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Services For High Holy Days Beth El VOM Kll'I'Ult
.erj (Trldajp 101 N. iota. Annual Hat* • Dollaa r u l u riionr JA 1108 Single Cap* II O B I *
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s*ice Heads
Bond Campaign Joe M. Rise, a past president of the Federation for Jewish Sery» ice,, will head up this year's Bonds for Israel campaign.' Preparations for the drive are now underlay :• and the opening event is scheduled for the latter part of October/Mr. :
Friday, Sept. 14 Kol Nidre ....6:30p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18 ; Morning Service . . . . . . 8.-00a.m. Yizkor Service . . . . . . . 10:30a.m. Youth Service . . . . . . . . 1 1 : 0 0 a . m . Mincha-Neilah Service v 4:15 p. »n.
Rice said. .•' ''••••'.• ";-V--- | - / L ' :; . i ^ Besides being a president of the Federation, Mr. Rice also served, as chairman of a Jewish Philan* thropies' Campaign. He Is an active member of B'nal B'rith, Zlon- > 1st District of Omaha and Beth El
Beth Israel YOM KIFPUK Friday, Sept. 14 Kol Nldrc 6:25 p.m. Sermon 6:45 p^m. Saturday, Sept. IS Morning Service 7:30a.m. Sermon .10:00 a, m. Junior Congregation ...10:30a.m. Ylskor Service . . . . . . . . 11:00 a. m. Junior Congregation . . . 2:30 p, m. Ne-I-lah Concluding S*rvlcc .5:45p.m.
Temple Israel YOM K I P P U B
Omahan» In larnrl posn ivllli I«rncll polUcmnn. They are: (I. to r.) M n . I'aul Vrrct, I'mil Writ, unidentified policeman, Itay Hornbe r j and Dirk Frank. Tills picture was tnlicn nftcr tho policeman •topped thn bus tin')' More riding Inftnil rautloncd tho driver about speeding. He didn't KTIII IO IK- very angry nil lir managed a smile for the photuRrnphrr.
Omahans Impressed In 1st Visit to Israel
Joe M. nice
Global Report
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The new Bond chairman succeeds Dr. Abe Greenberg, who will continue to serve as a committee m e m b e r .
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Mr. Rice said that plans are being made for the drive to reach • every Omaha Jewish resident this . year so that more persons will have the opportunity of particlpating In loaning life-giving funds t o I s r a e l . , :
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Preliminary meetings are being ARAB ATTACKS Friday, S e p t 14 Jerusalem (WNS) — Seventy- held and Mr. Rice will announce Evening Service . . . . . . 8:15p.m. four Israelis were killed and 200 the other members of the commit- ' Saturday, Sept. IS tee in the near future. ,.! Morning Service . . . . . . 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . wounded In the year 5716 In Arab attacks on Israel, it was reported Children's Service . . . . . 1:15 p. til. hero as the country ushered In the new year 5717 in prayer and hope for peace and tranquillty.
Jewish Survival in Russia 'Slender*
B'nal Israel of Co. Bluffs
YOM KWPDB ' Friday, Sept. 14 Kol Nidre . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p m , . Saturday, Sept. IS • Morning Service 8:00 a.m. Sermon 10:30a.m. Yizkor ll;00a.m. Children's Service 3:00p.m. Nc-l-lah 5:25 p.m.
TEACHER SHORTAGE New York (JTA)—A national emergency in education exists in Israel today because of the extreme shortage of teachers and lack of candidates for the teaching profession. Dr. Michael Kvenari, vice-president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, reported to officials of the National Council of Jewish Women. The Council supports the University's Depart ment of Secondary and Higher Education. There arc at present only 17,000 elementary and secondary school teachers In Israel, but there is need for at least twice that number, Dr. Evenarl reported.
London (JTA) — Prospects of Jewish survival In the Soviet Union arc "very slender/' Prof. Morris Ginsburg declared here in the first Noah BaroU Memorial Lecture at University College. Prof. Ginsburg, prominent sociologist and professor at the London •School of Economics, said that the /actors which, throughout history/ have contributed to the preservation of the Jewish people have been so weakened in Russia that they can no longer be Counted on to fulfill their function. 'There had been dispersion and atomization of the Jewish community In Russia without parallel In Jewish history, ho declared, Yiddish culture, a t first encouraged by the Communists, had proven COMPENSATION Jerusalem (JTA)—A new law too weak to withstand the pressure of social and economic forces for compensation of victims of Nazism, covering those residents making for disintegration, Tho of Israel who suffered disability Jews in the Soviet Union continas a result of detention In concen- ued to be Isolated from world Jewtration camps and who aro notry and this, he said, was bound covered by tho German restitution to weaken their attachment to Julaws, has been drafted by the Min- daism and the Jewish people. He alas pointed out that, as a result, istry of Finance. The now law, which Is to be ef- of the levelling of the classes, asfective November 1, will benefit similation had affected the masses, immigrants who arrived before Instead of being confined to the October, 1953, Who received no upper levels of society. compensation from other sources The Barou lectures arc organfor. the time they spent in concentration camps and whose physical ized by the World Jewish Condisabilities exceed 25 percent, The gress In memory of its late chaircompensation for theso cases, i t Is man. estimated, will cost the Treasury two million pounds annually.
The paths of four vacationing people have a relatively hard life Omahans crossed In Israel last • . , But—and this Is one of the unique and sensational facts about month with the meeting of Mr. these people—they have accepted and Mrs. Pnul Vcret, Ray Som- the tasks so far, and they are prepared to accept the challenges that berg and Dick Frank. 1 Together they took a two-day lie ahead. They even seem t o Haifa (JTA)—The Israeli chartour of the Nogev and also visited thrive on It . . . . tered Greek vessel Panaghia reTel Aviv and Jerusalem. They have created an atmos- turned to this port Monday with a Ray Somberg recorded his Im- phere of perpetual motion and con- cargo of 300 tons of "cement depression of 1 g r a c L Here are stant change—in short—progress. stined for Israel's southern port of some of his views culled from his The people seem t o bo bound to- Eloth after having been, refused diary. " T h e most important part gether by Idealism, a fantastic na- passage through the Suez Canal of any country, I think,:Is its peo- tionalistic feeling, and hope for a since last May 25. ple. T b U l i e«pecl ally true of Is- bright future."; The 500 ton freighter, recalled rael ;as its citizens are literally V This Is a glimpse of b r a d a s •making the country.' We could seen through the eyes of a young by the chartering company, carCied a crew of one captain and not help but f«el during our stay perceptive college student. seven seamen. Three others had In' Israel the : friendliness of the Dick Frank stopped off to t e c become 111 during tho ship's detenp e o p l e . Y ,"•"•• .•;•-•• • • •' •';..'•. "' " ••': '••• bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. tion and wen flown to Greece for There I) no question that these Saul KaU who are making their treatment. ' home In a suburb of Tel Aviv, Tho Captain, Kosta Kotalcs, The youngsten »wam in thecomplained of the treatment reDead Sea In which they said that ceived by the crew and reported you can't swim or sink but you that.ho had not been allowed to Just, have to float. I t was their contact the Egyptian authorities first trip abroad" and they visited during tho entire threo month peJerusalem (JTA)—-A section of inany points of interest in their riod. Nor were the seamen or the of the Captain allowed to leave the vesthe Tel Aviv—Bcenheba trail line nine-day visit to the "land : was sabotaged Monday at a point Bible.". •,.-;;",...: v , ' n : - Y:."'::-.:; ••" sel and go ashore for any reason. Held up at Port Said, the vessel 12 miles north of Becrsheha. AlDick said that his greatest thrill though tho distance from, Egypt at during his stay in Israel was when never got,to Elath. Several weeks that point was nearly 19 miles and from dtop his. perch on a hillside after It was first stopped, theWATER SOURCES to Jordan only, ten, an Israeli he saw a railway train chugging freighter was given permission to Jerusalem (JTA)—Tapping ot spokesman charged that Egyptian along the lAndseapev It was on ex- pass through, but this wax re- hew water resources In a hitherto fe'daycen (suicide squads) were re- ample of the vitality and resource^ voked later although canal pass- arid area near the Dead Sea was age fees' had been paid. Tho vessponsible. fulness of the -people who are sel was under armed guard at all reported by the Ministry of Development. I t said drillers work> The spokesman said that this building Israel, limes. Ing near Sodom had reached wahad all the earmarks of a fedayeen The visit to the new Jlttle deter a t a depth ot 65 meters (215 raid in which Infiltrators take off mocracy in the Near East by the feet) and that there was now a from Gaza territory, commit their two students was part of their "substantial flow" of water with outrage and then go on to Jordan summer trip to England, Europe Frankfurt (JTA)—-The Jewish a comparatively low salt content as the closest safe haven. An un- and the Near East. community In the historic town from tho well. Tho new well will official report had it that the They traveled across the Euro- of Offenbach, near this city, Is servo the requirements of tho potsaboteurs narrowly missed blow- pean continent In a rented French conducting religious services' dur- ash plant at Sodom. Before the Ing up a freight train. automobile. On their way back ing the current High Holy Days war, the plant drew its water from T h r e e Israeli soldiers were from Israel, they stopped In Istanseason in a brand new BynagOKiio Jordan territory. wounded Monday when Jordanian bul, Turkey, and Athens, Greece. replacing the centuries-old temple forces opened fire on an Israeli One of the highlights of their which was gutted during the Hitpatrol Inside Israel near the vil- visit of the continent was their ler regime In 1338. lage of Duvvcimn, north of Beer- climbing of n 13,000 feet high Sunday Radio There are only about 75 memshoba. During the clash, the Jor- mountain, Jungfrau, In the Swiss bers In the Offenbach congregaThe Ktcrnal Light program danians u^od rifles, machine guns AIp3. tion now—as against 2,000 In prewill be presented over KFAB nnd mortars. The.fire'became so The pooplo they met in Europe Hillcr days. The modern structure from .10:45 to 11:15 p. m. Tho heavy that the Israelis were forced hnd for the most part a lower dedicated last week, In time for series la belnp; offered under to retreat with only ono of their standard of living than Americans. the Rosh Hashnnah services, has tho auspices of the Jewish Thewounded recovered. United Na- But as Dick Frank-put It, they a capacity of 100 worshippers and ological Seminary. tions observers are Investigating seemed to be happy and had a Joy houses also a new Jewish Comthe Incident. .. ,... . of living. munity Center. . .
Suez Passage Denied Panaghia
Egyptians Charged With Rail Raid
Ancient Sire
* Philadelphia (JTA)—The site of the ancient Biblical city of Gibcon, which embraced an area of 16 acres surrounded by a wldo wall,. has been definitely located by an archaeological expedition in Jordan, according to a report Issued here by the University of Pennsylvania. Seven American archaeologists, headed by .Prof. James B . Prltchard of the Church Divinity" School of the Pacific, at Berkeley, Calif, made the discovery which, university officials here said, Un-" covered one of tho groat "royal cities" mentioned repeatedly in tho Old Testament, Inscriptions were found bearing the name of Gibeon in ancient Hebrew, according to the report. Tho archneoloi;lsts have excavated] part of the ancient city's fortifications nnd its water system, and reported the "spectacular" discovery of a poof cut from solid rock. The pool Is also mentioned In the Old Testament.
ram rewisa PRESS
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Plain Talk By Alfred Segal A JEW EXPLAD.S HIMSKI.T Mr. Leroy F. Schneeman (non' Jewish) of our town, was asking me some question* about Jew* and Zionists: What, If any, 1» the difference between Jews and Zionists? Mr. Schneeman felt there must be some kind of difference from his having read what the Arabs say. In the daily newspaper for which I write he had read Israel's side, as written by a spokesman for a Zionist organization. Being a man Who wants to know both aides, be wrote the Egyptian Embassy in Washington asking questions. "I received a letter from Mohamcd Habib, press attache, stating that I would—and I did—receive a variety of literature," Mr. Sehneeman'j letter tells me. "In my reading of this I came upon certain men and organizations 1 would appreciate knowing more of, and maybe you could help." He says he would like to know more about Dr. Elmer Borger. author of the book titled "Who Knows Must Better Must Say," and about the American Council for Judaism of which Elmer Bcrger is the executive director. Then Mr. Schneeman inquires, what's the difference between Zionist and Jew . . . " In my reading," he says, "there appears to be a difference between Zionist and Jew. Thank you for what help you can give me in further understanding of the Middle East situa.tlon?" Difference* Well, Mr. Schneeman, as I understand it, the "difference" between Zionist and Jew is an invention of Arab spokesmen. That is to say, they mean to suggest that "Zionist" is a political' identity and "Jew" is religious; that a Zionist can't be counted as Jew but rather as a guy deep In political conspiracy. Maybe I should tell you, by way ~ot beginning, that there arc in the United States Zionists, non-Zionists, anti-Zionists. There are Zionist* who think of the Jewish pecp b as a nation and of Israel as the expression of that nationality. The non-Zionists don't go along with the concept that to be a Jew is to be a member of a Jewish nation. They know themselves to be nationals only of the nation to which they were born or into which they were generously accepted when they came over as immigrants. Yet, Mr. Schneeman, they can feel no dual loyalty in being helpful to the land called I s r a e l . . . . in giving of their means for more trees in Israel and the upbuilding of institutions there . . . in buying bond* for Israel toward a better economy in order that the oppressed who, have settled there . may make it good for themselves and their children. Non-Zlonbte These non-Zionists feel that Israel Is much more a social than a political adventure; It has to dp not with anybody's political ambition but with the high purpose of making life more abundant for a Jot of people who haven't had much of It. I myself, sir, am one of these non-Zionists. I said So In this column in the time before Israel was created. As Jew I didn't want any political Identity. I was In favor of homeless Jews settling In Palestine and making a good home for themselves there, though not politically. I didn't like the Idea, then, of Palestine being made the seat of a Jewish nation; I favored rather • Palestine that would be like America which had become the home of millions of Jews who eame here out of lands of oppression . . . a very £ood home in which Jews share politically with many other kinds of people. (Indeed, so positively was I •gainst the Jews in politics as
Jew, that I have frequently decried the so-called Jewish vote in the ward in which I live, in our dty, in the State and in the nation. I remain offended by any reference to a "Jewish vote" in the USA.) F a c U o f Lite Yet, sir, I and other non-Zionist* feel we must honestly face the facts of life a* they come up; even though the fact turn* out to be not exactly in line with our own concept of what was good for Palestine Palestine, as Israel has become a poignant fact of political life in the world and most of us face Up to it and help to do something about i t How could I stand aside from helping people who are building a new life for themselves . . . e v e n If" they were not Jews . . . even though Israel i* not in the exact non-political image I had hoped for. So I buy bond* of Israel, I contribute my portion through the United Jewish Appeal. To be sure, Mr. Schneeman, In your reading you have found the many Arabs whose homes used to be in what now is Israel and who were made homeless by the war that was visl'ed on the Israeli when they founded this nation of their own. I wish there were ways to return them to the shelter of their former habitations; but again facts must be faced up to' . . . tragic fact* of human nature, that is. How safe Would It be for the welfare of Israel to admit back into its borders these thousands who are its hate-conditioned enemies . . . to live there, to be fellow-citizens of Israelis? Is that decently possible? In compassion for them, I ask; "Why don't the masters of Arab lands, spacious and vacant, open up these lands for these refugees; that the deserts may be made fertile, as Israel is doing with its own lands for its own people?" And now, Mr. Schneeman, having told you about Zionists and non-Zionists, finally I get around to the anti-Zionists. They are mostly members of the American Council for Judaism, At times they seem to bo on the Arab side, though I still think of them as Jews and try never to get mad at them, since in the democracy that is of Judaism anybody's opinion is welcomed. I just feel sorry for them, since they seem to be without the adult wisdom that accepts established facts of life, and tries to make the best of them. Adult* who arc more tike juveniles! I am thinking of the title of Elmer Bergcr1* book—"Who Knows Better Must Say So." I am not saying I know better, but, anyway, I really think it's better to be helpful to come one who is trying to build a house with his own hands than to stand on the road finding fault in him and, a t times, joining with other juveniles to throw
a stone at him. What do you think about it, Mr. Schneeman?
Oil From Stones Tel Aviv (JTA)—Two inventions Important to Israels economyone to Increase vastly the yield of oil from bitumlne stones in the Dead Sea area .the other to reduce greatly the cost of extractIng precious magnesium from Dead Sea minerals — were announced here. They have been developed by Alexander Zarchln, the engineer who fled a Soviet forcedlabor camp In 1951 and who, only a week ago, was announced as the inventor of a method for desalting water. One of Zarchln's latest invention, according to the Israeli Inventorj Association, will yield as high as 23 per cent oil from millions of tons of bitumlne stones. The other Zarchin improvement, concerning magnesium, would reduce the price of this mineral from $2,000 a ton. to about 250 Israeli pounds for the same quantity.
With the Folks at Home News nnd liapiM'nlngft at the Dr. l'lilllp Slur Jewish Hume f o r the Agi-d by Duvid Orkow.
Friday, Septtmner u ,
Sttte of Uracl Development Dondf are helping to fpeed Israel's Induttriel development. During 1955, Iirmrl Bond fund* helped finance the conjunction of 104 new enttrpruci tod the expansion of 32 older one•. Today, with the •id of Uracl Bond dollar*, there are more than 22,000 fndutlrUl enterprise! and workshops in operation throughout Urael. Shown shore at one ef lhu« enterprise* — the Ynral Cad Pipe Com piny in Adulon, the Middle Can's forfeit pre*ttreued concrete pipe mirrafarturing firm — are workmen lowering a huge pipe aboard a rack at thefinUhina.area of the plant. Yaval Cad, which receive* Israel Bond proeeedt, produces pipes primarily for vital irrlgatioo and deep-water well projects throughout the arid region* of the country
Capital Spotlight By Hilton Friedman (Copyright, 1956, JTA) WASHINGTON. Herbert H.' Lehman, the "Conscience of the Senate," has made known he will not seek another
August 30; A KklUush was given by Mr. and Mrs. Meyer lluback in honor of their granddaughter, Cyndie Jo, who was given the Jewish names of Glttcl Rachel at tpecial services at the Home Synagogue. Mrs. Susan lluback, home resident, is paternal great-grandmother. September 3: The flower* this week In all the public room* at 'Die Home, were sent by Mr. and Mrs. Max Brtslow, on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Nudine Eunice to Norman Elliott Chudacoff, eon of Mr. and Mrs. David Chudakoff. September D: Whiskey for the High Holidays were donated by Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Paperny. September 6: Irving Friedman of the Blackstone Pharmacy, was •'Hie Baal Tcklah" at Tbe Dr. Philip Sher Home Synagogue during Itosh Hashanah. September 17: The Itosh Hashanah Party, which opens the social season of 5717 at The Home, will be held today at 2:30 p. m. This affair is sponsored by Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Max Shapiro. Coming Events: September 24 at 3 p. m., Beth Israel Sisterhood Succoth Party. September -30, at 3 p. m.. Bikur Cholim Sirricbath Torah Party. • • • -
Many of these were face-to-face battles, Lehman more than holding his own in the confrontations. In one such Instance, McCarthy, during a violent speech on the Senate floor, bad denounced a number of government officials as S o v i e t A VKIIY HAPPY NEW S E A B spies, reading their names from a t e m f . - . . - . •••;•' • • • . - . . ' • • ' , i - : : " ' . ' . ' .' document. Lehman recognized that —3717 to the Rabbis, the FederaHis decision has elicited two responses among liberals. They are it was being read out of context. tion For Jewish Service Board. the Board of the Dr. Philip She* saddened to lose the courage and Jewlsl Home For The Aged, th« power o f the Senate'* implacable Federation of Jewish Women'* champion of civil rights and civil Clubs of Omaha nnd Coundl liberties. But they rejoice in knowBluffs, their families, and all our ing that Lehman, at 78, will at last good friends from the residents enjoy some well-deserved rest. and staff of Tlic Dr. Philip Sher Lehman brought to public office Jewish Home For The Aged. the experience of a business man and the heart of a humanitarian. A stanch Democrat, he proved imMen's Club Dances mensely popular with voters, four times gaining the governorship of The Beth Israel Men's Club will New York State. He was sent to again hold their "Dancc-of-thethe Senate by a 1019 ipecial elecMonth" scries during the coming tion to fill the seat of the late season. Robert F. Wagner; who had reDances will be held in Beth Issigned. He was re-elected in 1950 rael social hall Saturday, Sept. 29 HERBERT H. IEHMAN to a full term. and Saturday, Oct. 20 at 9 p. m., He promptly challenged McCarthy The pagcg of the Congressional and the series will close with a to read the paper in its entirety. Record in recent years, were filled dinner dance Sunday, Nov. 18. Blistering words passed back with blow-by-blow accounts of his Tickets for the series ore availverbal battles in the cause of hu- and forth acrou the chamber until able from members of the board. man welfare. Lehman spurns the McCarthy came up with a glib of- of the Men's Club, and at the sykind of compromising that it tra- fer to show Lehman his material nagogue office. Call RE 6288. ditional for most older men. His "at any time." ( Lehman walked approach to legislation involving over and held out his hand. Mcbasic rights, overrides any partisan Carthy refused. The gallery, which Day School Planned had solemnly watched the by-play consideration*. broke into vigorous applause for The possibilities of forming a ' Lehman haj stated quite frankly Lehman. Hebrew day school in Omaha wera that "The forces in Congress supHerbert Lehman Is a New York- explored at a meeting held reporting civil rights are less zealous and resolute today than they have er, born March 38, L878, in Man- cently at the home of Mrs. R. Din* hattan. But the man whp stands kcls. Rabbi Yoakov D. Rennert, been in the past. This is as true among member* of my own party as the leader on civil rights Issues representing Torah Umesorah, nafrom North of Mason-Dlxon line, In the Senate can point, for the tional society for Hebrew day as among members of the Repub- benefit of his Southern colleagues, schools, discussed the benefit* of to a Southern heritage of his own. a maximum program of education lican Party." His father, Mayer Lehman, an (mi- In both Hebrew and general *tu» Civil nights dies that can be given during the He Is impatient with what he grant from Germany in 1843, set- course of n full school day. considers "a strong tendency to tled In Montgomery, Alabama, to enter the cotton business and beput the civil rights Issues aside for another day. The banner mutt be come a respected member of the kept high," he has said, "and the community. During the civil war. struggle relentlessly pressed. The at the request of the Governor of goal of human equality must not Alabama, he undertook a mission Louis GiHin of compassion to ease the lot of be compromised." Alabama soldiers held prisoners by Services were held Sunday, The passion of some of his bat- the Yankees, Sept. 9 for Louis Gltlin with Intles seems out of place with LehSome years later, Mayer Leh- terment at Golden Hill Cemetery, man's otherwise quiet dignity and good-temper. Ho was one of the man migrated to New York City Mr. Gitlin, C2, was beaten to death 'irst to take the field against "Mc- to become a founder of the New at his clothing store Wednesday, Carlhyism." He led the fight'for York cotton exchange and to or- Sept 5. He was a resident of Omafair immigration practices. He ganize private banking enterprise. ha for more than 40 years. Herbert Lehman joined the Lehfought relentlessly for Israel, seeSurviving are a ton, Paul of ing such support clearly consistent man Brothers investment banking Cleveland, O., and a sister, Mrs. firm in 1908, nnd married Edith with the national interest of the Max Schwartz of Omaha. Altschul of San Francisco two United Slates. years later. LIFE OF SCIKNTIST "It Is strange," Lehman himself All three of the Lehman chilVienna (JTA—The Austrian has remarked to Julius C. Edelsteln, his young and willing assist- dren served overseas in World War Ministry of Culture will inaugurant, "but I really don't like to get II. John rose through the ranks ate a new series of govcrnmentinto fights. I am peace-loving and to Lieutenant Colonel. Daughter produccd films with a screen biI like to get along with every- Hilda Jane, who Is now a mother ography of Prof. Otto Locwi, Jewbody. But somehow I keep getting of three war, with the WAC In ish Nobel Prize winner, who left North Africa and Italy. Peter, the Austria nfter the Nazi "AnschInto fights, one after another." eldest son, nn Air Force Lieuten- luss" in 1938. Willing to Tangle ant, was killed on a routine flight Recipient of the Nobel Prize In Lehman's willingness to tangle in England, nfter having flown 57 with McCarthy—a r o u g h - oncl- combat missions. He got into the medicine in 1930 while a resident tumblc ffghter whose bluster and war as a volunteer with the Royal of Austria, Prof. Loewl also won political acumen for a while fright- Canadian Air Force, the V. S. Air the Austrian' Distinguished Order ened the Senate into meekness— Force had rejected him at first fur Art and Science in 193C, and were acts of high political integ- because he was. married and tbe Edinburgh's Cameron Prize in 1944. Dr. Loewl. who was born In rity, coming as they did at the (Continued on Page 3.) 1873, came to the U.S. (" HW> icak of McCarthy's popularity. ;
AepfemDer 14, 19S0.
Women's Classes Start at Center
Atom Exhibit
UJA Bridge to Israel
Tel Aviv (JTA)—An "Atoms for Peace" exhibition was opened Monday by United States AmIt's still not too late to Join one of the four classes offered to wombassador Edward B. Lawson in the en in the Health and Physical presence of members of the Israel Education Department of the JewParliament and Israeli scientists. ish Community >nter. C'las'iM started thi.i week In women's President Eisenhower, in a Learn to Swim, Fii^irc-Ai'l, lln.imessage cabled from Washington ncss Women':: Swim ami the Adult to the opening ceremony, said: Coed Swim Class. "Hie Israel Government's impressive display in connection with the Women's Learn to Swim, once exhibit indicates the progress more will be taught by Mary Volcek, and will be continued Monday which your scientists are making, and Friday mornings from 10 n. m. and I am glad that parallel progto noon. ress is being made in even the more critical field of human unThe Figure-Aids classes started derstanding. this week Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-11 a. m. with one President Itzhak Ben Zvl of Ishour In the gym with figure conrael, who was unable to attend trol exercises and play activities the opening ceremony, sent greetand the second hour in {he pool, ings hailing Elsenhower's initiative learning to swim or just relaxing with regard to international "coin the water. operation for directing atomic The Business Girls' Swim Is beEach cabin in the Israel bound ship serves two or more families energy research for peace puring held this year froni 5:15 to of North African Jews. United Israel Appeal agencies in 1058 will poses. He added that Israel has a 6:30 p. m. Monday through Thurs- •pend H1.MO,000 for Immigration sad rehabilitation cost* of 45,000 special essential interest in the day and Adult Coed Swim classes Immigrants this year. The total VIA budget for 1050 U (123,000,00, use of atomic energy since the arc underway Tuesday and Thurs- the major portion of which Is provided by the United Jewish Appeal. country lacks other power re~~ DM? forget to searefa year day from 7:30-8:30 p. m. sources, which has resulted in extawne* far «tseardMI items of All Adults holding regular cords aggerated fuel imports imposing CATHOLIC LEADER ejotktssr aad aay «tnec salable may participate In the Adult Coed Capitol Spotlight Buenos Aires (JTA)—Israel is a heavy burden on the country's Items for the Council Bommate recreational swim Tuesday and Western civilization's "outpost in economy. Sale <m October 1 aad t . I f you Thursday evenings from 8:30-9:30 (Continued from Page 2.) wish the Items picked op, call Mrs. o'clock and also In the Sunday rec- father of two daughters. The Sen- the Middle East," conducting "an * Edward Z. Itosen, WA 088S. ' reational swim from 2-4 o'clock ator himself was a Colonel in exemplary soda! experiment which In the afternoon. World War I, earning the Distin- deserves copying by the rest of Sam* Day Service guished Service Medal for his the world," a prominent Catholic B ft V IJIADASSAH clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Carlos No Extra Charge work. Builnoas and Professional WomCucchettl, declared here Monday ONBBA Director en of Hadassah will hold their first upon his return from a three-week Is a» 10 A.M. meeting of the season In the form The creation of the United Na- visit to Israel Ready by 5 P.M. of a "brunch" at 12:30 p. m., Suntions Relief and Rehabilitation Ad- Israel should be given soverday, Sept 1«, at the home of Mrs. ministration brought together naCASH and CARRY over all of Jerusalem, part Chads* Boat, president Mm. Hots Mr, and Mrs. Charles Litt of tions in a monumental effort to eignty resides at 632S Gtenwood Road. New York City announce the en- alleviate the hunger and homeless- of which is now occupied by JorPlant for the coming year will be gagement of their daughter. Miss ness that war had left in its woke. dan, said Father Cucchettl. The Abo P i c k * and made. Mrs. Ross asks that "Eye Barbara Lltt, to Harry L. Lewis, As UNRRA's Director General, Jewish State, he added, is "defendWestern spiritual values with Saver Banks" be turned In at the son of Carl Lewis. beDvcry Service Lehman, by force of personality, ing great Idealism and with the heromeeting. The announcement was made welded his international team into ism of the Maccabeans." a cohesive unit despite their varySaturday at a cocktail party givUAIIASSAH BOABDS en by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Litt, ing and conflicting national Interests. BIBLE study lessons prepared ' Members of the Hadassah group boards will meet Monday, Sept. He won international acclaim under, the auspices of the Mlzfachl 17, at 12:30 p. m. Theodore Herzl and gratitude for his success in or- Women's Organization of America Group will meet at the home of ganizing supplies and services that arc now utilized by study groups Mrs. Max Sacks wishes to thank cared for millions of Displaced on five continents. ' Mrs. Joseph Lerner, 104 S. 93rd st., with Mmes. Irving Lincoln and her friends and relatives for their Persons and helped liberated na112 N. 18tfa JA1578 Harl Welts acting as co-hostesses. expressions of kindness during her tions meet the spectre of wholePatronize Our Advertisers Henrietta Szold Group will be at convaleascencc following a recent sale starvation. the home of Mrs. Henry Grcen- surgery. Early In 1944, Lehman flew to bcrg, 2530 N. 52nd st. Co-ho»teises North Africa to review UNRHA will be Mmcs. Sidney Goldberg CORRECTION plans with Greek and Yugoslav ofand N. W. Gijnple. Members of The name of Sheila Hclene Marthe Chalm Weltzman Kroup Will ko was misspelled in a birth an- ficials and with Anglo-American military commanders then poised meet at the home of Mrs, Arthur nouncement in lait wee't's Press. to move forward. At Algiers, en FOR EVERY OCCASION Adler, 739 N. 58th st, and Mrs. route to Cairo, an accidental fall Yale Glnshurg will be co-hostess. build our new culture as an Inde- broke his leg. He insisted on conpendent people in our ancient tinuing the journey. Strapped in a • BAR AND BAS MITZVAHS homeland, we have seriously striv- stretcher, for the next two weeks en to foster science, both pure ond he directed UNRRA from his bed • COCKTAIL PARTIES applied. The first president of the In Cairo. State, the late Dr. Chalm WcizIn 1029 the International Ladles • HOUSEWARMINGS Rchovot—Prime Minister David mann, was both a visionary states- Garment Workers Union, victim of man and an outstanding scientist depression and Communist treachBon Gurion, addressing a recent • RECEPTIONS session of the International Sym- Since we know that science does ery, went bankrupt. The JLCW posium on Macromolecular Chem- not distinguish "between good and had neither assets nor collateral. istry, declared here: "Science Is a evil, we earnestly strive to Join No bank would Advance a loan to tool for good or evil. It can bring our scientific effort with the great revive a union in such condition blessings to the human race— ethical values set forth by our but Wall Street banker Lehman health and comfort, lifting the in- Prophets. We are trying to build did—extending a personal loan of tellect It can also bring destruc- a society and a new civilization $25,000 from his private funds. The tion. The Tree of Knowledge of boned on the Prophetic teachings collateral was Lehman's faith in good and evil-does not grow In the of freedom, equality, the dignity working people. bod of science. Still there Is no of man and the love of God's creascience without scientists, and the tures. (We arc also striving) to man of science is not a mere men- harness science to our material tal- machine. He is rather a man of treasures, and to transform the the GREATEST GUY high moral responsibility.' The desert Into a cultivated land," SEE THE FEATURE OF scientist does not fulfill his misin the WORLD.... sion faithfully unless In addition ...Jtim» Use the Want Ads to buy, sell to Increasing the capacity of . • science he also strives to elevate orrcnt. the man who man. The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil must grow In his takes his family heart It is the scientist's duty to 78th Str»«T. fust soiith of Blende choose between the uses of science hilt lien «»jMbt-wbiiilng pltm el Ratwrt JOIHHMI so it will bring a blessing, not a h ft* (Mrinl ipamrarf by tk» OJitUk. omUf curse, upon mankind. COUNCIL WOMEN Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will )ic:.ir Dr. William T. Utlr-y. profr",sor of History and Government (it Oin-thx University, and coordinator of the Omaha Charter Convention, explain the proposed new City Charter at Its Ihbl ni' etinj; of the season Tuesday, Sept. 18. The Section will meet fur 1 p. m. luncheon at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president, wilt preside at the business meeting and Mrs. Jeruld Itosen will present the budget for the coining year. The program featuring Mr. UU*y will follow the business meeting and will close with a question and answer period. Mrs. George Spitzer and Mrs. Ed Green are in charge of the luncheon. Program Chairman is Mrs. Louis Katz and this month's program was arranged by Mrs. Charles Schneider.
NY Miss Engaged To Harry L Lewis
Thank You
Ben Guripn Tells 'Science Is a Tool*
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i Tut
Center Sports
Jr. B.B. Bowling Registration Open
•mflsy, srpl«moer 11, 1830.
Bos Mitzvah
YX. Doings
Habbi and Mrs. Mycr S. Krlpke erything sh« entered and Dan Mvmliers of IJcbka Delw re- announce Iho lias Mit/vah of their By Jim Karbattch Katskee who was first In the free Junior B'nal IJ'iith liowlini; mained active durinj; the summer daughter, Madeline Fnlth, will bo The Foil Athletic program forstyle, second in the human stroke League will start its fifth, bowlmoil His. Miss Lyncttc Forbes at- rflebrated Friday evening, Sept. boys and girls 8-14 years old will and third in the elementary back ing season at 12:30 p. m., Sunday, 21 and .Saturday morning, Sept, begin Sunday, Sept 23, at thestroke. Oct. 7 at the Music Box. Young- tended YounK Judaea Camp Tel '£1 at Belli lil Synagogue. Jewish Community Center. AcCertificates were awarded to sters arc asked to register early Ychudali in New York find Miws Members and other friends of cent will be on both girls and the first three places in every as there arc a limited number of Urcnda Kutzmnn, Doily Slmplro tin; syna^oKue are cordially invitboys', activities including shuUle- event. This meet climaxed the bowling alleys available, Mrs. Max and Kaye Turner returned from ed to attend both services and the board, table tennis, badminton and summer swim program at the Jay Judaea leadership training pro- icceptiuns which will follow in the jokari which are especially for the in which over 600 certificates were Sacks, league advisor said. Boys and girls 11-14 years of girl*. issued to beginner and inter- age who are in the sixth to eighth gram at Camp llerzl in Wisconsin. social hall. One feature of the fall program mediate swimmers by Aquatic Di- grades are eligible to register for Misses Linda Verct and Marclu for boys wiU be an eight-week rector Joe Micek. These certifi- bowling. Mrs. Sacks asks young' Zalkin went to the National Ju- USYandUSItoMeet training period in amateur wrest- ites were issued with the regular sters who have Hebrew school daea Convention also held at ling which will be conducted by Red Cross buttons to certify the classes or who intend to play bas- Camp Tel Ychudnh. Meetings of the United SynaJim Karbatsch, Center Athletic level of ability which the swimmer ketball on Sunday afternoon not The Debs held their final rush- gogue Youth and United SynaDirector. The goal of this pro- has reached. ' gogue Intermediates will be held to enroll for the league. ing event of the season August 30, gram Is to form a team to repreTeam uniforms will be supplied at the home of their president, Sunday, Sept 16 at 7 p. m. in sent the Jay in inter-city competiBeth El Synagogue social halL to members of the league and a Miss Joan Mayer. tion sponsored by the Omaha members are cordially, banquet will be held at the close Deb, Miss Sally ?reeman, who Prospective Parks and Recreation Commission. of the season at which trophies was a counselor at Camp Jay-C-C invited to attend. Wrestling may or may not be folElection of officers will be held will be awarded. this summer was the World-Herlowed by boxing depending upon of the youngsters who ald ."Teen of the Week" in August at the USI meeting. The USI demands of the group wanting to Jerusalem (JTA)—There is hope areParent* group is open to boys and girls bowlers themselves are asked Misses Diane Lintzman, Donna who participate. that an agreement will be reached to assist with the league, Mrs. Canar are In the 7 and 8 public and Andy Jean Gross were This fall will also feature the through negotiations to enable all Sacks said. They arc needed for appointed program chairmen for school grades. formation of a competitive swim Moroccan Jews who wish to mi- score keeping. the first meeting of the season to team which may qualify for the grate to leave that North African Call Mrs. Sacks, AT 0249, for be held September 16. Patronize, Our Advertisers N e b r a s k a - I o w a Youth Swim country for Israel or any other registration. League for inter-city, inter-state land, Dr. Nahum Goldman, presiThe other league advisors a n and intra-state competition. The dent of the World Zionist Organi- Harry Collck and Harold Bloom, league, which is now being re-zation, told the Zionist Actions who have been with the league formed, has a potential of nine Committee Monday. since iU inception. Ralph Turkci rolled high game teams from such cities as Has- He noted the hopeful declaraRUG & UPHOLSTERY and series, 213—544. this week in tings, Sioux City, Fremont, Boys tions of the Sultan and Premier of the "A" division of the B'nal B'rith CLEANERS Town, Dei Molnes and Omaha. - Morocco on this matter and said Nazi Victims League. Ed Dolgoff followed close Bonn (JTA)—Nazi victims en- behind him with a 200 game and The team will be under the di- they would honor their word. AuRUGS—CARPETING thorities In both Tunis and Moroctitled to payments under current rection of Joe Micek and events L. Hurwitz bowled a 534 series. LAMP SHADES are geared to those boys and girls co have kept their promises re- Indemnification legislation may High team series went to BenFURNITURE in the 8-14 age group. All of the garding Jewish equality, he point- submit claims if they are residents son Hardware with a 2466 and competitive stroke* and diving will ed, out, but economic conditions of practically any country hi the high Individual game to Playland Cleaned In Your Homel have deteriorated and the situaworld except the Soviet satellites be included./ Pool time for team Park with a 841. practice will be on Sundays from tion of the Jews—always difficult in Europe and Asia, according to a clarification just Issued by the 1 to 2 p. m., prior to the regular —had worsened. B. L SUNDAY SCHOOL Don Bernstein HA 2554 Referring lo the situation In Federal Government Center recreational swim.time on Beth Israel Sunday School win Eastern Europe, he said that the Under the amendment to the start Sundays. its fall sessions Sunday, Sept. door to Jewish emigration had Bowling activity will get under been opened slightly and that the Federal Indemnification Law fir16. Individual Nazi victims, claims are vlay the following week with for- first group of Jews to be permit- accepted only from residents of mation of the Junior Youth Coun- ted to CANADIAN and American Mizto Israel from Poland states maintaining diplomatic recil Bowling League, and if possible, n recentgo years would start within lations with the Federal Republic rachi Women are now building the the activity will be conducted first religious Community center In few months. He expressed the However. Israel and Finland have Israel's without conflict with regular Sunmajor port city, Haifa, as been specifically designated as hope that this migratory flow day activities. would be followed by the move- eligible, in spite of the two coun- si Joint project Basketball and other gymnasi- ment of Jews from other states in tries' lack of formal diplomatic um activities are also slated to the region. relations with Bonn. start at the end of the month. "We must regard such developIn-addition, the official Bonn $ Portraits Coaching in basketball fundamen- ments with satisfaction, although announcement lists 65 states with, tals will be^given as well as bas- for the time being the changes in whom diplomatic Weddings relations curketball techniques. The formation the situation are still insignifi- rently exist. Commercial \ of. the regular basketball league cant," Dr. Goldmann stated. "It Is for "Midget" boys 8-14 years old our duty as Jews and Zionists to POWER NETWORK will be accomplished as the bas- do everything possible In order to TUxrias—Upper Galilee settleketball season approaches. establish contacts with Jewish in Israel will be connected During the past week, a mailing communities in Eastern Europe ments the national power network from the Health and Physical Ed- and to try to.Influence the author- to through a construction s c h e m e ucation Department for boys and ities in these countries to make It which will 817 S. 36 St. be completed by the girls in the Midget age'group in- possible for the Jews there, to lead Spring of 1958. The entire area HA 1044 cluded a self-addressed postcard a true Jewish life, such as does has hitherto received its electricity calling for replies concerning the not exist there at present, and tofrom local generators. Air Conditioned various programs. create facilities for immigration to Parents are urged to contact the Israel," he added. Center for information concerning any phase of any activity by call- OIL PRODUCTION ing JA 1366 ext. 26. Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's do, [PARADE j mestic oil output, without reckonSixty-seven boys and girls In ing on production from new wells, O|F' HOMES the summer swim classes and reg- will save the country's economy ular members of the Jewish Com- an estimated $4,000,000 in foreign munity Center participated in a exchange during 1957, it was re25 event swim competition last ported here. Output of the Heletz Sunday In the Jay pooL Competi- wells, hitherto kept down for tion was held in the human stroke, tecbnbal reasons, is now being frer style, breast stroke, back stepped up. The Increased yield stroke, elementary back stroke will make it practicable to ship the and diving for two year age groups oil from the Heletz field to the from seven through fourteen. Haifa refineries by rail Instead Outstanding swimmers were Don of lorry, thus cutting the transportation costs by about one-third. Goldstein who took two first and Meanwhile, it was disclosed here two seconds in the human stroke, elementary back stroke, breast that oil has been struck at Heletz stroke and back stroke; Arnie VI, which is to the cast of wells THE STREET OF THE STARS Altsulcr, first in diving, second In ow in production. This strike infreestyle and third in back stroke; dicated that the Heletz field is Mary Massara who placed In ev- wider than had been thought.
Zionists Negotiate For N.A. Migration
B.B. Bowling
I; The finest [ in Photography by JOHN
See the 1956
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