Vol. XXXIV—No. 50.
M n n l (.»••> Malllnt fnyllr^rt ^ntttar\r^^t at Omaha Nrtir
i-Semitic Matter Handed Out at Meet Antl-Semlllc literature was distributed on Yom Klppur J a y at the convention held In Omaha of the proposed Constitution Party, Sol Llttman, regional director of B'nal B'rith'i A n 11 • Defamation League, revealed Sunday, Mr, Llttman who attended the convention ax an' observer said It was given out by George E. Homsby of Valentine, Ncbr. George
World Scene By David HorowiU ' Toe Israeli foreign ministry ' through an official spokesman expressed deep satisfaction with the Western plan for an association 'of Suez Canal users. The Israeli spokesman said that "Israel welcomes any development which is "apt to insure the rule of international law In the Suez Canal and end the discrimination against the Israeli flag." The term "Suez Canal users" raised a serious question in some Israeli unofficial circles. Officially, Israel Is not listed as among the users of the . Canal during the past eight years. . The ''new British-French proposal, backed by the United ' States, appears to have one ob" Ject: to force dictator Nasser either to accept inter-national operation of the canal or to commit a flagrant violation of the '1888 Convention. It Is a showdown ' on Uils whole critical controversy with Egypt. Having already Indicated rejection of the plan, Nasser, bolstered by the Kremlin and Asian-Arab world, appears to have accepted the Western challenge and, as a . leading editorial writer stated this week, "anything can now happen." Nasser himself termed. the new Western plan ''a step towards war." In the light of this development and considering Secretary of State Dulles' statement to the effect that the U S . would not "shoot Its way" through the Suez Canal If it were blocked, it is now generally accepted that the West will bring the whole Suez matter - to the Security Council for judgment. Explaining tho new plan to the Brtlsb Parliament, Mr. Eden.stat' ed that the authority would serve as a provisional organization of , the nations that use the waterway and that It.would ignore tho nationalized Egyptian management, employing its own'pilots and collect the tolls. In London it was generally accepted that Mr. Dulles was; the mastermind behind this plan.
T h o m a s of Omaha, convention chairman, was reported as saying the distribution was not authorized or. approved by the Constitution Party, but Mr. Llttman pointed out that the literature was not removed after ho had twice called Mr. Thomas' attention to It. Mp. Littman addressed a meeting last Wednesday evening of the Epstein-Morgan Post No, 260, Jewish War Veterans dt which he declared: "The Third Party Movement In Iowa and Nebraska has not only been Infiltrated but has also received its leadership from people with a proven record of actl-:ty in the field or religious bigotry." The American Constitution Party of Iowa, Mr. Llttman stated. Is headed by Edward Fields, a young chiropractic student from Davenport. In 1954, Mr. Fields confessed to Davenport police that he and one of his'friends were the authors of crude antl-Semttlo posters attached during the night to downtown store-windows in Davenport during Brotherhood Week, the ADL director pointed out. More recently Mr. Fields was the distributor of a pamphlet expressing blatant religious bigotry, he added. George H. Thomas, publisher ot the Greater Nebraskan and ah organizer of the American Constitution Party of Nebraska, also serves as executive director of the Congress of Freedom, Mr. Llttman asserted. 'The first two mailings issued by Mr. Thomas after his ap^ polntmcnt as executive secreary of the Congress of Freedom contained sample copies of the works of two of America's best-known and obvious purveyors of racial and religious hatred, the director pointed up. •The Anti-Defamation League Is an educational and not a political organization," Milton Abrahams, hcalrman of the Anti-Defamation League's Advisory Committee commented. ADL's concern, he continued, is with the number of persons with proven anti-Semitic records who ore attracted to the Constitution Party.
Incidents Flare-up On Israel Borders Jerusalem (WNS)—There has been intermittent fighting In recent days nlong the Israel-Jordan frontier, with casualties reaching more than thirty In three days. The mounting scries of Incidents brought an immediate appeal from the U N . Truce Chief to both sides "to put a stop to this most tragic scries of events." Jordan claimed losing nineteen when a large Israeli force engaged a Jordanian police force in trie Hebron' area. Tho scene Of the Incident was somo three miles nway from the site where six Israeli soldiers had been previously killed by Jordanian fire. The six were killed within Israoli territory and their bodies were dragged across the border. Two hours nftcr Issuance of the peace appeal by the U.N. Truce Chief, Jordanian marauders murdered two Israeli village guards.
Both Prune Minister Eden and Premier Mollet,who met in Paris, are said to be pleased with the 'latest U S . position on the Suez. ' Meanwhile, between them, they decided on a harsh economic campaign against Egypt. As a first step, the Suez Canal company lias authorized Its non-Kt;yptiun canal pilots to leave Egypt. As n conntermovc, the Cairo regime Issued a statement that it could run the canal without foreign help. Depending now entirely upon Soviet "support" alone with the "moral" backing of India—Nehru warned the Western powers they were creating a gravo risk of w a r Tel Aviv (WNS)—Two clvllNasser is proceeding with his milInns, one an American water exitary build-up. pert Herbert Mark, were abducted In the take Tiberias by Syrian troops, it was disclosed here when United Nations officials were Sunday Radio alerted to the situation and miked The Eternal Light program to negotiate their return. will bo presented over KFAR The men were removed followfrom 10:15 to 11:15 p. m. The ing an attack on their vehicle on series is being offered under the western bank of the Jordan tho ausplcler. of the Jewish The- about 100 yards north of Lake ological Seminary. Tiberias. Their car was found riddled with bullets.
Federation Executive Committee to MeetThe Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 25 i n - t h o JrWsh Community Center, it was announced by Jack W. Marer, Federation president.
i*"i>ua*«a mn mu»t i l l a. i n * . *""»»» "«« • 1>«4»I» Omaha MM-rmak* rjioM *A 1«M 8IB«I* CODJ 1* Cent*
Advance Units Spark Drive Tho advance units of the 1957 United Red Feather-Red Cross Campaign have started this weekend to raise the $1,702,? 986 needed to keep the 47 Red Feather services and Red Cross in the coming year. Both the pace-setting initial ••"gifts division and segments of employee solicitation groups are seek* ing "fair share" gifts from every contributor. P. Gerellck Is a vice-chairman of tho initial gifts division. Arthur H. Goldstein and Ernest A. Nogg New York (JTA)—The United are generals. Herman Goldstein heads the mercantile division:of Jowish Appeal ushered in the Fall and final phaso of Its 1956 nation- the employee units. wide campaign on Saturday eveThe goal Is 12 per cent higher ning immediately following the than the amount raised for operatday-long observance of Yom Kip- ing needs In last year's combined pur, It was announced by. William operating and building fund drive. Rosenwald, general chairman of However, people will be asked to the UJA. give according to the "fair share" scale, not percentage Increases, Mr. Rosenwald announced at the same tune that between that Milton R. Abrahams, president of week and November 30, the UJA United Community Services, which will seek $30,000,000 in cash to stages the drive, explained. add to the cash sum of $14,000,He said the "fab: share" formuUOO-it was realized since January la was set by a committee of giv1 on Its current efforts for sup- ers Including business, professional port of refugee resettlement, wel- and laboring people following a fare and rehabilitation programs study of actual giving. The fair share range in each Income bracIn Israel and 23 other countries. In making his announcement, ket is already matched or surMr. Rosenwald termed the Ap- passed by about 40 per cent of the givers. peal's final 1956 effort "as fateful The drive's theme is "The Good as any since we started raising funds 18 years ago." He urged You Can Do Is Priceless." This Jews In this country to keep In emphasizes the fact that the help mind that "the most serious given people by Red Feather-Red threats to Jewish life since the Cross services is Invaluable, "You can't put a dollar sign on days of Hitler "face large Jewish communities in a number of ..over- the good done by guiding one boy seas nrens. "The very threat of or girl away from delinquency, or... annihilation has been levelled providing a new home for a homer against the people ot Israel," ho less child," drive chairman James declared, "while tho threat nf L. Pax ton, Jr., said. He cmpaslzed that the needs Isolation from the rest of Jewry grows larger and larger for Jews that have to;bc met by Red Feather-Red Cross services are greater In certain other areas now being swept by revolutionary changes." than ever today. "Good tinics don't cure welfare Ills," Mr. Paxton added. "Our youth population for which most of Highest Prize the services are needed hat inHome (WNS)—The Premlo VI- creased by 25 per cent in Just tha areggio, one of Italy's most cov- past five years, even greater in- ' eted literary prizes, has been creases are ahead. "Families are being torn apart awarded to Carlo Lcvl, noted auat the rate of one In nine, bringthor and painter. The award came to tho Italian ing about greater need for family Jewish author for his latest Work, counselling services and care for dealing with peasant lire in South- homeless children. "More services are needed for ern Italy. Carlo Lcvl gained world fame with the publication of our aging population which has "Christ Stopped at Eboll," his first soared by 40 per cent In ten years." book. The Federation for Jewish Serv. Ice allocation of $62,858 for 1957 depends upon the.drive's success. '
Charter Explained UJA Will Seek By Coordinator Nearly one-half of the 115,000,000 spent annually by the City of Omaha does not show up in tho city budget, William T. U t l c y , "rofessor of History and Government at the University of Omaha and coordinator of the Omaha Charter Convention,-stated Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Utley addressed a meeting of the Omaha Section. National Council of Jewish Women, at which he explained the archaic form of city government we now have and the changes which the convention has adopted. It Is an Important event In the life of our city and tho women con ploy an significant role In bringing it about, he aald referring to the coming election when tho charter will be voted on. The city commissioner form of government that we now have was dratted In 1912 by the state legislature, Mr. Utlcy stated. Since that time the basic weaknesses of that form of government have become apparent and it has declined with city after city abandoning if; ho pointed-out As an example, Mr. Utley told of a city employee who has worked for sixteen yearn and he still does not know what department ho belongs to. In explaining the charter, Mr. Utlcy asserted that lie would like to show the reasoning used by the delegates. They first spent a month and a half listening to all shades of opinion and everyone had a reasonable opportunity to be heard by the convention, he stressed. Next the members of the convention studied the different forms of city government throughout the nation and of the City of Omaha. They then heard what city employees thought about It. What they wished to determine was whnt the people of Omaha wanted, Mr. Utlcy emphasized. Tho choice finally narrowed (Continued on Page 4.)
30 Million Cash
Co-Chairmen Named for Bond Drive
Germany Praised Cologne (JTA)—Marking th« fourth anniversary of the day that Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer for West Germany and then Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett for Israel met in Luxembourg City Hall to sign the Reparations Agreement b e t w e e n the two states, the head of the Israel Purchasing Mission In Germany issued to tho German press an anniversary declaration p r a i s i n g German Implementation of tho pact as having come up to expectations entertained In Israel, In Germany and by world public opinion.
Mrs. Sunmcl N. Wolf
Mm. Iiuulor lcvlnson
Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf and Mrs. Isailor Lcvlnson were named cochairmen of the Women Division of the? 1956 Uonila for Israel Committee, It was announced today by Joe M. Hlce, Koncral chairman. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, pioneer in the Israel Ilond movement not only In Omaha but on the national scene, is again honorary chairman of the women's division. '•The ladles have been faithful leaders In the division for many
years," Mr. Rico said, "and we welcome them again this year UB an Integral part of our volunteer organization." "They have done a mnfiiilficcnt Job nnd we are lookIng forward again to them for continued support," he concluded. The first affair of the bond campaign, n women's division tea, is now being planned, Details will be announced ns soon 03 arrangements have been completed.
Community Chest-Red Cross Women Workers SAVE Friday, Oct. 5 IMPORTANT
—wm fUK
Friday, Sc|(t<ml»r 31, 1950.
Mrs. Okun Cited by Pioneer Women
Painting Exhibit by Israeli at Center
Tile Jewish Community CenM i l ) by Oc redecattoa si Ji Itervioe Omaha Chapter of Pioneer ter will be closed the following A two-week exhibit ut unj;iu tl Women will bold their "Flower (lays In observance of holidays: vs'ater color painting by Miss Haw 4uMcnpuua n o t . Advntuuu Katn ISS5S"is«> Tag Day," Sunday, Sept. 30. tuuiuiuu UfIK» -lie No aotfi jftreat. 0m» All day today; Wednesday, du: sah Sokolik of Jerusalem, Isrtun '"'-or Mama—480t to »U» K M Members of the committee are: Sept. 26 at 5 p. m.- all day rael, opened Tuesday in the JewHARRY HALPER1 ...• •• Editor Mesdames Harry Richlin, Nathan Thursday and Friday, Sept. 27 ish Community Center. Miss Sokollk, Director of the Martin. Max Levine. Leonard and 28. Antl-Tuberculosls League of JerPinkovitz. Sam Bifkln. Isadora usalem, is visiting with relatives Goldstein, Sam Riehman, Milton here. Nerenberg. Isadore Forbes, Abe She come to Palestine 18 years Cohen. Harry Wohlner and Sara ago from Poland to study at the Nsws astf hs#peatsga atttaDr. Okun. Hebrew University. She liked It Plilllp Sher Jewish Home for tfco Mrs. Zena Fcldman Is making and stayed on- During the War of the little ribbons for flower day. Aged by David Orkow. Independence, Miss Sokolik served September 12: Mrs. Bessie Te*»- Mrs. Sam Novak is chairman of The Marlon Stoler Scholarship as a member of Haganah, the unler, Uome resident, has donated a the project Award presented by the Omaha dercround Israeli army. • walking aid to the Home Mrs. Sarah Okun was honored Section. National Council of Jew- This Is her first visit to the Belli El September 13: A special' dona- on her birthday at t)te last meet- ish Women this year was given to United States and also the first S«t>bath services at Beth El tion to the Borne Synagogue was ing with the presentation of a cer- Joseph Beck, formerly of Omaha. time she has put her pointings Synagogue wiH begin at 8:15 p. m. made by Mr. and Mn. Philip Gilin- tificate from the national office Mr. Beck, his wife and son are on exhlbtion. This fa the first late Sabbath Serv- sky, to honor their granddaughter. for 30 years of service. Nine other making their home in Boston. This group of Israeli landscapes ice of the year. Rabbi Myer S. Esther Fraydel Gross. Mr/ Sam members also celebrated their Mass, where Mr. Beck will begin and still life with Its coloring and bis third year of graduate studies Sommer, Home resident, is materbirthdays. Kripfce win deliver the serm clarity of scenery is in the opinion at Harvard School of Dentistry. Captor Aaron L Edgar and thenal great-grandfather. of Israeli experts characteristic of Miss Annette Kosowsky, the that country, she asserted. ' Choir will render the muaical por- September 14: Mr. Sam Poster assisted Mr. Alex Sand during 1955 winner, was awarded a tul- The 'Inlted States is a wondertions of the service. tional scholarship by the Univer- ful country, she said, a new world Sabbath morning services will Yom Kippur Services at the Home sity of Omaha for her sophomore* of be beJd at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Synagogue. opportunity for those who are year la recognition of her oat-Sifted September 17: Beth El Sisterand talented. Miss SokoUk Congregation services begin at scholastic record In her feels that entertained Our Folks with a A group of Memorial Name standing there is mpre interest ' 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv serv- hood freshman year. Miss Kosowsky tea party followed by games. The ices are at 6 p. m. Daily services large turnout of sisterhood mem- Plaque*, placed on the Yahraeit would have-been awarded another In Israel since tho creation of the are at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . Sun- bers made thu affair a success. Tablets in Beth El Synagogue scholarship frdm the Section had state. This, she added, is shown by during tit* past several months her own family who now seem day service is at 9 a. m. Mrs. Max Shapiro was chairman will be dedicated at Ytekor Serv- she not'received recognition from more concerned and interested. BKEMIN1 ATZEKKTil the university. of this program. ice oit- Shemini Atzaretb, ThursThdy Want to help and know more AND 8EVIC11ATH TORAII September 18: A special group day. SepL 27 at 30JO a. m. Any student Interested in ap- about Israel, Miss Sokolik stated. WedncwUy. Sept. Vi from Bikur Cholim Society decoplying for the 1957 Scholarship The following names have been In speaking of her work, in IsEvening Service 7.00 p. tn. rated our Succah at the Home this added to the plaques: Max Blote- Loan should contact Mrs. Sidney rael, she told that the outpatient Tliunuiaj, Sept. 27 evening. The members of this ky, H. Brooks. WA 9BM. Harry Camel. Samuel Corenclinic In Jerusalem of the anti-TB Morning Service 9,00 a, m. committee were Mary Wine, SylRose Goldware, Barney Marleague Is publicly supported. It ofYIZKOR, Memorial Service at via Ross, Sarah Linda, Ami Katz- man. kovitz, Nechama Reva Markovitsv fers free, non-sectarion services 10:30 a. m. man and Sarah Epstein. Elaine Roffmah. Sarah Eva Sellin examining persons for signs of Dedlcatlsa ol Memorial Plaque* September 24: The Sueeoth Par- cow, Irvin A. Stalmaster and TB. The clinic Is part of a nationMincha at 5:45 p. m. ty is being sponsored by Beth Isal league In Israel to prevent and Maartv, Slmchath Torah 7:00 p. m. rael Sisterhood under the chair- Louis Stalmaster. Bikur Cboliro Society will hold fight TB. Friday, Sept. 28 manship of Mrs. William Wolfson its annual Succoth Tea at 2 p. m , Morning Service 9.00 a. in. and will take place at 3 p. m. Monday, Sept. 24 at the Jewish SAM Mothers We have completed a full year Community Center. Mrs. Meyer of rabbinical visits. The rabbis of Beth Israel Linda is chairman of the event The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' our community have given their Mrs. Harry Reuben Principal speaker will be Mrs. Jo- d u b will meet at the home of Succoth services at Beth Israel whole-hearted cooperation to this Msr. Sam Turkcl, 6473 Foppleton will be held today at 8 a. tn., 10 program and it was especially in- Services were held Wednesday. seph ZwdbacJc A check will be presented in st, at 1 p. m , Tuesday. Sept 25. a. m., and 6:15 p. nj. Saturday teresting due to the fact that each Sept 19 for Mrs. Harry Reuben partial payment of the balance Mrs. William Alberts will be coservices at 8 JO a. m, 10 a. m. rabbi chose his own topic for dis- with interment at Fisher Farm hostess, A dessert luncheon will cussion. and .Mincha at 6 p. m. Cemetery. Mrs. Reuben. 70, a due on the elevator fund. precede the meeting. Dally services are held at 7 a. m. The residents always looked for- resident of Omaha for more than If the telephone committee bas ward with great anticipation to 60 years died Tuesday, Sept 13 Kripkes Invite «nd 6:15 p. m. failed to reach you, call the chairHothana Kabbah services will these Tuesday morning sessions in at her homo. man, Mrs. Morris Becker, JA Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke be held Wednesday, Sept. 26 at the Home Synagogue and their en- She is survived by her husband, joyment was clearly visible in their Harry; three sons, Ernest of San cordially invite Beth El members 74.17; or Mrs. E. I. Widman. GL •JO a. m. and 6:15-p. m. Mrs. Al Oruch, OK 1516; rnnciseo, CaL, Albert of Indiana- and other friends to a Yom Tov3«S: Sbeminl Aizereth s e r v i c e s faces. Mrs. Mnx Rosen. Oh 5I49; Mrs. Thursday, Sept. 27 at' 8 3 0 a. m-, It Is therefore proper at the be- olis, Ind., and Dr. Ronald of reception at their home, 119 N. Harry Friedman. JA 7413. ginning; of a new year and the In- Beverly Hills, CaL; three daugh- Happy Hollow Boulevard on llol 10 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. Sukkot. Sunday, Sept. 23 All pledge mothers and alumni • aimrhai Torab' services Thurs- auguration of the second series of ers, Mrs. Kthcl Creenbl.itt vt HaMoc mothers are welcome. day. Sept. 27 at 6 p. m. and 7 visits, to say, "THANK YOU," to Muscatino, In., Mrs. Clyde Krasne from 3 to 6 p. m. pun. and Friday, Sept 28 at 8:30 the rabbis of Omaha and Council of Beverly Hills, CuL. and Dr. a. ra., 10 a, m. and Mincha at 6 Bluffs and to Cantors Edgar and Ruth Burroughs of Jackson, Miss.; Kagan, who have participated in sister, Mrs. Julius Stein of Omap. m. this series. A special vote of ha; and several grandchildren. thanks to Harry Sidman, ChairRUG & UPHOLSTERY Temple Israel man of the Home religious comConneid CLEANERS Worship ton ices this evenin;' mittee, whose efforts made this • at Temple Israel will be held at program possible. RUGS—CARPETING Services were held Thursday, 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney II UfxAa Sept 13 for Charles Canfleld with LAMP SHADES will conduct the service. Visitors Interment at Golden Hill CemeFURNITURE • Oneg Shabbat after services will Mr. find Mrs. Leonard Rosen' tery. Mr. Canfleld, 65. a resident honor Mr. and Mrs. Maury U blatt of San Francisco, CaL, ar-of Omaha tor 50 years, was proCleaned In Your Honwl Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz is the rived here Wednesday to visit wtth prietor of CanfleWs Army Store. Miirflig • toying - Ibpalrlsf new dircctoc of Education of Mrs. Rosenblatt'* parents, Mr. and He Is survived by a son. Leroy; Temple Israel Religious School. Mrs. Ruben Epstein. Sue is the and a daughter, Mrs. Helen Rubin, Don Bernstein HA 2554 Services Saturday morning will former Miss Betty Epstein. both of Omaha. be at 11 JO a. ra, for members of the religious school ond adults. Temple Israel will hold worship services (or the conclusion of Suceo/h and Sirochas Torab Wednesday evening, SepL 26, at 7:45 o'clock and Thursday morning. SepL 27, at XI o'clock. At the service on the evening of September 26, four generations wfll be represented at the Hakofos ceremony. They are Robert Shapiro, Harry Perimeter, Stanley Perimeter, and Jeffrey Perimeter. Kiddush wfll tic observed tollowlng the service In our Sukkah. I took at it th!( w a y : Our telephone makes life a lot happiez for me and my family. There are times when it's been a real lifesaver, too—like the day Jimmy fell clown the basement stairs. I can call anyone in town, and call ns often as I want—24 Madeline Faith Kripke will observe her Bas Mitzvah Friday eveboors a day, every day of the year. ning; SepL 21 and Saturday mornAll I do is reach out and lift the receiver—and equipment ing, Sept. 22 at Beth El Synaworth thousands, maybe millions of dollars ia ready to go to gogue. work for me. I don't have to buy any equipment myself, nor do Members of the Congregation T and other friends arc invited to pay extra for repairs. attend both services and the re. Sure, we pay a little more for our telephono than we used to ceptions which will follow. —though the price has gone up a lot less than most other tilings. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kate anBut Bob, my husband, figured out that even today our telenounce the Bas Mitzvah of their phone actually costs \ia less than ono cent an hour. Imagino— daughter, Nancy Paula, and Mr. for aB that Bervice! -/ •nd Mrs. K. M. Zalkin announce tho Bas Mitzvnh of their-daughI That's why wo think our telephono Bervice ia the cheapest ter, Linda Barbara, at a Joint Bervice we buy. service Friday cvpninj;, Sept. 28 and Saturday morning, Sept. 29 at Beth KI Synasofiuc. Relatives and friends are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Religious News
With the Folks of Home
Stoler Scholarship Presented to Beck
Memorial Plaques Will Be Dedicated
Bikur Cholim to Hold Succoth Tea
^Ourtelephone service is the cheapest service we buy"
Northwestern Bell Tekphonejkmpany
•w Friday, 8cpt<mli<-r 21, 1956.
Needlework Guild Supplies for Needy
Pace ThrM
Miss R. Chudacoff Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wein«r anCOUNCIL STUD* The Jewish Federation Acennounce the birth of a ion Warren The Current Events Stud? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chudacofi des' Section of the 195€ Omaha Howard born September 5 at a Group of National Council of Jew announce the engagement of their local hospital. The couple also Needlework Guild will be directed tali Women will meet Tuesday, daughter, Ruthann, to Alan Jay has a daughter, Frandne Henee, by Mrs, Dave Cohn, chairman, and Sept. 25 at the home of Mrs. Max Heeger, son of Mrs. Peter Heeger. and a son Richard Barrett. Jake) Mrs. Richard Wright, Table DisWolfson, G78 Farkwood Lane. Cof Miss Cbudacoff attended the Weiner 1* paternal grandfather play cialrmah, Mrs. Henry A. fee will be served at 1 p. m. University of Nebraska, where she and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sherman are Newman, president of the FederaMrs. Ben Sliver will show served as president of Sigma Del' ma ternal grandparents, all are of tion of Jewish Women's dubs anmovies taken on a recent trip to ta Tau Sorority; She. is now study- Omaha. nounced. Ei;ypt and Africa. These slides ing medical technology at dark' This is on annual event spondeal mostly with the people arid son Hospital ' Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Segal of sored by all charitable groups in their living conditions and Mr*. Her fiance Is a senior at the uni- Shawnee, Okla., announce the the community to furnish clothing Silver's talk will emphasis the hu- versity and Is majoring in phys-' birth a son Mark. Mrs. SegeU and linen supplies for needy famman side. A discussion will follow. lea. He is acting president of Sig- 1* theof former Miss Betty L. Katzilies. •.-•.-.: •• • •: • ma Alpha Mu Fraternity. Mrs. David Lewis, chairman of man, daughter of Mr. anj Mrs. • Letters were sent out to all study group, announced meeting* A summer wedding to planned. David Katzman: Paternal grandJewish women of Omaha request' will be once a month on the fourth parents are: Mr. arid Mrs. Charles ins contributions. All contribuTuesday. Everyone k invited to 25 at the home of Mrs. Ben Mag- Segell of Sbawnee. , tion* will be acknowledged in the attend any or all of the meetings. , /Jewish Pre*s, zamin, 839 S. 70th av. Mrs. Nate ; A son Steven Sommer Bramson Turner.Will be co-hostess. .."the results of tho Ingathering UADASSAH OBODBS Further plan* will be made for was born August 19 to Mr. and .'•• are looked forward to by all needy At the opening meeting of the the fund "raising bazaar to be held Mrs. Alan Bramson of Brewster, familie*,", Mr*. Cohn stated. To year. Omaha Chapter Hadassah N. y. Mr*. Bramson is the former In Noven-.ber. them it means linens, underwear, will ieattire the crowning of a Miss Berenice Sommer. The couple towels and much needed clothing. "Queen For a Day." Members will also has a two and a halt1 year-oM SEWING I know that the Jewish women of meet with their respective group* MONSKV The meeting date of the Henry daughter, Barbara Ellen. Materal Omaha will do their share in supWednesday, Sept 26, at UM Chapter's Sewing Group grandparents are Mr. and Mm, porting this worthwhile project." p. nv, for lunch, business meeting, [ Monsky have been changed to 9 a.. m., Harry. Sommer an* p a t e r n a l . 'The following have cent in their and Informative• program, t h e Mr*. Norms* Ctradaeoft 2 at Beth El Synagogue. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, contribution* as of Tuesday: "Queen For a Day" will be (elect- October group will meet every other ack Brarruon, all of Omaha. Madame* Ben Abramson, Juled by a lucky number from the The instead of Monday. Ail ius Abrshamson, Edward AbraAttendance and gifts will be pre- Tuesday those who are interested In sewing Party for Residents ' hams, Isadore Abranuon, Jake Adsented to the winner. Included on articles for the B'nal B'rith Chil- Beth Israel Sisterhood will hold ler, Jack Alberts, Sam AlUulcr, the program win be a ceremony dren's Home in Israel are asked to - Henry: Appel, Herman' Auerbacb, . Succoth Party for the resid M honoring new Hadassah members, Rae Beeson, Hyman Belman, M, Miss Nadlne Eunice Breslow, and a film strip, "Everybody'* eaU Mrs. A. L. Cohen, AT 4263. jf the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish A. Bercovld, Edward Berg, Sam daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Max Business," history of political par- Mrs. Cohen Is chairman of t h eHome for the Aged Monday, Sept Bcnnan, Joseph Bernstein, Dave Breslow, and Norman Elliott ties in the United States, to begroup. 1i at 3 p. m. at the home. ' Blacker, Herman Bondarin, Si- Chudacoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. narrated by the American Affair* Mrs, Wm. Wolfson is chairman, HADA88AH COUNCIL ; mon Bordy, David Brodkey. Ed- David Chudacoff were married chairmen. . . '. :•'••: ' - , v '•••'.''•: Mrs, Abe Bear, co-chairman, and . ward E. Brodkey, Ethel Brodkey, September 2 on the wedding anWayne F. Anderson, financial Mrs; Jack Diamond will be mi*Theodor Herd group will meet consultant to the Omaha Charter Fred Brodkey. M. I t Brodkey, niversary of tho bridegroom's parIn the Jewish Community: Center Convention, will be guest speaker Iress-of-ceremonle*. David Chapman, IsaJore Chap- e r i l s . •:•• :• •'•• • •: . : Auditorium, the Henrietta Szold at Oneg Shabbat of Hadassah's Refreshments win be served, man, Joy Chcrnlack, Isaac ChcrRabbi Benjamin Groner offiand a musical program will be h jilts, Abraham N. Cohen, Chorlc* ciated at Beth Israel Synagogue group will meet at the YWCA, Education Council at 1 p. as., Sat- jffcred. All friends are invited Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Jack E. Co- and a reception followed In the so- and the Chaim Weltzman group urday, Sept. 22 at the home of '/> a t t e n d . ' <" ••.'-:. will meet in the Jewish Commuhen, Abe H. Cohn, Dave Cohn, Ly- cial hall. .•;... nity Center Lodge Room. Sitter Mr*. Meyer Rubin, 902 Hillcrest ; man Cohn, Seymour Cohn, Sam Miss Harriette Breslow was service will be provided for the D r i v e : . - • : ' • :•• ' : . :•.-••• •' • . ' : • :• .':. OoUck, Michael Cotton, Frank mald-of-honor for her sister. Mr. Anderson was in Israel from Comtsar, Abe Cooper, Martin Bridesmaids were Mesdames Ed- two group* meeting at the Center. September 1954 to April 1956. He Some Day Service Cooper, . Sidney Coren, Meyer ward Cfnsburg and Jerry Spltzer was a supervisor, of the Israel InNo Extra Charge Crandell. Leslie Davit. Sam H. and 7.1*5 Lois Breslow, the latter HONgKY BOAHD come Tax Administration Project, - Davis, Harry Dvosin, Aaron Ep- of Lincoln, Nebr. Mis* Marilyn trhich was undertaken under the !• at 10 A.M. The Henry Monsky Chapter No. stein. Hnrold Epstein, Lawrence Breslow ot Lincoln was junior iusplces of the International Co470 of B'nal B'rith will hold iU operation Administration of the R«adyby5P,M. Epstein, Sam Epstein, Morris Er- bridesmaid. . board meeting following a 1 p. m. Tnlted States State Department man, A. D. Faler. Max Falk. JulJerry Spltzcr was best man. dessert luncheon, Tuesday, Sept. luring CASH and CARRY ius Falkensteln, Robert Felnberg, Ushers his stay In Israel, Mr. Anwere Arnold Breslow, Phil Fcldman, Sidney Fcldmon, brother of the bride, Allan Hnu«lerson also served as chief of the Charles Fellmnn. Wm. Saul bell- man of Dcs Moincti, la., Blaine blue gown of chiffon made with a Public Administration Division in Ako Picl»p and man, Nathan Ferer, Rueben Ferer. Hoffman, Council Bluffs, Marvin draped bodice and panels of chlf- he U. S. Operations Mission to Mmcs. Alfred Fiedler, David A. Breslow, Lincoln. Normnn ftm In the back. The bridesmaids Israel. Ddtvery S«nrle« Finkle, Oscar Fox, Abrnhnm Ottumwa, and Larry Schwartz. were Identically gowned I" TO- He Is a graduate of the UniverFrank, Maurice Frank, Morton manc blue and royal blue. The The bride wore a gown of im- junior bridesmaid wore a royal ties ot Maine and Wisconsin. Mr. Frank. Sam Frank, Harry Franndcrson has worked at a conkeU Mike Freeman, John Frclden, ported Chontllly lace and nylon blue chiffon dress with a sheared ultant in the fields of governElizabeth Fried, May Fried, Leon- tulle over Skinner satin. The fit- bodice on a full skirt. mental organization and nrunageard Friedel, Herman Friedman. ted lace IKKIICC was styled with After a wedding trip to Colo- lent for Chicago, Omaha, ComLouis Friedman, Samuel Fried- bateau neckline outlined with tiny rado, the couple will make their lonweolth of Pennsylvania, U. S. man, Ben Garcjick, Iz/.le Carsick, nppliqucd set|uln-centcrcd flowers. home In Iowa City, la., where they tomlc Energy Commission and Sam Gclfman, Hymle Gendler. The bouffant skirt featured lace arc both student* at the Univer- cvcral foreign countries including 112N. 18rfa JA1578 John Gldlnsky, Edwnrd Gilbert, pnnels In the front nnd back with sity of Iowa. iraeL Albert Gllinsky, Nathan Gimple. cascading side ruffles of crystal pleated tulle from the waist to Harry_ Goldberg, Marx Goldberg. y rg, Mrx Goldbcn;. the hemline. She carried a white orchid on a J. C Goldner, Abe Goldstein, Herman Goldstein, Sam Gorellck, satin covered Bible. PARADE The mother of the bride chose a Henry Grabols, Arthur M. Green, O|F HOMES Edward B. Green, Jack M. Green, blue Chantilty lace sheath dress Meyer Green, Abe Grcenbcrc, Da- of street length for the wedding. vid Grecnbcrg, Nathan H. Grocn- The mother of tho groom wore a berK, Peter Grccnberg, Arthur M. mink colored sheath drew.-of Petti,' Greene, Harry Greene, Benjamin dc solewith n matching Jacket. Groner, Ignae Grossman. Max The maid-of-honor wore a ballet Grossman. Morris Grossman, Phil Guggenheim, Richard Gummera. Charles Guns, Sam Guttman, J. Habler. Fred Hahn, Meyer Halprin, Ben Handler. Abraham the GREATEST GUY Herzbcrg, Martin Hcnoff. Louis HUler, David Hoberman, KJevn in the WORLD.... Hornstcln, Morton Ivos. Mmcs. Jack Jncohson. Walter THE STREET OF THE STARS the man who Jacobson. Herman Jnhr, Harry Janger, Max Joffc, Max Kadis. Joe Kflhn. Sam Kaplan, Samuel Kaptakes his family ' lan. Ben Knulow, Sheff KnLikec, Pave Katz, Frank Katz, Mcilach Katzman, Archie Knvlch, I,azler Vuit the Sucet of the S u n and »ee the (Continued on I'.i;:c 4. hne»t offerings of 12 leading Omaha builde n . . . a l l in one block. An unforgrtuble spectacular ihowcase o f ideas for your nevr home. 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Children aader 12 H K
— Sn th. NMbllor't BISTOF Suptrvlwd pl.y8round H (or youngit.ri—fIJti,
rnasy, September 21, 1930.
Omahans to Go to Needlework Guild Y.C. Asks You? Charter Explained Temple Children (Continued from Page 3.) (Continued from Page 1.) This column is to be.a weekly Hadassah Meet To Be Consecrated Kavich, Martin Kobr . Boris Kor- public pulse type column for teen down to the mayor and commis-
Omaha delegates will attend the ney, Michael Krasne, Max Krizel- readers of the "Jewish Press." The sioner or the mayor and council Th" Kindergarten Class and 42nd Annual Convention of Ha- man, J. Harry Kulakofiky, Reu- success of a feature su>h as this forms of city government, he stat- children In the first grade at Temdassah which will be held from ben Kulakofsky, Morris Landman, one reliec entirely upon the read- ed. Some of the reasons for re-ple Tltrael's Religious School will October 14-17 in the Shamrock Sam Lebowitz, Leopold Levy. ers; so we are appealing to you to jecting the commissioner type of Hotel Houstoa Tex Local dele- Charles Lleb, Sheldon Lincoln. give us a helpful shove in thegovernment was, Mr. Utlcy point- be consecrated by Rabbi Sidney H. ed out, that actually It U seven Brooks at festival services for the gates headed by H » . Meyer Ru- Morris .Iinsman, Hairy Lippett right direction! . bin, president of- Omaha Chapter, Jack Luttbeg, Leonard Luttbeg, The topic for each week's dis- little governments with no admin- conclusion of Succoth and Slmchas will include Mesdames Arthur Irving Malashock. Jay Halaabock. cussion will be announced the istrative head. Each commission- Torah, Wednesday, Sept 26 at Goldstein, Max Greenberg, Louli David Manvitz, Call Margolin, week before at the bottom of this er carries out policy and Is not Hurwitz, Sidney KaUeman, J. H.Harry Market Abe Markovjtt, column. Your letter should be compelled to cooperate with the 7:45 p. m. Kulakofsky, Charles Ross. SamFrank Marks, Benjamin Martin. turned In to the Y. C office or one others, he added. In this form The consecrants will be awardRothenberg, Nathan Turner, ail Adolf Mayer, Arthur Meyerson, of the Y. C Reporters by thethere Is no separation of powers ed consecration certificates and from Omaha, and Mrs. Albert Mollle Milder. Jack Mirmelsteln, Monday before publication. Try and the commissioners do both, miniature Torah scrolls. Charles Monasee, Abe Mozer, to limit your letter to 100 words Mr. Utlcy related. Krasne of Council Bluffs, la. Hakofos will be observed in the More than 2500 delegates and Stuart Muskln, Fannie Newman, or less, not counting your name, The basic provisions of the char- sanctuary that evening with all ot guests from Hadaisah's 1200 chap- Julius Newman, Maurice Newman. grade, and Youth Council dub. All ter provide for the separation of the children In the school partlclters throughout United States, Ted A. Newman, Robert Noddle, letters must be signed and we re- legislative and executive power, patlng. Kiddush In the Sukkah will Puerto Rica and Alaska are ex- Nathan Nogg, David Orkow, S. serve the right to make additions be said. The mayor in this form follow the service. pected to take part in the four- Orloff, Hyman OrUch, Leo Ostra- and deletions at our own discre- is the administrative head and is vich. day conclave. tion. responsible for the administration Hadassah programs for the Maurice Pepper, Alex Plotkln, All letters for next week should of the government am* for the decoming year In United States and Melvin Plotkln, Sam Poska, Max be based on the question; "Should partment heads whom he employs, Israel will be blueprinted at this Rclzbaum, Joe Rice, Sam Rice. UnaffUiate Boys be given two Mr. Utley pointed out Ralp'h Turkel continued to roll •he first Hadassah convention to Sam Rlchman, Carl Rickes, Al- votes at' Y. C meetings?" This The cry of boss rule will be the high game of the week, a 214, be held in Texas. bert Rlmmerman, Robert Rim- was a topic of great discussion at hurled at this form adopted by the in the "A" Division at the B'nal merman, Aaron Rlpr. Harry Roch- the last Y. C. meeting where the charter convention, he said. But B'rith Bowling League, He was man, Edward 2. Rosen, Jennie Independents stated that they these objections have been thought followed closely by Al Fox who Rosenblatt, Sam Roscnblum. Har- thought they were being wronged of by the Jclegatc* themselves who bowled a 210 game. High series ry Roscnfeld, Morris RoschstOn, in that they were given only one have tried to tear it apart looking went to Kerry Schulman, S67, and Dave Rosclistock, Berthold Rosen- vote and not two as were other for weaknesses. Controls block Dan Cohen, 529. Benson Hardware thai, Morris Rubcnsteln, Agnes Youth Council Clubs. boss rule, Mr. Utley emphasized. remains on top of the league with Martin Weil, Richard Spcier Rubin, Abraham Rubnltz, William Now Get Those letters In I In the areas of personnel, finances, ten wins and two losses. and Evelyn Levy members of Saferstetn, C h a r l e i Schneider, Martin Llpp purchasing, election of council and • Temple Israel Youth Group at- Jules Shapiro, Max Shapiro, DaMbs Diana Untznun other means that may be attempt- rest was that the delegates want* tended the annual Movftytoot. vid Sherman, Isadore Sherman, ed to gain boss rule. ed to do what Is best for Omaha (Missouri Valley Summer work- Louis Shrier, Dave Shukert, HarIn conclusion Mr. Utley stated and they put up a wholesome reshop) at Luther, la., from August ry Shukcrt, Harry Sldman, Ben Temple Delegates sistance to pressure groups while 63 meetings were held representD Silver, David SUverman, Les26 to September 2. ing 2000 man hours of work. One listening to all whom wished to be Martin Weil, the president of ter Simon, Milton Simons, Morris Delegates from Temple Israel thine that stood out among the heard, he said. . the youth group, was elected vice- Singer, Harold Slosburg, Robert will attend an executive commitA. Smith, Sidney Sombcrg, Ben tee meeting of the Midwest Rechairman of the region. Richard Speier was named gen- Sombcrg, Harry Sommer, Hubert gion of the Union of American eral chairman of the Conclavcttc Sommcr.' Mlllqrd Spelcr, Ben Hebrew Congregations to be held to be held In Omaha October 26. Soshnik, Morris Specter, Dave In Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday, Sept 27. 28, when Omaha will play host Stein, Abe. A. Steinberg, Maurice 23 at 9:30 a. m. at the Comhuskto the youth of the western re- Steinberg, Nathan Steinberg, Os- er Hotel. car Sutin, Sara Swortz.. gion. Temple representatives who will The teen-agers discussed, "EthMmes. Isadore Tretlak, Joseph attend are: Rabbi and Mrs. Sidney ics. Education and Exaltation." TYottak, Harry Trustin, Reuben H. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. They were led In these discussions Vann. Nalhnn Veltjtcr, Abe Veii- Brodkcy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul by Rabbi Wolfgang Hamburger of ger, Paul Vcret, Herman Wcin- Blotcky, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Lincoln, Nebr., Dr. Sam Rosen- stein, Bernard Weiss, Arthur Frohman and Mr, and Mrs. Stan* krantz and Walter Hartman of S t Wcitz, Sam B. Wieanan, Harry Icy Slosburg. Louis, Mo., and Irving Levitas of Wlllnsky. Benjamin Wine, Ben Kansas City; Mo. Wintroub, Harry Wohlncr, Sam Mr. Frohman and Mr. Slosburg N. Wolf, Milton Yudelson. Max will also attend a special Brotherhood .President and Chautauqua Zwelbelman. lee Cream Social Misses: Rebecca Bcrcovid, Jean Chairman leadership t r a i n i n g Cendlcr,' Fannie Grodlmky, Rose workshop. Beth Israel PT-A will sponsor Crodlnsky, Elizabeth Hart, Henan Ice Cream Social Sunday, rietta Kohn. Sylvia Lefitz, MarPatronize Our Advertisers . Sept 23, on the synagougc lawn ilyn Meyer. Sally Newman, Sylfrom 3 to 6 p. m. tee cream, cof- via Parilman, Rose Rothkop, Belle fee, ca.'-e, pop and popcorn will Stegel, Beatrice Sommer, Rose be served. Special color comedy Steinberg. Fannie W c z e l m a n , cartoons will; be shown to the chil- Blanche Zlmman. dren. Mrs. Haskell Cohen is chairman of the affair. All proceeds Use the Want Ads to buy, sell of the ice cream social will be or rent used to finance Beth Israel's eight youth clubs and the Beth Israel Baseball Team. Admission to the affair is 35 cents and all arc welcome -
B. B. Bowling
NIFTY Regional Post to M. Weil
electrl cooking
Jr. B. B. Bowling Registration .is still open in the Junior B'nai B'rith B o w l i n g League. Call Mrs. Ida Sacks. AT 0249 for registration. The league will start bowling at 12:30 p. m., Sunday. Oct 7 in the Music Box. league advisors are Harry Collck, Harold Bloom and Mrs. Sack'.
KC, Spotlight Congratulations are in order for Kay Markovltz. She was elected President of Central High School aBand. At the end of the tally Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter. BBG. received ten new members. As a community service project. the girls decorated a Succah in the Jewish. Community Center parking lot. Congratulations are also In order for Diane Singer, who was eeicted AZA No. 1 Sweetheart.
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