion "at Auafc" as be should know, not dividual rights has perplexed Use naonly i a th# interest of th« stoekholdtion Brand*is loved so well many times • «rs, but in the interest ot th» com. iCt&tinwi from Page 1-A) in the past century. He said: "Nobody (Continued from Page 1-A) munity, he will have a field for study ty JO{ Amcries remembers Louis D. likewise be a better man and a better ought to be absolute; everybody ought that will certainly occupy all the time Prandeis 'for bis Zionist labors, his American for doing so." z to be protected from arbitrariness and ftirtj» at Jewish, causes, his that he has." . wrong decisions by the representatives "Throughout long years which repg t f tm» Jamaican Jewish ConAgain he stated; "My Abjection to of others who are being affected . . ." rassmk « y o v o life, I have) been to a smltfe* PsJastinfl. Economic Corgreat extent separated from Jews," the interlocking directorates Ss not on the "We Americans are committed not poration, twang other significant Jewassumption that men mean to do wrong. Justice, said. "I am very ignorant in only to social justice in the sense of ish organisation*. It is because it is humanly impossible thing* Jewish. But recent experiences, avoiding things which bring suffering Profeww Mason, feasdais' biograpublic* and professional, have taught for a man representing conflicting Inand harm, like nojnit distribution of pher, has,-written of Zionism sn£ BranB » t h i s I find Jew* possessed of those terests on two boards to do right by wealth; but we are committed primard«is: . . w y ^saalititsTwhich we of the twenboth, no matter how pure hU purpose ily to democracy. The social justice for "This cause, more than any other, tieth century seek to develop in our is . . . " . which we are striving is an incident fired Brandeis' imagination and cap- strnggle for justice and democracy; a "Multiplicity of pursuits is as great of our democracy, not the main end. tured hii heart. It satisfied his lave •£ deep moral feeling which makes them a curse as bigness. Tie greatest beneIt is rather the m u l t of democracy— «4vwrtwre* taot|M to th« surfac* hit capable of nobl» sets; t, deep sens* of factors of the human race hare aot perhaps its finest expression—but I t wflsggj*g t*li«£ in the, powtr «f idealbrotherhood of man; and high intellibeen they who attempted many things rests npoa democracy, which implies ism . . , Despite t R t r h h and through* geltcsv th» fruit of three tjhoutuid years but tbey who did s few thlngi w e l l . . . " ont Hie lagging years, Zionism for him of civilization." the rule by the people . . . " "America's Organization can never be a substiw*l « * (beam, h a t » beautiful reality." fundamental Jaw seeks to make real tute for initiative and for judgment— Belief in the Individual , i t was. ia. the year 1910, who* Branthe brotherhood of man . . ." human nature is lucb that monopolies, In an America fait becoming a nadei* « a » called i» ta settle a itrike m however well intentioned and however "America lias always declared hertion of mass communications, mast prothe ILftWtT and brin* about lelf-govself for equality of nationalise, us duction, mass telling, and mass man, well regulated, inevitably become ope n m t n l in the industry, that h« first pressive, arbitrary, onprogressive, and well as for equality of individuals. It Justice Brandeis wanted to protect the tnij became aequsjnted with Hast inefficient , , ." * recognizes racial equality as an essenindividual. "I abhor averagei," he Bftmwaa Jtwft—and he liked what he tial of full human liberty and true "Whenever trusts have developed ef•ear. H* was then a man of 51 and write, "I Kke the individual case. A brotherhood, and that racial equality man may have six meals one day and ficiency, their fruits have been abh*4 created a great career for himself. is the complement of democracy." none the next, making an averaga of sorbed almost wholly by the trusts His Jewish Background was practically three meals per day, but that is not themselves. From such efficiency as non-existent, and it was at this point Suppression of argument snd ideas a good way to live . . ," they have developed ,th« community that he b«eame a Zionist, thanki to a was attacked by tha Justice who ashas gained substantially nothing." meeting1 with Jacob De Haas, a former serted: "It u the function of speech "America hag believed that each secretary ot Theodor Herat. race bad something of peculiar value Became Zionist which it can ewntribute to the attain, ment bf those'high ideals for which Whew Bren<Iei.i h»d read of the first it is striving. America has believed Zionist ©onjrres*, he n reported to have remarkied,' "Wow there is something to , that we must not only give to tb« Jm. migrant .ttw best that we have, but which 2 eenld give myself." And, with must preserve for America the good £>e Hsas, he started to lesd in the that is in the immigrant and develop : movement. He was interested in sound in him the best of which he is capable. basinet* method* and did not relish a blend of philanthropy and investments. "America has believed In differenI t « H . on this problem that he and tiation not in uniformity, lies the path Dr. Chain .Weiamann disagreed aDd of progress. I t acted on this belief) flplit, at the historic 1921 Zionist conit has advanced human happiness, and vention in Cleveland. Brandeis lost. it has prospered." and never ajrcin really held the reins Trad* Unions , of the movement. Still, he did not disThe Justiee saw in the trade onion associate hire'-If from Zionism lie ii potential to limit the power of the founded, tire l\i!;-.t:ne Development league, the Palctire Cooperative Co . bigness of industry. Like industry, however, be warned against letting the the Palestine Devf loprnrnt Council, the unions themselves become too big or Palestine Endowment Fund and the uncontrollable. "The citizen in a sucPalestine Economic Corporation. He cessful'democracy must not only have {bought in terms of helping to develop education, he must be free. Men are Palestine's basic industries ,to assist in not free if dependent industrially tipon low-cost houiinjr. projects and to make it e*asier for : mill businessmen to make the arbitrary will of another. Industrial liberty on the part of the worker industrial lo'in*. j cannot, therefore, exist if there be Robert SzOld, one of Brandeis' close overweening industrial power. Some friends anl today the President and curb must be placed upon capitalistic chairman of the board of the Palestine combination. Nor will even this curb Economic Corporation, as well as of be effective unless1 the workers coopother bodies created by .Brandeis, has erate, a» in trade unions. Control and said: "In all thefce economic activities, cooperation a n both essential to in* Mr. BrandeSs was characteristically dustrial liberty . . ." concerned with 'the little man.' For him Zionism was a segment of the striv"Don't assume that the interests bt ing for the dignity of num." employer and employee are necessarily hostile—that what is good for one is And. Professor Mason farther clarinecessarily bad far the other. The opfied the difference between "Weianan posite is more apt to be the case. While and Brandeis, when he wrote that "the they may have different interests, they cleavage was between propaganda and are likely to prosper or suffer togethpractical work; between vested organier .' . ." . . , •., . zation and newcomers. Brandeis insisted on high efficiency, strict financial "Our employers can no more afford accountability, and keeping- faith with to be absolute masters of their empromises made." , ployees than they conld afford to submit to the mastery of their emToday", yean later, as Israel strives ployees . . .' toward economic development, the Zionist historian can see that the origIn summing tip his argument he inal clash between these two approaches stated; "Industrial liberty must rest is still alive: the "free dollar" as upon reasonableness. We gain nothing against the investment dollar. Ami by exchanging the tyranny of capital Brandeis' philosophy will find its ad- for the tyranny of labor." herents today as it did then. The Curse of Bigness As a writer, Brandeis was cryatalHe saw the mounting empires of elear and because he has stated the business and government long before c u e for Zionism so eloquently, it is they had matured and warned against worth reducing one of his classic statetheir uncontrolled growth. "It may be ments. I t is the one that has become true that as a legal proposition mere a Bible for aQ Zionists, particularly size is not a crime," he wrote, '"but .American Zionists: mere size may become an industrial and ' ' "Let no American imagine that Zionsocial menace, became it frequently ism is inconsistent with patriotism. creates as against possible competitors Multiple loyalties are obectionable only and as against employees conditions of if they are inconsistent A man is a such gross inequality, as to imperil the better citizen of the United States for welfare of the employees and of the being also a loyal citizen of his state, and of his city; for being loyal to his industry. family, and to his profession or trade; "The history of combinations has for being loyal to his college or his shown that "what one may do with imlodge. Every Irish American who con- punity, may have intolerable~results tributed toward advancing home rale when done by several in cooperation. was a better man and a better AmeriSimilarly what approximately equal incan for the sacrifice he made. Every dividual traders may do in honorable American Jew who aids in advancing rivalry may result in grave injustice, the Jewish settlement in Palestine, and public injury, if done by a great though he feels that neither he nor corporation in a particular field of bushis descendant? will ever live there, iness which it is able to dominate. In will likewise be a better man and a other words, a method of competition better American for doing so." fair among equals may be very unfair if applied where there is inequality of An Humble Man resources." Because he enme to his Judaism late in life, and because he was essentially The Justice believed that corpora* a humble miin, Brnndcis undertookihe tions should not be bigger than man's leaflcrship of (lie JPWS of America in ability to control them. "I doubt," he a spirit of humility. And, nt the same said, "whether anybody who is himself time, lie was proud of his role ns an engaged in any important business has Amerienn Jew, time to be a director in more than one "Throughout long years," ho oncn large corporation. If he seeks to know said, "which represent my own life, I about the affairs of that one corpora< 1 1 , - ' have been to a great extent separated from Jews. I am very ignorant in the things Jewish. But recent experiences, public and professional, have taught me thh: I find Jews p o w s e d of those bo preserved; and that it is onr duty qualities which wo of the twentieth to pursue that metliod of saving which century seek to develop in our struggle ino'it promises tucee'ss.'' for justice and democracy; a deep By this Justice Brandois meant moral feeling which makes them capZionism He did not lr.e tn tec the able of noble acts; a deep sense of the birth of Israel. But today, ai w(> mark All(r>t)MVtf AMD brotherhood of man; and a high, intelthe birth of a grcif Ammn>n and .i ligence, the fruit of three thousand prcat Jcv, we c m know, uith even years of civilization. assurance, that many ot his Msionarj plans have come to fruition and that "These experiences liave made me the Stntn of Israel would have been feel that the Jewish people have somethe same beautiful rralit} to him that thing which should be saved for the world; that the Jewish people should Zionism was in his own time.

Wm Jurist




Wf ',

m i i




His Words

Ahad Ha-Am

to free men from ths bosdftg• of irrational fears . . ." "In "the frank expression of conflicting opinion lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action; and in suppression liea ordinarily the greatest peril . . ."• "The constitutional right of free speech has been declared to 'be the same in peace and in war. In peace, too, wen rosy differ widely as to whst loyalty to our country demandsj and an intolerant majority, swayed by passion or by fear, may be prone in the future, as it has often been in tbe past, to stamp as disloyal opinions with which it disagrees. Convictions such as thrsp, besides abridging freedom of speech, threaten freedom of thought and of belief." These words, many written a halfcentury ago, give direction to the present generation and will continue to guide Its children for many generations into the future. Though covering a wide range of fields, tbe focus of Justiee Brandeis 'words always rested on the individual and his relation to law, liberty, and society. They mirror the image, of a man who was advanced enough to give foresight to his times aud a pattern for the future.

(Continued from Page 1-A) strained te find forced and unsatisfactory excuses. I at least can remember Jerusalem at other times than those of 'divine service,' I can mourn for its loss in publio or in private, without being asked what Zion is to me, or I do Zion. I at least have no need to exalt my people to heaven, to trumpet its snperiority above all other nations, in order to find a justification for its existence. I, at least know why I remain a Jew— or, rathe/, I can find no meaniajr'in such a question, any more than If 1 were asked why I remain my father's son. I at least can speak my inind concerning the beliefs and the -opinion! which I have inherited frota' a y ancestors, without fearing to Snap tilebond that unites me to my people/ * J can even adopt that 'scientific 'heresy which bears the name of Darwin* without any danger to my Judaism. In a word, I am my own, and my opinions and feelings arc my own. I havtf'Hb reason for concealing or denying them, for deceiving others or myself. Ahd thii spiritual freedom—scoff ""who will I —I would not exchange or barter for all th« emancipation in the world."

If was the prophetic pathfinder

Amos whose teachings about God and people's relationship to" each other that are not only of prime importance

to Judaism but to the religions of

Christianity and Islam as well.


A simple herdsman and resident of

north was enjoying a period of great

prestige and prosperity.


He probed under this veneer of

outer splendor of riches won by conquest and oppression to find the

his nr/'ve liiiltlniore, It was w«ek aft«r the Supreme Court h clarod that icgregition in the wis Illfal, and }t was only a before President Eisenhower v nominate him for the Circuit Cc .Appeal*, when Solicitor General I6ff»sl(l: fo-Bblenu of 04Ytrwaent "In appraising the Court's dc we MM be careful to avoid U dency either to minimize or ex«g its tigntficance. I know that th< many sincere people who wouti wished the Court to order a co kbindontnent of the existing 1 forthwith, or at least that a mo olfie time-Uble had been indi Doubtless "»dch a course can be d ed on strietty logical grounds, but lems of Government do not He slvely in the realm ot lotfla, It I \y no desertion of principle to red practical difficulties In order to out s progrsm. It Is well to t ourselves of the words of Lord, whb wrote bt our Constitution! <1 and remains whst Its authors sty eminently an Instrument of so mlsej it is perhaps* th6 most su<« intUnee in history of Whatftjud spirit of compromise may effeot.' ''In every age men of real i mtnship, with the obpectof unit, efteetiveness, htve been content cept *hat is prtetleible snd to pf jitcp by step effectively rather tfi insist unborn promisingly but vain tht immediate attainment of the Ii is in this temper that the G intnt's brief and argument were ftltUd to the Court, and it Ii thll souhd spirit thst breathe* throufc Court's latest uttinno*. frlnolj Hot compromised, but difficult! local conditions, with their ytrie lo«tl problems, are feeflffnltea snd vision is made for dealing with tl fhnt words — enunciating i Sobiioffs views—indicate what (

bringing his message to those who needed it, he turned to writing to become the first of the literary prophets. It was Amos who had the courage, to preach that the true worship of God is by deeds of righteousness and justice in times when animal sacrifice was the popular means of worship. To Amos, God was Lord for all and not only for Israel and Judah. "Are you not like the Ethiopians to Me, O children of Israel?" says the lx>rd • • "Did I not bring up Israel from Egypt, As I did the Philistine from Caphtor and the Syrians from KM"—Amps 9:7.

moral decay that festered beneath.

A simple,' rustic man his writings Brooding over the injustice he saw glow with a purify of language, a around him and being prevented from beaufy of diction and poetic arT.

M7 «







B? Star? W. Uff

On«ye»r and three dsys ifti dent Blienhowar first nomintl Simon B. Sobtkfi wit eonfit the United Sutti Semts u Jt the Fourth Circuit Court, of \ 8tepplng down from tbs poiti itor General of the VnitM Judgj Sobiloff will oooupy wl py th« sett of Judgt Morrit A,] a distinguished jurist nadtr * | beloff t«rv»d si t law Moritar 40 yesr* earlier, No went nornlmt for high honors hid a rougher tlmt in Senate sooflnnttlon. In fiot, rehtlnlioent of the fight waged sgainst Doule D. Brsndeli whei dent Wilton aimed that grit to the Supreme Court But ev hotter eontroversy was resolved than ,ilx months, whereas the .1 Senators, by a delaying taotle, the Sobeloff ippolntment for year. When Senitt oonflrmstln ly earn P. it WAS by a resoutidii of 64 to 10.

A litt'e over ft year ago, 0 6. < " " , Judge Robeloff delivi c o r 1 - 'i "merit a d d r e n at J ft'- ••• '••illrge, a Negro lnstltut

Judah, Amos lived in the 8th century

B. C , when Israel the kingdom to the


It is ironic that Judge So , appointment should have stlrr6d lent a controversy for he !• modi everything that lie does, and" tl set that aroused the Ire of the Si Senators was an act of modcr the presentation to* the Suprpmi of a plan of gntdual integration ing the high court's decision tlin segregation wan illegal. In Baltimore—where he has over the years an City .Solicitor, States Attorney and Chief Judgi Maryland Court of Appenls—So' reputation was based in large [ Ills tact find skill as a nrgotinl Ilfc-iong Republican, who se chief advisor to the Kopubliosn nof Theodore R. MeKeldin, he w labor Advisor to the Democratic Thomfli D'Alesandro. When hi tlo»d law, prior to becoming ltnu'n Chief .Indite, he had on h t»o ilireet telrplionc n-ires, one t ernftr Mc'Ccldin and the other to

Prophetic Pathfinder




J,.if! w: v c r . 4 :




The Holy New Year I Our Maker heals a We must pray for 6u And for rescuers v

That we shall conqui We pray now to 01 To forsive our sins a To defeat and.repc

MM«I« -'r


,Ti''^',';.ir? •" *




|L . • . * » •

' i. •

And God will heed 0 And forgive us wh For He Is eVer'a.Mer And we nre His ch

And He will grant us And return to iw














;• • . - ' - ^


f c i i f i » n — T H E J S W I S H P R E S S — R o . h H « h M » h M 7 v ^ . F r j d » y . . A « < 9 « « f , 3 1 ,H J * " . - , ^ * " The defense of freedom is a perpetual struggle against dangen internal and external. 'It is a problem that is nev/r solved, « task sever completed. The securing of freedom is not the burEtastland and Johnson led against him genuity to invent a slot machine that den of courts alone, or of Congress graceful and unfair fight that Senators will dispense automatic justice and alone, or of thft Executive branch alone, in the Senate, a fight which even saw make unnecessary t h e adjudicative or merely of all departments of governfunction. There will always be the ment together. The maintenance of six Southern Senators publicly proneed for the application ot discrimiclsmlng that Sobeloff as a judge was freedom Is the responsibility of every nating judgement, the exercise of com"personally obnoxious" to them and citizen and requires not only abstract passion, and use of that lubricating the people of their states—"Virginia, common-sense without which it is not' approval of the slogans of freedom, but North Carolina and South Carolina. devotion in our hearts to freedom"^ possible to attain the satisfactory op' Whether the question of Judge cause and n determination to live by its eration of any government machinery " Sobeloffs Jewlahneu was a factor in precepts. This calls for knowledge and Deepest Issues the opposition la open to question. If understanding and unremitting alertAnd then, on the all important matit w»s, Jt wai only incidental. Howness and sustained effort to oppose acts, ter of the preservation of liberty in ever, a few daya before confirmation, and usages that are destructive of these troubled days. Judge Sobeloff, oroe»ea—femlnlioeat of K. K. K. d a y s freedom." speaking at a meeting honoring the were burned near the homes of Judge Sobeloff, Justine Frankfurter of the memory of former-President Woodrow Possibly it is best to sum up Judge Wilson, said: "This is a finie of con- Sobeloffs views with a brief quotation Supreme Court, Chief Justice Warren flict and confusion in which the deepand the head of the Washington NAAC. from the late Justice Brandeis, a mna est issues of the iinlure of man and the And thero was one particularly insinuwhom he honors and respects, and a aims of his society are being debated. ating statement made by Senator Robman who many believe he may some Cherished democratic ideals are under ertson of Virginia who culled Sobeloffs duy follow on the Snpreme Court. Callheavy assault and our basic nssuinpselection by President Eisenhower "an ing it "one of the finest jewels of our tlons In respect to the freedom of the heritage from Justice Brandels," Judge effort to woo certain political pressure Individual are being contradicted, The groups in Other parts of the nntion by Sobeloff, speaking at a 100th birthday an action which Is offensive to a inn- stress of this period makes it increasanniversary celebration, a s s 0 0 i ated jorlty of the people in, the region he ingly dear to all thinking persona that himself with this magnificent philoshaving Won liberty, a nation cannot will serve." ophy! "If we would guide by the light rest in the assurance that it may enjoy of reason, we must let our minds be The sixty-one year old Judge Sobeit without further care or effort. bold." loff's public career has b*en closely interrelated with that of Maryland's chief executive, Governor Theodore Roosevelt MclColdln, who thinks of him as a "high minded citizen of great ability— a great lawyer." In their younger days, both men were associated with former Mayor William P. Brocning of Baltimore^—Sobeloff as advisor and later in the City Solicitor's office, and McKeldin as secretary to the Mayor. Later, when McICeMin became Mayor and Governor of Baltimore, Judge Sobeloff was his closest personal advisor. Both the Governor and Sobeloff are nativn lialtlmoreans, poor boys whose .success stories arc so much a part of the American pattern. McKeldln'a father was a cop 1 Sobeloffs an upholsterer. Both were born in Baltimore, sons of immigrants, who have done credit to America's traditional "open-door" policy, now» unfortunately limited. Through all his years, Simon Sobeloff has bean active In Jewish affairs. A member of the liar Sinai Congregation, he has' been president of the Baltimore Board of Jewish Education, president of the Baltimore Jewish Council, R member of the Board of the Jewish Educational Alliance, Baltimore's counterpart of New York's Madison House; president of the local American Jewish Congress chapter, as well as its national vice-president; a member of the board and legal counsel of the Associated Jewish Charities; and an aotive worker on behalf of Israel as well a* looal philanthropic*. Twice, Judge Sobeloff went to Israel with Governor JfcKeldln.

The Sobeloff Confirmation • 7 H«U7 W. y One year and three day* after President Eisenhower firat nominated him, Simon B. Sobeloff waa oonflrmed by the United States Senate at Juitiee of the Ponrth Circuit Court of Appeal*. Stepptag down from the poit of Solicitor General of the United Statei, Judgj Sobiloff will oooupy will ootu* py th« sett of Judf« Morrli A. Sopher, a dbUqfnlihed jurist under whom Sobetoff urvtd M a law aecretary aboat 40 yeara earlier, No reoent nominee for high judicial honors had a rougher time in getting Senate confirmation, i n fast, it waa rettialioent of the fight waged In 1016 against Doule D, Branded when Preiident Wllion named that great jurist to the Supreme Court But even thtt botter oontroveny w u resolved in Jem than ,ilx monthi, whereat the louthpm Senaton, by a delaying taotto, blocked the Sobeloff appointment for ov»r n year. When Senate confirmation finally cam?, it was by a resounding vote of 8 f to 19; It is ironic that Judge Sobcloffs /appoJntmpnt should have stirred so vin,, l«h\ A controversy for he i« moderate In everything that he does, a'iuf. the very act.that aroused the Ire of the Southern Senators wasjan. set of moderation— the presentation ttf the Supreme Gourt , Of ia plan of gradual integration follow, 1 ittg the high court's decision that racial iegregation was illegal. Irt Baltimore—-where, lie ban nerved over the years as City Solicitor, United States Attorney and Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appenls—Sobeloff'n reputation wan hosed in large pnrt on Ilia tact find skill an a negotiator. A 'life-long Republican, who served as . «hi>f advisor to the Republican Cover.JiorTheodore It. McKeldin, he wan also labor Advisor to the Democratic Mayor Thomas,D'Alesandro, When he practlp»d' Inw, prior to becoming Maryland'* Chief .Judge, he had on his desk tyrfl (ii^M telephone wirca, one to Gov< ernor jrcTCel<iin and the other to Mayor O'A' i A little over a ypar ago, on June 6, l ^ A ;Judge Sobeloff delivered a cor-1- Moment addrem at Morgan ft*- ;• '"illege, a Nefcro institution in his rtr.f've Daltlmore, It wan only a watli after the Supreme Court had declared that legregafion in the schools was Ulfal, and jt was only a month before President Eisenhower was to nominate him for the Circuit Court of Appeals, when Solicitor General Sobcl6H»«ld: Problems of Oo»««ment "In appraising the Court's decision, we fflhsl be careful to avoid the' tendency' either to minimise or exAggerate i d Significance. I know that there are many sincere people who would have tirishfrl this Court to order a complete abandonment of the existing i.vttcm forthwith, or nt least that a more npeolfic tim'e-table had been indicated. Doubtlessinich a course can be defended on strictly logical grounds, but prob. lema of Government do not lie exclusively in the realm ot lotflc, It is lurely ho desertion of principle to recognize practical difficulties In order to carry out a program. It is Well to remind ourselves of the words of Lord firyce who wrote of our Constitution 1 'It was and remain* what Itl authors styled it, eminently an Instrument of compromise) it ia perhaps* th6 most successful Instance in history of what ft judicious tplril of compromise may effect.'


- - - ^ - " _




Israeli Vorkmen open • bale of domestic tobacco In one of the fictoriei of th* Bcjirauo Brother! Company, a leading ciglretlc manufacturer, which rtulvei •lie anllUnce of fundi derived from State of larael Bondi. Here the lobaec* underfoetf the finl iltgrB of treatment prior to blending for cigarette production, SiCce 1951, hracl Bond Investment capital h i t been utilized to expand Iirael'i tobacco indnurr. With Iariel aelf-infficienl in Oriental varletlei of tobacco grown in the Galilee, other aecton of l i e country are being irrigated f«r the cultivation of the "Virginia" type ot tobacco. In 1955, the area under tobacco in larael amounted to 12,000 acrea, yielding a crop of 2,500 torn With a value of 11,500,000. Uriel expecli to double tbli ampul by the end of 1(51, with continued hrael Development Bond aid.

A Dynamic Questioning

It was the prophet Habakkuk, like Job before him, who brought a dynamic questioning to religious thought of Israel.

Militant In his espousal of the rights and .privileges of the common man, both In civil us well as Jewish life, Mr. Sobeloffs philosophy is best defined as pragmatic. A believer In such basic Republican tenets as free enterprise, he has nevertheless been liberal enough to serve as labor counsel to a New Deal Democratic Mayor. Some years before the New I)cnl was born, he drnfted and sponsored » State Unemployment Insurance bill. Sdtind enough on taxes and state'economy to be chief advisor to a Republican Governor, he has rendered distinguished service as counsel to what critics would. e»)l a Socialist experiment, the City Housing Authority.

How long, O Lord, must I cry for help, And thou not hear? And call out to thee, "Violence," And thou not save? —Habakkuk (1:2)

In Jewiih Life In Jewish life, he has been on the side of democratization—the Widening ''In every age men of real Itates* of community responsibility. He has manihip, with the obpeflt of unity and effectiveness, hare b««n content to ac- been militant in the fight against prejudice, but he has recognised tlie truth cept #hat is practicable and to probeed that miracles couldn't always be accomjitep by step effectively rather than to plished over night. Qonorally ,ho fainsist unborn promisingly but vainly on vored legislation making racial and rethe Immediate attainment of the ideal. ligious discrimination illegal, but withIi ia in this temper that the Govcrtiin a range that is workable, inint'i brief and argument were submitted to the Court, and It ii this lime A* Judge Bobeloff assumes the s sound spirit that breathes through tlio mantle of his new and high judicial Court'* latest utttranot. Principle Is robes, it is approrlate that we underHot Compromised, but difficulties In stand h'is basic philosophy and note his local conditions, with their variety of views on the Inw, Speaking before local problems, are rceftgnfced and prothe American Bar Association, he . Vision i» made for dealing with them," warned that no law is an end in itself, these wordi — enunciating Judge t> guarantee of juitioe. He said 1 Sobeloffs views—indicate what a dis"It Is quite beyond legislative in-


As in the case of some of the other prophets, it has been difficult to trace the life of Habakkuk, who apparently was a native of Judah and was active during the reign of Jehoiakin (608-598 B.C.).

—Habalckuk wicked nation triumph and others not so wicked be destroyed. He asked God to give him the answer. I will take my stand upon my watchtower, And station myself upon the rampart; And watch to see what he will say to me, And what answer he will make to my complaint. (Habakkuk (2:1)

The answer which came to him gives hope to the downtrodden and courage to the oppressed. Write the vision clearly upon the tablets. That one-may redd it on the run . . . Verily, the wicked man'—I take no pleasure

Students of the Bible are not in him; agreed on the authorship of all chapBut the righteous lives by reason of his faithfulness. —(Habakkuh (2i24) ters of the Book of Habakkuk and the third chapter may ha*ve been written Habakkuk expressed hit ideal in by someone else. beautiful anti clear poetic form. And Habakkuk posed the highly moral In his speculations, he found an anquestion of why should the mo*t swer of faith in righteous living.

By Mri. Monli Speckter The Holy New Year Is now on hand; Our Maker heals all hurts for us. • We must pray for our Holy Land, And for rescuers virtuous and numerous, That we shall conquer soon our foc». • We pray now to our Lord, To forgive our sins and strengthen our souls, To defeat and repel the threatening horde.

,« ' ,. ^l,r it/i[l ,'\\"'


And God will heed our humble prayer* And forgive us when we err, For He Is ever n Merciful Father, And we nre His children forever and ever. And He will grant us a fortunate year And return to us Jerusalem, of memories so dear!

(b>fX^ U .«| R , t - ^ , .

- « . -



Rights Showdown ' r " ''} ( Wy JoMph B. Kobiion O l American Jewish Congren Wftk ,th* Vreddential election draw-

in. pm* *w Of the major iraiea reb tb dvtt right* propo»eJ«. An utHuaHfia the field diictuiei here the various probbtni involved.—EDITOR'S TXOTZ.

The pressing problem of racial equality lias sow been turned over to the uncertain belter-skelter of the presidential campaign. It remains to be Ken whether the issue will be treated in terms-of outworn cliches or with meaningful -understanding. To reach a fair Assessment of the performance ot the parties and their candidaies, we must bear in mind the civil rights history of the past decade. Hopes for enactment of federal eivjl rights legislation were at an exr citing high legs than a decade agio. We saw successively the publication of a comprehensive set of legislative proposals by the President's Committee on CWil Bights in October, 1947, President Truman's ten-point civil rights program of February, 194ft. and his election in November, 1948, despite his br|ak with the Dixiecrats ov<ir civil rightl, Yet neither then nor since has apy significant Federal civil rights low - been, enacted," The Congress elected in. K>48 turned back a vigorous drive for ti fair employment law. Since then, • no civil rights bill has come to the floor of either House for a vote. Plain Fact The plain fact is that Federal civil rights bill have no chance under the present political lineup and existing congressional procedures TIIP Democratic tarty is hopelesslv split between militant supporters and militant opponents of equality. The Republican •Party, for the most part, is indifferent ' to civil rights and some of itn influential leaders oppose specific: civil rights measures because tbev oppose government regulation generally. When we add to this the fact that it tikes 04 Senators to break a filibuster, it becomes clear that efforts to Ret now civil rights laws serve little more than an educational function. That" fact has prompted the organized civil rights forces to look about for other legislative approaches. By far the most promising of these is the device of offering-amendments to pending -measures that enjoy substantial

support. This procedure has long been accepted in Congress and is entirely appropriate when the amendment is revelant. There is no real question as to the relevance of statutory clauses that prohibit segregation in school, housing and other projects that receive • Federal aid.' This tactie was nsed when the bill for Federal aid for public school construction w u debated in the closing day* of the 1956 Congressional session. The anti-segregation amendment offered by Representative Powell was approved by the House of Representatives, largely because of the support of Reublicans who voted for it in order to defeat the school construction proposal itself, Thereafter, with this group voting against the bill, it was defeated. Supreme Court While few gains have been made in Congress, the judicial branch of the government has been the scene of significant progress, A large-scale campaign of litigation by the NAACP has resulted in a series of important decisions by the United States Supreme Court. Attorneys General representing both Democratic and Republican administrations have filed briefs with the Court stating flatly that state-imposed segregation is necessarily unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of May 1954 condemning segregation in p u b l i c schools radically changed the nature of the civil rights struggle. Now that the opposition has been deprived of the defense of judicially approved segregation laws, it has become violent and openly defiant of legal processes. Unfortunately, some liberals have allowed themselves to be frightened by that defiance. Tire third branch of the government, the Executive, has followed a course midway between that of the other two. Under both Democrats and Republicans ,it has made some significant gains, most important being the end of segregation in the Armed Forces. Following the 1954 public school decision, the Eisenhower Administration moved effectively t° end segregation in the schools in the District of Columbia. But it has refrained from any action that would curb the excesses of the segregationists in those states of the Deep South that have altogether rejected the Supreme Court ruling. Elements to Watch There are three elements to wateS

in the coming campaign maneuvering on civil rights. First, what will the parties and candidates say about civil rights legislation t This is the standard topic of platform planks and speeches: FEPC, lynching, the right to vote ami so forth. However, what is said on these subjects will have only a symbolic importance; the Congressional stalemate makes it unlikely that any plank or pledge will bring civil rights legislation nearer to enactment. Second, there is the Powell Amendment. Neither party is likely to go out on a limb on this. The issue is too com'plex and there is no way of knowing whether any statement on that subject will attract votes. Third, there is the Supreme Court decision. This is the issue that will provide the real test for parties and candidates. Of course, neither party will condemn the decision; the fight will lie between those who would write a call for prompt implementation of the decision and those who wish to achieve

"unitj" by ignoring it altogether. The strength of the civil rights forces in each party will be revealed by what the platforms and candidates say on this point, There is no doubt that segregation will be ended if the Supreme Court's decision is carried out Hence the Dixiecrats seek to nullify the decision. Their campaign is aimed at the neutrals in the civil rights battle, who are at present on the side of enforcement because of their normal attachment to the cause of law and order. They can be swung to the other side if they are persuaded that enforcement will be more unpleasant than closing their eyes to violations. After the Civil War and the Reconstruction Period, the North was persuaded to abandon the equalitarian principles embodied • in the postwar amendments to the Constitution, The coming presidential campaign will reveal whether we are threatened by a repetition of that disaster.

By Dr, Israel Goldstein, President, American Jewish Oongres! The following is a condensed version of a major address recently made by the prominent American Jewish leader concerning one of the most vital problemi confronting the Jewish community.—EDITOR'S NOTE. American Jewry's feeling of involvement jn the State of Israel is quite remarkable in its qualitative as well as its quantitative expressions, and both on the conscious and subconscious levels. The one criticism that I would feel justified in levelling against some of my American Jewish brothers is that they refute to believe that Israel is goIng 'through a poltical and security crisis, where its very life is at stake Too many American Jews refuse to believe that. This kind of easy optimism, refusing to reckon with unpleasant possibilities, has often led to disaster because it has dulled the edge of vigilance and of sacrifice. Fortunately, the Israelis and their leaders enterl'ain no such illusions A Re-evaluation Perhaps a re-evaluation of existing policies in public relations h called for. The objective is how to win American public opinion for an American foreign policy m the Middle East whi;h will ensme tlip existence and vinbility of Israel anil at the same time selfve the best interests of America, The American Jewish community; * over the years, has had great a]nd numerous sucoi'-Aos despite formidable obstacleh in winning support of American public opinion and of the American Government for Israel — through the stnges of the Jialfour Declaration, the establishment of tlic State and thereafter. It is in the last several years „ that American policy, responding to increasing Arab pressures, oil interests and the threat of the. Soviet Union's penetration into the Middle East, hns veered toward the Arab states. I In all fairness, however ,it should be rceognized that American policy is not an unmitigated negative so far HI Israel is concerned. Its economic aid program to Israel continues, including grantsin-aid, technical assistance and surplus commodities. The declaration by the President and Secretary of Stato that "the preservation of Israel is part of

American foreign policy," is an affirmation which provides & significant premise for urging a policy consistent with it.

Arab Threat We should be less than frank, however, with our government and with ourselves if we did not point ont the failures of American policy toward Israel with respect to the Arab threat to Its very existence. The American Government has thus far declined to do what is indispensable to Israel's secnrity and would effectively deter the would-be aggressors, namely, sell arms to Israel and give a clear warning itself or in concert with other powers, that it will not tolerate aggression. We have not succeeded with our government because we have not succeeded with American public opinion. In our democracy, public opinion is heeded eventually. It registers through Congress and often makes an impact directly upon the Executive branch. Why have we not succeeded in winning public opinion? Because we have not succeeded in convincing it, as we ourselves are convinced, that it is in America's interest to do what we are urging, that overall American interests in the Middle East demand it. Average View I would venture to suggest how the average American seems to view the matter, whaF considerations occur to him as he evaluates the situation in all parts of the world, the Middle East included. —, 1) He wants the avoidance of policies which may lead to war. This does not mean that he wants to avoid any and every risk. He has been taught that sometimes risks of war mnst be taken for the sake of securing peace and that peace through strength is a sound policy. 2) lie favors the cultivation of reliable allies against the contingency of military conflict nnd as a deterrent to (lie aggressor. 3) Ho favors resistance to Communist expansionism and infiltration by .sou/died pene.efnl methods of ee.onomic iillureiiKiits nnd insidious propaganda 4) lie v. ants tn see the spreading of tlic democratic way of life wherever possible, helping to lift the burdens of poverty, disease and exploitation which (Continued on Page 5-A.)

At the people of lirwl prepire for their ninth observance of the Hljh Holiday; since achieving Independence, they continue to pi»h forward their program of •irlcultural eipimion with ihe aid of Stale of Israel Bond allocation!. An liradi Arab farmer (above) helpi to introduce modern (arming, method* ai he u u i equipment bought with Israel Bond dollar*. Aarlrullural prodttr. lion i> two-and-one-Half times as Ure* at it was when the Iirafl Bond nmpaiim t u n e d , having reached an annual level'of 1208,000,000 by the end of IKS.

Freedom and Hope For the Individual —Ezelciel


Israel and American Jewry Public Relations Policies


To Ezekiel. the prophet in Babylonian Exile, religion was a dynamic and essential way of fife and he was among the first to emphasize that by a sincere and devout observance of ritual Israel could become a kingdom of priests and a holy people. He occupies a distinct and unique position among the Hebrew prophets for he stood midway between two epochs. With the exile and the downfall of the state an accomplished fact, it became necessary to build a spiritual foundation for his people in the absence of a material one. Ezekial was prophet to those who had remained in Palestine as well as

the Babylonian exiles. He conceived the catastrophe that had befallen the nation as one due to the people failing in a true worship of God. His most important message to his exiled people was that* God gives hope to the individual person who lives righteously. With this hope he brought moral responsibility and freedom to the individual who could now break the bonds which tied him to the communal sins of the past by true repentance. - The moral fire which Ezekiel brought to bear, on his exiled people, so that they could rededicate themselves in the eyes of God, initiated ritualism in Jewish life.


S**JEI ' ,,'SteTIOM A


New Year'f Edition —THE JEWISH PRESS —Roih Haihoniihp7iy—Frfday, Augptf, 3f, l « 6

Public Relations Between Israel And US Jewry (Continued from Page 4-A.) oppress the masses of people in underdeveloped area* of the world. 5) Ho realizes the importance of keeping faith lyith-mtfrfll commitments. The- af eragey XincrjeanrTOay give this "adnsM^ration a low priority, but he Identifies it'«ytli tlw'.^AinericBq traditffcij! <& which lie Is proud, ,* „. Vffi can appjy those points to the .J*«*«_n| sittidtioji'ln the- Jfiddlo East. . j g b T g . ^conflict in 'Qief'Middle' East 'may not jrgirigm locatfwd for long . Hut it is not XUf/Iclcntly recognized that a huge pro]pon<lei[nnce of arm.8 Jn tfie ha'nds of Isty»c)V enemies who arc bent upon its liMttr'uotiun, and thelaWnce of a clear a n d ' unmi.stnlt'eahle commitment an, Winced in ndynncp that n great power or powers will punish tin' nnurpfiimr ali'rl rome tn'\hc immediate iiiii'of tho victim is. iti effect, mi piipourngemcnt to the aggressor. The AMII lenders nre mirlciii(j no -secret of their desire nnd intentions. The Western powers have (rune so far HS to npoiitpipp in 11 resolution which deleted I he expression of a desire for a solution that -would be mutually acceptable to Israel nnd tlie Arab stall's. If Co). Xassrr should nurture the thought that he enn try on attack on i Israel in the next weeks or months because he may get auav with no more than a censure from the United Nations, it would lie because he is encon/aped by this appeasement policy in which all of the great powers are guilty. 2) Allies: It is Mrauge that in casting nboul for allies in the Middle East our State DrparlniPiit and the Hritish. Foreign Office (iliDiild be no forgetful of what happened in World War Two. How reliable did Imq, Syria and Kgypt prove to be? Al cruciril junctures their leadPM either carried on secret negotiation1* with the N a m or iin.iih/iincdly jumped oil the \ar.i bandwagon when they thought the N a m were going to win the war. Now that the Arab Legion is no longer under British control, even Jordan is no longer reliable. The Arab dictators will go where tho winds of .Victory will seem to blow. Left to their natural Inclinations ihey would probably gravitate toward dictatorships rather than toward democracies. On the other side of the scalo stands Israel which is committed to democracy with'all its heart and n i g h t . And it also has strategic location'. Hern is our natural ally if tharp should over bp a showdown in that part of the, world. There are military Mrategls|s who hold that view. Their opinions should be morp widely sought and circulated. There are men of stature in the Congress of the United States, some of tho member* of the. Armed Services committees, wlio, holding that view, believe that America's interests dictate a complete re-valuation of our government's present attitude toward Is rani.

3) Resistance to Communist Expan«ion: One factor which is most directly responsible for the leap-frog move of the Soviet Union into the Middle Eatt is the Haghdad Pact, the brain-child of our State Department and the British Foreign Office. hrneTb statesmen opposed the Baghdad Tact for reasons of their own and also for broadpr 'reasons. Now tins pact has couie to plague its short-sighted authors and indirectly, Israel has become the chief victim of its consequences. Likewise, it was our short-sighted State Department which had a hand in expediting the withdrawal of the Urllinli from the Suez, without .setting any conditions Mich an a guarantee by Kgypt that it would make peace with Israel and thus ensure the pence of the Middle Kast. Now Nasser is veering toward the Soviet Union and uway from the West. England nnd France are, feeling this antagonism directly and the United States indirectly. 4) Spread of Democracy: This is linked with the spread of democracy which the average American would like to see, even if it is not nt the top of his priorities. Israel and the friends of Israel would like nothing better than a democratic Middle East reclaimed from poverty, disease and pxplotntion. Israel looks beyond the barbed wire curtain whicli separates it from its neighbors to a timo in the future when it can play its part/ as a good and helpful neighbor in a rehabitaled Middle East. 5) Moral Commitments: America's moral obligation for tho safeguarding of Israel has deep roots. As curly as 1818, John Adunis, then an ejc-I'residcnt ulio was not a candidate for public office, and at a time when the Jewish population of the U. S. was not five million hut less than five thousand, wrote to Mordecai Noah, expressing the wish "that the Jews might again become an independent nation in Judaea " In every generation of American life this hope has found expression in the utterances of great Americans. If America ,tho largest of the democracies, permits Israel, the smallest of the democracies, to go down, no democracy in the world in need of America's protection will feel itself safe. Loss of faith in America ip not in America's interest.

I have endeavored to present an approach, to the problem of -winning American public opinion for Israel's cause in terms-exclusively of what is good for America. Thcro urc subsidiary questions. Arab Refugees Such, for example, is I ho question of the Arab refugees, ^'hile, Israel hns repeatedly stated that it would be ready to make a contribution toward the solution of that problem and the United States has offered to finance a Jordan Valley water plan which can result in the constructive relocation of .i large portion of the Arab refugees, the Arab states prefer to keep that sore open, for political purposes. One other danger should be menThere are oil experts who believe tioned because it looms Inrge upon the that the danger of alienating the oil of horizon, the danger of a settlement imthe Middle East is exaggerated, that posed upon Israel by tho United Na•there is no substitute for American doltions which would truncate the allars as a purchase price for Arab oil ready miniscule state and maice it unThis is a subject which needs to be vinble. It has been hinted nt by Mr. Studied more deeply and the studies Kden some months ago, and it is not made more widely known than they impossible that the American governare. Wo must not permit the Ameriment may become a party to it. Percan people, to be regimented into the haps it has such an Imposed settlement unquestioning acceptance of State Dein mind in shifting the problem to the partment conclusions. They have been U. N. and in acquiescing to the Securfallible before and they can be fallible ity Council's formula which Has deagain, both on facts and on policies as leted the reference to a settlement by to what is in the best interests of Amermutual agreement. Israel has served ica. notice that it will not submit to a trun-



Sarah K Conn and Samuel Rosenblum Nlta Green and Harry Falk Carolyn R. Conn and Michael Kulakofsk\ Kathleen Naomi Glndlch and Martin Fata France* Captn and Burton Lee Robinson Jpait Beber and Lieut Jerold Katleman June Richards and Richard S. Segal Comtance Platt and Irvin Singer Diane Cooper and Dr. Albert Tyrolcr Darllne Marcus and Kurt Illnchlngcr Joyce Sachs and Dr. Charles Beber Ruthbel Borristcln and Jack Newman Charlotte Weinbcrg and Dr. Marvin Zlporyn Arlcne Moskovitz and Samuel Fried Lea Ann Mason and Joseph Spencer Solomon t Roselle Mnry Mason nnd Paul Cramer Louise! Helen Stern and J. Joel Milder Harriet Koskln nnd Harold J. Schneider Carolyn Kutlor and Ellle Morton Ratncr Marsha Morris and Martin Blacker Eleanor Green nnd Arnold S. Gore Noddy Scheln nnd'lra Epstein Mnrinn Colin nnd Isadora Rattier Pliyllk Elaine ltosen nnd Gni-y Goldstein Shirley Grc.enberg nnil Snmuel Yarosh Elaine SternhiU nnd Dr. Krvln Rnymnn Anne Roslyn Greenhouse nnd Al'tn David Simon

* ,

Jacqueline .Nancy Evans and Harvey Dean Fercr Rose S. Harris nnd Harry Lararu* Kaye Goldman and Morton H. Kulcsh Ailecn Fields Anderson and John David Cooper Lucille Kroine Grois and • Abe L. Kntclmnn • .fancy Kay Welner and Jerold A. Dann Marilyn T. Gerbor and Yale J. Kaplan Marilyn B. Plotkln and Edward A. Ginsberg Roberta Smote and Henry H. Welner Sarah Bergman and Sol Stanley Gcrber > Ann G. Welnroth and Samuel Moskovitz Edith Syblll Frank and Alvln Comlaar Clotllde Roth nnd Marton Noe Stilly Lorraine Step nnd Albert dayman Beverly Ann Hcrnstoln nnd Joseph James Frank I^orralne Poltz nnrt Arthur Paul Stein Mnrcio Gondler and V ail Alperson .Shirley M. Nnode.ll nnd Jerome S. Spllzer Marsh;) Ixmhe Wnxenbi'i'i; nnd •Shcrwin Jay Fclnhnndlc-r liarbnra line Hoffman nn'd Jerome E. Cohen TII'TCKC Kahn nnd I.uut .Soli) .Slis,

>-- 7.

American tradition of absolute moral cation of its territory. Here again standards? I s America's foreign polAmerica's commitment to the preservalicy to become so craven as to permit tiono of Israel may in a test prove ilits own citizens to be insulted and dislusory, criminated against in their own counArab Discrimination try? Here is an issue in which the There is a collateral issue which desupport of all Americans should be enserves the attention of the American listed and whicli civic and religious people. I refer to the spill-over of Arab bodies everywhere should make their hostility against Israel to Jews wherown. ever they are, affecting not only Jews who are pro-Israel but all Jews, Thus, Fate of a People American citizens who are Jews find We are dealing with the fate of a themselves the object of discrimination people whose crime is that it is small and vindication. American Jews are in numbers and of a statelet called Isdeuied tourist visas to Arab countries, rael whose cardinal sin is its small a»oa opportunities of doing. business with and poor natural resources. This peofirms in ArBb countries, or even servple, never numerous, and this spot, neving in American armed forces at U. S. er large, have been the spiritual alma bases in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, mater of half the world. Because this Arab propagandists and representapeople has been the discomforting beartives of Arab governments in the U. S. er of the tablets of the moral law and and the U. N. are fomenting hatred, though weak and small has stubbornly slander nnd suspicion agaiust American maintained its unique identity, arousJews in collusion with professional ing wonderment, suspicion and hostilanti-Semites. ity, and because tho recreated State of Israel seems dwarfed in a world of If our government has made propower politics, the treatment accorded tests to the Arab government conIsrael and the Jewish people by the cerned, there is reason to doubt whethworld has been and is the touchstone of er they have been anything more than the world's decency and civilization. pro-forma in character. Our present This universal test we lay first upon Stato Department tails us that when the conscience of our beloved America, the Arab-Israel hostility will be resolved, these problems will also be re- matching its practical interests with its moral obligations. solved. What has happened to the

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Tbe»e cotton loom worker, idluit • new piece of equipment it Kilintld., « leading PI.r«li textile mill, which . « buHl « d i., bein,, «.l.r«d with the financiil of State of Uriel Bond fundi Kilon i. one o It textile milli which receive I«r«el Development Bond capital. I.r.eli textile, account for more than 165,000,000 in total (ro«i production annually, including 15,000,000 for ««porta. Much of the wtton, flax and wool med bjr hrael1. textile Induitry I. jrown and proce.sed In Urael. Uriel Bond proceed, are beinn uted for the eonrtruction of new textile factorial, the eipaniion of exiMini plant, and Uw purchate of operational and maintenance machinery.


Conscience and Duty to God —Jonah W The Book of Jonab appeals to the

conscience of man for no ma+ter how hard man tries he cannot escape from his conscience and duty to God. There is some question whether the Book of Jonah was written by him or about him. Some biblical scholars contend that the story is in the form of a parable and should not be considered as history. They feel that the importance of the book lies in its significant and important message and not in its historical accuracy. It is difficult to determine exactly when the book was written and the date has been placed between the 5th and 3rd century B.C. *

Lord to warn the people of Nineveh that they will be punished for their sins. Afraid to do this, Jonah flees from the Lord and is swallowed by a great fish and after three days he is cast upon the shore. Jonah repents and goes on to preach to the people of Nineveh who mend their ways. The message which the story brings is that the love of God extends beyond national borders and even to the enemies of Israel for Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, which had conquered ancient Israel. God is just and the Father of all peoples and will accept all repentent sinners.

It is easy to see why the Book of Jonah is read during the afternoon 1 The story, familiar to nearly all of services on Yom Kippiir, the Day of , us, tells how Jonah was sent by the Atoneme,nt.- . ,,

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an ideology which i i utterly foreign to . those ittTolred in the negotiation*. It set* limiti forthe activities of the pro)* ec*d organization which the Committee has, in the management of its own affairs .failed to observe. Finally, it fails to state the real rationale for the Committee's opposition. Probably the simplest and most direct method of dealing with the Committee's judgment agiinst the projected oraniution is to lilt the principal arguments in it* policy statement and to oomtttm ou each separately. Principal Arfttmenti The Committee asserts with obvious disapproval: "The declared purpose (of the plan) is to establish an authoritative spokesman on matters affecting the civic status of Jews the world over." The object of the plan is to provide an apparatus through which the constituent organizations will be able to consult with one another, aud act in eoncert, with respect to problems in whioh they feel Jews have a common interest While no formal declaration of purpose has been announced, it in admittedly the intent of the sponsors of the plau that the projected orgknization shall become an authoritative spokesman on matters affecting the civic status of Jews the world over, As will subsequently appear, the. American Jewish Committee bos for years posed as an anthoritatlve spokMman on identioal problems. Manifestly, its fear of the projected organization is not that it will be an authoritative spokesman on matters affecting the civic rights of Jews, but that, by virtue of its broad and comprehensive base, it will inevitably become the authoritative spokesman and thus dwarf the organizations outside of its ranks.

I(je l # * f e | 9tt%* at Omaha. Entered «*i Netmuda* wafer ttir Act of Mink iyT9 SUB3CBIPT10W VBBCZ: One Vor HOB

Advert*** Bctw FIsaMad Afltt



IPRINT SHOP ADDRESS—i808 Sa •> StreetfTHE JEWESS PR&SS Is pufclUhfd by the Federation' for J e w i s h Service of Omahav The opinion! expressed in this newspaper are those of the editor and •hould not lie construed as necessarily reflecting in any way those of the officer* of the Jewish Federation or of any Individual or group In the community. KALPERT

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Bias Battle By Dr. Morris V. Kertzer . AJP — "The Jew* turned their backs on God, they refused His son land they worshipped pagan god*. And they have been sorely punished for centunes as, m. retail . . . They are sot really wanted anywhere." These words were set down by a conscientious writer of Protestant religious texts. They have been absorbed by thousands of teachers in this eountry's religious schools and relayed to hundreds of thousands of their students. Equally unhappy instances of the treatment accorded differing religious groups can be cited from Catholic and Jewish publications. Disdain and antagonism for adherents of other faiths have been perpetuated among the world's religions for thousands of >eari, despite the sincere efforts to tradicato them made by leaders of all creeds. Such prejudices are the ugly weeds in the fair gardens Of religious belief, the self-seeding growth* of ignorance and fear. Today, scholars of the three major religions—Protestant, Catholicism and Judaism — are conducting their own searching examinations of the texts which Riiidc the teachers of more than 30 million young Americans in the nation's parochial, Sabbath and Sunday schnolv Scholars Search Behind the present studies lies almost a quarter century of patient, eo» operative rcbearch between the Ameri* can Jewish Committee and Drew University into the relationship of religious teachings to better intergroup understanding. In those decades much •was learned about how to evaluate the psychological effect* of negative stereotypes and historical distortions. The stage has now been reached "where the instructional materials of ,eacli of America's major religious bodies is being reviewed by sympathetic scholars—not with the intention of 'censoring them or of watering down "their- theological views,-but simply of .uncovering the unhealthy accretions of 'btast which have attached themselves , over the centuries. The pruning is being accomplished "by Home of America's most distinguishe d educator*, in the quiet of their university studies. t ' The Yale Divinity School—in co* operation with the American Jewish (Cominittee—has continued the work of • Drew University on Protestant texts ;A separate study of Protestant teach,ing materials was begun this year by .Southern Methodist University. Roman ".Catholic educational texts are coming .'before religious scholars at St. Louia University. An analysis of Jewish * school materials is being undertaken by "the Dropsie College, for Hebrew and 'Cognate Learning in Philadelphia. ; Battle Against Bias As Dean Tjistnn J'ojie of Yale Divinity School li;i-> stated, such studies represent "a M>ry important contribution to the battle against and prejudice in this count i i . Wo have every reason to bcliove tliiil religious editors will be glad to coopT.ite Jn making improvements." The need of flie present studies is emphasized i>y the (Inscriptions of the .Tew, for pvuiiple, v lueli recur in many (hrihtinn ti'"\ts "uumoiul,'' "materialistic," ''>./>ir seiA-ing." "proud," "dpccitful:" "wicked." Tims, ft look into a widely distiibiited iju.irterly put out In one of the Ina'i-t publishers of religious fe\ts in th'1 eoimtiy m.iy prove informatiie. Tins sot of •weekly lewms for Sundi\ school t'MchiTs of a major I'rot"staut scet is not among tlie most dmsitf1 in < u dilation today; nothing would he gained by simply parading- the -nor^l examples available of outright antiSemitism. Nor, as will be seen, arc these lessons representative of the many fine religious texts now in use. Bather,-this booklet has been chosen precisely because it te not tin extreme of any kind. It was written by wellmeaning individuals who can be expected to welcome guidance from their eo-religionists.

Collective Action or Anarchy? An issue of paramount importance confronting organised Jewiih lift today is the problem of forming an enlarge* world J e w i s h organisation. Some, weeks ago the AJO Committee publicised its opposition to the plan. Now, in the interest of keeping the Jewiih community intelligently informed, we present the other side, as expounded by a leader of the World Jewish Congress.—Editor's Note.

By Abraham S. Hyman Executive Secretary of the World Jewish Congress In July the American Jewish Commlttae issued what it terms a "Butement of Policy on the Attempt to Form a World Jewish Body." In this document—largely a repetition of the language and arguments it employed when the World Jewish Congress was formed in 1930, and when it withdrew from the American Jewiih Conference in 1943— the Committee declares its firm opposition to the plan for th,e projected world organization. This plan, it asserts, "would render great disservice to the Jews of America and our co-religionists elsewhere" and "contravenes certain fundamental concepts of our responsibilities as American Jews." Since any international Jewish organization is apparently anathema to the Committee, it did not find it necessary to include in .its policy statement a description of the specific organization In which its statement is addressed. Most J'us, however, will consider a knowledge of the genesis and nature of the plan for the projected organization to an intelligent evaluation of the plan as well as of the Committee's polemic against it. The plan hail its origin in a. rf solution v. Inch the "World Jewish Conpre-,i adopted in Geneva in lO.H at its Third Plenary Assembly. This resolution directed the Executive of the "World Jewish Congress to explore in consultation with bodies not affiliated with the Congress "the possibility of curly practical steps towards a full men-sure of Jewish unity and to give careful consideration to any fuiggnsThe authors of theso lessons present . •tions which may lead to the realization of this aim." t i n / J e w s as "God's peculiar People," Global Problems who were promised punishment should In adopting this resolution, the Conthey be unfaithful or disobedient to gress, having the affiliation of the tneh« bbt$. "Y«t," one lesson says, Jewish communities and representative • • (Continued on Page 4-B)

The Cominittco'H statement further declares: "We firmly oppose any permanent organization which would act on the basis of majority vote and whose decisions would inevitably be considered as the policy of the constituent organizations in their respective countries. Experience demonstrates that the so-called privilege of dissent, as provided in the proposed, camouflages but does not correct the fundamental error of attempting to create an authoritative spokesman that would act as though Jews throughout the world formed a cohesive political unit." Tanclful Fear The fear that an international Jewish organization would engender the impression that "Jews throughout the world formed a cohesive political unit" is a fanciful one. None but distorted minds will suipeot that Jews consider themselves & "cohesive political unit" simply because they act collectively to apeak up, for example^ for equality for Jews wherever they live, for the right of Moroccan Jews to emigrate, and for the right of Jews in the Soviet Union, to establish and maintain institutions which would insure their survival as Jews, and on similar Issues.

As indicated, during tho temporary trial period unanimity will be required. priate for common consideration. DurWhile no voting procedure has been ing this trial period, no new organizaproposed for the permanent body, it is tion, in fact or in name, will come into axiomatic that, to avoid absolute pabeing, and no action will be taken .exralysis, the body will have to adhere cept where there in unanimity, and then to some principle of majority decision. in the mime of all Hie constituent orWhether the requirement will be an ganizations. Complete freedom of inabsolute or a larger majority is not pendent action is to he reserved to the known. It is relevant to point out that national organizations with respeot to the prinoiple of majority,rule has some internal questions in the countries precedent in the democratic tradition. where the organizations are situated. Indeed, it is an old Jewiih custom Two-Year Trial originating in the Biblical injunction to At the conclusion of the two-year "decide, according to the majority." It trial period the organizations particiIs even respected by the American Jewpating in the experiment will decide ish Committee In matters decided by whether to form a permanent world the German Claims Conference, of body, whose constituent m e m b e r H which the Committee is a constituent would be the affiliates of the World member. Jewish Congress and as many of the six named organizations as are persuad' , Privilege of DUsent • ed, along with the World Jewish ConThe privilege of <ll»»ent, provided gress, that the formation of the permafor in tho plan, Is not a "camouflage" nent body is both useful and feasible. but an absolute protection to tho, dliWhile nothing definite hag crystaltenting organization. Nothing will prelized as to the character of the work' vent a constituent body from pursuing ing apparatus or voting procedure of its own course on any particular issue the permanent body, it ix safe to state* should it choose to do so. Moreover, Pursuant to the resolution rpferrcd that the new organization will embody the privilege to withdraw from the perto above, Dr. Nabum Goldmann, presi> the minimum'conditions to whidh the manent world body will always be dent of the World Jewish Congress, World Jewish Congress is committed available to the dissenting organisation and his colleagues in the American by the terms of its 1033 resolution in the event it feels that the world body Jewish Congress and in the European which provided1 the initial impetus for has taken a position which is so repugand Israeli branches of the .World Jewthe discussions on the new world body. "nant to its own ideology as to make its ish Congress Executive, held a series of These conditions arc: constinued association with the world exploratory meetings with the heads of body impossible. the B'nai B'riUi, American Jewish La1, A democratic organization based bor Committee, South African Jewish Another argument of the Committee on representation of the Jewish" comBoard of Deputies, Conseil Representais: munities throughout the wor|d. tif des Juifs dc France (Crif), Alliance "No single organization can spfak 2, Executive organs authorized and Israelite Univerielle, and the Board of for the Jews of the United Statesi for equipped to speak and act on matters Deputies of British Jews, to ascertain they, like American! of other faiths, of common concern to the Jewish peotheir interest in establishing a world differ among thctnielves on aooiol, ple throughout (he world. Jewish body mutually acceptable to economic and political i«snei, android 3, Participation in the organization their respeetiw orgmiizatioiix. The varying views of duuieittio and world in no way to affect the autonomy of Amen'iin -Jewish Committee gave adaffairs. By the mine, token, no single participants in regard to the internal \anec notice that, if invited to discms organization can presume to speak for and religious affairs of their respective this project, it would reject the invita- , communities, nor to imply any authorithe Jews of the world." tiori zation to the organization t<> interfere The projected organization will nol in the domestic political affairs of the make the immodut claim that it spealm Exploratory Meeting! cither for nil the Jews of the United Out of these exploratory meetings . country. Kiiites or for all the .lows of the world.' At its recent triennial convention emerged a plan which the'organizations' It will, however, justly be able to claim were asked to consider. In brief, this . the B'nai B'rith unanimously endorsed that on matter* ns to whirii the conthe plan, a decision generally hailed by plan envisages the emergenco of the stituent organizations feel that u comJewish public opinion us mi act of connew world Jewish body in two distinct innn approach or common progrmu of structive, statesmanship. The American stages. action is desirable and possible., it Jewish Committee, however, has conThe first is to consist of a two-year Kpcalis (<>r the constituent coiiiiminiticH, demned the plan without, reservation. experimental phase during which the. organizations and their members. AsHut its judgment of condemnation is interested organizations, iueluding the defective both from the. standpoint of • suredly, this will be the greater part of World Jewish Congress (acting for itthe Jewish people who am free to asBelf and its affiliates), will consult with •fact and-logiclt is grounded on fancisociate thcmsolves with an internationful fears and false assumptions. It en'each other on issues which'nil the conal Jewiih organization. dows the projected organization with stituent organizations agree ire approorganizations of more than 60 countries, acknowledged that important national groups remained outside of it* orbit and that the participation of these groups in a world Jewish body would represent real gains to the Jewish people. Tha gains, it was felt, would bo twofold: one, the resultant all-inclusive organization would inevitably command greater respect and authority than is enjoyed in the aggregate by the individual organizations working independently; two, the pooling of efforts and energies on the part of the constituent organization* with respect to global Jewish problems would result in the elimination of much of the unnecessary duplication of effort on the part of Jeirinh. organizations working in the international scene, duplication which is puzzling to and often resented by governmental and other authorities and, by reason thereof, ineffective (if not harmful), undignified, and wasteful oE both human and material Jewish resources.


It U a trakm that Jew* la th* United SUtes—and elsewhere — repment every shade in the political, economic and tocial spectrum, Thi* ii no doakt true al*o of the American Jewiih Oommittee which includes in it* membership persons of various views. Yet the Committee properly claims the right to speak for all it* members. l a like manner, the constituent organisation* will have the right to repment thtfr members in the projected world bdoy, so that the latter will ultimately ftpresent the prevailing view* of the aggregate memberships of it* eonitltUUt organizations. This ii not only sOOBa organisationally but is In harmony with' the most exacting tenent* of the democratic tradition. flays the Committee in it* statement! "We cannot countenance e.bddy which would arrogate to itself the prerogative of determining our position ia free American cltisens with relation to our own Government." An inflexible principle by which the projected body wilt bo bound is thit the autonomy of the local Jewish community shall be deemed inviolate and that the international body will not intervene in the sffalrs of any commodity and in its relation to it* government except at the express invitation of the community, or where the community is unable or powerless to a«t for itself. ' Tha Committee cannot, With honesty, oppose intervention u h d l r those exceptional circumstance* Jttalmuoh is it has itself enrolled, thit right on numerous occasion*; more recently, with respect to the clvlo status of the Jen-n of the Soviet Union, At the satellite countries in Eastern Btirope, and of North Africa. The Committee declare*: "The bonds between Jews of various countries are. exclusively tnoie of religion, cultural heritage and oommon history . . . We reiterate that 'citizens of the United State* are Americans and citizens of Israel are Israelite".;' this we affirm with alt it* Implications . . . the American Jewish Committee is nnrMcrvedly opposed to the philosophy of world Jewiih n«tionallnm. In our view, the propOMd world Jewish body'wlll in time fully express that philosophy." Twin Phantasies Conjuring up, at it doei, the twin phantasies of Jewish nationalism and dual loyalty, this argument don not rite above the level of unwarranted calumny. The fears expressed by the Committee were alto voiced when the World Jewish Congress was formed twenty .year* ago. In these clfeumstances the most *imple antwer wonld be that experience ha* proved th* Committee's fear* to be unfounded. However, in view of whtt the Committee ha* said,in the context of thit argU' ment, and in view of it* employment of this argument in an attempt to buttress its case against the projected organise' tion, an answer limited td this obitrvation would be treating the Committee more charitably than it deserve*. It would require psychiatric an-' alysis to' discern the reason for the Committee'* compulsive need to rettcr* ate constantly the universally acknowledged prinoiple that "oltlisni of the United States are Americans and oltl' sen* of Israel are Israeli!*." Obviously. this is a correct statement of principle-. It i* not Only correct but it is (hired by every Jew wherever he may live. It It, however, a principle which tht Jew takes, «nd wants taken for granted. To belabor this obvious point I* to invite the retort from some non-Jews," "thfe lady doth protest too muohi" to reiter; ate it in a disouislon of the projected world Jewish body border* on redkl***' irresponsibility. The statement, In tht* context, is pregnant with misflhlsf^b*cause it would give th* impression that thole who do not conour in tht Com? inittee's point of view on th* eonduot or Jewish affairs, are Jew* wholt.loy* ally In their countries is suspect, f h i lUteineiit beam a marked rcs*mblaii6c to those tirade by the Council for Judaism, which Jews in America have regarded as contemptible, Another of the Committee's argil? ment* is thin: "Whether our relation* be with tht Jews of Israel or with Jews in any other part of the world,' we speak al

Americans a n d advooate pollclet • which in our view serve the but inter. a t of the United State* and world peace. Therefore, we cannot eon<toi)f a permanent global body which Itll

out to deal with the fiiuei affietinf the civic relations of J«ws of virlou* countries." Permanent Global Body Whlli> denying the rlifht of a pfffri»« nrnt global body to deitl with tho Issues mentioned, the Committee dot* not iinpuMj the s.itiie restrictions upon ilsrlf. The (.'ummitfo maintain* an office in Paris who 10 director rldct tHt iircint of Jir, IH)I cnrnmunlties apd comiHi'U them on the civic rights of the .ICWH of their countries| ft subsidise* groups in 8011th America whose leader* seek to influence the. government* oil ' civic rights of Jeu'Bi it jettisoned'it* objections to 1111 international Jewish orj,Muizution IOIIK euoui{h to combine with several other organization* In foriiiliiK 1111 intcruatioiml orgsnltatlon (though a mere facade) no that It might have consultative status at.the United Nations. Presumably, it made the>e (Continued on Page 1-B.)



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God, A Way of Life


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Isaiah Isaiah ben Amoz, the first of the so-called major Hebrew prophets lived in a time (about 738 to 701 B.C.) of social change and under the shadow of aggression. A time that we today can well understand. The social change was the passing of the simple, nomadic so-

like his predecessors, Isaiah declared that God is righteous and hates social injustice and ritual practice that is separated from ethical conduct. To this Isaiah added his doctrine of the holiness of God in which he turned a primitive concept Info a spiritual ideal based on perfection and justice..



.ciety of primitive Israel into an agricultural and urban civilization. Aggression took the form of an Assyrian conqueror who defeated Israel, took her people into captivity and reduced Judah to a tributary state. It was against this turbulent background that Isaiah lived and preached. To him faith, trust in God, was not merely an attitude toward God, but a way of life. He preached courage, faith and hope for the future when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.





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Influential in political affairs, he had a deep hatred for injustice, social or economic. Isaiah was a rare combination of prophet and statesman, who while a man of practical affairs also delved with deep insight into the moral values pf his time. A humanitarian, he understood the suffering of the oppressed to whom he gave faith and hope for the future. His literary genius, the brilliance of his imagery, vividness, phrasing and clarity of style and thought place him among the great of all time.




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N.w Yatr'i WHJQH—THE JEWISH PRESS —Rotk Hathoiteh 5717 — Friday, August, J t . T t f e

Struggle for Religious Liberty , Editor's Note: The entire country t r u ftlrred last summer by the decilion of Hew York State'i highest court in a, case affecting the right of the Ctottnmflity Synagogue of Sands Point to w e an estate called Chimneys as a place of worship. Herewith the entire story of that struggle is told in an article written by Dr. Eugene B. Borowitc, the rabbi of the congregation and made available to us by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.) By Dr. Engene B. Borowitc "The men and women who left Scrooby for Leyden and eventually came to Plymouth is order to worship God where they wished and in their own way must have thought they had terminated the interference of public authorities with the exercise of religion. We think that we should accept the fact that we are the successors of 'Wp, the people' of the Preamble to the United States Constitution and that we may not permit a municipal ordinance to be so constructed that it would appear in any manner to interfere with, the 'free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship ' (.Vew York State Constitution, ArlMelp.3)." Wth thr^e words, the Court of Appeal-, of the State of New York brought to an end the three year fight of The Community Synagogue to establish a house of worship in the Village of Sands J'oint, New York. When The Community Synagogue was founded in February of 1932, there was little to distinguish it from the multitude of o t h e r congregations fo-md with the Union's help in the pa t ton years Services and school moved from the Odd Fellow's Hall to the American Legion Hall to the Fire Hell i'nd then to the building of Tom pie lip Mi Israel, Another local congre(ra.?>oq. v-Vc'i temporarily merged with , T V Cn-r.ii'»'iiit' Syna"O!rue Hut the influ" of mcrV-c-s and the increasing number of children in the religion? School ili<l crtotl that none of these quarters wo"'1' lon^'he i'doquate. The r ••"-. 'i for Irml funds and an t \ t »M be'i'» Old Gsaciraties 1 f; Tlis th..'» communities, which the My n - g o g u e serves. Mauhasset, Port ' Wft?' m nnd S<:ntlj* Point, are on a ' jeaui'iila which juts into Jjong'lsland ' Efbuotl about te'i minutes driving time I the New York City Line. They old communities, with roots going 5 Urtjsli beyond Revolntionary Days, so

for a few days after the ceremony some of the property owners in the neighborhood instituted a suit to restrain the Synagogue from building. Legal Technicalities With magnificent attention to legal technicalities the suit dragged on its wearisome way. It took seven months before a decision was reached by the court. By the exercise of supreme legal ingenuity it was to take a full nine months longer (due to the delaying tactics and the summer recess) before the appeal was decided. The Synagogue won the^first round and seemed reasonably certain to win the next, Despite many pressures from growth within and the need for new temporary quarters the Synagogue was determined to continue this action—until the discovery of "The Chimneys " One Sunday morning in June 1954, while the appeal was still some three months from being heard and some six from decision, a local real estate agent persuaded three leaders of the congregation to \isit this estate which "had just then been offered for sale. Tfie reaction of those who saw it was unanimous!) enthusiastic. Eu'ii more than that—it seemed almost as if the building had been designed for synagogue use its living room will seat I'IO people, comfortably under a twenty foot high ceiling that has beautifully carved beams supporting its rolled arch. One end of the room is largely beaded glass windows and the other is a distinctive-* ly paneled wall w Inch not only encloses ii three pipe manual organ, but—believe it or not—a set of sliding doors, mid-way up the wall, which have alro.idv lieen adapted to serve ss the ark The bedrooms will make spacious class rooms (with bath attached), the kitchens, library find dining room are all more than adequate, the basement recn,itiou facilities( bowling alley, squabh court, swimming pool, recreation room, etc ) are far more than one could expect—and a. thud floor of bedrooms .iiid the 2-t and a half acres of beautilulh landscaped grounds remain for expansion purposes.

Not only was the price modest as compared to the building costs previously estimated, but the crucial part was that the building was there, available for use, and the Village \of Sands Point had no regulations regarding the use of existing structures for religious purposes; After intense discussions of practicality, based on comparative studies of usefulness and cost of maintenance, the ; tfcfr^ while the Eastern half of the pe- Congregation, in August 1954, voted , lirasjila is still largely sand pits, the overwhelmingly to take an option to •Western half is almost entirely bnilt buy the estate. , tip. A "Privilege"' The same week the Village of Sands ,C Istr-p tracts of land are difficult to Point found it desirable for the first find, mid to find them reasonably adtime in twenty years to change its zonjacent to the Boulevard which links iiig laws with regard to religious structhe three communities is impossible— tures. The hew Jaw did not prohibit exeppt in the Village of Sands Point churches in Sands Point, it-only reThen1, where the Vandcrbilts, Astors quired petting a use permit from the and Hursts once made their homes, Zoning Board of Appeals, since setting and where the Guggenheim and Ilarnup a house of worship was a "privilege" man estates still are among the large to ba granted by the Village. The orholding, the gradual break-up of the dinance limited the buildings, includestates and the high zoning requireing steeples and other extensions to 50 ments Jmve. kept land available. >So feet (The Chimney is 48 feet plus'in it was there that the Community Synaheight, but with its tall chimneys, well gogue, led by our former president, over 50 feet). It required 95 per cent' Nathaniel E. Hess, purchased four of the proposed plot to be left vacant, acres of ground early in 1953. With the help of the Union of Amer-' had fantastic' parking requirements and the like. Such viciously restrictive legicau Hebrew Congregations, an archiislation could not be tolerated and so tect was found, plans were drawn, and the Synagogue brought suit against the' in May 1953 a ground breaking cereVillage to void the law. In January, mony was held. Those few symbolic shortly before this case was to be beard shovelsful of earth were destined to be in court, the Village Trustees signifithe only oms ever turned on that site,


cantly amended the ordinance, though it did not change its essential tenor. Immediately the congregation's professional counsel, with the dozen or so lawyers of the congregation acting as a legal committee in cooperation, read the new ordinance and said that they believed that ultimately The Community Synagogue could obtain occupancy of The Chimneys under i t Acting on this recommendation the Congregation then moved to take title and simultaneously filed with the Village for a use permit. That was February 1955, but it was not until September that a decision was given, and that, of course, negative. Why the Delay7 Why all the delay? Take July's maneuvers for example. The Synagogue had finally located some special plans which the Village had requested and which were previously unobtainable. It was eager to file them, to complete the record, as long as this would not hold up the issuance of the decision for which it had been waiting for six months. Upon oral assurance that this would be the case, the plans

were submitted. But then the Village Board decided that plans could be filed only at a regular 'meeting, necessitating a three weeks delay. The Synagogue then moved to expedite matters by withdrawing the plans — but the Board rujed that the plans were now part of its official business and hence the request for withdrawal could only be made at the regular meeting. So the July Board of Appeals meeting saw the Synagogue reported as having decided to submit plans and then to withdraw them. Obviously then, the time having been lost already and a most unfortuate impression of the Synagogue having been given, the plans had to be submitted to the Board. But Since the submission was by now not part of the July agenda, this had to be put off until the regular August meeting. (And as if that weren't bad enough, the regular meeting night of the Board is the last Tuesday of the month, and August 1955 has five of them—another week's delay i) Did Not Falter The Board's negative decision was then taken to the court for review on

administrative grouijds, the Synagogue reserving t h e constitution*! tomes, ahonld this first, more speedy approach, fail. It was certified by the Appellate Division for iU first hearing ,and in December the news cane that the Village had been sustained J>y a 4-1 vote. The soul-searching in the congregation was severe, almost to the point of heartbreak. But the determination to see it through did not falter. The legal logic wag scrutinized a dozen times over, the arguments rewritten until "they were crystal clear, and the csse submitted to the highest court in the state of New York on March 23rd, 1956. Two weeks later the court heard s case involving the nochester Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church which had different facts, but an analogous problem. And on July 11th, 1956, a decision in ringing terms was handed dcjwn in favor of The Community Synagogue by a vote of 6-1. Recognizing that they were not dealing with' a local issue of the Port Washington peninsula alone, but one which affected all religions in the stole of New York, the judges dealt broadly with the entire problem of zoning law and religious structures, It clearly struck down all the ingenious legal efforts for "the interference of public authorities with the exercise of re-

ligion." Already the Garden City Jewish Center, also a member of our Union, has heard The Community Synagogue decision cited as the basis for a court Over-ruling the negative action of its local zoning board. For the time being it looks as if the rash of church and synagogue legal difficulties over restrictive zoning is at «n end. in New York state, snd perhaps elsewhere as well. Strength and Courage No member of The Community Synagogue would pretend that thit struggle has been easy for a new and inexperienced congregation. It h a t taken far more strength and courage' than we believed we could ever muster, and we feel its effects now even as we enjoy the fruits of our victory. But we are happy that we have established the righu of Jews and Christians, of Amer* icans of whatever faith, to worship in the Village of Saudi. Point, and hence everywhere. We know that wherever zoning law with regard to churches is being considered, the case of The Community Synapopuc vs. the Village of Sands Point will be cited. The honor of having our name associated so positively with the continuing fight for demoeraey in our country — tbia is our real reward.

Pro of Love —Hosea


Following closely on the heels of the shepherd prophet Amos was.Hosea—-the only important prophet produced by the northern Kingdom of Israel.

He wanted his people to repent and realize that they might once again be restored fo God in the harmonious relationship of love. To Hosea, God would not take the love of Israel from Him and destroy her for her transgressions, but instead, Israel could be forgiven, for God was merciful.

A man of the soil, he presented a vivid contrast with Amos. W h e r e Amos thundered the stern and unbending justice of God, Hosea pleaded and preached the forgiveness and loving kindness of Sod. While Amos was completely engrossed in the ethical element, Hosea sought out the religious element and tried to keep his people's unique religious heritage L « being k.iw, lost. u.* from

Hosea's one important advance in religious thought was that he envisioned God not only as righteous, but • . „ loving as well.

His life was tempered by his domestic tragedy which, coupled with the deterioration of the internal and international scene, molded his work with deep religious feeling.

"I uAU heal their backsliding, 1 wOX love them freely, Now that My anger has subsided/ I witl be as the dew to Israel} They shall blossom like the lily." , 1 . —Hosea (14:5-6)

land's rapid economic advance * continues as her people prepare for the ninth observance of the High Holidays since her independence. Using investment rapi tal from State of Israel Jlond*, the drive toward economic indc. pendencc continues in many vital areas. (Above Left) Installing a power prnerator in an Israel Bond.atded pumping station (Above niRht) A power tbovel bought with Icrarl Horn] dollars ecoops up copper ore .at King Solomon's Mines at Timna. <Bottom Left) A modern Marea. bee stands guard near nn indui; trial installation UJottom Right) A pile driver is set into position at lire new port of Klatli. In addition, Israel Ilond aid has helped bring annual elrrtnr power output to the 1,017,000,000 kilowatt hour mark, industrial production to 1560,000,000, and agricultural production to 1208, 000,000, and lia. helped eitab-

Jtab MS new MtUeWtnu.


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THE JEWISH PRESS N.w Ye.r1. Edition —THE JEWISH PRESS —Roth Hashonah 6717 —Friday, August. 31. 1956


Page On*

many countries, and act mainly as a stimulant to further study of Hebrew. In 1956, the examinations were taken in New York, Chicago Philadelphia, Washington, D. C, Cincinnati, Detroit, sors of Bible, Hebrew and Semitics at L o u i s v i l l e , Providence, Birmingham, leading American universities. A fair Ala., Asheville, N. C, and Winnipeg, proportion of the scholars making this tour are non-Jewish. Their enthusias- ' Canada. The Agency can be credited with tic reaction to Israel is an important producing a number of teachers' aids counterweight to" the hostility shown which have been well received in the by some historians and achaeologists profession. The most recent is a series who have never bothered to visit the of color film strips dealing with the country, various geographical regions of Israel Apart from Hebrew teachers and and picturing their agricultural and instudents, there'is a small but ardent dustrial development, settlement projgroup of Hebraists in this country who ects, and scenic beauties. Special guides keek every opportunity to improve their for teachers and group leaders are preknowledge of the language. Recently, pared for each strip. the Jewish Agency has taken over the About a year ago, the Jewish Agenadministration, in the United States, of the "Jerusalem Examinations" in Hecy inaugurated a monthly illustrated brew language and literature, which "wall ne.vspaper" of Israel customs University. The examinations are a an devents for elementary and junior global enterprise, conducted locally in high school classrooms Like the film are given every year by the Hebrew strips, these are provided to Schools, adults, Hebrew school teachers and clubs and camps at cost. A fortnightly principals and social workers. review of the best in contemporary

Survey of Education, Culture •5'.'

Many programs and project* have been undertaken in the past eight yean designed to cement the ties between Israel'and Weitern Jewry by means of Hebrew culture and education. The • following is a year-end survey of what the Jewish Agency for Palestine has been1 doing in this field, particularly as regards America—(Ed.) Unlike the laying of irrigation pipelines or the founding of new settlements"' for immigrants, work in the field of education and culture provides no ready yardstick by which to measure its progress. Yet this work is no less important to the strengthening of Israel, and, indeed, to the survival of Jewry, than the establishment of economic viability and social good health in the Jewish State.

ians, Hebrew scholars und a select group of laymen. Lecturers at past sessions of the Institute have included Allen Nevins, William P. Albright and Salo W. Baron. During the summer vacation period, the Jewish Agency sponsors Hebrew seminars in the United States and in Israel. Last July it conducted a threeweek seminar for Hebrew teachers on the campus of Pennsylvania State Uni\ersity. Co-participants were the American Association for Jcwiiih Education and the Summer Institute for'Dropsie College. The IJ'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation loaned its campus facilities for the project.

Seminars This seminar is un outgrowth of. smaller scale summer seminars held in past years in Easterii and Western It is for this reason that the Jewish states and in Canada. The purpose is Agency for Palestine .operating solely , to bring practicing Hebrew teachers with philanthropic funds, is concentogether for a relaxed discussion and trating considerable time and effort in interchange of ideas concerning their the fields of Hebrew education, lanprofession. It also provides Hebrew guage study, teacher training and culrefresher courses for teachers, many of tural inter-changes between Israel and whom had left the field but are planthe United States. ning to return. Lectures by visiting Israeli and American writers and . The Agency's Department of Education and Culture in N'ew York works in teachers are always part of the procollaboration with American Jewish edgram. This year, one of the principal ucational associations, Hebrew educaspeakers was Zev Vilnay, a leading Istion bureaus, teachers colleges, Hebraraeli archaeologist .geographer and hisist circles, locnl honrds of education, torian. campus groups and outstanding indiThe serious shortage of qualified vidual scholars. It benefits from the. Hebrew teachers in America is one of collective knowledge and experience the factors behind the Jewish Agency's of top American and Israeli educators teacher training program which is cenwho meet annually at Jewish Agency tered in Israel. This is not because sponsored round-table conferences to America lacks good teacher training survey the current problems in Hebrew facilities, but because Israel, the only education and discuss teaching methHebrew-speaking nation, provides the ods. inspiration, stimulus and experience which can be hud nowhere else. Programs for Needs The Jewish Agency's programs are Scholarships geared to Ihri'c academic levels—beFor the past six years, the Jewish ginner, intermediate and advanced. Agency has been granting scholarships They are planned to meet the special for selected undergraduates of Ameriiieeds of adult groups, college students can Hebrew teachers colleges for six and high school ami elementary school months of study and training in Israel. pupils. They are further sub-divided The. students are. quartered in Jerusainto projects for scholars and teachers lem and attend classes and lectures in aud*projeets for laymen. Bible, Talmud, Hebrew language and literature, Jewish and Israel history, The winter months, when classes are education and teaching methods. They in session, arc usually devoted to weekare also taken on extensive guided end symposia, Hebrew cultural events tours of the country -with emphasis on and lecture tours by veil known Israeli archaeological and historic sites. They writers and teacher* brought to'this visit Israeli classrooms and are brought country by the Jewish Agency. In reinto contact, as much as possible, with cent years, the. Agency has sponsored Israelis of all age groups and walks nation-wide lecture tours by Dr. Simon of life . Upon returning to the United Halkiu of the Hebrew University, who States, they receive academic credit for has' translated Whitman's "Leaves of a semester's work. The most recent Grass" and many ojher American and group, representing Hebrew teachers English classics into Hebrew, Dr. Alex colleges in New York, Boston and ChiBcin, head of the Central Zionist Archcago, sailed for Haifa aboard the Isives in Jerusalem and biographer of raeli liner "Zion" on August 22nd. Thcodor Herzl, lleuvcu Avinoam-Grossman, Hebrew poet, anthologist and Teachers. Institute translator, and the Israeli novelist and Last year, the Jewish A g e n c y playwright, Ychudah Yaari. opened the Hoyim Grecnbcrg Teachers institute in Jerusalem which offers a Another winter project is the Semiwide range of year-long courses for nary-Israel Institute which the Jewish teachers and qualified laymen from all Agency conducts jointly with the Jewish Thcologicaly Seminary of America. parts of the world. The Agency also This brings together prominent Amerisponsors briefer educational summer can orientalists, archaeologists, histortours in Israel for teen-agers and young

Collective Action Or Anarchy? *" ,(Continued from Page 6-A) < compromises with its avowed principles so that i t might, very appropriately, work for those ends which might rebound to the benefit of Jews in their civic status in the countries where they live. But by no stretch of the imagination do these activities fit under the rubric. of speaking exclusively "as American*" and of advocating "policies which . . . servo the best interest of the United States and world ponce." On the contrary, they, represent a clear admission on the part of the Committee that there are areas of interest directly or indirectly involving Jews of other countries which are a legitimate concern of Aiiurii'iin Jewish organizations and that these areas need not bo limited to thus'1 m » hicli American interests and liorM j»earc are involved. Double Standard This argument, then, reduces itself to tlid advocacy of a double standard of conduct—one for (hfi Committee nnd another for a world Jewish body. The argument is consistent with the Committee's interest, in keeping Jewish organizational 'life fragmented in order to enhance, its own position as an npparent .spokesman for the Jewish people. With it show of virtue the Committee, points to its participation in ad hoc international bodies (joint effort at the

Versailles peace conference of 1918 to secure equal rightB for Jews in Eestorn Europe; joint effort at the 1946 Paris peace conference to secure-equal rights for Jews in, satellite countries, and membership in the German Claims Conference "«nd Austrian Claims Committee) to demonstrate its readiness to "confer with other responsible organizations, wherever .they may be, on particular issues as they may arise." Logically speaking, the same arguments which the Committee advances against a permanent international body might be levelled against each of tho ad hoc organizations in which the Committee participated. Hence the Committee's approval of ad hoc international Jewish organizations is merely proof that the Committee's arguments against the projected world organization are disingenuous and that tho Committee's real obections arc those which the Committee has neither the candor nor the courage to ndinit. , Fundamental Objection The Committee's fundamental objection to the projected organization is provided by its own record through the years. Despite its denial, the Committee- luis always shown a disposition to "go it, alone." It has had a traditional preference for a stewardship over Jewish affairs in the hands of an elite of so-called "influential citizens" to any form of organization in which the elect-


ed representative* of the various Jewish communities vrjfi have a voice on questions of common interest to the Jewish people, It is, basically, both a fear of and a lack of faith in the democratic process as applied to Jewish life. At this juncture it is by no means certain that tho projected world organization will materialize. If it does not, it will not he because of the persuasiveness of the Committee's arguments. The very existence of the World Jewish Congress as a world Jewish body, and the universal acceptance of it, have proved that arguments buch as the Committee lins advanced huve no appeal for the vast majority of tiie Jewish communities throughout the world. One project worthy of special mention is the historical and archaeological tour of Israel conducted eaqh summer for a group of orientalists and profes-

Hebrew books and plays produced in Israel is sent out to educators and community leaders all over the country. The Agency also provided a grant for the compilation of a 300-page anthology of Jewish music which was published in the Spring of 1955. The cataloguing of these various tours, seminars and publications provides only the barest outline of the Jewish Agency's efforts in behalf of Hebrew culture. This work, constitutes one of- the most important aspects Of the Zionist program because Hebrew culture is inextricably linked with the land and people of Israel. Dr, Nahum Goldmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, said at the last Zionist Congress: "Israel is the source which can. revitalize Jewish life, Israel is the substitute, and more tbau a substitute, for the destroyed Jewish strongholds in Europe. The problem is how to utilize this source, how to link the Diaspora to Israel, both the communal life and the individual life of every Jew." •

• '•> • to walk humbly

with your God MicaK

/ 1

Micah like Amos before him was a simple man who answered the call to speak against the injustices that plagued his people. Unlike his contemporary Isaiah who took an active part in the political problems of Judah, Micah inter-' ested himself just in religious and ethical matters. One of the two Judean prophets to see the fall of ancient Israel, he showed no partiality in bitterly denouncing the corruption of the ruling classes of Judah, the dishonesty of its merchants, the greed of the landowners or the hypocrisy of the priests. Like the other great prophets of the 8th century B.C., he taught the Mosaic concept of a universal and un-



seen God who demands ethical and moral behavior of all. When the people complained that God was hard to please, Micah spoke thusly to them. "You ask with what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before Him with burnt-offerings, with yearling calves? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I sacrifice my first-born child for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" ' Micah answered them with:


"He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the Lord does require of you: Only to do justice, and to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God" (6:&8 l




Ntw Y»w'» EJiHon—THE JEWISH PRESS —Rosh Hnnown 5717 — Friday. A«9«». 3 1 , ' I W *

Origin of Rosh Hashonah Prayers By Hairy (hulling (Copyright, 1958, JTA) The great achievement of Bosh Ha•honan and Tom Kippur is the development of the synagogue service marking the obiervance of these holy days. From a few simple lines in the Bible, calling for their observance, there have developed sublime and powerful liturgies. Tor countless generations, the service for the High Holy Days was considered the climax of Jewish worship. In the liturgy of these days are found the most important ideals of Judaism; the sovereignty of a Divine Being over all Creation, the brotherhood of Man, the revelation of God's spirit to Man, the concept of reward and punishment. Besides these ideals, the opportunity is given to renounce sins, to seek forgiveness and express vows to better our lives.


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In general, the Hebrew prayer serviee is unique among the prayers of all peoples. While the Hebrew prayers have two basic elements, Praise and Prayer, they express more than religious ideas and beliefs. They include also the history, experiences and aspirations of the Jewish people. The prayers, therefore, are a reflection of both the religious and ethical principles of Judaism. Furthermore, they mirror the economic, political, social as well as history of Israel. Bc'iyiusp the Jewish people have always had a group consciousness, the prayers arc almost always in the first person Th<- sentiment has existed for centuries that all Jews art1 responsible for one another'* deeds. Says the Talmud, "All Israel i* responsible for one for another." (Shevuot 39a). Although the Bible is the major Jewish lit'Tary contribution to mankind .the .Siddur or Prayer Book, has beeirthr» .Teu'K closer companion. While the Bible luid been canonized more than 2,500 jears a?o, the Siddur continued to deM'lop until reeenf centuries. In fact, it h,is (.'one through many ch.inges and Viinations. It has experienced count less different rituals for various communities, .ind in recent centuries has seen further changes with the development of wnii|iie sects and religious movements within Judaism. Prayer Service As already mentioned, two elements, praise (Shevach) and prayer (Tefilah) make up the Jewish prayer service. •This is based on the principle expounded in the Talmud "Man should always first utter praises and then pray" (Berachot 32a). It is to be noted, however, that very little in the prayer book is original. Most of the material has been culled from other sources of Hebraic literary achievement: the Bible, the Talmud, -the Zohar and other sources. It is to be observed that not air the prajers are in Hebrew, many of them beinj? in Aramic. Basically, the rabbi's ' has no objection to prayers being recited in languages other than Hebrew. In fact, Jewish legend relates that the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai were uttered in 70 languages. The prayers are recited primarily in Hebrew because it was always strongly felt that this was the unifying tongue of Jews everywhere. It is to be noted that as the Siddur, the Hebrew Prayer Book, developed it became truly an anthology of Hebrew literature. One principle of the synagogue ritual l? the fact that the prayers have been successors to the sacrificial cult, as observed in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Hence, many of the injunctions, laws and descriptions of the sacrifices found in the Bible and.,the Talmud are part of the Siddur text; There are thus man yitems in the Siddur •which arc descriptive of Israel's historic past. For example, Jews are great believers in the principle of "Z'chut Abot," the Merit of the Fathers. Thus, when the prayer is recited asking for divine intm'e^ion because of the merits of Abraham whose son, Isaac, was spared the sacrificial knife, the prayer is followed by the recital of the beautiful Biblical narrative describing that moving incident. Because learning piny-, Mich an important part in the life of the Jewish people, many of the items in the .Siddur are neither prayers nor praises b'it actually of educational significance A > the Jew recites these segments us pirt of his daily Sabbath and festival prayers, he is to learn something about hi-. past, his heritage, his purpose in life. Many are intrigued by the mystery of Hebraic names and titles. The word "Muebzor," title of the. high holiday and festival prayer book, is actually simple in : its connotation. It means "eyele" and refers to the cycle of the year during which the various observances of the Hebrew calendar take place. Originally, the term "Machzor" Was used to describe the book of prayers, that is, the Siddur. Later, the Siddur was the term given to the collection of daily prayers; while the Maehzor was that collection of routine prayers to which had been added many and varied poetical insertions for use on the festivals And high holidays. To explain further,, the term Siddur,

for the prayer book, was chosen because it was expected that one would pat "in order" the service he intended to recite. The original reference to the use of an Order of Prayer is found in the Talmud where it is indicated that God showed Moses the order of prayer. "The Lord wrapped himself (with a Talit) as the leader of a congregation and showed Hoses the Seder Hatfilah, the Order of Prayers," (Bosh Hashonah 17b). The prayers, according to this Talmudic reference, had divine purpose. "Whenever Israel will, let them carry out the order of service and I will forgive them." first Siddur The origin and suggestion of many of the prayers and blessings are found in the Talmnd. However, the first authentic compilation of prayers called the "Seder" or "Siddur'l was the Order of Rav Amram in 875. Since then the Order of Prayers, without the additional poetry, was known as "Seder T'filot." The first known "Machzor" was that of Yannii who lived in the seventh century. Originally, the Machzor contained only poetry of the medieval era. Later, customs, laws and other details as well as the regular prayers were added to the llachzor. An example of this type w/'Maehzor Vitry," compiled in France by Rabbi Simeha ben Samuel of Vitri, a disciple of Rashi. The volume contains not only the text of the prayers, but many piyyutim, z'mirot for Sabbath and the festivals. Also includcil are decisions from the Talmud as well as the Ethics of the Fathers (Pirke Abot). The line of distinction between the Siddur and the Machzor did not exist always .Originally, both terms were applied to the regular prayer book. The first Machzor for use only on the festivals and bigh holidays was that known as "Jtaehzor Bomaniyah," having originated in tbe Byzantine Empire. It was edited by Elijah ben Benjamin Halevi, who enriched it with many of his own compositions. From the Byzantine Empire, the idea of adding Piyyutim, poems written by medieval authors, was introduced in Southern Italy, and from there it spread to Rome. Tbe Roman Sfachzor was published lot the first time in 1465. The use of Piyyutim spread to northern Europe from Italy. It underwent a number of changes and becaue known as "Minhag Ashkenza" (the German Ritual). There also developed a Minhag Polin for the Polish French Jews. The French ritual, however, was never published, remaining extant only in manuscript American Synagogues In short, the Machzor of the holidays has gone through the same expe. rience as the Siddnr of the daily and Sabbath prayers. Without our fully realizing it, there is gradually developin ga Minhag America. American synagogues and temple have for years been introducing changes, omissions, variations and additions to the prayer service. It will, take several deeadas more until we may'reach truly a representative Minhag America which will contrast the various rituals of the synagogue of the past. , Like the Siddnr, the Machzor is a volume of anthological proportions inclnding the- classics of Hebrew literature. Its text has a webbing into which are interwoven passages and selections from the Bible, and mystical literature. Its high points are the "piyyutim" or poetical selections written by the "payyetanim" or liturgical poets from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries. The oldest piyyutim are anonymous and are found in the Pra'yer Book. They show an attempt at meter, and successive lines are often alphabetically arranged. Examples of such piyyntim are found in the regular Sabbath morning service and include such hymns as "El Adone" and "HaKole Yoducha." An example in the daily prayers is ''Vehu Rachum" which leads off the penitential prayers for Mondays and Thursdays. The oldest payyelan known by name is Jose ben Jose (or Jose Hayatomc, the Orphan). Since he was known to •Saadia, himself a compiler of one of the early prayer books, it must be nsiiimcd that he lived before F.10. Another payyctan who-'i v.nfinss arc found in the high holiday ritu.'il is Yannai, reputed to be the teacher of the most popular of all the payy'etnnim, Klazar IlaKnlir. In Germany during the eleventh century, there were Moses ben Kalonymus, Simon ben Isaac, the notable Rabbeinu Gershom. In the twelfth century there were Jckuthiel ben Moses of Speyer, Meirben Isaac; in Spain, whpre Hebrew poetry reached its highest, the most famous liturgical poeU were Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Judah Halevi and Abraham'and Moses Ibn Ezra. These are only a few of the hundreds of liturgical poets who contributed to Hebrew literature in the Middle Ages. The most popular of all the liturgical poets, especially in the high holiday Machzor, is Elarar ben ICaiir (also known ag HaKalir, ICahn and HaKaliri). Although little is known about

his life, it is assumed that he lived in Palestine in the eighth or ninth ten-, turies, since he is'mentioned by Saadi , Gaon in his writings. Kalir wrote no less than 200 piyyutim, basing his work not so much on personal religious feelings but rather qn poetic embellishment of ideas and statements derived from the Midraohim, the rabbinio legendary literature. Despite the Uck of biographic data abont him, many legends have been repeated about him. Among these is the story relating that he was surrounded by heavenly fires when he wrote the Kedusha; that he ascended the heavens and learned from the angels the secret of writing hymns in the alphabetical acrostic. Another legend is tbe one which relates that his teacher. Yannai, mentioned above as another famous payyeten, beoame jealous of his superior scholastic abilities. He put a scorpion in his shoe which was the cause of his death. The alphabetic acrostic is a main feature of his piyyutim. Often, like many other poets ,Ealir uses a double and even a triple acrostic of the

Hebrew alphabet. Even the name of the famed liturgist u bound up with legend. The name Kalir is said to come from the Greek word meaning "a small cake," The famed poet was said to have been given a cake, inscribed with the Biblical verse, when' he began to go to school. It 'was this talisman that gave him his great wisdom . Objection to Piyyutim Through tbe centuries various rabbinic anl lay authorities objected to the use of the Piyyutim because it was felt that they were an interruption of the regular divine service. These objections are found as early as the eleventh century. Some of the objections were from the esthetic viewpoint and on account of the obscure and archaic language used in the piyyutim. In the eighteenth century, strong objections were made to the piyyutim because it was felt improper to address prayers to the sngels. Among tbe leading authorities who opposed tbe insertion of the piyyutim in the service was Maimonides. In. his "Guide to the Perplexed"

(itoreb Nebuebim) Part One,, chapter 59, Maimonides rejects the Piyyut because it expresses dangerous and obscure ideas and primarily because he felt it was forbidden to add prayers to those attributed to the Men of the Great Synagogue. On the other hand, . Jewish notables like Rabbeinu Gershom, the Light of tbe Exile, Rashi and his grandson, Rsbbeinu Tarn favored the use of piyyutim in the services. Gersbom claimed the piyynt to be divinely inspired. He even identifies Yannai and Kalir as having lived during the period of the Milhna. He claims that Kalir was actually Eleatar Shimon ben Yochai (Sbibolet Kaleket, chapter 28 ai edited by Solomon Bober, Wilna, 1887). Translations of tbe Machzor into tbe vernacular became popular a* early as tbe 16th century. In 1571, Abigdor ben Moses published a Judeo-Qerman translation of tho bigh holiday Machzor. It 'wasn't until 1800, however, that a true German translation was' available. This was published by Benjamin Wolf Heidenhiem. There followed a whole scries of translations into Ger-' man, French, Dutch and other languages. One of the first attempts to trans-

itte the Mactuor into English * u made by David Levi in 1789. A copy of that edition is in the possession of. the writer. Published in London ,tbe volume is entitled "The Form of Prayers for the New Year According to th« Cuitom of tbe Spanish aad Portuguese Jews, as Read in Their Synagogues, and Used in Their Families." Since then, there have been many translations. The beat and most practical is the "High Holiday Prayer Book" with a translation and annotated with an excellent introduction by Philip Birnbaum. The exceptionally fine volume was first published in 1.951 by the Hebrew Publishing Com-pany in New York. It has been Israel's devotion to the traditions of tbe past that have assored its survival. Among the elements of Jewish tradition U the vast liturgy of tbe synagogue and hom» service. Israel's love for tbfcjturgyj esp'ecially that of the high fflly day; season, has kept up the W«rnfl>. withii the souls n been t h o

of Jews toftytomif.


observance of the Jewish holidays, such as Roih HashonsH'and Tom Kippur, through tH'e mecial Anagojfte liturgies, that naye.strintfthaed th< Jew's faith in tbe ideals be has always had for mankind.

The Importance of the Individual



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—Jeremiah Shy and peace-loving, Jeremiah saw the rapid decline of the Kingdom

way of life with its emphasis on the importance of the individual. .

of Judah, which about 50 years before his birth had been predicted bythe prophet Isaiah. A man of deep faith and love of God, he lived in an age when people believed not in faith or God. Sensitive and gentle, Jeremiah watched his nation being destroyed, the Temple burned and his people led away into Babylonian captivity. It was this hated and persecuted man, wishing for peace and quiet, who declared that the individuarrather than the nation is more important in the eyes of God—that a nation cannot uphold justice if the individuals themselves are unjust. Thus was laid the cornerstone for our democratic

To Jeremiah, relfgion took "the. .'/v!,;V form of a personal experience:, ' /''.:",'. "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich, man glory in his riches; but let him glorleth ' in this, that he understandeth, and ,'. Icnoweth Me, that I am the Lord who . exercise justice, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things 1 delight, : saith the Lord" (9:22-23). < •1.-4

His literary style . reflected character. The simple words and tional tone of his writings varied deep-;,;';J: -*•,»•« ly as did his deeply emotional nature. -' Although his words lacked the polish;;!"", • • n of Isaiah, he wrote with color a n d / . beauty tinged with sadness. '-,'••


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NtwTitr'i Wltl M — THE JEWISH PRIM —Roih Hiihwwh W I T — W h y . A«|u»t, If, (956

Economics of Water


(Brftl&l, muscle and money are the lnffedlenti required to bring precious wittr to tht Kegev and to Israel's lust developing Lachish agricultural belt. Tht following article, based on reports by tht Jewish Agency's Agricultural Settlement Department In Jerusalem, indicate* tht magnitude of the Water problem and Its expense.—Ed.) The turn of a water tap can determine the future of a country. This statement Is not far-fetched when it Applies to large areas of Israel — the NegeV triangle lit the south which comprises mott than a third of Israel'! territory, and the Adjacent Lachish region, scene of Intensive settlement projects for newly arrived immigrants. Centuries of neglect, erosion and a relentless sun have turned much of the land into, arid walls. Yet Israel's agricultural ielf-sufflciency and the wellbeing of tens of thousands of settlers hinges in the ability to convert the parched soil into productive loam. This ufgeht Deed lies behind the 130,000,000 Yatkon-Nege? water pipeline, Israel's

lurgrst irrigation project to dale, which will

turn Rome 100,000 iliiiintna


iiuniii OIJUHIS VU acre) into arable land.

Beyond the Range Hut muriy new bettlcmi'iits are located beyond the ran({e of the i'arkoii-

N'rgcv line and until new networks of pipe are laid they will remain isolated from tlild major source of water. In such cases, man must dig. Water may be Anywhere from several feet to many yards beneath the surface, Tapping the supply is only the first step in ft long, difficult ahd costly process. ' fake a typical experience in the Lachish region, an area extending from the Judean foothills in the East to a point near the Mediterranean coast. A deep well had to be dug, requiring etpenslve drilling equipment. A pump house wag built atop the well and electric motor! Installed. A covered reservoir Was erected to store the water. These initial steps, undertaken to supply Water to only one group of settlements, involved an, expenditure of be^ tween two to four million dollars. The final stage of the scheme, the laying of

an irrigation network to the various adjacent bettlements, cost an additioua) .$8,000,000. Engineering 'i'lie relatively simple problem of bringing water to ft staple settlement involves many technical difficulties requiring the best engineering bruin1.. 1" cases where the water is deep ljciii'nili, pumps* must be installed iiir uiidiiground. The drillings ale usually nnuli in steep wadia or irorgis l u l v n n HNhigh hilltops where tin- M tllcn,> nls locited. Booster pumps m e u n d i d .il various stages to force the l u i i u upwards. The pump motolH mnl the i-iiniplex of gauges, ineteix, eoniploiiu teri, etc., are housed in concrete buihlinirs. IJI several places which, arc still not linked to the'maln electric power lines, the pumping power is provided by

large dieael engines. One such installation has cost some $200,000. The pumps connect with large pipelines which lead to the reservoir and then divide into three or four branch , lines of from 6 to 6 inches in diameter. The pipe liiles can be anywhere from.

2^4 to ift miles long depending upon the height of the bills they must traWfte." At etch iettlement, the system is further divided, one line providing drinking water and the other irrigation! New Bettlements There are about twelve new .settlements In the Lachisb icgitm which require Independent water supplies. An a d d i t l o u i m l 'in beltlemciit-i in L a d i i s h anil t h e N e p . v will lji> l i n k e d u p w i t h the N . g c v lirn- bill will still r e ( ) U i i e (i I n f i l l i n i i ' i i t i D i i i n t u o r l v . T h e c i i - l o f l i i i g n t i i i i ' ciin- n f t h f - e s i - t l l c -

exi-lu . e n i- of i n i i i i ) ! , :n,d (,thcr i i i u u h i i i e r y . To


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000 for each settlement. It is very often double or,triple that amount, depending on the depth of water and topography. There js no small degree Of irony in Isfttel's Water problem. Actually, water is plentiful in Israel, but it is not concentrated in the regions where it is most urgently needed.

Across the hills of Judaea* And beyond the plains of Sharon and'tht Jordan Valley our collective VOIM' tl»Hn« den a warning that never atfftlfl thill be dispersed, or subject to wafitos ftat> •acre. "We shall not falter again. 1*6 more, crouching on bended )tne« In Mfcreh of refuge. Today Israel1! flag flies proudly in th«(world's capitoU, on •hip* at sea. Ito emergeflds front blood and chaos sums up' a messianic adjnstmftot.of history. We prayed for its rtillratlon,through centuries of dreaming and endurance). Now wo must straggle to stay in the sun, to forge our ramparts and to strengthen onr future. Oar will to survive outrode the fury of our insensate haters.' They hacked our generations to shreds in the callous

Bar and Bas Mitzvahs


/ Hymie Milder and Associated Skelly Dealers Acme Transfer Company 5026 S. 24th St. Belfti Service 29th and Yinton Brooki Bellevue Skftlly Service . . . lOOB W . Mission Blaekstone Terminal .36th,and Farnam Sts. Bryant's Service (Skelly) 2601 N. 24th St. Capitol Garage 202 North 19th St. Charlie's Skelly Service. 42nd and Grover Cherry Garden Garage 3701 Leavenworth Claxton-Skelly Service.... 19th and Missouri Ave. Commodore Garage .24 and Dodge Commodore Automotive Service... 19th and Cast Davenport Garage 1814 Cuming St. Don's Skelly Service 21st and East Locust Easy Parking Company 1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts., and 14th and Farnam 18th St. Parking 18th and Dodge Fairway Auto Service 25th and "O" Sts. Hadan Auto Service 8516 Blondo Hutchinson Skelly Service . . . .6901 Railroad Ave. Irvington Mercantile Co Irvington, Nebr. Joe Koilikl 47th and "L" Sts. Charlei Laushman 816 Center St. Louil Illis Service 42nd and Center Sts.

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Mike Leemers S^S (Skelly].. .8701 Country Plaia Maple Hill Service 7076 Maple Meftks Reht-A-Car . . . . . . . . . . 801 South 16th St. Roy Menchetti 3502 "F" St. Mormon Bridge (Skelly) 30th and McKinley National Car and Home 1502 Capitol Joe Ntgro Service I Ith and Pacific O'Connor Service Sta... 1402 N. Saddle Crek Rd. Otto's Service Station 41st and "Q" Sts. Paxton Auto Service 14th and Harney Sts. Public Parking Co 14th and Harney Sts. PUrce & Thomas. .102 E. Locust, Carter Lake, la. Porter's (Skelly) 18th and Burt Sts. Reno .Service Station 3229 S. 24th St. Ratner Super Service 428 So. 24th St. S&M Service 18th and Chicago Sandy's Skelly Service 40th and Dodge Sts. Sentinel Parking 14th and Dodge Tipton ahd Lee (Skelly) 20th and Harney Ttittle Garage "4425 So. 24th St. VaJ'i Skslly Service 23rd and " M " Sts. Wayne Hogg (Skelly) 38th and Farnam West Side Garage 5636 Center Monte" White Motors, Inc., 32nd and Laavenworth Young'* Service Station, 27th and St. Marys Ave.


Stephen Kutler Albert JJwoDtw ' Michael KaU Robert Wolfe Marvin Conn • Aaron BUddy Marcus Robert Nojfc David Babendure (Fremont) Frink Norman Goldberg , , SUv«n Bernstein :: Maynard Welnberg ' Arnold ftfanviU Martin Curl nicks ' Fred Palk Martin Sncldcr * Stephen Anthony Appel Roger Eldon Smith < . ' ' Marvin Poliklv Walter Edwin Wlie Robert GlnsbUrg Gerald Hcegtr Meyer Coren i> Martin Bcrcovld J-oulj Rich Saul Kalman •.;, Donald Korman * Douglas Platt Jerry Clplnko Ronald Greene Edwin Norman Sldman Michael Markovltf Harold Forbes Justin Plotkin Steven GU.M Arnold Fellmsn Robert Lohrman Dennis Lewis , Arnold Alttultr Lynn Lazerton Michael Sacks Richard Kaslow Donald Fiedler Stephen Gould Howard Chudaeoff Paul Kutler Keith Llbcrmtn Michael Hornlteln Charlei ainiburf Howard Fcldman Arnold Breslow Joal Finkel Jonathan F. Bank Jeffrey Wohlner . Stephen Lintzman Joel Harlan Lederman (Kearney) Stephen Allan Babendure (Fremont)


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Phyllis Katetrtan - < • ttsUlls Schulman Carolyn Doigoff Ed»n Cohn '"•-Mymupp Betty Welner Naomi Rothenburg Nancy Brodkey Suttn Speler AMI( Meyer Sdnhle Tarnoff RoCMilc Relu Diane Rublnow Sulan Sachs Marilyn Katzman Ellen Hurwlck Ronna Halprin Rochello Steinberg Deannc Shapiro Suion Ash Dora Gerber Sharon Qrosmian L*»nne Kraft Rosalind Morris Sheila Rudorman Frances Erman Frances Cooporman Linda Llcb Leslie Epstein Diane Fogel Nancy ftlckes Hally Sue Gcrellek Holene Franklin " Rcnee Franklin



Fuel Oil

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Milder Oi! Company Hymie Milder — President 26th and Dorcas 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE-SUNDAYS AMD HOLIDAYS '

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In the eiisi' of Id.Ml ureiis wiih independent Hater supplns, the Jewish Agency shareH aljont 40 per cent of the tolul cost which averii(!M ahout $100,-

Agony and Redemption belief they could destroy OUr continuity. When itfey saw our GodJdea tfrdW brightest In tb* flames of each aaoked syiiagogue, they were struck by awe. Though We Were prostrate they feared oilr spirit. Terror and death seemed to feed our Wholeness. The faith and morality we inherited from the vision of our forefather! are the essence of OUr W»y of life—And survival, ftoffl tha whirl of ehtnglnt conditions idd. Shifting eonfllflta We dorive fresh spur in th« tightening of th» bond between out heritage fad deltinr that flryltalU* niliofial fulfillment, Out accumulated Values easily' stand the test Of time, affirm our anflient ottvenanU, afld validate their immttUbU meaning and need. How elsa could we havt preserved Identity in the midst of our oulture fofever cinahlntf /with surrounding eulturel, and breasting t h e engulfing tldeif History, reason and realism have been unruly trustees, yet they were Unable to d6u«e the tpnrk of hollnea* in U! that eoMe» from Interminable mar. tyrdom. . . The logic of suffering in blind when the physltially itrthg inflldt It Upon the Weak' at Will. But In the em of 3tm their suffering »lhoe their exodua from JBgjrpt seemed to1 have bad the purpose of welding them In ft olosely knit group which would never bo submerged a* in entity. Out of the ashes of their six million burned, rose Israel as a tragic and abiding symbol of seli'renewal. Every surviving Jew all over the world is forever drawn to it* light which shall never again he snuffed out.

W1 ]i

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Prlma Mlntlltr bfvlj Btn£ul-lon (left) aiked Ribbl Herbert A. U M s . Eltealln Vite-Chdrmin of the Unlird Jfwlih Appeal, to convey Uie fttalu «( Mi nillon 16 ill UJA lupporten for ihrlr great record of lid to brael'a MMle rtaHng the ytu STI6. Iirtel'i head and ih« UJA nccMhra caflftrral - Joring Rabbi Friedmmn'i mrrer trip abroad in Julr- The Prime Mlnltter Hid all Iirael n i united in the delermiiuiidn lo keep In doon oporto immlmtlon while <1ren|tnenlni lt» defenKi aialnrt any imreiilon. Rabbi Friedman plcdpd tb* continued rapport of th« UJA for the humanitarian pro|rmnii •f retettlement and imml«rtm abwrptlon which an rebgUdlnf the Una af Inadradi *f thoutanoU of Jewlib refnfee» In iha hare* of free laneL

By Samuel Krtiter In recent decades tragedy and triumph rocked Jewlih lift to iU foot! M t t no other juncture in human hUtofy. During the N u l holooiUlt we Writhed in agony; atun'ned and decimated by it* withering force. By the gravel of our million*. * • Wej>t, thin brushed tside oiir. an*ulih. and Iteelcd our will in ironclad defiance. W« resolved to shatter for ill tlmM OUr eneinieiT blwdy oynlelattt. In the face, of real — and artificlal^barrlefi we collected our be- * reived, Orphaned, tilling, aged and plun'defed, and brought them to I « m l . . . Thfr« we itlfluscd them with \\t(tit a feeling of home, and a sense of bflotiging. Aft they began to build, Irtlftte, fertilize and harvest their "exhausted" soil, tool machinery, repel miraudtf*, and embroider their growing HlMlemtnta with foxhole*, the aohtf of air* acle leaped in our hearts.

4 1 1 lenient

JA 2111

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New homei like ihote pictured above are beginning 10 dot the Urael landteape.

Same 6,000 housing unili were contracted l»l year with United Jewiih Appeal help for the nearly 40,000 immigrant! who arrived llnce lut Roth Haabanah. New homing will continue to be a major UJA need in S7I7. ThU Roih • Hathinah, jive an increated gift to UJA'i regular campaign. Then, give a . (real rxtra md to UJA"a Special Survival Fund. UJA'f tonuiluem agenciei mtt the Joint Diitnliution Committee, United larael Appeal and New York Auociation for New Americana.

- i T H I JPMSH M E K —

N«w"s Edi.ion—THE JEWISH

Bias Battle (Continued from Page 6-A) "with full knowledge of the consequences, Israel repeatedly turned her back on the God Who led her out of slavery into freedom." "Wandering J e m " Thus the Israelites became "wandering Jews," he says, living in any foreign country willing to take them. "Even in tbe United States, which has been, called the world's 'melting, pot' because so many different nationalities have blended there, Jews still tend to locate in communities and districts of their own, not fully mixing with the people around them." The sufferings of the Jews, like their dispersal, this writer attributes to God's wrath. While making clear his abhorrence of prejudice and urging students to "present a faithful Christian witness" to their Jewish acquaintances by word and action, the author nevertheless teaches that persecution inflicted on Jews is "part of the suffering for disobedience." A woman writer in the same booklet instructs: teachers to warn their students that God will "hold you person-

ally accountable, as a Christian, for any race prejudice." Then she goes on to tell of the "nicked past"' of tbe Jews; " . . . they have slain Messiah" and have therefore "been sorely punished for centuries." Again, persecution, although obnoxious, i* merited by Jews—a just retribution. What portrait of the contemporary Jew is drawn for religious teachers by this material t "Jews are distinguished for their mtellectutal accomplishments," maintains one author. He mentions Albert Einstein and Louis D.-Brandeis as examples of Jewish eminence in science and law. A favorable judgment . . . or'so it seems, For he goes on to report: "It is said that, Jews control the whole teaching profession of New York City." Stereotype The familiar stereotype of fie Jew as an ultra-successful money-maker is accepted by these writers for America's Sunday schools. "Jews," one notes, "have become world-famous for exceptional skill in the handling of money." Another puts it this way: "Though

they (Jews) are despised *»d unwelcome in many instances, wherever they go they seem to rise to the topi "Wall Street, railroad systems, newspapers, circuit courts, clothing firms—sggres-, she Jews have succeeded in all these ventures . . . " The Rothschild family, it is pointed out, controlled banks in England, Germany, Austria, Italy and France during the last century. And as for America: "For many years, the United States Secretary of the Treasury was Henry Morgcnthau, Jr., a Jew. Every piece of paper money printed during his term bore his signature." Thus, the Jew that emerges from, this textbook is a stereotype — now mildly favorable, now unfavorable, but always as stereotype. There is little here which could help Christian youths understand their Jewish neighbors, Judaism or the diversity of Jewish life in America. The writers quoted above are avowedly not anti-Semitic; indeed,, they would be shocked if it were pointed out to them that their writings might lay in the minds of children the foundations that bigots can build upon. This fact gives the current studies a real prospect of success.

Early observations drawn from the nsetreh «t Tale are being welcomed by publishers, editors and writers of religious texts and have already led to a more positive tone in some of their work. Undoubtedly the research at .Southern Methodist and St. Louis will be received with equal enthusiasm. Sinco better intor-group understanding must always be reciprocal, tlie findings on Jcwibh inatcriiih nt Dropsie will assume critical importance. The complete ,over-nil findings will not be available for many months, perhaps years. Some may never be made public; others may be released without fanfare in limited circles. The experts are using the techniques of the sociologist, social psychologist, communica-' tlon analyst and many other specialties. They seek not to censor or censure, but to understand and make known the effects which religious materials may have on intergroup relations. Meanwhile, the examination goes forward 'among Protestant, Catholic and Jewish scholars, generating tbe promise that the religious teachings designed for the youth of America will one day soon reflect in even greater degree "the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man."

Facing The New Year Or. Israel Goldstein, President, Tho American Jewish Congress The advent of a New Year in the calendar of tin1 Jewish people imposes upon iTi'ws everywhere the responsibility of examining tbe pant and the present with a scarchingr heart in order to Rain insight* for facing the future. As Americans and as Jews, we have the twofold obligation, as the year 0717 dawns, of reviewing major events and outstanding problems at home and abroad. The issues confronting the nation and the Jewish people are critical and vast. To find solutions and to apply them, we shall require wisdom, courage, strength and above all, fresh inspiration from the wellsprings of *our American and our Jewish spiritual heritage.

The Western powers, now confronted by the Nasser menace, could have spared themselves a world of grief had they heeded Israel's warnings several years ago. The time to -call Egypt to account occurred when Israel's t i n t tiliip was denied passage through the .Suez Canal and Egypt continued to defy the U n i t e d Nations resolution branding this conduct as contrary to international law. When Nasser publicly declared that the destruction of Israel was hit goal ,this, too, was tbe time to eall him to account. Instead, tbe United States and Qreat Britain appeased Nasser) inflated his ego, elevated his prestige and enlarged his ambitions. It is now high time that the Western powers, led by the United States, abandoned their policy of penalizing American Judaism Israel fdr its virtue of being the only American Judaism is showing wholegenuine democracy in the Middle East iile signs of sMf-crit icism. Aware of its growth and philanthropic responsi- ' •and•adopted a policy of making avail* bility toward Jewish needs in other , , able to Israel adequate arms for selfdefense, and simultaneously, offering; part* of the world, th« American Jewish community is critically examining • a multilateral s e c u r i t y guarantee its own cultural and spiritual creden- * . against aggression. tions. Its leaders are calling attention, The American Trout tion; and more than this, they are deThe American Jewish community to the shallbwness of Jewish ednca- • - will note- with satisfaction the gradual ploring the fact that the majority of improvement in the climate of civil Jewish children are currently receiving rights and liberties in our nation. The no Jewish education at all. All of this foremost issue remaining it that of asis salutary if we will be roused to act suring equality for the Negro citizen on their warnings. in fact as well as in law. Tbe historic desegration 'decision of the United Tho Soviet Union and Jews States Supreme Court has dealt the foes American Jews ,looking abroad, note with deep concern and interest the _ of Negro equality a mortal blow from 'which they will never recover. The digt hanges which seem to be stirring jvithin the Soviet TInion and its satellites.' • • nifiad- manner in which Negro commuTwo and a half million Jews live in. . nitie»,in Southern states are handling those countries. Recent reports by obthemselves—avoiding violence, resortsirvers indicate that while the general ing' to peaceful methods of protest So\i»t populace feels a degree of relaxagairist the infringements of their ation from the strictures of the Stalin • rights, as in the case of the bus boyregime, a wide gay still exists between • . pqt\ in Montgomery, Alabama—greatthe rights enjoyed by Jews and the ly rebounds to their credit It is only rights granted to other religions and 'a' matter of time before the American (iiltnral minorities. The Jews in Russia •Negro-'will' enjoy his full rights as eitihave no seminary for the training of zetL, This time is long overdue. rabbis; no central organization of synaAmerican Jjews approach the New gogues or religious communities no cenTear with a prayer for a world at peaee tral address for the Russian Jewish an America capable of and acting to community as such and no contacts win respect for its moral leadership, an nith Jewish communities in other parts Israel living without fear, and an of the world are permitted. Zionists American Jewry growing spiritually still languish in Russian prisons, Heand culturally. As we face this New brew education is banned. The Soviet Year, we pray for the strength and regime will have to correct these abfor the heart of wisdom that will ennormalities before the outside world able us to make our contributions, to < ' will accept its wortl that new winds the nation, the Jewish people and all arc blowing in Russia. mankind.

Condolences Max Minkin Mrs. Hattle Cohn Mr». Rose G. Werner Barbara Ann Epstein Max Shrago Mrs. Louis Blotcky Solomon Gratetz Sam Hoffman Mrs. Sam Faler Mrs. Vera Solson Mrs. David Cooper Mrs. Abraham Richard* Frank Blotcky Benjamin Simon Samuel Halprin Joseph M. Morgan Schoal K. Freed Mrs. Anna Goodman Mm. Leo Lefta Edward Gilbert Jerome G. Kalman Mrs. Samuel Katz Morris MJttleman G«orge Bernstein Mrs. Rubin Shapiro Jerry Brown Mrs. Abe Meyer > MM. Jacob Yakubovich SMJ Stein ** 1i


* *„


Mrs. Harry Frey Mrs. Morris Zalk;n Mrs. Carl Furth Abe Leibovltz Mrs. Sol Lagman Samuel Rabin William G. Singer Victor Zucker Meyer Isaacson Sidney Hollls Henry Weisberg Mrs. Selwyn Roffman Mrs. Hyman Manvitz Charles Guss Mrs. Benjamin Boasberg Mrs. Sarah Gendler Mrs. Hannah Friedman Samuel Corenman Michael D. Colton Mrs. Tauba Feldman Mrs. Lena Borsky Ben1 Milder Mrs. Rose Wohlncr Mrs, Sam TemJn Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff Mrs. Jules M. Newman Mrs. Eva Gamon Kogan Ralph D. Goldberg Max Shames Isaac D, Schwartz

Best Wishes For A Happy New Year R. H. Kooper, President . A D. Frank, Vice-President Vic Aden Gordon Gross Max Agor Paul Grossman Art Antony - * . Roselle Handler Thelma AppleBee Richard J. Kohah C. O. Bangston Margaret Leary Paul Blumer Fred Loehr Connie Bosco "'"',, Opal Marshall. Fina Catalano •. > \ Lee Meyers Don Dixon ,,;'",' Richard Miller Ed Fletcher Jim Murphy Kathleen Gleason Sylvia Parilman

R. H. Brown, Treasurer , J. R. Wolf, Vice-President • Dorothy Pitzl Dorothy Roach ; ]-'•*,. % .Sam Rochman , _ Dorothy Rosenthal Nancy Ryan Agnes Seay Corrine Smith - Phyllis Spellman Joy Swanson Martin Staenberg M. S. Trachtenberg • I* c


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By B«a Aaron (TW» jr«ur auurloi the centenary of AM .birth .of . l e n k .MarahaU, .noted American Jewish figure who died in 1939., To cover Ul faceti of the activities of that remarkable American and Jew would require exceedingly more i)>see than can be covered in one article. In this article the author dwells on Manhall a* human rights champion, a subject with painful relevancy to current eventi.—Editor). One day in the winter of 1911, February 15 ,to be exact, the President of the United States, William Howard Taft, invited a_number of Jewish leaderg to visit him at the "White House. I t Was not a day chosen at random, for on the next day hearings on the Parsons resolution were to begin before a Congressional Committee. The resolution was a straightforward «n«. It called for the abrogation of » cominc'ii-Ml treaty between the United States and Russia—a treaty v.iiich had been iii force since JSM2. It was not a litflit matter for the President, nor indeed tor the Jewish leaders. • President Tuft's views were b.iwd Simply on the proposition that it was too late to do anything by denouncing the treaty. Indeed, lie was well aware of what the principal problem was for the men who were visiting him. The problem was that ever since 1880 the pivvernnient of the Czar—in violation of the treaty—had been refusing visas to Americans. Not to all Americans, of course, but to certain minorities. Two Biich minority groups which were delited visas were Roman Catholic and 1'rotestant missionaries. But by far tlie largest single category of those dis<i')minati:d against was that of American Jewry. ; .Mr. Taft stressed to these men that tlje Government of the United States hid long protested against this practice td no avail. He said that long-continued abuse of the treaty had rendered impractical tlm logical course—to abrogate the treaty. Hut the Jewish leniltrs, with all due respect, disagreed. Amd beginning on the next day, they pfesented their case. The principal witnpHS for their contention was an attorney, Louis Marshall. And he made an iihportiint point. The trouble With com turned negotiation, he said, was that it njight find the conscience of America growing ever more fuint, until, from sEeer weariness, "gradually we wiJl read into this treaty an acquiescence with the Russian doctrine of discrimination among citizens and of a discrimination among men by reason of their faith." Nevertheless, the Parsons resolution and a similar one introduced into, the Senate by .Senator Charles CuIbfertson of Texas were allowed to die when the congressional session closed.

npion of Human Rights peared ,b«*ot» ike Senate Foreign ReUtioons Coftunltte* at first and pribelpal witness. When testimony was completed Senator Henry Cabot Lodge made a report > President T«ft. The Benator's report w i t staple fed »tr»i|htforward enough. t M e t l the President denounced the treaty, the Senal* would endorse tile HoMe fteiolution unanimously. The die w»« east. President Taft informed the ftusniah Oovernnient that the United Bt&iea Was determined to abrogate the treaty, i n accordance with the one year notice required by the terms of the accord, therefore, he informed the Ciaf's government that the treaty would lapse as of December a i , V.tVl.

Now Louis Marshall would hare been the first to protest that he was not alone in the fight and that the facts, as WP have here recited them, did not do sufficient justice to those 6th* ers who fought the fight with him. But we think that the emphasis here fflvth to the role played by the man whose 100th birthday we mark this year, do no grave injustice. Louis Marshall Wai a fighter for these fights and w« do him honor in just proportion to his great accomplishment*. The depth of his commitment to the rights of others is exemplified by more thn his struggle for the rights of American Jews, for his sympathies were not confined to the group to which he happened to belong. Take, as one example among many, the case of the famous Texas "white priary" law. Texas had passed a law hpceificially excluding Negro citizens from Democratic primary election in that state. The National Allocation for the Advancement of Colored People took the case tb the Supreme Court, contesting the right bt a political party to exclude Negro Citizens from a primary in a state where a victory in the primaries was an assurance of vict6ry at the general election to follow. In March, 1937, the Supreme Court hand, ed down a Unanimous AtiliidH that the state law was unconstitutional. And the attorney who represented the Ni A* Ai C. P. who was Also a member of the Association's board of directors, Wai Louis Marshall.

The number of those who owe much to Louis Marshall is legion, even if the story Were confined to his exploits outside the courtroom or the committee room. When, in 1927, Henry Ford finally apologized for the dissemination of the infamous "Protocols of Zion" in his "Dearborn Independent," he made the first apology to Lonis Marshall— who had been, the general commanding the offices in the fight against that slander. "When Louis Marshall, ill and tired in 1929, was urged to take a rest, But the determination of those, who he replied that he could not, because spoke for America's conscience had not grown weaker. New resolutions were * he had to get back to work in connection with an appearance he had agreed introduced, and the following winter, to make before a Congressional comon December 11, 1911, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs met to con- . mittee on behalf of the Association of sider the new Sulzcr Resolution, Once , Indian Bights, and to continue preparation of a brief of the National Associaagain Louis Marshall was the chief spokesman—and his feats were prbdigi- . t e for the Advancement of Colored People! Nor, was his sympathy for the ous. His citations, his memory of obrights of others confined to his work on scure points of law. his calling of witbehalf of racial or religious minorities. nesses, his never-ending mastery of the In the political field, too, he had the facts, amazed those who witnessed the consistent courage of his convictions. proceedings. "When he was through, In 1913, for example, he joined with tile action was a foregone conclusion. other eminent attorneys in defending The resolution was reported favorably the right of five Socialists to take the to the House by unanimous vote and it seats in the New York Legislature to passed the House with one dissenting which they had been elected—despite vote. the unquestioned fact that as a life-long Two days later, Louis Marshall ap-

Republican he found their political views completely abhorrent Vet, We think we are not amiss how in devoting some space to Louis Marshall, a Jew. His love of Ms people played no small part in his zeal for the general good and, far from narrowing his scope, expanded his vision. Marshall Was not a Zionist, but he WHS an active figure in the upbuilding of 1'aleslihe as a plaep of settlement for Jews—an idea in which lie believed. He was a lender in the struggle for tin1 istalilishiiicnt of the principle of minority rights at the Versailles Peace Conference. He played a major role in relief effortB for the victims of the First "World War. He fought against discriminatory immigration laws and anti-alien legislation. He was, of course, for many year* pfesU dent of the American Jewish Commit* tee, and it was In that capacity that many of the fights he fought were car-


ried on. Before hi saecMoUrd Judge Mayer gultberger in that office, he hid been active as a leader of the group, thought a singularly self-effacing one, A man of broad sympathies, he encompassed within himself many aspects of Jewish life which lesser men might have considered mutually contradictory. Dut it is not surprising to lenrn that he was at one find the snine time president of Temple Kmimu-Kl, n (Trent Heforin institution (it WIIR, incidentally, during his Administration that tinmerger between IJimim l'.l 'i*<;11j.I• Heth £1 was effected) find cluiiii'ii n o! the board of directois of the .Nwi^ii Theological Seminary of America, tl,i aoademic capstone of Conservative Judaism 111 America. Nor is it surprising to hear that in an era when the bitterness between the East European Jews who crowded New York's ncsr-to-bursling Bast Sl4« against the earlier Qef(Contintied On Page 7-B.)

Mr. «nd Mr*. E. llobert Newman Mr. ahd Mm. Marvin L. Bertuittn Mr and Mm. Leonard L. ftoten Mr. and Mn. Justin Manvltl Mr. and Mr«. Howard Elliott Krartfz Mi", ntld Mrs. Cyroh Kfasrt* Mt. ami M M . Itlcfi(rti (Joldm»n Mr. mid Mm. Mtoven Lustgaften Mr. etiti Mrs. Aoron Feltlmsti R»r0PBiit ati'l Mrs. Richard M«rtln Mi- iiml Mrs. Krank Kelberg Mi-, aivl Mrs. SJnnilor" L. Hfrtnloin Mi IIH'I ".IK II I.'t> Ueiullcr

Mr i.iil Mi.. Ileiman nartoti Mr i.n-1 ^ l l ! Arthur Oould Mr nin! M n Mtrvln LemmSrman Mr. mill Mtl Harrjr Malt>«rt Mr, anil Mrs. HaFold Ptrtlmln Mr. and MM. David B«U> Mr, and Mrt. Harold Ooodmin Mr, and Mri. Herbert Kotun r i n t Lieutenant and t l H . Harvey Coofwr

Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. Martin B. Haykta and Mrs.Robert Endelman and Mrs.Stanley Malashock and Mrs.PhUtp Fox and Mrs.Milton Mint? and Mrs.Lawrence S. Albert and M n . Sheldon Coren

Daughter! i< Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Kahn &'~ Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldberg Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner Lieutenant and Mrs. Marshall Forbes Dr. and Mr«, Milton Simons Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Suvalaky - Rabb) and Mrs. Matthew M. Pollakoff. Mr. and Mn. Monte Hermann Mr. and Mn. Alan L. Katskee Mr. and Mn. Darwin Marcus Mr. and Mn, Leonard L. Friedel


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N t * Y w ' i EdlMon—THE JEWISH PRESS —


Their First Year In Israel

The Year In Washington '

Muny Congressmen expressed fear of what they consider! d tlie "dinigi-roiis

By Milton Friedman , (Copyright, 1056, JTA)


Washington—The exploited Cends

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"romplnmed recently to the Israeli AmWrit in«-.bassador, Abba Kbnn, about Zionists efTlinnlts to thy Arabs, Russia has inforts to force a change in United States siuunled itself into the Middle East. policy through Congressional presIsrael, naturulty enough, tarned to sure." AmcHi'B, the leader of free nations. The Administration was embarrassed Russian a rim' continued to flow into because more than one-third of the Egypt and other Arab lands. From members of the House urged arms for Washington, however, there came only Israel Fifty-one Republicans and 102 pious platitudes and evasions masked Democrats came ryit in April for such inyiigiie cliches . action. Important Senators of both parglfthe summer of 1!)56 it was apparties voiced similar ideas. Adlai Stevenent that the Soviets had taken the inson and Estcs Kcfauver campaigned itiative "away from the United States for arms to Israel. ia the Middle EastvFolIowinjr jn qujck succession after, Jts ,arms dcil with ' '' Spokesmen for the Arab cause and oil interests met with President EisenEgypt, these evjtets eiJsucd: The Soviet hower. But Ilabbi Abba Hillel Silver ' Union opened an embassy in. Libya' and started an urfpree'edentpd propaganda ^ failed to get the desperately needed arnvs approval when he called On the drive in Jforth'Africa for Arab favor. president. The president .according to Russia promised Egypt help in erecting the Aswan Dam. A"». Soviet-Tepien, , the most reliable sources, completely friendship treaty was signed in Cairo, " "shared Dulles' attitude. A Soviet barter and trade agreement Dulles indicated he would have no was made with Syria. objection if Israel bought arms from ' In January, J195G, a ^Spvlfit W}rf»o-, >, franee, England ,or other Wpstesnnalution supported the Arabs against Istio'ns. But Israel pointed out repeatedly rael, The same month, Communists to Dulles that other nations refased to joined with Egyptian and Snudi Arabact unless the United States shared ian agitators in Jordan to incite antiresponsibility by selling at least some Western riots, toy Jon* things wore; -modern arms to Israel. Franoe, having going so welt for Russia that Soviet ho illusions about Egypt's Nasser, stood Foreign Minister Shcpilov WHS an honalone in the sale of a relatively small ored guest at the Egyptian celebration nimmber of jet aircraft to Israel, ' of the British forces evacuation fro"m Western diplomats in Washington the Suez Cnnnl Zone. hold that it was "hypocritical" for the The Republican National Committee United States to evade a decision by listed the Dritisli departure from finer ' seeking to'pass qff the problem' on othan an achievement of the* Eisenhower ers. Dr. Nahum Ooldmann, chairman foreign policy. Secretary of Stato of the Jewish Agency, charged State Department "preoccupation" .with Nas'Dulles had used his influence to perser's "mood," urging "some concern suade the British to go. It was his confor the mood of Ben Gurion" and "the tention that once NaHiprVdemand was temper of'Israel's public opinion."^' met, Egypt would turn to a path of , peace with Israel and friendship with Observation of the State Department, the West. Israel had urged Dulles to' led some to a conclusion that militant recommend some concession from NasInrnel policies actually made more imser its the price for Suez withdrawal— pact than eloquent humanitarian apat least the right for Israel ships to peals. U.S. officials indicated boredom, use the international waterway. But with expressions by Jewish group* citDulles ignored Israel. ing the moral necessity for U.S. arms sales to Israel. No comment eould be obtained from Administration spokesmen in June The Arabs were the first to reject when Soviet-built MIO fighter plane* Dulles' plea that th» Israel issue be roared over the Suez Canal at the cerekept out of domestic politics. Nasser mony marking the removal of Western condemned the Democrats and asked. influence. Did the'Republicans still list lot ,tho, re-eleotion of President Elsenil as au "achievement!" ThJis'qflestiofi •'Vower. Other Arab leaders joined in brought only embarrassed silence. support of the Republican ticket. This

Champion of Human Rights the amazing relevance-of most of it to (Continued from Page 6-B.) the issues of our own day. American man Jewish arrivals was not nearly so invisible as it is in our own day, Louis Jewish citizens are being discriminated Marshall, A strikfngly, publio represen- 'against even yet by other countries tative of the latter group was a, figure , than Russia in our own day—and Louis 61 affection among the former. Or to Marshall's words about the America^ ljearn that this man of the world, in the conscience could be re-inscrib^d in Conljest sense of that often abused 'term, gressional Record at this"in mute with ijras deeply religious, and that it has proflt^to all. Demagogues are abroad, been said that when Jewish clients w$r« iu the; land, setting one against another in his office late in the afternoon, he —and the Louis Marshall of the Oregon ; ifould have them join in the Mi noli a school case and the Texas "white pril service. mary" case would need no refresher^ i* Of controversies there'were, needcourse to appear as counsel for the dis-' Jess to say, many in'liis long career as franehlsed and the victims of bigotry. a, Jewish leader. But' it is curiopg how A final appraisal of his career needs they fade when measured against the record of achivement — his own and • • more than this sketch. But we would tlhoso of his opponents, no less. The like to add the testimony of an expert struggles were over matters of prinwitness—Supremo Court Justice Benoiple. They included the sharp battle jamin Cardozo,—and to let it stand as aver the methods of representation for the judgment on* a great man, Of Louis minority rights at the Versailles conMarshall, Justiae Cardozo wrote: ference, thefitriifi(»lRattending the for"One feols that ho has somehow rhation of the American Jewish Conbeen transformed into a great civic ingress, the question of Zionism. Yet stitution, coordinating the energies and Mnrsh.ill w,ii l a i f c l y ft force for comactivities of many men, so that with all promise. Iii<li-eil, his last public act aB hii; intensely human traits he has acJewish leader, in the year .of his death, quired, in his own life, a new and, as it wan to hct his siKiiaturo to the constituwere, n corporate personality. He is a tion of the enlarged Jewish Agency. great lawyer; a champion of ordered • The most btriking thing about Marliberty; a great lender of his people) a shall's career, viewed in retrospect, is great lover of mankind."

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II.IJI —, j n . Nasser


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ilorsed the I'rcsi'lcnt for r«-electi<>ii. The Undcr-Scdctaiy of State,, Mr. Hoover, told tne Foreign Affairs Committee, not asked us hut told us, that they were going to build a dam in Egypt at a cost of $1,200,000,000 , . . I wondered what we were going to get in return. If it is this political endorsement I would like to point out that from recent experiences of the British yon cannot buy the Arab leaders. They will not stay bought. Judging from what happened in Jordan, you cannot even rent them any more." Dulles, in an appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,


ii-iteratcd thut the Israel arms question be c x f l u d f d from polities B u t l ) i m n c i . i k n-pli'-d (kit tliey would not !;•• quiet in tin- fai e oi the Administration's rippainil iiljiiiiiloiimciit of Isiael to its late Thev u t e d 1'ifsidcnt Ei&enh o u c i ' s i i f e r e n c e to a frireign policy


"based on decent, moral, ethical values" ami

"positive inr.iiiins



throughout tin1 umhl will tmst" It was the contention of some that there was something less thnn decent and moral in the Administration's evasion of Israel's plight. The huge Communist-supported Arab military build-up continued throughout the year. It alarmed friends of Israel. It became a politcial issue and a center of controversy. Were fears justified f The answer might be known in the coming year.

TOW TOW TEA*, OUT SCHOOLS IN iSHAtL will make room for three two

Toungalera recently arrived from North Africa und for hundreds of other Immigrant youtli like them. At ncvcii OUT immigrant training centen Juat opened with the aid of • U. S. government grunt, nrweomera from Und» pf long opnrcaaion will be prepared for productive citiunahip , In ihelr new homeland. Altogether, over 5,000 persona will b« Instructed In skills vital to Israel'* economy during the year ahead at ORT centen tfarougboul the country. ORT receives funds from the JDC, a UJA agency.


NEW G-E I8-CU:FT. BOOK-SHELF FREEZER! Twice o i much food within easy reach/ Takei half the floor space of a chest freezer! 8 Fully refrigerated surfaces—For fait freezing I


Two Ovtnsl N*w«*t Automatic Extras! First among ranges with every deluxe feature you could want Boils, fries, grills, stews, •unmers, warms automatically. Bakes, roasts, broils automatically. Gives yon the wonderful convenience and cooking capacity of two ovens with a broiler in eachl • Haw Automatic Spttd Grill • t Ntw Electric MMt Thermomtter • Ntw Fsater jMOO-wstt Calrod* t 8urfsc« Unit • • Ntw Automatic Ovtr) • Tlmtr-MlnuttTimtr » • Automstle Calrod* Surlacs CooklnjVnlt • Pushbutton Controls • • Ttt-A-Cook Lights . • • t Applltnct Outlttt-^ • • M * tlmts strall ippllanctt

Hugt Mtsltr O r t n - t i IrtckM wldt-holdf mial for 44. Companion Ovtn—full htlght, 2 thrives 2 Famous "rocustd H t s f Brolltrt "Starlight Grty" Ovtn Interiors Enclostd Catrod* Bakt and

• New Julet Car) Dispenser Holds 20 Cam.

Broil Unltt-llfl out to clttn. No optn colls.


Automatic Ovtn Floodlight' Lighted Control PtntJ. 2 Storagt Drawers

Here's a new, 640-pound capacity Q-E Freezer that stores your frozen food like books on a shelf! No bending—no rummaging—no lifting—all foods are within easy reach Other great fcaturei, too: '

NOW . . . ALL O-l R A N O I I AVAILAfcMI IN S MIX-OR-MATCH COLORS-orWhll. Lorely kitchen colon: Canary Yedow, Torque** Oroen. Cadet Blue, Petel Pink, Wjodtom Brown, or White. Ask oa about pVlnta in nsatcbinf colon.

• lea Cream Conditioner; Holds' 4 Half Gallon Packages • Straight-line Dt•ign for Built-in Look. • In Lovely G-E "Mix or-Match" Colors.

New Deluxe Console TV

BIG G-E . 1 2 * REFRIGERATOR •ucmtic Doon <k» aatsautlcailr, llharlf,

UVOlVINS WUVB csnphlilr sccnilsla, Ill r MU ifeilt fsett AUTOMATIC

sinoniMS tvlllfWttH IfCtlNI

itM.Dtmi miiw nor OPOIINS


toot sHnvu si Itsrs1/ slvmlmal

»K.n,uui G-E Ulrra-Vlilon Sharp and Clca-. (t Up-fronr Tuning.



' 0 Dark-tinted Safoty Glasi Tilted for Glaro Election.

Construction of ibe fir it subwtv in the Middle Eail licmn recently In Haifa, where almost 120,000,000 from Suto of liriel Horn! income hn helped la iccelerile Industrial development, new homing "nil mojor port ripinilnn. A «mtruellpn worker on the port 36 yeirt (go. Mayor llmlil of Haifa ii ihjwn »ho»« mlrlK • working moilel to exnliin the prupoir'l mliwiy to hit grtndun Slui. The Mayor olfirlillr oprn-cl the rereinnniM I'y mlng • pneunilie drill labntk,the Mil, evmnirniinglliM <"" ""I'vy will ronneil •Ireidy. pUnned new homing projeeli on MuunI Cinnr! with ihr iWntown liwineii dltlrirt. When completed Ihc luhwiy will he over a mill- lung nnd the laliwijr trip will M b tU mlnult* latttld «' lh« biu iclp of ihree-quarlMi of la hour.

I; it.

OPowor(u) G-E Chassis

LEW >:i^MSlM

AT 4485

• -<«i - , i.


• ? • > . . . '









EgWon-THE JEWISH M U S S — H M * H.ihon.1. 5717—Frid.y. Au9ui». 31,




NOW wnn






wild Automatic Control

FILTER-FLO WASHER 2 WASH SPfEDS, t SPIN SKIDS Normal or Slow for waih. Normal «r Slew for tpln—or any combination to wit all typtt of waihabU fabrlal HO LINT FUZZ O N CLOTHES Cloons and re-tlcont waih water to ch : ' / ; < cleaner clothei. lint li caught in filter. Sand and loap scum automatically removtdl



1. Big 10 paundi ctolhoi capacity. 7. Water Savor—for tmaH load I.

Start to Enjoy All the Coming Colorcasts in Color on a Dependable and Easy to Tune

Now 0 4 Dryer glvoi porfoct drying •vary Mmol rnnd UmftrtUtt* M rtw M l «ld«ot \»m4—•»t«moll€illf. N«w Hli t-l^tW aVylna ol Mf*, Itw l«M|itr«tHrt«* Mof Httlff int. P«ntliln OnM. t M OA-llOf.

m llttl* ot


»«f w*«k

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The Greatest Sound on Your Home! •





1. Warm or Cold Rlnot.


R^n^rator-Freeip Combination with New Magnetic Doors That Close Automatically and Silently and Revolving Shelves That Are Completely Accessible, Fully Adjustable With More Shelf Space

Automofic Defrosting Refrigerator Section on Top . . . Big 130-Pound ZeroDegree Freezer Below—All the Deluxe Features, Quality and Dependability for Which G-E Refrigerators Are Famous


Tota-mnsb "MmU L" fen, p t o N i w Orlhophonlc Hlgh|FI4alllr n n t " FhOftOflropS. Supefb AM-fM , High Fldollry lap* rtcordar. Mahogany Tmlih. Alto ovailabls hi nod" •rn styling In nalurol walnut finlth. Mod*l «HFI.

ANEW CONCEPT IN HIGH FIDELITY By RCA New Orthophonic "Victrola" Phonographs For the first time—you can own complete High Fidelity systems, laloratory-lialrmceil by RCA Victor for superlative performance, and enclosed in strikingly beautiful cabinets. Each instrument bears a "limited edition" plaque and number re 'islcredin the name of the owner. \ No mattor how litllo you pay, you get the most advanced features from the uorld's best eound engineers. For example, every New Orthophonic High I'nUlity "Victrola" Phonograph gives you exciting room-wide sound dispersion through the RCA Victor Panoramic Speaker System with extra-powerful amplifiers. You'll thrill to the groatott found on earth—right in >our own home with these new ready-to-plug-in-andplay Fidelity instruments. Come in—not and hear for yourbttf. .




Thl "Mark VL"3-ip«olc«r Ntw Ortho^ nic Hlfjh fldoliV "Vlclfola" fhonooph, Mahorcoriy or modern oolc finish. l oplior.ii>, «>lra. Model 6HF5.

AT 2626










New Year's Edition — T H E JEWISH PRESS — Roth Hathonah 5717 —Friday, August, 3 1 , 1956

Federation for J

Paul Veret Executive Director The Jewish Federation or Omaha has always been more than a fiscal or administrative apparatus. Throughout fitty-thrce yeans of service, it has hecoine thoroughly saturated with the spirit that characterizes the Omaha Jewish community. This spirit Is one of ' conscious Jewishncss, desiring to ' perpetuate Jewish life and Jewish tradition in our community. The Implications of Jewish life and the meaning of Jewish living have not merely been a wishful philosophy in our community, but rather a crystal-clear beacon by which the Federation charted It* course. This spirit of Jewish living and Jewish practices is manifested in almost every aspect of Federation activity. ••••'«•• Bureau ot Jewish Education This attitude reflects itself forcriost in the Jewish education program In Omaha. Jewish education here Is fostered and sponsored jointly by the Jewish Federation »hd (he synagogues, through a community JJurcnu of Jewish Education. This type «f approach places pmper emphasis on the Importance that our community attaches tn a city-wide program of Jewlih ('(Jurat ion, designed to reach the* maximum of Jewish children. Durinj; the year 1'JJ5-5G there were enrolled In the schools, suppoitcd by tho Federation n total of 1,011 children Average enrollment hi the respective schools during the yenr were as follow:); Beth El Talmud Torah-22T; nelh Kl Sumhy School—IBS; Beth Israel Talmud Tornh—178; Beth Israel Sunday School— 200; Temple Imirl Re'jRious School—199; and Shnarc Sion Talmud Tornh—22. The numxr of pupils attending Ihe schools reached a new high during the past year. There has also been on Improvement in the staffs of the various schools, which resulted In setter instruction. JEWISH COMMUNITY ''"NTER Not far behind In this philosophy Is our Community Center, which Is the common denominator of Omaha Jewry, nervine, QS it

Pre-school-Nursery Canip, which was held on the grounds of the Dr. Philip Shier''- Jewish Home for A g e d . •'



'• :



Our Jewish Youth Council, the organized Jewish Youth Community, embarked, upon Its twenty,

third year of continuous existence with a reasonable and encouraging program of bringing up the Omaha Jewish Community of to. morrow, teaching them how to plan together and live together, and In the process of training In tclllgent leadership for the fU' ture. Jewish Community Library Since we believe that the future of the American Jewish communl. ty JloJn the fostering of Jewish knowledge, and Jewish culture, we have boon doing Bomothlng about It. The Jewish concept of AM HASEFEIt, the People of the Hook, finds tangible expression In the form of our Jewish Commun Ity Library. A veritable treasure of books, records, and films of Jewish Interest and content Is at the service of the community. Increasingly, we are becoming aware of its importance in the community, helping In planning many Jewish cultural activities and projects for schools and tho community at large, The Jewish Community Library



• ': ••

;•• ']:.]".-•

Jack W. Marer, President of Omahs Jewish Federation experiment met with considerabl John Rosenblatt, General Camsuccess, which again is focusin paign Chairman, and Mrs. Edwin our attention on the urgency c E. Brodkey. Chairman' of the securing a site for our own camp. Women's Division., Associated A camp of our own will open u with them in the campaign were new vistas for teen-age camping, Isadora Chapman, Initial Gifts young adult camping, camping lm Chairman; Harry Welnberg, Mar-, the aged, family camping, an vlri Kaplan, and Jelrold Rbsen/Cochalrmen Men's Division; Mrswinter camping. ri' Our Federation ha* always be- Max Cariar,' Miss "Elizabeth J. lieved that its camping program Ifart.rMrs. E. Leo Nbggi and Mrs. Harry Sidman, .Co-chairmen of the must- be wholesomely Jewish, .Women's Division r : ftllss Phyllis that through their camping exper- Bernstelji, chairman of the-Youth iences Jewish children may bene- D i v i s i o n ; a n d h u n d r e d s u p o n h u n - coming through Omaha' are? taken fit hot only from the general ad- d r e d s of v o l u n t e e r w o r k e r s a n d s o - care of by the Tamily Service Devantages g that: camping offers,: bul licitors, :•..'•;'" •"••••.• ••.-.'. '•':••.•.":;• partment. •> Other problems conin; addition may be more firmly J e w i s h P r e s s .• . • • . - • . : • : •, j sidered are employment, contact attached to Jewish tradition and During 1955-56 the Federation with Jewish patients in State inllvlllg.: •'-:. continued the publication of the stitutions, and applications for adJewish Philanthropies Jewish Press, which has • served mission to the various national The Jewish Community of Oma as a medium of'Jewish news, lo- Jewish Hospitals, as well as to ha gave expression to the age-old cally, nationally and internation- the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home tradition of ZEDAKAH through ally. Through the columns of the for Aged. ts annual Philanthropies Cam Jewish Press, life In' the comContemplated for the new year paign. If is through this yearly munity is constantly reflected; ac- are Purents Education 'programs, ll-in-one drive of, the Community tivities arc brought to the atten- and a coordinated program for the that Omaha Jewry Is able to d tion of the community and ma- care of Jewish aged in the comts share for the United Jewish terial of Jewish educational and munity. • •• Appeal, for our civic-protectiv cultural value brought' to the As a functional Federation, readers with regularity. agencies, our national Jewish hos. which encompasses all facets of pitals, our cultural and rellgloui Federation of Jewish Women's Jewish service, we have tried to Clubs •' institutions, and help preserve and have a balanced approach to all maintain Jewish life in Omaha, n America, in Israel, and through' out the world. At this time, the drive raised about $495,000, contributed by some 4,300 subscribers. The campaign itself is still in progress, since its objective is to reach ev ery Jew in Omaha for his share In this great human,enterprlse 01 the Jewish Community. This effort was achieved under ;hc capable leadership of Mayor

;• .-,.

The residents of the Home are enjoying a varied program of recreation; a program of occupational therapy Is now being planned. Through this Home, Omaha Jewry Is making an important contribution to the welfare Vnd comfort of Its aged and infirm members, who are in need of custodial and congregate care. Camp Jny-C-0 Jewish content at Camp JayC-C during Its 1956 encampment functioned not as a thing apart of camp program, but rather as an integral phase of comping experience. The finest Jewish traditions were maintained through services, both Sabbath and weekday, Jewish music, Jewish dance, Jewish stories, nnd Jewish observances. In this respect the camp certainly offer* a wonderful opportunity to complement the program of religious schools by furnishing a natural atmosphere for Jewish living and Jewish expression. A total of 159 children were at camp this summer. Included was a group of teen-agers who received a special camping period. This


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ror a Happy and

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That is the kind of coffee you want to serve in your home. So get a pound of Butter-Nut next time you are at the store. You'll love it.

Jewish Faith

New Year To-Our . .;3nd$ and Patror.i

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your Guarantee of Finest Quality


5007 Lcavenwortb St.

Many Jev/ish

editor of the Jewish Press; Miss Kalah Franklin, Administrative Assistant; Mrs. Sam Collck, Federation Financial Secretary; Mrs, Rosella Smith, Librarian; and othDepartment chairmen are: Mil- •r members of the staffs of tho on R. Abrahams, ADL Advisory •arlous Federation departments.




Dr. I'lilllp Slier Honorary l'reMdont Committee; Dr. Morris Margolin, Bureau of Education; Gerald S Gross, Camp Jay-C-C; Arthur H. Goldstein, Community Center; Aithur A. Colin, Dr. Pliilip Sher Jewish Home; Louis Katz, Family Service; William Grodinsky, Free Loan; Mayor John Rosenblatt, Jewish Philanthropies; F. Ralph Nogg, Jewish Press; Harold Kalman, Jewish Youth Council President; and Mrs. Henry A. Newman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Nathan L. Nogg is chairman of the Budget Committee; Leo Eisenslatt, Community Statistics chairman; S. Elmer Gross, chairman of the Committee on Federation Properlies; Harry B. Cohen, chairman of Legal Committee; and David Feder, Pledge Redemption chairman Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Federation, has continued to serve the community, working with a staff including David Orkow, superintendent of the Dr. Sher Home; Saul Sllverman, director of Center Activities; James Karbatsch, Director of Health and Physical Education; Sherman Poska, Youth Director; Mrs. Winnie King, Pre-School Director; Joseph Micck, Swimming Director; Solomon Goldfarb, Director of Family Service; Harry Halpert,

is A 6umR»Nur



Harry Trustln Treasurer needs and Ihe task of meeting responsibilities that are ours. Willie building and strengthening our own community in Omaha, we have tried to be equally aware of our problems in the United States as well as abroad and in Israel. Federation Board The following are officers of the Federation: Jack W. Marcr, president; Dr. Abe Greenberg, first vice-president; Robert H. Kooper, second vice-president; Harry Trustin, treasurer; Ernest A. Nogg, secretary; Paul Veret, executive director; and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president. Members of the'executive committee are: David E. Beber Paul Blbtcky, Arthur A. Cohn, Leo Elsenstatt, David Feder, Dr. Abe C. Fellman, Leo Fox, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Arthur H. Goldstein, Dan Gordman, William Grodinsky, S. Elmer Gross, Paul Grossman, Ben E. Kaslow, Louis Katz, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Calvin M. Newman, Jules M. Newman, F. Ralph Nogg, Morton A. Richards, Harry Sidman, Samuel S. Steinberg, Marvin E. Trailer and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf. Ex-officio members are: Habbi Sidney H. Brooks, Rabbi Nathan Feldman, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc, Mrs. Henry A. Newman, and Federation Past Presidents: Sam Beber, Hyman Ferer, Morris E. Jacobs, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Milton Livingston, and Joe M. Rice.



New Year's Greetings

ervice, 5716

Dr. Abe Ureonberg First Vice-President ' Under tho leadership of Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, Jewish Women's organizations continued to perform Important tasks through the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. As In the past they participated in Community Chest, Red Cross, Needlework Guild, and other fund raising and community functions. A Holiday Party program at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged was continued in which all women's, organizations participated. •/','. - "•. ". • ;/• . '. • Jewish Family Service During the past year, the Omaha Jewish Family Service Department had a special case,load of about 175, families and individuals. Ah ihcreasing'number, of'local families' came for help with problenisrelate'd to. their personal and sOdal -i adjustments'. ' Transients

Ernest A. Nogg Robert II. Koopcr Secretary Second Vlco-Presldent does the collective Jewish group today is recognized as one of the most complete Jewish libraries in In Omaha. Thcrfe has been a the country. In addition to the nounced intensification of content In Its programming. Em wide selection of Judaica books, pha»i< has been placed on Jewish tbe library also maintains a moIdentification, Jewish problem*, tion picture department of films Jewish art< and values, all of of Jewish interest; a collection of which help to maintain the dig- recordings of Jewish Interest, film strips, pictures, and other pronity of Jewish living today. There has been too, during the gram and educational aids. Many pajt year, More planning for mem^ bibliographies and helpful referbers of pur community partlcu-; ences were prepared and made larly for our children, through pro- available to teachers, dub.leaders grams of Junior, activities, Which and students. provided satisfying outlets for the Dr. Philip Sher Home fdr Aged leisure.' time of our youngsters. •' The fulfillment ? of the Fifth Participation on the part of chil- Commandment, "Honor Thy Fathdren ; and teen-agers In the phyil- er'arid Thy Mother," also found cal education:,program lias been expression In the Dr. Philip Sher increased considerably, One;hun- Jewish Home for the Aged, purdred and; *l)(ty-thr«e chlldr>!n at» ing 1955-55 the Home served 61 tended the'Center Pay Canip at Individuals. Since the Home was Peony Park, and 24 attended the founded, it served altogether'153


In Their \













Unique Eating


1108-1110-1112 Hamey St.





^- •( ; i

,' . > - v - . . .-/.. '-

Ntw Y * * r V & M M — T H E JEWISH PRESS—Roil. H*thMah 5717 — Frid.y, Augait. 31. ItS*



Seamd vtee-presMeat, Mrs. Er- Mnctorsv Mm. Krasne; Tfidawh Chapter ojf of Mr*. Richard Hiller and Mr*. own publicity to make sure no key, 1»M-S»; Mrs, % A. TuBys vtn Simon. Omaha, Mrs. Meyer Rubin and Ernest Nogg, and their commit- wording is changed. David X. Fredrick*, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey; Ladles' tee, 57$ of our women contributed SERVICES TO THE ARMED Financial secretary. Mmes. Max Free Loan Society, Mrs. Sam Kla- cash and merchandise, amounting FORCES: Our chairman, Mrs. KapUn and Bay Simon. Chapter Officers ver and Mrs. Lewis Ellis; Mizra- to $1437.00, Last year was theMoe Venger reports that during Recording Secretary Mi*. Ted Ex Offido, Mrs. Maurloa Newclii Women, Mrs. Harry Paskofirst time we were able to have President, Mn. Mi>er Bubln. the past year we have sent Ilosh FrtcUeat—Mrs. B i n A. HewSunford. witz and Mrs. Ben Handler; Na- our own booth and we were top Hashonah greeting cards to all of Vice-presldenU, Mraei. M. < Treasurer, Mrs. Seymour Zoob. tional Council of Jewish Women, booth at the bazaar. This year our Omaha'boys in service. Chan- Fellman, J. ,J. Friedman at Flnsi vtat-preaMaiit—lbs. Mtke ' Directors, Mr*. Albert Wonlner, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman and Mrs.we were either first or second— ukah gift packages were also sent Phloem Wintroub. J 958-55; Mr*. Albert Fox, 1036-58; President, Mrs. Charles Ro««.' Louis Sogolow; National Women's we have never been able to find to all of our boys, and for PassRecording secretary. Mr». Alfred Mrs. Harry Kavltz, 1050-SD. First vlce-prwldent, MUs ifcna Committee of Brandels Universi- out tor sure. I think you might over, greeting cards were tent to Fiedler. Ex OJflcIo, Mre. Alx- Hi-«r. (Irons, ty, Mrs. Joe Zweiback and to know that the Bazaar com- all of our boys, and In addition, Corresponding secretary, Mn. i Harry Sldmaa. Leo Elsenstatt; Pioneer Women, mittee was so impressed with our gift packages were sent to our Srrunil \l<c-pre"ildrnt, Mlsi DorHenrietta Szold Group Alfred Frank. Mrs. Sam Novak and Mr*. Maxachievement that they hav* asked boys overseas. We participated in i—Mrs. Arthur othy KmeutliaL Financial secretary, H n . Jack President, Mrs. Max Grctiiberi,'. Levine; Pioneer Women, Kadimah Sarah Hiller to be their organiza- the Serve-a-camp project sponsorILOeMsteta, , Corresponding Secretary, Mies Vloe-prwldtnt and Unison offiChapter, Mrs. Charles GUM andtion chairman for the next hsiwar, ed by the National Jewish WelExsesttv* secretary—Mlt* Kalllcti-rly 1'wsen. Treuorer, H a Morris StaiMiu- cer, Mr*. Sidney Katlrnmn, Mrs. Abe Bear; Temple Israel C O M M U N I T Y CALENDAR: fare Board by pending a large ak rruklla. It*rorillng secretary, Mrs. Alice tor.Vice-president, Mrs. William Synagogue Sisterhood, M n . Ed-Under the chairmanship of Mrs. package of requested items to a Committee chairmen are: Bonds Hitgtr. ' Parliamentarian, Mr*. A. D. Kaduzlaer. ward Gilbert and Mrs. Julius NewNate Nogg, we have continued to Jewish chaplain in Japan to be of Israel, Mrs. J. Harry KulakofTreasurer Sirs. Iska Bothholz. man; Workmen'* Circle Auxiliary, strive for efficiency In setting distributed to service men in fso- Frmk, Treasurer, Sirs. Lewi* Slporln. sky; Center Kitchen, Mrs. Jake Financial secretary, Mis* lies Director* Mrs. M. F. Lereoson, Mrs. Sam H. Binder and Mrs. Recording secretary, Mra. Aldates. All of the organization* lsted spots in Japan. Mrs. VenWine; Children Memorial Hospiarrenberg. 1BM-W; Mrs, Oavtd Sherman, bert Oarber. Yetta Orensteln. have cooperated, and there has ger reports that women from all tal, Mr*. Isadore Chapman; ComHlstorliPi Miss MyrtU Freeinan. 1MC-89; Mrs. Samuel Wolf, UWbeen a minl^-inna of conflict* i Corresponding McreUry, Mrs. organizations have very graciousmunity Calendar, Mrs. Morton organizations, unites all of the FarllunenUrlAn, H n , Julius Last May Mrs. Edward E. Brod59; Mr*. Leo Welto, 1SM-M) H. D. Marks. ly assisted In sending all of these Richards; Community Chest. Mrs. Jewish women of our community key, Immediate pait-presldent of Nrwman, Aaron Blps, U M - 6 1 COMMUNITY CHEST AND packages. Financial secretaries, Mn. Max CouMelor, H n . Carl LasToslt Mike Freeman; Goodwill Indus- for the activities In which co-op- the Federation of Jewish Women's Auditor, Hrti Irvio; Levin. RED CROSS: Under the chairF»Ik and Mr*. David Llnsmaa. tries, Mrs. Moe LInsman; HistorDirectors, H I M Elizabeth Hart, Ex-offldo, Mr*. David Brodkey. eration and Joint effort are re-Clubs, gave the following compremanship.of Mrs. ft"Ht Weeman TELEPHONE: Our chairman, Directors 1 M n . Joseph Sortnlk, I956-S7; Mrs. Julia 'aoobs, 19561 ian, Mrs. Maurice Newman; Hosquired. Listed below are the 16 hensive report of the year * ac- and her cp-chalrman, Mrs. Arthur Mrs, Paul Grossman, has faithfulIBM-SB: M n . Max Orowmaa, 87; H n . Evelyn Levy, 19S6-SB. pitality, Mrs. Robert H. Kooper; organizations, their president* and tivities: "It 1* with great pleasure Green, Mrs. Leon Oreenbcrg, and ly called our membership for res Theodor Herd Group ltM-87; M n . Arthur Friedman, ' Ex Offielo, Mrs, Carl Gasman. Infantile Paralysis, Mrs. Harry representatives: Beth E l Syna- that I report to you on the activ- Mrs, Saul Greet*, our women ervatlons for each meeting, and President, Mrs. Arthur Gold- 1958-68. r Schulman, Jewish Home for Aged, "Our call goes out t o the' Jewish ities and accomplishment* of the raised $3307.01 •gainst a quota of our phone list for special funcEx Offlcto, Mrs. 1.1. Friedman. people all over the world to rally ' Mrs, Sidney Goldberg; National gogue Sisterhood, Mr*. Joe GUM, federation of Jewish Women'* stein. 12200. We were one of very few tions. Mn. Max Shapiro; Beth Israel Conference of Christians and Jews First Vtee-pre*Uent, Mr*. Sam to our aide In the task of fcnmlClub* for the p u t year, The fol-groups to exceed our quota, and VETERANS HOSPITAL: Mrs. Auxiliary, Mrs. Jack Bramson; Synagogue Sisterhood, M n . Samlowing will indicate the scope of gratlon and development and to one at the t i n t to complete our Albert Steinberg and her co-chair- Botheabeif. katzman, Mrs. Herbert Melches; Nebraska Tuberculosis Associastand by us In the great struggle our activities. territory—pur old section C President, Mrs. Hymaa Bebnao. Bikur Choltoi Society, Mrs. Jake man, Mrs. Max Greenberg, report tion Sirs Ab» C Fcllman, Needle for the fulfillment of the dream sary to borrow all of the finery Pint vice-president, Mr*. Louis BONDS O r ISRAEL: Mr*. X G O O D W I L L INDUSTRIES: that each of our member organiswoik Guild, Mrs Ua\o Cuhn; Pro- Wine and Mrs. Louis Slporln; of generations for the, redemption to enhance the table, from our Ilurwltz. H. Kulakofsky, our liason with the B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter ations has, or will sponsor -a monMrs. Moe Llnsman represented tha Krnmmlnx Sirs Paul Verpt; Pubof Israel." Thi* quotation from generous members, it immediately Second vice-president, M m Harlicity. Mrs MIKon R Abrahams; 346, Mrs. Goodman Cohen, Mr*. Bond Office reports that in spite federation of the auxiliary of this thly Bingo party at the-Hospital became apparent that our fine Israel's Declaration of Independof a number of obstacles there this year. The Federation also ry Ferauteln. ' Paul Sacks: B'nai B'rith Monsky project She was a member of a Services to Armed Forces, Mr*. ence was the bail* for the them* new kitchen was in dire -need of was sold in Omaha in 1959, the sponsors a booth at the Annual Treasurer, H n . Nathan Turner. Chapter 470. Mrs. Harry Sidman. committee that served coffee to Moe A. Vengcr, Telephone, Mrs. "Fulfillment Through Service" some fine new equipment amount $122,700 of bonds. Of this Bazaar held In July.•' i n addition, Financial secretary, Mrs, Ben Z. the men who collect for the GoodMrs, Abe Glnsburg; Epstein-MorMorton Hiller, und Veterans Hoswhich carried Hadassah t o new In March our city was honored ZoorwUt the women's division sold $98,100 some of our women work as vol will, and on various gan Post 260 Ladles' Auxiliary pital. Mrs. Milton Margolin. and even greater heights during by the appearance of four Israeli* Financial secretary, Mrs. Hilton the year 1855-1956. JWV, Mrs Abe Miller and Mr*.or 80 per cent of the total amount such as Christmas and Thanks- unteers a t the hospital, serving The Federation of Jewish Wom- Ed Simon; Hadutah Chapter of Chairmen were Mn. Morris Gros*- giving served refreshments at the In administration, recreation, pa- •sent here under the aspices of Mints. en s Clubs (composed of representient visitation, and occupational Town Halt While they were in Recording secretary, Mr*. 8am The first event on Hadassah'i Council Bluffs, Mr*. A l b e r t man and Mrs. Isadore Levinson, Goodwill store, Omaha,' the Federation entertain tatives of sixteen Jewish women'* and their workers were recruited therapy departments. calendar for 1955-56 July 15-20, II. Green. INFANTILE PARALYSIS: Uned them—or they entertained us, from our various organizations. was a workshop conducted by Mrs, VOLUNTEER BUREAU: Last at an Oneg Shabbot here at the Corresponding secretary, Mrs. der the chairmanship of Mrs. IrSeventeen women earned 39 Chen (Continued on Page 3-C.) • t year we signed up our entire Fed Center,.which Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. MaxPlatt charm*—each charm representing vin Sherman and Mrs. Jerome eration en-masse at the request Wine arranged. Milder, we staffed the theater* sale or purchase of $2300 worth of of the Bureau. Our chairman, I hope this report ha* brought bonds. In assembling this report and the Golden Gloves boxing Mrs. Alfred Sophlr, has received out the, way tha Federation united I noted that I announced that Mrs. matches for the March of Dimes several calls for volunteers for all of the Jewish women of our collections. Kulakofsky had at that time earnFrom various things, but since they have community for the activities in ed a full charm bracelet, and that JEWISH H O M E FOR THE all been on Saturday, we have which co-operation and joint efBrown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., " National had better get busy and AGED: Mrs. Harry Sidman rebeen unable to co-operate. We do, fort are required, and also our Manufacturers of design something else for her.ports that there have been parhowever, urge all of our women role in promoting harmony among Well, national has: They have an- ties at the Home every month, Kool, Raleigh and Viceroy cigarettes to sign up Individually, and weour allifiatcd groups, and in nounced that all tale* beginning and by the end of the year all and other quality tobacco product*... still stand by as a unit In case streamlining all of our community with 1954 will be cumulative, and organizations will have given their of an emergency. activities through use of our past when $100,000 is achieved by any parties. Mrs. Sidman reports that HOSPITALITY: I have left hos- experience. one, the award will be a very our people a t the Home look forI learned a long tune ago that ward to these parties, and enjoy pitality for the last, because there beautiful pin. are several things to report' Our any organization is only ai strong CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BA- them thoroughly* chairman, Mrs. D a w Cohn, ar- a* its membership, and that the JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES: ZAAR: Under the chairmanship ranged for all of the lunches for key to the success of any venture Under the leadership of Mrs. Edour meetings, and under her di- Is the leadership of Its chairmen. win E. Brodkey, and her co-chairrection the various organizations It is because of the complete sinmen, Mrs. Max Canar, Mrs. Leo have been responsible for ourcerity and responsibility of our Nogg, Mrs. Harry Sidman, and lunches at meetings. chairmen that this report is one Mlu Elizabeth Hart, the camIn January our kitchen was of pride. Also my thanks to the paign to date has railed $70,67&83, This reflects an Increase completed, and dedicated at the affiliated organizations who make of 25 per cent on these card*. I annual- meeting. A t that time up our Federation. It Is their personalty know that Rae hasMrs. Conn set up a beautiful tea community co-operation t h u t breathed, dreamed, and lived PbU- table to serve, refreshment* after makes the success of all these snthropiss since she undertook the the meeting. Since i t was ncces- drive* possible. chairmanship last summer, no detail to expedite It ha* been left undone. I t was a tremendous task to set up fou> simultaneous workers meetings. Instead of one big one, but your chairmen felt this was a beautiful day to educate more people, more fully, and It was well worthwhile. You all know what a well attended, successful meeting w e had at Beth Israel—and you all know that TWICE AS MANY FILTERS meetings such as that are no acas the other two cident I know that when aU the cards arc finished, and all the fig largest'Selling filter brands! 720 LMVMWorth Phot* Homey *33S ures are in, all of the hard and often tedious work that these girls .have given to the Campaign will show the value of their effort, and they will receive their just, double reward—a successful campaign, and the satisfaction derived from giving tbeilr very best to an Important job.

Fed of Jewish Women's dubs


B&P Group

' J.

Chalm Welxman Group

3ssf Wishes for a





Begt Wishes for a Happy & Prosperous New Year 5717

Happy New Year


§JV the smooftiest taste in smoking

L E A D E R S H I P TRAINING: Last fall Mrs. Arthur Goldstein conducted a survey to determine what sort of program our membership might want Results indicated , that all of our member organizations are individually doIng a good job of training. However, a t any time enough people want public speaking courses, parliamentary procedure courses, or any other kind of courses, the Federation Is equipped to serve them.


NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS: Mrs. David Bernstein, chairman, Mn. Ernest Nogg and I helped plan the annual city-wide Brotherhood tea held this spring. Mrs. J. H: Kulakofsky was chairman of the tea, and of course, very ably represented the Jewish Women of Omaha.


NEBRASKA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION: Our chairman. Mn. Ben Slutzliy reports that our organizations hnve been stafflnn the T. B. unit every month. We also supplied 30 workers tu Muff the envelopes for the T. B. Drive. I wUh also to report thnt last summer when (he T. li. Health Camp wns desperate for a TV s^t, Charlotte not only mqu'rni .1 ••"t for them to use for the si-mmrr. •he also obtained drayage trj hnve It sent out there and picked up at the end of the summer. NEEDLKWOIIK GUILD Mrs Albert (NVAm m reports that ,ipproxlrnately #00 women contributed 31G.10.50 for this fund. As you know, the money collected by the needlework guild is used for supplies for our Dr. Philip Shcr Home. PUBLICITY: Mrs. Stanford Lip-. sey has always been ready and willing; to publicize anything our chairmen asked her to. I will admit ' that wo have quite a few chairman whj are so conscientious that they prefer to writ* their



C O M P A R E : Hdw many filters in your filter tip? (Remember—the more filters the smoother the taste I)


Thi uclmlvi Vlciroj flltir tip Is msd» from purs cilluloit-ioft, tnov-whlti. iitttsfr

• *


i 1f V





Pag* Thr«t

New Y«Vs Edition —THE JEWISH PRESS — Roih H«hon«h 6717 —Wd*y. Auguit. 31, 1956

Synagogue Messages

Hadassah iContinued from Page 2-C.) j Ai'Hiur Itubcl, Natlonql Field ConI jnllant fur lladussuh from New | Vmlc City who E<IY<* Omiiha and I inl;;hl)oiiri'; rlmpkrs of Hadiutsuh DiLinlji :s tin' benefit at hu cxp L i i i i u i in IIK MiiKibhi[), piojfiurn,

and (iind-idlbiiiK techniques, In August the annual Style Show and Card Party "Around the Clock Fashions." was held st the Paxton Hutel. The proceeds for this affair went to Hadassah

Projects. Membership During the year national membership for Hadassah went from 300,000-315,000. The local membership committee brought the Omaha Chapter's membership UP

Harry Bldmui

Beth Israel Ilarrjr Sldmui, president Offleer»I M a u r i c e Kstnaaa, vice-pruident. Henry Appel, secretary. Arthur OeuM, treasurer. D u Gordman, fF""^f> secretary. Board of Commissioners: H. Alperson, Mn. Henry Appel, Max ArblUnan, Mn. Sam Berman, £11 Blttner, Sam Bloom, Birney Dr« 1 vfeh, Izadore Elewltz, Hymen Ferer, Sam Freed. Mn. Max Fromkln, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Sam Hahn, Maurice Katelman, Mn. Sam.L. Katzman, Leo Kraft, Mn. MorrU E. Kutler, Nathan Leviruon, Morrli Levey, Harry Lewis, William Milder, Dr. Hastoll Morris, M. M. PoUakoff, William Welncr, Bernard White and 8am Zivelback. P u t Presidents: Jos U Dienstfry, Max Fromkln and Dr. A. Grcenberg. Standing on the thmhhold of UM N I W Year, on* should find It necessary »nd reasonable to pause —even U Jtwt for a moment—to ask himself, "Where am I going?" Any Intelligent approach to this question requires an understand. Ing of certain preliminary conilderatloni chief of which is the JewUh c o n c e p t i o n of religion. Throughout the ages, the Jew has never thought o( his religion as being a separate channel of behavior—as a special holiday cloak that he would cherish more than the other vestments In his wardrobe. Religion and life were, for all pratlcal purposes, synonymous terms to him. From the day he was bom until the final hour when his remains were lowered Into the grave, the Jew found his life regulated, even to the most earthly details of everyday activity, by his religious constitution—the precepts ot the Torah. Naturally, education in Torah represented education for We, The drabness of back-breaking toil and the misery of humiliating taunts lost their bitterness when the sweetness and light of Torah and tradition eased Jewish life. Today, the advancing surge of technological progress has Introduced bewildering complexities into the tempo of modern life; but the loyal Jew, nonetheless, refuses to allow his understanding of religion to be shunted Into a compartment; it and life remain in a state of merger, even as the obverse and reverse sides of a coin. So, when we ask ourselves in what direction we arc heading, we can find an extra measure of comfort and Inspiration In the thought that the embraclve Intcr-twinlng of our reunions teachings can make our lives more meaningful. Rabbi Benjamin flrnner

Abe Brodkey

Harry DuBoff

Temple Israel

Beth El

A. I I Brodkey, president. Hsrola P. Farber, vlee-presl dent Uejrd Bank, secretary. Lasar Kaplan, treasurer. Members of the Board: Milton S. Livingston, Edwin Brodkey, Harry B. Cohen, Richard Einstein, Rita Gilbert, Stewart Glllnsky, Richard HUler, Harry Perimeter, Mlllard Rosenberg, Lester Simon, Hubert Sommar, Naomi Levinson, Mlllard Krasne, Mlllard Speier and Btrnhardt L. Wolf. It la a safe prediction that the synagogues of our community will be filled with people on our High Holidays. It is not nearly so certain that our sanctuaries will be filled with worshippers.: The worship of God Is a unique experience which can not be won merely through exposure to a sacred service. Being In synagogue is not equivalent to being in prayer, Even reciting a prayer is not equivalent to praying. And a sense of having fulfilled one's duty by attending the so-called "Important" services can not be expected to bring a dear sense ot renewal of spirit and closeness to God.

Harry DuBoff, president. F. Balph Nogg, Woe-president, Dr, A. O. Blmmerman, vicepresident. Dr. Morris Margolin, honorary vice-president. Saul Oraeta, secretary. Nathan Turner, treasurer, Executive board:' I s a d o r e Abramson, Isadore Chapman, Bess Brodkey, Dr. A. Fellman, "Kitty" Frank, Barton Greenberg, Elmer Gross, Pauline Guss, Joseph Hornstein, Ben E. Kaslow, Meyer Katzmahi Irvin Levin, Ernest Nogg, Morton Richards, Eugene Rich, Dr. Joseph Soshnik, Earl Slegal, A, V, Vengcr, Phlncas Win troub and L B. Zlegman. , Sometimes there are worlds of Ideas in stories—and I should like to offer my greetings for the New Year in a story. But the story needs an Introduction:

Worship on our High Holidays or at any other t|me requires preliminary preparation in two directions. It is best, first, to be clear about why we go to the synagogue; and, secondly, it is well we give some thought to the values we expect to discover once we are there. For some, it Is easy to rationalize attendance at synagogue. The social obligation often dominates attendance at a Bar Mltavah, a marriage or confirmation. A nagging and uncertain fear is frequently the reason for getting to the synagogue in time for YIzkor or Kaddish. In these cases, being" In synagogue is an end In itself. But greater opportunities and richer spiritual rewards than these lie before us. On no occasions during the year are the values and ideas of our faith more - highly spiritualized than on the Rosh Hashonsh and Yom Klppur. There is no rich imagery, no definite history, no pleasant reassurance of social enjoyment. On the contrary the Awesome' Days are religiously rewarding only Insofar as we ourselves understand them to be. Let us hope that on our Holy Days and at all times during the years with which God may bless us with life and peace, we may Joyously turn our steps to the House of God eager to know Him and the way of life set forth for us in our tradition. And In His Presence may be come to a better understanding of ourselves" and our potentials for doing good. Thus may our words become worship and our presence In the synagogue ! a sanctlflcatlon of our lives. I May the New Year be for u* and all humanity a time of new

We have often noted with pleasure and wonder the sound balance Judaism exhibits as It tries to understand human life. It has a message for the whole man—a balance between body and soul. It has a message for each generation —a balance between tradition of the past and the need* of the present. It has a message for all mankind—a balance between tho Individual and the society he lives In. In each of these areas, there arc times when one side of the scales of life Is heavier than the other. Jewish teachers have tried to add the right weight and emphasis so that the scales may remain In balance. Moreover, there are some elements in our religious life and our religious calendar which • always must be weighed rather on one side of the balance than on the other, with other elements counter-weighing against them. Now we are almost ready for the story. There Is one special set of scales which attempts to reach a balance between the Jew's religious life as an individual and his life as a member of the Jewish people. Chanukkah, Passover, and beginnings that shall find our eyes turned to loftier goals, our hearts set on richer prizes of the spirit and our merit such as shall win for us the blessing of God. Rabbi 'Sidney II. Brooks

Sukkot, for example, despite the deep religious ideals they symbolize, must be placed on the side that weighs the Jew's life as a member of his people, But Rosh Hashanah and Yom Klppur—these weigh', and measure, and Judge the Jew as an Individual, not as membe • of the Jewish people but as a member of mankind. And now to the story. A famous Chasildlc Rabbi once addressed hli disciples before Rosh Hashanah: "When I was young, it was my ambition to bring all the people of the world to God. I hoped that I could teach all men the love of God and a perfect trust in Him. As I grew older, I realized I could not reach all men; so I confined my efforts to Jews alone. Still later, I realized that my influence could not be even that broad and I tried to win to God only the Jews of my city. When saw how little I was able to achieve, I limited my most Intensive efforts to my own family, the members of my household. And now that I am still older, I have been trying to win myself alone to a jerfect understanding of God and to perfection In my own life— and how miserably I failed even with myself!" Rosh Hashanah and Yom Klppur should bring us an intensive re'llglous experience on a personal basis. We gather with many Jews at prayer, but our efforts should be turned toward ourselves, toward our own spiritual fallings and toward an earnest resolve to win our own hearts to Judaism. For it is here, in the area of person.'.l commitment to Judaism, that the scales are off-balance. For the New Year, may each ot us and all of us, in the House of Israel and the larger body of mankind, find peace and well being. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke

to 1,250, the highest In Its history Mndlcal and Vocational The HMO and VE commltte met at a captains' tea eurly ii September, at which time tin heard Dr. W. J. McMartin, ioca physician, speak on I !s recent ton of the Near East. This spnrkc the opening of the HMO & V campaign. The Pre-Donor Luncheon fei tured Mrs. Samuel W. Hartley < New York City, National JIadas sah leader. The speaker em sized that years of hard and dedl cated work have been rewarde many times over, for today Ha. dassah operates a network of hospitals and 35 Health Stations In the Jerusalem corridor as well as an excellent Nurses' Training School. In partnership with the Hebrew University we operate Is rael's only medical school. Hadaspah successfully launched its pilot plant program In Betl MaxmlL The idea was to shift the empha' sis in community health to preventatlve treatment by diagnosing not only the patient, but the family; not only the disease, but the environmental factors which influence i t

The master plan also envisages a Shlkun, the development of a full-fledged community In Ein Karem with homes for Medical Center personnel and their families, a community center, schools and shops which will be a model Vocational Education is a nat- "City of Science" near an ex' ural outgrowth of Hadassah's orig- panding Jeruaslem. inal program to foster the wellA special citation honoring Dr. being of youth in IsrsJeL This in- Philip Sher was presented at the terest manifested Itself in the be- Medical Center Program in Janginning in the pioneering Hadas- uary. sah Nutrition School Luncheons, Purchasing and Supplies Child Welfare, and Recreation The Hadassah Purchasing and Programs inaugurated over three Supplies department acts an the decades ago. The Vocational Edu official purchasing agent for our cation program has been training many services in Israel. The emyoung people for skilled jobs in phasis on gift dollars for the supnew fields, thus enabling them to plies was stressed since no import cam their living with dignity and licenses were granted, This creto contribute to the building of ated employment for the Israelis their new democracy. To meet and helped to build the economy these needs Hadassah has expand' of the countrycd Its V. E. program which inTree and Gift Fund cludes the Alice Sellgsbufg VocaThrough the Jewish National tional High Schopl, Branded Vo- Fund Jews everywhere for over cational Workshops, Vocational half a century have had a vital Guidance Bureau, Hotel Training stake In the upbuilding of the land School, and Rural Vocational Cen> of Israel. The Blue Box collection tcr. Is held1 in the spring and fall of The Donor Affair was the cul- each year. Through the l a l s of mination of HMO and V. E, in a tree certificates Hadassuh has Silver Jubilee event held at the planted vast forests in Israeli Paxton Hotel December 11. IsYouth AUyah raeli Fashions designed by the As the official representative In Alice Sellgsberg, School of Design the United States of the Youth were modeled by our local Hadas- AUyah movement, Hadassah has sah women, An impressive candle- helped resettle and rehabilitate lighting ceremony honoring all over 70,000 Jewish children wrestpast chapter presidents living ed from 72 different countries, a In Omaha, present gftup presi- record that has no parallel in hisdents, plus the HMO and Group tory. Youth AUyah has played an chairmen was a highlight of the integral rolo in the nation buildafternoon, u was the p&ientation Ing of Israel, the absorption of its of a citation to Mrs. Leo Weitz, children Into the life blood of the for her "selfless devotion to the country. high ideals of Hadassah, and for Education her zealous service to the Jewish Education is basic to the existpeople In Israel and the US." ence and successful functioning of every Hsdassah chapter. It provides a foundation for all our actlcvttles and helps to shape their

character and direction. Tlu goals of our education program are to deepen the understandinR of Jewish vulues Iliat will be expressed In our Jtwi h llvlni;, und to stimulate the sturly of Hebrew as u Itty to Hie (iiltuiiil hiatuiy of our people. Willi IN1! in mind the H,idnivili KIOIIIW in November fcjturcd ') t h d r pmKi.iim a panel dlicustion on "A Living Jufhlam" with the three local Rabbis as KUest speakers. And later in the year <>lementury Hebrew lessons by local Hebrew teachers were a feature of one program. Several books were presented to the Omaha Public Library, books with both Zionist and Jewish content. The Educational Council of Hadassah including members of tho American Affairs, Zionist Public Affairs, and Education, met once

a month for an Oneg Shebat and discussion. American Affairs Iladnssali Is more than a great Zionist organization, more than tlip Amu lean partner of a uideil'iioil mcdlcul and welfare operation In Israel. It Is also one of the idiKCbt women's organl/atmns in America. Hadassah con(i ins itself with domenic and forii,'n u n i t s which involve us ull a1Americans. The American Affairs prof;rmr of Iladabhah Is designed to bun, to our members tho Information they need to analyze important current Issues thus helping them to participate Intelligently in public affairs. On current political issues which fall directly within its purview, H a d a s s a h sometimes takes an official stand nationally (Continued on Page 4-C.)

Happy New Year

M 0 RT U AR 1 ES





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ways appreciate an opportunity to discuss


In 1950 Hadassah launched a building fund campaign for the Hariassah-Hebrew University Medicnl Center to serve os the hub of healing, teaching, and lcbcirch In Israel. Ground wus broken for the Center nt Eln Karcin, a suburb of Jerusalem in 1952. Actual construction begun in 1!I54 with a Scnool of Nuiiini; "'id Nuites 1 Residences. The new Medical Center will include the rUithschildHadassah-Universlty Hospital with 470 beds, a new building for the Henrietta Szold School of Nursing with housing and teaching fa clliUes for 150 students; a new building for the Hebrew University Ilndassah Medical School which now h.a» an enrollment of over 450 students, an out-patient department capable of servicing 300,000 patients a year; and research clinical laboratories to serve both the school and hospital.

A Very Happy And Prosperous


your insurance problerhs with you.

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Happy New Year Blacksfone Pharmacy

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HA 6616


Nebraska Furniture Mart 2205 Farnam Street

New Year'f idition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosh Haihon«h 5717 —Friday, Auguil, 31, 1956

ouncil of Jewish Women


Mn. Greenberg

M n . Goldstein.


Mrs. Rubin


(Continued from Page 3-C.) which the American Affairs department communicates to Its local members. In l'Vbmury Omaha Chapter Iladdss h for the first time, jointly ipi.n-,oiccl a meeting with the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, and the B'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky and B'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapters oil American Affairs. Dr. Herman finer. Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago u,i o the uuest speaker. Zionist Public Affairs

The role of interpreting Israel's problems and aspirations to the American government and people Is the basic task of Hadassah't Zionist Public Affairs program. Convinced that the existence of a stron}; democracy in the Middle East is nuod not only for the Jewlih j> '.pic, but for the free world ax well, the Zionist movement in tills country must continue to buili sinport for the young State of Isr.iol Through this program the Zionist Public Affairs committee challenges the distorted and half-trut' campaigns directed by pro-Arab and anti Israel propaganda groups in this country.

the American tourist dollar than almost any other country on the Atlantic-Mediterranean t o u r 1 a t route. Of special Interest to Hadassah is the fact that a tour of Israel offers a first-hand acquaintance with Hadassah's projects there, which in turn means new supporters of our program. Then too tourism makes available, to Israel the valuable dollars which its economy needs" so urgently, and helps to create thousands of Jobs for the people in the country. Wills and Bequests Bequests and allocations from trust funds have become important sources of income for Hadassah. Such funds enable us to un-

dertake programs which we might otherwise not be able to support Benefactors who have thus sought to link their names and their gifts to the work of Hadassah, reflect both an everlasting respect of our program and a deep desire to perpetuate It for all time. Hadassah is able to provide tangible, beautiful and enduring memorials to their •generosity. Other Hadassah Projects, In eluded jewelry and merchandise sales. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah was recognized many times In the past year by the National Hadassah for excellent programming as well as newspaper, radio and

Mizrachi Women

Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club

President, Mrs. Harry Paskowltz. First vice-president, Mrs. Irving Stern. Second vie< -president, Mrs. Sol "ii'rJ »lci; iirnldent, Mrs. t. Goo Iblnder. Recording secretary, Mrs. William Epstein. Correspondent secretary, Mrs, Hurry Lewt». Treasurer, Mrs. Sam Collck. AdvUor, Mrs. Benjamin Groner Committee Chairmen are: children's village, Mrs. J. Goodbinder program, Mrs. Haskell Brandstetter and Mrs. Joseph Dinkelg; membership, Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff; dessert luncheons, Mrs. A. LJpsman, Mrs. Max Arbitman, Mrs, Bessie Behn, Mrs. B. Grossman, Mrs. Sol Nogg; bake sale, Mrs. Lewis Gerelick; telephone, Mrs. Jacob Janof aky and Mrs. Mendel Landsman donor luncheon reservations, Mr*. Ruth Ackerman; spedal publicity, Mrs. Ben EUenberg; Jewish Press and JNF Trees, M n . Ben Handler JNF Box Collections, Mrs. Herman Franklin and Door Admissions, Mn. Rose FogeL

We do thta not only in the interest of Israel, but because the United States and Israel are bound by common cultural roots a.common concept of democracy and a common allegiance to Western traditions in a mutuality of Interest which makes the defense of one integrally related to the defense of the other. Zionist Vouth American Zionist Youth activities guided young Judea groups in the grade and high school levels. The Zionist Youth activities program is geared to imbue Jewish boys and girls with an awareness and appreciation of their rich cultural heritage. This program stimulates active leadership to help Jewish Youth in this country understand and aid Israel and to participate actively in the democratic Mizrachi Women's Organization way of life in America. of America Is the orthodox branch The Hadassah Bowling League of the Zionist Organization. The provided funds for camp scholar- program in Israel is to provide ships to send children to Camp boarding schools for children, naHerzl. Delegates were also sent to tive orphans and refugees, where regional and national conventions; they will be taught to meet the and a select group were sent to problems of life. They are given a a special camp session with a staff religious and a secular education. provided by Camp Tel Hudah for The largest and best known of leadership training. these schools la a large village In ' Tourism itself. It is the Children's Village Ever since its independence Is- and Farm School at Raanana, Israel has exerted an increasingly rael, one of fifty of the Mizrachi strong attraction to the American Women's projects in Israel. ' tourist. Part of this appeal stems Members of the Omaha Chapter from basic economic realities; for of Mizrachi Women take part and Israel offers more, in terms of assist In Jewish Communal work services and accommodations for and civic affairs. The local chap-

TV coverage. Our local "Hadassah Highlights," bulletin issued monthly was commended highly nationally. Hadassah - women served aa workers in all community campaigns and endeavors in which they w r e Invited to participate. This committee planned a party at the Veterans' Hospital as well as the Dr. Philip Sher Home. The Supplies and Visual Aids Department kept the Hadassah workers well supplied with their needs from this department Omaha Chapter.Hadassah President for this past' year was Mrs. David Brodkey. Honorary President was Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky.

.Mrs. Harry PaskoirlU ter began its 1955-1956 season with the annual collections of JNF boxes. The year's activities were culminated by the Donor Luncheon, the chief fund raising affair of the chapter. Election of officer* was held in May and installed a t the June meeting. The outgoing president, Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff, takes this opportunity to thank an friends and con-' trlbuton to the chapter.

Bam Tarooff, President. Morris Goodman, Vice - President • Ben Martin, Secretary. Nathan Martin, Educational Director. Mn. Ben Martin, Welfare Director. H n . Milton Nearenberg, Treasurer. On Nov. 27, 1956, the Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club will celebrate its 25th anniversary. Activities of the dub include presenting of the very best Jewish plays. The proceeds are given to worthy charitable institutions. Regular Jneetlngi are held every two weeks In members' hornet. Current events and daily topics are discussed a t every meeting with all memben participating. Refreshment* a n served after each meeting.

President, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. Waya and means vice-president, Mn. J. M. Horwkn. Social welfare vice-president, Mn. Albert G u r . . Education vice-prealdpnt, Mrs. Loul» 8hrier. Public relations vice-president, Msr, Stanley Hereof!. Membership vice-president, Mrs. Bonier Farter. Does secreUrh*, Mm. Hariy HajrklQ and M n . Harry Welnberf. Corresponding eecntary, Mn. I*uto Upp. KecordlDf aecretarr, Mrs. Richard HUler. Budget secretary, Mr*. Jerold Treasurer, Mrs. Jerome Milder. Parliamentarian, Mr*. I. H. Welner. Auditor, Mn. Laxar Kaplan. Directors: Mn. Sidney Brooks, Mn, Harold Farber, Mrs. Louis Kate and Mn. Sam Zacharla. Regional representative, M n . Edward Levlnson. The National Council of Jewish Women organized in 1833. is one of the oldest women's organize tions in America. It la a non-poll tlcal and non-partisan membership organization dedicated to the full achievement of the democratic way of life. Its purpose is "to bring about a closer fellowship among Jewish women; to further united efforts in behalf of Judaism, to foster a program devoted to social welfare community affairs education, and International understanding for peace, and to develop, guide, and serve Sections of the National Council of Jewish Women." We. In Omaha, feel that the National Council of Jewish Women offers It* members many opportunities to carry out a three-fold program of Service, Social Action and Education. Because "Council" is made up of a cross-section of Jewish Women it gives an opportunity to all its members to work toward the betterment of the individual, the community, the nation and the world. Its program, in essence, is one of service and

Mn. Lloyd Friedman education. It provides an oppor tunity for service at home and abroad. It develops an understanding and appreciation among Jewish women of varying philosophies. It provides an opportunity to cooperate with other groups of different cultures and faiths for better understanding. The Omaha Section attempt! to carry out this broad program of "Faith and Humanity" in the following way: ' Ways and Mean* To run any organization one must have money and that is the end to which our Ways and Means department devotes itself. Under the capable leadership of Ways and Means Vice-president, Mrs. Sidney Schwartz—now to be replaced by Mrs. J. M. Horwlch— we had an active and profitable year. Our special events Include our Annual Overseas Luncheon the proceeds of which go to further our Shlp-A-Box program to send nursery supplies overseas. Our 12th Annual Dinner Dane "The Winter Wonder Ball," of. fcred an evening of dining and dancing with the proceeds going to fill our national quota which this year totaled $4200.00 Our three funds are each designated for a particular project Our Molllo Schlmmel Fund Is used for our latest project at the Philip

A contribution to the current campaign of United Cerebral Palsy on behalf of the handicapped makes you a partner In promoting community health and welfare.

Sher Home (or the Aged. TheMarion Stoter Scholarship Fund is used for our local tcbolanhlp program. Our Golden Age Fund is used to further our very active Golden Age Club. To honor those members whohave throughout we year donated $17.50 or over to. our dinner dance and funds we i;he a Council I'lute Social Welfare Under our Shlp-A-Uox program, we sent 39 boxes of play equipment, clothing and schuol supplki to Israel and Moiocco 13>v^('> <J T overseas luncheon,,we also had un April Showers meeting to send additional clothing under this program. We contributed funds and volunteers to the Omaha Hearing School. We continue to service Children's Memorial Hospital with volunteers the second Wednesday of each month and several of. our members were recognized at their annual meeting for the number of hours they had devoted af the hospital. We also contributed to the Children's Hospital Bazaar. . We provided volunteers for all civic drives under our community cooperation program. Council la -proHS to be the only Jewish organization oh: the United

In the Coming Year May You r\n& the Blessings of Continued Health and Prosperity

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A Very Happy New Year

Wtf ** Bervtoaf had two "of our delegate! go on executive boards this year. We gave two annual parties at tbc Veterans Hospital and at the Sher Home for the Aged. Through our Service to Korean Born Cominlllu! we pn->™tnd the Jewish Community Cmtcr with a check of JTiOOO to a n d three New Amerlr in ihiMnn to tummcr Day Cimp Jn ,1'Mition we jyve our fiiui'i 1 < •'riji lnp to Camp JCC i'iA n'Jr tinnml bi'irj! i rihip to the C .itr.p r-iie tiirl's Curnp Harriett Hardini:. We nre proud of our Golden Age Club which has flourished and grown ov:r the year. Outstanding programs and attendance set the story for the year, Among the programs presented werq a HomsnUshin conteit In. which our Golden Agcrs entered' and com* peted for prizes; o i y turn-aboutparty that gave ouc.Goldan Agens the opportunity to entertain their own children and grandchildren; our awruner picnic,«t Riverview park; bingo, cards, the honoring of blrthdiys which are all • part of this program. Each tamth a Gold, en Age News bulletin to tent to all member* with announcement! of (Continued on Page $ G )




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New Year

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HIS LAMP, which t i n tiuf^ In tynagoguti all ovir th« world tinea th« origin of the tibia Ilielf, ii an Implrlng symbol of the profound, unetailng faith of • great people and their untiring effort! toward a batter tomorrow.

In thirty scattered landi, thli lamp of faith burnt with the tame Impiratton for '•II -thoia on whom It» light fallt, be thair place of atterpfely a tynagogu* of ttout or • tent of goatskin. If hat boen 10 through the agoi. 1-,

Wo need look no further for a better jymbol for the uncertain timei today than filth like this . . . the knowhidge. that rrijh, with the help of.God, can solve hit own problems . . . that lasting poace in tho world will come to us only when the principles of charity and justice govern the actions of man. May this new year bring the answer to prayers of man of all faiths for a peaceful solution of the world's problems . . . that Roih Hashonah will bo recorded as the beginning of a new era for man . . . that within it ho will roach a greater dignity through a more complete realilation of the purpose |or which ha was intended.

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f T—

• •• V

' •

Pag* ' R v «

New Yaar's Edition — THE JEWISH PRESS —Roth Haihonah 5 7 1 7 * - F r i d a y , August, 3 1 , 1956


iscent homes, and when requested, :oshcr foods are provided for Jewh patients. Mrs. Alliiii Sialkin and her comait tee huve rnncle monthly visits the State Hospital in Lincoln where refreshments (ind gifts are csi'iiU'rl to the inmates The Bikur Cholim helps cclejrate the birthdays of the folks a t he Home for the Aged by giving a party once a month honoring all ho have had a birthday during he m o n t h . Refreshments are erved and entertainment Is proIded. Movies are taken and shown t these parties.

Council Women Nebraska Chapter B'nai B'rith

(Continued from Page 4-C.) the next meeting, original poems, and favorite recipes. We hope to President, Mn. Goodman Cohen. expand (this program to that we Ftr»t Vice-Frwldent, Mrs. Wilmay meet every week—and we liam Htone. have dreums of a permanent Second Vlce-Pre»ldcnt, Mr«. Joe lounge where they can meet when Upton. they wish. cording Secretary, Mrs. Paul Our latest project and another Harks. of which we are so enthusiastic Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. is our Home for the A(;ed project Bob Rbnmerman. We have already recovered many Financial Secretary, Mrs, B. pieces of furniture and added Kaplan. some additional pieces. Besides Treasurer, M n . Sophia Wohlner. the Home Beautiful part of our Two fund raising events are givSentinel, Mn.- 8. Zwerllng. project, we have begun a program en during the year, one at ChanuGuardian, Mrs. C. 8cudder. of recreation and therapy and we Historian, Mrs. g. Mayer. :ah time and one in June, Prohave Volunteers teaching painting seeds of these luncheons are used Trustees! Mn. Sol Llttman, Mn. and ceramics—the gluing of Jewell Harry Epstein and Mrs. Sara ManMrs. Uooilman Cohen to support the medical fund of the on brushes and combs,-and many v i t i . • ; ••• ' •_' . . ' • . " • - , Mrs. Jake Wine The medical bills ; • ; / . : the community In commemoration Bikur: Cholim; other project*. This home project Nebraska Chapter No. 346 holds of Brotherhood Week. The An- or supplies and equipment used ment towards tho elevator mortU supported by two of our Funds: meetings one* a month in conjunct the Home for the Aged Is paid nual Purim Party was held for gage fund will be made. the Golden Age Puna and the Mottion with' the Nebraska Lodge No. the residents of the Dr. Sher tor by this organization. Under the supervision of Mrs. lie Schlnunel Fund. - • Regular meetings are held the 1445,. Prognuins for the year In- Home for the Aged in March. The Max Kaplan, the Gray Ladies proj, Education cluded jnoylesi,.guest speakers and same month the Nebraska Chap- second Monday of each month at,' ect has been added to the Bikur " Under our Education Depart- various social functions. ter Israel Bond Club was organ- he Jewlsh.Commumty Center. An Cholim Acltlvlties, Weekly visita merit, we have itudy groups, state nnual Succoth and Purim Tea Is Nebraska .Chapter began this ized. legislation, and freedom to read leld to celebrate these holidays. tion by members of her committee year with a paid-up Membership Many of our active members are Campaign units. Council particiThis year, the first annual Grand- to the Philip Shor Home for the lairdeh Party August 31. ' participating in the B'nai B'rith ' piled with nine other dvie organmother, Mother, and Daughter Aged has been inaugurcated. Our Sewing -Circle computed Bowling League, which this year Tea was held in May and was a Chairman for tho various com. ' UaUonj In a GET OUT THE VOTE was increased to twenty-four mittees arc: Mrs. Allan Zalkin, campaign during the primary elec- successfully their annual card parhuge success. teams. We are also proud of the tlflns and we shall continue to do ty bazaar luncheon October 12. A A special August fund raising parties for the. Home for the Agod progress being made In the Junior sO for the national election this beautiful handmade afghan was vent has been given each year for and the State hospital in Lincoln B'nai B'rith Bowling League, given as a door prise. All proceeds fall. he past three years. The first Mrs. Paul Katzman, hospital visl' went to an Israel chllren's home.' There are 81 youngsters, ranging year, enough money was raised to tatlon; Mrs. Myer Linda, Succoth Under this department, too, in.age from 11 through 14, en:. Nebraska C h a p t e r , together purchase an oxygen tent for the and Purim Teas; Mrs, Cecil Izoncame our monthly meetingi and with the Henry Monsky Chapter, thusiastically participating in the Home. The second year, air condl- statt, card party and luncheon ar board meetings, This year we program. The B'nal B'rith Girls' completed another successful fundlonlng units were purchased for rangements; Mrs. Aaron Levine, again had our Annual Council Sabraising effort. B'nal B'rith women chapter, now In Its second year, he auditorium and the dining regular luncheon meetings; Mrs, bath at the thric synagogues with has shown rapid growth and prog. bowlers contributed to our fundroom of the Home. Last year a Phil Katzman and Mrs. Myer Lin. Mrs. Edward Levlnson speaking raising. We made our allocations. ress. We are happy to have a part large sum of money was raised to da, membership; Mrs. Paul Katzat Temple Israel. Mrs. Sidney In helping sponsor this group as . Jointly with the Henry Monsky reduce the mortgage due on the man, telephone; Mrs. William Ep Schwartz at Beth-El and Mrs. ArChapter, our. members continued Well as our two fine AZA Chap- elevator at the Home for the Aged stein, flowers; Mrs, Phil Smith, tathur Goldstein at Beth Israel. their monthly Bingo parties at the ters. which was underwritten by the bit- setting and decorations; Mrs, We tried thorugh the year to Veterans Hospital In Omaha as Max Kaplan, Gray Ladies commit Our membership chairman has Bikur Cholim. present, different phases of pur well as the Veterans Hospital In done an outstanding Job this year, This August, a dessert luncheon tco, and Mrs. Harry Sldman am program to our members through Lincoln. Through her efforts we have was again held and another pay- Mrs. Harry Llppett, fund raising. our general programming! In SepIn^cooperatlon with the other gained fourteen new members. tembe we honored our Community The Nebraska Chapter is proud Welfare Volunteers and heard Mil- lodges and chapter In Omaha we ton Abrahams, President of the continued sponsoring B'nai B'rith of the service it Is rendering, not United Community Services speak. days at the Red Cross Blood Cen- only to District No. 6 but to our In January to point up our sus- ter supplying both donors and community as well. taining Interest in civil liberties workers, We are extremely proud we reviewed our Freedom to Read that one of our past presidents, I campaign sjid presented a very Mrs. Max Sacks, Is the president fine film, "The Sound of a Stone," of the Red Cross Gallon Club. We . Jn February we wer* pleased to gave our support to the Commu- join with Hadassah and the two nity Chest, March of Dimes, Eas'B'nal B'rith auxiliaries to bring ter Seals, Tuberculosis Campaign, President, M n . Jake Wine. you Professor Herman Finer of Cancer Drive, Children's Memorial First vice-president, Mrs. Harthe University of Chicago who Hospital and Jewish Philanthro- ry Sldman. spoke on "Defense of Democratic p i e s . ' • . . • • • . • ' . • . " • ' • : • • . • • ' . •'' Second v i c e * president,' Mn, A Luncheon and Card Party was Freedom." Myer Linda. held January 29. All proceeds went In March we brought you Dr. Third vice-president, Mrs. HarJohn A. Aita who spoke on "Men- to the Leo N.Levi Memorial Hos- ry Llppett. pital, National Jewish Hospital tal Health." In April to help a Treasurer, M n . Charles Ross, worthwhile community project, Bellefalre . Orphan Home, and Dues secretary, M n . lot LevinRochester Center. w t hid Kendrick Wilson of the In February, the third Annual sky. O m a h a Community Playhouse necordlnf secretary, Mrs. Jack Women's Citizenship Award was •peak. This year our Scholarship given to an outstanding woman In committee and Awards committee Corresponding' secretary, M n . recommended these scholarships Louis Blporln. We welcomed. 106 new members be given and the recipient this The Bikur Cholim Society oi into our Council family this year. Omaha, organized by a small year Is Joseph Beck. This then briefly is a review of group of women over thirty years This scholarship loan is supported by our Marlon Staler Scbol' the year of the Omaha, Section, ago to help the old, the sick, aw National Council of Jewish Worn the needy of our community ha arshlp Fund which was named In en. Each member has a part in continued Its program of helpini memory of our late president the accomplishments and achieve- the less fortunate. Many are the Public. Relations Each year a Year Book contain ments of her organization. There- projects undertaken by this ded: ing the names, addresses and tele- fore to continue t o achieve the cated group of ladles. phone numbers of, each of our high goals we have set, it is neces Under the leadership of Mrs. members 1* sent to ea'ch member. sary that we have active partld Paul Katzman, periodic visits are patlon from each and every oni This little book also Includes our made to the hospitals and conva> by-laws, a list of our various of pur members. Council's purpose Is an Inspired one—these words chairman, and a calendar of scheduled meetings. T o keep our mem- perhaps express that purpose bet bershlp informed we sent a month- ter than most: ly bulletin with news of the local "I did not find the world desolate section and our national organwhen I entered it, ' izatlon. We had two TV programs And as my fathers planted, for m< this year and through radio and before I was born newspapers we tried to keep our So do I plant for those who will members Informed.' come after me." v

Foods at Their Finest

Bikur Cholim Society

for Its extensive human relations) program and its community service as well as for its broad philanthropic piojects. B'nai B'rith, the oldest and larg est Jewish Service Organization in America dedicated to serve oui cuuntiy, oui f imihcs, and human ily, has a number of projectt which uie MippoitLd by its mem-

B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter 1'rvsldcnt, Mrs. Hurry Sldman. First vice-president, Mrs. Max rl/.elfimii.

ht'i ond tlce-presidint, Mrs. foldy Znciraer.

Third vice-president, Mrs. Hur'I he Hcniy Monsky Chapter No •y Smith. 470 of Omaha, one of tho integrant Ifouording secretary, Mrs. Dan parts of the national organizatlor Gordman. takes great pride in the accomCorresponding secretary, M n . plishments of its program. Ben ZoorwllL Our good will ambassadors, the Financial secretary, Mrs. 8am Dolls for Democracy, have had a iarror-. busy year. An estimated 10,000 Dues secretary, M n . Sol Mlroff. adults and children in Omaha and Treasurer, M n . Qharles Stern. several thousand in nearby cities Sentinel, Mrs. Abe Glnsburg. Mrs. Harry Sldman have been visited Jn the two years Historian, M n . Nate Gitnlck. B'hai B'rith Henry Monsky ChapGuardian, Mn. W. S. Abrahams. ter No. 470 has been selected as of this B'nal B'rith Brotherhood Trustees, M n . IUchard Wright, one of the 250 Honor clubs in project. The B'nal B'rith Childrens' .Irs. Ruben Batner, and Mrs. Nate America and was accorded recogHome in Israel Is patterned along iaplun. nition in the May issue of the Monltress, Mrs. Harry -Fried- Women's Home Companion mag- the lines of the Bellefalre Home. A new and enlarged B'nai B'rith man. azine. The Chapter was selected Childrens1 Home was dedicated For the second consecutive year, for the magazine honor roll In rec- last October in Jerusalem, white*' ognition of distinguished commu The past year has been a suc- nlty service and improvement' child victims of Nazi and other issful one for the Bikur Cholim Monsky Chapter was the only club oppressions are being rehabilitated through skilled psychiatric ociety due to'the efforts of its in the state of Nebraska and the treatment. The ladles of our sewiff leers, chairmen, their commit, only Omaha organization to be so ing group have made hundreds of ees, and the members and friends honored. The Chapter was cited (Continued on 6-C.) f Bikur Cholim.

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Now YeaVi Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Re* HaiKonan 871? —Friday, Au««ft, 31, I 9 M

Monsky Chapter


designed to be educational as well entertaining. A series of evening study groups were held last year and plans are being made for a smlliar series this coming year. O u r community cooperation President, Mrs, Joseph Gas*. chairman represents us in the First Vice-President, Mrs. Sam Women's Inter-Club Council, at Ban. the Federation of Jewish Women's Second Vice-President, Mn. Er Clubs, and at the Veterans H nest Nogg, pltal. They bring matters of local Third Vice-President, Mrs. Dav< and nations! Importance . to the Kstleman. sisterhood's attention and stress social actions on occasions when Recording Secretary, Mrs, O the group can take steps along Rich. Corresponding Secretary, M n . those lines. Our group sews for the Synagogue, for Israel and for Arthur Grossman. Financial Secretary, Mr*. Mor- the Dr. Sher Home for the Aged. Our Gift and Book Shop makes rls BolUtaln, Co - Financial Secretary! Mrs. available many articles and books of traditional Jewish meaning. Our Harry FerensteU. sisterhood, together with the other Treasurer, Mrs. Al Fiedler. Auditor, Mrs. M. A. Bercovtd. sisterhoods in the National Worn' rarlianuatarUii. Mrs. M. A. en's League of the United Synagogues of America, help support Venger. Directors, IMS: Mrs. A. D, the Jewish Theological Seminary Frank, Mrs. D. B. Cohan and M l * by raising funds / o r scholarships for rabbinical students. , JPUaeaa Wtatmib. Directors, » M r Mrs. A. C. FeD> •aaa, M n . Robert Kooper, Mrs. Aaroa Rips. The fall season of 1956 marks the beginning of the 28th year of activity for the Beth El Sisterhood. The alma and purposes of the sisterhood are the strengthening of traditional Judaism by furthering the spiritual, material and social Interests of the synagogue by advancing Jewish education among Its members; by assisting In every way possible.In bringing Its youth doser to the synagogue and Judaism, and by strengthenIng the religious life of the local Jewish community.

Beth El Sisterhood

(Continued from 5-C) Tnmmt, Hnv Bam Vvnk. srtlde* tor this Chilnrwis' Home Vtoandal secretary—Mrs. MilIn Israel consisting of ahirta, toat NeuenbeiY. drases, blouses and blankets. In Oorrespoadlof secretary, Mrs. their quiet way. they nave fulfilled MUton Neannberz;. on* of our obligations as tha B'nai Recording secretary, Mrs. II. B'rith women alone are responsi* BldUln. Me for the Children! Home in Ia- Treasurer, M n . H. Wohlner. • r a « L


. - ' • • • •

Chairmen are: publicity, Mrs. Leonard Plnkovitz; Israeli Bonds, Mrs. Marian Bondarin; National Fund, Mrs. Sarah Okun and Mr«. H. Richlin; telephone, Mrs. H. Uichlln assisted by Mrs. Abe CoTh# thIW annual Foreign stu- hen, Mis. I Forbes, and Mrs Na<-stit Party given a* part of the than Mai tjn. observance of United Nation Other chairmen are: memberWeak for foreign students atten ship, JUs. J. Kaplan; cultural, Mrs. Ban Novak ing the colleges and universal Mrs. Milton Nearenberg; reprein Omaha was held at the hon sentatives to Federation of J e w friend in New York asking her to of | Mr*. Harlan Peck ham in th ish Women's Clubs, Mn. Sam No- get in touch with some friends tohri of a United Nation Buffe vak, Mrs. Max Levlne; Israel sup- and arrange to lend them 100 Supper, plies, Mrs. Sam Novak, Mrs. S. H. pounds to build a cistern. It was A dessert luncheon and can Binder; Ad book, Mrs. Sam Rlf- this loan that made American Pi party was featured as part of tl kin, Mrs. J. Feldman; hospitaler, oneer Women, the sister organientertainment for the Leo N. Le Mrs. Sam Richman, Mrs. I Forbes zation of the Isratli Working '- Coin Shower. Funds raised at th. and courtesy, Mrs. Sam Novak. Women's Council eveni»are used to purchase linen Pioneer Women maintain chilOmaha Pioneer Women are a and oth«r equipment for this ho: dren's homes, day nurseries, and pTtaL Leo N. Lev! Hospital locatei part of a national organization that was founded in 1034 wh*n home and reception centers for at _Hot Springs, Arkansas is di there was a shortage of water in immigrant women aa well aa trade yotSd entirely to the healing Galilee. Mrs. Ben Zvi, Israel's and vocational achools in Israel arthritic patients. The hospital In the last five years, Pioneer open to the afflicted, regardles first lady wrote an American Women's the Women's Labor Zipf faith, color, or creed. Only nor Chapter arid the new Chapter has onist Organization of America, paying patients are admitted f< been named the "Eleanor Roose- has shipped to Israel 1,000,000 treatment. pounds of clothing or an average velt BB Girls." • The ADL chairman supervise The third B'nai B'rith annual of more than one garment for Ihe distribution of the ADL mem Woman's Citizenship C i t a t i o n each of the 1,500,000 men, women &X'andum calendar and desk pa< Award was presented to Mrs, and children in that country. | s a gift from the Monsky Chap, Verne Vance, President of the Ur- Clothing Is collected, from Jewfcr to the Principals of all C ban League. The citation Is pre- ish and non-Jewish people and orha public and parochial schools. sented annually in February by ganizations throughout the world. £ach elementary school princlps B'nai B'rith Women to an Omaha The Items are assembled in a Thejnembership of the group is was also the recipient of a con: woman "in recognition of out- warehouse In New York, and are 550 women, who are divided into plinicnlary copy of a booklet en standing service in community and sorted and balled for 'shipment to 18 circles. Every member is called title! '•Tiic Ilalibit Brothers" b civic affairs for the improvement Israel on to participate in synagogue acRobert Kraus. This hook is of human relations and the adOmaha Pioneer Women have tivities. The circle chairman, tosigned for the ui-.e of thiiii an vancement of citizenship respon- this past year shipped 60 large gether with the executive comfourth grade students in comba sibility." This Citation luncheon boxes of clothing. The clothing, mittee and special events chairing prejudice and in buildin. was given Jointly by the Henry some new and some used, ranged man, plan and execute tha various healthy inter-group relations. Monsky Chapter and the Nebraska from baby layettes to overcoats, fund-raising projects throughout . Th- V'utf.'i'ans Affairs chairmar Chapter. dresses and men's apparel In the year. and her committee continued the Our co-operation was given to conjunction with the hew clothes outstanding work at the Veteran Funds raised are used for the Hospitals in Omaha and Lincoln the Community Chest, Red Croat to Israel an annual shower is held maintenance of the Sunday school, in May. Easter Seals, Cancer Drive and Monthly parties were held at thi to provide scholarships to send The year 1955-1956 has been a young people to synagogue sponOmaha Hospital; hi-monthly par various other local endeavors. We ties at the Lincoln ^Hospital. Sub' provided workers to stuff envel- real accomplishment for Pioneer sored summer camps, and to beaus'cription.s for magazines were pre- opes for the Tuberculosis Cam- Women. Our main proceeds came tify and furnish additional equipsented. Special holiday needs am paign and staffed the Chest X-Ray from an ad book. The committee ment for the new building. decorations we;e provided. Mrs Mobile Unit. We gave continued was headed by Mr. and Mrs. 8am Congregational dinners, card Charles Stern received a. district support to the.Omaha Opportunity Rifkui. The ad books were dis- parties, luncheons. Book Review, tributed at an annual Conor Dinappointment as B'nai Britr, Center. style show, and Torah Fund donor VAVS Chairman scrvins the Oma. Our members patridpated in ner held at the Fireside Restau- tea will provide opportunities for ha VA hospital and Mrs. Aaroi the bowling program with treat rant May 9. the members of the entire congreEpstein was appointed by the Dis enthusiasm. This past year, the Other projects of the past year gation to participate in social trict to serve the Lincoln VA hos. bowling league was greatly en- included the Child Rescue Fund. events this year. pltaL larged. The Pioneer Women hold regSisterhood members serve on The B'nai B'rith Martyrs For- ular luncheon meetings the fourth The Israel Bond Chairman ani est in Israel which is being plant- Tuesday of every month at the Sunday School and Talmud Torah her committee cooperated in thi ed by Jews the world over to com- Jewish Community Center. Board committees and plan and assist In B'nai .B'rith Bond Rally held a memorate our Jewish Martyrs Is meetings are held every month. the celebration of all Jewish holithe Blackstone HoteL days. A Sisterhood committee is taking root on Israel's Judean The Oneg Sbabat, a literary Hlllel Foundations serve the re. Hills as a living monument to the In charge of the nursery school gathering to held once a montti a t llglous, cultural, and social needs six million Jews murdered by the which is rated one of the best the homes of various member^ of the Jewish Student away fro: Nazis. For $1.50, one can plant a We have a local speaker, reading* nursery schools in the city. It Is home. Our chapter presented th' tree. recommended by several pediatridone by various member*, folk second Hillel series, "The Bible— cians and approved by Omaha UnTogether with the Nebraska songs and discussions of interest. A Modern Approach" by Bernan iversity for credit to practice Locally we contribute to the teachers. Banberger to the synagogues, th Chapter, our joint fund raising Omaha Public Library, and th event was an outstanding success. Jewish Philanthropies, CommunOur monthly programs presentJewish Community Center Li; A Thanksgiving card party and ity Chest, Red Cross and help in Bazaar was held at the Black- their drives. We also contribute ed a t , our regular meetings, folbrary. stone Hotel. Each guest received to the Jewish National Fund and low a designated theme and are Through our Donor Funds, wi a combined recipe and year book Children! Memorial Hospital, Vethave supported the B'nai B'ritr featuring favorite recipes of the erans Hospital and helped enterNational Jewish Hospital in Den; B'nai B'rith Women. The Monsky tain at the Dr. Philip Sher Home Fund Council. Our annual picnic was held with Ver. This hospital has won inter Chapter Bake Sale also proved of the Aged. the Jewish National Farband and national acclaim as a tuberculosis very successful. We are also active In National the People Zion at Elmwood Park. treatment and research center.

Children at the Belief aire Home in Cleveland wet* the recipients of many useful Chanukah .gifts sent by the members of our Chap-













• •


The Rochester Center at th Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minn, also supported through our Donoi Funds serves as a religious, social and-cultural center for patients an3-their families who come to the clinic from all over the coin* try,'The B'nai B'rith desk in thi clinic itself provides a social serv. ice worker who helps countless numbers. The B'nai B'rith Youns Groups 8X8 |n full swing. Partial scholarShips to attend the BEG District Contention are presented to thr groups. A second BBG Chapter has been' organized here. The Hodi

KrstamssitaitaA Krs, L ( « 7 4 .

Temple Israel Sisterhood


President, Mn. Edward Gilbert. Flr»t vice-president, Department of Religion and Education, Mrs. Sdtvnrd kcviimon. Second vlce-pmlilent. Depart' ment of Membership and Admin litratlve Scrvlrc, Mn. Stanley i



Third vice-president,1 Department on Advancement or Ju;laUtn Mrs. I. H. Welner. fourth vlce-preildent, Department on Human Relations, Mrs. Harold Kasln, Corresponding secretary, Mrs, Paul Blotcky. Treasurer, Mrs. Hillard Krasne, Auditor, Mrs. Abe Brodkey. Recording secretary, Mrs. Maorlee Frank. Dues ««er*taryl Mrs. Uuar Kap-

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for the Whole Family

Airs. Edward GUhrrt

One of the largest and most Important projects of the National Fr ' .ration of Temple Sisterhoods Is the Youth, Education and Sisterhood (YES) Fund, which is raised by voluntary contributions nnd proceeds from the sale of Unlongrams. The Dormitory on the (Continued on Page 7-C,)

Best Wishes to Our Many Friends and Customers


Good Entertainment

The National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods was organized January 21, 1913 made up of forty-nine Sisterhoods. Today It has more than five hundred units and twenty district federations. TTiere urc more than 100,000 members In the United .Stntes, Canada, Cuba, Panama, United Kingdom, Union of South Africa nnd Auftralls.



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N.w Y o r ' t Edition-THE JEWISH MESS — fesh Hathon.h 5717—Friday. August. 31, 1956


nlty projects such as the V. J. A. Trees for Israel campaign with ts members participating willingly of their time, effort, and finance. President, Alan B. Macks. Participation in civic activities First vice - president, William was again foremost in the afflars '.one. of the Lodge, with a full support Second vice-president, Abe Kax.of the Red Cross blood donor drive ivsky. and the Rod Feather Agency drive Treasurer, Al Hoffman. and an active interest in the VetFinancial secretary, l'lill Kutler. Recording secretary, Sam Levin. erans' Hospital. Warden, lot Epstein. Nebraska Lodge, as in the past, was conscious of the necessity for lion of the following activities. continuing support of our youth The organization of a new Engorganizations, AZA and B. B. Y. Ish-Speaking Branch installed by O-, and participated actively in our President Jack Zuckerman of their (unctions throughout the past Mew York City. year. A bazaar, several card parties Nationwide in i t s thinking, sponsored by Branch No. 258 and Lodge No. 1445 focused its attenthe Ladies Auxiliary. tion on the activities of the AntiDefamation League and the Hlllel Adoption ol two orphan chilAlan Macks Foundation, and undertook supdren, one In Israel and another in Custodian, Dave Flanchlck. port rf the Henry Monsky BuildFrance by the Dramatic Club and Trustees: Max Saoiu, Al Oruch, ing. the Workmens Circle Families. Joe Llpton, Harold Segal, Sol MarAnnual Dinner to provide finanLast year, an average of 58,100 cial assistance to the Jewish La- tin, Chaplain, and Marvin Kaplan, The past year nas seen the Ne-Red Cross volunteers a month bar Committee. A Jewish play presented by the braska Lodge No. 1445 B'nai B'rith served members of our armed Dramatic Club. Financial support undertake with success another forces and veterans at mlllt*fy to the Shelter Fund in Israel, as year of service to the Jewish peo- camps and hospitals, through chapter Home Service assistance, well as the following projects: free ple and to metropolitan Omaha. The Nebraska Lodge was e » and In Veterans Administration kitchen in Israel; free nursery in Israel; Wladeck Home In France. ceedlngly active in Jewish commu- hospitals.

B'nai B'rith . Nebraska Lodge

temple Sisterhood

JWY Auxiliary

(Continued from Pace 6-C.) Cincinnati campus of the Hebrew Union College-Jewlih Institute of

President, Mrs. Abo Miller. Senior vice-president, Mrs. Jack »jl»n. Secretary, Mra. J. Milton Margolin. Treasurer, Mrs. Ed Simon. Historian, Mrs. Deunar Klein. Ouard, Mra. Max Belgrade. Color bearer, Mrs. Arnold Epbteln. Chaplain, Mr*. Delmar Klein. Trustee* t 'Mrs. Abe Kaplan, Mrs. Frank Cohen, Mrs. Bar* Feltman. Committee chairmen are: Americanization, Mrs. Max Rosen; program, Mrs. Paul Crounse and Mrs. Nate Marcus; bulletin, Mrs, Stanley Kaplan; overseas servicemen, Mrs. J. Milton Margolin; teleKadbnah officers: (left to right) Meadame* Heitnaa Mirovlt* phone, Mra. Abe Kaplan; social Herbert Wlntroub, Charles Ouss and Raymond Corey. service, Mrs. Sara Feltman; welfare, Mrs. Betty Rablnowiti; economics, domestic sciences and VAVS representative, Mrs. Aaron hygiene (or women and girls. Epstein, and Lincoln Veteran HosKadimah Chapter members, durA board of governors, comprised pital, Mrs. Frank" Cohen and Mrs. of Mmes. Herbert Wlntroub, Her, ing the past year, sponsored variIda Simon. man MlrowlW, Charles Ouss and ous fund railing projects such at During the year, EpsteuvMor- Raymond Corey, heads the Kadi- a bake sale, rummage sale and gan Auxiliary of Jewish War Vet- mah Chapter of Pioneer Women Eudlce Mlrowitz Memorial Tea, at which the annual Ad Book was erans activities included memorial (or 1QM-18S7. distributed. A combination, memservices which were held in conOther officers for the year Inbership, donor and installation Junction with the Post at the clude Mines. Dave Wine, first vice- luncheon w u held at Hansen's graveside of the late Herman president! Ben Wine, second vice. Restaurant, where Mrs. Raymond Goldstein. In June, our annual president; Melyln Brown and Har-Corey, outgoing president, was fund raising was held on Flag ry Slref, third vice-presidents; Da- presented a past president's bracevid Beber, finaaolal secretary; Day. let Blchard Spltgal, treasurer, and Kadimah Chapter members, In Our annual fund raising card Hoe Kafan, historian. addition contribute to local projparty was held Oct, 10 at the The Board of Governors has ap- ects. The chapter members, durBrandeis store. pointed the following Committee Twenty packages were sent to heads: NJmej. Eugene Braun, pub- ing the past year gave of their time and effort in such local drives overseas servicemen by our over- licity; Dan Gordman, Civil De- as the Red Cross and Community fense; Ben Kaplan, Donor Cards; Chest campaigns, They contributed seas chairman. Monthly bingo parties were held Irving J. Forbes, Hostess; Sidney to the Needlework Guild and to at the Omaha Veterans Hospital Snelder, Education; Dan Stein, the Children's Memorial Hospital under the direction of VAVS rep- Sumhine Cards; Paul Wolk, Bulle- bazaar. A program was sponsored tin; Isadora Falk, Calling Commit- at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish resentative. ' In December, mem- tee. Home for the Aged and at the Vetbers were hostesses at the hosThe main objective of Kadimah pital coffee hour. At Christmas Chapter of Pioneer Women is to erans' Hospital. time we presented several hun- assist In the upbuilding • of Israel Kadimah Chapter meetings were dred gifts to the patients. Mem- as a democratic state and to de- held the third Thursday of each bers alternate In attending the velop among American Jewish month. Speakers who addressed women an understanding of the the group were: Dr. Floyd Ring, monthly card parties. way 6f life as well as the needs of psychiatrist; and Warren Swlgart, The auxiliary along with 'the women In Israel; thereby making City Commissioner. The diversiPost purchased medicine for a the American Jewish women more fied entertainment also included patient at the Veterans Hospital cognizant of their responsibilities the presentation of original skits. who was not able to pay for It. from an American viewpoint. Each meeting Included a social Every summer the Auxiliary sends Kadimah Chapter, through its hour. two children to the Center Day sister organization, the Moatzet Delegates from Israel offered Hapoalot <Councll of Working cultural and educational programs Women In Israel) maintains a netat luncheons, and were entertained will take place In Chicago in Febwork of over 110 Institutions for by the Kadimah Chapter Pioneer ruary. Omaha women Will be(host women and children In Israel. Women. to the District No. 6 tournament These institutions include day nurIn 1959. We are proud that our series, full time children's homes, women participate in all B'nai reception centers, rehabilitation B'rith projects and philanthropies centers and hornet (or immigrant and contribute to the fund raising women, agricultural training farms Midwest District Committee each year. Our association is made (or young people, vocational and (Des Molnea, Sioux City, Omaha, trade schools (or women, recrea< Lincoln, and Denver), up of members of the two wonv tlon (adlltles (or school children L. Wltkln, chairman. •n't chapters—Nebraska Chapter and teen agers and classes in home Max Croons*, treasurer. No, 316 and Henry Mdnsky ChapH. F. Goodman, aeeretary. ter No. 470. The Midwest District CommitAt B'nai B'rith women bowlers, Camp, who are chosen by the tee which meets once a month is we are aware of the (act that our Center. composed'of the following groups; Americanization chairman pre- Branch No. 173; Branch No. 258; groat order performs a great service to humanity and we are proud sented an American flag to Rob- Workmcns Circle Dramatic Club, to be a part or this worthy pro- bins school in February during and the Ladles Auxiliary. We are plen«ed to announce the comple Brotherhood week. gram.

Religion YMI>> a $.115 000 };ift 'rom

the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. There arc tuition scholarships to the Hebrew Union School of Sacred Music for former displaced persons and pre-rabbinic fellowships for students from overseas who will serve after ordination, congregations of the World Union for Progressive Judaism outside the United States. There will be an afternoon Bible Study Group and . a young couplcji forum on Basic Judaism, which will meet in the evenings. The, House of Living Judaism— Mr*. Sam Katsman Berg Memorial In New York City —standi as a tribute to the de- day School and Talmud Torah; voted efforts of Sisterhood mem- hosting the clty-wlde meeting for bers. , ^ i . , I the Women's Division of Jewish Philanthropies Campaign; and participation In all Community co-operation projects.

B.I. Sisterhood President, Mrs. Sain Katzman. )FJr.t vlre-prfsldent, Mrs, Jtenrjr

B.B. Women Bowlers

tleeond Vice-president, Mrs. Ar- President. BonU Forbes. thur Parllnun. First vice-president, Helen ShuThird vice-president, Mrs. liar- kert. old Zejmsi.y. Second vice-president, Merriam Jrrrjtfnrrr, Mrs. Lewis A>b>IL Cooprrman. Iteaardlng secretary, Mrs. Na- General secretary, Kosa Oruch. than Kaplan. R e c o r d s e c r e t a r y , Lottie Financial secrctarlra, Mrs. Sid.Blpch, noy FelUmnn and Sirs. Harold Treasurer "A" League, Helen Bloom.. ' , Tarnoff. Corresponding ncrreUrlu, Mrs. D. W.-.Frank and Mrs. Barney Urcy. Parliamentarian, Mrs. Alfred Frank." Beth Israel Sisterhood, as a member' of Women's Branch of UOJC'A, Is dedicated to the furtherance of the highest Ideals of Torah. True Judalim; to promote closer fellowship among our people; and to observe the traditional ideals and religious observance of our people. It l( a part of hlstcrhojcl agenda to participate In all synagogue functions and activities. The past year the sisterhood assisted In making the annual citation dinner a memorable mmlcal occasion. Regular annual activities for Beth'Israel Sisterhood Include the Mother-Daughter dinner; the Linen Shower; the Book Review luncheon; the current monthly Bake Sole; the distribution of Mrs. Irving W. Forbes Chanukah candles to the congregaTreasurer "B" League, Eva Wlntion; the management of the Gift ' Shop; the Donor Luncheon; and troub. Serfeant-at-armi, B e d Welnthe publishing ol a monthly sisterb«rg. N hood bulletin. Publicity, Id* Sacks. The most rewarding and InspirCorresponding secretary Woming sisterhood activity Is sponsoring of Junior Congregation. After en's district No. 6, B'nal B'rith Sabbath services every week a Bowling association, Ids Sack*. luncheon Kiddush is served to 80- Past president Women's District 100 youngsters; annual Talmud No. 8, B'nal B'rith Bowling assoTorah attendance awards are dls- ciation, Rose Oruch. .tributcd at a special function — B'nal B'rith women in Omaha this past year sixty silver Kiddush have been bowling since 1949. cups were awarded for perfect at- From the original eight teams, this tendance. league has grown, very rapidly. •The annual '.'Know Thy Neigh- Last season there were twentybor Sabbath" Is hosted by Beth Is- our teams bowling at West Lanes. rael Sisterhood. Other Important Our women have participated In activities Include the annual party district bowling tournaments in at the Home for the Aged; co-op- Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee-and eration in projects concerning Sun- St. Paul. The 1957 •lournamen





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S. ' MB. and MBS. ALFRED OLMB and family, -wish all their friends snd relatives a very happy New Year. MB. aad MBS. MAX ABBITMAN and family extend to all friends and relatives their heartiest wishes* for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MB. and MBS. PHILIP CRANDELL take this means of ex' pressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

\ B

MB. and JOBS. MAX CROUNSE extend to all their relatives and friends their best wishes for a New Year filled -with Health . and Happiness.

ME. aad MBS. M. A. BERCOVICI exten^ their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. 1


A Happy New Tear to all their family and friends. FROM THE GOODBINDERS.

MB. stud MRS. BARTON GREENBERG and BETH extend to all their friends their best wishes for a New Year filled with Health and Happiness.

MB. W I L L I A M GRODINSKY wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Y i

BETH EL SISTERHOOD wishes all its members and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous ' New Year from the members of BETHJSRAEL SYNAGOGUE YOUTH ORGANIZATION.

MB. and MBS. SAM EPSTEIN and LESLIE and BOBBY, 5127 Charles Street, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

To one and all the members of EPSTEIN MORGAN POST No. 260, JEWISH WAR VETERANS, extend a most sincere wish that the New Year 5717 be a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous .and above all a PEACEFUL YEAR.

B E T H ISRAEL SISTERHOOD wishes all its members and Mends a Happy, Healthy'and prosperous New Year.

THE BIKUB CHOLtM SOCIETY , wishes all its members and friends a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

SDB. «WI MBS. ELI BITTinae and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MB,*'aad MBS. SAM BLOOM and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

W A I ABRAHAM LODGE extend their greetings and good wishes to all its members and friends for a Happy New Year.

BWAI BTUTH N E B R A S K A LODGE NO. IMS wishes the entire Jewish Community a Healthful and Prosperous New Year.

MB. and MRS. A. H. BRODKEY and family extend their greetings and'good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MRS. M. BRODKEY, 4903 Underwood, Apt. 2, takes this means of extending; Rrcetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous year to her friends and family far and near.

RABBI and Mils. S I U N E J BROOKS, daughter, MIRIAM, and son, JOEL, extend their greeting and best wishes to the Community for Happiness and Health in the coming year.

On behalf of our Rabbi, our Executive Board, our entire staff and our congregation, we extend our slncerest wishes to the. community and our sister congregations for a very Happy, Healthful and Prosperous Now Year. HARRV DP BOFT, President, of Beth El Synagogue. '

• P»: and MBS. ABKD. gAIEBand sons, MATTHEW and JERRY, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Tear to toei* friends and rela- . . tives.

MRS. LENA GROSSMAN extends her greetings and good wishes for the New Year to her friends and relatives.

MR. and MBS. H. 0US8 and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

B A B B I and MRS. BENJAMIN GBONEB, RAPHAEL, GLADYS, DIANE and LINDA, offer their best wishes for a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Tear to all the members of the community and to IClal Israel.

Best wishes .for Prosperity in the ' New Year to all officers and members of the Adas YethurcnB'nai Jacob Synagogue, the Jewish Welfare Federation, and - all our friends in the Jewish community. RABBI and MRS. N. FELDMAN.

BIB. and Mrs. MORRIS FIRE-' STONE wishes all their relatives and friends a Happy and ' prosperous New Year.

MB. and MRS. I S A D O B E FORBES extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

BIB. and BIBS. HARRY HALPERT and son DAVID wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. -

SIB. and MBS. JOE BOBNSTEIN and family wish their friends and neighbors both far and near a Happy New Year.

HADASSAH WISHES YOU . . . a good year of health and happiness for yourself and your family. TOGETHER, THROUGH HADASSAH, may we conUnufc to receive the blessings that come to those who seek after-knowledge, protect our precious free. - dom and serve'our people and the land of Israel.

BIBS. BEN HANDLES wishes all her friends and.relatives'far and near, a happy and healthy New Year.

MB. and MBS. O8CAB FOX extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for H e a l t h , Happiness and Prosperity.

MRS. J. J. FREIDEN extends her best to all her relatives and, friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

FARBANI) LABOR ZIONIST ORDER, HRANCH 84, FOALEZION, hopes the New Year will bring peace to Israel and to the whole world.

MR. and MRS. A. B. GENDLER and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

M B . , and M B S , , B E N MORRIS .wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Tear.

KADDUH CHAPTER OF PIO• NEEB WOMEN, extend their best wishes for the New Year to all members and friends.

MB. and MBS. BEN MARTIN wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

MR. aad MRS. GEORGE KAPLAN wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

MR. and MRS. NATHAN NOGG wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH KIRSIIENBAtJM and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MB. and MBS RALPH NOOG and the girls take this means of expressing their best wishes 'o friends and relatives for a Happy New Year.

MR. sad MRS. SAM KLAVER and son, LINCOLN, take this means of expressing, their best wishes for the New Year to t h e i r friends and relatives.

DR. *nd MBS, HERMAN M. JAHB and daughter, LEE, wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. ind MRS. HYMAN O8OFF extend their greetings and good Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. —

Best wishes "for a Happy New Year to all our friends. THE JEWISH PRESS.

MR. aad MB. LOUIS PAPERNY and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

The members of the FERETZ IIIKSCIIBEIN wish the entire Jewish community of Omaha a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. We wish also to express our sincere thanks to Mrs. J. Cohen for the wonderful job she is doing as hospitality chairman. Mrs. Sam Binder, Scc'y.

BIB. aad MRS. SAM M. KUTLER, their children, CAROLYN and BENNETT, and Mrs. Kutler's mother, MRS. EVA POLIKOV, extend their greetings and good wishes to their friends and relatives both rar and near for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. .*


THE PIONEER WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION wishes all members, friends and patrons a happy and prosperous New Year.

SIR. and MRS JOE M. RICE extend their best wishes to their friends and relatives for n Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MR, and MRS. NATHAN XEV1NSON wish all their friends and relative* a Happy and Prosperous year.

MR. and MBS. SAM RICE and family extend their greetings, snd good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

BIBS. SOL LEWIS and family • take this-means of expressing • their best wishes for the New - Year to' their friends and rela- * tives and to the entire Jewish community. '

MB. and .MRS. DAVID "SONNY" RICHARDS and children, SANDRA, CORY and SCOTT, extend their best wishes for the New Year, to their friends and relatives, both far and near.

BHV.aad MBS. STANFORD LIPSET and daughter- JANET, 'wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous ' New Year.

MB. and MRS. ALFRED SOPHIR and MARTIN, JAMES, and RICnARD, extend their best wishes to all for Health, Happiness and Prosperity In the New Year. ,

THE OMAHA CHAPTER of M1ZRArill WOMEN wishes all of it* members and friends n'ilnppy and prosperous New Year.

TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD wishes' all its members and friends a Healthy, Happy,and ' Prosperous New Year.

MB. aad MRS. HARRY TRUSTOf <• l)! • and family extend their good, wishes and greetings for • the - " New Tear to their friends and, :..+,:•.', ,"» relatives. .-•-'-• . * ';

MR. snd MRS. D. PARKER and family wish their relatives and friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MRS. M. F. LEVENSON and family extend their best, wishes to their relatives and friends for a very Happy New Year.

MR. and MRS. NATHAN MARCUS and sons BL'I) nnd STKVK, extend their greetings and good, wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives, both far and near.

MR. and MRS. I. STISB and sons, JACK and SOI* take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Y e a r to their friends and relatives.

MRS. T, SHERMAN nnd sons ABE and IRVIN extend their best wishes for - a happy and prosperous New Year from all , their friends and relatives.

DR. and MRS. BENTON HOTTER and their children, LAURA ROBERT and DAVID wish their friends and relatives a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Heartfelt Good Wishes for the Happiest of Happy New Years to all my Relatives and Friends In Omaha. "May God Bless You All."—PIIILir S. MANDEL.

DR. SAMtTTX Z. STERN wishes his friends and relatives a Happy New Year.

OHAIIA SECTION, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN, extend to you and your dear ones sincere good wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

BABBI and MIUS. MYER 8. KR1PKE and family take this mean* of extending greetings and good wishes to friends for a Joyous New Year.


MR. *nd MRS. S A M U E L S. STEINBERG and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous N e w Year.

To our relatives and friends, please accept our wish sincere for a happy and prosperous New Year. MR. and MRS. LEON SCIIMIDMAN and JO ANN and LINDA GAY.

MR. snd MRS. MARTIN HOLM and sons extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity,

CHARLOTTE, SAM, and MRS. IDA KAPLAN offer their best wishes to everyone for a Happy New Year.

' MB. M d MBS. NATHAN STEINr •' ' T BERG-extend their greetings to " ' -Hheir friends and relatives for a ' Happy and Healthy New Year.



H MR. and MBS. SAM FAIEB and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.


MR. and BIR8. BEN L. ROSEN and sons, PAUL and BILLY, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. '

MR, and MRS. AARON RIPS and son, SHELDON, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MR. and MRS.. MAX SACKS and sons A. GEOIir.i: and A. MICIIAKL wish their relntlves and frlondt n Hippy and Prosperous New-Year.

MB. aad MRS. ABE VENGEB and daughters, NANCY and ENID, Irish all their relatives and friends a very Happy New Year.

MB. and MBS. HOE VENOEB and son JERRY, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the New Year.

MB, and SIRS. PAUL VERET and children, BARRY, LINDA and JUDITH, of 120 South 51st Avenue, extend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Tear. * --

w MR. and MRS, ISADOBE H. WEINER. and FAMILY wish ' much good health, Joy and Pros-: perlty for all their friends and relatives during the New Year, . 5717. •

• MR. and MRS. JAKE WINE wish all their friends nnd relatives a '" Happy and Prosperous New Y««r.

WORKMEN'S CIRCLE, LADIES •AUXILIARY wish n very Heulthy nnd Happy New Year to nil the members. Mrs. L. Whitcnn. President; Mrs. S Hinder, Secretary; Mrs. S a r n Schwnrtz, Treasurer; Mr«. II. fludermnn, Hospitality chairman.

MR. and MRS, ALLEN ZALIUN and FAMILY extend their greetings and Rood wishes to their friends iind relative!; Iralh fur and near for n Hnppy und Prosperous New Year.




THE TEWISH PRESS New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS —Roth H.shonah 5717 —Friday, August, 31, 1956 who speaks to the •various groups in the community. During the yciir from ScptcnUx'i thioujih August we have had the following visitors in Omaha find the surrounding | area, all arrangements having been President, Abe B. GonUler. , mink' by the local Council: Vice-president, Joseph IlornI Dr. Gerhard Seger, who cam utein. fi om the American Christian Pal Secretary-treasurer, Harry Halestine Committee and who spoke pert. to the Dundee Kiwanls. Gershon The year under review saw the and Ruth Fradkln, a young Israeli farming couple who toured the Omaha Zionist District under the area in Nebraska and South Da- leadership of Ay B. Gendler parkota to see American farm life, ticipating in all activities designed to speak to farm groups and to to foster and promote the developvisit with farm families. Judge ment of the Stats of Israel. The highlight of the season was Moshe Landau of the Israel preme Court, who spoke to thethe annual convention of the Central States Region ZOA held in Crelghton Law School and the Omaha Bar Assclatlon. Miss Shula Omaha October 23, 1955. Princimlt Ben-Yjshal, Master of Laws pal speaker of the convention was from the Hebrew University in Je- Rabbi Joseph's Shubow of Bosrusalem studying in this country ton, Mass., who delivered a brilfor her Doctorate of Jurisprudence, liant address in support of the last year at Chicago University Zionist movement. Other speakers Abe B, flendler Law School on a grant from the were Milton J. Sllberman of Chibeen secured. The ZOA board me American Association of Univer- cago, a ZOA vice-president, Ben periodically for consultation ant sity Women and next .year at Yale Zlon Emanuel, Midwest: Director planning. University Law School on a fel-of the American Zionist Council Mr. Gendler urged the ZOA lowship from that school. Miss and Leon Sosna, St. Louis, Regionmembership and all friends of IsBen-Ylshal spoke to the West Ro- al President. tary In Omaha and the Rotary in The district gave significant rael in Omaha, to stay organized Council Bluffs and to the Ameri- support to ZOA projects in theand on the alert against the danc a n Association of University United States and Israel, of which gers facing Israel on the political Women at a Tea given by one of the Kfar Silver Agricultural Ini and economic front. "Only a nuits members. V a r i o u s Jewish stltute In the Negev and the Dan- merically strong Zionist movegroups were also addressed by iel Frlsch ZOA House In Tel Aviv went can stem the tide of antithese speakers. were the chief beneficiaries. Lo- Israel propaganda on the Ameri Although not brought here by cally, the district continued its can scene and articulate Israel's the Zionist Council, we cooperated support of the Zionist Youth Com- legitimate aspirations with force In the visit to Omaha of the Town mission and participated in theand effectiveness," he said. Hall Israeli Mission which brought work of the Omaha Zionist Counfour outstanding Israelis to Oma cil. The Jewish National Fund arid ha last February. Brownell Hall Israel Bonds were the main projwas the local host. The guests ects of the Omaha Zionist District were: Dr. Bernard Cherrick, Di. on the local level. Joseph P. Horrector General, Hebrew Univer- onsteln represented Omaha ZOA sity; Dr. Uriel Heyd, Associate at the mld-year conference of the Commander, Milton Goldberg. Professor, H e b r e w University; Central States Region in St. Senior vice-commander, Marvin Jsrael Ministry of Health; and Dr. Louis, May 27, 1956. Kaplan. Junior vice-commander, Deunai Mrs. Phyllis Palgl, Advisor to the The membership strength of the Klein. Ranpch Reinhold, Director of thedistrict has been maintained and Judge advocate, Paul Crounse. Youth Aliyah in Israel. a number of new members have Post surgeon, Dr. J. Blelcher. A seven weeks' course in He. brew was conducted this summer at Camp Hatzofeh, In Coventry, Conn., by the American Zionist Councty Youth Department, and modelled upon Israel's Ulpan Sys tern designed to equip college students and high school graduates with a workable knowledge of Hebrew, sufficient to enable them, to pass college entrance examinations. The American Zionist Council Every member of our organization also maintains branch offices In Chicago, San Francisco and Lo* joins in expressing the with for a Angeles. Those who understand and beHappy New Year. May it be a year lieve in the fundamental philosophy of the Zionist movement and bright with happiness and joy for you. therefore i n tin existence of the their role of Interpreting Israel's State of Israel realize that today problems and aspirations to the American Government and to the American people Is more urgent than ever and that they must continue to build support fortheStatc of Israel. To'this purpose the Omaha Zionist Council i s dedi cated.

Zionist District Of Omaha

Omaha Zionist Council 1'riMtlili'nl, Mrs. 3. I I . Kuliiknf

S«'i rc-t.irj, Mr. slilm) lli.lils. TreiiMinr, lljm in Oviff. Thr- Ami-ucan /.i m ^l C'uiincil, jf ivhirti the O i i u h i Zi )nlst Conn cil io an part, has for Its

purpose the interpretation of Is. raPl to the American community, a ipurpuse which In these days of crisis for Israel and the free world Is one of great and significant inv portance. There Is an urgent need Mm. J. II. Kulakoraky to keep the American public In. formed of the facts about Israel, Observance of special Israeli holito continuously emphasize to Am days are fostered. Frpm time tc ertcan Jewry the significance of time the Council has called for am *ni State of Israel and to allhas received cooperation from thi Americans who are concerned with Omaha Federation for J e w l s the extension and strengthening of Service. Last November, a Join democracy. The American Zionist meeting was held of the Councl Council is the channel through and the Board of Governors of the Which all Zionist bodies in Amer- Federation at which time a resoica consider and coordinate their lution was passed and sent to Prescommon, deavors in the fields of ident Elsenhower and the State education, Information, public and Department urging our Govern, community relations. Israel's se- ment to furnish arms to Israel sc curity situation gives cause for that the military balance between the gravest anxiety and it has now Israel and Egypt might be main' become apparent, how., closely Is- talned and urging our Government rael's security Is tied up with the further to enter into some defense pact with Israel. . security of the entire free world. A running correspondence has The Omaha Ziohist Council is composed of representatives of all been carried on with our senators the Zionist organizations in Oma- and congressmen regarding Is' ha, representation being based on rael's desperate need for certai the size of each organization. In types of arms and for economli Addition, a number of members at aid. Following the refusal of Oui large are invited into the Council local newspaper to accept a stron to assist In its program. The or- paid advertisement regarding Isganizations are: Farband, Hadas- rael's security, 5,000 copies of th< tah, Xadlman Pioneers, Mlzrachl statement were mailed to Omah Men, Mlzrachl Women, Pioneer non-Jewish citizens. Funds for thli Women, Poale Zlon and tho Zion- project were supplied by a sma ist Organization of America. Meet- group of Omaha Jewish leaders, tags are held on the third Wednes- whose signatures were affixed tc day evening of each month Sep- the statement. tember through June. Funds to For thirteen weeks last fall on carry on the work are made avall- Sunday mornings Omaha Radio •>!• by the Organizations repre- WOW carried a broadcast entitled sented In the Council. •Tho Bible in Action," a very On the local level the- work is worthwhile program arranged by carried on through various media, the American Zionist Council am such as the press, radio and TV, locally placed by the Omaha Coun films, visiting Israeli speakers cil. whom the Council places before We have distributed to college c i v i c , educational and church and school libraries and to various groups; contacts with IT. S. Gov- lists of Omaha citizens numerous ernment bodies and the United publications on Israel, Its life and Nations In an effort to counteract development, Its problems and Arab propaganda and even more achievements, thus attempting to constructively in an effort'to bring spread the facts about Israel. One the true facts about Israel and the of the most valuable medium! for Middle East to as many as we can. our effort* U the Israeli visitor





Epstein-Morgan Post of JWV


Many high blood pressure patients, who 20 years ago would have been condemned to bed, today can lead normal productive Jives because of improved treatment, reports the- Nebraska Heart Association.

Page On*

Adjutant, Marvin GlUnsky. Quartenntutor, Arthur Sulkin. S o r ^ e a n t-ut-amiH, Max Belgrade. Religious chairman, David Duliln. Publicity, Eugene Itich. Epstein-Morgan Post made a small but vital contribution to the City of Omaha this past year for which we may all be proud. This was in the form of two portable Stephenson resuscitators which were presented by the Post to the City of Omaha for use on two of the Fire Department Rescue Squad Units.

Second vice-president—Lou Canar. Third > ice-president—Lou Jess Recording secretar}—Sara hpstoin. President—Sain If. relink. Treiihurer—Nutc Turner. First vice-president — It u b e n 1'liiainlnt nrml.iry — Muses F Lippett. Warden—Dm Id Kosr nhcri;. their respective Memorinl Diiy (•iinrdliin—I.. I Wldinan. Chaplain—Harry Wi'InbiTg. Services May 30. Triiht. c s—Man In Trrller, llalpl Epstein-Morgan Pout was host to Sioux City and Dcs Moines NogR, Harry Colli k, Karl hicgel, Posts JWV for the Nebruska-Iowa i;d Itosrn, and Dr. A. A. ttrorn Dept. JWV Convention held In berg, honorary tmske. Omaha June 24 at which Abe MilFund Raising this year will be ler was elected Dept. Commander. This is, a icsume of projects ant In the form of a Thanksgiving Day activities of B'nai B'rith Henry Dance to be held in November at A most important resolution con- Monsky Lodge No 354, for the the Blackstone Hotel. Funds raised cerning Israel and Egypt was past year. by this dance will be used for pro- adopted by the convention and The first meeting of the yeai viding entertainment and recrea- publicized In local newspapers. JWV is in the front lines bat- was held in September, with the tion for veterans at Omaha and Lincoln VA Hospitals; and costs tling to preserve world peace. program devoted to the B. B. Y. , of medication of a needy TB pa- Epstein-Morgan Post. No. 260, Organizations. Reports from mem< tient released by the VA Hospital. JWV pledges as we enter the New bers of our A. Z. A. and B. B. G This year, as in years past, J. Year, to continue Its services to delegates who related their exveterans and the community at W. V. has aided several destitute periences and leadership training, veterans in reaching their destin- large to help make Omaha a bet* (Continued on Page 2-D.) ter place to live. ations.

B'nai B'rith Monsky Lodge

JWV Joined with Omaha B'nai B'rith Lodges In the solicitation and collection ot Philanthropies Funds this year as a further service to our community, JWV Sabbath Services, were held at Temple Israel, Beth El and Beth Israel Synagogues this year and plans are being made for doIng the same next year QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE Memorial Day Services were held the Sunday before Memorial Day this year at Golden Hill Ceriietery at the>grave side of Herman MORE THAN 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS Sllverman, and the Post to be honored by representatives from the LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS American Legion, VFW and DAV, 2311 N St. MA 4750 Epstein-Morgan Post was the guest of American Legion Post No. 1 and the VFW and DAV at




Sincere Wishes for £ Happy New Year to All of Our Jewish Friends


Omaha, Nebraska

GLtndale 7222



1316 JONES ST.




• — WAREHOUSES — Auburn, Nebr. Chadron, Nebr. Coiad, Nebr. Crawford, Nebr. Gordon, Nebr. Gothenburg, Nebr. Hastings, Nebr. Hay Springs, Nebr. Hill City, S. D. McCook, Nebr. Norfolk, Nobr. North Platte, Nebr. Ogallala, Nobr.

Sidney, Nebr. Wahoo, Nsbr. Dei Moines, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Belle Forche, S. 0. Cutter, S. D. Deadv/ood, S. D. Hot Springs, S.D. Lake Andes, S. D. Murdo, S. D. Newell, S. 0. Pierre, S. D. Yankton, S. D.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

HOTEL OMAHA, NEMASKA A favortta of travelers all over America, modern Hotel Paxton stands In the heart of Omaha, the crossroads of the nation. Smartly appointed, air conditioned guest rooms feature radio and television sets, and the fashionable Pax Room Is a "must" for dining and dancing. Visit the beautiful Mural Lounge for a cocktail, and try the delicious food of the Tavern Grill and Coffee Shop, In Omaha . . . choose the Paxton, Carry • Unlnnol Cradll Cord , . . I f i •Mivmlanl and (of*. Wfll. tht National Mol»l Company, f. O. Box 39, Calvnton, TMBI.


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HOTH WADI M4VT0N COIUMIIA, . . , , . , - . , , . , I. t^.™ "


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New YetVe E*M«I—THE JEWBtf PRESS-Re* Hs.hen.H 1717 — Friday, August, 31. I W

r Monsky Lodge

Jewish Youth Council

AZA NO. 100

Bclzer and Sam Kaplan, fall dance series. Aleph Ooaol, n»m»rd Bloom. A new constitution (or the Alpph S'K»II. Stf\«Mi BJeUcs. President, Norman Kosenzwelg, den's Club was prepared thla past (Ponttaued from Page 1-D.) sponsored by the Individual clubs. President, Harold Kainun. 1 Aleph M.i/klr, Stanley Oreen'" to which they participated, while Vioe-presldenU, Barney Drevich, >ear which has now been adopted At this time the calendar commitVlet-rresldriit, In Belter. | iy the organization I. J. Kraft and Harry Lewis. fl'hl attending the International B. B. Secretary, Ftayl Bernstein. tee was responsible for the lack On the social side the Hen's Recording secretary, Leo Kraft. Ali |ih (il<!wr, Tom I'latt. X. O. convention at Starlight, Fa. Reporters, Diane Llntzman and of confusion which came from 1 Corresponding B'cretarj, Harold Club conducted many succesifu' Air ;th Mint in fiudol, MlkS. The October meeting "Sports dances. The New Year's live Dance Marty Llpp. Ilubin. careful planning of dates. ri.itt Nlte." featured Don H1U, "Voice bioke ull pre\io'ia rerords for at During the past year, the OmaTreasurer, Muhin Tcpprr. of the Cardinals," and Mr. Bill tendance and add(ld a substantial l,.i Jewish Youth Council has pre- Throughout the school year. Trustees, Dan liurdman, ti \liph Mic >rr K'ltiin, Larry 01 Bergesch, general manager of the STN to the n.ore> raised fur the Youth Council members suppleIl.ipUn and Milliard ' Tfiah Ijiulciirjj Find All sented a well-rounded program de- mented their special Interests by Omaha Cardinal baseball club. CorPTittce c L m i n for tht cwriu wcie will aiti'id<d am signed to benefit and enrich the Ali'ph 'v"lll"'1> ^'"'"•l '""g'^ One of the nation's mmt promlcomi'i;; j u ' "re. 1. J Kidft, lives of all Omaha Jewish teen- attending classes in dramatics, i.)C il iucce^es '" nent speakers was presented at Alt jili h 'I" " <>"'l"l, Irtln Bel', i<iii ii'y Drouth, o n cmechanics, radio and speed-readMonthly mLttln^s weie agers. Uon, Hjiri Levui, mi mlKri' the November meeting Dr. Al\ln /* r, Under the capable guidance of well dttendi'd Ilany outstanding Walter Frank, good and welfare; ing. Ali-pli HM'nliin, Mure SnraurlGoeser. director of public relaSam K a p l a n , parliamentarian; programs Intlu iinf; aidiciscs by Youth Activities Director, Sherh'Jll Various methods have been used tions for the World Insurance C o , *ul Vfrct. 1 x e n t n e D,rector of man Poska, many fine programs Harold Rubin, dinner arrangeAli I'll M-in h, Mnrtln I.|pp. to Inform the public of Jewish of Omaha, whose topic was "Huments, Sid Kvwatck, parking. Bar Federation for Ji..isn .Spruce: A. were presented. The first was that D i m ; th,- >e.ii, AZA 100 hai youth activities. Many of the inman Relation!." i Groibbcr of the Woild Insurney Drevich, Leo Kraft, Norman of orienting incoming freshmen to dividual dubs have sent news lettil.'i I > cii <i linatc the beltcrrrlent Rosenzwcig, synagogue board rep- ance Company, find Robt-rt Mille Al the January meeting, Robert of thn in' member with thai resentative!; Gene Braun and Ar- of the Perfect Circle Corporation, the Youth Council Clubs. The ters to their members' parents. Arden. regional director of the council supervised a program The Youth Council was able ito of the city, state, snd country^. thur Gould, synagogue picnic; Milt As is the custom of the Men' ~ Bonds for Israel Organisation and which Included rushing' events Through the month of Septen* Club, the Bar Mitzvah and Baa publish a "Youth Council News" formerly a newspaper ir. in In bcr, twelve boys, after expresslnj, Mitzvah celebrants of the past Sam I'ollak which Informed the members of Our youth groups h a w doubled ! Europe, spoke on "K Communism a desire to become a part of oui year were honored by the May upcoming activities and programs. Harold , t Threat." The February mcct- uating the complete B'nal B'rith in number and more than tripled meeting. Gifts were presented to order, became Alcphi-ln-Tralnin| Also a portion of the Jewish Press ing spotlighted BrothcrhJ«2 «ti!c, program. This program waa pre- In membership. Many. B'nal B'rith twenty-three youngsters this year. In athletic of AZA 100. During their pledgeMembers took part has been devoted to Youth Counwith an open invitation to the- ceded by the election of officers. members have become vitally inThe installation of officers was social, and religious activities, as ship they received Instruction in cil News. terested in our youth. both the history and meaning ol held at the May meeting. community, to hear Kcuiiml Neil Omaha again was awarded a As usual, the Youth Council ofdid other Jewish Youth across the AZA 100 and the national order. The Honorable Mayor John The officers and board of Beth B. Danberg, Jack Mat >r, Dr Leo plaque from District, for outstandfered a full and complete athletic world. After the completion of .a. test, Kennedy and Dr Wllfrtl I'-vrn; membership program. The Rosenblatt, as general chairman Israel Men's'Club are actively enprogram for both boys and girls. Harold Kalnuuu these Aleph«-in-Trahitng becamt speak on BrothThiud Otto W B'nai B'rith Americanism Cita- ot the Jewish Philanthropies drive gaged in planning another year's This was accomplished by spon(Continued on Page *•!>.) Swanson Introduced the ip'Mkers tion for Meritorious Service was called upon the B'nal B'rith lodges activities for the members to fulPresident sorship of bowling, basketball, fill the twofold function of the orThe degree trim n.ii a marvel- presented to Clarence L. Landen, to accept, the responsibility for ganization, as a sodal and service baseball, wrestling, badminton and ous job of Ujrioctiiii ill >n of new by last year's award winner, Rob- the men's'division. Harry Wein- arm of the synagogue. ping-pong leagues and tournaberg, as president of this lodge members at tbf* M.ach meet.rig ert H. Store. ments. called for volunteers and the reThe author ([ A L) L s newest The lodge closed Its books with sponse was tremendous. The religious program was highbook, 'Cro'sninrcnts," w.a» the the least number of unpaid memrStABLISHtO 1*10 lighted by the annual ThanksgivThis year brought a new A.D.L. featured speaker at the April bers in many a year. ing Service, which was attended 1105 South 24Hi St. meeting Bcnj i'nin I p item, naThe annual fund raising stag, regional director to Omaha, from by Youth Council members and tional director of A D I . , address- honoring 25 past presidents pt the across the border* In Canada, their parents. Take this opportunity to with thafr many friends ed well over 300 persons at this lodge was attended by 400 mem- where he was affiliated with the President. Dr. Balph TurluL For the second year, the Youth and cuitomen a Very Happy and Proiperou* time. bers and friends of B'nal B'rith at B.B.Y.O. Vice-president*, Gerald BernCouncil sponsored a college proNew ,Year. P u t President David Greenberg stein, Elliot Brown sod Willis EpThe May piogram was "unique" the Highland Country Club. gram for all graduating seniors to with our own past presidents Earl The "Breadbreakers," a group as a member of the B'nai B'rith stein. VISIT'OUR BRANCHES AT: help them decide the college best Barton Greenberf Financial secretary, David Wee. HinkyDinky Woreu Slegel, Ralph Nogg, Dr. Abe of active lodge members, meet ev- National Bowling Association, was suited for their needs. Instrumental in awarding the 1957 Central Market Recording secretary, Bobert Greenbcrg, Harry Collck, Dr. Leon ery Wednesday for lunch to dli The Youth Council took part in tournament to Omaha. T. Ralph Newman. Fellman and Edward Rosen eval- cuss affairs of the lodge,. Brand.l, the Philanthropies Drive. Nogg, a past president and tnisCorretpondint; secretary, Barry tee, and one of the old standby! Alloy. Puling Jewish Youth Week In Metropolitan Drug President, Barton Greenbers;. til the lodge, whose guidance and Chaplain, Jerold Besen. Vice-president, Morley Zlpursky. April the Omaha Youth Council council has always been valuable Warden, Harold Fox. Secretary, Donald Nogs;. t o the officers, has accepted the Guardian, Joseph Slayer. Treasurer, Harry GoodWnder. chairmanship of the 1957 District Sift At Arms, Robert Wapier. Trustees, Ed Dolgoff, Milton Tournament, to which Henry Mon- Cacldn and Warner Fohmao. The Men's Club of Beth El was sky Lodge wlU be host roactviatcd in the past year and Conhusker Lodge of B'nai B'rith reached a membership of «pprox This resume would not be com' continued its work this past year imalely 140 men. The organlza< To Our Many Friends and Patrons plete, without taking a fleeting in both local and national B'nai lion's twofold purpose was to englance, at our own Dr. Abe Green- B'rith affairs, under the direction courage closer tics between the FROM berg, member of the Board of Su- or President Jerold Rosen. Attend- synagogue and Its men by provld. preme Lodge, who as Henry Mon- ance at the meetings hit a new ing Interesting woithwhlle pro. 'sky Foundation chairman, saw a high( as interest grew more and p am*, and. at the same time, ben* cf.» the synagogue by miking dream come true, in the breaking more in lodge affairs. 1205 DOUGLAS available manpower to perform of the ground of the B'nal B'rith attain duties. | One of the highlights of the pas' MR. AND MRS. HYMIE ZORINSKY AND FAMILY Henry Monsky Foundation Buildyear was the annual stag which Locally prominent citizens ad-; ing In Washington, D. C dressed the six dinner meetings on ( was held in January. Al Abramson and Elliott Brown various topics,; and in addition, two dances and a baseball "outwere co-chairman of the Service ing^1 completed- the year's proFund Campaign. They did a tre- gram. mendous job, and a s a result, There I* no HubsiUntc Plans have been drawn for an Comhusker Lodge's fund raiting even' busier tecond year for Men's lor premium quality quota of 1719 was m e t Club. Synagogue.service functions Comhusker Lodge surpassed Its will continue, and will be broadCALL HA 3536 membership quota with forty-four ened wherever possible. A membership drive win initiate OPEN MONDAY NITES t new members being signed up, The highlight of Comhusker so the year's activities, which will inFREE PARKING clude speakers ot national recogcial year was a spring dance held nition and programs of Interest to at the Paxton Hotel in April. the wives- and children as well as Comhusker also participated In the men of Beth El Synagogue. the anual Jewish Philanthropies Drive by contacting people for contributions. Civic functions were participat ed In by many Comhusker Lodge 1 members. They included the Red Cross Drive, , Community Ches work, blood donor programs and t March of Dimes Campaign.'

BJ. Men's Club


Comhusker Lodge B'nai B'rith

B.L Men's Club





Farband Labor Zionist Order

PRODUCTS ARE KOSHER You can be sure that every SIcinnor product on your grocer's snolf conform! with Jowiih Dietary Laws, Skinner planfi and manufacturing proesisss meet all the qualifications tor *h«j Sail of Approval of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.


You may count among Kosher foods the complete line of Skinner Vitamin Enriched Macaroni, Spaghotti, and Pure Egg Noodlot, and Skinner Raisin Brand and Raiiin Wheat.



Chairman, Mrs. Hermui Boadmiin. Vice-chairman, Max Relabaum. Foale-Zlon, secretary. Sam RIJ kin. Recording; secretary, tUrrf Bifr Idn. Treasurer, Touts Friedman. Corresponding aad flnaocUl secretary, Joseph Raduuwsld. National Fond chairman and hospitaller, Ben Klalmao. Executive board, I. Feldmaa, Abo Cohen, Isadora Forbes, Carl Rosenberg, Herman Mlrowlts, Ban Rlrhman, Nme*. Jacob FeUman, Abe Cohen snd Sarah Oknn. Fnrhand Labor Zionist Order, Branch 54, Poalc-Zion Is happy to report that the organization has gained membership and that our members were active In all Jewish activities in our community, as well as concerned yylth world Jewish problems. We were tho first croup to start a drive for tho emergency fund'for United Jewish Appeal. Our meetings are held once a month at the Jewish Community Center and the attendance averages from 60 to 75. Tho meetings consist of a short business cession followed by reading*, the of Yiddish folk sonfs and i p er.. We cooperate with the American labor movement for progrcs sive legislation nnd v,e arc active In the Zionist council and the Natlonal Fund council. We honored the martyrs and fighters of the Warsaw ghetto. We do all we can to Fprcnd Yiddish, books from the Farbnnd and the Congress for Jewish Culture. Wo arc members of the Community Chest, the American Red Cross, nnd the labor committee for Israel. VVP participated In the Philanthropies Drive and also In tho sola of bonds for" Israel. Our meetings nre open to the public One of each five to ten persons you pass on tho street has, high blood pressure to some degree, But the Nebraska Heart Association says only one-third have cases serious enough to affect the heart, Our liberty depends on freedom of the press/and that cannot be limited without being lost. — Thomas Jefferson.

Best Wishes

• K. ,

. from, the \ V-

Peter Pan Bakers! \A



- .

, . * •

• ! - ;




fraternity, swelling our ranks to I iixty-six. I ltaylm was further strengthened this year by an active response to


Aleph Oodol <praMeat), WO<rd rietidn. , our fcix-point pio£iam, the bosib i of all our activities Community I Aleph S ' f u (vtes-preilteat), Service work included fi number I Ul<-n Kriielmmo. uf usiful and u i t u Uinm;' evuits AI«ph Miuklr (secretary), Bteve '1 lie fiat this yt a vulLfi to bt' rinkrL ccune a nH'inhiT of tht,' Volunteer Aleph Glzhor (treasurer), lUrU ireju of Oninhii und a i i h t u l by \ (jht Kulmmi. hilp'n t ; out al Goodwill Indii'itiHS Aleph Morchs (piedKunutcrH), anti tho Civic Auditorium. One of Allen Epstrln, Lowell Uuumer, tlit mo 1 1 jev.aiiiiiif; activities w is Jerry Schwartz. our JIftlloween visit to thfi Jiattic Aleph Hophrrlin (rlmjiler puper B. Monroe ilome for Children editor*), Milton liuUIitft and Steve where the ho>;» piovi ltd a pfti tj DlooKotf. for the residents and entertained Aleph Shoturc (lodol (lit ngtthem with ft ma^ic show *t-anns), Waynn "Dlff" iSurlck. I For the- .second year in suce Aleph Shotarc Kotoim (2nd »gt| siun ltaylm swept through Youth ftt-anns), Jerry Freedman. Council Athletics to capture the Aleph Knlifn <lodol (rlmplaln), coveted Youth Council Olympics Btao Kilmau. WUIard IMothln Bernard Bloom Team Award. Starting with basisThe thirty-second year of AZA (Continued from Page 2-D) ' No. 1 began with the Twenty-sec- awards Including the "liest News- ball and foothall In the fall, the known as active Alepha. To high- ond Annual Sweetheart Dance. paper Trophy" and the regional teams moved through the " year capturing top spots In practically light this event of becoming an Miss nit a Peltz was crowned AZA jasketblll title. Aleph, the Ccnturymen staged a "Sweetheart" for the 1953-56 seaIn September of last year the every major and minor sport ofgala affair at the Flretlde Restau- son. Also in September, Mother "School of AZA" began operation fered by the Youth Council. These rant Chapter's membership increased and officers of the pledge class included basketball, wrestling, vol A great need for an historian by 15 freshmen Alephs-ln-TrsJnlng were elected. After six weeks of leybal), badminton and swimming. afose in this fiscal year to keep a to bring the total to 60 members. thorough training in the customs In basketball especially Rayim record of the growth and progress After the dance the AZA Five- and activities of Mother Chapter, excelled, gaining firsts In the "A" of Century Chapter, Therefore, Fold-and-Full committees of so- the Alephi-ln-Tralning were grad- league and both first and second AZA 1O0 elected Steven Rlekes to cial, athletic, religious, community uated from the "School of AZA" in the " 3 " loop. the office of tht first historian of service and cultural-human rela- Into the club as members. Along with the Olympic trophy, AZA 100, tions governed the club's activiRushing parties dominated this a Raylm member, Howard Gold' - On March 25. the Ccnturymen ties. summer's scene. Events included stein, received the Youth Council presented their first annual Sweet, This AZA year witnessed some a stag, a model meeting, a bowling heart dance, the Spring Sere- of the Chapter1! finest social party and the Twentythlnl Annual Best Athlete Award. The theme of our religious and nade, at the FonuiMlte Holt). events iirteveral yean, A hayrack Sweetheart Dance. v cultural committees the past year Candidates for Sweetheart of AZA ride, an over night stag, a skaOne, of the most important was to enliven the meetings with lOO were Laurie Oruch, Hod! BBd; venger hunt, a pre-election stag, Phyllis Bernstein, Rohanue; Mu- tho Anniversary party, a swim- events In the Mother Chapter AZA discussions and speakers. The disNOT 1 year is the annual Parents' cussions Included: "Can the Three riel Rosenblatt, Rohanue; and ming party, rushing affairs and ' Fran Davidson, Dcbka Pebs. Phyl- stags following mass attendance at Weekend in May, The outstanding Branches of Judaism be Joined?" part of the weekend Is the Foundand "The Problems of a Jewish lis Berqstein was named Queen, synagogues culminated the social while the other three candidates year. Of course, the highlight; of er's Banquet, which was held at Teenager." Steve Shepard of the Fontenelle Hotel this year. KMTV, Dr. A. C. Fellman, and became Hostesses of AZA 100, Mother Chapter's social year at AZA I* based on a "Five Fold well as the Jewish Youth Council's Other events during the weekend Dick Fellman and David Solzman were mass attendance at a synaof the University of Nebraska and Full Program" which in real- Is the annual Sweetheart Dance in gogue and the Anniversary party. were tome of the guest speakers. ity are the basic principles of our the falL By far the most important part order. These basic principles are The bi-monthly and special Although Mother Chapter didn't meetingB canriSt be left out. At of our program Is Brotherhood, a religion, sodal, athletic, Commusurpass the athlete achievements nity' service, and cultural. The them the Alephs plan and, co-or- committee on which every Rayim boy serves throughout his memprogram was established to enable of previous years, the ciub still dinate all their activities. made a fine showing. AZA No. \ a Jewish boy to work for personal With the preparation for the bership in the fraternity. The high finished second In tho Youth Counpoint was our annual Overnight developments by his work for the Twenty-third Annual Sweetheart betterment of his city, state, "coun- cil's basketball tournament, and Dance underway, another chapter at Camp Maha, where we spent t r y and the world. The Century many individual Alephs won In the "AZA Book" Is finished, a week-end in dose bond. Our Raylm honk, pin, honor, member Chapter In its religious programs awards and honors in track, bas- ready for a new one to begin. ahlp cetriflcate and handshake are has tried to give our members a ketball and baseball during the only a few of the small but necesgreater realization of the three regional conventions. AZA No. 1 sary things that brought the framsin branches of Judaism by In- also tied for first place In Youth ternity to a closer union of viting speakers from three syna- Council Softball- However, the friendship. gogues in the Omaha area. These sports zenith of the year was President, Marty Greene. speakers, Mr. Lemmerman from reached when Mother Chapter 'Always a big gun in Rayim's Vice-president, Paul Shyken. Temple, Mr. Stone from Beth Is- teams won the regional basketsix-point program, the social conv Secretary, Dob Brodkey. rael, and Rabbi Krlpke from Beth ball championship during the winTreasurer,. Howard Welnberr. mlttoc reached new highs in the Rl, gave bath the differences and ter convention and took the relast annum. Operating under our First sgt-at-armi) Steve Flsk. the slmilarlt "3 \n their congrega- gional baseball title during the "Party-a-M6nth" policy and a new summer convention. Other athletic tions. Second tgt-at-anns, J u s t i n system of a different chairman for We have participated In such events included bowling, wrest- Omnberg. each party, the fraternity institut sports as basketball, bowling, base- ling and a badminton tournament Youth Council Re]k, Bob Fell- ed several new and novel parties. Jail, wrestling:, and badminton. Religious events included disAt our first Homecoming Dance Our athletic participation In the cussions and mass attendance Asabtant Youth Council Rep, December 28 at the Blackstone, Vouth Council has brought us first services at synagogues. The outthe alumni presented a trophy to place In the bowling league, third standing event of the religious Larry Hoberman. As the year of 1955-53 draws to Gene Kohn naming him "The place in the basketball league and year was the National AZA SabMost Outstanding Rayim Mem third place In the baseball league. bath in November. Services were a close, Kaylm finds that it has ber." As usual our family picnic completed one of the most sucA good Community Service pro- conducted by the Alephs. was held, this year at Rivervlew gram is one of the basic concepts Community service played a cessful seasons in Its short five- Park. of AZA 100, since It Rives our prominent role In AZA news. The year existence. The climax of every Rayim Commencing the year was the members an opportunity to do Alephs set up chairs for a prosomething for our community. A gram presented by the United pledging of sixteen boys to the member's year is the Raylm For few of these programs were work- Community Chest agencies at the fraternity. The pledge council In- mal Dinner Dance, which, was held Ing at various synagogues as vol- Municipal Auditorium. They also troduced the boys to all the phases at the Highland Country Club unteers, and working to help the helped decorate for the B'nal of Raylm life, and early in Jan- June 16. Awards were: Besl Cerebral Palsy drive. B'rith Women'f fund raising event uary they were inducted Into the Freshman, Steve Flsk; Best SophThe cultural program Is planned at the Blackstone Hotel. However, to give the individual member a the distinguished part of the comgreater understanding of debate, munity service year was * pub* discussion, modern problems, etc. lldied project In which the Alephs Our most Interesting program was painted safety lines and slogans a speech concerning Communism on downtown street corners. by Mr. Ardcn of the Israel Bond Mother Chapter received commuOffice. His topic was "How I In- nity recognition for this project vestigated Communism" Among Cultural-and human relations our other cultural activities were projects included a movie on parsuch things aa participation in re- liamentary procedure, an ADL gional and district discussion and speaker and a discussion on racial Council Bhrfft, Iowa debate tournanSents. One of our discrimination. Inter-chapter discussions concernPreviewing the new year was A Bink (or Young Mtn tttJ ed interdatlng. the Cornbelt Regional Winter M m With Young tde M Besides AZA lOffa five fold and Convention, December 24-27, in full program, the chapter has oth- Omaha, AZA and BBG chapters , OTMIM P.O.I.C. er active committees such as from Sioux City, Des Molnes, transportation, human relations, Sioux Falls, Lincoln and Omaha and properties. participated in the convention, During the year AZA holds con- which included forenslcs, athletics, Best Withes for a ventions on three different levels, social events, luncheons, seminars, Regional, District, and National meetings and a banquet-dance. The Cornbelt Region held two con- Mother Chapter received many ventions throughout the year; one it the winter convention, and the other, the summer convention council was formed/ this year This year, the winter convention among the B'nal B'rith Youth of was held in Omaha with a grand Omaha whose first president was participation from all the mem- Howard Kaslow, Jerry Rosen, also bers of AZA 100 In such fields as a past president of AZA 100, bed e b a t e , discussion, basketball, came vice-president of the counVentilating — Air Conditioning ping-pong, and bowling. The Cen- cil at tho mid-year elections. Sftttt M«tal Work of All Descriptions Advisors arc: Phil Kutler, Lou lurymen won first place In bowlIng nnd took third place In bas- Canar, Joe Upton, Ed Rosen, and rb«M JAckson 4775 1407 Davenport Sfreit ketball At the summer conven- our newest advisor, Dan Gordman, nnd the national organization. tion, held in Lincoln, the Centurymen participated In all activities AZA 100 received second place in t) uebill and fourth place In track D.stnct convention wni held luring the latter part of June .it N'.pperslnk Mnnor, Genoi City, WIs. The Notional Convention was held at Champaign, III, on the c.impus of the University of Illinois Some of the memliors of AZA 100 have not only participated actively on the chapter level, but also on the regional, district, and national levels. Howard Kaslow, pint president of AZA 100, and 3 STORES the Cornbelt Region, nnd secretary of the District, was recently elect, ed to the office of President o( AZA District No. 6, an area including Nebraska, Iowa, North Dakota, South.Dakota, Michigan, IlAND MATERNITY SHOP linois, Minnesota, and Canada. He also became National Religious "Everything from Heaven to 7" Chairman this past year. Marv In South Omaha 24th and M Frtedman, past president of AZA In Omaha 35th and Lemnworth 100, and secretary of the Cornbelt In Council Bfuffi 339 W. Broadway Region, was elected president of tht region this summer. A BBYC

Marty tirecne omore, Paul Shyken; Best Athlete, Howard Goldstein. Highlighting the program was the announcement of Rayim's fourth "Dream Girl," Miss Nancy FriedJander.

L Roosevelt BBG President,'Shirley Shift t i n t vfae-presldut^ Diane Singer. Second viee-presldant, Maddie Mlrott. Becordlns; secretary, Lois Mo*. kowltx. Oomspondlnf secretary, (1st Teim) MajOe Zwieback — (Znd Term) Berdlne Green. Treasurer, (1st Turn) J u l y Kutler—(tsul Term), Judjr Freed. Flsuaelsl secretary, (1st Term) Judy Freed—(tad Term), J u d y En tier, nutorUa, (1st Term), Berdlne dreea (tad Term), Maxlne Zwieback. Baporten, (1st Term) Shirley BhW sod Diane Slitfer'— (2nd Term), Ks.y MarkoylU and June Znlemer. Youth Council representative, June Znlemer. Alternate, Kay Markovits, BBTO representative*, Berdlne

A Happy New Year * * *

State Sayings Bank



Green, Diane Singer, and i U y Markovlti. • In February ten members of Hodl "U'nai B'rith Girls formed the second BEG Chapter in Omaha. The girli chose Lkanor Roosevelt as their chapter name because of her plulanthinpiL w<jik and support of U'nai B'rith. To become recognized nationally and to a iKrmijient clutter, there must he twelve members in a BUG Chapter. BUG sent for tnelr p'Tmintn' cnaiUr ^ugUKt 1, after acquiring their twelfth member during the latter psrt of July. Besides several projects roundIng out their seven-fold program, many major projects were completed despite the short length of time they have existed. Both Chapters combined efforts for the annual spring party, which was a steak fry at Fairmont Park In Council Bluffs. The girls held a Mother's Day Dinner May 5, at the Fireside restaurant. One of the highlights of the year was the fund-raising project, a car wash. The girls washed cars for

one dollar each at a local gas station "lay 27. Several of the girls attended regional convention June 10-12 in Lincoln. Some of them were members of tho winning baseball team. During that convention Berdinc

Berdlne Green represents Eleanor Roosevelt BBG in the Omah* BBYO Council as Its present secretary. Mrs. Sol Goldfarb a n d Mrs. Stanley Shapiro are advisors.

Gii'Ln VLIS elected n tre isuri'r,

Debka Debs

S l i i ' l i , .Sbiif 'lui B i i d MC Gnen President Joan Mayer. a M alUndid th< district comenFirst vli:e-pre*ldent, March Zaltiun lit Nippii'ilnk Mdnoi, Wi& ivli'ic S'mliy rciiiesuitiri Corn- kln. bclt r* ,:i jn In the oratory o n t i s t Second vlce-preildent, Barbara IJrc uis' of tJit si/e 'if the ch ip-

ter, each girl carried not only an Secretary, Arlt-ne KukUn. office but a committee chairmanTreasurer, Sally Freeman. ship as well. r>uc» treiNurcr, Diane LJntiMiss Judy Kill If) ,ilti-ndfd Na- mun. tional BBG convention Aui;ust 8Hergeant-Et-arnu, Linda Passer 16 at the University of Illinois. (Continued on Page 4-D.)

Accept Our Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year


Cornell Bhrfft, Iowa



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Best Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous New Year t

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A Happy New Year To Our Friends (and Little Friends)


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Nebraska Wholesale Liquor Distributors. Assn.


N«w Y«*r*t Edition <-THE JEWISH PRESS—Resh H»ihonah 5717 — r>id.,y, Auquit, 31. Ik*taptrtfefeateID at the AZA.BBO convention in December. Daring the year, it Is the purPOM oi the chapter to carry out t t e 7-fold program which includes. Community Service, Religious, Intergroup. Cultural, B'nai B'nth Co-operation, Athletics, and Social. In October, we had "The Spook Hop" which was an open vice. Ako we had an overnight at Camp Brewster where the underclassmen initiated the upperclassmcn. In December, we were hosts to the AZA-BBG Convention in Omaha. Hodi Chapter tuok such trophies a s : volleyball, bowling, storytelling, district song contest and oratory. Pat Greenfield was elected regional reporter. In January, a combined instalBUM Joan Mayer lation and formal initiation was held at the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center. Laurie Oruch was installed as president Hodi Chapter won the Youth (Continued from Page 3-D.) Council Girls Bowling and Vol tad Lcaor*. F*lk. leyball tournament. Reporter, Andy Jean Gross. Historian, Lynrtte Forbes. The 7-fold program was filled Youh Council Rep., K»ye Turner. out in many ways Juch as: Jitney Youth Council Alt., Linda I£o»- rides for the March of Dimes, enbaum. Brotherhood Services, ADL movies Central Program Committee: and panel discussion, ping pong Carolyn Stern, Beverly Goldberg, tournament, bowling party, guest Donna Canar, Beverly Bloom, Linda Rosnnbaum, Doily Shapiro, Bur bara Bercutt, Barbara Brodkri •nd Kaye Turner. Senior Advisor is Mrs. Julia ) cob*. Regional officers from L)< I) Treasurer, Andy Jean Gross; historian* Barbara Brodkey. Oniaha co-ordinator of Centr ll: program committee, Kaye Turner. Youth Council reporter is Dl.ine , Llntxman. The social season included the: Debs open "Blues in the Night", dance at the Jewish Community! Center. Also a big social affair I was their annual closed spring; semi-formal dance which was held I in the Cameo rooms of the Fire-j tide Restaurant. A farewell party, was given for the seniors at the home of Sally Freeman. I Fashions for teenagers were Elaine Falken modeled at Debs annual "Shower speaker Rabbi Sidney Brooks, of Styles" at Brandeis Store. Proceeds of approximately eighty dol Third Seder, book report by Mrs. Kripke, Winter Formal, Spring lars were given to charity. Children from the Nebraska Party including steak fry, work Children's Home were taken to the hours at blood bank, and senior Shrine Circus by Deb members. luncheon. April 15, we went to Sioux City They were also given parties and gifts throughout the year. Valen. for a regional meeting. Here we tine favors were made for local elected delegates to the District hospitals. Many girls sold tags Convention In Wisconsin. for the different charity drives. Summer Regional BBYO ConDebs participated in bowling and vention was held in Lincoln on volley ball. June 10-12. Hodi Chapter took After having a six committee first place in baseball and received system since the beginning of the Best Chapter Award. Elaine Debs, a central program commit- Falken was elected Corn Belt retee was formed. This one com- gional president and Marilyn mittee along with the club offi Dworkln and Serena Dwoskln cers, plan and carry out the club's were named regional chairman. projects. This enables all girls to Installation and Mather's Tea do whatever they want for the was held. Laurie Oruch was electclub, not only what her committee ed Best Member of the year, and was assigned to do. Rozanne Slporln Best MIL Soap and wash-cloths put toDistrict BBYO Convention at gether as dolls were sent to Is- Nippersink Manor, Wls, and BBG rael. International convention and leadTwenty-nine girls attended the ership training institute at the regional Youth Judaea conclave University of Illinois was attended and board meeting in Kansas City, by Elaine Falken. Mo. To celebrate the fine progress Regularly throughout the year Hodi Chapter has made in the last Debs went to services at syna 2 years, a family picnic was held gogues of their choosing. An Oneg at Elmwood Park. Shabot followed the services. Thirteen pledges were initiated formally a t the home of Midge Greenberg. Carolyn Stern was honored by receiving the cup for bett pledge. During t h e summer Brenda Katzman, Dena Lagman, end Dody Shapiro went to a leadership camp a t Camp HcrzL Marcia Z a l k l n and Linda Veret represented the club a s delegates io the National Young Judaea convention at Camp Tel Yefcudah. Two affairs were held to acquaint the Incoming freshmen girls with Debs. One was an informal coda fountain party at the home of Andy Jean Gross; the other was a tea at the home of Joanie Mayer.

Debka Debs

camp of 1,450 old men and wom- market, tailor shop, vegetable of Be'er Yiaeov is the former Mal- 41 ehlMrea k m beet) enrolled in en at Pardess Hanna, where for store, luncheonette, (hoe maker, ben TM Rehabilitation Center of the "{fcntnltory-ichool 'tor a 2-3 eight yean they milled about, list- tinumth—these and many other Neve Halm, where emphasis Is year period. A new venture, there less, unoccupied, sullen and sub- categories spell independence and being put on the rehabilitation of Is hope that In this type of work By Charles Passman Malben will have prevented t o a mishive to the miserable conditions to the handicapped the patient from the moment he In the course of the year 5716 under which they were living. As immigrant when with the help of enters the hospital until the day small extent the menace of JuI Malben, the Joint Distribution the year closes, the camp, now un- a small lonn from Malben and ad- when ' e leaves completely cured, venile delinquency and will, on the Committee welfare program on der Malben's auspices, known as vice from Malben, he strives to a skill in hand and Letter than contrary, aid these children t o behalf of aged, ill and handicapped "Neve Avot" (Parents' Home), maintain himself and his family. average IKissibiiity <tl returning to assume their rightful place in their homes and their 'communinewcomers to Israel, added to its "Village of the Aged," has a new The family (if Malben instutiuns normal KocUl ami economic life ties. family of 16 old-age homes the face. Canvas huts have been re- in Israel numbers 52, and ;sninn[; of his community. new 235-bed Home in Rishon Le- placed by simple, pleasant build those is the new hospital in NiiZion and the renovated 160-bed Ings, workshops buzz with activity hariya fur the chronically ill, one The ; ear 5716 marked a new de- The story of Malben since i U Home lor aged Jews from Oriental —sewing, knitting carpentry, cob of the 4 Malben hospitals with n parture In Malben's pro^nim. The incopthn sumo seven years ago countries in Neve Halm. J j so blery, *ramlcs, etc.; and the cul- total bed capacity of 700, which Youth Rehabilitation Center in is the story of people. As with peodoing, it reduced the 2,000 aged tural life in many instances is was opened in the past year with Jerusalem for the mentnlly-re- ple, it can mean progress, can waiting to get in and added to the combined with that of the aged 180 beds, modern up-to-date equip. tarded immigrant child is a small mean failure t<». It Is a story of almost 6,000 aged and ill in all citizens of the nearby village of ment and a well-trained staff. but Important institution, which goals and a story of ideas.* It tell« Malben's institutions who are Pardess Hanna. The Village, which There U hope that the chronical- was undertaken In the past year. of hope and it tells of change. But "home," contented and happy, ho will eventually be reduced to 1,100 ly IU. who heretofore had been Here the mentally sub-normal in It ail runs the golden thread of longer mere numbers In the sea of residents, the remainder being dis; bedridden nnd left to die would, child of 1S-14 years of age, who.Malben's efforts to alleviate sufhumanity, but now human beings persed in various Institutions of through the efforts of Malben's cannot attend a normal school, fering, to help the helpleii, t h e with dignity and a place in the Malben throughout the country, team of doctors, nurses, social who is a problem to his Immigrant lighten and extend, the lite of t h e Pan! Shyken parents and finds no' companionsun. thrives in normal, wholesome ac- workeri. physiotherapists and oc- ship in the eonununfty, is given aged In the twilight of their years) tivity and the year closes on a cupational therapists, be granted Each year of his life of Rosh a chance to learn the three R'« and, above all, to help the-immiIlashonah the Jew the world over high note of Increasing happiness some small share of recovery that and a trad* under the specialized' grant understand aiifl' share the (hey might yet taste the sweet- educators and sodal worker en- happiness or the Ingathering of prays to be granted the strength for the aged in Neve Avot President, Paul Shyken. ness of the good life. the exiles" in his pew hojneland, to become himself and assume his gaged for that purpose. To "A little help goes a long way" Vice-president, Marlene Fried- destiny. We at Malben approach the state of Israel. Due to the coordinated efforts can easily be the slogan of the the year 5717 with fervent prayer past year's activities in Malben's In the quick handling of TB pa* * • -"4 • * * .* *. that our task of easing the burden constructive l o a n department, Uents In Israel by Malben, the Secretary, Larry Elewltx. of the State of Israel and caring which reached: the one million Israel Government and Hadassah Treasurer, Jerry Stone. for the aged, the infirm, the sick Beth Israel SYO is open to and handicapped immigrant will pound mark (spent In the aix specialists and staff, TM incidence young men and women of high again be one of satisfaction to us years' time) in its expenditures of has continued to decline to the school age. During the past year and happiness to those we serve helping (over the six-year period) extent that Malben has closed one SYO had many varied activities. and help; It Is our great prayer too 5,000 handicapped immigrants, of It* TB institutions and conSome of these included social that we will continue to receive heads of families, to establish solidated Its entire TB program events, recreational events and the support of American Jewry themselves In small enterprises in In Its Bc'cr Yaacov Hospital, the cultural events, A bake vale was through the United Jewish Ap- every corner of Israel. A kiosk largest TB hospital in the Middle held during the year to raise mon- peal For, as we measure the past here, a grocery store there, i meat East Brought into the compound CLEANERS ey to defray some of the expenses year's achievements In all branches & LAUNDRY for the regional NCSY Camping of Malben's activities and while we session. The bake sale proved to are cognizant of the infinite probbe very successful The Midwest lems yet to be solved, we are conRegion of the National Conference fident that It has been a good of Synagogue Youth convention year, a prldeful one, worthy of the FORA * was held in Kansas City, Mo., dur- support of world Jewry. * ing the winter vacation.

Malbens Year

Beth Israel SYO



The monumental task (still unThe regional officers from Omaha elected at this convention were: der way) In the old-age program President, Paul Shyken and Sec- of Malben was the taking over retary, Jerry Stone. The Midwest from the Jewish Agency of the Regional NCSY Camping session was held at Camp Moshava in election held in New York, Paul Wild Rose, Wls., during the week Shyken was elected vice-president of June 24 through July 1. Beth of the National Conference of SyIsrael SYO members participated nagogue Youth. The advisor to In the camping session. At the Beth Israel SYO is Samuel Stone.

Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR All Makes Typewriter Co. Steel Files — Desks — Chain — Safes 2550 Farnam

New Year Greetings to Our Jewish Friends John Day Rubber & Supply Co. lOlii and Hanwy Street*

JAckson 2323

A Monument to STRENGTH M m twitd momimtiiH to Hit

Hodi Chapter, BBG

strength of those who hove

President, Elaine Falken. First vice-president, S e r e n a Dwoskln. Second vice-president. In* Margolin. Recording secretary, Harrlettc Breslow. Corresponding secretary, I.enl Wine. Treasurer, p a t Greenfield. Reporter, Rozanne Slporln. Historian, Alice Kurz. Youth Council Representative. Joan Marx. Youth Council Alternate, Florence 8hr»(ro. B'nai B'lith Youth CouncU Representative*, Marilyn Dworkln and Barbara Bernstein. On July 27, 1954, B'nai B'rith Girls was organized. September brought 15 new members to Hodi Chapter. These new members were called MITs, Which stands for members-lntralnlng. Under the direction of their Mlt Mfither, Joyce Canar, they learned all about BBG's. The MIT's wrote a MIT song and elected officers; Rozanne Slporln was elected president. A regional meeting was held in Omaha September 11. At thif meeting, the girls decided what .aparti and activities they would

that or* an inspiration to


wishes you

To Our Many Friends

A Happy New Year




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— THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth Ha*hon«h^7T7


Friday, August, 31

International Good Will

Rural Education in Israel


Jerusalem (AJPl—Though Mid- he game, Isiael's goalie was hurt. dle Eastern tension still comfitte The Israelis played one man short Solving the problems of rural Jewish Agency through the Young with the U. S. political news in the The suspense mounted. The first education In communities largely Immigrant Department and Youth headlines of the world press, and alf ended. Then Russia scored inhabited by recent immigrant* Aliya, as well as the Ministries of although Suez is almost as loaded And then the miracle happened has long been a major concern of Labor and Agriculture, are also a word at this writing as it was Or it so seemed, out there in KaIsrael's educators. The rural associated with these schools. Such last week, perhaps we may be perschool is traditionally a weak or- centers cater to boys and girl mitted to turn our attention to a ganization—as one or two teachers from the ages of 14 to 16; provide [more divertingg and far pleasanter Against real champs with i are faced with Instructing a con- them with primary education not f h n g e This This time, time long tradition and the beat of glomeration of children in one or previously acquired, vocational s t o r y _ f o r a change. training. Ten minutes before the two rooms. The problem is further training, and an opportunity to let us deal with the rare commodRussians , g scored again. It complicated In Israel villages and work several hours per dity for ity of International amity and with end,,the settlements In which the majority pay. The young people not only the facts of peace and of fair play. wgs two to one. The people allll 1 of the children nml their parents receive tralninc slanted toward , The curtain rises. The date: over Israel went a little mad with ii; are recent Immigrants—with the the trades followed in their vdJuly, 11, 1956. The place: the great pride and IHRC, or The crops grown there - additional task of adjusting |lu-msports stadium in Moscow. . Thq sheer Joy. And not far away, tlr selves to th" Irn:»1 syii»li»<- in « but also receive social and grouj starring actors: Russia's stellar seismographs foreign lanciui.v, Kurthcnnnrf, ti^inlnr pn pjnn,; them for £u<>i soccer team and Israel's counter- Beirut recorded a mild tremor. Is many of the p,mnt<, .sp'.ik 1I«'- (it./ui^hlp part to it. The occasion: a m&tch raells wondered later If the soun 1 brcw but pooily, and nrc, in min> the results of which would deter- f 110,000 feet stamping in th Younfi uonirn, too, IOL'MVO sp Instances, l.)ri,ely untutuml In the jn,il courses in liun.einaliin;,'. In mine which teams would play in mad rhythm caused by the mlraclt I t subjects dealt with in the school the |,ii>'ip .iinuiid tin1 \ill,ii;e ol Melbourne, on the other side of had shaken the d l i t curriculum. Pinncerlm; tr.K hers N»;;.i, for iiisl.ince, theic arc'tin n the globe, when the Olympic ments or perhaps, the sourer mem bers of the community decide have established thi-msclvrs In fully equipped mud •! kitchens and Games open In November. The many of these settlement*, dolnn ,i small model home. These die Olympics committee, having de- perhaps It was just a colncldenc a herculean Job, acting as educa- rxact replicas of the type of hitch- , cided that soccer would be one of There was an epilogue, of oours< tors to parents and children nllke. en and home In which the girls will the competitive games at Mel- Later, after the cheeks died awa. However, It has been recognized probably live. They learn how to I bourne, had divided the world into and the Russians wenjt back hornr that a new program, able to de- decorate and arrange rooms taste- > four areas. Each of the four areas, Yugoslavia dropped but gt the socvelop better facilities and larger fully, make curtains, etc., within having eliminated all but winning cer games scheduled for Melbourne teaching staffs, would Improve the modest budget which they will j earns, would then contribute these and a replacement \Vas needed. Israel's performance made' its imthe tenor of rural education. teams for the final matches. probably have in their own house- i pression In remote'places and the No one could beat the Russians. Olympic Committee, looking for a holds. Consequently, the concept of the Everyone knew that day at thereplacement, invited the/Israelis. central village school was born. Moscow stadium that no great Come and play soccer .with the Orih« nearly 500,000 ptrson. helped by the United lewlrii Appeal ihii «sr. An entire area Is to be served by Diamond Industry drama would be enacted. Israel world's champions, they wrote., .pprowmnlely one out of four are young people. Children in I.rai-.l, like thole the school in a central village t o was playing on foreign soil against And in November the Israel team poured above,will a bollhy-\mn falo«. tta-k,,10, ih,, » . «r..lon, Jerusalem (ISD—Expansion of which the children n a y be dally world champions. It was enough will be in Melbourne with all the the diamond industry is now betransported by .bus. Typical of this for the crowd almost to watch the other champs. Not a very signifidevelopment la the central school ing carried out according to a entre'acte. The people of Moscow cant story. No politics. Just a scheme devised for establishing diaWith lift firtt s/eat Y«rkon-Nt«.ev irriftilion pipeline (pictured above) W v Of Shaflr, in the South. Some 193 had stared curiously, some even tale of two cities and 22 soccer for New Ajnericani. children; a large enough student mond polishing plants In new de- in operation, Iinel'i people, with the help ol (undi from Ilie Unite* Jewish longingly at the Israelis, at their players and lots of national pride. body |qr good grading, attend this velopment 'areas, Some 700 dia- Appeal, sre boldly loini ilieid with conilmction of • leeond Y«rkon-Nrgev lag which flew over the stadium A story we thought you might like mond workers are to be added to plp«liiM this y«ir. Scheduled (or completion in 1958, ihli second, glant-iile school from six settlement! and and listened curiously to their na- to read. the present 2,300 employees within pipeline will make poullile ihe Irrigation of an iddltioml S O . O O O screi of twice as many countries of origin. tional anthem. Not many of the The district school, aside from the next year, of whom 70 are to deiert vstltlind. To|tlher, the two pipelines will help more than 400,000 ordinary folk of Moscow get a providing better educational fa- settle.1n Klryat Shmone, SO In perioni In the south of Iirael to become ftlfiupportlng on farms and in new chance to see foreigners and these cilities, also acts as a cultural cen- Safed, 140 in Beersheba, ISO in dllcs. UJA supplied 65% of the fundi needed for (he construction of to t n t were more exotic than most. Aihkelon, Klryat.Gat and,Of skim, Yarkon-Nejev pipeline. Once again, Amtrican Jewi can play s deciaive part ter for the bringing together, and This was a Jewish team from ihrouih UJA inhelplni Iirael'i people build a second line snd thereby speed holding of various cultural groups. and the rest largely In new urban that strange, controversial little the day ef their fall economic independence. Starlight; Pa. (JTA) — B'nai It is part of the entire central vil- settlements in the south, down to country somewhere near the Suez B'rith authorized construction of lage scheme through which every EUat. The first plants In BeerCanal. No, no one thought they two Hillel centers to serve Jewsheba, Eilat, Safed and Ofakim, type of regional project from adult would win—and they didn't, but it ish students of Rutgers University education, cultural activities, and employing some: 100 workers,'have didn't matter much. They com- and the University of New HampImprovad economic organization, already started production and ported themselves as all Israel shire. that In Kfar Yeruham Is to follow are launched. knew they would — like g o o d suit shortly. Th« new plants are The action, taken by the organisportsmen, playing the game for receiving long-term loans from the come Bar-On, Arbor becomes ArIn new area*, such ss the Lahlsh By Jonathan Shlloh the game's sake. And for Russia's zation's administrative commitDevelopment Budget and.the Govdevelopment project, the whole tee, meeting here, brings to 208, bcl; and Kovatch becomes Kovea. (Copyright, 1056, JTA) 1 well, who the number of Hillel Foundations new system of education is being ernment Is participating In the Jerusalem—A quiet revolution, And Why not simply shorten a Jews, this was planned on this basis. Functional outlay required for training work- which never makes headlines and name? Joacobowltch becomes Ja- really could guess .what it meant and counselorships organized by to them to catch a glimpse 6t the B'nai B'rith to provide religious, school buildings, with fadlltles for ers. which probably never will, Is run-cob which Is only one step from rugged, bronzed men from the cultural and counseling service to 'all grades. Including kindergarIsrael diamond exports increased the Hebrew pronunciation of Ya'ning its course in Israel. It Is Holy Land or to hear their fluent, Jewish students on campuses in tens, are being planned. Good size playgrounds, restaurants for noon- from (12.7 million in 1953 to near, the'changlng of "Diaspora" famlty acov; Glnter becomes Guiat. Again familiar Hebrew. It was a bigthe United States and Canada. ly |20 million In 1955 and In the day meals, and d u b fadlltles are. names—the Flnklesteins, Smiths It is easy to translate many for- event, Bigger than most such Philip M. Klutznlck, president, said current foreign currency budget, also planned. elgh names into Hebrew. Why matches, involving more than the that the new buildings when condiamond exports are expected to Dostrovskys—to Hebrew names. fans, somehow disproportionately The later are generally sought Bear and not Qov, Wolf and not important for everyone concerned. structed, "will provide expanded Youth dubs, maintained by th« total »21.5 million. facilities in step with the growing among the wealth of narnes found Ze'ev? The Israelis came back home number of Jewish undergraduates in the Bible or are coined afresh One of the most popular ways and started to work. They trained at both institutions." from the living language. is to adopt a father's first name as and prepared .themselves to be Rutgers and its co-education, The move received new impetus your family one. This requires the hosts to the Russian team. And counterpart, Douglass College for recently when the Minister of In- addition.of the prefix ben (son). all Israel, knowing that Israel Women, have a combined Jewish could not win, hoped against hope terior, Israel Bar-Yehuda, intro- President Ben-Zvl did this. that the five to nothing score of enrollment of 900 students, A duced a bill in the Knesset mak< Another method, which carries the Moscow stadium could be Hillel program has been maintained thereslnce 1939 in rented quar. Ing obligatory the adoption of with it a' stark reminder of thechanged, just a bit. ters. The University of New Hamp^ "family" name. The future law, War of Independence, is to call That day, that exciting, never- shire at Durham, ,N. H , has 100 aimed at simplifying the keeping yourself "after « son or daughter to-be-forgotten day,'the uninformJewish students who are isolated of vital statistic*, will affect many who felt Israel today has many ed visitor walking through Israel's from Jewish religious and cultural Jews raised in primitive Arab who have immortalized a. fallen streets might have thought It al- Institutions. They are presently eountrtes.or Iran, Many of them hero in this manner, For example, most a day of national mourning, serviced by a parWIme counselor. not only do not have family names Avidan, the father of Dan, Avigur, Worked stopped that afternoon. A special grant of $5,000 was alEveryone who could not pack into —they do not ace the need for the father of Gur. the crowded stadium at Ramat located ,by B'nai B'rilh to the them. I t this Is' not bad enough, American Museum of Immigration And Dually, when none of these Gan sat near a radio, 55,000 peowe hav«ithe custom, of certain for its projected museum to be suggestions' are pleasing or accep- ple sat under the boiling sun at the constructed at the base of the Kurdish -tribes in Iran. A grand' able, the Bible may be opened and stadium but thousands more sat Statue of Liberty in New York son takes Ills grandfather's first a name selected. I t can be theat home, In cafes, tin the streets harbor. This edifice will contain and listened. There was perhaps name as his surname. The grand' name of any figure, hero, settle- no one old enough to know what historical material illustrating the son's wife, However, does not take ment plant, region, river, hill, val the word "soccer" meant who was contributions of Immigrants to this her husband's surname (really the ley, or any noun which rings true not tense, waiting for the game to country. grandfather's first name), but her and which has a pleasant connota- start. The Russians gave way to father's first namo as her mar excitement. Their own broadtion. rted name. Understandably, this caster, transmitting to Russia is confusing to everyone who toes seemed to know that ail' the way Persons In their 30's and 40's not hall, from that remote part across the continent, millions can begin now to forestall the onwould* be concerned with this of the world. set of heart trouble through anOut this Is a sidelight on the game. cnlire problem. For It Is the Jews nual checkups and by consulting a The Russians made thejr first coming from the western world, doctor between times If any doubts goal. Luck seemed to bo with Nebraska Heart them, In addition to superb abilialthough not affected by the fu- arise, says ties. In the first few minutes of DHSS ture law, who are conducting the Association, revolution by Hebraizing their surPAUL HOUSE names. (Most Oriental families have fine Biblical names as J a ily names—If they have the all.) Not so the European (and, of course, the American) Jews. Their family names run the gauntlet of every conceivable name and ro fleets unerringly their lives in the many countries through which it they passed. They derived' t h e i r surnames in many fashions. For example, many called themselves and after the cities in which they CHANNEL lived. This explain*' the Londons, Black and White Berllners, Danzigs. Others blended with their vocation: Sandier (cobbler) or Xantorowitdi (Cantor), while many called themselves eoio« niivmoN CSNTIK after some personal characteristic: Klein (smalt) or SchwaU (black). In 1797. Joseph II of Austria ordered all persons without surnames to adopt them. This explains the great influx of tiermanic names: Frischwasser, Wasserman, Goldachmldt Today, these names are gradually being shed for :* Hebrew ones. The process started with Ellezer Ferlman, the reviver of Hebrew as a living and expressive language, who is better known to posterity as Ellezer Ben Ychu da. He adopted hj» new name when he settled in this country In 1881. The names of others who followed this custom, and who urged others to do the same, la legion: To name only a few outstanding ones; Yitzhak Bon-Zvl (Shimshilevlsch); David Ben Gu rlon (Green); Mosho Shnrett (Shertok). Soon after the establishment of the State it was almost rnanda* tory for civil servants to Hebraize their names. To aid them in doing this, ns well ns to draw up a guide, the Hebrew Language Committee (predecessor of the Hebrow Language Academy) drew up 15th and Jones Sh., Omaha a set of rules plus a list of 4,000 new Hebrew names. 25th and O Sts., Omaha The rules are simplicity in themselves. For Instance, a name may 3105 West Broadway, Council Bluffs be Hebraized by changing the vowels or only one consonant: Braver becomes Barur, Brown bo-


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—THE JEWISH m S S — Ho* H«W«fc 1717—Wd*y. Angxt. I I . I f f *


Tel Aviv and Its Workers By Nabttm (iuttnua

The place of Histadrut, the Israel labor federation, in the development oi the Jewish State is generally well known. Hutadrut' role as a catalytt bringing tugether the various sections of the com mnnlty, veterans and now lmini grants, and its cuntubutiun 1o tin economic, social, health and vocational training progrujns aix common knowledge. But the average American cannot visualize how this tremendous organization, comprising over half of Israel's population, operates In a given community.

kraali «wk<n M f t ) t u b tt »iun at > nrw plmt.uoa w ilr vilksc of Kfem C M . Ucsttd hi Ike Uthuli rrimn of the Ntiev. With lh« •!« «f tmtn mm a s * * ! farina from Suit .f I.rul Development B<nd>, Kiryil C u i. M M M H U V *•1 die prottiiim niucr for the retioa'i tndtituld tropt, vhkli • n « w lwi-fU* * canon, »gir bt«i t iu) punau. The Uthuli «rt. p»»d<ic«cl « Mrenu •( t k u u l *T 7,000 tou of cotton grown in Uriel ID IKS. By thr mi «f Iff}, Hw rejUn U eipccted Is trow «nd protcu caourji IOOH M •wM? Ike need* of hncl'i tntlrc textile Industry, thui urutg • mlalnnni m. I4,9MJ00 la foreign currency uuiaalt/.

Well, how docs Hlstadrut operate In the country"! greatest metroDollj, Tel Aviv? To begin with, 118,000 Tel Avi»lans belong to HUUdrut With their dependents, the family circle wldem out to 160,000 men. women and. children. This Is i n Increase of some 230 per cent since the Sttte was formed in 1M& The memben are grouped according to occupation. In 25 trade union*. The»« Include member* of Hapoel HamJzneU, Poale Agudat Yisnel and the Arab workers—«0 per cent of the city's workers are covered by union contracts with employers. Throughout the yean, working; conditions and living standard! have Improved, with emphasis on erasing differentials between old settlen and new immigrants, between Jewtih and Arab work«n. Individual skills rather than Vethnlc" bsckgrounds have become the bails for adThe rapid growth of Tel Aviv has created a youth problem of considerable dimension. Organizing working youth above the age of 14 (school-leaving age for many of the low-income families) and supervising their further education and vocational training ha* been undertaken by the local branch of Hlsttdrut, the Workers' Council.

This program is a strong antidote against Juvenile delinquency. There are 4.350 boys and girls organized in 910 places of employment, while I 800 belong to branches of edu'iitinnal movements. Eleven evcng schools were founded by the •I Aviv workers' council and la:i' transferred to the Department .•f Education. Noar Ilaoved, the ..orbing youth section of. Hista;rut. maintains courses for 1,500 youths. Serious Problem One o( Israel's most serious economic problems is that of greater iroductivity. Histadrut, together .vith the Manufarturers Association and Government, has sponsored Productivity Councils with marked success. In Tel Aviv alone, there are 48 such Councils in factories employing 5,000 warfcem Tel Aviv's labor force includes 2,000 organized workers in the building trades, 2500 clerical workers, and 5,000 In other specialities. The Labor Exchanges have, in the past eight yean, found 501,178 Jobs, permanent or temporary, for workers in the area. Spedal attention Jus been given to the aged and handicapped, while special Labor Exchange* serve juvenile workers.

Of Israel's three largest dtles. only Tel Aviv does not have a labor mayor. Haifa's Abba Hushl and Jerusalem'* Gerahon Agrpn were elected on the Mapal slate, although the) municipal governments are coalitions, In Tel. Aviv, despite the fact that Mapal led the other parties, an anti-labor coalition was formed by the General Zionists and MbrachL The labor candidate, Mrs. Golda Myenon, has since become Israel's Foreign Minister. But Tel Aviv continues to suffer from mismanagementinadequate sanitary services, dirty streets, polluted bathing beach, lack of parks and.eomtantly growbig alums. The labor group* con-

tinue to -prod the Municipality to make Tel Aviv a better city. Cultural front Tel Aviv is a rich centc-r of culture. Histadrut is a major reason for this phenomenon. Some 50,000 uwkcrs attend monthly lectures on a variety of subjects under Histadrut auspices, at cultural centers or at places of work. Hi&tadrut maintains 44 cultural centers, dub houses and sports ground Its theatre. Ohel, is one of the country's finest, and regularly draws large audiences at 1U Tel Aviv performances. Among the Is rael Philharmonic's most cnthusl astie following are the workers, who purchase large blocks of tickets at reduced rate*. Organized sight-seeing tours, to give the urbanttes a chance to see the frontiers occasionally, are participated in by 6,000 workers annually.

Fifty cultural group* function, as do four choirs, three orchestras and two dance troupes. Histadrut maintains 17 libraries in the city, with 40,000 volumes on their shelves. Teaching Hebrew to adults is a major function of the Cultural Department, and some 30,000 Tel Avtvians have acquired the language through Histadrut courses. Twelve thousand adult* and adolcnts have achieved a primary education, while &S0O study at the various educational institutions maintained by the labor movement In the city, such as the .Workers' College. In the summer of 1956, something new has been added to the skyline of Te! Aviv. The American Histadrut Center was dedicated In August. Consisting of the Abraham Llesiln House and FarbandHamlin House, this Center is already a meeting place for American visitors who seek information about Israel's unique labor movement A permanent exhibit, a library and reading room, and social halls are available. Kupat Hollm — H l s t a d r u t ' s health organization which covers

in the seats; the walls are panelled in beige unfinished plywood; and a rose carpet serves to warm the little room which Is lit by muted light concealed in the ceiling. In this room Reform, Conservative. Orthodox, and skeptical Jews come together to create a new tolerance for each other and a new unity for Judaism, In effect, the best compromise Is found generally In the Conservative service. Resmall congregation of Defense DeBy Beth Sicroty form Jews cover their heads with partment employees have left (Copyright, 195a, JTA) yarmulkas as a sign of respect their work to worship in commufor the custom* of Conservative Washington—No Rosh Hashanah nity synagogues. In all probability and Orthodox Jews. Orthodox w Yom Kippur services will be the hard core of people who come Jews have to overlook some of the held this year by the most unusual to pray or ponder daily at the traditional ceremonial rules since congregation in the country. Pentagon synagogue will enter lack of turn necessitates i t And Projection room 3 on the fifth more conventional schules during Conservative and Orthodox Jews ;floor of thj Defense Department's the Jewish holidays. But i t is must do without the Cantor and The Chaplain's small but steady the rituals normally a part of massive Pentagon shall remain doubtful that the design and decor Just that on the Jewish high holi- of the larger synagogues—be i t congregation are a highly educat their worship. days. On every other week day of modem or monumental—will meet ed group. That there are perhaps Four yean ago the Chief Chapthe year, however, at 5 minutes their human requirements and re- more PHCs in the Pentagon lain of the Army started a nonof noon to 12:30 the tiny projec- ligious needs any better than the chule than in any other congregadenominational service for Inter-, tion room becomes the Pentagon simple projection room turned sy- tion in the country reassures the ested people at the Pentagon. spiritual leader that this group Is synagogue. nagogue. Jews, Catholics, and Protestants But on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Chaplain Maurice S. Kleinberg, well aware of the conflicts of the were welcomed to attend services Kippur it Is assumed that the consultant on Jewish affairs to the world of which they are a part. during their "free" noon hour. But The peopls . who voluntarily the non-denominational service come to the service during their lasted only one year. The necessity lunch hour are seeking something to avoid any reference or symbol other than discussions on charged that might offend any believer had current issues, the Chaplain says. turned the service into arid neuPrayerful mediation, a feeling of tralism bordering on nothingness. Jewish Identity, retirement, perTherefore the Chief Chaplain haps even withdrawal—these are decided to offset three separate the needs which are trying to be services for Catholic, Protestant fulfilled by the noon service. and Jew. Chaplain Kleinberg: then A hard core of 10 Individuals began conducting the Jewish servregularly attend services. Most of ices. And for the small congrega1819 Farnam JA 5244 the congregants are civilian pro- tion and the Chaplain, the ..noon fessionals working in mathema' hour of the past three years has tics, statistics, or science; men been of spiritual Importance.' New Ember Glo Open Hearth Grill and New outnumber the women 3 to 1; and Rotisserie . . . Select Your Own Steaks among the faithful 10, the largest percentage is Conservative. Twenty-nine thousand people of all faiths, civilian and military personnel, work In the Pentagon. To Our Many Friends On special occasions the Chaplain figures that approximately 25 Jews will fill half the room. On from regular days the number will flucARNOLD ROBINSON tuate between 8 and 12. Although no statistics on the number of SIDNEY TAREN JOSEPH Jews working at the Pentagon are available, it is guessed that about • * * FACTORY FURNITURE CO. 3 percent of the Jewish Defense Department employees attend the Drapes Made Free with Purchase of Material noon service. And the number Is Increasing, the Chaplain says. Since a person's lunch hour IRON & METAL CO. 3814 Farnam AT 6333 must fall between 12 and 1 o'clock 1302 Webster Street in order to attend the service, many individuals arc excluded. This is apparently inevitable since to give government employees the time to attend services at public expense would violate the princiLet the words of our New Year Prayer be ple of separation of church and state. Strict adherents to churchfulfilled that all the Nations of the World state separation already look with silent disapproval at the existence may form a single band to do the Will of of religious services In public buildings. God with a Perfect Heart. Famed National Jewish Hospital at Denver lua Just n decorated its 00-year-o!tl chapel, the oldest remaining- bnlldlnf en its campus, for E « ! i IIr>.s!ionah. The free, non-sectarian Institution has Riven mare than •1.(100,000 days of rare to patieata from every state tilnce Its opening In 1399. Photo shows Rabbi Earl Stanley Stone, who has just assumed his duties at Temple Kmami?!. Denver, standing in the pulpit.

Pentagon Synagogue

Army Chief of Chaplains, excludes controversy froin the) J e nta f o n service. And for good reason, be feels. The Pentagon synagogue Is, be says, "a place for a few quiet moments, a message from a Jew ish source, and a thought about the spiritual value of living in the midst of the "A" and "H" bomb age. - . • - . . The service he has created Is short and simple. For the mos part It is repetitious day after day. A prayer far peace, silent devotion, the 32nd Psalm, Kaddish, the benediction and a few other devotional selections are a constan part of the service. 'The message for the day" varies, of course, and finds its topic among curren events of interest to Jews.

Tomb of Rabbi Meyer Baal Haness One of the many sacred tombs In the Tiberias a n a , the artlit NoU KMlowtky ass c a f t a n * K» pictoral beaut;. Overlooking the Rr» of Gilller, the tomb of Rnhbl Meyer B u i Ilsaess Is flaaksi c « • * • left by the' Sepnardle synagogue and on the right by the fsmrnu Ashkenatlc yeahlvs. two-thirds of the entire population of Israel—maintains 24 clinics In the Tel Aviv district In the Jaffa district is the new Dr. Herman Seldel Clinic built with the help of the Baltimore Histadrut Campaign, to honor om of that dtyk's outstanding Jtwi. Cooperative* Cooperative stores serve 47,250 members, while cooperative, nous tog projects are inhabited by 12,< OOOjamllie*. The 84 producers and transport cooperative* situated in Tel Aviv engage thousand* of workers. Practically all belong to one or more of the mutual aid and soda security and pension funds set up by their unions. Last but not least Is the work ing woman, The Working Mothers' Association is the country's lead ing feminine group. Its 3,000 ac tive members in Tel Aviv sponsor 45 creches and kindergartens (or children between the ages of two and six. Summer camps and play

groups attract 2,000 children. The Association also maintains Nev-eh Taf, a baby home for children needing expert care not obtainable at home. A sport-coniclou*. nation, Israel caters to a wide variety of athletic activities. H a p o e l , Hlstadrut's sports organization, has 4,000 memben In the metropolis, and a large stadium of Its own. This resume of the scope of Hiitadrut work in one community could be indefinitely expanded, but

enougr has been presented to indicate how much organised labor means to the Big City, Tel AvJv symbolizes the "easy life," Just as Beersheba and Oath are the epitome or pioneering. That Tal Ariv does not descend to the depths of a levantlne coastal town, with amtraiting misery among the mattes and luxury for the select few, Is due to the pretence) of a modern, democratic labor movement wlili a sense of justice as well a i a historic mission;

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The small room that converts to a synagogue for 35 minutes each week-day is wlndowless and square. About 50 theatre-type seats, 10 to a row, face a portable field altar draped in red velvet displaying a Star of David and the Ten Commandment symbol. On one side the altar is bounded by the American flag, on the other side by a Jewish flag, A soft green curtain used as a backdrop covers the projection room's movie screen when the synagogue comes to life.The pale green Is echoed

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5ea Settlement

raising of $25,000,000 or more, over and above the funds to be contributed to UJA's regular campaign. The response to the Special Fund was Instantaneous. As the months wore on and crisis developed upon crisis, the- Special Fund grew to close to S6,000,000 by the end of January, to nearly $10,000,000 by the end of February, to almost $14,000,000 by the end of March, to $16,000,000 by the time of Israeli's 8th anniversary, to $18,500,000 by tlie end of June—with monies still to be realized from communities whose campaigns will begin soon after the New Year.

the fate and survival of Israel's By Herbert A. rriedm&n (Executive Vl<e-( lialrnmn of the people are intimately and seriously involved. United Jcwlah Appeal) Almost a full year has passed (Copyright, 1036, JTA) ;ince the first Soviet arms begun When I came into the UJA al- 'arriving In the harbors of Alexmost a year and a half ago, there> andria and Port Said. So far, this were new and discordant rumb- Is what Nasser has received from lings of historic forces in the Med- the Communists: 50 illyunhin jet iterranean basin and the Middle bombers, 200 MIG jet fighters, 50 Enst. Stalin tanks of GO tons each, 400 In the Mediterranean area the Katushka rocket launchers, numtide of change was rising to full erous motor torpedo boats, eix force and beginning to affect the Soviet submarines, two destroyers, position of thousands of Jews In spare partB (or all of these, and Moslem lands. I came to one such the training by Soviet technicians land soon after the violent out- of Egyptian pilots and maintenbreaks of July In which hundreds ance crews, of Jews were terrorized and some Israel in the tome period, reslain. I felt then—as I went ceived nothing to compare with through the age-old ghettoes of this. The truth is that while Egypt various cities—that the Jews had was receiving this massive quanlittle future there, and that they tity of arms from the Soviet arwould have neither rest or peace senal, Israel was receiving .tens until some vast and swift effort of thousand* of Jewish refugeea. were undertaken to save as many Here, Indeed, U a commentary on as possible from what teemed to the nature of Israel's people and impend. Others who visited, there on the nature of the enemies arshared the same fears.. rayed against them. Today, one year later, we can But the Jewi of Israel and the take little solace from the fact Jews of America, appalled aa they that some of these strongest fears, were by Egypt's tie-up, lost neithand many warnings, have been ful- er faith nor courage. For their filled. The comfort we can take, part, Israel's people refuted to however, Is that, in the year 5718, dose their gates to immigration— American Jews through UJA despite the terrible dangers they made possible the movement to faced on every side. And though Israel of tens of thousands before they war* being outgunned with the closing off of matt emigration. every shipload of arms that ar-

By Ida Bliivan I Jerusalem — "Yarn Hamavet Hal" (Tho Dead Sea LIvciD—ln giant letters^ made of gunny sacks twisted around wires, these words are itu/lg between two poles on a height overlooking Ein Gedi, pioneer outpest on the D^iifl Sea. . T> one who thinks of Kin Gedi as fi placs mentioned In the Bible —captured by Joshua; where Da. vid sought refuge from Saul's Wrath; und where Shulnmlt sang . of hsr. shepherd lover, "My Belived U unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyard* of Eln Oedl" "—Its becoming u modern settlcmen full of the sounds of - PiopJe and animals, the nolle of v'tjrajftpri'afld trucks, and the move••. merit-of dally life, Is cioie to ml':'•Jisiivtim, And Indeed the re. centceremony JMlebratlng Eln Ge.Wsindiuiptt in the Ihud Ha'Kvut. l o t Vehaklbbuulm (Union of Co. oparatlve Settlements) ai a full-, ;.: "/Jedgaay: spjiperstlve, agricultural • settlement is Infieed a miracle, '%-,•.;•.i.;;V^«Vfv«id Waite Land Y : i •'•'•'•% W B wdriiei• ol turning "dead" •; fend into living, fruitful soil li due jo tH? 'oresliht and perieveranc? : "flf >th> ij«*l»h National Fund, .flight years aga the Israel Pefense • ]Army captured Eln Gedl as part or • The UJA In 5717 will gay to the ' pf;the last "mopping up" expadi- !'• Jews of America—as it has said : tlpnos of the War 6/ Independence. | for the past two year*—that the For centuriM the land had lain saving of lives must go on where iwaste, the ancient terraces cumbl. opportunities exist and especially Jiag, aiid the sjii| that had been so while there it time. How much ffrullful was* slowly covered by time still remains for the emigraroqks and boulders which had been tion of Jews from Moslem counThe HlruU at tht Dead 8m ; 'swept down the hills by the wintries is, the greatest question of out their existence by scratching which reclaims the soil, and the *; tor rain j , Gradually the dense vision of the Jewish National the New Year—but the fact it the soil with their primitive tools. •Vrujh and other hardy desert Fund, which have brought about ,that every moment of remaining - buahps covered all liens of occupa- In modern times, intrepid travel- the miracle of the Dead Sea! time must be used to the fullest ers with a taste for antiquities advantage. Every dollar contrib" : vtlbn./.:.v-,... / : : . . : V ; '•:,' '. ; .- made the difficult and dangerous uted now has a real bearing on ;. And *thon came the fnlracle, ourncy and then returned to their Haifa Subway the number of Jews that can be -•.'•:,WhSro private jenterprlie: feared countries to write in glowing Haifa USD—The digging of the brought to Israel, and on the num>'to tread, for the Initial fnvMtment terms of this "mirage" In the des. 1,700 meter-long tunnel, which will ber of lives that can be re-built ^would be )ar«ri», the venture haz- crt. connect the three sections of Haifa there. All the urgency of the old 5«rdou»,' and the profits far off in Experimental Plant* by one underground railway, was year throbs In the new, and it If ;thp future, the Jevvlih National It U these evidences of a fruit- officially begun by a group of lead- this pulse-beat of crisis that must »Fund undertook the task of re- ful past which gives the young kib- ing Haifa citizens doing their best make itself felt in every Jewish .claiming the land of: Ein Gedl, A butz Its hopes for the future. Dur- with a pneumatic drill, heart in America. f f ^ o u p of NAJJAL; (pioneering ing Its second year, Jewish NationWhen the tunnel Is completed at Soviet Union ?youth'who spend part of their pe- al Fund reclamation Increased the the end of 30 months, the railway With respect to the Middle East, riod Of military scrvlca In agrl- cultivable area to 400 dunams, A will extend through four stations "{UltUral work) were established at pipeline was laid from the water- from the Haifa Bay up through one year it was alive with rumors ; the fool ofth* hill. Alrnpitlmmef fall and carries a tiny fraction of Mount Carmel. The tunnel will be of an impending deal between ' j-dliteiy, burikhousci/ a mess-halli the springs' water down to the from eight to thirty meters under- Cairo and Moscow. I remember {shower - house*, • all whitewashed fields. Plant arc in progress for g r o u n d and the thousands .of being in Israel a few weeks before stones which will be dug out are -I*nd; shlnlnR'spranj up, and the the reclamation of an additional to be used to develop the beach the High Holy Days, when the mood there was one of apprerj-oung men and women of NAHAL 1,000 dunams to be irrigated by along the town's shores. hension and uncertainty. The quesfbeean cleaning the itones from the more and wider pipelines. Almost The railway will coet over 1L.7 afieldi, :Din?cte<I by the JNF t sigh. all the experimental plants flour- million to build and the complete tions asked were these: What are ,lty^ujiams were reclaimed the first ished: during Its first year of ex- journey from downtown Haifa to the Russians up to? Where will ;\3fMT: »nd experimental planting istence Eln Gedi sold seventy tons the end of the line will take six Nasser leap? Six weeks later, on \,Nvastegun.^.^.•-/ - . - ^ of prize quality tomatoes at very minutes. It is being constructed return to Israel with members of •,'t-.:;,'.;-;;vPMid 8«»^.0ntpo«t.v •:•. •. high prices In the large city mar- by the French engineering firm, the 1956 UJA. Oversea* Study Mis. jiWfly: <va« this: Inaccessible point kets,'for they'ripen when there the Soclete Dunkerquolse d'Enter- alon, I taw the late summer mood of apprehension Justified. Two ' In the desert ehbfen for such great are no tomatoes anywhere else In prises, Mayor Abba Khoushy also an- days before we arrived, Egypt an•-investment of money and labor? Israel. This year there were cuFirstly, there Is the strategic lm- cumbers, squash, grapes, and ba- nounced a plan for the construc- nounced it would receive a miniportince of the place. Lying about nanas as well. There will be spe- tion of a modern business center mum of $250,000,000 worth of So; 50 kilometers north of Sodom, it is cial attempts made to grow exotic In Lower Haifa. The railway, he viet-made jet fighter and tanks, said, will help business throughout Israel's northernmost outpost on subtropical fruits such as mangoes, the town by bringing all parts of bomber planes, artillery, surface ships and • submarines from Red ' tho Dead Sea. Just as important pineapples, etc. Another important the city closer together. Czechoslovakia. Here was the bea reason la Eln (Sedi's special char- enterprise will be the- growing of ginning of a drama that has yet . gcter. It i» an oajii, fed by three, flowers to be shipped by air to all "Puer," in French, means "to to run its course, but one in which isprings whi<jh fi?w down in two parts of the world. stink" or smell bad. waKrfalU at th« raU of 4<0 eublo The young klbbutenlcks replac'meters of water an. hour. These ing NAHAL, who have flnjshed ' fabulous quarrtltletr of water have their term of service, have accept; been pouring down unexploitcd for ed their new roles eagerly, with no .centuries^ y-y-' •;..".'.:'.:•.•••, '• •• doubts of their ability to make •' ThBlrfmlneral content has; form- good. They hope to'make their •'.ed fantastic ntslactlles and stalag- klbbuti a health and tourist cen Smltes yhlch line the famous cave ter. They have hot sulphur springs, (tinder the.upper water fall.; In the salt waters of the Dead Sea, ^ibllcal times ^lin <3cdl • was, a lovely scenery, and delightfully flourishing oasis where dotes and warm weather in the winter sea1 figs and £r»p«i grew in abundance, son. All they need now Is good )The <ay«s i n ' the. mountainside means of transportation, for the •were » favorite haunt of the Es- rough path along the coastline / jenoi, who sought to establlih at makes for a dusty, bumpy journey. .'•'; piii-ticiU v« nile ; of .simplicity, They recently purchased a boat to (equality, modesty, and purity. In bring tourist* from Sodom. * « a f l y •Chriltlan. times hermits In his congratulations to the fllvea there and manufactured: healnew kibbutz, Prime Minister BenOPEN SUNDAY 'jntr bsjms from th« various leaves Gurkrn tatd: "Then is perhaps no '&d,berrtes. which abound. The other place In the country blessed •••' ;plejitifui; water made EUt Gedl *" 4920 Underwood 220 S. 24th St. with such rare and precious quail •''•: Jmportant stopping place for,, tin.' ties as Eln Godl . . > Once again 'v':^an»--cwsiiiiM(;-ti»-. deserts and Up RE 5560-61 AT 1226 from the vineyards of Eln Gedl •wtll fy Wir ot biipepfonce* will be heard the song of songs of •' (ew farnlljes of Arab peasants eked redeeming labor." It It this labor

Every dollar contributed to the Special Fund has been a dollar for direct transmission to the Jewish Agency in.Israel and for the financing there of programs for the resettlement of .the tens of thousands ot refugees who began coming in Increasing numbers from last October on. Had It not been for these Special Fund dollars, Israel's people would have had to carry a double burden—the burden of strengthening their national defenses and that of paying for the saving of lives. But for the UJA Special Fund, financial ruin might have engulfed the people of Israel, or—to avoid this—Israel's people might have had to take the extreme and terrible measure of closing their gates and thereby rived at the Egyptian ports, they signing Jewish death warrants for held their Own on borders that those waiting for emigration. were constantly under attack. Thankfully and mercifully, the People's Oeunfa Jews of America helped to preFired by the courageous spirit vent this from happening. of Israel's people, the Jews of The year Ahead America took up and endorsed \ What, now, of the New Year the pleas that were put before them. From Jerusalem, where the 5717? The tact is that great efforts UJA Study Mission was gathered In October, 1958, the call went out and exertions are still ahead of us for an extraordinary meeting of —for Israel's people are still in the topmost leaders of the Amer- danger, still threatened, almost ican Jewish community to consider encircled, the object of unyielding the role of American Jewry In the venom and hate on the part of face of Israel's new crisis. Out of the Arab states. this meeting, which took place on As this Is being written, the SoNovember 18th at the Waldorf- viet wooing ot Nasser goes op Astoria Hotel in New York, came with increasing intensity and the-UJA's history-making Special arms from the Soviet arsenal conSurvival Fund—a program for the tinue to come to him.

Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year




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Office Supplies



Acme Bearing Service, inc.


Judge Patrick W . Lynch

New York (WNS)—Israel is making very rapid strides in Its dairy Industry nnd will soon outrank most dairy countries in the quality and production of its dairy cattle, it was disclosed here this week in the current issue of the Jewish Farmer, organ of the Jewish Agricultural Society, in an article by Jacob M. Maze, who has just returned from a three-month study of agricultural conditions In Israel, The report dfsclotes that Israel leads the world in artificial insemination of dairy cows, with no less than 80 percent of the cows artificially bred

May 5717 Bring Peace and Happiness!


• • •

PORTER TRUSTIN C O . Harry Trustin Yale TrusHn


Ed Carlson Norman Rostnxwtig

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Harassed, boycotted, outclassed in military armament, assailed by every media of Arab propaganda, Israel's people continue, nevertheless, to keep their gates open, continue as of yesteryear to reclaim the land, and stand ulert and vigilant In defense of their freedom and independence. In this hour and time of vigilance for them, can American Jews do less than before? Surely, the answer is no,. The grim truth is that we are far from finished. In 5717 the United Jewish Appeal must command the fullest meas ure of attention and devotion from American Jews everywhere. '' Let this be a Happy New Year for 411 who made the old a Happy Year for tens of thousands of Jews who were saved from misery, terror a.nd death. But there will be no true happiness for any of us until Israel's people and our id low Jews overseas have emerged from the shadows in all the places where death and danger stalk their lives.



New Year Greetings

Though the United Nations has succeeded in winning a cease-fire, Arab violations of Israel's frontier continue—and the toll of Jewish lives continues to rise.



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Tel Aviv (JTA)—Pre-historjc settlements indicating that ya thriving agricultural sedentary civilization existed in the Negev as far back as 4,000 years ago have been discovered by Dr. Nelson Glueck, noted archaeologist and president of the Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, who is now conducting excuvations in Israel. Dr. Glueck discovered these settlements in the Negev, near, the ancient Nabatean Hill city ol Ahda. Previously this area—20 miles east of the El Auja Nltsana demilitarized zone, had been considered mainly a center of Naliatean settlements. Tho Nabatcans rose to power and high civilization between the second century B.C. and the second century A.D, They were conquered by the Romans under Trajan in A.D. 106 and lost their identity by tha end of the second century.

SINCE 1918

To Our Many Friends and Patrons


Negev Settlements




--Friday, August, 31, 1tS4

Population Less In East Germany

ey Economic Gains I As the- State or Israel greets f w New Year 5717. she is confronted with her gravest security >irisisi since 1948. Surrounded on sill sides by hostile neighbors who instigate border raids with the aid <tf Communist arms shipments, and impose economic boycotts and blockades, Israel is forced to expend large sums of money for a vital defense program. At the same time, Israel is girded for an intensive effort to maintain the pace of her economic expansion. To carry forward the development programs which will strengthen her economic framework, and to add new projects which will facilitate agricultural, commercial and industrial growth, Israel requires large resources of investment capital from Israel Bonds.

made important progress in several areas. Since Israel celebrated lier first Rosh Hashonah eight years at:o, she has established 446 agricultural villages. .During this period, her cultivated area increased from 412,500 acres to 950,000, while the area under irrigation more than trebled, from 72,000 acres to approximately 240,000. The new pipeline to the Negev will make possible the creation of about 30 new villages In the next two years. A second Yarkon-Negev pipeline of approximately the same length as the first and carrying its water supply to the Eastern Negev is scheduled for com.pletion in 1958. Israel is also working on several other major irrigation projects. During the past year 22 new

The plant of Fertilizers and t Chemicals Ltd. at Haifa Bay is i already Israel's largest Industry, ! and is growing rapidly. Key struc- ' tural changes and the introduction ; of modernized operational methods at the plant have resulted in ad-1 •ditional annual earnings of almost j $5,000,000, including $1,000,000 in exports. Among the new installations completed at the enterprise this year was a sulphuric acid plant, which is supplying 80,000 tons of chemicals a year to local and export markets. Expansion also took place at the superphoS' phate plant, which is now producing 133,000 tons of fertilizer annually, compared with 100,000 ton: a year ;i;;o Another important acliievcmen iiimed at Israel's ultimate go,il of economic self-sufficiency has been

to .sticn f ;th(n her cioivimic fr.,nt-

| M i " ' ' I P p '» ' ^ I ^"'• while j t h it " ! .ill I ' . ' > t l . i r . ' • •.: h o n

tieis Isr.i'-l counts ht ( ivil> f-n

| II,Hint.





ti> I i

1 lij

rnent (if intjio^f

Geiger Counters

Ivrael ronliniiei lo mike rapid ilridri in exporting loral rommodiliei 10 for* rign hurkrli wilh the help of invrilmrnl rapilil from the tale of Slate of Iuagl Development liundi. Among trie produclt bring exported arc eilrul •nil other fruiti, flour, ilarrh, randy, rigirrttn, drugi, toapi, pharmateutieali, rhrfliieala, eernenl, tirei, automobiles, radios, refrigerator*, watrhei, type* writera, kitrhen uteiuili, rloihei, thori and giflware. Shown above art Iiraeli fruil parkerft loading rralra of eitrua fruit aboard a freight train of the Htdera* Haifa Railway, whirh wai built with the aid of Israel bond dollar*. Tilt ahip. nefll.will be tenl la Haifa for export to virioui eounlriei, including Crcal Britain, Holland. Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Swlutrland uid Turkey. Sinre the inrrplion of ihe liraef Bond drive in M i r . 1951, Uw - value el Iuael't cipvrti baa rUen b> •Iraoal 100 percent.

the improvement in transportation facilities. For instance, Israel'! system of railways has been overhauled and modernized, and is in the process of being completely OleseUzcd. The total length of railroad lines is 330 miles, as compared with 140 miles In 1948. This total includes the new railway line from Naan to Beersheba, which is carrying Negev mineral! to the industrial centen in the northern parts of the country. At tho same time, Israel's concreteasphalt roads have increased from 770 miles to more than 1,100 including the recently completed highways from Beersheba to Dimoriah, and from S'dom to Beersheba. Merchant Marino Israel's merchant marine has also made advances. Eight years ago, Israel's shipping fleet mounted to less than 10,000 tons. Today, Israel owns 35 vessels totalling some 135,000 registered tons. During the past year, ten new ships have been put into service, including', two 10,000-ton, 19-knot passenger lines which travel between Haifa and New York. In addition.

Israel has in her fleet four; other passenger steamers, six modern fruit carriers and 33 freighters. Orders have been placed for 16 new vessels with a total displacement of 136.000 tons. The national air service—Al Al Israel Airlines—was inaugurated in the summer of 1949. El Al, which Is constantly expanding its service, has just acquired its fifth Constellation and also operates Skymaster and Curtis-Commando planes for its air routes which span 12 countries and four continents. The national airline will add three Britannia turbc-prop airplanes, each with a 400-mUe per hour air speed, to its fleet within the next few months. i Since Israel's first Rosh Hashonah eight years ago, significant progress has been achieved In many areas of her basic economic structure. Because of tensions caused by the pressure of intensified hostility on the part or her neighbors, however, Israel realizes that this is not a time for reflecting on past accomplishments, nor for relaxation. Rather, It is a time


New York (JI'A) — The fir,t Keller counters ever to be pro| duccd In quantity In Israel are now being manufactured at the Techi nion, Israel Institute of Tcchnol| o>;y, it was announced here by the ! American Society (or the Tech nion. The Ceiger counters, which detect nuclear radiation are being used at the Technlon tor cosmic ray experiments, the announcement said. Previously Imported at high cost from abroad, they have a limited life of only a few months, if In continuous use, and about 200 are needed /or the average field experiment "The Cosmic Ray Group of the Technion'i physics department, headed by Prof. Kurt Sitte, ii endeavoring to provide a sufficient s u p p l y of Israel-made Ceiger counters for geophysical expert' menu soon to be undertaken in cooperation with scientist* in all parts of the world," the announcement stated. The Technlon laboratories will then have suflclent quantities for research purposes and for replacement as the instruments wear out

'Ii.>- n i l ' t l i it I: •>' l i . ' i ' ti >' . T . ' u ' n ' i'i i ' / I '• . i i - I ' l ' p.'i ' Ui c--di n l.'fii-t " ! i ' I. i i ! ' lliili-, I ' l HUM' -"'ih.^Lii .in'! C h e n - n i l / , \ n i l M Ii i^ I < < ii li named K a i l - M . i \ - M . >ll 'I r.f > b u t not thi- I ' M l i r i l i n ('oiiiinun i t y , a r e> d l o t h e ' A s - " j i i.i-

tion of Jewish C'ummunitirs in ti c German Demonatic P.cputih'r,' wits Its scat at Halle. Membership in the nearest Jewish congregation Is mandatory u der German law for all professin Jews. It is estimated, howevci that there are some 3,000 Jewish born residents of East Berlin anc East Germany who are not regis tered with the Jewish communities and who list themselves atheists or Christians. The figures made known by thi East Berlin Community show tha the Jewish population in the part of Germany under Communist ruli has shrunk by at least one-flftl since 1952. Most of the dimln tion is accounted (or by the fllgh of some 500 Jews, including almost all the old community leaders during the high tide of Soviet antlSpnltism in 1952-53, just prior the death of Stalin. There is also a steady excess of deaths over births.

The tintype Is said to be returning to favor. Nothing ihort or the return of the bustle, could astonish those who believe that there Ii a complete circuit in the attain of men.—New York Sun.

Experiments are being made In removing the print from newspapers and using the paper again. The salvaged Ink. too, can be rearranged into different words.— Punch:





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We Extend Our Very Best Wishes for a Happy New Year


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. . . Jo our fellow Amtrtetn* of fh» H»br»w filfh. From your anclcnr religion sprang our cod* of mortis end our conception of the rights of mtn. At th» source of tht bailc tthictl philosophy upon which It has grown grett, our country owts you •fsrnsl thtnki.


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AN ISRAELI USHERING IN HOSH HASHANAH In lh* ttadlilonal manntr. is altlred in thi customary garb of Kurdistan! Jews. S i n n Israelis sltm from moro than 70 lands of East and W*st lhtlr costumes ind holiday customs are almost as varied, makiag lh» High Holiday teaion a major louriit altractioo. Equally fascinaiing lo tht tourist is • Friday Ere custom found only In tsrMl. Each Friday, b*for» sundown, a man drissed in tb« traditional "kapott" go*s through ih* struts ot Tel ATIT, J t m s d n a and other dlles and villages, sounding the shofar to announo* tfa« arriTal of T h e Qu*«n of the Sebbalh." More than C0.000 Tifdtpn •r* expected In Israel this year according to the I s m ! Govtrmbwtt Touxlsl Otflc* In Hew York.

Of Course

Whither An We Drifting?





. Best Wishes for a HAPPY: NEW YEAR

— AT —


Israel Bond drive fur thy d t h i t v i



H £ Wdayt Draw Tourists to Israel

Berlin (JTA)-Thc East Berlin Jewish Community, which split off from the citv-wid" Gcmeinde sevftdl \t t i!s <n'o duf to last-West [CM uduub<ing tin. nuiion:, iffuita It,-, , i I .s i. n .l"i that iK own I ls )

villages were established in the Negev, 18 of them in the newly planned Lakhish region. Kirvat Gat u being built up as the industrial center of the region for the processing of its crops, such as cotton, su[-ir bc-c's and peanuts.

In ITi3 tl.e vuM of rott m e n ered 40 jicicrnt of the IMCJI icquireni'Mi, By the <r.d of J")7, the re v,n is ixpcctid to pioduic and p H" T < •] />:• h cuttun to supply the ji'id, uf Isi.iel'i entire textiie lri'ii, tiy, thus saving at least SoLuO'ioO in foreign currency Industrlal Growth In l.i'ii. tiy, as in agriculture, Israel hus been able to maintain an cncnii ijinR late of growth. As an indicalion of her Industrial activity, Israel cites the Increase of Key Facets tiie production and consumption of To a large extent, it has been electric power. Total sales of Israel Bond proceeds which have electric power have almost quadenabled Israel to make u^it rupled since 1949, from 329,000,several key facets of her economy 000 kilowatt-hours to 1,258,000,during the past twelve months, 000 kilowatt-hours, while the condespite the pressure of Aral) hos- sumption for Industrial purposes tility. More than one third of the trebeled, from 97,000,000 kilowattmain expenditures under Israel's hours to 302,000,000 kilowattDevelopment Budget, which pro- hours. vides funds for the country's ecoDuring the past twelve months, nomic projects ,is derived from Is- industrial production increased in rael Bonds. value to $760,000,000, as compared Two major events, both highly with $226,600,000 in 1949. The significant for the attainment of dustrial labor force increased by Isi'iiel's Jong-ran:,'e goal of eco- some 8 percent, from 118,000 to nomic independence, look place in 127,000. the past year. One was the five Significant strides have also strikes of high grade oil at Heletz been made in the diversification in the northwestern Negev, which of industry. With Israeli Bond aid, arc expected to greatly reduce the new domestic and export markets importation of oil now costing Is- were established for the use of Israel more than $10,000,000 a year raeli steel, pipes, tires and rubber in h:ird currenoy. Thn other was goods, electrical appliances, paper tliv.' cjni;jl3lion i.f the pipeline products, fertilizers, refrigerators, f.-L,7i the Yii.'l.on Hiver to the radio sets, Diesel engines, light V/.s;:r.) I.'?je^, turning TiO.COO tools and motor car assembly. acrcj oi \v: j;c!an.I into fertile soil, Many of the industries use local a:il ndriin'j an estimated $10,000,- raw materials to a considerable !''l wort'i of crops to Israels an- extent, and some use them exclusively Mineral* .!w Elite rprl--.;!* ;.,:•.:-•! .:..n,l dollars were used j This >enr, Israel's minerals are ».> help c:e:itL- ncwcnt-Tprises and expected to cam or save 510,000.i.pnrl cy.'~,V.n% ones in many000 in hard currency. By 1958, sav* 'including the chemical, | ings are expected to reach 525,p.ictr.Kiccuticsd, textile, building, COO.COO as a result of stepped-up inctjil u.-ii wood industries. During production in the oil fields of 1C.")3, i::vc=L-nints of 522,100,000 Heletz, the copper mines of Elath, 1,1 "i*-'~'.Z'A c.'cchangc1 plus the the iron mines of Galilee in the ciiu'val-r.t of 512,700,000 in local north and of the Negev In the currency were approved for 104 south, the phosphate deposits near ii.w enterprises and the expansion Kurnub, and the basic chemical of 32 older ones under Israel's Law plants near the Dead Sea, which for the Encouragement of Capital are operated with the aid of Israel Investments. This compares with Bond funds. 510,500.000 plus the equivalent of Shipments of potash from the 53,300,000 in local currency in 78 Dead Sea leave Israel every month new and 24 established enterprises for foreign markets, and full-scale during the preceding twelve- exploitation of phosphates, cerammonth period. Today, there are ic clay and glass sand deposits in 22,000 industrial enterprises and the Negev has already begun. workshops in operation in Israel. These developments are helping to , Agriculture narrow Israel's foreign currency AKi'iculturally, the country has gap.


Niw Y««r'« Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS —


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