XXXV— No. 8
Second Ola«. Mailing P Authorized at Omnlia
.tlf A^if A itKAMt.l,
Ii.'iiinAV K1PAV,
itfnvirifitffi WOVI',.MKKH
l ate 44 oIlM* ifl inMi **uMI#ho«l every krlduy, ZOth.AAnnual Kate 10, J9.>(i o«mli». KetrashoI'll one101 J A N. 1S06. Siiicle C'upr lOCentt
Israel Day To Sp
nes enter
An Intensive nno-day cff'Jit to of tli<- p'-opli. of f.rncl for physical mobilize economic support fur 1*,- .•.ui'vival, h;jvc phicrri a'l linpreAn outstanding' Jewish auracl will he held on Isi.i"| Uiy, {v-fJi'iiSrii s t r a i n on DIP economic tlior, critic and historian, Leo Bunday, Nov. 1ft, Joe M, nice, s t r u e l i u o of t h e oounlry." W, Schwarz, will open the "ProChairman of the Omaha Conmiil•'I'llof Is Schwarz Books in fiiam of tho Month" series thl4 tee for .State of Israel lioiid-i. i/iel Pny cnnnolnnporlan by over-emphaSunday, Nov. 18, at 8 p. m., in Stated. Volunteers .-tie aslcd tu sU*'il," thy cliaii man continued. Center Library the Jewish Community Centor report to the Jev,i-.h Community "A lecfji'i number of Israel IJond All books written by Leo W. auditorium. Ho will touch on Center ot !) u. pi., where tlu'y will volunteer v.nikers ale needed in Schwar/ are available pt tlio be nerved levels nnd coffee. the preaont crisis in the Near order to iis.siire thu widest posCenter Library. East in his talk hero. "Jewish home., in ruir commu- sible cuverat;'' of the community. They are: nity and In communities friiin "The success of Israel I'lay must Tha series is being co-sponsored Feast of J.evhitliitn Coast to coast will be usllcd l)y be assured for two vita] reasons," A (iulilcn Tieimiry of Jew- by the Center and Omaha B'nal both nirn and women Israel 1'ond Mi'. Itl«- explained. "First, It B'rilh I.otlgc.» and Chapters, Dr. hh Literature volunteer workers, who will brinj; result In the flow of lai'tfeGreenberg, chairman of -tht r<rcat A|;en mid Idmn of (ho Abo jerles, staled. the Vitill message Of Isniel IlnlHH M'alo financial resources in the Jcivlsh l'<'(ij>l« Bora In New York City and form of cash purchases of Slate I.nte Mr«. h. XcveMt m the key source of economic Tlio Jewhli Carman educated at Harvard University, • treiiKth and security for tlie peo- of Israel Development Ilonds. SecMemoirs of My I'eoplfl Mr. Schwarz has mado hl» mark ple of Israel, the chairman stated. ondly, Israel Day will servo os a The Itcdcrnicrx us on author, critic, teacher and *'Jt in important that e.-ich of us heartwarnilnr: demonstration of Tim Itnot and tlie Ilougli lecturer. At Harvard, he excelled give nt Iciist one hour to Israel," unity with the people of Israel." Whcro Ifnile I.ln Ixuh as a scholar and athlete. Mr. Jie mlded.' Tiie^e hooka are on display Schwarz was one of tha featured The family of the late Mrs, Ilcferrini; to the f.i'.t-movini: speakers recent national Lewis Nevcleff will dedicate a In the Center Lobby and may conventionatoftho events in the Middle, Mr. Hadassah In HOUJ« be borrowed after the Schwnrz monument in her memory ot ftlce Mfild that they represented ton, Tex, Ho was also the editor IMeasant Hill Cemetery, .Sunday, lecture thin Sunday evening. the culmination of eh;ht years of of tho new Hadassah book "Great Nov. 25. nt 2 p. m. ItaMjI BenArab boycott, blockade /uid belAges and Ideas of the Jewish PeO' pie." Huerency against Israel, "These 'Vim moUoii picture, "The1 YI<I- jamin Groner and C a n t o r Eli will officiate at the dedicaevents," lie asserted, "which re- di*h Afi'lofiy," considered by many KfiKcn Sinca 1917, ho has virtually comtion services, flect the profound determination lo hi1 one of the ull-timo creals muted to Germany and Israel on Mrs, Neveloff was one- of the special research projects and hai «ilJ ho the first prosonlHllon in pioncerinj; npirits in the field of an expert knowledge of developn K'Tics \>y llio Yiflilish Cult DIM) Jewish social service In Omaha. t'oiiinittdv find the? Jcnvlsh ('om- "As the orc'uilzer and founder of Washington, (JTAI—The pres- ments In those areas. Dr. Greenlwrg will preside at tht munlty O u t e r . the Illkur Cliolhn .Society, mid as ent Soviet TeBlmo "appears no opening of the series und Sam 'J'ho mov to, in Yiddish with J-,"JIK- the guiding li;:ht of numerous less anti-Semitic" than Stalin's, Pollak, president of B'nai B'rlth lish Mibtitles, will hf» sho^'ii nl 8 other service ^ronpi, she* had con- Philip M. Klutznlck, president of Henry Alonsky Lodg«, >vlU b« p .in., Sunday, K(j\'. 2."> in (h{? C'rn- tributed vastly to the growth of chairman of this event. !cr rtuditoiJum. A season ti<"lt''t a ("inplele program of coimmmlty B'nal B'rilh, told thu organizaTickets for series aro $1.50 and f(»r thy five programs Is ihrte t\ol- welfare. Her support of all Fed- tion's 11,'ilh annual conventlim may bo purchased at the Center or l.'tr.s ;md Is availalil" nt tlu» CV'nlfr cnition activities and her efforts here Sunday. Iluf charged that tliningh B. I), lodges mid chapov from Ftny cmnniiUa* tur-mh-i*.on behalf of 1'elh Israel .Synaj,'o- tho IvhnV'bchev tcgline was du-lers. Ifi(li\itlii;il lultniK-ion-* nrr» 50 cents. (;ue comjiri.'.e a cronnin^ chapler portin^ Polish and I..itlnianin Jcwji In addition to tlie presentation In her fruitful life." Othf-r offr-riiiK'i v.'IIl in'-'Itido: n to Siberia a« a "Cominunibt scape- of Mr. Schwarz, the series includes four other programs which nra displ-iy, "World (>! Jinvish VoUihiva" i;oat to exploit the niili-Hemltlc tinctly uniniic nnd exceptional, Dr. \)y t h e Karb.'iMrl-Lfih'H' Zirtniit Or- Middle East- Peace passions that still exist in tbe.-.e Greenborg pointed out. (li'i- s t a n i n ; / J i m Hofius; a film, United Nations Tost countries." "The IVr.wr of Life;" a v.nm-..TI Mr. Klul/nick reported "uncon\>y th'» y,i-\v VnjI; Tioupu of the Tel Aviv f.ITA i- Israel's ForWotUmen's Circle; find n i'-chno eif;n Minister fi(d'la Meir em- firmed reports" that Hungarian Jews, most of them hi, in Yiddish. phasized that the United Nations will be tested and judged by Its face threats of pogroms from both de':ire to solve the Middle Kast sides—"by the Soviet masters of situation by forciMR tlie Arab Hungary and by the remnants of slater to enter into direct peace H u n g a r y ' s Jew-hating fascist who are ready lo cut loose, KKD AKMS Koliatlons with Isrnel. Slie spolte groups Harry KuHiiff if they haven't already, In the 'London (WNS)—The Commuat a mass meeting of Ihe Mapal Tlie Jewish Youth Council will frenzy of Ihe freedom rebellion." nist bloc of countries has poured hold its lGtii annual Thanksgiving Parly last week-end. The UN. she The IJ'nai B'ritli president ap- In nn estimated $500,000,000 worth .Service nt X p. in., Wednesday, said ,\vlll retain Its moral validity pealed to the United Nations to of amis Into the Arab countrlea Nov. 21 in Hi-Hi I.'l Synafiogiie, It only If It carries out the funda- take Immediate action on United with Egypt receiving matt than ua.'i nnnoimced hy Justin I,e»ii mental principle of Iho UN Char- States resolutions aimed at set- $420,000,000 during the year, it and Miss Sandra Matters, VC co- ter—establishing peaco between tlni; tho underlying Arab-Israel was disclosed by sources close to stales. The annual Tlirink>;:iunK Pay chalnnen. conflict. He declared that Israel the Foreign Office., Israel's purposo in glnrtlnft its had demonstrated "discipline, The extent of Bed arms shipfiervire under the au;pices of the Heprescntiillves of nil the youth action against Kj,'yj)t, which have Omaha 5»ynnj:oi;uo Couiicili'.ill be >;roups affilialed with the Council statesmanship and fervant desire ments to Egypt was,reported also lield lit H a. ill., 'riianltsfjulni: will participate in the services, been achieved, nccjrdiiiK to Mrs.for genuine peace in its iifiree- (o have been confirmed by cap* Melr, were: "To root out centers ment to withdraw troops from Hired documents in Israel1! operDay, Nov. 22, nt Ileth Israel Sy- Tallinn part will be: Miss .Sully TiaKo;;ue, Kay Mnrkovitz, Ml.-,s I'liyllti for murderers; destroy Nasser's Ki;ypt." Ho called on the Western ation against Egypt. These docuItabhl Myer S. Kripke of Ileth Ilernstein, Sfiul Krijike, Harold army; oust the enemy from ter- Powers to mulch "Ihis kind of ments were laid to have disclosed that Moscow pressured Nasser ta El Syiiiii;i)p;ii(; will deliver the ser- Kahn.'in, David Goldstein find Ir- ritory which never heloiined to political morality." him; obtain freedom of passage attack Israel and that there w n mon entitled "Thanksgiving in vin He|/cr. lor Israeli nhip.1 In the Suez Canal, a plan afoot to station Red abl* Tunes of .Stress," Other rabhl'i ,"/hri Others an-: Pun] .Shyken, Miss dlers In the Sinni peninsula, %vill participate in tile service arc: Joan Mayer, Milton K;ilsl;ee, Miss and operate the port of Klatli." Itnbbi Nathan I'Vldinan of li'nai Shirley Kliiff. Mike Knlz, Bernard Jncob-Ad.'n Yesburon, Kabbi Heii- illooni, Miss I'.'laliK! Kalken, Miss Thanksgiving Party for NO TllACE J'unln Groncr of Heth Isrnel ni'd I.enl Wine, Mike Siirler, Miss Jerusalem (WNS>—Reports of London (WNS)—No trace has Residents of Home Rabbi Kidney H. Iirooks of Temple Helen .Spilinan, Justin Ixnsis, Miss niountini; terror raids Into Israel been found of the twcnty-flv» Iirael. Diane Fellmaii, Allan Kri/elinan The annual Thankscivln;,' Parly from the Aral) countries Indicate Jewish men, women and children by the Omaha Section National 'flip musical portion of the serv- and Martin Greene. who were rounded up by Egyptian Council of Jewish Women .for resi- that Colonel Nasser of Egypt may ice .will be suns by Cantor Kll The service was started In 1911dents of the Dr. Philip Slier Jew- be goadini; his allies into provolt- police in Port Said. There were Kn<;,in and the lieth Israel Choir. and Is prepared new each year hy altogether nbout thirty Jewish Sisterhood presidents will he par- members of the Thanks^hlni; ish Homo for the A(,'('d will be ln« Israel. Among tho incidents families In that city. Most Jewl held Sunday, Nov. 1H at 2 p. m. at was derailment of a freight train ticipants. In Port Said, and In Egypt as well, Service Committee. A reception the Home. on the Tel-Aviv-Bccrsheba line. would like to go to Israel, accordHurry OuISoff, ISeth Kl presi- will follow in the social hall, The parly is belnp, arranged hy dent mid newly elected Council Meanwhile, at Tel Aviv, the ing to newspaper corrcspondenti All Jewish youths of Hie city Mrs, Harry A. Wise and her comhead, will nlso speak nt the sorvInvited. Parents and interested mittee composed of Me.sdames Al- country paid tribute to the mem- covering the situation In Egypt Ice. .Milton Livingston is the out-are are Invited to attend this bert C.aer, Charles Stern, A. Glns- ory of the late Pr. Chaini Weizgoin;c president. Habhi Gruner is adults Israel's first president, on STI'IJENTS ME annual yoiitli-sponsorfd event. K. Harry Feienstehi, J. I!. Gld- mann, the new secretary-treasurer. the occasion of the fourth an- Purls (\VNS)—Up to November Insky, I-ouirf Kutler, Arthur J.tu- niversary of'his death. -Foreign .1 more than 300 Jewish student! hin, J, Milton Mnrcolln nnd John Minister Golda Melr, presiding nt fell In the flRhtlnK In Hungary. Washington IWN'Sl The future Solomon. tha ceremony told the gathering The Jewish population of Budaof Jei/ish education in this country that observance of Dr. Welzmann's pest h estimated nt 80,000. Sunday Radio and the critical s h o r t a Re of memorial was of specific Import teacht-r.s In Jewish schools was "Aaron The Cobbler and The now since tho fJ:-st President had .MOW C'ONOKKSS Western Wall" will Iw pre- the fociia here of n four-day Na"taught us always that our In- Washington (WNS)—The newsented on tbo Eternal IJeJit tional Conference' on Jewish Kdudependence would not be un'Mod COIIKITSS will have twelvo Jewish program which la brondenst cutlon attended by hauling Jewish Due Iho ThanksKlvlni; holi- on a silver platter, but only after meinborK, ten in the House and, from all parts of tiio day, the deadline for publicity over KKAB from 10:1,1 to 11:15 educators a long and difficult struggle,',' two slii. the Senate, according to; , p. m. It ),i tile Klory of a poor country. for the next edition of tlm JewAt tho same time (he nation final'election returns frdm tht'J' • ' ? ; " . Amoni; the hishli(;hfs of the Collblcf who |;radually coincs to parley's objectives was: the tecur- ish PITH will be moved ahead paused In mourning for one of its various slates. understand the spiritual values iu,; of co-operative pliiiiiiin,1; and to noon, Monday, Nov, 19. Pub- great heroes—Colonel Assaf .Sim- All the Jewish Houso memberl of Israel and what they mean action by all organizations pre- licity chairman nro asltod to chonl, commander of the Slnnl are Democrats. In the Senate, to the Jewish people. operation who was shot down over Javits Is i'. Republican and Wcuoccupied with the future of Jew- Bend In.their.material early. a Democrat. Jordon last weelc. ish education In America.
Monument to Be Dedicated Nov. 25
Yiddish Film Next Sunday
Klufinick Blasts Soviet Regime
Global Report
Thanksgiving Da/ Yoirfh Service
Thanksgiving Service aft. I.I.
Terror Raids Info Israel Reported
Live Models for Budding Artists
l i t Jettt*!)
PubtWwJ Every KrkUj nj the tettenttoo o» Jewtab Service u u « u ttauuw rnvuegn Auinuruei at ummuL neHruM* Aoouiu SuDscnpUon, I4.0C lavtrutuis Katu tin Appllcatloo Cdiunai Wlrice—1(E No 2OU) Street. Otnalia. Nehl. JAekwn lSUx tttai "hot 4ddr«M tmt 80 vu> street HABH? HALPEB1 &*\tOT
Religious News
With the Folks ot Home
CamlleUghttnK, 4:50 p. m.
X n n nnd Happening* lit the Candli-Ughtlne. 4:44 |t. in. Dr. J'hlllp Sliur Jewish Home lor BETH IWAKL Aged by David Orkuw. Rabbi Brnjamin Kroner. Cantor N'ovember B—Flowers were doE!l Kagan, Beth Israel choir will nuted by Ill's. Jenny Lcvenion. conduct iate Knday service) at 8 NovemluT 11—Mr. and Mrs. y. m Loul* Puperny sent flowers on the Tradltlonal Friday ,»rvirra l«- occasion of tl)e opening uf their BU> at 5 p m. Sabbath morning new store. services at 8:30 o'clock. J u n i o r November 13—Hubbi Benjamin Congregation at 10 a. ,n. Sablulii Groner continued his discussion of Mlncha at S p. m. and 5.10 j> r,), the Mishnnls. The Misses Janet Sunday morning scrv-ii/h befiln at Itnginsky of Fresno. Calif, nnd «:45 a. m Sunday mornim; J.inmr Carol Ami Treller of Omaha, hnd Mlnyan starts at 8:30 -i m. their birthdny parly at the Home for Aged in order thiit their grand, TEMTLE ISRAEL parents Aaron Rogimky and Mrs. S e n Ices will be held Friday Beckle Treller could attend. Mrs, evening at Temple Israel at 8:15 Meyer Bebcr'i art and basket p. m. Rabbi Brooks vviil discuss weaving class met this afternoon -Why Chanukah Shuul-J No! 15c and the attendance was greatly Celebrated in Public Schuou." inci rased. November 14 -Special mcmoriul Shabbas morning scrvici «'|i| begin at 11:30 with Rnhbi Brooks service was held in the Home S » officiating and the Religion* nagogue for Mrs. Meyer Potnshnlk School Choir under the direction whose Yahrzcit is on the tonth cf Miss Ida Gitlin dinging the mus- day pf Kisley. November 15—The weekly Movical portions of the jervic? ,lc matinee at .1 p. in. November 2.1—A special meBRTHrX S'abbalh M>mcr* at Belli Kl Sy- morial son ice will be held in the r-apogur will begin at JH5 p. m. Home Synagogue for Mr. Harry nabbi Mjer S Kripkc will pre.ich Dwyrsky on his Yahrzeit which on "The Future of Conscrvulivc rails on the 19th of Kislev. November 23-Mrs. Allen ZnlJudaism." Cantur Aari.i J. Ildisar ami the choir will sing the iniulm 1 kln, birthday party chairman of portions of the icrvic;. the Blkur Oiolim Society. Invites Subbath moniinK service at 9.30 the families and friends of the folo'clock and junior coriinvKiiilon lowing to join in celebrating tiieir services at 10.30. Mini'hn-.Miuriv birthdays at 3 p, m. today: Mr. at 4:<5 p. m. Daily MI-VICCI nt 7 Harry Bratorman, Mrs. Rose KnKan. Mr. Herman Nichols, Mrs. a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday i Lena Spring, Mr. Hymari Winat 9 a. m. troub. Mrs. Fannie Jacobs, Mrs. ftcva Krasne. Mr. Max Pelt/., Mr. Ephrnlra Wclnberg and Mr. Morris WIntrouh.
Between You and Me
SOVIET ECHOES: From all reports presented by the numerous American rabbis who have returned from visits to the Soviet Union, a picture emerges thst Soviet government leaders took no notice of the rabMnled deleijatlons . . . None of the dclOKatluns succeeded in obtaining imy government statement or were even received by Men-government <>ffidals . . . They came, tli»y siitv Moscow ftiiljbl Solomon Sniiefer. and they left without oven •yinK able to enter a «in«!c Jewish i:omc tn Moscow, or in any of the other cties they visited . . . Actually, th»y were treated as tourism, and not as representative)! of religious Jewry . . . They were peimiLted to visit cities which only tourists car. visit, and to enter only those institutions which are open to night-seeing parties, including the few synagogues in existence . . . This In itself indicates that the Moscow rulers, although they nuw permit any foreigner to visit the country as n tourist, are not inclined to discuss the problems faced by Jews in the USSR . . . The only, exception they made wax when Krushchev received the French Socialist delegation , . . He discussed problems of Soviet Jewry with the members of this delegation simply because he could not help himself since the delegation surprised him in raising these problems . . . And bis replies to the questions put by the Frenchmen were not at all encoutaging.. > . The visits of the American Rabbis in Russia had, however, the effect of making some Jews in Russia feel that they are not altogether forgotten by the Jews of the world. ADLEK ASSOCIATED Morric Adler is now associated with the Nebraska Clothing Company in the men's clothing department. '
-WZBACIII Women are one of tour organizations comprising the U. S. Coordinating Committee for Youth Aliyah.
Labor Committee Annual Dinner Sunday The Jewish Labor Committee will hold its annual dinner at 6 p. m., this Sunday. (Nov. 18) in the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumins st. Louis Wltkin will be toastmasler. Hostesses will be Mcsdamcs S. H. Binder, Nathan Lermnn nnd Y. Hornstein. Max Crounse is committee chairman and members of the arrangements committee arc B. Miroff, M. Ncrenbcrg and M. Goodman. All members and friends are invited to attend; for n w n a t i o i u call Mr, Crouiwe, AT 4815. Reservations are SI .75 per person.
Diabetes Group Public Meeting at Center The nnnunl fnll public meeting of the Otnnha Iny section of the Nebraska Diabetes AsMicintion will be held Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Medical and socio-economic problems will be discussed by Dr. M. J. Honn of (he Department of Intenuil Medicine of the University of Nebraska. College of Medicine; Dr. Gordon Gibbs, Chairman of the Pediatrics Department of the University of Nebr. COUCRO of Medicine: Robert H. Reads, Omaha District Supervisor of the State of Nebr. Rehabilitation Services; and Kmmett Dunaway, District Manager of Social Security Administration. Everyone U welcome. There is no charge for admission. Free parking space available nt Center narkIng l o t GERMAN REPARATIONS Bonn, (JTA)— The Bonn Government, although anxious to maintain a position of neutrality between Israel and the Arab stoics, will not suspend the flow of reparations goods to the Jewish. State, it was announced hero Monday by Felix von Eckardt, Federal rt-ss chief. He pointed out that no arms of other war material have ever been included i-> the reparations shipments
Frld.y, November IS, IBM
Judge Dun Brodkey
Don Brodkey Soys Campaigning Fine
Budding artists Of the Jewish Community Kvening Center Art Class are drawing their inspiration from 11^ <* models. The class is held each .Monday In th<! Center at 7 p. in. Anjono wishing to Jearn the art of oil painting may join the class. The fee is iix dollars for eight lessons. Kor additional information cnll the Center Activities office, JA 1366. AiiKiislus W. Dunbler, wellknown local artist, is Inxtnictur, He hns studied at the Royal Academy in Dusscldorf, Germany and tin- Ait Inhtitule of Chicago. Mr. Dunbicr has toured around the world visiting both the tropics and the arctic and has recently returned from an painting excursion (a Spnin.
Two-car families are no longer Unusual, but a two-attorntry An afternoon art clnss IK also family might raise an eyebrow being formed at the Center. For especially when one member is registration call the Confer Acthe newly-elected municipal judge, tivities office. Donald Brodkey, and the other is
his wilo. In a three-way telephone Interview, the Brodkcys recalled the high points of campaigning which turned out to I* a family affair with their three youngsters pitching In to help, Their oldest son, Bruce, never doubled his father would be elected. Their daughter, Amy, gave a talk in Sunday school on what judges do. The youngest member of the clan, Fninkle, cheered them on from the sidelines. The Brodkcys «ald campaigning was a. wonderful, interesting nnd satisfying experience and they both got to meet people w h o they ordinarily would not have met. They were Impressed most by the friendliness of the people they met, who were eager to listen and wanted to hear what Mr, Brodkey stood for. When asked how he felt about the electing of Judges, he declared, it was kind of a stickler to auk of a newly-elected judge. But, he added, further study should be made in selecting candidates for the bench. There ought to be a happy balance, he reflected, between electing and appointing judges, for there are good and bad points in both systems. A Phi Beta Kappa man. Judge Brodkey received a rather quizzical letter from a fellow member at the dose of the campaign. It appears that a quote by Mr. Brodkey in a newspaper article included a grammatical error. His fraternity brother asked: You didn't really say that Did you? Judge Brodkey'« relatives were more confident than he was about the election for they brought him a gavel when they returned from a visit to Mexico.
Vet Thanksgiving Dance Next Sat. The Epstein-Morgan Post No. 200, Jewish War Veterans, will hold its annual ThanksgivinK Dance Saturday evening, Nov. 24 at the Blackstone Hotel. Mai Dunn and his Orchestra will furnish the musical background. Tickets are $1.25 ench and may lie purchased from any'member or at the door. Proceeds from the dance will be used to purchase equipment for use by the patients of the Oniuha Veterans Administration hospital. This contribution will be addition to the vets s regular programs for the patients.
B'nai B'rith Bowling The Hoberman Plumbing team Is still in first place in the "A" division of the JVnnl B'rith Bowling League with 33 wins nnd 11 losses. Gene Cooper took high Individual game and series C223— 565). The high team game and series went to Belmont Jewelry for their 837 and 2,461 scores,
Charles Katx Services were held Tuesday, Nov. 13 for Charles Edwin Katz, Seaman 1/C, U.S. Navy, with Interment at Pleasnnt Hill Cemetery. Seaman Kntz, 21, died Sunday, Nov. 11. Surviving are his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. David M. Katz: two brothers, Karl L, and LcRoy, nnd a sister, Miss Faye Anne, all of Omahn.
Louis Upshift Services were held Tuesdny, Nov. 13 for Louis Llpshltzof North Plntte with Interment nt Fisher Farm Cemetery. Mr. Llpshitz, 80, died Sunday, Nov. 11. He Is survived by his wife, Cella of North Plattc; three daughters, Mrs. Marjorlc Lincoln, Mrs. Fanny Bordy (both of Omaha) and Mis. Roselin I.lpp of Seattle, Wash.; two sons, Morris Linp of Omnha and Ralph Lenack of Chicago, III., seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Same Day Service No Extra Charge foot 10 A.M. Ready by S P.M.
CASH and CARRY AbaPlciwpMd Deflvwy Service
TEDDY BEAR GbMMS 112 H. 18th JA1578
DIAMOND'S KOSHER MEAT MARKET & DELICATESSEN Will Close 1 P.M. Thurs., Nov. 22 At Their Old Location 1610 N. 24th St. Call Tuesday for Wednesday Delivery of Thanksgiving Order* — WE 4955 Will Opm 7 A.M. Sunday, Nov. 25 at New Location—Watch for Announcement
Omaha's Most Complete Delicatessen Open All Day Saturday • Freshly Made Specialties, Chopped Liver, Herring • Fine Kosher Wines and Brandies from Vineyards of Israel • Hors D'oeuvres Made to Order
WA 2207-08
Thanksgiving Specials! • WHITE TENDER HEN TURKEYS. 9-15 Lbs. • WHITE TENDER TOM TURKEYS, 18-25 Lbs.
B.B. Will Present Festival of Lights B'nai B'rith Festival of LlghU will be held at the Blackstone Hotel November 25, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Phil Ostravich, Henry Monsky Chapter and Mrs. Abe Bear, Nebraska Chapter report many handmade articles will be on sale at the bazonr and card party. Mrs. Max Krizelman, Henry. Monsky chapter .and Mr*. AI Zwerllng, Nebraska chapter, urge all member* to volunteer: their services. Please contact either the chairman or the president of your chapter. . ,
A b o Young Geese, Ducks. Capons Hens and Arkansas Fryers a t L O W , L O W PRICES Koshered II Desired — Free Delivery
AT 7019
Friday, Nuvember It, UM
Organizations PIONEER WOMEN Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold Its annual Child Rescue Fund Dinner Dec. 9 at the Jewish Community Center.
Thank You! We are grateful to the women of our community who so graciously gave of their lime,' labor, money and handmade articles which made the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs' booth n success nt the Chlidrens Memorial Hospital Bazaar. Our only regret is that we cannot personully thank each and everyone of you for the part you ployed in making the Women's Clubs' booth one of the best.
COt'NCn. WOMEN "From Here to Maturity" will be the subject of a panel disciu.tlon at tile Novemlwr 20 luncheon meeting of the Onmha Section National Council of Jewish Women. The luncheon will be At the Jpulsh Community Ontpr nt 1 p. m. Mm, Isnilorc Chnpmiw, Mrs. Mnuricc Pepper will modt'liairniun trulo the puni?l. Mm, Knicht A. N«Klfi <'"There will lUito be n display of chairman hnndlcraft by resldPiits uf the Dr, Sher Home and an exhibit on Geriatrics. Mrs, John A. Solomon, program chaitmnn for the month, arranged the program. Luncheon chairman arc Mrs. Walter Jacobson arid Mr*. Jock Jacobson. For reservaFirst Lieutenant Maynnrd Tateltions call Mrs. Hurl Weiss, RE mnn, USAF, is home on leave after
Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bcln of Phoenix, Arizona, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ncnii, to Arthur Lefltz, formerly of Omaha and now a resident of Los Angvlcs, CuIIf. Miss Beln is teaching In the Los Angeles City School System. She attended the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and was affiliated with Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. Mr. Lofitz. the son of Leo Lcfitz and the late Mrs. Leo Lefltz, received his Bachelors degree from the University of Omnha, and received his Law degree from Crelgliton University. He was afflllutrd with Phi Epsllon PI social fraternity and Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity. A December wedding Is being planned. Patronize Our Advertisers.
I Omaha Sketches
being graduated from the navigation school at Ellington Air Force I1AIM88AII Base, Houston, Tex. He will report Member* of* Omnha Hadassnh back to the .'base December 1 as nn Air Force Instructor, Educational Council will meet for their regular monthly Oneg Shnbbnt at 1 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 17, MO). Benjamin Rothenhcrg it ut the home of Mrs, Robert Fnler, spending the winter with h e r daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 6223 Clenwood Rd, Mrs. Irving Herzog will be host- Mrs. Sam Blend of Dallas, Tex., ess to the members of Oronlin and grandson, Benjamin, Chapter Hadamah Board at 12-30 Marvin Breslow was elected p, m., Mondny. Nov. 19, at her 'home 688 No. 66th «t. Her co-host- Prior of Sigma Alpha Mu' Fraternity at University of Nebraska. csscs will be Mmcs. Herman AuerOther newly elected officers Inbach, nnd Morris Grw,mnn. clude Larry Kpstcln, Alan Rown and Larry Schwartz.
Hadassah Bowling
Cooper Const nietlon tenm broke > three-way tie In the Hadntsnh Bowling League to forge into first place. Mctz Beer In In iccond place with Pillar Plumbing trailing. High bowlers thl* week arc: E. Ros«. 542 and A- Schulman, S10.
Mr, and Mrs. Yale HJmelbloom of Chicago, III., announce the birth of their first child, Brian' Harold, born November 8. Mr. Himelbloom is a former Omahan. Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Katz of Oakland, Calif., announce the birth of their first child, Bruce Edward, born November 11, Mrs. Katz.Is the former Miss Chnrlotte Sommer. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sommcr and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Katz of Oakland are paternal grandparents.
He that denouncerh his friends for the sake of flattery, even his own children will despise him.— Bible Annual
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Mr. and Mrs. Lou Llpp and their daughter, Myra, left yesterday to visit their other daughter, Susan, who Is « student at the University of Illinois.
Words of the wise are nraceftil; but a fool"» words nre hajfmful.— Blbl*
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Center Sports
Friday, November 10, ISM
Youth Council News
By Jim Karbatarh The Midget Basketball annual Father-Son Tip Off program drew well over ISO fathers and sons at the Jewish Community Center auditorium last Sunday. It marked the opening of the basketball season for fifth through eighth grade youngsters, w h o heard Crelj?hton coach "Tommy" Thomson narrate a training film and show movies of last j e a r s games. Over 80 boys signed up for the program and practice i»essioiii w II got underwayy this Sundajj at 1*30 p. m., under the direction of len coaches In the Center gjm
tiigh school seniors still ma pared and may be obtained at'the register (or the Youth Council' Youth Council office at no charge. college orientation program, A community-wide Chanukah battery of tests will be given 1 p. m., Friday, Nov. 23 at U* Carnival has been planned for Dec. Jewish Community Center, f< 2 at the Center by the Youth whose ucre unable to nttend th Council, Harold Katman, YC presifirst testing session. The fee dent, announced, one dollar. Kach member club will sponsor booths and special attraction.'! will be presented. Parents nrc a&ked I-co W. Schwarz, noted aulhoi and teacher, will hold an informa to bring their childicn to this gala (llscusikin »lth hnjh school slu- affair and the proceeds fro-n the dents nt the Center this Sundaj carnhal Kill help to inaintuin at 2 p. m. Mr. Schwara will 0|>ei club procrnms during the year. the "Program of the .Month" se Itooths will have attractions: for ries that evening at the CVntei. A every afje group Center Vars.ty Ilasketbiil imperial jam session vull follow th< League is starting off the season I coketail hum featuring the pinin FEohanue Is still conducting its with the formation of teams ^iid i s t>llnss of I/f'in Snnms lij sitter service duiinu Sjtura few more players me iiM-ded lo d;ij afternoons. To take adianround out a full league G i m « ire e of this unique service, call The Sunria) bridge c l ' i w s f'H scheduled for Wednesday emi high school student* have beei Hrtt} Krmnn, GL 4117. at 7:30 and 8 30 o'clock moved up lr> noon *o that mori An added .feature this sr.ison uill Youth Councilors will IK> nble t AJK-KAIU shelters are currentbe a swimming program for the take part There is no rei;istratln ly being constructed In the IJessle wives of varsity platen and stvunJisfpld Children's Vllljgc, at fee and individuals nriy drop I ming Instruction will bo provided Hannana; the All>ah ChilThe special period h.n been set for any of the sessions Adviinc players ate welcome «nd tables dren's Village in Petaeh Tikvah, aside de forr them nt the Center pool will be set up for duplicate play. and other child-care projects of Wednesday nights from 8:30 lo he Mlrrachi Women's Organiza9:30 p. m For further InformaA special fraternity-sorority lon of America. tion call the Center athletic office, JA 1366. Practice sessions uill bo- weekend ix planned for the winte gin November 28 w,th league pi <y school vacation In IVcenilwr to acquaint high schoolein uith collet; to Itart December 19. campus organizations. Call Saul—Thafi AH! Phil Fox and Rob Fromkin Saul's TV A Radio Strvlc* Highlights mid sidelights of col remained undefeated to letain their doubles handball chjmpioiv lege schrjlurshliw, test applications 1701 C m h g AT 21 Jt •hip They coasted throuRh throe and general Information uill be 0S74 teams and won in the semi-fin ill, published In the Youth Councll'i 21 -14 and 21 • 18. monthly publication. " C o l l e g e Comments" The publicitlon uil The Center's Kiddy Kuatics pro- also let reiiricls In on the 'I'ling gram boast* hav.ns a 17 months of Om.ihans In out-nf-stnte colold youngster who has been Jump- lege*. A special directory of out ing off (he Me of the pool into of-statc uiilvcnitus has lieen pre the water next to the ,iqu,il,c director. Business women's swim which JOE'S BARBER SHOP Is held Monday through Thursday 20TH AND FARNAM from 5U5 to 6 30 p m is opori for Open for Business registration Instruction is available and the charge 11 thiec dol• Drop In or Coil for lars per month Appointment—JA 9014 A Golden Age swimming group will hold iti first MSMim Wi-dnfsday, Nov 21 to the tune of Yiddish background music. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, Golden Ago coordinator, stated that all member* of the club are invited to take part in the program. CaU Center swim director for further information.
Got TV Trouble?
Bar Mitxvah
Jr. B.P. Bowling
Mike Green wos high l t r t h t Junior B'nal B'rith B o w t i n g League this week with his 265 serin. He rolled 148-117 games. Howard Feldman'i 153 game w a i the individual high. Misi Suzt Seglin rolled the high game In the girls division, a 124. Mill Marsha Corcn bowled the high Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kurz announce the Bar Mltzvuh of their series, a 228. Miss Bonnie Tarnoff son, Larry, Thanksgiving morn- converted the 3-10 split. Ing, Nov 22 at Beth El Synagogue. THE Mlzrachl Women's Orgsnl* Services will be at 9 a. m. Friends and lelatlves are invit- zation of America Is the principal ed to attend this service and the contributor to-the Religious Department of the Jewish National klddush which will follow. Fund in Its work of land reclamation and afforestation. Dr. and Mrs. M. If. Brodkey an nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mark Jeffrey, Friday evening, Nov 23 and Saturday mornIng. Nov 24 at Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invlt<-d to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Bruce Bernstein, too of Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein, will observe his Bar Mitzvah this evening and Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
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The women'* Figure-Aid program held Tuesday and Thursday mornings is showing dividends in the svelte figures of the particpants The ladles spend half of one hour doing figure control exercises and a hour in the swimming pool Registration is open in this class for a throe dollar a month fee or regular Center membership MEMOKIAI. Paris (WNS) Formal dedication of th» World Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr, a symbol commcmbraatlng the six million Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis, wan held Iwre lust Week at a ceremony attended by several thousand people, Including high French Government officials. Dr. Nahum Coldmann, prcsioent of the world committee for the memorial, termed the memorial B triple symbol—a reminder that the barbaric crime would never be forgotten, an admonition to the world never agalij to underestimate the significance of movements like Hltlerism and an expression of hope that this generation would ' bear the faith of the martyrs who knew as they1 went to death that Jewish people would survive. •
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