Claw MaJllsi rnwllrt" rttml al Omaiia Nrbr
rubiiifeM s»cr> »rida» i l l A ttiu Annual Hair « Uollan Omaha Net r u t i Phnnr 4* II«e Slnglr Oopf It Crate
'fl u l n /iaos
Ben Gurion I Out Against Nasser Jerusalem ( W N S ) ~ P r e m i e r David Heft Gurion, winding up a three-day debate on foreign policy In one of the most dramatic seskiohs of Knesset, lashed out sharply against Egypt's dictator Nus•er, declaring that "our greatest and real enemy is the Egyptian fascist dictator Colonel Nasser" who "does not conceal his intention to liquidate the State of Israel" and to rule the Arab countries by force. The foreign policy debate was
Affiliation Survey Approved by Feel,
precipitated by an address the Premier delivered at. the opening session in wlilc,h he made It unmistakably^ dear, among other things, that Isruel reserved the right to freedom of action in the event Iraqi troops entered Jordan. He stated that position against the background of a British warning of military intervention if Israel moved against Jordan. He traced the increasing tension In the Middle East to the Communist-Cairo arms deal and said he derived profound satisfaction from the fact that he had succeeded in preventing war in face of the anxieties of the post year. While blaming the Soviet bloc for the mounting tension, he noted that Israel was grateful to the United States for the political and financial assistance It had given the Jewish State since its inception, adding however that Israel would continue seeking arms directly from the United States in view of its recognition in principle of the need to rectify the Imbalance of power. He rejected the Idea of a preventive war, urging instead oil-out efforts to strengthen Israel's defenses, Al the same Ume ho revealed that some 5,000 young Jewish men and women had given their lives a< the price of Israel's independence.
United Jewish Appeal Goodwill Tour, Synagogue Affiliation Survey and a cultural series were approved Monday by the Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service. The purpose of the tour Is to hear grassroot opinion concerning . the campaign and discuss the facets of the crises In Israel and North Africa. Members of UJA group will arrive in Omaha sometime during November, On the suggestion of Rabbi Mycr S. Krlpke, a Synagogue Affiliation Survey will be made by the Jewish Community Center The survey will list the unafflliutJ ed persons in our community and a oomparlson will be made with other communities. For details on the culture1 "A Motilem Aprolxa! of the Midstrli>» see s e p a r a t e story on dle Kast< Situation" will be prefragp 1. 1 Jack W. Murcr, Federation sented by Dr. Fnyez A. Snycgh at 8:15 p. m., Monday. Oct. 29 at the president, presided. Institute on World Affairs. The institute Is being held nt <he University of Ojiaha auditorium. Dr. Soyegh studied nt the American University of Beirut and Georgetown Uni\erslty. An editor, The sum of five hundred dol- author and educator, he has leclars wni raised by the members tured widely In the United Slatci. of the U'nai Jacob Adns Yeshurun The Federation for Jewish Service Synagogue for children's rescue Is one of the Institute's co-sponot>cnitlons and activities, and soring groups. rushed to the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Israel Women's Clubs to Appeal. It will be'used In their Fpccinl children's rescue and re- Take Part in Bazaar habilitation programs, tay GarThe Federation of Jewish .Womsick, President of the Synagogue en's Clubs will again sponsor announced this week, their own booth at the Children's '"riie membership of our syna- Memorial Hospital Bazaar which gogue has always been interested will be held Monday, Nov. 12, at pi aiding the Important activities the Sheralon-Fontcnclle Hotel. of the United Jewish Appeal agen- Mrs. Isadora Chapman and Mrs. cies especially in the field of child Ernest A. Nogg are chairman and laving activities in many lands. co-chairman. The Board of Commlslsoncrs is* Items for the bazaar are being Composed of: Izzy Carsick, presi- collected now and are being taken dent; Joe Kirshcnbaum, treasurer; to the home of Mrs, Joe M. Rice, Sam Rlfkiri, secretary; Joe Adlcr, 677 No. 56 st. Cash contributions Harry Coopcrman, Hyman Guss, may be mailed to Mrs. Isadora Hake Kaplan and Meyer Klrshcn- Chapman or Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg. Mum, Trusted. Mrs. Henry A. Newman Is presRabbi Nathan Fcldman is spir- ident of the Federation of Jewish itual loader of the congregation. Women's Clubs.
Moslem View of M.E. at Institute
B'nai Jacob Gift For Children Aid
Haddssah Gives' 'UN Book Shelf Omaha Chapter Hodassah Wednesday presented a "US Book Shflf" to the Omaha Public Library In tribute to the eleventh anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Mrs. Meyer Rubin, chapter president, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and Mr*. Robert Faler made the presentation. The book collection includes: "Everyman's U n i t e d Nations," "Favprlte Recipes from the UN," "Review of the UN Charter," "The Family of Man," "United Nutlons, New York," "New Lllfe in Old Lands," "Workshops for the World," "You and the Atom," and "Maternal Care and M e n t a l Health." The book selection waj compiled with the assistance of the Carnegie E n d o w m e n t for International Peace, the Foreign Policy Assoclatloon, the Library of Congress and the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.
First Concert Very Successful By Huns Bser Ten years ago, a young man from Rochester, N. Y., Richard Duncan, laid the foundation for a musical organization that is now the Omaha Symphony Orchestra. The reviewer during the past seven yearn witnessed tho development of the orchestra. He saw the number of the orchestra members grow and he followed the gradual perfection of the performances. Today, after the very successful first concert of the season, we wish to extend our sincere and hearty congratulations for the work done by Dr. Duncan and the entire orchestra staff with the talented Myron Cohen as conccrtm aster. Bidu Sayao, soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, was the guest soloist of the evening. When did we h-'ar a more beautiful, mare stylistic and ideal Mozart interpretation than by Miss Sayao, »n inter-, prctation, filled with musical culture nnd delicacy whose aftereffect will for long time remain In our hearts and minds. The plan to perform new" or unknown music In these concerts should be greatly welcomed. This time wo heard works .by Prokofieff, the genial Russian composer, and compositions by Vaughn Williams and Weldon Hart.
Dance Class to Start The opening session of the Latin American Dance Class at the Jewish Community Center has been pushed ahead to Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 7145 p. m. Couples arc asked to register no later than the evening of tho first class. Mrs. Joe Ginsberg, a professional dance instructor, will direct the doss. Tho Jce is ten dollars per couple for 'the eight-week course. The class Is for beginners and advanced students.
Cultural Series To be at Center A aeries of Sunday Jewish cultural programs sponsored jointly by tfae Jewish Community Center add B'nai B'rith lodges and chapters will be held during tbe next five months in tfae Center, it was announced by Arthur H. Goldstein, committee ~
•chairman. Dr. Abe Greenberg, Fed-
vice-president, wIlT'gerve series chairman. Extra Effort Asked aseratlon The programs will feature noted As Drive Extended Jewish artists and lecturers. InOmaha has been given another week to try salvage a United Red Feather-Red Cross Campaign victory. The" closing is now scheduled for Thursduy evening Nov. 1 The delayed ending went intc effect as returns reached $1,311,364, or 73 per cent of goal. Campaign officials said the situation was critical, but felt chances for a comeback victory still remained. James L. Paxlon, Jr.. drive chairman, said the possibilities for success rests on re-sollcilation of inadequate givers and a thorough clean-up of outstanding cards. He called for "extraordinary efforts" from volunteers to help get the Job done. Mr. Paxton noted that Omahn hat not had a 100 per cent victory In five years. Failure to reach goal would deprive people of needed agency services, Latest reports showed the Northslde residential section headed by Mrs. Mike Frccmnn standing at 66.5 per cent of goal with $2,067 collected. Her teams are composed of membors of the Omaha Section,. National Council of Jewish Womei). The mercantile division led by Herman Goldstein has 46 por cent reported on' a $104,000 "objective His unit contacts merchandising, food products and automotive firms. Philip Gcrclick. an Initial glftf vice-chairman reported $35,756 foi his section. The division has 8C per cent turned in.
cluded in the scries arc Leo W. Schwarz, author, critic and historian, November 18; Otto Nathan, economist, author and lecturer, January 13; Dill Johnson, bass baritone specializing In folk songs, February 17; Trude Wclss-Rosmarln, editor and educator, March 17; and Irving Davidson, humorist and raconteur, April 28. The series Is made possible through a novel "Program of the Month" plan developed by the Jewish Center Lecture Bureau of the National Welfare Board, The aim, is to present a cross-section' of Jewish thought and artistic expression reflecting today's trends. Tickets for the series are $1.50 and can be obtained from B'nai B'rith members or at the Center,
With the Folks at Home New* and happening* at tlic Dr. Plilllp Slier JetviKh Home by Duvld Orkoiv.
October 22--The new wing o f the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged is of great interest to all Of us. Come and See It grow. October 23-—Mrs. Meyer Donor and Mrs. T. A. Tully held another class In art. This is one of (he special programs of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women. i October 24—The gikur Cholltn Gray Ladies visited our folks today. October 25—Eight of our realdents Joined the Golden Agers on their tour of Lincoln, Nebr. October 27—Mrs. John J. Frelden trtnted our folks with a special klddush in honor "of the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Jon BarNew members'of. Beth Israel ry Frclden. Synagogue's congregation will be honored at Friday evening service of November 2, it was announced White Elephant Sale by Mnurtcc Katzman, membership By Golden Agere chairman of the synagogue board. A While Elephant Sale will Fifty-five families who 'have recently Joined the congregation will highlight the next meeting of the be paid tribute at this the "New Golden Age Club to be held at 1 p. m. Monday, Oct. 29 in the JewMember Sabbath." ish Community Center. Members Harry Sldman, synagogue presi- are asked to bring items to be aucdent Will offer official greetings tioned off such as Jewelry, toys', Cantor Ell Kagan and the adult knick-knack!), etc. Dessert lunchand Junior choirs will chant the con will be served and all members prayers. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr arc asked to bring their friends. will speak on "How Synagogue The Golden Age Club Is sponCan Change Your Life." Mem- sored jointly by the Omaha Seebers of the sisterhood will be tloon. National Council of Jewish hostesses during a social hour Women and the Jewish Commuwhich wilt follow the services. nity Center.
B.I. WdlHonor
New Members
Artists and Lecturers to Appear in Jewish Cultura! Series
Leo W. Scbwan
Otto NaUaa
Irving KuvldsoB
Vkf» Two
Monument Dedication
s t
Friday, Octulxr 28, IU56
Religious News
Mothers' Club
The family of the late Mis The Omaha Sigma Alpha Mu Rublen Shapiro will dedicate a Mothers' Club will he guest of tho 8:08 p. m. PttUMwd Every Friday nj th* padenltea *f I n M Service monument in her memory at 10 Lincoln Mothers' Cli^b for a one S b - « * t aaiuii* ffnvuegci MU1 Seconb -i«*t n v u e g c i AtfUurun. at MU1UL.IMMIUI Aaouai *iOC - Advenuuur Halo Aao JJubscnpnun, u b n n A d n H l on Afi a. m., Sunday, Oct. 28 at Fisher BETH ISltAKI, o'clock luncheon and nieetlnj; WedIlabbi Uonjainin Groncr, Cantor fcojloruu Uffice—lm No. aoib Street, Omaha. Ncto. b S Farm Cemetery. Itabbi Ilcnj.iniin i:ii Kagiin, Uctli Israel Choir, ami nesday, Oct. 31. Print ' r o t Adores*—48Ot So JStb Street. BARKY BALPERl ......'..... Editor Groner will officiate. Friends and (he Intermediate class will con- The meeting will be held at (he relatives are invited to attend the duct late Friday evening services Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity House in Lincoln, l i the telephone chairOct. 23. at 8 p. nt memorial service. men have failed to reach you', call He Is survived by two sons, Dayour reservation in to Mrs. Sam vid of Cleveland, O., and Joseph TEMl'UE ISRAEL Morris Wohlner The family of the late Mrs. Sol Services will be held Friday at Turk*!. GL 3423, or Mrs. J. Milton of Los Angeles, CaL; three daughMargolin, GL 4668. „ Services were held Tuesday, Oct. ters, Rose Krantz, Elsie Hbrwlch Logman will dedicate a monument 23 far Morris Wohlner with inter- and Pearl WohJner of Omaha; 10 in her memory lit 11:30, p. m., Sun- Temple Israel at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will discuss "Who I» the ment At Council Bluffs Jewish grandchildren and three great- day, Oct. 28 at Golden Hill CemUse the Want Ads to buy, sell Cemetery. Mr. Wohlner. 69, died grandchildren. etery. Rabbi Benjamin Groflor will King of Kines?" thoughts proMonday at a local hospital "after a officiate. Friends and relatives are voked by the Ak-Sar-Ben Corona- or rent. long illness. A resident of Omaha invited to attend the memorial tion. for 40 years, he was in the grocery Hyman Alperson s e n ice. BETH FX , ^ business in Council Bluffs for 19 Services were held Thursday, Sabbath services at Beth El years. Oct. 25 for Hyman S. Alperion The family of the lntc Mrs, CAS-'Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Survivors Include, his wife, Shir- with Interment at Golden,. RUG & UPHOLSTERY ley; a daughter, Phyllis; a son,Cemetery. Mr. Alperson, 62, died pcr Solion will dedicate a monu- Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke nil! discuss CLEANERS Howard; and three brother?, Al- suddenly at a local hospital Wed- ment in her memory at 2:30 p. m., "Living In a Ranch House." Canbert, Louia and Paul, nesday, Oct. 24. A retired sales- Sunday, Oct. 28 a t Beth £1 Ceme- tor Aaron I. Edgar and the choir RUGS-CARPETING will sing the musical portions of man, he was a resident of Omaha tery. Rabbi fayer S. Kripkc will LAMP SHADES olfitiale. Friends ami relatives nr« the service. for 45 years. Harry Lazarus FURNITURE Surviving arc: two sons, Leo of Invited to oMend the memorial Services were held Wednesday, Hartsdalc, N, Y., and Paul of service. day, Oct. 38 at Golden Hill CemeCleaned In Tons HOBMI Oet, 21 for Harry Lazarus Ailh Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. DavH tery. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will interment at Beth El Cemetery. Chorncy sf Omaha, and five The family of the late Mrs. Fan- officiate. Friends and relatives arc Mr. Laiarus, 72, died Tuesday, grandchildren. nie Kornty will dedicate a monu- Invited to attend the memorial Don Bernstein HA 2554 ment in her memory at noon, Sun- service.
CARROLL 0. STAUFFER for Another Term a*
DISTRICT JUDGE Douglas, Washington and Burf Counties roimcAM. AUvnnsEXEMT
r o u n i A t , ADVKMTU*MKJ«T
JACKSON B. CHASE Re-Elect for Another Term « 11
DISTRICT JUDGE 8 Years Experience as a District Judge - 1 9 4 6 - 1 9 5 4 • N&lite of NebraiLa • Ouulu R«i<leu S I W H H • Wit Veteran • Member of Copgrcw
Your Present and Experienced
District Judges . . . All Uion.4
by * • Oaaha lar Anadariwi
\E\ James T. English Carroll O. Stauffer L Ross Newkirk James M. Fitzgeratd Arthur C. Thomsen 0 W . A. Day [x] James M. Patton [x] Patrick Wm. Lynch [xj Herbert Rhoades ALL SEE1C ELECTEON The Public Is Entitled t o Hie Services of Experienced Judges
tion l e t taxes •pott train aad seed produced or handled in this remov* lh» ptovlsioa fl shtfa. ariw * f aattafa alflcaaa
TEXT O f PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted bu the people of the State of Nebraska,
than one* In alghl ream O for D Against TEXT OF PROPOSED
AMENDMKMT Section 1. That at the general PROPOSED BY THE election In November, 1858, there B« it enacted by ih« people o» 1J5S LEGISLATURE shall be submitted to the electors tht State o/ Nebraska, Proposed Amendment Ho. 1 ot the State of Nebraska for ap- Section 1. That at the proval the following new section era] election in November, lMfl, Constitutional amendment to to Article VIII of the Constitu- there shall be submitted t» t b * change the allocation of H I M tion of Nebraska, to be known as electors of the State of N e and penillltf tor violation ol section 10, which is hereby pro- braska, for approval, the lotlowing amendment lo Articla Uws prohibiting the overload- posed by the Legislature: IV, section 25, of the Constitu-ing of Tthlclo aied upon lh* tion of Nebraska, which la herepublic roads and highways of "Sec. 10. Notwithstanding the stale. the other provisions of Ar- by proposed by the Legislature: "Sec. 25. The officers proclo VIII, tho Legislature is O For vided for in this article shall authorized to substitute a a Against receive cuch salaries as may basis other than valuation be provided by l a v . Such for taxes upon grain and officers, or such other offt iced produced or handled in cci-i as may be provided for TEXT Or PROPOSED this state. Existing revenue liy lav/, shall not receive CONSTITUTIONAL laws not inconsistent with for their own uso any fees, AMENDMENT the Constitution shall concoils, or inteicst upon public money in thefr hands. tinue in effect until changed Be it enacted bv the people o) All fees that may hereafter by the Legislature." . the Stale of Nebraska, be payable by law for services performed, or received Section L That at the general by an officer provided for election in November, 1950, there Proposed Amendment Ho. 3 in this article, by virtue of " shall be submitted to the electors Constitutional amendment au* his office shall be paid forthof the State ol Nebraslta for ap- thoriiing lh» Legislature lo ab- with into the state treasury.* proval the following amendment solve rtal property oi iax and to Article TO, section S. of the assessment charges unpaid lor Constitution of Nebraska, which a period of lime as long or longer Proposed Amendment No. I is hereby proposed by Uie Legis- thin tbml provided far taking title to real property by pre- Constitutional amaudinanl l» lature: permit the Legislate* to atoscription. Tida far th* appviatorat of • "Sec 4. All fines, penalTax Commissioner u Tax ComD For ties, and license money, arism'utlon. and defining his a* ita B Against ing under the general laws :urlsdletlon and powers. > of the state, except fines and penalties far violation o l O For laws prohibiting the overTEXT OF PROPOSES Q Against loading of vehicles used upCONSTITUTIONAL on the public roads and AMENDMENT highways of this state, shall ' TEXT OF PROPOSED belong and be paid over to Be it enacted by (h« people oi CONSTITUTIONAL the counties respectively, (he State of Nebraska, where the Kama may be AMENDMENT levied or imposed, and nil Section I. That at the general Be it enacted by the p«opt« of fines, penalties, and license election in November. 1050, money arising under t h e there shall be submitted to thethe State of Nebraska, rules, by-laws, or ordinances electors of the State of Nebraska Section 1. That at the general of cities, villages, precincts, for approval, the following election in November, 1956, or other municipal subdiviamendment to Article VIII, sec- there shall be submitted to th* sion lets than a county, shall tion 4, of the Constitution of of the Stats ol Nebelong and be p;iid over to- Nebraska, which is hereby pro electors braska, for approval, the followthe tame respectively. All po:cd by the Legislature: ing amendment to Article IV, such fines, penalties, and "Sec. 4. Except as to tax section 23, of the Constitution license money shall be apof Nebraska, which Is hereby und a s s e s s m e n t charges propriated exclusively to the proposed by the Legislature: against real property reuse and support or the com"Sec. 23. The Legislature maining delinquent and unmon schools in the respecmay provide for the apfiaid for a penod of time as tive subdivisions where the pointment of a Tax Comong or longer than that same may accrue, except mirsioncr or a Tax Comprovided by law to authorthat all finrs and penalties mission, which commissionize the taking of title to ical for violation of laws prohiber or commission shall hove property by picscriplion, iting the overloading of veEuch Jurisdiction over th* the Legislature shall have hicles used upon the public administration of the reve- no power to release or disroads and highways dial) be nuc laws of the state, and charge any county, city, placed as follows: Scvcntyshall po:r.c.-s such powers to towxihip, town, or district IIVP per cent in a fund for review and equalize assesswhatever, or the inhabitants : tale highways, and twentyments of property for taxathereof, or any corporation, five per cent to the county tion, as may be provided by or the properly therein, general fund where the fine lav/." from their or its proportionor penalty Is paid." ate share of taxes to be levied for state purposes, or due any municipal corporRupacUullT stihmttteaV ation, nor rholl commutaProposed Amendment No. 2 FHANK MARSH tion for such taxes be auConililullonal amendment to S i cretBT a l 8tat* thorized in any form whatauthorize the Legislature lo sub- ever." stitute • boils other than valua-
The Jewish Press JERUSALEM MAYOR TO SPARK BOND DRIVE Israel Bond Supplement
Israel Bond Supplement
Friday, Octolxr 20, 19.~>0
Page Three
A Proclamation V
WHEEEAS Israel, at in tbe early dayi of the founding of tbe American republic, U facing crucial economic problem! brought about by iti unprecedented and humanitarian open-door policy to all Jews seeking a haven; and WHEREAS the Omaha Committee for State of Israel Bonds hai planned a series of events through November to enable tbe citizens of Jewish lineage of this city to show their solidarity with Israel through the purchase of State of Israel Bonds: NOW, THEREFOBE, I, JOHN EO8EHBLATT, Mayor of tbe City of Omaha, do hereby designate the month of November, 1956 ISRAEL BOND MONTH in Omaha, and invite all of our citizens of Jewish lineage to rally to tbe support of democracy in the Middle East by the purchase of Israel Bonds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of October, 1966.
Agron to Speak At Community Dinner At Blackstone Nov. 4 The Omaha Jewish community will be host next week-end, to a distinguished representative of the State of Israel, tbe Honorable, Oershon A g r o n , Mayor of the City of Jerusalem. His visit Sunday evening, Nov. 4, will mark the high point of the "Sixty Says for Israel" program in the Omaha area in b e h a l f of the sale of Israel Bonds. Chairman Joe Rice reports an unprecedented Interest In attendance at this dinner, which will be held In the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. Organizations representing all phases of Omaha Jewish community life have already signified participation in the event that will highlight this city's effort in the furnishing of investment capital, through Israel bonds, for Israel's industrial and agricultural expansion program. The Committee anticipates a warm welcome to tho dynamic Mayor of Jerusalem — a brilliant icpreseiitutlve of a new nation u Inch is In the mldit of n crisis and fchoiving a dogged determination to pluco its economic and political freedom and independence on a solid basis.
Jerusalem to be Feted On Anniversary Date Jerusalem, the City of ARCS, (or thirty centuries the symbol of mankind'* highest hopes and aspirations has reached n spiritual and chroaologlcaLmllcstone in the history or civilization. Jerusalem, the world's oldett c.ipitnl nnd symbol of JI » e * and vibrant Israel It now marking 3,000 yean of glorious history. The Omaha Jewish community, in commemoration of this anniversary and with the collaboration of leaders of religloui, fro: ternal and communal groups, it sponsoring the dinner that will be held Sunday evening. November 4,' in honor of The Honorable Cershpn .Agron, Mayor of the city of Jerusalem. Ancient Olory Jerusalem occupies u unique placo-ln the Jewish religion, having been the tenter of the ancient Klory of Israel. As an enduring symbol of the highest precepts of Judaism, It was the birthplace of a culture and teacliing* that «tlll retain their vitality and impact upon modern civilization. Tradition has If that of ten charms given t o , t h e God,'nine were apportioned to Jerusalem. And despite 11 turbulent history marked by numerous Invasions and battles, it is a city still revered for Its beauty and looked upon the world over as the City of God and the City of Peace. The first biblical reference t o Jerusalem Is found as early es Genesis. Reference to It is also made in Egyptian sources in 2,000 B.C.E. and again in 1,400 8.C.E. " Waited Israel The history of Jerusalem, however", actually takes form with the reign of King David, who, becoming ruler of a united Israel, 'Took the stronghold of Zion; the name is the city of David," ttl Sam v7> 3,000 years ago. W h e n David moved the sacred Ark of the C o w jiant containing the Holy Scriptures Into Jerusalem, the city became tho religious center of Israel as well as its political capital. Since that time it has never lost that special significance to Jews throughout the world, nnd an al' most unbroken chain of Jewish settlements connects present day Jerusalem with this holy city of -antiquity. Andent Jerusalem was a city of festivities and cemnonidb. All of Jewish literature, hcp.innini: with the Bible iii licli in di-scripllons of the major fi'ititnh lint wrm celebrated in the city. Krnm the curliest days of the Temple a "pil-
grimage to Jerusalem" for the major festivals was considered the h i g h e s t religious observance. Through the centuries (o this day the symbolic observance of such a pilgrimage lias been an Integral part of the Jewish lituxgy. Jews who consider tours to Ismcl very often prefer to plan their visits coInddentaUy with the Holy Days, so that they may spend them in Jerusalem! IU History But the history of Jerusalem It also filled with wars and violence. Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, all ravaged the city in. their time. It » ' u held in turn by Arabs, Mongols, MamoItiks and Crusaders, It was once plowed level by its conquerors, its name lost and a Roman city erected on its site. In each of these wars, Jerusalem wns defended with religious zeal; It. was never surrendered but only reduced after a fierce struggle.
Mayor (Jr-rslion Af,'ron
vlayor Proclaims Israel Bond Month
When the Roman legions moved up to Jerusalem from Judcu, they were opposed by a small nrmy of Jewish zealots. The conquest of Jerusalem by Titus, after a cam palgn and alqgo lasting almost .three years, Was hailed In Rome as one of its most outstanding victories and an arch was erected for the occasion of Titus' triumphal return to Rome with his Jewish captives. I t 'marked the end of Jewish indepehdece and statehood (70 A.D.). The city was destroyed and the Temple laid in ashes, Uprising Two generations after the fall of Jerusalem, Bar Kochba led a national uprising against Roman rule. The Insurgents succeeded in reconquering Jerusalem and holding for three years. But it was again crushed by the Romans and transformed into a Raman colony calling Itself Aella CapJtolina. Jew* from other sections of the country continued to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem On the Holy Festivals. It was during this period that there grew up In Jcruxnlcm a movement known as "Mourners for Zion ami Jerusalem," which continued well Into the period of the Crusades. KB adherents prayed for the rtstorn •thin of the Holy City and in their prayers Indriticd supplications lor (lie ichiilldlni: of (lie city. "Next your In Jerusalem" tndny a rtnllty is the concluding pa'.wifje of the most solemn services of ./ewi«h llturi;y, thaw of the Passover Kve and of tlic Day of AtonsmenL
Mayor John Rosenblatt (right) smiles bis approval at his proclamation naming the month of November "Juracl Bond Month." Joe M. like, general rlitilrimm of the Ilond rimpalgn, is accepting the proclamation on hehulf of the eommlttce.
What of Future Jerusalem? As Reviewed by Israel Bond Chairman During the closing months of this year, Omaha Jewry is preparing a series of events that will highlight the Israel Bond program. The dinner In honor of Jerusalem's Mayor Ccrshon Agron Sunday cvenlnis, 'Nov. 4, will serve as the focal point of the drive that alms at securing investment capital for NMPI'I industrial and agricultural economy. •I'roufl Heritage Because we will be paying tribute to the chief executive of the ancient and glorious city of Jerusalem, it affords Us an opportunity
of reflecting on these past glories, both spiritual and temporal. I believe that the old-adage, "A people without a past Is a people with out a future," has been proven over again by world history, and can be accepted as a truism. It is therefore with justifiable pride that we look back upon our proud heritage as a people, and with justifiable faith that we look upon our future. That is the reason for Uila special supplement edition in the PRESS. As we note 3003 years of Jeru(Cbntinued on Pago 4.)
Close Gap of Words, Deeds Ewrrpts from address by Flililp Klntznlrk, P r e s i d e n t of B'nal U'rltli. There must be a division of labor, and there is a job for us In the drama of diplomacy and the glory of battle.- In the midst of ail of these dramatic events, we must note 1ho statement of the Finance Minister that we can and must da something about it. History teaches us that there have been many armies, no marter how brave and how well prepared destroyed by a brendown of the horns front The failure of the economy of n country can be morn vital to that country than the bullets of the enemy. And we American'.Jews,'can wo. face each other and say with complete candor that we liavo done what we can or should in that area where we are competent to act? It is time that we begin to call the attention of our Government to tho fact thai when, as a result of incidents beyond the control of this little nation, our ally, it has been exposed unduly to danger, that even though our grant-in-aid program may be dropping generally and our loan program may bo under greater scrutiny, there is a maral obligation on the part of «ur country to substitute for what we may h&yc failed to do. At this time we must recognize our obligations as Americans, and Increase the availability of grants and loans to this little exposed free land on a purely moral basis. Two years ago I told you that the organization which I have the honor to represent was going to Undertake a certain program. It undertook that program, and I think it has become a better organization by virtue of having uni dcrtaken the program. Today the sale and purchase of Israel Bonds is as natural to B'nai B'rith as all of the rest of Us program. We will continue to keep it that way until the last Bond is sold. I would like to refer to a recent speech by Prime Minister BcnGurion In whioh he spoke of the gaps troubling Israel. There was a gap between exports and Imports, between standard'of living and earnings, i between town and (Continued on Paso 4.)
T*t*> Four
Agron In Twin Roles, Mayor and Publisher
What of Future Jerusalem?
Joe M. Rice, Bond Chairman
(Continued frora>PaRC 3,) galcm's hUtory, it cannot help but strum at the heartstrings of'every Jew, and (hat is ai it should be. As a businessman I would like to Inject a word about Jerusalem'* future. For Jerusalem's past—th*l is something we did nothing to attain—iti future depends in great measure on us. State KataMMird The establishment of the State in 1918 and the subsequent Arab invasion left Jerusalem in a battered, semi-starved condition. The food situation was di<astroui. The portion of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highways that run through the Jordan mountains wax in Arab hands. The only link, at that lime, connecting the Holy Cily to the rest of the country was a fifthgrade unpaved road, dug out of the mountain sides by the heroic Haganah under constant Arab fire. It is easy to picture the despair in Jerusalem. V-'ho would dare hope that a city so Isolated and on its knees could maintain In industry and population, let alone expand into the great metropolis that It Is today, as Mayor Agron will attest. It seems almost miraculous that the people of Jerusalem found an inner reserve of strength to accomplish what they did. Opened I ' u n a We Jews of America can be equally proud of the* part we played In that historic event. Immediately after the war we opened our purses and gave charity to the anguished, suffering people. Their immediate need was food, clothing, medicine; shelter and all UM other basic necessities of life. Then, In 1951, the Government of Israel, in cooperation with Ameri-
can Jewish leaders announced a far- sighted capital development plan that would make Israel selfsustaining, and free of dependence on constant charity. That, of course, was the launching of the Israel bond drive. American investments in Bonds have been working steadily in (he upbuilding of Israel's economy; great, great developments in all phases of Israel's industrial and ~ -rlcultural life have already been noted in the press and through Government- reports. These steps t o w a r d economic independence were made possible by the money we loaned—not contributed, but loaned at four per cent interest per year—to Hrael. The job is not yet done—and it is still an uphill' battle In light of current Arab-Israel truce tensions, alleviated temporarily by Colonel Nasser's "eigeneh Tsoorls" with the cjyillzed world since he "nationalized" the Suez Canal. It Is the duty of every Jew who celebrates Jerusalem's pasi to have a part In her glorious future. We must free our brothers from, the degradation of being potential alms-seekers. We must help them In their wonderful progress towards true freedom which Includes economic freedom. This can be done only through our continued Investing In Israel Bonds and thus we can be assured that We will have a share' In the Jerusalem whose anniversaries our children and children's children will celebrate eternally.
Honorary Chairman
Mn. I. Harry Kulshohby
Frlilny, October 16, 1056
CiThhon Acinii, Mujor of the Cily <if Jerusalem, and editor and publisher of world-famed Jerusalem Post, largest and most Influential English dally newspaper in the Middle East, will bo in Omaha Sunday, Nov. 4, when ho will lie the honored guest at a dinner that will be'held at the HlackstOnu Hotel that same evening, at seven o'clock,
Julius CJ. LlviBftton
Oklahoman Will Speak Julius C. Livingston, industrial and civic leader of Oklahoma, will alto apeak at the dinner in honor of Gershon Agron, Nov. 4 at the Biackstone HoteL ' Mr. Livingston, who Is. widely known for his leadership in American aid to Israel, has played an important role In the Israel Bond drive since its Inception. As • member of the Board of Governors of the State of Israel Bond organization and Chairman of the Oklahoma Committee for State of Israel Bonds, he has participated in the formulation of plans for tno new State's industrial and agricultural expansion. For many years a leader In the Zionist movement, Mr. Livingston has held many top posts in American organlztalon* serving Israel. He waf National Vice-President of the Zionist Organization of America,, and has held national and local positions in many other American groups working for Israel. Born In 1897 In St. Louis, Mo, Mr. Livingston now resides In Tulsa, Okla. The State of Israel Bond Issue Is the central source of investment capital for Israel's historic program of economic development Funds derived through the sale of Israel Bonds are nuking possible the growth of Industry, the expansion of irrigation and agriculture, the construction of roads, harbors and railways, and the building of new homes to meet th» needs of Israel's hundreds of thousands of new citizens.
Edurated in V. S/* Mayor Agron, who was educated at Temple University in Philadelphia and.went to Palestine in the early twenties to devote himself to the Zionist cause, has been hailed by American, British and Israeli statesmen, foreign correspondents and authors not only as one of the world's great newpnpermen, but also as a leader of public opinion. His writing and his political know-how have wielded enormous Influence in the history of Palestine during the past 30 turbulent yean. Since his election to the mayoralty in 1955, Mayor Agron has played a vital role in the upbuilding of industry and public housing in Israel's revered capital dty. Formerly Director-General of Information for the Government of Israel, his achievements in public service parallel a long career as editor and publisher of a newspaper that has gained universal distinction for its accurate and unbiased .news reporting. Newspaper Praised Time Magazine, commenting on Mayor Agron's editorship a few years (go, described the Jerusalem Post (then called the Palestine Post) as "the London Times of the Middle East. Despite acknowledgements and tributes for his objective treatment of all sides in the dispute over Jewish claims in Palestine, Mayor Agron was constantly harassed by the British censor and in the spring of 1948 saw his Jerusalem office and newspaper'plant demolished by A r a b terrorists. Neither the censor nor the marauders could discourage him, for Mayor Agron continued to publish his four-page daily, which came out as usual the day following destruction.of his plant. In addition to editing his Own newspaper, Mayor Agron for many years served as the Jerusalem correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, the United Press, the London Dally Telegraph and
the KxclMiigc Telegraph, t'onihal Hcrvlre Mayor Agron began his newt* paper career in the United State* in 1915 as editor of the "Jewish World," moving to "Dos Yjddlsht Folk," In 1917. A year later, h* left this country to VQluntCCT for active combat service with t b t Jewish unit of the Egyptian Kx« peditionary Force, fighting with the Allies on the Palestine front. Following his demobilization, h« headed the Press Bureau of th« Zionist Commission to Palestine, From 1921 to ,1924, he served a* the editor of the Jewish Tel*, graphic Agency, resigning from that post to work for the next three years as Director of th# Press, Bureau of the Zionist Executive In Jerusalem.
Close Gap (Continued from Page 3.) country, between oldtlmers and] newcomers. AU .of these, how* ever, can in tima b» closed, And In America we have many gaps. But I would say this: "Th« only gap which is really dangeroua is the gap between words and deeds." I would suggest to this Confer* enee, thrilled as It has been, hav» Ing risen to the heights of emo» tlon and of understanding and of information, that If this generation of American Jews is to be counted among the great generations of history, it is confronted with th« necessity of closing this gap be. tween words and deeds. It faces? the important task of making l i t resolve the most important aspect of its national character,
THE FESTIVAL O F THE Y E A R Come Celebrate CHflNUKAH With the Incomparable "Malkele"
50c Charge for Dessert Only
Oiluber 26, 1056
Jerusalem A N OPEN LETTER A Symbol To The Omaha Jewish Community
l!y tradition which Is rooted in history, Jews in the S t a t e of Ibracl and in many'countrles of the world will soon be observing the three thousand and third an nlversary of the establishment Of Jerusalem during the reign of King David. This commemoration, coming in November, will be noted by tho Omaha Jewish community when It extends Its hearty welcome to the Honorable Mayor Gcrshon Agron of Jcrusg< lcm. It is fitting then to recount in (his. column the physical and spiritual emblem of Judaism that Is Jerusalem.
Chairmen of the Women's DIvlMon of the Inrorl Bond Campaign are thown compel Ing plrni'ifor thrlr part In this year's drive. From left to-rlght are Mrs. Inadnr Ix-vlnson, co-chairman; Mrs. Nathan 8. Nogg, sponsor chairman; and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, co-chairman. •
Women's Bond Div. Highlights Campaign In a special salute to Ihe Honorable Gcrshon Agron, Maypr of Jerusalem, here *i guest of honor at a dinner to be held Sunday evening', Nov. 4 at the Blackitone Hotel, t h e w o m e n ' s rtlvl•ion of the Omaha Israel Bond Committee if busy in their Intensified program In behalf of the bond sale. ' Under the Co-Chalrmanshlp of Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf and Mrs. b a ilor Levtnson, a scries of eventi •re planned to stimulate Interest in the 1956 bond drive, Committees are functioning under their direction, having the common obftrtfve.'the salting of investment Capital for Israel's expanding agrlcultral and industrial economy, With Mr*. Nathan S. Nogg, as lf« Chairman, a spedal effort to add to tho list Of Sponsors in Omahai lias been making good progress. "Sponsors," arc the f e m i n i n e equipvalcnt of "Guardians of la-
me]," the designation* made for those who purchase brael Bonds In amounts of $1,000 and over. In a Joint declaration, Mesdamca Wolf and Levlnwn, stated summarily the deeper meanings behind the women's division effort for brael Bonds, when' they said: "This year finds brael beset by the gravest problems. Surrounded on every tide by enemies whose threats become more intense every day, brael is doing everything In her power to hold the line on her economic gains. It is therefore our responsibility to give Israel's economy all the strength we can muster through the bond campaign. ''It gives u i the deepest gratification to know how many women of Omaha are responding to our calls for participation and practical help in,our own program of advancing the bond program—and we will continue in our efforts until Israel has won full economic independence."
Salute to Jerusalem Mayor's Visit Here Omnhft Jewry will mark the tritnilienium of Jerusalem, the Holy City, In its tribute to Jerusalem's Mayor, tho Honorable Gcrshon Agron, who is coming to Omaha Sunday evening, Nov. 4—as guest Of honor at a/dinner to be held at the Blackitona Hotel. It was 3,003 year sago by the jJewlsh calendar that King David moved the sacred Ark of the Covenant containing the Holy Scrip,1ure< into Jerusalem. Thui were the Jewish tribes unified into one nation. And thus did Jerusalem Become Its political capital and the religious center of Jewish life. Now, 30 centuries later—30 centuries in which Jerusalem passed through slegu and conquest, slaughter and bloodshed, from one flag to another — Jerusalem Is once •gain the capital of Israel, once •gain', the religious center of Hebrew life, And to, It is fitting that Omaha commemorates Jerusalem's 3,003rd year, while its present chief executive, Mayor Gcrahon Agron makes * personal call here. Mr. Agron, brilliant newspaperman; publisher •nd spokesman for his country, is symbolic of Jerusalem in its twentieth century of history, counting Cf course, from the beginning of the Christian Era, The dinner will mark a high point of the brael bond drive un6cr the leadership of Joe M. Rice, the general chairman. The pcreonj listed below are playing an Important role in shaping the Omaha campaign: David Blacker Rabbi Sidney Brooks Jx Chapman A. B. Gcndier •• . pr, Abe Green bor^E,, • >!;.• • Rabbi Benjamin Groner
'"* .: *
Rabbi Mycr Krlpko J. Harry Kulakofsky Karl Louis Jack W. Marcr Nathan Nogg frymaft Osoft $am Pollak Cam Rice • Gene Rich Morton Richard* Cam Rlfkin Hon. John Rosenblatt Harry Trustin Paul Veret fiamucl N. Wolf WOMEN'S DIVISION Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Honorary Chairman. , Mrs. Samuel N. Wolff Chairman. Mr*, Isador Levlnson, Co-chairman. Mrs, Nathan Nogg, Sponsor Chairman. Mrs, Morris Grossman, Chen Chairman. Mrs, Herman Bdndaxin, Chen Co-Chairman.
Religious. Center Encyclopedic articles have described In minute detail the physical aspccU of the ancient capital of Israel. Its walls, its buildings, Its streets, find historic descriptions in learned treatises. Its magnificent Temple erected by Solomon, carefully depicted In the Book of Kings, was perhaps the first pre-fabrlcated building mentioned In any document. It became the center of the ancient Jewish religion and remained so until the division of the Kingdom after Solomon, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in a cataclysmic episode of history In 586 B.C. Its people were carried enmasse to Babylon and we note their emotions in the plaintive words of the 137th Psalm i
Americana have reason to be proud of the role which they and their government have played in the establishment and development of the democracy of Israel, The historic accomplishments of this new nation—a little more than eight years old—have reflected high courage, real and creative ability. « • » It isn't often that we'come thus, before the Jewish com-'" inanity of our city, to pound a note affirming the solidarity that we are certain exists between the people of Israel and we Americans. The dinner that will be held in honor of Jerusalem a Mayor Oershon Agron Sunday evening, Nov. 4, will highlight Omaha's avowed friendship and interest in the Jewish homeland, which -the people of Israel have built with so much sacrifice, heartbreak and devotion. •
SPONSORED BY THE OMAHA COMMITTEE, STATE OF I8BAEI, BONDS JoeM. Rice, General Chairman Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, Mrs. isador Levinson, Oo-Chairmen, Women's Division.
By the riven of Babylon There we sat down, yea, we wept, When we remembered Zlon. tlpon the willows In the midst thereof We hanged up our harps, But there they t h a t led us captive asked of us word* of *ongt And our tormentor* asked of us mirth; 'Sing us one of the song* of ZlonI „ How shall we ting the Lord's) song In a foreign landf If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, Let ray right hand forget her cunning, fat my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. If I remember thee not) If I net hot Jenualenv
Plan Now to Attend the Dinner I" Honor of
Above my chlefcat Joy*.
P h y s i c a l Jerusalem wa.i destroyed, but the spiritual Jerusalem continued to live. Scattered throughout E u r o p e , wanderers and pilgrims in ail the lands of temporary sojourn, the Jews, nmld travail and v utter woe, offered their prayers to the Eternal God of love and compassion, and, In those prayers t h e y expressed theJr living hope that the Holy City might be rebuilt and that again the word of God might go forth from Zlon. In their crowded ghettos, hounded by fear and oppressed by poverty, the Jews, In ancient and medieval times, recited as their forbears had done, the always inspiring story of the birth of freedom contained in the Passover narrative. A t the Seder service, when they had recited the glorious story of divine redemption from the taskmaker's lash, they concluded the service with the confident exclamation, "Lashona hobo b'rushalaylm" —"next year in Jerusalem." Eternal Hope This was an eternal hope and light which kept tho Jew courageous and faithful, despite the overwhelming pressure of his burdens. With this hope In his heart, he faced the rack, the stake and the grave with constant fortitude. Today, by tho hereto efforts of Jews and by-the will of tho United Nations, the State of Israel la celebrating eight ye,ars of independence. It is a fortress of democracy In a seething world of feudalism.'It Is the home of proud patriots and the haven of helpless refugees. It is surrounded on all sides by bitter enemies who have sworn Its extermination; It is the hope of tho civilized world that Ihe planners of United Nations may, with Justice -a* ihe' gauge, bring about the situation in which the hostile neighbors of brael
We are sure that you will not want to misi this opportunity-of joining your friends and neighbors in extending a most cordial welcome to our visitor from Israel. It will be our way of saying, to this brilliant spokesman for his country, that the people of Israel are worth our confidence and our support.
The Mayor of the Oily of Jerusalem His Exetllency
BLACKSTONE HOTEL SUNDAY, NOV. 4, 7 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS Atlantic 1177 may sit in an honest peace conference to solve the problems ethically and equitably. In the meanwhile, Jerusalem remains a symbol. It beckons to us as loyal, citizens of our beloved America to aid our brothers in the Stateof Israel In then1 endeavors to establish Justice and to procure peace. ... , • The most potent way In which we can help' Is -through the pur-
ATlanfrfc 1093 chase of. Israel bortds, because a s we prepare to mark the thred throusand and three years of Jerusalem's birth, we will best commemorate it by remembering our present day obligations to support our brothers in their terrific hour of crisis by the purchase of these bonds.' This gesture will serve as an overt proclamation (if our-esteem for the. people of I s rael who have made their country a powerful ally of America.
Octtftor * , VK»
All Roads Lead To Jerusalem A new and in ,».r nu ch iptor in pioneering l» U'IIIJ; authoicd In Jerusalem, M>-, IU IUIIIMIU -Va>or, Gewihuri Acron. It is the construction of a iiiudern highwy, one of the most unique in the world, which when carved through miles of solid stone end completed will link the scattered Juaean settlements with the capital ciry of Jei usalem. Begun 11 months ago, the Road Of Rock to Jerusalem will have far-reaching, effects upon the entire Jerusalem area when finally completed. It U a road, too, beset with .many irritations from nearby Jordanian enemy snijiers and carefully guarded by Israeli border patrols day and night. Not unlike the development of the American West, the new road is expected to cumulate the foundIng of many new- colonists In this potentially wealthy fruit-growing region. Workers from two dozen countries, including Arab citizens of Israel arc engaged in corutnictj the Koad of Rock to Jerusalem—and getting about on camel caravans, t o £ive it the Biblical touch. Much of the road winds through -terraced area* where signs Man Hum thirty worlufcop* w e M la lull wile aacnUon »t of agriculture dating back countthis newest or lenualeo'ii retwntlj-bullt Industrial center*. AU basic less centuries «re in evidence evfacilities and low rentals i n • failure of the orw Industrial centers erywhere. It -was hi this region as iaoeBtlWf i« « m t r urn undertaking* and expand established around Hartuv that Samwn tended his flocks of thorp in his childconcern*. hood. Truly, this new road forget the link between the very ancient and tho breathless new. And the Road of the Rock w a s 3,003 years a-bornlngl
Jersuscrfem's Industrial Centers
'Chen1 Helps Israel Bond Program in Women's Division
Mr*. Morris (tromumn "Chen" chacms will again bo an Important part ,.p( the Omaha WojnefTs Division activities in bet a i l of the sale o( Israel Bonds. : Mrs. Morris Grouman. C h e n Chairman; and Mr*. Herman Bondarin, Ca-Cbarrmm, are setting
their plant Tor a whirlwind cam* paign within the next sixty days, that will have as its objective a maximum distribution or the beauUtu] amulets awarded Tor bond purchases. "Chen" I* open to any women who undertakes, to tell or buy $2,500 of Bond*. Through this means she eabu'cligibllity to Lhc nrilional honorary croup of Chen, the American women's volunteer sales carps lor Israel, and thereby m s lains the same vital cam? by making Israel's economy xtrong. "Chen" is the" familiar Hebrew word for "charm"—and a beautifully designed, a solid gold "Chen Charm" is awarded to each Omaha woman who sells $2,500 worth of Bonds. For each additional sale of $2,500 Chen workers will earn an additional charm until a total of twelve have been distributed—the "twelve" being symbolic of the twelve lost tribes or Israel —"living symbols of your leadership in serving, protecting, and buildinr Israel," said the Mesdames Grossman and. Bondarin,
NOV. 18 The Sponwir Pin i* u y of B $1,000 Ixrarl Bond pnrchaM la one year.-Twenty Onuna women werr prh1l«fcd to wear the. phi la»t jear.
SUN., NOV. 4 THE DINNER In Honor of the Mayor of Jerusalem
GERSKON ACiiON L: Israel GovernmeRf Officers Hie OtUra of lbe rrlmo Minister, fin Jerusalem'* Ilia (iatilral Stacet, U one o\ Ibr total i»olnti of the Israel rjovernment. In ad4mm to costtatnbig DsttU Bra-Gudoii'o oOien, i t o iwUdtni; also konsesTBThroa covrnanentnl demrtments.
Blackstone Hotel
Starting at 9:00 A.M. Sunday, November 18 will be a Big Day dedicated to Israel in Omaha. A day when an army of volunteers will go calling on their neighbors in a door-to-door survey of the city, each of whom will bear a message of aid •to Israel, through the purchase of an Israel Bond, jTheir Goal: A bond for every home! | Volunteers are needed now, so stand up and be counted for Israel by notifying tho Israel Bond office of your willingness to join the bond-selling ! corps. Here is an opportunity for those who cannot, buy a bond—to sell a bond!
AT 7:00 F.M.
Atlantic 1177 ATIcnfic 1093
MR. JOE RICE, Chairmoa
Friday, OcUbrr JO, IBM
Hadassah Leader To Speak Oct. 31 M r ^ . I i r . i . ' l I > S h i | u i > .,t A i I . i n t - t , ( J o , < > : , ' i i f A , u . i,< i \ „ i i fctind.n.i Hull i n u f i > n , w . i iI . ' 1 IJUl'it - p i l k " | i t t ' l i -I , 1 1 ' I1 I I t ' | l AlPinbriihip I.••rn-Ii m Vt< l ' i ' > d a y , O c t 111 , i i \'i ; i ) p i n . i t I I , J o w , - > h C u M V i i ' i n i l ; , <'( I ' M * M I S t u p a o u / u o n e (.f t A ( i t j - t . * > Jl.ul.i->-> i h I I M I I I i i o i ' J i ' r t K l I J l u n
Omaha Sketches : . ! . . l i i i ' l 1! • > , ! / i i , , „ , .„)„ ,,f J I , >• '1 M i ! J •- i l / n m . u I , | I , , .1 . . I n l l y l.i I ' i ' i I (i '1 ni I ' l i . 1 i i t in.lj il D u n n m h C'.JIJ ,•••, A n f i l l I ' l l i l l 1 , 1 | C I I I T I J I I ' 1 , 1 1 t l ' *' 1 1 1 I'i. J ' n I n n in ( J l f v ("lull .in 1I , H " ' I> II l : n m i l l I ' i . t j i i ' ^' .'•"ul/ni i n , ' , i ,;i u l u i l , ' n f <"i i i l i . i l H i i ' l i S i l i u i l , is m . i j o n i i ) ; i n busirii s s n d m i u i > -
I-rai'l during ilv •.pun;; of l'til Jtniliun She n as .1 sfx'.iki'r and organi/pr. M H . Sh.ipun is nuw \U.luig chapters in the Mountain I Mrs. Adolf Miiyer, wee In charge of Family RelaPlains Region. tion for District 20 of Temple A special feature on tins proSisterhoods, will attend the Sistergram will be a. repeat performance hool District Board Meeting to bo of tho finale in the Ilada-.s,ih Specheld October 20 in St. Joseph, Mo. tacular of l»36-"Valunt L.uiy." The musical tribute to late Henrietta S/old will be augmented liy ft chorus ot 20 voice*.
Monsky Chapter 1 Buffet Fete TheateTPorty by UN Henry Monsky Chapter of B*h6t B'ritlt will hold Its annual United T.I. Sisterhood Nations Buffet Supper from 4:30
(he man who
Tex , will nnc her report. Mrs. Philip Schwartz, chairman of the American Affairs committee, will speak on the importance of bt'ing a good dtizen in this important election year. BRAHTDEUI) WOMElf Tho Omaha Chapter of the Women's Committee of Brarideis University will meet at 1 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the Blackstone Hotel. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Justice Louis D, Brandeis for whom the university wot named, At the last board meeting, Mrs. Joe Zweibach, appointed new committee chairmen. M r s . It, H. Brown, Book Fund chairman, announced a concentrated effort Is being made on behalf of the university to raise funds for research
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Denverite to Wed
Births Dr. ami Mrs. IJenHm Kutler an-
I 'J In- n,.-iil-ii . uf llu< lliisim . nounce thi! birth of u .son, Howard I.U..I l',.,fi i M.II, n ,,r II i- .Slu'lilcin, IJ'JIII O c t o b e r i l in <i li.jil I ih v ill u r n I at tin 1 hump of cil hospital. They nlso have a" 1'h-. J i i l i " , N i u m i n S u m l iy, Oi t daughter, Laura, and two sons, 1 'JH ,i( 'J '.'I p m T h e liruitl will Kobert and David. M a t e r n a crandparents are Mr. and Mi d. i n n I .it 1 Tl p m M i i . C h i l l i ' s Itn.,1, p i c s u l c n t , Joseph Lorkis of Omaha ami pawhu iccTiitly l u l u r n e d fiom t h o teiiinl grandfather is Harry KutIl.idassa]) Cunvifiition in H o u s t o n , ler of Council Bluffs, la.
Temple Inrncl SUIerluxxl will hold a novel 'Theater Party" nt to 6:39 p. m., Sunday, Oet 28 nt the Admiral .Theater us Its anniinl the home of Mrs Gcoruo Spitzer, 3144 Franklin st. fund ralsinR nffiilr of the jour. Ttic supper and get-together Is Luncheon will ho served followed by a spednl preview of o for foreign students who arc attending universities in Omaha. first ran mo\ic in Qnomaqcopo and Technicolor which will not be Seymour Goldslon will serve as shown downtown until the flrat of master of ceremonies. Mr. Gold- boom. ston h4» played several leading next year. roles nt the Community Playhouse AsiiintlnK Mrs. Stanley Ffik. and Is probably better known by vice-president in charee of fund his stage name of Ken Seymour. Rummage Sale raising-, are Mr*. Milton Yudchoti, Mrs. Spitjer, chairman, will bo The Omaha Chapter of Pioneer luncheon chairman assisted by her co-chairman, M n . Women Is holding it* Rummaco Ticket* will be available at the Joe Guss. Sale- toddy at 1608 N. 44th s t theater. Mr*. Edward E. BroUkey if ticket chairman.
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD....
and Special Sunday Prices
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer II. Monsky of Denver, Colo., announce the engagement of their daughter, iludilii M IMIIO Kino to Harvey Martin Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs.. I3en Cohen. The couple will be married Docemlwr 23 in Denver. Mayer Monsky Is a former Omaha n.
Hadassah Bowling
Three teams share first placeDr. and Mri. Ervin Colton of tins week In the Hadassah Bowling League. They are Metz B«er, PlayChicago, III., announce the birth of a son, Michael David, born Sep- land Park and Nogg Bros. High tember 12. Maternal grandparents bowlers are A. Schulman, 510, E. are Mr. and Mr*. Raphael Cohen of Ross, 503, and M. Cooperman, 482.Chicago and paternal grandmother is Mn. Michael D. Colton of OmaSAMPLE FUR SHOP ha, M n , Colton returned home Sunday after visiting with her new Omaha's Reliable- Furrier grandson. Everything in Fun at Lowest Price* m City Save money by buying or selling T519 FARNAM ST. items in the Want Ada.
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Dear Friends: In the very near future, we shall have for you the new est end most modern kosher meat market and delicatessen in Omaha, conveniently located at 4415 Cuming St. In the past, we have featured only U. S. Choice meats. However, we wilt now offer th« more economical grade* of kosher meats along with our usual choice meats. We try in every way to serve and satisfy our eustomen by offering a free delivery service regardless" of the amount purchasod and by giving special serviea after hours in emergencies. We will continue to kosher, wrap and mark your packages for freeiing if desired at"no extra cost. When phoning in or placing your order in person, please feel free to ask about prices or anything that we can do to serve you batter. Remember us for service, satisfaction and convenience! W» will meet fair competitive prices. Our slogan is t» ierv» "THE FINEST WITH THE FINEST."
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Center Sports
Y.C. Doings
Friday, October
Bar Mifzvahs
Hebrew Course
Stamp Club
Jon Barry Freiden, son of M Itabbt Sidney II. Brooks anTho newly organized Center Candidate! for th» Youth Coun- "Wonderful To Know," a charm and Mrs. Gilbert Freiden, will ol inces a course in bo^ Stamp Club for buys and ulrls cil Volleyball Team are asked to ,course for Youth Councilors will terve his Bar Mitzvah Friday e n ircw for adults will start will hold its first meeting Sun« register (or the first practice «c»- start Wednesday, Oct. 31 at the nlng, Oct. 26 and Saturday mom rsd.'iy, Nov. 1, at 10 day, Oft. 28, ut 3 p. m. in tin Jewish Community Center under Ing, Oct. 27 at lieth IJ SimiRo^ui cuurse will he taught by Jewish Cdnimunity Center. Any flon. The team will represent JCC the. direction of Elaine Jabenls, Friends and relatne-i are uivitcf ty I.. Scliwiirt/, Director of j boy or j;irl who h interested In in the inter-city league <et up by local television personality. The to attend both services and the re Education at Temple Israel. T Istamp collcrllnK Is invited to cull the Commission on Parks and Rec- six week course will have one |ceptlons which will follow. are no prerequisites required foi the Activities Office at JA J30G. 'hour sessions each Wednesday reation. Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Winlrou1 the course. Tlie club will be supervised.. from 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. A wrestling class for Youth announce the Bar Mitzvas of thei. Council boyj will be held Tuesday For additional Information, con- ion, Bruce, will be celebrated FriAnd Thursday afternoon! in the tact Miss Joyce Koom, activity day evening, Nov. 2 and Saturday Halloween Party Temple Bible Class workout room to help the boyj get I chairman, at the Youth Council morning, Nov. 3 at Beth El Syna The Young Workmen's CircL In shape for the high school varsity office. gofjue• Temple Israel Bible Class will Branch 4filg will hold a Halloween squad. Friends and relatives are Invited Party at 9 p. m., Saturday, Oct hold its first meeting Thursday, Eight teams are entered in the Nov. 1, at 1 p. m. in Temple Israel Two separate bulletins will be to attend both service* and the « • 27 in the Labor Lyceum. double elimination handball tour. published monthly by (he Council ceptloni which will follow, chapel. lUbbl Sidney Brooks will nament at the Center. Will Bloom I entitled "College Comments." One conduct the class. Patronize Our Advertisers Mr. and Mrs. Herman Friedman find Sam Zorinsky took two out of edition will be for high school announce the Bar Mitzvah of their three garnet in the first match. seniors and the other for college 'son, Richard A,, will be celebrated Plans for a varsity basketball students, .Friday evening a n d Saturday Sam* Day Service league will be formulated at 7:30 morning, Oct 26 and 27 at Temple p. m., Thursday, Nov. 1 in Lounge Israel. No Extra Charge "Stage Night" win rcinstltuted B at the Center. It ii hoped, Irv Friends and relative* are invited Yaffe, chairman of Health and at a recent meeting of the Coun- to attend the services and the rela at 10 A.M. cil with Amle Ban heading the P h y s i c a l Education Committee ceptions which will tollow. Ktotfy by S M l . •aid, that from this year** varsity 'committee.' league « representative team can CASH and CARRY M drawn to compete under the A special session will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenblatt of JCC banner in city competition. 3:30 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 1 at Des Molnej, la., announce the Bar , Jeanne Silver won three straight the Center on the we of tht Mitzvah of their son, Michael, will Alto Fldwp anrf last Wednesday In the Center gym mimeograph machine, it was an- be observed November 3 at TlfeDeHvery 5enrlc« to give the single Table Tennii nounced by In'. Belzer, Y. C vice- reth Israel Synagogue in D e i Molnes. championship to Kohanue for the president year. Sbe defeated Linda Kavlch, also of Rohonue, In tht final ruESTONEOnmuac The first of a series of monthly match 21-6. .advisors' leadership meeting* was "' '}}'.'• A ' : • • • AZA 100 and Rayim will meet held Wednesday at the Center un• t Fontenelle Park this Sunday der the auspices of the Center's Gd. 817 S. 36 St. to decide the championship in YC Teenage Committee. IttiCAMtOL flag football. Both toami have HA 1044 ' 112 N. 18th JA1578 reached the play off by virtue of NATIONAL CAR & HOME Arnie Winer, son of Mr, and • 2-1 win-loss record, but the Mrs. Harry Winer was chosen previous week AZA 100 beat Ray- "Beau" of Hodi Chapter, BBG at fan 30-24 to give them an edge in the annual Beau Dance held Satthe championship game. urday night. Al Oruch was named Came this Sunday will termin- honorary "Beau." ate the first organized Youth Council football schedule and parents and friend* are invited out USY to Take Part to Fontenelle Park at 10 a. m. to United Synagogue Youth memsee these playoff games. bers will participate in Havdalah services at Beth £1 Synagogue at 6 p. m., Saturday, Oct. 27, MemT.I. Youth Group bers of the conKrcsation and Miss Susie Spcler was elected , Youth Council arc invited to atpresident of a new Temple Israel tend. Religious School youth group. The group Is made up of youngsters In the school's seventh and eighth Temple Conclavette grades. Other officers elected at Temple Israel Youth Croup will the organizational meeting arc: bo host to a conclavette of the Richard Friedman, vlce-projlden'; Missouri Volley Federation of Mist Helen Goldstein, secretaryTemple Youth at -Temple Israel treasurer, and Johnny Bank, jor! October 2G-28. geant-at-arms. Mrs. AJon Farber is faculty adPatronize the firm* that advervisor. tise in YOUR newspaper.
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