XXXV— No. 4
tSMrOtid C'luoi Malllnt ITU> Authorized Mt Oatutin Npljr
Human Set Up New York (JTAi - The American Jewish Committee will establish an Institute ol Human J.elatlon« which will be housed In u flew eight-story building tu be erected at Third Avenue, and 5Gth Street, New York, at a cost of 11,500,000, Irving M. Lngel, president, announced recent ly. Mr. Engel told the dosing neailon of the committee's executive board thnt tlie purposa of the initllute would be to "translate, into realistic, concrete terms the facts and finding** of the newly emerging science of human relation.1?." fie »nld It would function In five areas of human relations titudy end operations Includini; research, social action and mass communications. It would also have a center for world affairs and a Jewish community service center. Ground-breaking for the building will take place In connection
Anti-Semitism in Poland Setback United Notions, N. Y. (.JTA I — Official Polish anti-Semitism Imi been Ket back and perhaps "iquelchcd as n lesult of the I'olIsh-Soviet crisis, ^according to an authoritative source here thoroughly familiar with Poland and known f«r Ills friendliness to Jews. Two of tlie old J'tdithiiin ineml)(!rs ousted In the reshuffle of the governing l>oily of the J'oli-li United Workers (CommuniM i Parly are well known for llmr antl-" Scmitism, the source pointed out. The," men m-e Marshal Kon;tantln K. Roko,oisky. Uefcn .c Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Anny; anrl Zenon Nowak. Q Deputy Premier. A third high official, for who;e dismissal demands are being made now. Is LI. O n . Kazimler/ Wilas/owski, the army's political chief, uho was llioivn thr'juuli information revealed here, as one of the backers of the Zenrn Nowak's antl-Semltic iwliry. Nikila S, Khruschev, head of the .Soviet Communist Party, bad , placed anti-Semitism on tlie agenda during IIIH stormy nieetini: . With (be Polish Communist lead«rn, the source enipba:,i/!ed. "We have nil read that Khrnicliev told the Polish leaders that they wantCd lo '.sell the country to Americans and Zionist's' Khruschev hlm»elf is well-known for bis antiSemitism. Now he wanted to fan the flames of antl- Semltism In Poland. Instead, he. has been reliuffed on that issue ,i s well as Oil others," he declared.
Former Nazis New York (JTAi A prediction the regulation-, uniler wliich former SS officers are'to he ail. triited lo the new (iermaii Army will be c h a n g e d "witbin few weeks" W,H made here by a high German Social Democratic Party Officials, Fritz Heine, a member of the presidium of the Social Democratic Parly, told the JTA that he expected such a change as a result of Internal opposition to the West German Government's (tand. I The .Social Democratic leader, who sjmkc here at a luncheon In hi* honor tendered by the Jewish Lal'or Committee s.iid that his party was oppose* to permitting former active Nazis to obtain commissions in the new Army. Former Waffen S.S members would automatically be considered to come under that ban, he added, unless t h o r o u g h Investigation proved otherwise. Only after mich en investigation would persons In that category be enabled to obtain a commission. .
I'III'IIKIMIU ovcri I'ndu} IUI A 20tli Annual llulr 1 Uultart
N(1 ,
,„„,,„ ,.,„„„
sltmlf Copt 10 Cent!
Yiddish Series To Be Presented A Yiddish Cultural Series will with the launching of tba com- he held at tin; Jewish Community mittee's (30th anuher.saiy year in Center, it was announced by Joe 1!).J7, tlie celebration of which is, chairman of the cul under tlie chairmanship of Jacob tural committee nirai eoniuuiiee, Blaustein of Baltimore. '1'he first program of th" series Formation of a non-partisan, will be presented Sunday, Nov. 2.~> voluntary National Citizen* Coun- at 8 p. in. It is a pri/e winning cil to develop an educational and motion picture entitled "The Jewvocational guidance program for ish Afi.liwlv " the technical training of Arab refugee youth In tlie .Middle I.'ast was urged at the executive hoard session. Mr. Kngel warned that unless constructive, rehabilitation measures were undertaken, "the 20; a Farhand concert by a New 000,000 Arab refugees will conYork troupe on March 12; and a tinue to be u source of constant turmoil in the Middle Fast and a lecture whose date will IK anchronic threat to peace in that nounced later. The series i.s open to the public. troubled area." Judgo Simon Itlfkind, special Individual admission i* one dollar advisor on Jewish affairs In Ger- for tiie lecture, concert or play many to (Jen. Kiscnhower after :oul fifl er>nl« fm" e:wli mm'le the end of the war, warned the executive board that the contemplated admission of former Nazi S.S. men into tlie new German Army "provides dangerous jmpel'.H to neo-N'a/1 activities in Western Europe," He .said that GlOIip. Committee members are: Mrs. by accepting S.S. volunteer;!, We..t Germany will "taint the spirit of Miriam liondarin, A he Cohen, Mrs. the North Atlantic Treaty Or- Philip Crandell, Ma\- Crounse, ganization." Morris Goodman, Hen Martin, Mrs. The annual award of the Amer- Sam Novak, Karl Rosenberg. Mrs. ican Lilwrtiei Medallion was Sam Tarnoff and Louis Witkin. mnde to Senator Heilicrt II. Lehman at a session. Sen. Lehman declared that "our concern for civil rights should he n.i precious to us as our com-em for our families, our jobs, our daily bread." JIi" recommended a five point Tel Aviv (JTA) -Tlie American legislative proifiain for the pro- I'mbassy Monday urged American .t"ctlon and advancement of civil! cili/ens to leave the country withright.';. out delay ill view of the increased tension in the Middle East. The Embassy is arranging for the evacuation of all women and children of its' oifieials us toon as transportation is available. Premier David lien Gurion MonThe annual Al!-Aiuerican C.'oiv- day sent a reply to President Eisference to Combat Communism enhouer's pleas to him for rewill he held this year in Omaha straint. The reply, conveyed at tlie Pa.'.ton Hotel. November through U.S. Ambassador Edward !) nnd 10. H. Lawson, outlined the reason;; AbeS. Miller, nepartuienl Commander of the Jewish War Vet- for Israel's partial mobilization. Mr. Ben Gurion reportedly aserus has been designated as persona! representative of national surrd President Elsenhower that Commander William Carman of Israel's own interests require the Jewish War Veterans. Tile peace. The. Premier also conferred JWV is one of the .">;i national or- Monday and heard rejKtrts by varganizations which comprise the ious Ministers on the status of food and medical stockpiles. All-America Conference. Town and village governments Sam Reynolds, former \l. S. Senator from Nebraska, Is (he gave civil defense preparations local chairman. Omaha attorney top priority over all other aclivlJames F, Green, In charge of ar- ties Monday. In the three large rangements for .speakers, an- cities, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and nounced that Congressman Walter Haifa, special committees were H. Judd of Minnesota, the Hon. organized to handle situations arisIIol"ni;toti K. Tong. ambassador ing from the partial mobilization to the U. S, from the liopublie of which has already upset many China, and Herbert Philbrick, FHI normal activities. counter-spy, ivilf .speak nt- the The government has been anbanquet Saturday evening. nouncing that there is enough The public Is invited to attend food jn reserve stocks to last six this confcienrc. The registration months. There have been no attec Is SD.OO. tempts at hoarding, Constant streams of volunteers flowed* in and out of emergency hloodbanks Monday in cities throughout the coiUnry. li\ Jerusalem recent Immigrants still In Oriental costumes mingled in "Colonialism and American For- blood donor queues with Yeshiva eign Policy" will be the next topic students and women of all ages. at the Institute on World Affairs to be helil nt 8:15 p. m., Wednes- 1'I.ANi: MISSINO day, Nov. 7 In the auditorium of London (JTA) - - A military the University of Omaha. Dr. S. Gerard Priestley, who was for plane carrying ten high ranking five years a vice-chairman of tlie Egyptian military officers is reSpeakers' Research Committee of ported missing over the Medithe United Nation';, will he guest terranean Monday. The plane was last contacted about 50 miles from speaker. An avid student of Drltish Km- the Israel-I^banese border, a cable from lleirut reported. plrc problems and American ForThe plane was one of "two aireign Policy, Dr. Priestley has recently returned from a trip craft which left Damascus M<inlay morning for Cairo. The other, around the globe. "There Is need for new perspec- carrying Gen. Abdel Hakim Anler, tives in American Foreign Policy" Egyptian Commander-ln-Chlcf, arl« the theme foe tills year's Insti- rived safely In Cairo. The nilssin;; tute. 'Hie Federation for Jewish plane carried ills stuff. I-ebanese Sen ice i.s one of the co-spon.sor- and British planes nre searching Injf groups. for the nilsslng plane.
Americans Urged To Leave Israel
Anfi-Communism Conference Here
Colonialism Topic At Institute Wed.
Tlie Honorable Oerslion Agron, Mayor of tho City of J e r » ealem, will speak at a community-wido dinner on behalf of tin Israel Bond Campaign at 7 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 4 in the Blaclv Stone Hotel.
'I"' dinner, iii honor of Mayo* Agron, will highlight the Bond program that aims at securing invest* inent capital for the expansion ot Israel's industrial and agricultural economy. Mayor Agron was educated la the United States and went t4 Palestine in the early twenties to devote himself t,> the Zionist cause. Since election to the mayoralty In 10.35, he has played a vital role in ' the upbuilding of industry and pull. lie housing in Israel's capital. H« is aUo an author and foreign corresiKJiidenf and his writings hav*, wielded enormous influence in th» history of Palestine during thV . past .'10 years. Jerusalem's 3003th anniversary will hi; commemorated In conjunctiono with Mayor Agron's visit for1; it was Just 30 centuries ago by th» Jewish calendar that King David moved the sacred Ark of the Coy* cnant containing the Holy ScrJp>. Major tures into Jerusalem. . . " .' ',' Reservations for the affair a r t Hearing the capacity mark, Joe M;' Rice, Chairman of the Omaha 13" : rael Horn! Committee, stated,.'-RevV Washington (.JTAi - - National crvations for the dinner can b« still made by calling the Bond of" president Philip M. Klutznick oT fice AT 1177 or AT 1093; Air. Rlc«; Ji'nai U'rilli told it Protestant for- •said. ' . ' -, ' C ; -.- • um audience in President Ki:;enMayor Agron will arrive at th» liowt-r',4 church thai Israel nmt Omaha Airport nt two o'cloclfon» tin.' Arab Mates coitid work out a Sunday afternoon. Mr. Rico asfcs; "^'•iiniii'-1 peace" if major world that we have a good turnout at powers would stop imposing "their the special ceremonies at the airown ground rules for peace in the port to greet the Mayor on his arMiddle Kast." rival in Omaha. Mr. Klul/nid; said it was the? responsibility of the mrtjor powers "to forego intervention Find Reparation Ships hackstairs diplomacy and to set Zurich (JTA I - T h e Israel Minisup the conference faliln." Ik* was ter of Trade, Pinchas Saphlr, has Introduced by the Rev, Kdward signed an agreement with GerL. U. Klson, pastor of the Na- many to build 2.) more ships under, tional Presbyterian Church, who the .reparations pact between the ... •..; is widely known a.1, the President's two nations. The agreement, signed here, .. pastor. Rev. ' K'soti i> also noted for hi4 leadership in tlie anti- calls Tor final delivery by 1962. I t Zionist j.;r«tip "Americans Friends calls for the building of a total/of 1,000,000 deadweight tons 'at'*..f»f the Middle East." : The IJ'nai H'rith leafier said the cost of $75,000,000.. ."••••• s . .'• Arab refugee, problem "cries out for prompt and just solution," but (hat it "will not he solved by cynical, politically-motivated demands for total repatriation—no more so than any of the countless refugee problems of history have been Kulvcd that way." Mr. Klutznicek said ho wns TIMES OKTS AWABD New York (WNS)—The solemn "confounded by those critics who denounced Israel's richt to exist obligations of "a free press in a by interpreting JUT Independence free society" were underscored as a kind of treacherous achieve- last week at a luncheon tendered ; uenf of power politics at the ex- byjhe American Jewish Congress pense of other Middle Kastorn in honor of The New York TimeSt . •(tups." Ho poinfed out that it which received the 1933 Stephen was. only recently Jordan, Wise Award at a ceremony In ' ;.;.,,: Syria, Lebanon, and K'.iypt had Congress House. The Award, in the form of a ' achieved their independence. Referring to the refugee prob- bronze plaque, bore the following lem In tlu.- Mitfdle liast, Mr. Kliitz- inscriptions: "To The New York nlck said "we tend lo forget that Times-for Its outstanding service.. >f the 7f>0,000 refugees who found as a leading organ of public opln- '. a homeland in Israel during the ion in championing the constitufjrst three yeais of her statehood, tional rights and freedoms of all''• half of these were refugees from Americans." A check for $1,000, Arab lands, uprooted by the same which usually accompanies, tha Arnb war on'Israel that uprooted plaque, was returned with thanlts, to the AJCongrcss by Art.'Kir . o many Palestinian Arab.^." Hays Sui/berger, publisher of Tha -
Refugee Problem, Kksfemclk Topic
I Times.
Sunday Radio, TV "In I he P.egiimin;;" a moving story of the. last days of the Warsaw Ghetto will he televised nt 12:30 p.m., over KMTV. The Frontiers of Faith series is presented under the auspices of the Jewish Teheoiogical Seminary. The Eternal Light program will IK- broadcast over KFAI1 from 10: la to 11:1.") p. m.
• • • • '
CANADIAN HOTS Washington (JTA'i — A spokesman for the Canadian Embassy said Monday none of the 24 Snbro jet fighter planes sold to Israel has yet been delivered "nnd none will until the present situation U clarified." It was pointed out that a cancellation proviso was contained in the contract for sale of the plnncj In which Canada had n rinht to withhold shipment if Israel «lgagvd In .hostilities. ;•
Friday, NovemlHT X, 195«
she stepped'forvvaid to receive her Settlement House • firearm, I felt that tills country of youth cannot fail. Jerusalem, I.sraeJ—The Bet HanIn a >inilh center in H.iifu, sup- oar (Youth House) of the Bakka By Dr. Max V. Bsrr National Director, B'lui D'rllh ported "by the municipality, I MV. .Settlement Houses here w a s Published Every rrtda> u j the tfedeiaOao ol Jewish tterrle* the intellectual counterpuit—«omc Moont. . l a u Mwuos fnvliegei Auuwnut si umnhh. neons**. Youth Organization two score of young children bury- au.udeil first prize ill Jerusulcm Aaniuu sutucnptlun. st-OC. Adv-mslng K«l*i an AppllotfcK tdiumui OUtce-llC No «ni> Strteu Oman*. Nctu. JACHNO WBt This hustling and bustling little ing their heads in Imoks. 'This is by the Israel Office of Education rttti ' sot u m u - « « So »U> Stnct HARRV HALPER1 Editor country of Israel, which I had the our librarian," said the director, for the excellence of. Its after* privilege of visiting recently, Is pointing to n 9-year-old, who was school club program, it wu an* largely the product of youthful checking books in and out and re- nounoed by Israel Headquarter* brain* and youthful hands. It was placing them unerringly on neatly of the Mlzrachl Women's Organthe blood of young people that stacked shelves. "Here every child ization of America. The Youth Republican parties do not com-scaled the fate of the new nation U a kind of soldier, each with his House provides supervised-after* Bjr Barl* Snotir In the war for liberation. Youth own responsibility," my guide addpete for Jewish votes . . . In fact, (Copyright, 1956, JTA) conquered the desert, drained the ed proudly, Then we stepped out- school social, athletic and cultural they do not compete fgr any vote* ' Washington Impressions: When swamps, tilled the fields, and side, where only a few feet away activities for children of many nayou visit the State Department . . . This is because on resident of caned out of ancient stone the rase the bleak walls of an old tional origins living i n the con* and you hear Secretary of Stale Washington is entitled to vote . ' . . moat modern cities of the Near prison. "Our young people know," gested quarter of Bakka. The set* John Farter Dulles' views, you The city is under direct Congres- East Here, at the crossroads of he said, "that when the center is tlcmcnt houses, established by get a definite impression of what sional administration and there the East and the West, young peo- full, the prison is empty," American Mlzrachl Women, were Is on his mind with regard 1Q are never any elections . . . How- ple are erecting a beacon of dem"Accent on Youth" the first social service institution* I s r a e l . . , There is no doubt that ever, the headquarters of both ocracy that will yet illumine the After noting this accent on he wants free passage lor Israel political parties are developing a primitive darkness of surrounding youth In Israel, I was impelled to- or their kind t o ba opened in I s ships through the Suez Canal; feverish campaign from here to lands. ward a more critical appraisal of rael's capital dty. hovt strong he will go after it win Jewish votes in all other Youthful Chid the role and status of young peomajor cities in the United SUte* He Is remains to be seen Tbc first chief of staff of the ple in America. In Israel there is Haifa Center . . . It te held here that in some very anxtoui that Israel get .Jet cities the Jewish votes may con-Israel Army, General Yigacl Yadirector general of youth work planet to balance the arms se- stitute the margin of victory for din, was only 32 years of age at in the Ministry of Education and Haifa, .Israel—Th» Haifa Jew* cured by Egypt from Communist either of the* patties . . . Each in- the time of the fight for independ- Culture. Informal educational *nd Ish Community Center, the first countries and was extremely help- dividual Jewish vote, therefore, ence. Of his five chief colonels, recreations! activities for young religious community center in this ful In Influencing Canada and becomes important in cities like who played a decisive role in de- people are fostered by the munici- major port city, i* now nearing France t o sell such jets to Israel New York, Los Angeles, Philadel- termining strategy and tactics In palities, who see this type of pro- completion, i t has been announced . . . However, be prefers not to phia, Chicago and others . ' . . Re- the war with the Arabs, three gram as having the same value as by the Uizrach) Women's Organ* commit himself on sending Amer- publican headquarters in Wash- were under 30. Yndin was suc-formal schooling. In America wo ization of America and the Mteican a m i to Israel although ington has put out a four-page ceeded by General Mordecai Malc- tend to neglect the development rachl Women'* Organization ol some types of military equipment pamphlet selling forth the record leff. also aged 32. Ahron Remcz, of leisure-time activities'for young Canada, Joint sponsor* of the projis being sold by the U. S. to Israel of aid given to Israel under the who was chief of the Israeli air people. Today a tidal wave of teen- e c t The new'center will provid* . . . He watches very carefuUy the Eisenhower Administration . . . forces for several years, was only agers Is seeking admission to tbc a kindergarten, nursery school* tension on the Arab-Israel fron- Democratic headquarters Is not 29 years of age. M. Limon, for a B'nai B'rith Youth Organization meeting rooms and varied cultural tiers, and speaks of invoking the behind in this matter and distri- time comnwnder-ln-chlef of the and to other agencies, and we are activities for Haifa'* newcomer* Britlsh-Amcrican-French Declara- butes plenty of literature on the naval forces, only y 26 years not prepared (o serve them. If and youth, with special emphasis tion guaranteeing the present Israel Issue, playing up the record old. The chief of the Palmach<— h more of us had the opportunity placed on activities for young Arab-Israel borders . . - However, of the Truman Amunlstralion in the striking force of the a r m y - of seeing Israel's emphasis on working women In Israel's most he has no intention of Involving helping in the establishment of was 27. The Haganah—and later youth, we would be more generous highly Industrialized city. the United States in any of the Israel and its development . . . the army of Israel which stemmed in our support of youth programs defense pacts which Britain main- Israeli diplomats In Washington from It—was full of young people, in this land . KF.GEV STITDf tains with some of tbc Arab are watching with neutrality the with youngsters of 16 and 17 Bccrsheba—-Prime Minister Da* countri't . . . He is strongly be- struggle between 1he two politicnl fighting in 1hfc field, working be- TECHNICAL BOOKS vld Ben Gurlon presided over on hind Secretary General Dag Ham- parties . , . Since the elections arc hind the lines, acting as couriers, Haifa —Prof, Shlomo Ettingcn, initial meeting of the Scientific marskjoJd's efforts •*» reduce a purely internal American affair, nurses, etc. Dean of the Faculty of Civil En- Council which discussed the funcA A r bI aI el sio n and s e y the Israelis carefully abstain from gineering at Tccbnlon, has pub-tions of the newly-created InstiAblKt Etna outspoken against any aggression expressing any opinion on the Abba Ebon. l a n d Ambassador lished the t i n t volume of a new tute tot Ncgev Research, now unwhether on the Israel or the campaign . . . However, they seem to the United States and to the technical scries In Hebrew, The der conilructiono-lo this .Biblical Arab side . . . However, he admits to be gratified that Israel has United Nations, was only 33 years Initial work is devoted to electrical city. The Institute will conduct that in the present -late of affairs friends in both political camps. of age at the time of his appoint- engineering, and covert the theory scientific studies designed to acbetween Iirncl and the Arab ment. Miss Esther Kerlitz, now of electricity, technology of con- celerate the settlement and develcountries, It Is very difficult to Israel Consul in New York, was ductors,, electrical measurements, opment of the Negev. Extensive TCMPLK8 define when A caw should bo I only 29 -when appointed First Sec- electric motors and low tension mapping of Israel's southern reconsidered "agression""vnd >hcrr) (JTAI^-fitform tern- retory of the Israel Embassy in Installation*. gion Is currently under way. :. hot t > •:; VH He ddefinitely fiil does' d ' not pies in the United States and Washington. * POMTICAt. ADVERTISEMENT POUTJCAI. ADVEHTMEMKNT :'' M t e l i y p t i ^ ^dictator < i L N » » - Canada were urged Monday to in- In the past decade and a half, •i-.-.'-'-^fei- although:he doe* not « y U tensify their social action pro- Israel has relied in large part upon •.v t ? to:*o many swords . V , Mi* stand grams and to apply the ethical refugees from Europe for the up>.•-''•• -toward • Israel is far and -awry principles of Judaism to the urgent building of the state. Those who •v-v ;^Jdcr tluih'lt was even a yea* social problem of our commu- survived the horrors of the con:^Vj>'. • «goV not to speak of earlier year*. nities, the nation and the world. centration camps and the slave lai i * * ; W * " - . , * ' ' : " - 5 . " " ' • * ' . ' - ' * ; . - * --.•"•"• .:•.'••"• :." The plea was issued by I. Cyrus bor camps were mostly the young ^ • J ^ ' S t a i e -Blept -Moods:** One «r /the Cordon, chairman of the Commis- and the strong. Israel rcccivrd nut Democrat >i*Ht4i>»ericiw"..Jewish leader* -for sion on Social Action of the Un- only the hariiitr survivors of the ^••V''.--.«*Sm'-. the doors of the State Be-. ion of American Hebrew Con- Nazi terror, but an entire new ;ti!S Dirtment are wide open is Philip gregations, parent body of 53fi generation whose childhood and for '-' *'•' Klutznick, national president of Reform temples.early adolescence had been spent ^.•^fc^-ttrtthV.VHelstaii^afc-out' In concentration and DP camps. Mr. Gordon cited _ as urgent "•'•'i.y'Vy:i'-Staie ' Pepartmcnt official* On the Frontier '••I'^wtSii a good deal of warmth . . . problems the protection of -publtc Today in the kibbutzim it is unAnd he does not hesitate to ex- education from the intrusions of derstood that life here must be pres; his opinion frankly to $ec* religious teaching*, and the strug- begun by the young,, not by the POI.rrirAI. AnVEHTISKMENT ' ;: rctary Dulles on the U. .'•S.'sjiand gle for racial integration. "Oddly middle aged. This Is particularly POIJTICAt. ADVERTISEMENT" ' . : oil Israel «••;••••. While encouraging enough," he stated, "segregated true of the frontier settlements, .'•" . ^ t h e friendly line' which Secretary patterns in housing arc mushroom- where hard toll Is compounded by i. JSullcs is now 4lspJaying: toward ing North and South at the same the dangers of Arab infiltration .:; : ;l*ra'el, Mr. Klutznick does not time that all other barriers of and attack, ,"-,:'lilde ;his vtew*'.. on matters In segregation arc crumbling. This In Israel youth is a precious asinsue requires religious concern •X\''••: KWhich he does not see eye t o eye. set which cannot be wasted. In an ''.')'.':.; ,»vltri Mr. Dulles . . .Inasmuch, asand action in the North and South impressive night ceremony at : • '•<: i ':Mr. Klutznick is the, spokesmanalike." Ramie, I saw some three hundred : •;~i:'::ior'the;',oldest American Jewish girls, many of them onl, 17 years •..: ,! organlzatlon,"Avhlch has a memThe words of the wise spoken in of age, sworn into the Army, As J ,-%->;-">b(»nrliIir-..ot7*eveMl:- Jiiuidrfjd^.'(bbii>-'' quiet arc more acceptable than I watched the eager, determined •;••;;.:;-'iiaJid,';h&; view*:; are listened fo the cry of a ruler among .'ools.— face of each youngster, drama..•''>'.;-\Wth;..-!jOnoiitV-Jji)*!iMt;-flt'-.tlie..Staic. Bible tically outlined in torchlight us •;'; DepartriJent ...';•/,;.They, arc taken i ; : _J2L!TICAJ. ADVKHTJHKMENT POLITIC-* .^ r '-'.JMl4n''ttd|rtton^<^-[1hj-.n»y.*en'tiP.: 4*.' •: ment'ot: the • average Amencah • ; // Jeivlsifi dtlzerj. who: Is sincerely It's Time for a Change and vrvJ\ dedicated to;th«'lnterests of the in Hie Office of ; ;i, 'United Stfltc* ' . ; , : ; The B'nai ;,' '. B'rlth is riot considered "at the •'{•• ;.-•:_'; State Department as a pro-Zionist , V organization, any more than the :,i:'-'V.;.Unerilea1n' Jewish Committee is ELECT '"•-'V-.iBOiBslderod pro-Zionist . . . The , if:' fact that theso two orgnnlzafiohs I flre. nevertheless, pro-Israel Is . ' m o r e than ever before being taken ! •K...I • Into consideration by some of the j higher Stale Department officials i Prompt, vigorous law enforcement' •••••'.•'..•... This explains why Secretary j BOTH Helped Get . Dulles recently received Mr. Klutz-1 I'OI.ITIf'AI. ADl'KIITIKKMKNT , nick and, separately, Irvine Kngcl. j American Jewish Cmn.rn i t 1 OP | president . . . Not to ."[Mvik of i • J a c o b Iilau.stcin, liunon;iry A.IC i for You, the Homeowner pro.idcnt, whose visits to tlm • . . . ' S t a t e Department :HD very fro-, '';-.. quenf.. . . At the White House,' They Will Give You Busineis-Liko Mr. Maxwell A bell, Chicago Jew-i Opcrafion on Your Gas and Wafer Service ish leader, is the mnn of iiij;li ; •.'• 'Standing*, . . Mr. Aliell, a Hepublican, is very nclive in Jcw-ish afDouglas County fairs both in th^ philnnthropic, Commissioner , : religious ami educiiiional fields. ] METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT
%\}t getoiel)
Israel Youth
Between You And Me
Thomas P. Kelly
County Attorney JOSEPH R.
Vote for BOTH for Director,
• : . . . -
V-'.. . Election Trends: Washington i s ; . 9 city where the Democratic and;
My past record is my Best Recommendation for an efficient, economical administration.
Vote for [x] LeMAR
Vote for [x] DWORAK
Friday, NuvrmiH-r 2, 19.18
93% Graduates Go On to College
Urgent Call for Handmade Articles
Veterans Memorial! Omaha Sketches Service Nov. 9
Taylor, Green Speak Before Men's Club
A I'l'omiiient leuublican defl Paul Ijlotcky, a mntiber of the Mf)i ( ' in I ' I I ' I (if democrat will give their intcfa U.ii Vc erana "ill hold II meICxccutivc Board of the Union of IYdci«tti'>n <jf Jfvwih U'unif t\\ ;cr\'ii'f l-'ridiiy c\e;iin£( AiiK'iic.wi Ilebirw Congirgatlons, preliilion of the election .resuIH Chilis . beforo the Beth _;i Men's Clue. on to nltpii'l colleges nml uniN I L '.I lii'lh Israel Synagoiiuc, HOOTIt nt the was praised by Maurice N. Kisenversities it was (Idtcnniini! in a Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 6:30, it was iiiouncod by Milton (joldChildren's Memorial Ilos-nilal drath, president of the UAIIC, for recent survey conducted by the bt'lK, I V t CMinmander, The program, entitled "Wednes> Dazniir Jewish Youth Council's Prc-collece Members of the Pobt will par- his "outstanding contributions" at day Night Quarterbacks," will bt Monday, Nov. 12 Cpmmittce. The r e p o r t also Iteform mobilization held recentticipate in the services under the headed by Shepherd Taylor: a n l Contact brought out the fnet. that slightMrs. Isador Chapman, GL direction of Rabbi Benjamin ly in New York City, UAHC is James Green with Newscaster ly over half of these students go Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan. the parent body of American Re- Lyle Brcraser acting as moderaCM71. out of the state (or their higher tor. Mrs. Ernest A. NogR, GL 1043. "The Memorial Services will form congregations. education. give w e r y Jewish Veteran a After their discussion, member* The following arc college freshchance to memorialize those of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brown ol the club will have an oppos* men: Marvin Abramson, Omaha; our comrades who nave passed," of Council Bluffs, la., recently tunlty to question the speakers, Mike Ban, Chicago; Ed Bercovid, said Commander Goldberg. With received word that their son Mil- Morley Zlpurtky is program Omaha; Tom Bromberg, Colo.; Veterans Day falling on November ton who is stationed in Germany chairman. Arvln Cohen, Nebr.; Steve Cohen, 11, the Friday night prior to that was promoted from second to Nebr.; Doug Cahn, Purdue; dill date is an ideal time for veter- first lieutenant. Patronize Our Advertisers. Cooper, Nebr.; Dan Denenberg, ans of thr Jewish faith to pause ^The replacement for the TuesPenn.; Dick Einstein. Pcnn.: Mike and remember with a prayer, he day Musical Concert Series recital Erman, Nebr,; Jerry Fcrer, Nebr.; of Dietrich Fischer-Dleskau, Aus- stated. Republicans - DtmocraH • Independents Gary Gitnick, Chicago; John trian baritone, will be the Italian Members of allied veterans' Goldner, Nebr.; Howard Gold- lyric tenor, Ccsare VallettL Mr. Choose Me at Your TV Serviceman •tein, Okla.; Jerome Gordman, Valletti, who opens October 30 at groups are being invited. The laPenn V.; Coleraan Creenberg, the Metropolitan Opera in "Don dles auxiliary will be in charge Okla.; Taroiy Horwich, OkU.; Pasquale," will fly here for hisOf an Oneg Shabbat after the IuBcrlMetd. Oaallfbe) Marvin Jouph, Okla. and Stan- concert at the Joslyn Art Museum services. Rabbi Morris N. Kertzcr, director of the Department of ley {Caiman, Nebr. - • Monday evening. Nov. 5, This will Jewish 'Communal and Intcr-reI Stand h r : Other* are: JUy Klrkp, Omaha; be the. second of a series of five ligtous Affairs of the American • Owllfy WorttfaewtliV Gene Kohn, Dartmouth; She] concerts under the auspices of the Jewish Committee and National • M r Pri«M Krantz, Nebr.; Mike Lazer, Nebr.; Tuesday Musical Concert Series. Chaplain of the Amvets has been » Praaipt Sank* Larry Lincoln, Omaha V.; TomOther artists who will appear dur- extended an invitation to attend • i M M m d Service) <M Warkel, Omah» U.; Lee Martin, ing the season arc Leon Fleisher, the JWV services according to a All Metes mat MatMs Crelghton; Mike Meyer, Iowa; pianist; Nathan Mllstcln. violinist, statement pf Dcpt. Commander Murray Newman, Penn.; Art No- and the Quartetto Italiano, Sea- Abe S. Miller. Kcmwnber Whi-n You Have TV Trouble—Call SAUL—That's All Vak, Okla.; Chubby Pauer, Iowa; son tickets only are on sale at Rabbi Kcrtzer will be in OmaNorman Plotkln, Omnha; Joel all downtown munlc stores. , Pitlor, MIT; Dick Rotkin, Okla.; Mr. Valletti is a member of ha November 9-10 to speak at the 17BI CUMINA-STlin Murray .Row, Omaha U,; Sidney both La Scala and the'MetropoJI Ail-American Conference to ComRosenblatt Crelghton; Steve Ros- tan Opera companies. He hasbat Communism to be held at the enblatt, Nebr.; David Rothen- suns on both American and Ital Paxton Hotel. Rabbi Kcrtzer has just returned from A tour of Rusberx, Omaha; Jamie Shapiro, fan radio and television shows. sia with other rabbis. The public Mich.; Sammy Shukcrt, Nebr.; is invited to attend JWV Friday Lcc Simon, Omaha; David Tep- Music Appreciation night services. pcrman. Iowa;- David Wldman, O v e r 9.'1 p e r (.''.wit nf OnKili.'i J e w i s h hl(!h sthfjol ijr.iiliMl's In t h e past ht'M'ii JIMI-> h i ' i - ij'iiii1
for the
Italian Tenor to Sub at Concert
Saul's TV & Radio Service
Nebr,; Mike Weisbcr, Omaha; Norman Wine, Nebr., and Mike Yudelaon, UCLA. , Other* are: Jane Brodkcy, LaSnllc; Leona Brown, Omaha; Joyce Cannr. Iown; LUbeth Cherniack. Sarah Lawrence; Rocky Cohn, Ind.; Jane Fellninn, Northweitem; Lorabelle F r n n k . l i n Southern Cal.; Phyltl* Freeiiman, Wise,: Judy Gimplc, 111.; llene Greenberg, Antioch; Judy Crccnhcrg, Mich.; Rochelln Grrenberi;, Southern Cal.; Bonni? Hiiykln. Nebr.; Lee Jahr, Nebr.: Klalna Janger, Chi. Art Imtltutc: Kltn Kiitzmnn, Mlcli.: Jull Kurtz, Omaha- Upp, III.; Itita Poll*. Omahn; Uunny Ra\it/, Mo.; "Toby Raznlck. Nebr,; Lorraine ilolUtein, III.; &Iarlenc Swart/. Ala.;: Barbara Ungcr. Skidmore, Olid Helen Vann. la.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brodkey will be hosts to the first "Home Con- New Member Sabbath Cert" of the Adult Music Listen ing Group which* will be held at 8 The Beth Israel Cngregatlon will p. m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at their welcome its new members tonight home, ,102 So. 51st av. Mrs. Abe at a special New Member Sabbath. Fcllman, who will serve as mod- Boutonnleres and corsages will be erator for the group, is well presented to the new members. known for her knowjedge and background in the field of music, Patronize Our Advertisori, The group, which Is limited to AIIVKII.T1SKMKNT five couples, plan to meet monthly. The Center Activities Office will assist olher persons Interested in music- listening to form additional small groups.
Beth Israel Club
Beth Israel Club Tovim will hold a Fali dance Saturday, N'm. 10 from 7 to 10 p. in. In the Talmud Torah recreation room. Admission charge will be t«enty-fne cents and reservations must 1« WATKR VLAX made in advance. Tiberias—Construction ,of a hydroelectric power station near r o u n a i . ADVKHTMKMKNT Tubghi, on the northwest shore of Luke Kinneret, will be the next of the Jordan water, developOM November 6 ment scheme. Work ha* already begun at the site. The station will have an output of 45.000 kwh., nnd -the power will be uied to pump •the Jordan water up to the Beit Netufa basin, through Wadi Tufa and a tunnel near Kfar Eilabun in • for the success of the state central Galilee. • for th« good of the, nation POMTlCAt. ADVEKT1SKM KNT • for thi peace of the world
A+tend the Community Dinner Honoring
Mayor of City of Jerusalem
Sunday, Nov. 4, at 7 P.M.
Meat, Fish or Fruit Plates $3.25 Per Person Send Reservations to 1014 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Call AT 1177, AT 1093
Mora thnn CO pur cent of Nebraska's voter* llvo outstato. Therefore, it's your election. Bo suru to f," to tho polls nnd voto—vota STRAIGHT REPUIILICAN for:
f O l . l T l C A l , A1IVKUT1WKMKNT
• rmldtnt Dwlght D. Elitnhovrer • Vice rruldent Rithord M. Nixon • Governor Victor I. Anderson
• Hep. Phil Weaver,
Congiesi, 1st Dirt.
• Cltnn Cunningham, Congress, 2nd Dili. • Rep. Robert D. Harrison, Congteii, 3rd DM.
• Rep. A. t. Miller, • • • • • •
Congress, 4th Dist. Dwlght W. Burnty, Lieulsnant Governor Stole Auditor Ray C Johnson Attorney General Claronn S. Beck Semlrjfy ol Stale Frank Mnrsh Stole Treasurer Ralph W. Hill Wayne R, Swanson, Roilway Commissioner
T h l i nilvnjMi Kapi.Mtc«n ; i u Itlrhl p l,
Comr.uikur lluti.l. Vu
• Iil f»r !JT the nl Oommlltoe, .fin;
Jfiffll 1 3 0
ENDORSED BY: Oman* Bar Anoblttion Citiiam CommiltM for Law Enforcimant
His Fine Record of:
Commltfa* on Political
Training - I - Experience - I - Honest Thought
Endoriarnanti of iha Combinto* Local AFL and CIO
for Congress
adds up to:
• Omaha Anorswy 23 V r a n In M i 20 yean o{ public lervlce,
• PrtiliiMt of Omaha Phi l*ta Kappa Aii'n.
both e i a full-time, elected1 offi-
• Mambtr of Parent-Teoclwri Au'n.
Cunningham hei earned the pop-
• Board ol Truttott of Coodwtll Indmtrlci
served, and the reipect of the
• Hontt Owner and Taxpayer • Married—3 Children In Public Schools
cial, and at a volunteer, Glenn ular mpport of the people ha hal people he hat terved with.
Twice Mayor of lOmaha, volunleer ana1 leader in the Chamber of Commerce, Omaha Safety .Council, - Treasury Department-, ;tfltine<saf )4ebralli»'i Outitanding 'Young'Man of the Year Award, he It the young, enpertenced man we need In Congreii. LET'S ELECT GLENN CUNNINGHAM.
Thin ad mla for lijr Cannlnrhiun for , Cemmltfeo—S«m Keriiaiila, Obalnniu
- pate Four
November 1, 1B5»
Hadassah Bowling
Needlework Guild Contributions
High Ixnvlers this week In the IladiiK.snh lfai,me are: H. Wintroub, 556; M. \Vir.rm;m, 471; II. Klein. 4W; h. I'reiMimn, iU); K. Snundi'i-s. -35H; p.. Sc,i;ulof, -l. A. Scliulnuii), i'r\\ M. .Sliukcrt. -132; It. Cflfand, i:>2: M. Kntzm.-in. 4.r)l; U. lVrlincier, <!31; V. Rubin, •ll'j; K. H.ih'iinan, -13H; H. GiecnIK'I'C, -127; K. Rise, 421; E. ]t(«s, 420; M. C<io|iei-mtin. 418; P. K;il xcr, 416; Jt. C<K)pcr, 414; V. Krasne, 413; F. Schloff, 413; G. Zevitz, 409; B. Muskln, 409; H. Cnin, 406; V. Kpstcin, 402; P, Jlobennan, 402. and H. Tarnoif,
M r s L)ci\o C ' J D M i h ii n in J< • Ish C h a r i t i e s Section, "I lli> N c g d k v o t k diiild I J I U I m i ' nil thoSC W h o lltUC I'M H I 3*1 M l.l 111 t h e n c o n l i i b i i l i o n s t u d o u In' iv - I
dlQtely > In addition to those women who Contributed pieuously. t tie follow lng contributions die icpomd i Hesdamcs .Morris Abr.imson, Norman Bordy, Alfred Drody, J. J Friedman. Gary Uioss, .M.iv Davis Jacob-Frcgger. Samuel Goldware Howard Kaplan. Morris Levey. Kd Ward Lincoln, E. M. Malashocl Jack Melchcr. H>mic Mildei Ernest A Nogg. Ralph Fred Nog' David W. Rosen. Samuel 11 Itoicn berg, John Roienblatl. Israel Ro •cnthal. Donald Schoenbdum, RJ R. Simon. Rubin Smeerin, MOITI Slalmastcr. Me>er L. Stern, Jo Stoler, Ira Trachtenbarg, Ale Wolpa, Imnc B Zlorman, an Miss Frances Rutsteri
Items Needed for Hospital Donation An urgent call tins been issued by K i t . Ixndore Chapman and Mrs. Ernest A Nogg. Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs chairman and co-chairman respectively, tor donutlons of handmade articles tot the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar, to be held Monday jfov. 32, from 0 a m. to 10 p m, at the Sheraton-Fonlcnclle Hotel. The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Hill again h;i\c Us oun booth, It was announced. Anyone interested in crocheting, knitting and sewing items as baby clothes, -pot holders, aprons, tea towels, doll items, or any unusual article fur the bazaar should contact Sin. Chapman. GL 0471; M n NORB, GL
Community Center, JA 1360
Mn. Martin Taxman (right) and Mm. JuIIux Conn, program chairmen, look owr oklt to In? |irr*rnt«l by (tip Trmpln Itrael Sister•f-
and Mrs William Finkle. Mrs. Temple Sisterhood Sanford Brophy will be the ac< Mrs. Julius AbrahamTo Offer Musical conipanut. son and Mrs. Joseph Meyer will Temple Israel Sisterhood will present musical comedy entitled Skltsophrenia Tuesday, Nov. 13, In Temple Israel Social Hall at 1 o'clock. The skit will be presented after the regular luncheon and business meeting. Mrs. Edward Gilbert, president of Sisterhood, wiU conduct the meeting and board meeting at 11 o'clock. Sisterhood member* arc urged to bring their friends to this open meeting; however due to limited •capacity, reservations must be In by Sunday. Skltspphrejiia'ls a take off of Lady in the Dark. The "lory is a succession of dream sequences In which a politically liberal housewife encounter* • scries of frustration*. . The cast Includes: 'Mrs. Lawrence Plattncr, Mrs., Maurice J. Arcsty, Mrs. Leo EUenstatt, Mrs, Warner Frohman,Mrs. Richard Goldman, Mrs. Stanley Kotclmnn, Mrs. Morrey Landman, Mrs. Milton i. Lehr, Mrs. Stanley MnlaBhock, Mrs. Irving Malashock, Mr*. Edward Milder, Mrs. Norman Rips, Mrs. Robert Rosen, Mrs. Robert Silvcrman and Mrs. Lee Sloan.
SCHOOL PHARMACY Plttsburgh (JTA)—Alpha Zeta Omega, the pharmacist*' fraternity, will contribute $100,000 toward, the million dollar campaign which the drug Industry in this country will conducTfor the building of a School of Pharmacy at the Hebrew University in Jer. tualem, it was announced here at K regional conference of the fra-
The Cousin* Club will hold a luncheon meeting at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the Fireside Restaurant. Those who are unable to attend call GL 1317. Mrs. Dora Perimeter will be hostess.
Omaha's Raliable Furrier
The Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club will hold their luncheon meeting at 1 p m. Tuesday, Nov. 6 in the Dundee Deli. Mrs. Dave Hoberman and Mrs. Irving Herzog will be hostesses.
The Finest in Photography
Evarything in Fun - af Loweit Prieai in Cify - 1519 FARNAM ST.
Some Day Service No Extra Charge In at 10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
For the Finest in Kosher Meats at Lowest Prices
Dial AT 0686
Also Pickup and Delivery Service
and Ask for
k',,;ue '! .Mrs. A. ('Jiii k Miirdock will r«» view SiiiniK'l Aslriichuira IKXJU, "An Knd to DyiiiK." Mrs. Nonnnn liatt is chairman for this nffair. Members of lief committee me the Mmes. Harry RavlU, Hnrry WJgodsky, Michael Krasne, Horace Rosenblum, Lewi* Vagcr, Gilbert Arnoff, and Barton Creenbcrg. A ticket for thl* program I* Included in the "Highlight* Book." Additional ticket* may be purchased from reservations c h a i r men, Mrs. Sam Goodman, GL 1929, and" Mrs. Irvin Rubjnow, RE 2865. A board meeting will preccd* the luncheon. There will be no regular meeting this month. -
Cousins Club
ZBT Mothers
B e t h Kl .Si.sto.rliuud's first " h i g h l l i : h t " i-UMt •>[ t h e sen&on will t » ti iy ^ 'It I » . , ( A lutiilirtjn 'i'iuira* d.i>, :<n\ H ,,t 12 ,i0, In t h e s y n n -
Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Worn en Mill hold an Oneg Shabbat at. 1 p. m, Saturday, Nov. 3 at the home of Mr*. Isadore Forbes, 1720 M. 51u St. Mrs. MUtcwi Nerenbcrg, program chairman, will sing a selection of Jewish folk tongt. Mr*. H. Richlin will give a reading. Joe Ra notvski will be guest speaker. t h e end of a thing 1* better The annual rummage sale is now being held at 1608 N. 24th s i For than the beginning; and patlcnco pIcTtup of Item* for the sale call succeeds b e t t e r than passion.—" sam Rifkin, HA 4030. < Biblo Mrs. Sam Novak, president oftd chairman of Flower Day, trishc* to thank all those who helped make it a success.
be In charge of the luncheon, The lord protect me from my skit is directed by Mrs. Hy Shrier. Free baby sitter service will bo friends, and I will get even with my enemies.—Bible available.
Portraits | Gleaners Weddings j Commercial $ 112 N. 18th JA1578
Photographer J 817 S. 36 St. HA 1044
i |
Omaha's Most
Complete Kosher Delicatessen Located In
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD....
the man who fakes his family
per month will buy you the
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Closed Sunday Starting Nov. 11 Open Sat. 9 A.M.-11 P.M. Monday thru Friday 10 A.M.-I0 P.M. N
Hoffman's Finer Foods
BEVERLY HILLS PLAZA 7830 Dodge WA 2207-08 • Announces New Store Hours!
Will Stand on Their Heads Deaf With You!
Pioneer Oneg Shobbot
JIIZRACIII WOMEN Atlantic Qty (WNS)—A budget of 51,100,000 for its social service •nd vocational education project* In Israel was adopted by the-3Ut annual contention of the Mlzrachl Women'* Organization of America. Mrs. Deborah Ebta, presldeW of the organization, outlined a program of political action which included unremitting-pres•ure for the right of free emigre tion to Israel of Jew* from the USSR and other Communist states. Speakers at the convention included Dr. Joseph Schwartz, exThe skit is staged by Mrs, Norecutive bead of toe Israel Bond Organization; Moshe Kol, member man Cainc, Mrs. Stanley Periof the Jewish- Agency executive meter, and Mrs.'.Bernic Altsulcr hoard, and Arthur C. Lheran, member of the Israel delegation to the United Nations.
Rosen-Novak Chevrolet
B.E. Sisterhood Book Review Fete
2500 Harney JA 9896 Open Sunday—8 A.M.-8 P.M. with Complete Kosher Dept. Closed Saturday Mon. Thru Fri. — 8 A.M.-8 P.M.
, November Z, 1856
HIE mvisii FHESS
Arlene Meyer to Wed in December
'Festival of Lights' By B.B. Women
Abe Meyer niinouni'cs the rngarment of hit cl.iu;,liltr, Allen'1, \o Dr. Clunks Hurt, nut of Mr
B'nal B'rith women of Omaha will hold their mutual fund raising piojed "1' of Lights' «t 8 p. m., November 25 at the Black5tone Hole;). The following chairmen have been announced: overall ad took clii'ilrnmn, Mm H.uiy Friedman; overall treasurer, Mrs. .Sidney Zncimcr, and overall publicity, Mrs. Diivld n. Blelcher, Others lire: Mrs. Max Krize'Im«n, Mm. Al Zwcrltng, Mrs. Sam Shylan, Mrs. Sol Liftman, Mrs. Harry Raznick, Mrs. Sol Martin, Mrs. Sol Mlroff, Mrs. Dan Gordmnn, Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, Mrs. Al Oruch, Mrs. Frank Sckar, Mrs, Paul Sacks, Mrs. Aaron Epstein, Mrs. Reuben Ratner, Mrs. Harry Llppctt, Mrs. J, Stolcr, Mrs. Abe Bear, Mrs. Ben Magzamin and Mrs. Charlie Scudder,
• nd Mis
MMIIIS H u t ,
City, Mo. Miss Meyer mti'iidi'd tlic Unlvriaity of I D « J , the I'IIIM Mly
Omnha, nnd nr;ulualnl with distinction from the University of Minnesota, where she received Bachelor of Science device in Elementary Education. While at college she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau where. Ghe (crved as secretary and vice-president. Mlxs Meyer was also elected to Alpha Lambda Delta, national scholastic honorary *ororlty, and PI Lambda Theta, national honorary education sorority. She Is now teaching In the Omaha Public School System. Or. Hart was graduated from Washington University in St. Louis . where he -ecelved his Bachelor of Arts degree, and the University of Kansas City School of Dentistry, where he received Ms doctor's degree. He b a member of Omicron Kappa Upsllon, national honorary dental fraternity, and-* member of the faculty of Jhe University of Kansas City School of Dentistry.' A December wedding Js being planned.
Dr, Donald N. BIgelow
Brandeis Women Will Hear Prof Dr, Donald N. Bigelow, professor of American Civilization and Institutions at Brandeis University, will address the semi-annual meeting of the Omaha Chapter of the National Women's Committee of Brandeis University The meet' ing will be held at 1*30 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the Blackstone Hotel and will commemorate the centennial of the birth of Justice Louts D. Brandeis. Dr. Bigelow taught history 'at Amherst and Columbia UnlverPOUTICAI, AnVEnTISPMBNT
JHON8KV CHAPTJCB . B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold Its rcgtilor meeting Wednesday, Nov. 7 • t 8:30 p. m, at the Jewish Community Center. The theme for the evening will be "Bellefalre Night." Bcllcfalrc 1» a children's homo In Cle\ eland Sauf Sllverman, the program director of the Jewish Community Center, will sneak on BCIIPfalre and will also present a Bulletin Placriue to Mrs. Harry Frlclman, past president of Henry Mnnsky chapter No. 470. Mm. Abo Klopprr fa Brllrfnlrr chairman. Social hour nnd frro bingo will follow. IMDA8SAII Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of the Hadass.ih Medical Center committee, nnd lier group chairmen, 'Mctdnmes Max Fromkln, Max Shapiro, and Ben'Perelman' will meet with their units to plan the year's activities at tho home of lira. Stein at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 6. The first meeting of the HaOassnh Study Group will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee Ccndlcr, ' 6801 Lafayette s t , at 9:30 a. m., Wednesday, Nov: 7. The new Hadatsah book "Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People" will be discussed. KADUIAII Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold a buffet'suppcr • and card party as their first-fund < raising affair of the season. It will be at the honWof M M . Henry Tulzer, 2028 N. Mth St., Saturday evening, Nov. 10. , i For reservations call JA S170 or GL 5926. Kadfanah's board meeting will ' be'held at 1 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the home or Mrs. Eugene Braun, 6773 Hamilton st. Mrs. Herman Mlrovwltz will pre«ide.
Miss llene Sachs Engagement Told Dr. nnd Mrs. Mnurlco Sachs announce the engagement of their daughter, Done, to Donald Klein, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Klein of Pnwhtifikn, Okln. Miss Saclis Is n sopliomoro at the University of Oklahoma and Is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tan sorority. Mr. Klfin Is n senior In the School of ri'nnnury at the tame university find IH affiliated with Pi Lamda Phi fraternity.
sides before coming to Brandeis, He is the author of "Wra. Conant Church and the Army and Navy Journal," which was published In 1952. On November 11, Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren will unveil the life scuHpurc of Justice Brandeis at Waltham, Mass., which will officially start the year long ceremonies honoring Justice Brandeis. All members of th chapter are urged to attend the meeting nnd guests are welcome. ' , 'POLITIC A t, "ADVERTISEMENT
Winter Comes By Mrs. Morris Speckter The summer passes with unseemly haste And leaves us almost breathless, So ill prepared for winter's lonely wastes, we feel as a newborn infant, helpless. Nature cannot change Its ways. This I know full well. We cannot make the summer stay; The mirror tells IU own dreary tale. Lonesome are the days, sad the nights, And If we try to hold summer as It-wanes, We learn that thijis an unequal fight— We always lose—winter laughs at our pains. We have no choice then, clear to see, Than letting winter come after. Making use of It as,well as can be, And turn a deaf ear to summer's laughter.
Forbes Bakery & Delicatessen 50th and Underwood
24th and Farnom
OPEN EVERY SUNDAY From 8 A.M. Till 7 P.M. Complete Selection of Bakery Products Freshly Baked on Sunday POLITICAL ADVEIlTt.SEMENT
Why I t h i n k i t s time for a. change in City Government HARRY TRUSTIN
Friends: • , • I have a sincere message which I hope you will read. The past six months has teen a grave, solemn and revealing experience* I. shall never forget and will forever cherish serving as a member of tho Charter Conven- tlon. All of the God-given powers which I possess were dedicated to the study and recommendations for improvements in our city government. I know now the tremendous responsibilities which were placed on the shoulders of all the members of the Charter Convention, and it affects me deeply when J real i z e with what dedication and consclen"tfous effort my colleagues discharged this Important duty. ' I wish to assure you that every decision was a sincere and honest conviction on the part of each member of the Con• .ventlon. Now, with the election coming up Tuesday, and because I realize how difficult it is for all of you to read in detail the new Charter, I feel It is time I express my personal views. I believe I have served all the citizens .of Omaha and, with the other members of the Convention, we have developed the best possible Charter for the city- However, I had an advantage over the other delegates. I felt I could speak with authority because of my experience in city government, having served for 15 consecutive y e a r s as a Commissioner (1933-1949)
under Omaha's present form of. government- No other man, to my knowledge, has served so'many consecutive years as Commissioner. As I look back over those 15 years as your elected representative, I can't help but realize how much better X could have operated, my department had we had the advantages of the many sound provisions Incorporated In this new Charter. Because of the confusion, irresponsibility and wasted effort that goes handin-hand w i t h our present Commission form of government, this form of government is being abandoned by progressive cities all over the nation. I have lived here most of my life. I have made many, many friends in my 60 years in Omaha; and I feel sure that you know I would not recommend this new City Charter to the people of Omaha un-. less I thought It was for our best interests. That about sums up my feelings, except that I am humbly proud that this new City Charter is. the product of' sincere,.honest thinking persons who joined together and had as their constant guide "What's Best for Omaha?" ' .. The citizens of Omaha have much to gain when they vote "YES" next Tuesday for the rfew Charter. I honestly believe a "YES" vote for. the Charter is a vote for a greater and better Omaha. Very sincerely, HARRY TRUSTIN.
On This Question: Nov. 6
"Shall the charter prepared dud prepoMd, dy HM.'. h >",, . , ; ^ Omaha Charter Convention af 1954 b* addpt**) •« s J? ' ' " ' ' J3 Ih* new Horns Rule) C h o r M r ' o f tb« City • ! " ', " Omalia7" . , . • • • ' •
New Frat at Q.U. A Jewish fraternity is being formed at Unhersity of Omaha. The Upsilon Omicron unit is un dergoing its trial period before it can become a chapter of Alpha Epsllon Pi, national Jewish social fraternity. Harlan Bcrcovlci \vas recently elecled president of the group. Other newly elected officers arc Robert Meyer, vice-president; Dan Levlnton, secretary; Sidney Kloppcr, treasurer, and Morris Shrago, sergeant-^t-arms. Pledging ceremonies will be held Saturday, Nov. 3.
Library Lane B'nai B'ritfi Bowling Bjr Ron-lie 1'rriW Smith
II t l v r n u n I'linnlun,; i 3 in fii-,' p l j c e w i t h .10 n n . ,iml 6 I J -i . in the " A " Division uf thi' H'II;II B ' r i t h BOMIIUJJ L(M<;MC Tue hi/h individual K'line, 211, « d i I i'.\r-d b> '
Frlilaj, Nuvcnibcr «, 1SJ«
Let's Put It in Print I)i
li uf
oiit-nf l
Bar Mifzvah Ilnire Winliouh, son of Mr. and > 1 \w-,\ Wintniuli, will observe lii.s 13ar ^fitivah this evening and Saturday mornini; »t Beth El SynaRogue. Friends nnd relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
The following books, recently Mi' j ' i j ii'.im; on a wi'iHi added to the Jewish Community li.i }»ii ii new b<ih> V Library, are available lu bor Sonny Marko, wh.j ah.i 1,-uk tin-Aimuunct nicnt of an cn^d high individual series with S")."). I rowers. mt'iit" High team game went to National I New biographies I n c l u d e Tire for their 868. Hobcrmnn Weildiiic announcement? "Ileinc," by Max Brod; "Akiba," Plumbing and National Tire were Home from school? Going away to school* by H. Lehmann; and "Emma tied for high team series at 2,455. Mr. and Mrs. Irving GoldenEtc. Lazarus," by Eve Jfcrriam. berg announce the Bar MlUvah Some new books on the Bible of their son, Terry Evan, will be and the Dead Sea Scrolls collec- Thanksgiving Service celebrated Friday evening, Nov, tion are: "The Meaning of the Justin Lewis and Sandra Hal- Jr. B.B. Bowling 9 and Saturday morning, Nov. 10 Dead Sea Scrolls," by A. Powell ten, Youth Council Co-chairmen at Beth El Synagogue. Da vies; 'The Deod Se*a Scrip- of the annual Thanksgiving ServHoward Feldman was high In Friends and relatives i r e invittures," by Theodor II. Gaiter; ice, announced that this year's an- lite Junior B'nai B'rith Bowlbig Zadokite Fragments," by nual ret* wiM be at the Beth El League with 139-125 for a 264 se- ed to attend both services and the Frohman Elected Prexy "The receptions which will follow. Solomon ZeltlUi: "The Dead Sea Synagogue, Wednesday, Nov. 21 at ries. Marsha Cohen paced In the girls' Of Temple Brotherhood Scrolls and the Bible," by Roland; 8 p. m. A special service, prepared, by division with her 1*8 series. E. Murphy; "Archaeological AcTeen Bridge Class Warner Frohman was elected tivities in Israel," by 8h. Yeivin; the commutes, will be presented Terrlll Greenstone had the high president of the newly rcorenn "Modern Apocrypha," by Edgar J. the Youth Council groups. Calls of two no-trump • . . pass game in the girls' division, a 138, bed Temple Israel Brotherhood at Goodspecd; and "The Ten ComOther IliaiW • . and double will be heard in the first meeting of the season mandment*," by Solomon Cold- and "A Trmoury of Jewish Quo- Mike Green 131-111-242 room 23 ot the Jewish Community bdd last week. Other newly elect- man. Center starting Sunday, Nov, 11 as tations," edited by Joseph L. Mickey Sacks . . . . . . . 134-11*-238 ed, offices* are: C. Monascc, first 127-110—237 free bridge classes for high school " ' Marvin Polikov For children who would like to Baron. vice-president: A. J. Farber, sec115-10»~224 students will be given. For those who wish to read Dick Zaeharia ond vice-president; L. Friedman, read about the- Dead Sea Scrolls 118-104—332 Special table*, set up each Sunabout Israel and tbe Middle East Buddy Epnteln secretary, and L. Kulakofiky, we have: "Cave of Blchcs," by 117-106—223 day for competition and duplicate the Library offers: "The Holy Aviva Feldman treasurer. Committee chairmen Alan Honour; and "Tbe Great Susan Ash ..137M—231 bridge play will also be developed Land In Ancient Maps," edited by for the coming year were ap- Discovery," by Azriel Klaenberg. Howard Hahn 128-88-214 These sessions will start i t 1:30 Jewish history volumes consist the Untvenita* Booksellers; T h e Buddy Marcus pointed. 12194—319 p. m. and continue to 2:30 p. m., of: "Everyday Life in Old Testa- Crescent in Crisis," by Nabfli A. J i m X m n e 13588-213 for fix consecutive periods. ment Tlmci," by E. W. Heaton; Farte; 'The Jews of Morocco," Gar/ Parilman . . : . . . 1 2 0 - 90-210 Anri'Semhism Found "Kveryday Life in New Testament edited by the Zionist Youth Coun- Renee Franklin 106-100—206 Patronir* the merchants .who Times, by A. C. Bouquet; "The cil; "Jerusalem Old and New," by Francis Coopeiman 111- 93—304 idvertlic In YOUR newspaper. In Russian Ukraine Jews from Cyrus to Herod." by Theodor F. Meyxeb; "Prtah TIKva—Scenes and Pictures," by Z. Mnwiwaiar Tel Aviv (JTA'i —There l> strong Norman H. Snaith; "Israel and Yocll: "The Picture Story of the a n t i - S e m i t i c sentiment In the Revelation," by Kric Voegclln; Middle East," by Susan R. Nevil; Ukraine, but no anti-Semitism of 'Sketches of Anglo-Jewish Hismy signifanee elsewhere in the tory," by Jamc* PlcdoMo, and "This is Israel," by Theodort Re-Elect USSR, member of a Histadrut del- "The Jews in America," edited by Huebener and Carl H. Voss, and egation which recently returned the University of Kansas Library. 'Problems of Government in the State of Israel," by Edwin Samfrom the Soviet Union reported to Some novels arc: "The Prophet a meeting of the Hlstadrut execu- and the King." by Shirley Wat- ueL tive. The delegation attended an kins; -The Sacrifice,'* by Adelc The Librarian will help you plan international conference of cooper- Wiseman: "The Promised Land," your programs If you wish and f«r Amttmt Term at ative movements held in the Soviet by Hose H. Zwisohn; 'The Jordan she will assist you in selecting the capital. Beachhead," by James H. Kepler, proper materials for curricular It was also reported that while nd "The Parasite,'' by Mcndele activities. the Hlstadrut delegates nere in Moclier Seforlm. Make it a habit to use and enDie Ukraine 25,000 people joined In a religious vein we have: oy your Jewish Community Lithem in Kol Nldre prayers at Yom "Judaism—Fossil or Ferment?" brary. s, Washington Klpptir. Though it was asserted by Kltraor Berkovlts; "The Prothat there Is no campaign against fessor and the Fossil," by Maurice' It Is belter to hear the rebuke and Burr Counties religion in the USSR, the delegates amuel; "An Historian's Approach 3f the wise Ihnn the praise-song continued, on the eve of Yom Kipnf fooUv-IUbie. pur Radio Kiev commented on the to Religion," by Arnold Toynbee; rulJTlCAI. ADVKUTISCMK.VT •"reactionary character of the Jew- "Phllo's Place in Judaixm," by rounc*t. *Dv«irrniu«r>T r o u n t i L AmEarUEHK.iT Samuel Sandmel; "Die Wisdom of Ish religion." the Living Religion*," by Joseph iacr; "Reform Judaism," by Abra.Use the Want Ads to buy, sell ham J. Feldman; "Where Judaism or rent. Differed." hy Abba Hillcl Silver,
We a l l agree that NEBRASKA Needs Good Roads . . . .
m i m r t i , AI»\I:HTISKMKNT
The question is: "HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR THEM?"
BREMERS For tour
H-B* *
JACKSON B. CHASE Re-Elect tot Another Term as
DISTRICT JUD6E 8 Years Experience as g District Judge —1946-1954 • Native of Ntbritki • Omalu RnMeni Since 1913 • Wat Veteran
You, Mr. Motorist, already pay 5 times more for roads than the Big Trucks. You pay a 6e gas tax and license fees that are surely high enough. B U T " " Unfe»« we match the new Federal Fvndt vn will lot* Nebraska's share—Money every Nebraskan it contributing to the Federal Government.-
CITIJCp The legislature will have to raise E l I n C I \ your gas tax and license fees. You can vote for the TON-MILE • • • TAXI
• Mcmbn ol Caogrna 19JS-W5*
NEWKIRKI Now Sorvinq 3rd Consecutive Tear c.s Procidinq Judge c f Distiict Court OOUCIAS. WA'.illNCIOM AHO tUti
Thot Is iust big truck propaganda. At least 6 0 % of the TonMile Tax will be paid by the Big Foreign Trucks who now use our roods and who pay no license fees or property tax. They shouRTpay their share. The truckers have NOT told you that the Most the TonMile Tax can be on goods sent clear across Nebraska will be 5-thousandths of 1c per pound. It's too small to pass on. That's why the big truckers ore fighting the Ton-Mile Tax so hard. REMEMBER—No farm truck will have to pay. Only about 47S0 Nebraska trucks—fast those licensed to carry 10 tons or more wilt pay the Ton-Mile Tax. \ ( V '''•'*'
Friday, Not tatter Z. IMS
With the Folks at Home News and Ilnnix-ninKS At Tlio Dr. rtilllp Hhrr Jru-I»li Homo For Aged liy David Orkair. Oct. 29—Omaha University has no monopoly on the current events In the Near East. All of our nnfbulatory residents were glued to the TV this evening when Edward R. Murrow discussed the present Israeli-Arab conflict Oct. JO-Rabbl Nathan FcMman our rabbinical visitor today discussed the current Sedra. Thcic sessions are very popular tad our folks look forward to Tuesday 'morning at U o'clock. Nov. 1—The talk at the Home i» all political—local m well «s foreign. There one- many heated debates. . YahrzeU — Spodal memorial service* will be held in the Home Synagogue for the fallowing whole yahrzeit comes during the'month of KMev: . Klulcv 1—NOV. 5, Mm. Joseph Knsowsky. Kislcv 10—Nov. 14, Sirs. Meyer Potashplk. Kltlcv lfl-Nov*. 23, Hurry Dworsky. 'Kislcv 22-Nov. 26, Mrs. Sophia Nc voleff. KJjilev 29—Dec. 3, Harry L. Gyjicn.
Temple Students . Student* of the Temple Israel Religious School wlll'obsorve Jewish Book Month. Kcjorts will be written on the book* read and several pupils will give their Impressions of the books read at Shabbas morning services for the Saturday Division. Pouters for Jewish Book Month arc being made by nil the children and will be displayed,
Spy Charges Filed Against Former Capt.
Religious News , ft p. m. 1IKT1I KI•Sabbuth M-rviccs 81 Beth Kl Synag»t;uc will bruin ut 8:1!) p. in. Rubbl Myor S. Kripke will prench on "Why Jlabbls Cro«k Up." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the choir will sing the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services at 9:30 o'clock and junior congregation services at 10:30. MinchaMaativ at, 5 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. BETH ISRAEL Itabbi, Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth Israel choir will conduct date Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday services begin at 5 p. m. Sabbath morning services at 8:30 o'clock, Junior Congregation at 10 M. m. Sabbath Mincha at S p. m. Daily gervlacs at 7 a, m. and 5:10 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan starts at 8:30 a. m. TEMW.E ISRAEL Services will be held Friday evening at Temple Israel at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will give the second In ms series of lectures and discussions on Jlrform Jewish Practice and Belief. His topic this evening win be "Synagogue Practice in "Reform." A discussion will follow at the Oneg Shabbat "immediately following services. Shabbas morning service will begin at 11:30 o'clock with Rabbi Brooks offidafag and the Religious School Choir under the direction or Miss Ida Gltlln will sing the musical portions of the service. Train a child according to its tendencies,, and even when he is old he will not depart from them. -Bible POf.ITtOAL APVCTT1.SKMENT
Tel Aviv (WNS) A former capUln In the Israeli nrmy, Alexantler Yulln, plcnded not cullty when he appeared fur trini brforc a District Court iicrc on chares of hnvins spied for Egypt. A former officer in the Soviet afmy and a veteran of Israel1* War of Lllierntion, Ytilin was said to have Operated on an international basis: In Vienna he was reported to have contacted the Soviet Kmbamy with An offer <<' sell information on Jewish imiltulioni. In Germany he made tin abortive attempt to interest Amylenn intelligence officials, lie finally wns alleged to have mnde his way to Paris, after being expelled from Switzerland on currency difficulties, where Itc midc n spying deal with the'Egyptian Embassy there. As u result of this contact, the accused man wnn first taken to Athens and then to Cairo, where he Was received by Kra'ptian Intelligence officers, lfr win later flown brick to Athens, whence he made his way to Ifcrnel. Once In Israel. Yulln offered bis services to Israeli intelligence officers. ' ~ -.'
Obituary Sol Melcher
News Nuggets ntANKFl'KT ltESTITUTION Frankfurt (JTA)—By unanimous vole, llio Frankfurt City Council has approved an overall restitution settlement with the Jewish community, the first of its kind in any West German city to provide compensation for the looting and illegal use of communal buildings during the Nail area, The settlement involves $760,000 iii cash, payablo in annual instalments of $210,000. It also provides for the formal return of title to certain real estate, notably the buildings which, used to be the seat of the century-old "Philanthropin" Jewish high school and of the one-time Orthodox elcmcnttary school, the large West End Synagogue, the former Jewish Hospital on GBgernstras8e that now accommodates the Old-Age Home of the Community,.and nine cemeteries within the" municipal area. CNION SAVED New York (JTA)—How three Jewish "capitalists" saved the now financially strong International Ladies Garment Workers Union from being disbanded in the late
PROPOSED BY THE USS LEGISLATURE Proposed Amendment No. I Constitutional amendment to chang* tht allocation oi lines and penalties for violation of laws prohibiting the overload ing ol vehicles used upon the public roads and highways of the stale.
a For . D Auainst TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be -it enacted by the people ol the State ol Nebraska, Section 1. That at (he general election in November, 1090, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval the following amendment to Article VII. section S. of the Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature:
Want Ads
piuat Js UM to mien rmr wut Ad •n TM Jrtnm frru. current nui it M e n u tor «ien imtr".iin. Th« I'mu nurvu u» rlcbt lo Unit •lie Of tub idrtrtmojwu
Services were held Thursday, Cbnnukah Cards Nov. 1 in SlouX City, la., for Sol A and Baa Mitzvah congratuMelcher. Mr, Melchcr, 64, a former lations also for all Jewish holiresfdent of. Omaha, died In Sioux days and special occasions. City Monday, Oct. 29. ' Meyers'Nows Stand. 1502 Dodge Ho is survived by a wife. Kale; a daughter, Mrs. Slg Nadler of WONDERFUL home for the right woman—boarfl, room, telephone, Iowa City; a sister, Mrs. Ben Newman of Omaha; a brother, Jock .television, good neighborhood— plus salary. Duties: mother's Melcher of Omahn; undone grandhelper tO'two children and light child. housekeeping. Coll Family Service Dept, JA 1366.
Lillian Habler
EXPERIENCED secretary availServices were held Tuesday; Oct. able, contact. Family Scrvlc*1 30 Tor Mi<i Ulllan Hnblcr with •Dcpt. JA 1300. Interment /if Golilen Hill Cemetery. Miss iliililrr, 40, died Satur- KXIXUTIVK personnel portion day, Oct. 27. ojion for num. ("nil Center FamSlif i* stimtvd by her inolhiT, ily Service Dept.. JA 1386. 1 Mil Jennie I (abler; (wo brother. .. KOIl UKNT a lai-Re fclcrplng Ifmuld anil Victor of Omaha; anil mom for a couple In ii private tw.i n-,lci-, Mr.. H'Mli Julin<iun u! hump with kitchen privileges. Om.ih.i .inrl -Mrs I felt n U-oo of Call AT 8903. B e m l y IIilU G»l.
"Sec. S. All fines, penalties, and license money, arising under the general laws ol the state, except fines and penalties for violation of laws prohibiting the overloading of vehicles used upon the public roads and highways of this state, shall belong and be paid over to the counties respectively, where the same may be levied or imposed, and all lines, penalties, and license money arising under the rules, by-laws, or ordinances of cities, villages, precincts, or other municipal subdivision less than a county, shall belong and be paid over to the same respectively. All such fines, penalties, and license money shall be appropriated exclusively to the use and support of the common schools In the respective subdivisions where tho same may accrue, except that all fines and penalties for violation of laws prohibiting tho overloading of vehicles used upon the public roads and hlehways shall be placed as follows: Seventyfivff per cent in a fund for slate highways, and twentyfiVe per cent to the county general fund where the fine or penalty is paid."
Nineteen Twenties because of financial difficulties was revealed here by David Dublnsky, president of the ILGWU, at u luncheon he gave in honor of Senator Herbert H. Lehman. Mr. Dublnsky told the ausT nee that when the union was <^lost ready to disband, It went to Felix Warburg, Julius Roscnwold and Mr. Lehman for help. Each of the three "capitalists" came through with a loan, he disclosed. Mr, Lehman's: loon was (25,000 and was interest-free. "We paid back every penny of it," the ILGWU president added.
ulation in the: United States li Jewish. In a report to the Board oa overseas church measures to relieve Arab refugees distress, Rev. Payl D. Freeland said "it ought to be possible for us as Christians to register our concern over the Arab refugees without being accused of anti-Semitism.
WAR ORPHANS London (JTA)—The Polish and Israeli Governments have reached an agreement for Hie transfer of hundreds of Jewish war orphans from Poland to Israel, Moshe Kol, FRENCH MEMORIAL director of the Youth Allyah, reParis (WNS)—President Itane vealed here. Coty will attend the unveiling here of a memorial for the un- iCLmrttumt known Jewish Martyrs who d i e * j * * c r m a n under Nazi hands, it was anBonn, Sept. 16 (JTA)—The Fednounoed here by Isaac Schnoer- eral G o v e r n m e n t will devote son, president of the World Com- greater effort in the future to the mittee for the Erection of a Me- upkeep and 'safeguarding of isomorial for the Unknown Jewish lated Jewish cemeteries In West Martyrs, Germany, particularly in the hundreds of towns and villages where SIX 1'KIl CKST former Jewish communities' have Washington (WNS) —Figures been totally wiped out, Federal released here by General Board of Minister of the Interior Dr. Gerthe National C 6 u n c 11 of the hard Schrocder pleSgcd in a mesChurches of Christ indicate that Bage to the Central Council ol six per cent of the religious pop- Jews In Germany.
UOD tor JaJtes upon grain and seed prtfduced or handled la this
D For O Against TEXT OF PROPOSED COHiTlTUTIOHAL *~ AMENDMENT Be il enacted t>i/ the people oj the State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1056, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval the following new section to Article VIII of the Constitution of Nebraska, to be known as section 10, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature:
Proposed Amendment No. 4 Constitutional ameadiMnt to teroov* lhe provision that salads* ei certain otOoen cannot be raised or lowered often** than once in tight T****-
D tot D Against TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the pcopt* o> the State of Nebraska.
Section L Thai at the era! election in November, I there shall be submitted to tb* electors ol the State of Nebraska, for approval, the following amendment to Article IV, section 25, of the Constitution of Ncbiaska, which is here"Sec. 10. Notwithstanding by proposed by the Legislature: the other provisions of Ar"Sec. 25. The officers procle VIII, the Legislature is vided for in this article shall authorized to substitute a receive such salaries as may basis other than valuation be provided by law. Such for taxes upon grain and officers, or such other offiseed produced or handled in cers as may be provided for this state. Existing revenue by taw, shall not receive laws not inconsistent with for their own use any fees, costs, or interest upon pubthe Constitution shall conlic money in their hands. tinue In effect until changed All foes that may hereafter by the Legislature." bo payable by law for services performed, or.received by an officer provided for Proposed Amendment No.-1 in this article, by virtue ol Constitutional amendment au> his office shall be paid forthIhoristag in* Legislature lo »b - with into the state treasury.* solve real property ol tax and assessment charges unpaid lor a petlod of time as long or longer Proposdd Amendment No. 5 than that provided lor taking Constitutional amendment to title io real property by prepermit lbs Legislature io proscription. vide for the appointment of • Tax Commissioner or Tax ComD For mission, and defining bis a r i l s • Against jurisdiction and powers. TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people of the State olHebraslca,
Section 1. That at the general election in November. 1950, there Shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval the following amendment to Article VIII, section 4, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature: "Sec 4. Except as to tax and assessment charges against real property remaining delinquent and unpaid for a period of time as long or longer than that provided by Taw to authorize the taking of title to real property by prescription, tho Legislature shall have no power to release or discharge any county, city, township, town, or district whatever, or the inhabitants thereof, or any corporation, or the property therein, from their or its proportionate share of taxes to be levied for state purposes, or due any municipal corporation, nor shall commutaProposed Amendment No. 5 tion for such' taxes be auConstitutional amendment lo thorized In any form whatever." authorize the Logislatuie to tub ilttule • basis other than valun
D For • Agaimt TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people of the Slate of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November. 1956, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, for approval, the following amendment to Article IV, section 28, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which Is hereby proposed by the Legislature: "Sec. 28. The Legislature may provide for the appointment of a Tax Commissioner or a Tax Commission, which commissioner or commission shall hav* such Jurisdiction over the administration of the revenue laws of tho state, and shall possess such powers to review and equalize assessments of property for taxation, as may be provided by law." Respectfully submitted, FRANK MARSH Sactelsrr oi State
Center Sports
Friday, November t, 1»M
Y.C. Doings
Jewish Book Month Contests at Center
Book Fair Program
C'hildrcns' Sunday Fundny proT i n t s Youth C M M I U M vvie J i u . s h V>h.M Munlh Poster mid(fiani will ffutine a s|)" booll Sant Ban, Chairman of Cen Handball Tournament during the voted In (iuiitiK JIIIIIIM 1 C u u n t y tn\v pioj;!\-iMi, .Sunilfiy, Nov. 18, ter'l Midget Basketball Ltaguc past week as the .teams of Fox Election D a } . Mi-.* Anil} J i . n i j Lift Mi} ronk^lg for j o u n ^ t nt 2 p. m. in obsfiwiiie "( Jcwiill hat announced that tin sensor Fromkin, and Bloom-Zorinsky de- G r o s s w a s elected c l f i k of Hie si\ t'j tui'he-jeuii-old will lie Book niuntli, Otl'ibiT 2<!-Noiem* hold at tho Jewish Community will start on Sunday, Nov. 11 wit feated Siegal-Kirschenbaum and d l s t i l c t couit. Ml-s Iluli.iiu bcr 26. 'J'lia pro^nini will bo held the annual meeting of fathers and PaulrZevltz respectively. Other Erodkey, treasurer, and Mmtin Center, Prizes will l« nwarded t nt tho Jewish Community Ccn« winners in several divisions. tons In th« JewUh Communlt matches slated for tha first round Llpp, public defender. They are Rules for the poster contest t<;r. There will he skits nnd spe« are Kabn-Poska vs Ban-Trustln Center Auditorium at 2 p. m. all juniors at Central High School are: posters to b« 16"x21" on card- ciul presentations, oil using A gportf film, father-son fre« and Slmon-Handleman vi BelMisses Cindy Klein, Bette Wein board, paper, cnnviu or wood themes from famous Jewish grade- We(per. throw contest and a speaktr is Books, Jewish musical records er and Marilyn Welnberg were Paints or crayons mny be used Phil Fox and Bob Fromkln, de- among the 20 freshmen girls who planned. Posters will be Judged on origin- from albums at tht Community Library will be played. An effort will be mad* to gain fending champs, won handily 21-3 made the Yell Bell team. ality and design. the cooperation of the fathen to and 2 1 - i They face a tough match Awards In the literary contest Roy Katskee was elected vice next week when they meet Sam coach the teams In order to give president of the freshmen horn* will be given for poetry, original Center Sponsors •very boy a maximum opportu- Zorinaky and Will Bloom who room representatives. Miss Caro- story (300 ward limit) and a book dropped their first match to Unnity to play tlw game, Mr. Ban review (200 words -limit). Literary New Boys Club Ay Paul and Norm Zevitx 21-9, but lyn Dolgoff was selected to aplaid. entries should be on standard size pear on television for a spadal The Eagles, newest of the club* came back for the next two, 21-4, The league li open to all 5th, 21-3. United Nations Day program. typing paper or 8x10 notebook for boys 11-12 years of age, has 6th, 7th and 8th grade members. Martin Lipp also recently appeared pap»r, been organized by the Jewish Starting this Sunday at 7 p. m., on TV as one of -Central's repre' AZA 100 staved off • last quarEntries will be judged by a spe Community Center. ter scoring rally to defeat Rayim a swim session will be held on sentatives on the Teen Topics cial committee, All entries In both The next meeting will be held in-tbe Youth Council Flag Foot- alternate Sunday evenings at the program. contests must be turned in at the today, after school at the home of ball League championship football Center pool for grade and high Center Activities office by Friday, Raylm members visited thst Marian Piicsman, 5820 Hamilton, play-off, 30-6. The game was schoolers. Music and supervision Hatti* B. Monroe and entertained Nov. 16, For further information Leader of the group will be Bob played under Ideal conditions last will bf provided by th» Center's- the youngsters. call the activities office, JA 1366. >feyer, Boys 11-12 years of age, staff. Sunday at Fontenelle Park before Awards win be mads during a Miss Joan Marx's name was Interested In joining this group arc about thirty Interested parents omitted from the list of thOM who special Jewish Book Month pro- Invited to call tho Activities Office, and spectators. College Testing participated In Central's produc- grain, Friday, Nov. J8, at the Cen- JAckson 1366. ter. AZA 1 failed to Jhow for their tion at "Our Town." To assist the high school seniors third place playoff game and forMiss Maureen ZevlU w u electBe not too good nor too wise! feited to the TJnaffillates. Second ID making their decisions at to a ed president of Rohanue at elec- bara Adler, sergesnt-at-arms. Why be detiolule?—Bible place Olympic points automatically particular college or university and tions held last week. Other newly Rohanue Is offering a babysitter in helping them to make an acwent to the loser of the championelected officers art: Misses Judy service. Call Betty Erman, GL curate appraisal of their ability to ship gamer Rayim. Olympic points succeed In college work, the Youth Ban, Phyllis Bernstein, and Mar- MIT. N I S T O N I OR ZEREX for flag football are scored as a Council, with the cooperation of lent Friedman, vice-presidents; The new officers of the Debka Aittl19 A minor sport and amount to 5-3-1 the Family Service Department of Miss Betty Erman, recording sec- Debs pledge class are: Miss Nancy dot Fteeie tor the first three places. the Federation for Jewish Service, retary; Mia Muriel Rosenblatt, Brodkey, president; Miss Janice AZA 100 scored three touch- sptxuon an intensive testing and corresponding secretary; M i s s Katieman, vice-president; Miss HOI CAflTOL <')wns.ln the first half to lead counseling program. Phyllis Abrahams, dues treasurer, Call Shrler, secretary,"and Miss NATIONAL CAR l< HOMI 19-6 as Nelson Gordman scored This year seniors will be tested and Misses Joyce Koom and Bar-1 Judy Wbhlner, treasurer. twice on runs behind good interunday, Nov. 11 at 9 a. m. at'the AL ADVKimHEMENT EOUTICAL APVEimgEMENT »-Ot.lTirAI. ADVKKTtSKMKNT . forence. Jerry Rosen scored on a Jewish Community Center. Lastshort run after the touchdown ing through the early afternoon, was set up by a long Rosen to these test results build up a proEpstein pass. A sensational catch file of students' ability and aca was made by Bob Epstein on the lemlc achievement. „ J'V three yard line. Juitin Greenberg, The fee for this testing program speedy Rayim back, scored for is one dollar. The counseling and Bayim in tin second quarter on guidance service is offered free of • long run. 20 y»ars' charge to all Jewish youths. The last half provided the real To register tor this testing proMrv/c* at competition as AZA 100 scored gram, seniors may apply at the your Ditlrkt only one* on another Rosen to Youth Council office in the Center. Judge Epstein past and extra point by Stuart, FogeL But Rayira scored Projector Class 13 points on a run by Greenberg llliJ Re-Elect i LLV.*k. A dais In toe operation of the. and a pass interception by BUI lotion picture projector and sound Horwl&. quipment will b« staged this With less than three mlnule* Thursday, Nov. 8, in the Center's to go, Raylm scored their last Film Library. ! touchdown to make the score i Groups uung fxlmj in their pw20-6. After losing the ball once, amt are urged (o send representhey regained possession on the ativoi to this Instructional session thirty and were marching to the conducted by a local film distribugoal when time ran out The game or. The undersigned recommend the re-election of ended with Justin Greenberg reThere is no charge for this proceiving a pass from Steve Seglin ram that starts at 3:30 p. m. Judge W. A. Day at District Judgo for the Fourth Judicial and finally being stopped on the AZA 100 10 yard line. If thou art wise thou art wise District of Nebraska. You may vote for nine District Judges Favorites moved ahead ai exr thyself; and If thou seornest pected In the. J: Men Doubles tiou alone shall bear it.—Bible
Judge Day
».- :-»vn. D i si •iti:cllJ jui|i g e /,
Your Present and Experienced
District Judges x] James T. English x] Carroll O. Stauffer x\ L. Ross Newkirk x] James M. Fitzgerald \x\ Arthur C. Thomsen \x} W. A. Day [x] James M. Palfon \x\ Patrick Wm. Lynch \x\ Herbert Rhoades ALL SEEK ELECTION The Public Is Entitled to the Services of Experienced Judges
and we believe that Judge Day is entitled to favorable consideration as one of the nine to be elected."
Milton Abrahams David L Beber
Ben Kasl'ow •
Irvirt C, Levin
Frederick S. Gassman '•
Louis E. Lipp
Harry B. Cohen
Jack W.'Marer
Herbert S. Dolgoff.
Ephraim Marks
Albert L Feldman
Yale Richards
Alfred A. Fiedler
Ben Shrier
Max Fromkin
Robert Silverman "
M. Robert Fromkin
Ray R. Simon
Jerry M. Gitnick
David D. Weinberg
William Grodinsky
Fred S. White
Sheldon J. Harris
Hy S. Shrier