November 23, 1956

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Kcnlow Game ,-«""••"•«•» | Omaha Sketches A prominent Omahnn and former Omahan have been elected to tho Board of Trustee! of the American Fund for Israel Institutions. They are Morris Jocobs president of BOzell & Jacobs, and Philip Klutznlck, chairman or the Board of American Community Builders of Highland Park, 111. M.'. Jacobs has a long list ol achievements in the community which Include having headed Com tnunlty Chest end Jewish Philanthropies Campaigns here. He has been King of Ak-Sar-Ben and president of the Federation for Jewish Service, Mr. Klutnlck It Internationa' President of B'oal B'rlth and was a former commissioner of Federa homing. Lowell -Baiimer, Central High senior and pledge master of AZA No. 1, was presented with first prize at the twenty-fourth annual Nebraska High School Press As•oclatlon, sponsored by the School of Journalism of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. l i e won the award for newspaper layout. Lowell published the prize winning paper of AZA No. 1 In the annual newspaper contest sponsored by til* Corobclt Region Of AZA. Louis Passer of Council Bluffi, la., was presented with the Her man Krause Memorial Trophy at the sixth annual Father-Son ban quct of the Irving Cohen Lodge No. 688 of B'nal B'rith held re cently In Council Bluffs. Mr. Passer, active in veterans' affairs, is tho fourth person to receive the annual award which was presented by L, H. Katcbnan. Sam Berek, past president of District 6 of B'nal B'rith was guest speaker.

Pioneer Women's Child Rescue Fete Pioneer Women's Organization of Omaha will hold It* annual Child Rescue Dinner at 6 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 0 at the Jewish Community Center. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Bernard (Miriam) Clngold o[ Chicago, III. Mrs, Milton Nearenbcrg will open the program with the tinging of tho national anthem. Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel Synagogue, will ting Jewish and Hebrew song*. Mrs. Herman Bondarin will be toastmUtreiis for the evening. Mr*. Sam Novak, president of the group. Is general chairman. A chicken dinner will be served. Reservations are $1.50, call Mm. J. Kaplan, WE M34 or Mrs. II. Richlin, WK 1562. Members of the community nre cordially Invited to attend the affair.

With the Folks at Home New* »tul Happening* at th» Dr. Philip Sher Jtiwbli Homa For Aged. By David Orkoiv. November 14—Flowers were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winer In honou of their daughter Pauline's marriage to Mel Wynn. November 18—Th». Council of F«wi>h Women Thanksgiving party ^ras held at 2 p. m, Entertainment consisted of comedy, songs and Cancel by Cantor Ell Kagan, Ilertnan Mirowitz and Milton Goldberg. November ID—A floral arrangement was donated by tho Beth Israel Mem Club. November' 26—A special memBrial service will b« held at the Horn* Synagogue for Sophie NeveJeff on the occasion of her YahrMlt which is on tha 22nd of , KUlev, ,

2 C.,*al Honor. B S ^

2S, 1956

noMwd i m j rnrMaj ISI n loth Annual lute < OoUsn Omaha Nltwlta Phon.-M IS«6 glnrlr S o * 10 Cent.

Jewish Melody Film Sunday Night at Jay

Twin honors have como to How. The Executive Committee of ard Kaslow with his election as the Federation for J e w i s h president of Central High School'i The story of a pious Rcveraod and his family and their entangleService will meet at 12:15 p. Senior Class and his topping o: m., Monday, Nov. 26 in the ment with the president of their synagogue Is the theme of the motion the class honor roll. The son o! picture "The Jewlnh Melody" tvhlrli will be presented at 8 p. m,, SunHighland Town Club, it was Mr. and Mrs. lien Kaslow, he Is —-—•"day, Nov. 25 at the Jewish Comenounced by Jack W. Marer, also the District Six president ol ' munity Center auditorium. Federation president. AZA and he headed AZA No. 100 The film is the first in the seand thi region. ries of programs to be offered by Other seniors making the hon the Yiddish Cultural Committee or roll were Lowell Baumer, MarB'nal B'rith Women's "Festival and the Center. It Is a blend of vin Frecdman, Marty Greene, of Lights," annual fund raising Larry Zacharia, Lorry Kahn, Miss bazaar and card party will be music, song, drama and comedy Harriet Epstein, Miss Marcla Zal held Sunday, Nov. 25, at 8 p. m. involving several prospective wedkin, Pete Brodkey, Jerry Rmcn, The next meeting of tha Golden in the Blackstone Hotel ballroom. dings and the mlxups of who if Miss Nancy Frlcdlander and Miss Age Club will be Monday, Nov. 26 One of the outstanding features going to marry whom. • Dody Shanlro. at 1 p. m. at the Jewish CommuThe picture Is in Yiddish with Miss Beverly Goldberg was the nity Center. Dessert lunch will be In the door prize which will be a five-day vacation at the Riviera English subtitles and a season, top junior student. Other juniors served at a Chanukah party 'at Hotel pt Las Vegas, Nev. There ticket for the five programs is which there will be an exchange making the honor roll are: Miss will be many other prizes, many Jean Gross, Miss Judl Ban, Miss of 25 cent. gift*. There will be of which are hand-made articles three dollars. Tickets are availBarbara Brodkoy, Irvin Bel/er, community singing, cards, and which were greatly in demand at able at the Center or from any committee member. Individual Richard Spcicr, Howard Wolnbcrg, bingo. The Golden Age Club presented the previous bazaars. admissions are 50'cents. Miss Phyllis Bernstein, Miss Chara silver tray to the Center which Some of the local benefactors of lotte Brodkey, Miss Linda RosenOther offerings will Include: a baum and Miss Maureen Zevltz. they bought from the proceeds of the fund raising project are the play, "World Of Jewish Folklore" the October White Elephant Sale. Red Cross Blood Bank, Chlldrcns Other junior honor students are A silver tray was also presented Memorial Hospital, Omaha Cancer by tho Farband-Labor Zionist OrBmc«'and Bernard Bloom, Larry der starring Ben Bonus; a film, lerman, Tom Kully, Miss Muriel by (lie Golden Agers, who recently Drive and the Polio Drive, as well "The Power of Life;" a concert went on a trip to Lincoln, to the Rosenblatt, Miss Florence Shru- Tifereth Israel Synagogue there. as the B'nai B'rith Children's by the New York Troupe of th« Home, the Leo N. Levl Memorial go, Jerry Freedman, Mike Shrler, The Golden Age Club Is jointly Hospital, . the National Jewish Workmen's Circle and a lectura Miss Marilyn Dvorkln, Miss BarIn Yiddish. sponsored by the Omaha Section, bara Garbcr and Miss Joan Murx. National Council of Jewish Wom- Hospital, the Veterans Hospital, Bellfaire, Hillel and many others. Steve Fink, Stanley Greenfield, en and the Jewish Community Refreshments will be served Miss Alice. Kurz, Miss Barbara Center. • and the women will be assisted Bercutt, Mias Susan Baron, Miss by (he B'nai B'rith Girl's groups. Nancy Richards, Miss Betty ErA recipe book will be given to man, Miss Tonl Kaplan, Miss Judy Near Eust pence Is not near, ach person who attends. Cohen, Marc Samuelson, Denis opined Leo W. Scnwarz, noted Schulman, David Wlntroub, Miss author and historian, at the openJudy Lozer, Mlss^Hozannc Slpor- -Toronto (JTA)—Tho Jews of ing Sunday evening in the Jewish m. Mills Jeanne Silver, Miss Hev the United States and Canada Community Center of the "ProBloom, Bob Fcllman, Miss Carol Sunday Issued an appeal to the gram of tho Month" scries. AlGomborg, Miss Susie Wolfson, world to bring about a just and though there Is a trend toward Stove Bloch, Larry Uoberman and lasting peace In the Middle East, An emergency sterilizer haj been peace, many difficulties will huva Miss Phyllis Abrahams were soph- emphasizing that "such, a 'peace purchased by the Epstein-Morgan to ba overcome, Mr, Schwarz said. omores named to.the honor roll. with JusUMH-and , Jus^ce;. with Post, Jewish .-.War Veterans and It u »it IliiMiaif-that-the Unit- ~ peace'wi]fl>e"ofImortientduii ahd will be presented to Children's MeMl*s Cindy Klein was. the top enduring value to oil peoples of morial Hospital, it was announced ed Nations has the power to make reshman scholar whllo other the area, and to all mankind." ~ by Commander Milton Goldberg peace, he pointed out, but it can 'rosh earning recognition were TM appeal was voiced at the and Senior Vice-Commander Mar- do no more than make truces. u»tln Ban, Miss Carolyn Doigoff, What is important is that the UN concluding session here of the vin Kaplan. Miss Madelyn Dolgoff, Miss Ethel four-day General Assembly of the / M r . Kaplan, who is alto chair- can become a peace-making orSabes, Miss Bcthann- Maklesky. Council of Jewish Federations and man of Post's annual Veterans ganization, tha author added, by Bill Harwich, Ronald Greene, Welfare Funds -which-: represents Thanksgiving Dance to be held at establishing a international police ames Guss- and Martin Bcrcovlcl. more than 800 Jewish communi- the Blackstone Hotel, Saturday force. This police force is just as Other, {reshman honor students les in the United States and evening Nov. 24, stated that "It Is necessary as having one in tha re: Miss Nancy Brodkey, Miss community for there are always Canada.' . ' • > • -. .'.•-.•; ..••• . •••. Marlys Isack, Sam Blelcher, that the sterilizer will «r-1 tiiose'who IIVUT break'tho"law,"Mr" Addressing the 25th anniversary hoped rive In time for a formal prejenta-Tcjphvvnr* stressed. utriucuri Misses Judy Friedman, Judy Golddinner. Harry L, Lurle, former tlono to a board member of the ner, Eatelle Schulman, Eden Coexecutive director of the Council hospital during intermission at the The Soviets will use force and len. Janice Katelman, Sheila Noand ranking authority on Jewish dance. t is an illusion to think they are ak, Karen Weiss and Mary Yasocial welfare, predicted that l part of the UN, lie declared. The dance-is the only fund rals;cr. • within the next 25 years Jewish ng event of the Post and all mem- - Discussing the current situation communal organizations In the bers and their friends are urged to ,n the Near East, tha author asUnited States would combine rer attend. Mai Dunn and his Orchcs- serted now is the time for relieving tension and making a gcnulna llgipus and secular activities to :ra will play for dancing."* achlevo a more cohesive and behe- Tlckets'may beTurchawd at the peace settlement possible. After Iclal effect for Jews. door for $1.25. hat, (he refugee problem can ba Oranlm Group tackled, ha added. Free passaga hrough the Suez Canal should ba.!* nukah Festival for Israe assured and followed up with awill be held at the Blackstone Hohuge billion dollar economic aid el, Sunday, Dec. 2 at 8 p. m., un- AGGRESSIVE EVIDENCE Government approved S u n d a y program for the entire area, Mr. !er the auspices of the. Omaha United Nations, N. Y. (WNS)— Premier David Ben Gurlon's re- Schwarz declared. Israel Bonds Committee, It was Egypt's intention to Annihilate Is- ply to .Soviet Premier Nikolai He went on to puncture tha nnounced by Joe Rice, chairman. rael was presented here last week Bulganin's note of last week claim of the Arab states against _ "This will be the flint Chanukah o the United Nations via docu- threatening Israel's existence and he creation of the State of IsFestival for Israel to be held In mentary evidence which fell into demanding that tho Jewish State rael. The bare facts are, he said, Omaha," laid Mr. Rice, ''and we Braell hands In tho recent opcr- pay compensation to Egypt for hat ubout 40 years-ago thcra damages cause during the Sinai •xpect a large turn-out." tlonr In the Gaza area and the were no Arab states for they wera Peninsula campaign. The Ben Molly Picon, beloved Yiddish Sinai peninsula, a part of tho Turkish Empire. Tha , Gurlon note was hnnded to the dress and comedienne, and The Soviet Charge d'Affalres in Tol states had their origin in the de)ranlm, a group of young Israeli REFUGEES REGISTER struction of the empire after Aviv Sunday, Ingcr* and dancers, will enterWorld War IVienna (JTA)—A total of 765 tain. Mr. Ben Gurion's reply told the Hungarian Jewish refugees are Turning to the Jewish fctate, ha "The Israel Bond campaign is registered with the Vienna Jew- Soviet Premier that- Israel had stated that since the 72th century leaded for Its most successful ish Community and receiving as- suffered far greater damage at have Jews been going to Palestlna r car," added Mr. Rice, "and if our Istance through the community, the hands of tha Egyptians than It had ever caused them. Pant to make their homes there. Is,'orkers continue the pace they've t was reported here Sunday, rael has brought modern science •ct for themselves we could reach Although it is known that him- Egyptian aggressions, he charged, to the Near East, he concluded, he $200,000 mark by December Ireds more have crossed the bor- had hurt the Israeli economy to -tho extent of tens of millions of and have offered its benefits to .1." ler, it Is not possible to.obtain..a pounds. Its neighbors. check on their number. Two facors are responsible for this sltuaMASS DEPORTATION ion: the almost continuous move- TECHNION COMPUTER Washing (WNS) — Immediate ment of Hungarian refugees from Haifa—A new apparatus known 'and effective action t o w a r d s me part of Austria to another as "Two Worlds" will IM pre- camps are reconstituted and re- as an Electrolytic Analogy Tray, halting the current mass deportawhich enables rapid solution of sented on the Eternal Light tion dl Jews from the Russian'ugees leave for Germany, the program which is broadcast Netherlands, Sweden and Swltzor- complicated mathematical prob- Polish border to exile and imprislems and facilitates construction of ov«r KFAB from 10:43 to onment in concentration camps In and; and the obvious hesitation hydraulic, hydrologlcal and cjvll 11:15 p. m. It is a dramatiza)f soms refugees to Identify them; engineering projects has recently Siberia" was urged here by tha 1 tion of David Dalches book selves a* Jews. been completed at tha Technion. American Jewish Committee in a ! and tell* of his childhood tn MW, The" only-instrument of Us kind In communication to Acting SecreEdinburgh, Scotland. RED CUUH REfECTKD Israel, It took 18 months to com- tary of Slate Herbert C Hoover, Jr, t . . , i, .», ,. Jerusalem, (JTA)—The. Israel plete.

'Festival of Lights' At Blackstone Sun.

Chanukah Pai Golden Age Club

Near East Peace Distant—Schwarz

Federations Appeal For Middle East Peace

Vets Buy Sterilizer For Local Hospital

Chanukah Festival For Israel Dec. 2

Global Report

Sunday Radio



Center Sport

Religious News Candlf lighting. 4:39 p. m. BETH EL Sabbath seniors ut Beth El S> nagogue Mill begin at 8:15 p. Rabbi Jlyer S. Kripke will pread / on "Why Rabbis Crack Up." Can tor Aaron I. Edgar and the choi will Bing the musical portions the service. BETH ISBAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth Israel choir wi conduct late Friday services at p. m. Traditional Friday services begin at 5 p. m.

Practice sessions for the Cento Midget Basketball League got w dcrway last Sunday at the ey with 83 bo)S from the fifth, s u i se\enth ajjd eighth grades tukin part. This Sunday, another movie be shown, covering footwork basketball. With the lielp if vo! unteers, Sam Ban, Morey Handleman, Lou Hurwitz and Larry Lin coin, indJvidtial attention will b given to each boy. Registration fqr this program 1» still open to boys through 14 yeaii of age. League play will 'start Sunday, Dec. 9 with 6 teams in the "B" league and 4 teams in the 'A" league. >

TEMPLE ISRAEL Youth Council basketball play Services will be held Frlda: evening at Temple Israel at 8:1 era will be able to test their basketball skills during the week of p. m. Rabbi Brooks will delivci November 25. Free throw, set sho the sermon. tournaments, dribbling, and jump tests will be heldB'NAI ISRAEL Registration may b> made with Thanksgiving S a b b a t h Ev tervkec will be held at B'nai Is- the athletic committee member* rael Synagogue of Coundl Bluffs, of each club. Starting date Is set la., this evening (Nov. 23) at 8 JO 'or Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 3:45 p. m p. in. Allan Ardell, Council Bluffs Varsity league teams ire now municipal Judge, will be guest speaker. Rabbi David Korb Mill formed for the season beginning with a practice round on Wednesofficiate and a social hpur wil follow under the auspices of the •y,1 Nov. 28. The team* are getting in their practice licks now sisterhood. Wednesdays from 7:30-9 p. m. in the Center gym.

Youth Council News

HJgh school seniors unable to take the pre-collcge tests pre' tented by the Youth Council will be able to take the same test battery this afternoon. Nov. 23, at the Jewish Community Center. The Center win be jumptn' Sunday, Nov. 25, as the Field House Nine-Minus Two, a fabulous combo, will be letting the mood for a live jam session starting at 2 p.m. The admission is free and oil high schoolers are Invited to come stag or drag for a great afternoon of dancing and listening. Cokes and refreshments will be served.


Bar Mifzvah Mark Jeffrey Bixxikey, son .ol Dr. and Mrs. M. If Brodkey. wil] observe his Bar Milzvah Kridnj Published Every 1'riduy by (he Itdtrullou ol JctvUli Service evening, Nov. 23 and Saturday a c c u a u U u » MttlJlnp I'rlvlii'jict A U U H T I / H m ijirianu n e o r u i x n i u i u u dubscnullun, d u b s c n u l l u n , J3.C*. J-3.C*. A<n'ri:.irr A < n ' r i : . i r r u,,\i'; u,,\i'; m, Ai.nliri.tiun morning, Nov. 24, at Beth El Sy A r.ailunu r.ailunu O Office— f f i c e — ]ffi N Noo tfMM tfMM M Mrrcl r r c l ffhiiul.u h u l u N'ltjl. N ' t l JArknon JAkn 131 131* •>ruit '-hor Addreos—46Ot Su Tit

Friends and relatives are in- HARRY HAI,PER7 vited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Fricdmnn announce the Bar MlUvah of their son, Roger Dale Friedman, be celebrated Friday evening Nov. 30 and. Saturday morning, Dec. 1 at Beth £1 Synagogue. Friends and relatives are in tiled to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.


English Classes Tho English Class for beginners which meets Monday and Wednesday mornings has a few openings it was announced by Saul Silver* man, Jewish Community Center Activities Director. Enrollment fee is $1 foe 12 weeks. The classes are under (he supervision of the Adult Education Department of the Board of Education.

Services were held Friday, Nov. 16 for Edward Abrahams tvlth Interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Abrahams, 93, a retired furniture merchant, died at his home Wednesday, Nov. 14. Monument Dedication He Is survived by hi* wife,.Kate; two sons, Milton K of Omaha and Tht family Of the late Mr*. Lew. Harold J. or San Francisco, Cal, Is Ncvelcff will dedicate a mon- a sister, Mrs. Bess. Lesser of San There la not a righteous man ument in her memory at 2 p. m n Francisco, and t four grandchil,uppn earth who always does good' Sunday, Nov. 25 at Pleasant Hill dren. and never sins.—Bible Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate. The family of the late School K. Freed wig dedicate a monument in his memory at 1:30 p. tn., Svnd»y, Nov. 23 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the service.

Morris "Morrie" Adler Joins Men's Clothing Staff of The Nebraska

Just Received

Books and Articles

Imported — Domestic

NATHAN LEVINSON 3014 Webster St. AT 4252

Omaha's Most Complete Delicatessen Open All Day Saturday

Portraits Weddings Commercial

Edward Abrahams


The family of the late Mrs. Abe .feyer will dedicate a monument in her memory at 2:30 p. m.. Sunday, Nov. 29 at Golden Hill Cemeery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Temple Israel members of three Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate ;enerations will take part in a the dedication service. jiformal get-together at 8 p, m, Sunday, Nov. 25 under the auspices of the Temple Brotherhood. Children with their fathers and grandfather* will sample some of Ntw Book dad's cooking social g aat the Temple p i c 'tall t i tall. C Cartoon movies will be hown. "hroel—Its Rola Dr. Leon Fcllman is chairman ir the affair and reservations in Civil-nation" lay be made by calling the 'emple office. Re 6636. The supr will be one dollar for adults Also All Kinds of d 75 cents for the youngsters.

New York Visit




Temple Brotherhood Get-Together Sunday

- —Mi. » • ! Mi». Hxman OrueW »( QtK«n for a Day' Omaha will attend the Bar MitzE s t h e r Rusrn. p i r - i d n i t of vah of their grandson, Al;in, which e L«'ic!jes Auxiliary f>f 1 fM» inwill be held Saturday, Nov. 21 in 'an PuM. u m i tin Q x ' i i f'u New York City. lie is tin- win of i> p 1 il HIM Isr;' Dr. and Mrs. Armln W. Docler. pn / ll Mrs. Doctcr is the former of I lie A u u ! i . i i \ J J n/i m« IM<!MI i;ift-, <Ini.-it.ul ir'i'h.nit Gertrudp Orach of our city. of the community

The Finest in Photography

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Morrln Adlrr

"Morric," as hi' is known to his fricndK, has lived in Omalia most of his life. lie became associated with the men's clothing business in 1933 and has been actively ensuRed in it ever since. Likeable and sincere, his long experience in the field has Rained him countless friends and customers who look to him for advice on their clothing problems. In his new association, "Morric" feels that he has extensively broadened his ability to serve them all. The large stocks of fine clothing available at The Nebraska make it possible to offer a wider range of patterns, models and prices. Perhaps, most important of all — he not only has the tremendous stock of The Nebraska at his disposal — but the largest tailor shop in the Middle West to assure his customers of a perfect fit In whatever type of clothing they desire. "I woald welcome a visit or an inquiry from all my old friends and will be more than happy to serve them or anyone I can. I am very pleased to be a member of a great organization and appreciate the opportunities extended to me in my new affiliation." Mr. Adler is married to the former Bernice Epstein nnd has two daughters. The family resides at 6463 William Street.

Photographer men's rlotlildg... second floor

817 S. 36 St. HA 1044

Want Ads Plica* JA 13co to tn*«n >cux /."tr-t A A la Tl.« JrwUn i'rnn. CktrrfQl rtxi« U VJ ctn'.i !tr «JJI<:.1 irirrtlon. Tfc« Pri?i» r n c n t i Ui* tft;)j! 10 limit VIM of «tfb sdrprtlftAmfot,

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Instant irtat for family pr g u m s . . . instant hie with everyone! Spread wiih cheese, it's ddklout... topped •Win. ice-cream, it's • pcalc-of-tlie-mcnu dessert!



Friday, November 23, IBM





Jr. S.B. Bowling

Seldin-Nadler Betrothal Open House

M i l l . ! 1 } S n . i s w i s Ii ,'h i n Ilio Junloi H n HI U n t i l I ! <f » I 11] f;

Mi , ml .Mm 11*Mi, .HI' 1 Mis Saul Suvaiiky of of Wnl • i l - n . J; , (innnunci- tt Cuumil liluffs, l a , will hold an , \Mlll 1)1 _'N, . m i . • Tit 1,1 ll ill il'ii lid 1 (ji)i 2 to 5 p in , this l l w . m i i i i'l'ii, II Ii nl ii.i' in, h ^ ,11 .111 < II r till In J 1 1.1 Tl.' l J i No- 2'ji at their home, ii H I ' M -I i r l i n tnif in iii> i' i< ,i ] >; JI I"ilends and relaI II lilin is I I n ' .M of 11 j • • i i i n l l u Lt. |i rl t(j mc<-t Mr. SuSu/, "•f hi] v Il\l-.,'M1 U l l h In .n.-I Mi J . i I I I •-, M I I i 'iil, Sai.ih Marcus, I It I s is \iwiin;; heie fiom Copenliiufl , I i H i l .i.i ;;•• nnllii .. i l l i l l I I . iiml I) :•! M.ili I m \ ( i - i t y ill In.' i I. n, IJi'iim.nk. She is Sunday ] T 1 " • iv 111 lii' mi liimllni; m r llu S C I I I J I J I , i i n ' i n l i i l u l I l i i " P i n l p cnii'iit editor of Copenhagen n e x t tlirci' «<•<•!<& In t h e I,c;i(;m'

MIZHAt'llI I'lONLKH IVOJ.KN Bocaufcc of the TJi.niKsf:l\-1 IIp7lie I'i'jii'ir Wci'iicn •> Cirr.anuAholiday, the ivRuljr n i n l i i v fit n ot Otn ih t \\til hulfl its iryul.n the Omdhd Hunter Mi/i.uhi Wo• 'Hi n i ' f f i n i : fit 12 '10 p in men lias been postponed tfj Thurs- Tip cl i j , N\n 27 in I h r J e u i ' h day, Nov. 29 at 1 p. m. In the iiiiiiiuiuly C e n t e r Mimh'-is' lh(i.ijs Jeulsh Community t"< itli j tie cilr-lii.itcd :ind Members and their friends will (<ilt rAcmbnia aie urged in attend bf;r(Mlsi* of ii Mhhvfht Tounialiif-nt s l l n n I ' l S I J < I . I I f i . i t c n i i t v . m i l M i l bo jiucsts of the chapter «J n OIK* Delia Tin fr..tcrml> Ho is. a t llii-\Miislc B o x . o'clock latka party. Baby titter IIABASSAH Rotvilns wll start ncain on IJi- now assigned to the Office of service will be provided. •What's Cooking In your Births Staff JIKJKO Advocate, Ardmore Mrs. Iltiskell Biundstctlcr and Home?" will be the subject for CI'IMIIIT 1(1. Air KHICI- H.ise, Okla Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Soskin •JITJ.- J; Dlnkels, co-chairmen, am the panel which Hill feature RabThe bride-elect attended the announce the birth of their first preparing a chanukah progiam. bis Sidney Brooks, Benjamin Monsky Sports Night State University of Ioua and is child, Susan Elliott, born WednesThose who have not yet made Gronor and Meyer Kripke at the their JNF box contributions can Hadaysah meeting at 12:30 p. in., Henry Monsky Lodge of B'fllll affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau day, Nov. 14 at a local hlspital. B'ritli will hold its sports night sorority. bring them., to this meeting. Wednscday, Nov. 28 in the Jewish The wedding will be December Mrs, Franklin It grateful to all Community Center ' Auditorium. program at 8:30 p. m , Wednesday, women who helped make the re The Thcodor Hcnl Group will be Nov. 28 at Falstaff Brewery. Lloyd X at Waterloo. la. Cardwell, head football coach: cent rummage sale a success. hostess to*the Henrietta Szold and Mrs. L. GoreUck it thankful to Chaim Wclzmann Groups for a Tom Brock, line coach; and Bill SAM Mothers to Meet RUG & UPHOLSTERY aB whd"contributed to the success "Lotke Luncheon" in celebration Engclhart, star quarterback; all of the University of Omaha will be The next Sigma: Alpha Mu CLEANERS of the bake tale held last week. of Chanukah. guests of the lodge. Mothers Club meeting will lie held RUGS—CARPETING at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 27 Members are asked to use the Presented on the program with COUNCIL STUDY In the Fireside Restaurant. LinLAMP SHADES Curent Events Study Group, the three rabbis will be an original Deer Park Blvd. entrance. cola mothers trill be guests, Chairentitled FURNITURE Omaha Section, National Council story in pantomlnr, 1 "Add-A-Ufht, 'written and di- president, Mrs. Judith Epstein, men are Mr*. Max Rosen and of JewUh Women will meet TuesMrs., Joe Upton. If the telephone rected by Mis. flobert Rosen. Cleaned In Your Homel will be guest speaker. day, Nov. 27 a t the home of Mrs. chairmen failed to contact you. A Chanukuh gift of a Hadassah ' Seymour Abramj, 6309 Glonwood Sladlig • Uyln« - lti*alrla« call Mrs. Sam Turkel, GL 3425 Cook Book will be presented to B * P BADAS8AII 1M. Coffee wUl be served at 1 earh woman attending the meetHA 2554 Member* of Business and Pro- or Mrs. J. Milton MargoUn. GL Don Bernstein p. m. ing. fessional Women of Hadassah will 4668. M n . Sol JJttman will present hold their regular meeting at 7:30 4 survey of mental health rcMrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky will p m- Wednesday, Nov. 28 at the tourcet In Nebraska. Everyone Is Invited to hear thl» discussion on be the honored "Hadassah Wom- Jewish Community Center. Each aa Increasingly Important subjeet an" at this year's donor affair member Is asked to bring a planned by Hadassah for Sunday, Chanukah gift for the annual card 50th and Undtrweed 24th and Farnam Dec. 16, at 8 p. m. at the Paxton party and bazaar to bo held In MONSKY CHAPTER Hotel. National Hadassah past January. The next board meeting of B'nal B'rtth Henry Monsky Chapter will be held at 1 p. m., Thursday, Nov. SAMPLE FUR SHOP Got TV Trouble? fr«n6A.M.THI7f.M. 29 at the home of Mrs. Many Omah«'i,Re1iab1e Furrier Call Saul—That's All! Friedman, 3551 Davenport >t. Complfttc Selection of Bakery Products Everything in Fun Saul's TV & Radio Service «t Loweit Prieei in City N£BR. B. B. 1705 ending AT 2S» FrefMy Baked on Sunday Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 and 1519 FARNAM ST. HJ|fct» mat Sunday—WA 0S74 Nebraska Chapter No. 346 of Hie B!nal B'rlth will hold their regular meeting at 8:30 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 29 at Fireside Restaurant. A latkc party will follow the meetings. All members arc rc' quested to attend.


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