October 19, 1956

Page 1

XXXV—No. *

Utxtmi Olmtm Malllai rrtvllrg Auttiorlird st OotUu Nrl

Nfc-RICJWKA 1-KIPAY, it'ftlll^v O( IW"rmtfc-lt NtJSICAKKA, I Oilt.K

Center Entire

In JB..I, i<tr.r J9,

PublUbedN every ZOtU. Annual onrnlii e t m Utfrldaj. Plume101 JA W. )S60. moult italt Copy 4ISthtllmn benta


Icrafion Executive ! Cemmiffee fo Meet

The Ion wc-'k coins- 1 U d--,ii-.n"d Fall programs for teenagers and adult* at the Je.v- to sl-'p up til.- teen-ageis' late of reading and eumpreh'-riMon. Isli Community Center are und -rCla-.-.e.-i will be for the period w a y with a wid,.- vaii-ty b-iir,: ofof one hour. The legislation fee fered to each uk-mbi-r of til" f un- U .yt..">'J for tin! i n , t of mat.-rials ily, A r t h u r ColiMcin, Center' and instruct ion. Youth Councdchaiiman announced tod.-iy. <•!-, may regi-iler (it tin- YC, office. A cliarin rla s fm1 high school Children's "Sunday l-'un.liy" Ivill begin this Sunday aiul v, ill girli will start <Ji.-l.iber ;il. under lie held from 2 to -l-.'tt) p. in. I'.e'vi- i the direi-Hon of IXiilitl lalieni" liir ]irogram-i will t.d:e place the I loi-il TV and radio p.-i null!., first H u e - .Sundays of each month, I The six fiiw-bour :;-':, Jon' \ ill b T.Irs. Julius Colin, cbaiinian of tie- | rond'iclcil e.ich \V.-dne.,d 15 fiuni cliildren'-i pi->gr;on Mal.-d. Mi i. 3:.'!0 to 1: 10 p. in. The f c foi the Wlni King will be in rharge- a s - I prngram i'i .'.'-'i.OO. sisted by Nancy r.iim.n, AI Fell'•Wonderful to Know" \ ill ft I man, Sandra I-'i .her nu;I l'hjllii t i n e se.-.sioiis on learning tin lit Kaplan. Activiti'-., will I n c l u d e of walking corn-clly, prop 1 .In Raines, ilrainatle-:, a gl'-e club, voice instruction, how to in i! 1 tli rt dancing, arts and craft;, ntli|,-tici 1110 ;t of one's personality m l tb« and special holiday programs, elements of natural dial in The Jewish Youth Conneil Speed Other teen aeti-. itics 1111 ill le Reading Com v which will begin swiimiiin::. h a n d b a l l , f u l l this Fiid.iy afternoon will use Ih" howling, basketball, |. ill. 1 latent '.i-iiial aid:! and terlmi'iuei. tianiing and college g u i d i m . Mi-;. M.-ji-r Heber, well I no n

The Kxeeulive Coiiiinillc- of the Federation for .Jrv.i-.li Service will li-ild ;i 1'iiu-heoii nii-.-tin-: at li!:ir> p. in., Monday, Oct. 2:2 in the .lev. ish Community Center, it was announced by J a d e W. .Marer,

Rn intensive effort to collect pledges for the current Jewish Philanthropies Campaign and special United Jewish Appeal Survival Fund was announced today by Jack W. Marer, President of the Federation for Jewish Service. .- _

4- ^ j r j\] ; i l l ,,. explained (hat urgent appeals for funds are being niarid * by henefielary agencies of the r;unpaii;ti. The Jewish Agency nnd Joint Dist rilt!!lion ('ommil lee are faced Vcncr between the Arnb imiiuns |\\itii Ihe most /iciife crisis sinea mri lM-at-1 L'fjuld turn tin? » ; i r the DP era-- a crUis which can ha J dst "into a M'i;ion of plenty" for o\eri'onie only if Ihe UJA. enn re'.ill, Dr. N.-itniin (lolrlinnn, prcsimit to them in cash by November {l(Ml uf tin- World Zinni',1 On; f ui•'iO, ^Ir. Marei- pointed out. Many 11/ it ion ;;;tid in Houston, T o : , A projects vital to Israel's future ,Kport of J)j\ (iolilniann'-s mMicss and to the rescue of more than it tlu; openin;; ^f.sM'uii of II-'ul'is50,000 Jewish refi;iu;eos front 1 ill's <llin<| ^nmi;il Convention North Africa ami other danger was .sent to 1 lie? Jewish Press by zones ham; in the balance, ha Mis. Meyer Jtiibjn, president of added. Onifilia CiKipter n<'i(hi»s;ih and In North Africa, vvhera antifiele;;ato to 1 lio convrntion. .Seinlllc disluiliances and other More tlian 2,.100 Hitrl;iss;ih dcle- virulent forms of Arab nationalK ili-s hoard T)v, Coliliiiann tell cf ism are causing untold suffcriiiff ',i jiropinj; lownrd a more con- amonn the Jewish populatioas, tho st i nctivH nationalism in somn .IDC has been forced to step up tin l<K-,il u r I f|ii trt'-r.s of tli** Arab world," Dr. its relief and emijiration programs 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 floldiu.'inn c.i lied on tho major faster than previously scheduled, J povers including tbo Soviet UnWri he continued. Unless JDC carl ti) %'\v$ toj> priority to t h e rush its program, tin* chances of I classes. Tin- .s.-islon-l will IH op initiation of a "liniimis and do- reselling al. leasl 45,000 refugees Leslie Uiii-lceiu-'iail iv;n recently; lo beginners and advani I teiinineij peart? effort." by 'transporting Ilieni to Israel rtected i n c i d e n t of the Mid- emits. Call ' t h e Center "Arab nationalism," he ileclar?d, s may diminish to the vanishing Western Association of th A n n - office, JA l.'Miii, for ; "can beconif? a useful mid cun- point, Mr. Marer said. teur Athletic I'nion. Tin- f s-.ncla- format ion. tlim li composed nl repr -sent iTin 1 adult I.aim-American D nice j structive factor in the contomIsrael, ejrding herself against tiiv* of athletic groups from N e - i C l a s s will hold its first si'ssi ill ! poraiy world, even a^ Israel ha.i the dangers of ft communlrtN Mrs. Avis Shiilnian, who has just braska. South Dakota and W e s t - j a t 7:15 p. in.. Wednesday, Oct. 2 1 i bceoino. armed K[;ypt, has been forced to turned from another visit to IsPill Iowa. Mr, Ilnilienrond. a n.i- at the Center. Mr:;. Joseph el and a national leader of Bonds : Dr. (joldmanu spoke in placo of withdraw financially from thd tivi. Omahnn ,„„. «,• ! „ „ , , of C , n - L-r* will i m . n u - t I h , ( ! r,.up In tlto 'for Israel, will 1),.- BU'-st «peaker Abba Khan, Israel's ambassador Jewish Agency's program for ttm tr.il Ili,-h -S.-I.<W|. has ho-,, ii.li.'r. M.-.MI1..,. T a n - . , Ch,-, fl-i, Somh;. i Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 21, at a i to the United .Stales. inter[;ration ot newcomers to till i,, m,,,,,,-ur MH.rts sin™ l.hi ond oll.-r IH.pul.ir i h n m . I tea at the homo of Mrs. Nathan ! 'J'hp Iiopf of the Western world nation, the federation president Th Gulden Ag. , fo keep t|io So vie Is out of the H(» attended the I'niver^ity of (vieli m on til a t Iliu C'Olll levelling, Mrs. Shului'in uill addre-.i : Near Kast, Jn> pointed out, lias Mayor John Rosenblatt, general Nebraslta until the outbreak of th.; i <pon.i'<i dp of till1 I a m"ii's group at the home of Joe j proven futile Following comimi-1 chairman of rainpiiigii, Joined Mr. ( C mtinue d on P .Ig' World War 1, when In- went in'-) M. Ilice, G77 N. r.Gtli »t. Mr, I'Jct- is : nist arms deal with Kijyp*. tin I Marer In nsUinK ili.it pledges In tli-J nrmy as a private mid later [cliairniau of thj Ouialm Israel I Soviet Union lias established its collected so that the funds can hn mfluuiu'o in tha area, Dr. Goid; Hond Campaign. ros<! to the rank of Lieutenant. remitted by November 30. Thus, j DurinK the past decade, Mrs. mann nsscrted, A< chairman of Hie Jewish Comthey said, will we not only glv'4 j.Sliulman lias become ono of Hie munity Center's Health and Phys- ViSif EaliiCOlli. hope to those uwalting rcscuo to imo-it articulate spokesmen on beical Education Committee fir Israel but to the, Israelis themnearly 20 years before resigning | Members ')f Hi.) flold-n Age [half of the Jewish Stale. liefore selves whoso ready sacrifices and 'its inception, sli,.lived and worked recently. Mr. liuilieiu.j.id repre-jciub will taku an all-day slgiithigh courage make it possible for nenl.-d Hi" Center on the as.o-1 .seeing tour of Lincoln, Neb., I for a time on a kibbutz. In 131B, our brethren to have a homeland riition'i hoard of manaijers. Th" Thursday, Oct. 2"i. The. Goldeii- 1 as an official representative of the to go to. po>iilon Is not new to him as lie ,\i;eiH will h-avn. on a cliartered I Jewish Agency for Palestine, she Two members oT thi> Jcwisli served us president for tlne.i |],us at 10:30 11. m. for-their tour [aided displaced persons in Kurope. Yimlli Council liolh seniors nl. terms 11 yea 1.1 ago. He has been of tlnj stale capitol and other I On her return .--lie was associated Uviilnil JIIi;h School have Piinifd with Americans for Ilaganah and thi* midwest financial commit* point<; of interest. 'liiuli sHiolasllc avoraiji1!). llartin Materials for Israel. Later i* for 31 years nnd the national if Tifereth Israel j nerved as Natlonnl Ciiairinan of •Clfpcno, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Ktlfinance cnininittn; for 10 yc;i:s. Synagogue and the Lincoln Sec- [Speakers Bureau, for die United sviinl Ij'vinsoii, rnnks In first The union Is a natiumvld'? gp-lnp tion, National Council of Jewish Jewish Appeal. place In Hie Konlnr class. Howiird Immigrants to Israel are mak* Uhioh pmmotrs and reipilaVs Women will he hostesses to the Mij. Shiilnian is tho wife of K a s l w , son of Mr. nnd Mrs, lion ing good progress and in a relafini'itciir athlt'ticr> anil cnotir.tKcs (Inld'-n Agers at a luncheon ther". Rabbi Charles Sliuhnan, spiritual Kaslow Is In third phiee. tively short time they have I)Byoungster* to jmrUdpiit^. I-'or reservations call Mrs. Mil- leader of I'.lverdale Temple in New The raliiiRs HID compulfd on gun lo contribute to the welfare ton Margolin, (iL -IMS. York City. The Sliulnians have a (jnidcs roci.'ivi'il tluriiui the first of Hie nation, Miss Use Stern said Tho C.olden Age Club U spon- teen-age daugliler, Deboraii. Monday at. tho Jewish Commuthree y r a r s ' a t Central. sored jointiy by the Omaha SecMr. Opcne, nditor uf (lie Con- nity Center. tion, National Council of Jewish Miss Stern is studying for her tra 1 Ifij;!i Ki-iilstpr (thp sciuwl Women and the Jewish Cumtii'lni'wsp.ippr) Is president of Kayim. master's degree in social work at nity Center, He altcndpd Hoys State In Ills jun- Western Keserve University In Norlhside .section of the Cleveland, O., under the Council ior-year. H division directed bv mem-1 (JrilfCd NdfiOtiS Mr, Kaslow, a let tor winner in for Jewish Women's scholarship J o s e p h C, Hnrscli, American program. She spoke at a Council News Kditor for the Christian truck conipclition. Is sports cilil'jr •s'ciu^rea'cl'ed'^pe.-^n';! A t Memorial Park Sun. luncheon Monday afternoon. Science Monitor and du.I'oiil comuf tho Central paper. He. is presi„ , ,. . „ . .,, of i n goal at the third report Miss Stern has been away from ;H of the I'nited P.ed Fealli ' ' Omaha Veterans Council will mentator award winner, will dis* dent of District f> of AZA and a crfied Cross Campaign. mark "United Nations Sunday" at cuss "American Foreign Policy in pnsl president of AZA 100. lie too Israel for about a year and main problems at that time with im- . The unit headed 'by Mrs. Mike ',\ p. in. tin's Sunday at Omaha Me- I'eispecllve" at the Iiistitulc on altended Hoys Stale nt the Unimigrants were the lack of fumla. voisily of Nebraska. Freeman came through with $1,211 morial Park. Colonel llardin C, World Affairs. mil housing. Speaking as a social This the fourth session of the lict., a former Chief of of ill S'1.100 objective. It is Ktrivworker, she said that Israel's polask.-t Military District, Institute will be held at 8:H p. nl., ini! lo match its over-100 per cent "'.?. icy of non-selective immigration Wednesday, Oct. 2\ in the Univer- B.B. Lodges to Kickoff will be guest speaker. [ichlcveinent of a year ago. has made the number of person*. Victor Anderson. Governor of sity of Omaha auditorium. The Tin* result helped brim; the needing help in immigrant groups Jiouse-to-huu.;e solicitation total to. Nebraska, and John Ko.-a-nblatt, I Federation for Jewish Service I-; Membership Drive far greater than if the govern5ii2,7r.t or 5:1 per cent of <iuota. Mayor of Omaha, will bring gieef- j one of the co-sponsoring groups. Il'iial ll'ritli lodges will hold a ment had pursued a policy of set a r t on re:;i-lhigs. The program will include a Thi< l< the fast. "Kiclioff B r e a k f a s t " Sinidny li-cling its immigrants. duntiil c.inv,isshi<; i n . m a n y years. concoi-t by the Offutt Air Korce J'OMSII ANTI-SEMITISM Paris (JTAI—A serious renew- niorniiu; at 9:.!') o'clock at the Hand, All veteran organizations The greatest problem is the eul* I n c l u d i n g t|i>> Ki«li-ln-Mor(!aii al of anti-Semitism in Poland has I''irc.-,ldi! Itc.slaiir.ini to initiate tnral gap between the newcomer* CVTUUS IMDIO 1NCITKS Post and Auxiliary will be repre- been reported here by Philip J'1-11, this year's menlhersbip rlri%'<'. The and their neighbors which iilso exNew York (WNSj--T)r. Nahiini sented, special correspondent in Warsaw quota for thij year 1:; 175 new tends to the children of imminii'inhcrs. ColduKinn. president of tho Jewish grants who after attending schools Sam lir-iek of Fremont, chair- of tiie newspaper Lo Monde. Agency, disclosed here at a press man of Nebraska United Nations IJJII Canar, moinhprshlp chalr- and learning new ideas find tint. Thu'concspoiident says that a nian, Is askim: for 100 volunteers conference that a Drltish private- Committee, will nisi: l>e on hand. these are difficult for their par» "purge" of Jews from government, ly owned radio station In C-iiro and major industrial jobs has been lo roine to tlic "lox and li.'iuel" cuts to adjust to. breakfast to solicit over 500 Jiniswas "bro'idcastiiiK )iH;hf and clay, taking place. Cases of Jews fired Miss Stern, a native or Gefinciting Arabs to attack Israel ln- Education Bureau from their positions ore becoming pects in a door lo door canvass, mauy, came to what was then Palfiteatl <)t concentrating on tho H'nnl B'rilh k n o w eelebratiln; ninni numerous,' jMr. Ben writes, estine in l!i:ili. She had to leiiv,-; Members of the Bureau of Jew"Sue* Canal problem." ygur as America's fore- and returned in W:J8. During ish 1-tfiic'ition will nu-et at 8 p, in. about Jews who Io.w their jobs as it^s 113th v Tho radio station, Dr. Ooldinann Thiir.-ul.iy, p e t , 21, in tin) Jewish ,1 result of the reduction of the most. ,lt wish service organization, World War If, sha served as a said, 1:1 principally owned tiy Community CV/iter, it waij- 5ii- bureaucratic machinery are "as- he pointed out, nncl there Is a sergeant in the British Army for. •Harold McMlchael, former Ilrlll.ili nouneed by Dr. Morris JtaTj;olln, sured of not being able to find place for every person of Jewish four and half years driving; convoy trucks in KgypL. laJth In li'nal B'ritii. any other Job," Ccmimiisioiicr in I'aleuUne. buivau ltcd'X


! Of iNleed for Peace

B u r k e n r o a d ^G^^ !^;;;;:"^^' ;' ',;' ,^ ,, ;;;; ,,,! ''; M i d - W e s t e r n AAUi'•'•'••"»'••"" ">'»' ^-<- ••<"•••

Mrs. Avis Sliulman




Golden Aeers Will

M. Greene Tops Scholastic List

Cultural Gap Is Immigrant Problem

Chest Division At 40 Percent

U.S. Foreign Policy Institute Subject


**•• T«m


With the Folks of* Home

Friday, October, It, 1»M

Center Programs

ISRAELI TOKTTJBKn Tel Aviv (WNSJ—A tale of torture in tin Egyptian prison, confirmed by n body bearing bruises and wounds fls unmistakable evidpnee was told here recently by Menuhem Kavrtlkin, an Israeli tailor who was removed from the Swedish fiaghhip S. S. Rlrkland as she WHS tibout to enter the Suez Canal. After detention, the Israeli tenninn was placed in B prison where, lie told newsmen, he was beaten and tortured through th« B4 dnys of his detention.

(Continued from Pupc 1) Section, Nntion.il Council of JewFablhdM* Every BtiiUj bj the tcdtraOoa of icwtafe Service News aad happmlng* at the Dr. ish Wonrln and the Center. a u WI*M Mulling• iTiviiCget iTivhtgM Aulburuct* Aulburucti at OIDAAA. umaaa. Ncaraak* Nasnaka Philip Sher Jewish Home fur Annual autwcnpuun, HOC. l<lvmiiui« Katw on - ApSlcfOo*. Other adult activities will InAged by David Orkuw. caiuruiutuee—l(n No ana U I « L Omana. Nebt. jAcitoa !»•> clude music listening groups, forrwat Ska* tdflrtn -4£0E 4KB Eu. 2Mb Street October 16—Habbi David Korb eign film and Yiddish cultural seHARRY HALPER1 • Editor from Council Bluffs was our rab- ries, bridge, photography nnd chess classes. These programs will binical vistor today. Mr. Abe Fisher returned from be in addition to the regular physa trip to New York City and ical education activitif-s gufh as the brought our folks an album of Figure Aids class, golf and swimMr*. Sarah Kite ming classes for both men and CandleUghtlog, 8:18 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Alpiro Kline, 60, a new Jewish records. Omaha Section, Council of Jew- women. native Omahan, died October 10 n x n c ISPAEX. ish Women's dais In art was held Jo* Radlnowtiki, chairman of Worship services this evening at In San Pedro, Cat, after short IU- today under the direction of Mrs. the Yiddish Cultural Committee, Temple Israel wUl be held at 8:13 ness. She was the widow of David Meyer Beber, Mrs. T. A. TuUy announced that the group in co- <>KI(MAN8 "HIIAKKN" Kline who was the owner of a Ilerlin (JTA)—'Hie horrifying operation with the Center will ofSaturday rooming service* will Omaha drug store for many years. and Mrs. Arthur Anschel. Classes fer five programs during the com- truth nl Nazi atrocities against Survivors include: two listen, will be held every second Tuesday. be at 11 JO o'clock for members of the Jews of Kuroiw in World War October 17—Mr. Sam GUman ing year. They will be two Yiddish II, in the form of n hit Broadway Mrs. Harry Priesman of Omaha the religious school and adult*. films, two concerts and a lectutc our current disc jockey enterand Mrs. Ben Lewis of Lot Anby a well-known speaker. A sea- play based on the tnie diary of • geles, Cal; * brother, Harry AI- tained our folks with a variety HRHEL _ _ son book Is $3 and single admli- young Jtwifch girl swallowed up Sabbath services at Beth El Sy. pirn of Chicago; a son, Ronald: program. on tha holocaust came to GerOctober 25—Several of our resi- ilons are one dollar. On behalf cf many here last week—and Gernagogue win begin at 8:15 p. m. and a daughter, Gloria, both of dents plan to Join the Golden the committee, Mr. Radlnowski In- man audiences r e a c t e d with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver San Pedro, vites the young people to particiAgers on their trip to Lincoln. t t e sermon. Cantor Aaron L Edshocked silence. The play, "The gar and tht choir wUl ting tot Yahrzeit—Special m e m o r i a l pate. Dairy of Anne Frank," opened A* YwmonMk _ mualcal portion! of the aerviee. services will be bOd In the Home It there b some clatt or activity simultaneously in six West GerService* were held Tuesday, Synagogue for the following! you woujd like to see organized Sabbath morning service* at man and one East German dtles. 9JM o'doek aad jwiior congrega- Oct 2 for Aleck yarmomek with Mrs. Morris Groat, Heshvan 13, contact the Center Activities office, JA 1369. tion service* at 10:90. Mlncha. interment at Mount Sinai Ceme- O c t - 8 . MaarW at 5:30 p. m. DaUy serv- tery. Mr. Yarmolnek, 74, died Wisdom Is better than strength, Mr. Ben Handler. Heshvan 1% ion at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Monday, Oct. 1 at his home fol- Oct 20. Speak not In the ear* of a fool nevertheless, a poor man's wisItrvlcet at 9 a. m. lowing a long Illness. A retired Mrs. Israel Sadofaky, Heshvan for he will despise the wisdom of dom Is despised and to his advte* Junk dealer, he was a resident of 18.Oct.33. thy wordL—Bible. all ears are dosed.—Bible BKTHISEAXL Omaha for 33 years. , Rabbi Benjamin Gtoner, Cantor Surviving are: a wife, Zelda; Ptopeeed Amaadmal Re. 4 EU Kagan, Beth Israel choir will three sons, Harry, Phil and Ben; LEGAL conduct late Friday services at 8 and five garndchlldren, all of I produced or handled ia this or p. m. Omaha. m a m sh» aMtiataa thai aalTO BE VOTED UPON Traditional Friday services begin arlat at catiala otflpsn D For at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath morning MOVEHBEB ft. IIM. h* ratoed at towered O Against services at 8:30 o'clock, Junior A. Babcfldur* thai ««os ia*ifUT«*n. BALLOT TITLES Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath Word has been received here of ANDTEXTtOr a rot Mlncha at 5:30 p. m. Dally servTEXT OP PROPOSED ices at 7 «. m. and 5:40 p. m. Sun- the death of Abe Babendure, (8, CORSITrOTIOMAL CONSTITUTIONAL who passed away October 13 in day morning services begin at 8:45 D Against AMEHDMEHTB AMENDMENT a. m. Sunday morning Junior Min- Los Angeles, Cal. He was formerly a resident of Fremont, Neb. He PROPOSED BY THE yan starts at 8:30 a. m. Be it enacted by the people 0/ is survived by his wife, five sons, TEXT Or PROPOSED 1195 LEGISLATURE the State o/ Nebraska, a daughter and 11 grandchildren.

Religious News


Monument Dedication

The family of the late George' Bernstein will dedicate a marker in his memory at 3 p. m.. Sunday, Oct 21 at Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will officiate. Friends and relatives are livited to attend the memorial service. A son, Marvin Bernstein, from Des Moincs will arrive hero to attend the service. < HAIFA GOLDEN AttKUH Haifa (JTA)-Nearly 2,000 of this port city's "golden agers" got a practical demonstration of the affection and esteem in which they are held here last week, when they were given a tour of \arious parts of the country. The tourpart of the Municipality's official •"Honor the Aged" program—visited every conceivable point of interest by car, bus. Jeep, taxi, boat and railway.

the GREATEST GUY i» Uw WORLD... the man who fakes his family


"SAC in World Today" WM I * Phraiitn* fcy Major Gerald FeJL Jr. at October Meeting of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Lodge

Thursday. Oct. 25, 8:30 P.M. is) Jtwltk Community Center Social Hoar


Want Ads fhttt JA 13M to iDteil vcur IVA.11 Ad m The JtHlth Premi Current raw 1* SO crn!« for farb !n*rrUoo. Tb4 f r r u rnervtt Uia rlchl to ilmu •itt Of CtClJ tttvenlnrtnrnu

BAR and lias Mitzvah cungratulations olso fur all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge CALL Reverend A. Diamond, WE 3899, or WE 4955, tor circumcision of your, new-born son. CHILDREN adore a magazine subscription for Chanukah. Adults appreciate them too. All maca• «ines are reduced in price tins month. Place your order now. Mrs. Horwich, WA 3037.

PROPOSED BY THE IMS LEGISLATURE Proposed Amndmanl Ho. I Constitutional aaundmani to chaag* lha allocation oi finas and penalties for Tiolallon of laws preUbUJos the onrload lag ei *thldes used upon the public road* and highways ef the slate.




Section 1. That at the general election in November. 1858, there shall be submitted to the electors of tfie State of Nebraska tor approval the following new section to Article VIII of the Constitution of Nebraska, to bo known as section 10, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature:


AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people *> the State o/ Nebraska, Section 1. That at the eral election in November, ftso, there shall be submitted to the electors of the Slate of Nebraska, for approval, the following amendment to Article IV, section 29. of the Constitu"Sec. 10. Notwithstanding tion of Nebraska, which is herethe other provisions of Arby proposed by the Legislature: cle VIII, the Legislature is D For "Sec. 25. The officers proauthorized to substitute a vided for in this article shall D Against basis other than valuation receive such salaries as may for taxes upon grain and bo provided by law. Such officers, or such other offiseed produced or handled in TEXT OF PROPOSED cers as may be provided for this state. Existing revenue CONSTITUTIONAL by law, snail not receive laws not inconsistent with for their own use any fees, AMENDMENT Ihe Constitution shall concosts, or interest upon pubtinue in effect until changed Be it enacted bv the people of lic money in their bands. by the Legislature." tht Stale of Nebraska, All fees that may hereafter be payable by law for serSection 1. That at the general vices performed, or received election in November, 1956, there Proposed Amtndnunt No. 1 by on officer provided for Shall be submitted to the electors in this article, by virtue of Constitutional amendment auhis office shall be paid forthof the State of Nebraska for ap- thorising the Legislature to abwith into the state treasury." proval the following amendment solre real property e i tax and to Article VIL section 5. of the assessment charges unpaid lor Constitution of Nebraska, which a period of time as long or longer Proposed Amendmsni No. • is hereby proposed by the Legis- than that provided for taking Constitutional amendment to till* io real property by prelature: Derail Use Ligislalvn to p n scription. vide for UM appointment of a "Sec. S. All fines, penalTax Commissioner or Tax ComD For " ties, and license money, arismission, aad defining his a* Us D Against ing under the general laws (urUdlcilon and powtra. of the state, except fines and penalties for violation of Q For TEXT OF PROPOSED laws prohibiting the overD Against loading of vehicles used upCONSTITUTIONAL on the public roads and AMENDMENT highways of this state, shall TEXT OF PROPOSED belong and be paid over to Be it enacted by the ptopte of CONSTITUTIONAL the counties respectively, the State of Nebraska, where the same may be AMENDMENT levied or imposed, and all Section 1. That at the general fines, penalties, and license election in November. 1856, Be it enacted by the people of money arising under t h e there shall be submitted to the the State o/ Nebraska, rules, by-laws, or ordinances electors of the State of Nebraska Section 1. That at thevgeneral of cities, villages, precincts, for approval the following election in November, 1950, vi other municipal subdiviamendment to Article VIII, sec- there shall be submitted to the >ion less than a county, shall tion 4, of the -Constitution of electors of the State of Nebelong and be paid over to Nebraska, which is hereby pro- braska, for approval, the followthe tame respectively. All posed by the Legislature: ing amendment to Article IV, mcb fines, penalties, and section 28. of the Constitution "Sec. 4. Except as to tax licence money shall be apof Nebraska, which is hereby and a s s e s s m e n t c h a r g e s propriated exclusively to the proposed by the Legislature: sgainst real property renre and support of the com"Sec. 28, Tho Legislature maining delinquent and unrnon tchools In the respecmay provide for the apfiaid for a period of time cs tive subdivisions where the pointment of a Tax Comong or longer than that tame may accrue, except missioner or a Tax Comprovided by Taw to author; that all fines and penalties mission, which commissionize the taking of title to real i (or violation of laws prohiber or commission shall have property by prescription, ! iting the overloading of vesuch jurisdiction over tha the Legislature shall hava > hicks used upon the public administration of the reveno power to release or disI roads and highways shall be nue laws of the state, and charge any county, city, placed as follows: Scventyshall poscesi such powers to township, town, or district live per cent in a fund for review and equalize assesswhatever, or the Inhabitants (talc highways, and twentyments of property (or taxathereof, or ony corporation, five per cent to the county tion, as may be provided by or the property therein, Ecneml fund where the fino law." from their or its proportioncr penalty Is paid." ate chare of taxes to bo levied for state purposes, or due any municipal corporlUsptclfullv tubnJtttdV ation, nor shall commutaProposed Amendment Ho, S FRANK MAB8H tion for such taxes be auConstitutional aiBesdmtnl to Secretary ei Slat* thorized In any lorm whatever." authorise the LesUlalaro to tlitult a basis eijju? (baa v ,

, OeMhcr, 1», MM






Mrs. Fromkln to Attend

Mmes. Leonard D. Herman, Ben Needlework Guild Hcrshorn, Morton HUler, William ICaim.m, Harry Kaplan, Philip Contributions Katzman, Abraham Krantz, Aaron

Mrs. Max Fromkln,, President of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Beker the Mid-Central States Chapter Irvine, Hyman Levine, Sol Lewis, of Chicago, 111., announce the nf Women's Branch of XJOJCA, In addition to (hose women who birth of o daughter, Judith Shlfra, will leave October 2C for Atlantic contributed previously to t h e Jack W. Mnrer, Richard M. MarCity, N. J., where slio will speak tin, Maurice 13. Micklin, Harry born October 4. The Belzcrs have Needlework Guild Drive, the foltwo other children, Avrum Philip nt the nutional convention. Mrs. lowing contributions are reported. Netsman, Harry Novak, Nathan Pitlor, Aliraiiam I'radell, Harry and Dcna Miriam. Mrs. Belzer Is Fromkln, member of the sisterAll those who hnve not respondthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.hood nnd synagogue boards was ed as y d are urged to send In their I'rietman, Harry lUvit^, Donald A. Harry Kulakofsky. M n . Kulakof- Cuest speaker yesterday at a donations this week. Mrs. Dave Rice, Eutjeno D. Rich, Hyman iky returned home yesterday aft- luncheon meeting of the Beth-El Cohn, chairman, hopes that it will Iticliai\ls, N. Julian Rips, Roy Roffer visiting her new granddaugh- Jacob Sisterhood in Des Molnes, not be necessary to have another man, Jake ftosenbloom, Marvin la. Sabes, Maurice Sachs, Richard 3. ter. followup mailing. Scllner, Tillie Shei-man, Jacob The mid-year conference of the Mesdames Norman Abrahamson, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert D. SluUhy Mid-Central States chapters) will Jacob Abramson, Sam Alperson, Shukert, Robert SwarU, Melvin Tatclman, Yalo Trustin, Stewart of Long Island, N. Y., formerly of \K held in Omaha November 12 David B e c k e r , Paul BernOmaha, announce the birth of a and 13 with Beth Israel Sister- stein, Wm. J. Bradbury, Louis Tully, F. Wakschlag, William M. daughter, Judy Ann, born Octo- hood acting at hostess to the five Canar, Jacob Cohen, Max E. Co-Wolfe, Seymour Zoob and Sam W V AUXU-IABV Ladies Auxiliary of the Epstein ber 12. The couple have another nfriliattd sisterhoods from Kan- hen, Meyer Cohen, Sam Cohen, Zweiback. City and Des Molnes. Mr*. Harold Cooperman, Hans Dansky, Mortnn Post 260, Jewish War Vet- daughter, Ruth Ellen. Mrs. Slutcrnns will hold their drawing for tky is the former Miss Gcrda Fromkin will report on the na- Leo Elsenstatt, Minnie Elsenstatt, PRESTONE OR ZERIX "Queen for a Dny" a t their No- Hagen. Maternal grandparents are tional convention at one of the Morris Epiteln, Sam Epstein, A. Ant!A cessions, vember meeting. All members «t- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schloss of Feldman, Steve Feldman, Charles Frcei* Irndlng the meeting will be eligi- Flushings, N. Y., and paternal L. Fellman, Morton L. Fisher Da6oi vid C Fogel, William Freiden, ble for the award. Prize* «vlll be grandmother is Mrs, Marry SlutllOt CAriTOt ky of Omaha. Jack Gelfand, Charles S. Gcndler, annrded to the "Queen." T.I. Theater Party' NATIONAL CAR ft H O M Harry A. Green and Morris Green. Oversea* chnirrruin, Ann MarTemple Israel Sisterhood will golin, osk« that anyone knowing hold a novel "Theater Party" a t el a Jewish service man stationed 12 JO p. m , Tuesday, Oct 30 at oversea* to please contact her. The first meeting of B'nal B'rith Mrs, MarRoIln Is in the process of Henry Monsky Chapter's Jewish the Admiral Theater a* Its annual readying package* for the service- Adult Study Group will be held at fund raisins affair of the year. SOfk md UMltrwood , 24lkssi Luncheon win be served folmen for Chanukah. In order for 8:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 23 at the boys to receive them for the the home of Mrs. Sam Stone, 1607 lowed by a special preview of a first run movie in Cinemascope holiday! the boxes must be in the N. 52nd st. mail by November 15. Please conRabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth and Technicolor which will not be tact Mrs. Mnrcolln at GL «W8. Israel Synagogue w 111 : dlscusi shown downtown until the first of From 1A.M. TIB 7 tM. The Ladles Auxiliary sponsored "Marriage and Divorce in Jewish next year. a monthly bingo party at the Life." Refreshments and a «odal CompbM Stfoerion of Bakery Product* Omahn Veterans Hospital. Frizes hour will follow. M n . Harry SidOppression turneth a wise man of canteen books w e n awarded man will be co-hottest. Into a fool; and a flit destroyeth Freddy idctd e« Sunday lucky winners. Hostesses attendJudgment—BIMe ing.were Mrs. Frank Cohen, Mrs. Milton Margolin and M a Abe L. Hobemun Is the high roller Bear. in the Hadassah Bowline League this week with A. Sdbulman and HADA88AH COUNCIL E. Noodle following close behind. The Education Council of Oma- They bowled games of 515, 469 ha Chapter Hadauah will hold an and 445, respectively. The Nogs Otteg Shabbat at 1 p. m.. Satur- Bros, team continues to lead the day, October 20 a t the home of league with Metz Beer and PlayMr*. Irwin Gcndler, 6410 Glen- land Parks squads tied for second wood rd. place.

COUNCIL SIX'DV The Current Events Study Group o[ National Council of Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, Oct. 23, at the home of Mrs. Edward Levinson, 1811 No. 53rd lit. Cof/ce will be served at 1 p. m. The topic for the afternoon I> "Knuiv Your Candidates end the Itiucs." Interviews with sevorn) of the candidates will be reported and e general discussion will follow. Everyone is Invited to attend

B.B. Study Group

Forbes BoVery & DeQcatesten


HadauoJi BowKng

There Are Certain People Who Won't Settle forAnything Less Than the Best...

HADAK8AH GBOUP8 Member* of the Omaha Chapter Ibidauah Board will meet Monday, Oct. i2. nt 12:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Abe Vendor, 740 Sunset Trnll. Mr*. David Shermnn and Mrs. Isador Leven»on will be co-hostesses. CnfC-o will be l e n t d . Plans will be made for the pre-donor nnd now ITIHU-

bership luncheon meptinf; to ! » held October .'II. Members of the Had.iBs.ih group boards will meet Thursday, Oct. 2S, nt 12:.T0 p. m. The Thernlar Heral Group will meet nt the home of Mr*; Henry Urokes, 111 No. 54th. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Ervln Simon and Mrs, Charles Grtretz. The Henrietta Sjtold Group will meet at the home of Mm. Sam Katzman, 340 No. 72nd ave., with co-ho>teues Mrries. Al Garger and Ben Knhn. Chalm .Wcizman Group will meet at the home ot Mrs. Max Platt, with co-hostess Mrs, Lou Lotils. WOMEN "Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold their rcgalar monthly luncheon meeting at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, O c t 2 3 in the Jewish Community Center. Members' birthdays which fall in October will be celebrated. Mrs. Mflton Nerenborg will (ing accompanied at the piano by Mm. Leonard Pinkovltz.

Circle Aux. Party Workmen's Circle Auxiliary will hold its annual card party at 7 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 28 In the La bor Lyceum. Coffee and cake will be served. Admission will be .*>0 cents. Mrs. Mox Crounse Is chair man of the affair.

Great Ages, Ideas Book Is Available

TUBELESS 7 Transistor Transirfors, not |uit 4 or 5, and this gives thii pocket radio up to Time* More Sensitivity that other radios of comparable size to bring in more stations. 100' mllliwattt of power output to give you up to Times Mora Volume, and Tone.Quality that will amaze you. Model Royal "SOOY" in black .with gold colored frim. W«igh» 10 ounces with battery. Size: 8'/*" wide, 5 V Mgh, I ' / i " deep. Gives 400 hours of peak quality performance with 4 Mercury batteries . . . Alio uses 4 penlite battorios for 100 hours of listening at ono-half penny an hour bofore battery change.

Some Day Service No Extra Charge In at 10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.

l » y Bitltry Ctmgt-imup handy tab and bitttrlta "pop"

»Tlvil» Radio Nan-brtukibli LhUnlno-wlth HyUn C « i » h«nd/•trphone, Drop II, bump It, lourMatcurybtt- l h ^tnm eai» l 500


Dual Purpon HamHt-Ultiui lor convtnUnl Mrrylno. Swlngl




Abo Pickup and Delivery Service

BEAR Gleaners 112 N. 18th JA1578


"Great ARCH and Ideas of the Jewish People" written for lladas•nh Is available at special prepublication price to Hadasuh members for $3.25 which Includes postage. Orders are being taken by Mrs. Paul Vcret. The book was compiled by noted authors Salo W. Baron, Profeisor of Jewish History, Columbia University; Abraham S. Halkln, Professor of History, College of the City Of New York; Cecil Roth, Profeisor of Rabblnics, Oxford University. In'August a seminar based on the book was held in the Rocky Mountain region which was attended by Mrs. J, H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Max Grossman and Miss A h u v a Gershatcr, representing Omaha Chapter Hada.isah.

Whoso keepcth his mouth nnd hli tongue keepcth his soul from trouble.-Bible


And They're Buying the Finest Transistor Pocket Radio Made . . .





. . . for every member of the family and for your home. National Supply is packed with the greatest variety of merchandise you have ever seen. Come in and browse around. .Shop here early for your Chanukah Toys. -



Phone AT 2626





FricUjr, October, 1»,

Central to Present Bar & Bas Mifxvah Mr. «nd Mrs. Charles Gendle 'Our Town' Oct. 24 Omaha Sketches announce the Bat Milzvah of their

Monsky Lodge to Hear 'Role of SAC Today'

Masquerade Dance

It'i Masquerade Time again a t Major GeraM O. F.ill, Jr., a Ik'lh Israel! TI19 Moil's Club Miss Nancy E Kar)>er. daughte daughter, Judith Ann, and Mr, and Damv-of-tlii-'-Miiiith SITICS is p i e "Our Town," a three-act Pullt member of fhu s»(;iff of Gftw scnlin.it a i;.ihi (Kinoc in llic> ma»ger Prize winning play by Tiiorton of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Farber Mrs. Arthur Green announce the C'urtU I.c.M.iy, will <1Ueu»j "SI Wilder, to be presented at Ceil I Is one of tlia 16 princesses of Ak Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mike, al (agio Air C'omtn;m<t in i\w WurM rjiifiii'li; ajt'i co^tumo Ihcme on S.iliird.iy, Oct. 20 at the sodat trml High School Oct. 24 at 8 p m Sar-Bcn. Miss Farber attendee a joint service at Beth Kl Syna- Today" at lhi> October meet Include* Madalyn Miroff, Lynetto [Llndenwood College of St. Charles. gogue Friday eveijlng, Oct. 19 and of te H'n.il li'iilli Henry Mun.-iky hall. Tickets fur tlic parly are availForbes and Alan Konecky In ma Mo., and the University of In- Saturday morning, Oct. 20, Ijxlgi-, Kurhen Uiijiett, jjiojjiam diana at Bloomlngton. She U th Jor rolei. able ,it S'i.lK) per'couple »nd can Friends and relatives are Invited cttairnian announced. Other Jewish high Ichool «tu granddaughter of Mrs. . Anna to attend both services and the reThe meeting will 1« held at 8:M ii* obtained hy calling tho syna, dents participating in the play >Abram Farber, Omaha, who with ceptions which will follow. p. m. Thursday, Oct. 25 In the C.inuo office, UK 6283, Milt Belief «r* Larry H o b e r m a n , Steve I the late Mr. Farber who settled in Jewish Community Center. I{e- \VA 9177, or Sam Kaplnn, HE 42SO. Lincoln, Nebr., in 1910. A combination ticket Including Itiekes, Phil Barren, Mike Hetzog, fretihmeiiU and a social hour wil Mr. and Mm, Herman Friedman follow, the dinner dance -Sunday, Nov. IB, Donna Canar and Lenl Wine, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their it available for $8.00 per couple. Stephen Greenberg, ion of Mr. Adding to the reality of the production a* townspeople are PhyllU and Mrs. Peter Greenberg, has ton. Richard A., will be celebrated - Abrahams, Nancy Lewis, Martin been elected to Alpha Epsllon Friday evening a n d Saturday Jr. B.B. Bowling Use the Wont Ads Id buy, sell tipp, SaUie Markovitz, Howard Rho, national radio and television morning Oct. 26 and 27 at Temple Mike Green ind Howard Feld. or rent "Weinberg MarcU Zalkln and HI- honor society. Mr, Greenberg is Israel. man tied for the high league teries liar Resnlck. working toward his master's deFriends and relatlve»-are invited In tho Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling Members of the cast's choir are gree at tlia University of Nobrai to attend, the services and the re- Leagut with 232 last Sunday. Mike ceptions which will follow, put together two games of 126 Barbar* Bercutt, Barbara Brod- ka. A native Omahan, he is t each and Howard rolled 129 and graduate of Central High School key. Frances Davidson, S Dkwgoff, Allen Siegel and Ronald and University of Iowa. Mr. Lin Mr, and M M . Gilbert Frelden 123. Miss Botinit TarnoK took coin Is also a member of the pro-[announce the Bar Mitzvah of their high honor* In tht girls' division . Simons. ; . The costumo crew consists of duction staff of KUON-TV in Lin son, Jon Barry, Friday evening, with 122 and 120 games for a 212 Gayl* FeJdman, Sharon Frank, coin, Oct. 26 And Saturday morning, Marlene Frcedman, Bonnla KreshOct. 27 at Beth £1 Synagogue, man, Annabel Graetz, Dlanne GronDavid E, Traub. flell represent-' Friends and relatives a n iner. Ton! Kaplan, Dale Kasin and atlie for the United Hlas Service, vited to attend both services and • Judy Katz. RUG & UPHOLSTERY visited here this week discussing the reception* which will follow. Others on the costume crew arc needs and progress of the integraCLEANERS ' Judy Kutler, Diana Untzman, tion of newcomers to Omaha. Hlaj I Joyce Meek, Lois Moskovitz, Shei Is the largest Jewislflnternational Babysitting Service RUGS-CARPETING la Novak, Elaine Raskin, Nincy migration agency. LAMP SHADES Rohanue Club of th« Jewish Richards, Peggy Rubensteln, Enid FURNITURE Youth Council will initiate a SatVenger, Bette Welncr and Susis urday Afternoon babysitting servWoVson. Beau Dance Cleaned In Your Homel ice tomorrow. For further Infor817 S. 36 St. , Berdine Green and June Zncl •Mis? • Laybg • Repair h f Ilodl Chapter of B'nat B'rith mation call Betty Erman, GL 4417. mer will be on the mako-up crew H A 1044 whll» Sharon Bernstein, Beverly iris will present their First An- Babysitting will be conducted at Don Bernstein HA 2554 Air Conditioned Bloom, Cindy Klein, Myra Llpp, nual Beau Dance October 20 at her home, 110 $. 91st i t . Linda. Roscnbaum, Jean Siher, he Sheraton • Fontenell* Hotel. Carolyn Stern, Gall Tretlak, San- Dancing will be from 9 to 12 p. m. dy Turek and Marilyn Wolnberg Music will be provided bythe Dpn will be on the publicity commlt- Rice Combo. IM. Howard Meyers is on the The candidate! for Beau are: technical staff. Biff Bobridcion of Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Bobrlck; Ron Flshman, con Tickets /or the production may b* purchased from Central High of Mrs. Seyma Flshman; Marty reene, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. School student*. Dear Frtaidsi Levinson; Boh Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joseph; Howard A good many people have asked me how they can now buy T. I. SCHOOL COUNCIL Kaslow, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Miss Marda Fogel was elected Kaslow; and Arnle Winer, son of kosher meats from me. There seems to be some misunderstanding president of the Temple Israel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winer. that if you do not have a freezer you cannot buy from me. That it Religious School Student Council. Chairmen are the Misses Marinot $0. Other officers are Miss Bonnie lyn Dvorkln and Joan Marx? TickFUk, vice-president, and M I Mets are $1.75 per couple and may W e sell kosher meats frozen for your freezer or fresh, anyway Susan Brodkey, secretary. be purchased from any member.

The Finest in Photography



Portraits Weddings Commercial



FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OMAHA A New Method of Buying Kosher Meats!

that you want to buy it. You may purchase whatever you want and In any quantities that you wish to. Feel free to stop "in at any time so that I might explain to you exactly what I am doing, and why I Went into tho kosher meat business in this manner. I am suro you will find it to your satisfaction for both QUALITY A N D PRICE. W e will deliver twice weekly and you may call me personally to take your order.

Math Society n a straight line 11M shortest distance between two points? What h the Jordan Curve? Hich school mathematicians will discover the answer* to these questions at an organizational meeting of the Mathematics Society to be held at 7 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 16 in the Jewish Community Center. Projected plans Include monthly meetings featuring a lectme by a local scientist followed by group discussions. TOUTHAL

In closing I want to say that it is my endeavor to bring to tho people of Omaha the finest in kosher meats at prices that you have never seen before. .

Dave Shukert rOI.ITH'AI- AfJVKttTfi

JACKSON B. CHASE Re-Elect for Another Term as

DISTRICT JUDGE 8 Years Experience a i a District Judge-1946-1954 • • • •

Nalire ol Ndr».l« OIUIIII Itciiilfot Sine* I9H War Veicru Member of Comreu 195S19H -

MASQUERADE BALL By Berh Israel Men's Club

WATCH OUR SPECIALS GROW! Best Brand Salami, Bologna, Wieners , . . . Lb. Fresh or Pickled QQ BRISKETS

Lb. 0 9

Fresh or Pickled TONGUES Lb. CHUCK ROASTS Lb. GROUND tv, » • BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb.

Saturday, Oct. 20 of 9 P.M.

WHEN —Every Day But Saturday and Sunday WHY —Because We Sell Kosher Meats at Discount Prices, Made Possible by

Our Low Overhead HOW—By Coming in—in Person, or Calling AT 0686, Ask for Davo


A Door Prize Will Be Given Away Every


45 Minufej

1437 S. 13TH ST.


WHERE—1437 S. 13rh St. Call AT 0686


AT 0686

Under Strict Supervision of Rabbi N. Fcldman Admission—$3.00 Per Couple or by Series Ticket f $8.00 for Ball and Dinner Donee)


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