freod UlM> MUllni I'rtwlricci ftalhortud al Omulia Nrb'
Joint Statemen East Issued
End to Piracy Says Agron
Egypt's Premier Nasser was deNew York (WNS) — A state- nterest to recognize this truth and scribed as a vest pocket Napoleon with no regard for International fnont appealing to the United to act upon it. States Government for a "fresh "We therefore pall upon our gov- morality by Gcrahon Agron, May«;>nraUal" of the Middle East con- ernment to shape its policies and or of Jerusalem, at an Israel Bond flict In the light of Nasser', dem- chart its course in the light of dinner held in the mayor's honor onstrated "Implacable hostility" to these facts and this challenge. We Sunday evening. The current developments in the tlie Western democracies end Is- pray that the traditional moral rael's demonstrated basic identity stature of our country may be sus- Near East mark an end to piracy with tlie free world was jointly is- tained in this solemn hour. We and tyranny in this area, the Jeru•ued here by sixteen major Ameri- pray for the restoration of peace salem Mayor told his audience. can Jewish Organizations at the in the Middle Eaat and for the Egypt has held a knife at the back concluding sesiion of a two-day freedom.and security of Israel and of Israel's Negev settlements, he emergency meeting on the Middle all other peoples In that part of pointed out, Israel is a besieged country, the East situation. the world." mayor added, and one thing is The statement reads: "We re- The itstement was signed by clear—there will be no more semigret the bloodshed and loss of life the following: Dr. Philip M, Bern- war between the Arab states and in the Middle East and are in ac- teln, American Zionist Committee Israel. We have always had to cord with our government's ex- for Public Affairs; Joseph fires- build our nation, he emphasized, pressed desire for a Just and last- law, American Trade Union Coun- with a rifle in one hand. One of Ing peace in that region. How- cil for Labor Israel: William Car- the miracles of the past eight ever, such a peace cannot be men, Jewjsh War Veterans of the yean hat been Israel's ability to •thieved without a b o l d and U. S.; Dr. Maurice N. Elsendrath, stepup production In spite of con•tatcsmanllke appraisal of the 1»- Union of American Hebrew Con- stant harassment by the Arabi, eues behind the conflict. The time gregation*; Moses I. Feuerstein, the mayor said. (or a freah appraisal li now. The Union of Orthodox Jewish CongreWe cannot stop our progress, the disclosures and developments be- gations of America; Dr. Miriam mayor declared, and the Negev fore the Security Council have Freund, Hadassah; Dr. Israel Gold- will become the granary of Israel, placed in focus the fundamental Is- stein, American Jewish Congress; The mayor said that his visit to •ue. The conflict in tlie Middle Mrs. Rose L, Halprtn, Jewish Omaha will probably wind up his East Is not simply between Egypt Agency; Adolph Held, Jewish La- tour in the United States. •nd Israel, but between democracy bor Committee; Rabbi Max Klnrh- The mayor was Introduced by •nd an expansionist dictatorship, blum, Mizrachl Organization of Joe M. Rice, chairman of the Isbetween the free world and Nas- America; Philip M, Klutznlck, rael Bond Committee, Mayor John B'nal B'rith; Rabbi Irving Miller, eorlsm backed by Moscow. American Zionist Council; Dr, Rosenblatt presented Mayor Ag"The Middle East has been Emanucl Ncuman, Zionist Organi- ron with the key to the City of plunged Into turmoil by the Egyp- zation of America; Charles lioten- Omaha, and In return Mayor Agtian dictator's ambition* for ag- g a r t e n , United Synagogue of ron presented Mayor Rosenblatt grandizement arid empire. Under America; Louis Segal, Labor Zion- with a lapel pin bearing the coathis leadership, Egypt has voluntar ist Organization of America, and of-arms of the City of Jerusalem. , Ity opened itsejf and the whole Bernard H. Tragcr, National Com- Mrs. Sam Wolf, co-chairman of the •f Middle East to Soviet penetration munity Relation* Advisory Coun- women's division, expressed her •nd Communist subversion. He has cil. thanks to the members of her diIncited nation against nation, peovision. Jack W. Ma'rcr brought ples against peoples. He has ingreetings on behalf of -tli» Federstigated civil war throughout that ation for Jewish Service. Mrs. turbulent rtgion and undermined Hyman Bclman accompanied by the stability of existing governMrs. A. C. Fellman at the piano ment* In Asia and Africa, The United Nations, N. Y. (JTAi— sang several musical selections, fvtl spirit which motivate* him Julius Livingston of Tulsa, Okla., revealed itself In all its malice Isroel early Monday accepted the also H[x>kc. when he told the American peo- *I>ecial General Awmbly's resoluAn exhibit of modern art and ple 'may you choke to death on tion calling for a cease-fire in Its literature of Israel was on view armed conflict, with Egypt. The your fury.' through tlio courtesy of the Jcw"Over a long period, the Egyp- acceptance, however,, was based Community Center. tian Government has systematical on a condition that the Cairo Cov Chairman Rice announced Tuej. ly sought to terrorize the people ernment gl*o the United Nation* day the sale of Israel bonds has of Israel. It has sent trained a simllnr assurance. exceeded last year's amount at At the same lime, Israel also this time. He stressed that the fedayeen Into Israel to derail trains, to mine roads, to ambush notified the Assembly formally need is still great and that there Innocent travelers. The 'common that It is ready to send rcpre still are many persons who have dos' hive cooic like thiovoj In the scntatlvcs "forthwith" to nego- not participated In the Israel bond night and have murdered citizens tiate peace directly with Egypt program. on their farms and in their homes. and other Arab states... These continuous acts of horror Israel also gave formal notice •nd violence have been occom of Its "deep concern"' over the en panlcd by Egypt's announced in try Of Iraqul and Syrian troops tention to annihilate Israel. into Jordan. These troops are en"Rosenblatt's Reply" will be "Events have demonstrated Nas tering Jordan, Israel told the As broadcast over KFAB from icr's implacable hostility to the scmbly, for the avowed purpose 10:45 to 11:15 p. m., on the Western democracies. Event* have of helping Egypt In ''an agressivc Eternal Light program. The also demonstrated the basic Went military pact aimed at Israel's program to be presented In obIty of Interest of Israel and the destruction." servance of Veterans Day Is free world. It Is our own national Egypt will not Implement s the true story of Herman Rosceaso-fire until all foreign troops enblatt's novel service in World are withdrawn from IU soil, the Cairo Government announced late' War II. Tuesday.
Israel Read/ for Peace With Arabs
Sunday Radio
•Midgets' to Hear Creighton Coach
Tommy Thompson, head basket ball coach at Creighton University, will be guest speaker at the Jew' lsh Community Center's Midget Basketball Father-Son Tip-off program to be held this Sunday at 2 p. m., In the Center Auditorium. The program will Inaugurate this season's Center Midget Basketball League. Mr. Thompson will show ond narrate motion pictures of last year's Creighton games and re view them In the same rnnnner that he does for the Crclghton varsity squad. Other program features will Include a father-son free throw tourney, Sam Han, chairman of tho Midget league, announced Prospective Midget lcai;uers may (Ign up at thin time, Fifth, sixth. Seventh and righth r.radeu ure ,«llBil)le for this, (league, Mr. Han laid Practlca session* will lie geared to give plajers individual instruction. Refreshments will be served and there Is no charge for admission.
Author To Open Program Series'
Leo W. Rchwan
'Israel Day* Set For Bond Canvass Volunteers from all Jewish communal organizations will take part In a housc-to-houst canvass of the city to promote the sale of Israel Bonds and will be led by Jot M. Rice, chairman of the Omaha Israel Bond Campaign. A bagel and coffee breakfast at 9 a. m., Sunday, Nov. 18 at the Jewish Community Center will kick-off "Israel Day" which will mark the city-wide solicitation for Israel Bonds. Now, more than ever, do we need workers to sell Israel Bonds, said Mr, Rice. The economic development of the State of Israel must be accelerated, ho added. Chairmen Are asked to comb their organizations for volunteers. "A successful 'Israel Day' can mean another $25,00 Owot'th of bonds for Israel," Mr. Rice pointed out,
State Official To Discuss M.E. Edwin Kretzmnnn, director of the Public Affairs Bureau of the Near East-South Asian and African Division of the United States State Department, will speak at 8:15 p. m , Wednesday, Nov. 14 at the University of Omaha auditorium. Mr. Kretzmnnn will be the concluding speaker at this year's Institute on World Affairs, Ha will discuss "American Policy In the Middle East." The Federation for Jewish Service Is one the Institute's co-sponsoring groups.
Omahans Greet Gershon Agron, Mayor of Jerusalem
A delegation of Omulmm were on bond to meet and greet Oerthon Agron, Mayor of Jerusalem, nn his arrival Jiere Sunday. Mayor Agron Was guest-of-honor at an Israel Donil dinner that evening, l'lctiired from left to right are: Dr. Abe Oreenberg, Sam Wolf, Jos Rice, Mayor Agron, Mrs. Sara Wolf, Mrs. 1. Hurry KulsUofskjr, Sin, Nathan Hogg, Mrs, Isldor Lerinson ind Ilymao Osoff.
Leo W . Schwara, author critic and teacher who has w o n nation-wide acclaim for hi* books on Jewish history, l a w and literature, will be the first speaker i n the "Program of tht Month" series sponsored b y the Jewish Community Center and the Omaha B'nai B'rith lodgei and chapters. Mr. Schwarz will speak at 8 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 18, at the Jewish Community Center, it wat announced by Dr. Abe Greenberg, chairman of the "Program of the Month" Series, Educated at Harvard(wher« lit was a champion athlete ai well an outstanding scholar), Mr. Schwarz is making his first transcontinental lecture tour in ten years. During th« past decade h« has devoted his time to writing and special research assignments, travelling extensively in Germany and Israel. His books, "The Root and the, Bough" and "The Redeemers" are magnificent records of the Jewish experience in Europe during thel940'i and 1950's. Off the press this year are three books, "Feast of Leviathan". "Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People" and "German Refugee Law and International Low". Other speakers in the series ere: Otto Nathan, January 13: Bill Johnson, February 17; Trudo Welss-Rosmarln, March 17; and Irving Davidson, April 28. Representing the B'nal B'rith In this project are: B. B. Presidents Sam Pollak, Henry Monsky Lodge; Alan B. Mack, Nebraska Lodge;Dr, Ralph TurkeL Corn* huskcr Lodge; Mm. Harry Sidman; Henry Monsky Chapter; and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, Nebraska Chap* ter. Dr. Greenberg indicated that the series will bring to Omaha, a unique and excellent combination of platform personalities, which will be the "talk of the town" tills year. Tickets are $1.50 for the series and may be purchased at the Jewish Community Center or through the B'nal B'rith lodges and chapters.
Supplies Captured •Tel,Aviv (JTA)—Military suppiles captured by Israeli forces in the Sinai campaign are valued at more than $70,000,000, Israeli mil- . itary circles estimated. This huge quantity of guns, artillery, artillery, armored vehicles, ammunii tlon and other war materiel was seen as confirming earlier, secret evidence which Israel had received of the Egyptian build-up. ' The retreating Egyptians left huge supply depots completely un* touched, It.was revealed here. In one' dump, "which stretched more than ten miles along the El ArishIsmallla railroad, there were millions of pieces of weapons, munitions and spare parts for a large variety of equipment used by the ground and air forces. The supplies in this dump were enough to keep a whole army corps going for weeks. FLIGHT Vienna, (JTA)—Approximately 300 Jews are among the Hungarian refugees who crossed into Austria in reScnt days and who are sheltered in Austrian Government camps In varloiiK parts of the country. An unknown number of Hungarian Jctvo have found lodging with friends and relative* In Austria. Mi j ' , . Although the Ailstrlan Government in Vienna und Salzburg and the Joint Distribution Committee have gone to tlie aid *f tho refugee Jews.
P»«e Two
Your • •".
Sounding Board PuMbkml Bran n u t ) b» tte tredemthn ol Anrfcb ticrvicc AuUwruct J * n ttuun* ((Ttminet e t AU , A B u u imncriBUon. S4.0L S4.0L ii ddvn e nuuii o i i ii«tt « uo AppiicMtHm N 3uw 3uw Slreti, Omaha. N e w . JACMOB UK* r.ajiutu> y r i R » - J ( E No. •rmi •>ot. %<lar«s»—««* So SM* Siren
Religious News
With the Folks at Home
_._ i Dr. TEMFLE ISRAKL " [ I'liUlp Slier JcuUh Home fur the . Services will be held Friday j A«e4l by Uavld Orkow. evening at Temple Ibrael nt 8:15 j .Nov. 1—New afternoon scries o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks s'^led * * * • Nov. 3—The roof of thC( new will discuss "Generations of The urns addition is up. Come arid see Book," the story of Famous Bible it yourself. Translations, in Honor of Jewish Nov. 4—A special kiddush was Hook Month. given by Mr. Dave Becker on the Shabas morning sen ice will beoccasion of the Yahrzcit of his gin a t U:30 o'clock with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Relig- mother. Nov. 5—Messrs, Hymic Milder, ious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the Louie Fapcrny, and Arthur A. Colin donated whiskey to the musical portions of the service. Home. Nov. 6—Rabbi Benjamin Groner UKTfl EL Sabbath services at Beth Kl Sy- continued hit discussion on Misnagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m hois. Harry Sidman, who initiated Rabbi Myer S. Kripko will preach this rabbincal scries, was also on "How Jews Vote". Cantor present today. Mrs. Meyer Bcbcr's Aaron I Edgar and the choir art class today finished their Mill sing toe musical portions of painting and started on basket weaving. The World-Herald took the service. pictures and we may have a story Sabbath morning services at in the newspaper. Those partici9:30 'o'clock and junior congrega- pating arc: Sam Gilman, Gusslc tion services at 10:30. Mlncha- Graetz, Rose Kagan, Solomon Maariv at 4:45 pp. m. Daily ser- Silverman, Sam Sommer, Bessie vices at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Tessler, and Osias Weizman. Other services at 9 a. m. Council women present Were: T. A. Tully, Dave Stein, and John A. BETH ISRAEL Solomon. Rabbi Benjamin Croner, Cantor Nov. 7—Morning record conKli Kagan. Beth Israel choir will cert. conduot late Friday services at 8 Nov. 8— Afternoon Movie Show p. tn. at 3 p. in. Traditional Friday service* begin at 5 p. m. Sabbath morning services at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5 p. m. and 5:10 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Sunday mornRabbi Morris N. KerUer, one of ing Junior Mlnyan starts at 8:30 the American" rabbis who toured Russia this past summer, will be a guest at ,the Veterans Memorial Services to be held this evening at Beth Israel Synagogue. The Epstein-Morgan Post of the Jewish War Veterans will mark Veterans Day (Sunday, Nov. 11) by Irving Cohen Lodge of Council Bluffs B'nal B'rith will sponsor a it* annual Sabbath service* which Sabbath evening service honoring this year will be held at Beth Isveterans of all war at B'nal raeL Israel Synagogue in Council Bluffs Members of the Post will parat 8:30 p. m.. Friday, Nov. 9. All ticipate in the services. Nebraskaveterans organizations and aux- Iowa Department Commander of ilaries in Council Bluffs have been JWV Abe Miller will speak on beinvited to attend the services. A half of Jewish war veterans, sermon will be given by Rabbi Rabbi Kertzer will speak this Davia Korb. afternoon at the All American " Glenn C, Hammer, post com- Conference to Combat Communmander of American Legion Rain- ism, which is being held today and pow Post 2 and present Chef De tomorrow at the Paxton Hotel. Gar* of 40 & 8 will address the Rabbi Kertzer, who is associate eongregatlonrHenry W. Call, com- editor of the Jewish Digest, will mander of American Legion Rain* discuss "The 'New* Religious Tolbow Post 2, will command a color erance." guard which will participate in Senior vice-commander Marvin the*erv1eei. Kaplan is in charge of arrangeLouis Taster, Chairman of ments for the Sabbath services. Armed Forces Committee of B'nal The auxiliary will hold an Oneg - fc'rith. If In charge of arrange- Shabbat in the social hail follow. ' tnents for veterans' participation. Ing the services. This service Is an annual event IMII* on the Sabbath nearest Vet, *rans Day.
Rabbi to Be Guest At Vet Services
OB. B'not B'rfth Veterans' Service
Friday, November », 19M
This is a copy of a letter wnt to David Lawrence, editor of U.S. News and World Report Magazine, by Mrs. Myer S. Krlpke.— editor's note. Dear Mr. Lawrence: This is a simple and sincere word of thanks for your clear, conrbtc and unequivocal analysis of the Israel-Egypt conflict, as 1 read it tonight, Nov. 2 in the Omaha World-Herald. At a time when the truth is no often obscured and distorted, it is refreshing and reassuring to find someone uho calls a spade a spade. This week, Oct. 29, one of Dr. Sayech, an artist in Arab propaganda, lectured at a local university. His manner dripped honey while his fangs oozed venom. Politely and unscrupulously, with emphasis only on those farts which concealed the truth, he turned every question, as he had used the lecture period, to suit his own purposes. For example, in avoiding a question about the Incessant invasions into Israel by Egyptian murder gangs, condemned hundreds of times by the Mixed Armistice Commlsslonu for pllln^e, arson and murder, this Dr. Saycgh reduced the . whole bloody story to a matter of con's straying across the border. Since this was no debute, there could be no rebuttal. Nor can the Identical audience be reconvened to hear another point of view. Since your analysis, however, has reached the same audience, it will at least be apparent that there h another point of view which ha» merit and deserves the attention of honest people. And so I thank you too for releasing me from the feeling of frustration which many of us shared in this painful exposure to immorality. It is good to find that there is some balm In Gilcad . . . I pray the world will find the physicians too, Sincerely yours, Dorothy K. Kripk*
Farband Will Hear Report on Israel Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rlchman, who have recently returned from a visit to Israel, will give their impressions of the new democracy at a meeting of the Farbaml Labor Zionist Branch 54, Poale Zion. The meeting will he held this Sunday in the JetvUh Community Center. Supper will be served at 7:15 p. m., and will be followed by a business session and a nodal program. Mrs, Herman Bondarin, group chairman, asks all members, to attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen and J. Feldman ere in charge of arrangements. Reservations will be accepted until six o'clock this evening. Call Mrs. Abe Cohen. RE 8959,
Two Remarkable Concerts Monday ny Mads Baer Monday, wo had two remarkable concerts In Omaha. The Nebraska Music Teachers Association presented, on the occasion of the 1936 State Convention, the pianist, John Slmms, head of the piano area of the Stale University of Iowa In a pianp recital. This reviewer heard the sonata ID F sharp minor by Schumann in a delicate and romantic interpretation, played with vigor, energy and a brilliant technique. At .the kaine time at the Joslyn Memorial Concert Hall, the Tuesday Musical Club Introduced one of the very outstanding singers of our day, the Metropolitan Opera and La Seals tenor, Cesarc Vallettl, , We heard the second part of the program with compositions by Faure, Debussy, Poulcnc and others, Signoi Vallcttl manifested a superior art of singing and mu«iicalily combined with Gallic lightness. He also gave to Italian music what only an 'Italian artist Is able to give, the sobbing of a human being which goes deeply into our hearts. If also the volume of Ms voice cannot be compared with the unforgettable Glgli, his touching performance* remind in vividly of him. It was a very great evening for the Tuesday Musical Club.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nahshon of .Minneapolis, Minn., announce the birth of their son, Nadav Zvi on Oct. »1. Mr. and Mrs. Nahshon, formerly of Omaha, were on the teaching staff of the Beth £1 Talmud Torah. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Potash or Lebanon, III., announce the birth ot a daughter, Nancy Susan, born October 31. The couple has two other children, Debbie Kay and,Bruce Steven. Grandparents are Mr. and MrsAbe Drookstcin of Los Angeles, Col., Mrs. Sarah Potash and Mr. Morris Potash, both of Omnha. Mrs. Harry Wcincr of Omaha to , great-grandmother.
Hadcnsah Bowling Metz Beer, Playland Park and Cooper Construction teams are tied for first place this week In the Hadassah Bowling League. High bowlers are: A/Schulmnn, 492, It Klein, 474; E. Ross, 464; R. Celfand, 438; G. Zcvitz, 455; M. Shukert 450; R. Pitlor, 446; D. Rubin, 443; P. Landmnn, 440; L. Faier, 435; K. AsbylL 429; L. Block, 427; L. Hoberman, 422; S. Grccnbcrg. 420; S. Lewis, 420; K. Platt, 417; R. Wintroub. 416; E. Hoberman. 416; M. Malashock, 410; M. Fromkln. 405; B. Adlcr, 404.
Obituary Mrs. Morris Dolgoff Services were held Sunday, Nov. 4 for Mrs, Morlrs Dolgoff with Interment at Mount Sinai Cemetery. Mrs. Dolgoff, 64, died Friday, Nov. 2. She Is survived by her husband, Morris M.; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Lewis of Omaha and Mrs. Ben Drcycr of Los Angeles, Oil.; two sons, George of San Diego, Oil,, and Sol of Omaha.
The Finest in Photography by JOHN Portraits Weddings Commercial
Omaha's Reliable Furrier Everything in Fun • t Lowest Prices in City
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Don Bernstein
HA 2554
the GREATEST GUY in the WORLD.... the man who
y«untj Adult Group
takes his family
1 A young adult organization committee will meet Sunday at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center to develop plans for young adult program, it was announced by Al Feldman, Young Adult chairman. The program nil] be sponsored by the Jewish Community Center. Young adults who are interested In participating in this group are invited to call the Activities Office of the Center, JA 1366.
BJ. Metis Club Beth Israel .Men's Club will hold their monthly dinner meeting at the Beth Israel social hall, Thursday, Nov. 21, 7 p. m. I. J. Kraft, program chairman, lias announced that an outstanding Marine Corps combat filxn will be shown. This film is "not available to the general public. A social hour will follow the meeting. Reservations may be made by calling the synagogue offloe.
Rosen-Novak Chevrolet Will Stud oa Their Heads to Deal With You!
It's Nice to Save Twice at
Friday, Km ember », 1»5«
Kansas City Miss Engagement Told Omaha Sketches
M I M Joan Kmlly Rrmrr Mr. and Mrs. hauls Rcmer of Kansas City, Mo,, announce the engagement o( their daughter, Miss Joan Emily, to Marshall Norman Znlkin, ion of Mr. and Mrs Allen Zalkin. Mr. Znlkin attended the University of Nebraska and was affiliated With Sigma Alpha Mu. Js'o wedding date has been set.
Dr. Margolin Weds Cincinnati Miss Miss Shirlee Fay Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green Of Cincinnati, O., nnd Dr. E. Gordon Margolin, son of Dr. and M a Morris Margolin of Omaha, were married Sunday, Nov. 4 a t the Hotel Alms in Cincinnati. The bride wore a cathcdrnllength gown of heavy white *ntln with panels of Imported lace and •Ilk chiffon and a tulle veil attached to a Jeweled crown. She carried a bouquet of white orchids. ' , Mia Josephino Margolin, sister of the groom, was raaid-of-honor and Mrs. Sonla Margolin, the groom's sister-in-law, served ns matron-of-honor. The bride'* other attendants were Miss Glorin Keeti. Miss Margaret Grubbs, Miss Louise Cohort nnd Mm. Shirley Gersh'jny. All wore identical ballerina-lenKih gowns in aqua velvet and carried bouquet* 6f purple orchids. Samuel Orcen, brother of the bride, was host man and the usher* were Dr. Hnrbld Margolin, Herman Green, Stanley Cen>huny. Dr. Jrwin Hanenwn and Dr. Melvin Schuarlr of St. Lmii*. Mo. Miss Patti Rosen served as flower Rlil ond Mnrc Rosen wns ring bearer. Mrs. Morris Green, mother of tin1 bride, wore a floor-length aqua gown trimmed In lace. Mre. Morris Margolin, mother' of the groom, was dressed in a floorlength rose chiffon gown trimmed in lace. Dr. Margolin nnd his bride, left for a honeymoon in Jamaica.
Lipseys Adopt Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Lipsey announce the adoption of a son, Daniel Jacob, born November 2. They also have a daughter, Janet Call, three and a half years old. Maternal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker of Omaha. Paternal grandmother is Mrs. JoMph Llpscy of Los Angeles.
Mfzrachi Bale. Sol*
The Omaha Chapter Mlzraehi •Women h holding Its annual bake stale Thursday, Nov. IS at the Srandeis Store. Mrs. Lewis Gerellck is chairman. Anyone having baked goods, pastries, cookie*, •(rude!, cup cakes, etc., pleas* call Mrs. Gercllck. HA 6375.
Art Class Persons interested in an Art or Ceramics class are invited to enll (he Jewish Community Center Activities Office, JA 1366, for regls tratlon.
of Central High School and was B.I. Sisterhood to Be president of Dcbka Debs, a member club of the Jewish V o u t h Hostess at Region Meet Council. Miss Raduzlner was a, Beth Israel Sisterhood will be unit head at Camp Jay-C-C this A molhcr and daughter, who last summer. hostess to five affiliated sisterwere both thrown into concentrahoods from the Kansas City and tion c.'imps by the Nazis and who Mrs. Harry Friedman, Immedi- Des Moines area at the mid-year luid not seen one another for 15 ate past president of B'nai B'rlth regional conference of the womji-iirs, were reunited last Tue». Henry Monsky Chapter, was an's branch of United Orthodox clay in Chicago, III. The daughter, awrded a placque Wednesday for Jewish Congregations of America Mis Ining Keinglass of Omaha "Chapter Chatter", the group's to be held Tuesday, Nov. 13 at traveled to Chicago to meet her bulletin. Saul Silverman, Center Beth Israel. mother Mrs. Karollna Schulkind Activities Director, made the preMrs. Max Fromkin who recently of Montevideo, Uruguay. Mrs. sentation on behalf of the Na- returned from the national conSchulkind will visit hero for six tional Jewish Monthly Magazine. vention will give her report in the months before returning to her afternoon. home in Montevideo. The Family Mrs. Joseph Guss, president of Breakfast will be served from Service Department of the Fed- Beth El Sisterhood, Mrs. Myer S. eration for Jewish Service helped Kripkc and Mrs. A. D. Frank will 9 to 10 a. m. and a short business meeting and panel discussion will make the travel arrangements. represent the sisterhood at the biennial convention of the NationMiss Doris Raduzlnor. daughter al Women's League of the United Michael Ban, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. William Radu- Synagogue of America to be held Mrs. Jack Ban, has been made a zlner, was recently crowned November 11-14 at Concord Hotel, member of the traveling varsity "Homecoming Queen" at Brandcis Klamcsha Lake, N. Y. The league debate squad at the University of University. Miss Raduzincr, a sen- includes over 650 sisterhoods and- Chicago. He is a freshman at the ior at the university, is majoring hns- a membership of more than university and is majoring In prelaw. in psychology. She In a graduate 170,000 women.
follow, Mrs., Isadore Elewitz and Mrs. Alfred Frank are conference cochairmen. Baby sitters will be available all day. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Isadore Lewis, GL 310T or Mrs. Edward Lincoln, OR 2991. Pnysie Shyken and Miss Rozanne Siporin, youth group members, will participate in a panel discussion .with Mrs. Leo Friedman of Kansas City, Mo., and Irv Stern, of B. L teaching staff, on "Youth—Today and Tomorrow." Taking part in a skit entitled The Millionairess" will be: Mesdomes Rubin Ratner, Alfred Frank, Sam Eerman, Ralph Turkel and Irving Stern. Mrs. Harold Zclinsky Is program chairman. F ILL registration of underprlv* < ileged girls at the Esther and Da- \ vld Shapiro Vocational H i g h I School for Girls in Jerusalem, a project of Mizrach) Women, has already been filled.
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Dance Class Registrations ore still being'accepted for tht Latin American Dance Class. Register by phoning (be Activities Offiee ut the Center, JA13CG.
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Page Four
Organizations COUNCIL WOMEN Omaha Section, National Coun d l of Jewish Women board meet Ing will follow a dessert luncheoi at 1 p. m., Thursday, Nov. IS al the home of Mrs. Robert Silver* man. 5431 Seward St. Co-hostess Will be Mrs. Sidney Schwartz. Three experts on the problems of the aged will explain how we Can best prepare ourselves for productive "Golden Age" at the next monthly lunhccon meeting of the Omaha Section National Coun d l of Jewish Women. "From Here to Maturity" will be the subject of a panel discussion at the November 20 meeting in which the participants wHI be Dr. Thaddeus P. Krush, Dr. Roderick B. Peck and David Orkow Dr. Krush. clinical director of community services for the Nebraska Board of Control, (s also assistant professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Nebraska, College of Medicine. Dr. Peck Is assistant dean of adult education and professor of sociology at Omaha University, and Mr. Orkow is director of the Dr. She: Home for the Aged. Mrs. Maurice Pepper will moderate the panel. The program is being planned by Mi's. John A. Solomon. JWV AUXILIARY Ladies Auxiliary of the HpMcin Morgan Post 260, Jewish War Veterans, will hold their monthly meeting Nov. 14, at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. All members attending the meeting will be eligible for the "Queen for a Day" award. Everyone Is urged to attend. Social hour and refreshments will follow the meet ing. The Auxiliary will participate with the Post in Friday night Sabbath services Nov. 9, at the Beth Israel Synagogue. All members of the Post and Auxiliary arc cordially invited to attend this service. Mrs. Ann Margolin, chairman for Overseas service, has sent out eighteen package* to service men stationed overseas. They will be received by the soldiers in time for Chankuah. BIKUB CIIOLHI Bikur ChoUm Society will hold its luncheon meeting Monday, Nov. 12 at the Jewish Community Ccn ter. Mrs. Aaron Levinc and Mrs. P. H. Bait are in charge of arrangement*. A door prize will be presented, Mrs. J, Wine, president, stated. Members are asked to bring their friends. HADAH8AJI Invitations have been issued to new members of Omaha Hndtusah groups to attend a luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, 6491 Cumlng St., at ) pi m , Wednesday, Nov. I t Mrs. Ervln Simon is general chairman of the new membership committees. Her co-chairmen arc: Mesdames Morton Richards, Julius Katzmon, Morton FrledlandBr. George Spltzer, Max Rosen. Art Abrams. Lazier Singer, Paul Sachs, Norman Lincoln, Hyrale Gendicr, Sam Herman. Maurice Newman and Seymout Abrams.
use Tickets Individual tickets will be avail* able for the Omaha Community Playhouse's next production. The play, "The Rainmaker," wilt be presented November 9-24 and is a western romance which takes place during the drouth of the 192O'« Tickets went on sale Monday and may be .obtained by calling the playhouse box office, GL 0800.
Want Ads PAou JA |3U to uteri four Want Ad la The /twtjft 1'rrgi, Current ran l» 50 eenu tor rarh tr«rUoa. The !Jrr*» troervtt Uie r!{M to limit lisa of each adverUAfinroL
C'lianukiili Curd* BAR and Bas Mjtzvah congratulations also for oil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers Ncivs SI and, 1502 Dodge EXPEIUKNCED nurse will work Saturday, Sunday or evenings. Call Bella Elsenbcrg, GL 4018.
Center Leadership Bar & Bas Mifxvah Center Sports Training to Start
Kadimah Chapter Buffet and Party Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold its annual buffet supper and card party at 8 p. m., tomorrow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tutier, 2028 N. 54th St. Mesdames Herbert Wintroub and Dave Wine are co-chair' men of this fund raiding affair. The regula. monthly meeting of the group will be held at 8 p m. Thursday, Nov. 15 at the home of Mrs. Ben Wine, 6023 Pacific st A social hour will follow the meeting.
Goldware Elected President of Eagles Barry Wolduarc was elected president of The Kagios, a newly formed and Jewish Community Center sponsored boys club, at a meeting held recently. Other new ly elected officers arc: Harlan Priesman vice-president; Alex Or. kow, vice-president; Howard Hahn, secretary; Mark Plattner, treasurer, and Steve Boguchwal, sergeantat-arms.
Jr. B.B. Bowling
l'rlil.iy, Nutrinlirr B,'lB.">6
Al 'Krlzelman Chairman »f the Y. C. Athletic Committee, announced that Y. C. Bowling would begin at 9 a. in. Sunday at the Rose Bowl. The present leagui set up is for 10 team "A" League and an 8 tenm "B" League with five on a team. Awards will be presented and the osslblllty of having a ban quet is still under discussion. Y. C. basketball Is slated for the week of No\emtx?r 29 with four teams each in "A" , and "B" divisions. AZA 100 looks to be I lie team to beat with stalwarts as Bob Epstein. Nelson Gordman Don Forman and Jerry Rosen Rriyim could surprise them with some very promising freshman in sophmorcs Steve Seglin and Justin GreenberB.
Bridge Classes Free bridge classes under supervision of trained Instructors will start at 1:30 this Sunday, at the. Jewish Community Center. Teens and adults may enroll by enrolling into any of the.Sunday afternoon sessions. To continue fgr six consecutive weeks, the focus will lie on learning the fundamentals of play and scoring. Tables will be set up each Sunday or the more experienced teen agent and adults who are more interested in ploying than learning. Special duplicate gnmes will be set up for this advanced group.
Howard Fcldmnn and Mickey Sacks took top honors Sunday in the Junior U'nal 13'rith Bowling League, when they tied ulth a 262 series. Howard's 157 game was high in the day's piny. Miss Su7j Seglln was high in he girls' division with a 134 game B'nai B'rirh Bowling «nd a 253 scries. Splits were eonHobcrmnn Plumbing tenm is In erted by: Ailva Frldman (4-5-71, Roni Mojer' (4-5-71, John Sulln intt place in the "A" Division of (5-7> and Michael Le Vine he B'nai 13'rith Bowling League with 32 wins and 8 losses. High 5-7-101. individual 'games went to Klmer Urecnbrrg. 216, t\nH Harry WolfSenior Testing fcon, 214. Mr, Wolfson also took the high Individual series with his The prc-coliege committee of Tiffi, Iflgh team game went to the Youth Council announced that Hoborman Plumbing and the high nltlal testing or high school scnteam scries to Nebraska Furniture, ors will begin this Sunday mornng at the Jewish Community Center. The charge for this testing Camp Jay>C-C Reunion ser\lce is $1.00 and seniors may A winter Camp Jay-C-C reunstill participate in this program ion will be held Sunday, Dec. 23 at by registering at the Center Sun- the Jewish Community Center, It day morning. The testing session was announced by Gerald Gross, will start at 9:15 a. m. chairman of the camp committee. All campers will be invited to attend and members of the camp First Aid Course staff will be on hand to take part Registration for American Red in the program, he said. Cro»s First Air classes may be COKKKCWON made at thi Jewish Community Miss Lora Franklin was listed •enter Activities office. Certificates will be awarded to all per- Incorrectly as attending the Unisons completing the nine-week versity of Southern California. course, There Is no charge for the She is a student nl the University course, of California, Berkeley, Cal.
An eight-week L e a d e r Hill p Training Course for boys and girls will be offered at the Jewish Community Centw, starting November 27, it was announced by 'Lou Canar, chairman of the Youth Committee..All high scchool students are eligible to enroll in the course which will be taught by Saul Silverman. Center Activities Director,
Center Contest Deadline Nov. 16
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Terry Evan Goldenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldenberg, will ol<servc his Bur Mllzvah this evening and Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited tq attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
A sjiecial feature of the course will e discussions by guest speakers from the Omaha Police Department, Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, Boys Town and the Conference of Christians and Jews. Students will participate in actual group leadership as part of Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein the course. For additional infor- announce the liar Mitzvah of their mation contact the Center Activl son, Bruce, will be celebrated Frities Office. JA-1366. day evening, Nov. 16 and Saturday morning, Nov. 17 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Over forty entries have been turned in to the Jewish Community Center Activities office by Sam* Day Service children from 6 through 12 years of age. Deadline for entries In the No Extra Chora* Children's Poster and Literature Contest U Friday, Nov. 16. Any li at 10 A.M. child-may participate In either or b o t h contests. Prize* will be awarded to the be»t poster and CASH and CARRY literary entry Sunday, Nov. 18, during • special Book Fair Program for children at the Center. AboFfclntpotd A special Book Fair Cmmltlee DvRwfy Sffvlcs of Judges will determine the win-
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Mr. mid Mis. Ldwln I.', Drodkey announce the Bus Mitzvnh of their daughter, Susun D. Brodkey this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
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