Vol. XXXIV—No. 48.
World Scene»
Young German Jews Face Bleak Future
Hy Duvid IlorowlU V. Krishna-Menon oflndia continue* to bo the man-behind thcscencs in support of dictator Nnsscr's nationalization of the Suez. Having attended the London Conference, he hurried to Cairo in time to warn Nasser against what he. may expect from the five-nation committee. The roving Indian Ambassador gave the Egyptian Colonel some timely advice. The deteriorating relations between Zgypt and Britain and France has placed a stumbling-block before the five-power Menzics mission Which Arrived in the Egyptian capital on September 1. Nasser. mentored by Krishna Menon, is determined to slant by his guns, He has the assurance of the support of the Sovlct-Aslan-Arab wprld.
Newark, N. J. (JTA)—Ilubbj Joachim Prinz, who was expelled from Germany by tlic Nazui 19 years ago when lie occupied the pulpit of one of Berlin's principal congregations, sai\l Monday on return from a visit to Berlin that "there is no future Hor young Jews In Germany."
BerIln DrPrin ad Sweetheart Dance' about -Whlle350alncongregation ' numbering *" dressed In a synagogue recently Tomorrow Evening ernment rebuilt by the West German Govon the site where his old
- Meanwhile, In the face of Nasser's threats, the French and BritMais Power* and John Barrjnnore la Israeli drama. ish are continuing with their troop movements into tho Mediterranean. Already a whole battalion of France's 7th Rapid Mechanized •THE LAST STOP," a new half- for the Jewish New Year by the Division and a company of the 10th Parachutist Division havo hour film starring John Barry- United Jewish Appeal and KMTV, landed In Cyprus. The Suez crisis more, Jr., Mala Powers, James Channel 3, Sunday, Sept. 9, from has reached such a critical stage Dunn and Fay Wray will be shown 10:30 to 11 a. m. that the member* of NATO de- for.the first time on television in "THE LAST STOP" Is based on cided to convene erev tyosh Hash- Omaha as a special presentation the story of a young North Afrianah to consider the issue . . . can girl who cannot adjust psychologically to the new life she faces In Cairo Egypt's chief prosecu in a border settlement in Israel. tor will demand the death penalty Her attempted flight back to her for three Britons held on spying family and tho people whom she charges. Prosecutor Sabck Is said meets in the course of her jourto have pressed for the execution ney, reveal the full meaning of of the three men oh the ground what that life has to offer to her that Egypt was now in a state of and to the tens of thousands who BOSH HASHONAJf war against Israel. are being brought to Israel from Friday, Sept. 1 \ As the struggle for control of 8:00 a.m. lands of oppression and danger. Suez continues; Egypt is having Morning Service ..,11:00a.m. The film has been especially predifficulty finding pilots. Cairo is Youth Service .', 6 JO p.m. pared' for.* use during (he Rosh offering American ship pilots Mlneha-Maariv Hashonah period by the addition $25,000 a year to work In the Can- YOH KIPFOB 1 Friday, Sept. It of a prologue dealing with the al. So'far there has been no reKol Nidre 6:30 p.m. Jewish New Year and featuring sponse. Nasser is beginning to feel tho world renowned Cantor, MosbSaturday, Sept. IS the squeeze Britain and France Is -* 8:00 a.m. cr Oyshcr. putting on him—and this is only Morning Service Yizkor Service 10:30 a.m. The United Jewish Appeal is the beginning. , Youth Service U :00 a.m. The great danger Jn this Suez Mincha-Nellah Service . 4:15 p.m. now engaged in a nation-wide campaign to raise funds for aid to crisis lies in what Moscow will do. the people of Israel and to many There are indications that the Sotens of thousands of newcomers to viets are preparing for some form Beth Israel Israel from lands of danger. The of defense alignment with Egypt. Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha is Appearance of Soviet warships BOSH IIASlIONAII part of this nation-wide drive. Friday, Sept. 7 and subs on a "courtesy" visit in Egyptian waters might be another Morning Service . . . . . . 7:30 a. m. The UJA, now in its 18th year, ....10:30a.m. is American Jewry's chief funddevelopment soon, some observers Sermon > Junior Congregation ...10:30a.m. raising Instrument for the support hold. Evening Service 6:30p.m. of Immigration and rehabilitation President Eisenhower's state- YOH h.U'1'VR programs in Israel and direct aid ment to the effect that the Suez Friday, Sept. 14 to endangered and distressed Jews Canal is an international water- Kol Nidrc 0:25 p.m. all over the world. way led Col. Nasser Into a rage Sermon 6:45p.m. against tho U.S. H e summoned the Saturday, Sept. IS outgoing Ambassador Henry By- Morning Service 7:30 a.m. roade and tc.ld him that he re- Sermon 10:30a.m. Sunday Radio. TV gretted the statement made by Junior Congregation ...10:30a.m. General Eisenhower that the Suez Yiskor Service . . . . . . . . 11:00a.m. An abstract portrayal of the Canal was "Internationalized by Junior Congregation ••. 2:30p.m. "Days of Awe" who.j man faces the Treaty of 1888." God will be presented In obNc-l-lah Concluding Despite incessant Egyptian and Service 5:45p.m. servance of the High Holy Jordanian horraumont on their Days over WOW-TV from 8 to border*, Israelis have entered the 8:30 a. m. The significance of Ilosh Hashonah and Yom Kip.High Holy Day spirit in a mood Temple Israel pur are conveyed In an interof joyful strength and hopeful an- ROSH IIASIIONAII pretive narrative. The program Friday, Sept 7 ticipation of the future. The news 8:15 p.m. In part of the "Lamp Unto My that dictator Nasser, beset by the Evening Service Feet" series. Suez crisis, had commissioned the YOH KII'PUB Friday, Sept. 14 Israel freighter Bat Gallm into The "Red Box" a special fea8:15 p.m. ture In observance of the High the Egyptian navy, did not damp- Evening Service Saturday, Sept. 15 en their optimistic spirit The Holy Days will be presented Ylahuv feels consoled in the fact Morning Service ......10:00a.m. over WOW-TV from 9 to 0:30 1:15 p.m. a. m. It Is the story of Rabbi that the Arabs now have to con- Children's Service Gcrshon Sclxas and how he.detend also with France, Britain nounced the British during tho and the US. Nasser's grab of the Congregation of Israel Revolutionary War. The proSuez has vindicated the Jewish: OSH IIASIIONAII gram is being presented by the State before world public opinion. Friday, Sept. 7 Columbia Broadcasting System . * .Television will make its debut . In Israel in December when the Morning Service . . . . . . 8:00a.m. in cooperation with the American Jewish Committee. International Radio and Electronics Exhibition opens in Tel B'nai Israel of C o . Bluffs "Hosca" will be presented on the Eternal Light program Aviv. BOSH HASHONAH over KFAB from 10:43 to 11:15 Friday, Sept. 7 Morning Service . . . . . . 8:00ft,m. p. m. It Is the story of the HeHebrew University prophet who learned that Sermon • ,.10:30a.m. brew true justice must be tempered Jerusalem (JTA)—The Hebrew Mincha-Maarlv 6:30 p.m. with mercy when he was faced University's new administration YOM KIPPUR with the problem of right and building near Haklrya went Into Friday, Sept. 14 wrong in his own family. The operation here as the first con- Kol Nidre 6:30p.m.' series is offered by the Natlontingent of the administrative staff Saturday, Sept, IS took over its new offices. The Morning Service 8:00 a.m. al Broadcasting Company and building and planning department, Sermon ..10:30a.m. produced under the auspices of which is most closely associated Ylikor v 11:00 a.m. the Jewish Theological Semwith construction of the new cam- Children's Service ••••• 3:00p.m. inary. pus, was the first tp piove. , , N H b , i , , . , , . . f , . ; BiB
TV Premiere of 'Lost Stop"
Services For High Holy Days
Beth El ,
The naming of a "Sweetheart" Temple had been destroyed on Hitwill highlight the 23rd Annual ler's orders ln 1933. The 350 who Sweetheart Dance of Mother attended the service conducted by Chapter, Aleph Zadik Aleph No. Dr. Prinz are the remainder of a 1, to be held from 9 p. m. to 12 once-f 1 o u r 1 s h 1 n g congregation a. m., Saturday, Sept. 8 hi the numbering 3,000. Mostly, they Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. were old people, he said. She will be chosen from six The Adenauer government, the candidates who are members of the Jewish Youth Council. Pic- rabbi declared, had been helping tures of four of the candidates Jewish communities rebuild their have appeared In past editions of old synagogues. However, he addthe Press and the other Xyro are ed, there are not enough Jews left on page 4. The candidates are Misses blanne Fellman, Judl Kut- to fill the synagogues, so smaller ler, Laurie Oruch, Diane Singer, buildings are being constructed Lenl Wine and Marcla Zalkln. and "these are often a combination Miss Rita Peltz, 1955 Sweet- of synagogue and home for the heart, will crown her successor at aged because 70 per cent of the the coronation ceremonies. Jews In Germany today are older Dancing will be to the music of Skippy Anderson and his Band. people." German Jewry, which toAwards Will be presented to mem- taled 550,000 in 1933, Is now rebers who helped make the affair duced to 22,000, he stated; while a success. A dinner party Will fol- Berlin's 1933 Jewish population of low at the Sparetlme Cafe. 175,000 has now been reduced to AZA No. 1, Mother Chapter of about 4,000. There is not a single International AZA in tHc junior order of B'nai B'rith. It started 32 fulltlme rabbi In Berlin now, Dr. years ago as a small Jewish fra- Prinz said. ternity here in Omaha, In 1924; Dr. Prinz; who is a member of Sam Beber became advisor of this the World Jewish Congress execugroup anil .transformed it from tive, found that "many i German what was mainly a social dub into intellectuals have a deep sense of what has become a International guilt, but they don't know how to Jewish fraternity with nearly 1000 make up for the wrongs that were chapters throughout the world. done. There is a whole generation Aleph Zadlk Aleph Is, of course, of Germans who simply don't know a Hebrew letter fraternity and the a Jew. Among the older Germans, words mean brotherly love, benev- there Is enough of the Nazi poison olence and harmony. left to causi even : well-meaning Each AZA year begins with the Gentiles to say that the country dance and through it the club ob- could only take back a limited tains, funds for its activities dur- number of Jews because the country simply could not psychologicaling the year. ly digest many of them." Even G e r m a n Christians who "have tried to evoke a better understanding of Judaism and Jewish problems" feel the country could not The Jewish Community Center absorb many Jews, Dr. Prinz Pre-School opened its fall sessions stated. Tuesday. Sept. 4 with Mrs. Wlnl King again serving as pre-school director. She is assisted by Mrs. Center Programs Sol Yaffe. Fall activities at the Jewish There arc still a few openings remaining in the pre-school class Community Center will include a and for additional Information call Sunday Fun program for children the Center activities office, JA of elementary school age, it was announced by Arthur Goldstein, 1366. Taxi service Is provided for all Center community chairman. The students and refreshments are program will feature arts, crafts, glee club, movies and games. served at each session. A leadership training program Pre-school sessions are held each Monday, Wednesday and Fri- is being planned for teen-agers day morning from 9 to 11:45. Pre- under the supervision of the Censchool will be closed today In ob- ter activities director. servance of Rosh Hashonah.
Center Pre-School Fall Sessions
Steve Allen Stars
'Humor" starring Steven Allen and Morcy Amsterdam will bo presented over WOW-Radlo this Sunday from 11:15 to 11:30 a; m. commemorating the advent of tho Jewish New Year. The program is being presented by WOW in cooperation with the Union of American Hebrew Congregation^,
UJA Chairman Urges Support New York (WNS)—William Rosenwald, General Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, called upon the American pub: lie in a Rosh Hashonah message "to c o n t i n u e its exemplary support of the UJA" to help save hundreds of thousands of helpless and distressed men, women and children ln overseas. lands. Offering the Appeal's "best wishes to men of good will everywhere" and the hope that the coming year "at last" would bring tho arrival of peace, Mr. Rosenwald called attention, however, to tbt ironic rise of danger after similar expressions of hope and good will one year ago.
Friday, September 1. IWfl.
ire** M Brery stMaj b| Uw redcnttoa at Jowls* tlervUv txcuuu u a a Mawaji rTmicsc* autaunxm. at umaaa. KKOtaaKa AOAIUU subacnpUua, MJK. Ad*tntatB« Mats* on appHeatlea) tMtumu Offleo—109 No. M e tsnerTjOaBalta. NeM.^Acksao 1M* JTMi >.-far 44MT0H CM So n t llt«M HARRT RALPERl ...-.
Arabs in Israel
Israeli President -» Tells of Straggle
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Garbcr of New York City announce the birth of a daughter Phyllis Cheryl born August 28. They also have a daughter Brenda Carol. Maternal grandparent* are- Mr. and Mis. Joseph White of Omaha and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. JuliiM Garter of New York City.
Omaha Sketches Morton L. wisher, a native Omahan, has been appointed sales manager of Sterling Distributing Company, it was announced' by Seymour Katz, general manager. Mr. Fisher has been In the liquor business since 1935 and has been in sales work for 20 year*.
By ltiAna Groaanuui Jerusalem (AJP)—The tumult and the" shouting continue. The Jerusalem (WNS) _ President Mr. and Mr*. MiHard Margolin Middle East still simmers in what Itzhak Ben Zii, In a Hosh Hasban- announce the birth of their second appears to be an almost perpetual ah message to the people of Israel child Lance Steven born August Mr. and Mrs. David DuUn have 2 at a local hospital. Paternal state of crisis. Sandwiched In be^ left Omaha to make their home in tween the lead stories about Suez and "our brethren" throughout the grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Pueblo, Colo. Mr. Dubln accepted there are still the lesser current world, voiced hope that "in the Louis Marsjolin, .fonner Omabana, a position in their public school items of border tensions In Israel. coming year we may make further now of Lo» Angeles, CaL Matersystem. Accusations and counter-accusa- progress towards our sublime goal, nal grandparents are Mr. and Bin. Carl Bravcrman of Los Angeles. tions form a familiar pattern of the goal of constructive work, the Mr. and Mrs. William Weiner hoitility and unrest will spend the High Holy Day* There is little in the picture to ingathering of the exiles and true Their first child named Sheila with their daughter and son-inoffer the concerned observer even peace In Israel and among all peo- Helen* was born August IB to Mr. law. Rabbi and Mrs. Isaiah Rock-' the smallest measure of reassur- ples on every side, both near and and Mrs. Myron Marko at a loovsky, formerly of Omaha, now ance. And yet now and then, be- far." cal hospital Mrs. Sam Nepomnlck residents of Los Angeles, Cat tween t h e lines , unpublicizcd, Is maternal grandmother. Paterthere arc to be s«en firm signs of The President's m e s s a g e , ad- nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. a i c f Rabbi Iwuc Halevi Herus ef progress in the Jewish State. Lit- dressed "to all the citizens and Irving Marko of Minneapolis, jUrael, Ui • iptrUl m n u p addreued tle details of increased liability. loyal residents of the State of Is- Minn. Paternal great-grandmoth- ! • American Jewry relating to the ob- Forest to Be Planted Tokens that add reality to phrases rael without distinction of commu- ers are Mrs. Bessie Tutman and •erranec of the New Year 5<17. tab Citing Lincoln Couple •reck caaphatiwd ibe (uporlanre of such as "Israel i« here to stay." nity or religion," said that 5716 Mrs. Sarah Markowitz. both of obtaining b n c l Dcvdopairnl Bond A forest of 10,000 trees in honor Take a very minor release Issued had been a "year of costly sacrifice Minneapolis. rabtcriHiMU la Ibe wnaiagne* at toe for the Stato and its inhabitants," In Israel a few days ago and dealMulled Sutes durin, ibe H i t * Holt- of Dan and Anna Hill of. Lincoln, Nebr., Is being planted by the Jewing with the Arabs in Israel. Noth- that there Is wide awareness "that day*. Referring to thelinel Bond Ittue Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen an- u **an Instrument of vital Important? ish National Fund as a result of ing inflammatory. Nothing politi- pur struggle for the survival of and progress of the State of Isnounce the birth of a son Laur- in the proreii of national redemption," a recent arrangement between thecal. Nothing specially significant— eacept in the very largest sense. rael is not ended" and that "we ence Steven born August 22 at a the Chief Ribbf a r m l that M i ippeal Fund and the Dan and Anna Hill The subject at hand: Arab agricul- shall yet have to face days of hard local hospital. They also nave two for the pwrhaie of fusel Bonds during Foundation,'which has set up tba ture, And in the few facts and fig- toll and painful trials and addi- daughters Lesley and Sharon. Pa- ibe Koih Haihonah and Yam Klppur project through a bequest of be greeted with "a wans re- 315.000 to the Jewish National ures released In a business-like tional efforts will yet be demand- ternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrrlees In ibe hearts of all thote Know Fund of New York City for the manner by the office concerned ed of the people that dwells, in Mrs. Herman Cohen. Maternal •pone U rtacbea." lie auerttd that it b vlul one could read much of the story Zion and of all our brethren and grandmother is Mrst. George Bern- for American Jewi la boy brae! ilondf creation of the forest. stein. Maternal great-grandpar- la order la "dura in JfalMing and of the substantial integration and friends the world over." According to Dr. Harris J. LeMr. and Mrs. Morris •tKogtheftfnf tbe farma and fartorito vine. President of the Jewish Nathe constantly rising well-being of Nothing that "this year, as in; ents are and maternal great-grand- M am- r—K State." the Arab population in Israel. tional Fund of America, tbc forthe past, there have indeed not Weiner est is being planted oh the terPeople have often wondered why been lacking acts of sympathy and mother is Mrs. Sol Nogg. raced hlUUides north of Jerusalem, the Arabs of Israel, free to leave friendship on the part of sincere in an arcs, where trees are vital to Its borders, have never moved out; non-Jewish friends loyal to the A daughter named AUsa Gall the reclamation of large tracts of One of the reasons, might lie in the flag of democracy in the World and Jwas born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack land which have been neglected fact that 80 per cent of these to the exalted principles of the Solomon of Highland Park. OX, for centuries and which are needArabs own their own land. A fact equality of people on earth," the August 12. They also have a which In itself speaks volumes and President's message added: "Nor daughter Debra. Maternal grandThe first meeting of the season ed for the economic upbuilding of makes: mock of the Arab League have we been able, In spite of the parents are Mr. and Mrs. Saul of Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, the State of Israel. Injendiary lies about the status of fine words of world leaders to the Kleman of Kansas City, Mo., and Jewish War Veterans, will be held The Hills have been active Ziona hapless minority "imprisoned" in effect that there has been a steady paternal grandparents are Mr. at 8 P. ra., Wednesday, Sept. 12 In ists all their lives; being particuimprovement in the security posi- end Mrs. J. A. Solomon of Omaha. the Jewish Community Center, it larly devoted to many organizaan enemy country. was announced by Post Command- tions which worked for genera* The total output of Arab farm- tion in this part of the world, to lions to bring about the establisher Milton Goldberg. ers in I«rael last year amounted accept these attempts at reassurBcovnsa AWABD ment of the State of Israel. I B , to C per cent of the country's to- ance and consolation for there was Sol Littman, Anti-Defamation 1 a flagrant contradiction between Paul Albert; son of Goklie and tal. Not a meaningless statistic L e a g u e Director of the Plain view of this," Dr. Levlne said, I t when one recalls Uiat^the Arabs the deeds that were done In front the late Solomon Albert, was the States Region, will be guest speak- Is only fitting that the names of Dan and Anna Hill be eternally number some 10 per cent of Is- of our very eyen and those consol- first Jewish boy to receive the er. VNer Tamid" award presented re- A report of what JWV Is doing inscribed on the soli of Israel." rael's total population! The con- ing words." cently at Lokewood, Calif. The dition of these farmers, better off Despite the dangers that have on the national and international than any of their brethren in any been facing Israel, the President "Ner Tamid" ( e t e r n a l light) scene will be presented by Departof the Arab states is made further declared, "our spirits have not fal- award Is the highest religious ment Commander Abe Miller, who Rabbi Kaplan Cited ! dear by the figure* that follow. len nor have we weakened in our award given to a Jewish boy In recently returned from the nascouting. Mrs. Albert it the former New York (JTA)—Three AmerThey produced 90 per cent of all faith in <he justice of our strugtional convention held In Milwauicans who have served as leaders •the tobacco, 60 per cent of all tbc gle and our constructive work Miss Goldlc Zusman of Omaha, kee, Wis. "in applying the principle of huolives, 20 per cent of all the wheat which we have not interrupted Israel Zusman, also a former Omahan, is now residing in Lake man equality" were cited here at end meat, excluding poultry, and even in these evil days and in wood. He Is the youngster's granda public session at Columbia Unisome 10 per cent of all the barley, which we have preserved during Philanthropies Gift versity of the Conference on vegetables and fruit. AU together the emergency as In the days of father. theycarned some 24 million Israel peace. Nor has there been any Nathan Rcsnlck In appreciation Science, Philosophy and Religion, pounds! of contributions; received for the The citation winners, tho second weakening In the spirits of our Nasser Say* . . . recitation of annual memorial such group In the Conference's This Is certainly not the tabula- brethren in the Diaspora who have prayers at Pleasant Bill Cemetery fifteen years of meetings, were tion of the result of the labor of continued to stand by us, redoublSeptember 2 and 3 has given the Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan of the a persecuted people. It is the story ing their bonds with us and mainentire sum (938) to the Jewish Jewish" Theological Seminary' of of rehabilitation, of reconstruction taining their efforts to help to Amtrica, Nelson A. Rockefeller Philanthropic* Campaign. and of resourcefulness. It is in build the Homeland, safeguard It* and Roy Wllklns of the national New York CWNS)r-Egypt doc* port the story of how Israel has security and assemble our scatAssociation for the Advancement not consider the closing of the affected the live* of the Arabs who tered brethren in Its mldsfc" of Colored People, are her citizens, and more even Paying tribute to the country's Suez Canal to Israeli shipping a Sailing Chang* The dtatiod for Rabbi Kaplan than that—It is part of the reason heroic youth, to Israel's Defence violation of the 1888 convention The sailing date of the S. 8. why Col Nasser and his like so Forces and the ranks of labour as and Egypt will not relax Its block- Zion scheduled far September 14 noted his "long, fruited life ai fear the Jewish State. For If the 'a wall around the Homeland, a ade of Israel shipping regardless has been advanced to.September preacher, as dean mnd, professor, Arabs of Egypt, of Syria or of faithful watch remaining on guard of the outcome of the forthcom- J3 so as not to fan on Yom .Kip- as orator and writer" and declared Saudi Arabia could rise to such day and night without pause in de- ing discussion with the five-nation pur Eye, a spokesman for the Zlm he had combined scholarship in the ancient Jewish tradition and in relative, heights of self - reliance votion and self sacrifice," the Pres- committee over the Suez contro- Lines announced. contemporary American patterns and self-sustenance, the gentlemen ident voiced "trust in the justice'of versy. President Nasser of Egypt of life and thought; «nd has strivwho fee* dreams of power at their our cause. In the devotion of our was reported to have declared In an interview In Cairo with a coren for unity in diversity." expense might no longer be able to sons engaged In construction and Monument Dedication do so. defense and in the help of the rock respondent for th« New York Herald-Tribune. The family of the late Max These dry figurucs are the sec- of Israel." The Egyptian dictator told the Shrago will dedicate a monument ret weapon which the feudal lords correspondent that while Article in hit memory at 11 «. m., this of the Middle East so fear. newsmen in Rome that his expul- 4 of the 1888 convention provides Sunday (Sept 0) at Mount Sinai Jerusalem (WNS)—A radical sion* from Cairo was because he for the free navigation through Cemetery, 7705 Crown Point Av. realignment in the composition of had found von Leers and was go- the Suez Canal of all ships In war Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will off)- the Municipal Council coalition ing to publish the news of Ms em- and In peace, there was an escape ditto. Friends and relatives are in- took place when Mayor Gerihan ployment by the Nasser regime. - clause In article 10 which justified vited to attend the memorial serv- Agron, Mapal, emerged triumVon Leers, notorious as an anti- his position versus Israel. That ice. phant over the religious bloc in Its efforts to thwart Council issuance London (JTA>—Dr. Jobann von Semitic specialist and radio broad- clause, Nasser claimed, vitiates of a building permit to the Amer, Leers, one of the leading racial caster under Nazi propaganda the earlier provision whenever N. A. Migration ican School Archaeology, spontheorists of the Nazi Party and a chief Joseph Goobbels, was "Pro- measures are necessary for "the fessor of Racial Teaching" at the defense of Egypt." He claimed ' key-figure in the Nazi anti-Semitic Jerusalem (WNS)—Dr. Nabum sored by the Hebrew Union Colcampaign, was revealed recently to University.of Jena during the Hit- tlint Kjtypt was still technically Coldmann, chairman of the Jewish lege-Jewish Institute of'Religion, be holding a prominent position in ler regime. He was the author of nt w,ir with Israel nnd that Arti- AEoney, declared here on his ar- which have permitted the- school ' the so-called Ministry of National the vicious anti-Semitic t r a c t , cle 30 war, invokable since the rival from a two-month tour of to hold Kcfonn services in Its licanal runs through Egyptian Europe, that he was hopeful that brary. Guidance In the Egyptian Govern- "Jews Arc Looking at You." ment. The controversy has been ragVon Leers told him, Slevenson citici. President Nasser i|Tnor«I on agreement will soon be reached / William Stevenson, correspon- reported, that, after Hitler's de- the fact that Israel's use of the pormlttinf; resumption of emigra- Inf; for a low: time. It wan re• tfent of the Toronto Star, who was feat, ho had bnen captured hy canal was upheld In Iffiil by the tion of Jews from North Africa to solved with the appointment of expelled from Cairo recently, said United Stales troops nnd had been United Nations Security Council. Israel. two new deputy mayors In replacehe bad located the notorious von imprisoned for J8 monlhs. Then, (In Washington, President EisAt the some time Dr. Goldman ment of the two who had refused Leers In Cairo, despite efforts of according to Stevenson, Von Leers enhower declared that Constan- disclosed that the coordinating to support the coalition on tb« the Egyptian authorities to keep went to Argentina where he work- tinople Treaty of 3888 Jjuarantecs committee of the World Jewish building Issue. him from tracing the Nazi. He ed for that country's dictator. the rights or other nations to use Congress, of which he Is president, Mayor Agron Is expected to Mid he found von Leers employed President Juan Peron. When Peron the Suez Canal and Egypt cannot will meet In September to decide leave for the United States on bein the "Israel Propaganda Depart- was ousted. Von Leers told Stev- Jeopardize these rights.) whether and when a Congress dcX- half of the Israel Bond campaign. ment" of the Ministry, and Inter- enson, he was engaged by the egation is to visit the Soviet Un- Deputy Mayor bh-Shalom, Mnpai, , Viewed him there. Egyptians as an "expert anti-Jcw- Buy what you need through the ion as well as the composition of will be acting Mayor In his abThe Canadian correspondent told Iso propagandist." the delegation. . sence. -, . ; • • • . • : Want'Ada,
Veterans to Hear ADL Director
Closing of Suez to Israel No Violation
^Jerusalem Council
Notorious Nazi in Egyptian Ministry
Athletic Programs For Ladies Told
Organizations CODWODL BOABD. aid Nogg, Stuart Mutkin and Al Omaha~ Section, NaUonal Coun- Rimmerman. Youngsters in the dl of Jewish Women, wlU have cast are Hank Shrier. Cece EiseniU-tlnt regular board meeting of berg and Nancy Barren. the MBIOD Thursday, Sept 13 at Mrs. George ESsenberg will be the home of Mrs. Leonard Gold- piano accompanist Mrs. Leon stein, 60S No. 62 *t Schmidman is In charge of stage Mrs. Edwin HUdcr will be co- properties and Mrnes Max Blttner hdstass at the 1 p. m. dessert and Hubert Rosenblunv are in luncheon. charge of the program.
Fall athletic programs for the ladies have four classes scheduled for both the housewife and the business women, Irv Yalfe, Center Health and Physical Education Committee chairman announced this week. The "Ladies- Lcam to Swim" program will be held Monday and Friday mornings from 10 to 12 iWV ADX1XIABT PIONEER WOMEN noon. Classes will be informal and The first regular meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Pioneer are designed to put mother-m the Women will hold It* flnt meeting season of Epstein-Morgan Ladies "swim" of things. They wlU start of the teuton at 12:30 p. m., Tues- Auxiliary No. 260 will be held i t September 11. day. Sept 11 id the Jewish Com. 8 p. m., Wednesday. Sept 12 in Figure-Aids classes, also startmunity Center. Luncheon will be the Jewish Community Center. Ing September 11, will be conlerved at no charge. Plans are underway for the auxtinued for the second year under '. • H r s . H a r r y Jacobsoa..''';.' " Birthdays of Mveral of the mem- iliary's fund raising card party to the direction of Jim Karbatsch, ben will be celebrated at thebe held October 11 at Brandels athletic director, and Joe Mlcek, Store, meeting. aquatic director. Sessions will be Hiss Ileane E. Goldstein Mr*. J. Kaplan and bcr commitheld Tuesday and Thursday tee with to thank alt memben and MON8KT BEWINO OKOPP mornings from 0 to 11 a. m. The friendt who helped make the Bake The Sewing Group of the Henry Mrs. Harry Jacobson of Desladles will spend one hour in the Sale at Brandeii Store a tucceas. Mfonaky Chapter No, 470 of B'nal Molnes, la., a vice-president of swimming pool and the other in AH members are invited to at- B'rlth will hold their first meet- the National Federation of Temple the gymnasium. This year a retend the coming luncheon meet- Ing of the season at 10 a. m., Mon- Sisterhoods, will bo the featured freshment time has been added day, OcL 1 at Beth El Synagogue. speaker at the first sisterhood to the program and snacks will be M/, and Mrs. Jacob Goldstein, ing. of Washington, D. C, and Machine sewers are needed bad- meeting of the year at 1 p, m.,available at a nominal price in the formerly residents of Omaha, announce C. B. HADASSAll ly and airwomen are welcome, a Tuesday, Sept. 11 at Temple Is- Youth Council Canteen. The gym now the engagement of their daughter The Council Bluffs Chapter of group spokesman said. Members rael. Mrs. Edward Gilbert, pres- hour will include figure control Miss Ileane Estelle to William M. Hadauah will hold Its flnt lunch- of the group sew garments for ident of Temple Sisterhood, will exercises and games. Cohen, son of Lt. CoL (Ret.) and eon meeting of the year Wednes- youngsters in the B'nal B'rlth preside. The business women's swim Mrs. Michael Cohen of Omaha. day, Sept 12, at 1 p. nu at the Children's Home in Israel. Mrs. Jacobson is a graduate of hour will be continued each MonA December wedding Is planned, Usable materials and buttons of the University of Chicago and ahe Jewish Community Center in all kinds arc needed. Council Bluffs. also received a Bachelor of Law Sol I Littman, Plains States Anyone interested in helping In Degree at Indiana University. She Malashock will handle tablo dec- day through Thursday from 5:15 ADL Director, wiU be the guest this project call Mrs. Cohen, AT is a past president of the sister- orations. Mrs. Abe Katelmnn and to 6:30 p. m. The adult coed swim class, for speaker. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, pro- 4283. hood In Pcs Motncs and of district Mrs. Harry Altsuler and their gram chairman for the meeting, 20. Mrs. Jacobson is the author of committee will bo in charge of ta- husbands and wives, will also be ble setting arrangements.. Pro* continued every Tuesday and will give a report on a recent Hathe manual for sisterhoods. gram chairman, for the day Is Mrs. Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 p. ra, datsah seminar she attended: at She is also a member of theMarvin Taxman, Reservations for instruction in swimming will be Ettes Park, Cblo. " board of the Iowa Home for the the luncheon are being taken by provided. Mrs. Albert Krasne, newly InAged, the Women's Committee of Mrs. Paul Verct arid Mrs. Adolph stalled president, will preside over Brandels University and the Des the meeting. The annual rummage sale of Molncs Women's Club. Mrs. Jacob- Trost The sisterhood board meeting the Omaha Section National son was the first president of the Same Day Service Council or Jewish Women will Federation of Jewish Women's or- will be held at 10:30 a. m., MonHADAS8AH BOARD No Extra Charge Omaha Chapter Hadasiah board be held October 1 and 2. All ganizations in Des Molncs and she day, Sept. 10 at the Temple, meeting will follow a dessert members of the Council and served as chairman of the Wom- Luncheon will be served and workshop conducted by Mrs, Jacobson In at 10 A.M. luncheon at 12:30 p. m, Wednes- their friends are asked to con- en's Division of the United Jewish will follow. day, Sept 12 at the none of Mrs. tribute their rummage during Appeal In 1949. Ready by 5 P.M. the week of September 2-1 Sam Steinberg, 122 S. 30th av. Mrs. Sam Weinsteln will be in CASH and CARRY - Co-hostesses will be Mrs. David through September 28. Almost charge of the luncheon. Mrs. Irvanything it acceptable such as ing Malashock and Mrs. Edward rsnkel and Mrs. Albert Rimmerdishes, curtains, cwclry, rugs, man. bedspreads, as well as any type Abo Pickup cad of clothing. MIZRACHI WOMEN Delivery Service If possible please tnkc the A dessert luncheon at 1 p. m. will precede the business meeting Items to the homo of Mrs. Juof the) Omaha Chapter Mtzracbi lius Cohn, 6311 Glcnwood Road. Women Monday, Sept 10 at the If you prefer, the rummage will be picked up by the CounJewish Community Center. :: Dues were sent to the chapter cil Motor Corps. If you wish by Mrs. Jennie Adler of California the items called for, please call and a generous contribution to the Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen, WA Children's Village was sent th* 0883, and have them In boxes I Portraits 112 N..8H1 JA 1578 and outside ready for the pickchapter by Mrs. E. Welnberg of up crew. . Weddings Los Angeles. Calif. Mrs. Abe Feldman is the Commercial overall chairman for the sale. B. E. SISTERHOOD A Beth El Sisterhood board meeting at 11 a, n w Tuesday. Sept. 11 will precede the first regular sisterhood meeting of the sea* •on to be held at 12:30 p. m. In 817 8. 3o St. • the synagogue soda] hall. RUG & UPHOLSTERY The program at the board meetHA 1044 CLEANERS ing will feature professor Hans Air Conditioned Baer, well-known Omaha pianist RUGS—CARPETING and teacher. ; •: , Readings—Record Pantomime — Ploys Mrs. Lou Lewis and Mrs. Max LAMP SHADES . Novak and their Circle No. 3 are FURNITURE tn charge; of luncheon arranjeClass and Individual Instruction
T.I. Sisterhood To Hear Speaker
Miss I. E. Goldstein Engagement Told
Council to Hold Rummage Sale
The Finest { in Photography
m e n t t .
:•'• ""At On* With God," written by ; Mrs. Myer 8. Krlpke and narrated by Mrs. Sidney HoUls will be pre• iehted at th? regular meeting. The cast, will' include:; Mesdames Paul Sacks, Sidney Schwartz. Al Shrier. Dan Cohen, Arnold Roseman. Don"
Cleaned In You* Home!
Don Bnmsteia
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD...
HA 2554
the man who takes his family
' Mewf e a r Cards - -'• BAR and Bat Mitzvab congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. ,1503 Dodge DRESSES SHORTENED, SL23; Alterations and Fur rcstyling, capes and stoles—325 and up. 35 yrsv experience. Call WE 3932. EMPLOYERS list your job opportunities with the Jewish Family Service Department Call Sol Goldfarb. JA 1366. ONE room for rent, twin beds. 5009 Webster. GL 7883. WANTED—Either a elderly man or couples to share home with widower. Coll RE 8499.
| b m j IliM AM. IMI li» tM. Fill»l.| • Hart <* Haul
Also Creative Dramatic Classes for Children 4*5 GL9320
5221 Military
CENTER PIANO STUDIO Under the Direction of
Professor Hans Baer It Accepting Enrollments for the School Year 1956-57
Piano Lessons for Children and Adults, Beginners, Advanced and ^ Professional Students Phone JA 1366 or WE 8681
Military Services On High Holidays
Technion to Teach
Sweetheart Candidates
Center Sports
Haifa (JTA)—A Department ol Mineral Engineering to teach oilfield technology, mining and mine-al engineering has been set up at the Technion, Israel Institut of Technology, here. The basic syllabus for the course, which will open In November, has been drawn up by Professor G. Dessau, a United Nations Educational, Scien tific and cultural Organization technical assistance expert. A two-year graduate course will be open to qualified engineers and studies in engineering, mining and oil geology to holders of baccalaureate degrees In geology. In addl tion, the department will carry out applied research for the Israel Government and for industry.
New York (JTA)—Thousands ol Jewish servicemen In the Unitec States armed forces throughou' the world were detached from active service last weekend to assemble for Rosh Hashanab and Yom Kippur services. The National Jewish WeUar< • B o a r d , Government-"authorized agency (or serving the religious and morale heeds of Jewish military personnel .announced that 350 full and part-time chaplains will hold services during the Holy Days for the servicemen. Servicemen at posts in Korea will be flown in to Seoul for the New Year services.- An airlift in Alaska will ferry men from outlying points like Odak and Pt Barrow to Fairbanks and Anchorage. Religious services will also be held New York iJTA)-The Jewish In Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, Labrador,' the Azores, Ber- Labor Committee, in a report pub' muda, Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, lished Monday, accused the State the Philippines, Germany, France, Department of surrender to deItaly, North Africa, Britain, the mands by Arab States to bar C a r i b b e a n area and at posts American citizens of the Jewish faith from military or civilian "emthroughout the United States. ' Services will be held on all ships ployment at U.S. bases in Arab countries. of the V. S. Mediterranean fleet Religious supplies have been proThe committee's report charged vided for Jewish crewmen aboard that /'the State Department has ell United States naval vessels. submitted to this blackmail by the Services will be conducted at Arab States and has thus far 170 veterans hospitals In the Unit failed to take effective action to ed States. Twenty USO-JWB end this discrimination, despite workers and 265 local JWB Armed ample diplomatic precedent The Services Committees have arrang- U.S. Government and its State ed extensive programs for the Department are thus remiss in servicemen in their areas. their obligation to assure end protect the equal rights • of United States citizens to travel, to pursue lawful trade, and to engage in other activities abroad without 1 distinction as to race or religion." The State Department's policy Washington (WNS) — Denial deprives American Jews of equal that Henry Byroade, former U.S. employment rights, violates the Ambassador to Egypt, had sabo- constitutional rights of American taged American policy in the Mid- soldiers of the 'Jewish fallh and dle East during his assignment to violates the civil rights of AmerCairo was made here by the State icans of the Jewish faith,-the reDepartment following an article port claims. It declares the Issue in "The Reporter" to the effect to be "the defense of the dignity that Byroade had counselled Presf the American passport, and the ident Nasser to ignore a .strong .efense by the State Department note carried to Cairo last fall by if the equal rights of American George V. Allen, then Assistant itizens overseas against any disSecretary of State for Near East- rlmlnation by a foreign power." ern Affairs. The State Department said it was satisfied that neither Byroade Immigrant Contributions nor any other American official tried to torpedo US. policy. Have Enriched Nation The charge against Byroade was Washington (WNS)—A fortymade in the current issue of "The Reporter" by Simon Mai Icy, an ight-page pamphlet, hailing the •nrichment of the nation by twenEgyptian correspondent. The incident was aired by the, Egyptian ty-one noted Immigrants, among dictator himself some weeks ago them outstanding Jewish personin a speech he, •JeUvered at Alex- alities, was published this week by andria. The State Department he United States Information version of that speech quoted Nasser as having attributed the adCalled "In- Quest of Freedom,'* vice to disregard the Allen note the pamphlet says of the immito "a high American official." Mr. grants It enumerates that "AmerMalley claims that the text of the ica Is 'richer tor their coming*' It _ speech shows that Nasser referred also stresses the traditional to "the American Ambassador." American belief that a dynamic nation Is Built of many viewpoints and the obsorptlon of new natlonaltles and creeds. The United States in the last ten years Is esImated to have admitted some !,000,000 new permanent residents Jerusalem (JTA)—Statistics on rom abroad. Immigration to the State of Israel The pamphlet contains thumb- j from the time of its establishment as a state until the end of April, tail sketches of the following cwlsh personalities of Immigrant 3956 were published here by the Jewish Agency. The figures show >rigin; Dr. Albert Einstein, worlda total or 795,392 new immi- amed scientist, Dr. S e 1 m a n Waksman, discoverer of strepto-* grants. mycin, Supreme Court Justice The breakdown by country of origin shows: Iraq, 123,179; Ru- 'ellx Frankfurter and Joseph Pulmania, 123,118; Morocco, Tunis tzer, one of America's leadinc and Algiers, 111,074; Poland, 101,- ldvocate of a free press. 723; Yemen. 45.89-1; Bulgaria, 38,477; Turkey, 35,250; I-ibyn, 'ortugal, 43; Denmark,' 27; Ire32,150; Iran, 31,045; other North land, 21; Luxembourg, 17; NorAfrican countries, 20,708; Czecho- ivay, 12; Finland, 5; Japan, 3; slovakia. 1H.323; Hungary, 14,414, Malta, 1, and various luuropcan and Germany, 0,125. Yugoslavia, rauntrles, 106. In addition, there 7,714: India, 5,199: Russia, Latvia vere about 27,000 immigrants for and Lithuania, 5,012; France, vliom this information was not 4,677; Asian countries other than ;lvcn. t h o s e specifically enumerated. The breakdown of immigration 4,608; Aden, 3,267; Austria, 3,1 G9; iy sex showed 39G.750 females as England, 2,813; Argentina, 2,705. igaln.it 383,737 males and C.053 Also, United States, 2,583; Chi- for whom no record was available. na, 2.50G; Greece, 2,150; Italy, The figures also showed that 3,453 1,165; South American countries persons had left Israel from maarother than those specifically abot and immigration homes, 2,474 enumerated; 1,579; Netherlands, died in such institutions. 1,431; Belgium, 1,270; Brazil, 917; South Africa. 814; Switzerland, Leonardo de Vinci, one of the 518; Sweden, 463; Spain, 421; Can- world's most versatile men, was ada, 3<tG; Tankers, 282; Australia, winter, sculptor, architect, musl• 231; Cyprus, 144; Abbysinia, 83; rian and scientist • . r.• ..
Surrender to Arab Bias Is Charged
State Dept. Denies 'Sabotage Charge
Figures Published On Immigration
Friday, ScptemlxT 7. 1930.
THE nswisn PRESS
• • - . : ,
Hy Jim Kurbutsdi A Jewish Gjiuriuinily Center membership "Double Kliinination Handball Tournament" Will be held diirini: the first week of October. There will be no registration fee, but membership is required. Winners in both singles and doubles will automatically be entered In the Midwestern AAU tournament. Members may register with the Center athletic director until September 26. Registration post cards will be sent and seniors not -reccivlng cards are invited to enter the competition. Additional information may be obtained at the Center athletic office. Mils Oiunne i i-mnan
Miss Judl Kutlrr
Mis* DUnne Fellman, duiiglit'-r of Mr. and Mrs. Haul W. 1VI1m»n, and Mis* Judl Kutlrr, dauglitrr of Mr. nnd Mm. MurrU K. Kutler, are two of the six candidate* for the title of Sweetheart of AZ.V No, 1. Miss Fellmin Is president of Itohanue and scried as recording secretary. Mlw Kutlrr U financial secretary of Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter of B'nal B'rith Girls. She slso served as athletic chairman and treasurer of the chapter. (See story on "Sweetheart Dance")
Suez Blockade Threat to Peace Tel Aviv (WNS)—The national convention of the Mspai Party concluded here with a series of resolutions, among them- one calling on the Russian Government to grant its Jewish population the right to educate Its children in Yiddish or Hebrew and to establish cultural and educational institutions, v . ,;•• ;•;•,:•..•••;•;.-;. In another resolution, the convention cautioned that as long as Israel is denied free navigation through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal there can be no peace in this area of the world. The resolution called the London parley a moral flop for not inviting Israel, charging that Krishna Mcnon's discrimination against Israel overshadowed the Indian Government's statments on peace and equality. The convention aLso stressed that continued shipment of arms to the Arabs and the prevention of such sales to Israel endangered the peace In'the Middle East. Another resolution demanded free access to the holy places in Jerusalem and free passage and use of the Hebrew University and the ladassa Hospital on Mt. Scopus. At the same time the convention recorded that it regards ties with world Jewry of utmost Importance and it urged the government and the Zionist organization to promote cultural ties between Israel and world Jewry.; Dn Glora Josephtahl was elect' ed general secretary of MapaL His successor to the Jewish Agency has not yet been disclosed, but it is believed the post will go to Perez Naftall.
Israel Steel Plant Gets U.S. Orders Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel's young industry broke Into a new world market, it was revealed with the nnouncement that an Israel steel ilant had secured orders for steel ilpo valued at $2,500,000 from American oil companies. It is believed to be the largest single eonIract ever won in the United States by an Israel Industrial r irm. The contracts were obtained by lie Middle East Tul>e Company, )f Acre, for delivery of 13,000 tons if electrically welded clx-inch >lpo. The orders were placed after a trial 'shipment of the Israel product was found to conform to American standard quality requirements and after the Zim-Israel Navigation Company had quoted c o m p e t i t i v e freight charges. To comply with the contract conditions, the Acre firm has gone on a three-shift basis, working around the clock to produce the pipe on schedule. Solcoor, Inc., of New York, Israel saIO3 organization operating In tho United States, handled the transactions here.
Schwartz Breaks Swim Meet Record Jerry Schwartz and Tom Williams carried the colors for the Jewish Community Center in the Parks and Recreation City Swim Meet at Miller Park Sunday, Aug. 2
^ ' : / i ''::••'
: ;
This Sunday the Midget: memliers of the Center and the summer swim students will get together in a swim meet. Youngsters will compete In a variety of swimming and diving events which will start at 1 p. m. Registration may still be made at the athletic office or at th« basketroom before the meet starts.' • ;". A table tennis tournament Is being set up for Youth Council girls, it was announced by Miss Maureen Zevitz, chairman .of. the YC Girls Athletic Committee. The elimination type of tournament will be both In singles and doubles play. Club members are Invited to enter the competition. The starting date will be announced soon.
The JCC had six boys qualify for the Sunday finals. They were: Bob Glnsburg, Dan Katskee, Jerry Schwartz, Kay Cleveland, Tom Williams and Jerry Carrol, but only Schwartz and Williams fained filial places, Schwartz broke a record in the 40 yard breast stroke as he clicked It off In 29.3. He also got a second in the 40 yd. free style and a third In the 40 yard back stroke. The Jay's relay team composed of Katskee, Schwartz. Carrol and Williams placed fourth.
Beth Israel Schools Beth Israel Talmud Torah will open Monday, Sept. 10. The Simday School will open Sunday. Sept. 1C. Parents having any questions regarding the schedule should phone the school, KK G28JJ.
The formation of a "tag" football league will be discussed at the September meeting of the Youth, Council's Athletic Committee, It was announced by Al Krlzolman, committee chairman. Club athletlo chairmen are asked to poll their . members so that an accurate consensus can be presented at the athletic committee meeting. Youth Council sport enthusiasts will really be able to keep tabs on what's happening in Y. C. boys and girls athletics now. Alone with gym renovation, a' special bulletin board has lieen placed outside of the Athletic Director's office which will be used exclusively for Youth Council sport news. A graph of the boys' Olympic trophy race, records for boys and Girls in track and swimming and current happenings in Y. C. sports will lx« placed there.
Sabbath Rioting in Jerusalem Called Most Violent—1 Death Jerusalem (JTA)—Two investigations got under way here Sunday Into the Sabbath-observance demonstration and resulting rioting on Saturday which caused one death and at least twenty injuries. A special five-man Government Inquiry Commission opened Us Investigation. This c o m m i s s i o n , which has been Instructed by the Cabinet to draw up recommendations for measures that might prevent a recurrence of such rioting, is trying to find out (1) who started the Sabbath-observance demonstration: (2) who was responsible for a counter-demonstration; (3) what led to the death of Pinchas Segelov, 55, a member Of the extremist Ncturei Karta, who r"ed Saturday nit;ht, a few hours after ho was brought to the hospital following the two hours of violent riotini;. The second probe is being conducted by a committee composed of Ministers of Interior, Posh;, Transiwrt, and Labor, Israel Bar Yehuduh, Minister of the Interior, and a roemlier of the left-wint; Ahdut Haovdah, is chairman of this ministerial committee. The first charge probed by the ministerial committee Beemed to support members of the Neturcl Karla who had charged that trucks were being used on the Sabbath to transport workers. The regular bason are not licensed tn run on the Sabbath. No licenses for such use of trucks to carry passengers on the Sabbath had been Issued, the ministerial com-' mittee established. The demonstration Saturday, the most violent.ever staged.here,
began when about 150 elderly members of the Neturel Karta staged a public prayer meeting In tlie streets on the western outskirts of the city. Wearing prayer shawls, they prayed for Sabbath observance. In protest acalnst motorists running their vehicles. At the same time, a crowd of youths threw up road blocks and, allegedly started stoning motorists. Later, tlie youths were charged with having stoned police and aiming mlsslk'3 at pedestrians who were hatless or were smoking. Police used truncheons and cmployed high-pressure water hoso to disperse the crowd which had Crown to about 5,000. It was at the end of the rioting that Mr. Seceiov was brought to the hospit.il. Seven policemen were injured, and three civilians, one a woman, were also treated for Injuries. Among the religious demonstrators, at least 10 more wero hurt. Sunday, when funeral services were held for Mr. Segelov, tho crowd of . mourners numbered about 20,000. The government was represented at tho services by Dr. Zorach Warhaftic, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs. Members of the Cabinet and somo members of parliament also attended, as well as leaders of the Neturcl Karta and of the Mlzrachi, Agudas Israel and other religious parties. The .White House was first lighted by electricity in 1890 during tho term of President Benjamin Harrison.