September 28, 1956

Page 1

XXXIV—No. 111.

ttocono UIMi Mailing l"rlvllr«rt 4ntfciir1m) • • Uraaha Nrl.r

Global Report





Zionists Will Hear Nixon, Kefauver

ueo ever) frldaj 101 N. SOUL Animal Bat* • Italian

Chest Campaign Kickoff Monday

New York (WNS I—Vice-President-Richard M. Nixon and Senator Estos Kefauver, the DemoBEN OUKION SAYS . Jerusalem (WNS)—Premier cratic candidate for Vlco-PrcsiJuck W. Miirer, President of Federation for Jewish Service, Pavld Ben Gurion, celebrating his dent, will address the 59th annual today culled the United lied Feather-Bed Cross Compaign "the 70th birthday amidst quietude as convention of the Zionist Organ finest expression of American ideals and traditions, and x rehe received hundreds of felidta- izatlon of America (ZOA) -vhich dedication to the principles which America, as a nation, stands tlons from his • countrymen and will be held beginning October 4 October 7 In the Mayflowfur and practices." Mr. Marer'i statement is includfriends abroad, declared here this through Hotel, Washington, D. C., ac*cd In the official Federation enweek that as long as he remains er cording to an announcement by dorscment of the drive which opens at the helm of the government Mortimer .May, president of the Israel will never make war against organization. officially Monday, Oct. 1. the Arab States. The text of Mr. Marer's state* The two standard bearers of Declaring "we are not likely to ment follows: New Perspectives in American have peace before the Arab states their respective parties will give "The Red Feather Campaign, Foreign Policy will be discussed have rulers genuinely devoted to expression on their position on by tho United Commuat the plovcnth Annual Institute sponsored the betterment of their countries' American policy in the Middle nity Services, is symbolic of the on World Affairs to be held at 'American conditions and not to their own East in the light of the planks on way of life.' It is uniquethis subject included in the platthe University of Omaha Audi- ly American in glory," Mr. Ben Gurion cautioned that It demonLoo Pevsner torium starting October 3. that "people who want to conjure forms of the Republican and strates the desire and ability of all tip political empires have no In- Democratic parties. Maurice Hindus, well-known au- groups which make up our commu,More than 1,200 delegates from terest In peace" It Is for those tnor and student of world affairs, nlty—of all faiths, races and backreasons, he asserted, that "we all parts of tho country will atwill talk on "Moscow's Latest grounds, and of all economic straMove in Perspective." In his book ta—to band together In fortifying must fortify our position militar- tend the four-day sessions which t "Crisis in the Kremlin," he pre- community agencies and. lnstltu. ily, economically and politically.' will be devoted to discussion and action 'upon all major Issues facLeo Pevsner, Chicago Zionls dicted the violent Internal up- tlons which aim at Just one coming Israel and the Zionist move- leader and recent visitor to Israel, heaval which took place: in Rus- mon objective; and that is to make JOBDAN KILLINGS ment today. our community a better place for 'will bo guest speaker at a brunch- sian leadership. Jerusalem (JTA)—Foreign MinThe Federation for Jewish Serv- all its citizens. meeting of Israel Bond workers ister Golda Melr summoned UnitIs ono of the co-sponsoring "American Way" to be held this Sunday morning al ice ed Nations truce supervisor MaJ. groups, Arthur H. Goldstein, The forthcoming cam11 o'clock In the Jewish Commu chairman of the Jewish Commu- paign is, therefore, ourannual Gen. E. L. M. Burns to her office opportunity Monday to protest Sunday's wannity Center Committee, and Mrs to practice and live the 'American nlty Center. ton killing of'three Israelis and "We are looking forward to all Maurice L.Pepper are members way.' In these days of strife and the wounding of 15 others when Plans are being' completed for of our workers attending this in- of -the Institute's advisory com- strain, the United Red FeatherJordanian troops In the Jerusalem "Sunday Fun Day" for elemen- itial meeting of the campaign," mittee. Red Cross Campaign serves not nrca opened fire on.a party of tary school children at the Jewish Joe Rice, general chairman said. merely as an efficient and eco••vcral hundred people attending Community Center, Arthur II. Several noted personalities have nomic method of raising funds tot ;n Archaeological lecture at Ra- Goldstein, center c o m m i t t e e been invited to appear here during the welfare agencies in our commath Rachel. Mrs. Mcir rejected chairman announced today. munity, but also to strengthen it the Bond drive and the workers Jordan's "preposterous claim" that through this joint endeavor for will be able to get a good briefing The programs being set up Ina Jordanian soldier hnrl suddenly civic betterment, progress and tospecial holiday events, arts, of tho activities being planned by gone beserk nnd fired n IJron gun clude crafts, a glee club, camping, trips attending the meeting, Mr. Rice Jerusalem (WNS)—Blame for getherness. •t the crowd. the recent Sabbath disturbances nnd athletics for the youngsters pointed out. "Spiritual Adventure" At the name time, the Foreign 0-12 years of age. The nation-wide Bond campaign here was placed squarely on tho It is truly a spiritual adventure, Ministry Issued n statement dinrcMrs. Wlnl King, director of the was launched last weekend in shoulders of the ultra-Orthodoz which is the finest expression of Ing that the Jordan version of the Center pre.-flc.hool will coudiict the Washington, D. C, nt a mobiliza- Noturel Kurta by Police Chief American Ideals and traditions,, attack contradicted the facts as programs by Nnncy Bar- tion conference.,attended by 800 Lev! Abrnliaml In testimony before and a re-dedlcatlon to the prinrevealed by an Investigation of ron and Alassisted Fcllman, both veteran community lenders. Philip Klutz- a covemment commission Investi- ciples which America, as a nation, the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armis- camp counselors and youth lead- nick, president of D'nal B'rlth, gating the recent riots In which stands for and practices." tice Commission. Doth Israeli and ers. told the delegates that it is "aone man was killed. ' The statement was Issued as all non-Israeli witnesses gave testidangerous illusion to believe that Registration blank* will be the peril of Israel's existence Tes'tifying earlier, the Police Omaha synagogues and churches mony to the MAC team and said began.their weekend observance in they had made out two machine mailed out and additional infor- could be dissolved completely by Chief told the commission that behalf the campaign. Appeals guns firing, in addition to a single mation may bo had by calling the diplomatic solutions or arms par- Sabbath traffic ought to bo barred will be of made from synagogue pulfrom the areas which are preCenter Activities Office, JA 13C6. rifle, the Foreign Ministry noted. ity with the Arab states." pits Friday and Saturday and In dominantly Orthodox. "The bread-and-butter problem Because af autopsy was not churches Sunday. of correcting the imbalance her performed on the dead man! Pin- The church-synagogue participaJORDAN CONDEMNED tion program was adopted by aa economic life — a c o n d i t i o n chas Segalow, the cause of his Jerusalem (WNS)—Condemnadeath has not been determined inter-falth committee headed by Al tion of Jordan for an unprovoked brought on by her need to finance One witness, an 18-year-old yeAttack on Israel forces on Septemshlva student, testified that he J, Hummel, YMCA executive. U. The Golden Age Club, co-spon- a war economy—must be an' ber 10 was voted by the IsraelJordan Mixed Armistice Commis- sored by tho Omaha Section, Na- swercd if Israel's survival is to be saw a plain clothes policeman as- L. Burkenroad represents the Jewsaulting the victim. He testified ish members of the community oa tional Council of Jewish Women meaningful," he sold. sion. the Jewish Community Cen"brad recognizes she must find that Segalow fell against the pave- the committee. Jordan claimed the six Israelis and ment, striking his head. Fred ter, will hold Its first meeting of were killed when they crossed the the new season at 1 p. m., Mon- her way toward economic stabili- Blyman, who headed the police ty and free competitive enterprise border, but the evidence showed day, Oct. 1 at the Center. with the re*t of the world. She unit on the scene, testified he that the bodies of the six Israelis A dessert luncheon will bo has the desire and tho wealth of spoke to Segalow at least an hour had been dragged across the borpeople—but not yet after the alleged assault. Anothder Into Jordan so as to make it served. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg will athededicated investment dollars to do so. er policeman, Eliezer Shiloni, told entertain with songs and humorappear they invaded Arab terrious stories and Saul Sllvorman, The intransigence of the Arab the commission that when SegaOttawa (JTA)—Canadian Prime tory, Center activities director, will world forces her to divert her low was taken to the hospital by Louis S t Laurent an-Expressing regret-that Jordan lead the group in a community own limited resources from the the police, he was refused admit- Minister this week-end that Canhad not heeded Its earlier requests sing. Professor Hans Baer will be fundamental task of expanding tance on the ground of lack of nounced ada'would sell Israel 24 Canadian for cessation of aggression, the the piano accompanist and will her economic lifo In order to pre- evidence of physical Injury. manufactured Sabre. Jet fighter Commission called on Jordan to also play a medley of Yiddish serve her military strength," Mr. planes. The planes are manufacKluUnlck concluded. forthwith end all aggressive action music. ' tured in Canada under a license against Israel from North American Aircraft Company of the United States and are powered by Canadian-built EMIGRATION Orcnda jet engines. They are ex^London (JTA)—Polish Premier London (WNS)—Prlmo Minis- pected to cost $6,000,000. Josef Cyranklcwiez made it clear ter Anthony Eden, In the course It became known immediately at a press conference In Warsaw >f a statement in Commons onthat the United States had been that the Polish Government will he Suez crisis, predicted that If consulted about the proposed sale not permit mass emigration of 'resident Nasser of Egypt emerges and had raised no objections.'• The Jews to Israel, although it will rlumphant on tho issue of his U.S. unwillingness to sell Israel permit Jews to leave the country eizure of the canal his next step such defensive arms have made if they can prove that they wish Would be an attack on Israel. In America's'allies hesitant about de- to elntgrate to Israel to join their uch an event, the Prime Minister livering them to the Jewish State. families. lntcd, Britain would como to Some months ago France shipped Brad's rescue with arm If neccs- Israel 24 Mystery IV jots, after lary. tho U.S. had given permission for Mr. Edcn'H prediction of anthe planes to be diverted from Egyptian attack on Israel is tho NATO purchase orders. first confirmation by n top-rankIn his announcement, Prime ing Western statesman of Israeli Minister St. Laurent declared that laims that President Nasser of the government's decision was pt c o n t e m p l a t e s warfare 'ijrcatly influenced" by the 'act icalnst the Jewish state when the that Kgypt had received a great ILsputc over thn Suez Canal has -lumber of jet flRhters and modmbsided to his satisfaction. Sir ern jet bombers from tho Soviet Additional Auumoniii leaner* wore namrd this work to tho ivoincn'B divi- \nthony discussed tho plan for a Union. He revealed that Israel sion of thn iNrArl Bond Committee, It was unnnunwd by Joo ICICP, Jucz Canal operating authority, by had Riven the Canadian Governhe natloni using the canal and ment assurance that the lntcrccp> general rhnlrnlao. They ara Mm. Nutlinn F,. Nogg (left), sponsor clinlrmatt, and Mm. Murrls (inniman (right), Olirn chairman. Sirs, laid that Urltaln would-not use tors would bo used only for deorce except In an emergency, fense against aggression. Herman Mandarin I» Chen co-chairman.

Our Foreign Policy Topic of Institute

Bond Workers To Hear Speaker

'Sunday Fun Day" Planned at Center

Karta Blamed For Sabbath Rioting

Golden Age Club Will Meet Monday

Canada Will Sell Sabres to Israel

Israel Bond Chairmen

Community Chest-Red Cross Women Workers SAVE Friday, Oct. 5 IMPORTANT i

%**•««•• IMHBtf



I U V I I 1J) \A IW^rilJJUia


Eden Says Egypt May Attack Israel


%%t ltt»i*!> f re** M W e l Every Mdai bf the redtnstaa at tasttfcStmlc* riacuni ana* **uin> muicsc* Auuwruat U Aa Afiacrmun K U . " "" ' ' 1806. aaanss- -tsot So ESdlta BARRY HalfBTI

Sabbath worship service* tonight at Temple brad win begin at 8.15 o'clock. BabU Sidney HBrooks wiUproach OB "Moby Dick and Joaab-£ow Judaism Combats Evil." Saturday morning services tor adults and members of the reHgtoos school wlfl *e held at 11:30 o'clock. BETH JO. Sabbath aervtoes at Beth £1 Synagogue trill begin at 8J5 p. m. Rabbi Jtyer S. Kripfce will dciiwr the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the choir will fine tbe mujdcaljurtioM of tbe service. Sabbath morning services at 9 -30 o'clock and junior congregation service* at 1030. MJnchaMaarh/ at 5r45 p. m. Dailyscr*ices at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday service at 9 a. m. BKTII ISRAEL Friday evening services will begin at 6 o'clock. Service* Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock and Junior congregation at 10 a. m. MJncha followed by ShalosOi S'cudos and Maariv will start at 6 p. m, Saturday. Service* Sunday morning begin at 8:43 o'clock and Junior congregation services at 8:30 a. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 6 p. » . The first late Friday evening service, of tbe season win be bcld at 8 o'clock, October 5 and will be followed by an Once Shabbat In the «oda! halL

I Omaha Sketches

Closing Week for PflHllllM| BXIHOIT Tms coming week will bring to a dose the exhibition of original water color paintings at tbe Jewish Community Center by Miss Hadossah Sokollk of Jerusalem. Israel Miss Sokolik wlU conclude her'showing here next Friday and will take her collection to Mew York City and exhibit it there. Mrs. H. H. XhreUceld. head of the Education Department of the Joalyn Memorial Art Museum, said of the collection: "It shows a delicate rendering of transparent water colors with a sensitive individuality." The paintings represent a period in tbe artist life and includes Israeli landscapes and still life. Miss Sokulik will leave for New York Qty October 7 for a month's stay after which she will return to Israel stopping off in England on her way borne.

inf ifii ifie Folks

* at Home

Max Bear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear, has returned to RooseMewtmaa haaynlngs at Tfco velt College in Chicago, I1L. where Dr. FUsp She* Jertsfc Hone he tain bb senior year after Far (to Agad fcy OtasM Otfcosr. spending the High Holy Days with September 18: Omaha Section. bis parents. National CotrncU of Jewish Women sent flowers to The Home for Joel Htior. son at Mr. and Mr*. the holiday season. Nathan PlUor, has been pledged September 19: The gay floral to Mu Tail Chapter of Alpha sBon PI Fraternity, It was an- decorations on all tbe tables In itouneed at the biter-fraternity the Home dining room were a gift conference at tbe Wntsaebmrtai irom Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdincr Institute of Technology recently. In honor of their 35th wedding A graduate of Central High Anniversary. September 22: Mr. and Mrs. School, Mr. PItlor Is entering his f resbnan year at MIX m bere he Norman Komry gave a Kiddush at The Home today, hi honor of will major In mechanical engineering. and was ziven tbe name of Schrmiel In the Home Synagogue. Mr. Sam Poster, Home Resident, If JOB have any rummage to be is a maternal ereat^grandparcnt. picked op far the Onaha Section, September 24: Beth Israel SisKaUaaal OmaoU of Jewish Wom- terhood Saccoth Party was bcM en's Eammage Sale to be beU Oc- today wfth a fancy tea party, foltober 1 and 2, set in touch with lowed by Yiddish songs -and readthe Motor Corps Cbadnnaa. H n . Ings by Mrs. Jack Diamond. Edward Z. Sosen. WA 0683. Used Amongst those present were Mesdotidng, Jewelry, linens, rues, eur- dames William Wolfson and Abe taba. eta. is acceptable. Bear. Sam KaUman. Sidney GoldSTonr costributaow may be berg and Julius Katzman. : boxed and teksn to the home of September 30: EiJcur Cliollm Mr*. Julius Cobs. C31i CJenwood Society will combine their Simehath Torah offair and the full Mis. Abe Fddnun is overall birthday party into one gala occasion at 3 p. m., todiy. oliaiiiiian of the rummage sale The Ilesidents to be especially honored at thii time are the following: Morris Aclicrman. Pcsha Cohen, Sam Z. Cohen. Sarah Levirifion, Anna l^achschocn. George WiUkiiti Nichols PieJc-Patrick. Aaron Eoginsky. Services were held Monday, GolUie Spivnk, Bedde Trelkr. Sept 24 in Chicago, HI., for Wil- Osias Weidman and Sam Weinliam Nichols. Mr. Nichols. 64, a former Omahan. died there SaturMrs. Allen Zalkin is in charge day. Sept. 22. of this program and will be assistHe is survived 1>y his wife. ed by Mrs. Jake Wine, president Lena; a son, Jack, both of Chica- and the ladies of the families and go; his father, Herman Nichols friends of the Uarae Residents crc who is a resident of the Dr. Philip cordially invited to attend. Eher Jewish Home for the c d two sisters, Mrs. Harry Harks of More than 41 per cent of the Omaha anfl Mrs. X.. F. Schwartzdeaths and more than 35 per cent : nian of "Lincoln, Kebr., rnid a of the injuries due to motor vebrother, Charles, who is now re- hicle accidents last year .occurred! siding in Los A l on Saturdays and Sundays.


Volunteer Classes


For Veteran Aides

Their first child, a son, Meyer Paul, was born ot Dr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Schwartz September 3 in Cincinnati, O. Paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. S. Abe Klopper have just returned from visiting them. Maternal great-crandparenu are Mrs. Meyer Klopper and Mrs. Abe Bettdunan. both of * City. Ma Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wemberg of San FfandsoOL f^*i announce the btrth of a son, Nicholas, bom September IS. They also have a son. Chris. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Ma. Norman Komey and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wetaberg. Maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Boris Komey and Sara Foster. Paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Ethel Haspel, all of Omaha.


Friday, September, 28, 1050.


A daughter, Jane Louise, was born September 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Millard Rosenberg at a local hospital. They also have a son, John Richard, Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Davis and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. San Rosenberg. Maternal greatgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kd Mason. All -are of Omflhn.

Servic* Lcogae Show The Service League of Clarkson Memorial Hospital wiU hold Its 10th Annual Fashion Show at 130 and 8:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 11 In tbe Music Hall of the Omaha Civic Auditorium. The show titled "Go in Style" win present fashions for men, women and children modeled by 140 Omahans. Kendrick A. Wilson, director of the Omaha Community Playhouse .will direct tbe show and music will be provided by the Omaba Little Symphony. Co-chairmen for the affair are Mrs. Jay Cbcraiack and Mrs. Joel H. Wright. Jr.' Ticket!! are S2J5O and $1.50 and may be had by writing Mrs. Edward F. Stapowich, 2915 Aurora Drive.-

Orientation and iudoctrinntion classes d«if:tiod to turn out volunteer workers for the Veterans Hospital lian been scheduled for Wednesday. Oct. 24. from 850 a. m. to 3 ;>. in. An evening class will Ix; held on two consecutive Tuesday rveninys, Oct 16 and 23, from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. The classes will be held at the Veterans Ilwpital. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, GL 0-175. chairman of the Veterans Hospital Committee of the Federation of Jewish Women's dubs, has asked that women desiring to tike the course contact her now. M M Kathy Nry

tfonsky Chapter To Hear Miss Ney Miss Kalfay Ney, a buyer at Irandeis Store, will speak on her rip to Europe and Asia at a meetig of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Ibapter No. 4 m Th* meetin); will e iield at 8 JO p. m. Wedaesdday, »ct 3 in the Jewish Community ienter. Miss Ney is a past president of lie Women's Division of the Oraaa Chamber of Commerce and Ice-president of the Toast-misress Club. Members and friends are asked 3 attend. A social hour and rercsbroents wUI follow the busless meeting.


Transoceoo Cable Tbe first physical voice link between North America and Europe, a new transatlantic telephone cab. le system, was opened for service Tuesday. It is the first underwater phana link to span any ocean. The cable can carry 36 conversations at the same time and is able to nan-' die three ' tunes the number of calls formerly transmitted by radio-telephone.

The Finest in Photography, by JOHN Portrait*

Weddings Commercial

Omaha Chapter of Pioneer 'omen wUI hold their "Flower 'ag Day" Sunday, Sept 30. Mr*. Zena Fektouui is making ttle ribbons for the tags and Its. Sam Novak .is »*«i»«n«n of he project.


Sell what you don't aeed . . . luy what you need through the "ant Ads.

Air Conditioned

JOHNKAIINA 817 S. 36 St. HA 1044

/ J>

Memorial Service For Louis Giffin A memorial service for the late Lotus Gttlla wU be held at 9 p. m., Saturday. Oct 6 In the Labor Lyceum by the Workmen's Circle, Midwest District Committee, Mr. GitHn died Wednesday. Sept. 5 in Ms clothing store as the result of a beatmg by an onknown assailant. Paul Veret, Eseeutive Director of the Federation for Jewish Service, will be gdest speaker. All member of the Workmen^ Circle family and their friends are Invited to attend tbe memorial service.

Monument Dedication Tlie family of the late Mrs. David Cooper will dedicate a monument in her memory at 3 p. m_ Sunday, Sept 30 at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke und Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the memorial service. The family of the late Max Lerner will dedicate a monument in his memory at 2 p. m., Sunday, Sept 30 at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will officiate. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the memorial service. The famDy of the late Mrs. L. Cohen will dedicate n monument in her memory at 11-.3Q a. m, Sunday. Sept 30 at Fisher Form Cemetery. Itabbi Benjamin Groner nnj Cantor Ell Kngan will officiate. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the memorial Ecrvjcc.


4415 CUMING ST. on or About November 15 Ample Free Parking Will Be Available * The Market Will Be Owned and Operated by Sam and Stanley Diamond and Nate Shukert It Will Be Under Strict Kosher Supervision Directed by Rev. Abraham Diamond

Friday, September, 28, 1SJ8.

Needlework Guild Ingathering Oct. 9

TBB nswua nucw


II. I. 8I.HTEIUI0OU Tills year's Ingathering of the Beth Israel Sisterhood has chosOmaha Needlework Guilrl will en one of this year's best tellers, Oct. 9, In the Cathedral Auditor- 'Gucstward Ho" by Patrick Denium, 39th and Webster streets. nis to be reviewed at tltclr annual Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman of the bjok review meeting. Mrs. John Jewish Charities Suction, a proj- Jesse will be the reviewer. ect of the Federation of Jewish It will take place Thursday, Women's Clubs, asks nil those O c t 18- at 1 p. m. a t the synawho have not responded as yet to gogue.^ Luncheon will be served da u> immediately. and baby sitter service will be In addition to those previously available. lilted, the following have contribReservations can be made by uted through Tuesday: calling the co-chairman, Mrs. JulMcsdaraes L o u i s Abnuraon, ius Hornsteln, GL 8030 or Mrs; Ruth Ackernum, Max ArblUnan, Sol Ash, WA 3867. H i t , Isadore Abe Baker, Sam Ban, Lloyd Bank, Lewis and Mrs, Ed Lincoln a w Julius Barron, Norman Batt, Dave also accepting reservation* W. Bernstein. Max Blotcky, Isadore Blumkin, William Boasberg, y ^ t m n . f Brandstetter, Eugene 8 . E. SISTEBUOOD Beth Q Sisterhood officers will Braun, Reuben I I Brown, David Cbarney, Harold Chemlnck, Louis be hostesses at a luncheon meet* Cberniack. Don Cohen, Ben Cohn, Ing of the sisterhood board to be Jerome L Cohn, Loyal B. Cohn. held at 12:30 p, BL, Tuesday, Oct. Max E. Cohn, Harry Collck. Har- 2 in the synagogue sodal hall. ry Cooperman, Isadorc Dansky, Richard K. Einstein, Sam Epstein, tWV AVXUMMT John Falcr, Harold P. Farbor, Abe Epstein-Morgan Ladies AuxilC Fcllman, Leon E. Fcllman, iary No. 260 of Jewish War Vet* Louis Fellman, Morris C. Fcllman,. trans will bold their annual, fun* Hyman Ferer, Morris Firestone. raising card party and dessert Ben Fisher. Dave W. Frank. Her- luncheon at 12:30 p. m.. O c t 11 man Friedlander, Isadorc Fried- ao the tenth floor of Brandela nun, Max Fromkln, Leo Fox, Store. Door prizes will be awardAlex D. Frank. Sam Freed, Har- ed, old Garbcr, Arthur Gcndlcr, Mrs. Jack Saylan Is chairman Stewart Glllmky, Yule Glnsburg, Sidney Goldberg and David Gold- of the affair. BUM. Mmes. badorc Goldstein. Paul 1L Goldstein, Morris Gordon, BarAm H. Greenberg, Edward W. Greenberg, Elmer Greenberg, Max Greenberg, Manning E. Handler, Barry D. Haykin, Dan Hermanson, Mendel Hertzberg, Irving Herzog, Isadore Hurwitz, Morris E. Jacobs, Helnrlch Jaul, William Joseph, George Kagcn, Edward Kahn, Jake Kaplan, Morris Katleman, Bernard Kaufman, Benjamin Klalman, Eva L. Konccky, Joseph Koom, Rolxrt II. Koopcr, Millard H. Krasne, Arlhur Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Fred Kurtzman, Max Kurtzmnn, Kutlcr, Morris Landman, Mendel Landsman, William A. Levey, Saul I>evy, Huri-y Lilwnnan, Meyer Llpp, Maurice I.lp';m;in, Max London, Joe Lorlih, Karl N. Louis, Harry Malashock, Sam Manvltz, Alfred S. Mayer, Leo L. Milder, William Milder. David Miller. Sol Miroff, Joseph Morgan, Albert B. Newman, E. Leo NOKK, Sol NORI;

and Julius Novak. Mmes. Sam Oleaker, Albert Onich, Sol S. Parr.ow, Harry I'erlnetcr, Maurice H. Pesscn, lleva Phillips, Robert Pitlor, Max C Platt, Samuel Platt. David Potash, William A. Racusin, Milton Resnick, Nathan Resnick, Norman M. Rice, David Ulchards, Paul Rips, Ben Rosen, Sam Raaensteln, Meyer Ruback, Harry Saltzman, Keith Saunderj, Harry Sehulman, Sam Schwartz, Harry Segall, Emnnuel SCKCI, Benjamin Shapiro, Ben Sherman, Harry Bllverman, Ervln R. Simon, Max Simon, Louis Sinner. Jacob Slosburg, Abe Slusky, Ben Slutzky, Sidney L. Snelder, Abe Somberg, Louis Sombcrg, Mnx Sommer, Alfred Sophlr, Albert Steinberg, Sam J. Steinberg, Joseph Stern, Paul Surenky, Samuel Swartz, SamTreUak. Isadorc Wciner, Isadore M. Welncr, Louis Wciner, Sam Werthelmer, E. I. Wldman, David Wine, Ernest B. Wlntroub, Louis Wlntroub, Albert Wohiner, Richard Wright, Nathan S. Yaffe, Eli M. Zalkln. Isldor Zlc E lcr and Ben A. Zoorwii). Misses Edna Cohn. Tena Feltman, Belle GrccnbcrE, Gertrude Hollander, Belle Harwich, Hannah Motz, Julia Motz and Sarlta ZoorwilL

Miss S. Krizelman To Wed in June

BRANDEIS NO MQNEY DOWN, 6 MONTHS TO PAY with our BBC plan . . . small deposit win hold in lay-away

the luxuryfleeceby

FERKTZ HIB8CUBEIN Pcrctz Hlrschbein R e a d i n g Group will hold Its luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Tuesday, O c t 2 at the home of Mrs. 8 . B . Binder, 3304 Franklin §t Mrs. J . Cohen will serve as hostess. Members are asked to bring, guests along to the meeting,

Saltzman and Klufenick Nuptials

Other Shagmoon 59.95 to 149.95

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman have returned from Park Forest, III., where they attended the September 10 wedding of their son, Dr. I'nul W. Saltanan and Miss Bcttylu Klutznlclc. Parents of the bride arc Mr. and Mrs. riilllp M. Kiutznlcck, former Omahans now living In I'nrk Forest. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the Immediate family at the Klutznlck home by Rabbi Samuel Jaffa of Temple Beth Sholom, under a canopy of while chrysanthemums. Baskets of white chrysanthemums and pompons, with candelabrum on cither side completed the setting. A string trio played background music for the ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was gowned in pmk lace and de sole with bouffant ballerina length skirt She wore a matching hat and veil and carried a cascade of red rose buds on a Bible. The couple was unattended. Both mother! wore gowned in cocktail length dresses of pcau, de cole; the bride's mother In champagne color and the groom's mother In peacock, blue. Following a dinner, the couple left for a wedding trip to New York. They will reside a t 1360 Lake Shore drive, Chicago,, 111., after Oct. 1. The bride was graduated from IlocMord, (III) College, Dr. Saltzman was graduated from the University of Omaha and the University of Nebraska's College of Medicine, and la at present a resident physician at Michael Reese Hospital In ChicaRa. Other Omahans attending the wedding were Ernest Saltiman, brotiier, and Sam Fcllman grandfather of the groom. Also present were the following: Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Fellman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pcltz, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Richards, Mrs. Rose Rlckcs and Messrs. and Me.-.dames Max and Henry Rickes.

Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Max Krizelman of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sandra, and David H. Cohen, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Corporal Cohen of Rockport, Mo. A June wedding Is planned. Cousins' Club Miss Krizelman attended the University ol Nebraska where uho Mrs. Meyer Meyerson will be was a member of Sigma Pclta hostess at a meeting of the CouTau Sorority. Her fiance will be sins' Club t o be held a t 12:30 graduated In February from the p. m., Wednesday, Oct 3 in the university where he Is majoring1 Rfigls Hotel. Those who are unIn business. Ho Is affiliated with able to attend call Mrs. Morton Slfjma Alpha Mu Fraternity. Frank, RE 0713.

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Progress in Israel

,Y.C. Asks You? Seen as 'Striking' Editor's note: These are two re-

Friday, Brplrmiier,


Bar and Bas B.B. Bowling Mitzvah

H.irolcl Kp.itdii took N U T tliihli;h game of the week in the "A" plies to the question "Should Un- The State of Israel is the meltdivision of the B'nal B'rith Howlaffillate boys be given two votes ing pot of today—a modern socioing Leacuo with H score of 212. at YC meeting!?" Next weeks logical laboratory—Wayne F. An- Miss Linda Barbara Kalkin, Other IIIKII rollers wen! Sundml topic for discussion Is "Should IJrophy, 209, und Milt Cackin, 2<Xi. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stage Nite continue to be an an derson, financial consultant to the Zalkin and Miss Nancy Paula BII scries also went to Mr. EpOmaha Charter Convention, denuai affair?" daughter of Mr. and Mrs.stein, Who put togofhor a 589. "I believe that the Youth Coun- clared here. Mf. Anderson spent Katz, Katz, will observe their High team game wont to Playcil UnaffWates Boys should not be 19 months In Israel from 19M to Maurice Bas Mitzvah at a joint service at land Pork, 866, and hl(;)i scries to given an additional vote at YC Beth El Synagogue Friday eve1956 as the supervisor to the Israel Hobcrmnn Plumbing, 2.554. meetings. At the present time,the Unafflliatcs are a group of boy* Income Tax Administration ind ning. Sept. 28 and Saturday morn- Benson Hardware is still astride the division with 11 wins and two with no organization, sponsorship. chief of the Public Administration Ing. Sept 39. Friends and relatives are in- losses. or advisers so there Is no reason

2H, J05G.

Israeli 'Kids' The October Issue of Coronet Magazine contains mi article "Youni; Kids on a Tcnsu Border" a story of modern Israeli younubt is anil the role they play in Israel's border net I lemon Is.

Division of the US. Operations vited to attend both services and why they should be given the the receptions which will follow. FOBTlICOMINa MAKRIAGE same privileges as the bther VC Mission to Israel. cluln. If the Unaffllates would orHe had high praise for the rate Fred Ostrow, son of Mr. and ganize themselves and spur the of progress being made by the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrier an- Mrs. William Oslrow. will be UnaffUiated girls to stand up for Israelis. Their spirit, determina- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their called to a reading of the Torah their constitutional (Vouth Coun- tion and confidence is shown in the son, Howard Harlan, Friday eve- in honor of his forthcoming marcil) rights they would receive the striking progress made by the ning. Oct. 9 and Saturday mom- riage to Miss Sandra Green on two votes they desire." little democracy, he said. Ing, Oct 6 at Beth El Synagogue. October 7. Harold Kalman. The country Itself Is very beauFriends and relatives are invitAJ!A Vo. 1 lnnlnr tiful, especially the northern half, ed to attend both services and Patronize Our Advertisers Same Day Service the receptions which will follow. with Its mountains, newly plant"It has DIAL ituuuuiry in the ed foretta, orange groves, the '/lew past that all Youth Council Clubs No Extra Charge be allowed two votes- It seems of the blue Mediterranean Sea "that even though the number of and the remnants ot antiquity that 'Hard Times Dance' h at 10 A.M. unaffillatet have increased greatly are scattered throughout the land, By B.I. Men's Club Ready by 5 P.M. Mr. Anderson recalled. Not oiuy there should be no change from A "Hard Times Dance" will the previous rulings. The unaf- is Israel scenically beautiful but CASH and CARRY filiatcs are required to hold a now the countryside is dotted with tuck-o(( the fall social season of meeting and elect a representa- beautiful Institutional buildings the Beth Israel Men's Club. This tive. Since this is the case it it housing hospitals, orphanages, first dance In a series of three will Abo Pickup a«f only fair that they also be al- training schools and universities, be held at 9 p. m., Saturday, Sept. Dtttvtry Stnrfc* 29 in Beth Israel social halL !~v<«l the same privileges as ev- he pointed out. eryone else. We seem to forget The second hi the scries will be A student of government, Mr. that same people don't care to go Anderson also spoke of some of a "Masquerade Ball" to take along with the majority, however, Israel's weaknesses. Two limit- place October 20 and the last it is not in our discretion that we ing factors which weaken the dance will be a dinner dance on See Joe Guts should decide who Is In the right government, he said, November 18. and who is In the wrong. There- democratic Series chairmen arc Sam Kapat the coalition type of representfore, we should allow the unaf- are lan and Milton Belzer. For tickets filiates two votes In the Youth ation which make it difficult to call the synagogue office, SIB 6288. MICKLIN HOME have a clear majority In Knesset Council." 112 N. 18Hi JA 1578 (parliament) and the place of HisIMPROVEMENT C O . Psnl Shykrn, ladrut In the government. This Baytm Junior 1702 CUMINS ST. monopoly or a key Industry makes for a state within a state and *s Patronize Our Advertiser!. favored by laws which it helps administer, Mr. Anderson related. New York (JTA>—The AcadTurning to religion, he stressed, emy for Higher Jewish Learning, DEBS that In Israel it is not the oinding a post-graduate institution devotThe pledges had their first force that Jt could be. The rela- ed to the study of Jewish history, 50tft and Underwood 24rb and Fomam meeting at Miss Barbara Nogg's tionship between church and state culture, literature, philosophy and home. Congratulations to Misses has not yet been clearly, defined, religion, and offering a full program of rabbinical studies leadNancy Brodkey, Janice Katlcman. Mr. Anderson said. ing to ordination, Wft£ founded Gall Shrier, and Judy Wolner The Israelis are living in a tense September 16 in New York. The who were elected officers of the atmosphere and therefore act tenFrom 8 A.M. Till 7 P.M. first classes of the academic year Fledge Class. sely which makes for a sensitivity will be held on October 1, when toward criticism, lie summed up, more than 20 graduate students nou BBO Complete Selection of Bakery Products who have applied for admission to Sunday, Sept. 30. Hodl will hold the Academy will meet for the their meeting. The speaker for Diamond's Market to Freshly Baked on Sunday opening sessions. the meeting will be the regional The Academy will have two madirector of the National Council Move to New Building jor divisions, the Academy, tor of Christians and Jews. Reverend Diamond's Kosher Meat Mar- Higher Jewish Learning proper, Nell Danburcket will move to Its new location which will offer courses on a Miss Paula Block is the new at 4415 Cumins street on or about graduate level in all fields of Jewpresident of Future Teacher's of IS. The new market is ish studies, and a Rabbinical RUG & UPHOLSTERY America, a Central High School November now being constructed at the site. School where students who wish club. CLEANERS Reverend Abraham Diamond to devote the Jewopened his first kosher meat store ish religious ministry may preELEANOR ROOSEVELT RUGS—CARPETING Chairmen for the BBYO Winter In Council Bluffs, la., in 1925 aft- pare themselves for ordination as LAMP SHADES Convention have been named. er arriving here with his family rabbis. Dr. Felix A. Levy, formerFURNITURE They are Misses Shirley Shift and from Latlva. In 1935. he moved to ly of Chicago, will be dean of the new quarters at 513 N. 24th street Rabbinical School of .the new Mfl'Jily Mlroff. Cleaned In Your Home! A community service project In Omaha and in 1940 to its pres- Academy. Dr. Levy is a past president of the Central Conference IMIse * b>rf>9 • t*poJrl*« was held .Sept. 19, where all the ent location at 610 N. 24th s t Rabbis and was rabgirls participated in building a A complete selection of kosher of American of the Emanuel Congregation Don Bern*teln HA 2554 succoth. , • •• meats, poultry, frozen foods, bi home-made, bakery and dairy of Chicago for over 47 years, products will be stocked ot the . The Academy, in Its approach to Yourii Conclave rabbinical education. Is not comnew market. • Nine representatives of the It will be owned and •operated mitted t o any single InterpretaBeth Israel SYO and Club Tovtm. by Sun and Stanley Diamond and tion i f Judaism. Students of any the GREATEST GUY will attend a conference .in Des Nathan Shukert and under strict persuasion and opinion may enter Molnes, la., this Sunday. SYO rep- kosher supervision of Reverend the Academy, without any creedal in the WORLD.... or ritual requirement being made resentatives are Paysle Snyken. Abraham Diamond. of them. Fe.licJa Friedman.' Jerry Stone, A paved parking area at the Carol Gomberg, Marlcne Friedthe man who side of the store will be availBETH ISRAEL man and Rozanne Siporin. Club cast free of charge for the conTovim representatives are Mar- able fakes his family venience of customers, vin Ruback, Harold Levey, MarMEN'S CLUB vin Pollkov and Keva Shyken. Irving Stern will accompany the group. Seven other mldwsetern cities are expected to send dele- nioot JA I3M u instn not W u t Ad DOUBLE FEATURE gates to this meeting. <i TIM JnrUh rrtu

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B.E. Men's Club ~

Current raw u So « e u lor «*ch w§truoo The Prtu n*tntt Uw rtlhi to unit list ot Men WftrtlictaeflL

BAR and Bos Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holiCity Commissioner Warren Swidays and special occasions. gart will present his views on the proposed new Omaha Charter Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Wednesday. Oct. 3 at 6:30 p. m. CLOTHING Salesman Wanted— 1 to the members of Beth El Men's Kxcellent opportunity fur exClub. perienced salesman used to t:ellTill evening meeting, which inInj; fine men's nppurrl. Prefer cludes dinner, will lie the first of a;;c 30-55. Always a complete eight programs scheduled by tli b\/e ,'in'l price ranijo In .'ill nrune }>ear-old group for thn comiii;: seabrand stock to sell from. In«on to be h«*ld at Buth K\. come dcpenrljn;; on jwilcs ability Barton CrecnberR. club prrvsl —commission basis—liberal rmdont. said that the m"Ptliic will ployeo benefits. Apply to Mr. elUnix the fall membership drive. Wcichljrodt at the pcreonell ofH e urged nil memlwrs to attend fice, fourth floor of the Nebrasand bring guests. ka Clothing Company, AT 2770. Sell What you don't need . . . CAIiL Reverend A. Diamond, WE 3899, or WE 4955, for clrcum Buy what you need through the cision of your new-born son. Want Ads.



'Herd Times' — Scpr. 29 $3.00 Per Couplo 'Masquerade' — Ocr. 20 $3.00 Per Couplo 'Dinner Dance'— Nov. 10 $6.50 Por Couplo

Rosen-Novak Chevrolet Will Stand on Their Heads ro Deal With You!

Scries Tickers $10.00 Per Couple

Call Beth Israel Synagogue Office RE 6288 for Reservations

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