October 12, 1956

Page 1

XXXV—No. 1


Jordan Ambushes Israeli Civilians Tel Aviv (WNS)—The mounting Incidents along the Isracl-Jor-! danlan frontier reached another peak in brutality when five Israeli civilians wen ambushed and killed by * Jordanian infiltrators some six,miles south of Sodom, near the. Dead Sea. Another Israeli waj critically wounded. The five were killed by machine gun fire from a hilltop while riding a truck. The wounded man was a passenger In a private car which followed the truck on a road leading to Bccraheba. The live victim* of the ambush were employees of Sole! Bonch, on their way home from work. A third vehicle and its passengers escaped the line of fire when the driver reversed his direction and sped en back to Sodom, where he notified military officials of the incident. Meanwhile there was another bidden', but fortunately with -WOW-TV Photo. only one casualty. This happened This could happen to you and it did to Mrs. Max Sacks, who 1» when machine gun fire from shown receiving blood after recently undergoing surgery. Mrs. across the Jordanian border hit a Sacks who has given nearly five gallons of blood to the Ked Cross crowded Haifa-Jerusalem passen- Blood Bank found herself In need of the life-saving fluid. ger train. The train engineer was the only casualty. Meanwhile it was reported that an unidentified 29-ycar-old pretty, Mrs. Sacks is chairman of the | give, which takes Just 30 minutes B'rlth sponsored Donor Day of your time, can and docs save a blond and. tall foreign woman B'nai to tie held from noon to 5:45 p. m. she emphasized. wa* being held for trial on espion- Wednesday, Oct. 17 at the Red life, B.B. sponsoring groups arc Monage charges. The woman In ques- Cross Mood Center, 2549 Farnam sky lodge and chapter, Nebraska tion arrived as an alleged news- st. No newcomer to the donor pro- lodge and chapter, and Cornhusker paper correspondent nnd was de- Cram, she has been chairman of lodge. Corned beef sandwiches tained by Israeli authorities ten the annual B'nal IJ'rlth Donor Day will be served to donors courtesy for four years. Mrs. Sacks stressed of lodges and chapters. For apdays Inter. Dr. Benjamin Halve), that blood is needed now as the pointments call Mrs. Sacks, AT .president oC the Jerusalem Dis- quota for last month fell short of 0C62, or Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, trict Court, will preside over the the goal. Donors nre ur^ed to GL 4GG8. trial. give blood now and the pint you B'nal B'rlthers have a fine record In tho donor program. Mrs. N. II. Greenborg Is a member of tho Five Gallon Club. Four gullonera are Lcvl Walter and Mrs. Sacks. Al Lincoln has given three gallons. Two galloners are: Irv. Bercovlcl, I. Bogdanoff, Arthur A. Conn, Norton Garon, Marvin Gillnsky, Jack GLsh, Richard Levensky, Meyer Rubin, William Somor and Herbert Weil. One gallon dub members arc: Sam Ban, Louis Binder, Ann Blatt, Max Breslow, Louraine Cartier, Jerome Conn, Harry Colick, Dave Dvorkin, Jock Epstein, Phil Fox, Robert Fromkln, Robert Glllnaky, Max Glvot, Arthur Goldstein, Seymour Goldston, Yale Halperin, Joe Hbrn'steln, Lou Jess, Mbe Kagon, Stanley Kaplan, Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Leonard Levni, Rubin Lippott, Joe Upton, Pearl Lipton, Howard Milder, Jack Moskovitz, Ben Nachman, Al Oruch, Ed Rosen, Rose Sacks, Bernard Sleglor, Robert Sliver, Robert Sllvprman, Harry Spiegal, Arnold Stcrenberg, Ben Stern, Paul Stern, Sid Taren, Max Welner, Erwin Wezelman, Dr. Earl Wigodsky, Harry Winer, Harold Wolfson, Jack Wolpa and Sam

B.B. Blood Donor Day, Wed., Oct. 17

Ground Breaking at Home for Aged





I'ublUliec] evcrj tiida*. 101 N. tOth. Annual Uate < Italian Omaha Nel rasUa f-honr t» 1SS6 Single Copj IS Oral*

Nixon, Kefauver Discuss Israel Washington (WNS)—The Zionist Organization of America concluded Its 59th annual convention here with the election of Dr. Emanucl Neumann as president of the organization and with the adoption of a series of resolutions, among them one calling on the United State* to supply defensive arms to Israel. The resolution on anna to Israel that, "as a firm ally of the west, Israel should not be called upon to ^Impose a further strain on her economy in order to acquire these The United Red Feather-Red arms, but - should receive. such Cross Campaign, which- reported military aid and expanded ecoone-quarter of the JL792.98S sub- nomic assistance as a part of our scribed at the first report meet- program' for mutual defense." ing early this week has more than At the same tune, the conven50 Jewish members of the commu- tion, taking note of the "total colnity in leadership roles. lapse" of VS. policy in the MidAmong the* drive's section lead- dle East, welcomed "the Demoers and team captains are: Shel- cratic party's unequivocal call for don Bernstein, Norman C. Wohl- the supply of defensive arms to ner. Yale Trustln, Chi Farbcr, Israel and the Republican party's Earl Slegel, Erv Wezelman, Ernest firm pledge to stand by Israel Priesman, Edwin Rosenblatt, against armed aggression." Others are: R. Max Canar, Sol It also voiced satisfaction with Yaffe, Myron Milder, Dr. Stanley Malashock, Justin Honvlch, Bern- the recent statements by Presiard White, Mort Richards, Irvin dent Elsenhower and Secretary of Singer, Allen Newman, Donald State Dulles "upholding Israel'! Nogg, Max Breslow,\M.M. Ja- rights of passage through the Suez benls, Robert Fromkln, David Canal" and it called upon our government to insist that these rights Richards, G. L. Gross. assured in any settlement of Barton H. Greenberg, Bruce are Grecnberg, Howard Kaplan, Mor- the Suez conflict with Egypt Highlighting , the convention ris Shapiro, C. M. Newman, Dr. were addresses by Vice-President Morton H. Kulesh. • Richard M. Nixon: and Senator Estcs Kefauver, Adlai Stevenson's running mate. Fed. Groups to Meet Mr. Nixon, addressing an aftTwo Federation for Jewish ernoon session, told the convention Service Committees will meet at that the Eisenhower administrathe Jewish Community Center tion would "continue to have as this coming week. The Center one of Its top priority objectives committee, headed by Arthur H. the promotion of a just and lastGoldstein, will meet nt 12:15 Ing peace between Israel and its p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 and the neighbors." Mr. Nixon referred] Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for to the Republican party platform the Aged Committee, whose chair- pledging preservation of Israel as man Is Arthur A. Colin, will con- an important tenet of American vene Thursday, Oct. 18 at 12:15 policy and promising support Of p. m. the Independence of Israel against armed aggression. At the same time the Vice-PresI' dent counselled against the Israel question becoming a partisan issue, declaring that if the Issue became a partisan one In the heat of a political campaign it would "serve neither the interest* of Israel or the United States." . Senator Kefauver, addressing the banquet session, demanded shipment of defensive arms to Israel.' He urged rejection of any solution of the Suez canal dispute which did not include provisions for Israel's rights of passage through the canal. ' The Democratic candidate for tho vice-presidency of the United States called the Middle East the "scene of what history may tell us is the greatest failure in our recent foreign policy." Yohudn Ilellmnn

Chest Campaign Leadership Told

Latin Dance Class Speakers to Plug To Start at Center Bond Campaign Beginning Wednesday, Oct. 24, at 7:45 p. m., the Jewish Community Center will conduct LatinAmerican Danco Classes for a period of eight weeks. Classes will be under tho direction of Mrs. Joe Glnsburg. Mrs. Ginsburg Is a member of the Dance Masters Association of America and Dance Educators of America. In addition to operating her own studio, Mrs. Glnsburg has many years of successful dance experience professionally and In organizations.

Dr. Philip Slier, whom; nnmn the Jrwlxli ln/rao for the aged bears, turned over tho first nliovnlfull of dirt at the ground-breaking ceremony fitind/iy nfternoon at the home. Nr.arly ZOO visitors attended • the ceremony which ninrlreil the beginning of tho construction of a eight-room wing for additional living quarters for residents. Standing on tho left of Dr. HUor Is David Orkotv, homn superintendent. Mayor John Rosenblatt was on hand nnd jmilsc'd Jewish contributions to our city. I'hlllp Vogt, cxccutlvo director of the Douglas County Welfare Administration, said tlin ground breaking was a symbol of making Omaha a better placo for our senior citizens. Jack W. Marcr, Federation president, presided at tho ceremony. Hurry Dulloff, chairman of the Homo Admission* Coromlttnc, Bang *Hle»s This Howie." Other speakers Included J. Harry Kulakofsky, Registration Is open to coupon. clialrmnn of tho tunny and building, committee, and Arthur A. Conn, The fee Is $10 per couple for tho chairman of tho homn committee, Mrs. MIna Krostul, Herman eight-week program. P e r s o n s JNlchubt and Snmui'I I'ostor, homn residents, al/io turned over shovel- planning to attend tho classes fulls of dirt at tfoo ccrrmuny whlrh took place Just ten years niter must register not later than the Uiu ground b-ouhlng for the original building. night of the first class.

A scries of meetings *on behalf of the Israel Bond campaign will beheld this month according to Joe M, Rice, general campaign chairman. Yehuda Holhnan, Israeli JOUN nallst and news analyst, will speak at a "kick-off" meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 17 at the home of Mr. Rice. Mrs. Avis Shulmnn, noted Jewish community leader, will be guest at a tea in the home of Mrs. Nathan S, Nogg (sponsor chairman) during the latter part of the month, Zvl Englnnder, a leading bunker and economist from Israel, will speak Wednesday, Oct. 31. A communlty-wldo dinner to be held'in the first week In November and a Chanukah party In December will climax this year's cam* paign.

Egypt Scored for Suez Blockade United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Strong criticism of Egypt for blockading the Suez Canal against Israel was voiced in the United : rations Security Council debate today on Egypt's seizure, ol tha canal. So far five of the nine speakers—Britain Belgium, Aus t r a l i a , France. Cuba—have focused on Israel's charges against Egypt. The most forthright Accusation against Egypt was made by Dr. Emlllo Nunez-PortuondoV representative of Cuba. This blockade, said Dr. Portuondo, affects Cuba directly. "We too are users of tho canal." he declared. "Our merchant vessels do not pass through Suez, but our products—sugar, tobacco arid so on—arc carried to all ports of the world in vessels of every flag.




' Friday, October 12, 1050.


'Desert Destiny*


Omaha Sketches A t Snsfitute Wed. Ap^rentie*1 Seaman ?»Iikc Mof;il bon »f Mr. ,-nid Mrs. Cliarles Mocil is spi-Tiilin;: Jus'"f>,»..>t leave" here after cufDpletini; h;<; trai/iiu;; at tit! Great Laki-s Naval Training Station. .Seaman M<>i;il will then leave for Norfolk, Va.( for duty aboard the U. S. S. Saratoga. He is a June craduate of Central Hii;h

Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service _ fnvu«se» Auiounzei. ai onmna. Meow Annual. SiiDtcncuun. M.W.. Aaveniaiae itiin on Application Knimnai" Office- -HE No. auin street, onuiuL Nebi. lAckKn frint '•t-oc Address—4SOf So T-tt street HARRY HALPER1 Editor

Dr. Michael Ha[;oi»ian will show a (locurmu'tiiry film 'on the Middle Knst titled "Desert Destiny" ut tlie third session of Eleventh Annual Institute on World Affairs. 'Hie film will he shown at 8:15 p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 in tho University of Omaha auditorium. SCIMJOI and was vice-president of Dr." Ha^opian is n former proAZA No. 1. fessor of international relations at Die University of California, Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman of the Jewish Federation A g e n d a Manuel Desnet, regional direc- Los Angeles, the American UniSection of the Needlework Guild tor of the B'nai li'rilh Youth Or- versity of Beirut and Benares Drive, issued an urgent request ganization, has arrived here to dis- Hindu University, India. The theme of this year's insticuss future proi^Toms with AZA this week to «H wmnen t o tend in B r a i n •:'• :•• •-,. and BBG group3. One of Uie pro- tute Is: "There is a need for new their cmtxibutiaas now. Sabbath services a t Beth El Sygrams will be the Cornbelt Ilf-n' perspectives In American Foreign In addition to those previously nagogue wiU begin a t 8:19 p. m. al Convention to be held in Oma- Policy." The Fedcratlor. for JewKited, the following nave con- Rabbi Myer S. Kripke win deliver ha December 25 to 27. ish Servict! is one of the instl* tributed: the sermon. Cantor Aaron L Edtitle's co-sponsoring groups. The Mudanys Arthur Adler, Hyman gar and the choir will sing the programs are offered by univerAlbert, Art Ancbel, Hbrrla, Arkin, musical portions of the service. A surprise party was held reMrs. Paul Veret sity's Department of History and Alfred Axelrod, Julian J. Baumd. cently for l l r . and Mrs. Julias Sabbath morning services u p . E. Beber. Meyer Beber, Harry 9:30 o'clock and Junior oongrega- Mrs. Veret to Speak Chasanov on their 35th wedding Government and the College ot Bebnont, Jack Belmont, David Oon services at 10:30. Mtochaanniversary at the home of their Adult Education. Mrs. Paul Veret will be gues' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ami Bteicfaer, Jerome Bleieher. Reuben Maariv a t 5 3 0 p. m. Daily servPatronize Our Advertiser* 1 Bordy, Jack Bramson, Max ices a t 7 a. m. and 7 p. ra, Sunday speaker a t the Omaha Chapter Mrs. Arthur Salkln. Another sonHadatsah Oneg Shabbat Saturdax, in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bretlow, Abe H. Brodkey. Edwin s e r v i o f a t - 9 . f c . r n . ;•: : r •' •'., .;• Oct. 13, a t 2 p. m., to be held at E. Brodkey. Jacob Brookateto, liobert Wolf of Kansas City, Mo., Temple Israel. Mrs. Veret will were on hand to help them celeBenjamin Brown. Irving W. Char- B Z T H I 8 B A I X ney, David R. Cohen, Morris G. Rabbi Benjamin Grooer, Cantor give her impressions or Israel brate the anniversary. Cohen, Arthur A. Conn. Bennett HI Kagan, Beth b r a d choir and which she visited with her husMiss Lora Franklin who has RUG & UPHOLSTERY L. Cohn. Ralph Cooper. Heine the Junior Class. wiH conduct latt band during this past summer. Just enrolled at the University of CLEANERS Vocal selections will be by Mrs. Delrogh, Harry DuBott, Aaron I. Fridsy services at 8 p. m. California ot Berkeley, CaL, has Edgar. Morton- Ehrenreicn, Ben Traditional F r i d a y services Donald Nogg. Refreshments will pledged to the Tau Chapter of the RUGS—CARPETING Eisenberg. Isadora Hewitt, Sam (Kabbolas Shibbos) begin a t 5:30 be served. Mrs. I. F. Obcrman Alpha Epsllon PhL Miss FrankLAMP SHADES Elewitr John A. Farber, Abe p. m. Sabbath morning cervices assisted by Mesdamei Albert Fox, lin, who was Concertmaster a t FURNITURE Feldman,' Simon Feldman, Bern- begin at 8 3 0 o'clock, Junior Con- Louis Hurwitz, and David Rosen- Omaha Central lligh School and ard Fink, Donald Fischer, Frank gregation at 10 a. n v Sabbath baum, are In charge of this event. a member of the Omaha SymCleaned In.Yow Hostel Mrs. Robert G. Faier will offer Mlncha at 5 JO p. m , followed by Fishberg, Abe Fishman, Stanley phony Orchestra, has also been Itadla? • Loylaf • Rtpabtaa Fisk. Albert Fox. Jack Fox, Morris Sholesbe S'eudos and Maariv. Dally a United Nations Day prayer. named to the University of CaliAll Hadassah members a n d fornia Symphony Orchestra. Last J. Franklin, Irving Freedman. Jo- services at 7 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. HA 2554 seph H. Freeman, Yeshla E , Freg- Sunday morning services begin at friends are Invited to attend. week after qualification tests for Don Bernstein 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Junior ger, Abraham Friedman, Robert the Dally Cal, the college newsFromldn, Irving F. Gendler. Art Muiyon starts at 8:30 a. m. paper, Lora was made a member Goldstein, Dan A. Gordman, Saul of the staff. Lora ranked fourth I MORRIE KATZ M. Graetz, Joe J. Greenberg, May- TEMPLE ISRAEL in the June graduating class of nard M. Greenberg, Sam M. Central High School. She Is the Worship services this evening at It Now a Member Greenberg. Joe Cuts, Bertha Temple Israel will be held at 8:15 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. of fhe Sales Dept. of New* and Happenings at The Herscovitz, Julius Hornstein. Franklin. p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will Dr. Phili Sher Jewish Home For deliver the sermon. Mmes. Jean Kaplan, Lazar KapSaturday morning services wiB The Aged by David Orkow. lan, Samuel S. Kaplan, Maurice be at 11:30 o'clock for members of October 3—We extend a worm Katelman, Alex Katz, Maurice the religfcnu school and adults. welcome to our new resident, Miss Katzman, Frank Kelberg. Joseph Gussle Graetz 305 S. 42nd St. Klnhenbaum, Meyer KirshenOctober 8—Mr. and Mrs. Max baum, Norman Korney, Harry WE 8228 Home WA 6115 Katz sent flowers to- the Home in Krantz, Myer S. Krlpke, Max honor of the marriage of their Multiple LitHngt Lashinsky, Milton J. Lehr, Madaughter, Jean, to Eric Marx. thlas F. Levenson, Dave Levlne, A birthday party was # v c n Dr. Mrs. Paul Vcrct, who with Her Shw at the home. Linda and Alex Isidore Levinson. I. M. Libcrman, Stanford Llpscy, Joseph Lltt, husband visited Israel this sum- Orkon presented Dr. Sher with a Harry Lobel. Ben Lust|;arten. mer, will be a guest at a joint birthday cake. Max Magld, Sol Mann, Morris meeting of Farband Labor Zionist October 9—Rabbi Myer Kripke, Margolin, Jacob Mendelson, Meyer Branch 54. Poale Zion nnd Pioneer Meyerson, Betty S. Milder, How- Women. The dinner meeting will our rabbinical visitor today, discussed "The Legends of Abraham." ard Milder, Charles Mogll. Eliza- be held this Sunday in the Jewish October 1J—A »pccial Klddush beth Ncvelcff, Jack Newbcrg, Community Center and dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. George Henry A. Newman, Harry Noodell. will be served at 7 p. m. the man who Kapin In honor of the Bar Mitzvah Harold Novak, Nathan Novak. Leonard De Porte, a soloist of of their son, James Melvin. Mrs. takes his family the Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, Rose Kagan, borne resident. Is paMmes. Hyman Osoff, William will offer a selection of Yiddish ternal grandmother. Polack, M. Polonsky, William Poster, S. E. Ravitz, Henry Riekes. folk songs. Reservations will be accepted Philip Rlngle, David Riscman. Stella Robinson, Abraham Hoff- until 6 p. m. Friday by J. Radln- Nebr. Lodge, Chapter DOUBLE FEATURE man, Jerold Rosen,' Philip H. owskl, JA 389L The following Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 and Rosenblatt. Horace L. Rosenblum. committee Is In charge of arrange- Nebraska Chapter No. 346 of the EVERY SUNDAY Hubert I Rosenblum, Charles S. ments: Mmes. J. Kaplan, Ann Rlf- B'nai B'rith will bold their regular Rots, Howard Ross, Sadie Roth- kln, M. Nerenberg, M. Levin, S. meeting at 8:30 p. nr, Thursday, Dnmch enberg, Sam L Rothenbcrg, Max Novak, J. Feldman, and Mr. AbeO c t 18 at Fireside Restaurant % fc»W IIM AM UM M t HA. Cohen. Mrs. H. Bondarin, FarR, Sacks, Samuel G. Saltzman, Mrs. William Stone, program Jack J. Schrager, L. Segelman, band Poale Zion chairman, re- chairman, will Introduce Phil AlSnallnl Diiha Edward Shafton, Irvin Sherman, quests all members to be sure len/who will speak on "The City Jacob' Shyken, Sam Shyken, Earl to come at 6:45 p. m. Charter." Refreshments will be Siege!, Edward L. Simon, Nathan served. Simon, Louis Slporln, Stanley 3. Monument DedicaHon Sloaburg, Phil Sokolof, Samuel Stem, Lee Taub, Adolph Tro«t, The family of the late Mrs. Sam Pre-School Parents ' Moe Venger, Leo Waxenberg, Nor- (Llbby) Faler will dedicate a monman Whitman. H. D. Wigodsky, ument in her memory at 2 p. ni., The parents of children attendAllen Wohlncr. Louis Wohlner. Sunday, Oct. 14 at Pleasant Hill ing the Jewish Community Center SHOWROOMS Abe Wolfion, Paul Wolk, Mary Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke Pre-school will hold their first Zalk, Irvine B. Zlcgman, Hymlc will officiate. Sons and daugh- iceting of the fall season at 8 p. Zofinsky, and Miss Harriett Hor- ters arriving from out-of-town to i., Tuesday, Oct. 25 at the home attend the ceremony arc: Dr. Sam if Mr. and -Mrs. Sol Yaffe, 1621 N. wich and Sarah SlobodLsky. Z. Faler, Fort Smith, Ark.; Dr. 1th st. Herman I. Faler, Beverly Hills, Cal.; Mra. Abner Preiiman and | B.B. Bowling Miss Esther E. Kaier, both of Ssn Same Day Service j "•raneisco, Cal. Julie Sehreibcr rolled the high rOLmcAL ADVEBTI8EME.VT No Extra Charge ' individual game, a 219, this week in the "A" division of the B'nai In at 10 A.M. B'rith Bowlinj, League. Joe Ready by 5 P.M. Klrahenbaum was close on his Mrs. P. Rosinsky heels with a 215. High individual CASH and CARRY Re-Elect for Another Term as aeries went to Joe Belmont with Services were held Sunday, Oct. • 561. BelmonJ Jewelry took the for Mrs. Pearl Rosinsky with Inhigh team game with a 00(5. Hob- terment a t Fisher Farm CemeAlso Pickup end erman Plumbing squad leads the ery. Mrs. Rosinsky, 80, a resiDelivery Service league with 19 wins and D losses. dent of Omaha for 43 years, died 8 Years Experience as a District "rlday, Oct. 5 at a local hospital. She is survived by five daughJudge-1946-1954 BROKER'S LICENSE Morris Katz has recently re- ers, Mrs. Fayc Glnsbern, Mrs. • Nilive of Nebruk* ceived his Nebraska Real Estate ake Chorney, Mrs. Barney Spcc• Omaha ItnMcnl SIn« 1911 Broker's License. He was formerly :er, all of Omnha; Mrs. H. Roscng. Elizabeth N. J., nnd Mrs. in the crocery business for 18 ••' W M Veteran years. Mr. Katz is 'now a member larry Monovitz of Los Angeles, • Mtml>« of Can(reu 19SS-19S6 of the sales department of Prop- "ill.; 38 Ereat-Erandchlldren and mo great-great-grandchild. erty Sales, Incorporated.

Needlework Guild Contributions



With the Folks at Home


Mrs. Veret Will Be Guest of Farband

the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD....




TiDDV BEAR Cleaners

112N. 18th JA 1578

Friday, October 12, 1930.





Green-Ostrow Wedding Sunday Miss Si>n<lni J>>y Green, <I.uij;hter of Mr .and Mrs. Simon Green, and Frederick J. Oitrow wore married Sunday In a <.Nm<lleli;;ht ceremony at Belli El Synn;:<>i:u< The brid<?i;r<x>m is Uie ;;on of Mr. ond Mrs. William Ostrow of Oma ha. Hubbi Myer .S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron &l(Mr officiated. ' The bride wore a fkior-lcnyth gown of bridal satin and tulk\ The elongated bodice of the embroidered «*tin featured a scoop neckline outlined with iridescent sequins and scc-d pearls and lone tapered sleeves. The bouffant skirt o.' tulle w*s attaclied to a poplum of embroidered satin. Her tiered Illusion veil was caught by a half hat of lace embroidered with seed pearli. Mis* Joan Wiseman, mald-ofhonor, wore a cocktail length dress <A royal blue taffeta with a ccoop , neckline and cap sleeves. For her daughter's weddind, the bride's mother chose a gown of champagne lace which featured a •cooped neck, three-quarter length sleeves, and a satin rust cummerbund. The groom's mother chose a light blue sheath gown of lace. The bodice enhanced a low cut neckline with iridescent sequins.

Party at Vet Hospital

lerhoud Is a member, holds monthly parties at the hospital. Mrs. l'Vnnk Cohen Is chairman of the affair with Mrs. Ed Simon, Mrs. Ernest Ilockster and Mrs. P. B. L'pstoin assisting.


Sin. Bcrnhardt Wolf (left), chairman of Council's Overseas LunrJieon, Is checking ticket sales with ticket dmlrmea Mrs, Jerold RoHrn (renter) and Airs. Albert Rtmmermin (right).

Overseas Lunch By Council Tues.

Kafz-Marx Rite At Beth Israel Sun.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nogg "of Sioux City, la., announce the birth of a daughter Nancy Leah born September 29. The couple has three other children. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wolpa and paternal grandmother is Mrs. Sol Nogg all of Omaha.

50th a d IMtnraotf

Chess Match at Center Thursday

Open House Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority will hold an open house In Lincoln for parents and friends this Sunday from 2-4 p. m. JfO TO .MEET Omaha Jewish Youth Council Will hold Its regular monthly meetIng at the Jewish Community Center at 7 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center.


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Jewish Community Center. Th« swim classes Is being held Monday and Friday mornings from 10 to 12 o'clock under the direction of Mary Voleck. The Figure-Aids group : meet* Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 o'clock for a period of figure control exercises and active game* followed by a session in the Center swim pool. A play nursery is provided for the youngsters of mothers taking part in the program. For additional. information contact the Center Activities office, JA 1306.

Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen

MaynaM Grecnberg. In charge of decorations will be Mrs. Edward Malashock and Mrs. Maurice Feldman. Members of the Dckba Deb* have volunteered to assist at the luncheon. They Include Miss Joan Mayer, Mary K. Hoberman, Sharron Frank, Shelly Retas, Carolyn Stern, and B a r b a r a Greenbere. ^ Reservations may be made by, colling Mrs. Albert Rlmmerman, GL 4961 or Mre. Jerald Rosen, GL3028. .

j The Finest ! in Photography

Llbby Sachs rolled high Individual game and scries, a whopping 235 and SC5, in the Hadassah Bowling League Oils week. Roe Wintroub was fairly close behind with her 204 game and 053 (series. Esther Jlosa waa ako among the lenders with n 503 scries. High team game went to the Metz Beer team while Flre.slde Ilestaurant came up with a 722 team game.

Center Programs For Women Start

IJ^ til I i i ^ i d KistciiiuiU will j;ive a l>in^o p : i r t y for th<? p a t i e n t s a t O n i i n i \ ' c i . r .in-, JIu [iitul O c t o b e r IT) Tj,e ] \ -lei it.cm of J e w i i h Figure-Aids and Ladies Learn to W o m m \ C'liih^, of w h i c h t h e hls- Swim classes "are underway at tha

Miss llse Stern, one of 116 scholarship students from Israel brought to the United States to date by the National Council of Jewish Women, will be honored at Omaha Section's annual Overseas luncheon which will be held at 12:30 p. m. Tuesday, O c t 16 at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Stem attended the School of Applied Social Science at Western Reserve University. Also on the luncheon program Miss Jean Lorraine Katz, daugh- will be a skit entitled "Councilter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz, and tecrs" to bo presented py a cast Erie S. Marx, son of Mr, and Mrs, of Council members. Proceeds Gottfried Marx, West Englewood, of the affair will again be used N. J., were married Sunday at for shipping packages to Israel Beth Israel Synagogue. Jlabbi Benjamin Groner officiated and <a re- through the Omaha Section's ception and a dance followed In Shlp-A-Dox Program. Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf Is lunchThe bride wore an original gown Of Chantilly lace and satin by eon chairman and her committee consists of Mcsdamcs Sam Ban, Coronet. The portrait neckline was finished with scalloped lace and Oscar Sutln, Bennett Cohn, Jothe sleeves were long and tapered. seph Tauster, Jack Marcr, Adolph The lull skirt was topped with a Trost, Irving Schnclderman, Arlace' yoke and fell Into a cathedral thur Cohn, David Shukcrt, and train. Her XinRrrtip illusion veil Was caURht with n Jewelled half h a t She carried a bouquet of white roses. The bride's mother chose a blue lace sheath dress by Dubarry. The MIZRACIII WOMEN ; Broom's mother also wore a blue A dessert luncheon at one o'clock i: Jace shoath dress. Hoth wore while will precede the business meeting ;: corsages. at two o'clock of the Omaha ChapAfter n short wedding trip, the ter Mizrachi Women Wednesday, couple will make their home in Oct. 17 at the Jewish Community Omaha. Center. The meeting will lie devoted to the annual fall collection of the Jewish National Fund blue boxes. Mrs. Herman Franklin, chairman, and her committee will receive the contributions and give receipts. David Ackerman, twice NebrasA movie, especially produced for ka Chess Association champion, the Mizrachi Women's Organizawill give a Chess exhibition at 7:30 tion of America will be shown, folp. m., Thursday, Oct. 18 at the lowing the meeting. Jewish Community Center. He Baby sitter service will be prowill simultaneously play up t o 30 vided. persons two of whom arc wellA rummage sale is being conknown players in our area. Mr. ducted by the chapter Monday and Ackerman will bo challenged by Tuesday, Oct. 15 and 16 at 1916 N. Jack Spcnce, secretary of the chess 24th st. association and editor of the NeMer. Herman Franklin is chairbraska Chew Bulletin, and Kim man and is assisted by: Mcsdamca Craig, West Nebraska champion. J. Fedman, H. Friedlander, L. Gor>7*cob Feldman, JCC champion ellck, M. KIrshenbaum, Sol Nogg, of past years, will also participate. A. LIpsman, H. Brandstclter, If. There Will be no charge for ad- Paskowitz and M. Zalk • mittance and anyone Interested in participating in the simultaneous match can contact the Center Activities office, JA 13GC. EXPERIENCED

Hadassah Bowling



Orders Over $15

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Quafillj, Pwd fot Sotnugs

I'rlclu), Oilfiller 13, 1930.


Center Sports Bar and Bas Consecration at B.I.

Pre-College Testing Offered Y.C. Members

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Iljuanl I\Idm.in rullf'il high clses at Beth Israel Schools will High .school seniors mid juniors ,;uii'i iind " n ^ in the opener of The tall Sunday midget athletic th>Junwi I!n.il H'rith Howling bo Sunday morning, Oct. 14. Be- have the opportunity to participrogram at the Jewish Commuginners at Talmud Toruh will lie pate in the Center s[K)nsorod pro I/'agui! at the Music Uox with nity Center li underway with 107-107 MI-J, Susie Soglln was bowling, swimming and basket- Jim Kagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. consecrated at 10:30 u. in. in the collegc testing and guidance pro- lu,;li .im m,i th<> girls with 109-106, ball heading the list. Openings George Kagan, will observe his Bar synagogue and Sunday school gram, it was announced by Youth fur a 215 .scries. Council vice-president, Irving lidWe still available (or youngsters Mitzvah this evening, Oct. 12 and youngsters in their classrooms. zer, this week. Mr. lielzcr Mated ih'Tc are a few spots still avail.wishing to bowL Saturday morning, Oct. 13, at Beth that the tests, n part of tho able in the league for youngsters i ThU Sunday will see the first El Synagogue. Friends and relaCouncil's regular pre-coll<>j;e pro- lj"t»ocn tho ages of 10tt and 14. tryouts for the Jay swimming tives, are Invited to attend both YOUTH CANTEEN gram, is made available to youth league rxjwllng is held each Sunteam which will compete in the services and the receptions which The Jewish Community Center's councilors. day at 12:30 p. m. For further in{Nebraska-Iowa league. The try- will follow. Youth Canteen will be open TuesThe testing, followed by person- formation call league counselors: cuts o n open to boys and girls day and Thursday evenings from Ida Sacks, AT 0249; Harold Bloom, in age groups ' of 8-14. Other seven to nine o'clock starting next al interviews and guidance ses- AT 57-12; Harry Collck, OR 1544. sions with Sol Goidfarb, director teams to take part in the league week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cendler of the Center's Family Service •re YMCA, Omaha Athletic dub, announce the Bas Mitzvah of their Department, will start October 29. Patronize Our Advertiser* Des Moines squad, Boys Town, daughter, Judith Ann, and Mr. and The fee is »1.00. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zacharia anSioux City, Fremont and Sioux Mrs. Arthur Green announce the nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Those desiring to participate hi Falls. Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mike, at son Richard Gary WiU be cele- the program or requiring further PRESTbNIORZEREX f L-rr" Lincoln and Howard Up- a joint service at Beth El Syna- brated Friday evening and Sat- information should contact the A gogue Friday evening, Oct. 19 and Aati. urday morning, Oct. 12 and 13 at Youth Council Office at. the Comton will teach basketball fundaTemple Israel. Gat munity Center. mentals Sunday afternoons at 1:30 Saturday morning, Oct. 20. Friends and relatives are invited Friends and relatives are invited O'clock, prior to league play. 1191 CAHTPL to attend both services and the re- to attend the services and tho re- Use tho Want Ada to buy, sell Gym activities for girls includ- ceptions NATIONAL CAR ft H O M I which will follow. ceptions which win .follow. or rent. ing table tennis, jokari, badminton ni play ball games will start this Sunday afternoon. Lindy Paul, former Center athletic director, 'will instruct a five-week course in handball beginning Thursday at 3:45 p. m. Monday will mark the start of Hi-Teen Rock and Roll swim sessions at the Center pool. Teenagers will swim to their favorite "rock and roll" tunes from 3:15 to 4:15 o'clock Monday through Thursday afternoons. John Okun and Ed Wintroub are leading the 'Two-man basketfa''I Tournament" at the Center after defeating Arnle Altsuler and Roger Smith. Youth Councllcrs wishing to enter the challenge tourney may register at the athletic off-j. . Youth Council Girls' Table Tennis Single Tournament is being planned. Registration Is now open for double matches and registration closes this Monday. Y.C. girls' bowling will start Tuesday, Oct. 23 at the Music Box. Registration blanks may be obtained from Misses Bonnie Splegal. STudy Kutler, Maureen Zevitz, Barbara Garber and Linda Kavich. A league secretary is needed and for further Information contact the Center athletic director. T h e annu il Omi>( u . i t i ' m I A ' T -


$2 1 9


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Procedure Film A special program on parliamentary procedure will be featured this afternoon at 3:30 p. rri. at the Jay-C-C for interested high school students and adults. Conducted by the Jewish Youth Council, the program will feature the latest film explaining various p h a s e s of parliamentary procedure. A discussion will follow the viewing of the movie. • Tiere is no charge, for this program. A special' slide rule on parliamentary procedure will be distributed to those attending the session.

Want Ads Fbow J A ISM U uutn roar Want la Tbt Jtwub Proa • > Currrat rait u 20 cent* foi »aeb loierttan rue Prea* rw«rve« tfca right to ttmit •lit al CB u t t U n b

BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for ail Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers Newt Stand, 1502 Dodge CALL Reverend A. Diamond," WE "3899, or WE 4955,-for'dr'cumdslon of your new-born son. , CHILDREN "adore a magazine sub, •crlptlon for Chanukah. Adults appreciate them too. All magazines arc reduced In price this 'month. Place your order now. ;Mrs. Horwlch, WA 3D37. JIURSING in your home for bedridden or convalescent patients. Day or night duty. Mrs. Betty Birsch, 642 N. 47th st. Call GL 4138. SEVERAL executive job opportunities for men and women have been listed with the Jewish Family Service Department. Call Sol Goidfarb, JA 1366. All Inquiries will be held in strict confidence. THE Family Service Department needs clothing for a boy aged 11 and a girl aged 9. Contact Sol Goidfarb, JA 1366. A used TV set could also be helpful to the youngsters.

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For additional savings, a rwo-rrouser wit and topcoat —95.00. *MtnY Clothing — Fourth Hoor

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