bfcono UlM»» MHJllltK I'rivlJrjEr 4utliorlzeff at Omaha Nrbi
ruijinnwei ever> *rl(la> (01 ft fUtb Annuu itwU • UoJIAfi omulm Ntirufcii fbonr 4* I960 Slnxk <«D« 10 O n t o
To Break Ground for New Wing Blood Drive Wed., Oct. 17
Global Report
Ceremony to Start 3 p.m., Sunday At Dr. Philip Sher Home for Aged
An "AU-Out City Blood Drive" Ground will be broken tbia will be' held from noon to 3:48 EGYPT GETS SUBS London (JTA)—Egypt has rep / m , Wednesday, Oct. 17 at th S u n d a y afternoon at threp Red Cross Blood Center, 2549 ceived from the Soviet Union six o'clock for a new $60,000 wing Farnam i t , under the auspice* post-war built fully operational to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish of tho Omaha B'nai B'rith Chap* submarines, A. -J. McWhlnnle, Homo for the Aged at 52nd and naval correspondent of-the Dally ten and lodge*. Grand av. Jack W. Marer, "The prcient urgency (or blood Herald, reported here. President of the Federation for The artlclo says that Western has reached the point of emergenJewish Service, will preside. cy proportJonoj," Mrs. Max Sacks, Intelligence people acknowledge Mayor John Rosenblatt will chairman of the drive strewed. that these six modern submarines bring greetings from the City of The Douglas County blood quota could be most effective weapons Omaha and Philip Vogt, Public of MO pint* for the month of Au> in the hands of the Egyptians Welfare Administrator of Douglas gust fell short by 72 pint*," Mrs. The vessels are said to be fully County, will also speak. equipped for mino-laylng. Sacks stated. The Dally Herald said Soviet Taking part In the program will "In spite of this," she continued, be Omaha rabbis, J. Harry Kula"1,344 pints of blood were sent to crews remained aboard to teach kofsky, chairman of the survoy Ideal hospitals during tho month Egyptian Navy men "how to be and building committee, and Ar. of August, which means that oth- submariners In record time." The thur A. Cohn, chairman of th« newspaper added that' British iner Blood Centers in other cities Home committee. helped fill the deficit" '/It is the telligence men believe there is "a Dr. Philip Sher, for whom the hope of B'nai B'rith that the citi- clause inthe secret deal with MosHome Is named, and three senior zens of our community will ap- cow whereby Russian crews will residents of the Home will parpreciate the tremendous and vital be withdrawn if they go into aci. Ilarry Kulnkofiky Jark M. Murer ticipate in the ground breaking need for blood donors and will tion against any of the Western ceremony. volunteer to help make available Powers." The construction of the new the predous 'pint of life/ Mrs. wing was approved lost week by Sacks concluded. ADL SMEABKD the Federation's executive comNew Orleans (WNS)—A second B'nai B'rith sponsoring groups mittee. are Monsky lodge and chapter, "unwarranted and vicious attack" The new addition will contain "Tito and Central Europe in Nebraska lodge and chapter, and on the Antl Defamation League eight rooms to serve as living by Dr. Emmctt L. Irwln, head of the Cornhutkcf lodge. Chanukah gifts were shipped Perspective"' will biTdlscussed by quarters for residents. When com'For further Information call the New Orleans Citizen's Coun- this week to the Office of the Jack Raymond of the New York pleted the new wing will form tha Mrs. Sacks, AT 0662 or AT 0249 cil, was sharply denounced' hero Jewish Chaplain at one of the Times at the second session of the north leg of the home building or co-chairman, Mrs. J. Milton by Label A. Katz, chairman of the Bases In Japan by the Federation Eleventh Annual Institute On and the entire structure will look locifl ADL group, who declared of Jewish Women's Clubs, so •Margolin. GL 4868. like the letter "H" but with the Dr. Irwln "knows as well ns wo World Affairs to be held at 8:15 do that his false accusations and that It will-arrive In time to be p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 10 in the new north wing somewhat shortr er than the existing south wing. BI-OCKADK VN3VHT Innuendo cannot lx? "substantiat- distributed at holiday time. Washington (WNS>—President ed" because of "the simple reaMrs. Moo A. Vcnger Is chair- University of Omaha auditorium. Mr. Kulakofsky, a past presiElsenhower, questioned here nt tils son blatant lie! cannot be man of the Services to Armed Mr. Raymond has spent ten dent of the Federation, headed weekly prom conference, declarei proved trui'. Forces Committee and her co- years "covering" Central Europe the special committee appointed It wan hlii personal opinion that chnlrman is Mrs. Sam S. Stein- for tho Times and he was the first by Mr. Marer, Federation presiEgypt'* blockade of the .Stxv berg. American correspondent to be dent, to investigate the facilities Canal to Israel shipping was moi The following assisted in prep- granted a visa Into Soviet-domi- at the home. Arthur Cohn, Home Unjust. aration of this shipment: Mes- nated lands. He has just returned chairman, had reported on the. crowding of the residents. The At the same time tho President dames David H. Brown, Joe Free- from his latest assignment as head members of the special committee asserted that ho believed tho blocman, Robert H. Koopcr, Abe Roff- of the Times Moscow Bureau; that the existing facilities kade to be not In nccord with the man, Leonard Segal and Albert Tho theme for this year's lnsU found Sometimes In the course of an at the aged home were inade1888 treaty. tute is: "There is need for new quate ordinary business transaction a Steinberg, in that residents arc being Chanukah gifts from the Oma- perspectives in American Foreign housed In medical quarters which little nugget of news interest may Policy." The Federation for JewIK- found. Such was the case when ha Jewish community to Omahans ish Service Is one ot the Institute's should be kept for the treatment Mrs. Morris Franklin received a serving In the Armed Forces are groups. The pro- of sick residents. letter from a customer. GrcnvlUo now being prepared under the di- co-sponsoring are offered through the unl The new, wing will release the rection of Mrs. Venger and Mrs. grams P. North, verslty's Department of History medical section of the Home for Mr. North, an attorney, tells of Steinberg, co-chairmen of the and Government and the College Its Intended use as a place to the "many times (his son) has Committee for the Federation of of Adult Education. treat sick residents, Mr. Kulakofwritten concerning tho wonderful Jewish Women's Clubs.' sky pointed out. things that the Jewish people arc The committee asks families of Members of the special comdoing in developing their land servicemen to notify Jewish Com- FASTEST LINEK mittee included Arthur Cohn, (Israel)". His son, Father Robert munity Center, office on address Hamburg (JTA)—Tho 9,000- Harry DuBoff, Dr. Abe Grcenbcrg, G. North, S. 3. this year was ap- changes and on date on new serv- ton "Thcodor Herzl," largest pas- Dr. Abe Fellman, Robert Koopcr pointed director of the Pontifical icemen lor servicemen that have senger vessel ever constructed for and Abe Brodkey. Blblcal Institute In Jerusalem, a been discharged. Israel and fastest major boat unGround breaking for the origiCatholic religious institution. der the bluc-and-whlte flag, slid nal building took place at the Father North, a native Iowan down the ways of a German ship- same time also on a Sunday but and a former Omahan, has workbuilding yard here while hundreds in August of 1946, The original ed in Israel before receiving his of guests and spectators cheered. cost of the structure was $225,000 directorship. Constructed for Israel's Zlm- which is on a ten acre site. Dr. Father North has written, of Shoham .Lines under the repara- Sher, now honorary president of Jewish families "who never knew Jerusalem (WNS)—U.N. Secre- tions pact and equipped to carry the Federation, was in charge of anything about farming, who have tary General Dag Hommarskjold's 530 passengers, tho new liner the first ground breaking cerelenmed how and are developing report to the Security Council was should be ready for service in mony. some of the finest farms In the an indication that the United Na- March of next year. She will be MM, Mlko Freeman world." "It would seem awful to tions had not merely failed to put assigned to the regular three-day Nixon Absolved us If those wonderful hospitals an end to the Arab campaign of run from Haifa Co Marseille, via New York—There is nothing in and institutions of learning that hostility to peace in the past year, Naples, but during part of the the record of Vice-President Richyou people have built and devel- but that it had apparently failed year is expected to be used for ard Nixon to Indicate "in any way oped in Israel should ever be de- even to Understand the nature of tourist cruises to South America that he Is anti-Semitic," the Antlstroyed by the holocaust of war." the threat, It was declared here and the Bermudas. Defamatlon League of B'nai B'rith Grenvllle North said In his letter by a spokesman for the Israeli The Women's Division of the declared in a statement which sold United Hod Feather-Ilcd Cross o Mrs. Franklin. "We only hope," Foreign Ministry. the American people were fortuLISTING WITHDRAWN Campaign will begin Its floor-to- Mr. Grenvllle continued, "there nate In that all four major canThe "gulf between reality In the will he a way found to prevent it area and its understanding by the London (JTA)—A book, 'Talcs didates "are completely free ot door solletntlons this Monday Mrs. Mike Freeman, vice-pres- ml that the poor people especial- United Nations must r e m a i n of tho Aristocracy," has been religious bias." ident of Federation of Jcu'l&h ly, those who have been Riven a great," the spokesman declared, withdrawn on the eve of its pub- Henry Edward Schulz, national Women's Clubs, Is a section lead- licimc In Israel after all of tho "as long as the Secretary General lication because it reveals the chairman of the ADL, said the er In the one of the four arcnt of orrors they have suffered will holds the view Implicit In tho re- Jewish antecedents of a number rumors about Nixon were "a reot ncaln l>e put throuRh the lame port that Arab Insistence on the of members of the British nobll- currence of false charges' made tlu? city. Working with Mrs. Freeman 'lorrors." during the 1952 campaign and are exercise of bellfKcrcnt rights In ly, tho London press reported. arc her district chnlrnicn: M"i"Of coun.e," Mr. North summed lolation of a Security Council deThe author of tho volume on as untrue today as they were dnmes Alfred Sophlr, Nathan p, "it Is n part of our son's work cision, the continuous incitement Ilritaln's arlstrocracy is L. G. then." V Turner and Alfred Frank. St. Petersburg, Fla. (JTA)— :o be thfre teaching and helping, to apfjiesslon by Arab leaders, the Pine, an acknowledged authority Tenm captain:* Include: Mmei ind always striving for peace, maintenance by'Egypt of the Suez on the peerage. Tho report In tho Jewish leaders at St. Petersburg Charles fiuss, Krvln Simon, Har- ind whether there is war or no blockade and the repudiation by press says that the book gives the complained that the Tides Hotel < ry Feremteln, Snm Green, Har- ar, It Is bis Job to remain and the Arab covernments of liable names of 14 Jewish peers who where Vlce-PrcsIdent Richard M. old ISrodkey, Milton Abrahams, :lo the best he can. There must obligations under the Charter and have made no secret of their Nixon was scheduled to stay was Milton Waldbaum, Georpc Spitsome way that the Jewish pco- of the United Nations and the alth. The reason for the with- "restricted against the Jewish peozer, Henry Appel, Ilnrold Zt'Iln- ilo can finally realize their nm- Armistice nRreement.1 ar« con- drawal Is that the volume reveals ple." Following a sudden switch, sky, Sam Berman and George iltions and have their own homes sistent with their wish to eftab- Christian-Jewish alliances among the Nixon party spent the weekBritain's noble families. end,at the Edward James Hotel Schnplro llsh peaceful conditions. ind peace."
Chanukah Gifts To Sericvemen
Progress Praised By Priest in Israel
UN Head's Report Criticized by Israel
Women's Division To Solicit Monday
Times' Newsman To Discuss 'Tito'
Vane Two
Friday, October B, 195C.
Needlework Tea to Be Held Tuesday
file PubUabed Even Friday bj tbe rodaraUso ot JewlAflarvtce 4UMCIWUUL » « «
Witt, the Foflu flt rloine New* and happenings at tbe Dr. Philip Sber Jewish B a t lor Ac«d sy David Oftow. September 28—"Cowboy Sadof«ky donated whiskey and wine to BEXH »fHiA»«f. the Home. BabU Benjamin Groner, CanSeptember 29—Mr. Sam GB- tor Ell Kagan, the Choir and the •nan the new 'Gabber *ave «Kld- Senior Class trffl conduct late dush today. Friday sendee* at B p. m. September 30—"Standing Boon Tndilaonal F r i d a y sendees Only" was tbe order of tbe day <Kattnlaa Shabbai) begin «t 6 at the BUcur Chollm Party tMs p. an. Sabbath snorohig service* afternoon. Entertainment w a s begin at 8 3 0 tfctock; Junior O » provided by members of Troop Mo. eregaUon at 30 a. m. Sabbath 248 of the GW Scouts of Amer- Mineba at 5-45 p. m. fo3kmed tf ica. Mr*. Harry Wieodsky ga«e a reading of Jewish poetry. He- DaSjr smufcjej at 7 p. m. and 5>*S freshments of cakes. Petit form, p. a t Suoday nurninc aervioBt tefruit and tea wen served by the ginat fl^B Sioiday sumiae ladies of the society. Junior Hbvaa starts at 8-30 «. mOctober 1—Several t>f our Residents attended the Golden Aje Club meeting today. Wuufa^p MTviocs tiilv evening October 2—The program of iab- Temple Israel win be held at 8O5 binlcal Visits will start It's second o'dodc JUfaU Sidney H. Brooks year at the Home Synagogue to- win inaugurate a Jeeture aeries day at 11 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin and discussion on T h e Reform Croner will initiate tbe 5717 se- Jewish Practice and Belief." This ries. evening's topic is "Tbe Question The special classes in art and of Ritual in Reform." painting will start its second «ea> Services Saturday morning f son at tbe Home for toe Aged t t be ot 11:30 -o'clock for members 2 p. RL These classes which are of the religious school and aduhs. sponsored by the Omaha Section National Council of Jewish WomEt, en are directed by Mrs. Meyer Sabbath services at Beth El SyBeber and Mrs. T. A. Tully and nagogue will at 8:15 p. m. Mrs. Arthur Anchel This course fUbbi A(ycr S.begin JCripkc will deliver will be held every second Tuesday the sermon. Cantor Aaron 1. Edat 2 p. m. gar and the choir win sing,tbe YAHRZEIT—Special memorial musical portions of -the service. services will be Tjeld In the Home Sabbath morning services at Synagogue for the following: 9-JO o'clock and Junior congregaCheshvan 2, Oct 7—Sadie Fish, tion services at 10:30. MlnchaChesbvan 5. Oct. 10-Irwln Maariv at 5:30 p. m. Dally services at 7.A.TO.and 7 -p. m. Sunday Stalmaster. .Cbeshvan 5, Oct 10-Joseph j . service at 9 a. n. Obeshvan 7, Oct. 12-Sarah Farber. • • Cheshvan 9, Oct. 14—Herman Kraane.
Obituary Harry Feldman ' Services were held Sunftay, Sept. 30 for Harry Feldman with interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. Feldman, 71, died Friday Sept. 28. He Is survived by his wife, Jennie; a daughter, Mrs. Beverly •3JJiroky and three grandchildren.
Speed Reading fot Youth CouncMers An eicht-wcek course in SPEED READING wlfl be offered by the Jewish Youth Council lor high school students starting Friday, Oct. 19. The course, designed to advanced reading rates and read Inc abilities, will run for eight consecutive Friday .afternoon sessions. The course will feature.the latest training devices, reading materials and discussion techniques. The fee, payable upon registration, is $330. The group will be JJmlt£d to the first IS registrant*.
12-Yr-OW Enrolled At Harvard If.
The IiiiMlhennir tea for the Ooaha Ni-cdU-uuik Guild wil be held Tuetdny afteriu»ui, Oct. 9. from three to five o'dodc, in.the Cathedral Auditorium. 39th and Wobster streets. An invitation is extended to cveryuiie to attend. Mrs. Dave Cohn Is chairman for the Jewish Charities S e c t i o n which is a project of the Fcdera tlon of Jewish Women's Clubs. Mn. Richard Wright Is table display chairman. Contributions continue to come la, although a number of donors have not yet rftponflnd to tbe call Mrs. Cohn asks everyone who has not already contributed to do ao immediately. IheKerftomak Guild is an annual event apousoted by charitable groups in the community to f unuan clothing and linen supplies lor jmsdy f»mni»« and institutions. Hie Iollowinf have mailed in their 4oaaUoos stoce the last list appeared in the Jewish Press: atoadwnca Benry i. Abrams. WllUam 1 m Alberta, Albrta, Sara ra *rr1ffn^i. i Baa, Abe Bear, Jacob BerBessie covjd, Oaictjee L. Bergman, Uevid Becnsteta, Eobert Bemctem, Daniel frr"?"^ n « i Bittner, Paul Blotcky. loute Blumkin. Hasheil Brandstatter. Edward D. Brodkey, Barold B. BrodBtey, A. Louis Cohen, Save QJhn, Philip CrandeU, Harry Ebenstatt. Ruben Fpstela William Epstein. David Feder, .Nathan Fcldman, Harry Ferenstein, David H. Fcrtil. Isidore Forbes, Abrahom Forman, Herman Franklin, Byman Fried, Benjamin T. Friedman, Lloyd D. Friedman, A b r a h a m Glnsbuix, Leonard Goldstein, Jacob Goodblnder, Benjamin Gorellck, Yale Gotsdiner, Sam IL Green. Mmes. David GrcCTbcrg. Daniel Greenfield, Max Greenfield, Gerald S. Gross, Isadora Grossman Paul Grossman, Adolph Frohman, Ed Ginsberg, Walter E. Gottlieb, Nathan Greenfield, Hyman Guss, Stanley H. Herzoff, Jacob S. Hess, Richard Hiller, Irving Hobennan, Joe M. llorwich, Kalhan J. llorHich, Jack Hyman, Irv-in C. KaJ man, Harold Kasin, Stnnloy Katclman, Sidney Katlcman, Juiitn Katzman, Sam Katzraan. Jack ICaufmon. Louis KcntUs, Abe Klotz, Uytnan Kraft. Leuxuml Krasnc, Manuel Krupinsky. Mmes. Carl Lagman, Morris Lcllwn, Abraham Llpsman, Joe Levinalty. Philip Luboion, Itobcrl I. llarcr, 1. Milton Margolin. Samuel Mcichcs, Jerome J. Milder, Orvcl A. Wilder. Benjamin M. Miukin, Max 1L Moskowitz. Ben Newman. Calvin ILL Newman, Max .Novak, Sam Novak, Harry R. Nystrom, Isadorc F. Obcrmau, Itovld Oruch. Wmcs. Ben Pcrclmoq. David C Platt, Isadora J. Plotkin, Morton Plotkln, Sarah W.'Potash, Louis naduz' :er, William Haduziner, Max Ulekes, Norman D. 'Kips, Abraham Rochman, Morton Richards, Isidore W. R o s e n b l a t t Harry Rubemtcln, M. N. nubin. Phil Sales. Irvine Schnclderman. Leonard Segal, Morris M. Shapiro. SolflhfljriuBJX£ani Shlff, Harold SlcgcL Bernard Sleglcr, Stuart EX Bimon, Joseph R. Soshrdk, Barney Stark, Sam S. Steinberg, Sam H. Stern, Oscar Taub, Phillip Turek, Ralph G. Turkel, Nathan Turner, Benjamin W a 1 d m a n. Hnrry Welner, Sam Welnstcin, Ira Whltcbook, Louis Whitebook, Harold Wiesman, Bcrnhardt Wolf, J. Lewis Yager, Sam Blotchy and Misses Charlotte Abrams and Evelyn Levy.
Cambridge, Mass. (JTA)—Tred Softer, of Berkeley, Calif., is 32 years old and has been enrolled in school here -for the fall term. The young student, however, is unusual in one respect The school he enrolled at is Harverd -University. -He was allowed to enter the university on the condition that be live with his family and not at a "Harvard house. So hbi father obligingly moved the family here to accommodate the request One of Fred's classmates also provided n light moment nt the boy's registration. The classmate, who had attended Drew School in Mrs. Jack .Mrmelttcln wishes Los AnKolcs ns Fred did, walked over and asked, "Aren't you Fred o liianlc all her friend:; and relaSaficr?" Fred acknowledged that tives for their kind expressions on he was. The clnssmritc then Mid tier recuperation niter undergo"You tmif;ht my chemistry clnss." ing surncry. And he did. It seems that the wclw-jpar old h.-is nlready 1nur,ht Hadassch Bov/ling two chcmi'.try co'if'-s at Ilic j»ix-p school. in this week's Iladasnab
Thank You
Tr---^"-" - 0T niiter • p c i r l ' l c j * are "Uf laerr are nour, F>> « ' i t e j N I T *7bs •.•m*:i> n-j-HiM-r of c ,!.•*-* of r u r h Issue of Ui t j j - j M ^ a ^ j n * J M o r d U i r . h u i n t tSrougJi t r r in (.15 or ^, tf) ii»II n.i'i•crtl/er.1 rfiiririr ihe l«-«>jv* mrjgiiu procrd-
iJowlln^ Ltacue ore: Hicli team z li(->cr, ]830; lilf;li tr-am Earns, Watson Eros., W8; hl^fi fDntnatloti t* i r n u i r M tram!y, we*^ljr. ndividual series, Ruth Gelfand, hp F a r b u n d Labor Ziontet 99, and hij;h individual game, PAUL VEUBT, Erancli 31, Poalc Zion will hold its' Rita Cooper, 203. B » M to Ani F!ibt<r)hM before mo Ihla peninc meeting of li>e fall season ,first d ) y oj octobrr, lavs. unday, Oet.^ .11 at the Jewish Use the Want Ads to buy, tell BVI.VM Community Center. >r rent.
Ferbnnd to Meet
Memorial Meeting To Honor L. Oiflin A meeting dedicated l«j tlie memory ol the late .Louis \.,.tl'il who VV;LS recently i>oaten to ricjUi in Ibis place of business will bo held tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock at tbe Labor Lyceum W tlie Workmen's Circle, Midwest Dj'.trict Committee. Paul Vciet, HJLccutive Director of the Federation for Jewish Servl<e. v.ill be guest speaker. All members of the Workmen's Circle family and their friends are imitcd to nttend the memoifafl meeting. Ills son, Paul Gltlin. wrote • stirring letter to the World-Herald's Public Pulse in which he asked: "Is there enough concern Mrs. Ferer In the welfare of Omaha for people to work together with the people of the near North Side to reduce the crime rate, to make it a decent place In which to live and work, to make It a worthy part Mrs. Hyman Ferer, a past pres- of Omaha?" ident of the Omaha Chapter of the Women's Committee of Brandeis University, was recently reelect«l to the natknal hoard tovemors and to ftoe nnwihwHnt Milton Goldberg, Commander committee. ;'-; ':.;:,..• ;• ."' ;'.•;, of ££*tein-llorean nut, Jewish . .Tiieattnounceinent Wa| iDAdcl^y^ War Veterans announced that Mrs. Joe Zweiback. chapter pres- Samuel V. Cooper, attorney and ident, at a meetine at her borne. delegate to the Omaha Charter Convention, will explain tbe ptoThe Chapter's j M t board meet- posed new.Ch.i?*r for tbe C'yjl inc of tbe <sll season «U1 be held of Omaha, at the C<t 10 mtx\iui at 11:30 a. m , Monday, Oct fl at of the Post V UL lor tbe an ual the Dundee DeU. ' vfterans dance Kill be com tiiAcA, NaU Marcus, 4anec ticket cbainiuin,'iias mailfid tickets} to aQ of the «,embers of the Post
Brondeis Women's Post to Mrs. Ferer
VeteransTOHI Charter Delegate
Charm Course for Teens at Center
"Wonderful To Know," »; session course on charm, personality and etiquette will be presented for teenage girls of the Youth Council at the Jewish Community Center under the direction - of Elaine Jabenis, prominent local television and radio personality. The course will beein October 31 and the sessions will be beid at 3 JO p. m. The following subjects will be discussed at the hour-long m'fet ings: Poise that never lets you down: tlie things that f;Ive you away; how to walk, sit, breathe nnd talk; what to do with your hnnds, your voice and hands. Mrs. Jnbenis will nlso talk on difficult situations nnd how to handle them: how to let other r«r. sons talk; the ten commandments of charm: and how to brine up your parents. Registration for the course Is now being accepted by the Youth Council, it was announced by Mi*s Joyce Koom, YC chairman. The feejrf stx dollars is payable upon registratioii. .: •
Moninenf Dedication The family of the late Sam Railman will dedicate a monument in his memory at 11 a. m., Sunday, Oct 7, at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi David Korb of B'nal Israel of Council Biutfi, la., will officiate.
Zionist Council to Meet
B<riiiJsKMlimtitBl» Wil Open Monday
I :
The fall semester d Beth Israel School of Adult Jewish Studies will start Monday evening, Oct. 8. The curriculum will include Beginner's Hebrew, Intermediate Hebrew. Ceremonials and Rituals, and Judaism and the Young Adult The courses in beginner's lielirew, and tlie cour&c in Ceremonials ajid Rituals require no requuik's and anyone may register for them. The course in Intermediate Hebrew Is designed for those who arc able to read Hebrew. Judaism and the Young Adult is limited to Jilgh school students and Involves certain prerequisites. There will be no charges or fees for registration. The cost of textbooks, if needed, will "be the only expense Involved for participants of the institute. Anyone interested in enromns; is asked to call the school, RE 6288.
Speaker for B.L Men Samuel V. Cooper, attorney and delegate to the Omaha City Charter Convention, WJU be guest ipeakcr at the first of this season's B e t h Israel Men's Club monthly meetings. The d i n n e r meeting will be held at Beth Is. l social hali, Wednesday, Oct. 17, nt 7 p. m. Tlie first meeting will be open to hutbandi a n d wives. A codaj program will tdU low and the women arc invited to bring their Mah Jong sets. Heserations may be made by calling the synagogue office RE 6288. Itrecrvatlons will close October 12,
The Omaha Zionist Council will meet at 8 p jn., Wednesday, Oct. 10 In the Jewish Community Center. Current developments in Zionist affairs will be discussed. la TIXil SP1U5ADS Tel Aviv (JTA)—Sabbath riotIng, which received its Initial imNKW OIL HTItntE petus in Jerusalem, has spread to T«l Aviv (JTA)—Israel has Haifa and resulted in the death ctruclt oil again, Hclctz Number of n non-religious Jew there, Yona 11, the eighth v.'dl In the only pay- Finer, who succumbed to a heart ing oil fi»id in Israel, came in nttnek last Saturday during a at a dppth of 5,026 feet. Present clash between militant Orthodox for the breaking through wore demonstrators and a group of nonDevelopment Minister Mordceia observant JCTPB. Bcntov and o number of memTlie Haifa clash developed, acbers of Parliament. cording to police headquarters Five of the eight wells have a there, when a number of Sabbath daily capacity of 1.10 barrels each observers who live near the dty it was revealed by Israel Biiroea, set up a roadblock to prevent vegeneral director of 1he Matunda hicles from paraing tlirough on Conpany, one of the firms In- aturdoy. When an empty bus volved in the drilling operations. arrived nt the roadblock, passage He said the quality was similar was refuted by tlie Orthodox to that of other Middle Eastern group. At that point, nan-religfields. His company, lie an- ous persons began to gather. A nounced, is planning to sink 33 heated argument foUow;d and fist wells by the end of 1957, which flghtji broke out. puilns the fight, should add up U> an annual output Mr. Jiner suffered a. heart attack of 200,000 tons. I and died Instantly.
Friday, October IS, IBM.
"Council-leers' to Be Presented
Omaha Sketches
COUNCIL BOAI:I> Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women hoard meetIng >will foJluw n (lcs.-.cit luncheon at 1 p. m.. Thursday, Oct. 11 at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hurwlch, 837 No. 77th St. Mrs. AI Fox will be co-hostess. B. E. SISTUJUIOOD Both El Sisterhood meeting to bg held i t 1 p. m , Tuesday, Oct. 0 will be devoted to making plain (or the Torah Fund. Mr* Samuel Wolf, Torah Fund chairman, will Introduce Rabbi and Mrs, Myer S. Kripke who wUl dticuu Informally "Let's Talk About Torah." JR*bM Kripke win continue with his series of Informal talks UUed "From a Jewish Book Shelf." Program chairmen are Mra. Leon Schmldman, Mrt. Hubert Rosenblum and Mrs. Max Blttner Mr*. Loul* Horwitz and Mr*. Arthur AdJer and their Circle M are in charge of luncheon arrangementa. P CHAPTER * Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold , their, board meeting »t the Red'Lion Restaurant Tuesday, Oct 8 at 8:30 p. m. All board membcra are requested t* attend. The regular meeting of Kadlmah Chapter will be held October IS at the home of Mra, Dave Wine, M l S. SStb. i t , at 8 p. p . A film cto community aervice* titled "Lovft Co»ti Money." wiU be shown. Hoateaacs for the evening a)ong with Mr*. Wine wW be Mra. Eugene Braim, Mr*. Irving Forbet and Mr*. Barney Kaufman. 9WV ADXAIART Sam Cooper, attorney and dejeCate to the Omaha Charter Convention, will (peak on the proposed charter at the meeting of t h e Eprteln-Morcan Uidics Auxiliary. The meeting will be held a t 8 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 10 In the Jewish Community Center. Social hour will follow. B. L »IHTt:ni(OOI> Sol I. Llttmnn, riaiim Stal-s Regional Director of the An'iXteftillon League of B'Nal n'rith WU apeak at the mcvlinii of Ccth Israel Sisterhood Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 1 p. m. In the synagogue. Mr. Lltlman will discuss techniques to be utilized by parents When their children come In contact with bigotry in their dally life and activities How to comba> this type of exposure to prejudice and hate mongortng win be illustrated. Luncheon w i l l . b e served and baby sitter service will be available. Reservations can be made by calling: Mrs. Isadora Lewis or Mrs. Ed Lincoln. T . I . SISTERHOOD "SUUcan and SIstlcrnt" Is the ' title of toe skit on a mock convention t o be presented at the Temple Israel Sisterhood meeting Tuesday, Oct, 9, at 1 p. m. at the Temple. The meeting will honor all new Sisterhood members. Keynoter for the convention Will be Mr*. Maurice Pepper. Tne keynote address will lie delivered by Mrs. Kenneth, a member of the City Chnrtcr Conm i lion. Sisterhood President, Mrs. I n ward Gilbert will prealrle nt the board and regular meeting. TIKboard meeting will be held nt 11
Dr. Abe Greenberg, First Vicepresident of the Federation for Jewish Service, has been renamed to the board of Bellefalre, a regional child core service In Cleveland, O. Alan Rosen, a junior at the University of Nebraska, received the "Exchequer Key" at the national convention of Sigma Alpha Mu held recently in San Francisco, Cat. The award ia presented to the outstanding SAM treasurer of the year. Mr. Rosen la a b o a member of the university's v a n i t y wrest* ling and track team*. H e la secretary of Alpha Kappa Psl, a business administration fraternity, snd a member of the Business. Admin* Istration Council. Mr. Rosen ia a graduate of Central High School and was a member of Rayim In the Jewish-Youth Council. Shown above are the members of tin- rant of "Councll-teers"—• •kit t<r be presented at the nnnunl Ovcrsf.n Luncheon of the Omnha Section, Nations! Counrll of Jewish Women. Thoy arc: (I. to r.) bottom row) Mrs, Louis KaU nnd Mrs. Arthur Schuffman; (middle row) Mrs. Bob Baker, M M . Norman Halm nuil Mrs. Warner Frohman; (top row) Mrs. Sidney Novak, Mrs. Owen Meyerson and Mrs. Irvln Kaimaa. Cast members not pictured are Meidames Robert SUvemuui, Vato Richards, SUnljr Ilersoff and Robert Irvine.
Annual Council Luncheon Oct. 16 The annual'Overseas Luncheon of the National Council of Jewish Worpcn will be held this year at 13:30 p. m. Tuesday, O c t IB at the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds of the luncheon will again be used to send packages to Israel. A skit entitled "Council-teen" will be presented by Mrs, Louis KaU, program chairman. Russell Blumenthal will be piano accompanist. M i u Use Stern, a scholarship student from Israel, will bo a luncheon guest, Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf is chairman of tlie luncheon and ticket chairmen arc Mrs. Albert Rimmerman and Mrs. Jcrald Rosen,
Golden Agers Plan White Elephant Sale The Golden AGO Club Is planning its annual White Elephant Sale to be held Monday, Oct. 39 In the Jewish Community Center. Anyone having Jewelry or knickknacks In good condition they would like to give t o the dub for the sale, please bring them to the October Council meeting or contact Mrs. John Solomon, GL 175L The club is also forming a sewing and handicraft group; Anyono interested contact the chairman, Mrs. Sol Nogg, WA 9532. The club is co-sponsored Jointly by the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women nnd the Jewish Community Center.
Fed. Women to Take Part in Hospital Vataar The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs ia collecting items for the Children! Memorial Hosp'tnl Bazaar to be nnld Monday, Nov. 12 at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hi'.el it was ntinounr.'-d by Mm tsadore Chapman and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg, co-chaarman of Ui« subject. Announcements were mailed asking for contributions of new salable Items. Merchandise for the Women's Federation booth Is beinp stored at the home of Mrs. Joe M. Rice, 077 N. 56th St. Articles may be dropped off at Mrs. Rice's home or contact Mrs. Chapman, GL 0171 or Mrs. Nogg, GL 1045 for pickup of items for the booth.
Dr. Don Green, • graduate of the University of Nebraska'* College of Medicine, arrived here Sunday to spend two weeks visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green. Dr. Green Is a third year resident at Veterans Administration,Hospital in Los Angeles, Cat., where he is specializing in the study of Internal medicine. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Rlchman of Omaha left hero last Thursday for their first visit to Israel. Mrs. Rlchman will stop off to see her brother Shlomo Siegel, whom ihe has not seen for more than 40 yean. He Is making his home in Kfar Zikin in Israel. The Richmans will also tour Europe and Great Britain,
Births Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feldman announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Lori Beth, born September 26 at a local hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr* and Mrs. Iz Bernstein and paternal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. David Feldman all of Omaha. Maternal great-grandmother Is Mrs. Ida Goldberg of Kansas City, Mo* and paternal great-grandmother a Mrs. Mary Markovltz of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Gorelick announce the birth of a daughter, Beverly Ann, bom October X a t a local hospital The couple also has a son, Stephen Hale. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Turek of Omaha and pate/nal great - grandmother Is Mrs. A. Gorelkk of Los: Angeles, Calif.
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Rummage Sale by Mizrachi Women
The Mlzrnchi Women of Omaha will hold a Rummage Sale Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15 and 18. Anyone having rummage should net In touch with Mrs. Herman Kranklin, WE 5245. or Mrs. Harry I'askovvitz, TtK 672G. Clothlnc Jewelry, linens, "curtains, poU, pans a. m. Mrs. Den Stlefler la In charge and dishes, ete,, will be acceptable • f the luncheon. Table decorations for the sale. will bo handled by Mrs. Edward Maln.ihock nnd Mrs. IrvlnR Mal- of the; Henry Monslty chapter and ashock. Mrs. Harry Altsuler rfnd Mrs. Goodman Cohen, president Mrs. Abe Kntelmnn and th^ir f the Nebraska chapter, stated committee will tnkc cliuruc of Ui- that both chapters will cooperate ble setting. in malilnn the affair a success. Program chairman for the day Chairmen fire Mrs. A. Xwcrllni; are Mrs. EnrI WlROdslcy nnd Mrs (Nebr.) and Mrs. Max Krb.clman Milton Kntolmnn. (Monsky). Mrs. Julius Nowmnn hnn been named Ilonds for Israel Chairmen for Temple Israel Sisterhood. IIADAHHAII HHAISn.1T Mra. Paul Verct. who recently visited Israel for the first time, B"JJAI B'KITII WOMEN will bo the principal speaker nt n Flaa? nrc belnn formulated for the annual B'nal B'rtih women's Itadnsitah Oncf; Shabbnt October card nnd Mnj Jonc party to be 13. Chairmen for the nffnlr nrc field nt 8 p. in., November 25 at Mesdames I. F. Obcrmnn, All'crt Vox, Louis Ilurwitz and David the- Blnctatone Hotel.. Mrs. Harry Sldrnan, prcsldejit
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Y.C. Asks You?
Center Sports
Friday, October 5, JOM.
Bar Mitzvah
I l o u . u d H.irkui Sin ifr, sun of T h e problem of St.i,:e -N.t" h i . Mi-, l y u i i s S h i i i - i , will produced m u c h c t m t n n i T i y . T i n t , Mr mid i. H iP Mit/vdli ;.l !!• Hi i;li,riw li some people s a y H u t it i* ,i « i ),;ur thi> i \'i nin",
Karbatsch, Center Athletic Dl rector. There will be no tourna- of time and that rn.'uiy chapters ment entry fee, but a Center are unable to produce pi ijs or The t i n t Youth Council Flag membership will be required. skits good enough for an audience Football games of th season, to realJy appreciate. Others say played last Sunday at the Univer P B E - S K A S O N W O R K O D T S that it is constructive and if carilty of Omaha practice field and Boys and men wishing basket ried out properly provides both fun SAW Rayim trounce the Unafil- ball or regular workouts In the and Entertainment. In a few places, liatei 28-6 while AZA 100 ran exercise room and gymnasium are 1 agree wjth the first point of over AZA 1 24-0 In the "A Invited to the Center Tuesday and view. Sometimes there is no time league. In the "B" division, AZA Wednesday from 7:30-9:30 p. m. or money for a group to partici 100 scored six touchdowns to run Instruction and facilities will be pate; but on the other hand, I up a score of 49 over Raylm C available on both these nights in think Stage Nlte has many advanand Raylm B outlasted the AZA all areas, and special instructions tages. In the first place, we have 1 club 21-7. may be given for work on the ap the talent and should use It SecThe spirit was willing and the paratus In the exercise room. ondly, it does not hurt anyone to flesh was ready as AZA 100 ran Tuesday nights, the first hour do something constructive—it also up four touchdowns on pass inter- may be spent in the gym or work makes a good impression; someceptions and long runs by Nelson out room and the second hour in thing Youth needs very dearly. Gordmsn -and Jerry Rosen, Not the pool for the adult recreational Therefore, I urge Stage Nite to be until midway in the second quar- swim. Your Center membership continued. ter did AZA 100 lose the ball on or a pass obtained from the desk Steve Rleket downs. Is the only expense. Checking faJunior Raylm had several freshmen cilities and locker space Is availA, Z. A. No. 100. and sophomores that did a good able. The topic for next week will be job for them In Steve SegHn, Wal"Should the Youth Council sponsor ter Wife, Roy Katskee and JusInter-mural sports for boys and tin Grceriborg as these boys covgirls?" ered all departments, running, Martin Llpp and Centurymen have been making passing and catching, to control DUne Llntwitan the ball and score four touchdowns headlines recently; Howard KasY. C. Reporters. over the Unaffiliates led by Lar- low, newly elected president of Central High's math club, boasts ry Herman and Dave Goldstein In the "B" league, Rayim " C of a twelve-point honor roll rec- Temple Conclavette Jewish high school students ran short of man power while ord and an appointment to sports AZA 100 scored almost at will editor in the "Central High Reg- from five midwcslem states will ister." 'Nelson Gordman, new meet In Omaha, October 28 with Dan Holds. Irv Bclzcr und Central Student Council member, through 28, for a Jewish youth Justin BanThis week, Raylm will meet Is to be congratulated. Mirv conclavette. Social functions will AZA 100 on the West Field and Freedman was elected Consul in include a barn dance and a dinner AZA 1 versus the Unaffiliatea on Latin Club, a position equal to dance. RabBl-superviied cultural president. Bernic Grossman was discussions will be built around the; East Field In "A" Ici which will start at 11 a . m . Die appointed to Central High's ROTC the topic "The Passions—Passionate Hate, Passionate Love, and "B" games at 10 a. m. will pit Honor Color Guard. Eleanor Roosevelt elected of- Passionate Belief." The event Is Rayim B against Rayim C on the East Field while AZA. 100 plays ficers of their freshmen class sponsored by the Missouri Valley AZA 1 on the West Field. Par- September 30. They are: president Federation of Temple "Youth, part ents and friends arc invited to Eden Cohn; vice-president, Carol of a National . reform Jewish movement Conclavctt? Waldbaum; secretary, Judy Stev- youth these games. ens ; scrgeant-at-arms, A r I c n c chairman is Dick Spelcr. WA <S99. Grossman. JUNIOR BOWLING The girls of Itohanue are start- DeKoven Heads USY Junior Youth Council Bowl?rs In the Sunday League got in thoir Ing a babysitter service and will United Synagogue Youth has available Saturday afternoons elected; the following officers far first licks last week in the ton from 1 to 5 o'clock. team league at.the Mmid Box. the coming year: president, BerThe first week included Instrucnard Do Koven; vice-president. tion and team formation for the Hodi Beau Dance Justin Lewis; secretary, Eleanor some forty bowlers under the diFalkensteln; treasurer, H e l e n Hodl chapter. B'nai B'rlth Girls, Splllman and historian, Carolyn rectlori of league secretary. Jack will present its first annual Beau Licb. Kagati. Dance, October 20, at the Shera High team game went to the ton-Fontenclle Ballroom. Dancing Kaye Turner and Sally MarkoHell's Angels, and they also hnd will be from 9 to 12 p . m . Music vttz are the representatives to the team high single game of 391'. will be provided by the Don Rice USI. . Best bowler of the-day was Bob Combo. The organization welcomes Its Gross with a 126 for hli second Candidates for "Beau," choten new advisors, Mrs. Sidney Snelder, game. The high series went to by the chapter 'at large, are: Paul Rolgrodsky and Bob Meyers. Marshall Kaplan with a 199. Wjyne "Biff Bobrick and Arnie For information, please call the Winer, AZA 1; Ron Flshman and Center Health and Physical Edu- Howard Kaslow, AZA-100; Bob Sam Pollak put away the high cation department, JA 1366; <"xt. Joseph and Marty Greene, Raylm. individual game of the week in 26. Some openings still remain In Chairmen are Jonle Marx and he " A " Division of the B'nai the League Marilyn Dvorkin. Tickets are $1.75 B'rlth Bowling League with a a couple and njay be purchased 209. Dr. M. Sacks was otic pin off from any member. GIRLS TOURNEY with a 208. Dr. Sacks also rolled The Youth Council Girls will he high individual series, 549. start next week their singles and Y.C. Rosters High team game and scries went double Table Tennis Tournament. Robinson Iron with scores of Mist Judy Kutlcr, Youth Council •"Registration may be made with Roster Chairman, announced this 843 and 2444.: Benson Hardware Jim KarbaUch any time prior to week that the Youth Council Rasstill the team to beat with 17 the start of the tournament. ter, a complete directory of Oma- wins and three losses. At a meeting of the Y. C. Girls ha and Council Bluff* Jewish High athletic committee, C h a i r m a n "chool youths, will be back from Maureen Zcvltz announced that the printer next Wednesday. Those bowling will begin Tuesday, 3rt. desiring rosters, Miss Kutler stat23 at the Music Box. Registration ed, may' order them from the the GREATEST GUY blanks may be obtalrted from the Youth Council Office at the Jewvarious club Athletic chairmen ish Community Center. The rosin the WORLD.... and must be turned In to the ath- ters arc 35 cents each. letic office with the required forthe man who feiture fee By Jim KarbaUch
Y.C. Spotlight
i:i H> ii.ii !J luvl ton ;IIo\v, Oet 0. • ind rdiitiM'i nrr lnto tt. nl Inlli f - ' m c s and tho icuptiuns uhkli will full™-.
Mr. and Mis. George Kai;an announce the liar MitJivnh of tht'lr .son, Jim, will be held Friday eve nine Oct. 12 nnd Snturday, Oct. 13 nt Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and relatives are In vitcd to attend both services and the receptions which will follow, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zachnrla announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Richard Gary will be celebrated Friday evening; and Saturday morning, Oct 12 and 13 at Temple Israel Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and the receptions which will follow.
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An 1 IiM.lci-.hii> tram:n;; course fur Iwtli girls and boys will Iw offered at the Jewish Community Center starting November 27, it was announced by Lou Canar, chairman of the youth committee. All high students are eligible to Join the course which will be taught by Saul SUverman, Center Activities Director. A special feature of the course will be discussions by guest speakers from the Omaha Police Department, Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, Boys Town and the Conference of Christians and Jews. The students will participate in actual group leadership as part of the course. For additional infor- . motion contact the Center Activities office, JA 1366.
Junior B'nai B'rlth Bowling League will start Its regular Pre-College Program league play this Sunday afternoon at the Music Box. Registration It Starts at Center still open to boys and girls U to The pre-colloge program for 14 yean of age. high school seniors has gotten underway with an Initial survey of seniors' college preferences. Seniors are asked to mall in their forms now so as to give the RUG & UPHOLSTERY committee as much Information as possible in putting together its fuCLEANERS ture programs. BUGS—CARPETING Seniors and Juniors will goon have the opportunity to participate LAMP SHADES in a pre-oollege aptitude testing - FURNITURE program. O t h e r programs planned arc Cleaned In Tour Homel seminar discussions sponsored by college fraternities and sororities, testing program preparatory to Don Berntteln HA 2554 taking college boards—all in addition to the regular counseling and guidance program maintained by the Center, High school students arc encouraged to use the Center's library of college Information, college-catalogues and scholarship Information.
B.B. Bowling
HANDBALL TOURNEY October 15 will be the opening date for competition In the J-men Doubles Handball Tournament to be conducted in the city's inly regulation sfzp handball court at the Jewish Community Center Flayers ore Invited to register prior to October 14 with Jim
Leadership Course To Start at Center
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