XXXV—Nu. •
UJA Creates Rescue Fund for Refugees New. York ( J T A ) - T h e United JewUh Appeal concluded Sunday ll« two-day annual national conference with a decision to conduct « nationwide drive tor a * 100,000,000 fcnergency Rescue Fund over and above Id regular 1957 cum pa IS". The unprecedented decision was taken by more than 1,200 American Jewish communal leaden In the light of mounting evidence that a minimum of 100,000 endan SCrdt Jews will require assistance In the next Itvehc months In moving to Israel and other free coun tries. In creating the Emergency Ites cue Fund, the Jewish leaders de dared In a resolution Hint "this In an hour of consummate pet II (or hundreds of thousands of Jews overseas, and for the free and democratic people of Israel, who are threatened liy naked and rampant totalitarianism to a degree unmatched since the days of Hitler." The delegate* drew special atton!Ion to Egypt's treatment of Its BO.OOJ Jews, asserting tliut "N ccr dally reveal* himself ax the kpirllual heir of No/Ism." Tlicy •cored Egypt's threat of nm,u ex pulslon of Jews, the fact that it la no>v subjecting Jews to peise ctitlon, confiscation of property Rnd thf sequestering. Of Jewish communal Institutions "in, the manner of the Infamous Nurcmburif Laws." 'The very right of Israel's peonjo to exist as a free and Independent $tnte," they charged, "ha* been challenged by Israel's belligerent Arab neighbors into whose hands the Soviets have put VHSI quantities of thc-most modern weapon* of war, including: Jet bombers, planes, tanks and gum," A« a result, the delegates'declaied, Israel'! people are "In no position (o bear any part of the huge coils of the humanitarian work of rescuing, receiving and
Refugees Pour fn Daily Into Austria Vienna (JTAJ—More than 4,200 Jewish refugees from' Hungary had registered with the Joint Dl». Iribution Committee and other Jewish organizations by Monday, nilh Hundreds more continuing to pour Into Austria dally. Another estimated 1,000 to 2,000 Jews are being cared for In cantps run by the Austrian government. Many Jewish refugees who originally expressed a desire to remain In Austria In the hope of eventually returning to Hungary, have changed their minds. Relief officials estimate that half wish to emigrate, mostly (o the United Slate*. 'file Austrian Jewish community and Jewish welfare organizations have thus far kept up with the prtrtjlemof caring for thercfugees? mast of whom are presently accommodated In hotels. If the influ*"continues, refugee* may have to be sheltered In camps, since no more hotel roomi are available •nd ' such accommodations enn only become available as refugees dci>ai't far other places.
Refugee Appeal Washington (JTA)- Sen. Herbert 11. Lehman Saturd.iy appealed to l'i evident Eisenhower to extend the iefiii;ee pinBrain for refii'^'e, to Include alvj Jew* depoilod fioni l.|;)i>l. He puiuti out tint tin1 SiliKilion of Ihi- JiiM mm l>.'lm; deported fmni I'gypl or inli-i n'-ti In ('imp, thi'ie "is f'in,il'i,;oiiH to What is C'IIIII; on In Iluiiijiirjr."
U.S. Middle East Policy Outlined New York (JTA) — American policy with regard to the Middle East was outlined here last week by Robert Murphy, Deputy Under Secretaory of State, addressing teh 42nd annual meeting of the Joint Distribution Committee. Mr. Murphy said that the United States Government "is not solely concerned with the immediate problem, hut looks forward to the day when peace and stability will be established in the Middle East."
absorbing" lens of thousands of "endangered and t h r e a t e n e d Jews." They also noted that Jewish refugees reaching other countries will need transportation, relief and welfare aid. In the lluht of this, the delegates stressed, American Jews must act at once In providing all the funds for emergency rescue and resettlement, as well as for the regular welfare and rehabilitation program* of the UJA constituent agencies. They took apedial note of the fnct that "several thousand Jews are among the multitudes who fled Hungary during the course of the recent violent revolt, and ate now in Vienna and urgently require food, clothing and resettlement aid."
Jewish Hostages Held by Egyptians United Nations. N. Y. U T A ) ~ Egypt hajf.ordercd 21.000 Jews of Its total Jewish population of 50,C00 to Jea've the country within a period, .ranging from seven to thirty days, has Imprisoned approximately 1.900 Jews—000 of whom are being held as hostages In undisclosed concentration quarters" —and has, seized or fro/en onsets amounting to well over $100,000,000 In value.' These were among the fact* disclosed to Secretary General Dal; Hnmmankjold Monday by Mi-*. Golda Mcir, Israel's Minister for reign Affairs, who complained ' lo the United Nations that the Cairo Government Is violating the , Geneva convention of 191!) for Ihe protection of ciiili.-itit in tuna ol war, as well a* the UN {'nmeution on Genocide ami the Uuu"isal Declaration of Human I'.lijhls ' "The situation of,the Jews of! Egypt," Mrs., Meir stated in her letter lo Mr. Hammankjold, "is n challenge to the' moral conscience of the United Nations and of Ihe world. My gpvcrmnciU again requests you, in the himunitnrian Interest, to approach the Kgyptinn Government an a matter of extreme urgency and to persuade It to desist from this barbaric course." HITB -SOIKJIIT Jerusalem (JTA)—A selected group of Rabbis, scientist*, geographers and Bible experts, brought together under the auspices of the Ministry bl Religion concJudedJast week-end—after lengthy discussion—that "3,500 year* after the event. It's very hard to establish the exact spot where Moses received the Ten Commandments." Rabbi Shhrnio Cahane, director general of the Ministry of Religion, told the conference that It was more Important to bring to the Jewish ° people the spirit'of Sinai than to brin^ the people to the site of Mt. Sinai. However, Ihe meeting decided to undertake further, scientific study of the Sinai desert in the hope of discovering the «ite of Biblical Mt. SinAi. Over the years Christian and Moslem source* h a u placed Ihe height at various places fn the desert, but Jewish scholars have rejected these sites as unlikely.
"We would hope," the Slate Department official stated, "that a new and more flexible spirit could be developed among the countries directly Involved. If that can be done surely there should be nnlh Ing Insoluble in a problem such as the Jnidan water supply, the refugee question, or for tlint mat ter the question of frontlets. This assumes, of course, mi honest recognition that the State of Israel Is a fact of life. The United Stales wonts td contribute to that new spirit of understanding just as it wishes to work for heller standard of living in the area which will be possible once a general settlement I< achieved."
Sfrw. Ilirimn! Illngold
Pioneer Women's Child Rescue Fete
Mrs. Bernard (Miriam) Gingold of Chicago, III., will lie guest speaker at the annual Child Rescur Dinner of the Omaha Pioneer Women's Organization. The affair will be held at 6 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 9 in tlio>Jewlsh Community Center. _., Mr*. .Gingold has been active In the organization and'the Labor Zionist movement for 24 years. She is a member Of the group's national* executive board. Mrs. Gingold has visited Israel three times and recently was a delegate to the World Zionist Congress held there. A chicken dinner will lie served at $1.59 per plate. All members and thai public are invited to attend the affair. For reservations ' call Mm. J. Kaplan, WE 5451 or Mrs. Harry Rlchlln. WE 1503. Mrs. Sam Novak Is president of the Omah.i groin),
Children's Village imniina, lm iiel —; The Bcv>le GufxffM .Children's /Mage and Fa mi School, ;i project of Ihe Mwachi Women's Oi'Kiuiizution of AnietlcM, JIM been nceonleil full ;t.'itu* us nil Jiffiirulluriil tniinin? center by Ihe |,i i.-l Mim-.liy "it fjitniltuii1, it w is ,inuoiu>{Vd lei'i*. Youth Aliyah rhiMren fiom wenty-five rountrii.'H now live ami stcnly at Ihe ulli,:i\ which offi.Mii mluslnil triiniili; pio^umi ai well IIK agricultural ntuiiioj.
Sunday Radio __ "Mis. Freudmann Gets a Medal" will be pii'senled on tin- Eternal Light progiam lilrh is hioiik'ist OUT Kfr'AIJ from 10:ir> lo 11:15 p. m It Ihe Inn' stoiy .ibout an IIinI.I 1 hoiplMl ill Jerusalem nd one women's devotion to nuimils even while war Is rngiiiK around her.
Ist-Hand Report By Israel Leader At Federation Bd. Meet This Sunday Dr. Baanan Weitr, Director of tbe Settlement Department of the Jewish Agency and who has just arrived from Israel, will address a special joint meeting' of tbe Executive Committee and the Board of Governors of tbe Federation for Jew. ish Service, Sunday morning, Dec. 9, at 10:30 a. m., at th» Jewish Community C e n t e r , Jack W. M a r e r , Federation president, announced.
I>r. Itmiiiiin Well*
Ike Urged to Ask Deportation Halt New Yoik fWNSi—An appertl to President Kisenhower to Intervene with Kyypt against the mass (leixirtntion of Jews from that country, coupled with a resolution urifing the Government of the United States to lay the basis for direct Arab-Israol negotiations, hliihllghted the closing session of the two-day conference of JewUh leaders from every part 0/ the country convened by presidents of 17 national Jewish organizations. The appeal on behalf of the Tews in Kwpt noted that the Egyptian Covcrrihicnt's conduct mny lead to a repetition of the Hitler era lf.ll remains unchecked. t called on the President lo express our country's shock at the I'gyptlAn Government's action and 0 instruct the U.S. delegation to the United Nations to present the facts of the situation before all relevant agencies of the world organization, and simultaneously urged President Kisenhower to teiul the full weight of his authority to a, s t c n and Immediate warning to' the Egyptian rulers lhat "our country, our people and Ihe civilized world generally will not countenance this inhumanity."
9 Million Bequest Now Yoik (JTA) — Approximately $9,000,000 was bequeathed by Louis J, Horowitz, New York building contractor, to New York University, it was revealed hcie today following Mr. Horowitz' death yesterday at Palm Bpach, Florida, at the age of 81, The sum wai dc*cril>cd by the univerlily as the largest Individual gift In its history..
Dr. Weitz will bring an eyewitness report of the recent evenU in fsidel and present the vital fiicLs behind the headlines. He will also report on the national United Jewish Appeal conference held last weekend in New York City. • Dr. Weltz Is one of'Israel's mo»t colorful figures, who Is largely responsible for the settlement pro. gram of refugees coming to Israel, He Is one of the main arcliitswd of Israel's ship-to-settlement plan, whereby the refugees are twinferred to settlements the very day they arrive. He Is considered a master planner who has literally turned Iir.iel Inside out in iU struggle to win economic self-sufficiency. Mr. Muter urged members of tha Executive Committee and tha Board of Governom, chairmen and vice-chairmen of Committees, to plan to attend this very important meeting.
•Arfti-Semitic Talk1 By State Official New York (JTA)—Protesting; Ihe "warped and bigoted" ontl-. Semitic speech delivered recently by Kilwin Wright, a high official In the Stute Department, tha American Jewish Congress apfiealed this week to the Department "publicity to repudiate his statements." The AJC a Is* culled for "the removal of Mr. Wright from any position of Influence or authority within the State Dapartment." A similar demand was made earlier by the Agudath Is* rael of America In letters addressed to President Eisenhower and to Secietary of State John Foster Dulles.
In a leter to Herbert Hoover, Jr., Acting Secretary of Stato, Judge Justine Wise Polier, chairman of the Ameiican Jewish Congress executive committee, deplored the "incredible" anti-Jewish remarks made by Mr.. Wright, Assistant Dean of the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department, In a speech delivered ut the National Presbyterian Church In Washington on NoEINSTEIN COLI.KflK New Yo'rk (JTA)—A gift qf \ ember 1. $500,000 toward the establishment of the library at the Albert Kinstein College of Medicine was an- Cultural Center nounced Monday by Dr. Samuel Pctach Tlkvnh, Israel—Ground Bclkin, president or Ycshlva Uni- has been broken and construction versity. The Rfft was presented by begun on two,additions tu tha the D. S. and R. It. Gattesman Monad Aliyali Children's Villago Foundation In memory of the late here, a project of the Mizrachl D. Samuel Gottcsman, noted New Women's Organization of America. York lndustiiulist and philanRecent ceremonies saw the cor-' thropist. nerstone-lnylng of a community house and cultural center for usa FALA.SHA children - Jewish by Youth AJIyah children of ths Mliken fronl Ethiopia—are the village and nearby communities. oil lecenf nationality group to Also j n current construction Is nn Je repretenled at the Bessie Gots- additional dormitory building, beelrl Children's Village and Farm ing erect d as part of an expanSchool, In Raanana, Israel, a proj- sion program undertaken by ct of the Mlzrachl Women's Or- American Mlzrachl Women to aid ani/.itiun of America In which in the absorption of recent newchildren of 23 countries live and comers from Morocco and other North African-countries. work together In harmony.
Friday, December 7, 19M
Regional Zionist Conclave at K.C.
Vets to Meet
B.I. Men Will Hold New Year's Dance E|>-
Tlie Doccmber -meeting of slein-Morgan Paf;t, Jewish War Plans a r e in full s u i n g for this Rabbi Harold Silver, spiritual Veterans Mill he held lit the Jew- year's Belli iMai'i M e m Club N e w *i«»i \lmiiny r*nviiepei Auinunzet leader of Temple Kni.'iuu'-I, Pitts- ish Community Center, Pee. 12 iubscj ipliua $4.1H.. Adviirtiiimr Kjil n AM'iir }e;irv, I / . c Dinn'T Dance. Tile OXIklU" N Oh £ 4 l u n « j OXIke--lU" Nu li liUUi b btieL-L Orrwihu N ttn. JAr kson burgh, Pa., will bo nut-.I speaker at 8 p. ID. Final pliins (or thedoiier uill be lifid in t h e S y n a Print '•nor AdOreis --ISO So Vfith Strict at the annual convention of tin J1ARKY HALPEH'l Edltoi Central States Fiction, Zionist Or- Port's imnua) Christmas tn« p;s~ ROK'H" >'>t ial hall I n ci'mber 3 1 . ty at the Onuiha Vclriuns H<JS- Mu-ii- will !>•• by Mfiilmi Wt'Us ganization of America. The conclave "ill be held Sun- pital \\\\\ IK1 imuk1. anil liis urelii>slr;i T h e (jeneial day, Dec. 16 in Kansas City, Mo, cli;ilrni:in is 1. J. Ki.ift at the Hotel Muehl»nach. Delelicsi.naliorir, arc $10 |ier couple Monument' Dedication Js'ews and happenings at Thegates from Omaha will attend. Including rliiinc r anil m a y be o b Candieiightini; 4 :<i.'i p. m. i I)r Philip-Sher Jewish Home For A \eteran of World War II Mi', and Mrs. Bernard Kaimnn tained a t S)iini;<>i;ue office. The Afji'd. By David Orkow. Rabbi Silver has traveled through will dedicate-a monument In the BETJI ISHAUL November 27: A group of Rabbi Benjamin Cioncr, Cantur Castelar Camp Fire Girls, ac- Europe and Israel. He has toured memory of their son, Jerome, at B.E. Consecration the United States for the Zionist Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir wil companied by their leader, prlnconduct late Friday exciting Serv- dpal, visited Home For'The Aged Organization of America, the 2 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 9 at Fibhcr CiuiHeriation Service for ice* a t 8 p. m. and presented the folks with Cha- United Jewish Appeal and theFarm Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin new pupils of tbe liclh El Talmud Traditional Friday s e r v i c e s nukah place mats which: they Jewish Chautauqua Society. Groncr and Cnntor Eli Kagan wil) Tornh will take place nt the reg(Kobbolai Shabbot) begin at 4:45 had made. David Orkow, Home ular Sabbath Services, Dec. 14. officiate. p. BL Sabbath morning services at Superintendent conducted the RE. Dinner Giniel class pupils will be honored 830 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:45 group on a Tour of The Home. ns they l>cKin their study of Judap. m; Dally services at 7 a. m. and The principal commented that U Belh El Family Night Sabbath Zionisr Council to Meet ism on the Talmud Toruh level. 430 p. m. Sunday morning serv- waa tbe \first time she really un- Dinner will be held a t 6 p, m.. The Omaha Zionist Council-will Cimcl students and their parderstood' the meaning of C h *Friday, Dec. 14 In the synagogue hold hii regular monthly meeting ents are urged to attend. iOM at 8^5 a. m. sodal halL Reservations may be nukah. at 8 p. m., Wednesday, D e c 12 at November 29: Weekly movie made a t the synagogue office. TEHFLE ISRAEL The dinner will be catered by the home or Mrs, Max Greenberg, Home Concert Services will be held F r i d a y matinee. 214 S. 42nd S t Mrs. J. evening at Temple Israel at 8:15 December 2: At a special cere- Mrs. Lou Lewis and Mrs. Max The music listening group will sky H111 preside. mony in Tbe Home Synagogue, Novak and their Circle 3, Mrs. p.-m. hold its second home concert SunShabbat morning services will the newly-born daughter of Mr.Charles Kimmcl and Mrs. Robert day, Dec. !>, at 8:30 p. m. at th« Sell what you don't need . . . begin at 11:30 with Rabbi Brooks and Mrs. Harold Grossman of Perclman and their Circle 15. and Buy what you need through the home of Dr. and Mrs. Abo C. FellGrand Island. Neb., was given the Mrs. Harry Marks and Mrs. Robofficiating and the R e l i g i o u s maj), 683 Parkwood Lane. Name of Foiga Brafna. ert Feinberg and their Circle 18. Want Ads. School Choir under tbe direction JewishSarah Cooper Is maternal United Synagogue Youth groups « d C n WaCltlin singing tbe mus- Mrs, grandmother, and Mrs. Susan ore making the'table decorations ical portions of the service, Rubadc, Home Resident, is Ma-and will serve the dinner. ternal great-grandmother. BETH EL A t 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Sabbath sen-ices at Beth El Sy- Temple Israel Sisterhood gave a Advisors Workshop nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m.Chanukah Party for Our Folks. Rabbi Myer & Kripke will preach A gala program of entertainment The next meeting of the Adon "Why Chanukah is Out otIncluded tbe ..Senior Choir of visors Workshop will be held from Place in the Public School.." Can- Temple Israel under the direction 30 t o 8:30 p. m , Wednesday, Dee. 12 in the Jewish Community tor Aaron I, Edgar and the choir of Miss Ida Gltlio; Mrs. Hy will jring the musical portions of Shrler's dramatic group of com-Center. The workshop, sponsored the service. posed Phyllis Shapiro, Judy Sher- by the Center, is held monthly to Sabbath morning sen-ices at man and Sharon German per- discuss and learn new techniques 8:30 o'clock and junior congrega- formed. Refreshments were served and how to resolve group probtion services at 1030. Mincha- in the main dining room by Mrs. lems. Adults are .Invited to attend Maariv at 4:45 p. m. Daily serv- Julius Newman, chairman, and Lhc workshop. ices at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Mesdames Ed Gilbert, Maurice Frank, Hannah Legosa, Isadroe Center Committee services at 9 a. m, Rosenthal Fred BroAkey. Adoph Mayer, Arthur Rubin. Scl Uttnian, The Jewish Community Center and David Orkow, Committee of the Federation for December 4th: Rabbi Benjnmin ewish Service will meet at 12:13 Groner continued his discussion of p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 12 In the Mishnais with Our Folks today. Center, it was nnnounccd by ArMrs. Fannie S. Cohen December 6: Weekly movie thur H. Goldstein, Center comServices were held Sunday, Dec. matinee. mittee chairman. 2 for Mrs. Kannic S. Cohen with interment at Kish»r Kami Ceinetery. Mr*. Cohen, H'2, a native of Omaha's Most Complete Delicatessen Poland and a resident of Omaha ( for 66 years, died Saturday, Dec i 1 at a local hospital. | Mrs, Cohen is survived by three j 9 A.M.—.11 P.M. daughters: Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. W. Cherniss. Mrs. M. YudelMake Saturday Your Complete »on, all of Omaha: five sons: Sam R. and Edward of Omaha; Nate, Shopping Day Dcs Molnes. la.. M Bill, Highland Park, 111., and Harry A., Gary, Complete Selection of Bakery Products Jnd.; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. T*bl* modtl phon* — cboot* from B decorator colors PubU&bed Every IfTtday by tbe federation ot Jrolib Service
Religious News
With theHome Folks
Lawrence Bordy Services were held Thursday, Nov. 29 for Lawrence K. Bordy with interment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Bordy, 41. died Tuesday. Nov. 27 at a local hostpltnl. B e had been a partner in the Bordy Garment Company since ••'• '.'' 1915. The firm was founded by his father, the late Simon Bordy. He Is survived by tils mother, Mrs. Ida Bordy; two listers, Mrs. ~ Jack Green nnd Mrs. David Chapman, all of Om.'ilui.
Mrs. Morris Leibcn Services were held Mondny, Dec. 3 for Mrs. Morris Leibcn with , interment at Golden Hill Cemetery Mi- Leiben, CO (I cd Sunday, Dec. 2. She is MHViwd hy JUT husband, Morns, three d.iu^liUrs, Mrs. Joe? Kur/. Omaha. Mrs. Herman Kristal, Houston. T f f . '"Iir. Abe RosrnrwciR, Houston, Tex.; and grandchildren. U-c the Ad, to buy, sell or rent
Want Ads Fh-jnr M Ufift lo insert your War.1 Ad M The Jew.Ft) I'm* Current -al« I* 50 crr'i Tor fscfl InwrItoa Tbt !*mi retrwi lb« tlgh\ lo limit »'i« o: w b . nlverllstment.
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Hadassah Donor
Affair Next Sun.
B. K. SISTEIUIOO1I l i r t h Kl S i s t e r h o o d uill IIUP 11 l u n c h e o n ;ui<i c a j f i p . u ' t y ']\u , (1,-iV, D i r 11 ;it l L ' : : i ' i j i . til. i n H i ' t>lUif;oL'il>' . s u r i ; i l h a l l , it Wii:. m i J i o i m c i ' i l h y Mr->. 8--.m K ; m . \ n •> i'llfl n i n m s d m i r n i . t n . A " I m k ' - r y :• . h o p n c " M-llin;; <!• lic n c l i s m a d ' : l>y M - I C I I M M H I M I M I I JK.T.N W i l l l i f ; .1 l>-i|( H I r- (,f t h e Jn o
yr.nn. N e w 111' IHIJIT... will lie h o n o n d l.ntl ;in ori;;in.'il iltit. " V O U ' I I I MrmlifT N o w , " t.iki; off un Hit Kl't. I l i l k l s h o w u i l l Iw |iri.-.fiitc-[|. .Mis. Nnriii.'in W h i t m a n lias t h e If.idin;; inli'. T i n ' .'w|i|iortin[; Snclu<lt\-i: ,Mi_'.-(l.iinr,-, J.pnn.inl L u t tlieg, Yale C'it!.(liiK.-r, Stmiley H e r / o f f , .So! fi-riii'li'll. licrn.-ird Orf c n l j c i j ; . V.d ( l u r e l k l i , l."\\i. l i I i l u m k l n , 11,-irl W e i s s , William N a s h , Hotji.Tt I'l'ifliiKiii. aiwl (Jil-
Ixit Aronoff... JWV At.'XIMAItV The.1 Liidics Auxiliary <>i (hi.Epstein' Morgan I'ost, Jewish War Veterans, will meet Wednesday Dec. 12, ;it H p. m. nt Hie Jewish Community Center. Each member is asked to brinn n toy for a childrens hospital. .Mrs. Anron Epstein, hospital chairman, announces thnt plnns »re beinu made for the Christ, mns party to be held at the Omaha Veterans Hospital. Gifts will also be distributed. Any member Interested In helping at the party please contact Mrs. Epstein nt PL. 4fcX). T. I. SIHTKItHOOn Temple Israel Ssitrrhond will hear Rnbbi Sidney II. Brooks (peak on "Intimate Glimpses of A Rabbi's Kevrydny Life," fol lowed by an Informal discussion entitled "Ask Your Ilnblii" at the Tuesday, Pec. 11, meeting, Tlie rabbi will speak after the regular 1 o'clock luncheon and business nieetlni;. There will bo pickup service »!t the West I.tinc I'liarmacy ill J2:.ri3 p. m. mi
Page Three
-, Mo P. I in, ch i i of Il.diis.-ih's AuKTican Af pio, u r n , will the prii (i pi 1l.11 til Oi aha Cliaptti ih s annual rl> nor affair t<i 11 id 1 IK IK Id .Sunday, Dec. 10 at the I'.i\ton Hotel A foimei national president of II,id i^s.ih. Mis. Kp.stein will comt 1o Omaha to pay tribute to her co worker and close friend Mrs J Hurry Kulakofsky who will be honored as Omaha's "Woman of Valor" that evening. Mi in in fin , I'd
Mi mil. is of flh ( iiiimll's "Mj 1 ,i|r L.ulj" <mt ,in : (front row) Mi sil.iinii, Lie Sloan, Donalil VIICI;, William Tlnlilc, I.e,, NoKlf und .Viiniian Di'iii'iibere; (ISaeli row I Millfs. Itobcrt Sllvirliiiin, I-arry rhitlmr, Hubert (.'iiuper, Stuart SlilsUIn and Stanley t'oopcr.
Council t o Present B.I. Linen Shower
"My Fair Lady1
New members of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Wijinen and their husbands will be j;uesfs-of-honor at nn evening program featuring nn ori[:inal sl;j|;e piescnti.tion by Council members Wednesday, Dec. 12 at Temple Israel. An original (>klt, entitled "My Fair l.ady." was written by Mrs. Stanford I.ipsoy, Mrs. Norman DencnbcTR and Mrs. Morley for the affair. The performance will becin at 6:30 p. m. and will be followed by a coffee hour. Mrs. Louis Shrtcr is In charge of arrangements and is beinij assisted by Mesdames Lou Hurwitz, Sam Goodman, Arthur. Ailler, Yale Glnsburg. Leonard Kulakofsky and I^ouls Katz. Mrs, John A. Solomon and Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, co-ordlnntors of the Golden Aj;e Club nlso will participate. Mrs. Russell Blumenthal will be the accompanist, Mrs. Howard Kaplan Is stage manager, and Mrs. William Fogel, choreographer. Tickets for the program ore $1 each for members and guests and will be .'.old at the door.
Rummage Sale
Ik'tb Israel Sisterhood's annual Linen Shower will be held December 11. : A social hour will follow the 1 o'clock luncheon. Everyone Is [.sited to bring their own cards and Man Jongg sets. Entertainment is planned for those not playing cards. Reservations can be made by calling Mrs. Isadorc Lewis, GL 3107 or Mrs. Edward Lincoln, OR 2991. able.
service is also avail•.-,• . • • . . - • • ..••. •••-,
Former Omahan to Wed
Mrs, Epstein has recently returned from Israel, where she atMISB llarlmrii ClRellnk tended the 24th World: Zionist Congress held In' May,' 1956, as a Hadassah delegate, Mri. Samuel N. Wolf is general chairman for the affair. Reception chairmen are Mrs, Julius Stein Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clgelnlk and Mrs. Harry Fercnstcin* of Chicago, III., have announced the engagement of their daughter Barbara to Myron M. Bear, son Zorinskys Adopt of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zorinsky Mr. Bear attended the Universannounce (he adoption of a son, ity of Omaha and is now a student Jeffrey Mark. He was born Nov. at Roosevelt University In Chi21, The couple also Has a son, Bar- cago, 111. ry Jay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Rottmnn ot Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Hymle Same Day Service Zorinsky of Omaha, Mrs. Ccpa Zorinsky of Omaha is paternal No Extra Charge Rreat-grandniotheri
Chicagoan to Wed Myron M. Bear
Miss Phyllis June Flnkel, a former Omahan, and Sol S, Buchalter of New York City and North Hol- Bikur Cholim Fete lywood are making plans tar their wedding to be held Decccmber 24 tljo Blkur Cholim. post-aianuIn the Beverly-Milton Hotel at kah Card Party and luncheon will Beverly Hills. Cal. • be held Monday, Dec. 10 at 1 p. m. The bride-elect is the daughter at the Jewish Community Center. of Mrs. Minnctte Flnk«l and the late Lawrence J. Finkcl. ' Patronize Oiv Advertisers. RECENT visitors to Mizrachi Women's projects in Israel have included Mrs. Gertrude Berg, television actress and producer; Dr. Marguerite Cartwrlght, H u n t e r College educator, and John Hoy Carlson, author of "Undercover1' and recent books on the Middle East,
Kadimnh Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold a rummage sale Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 10 and 11 at .'11)12 Grant Street. Call Mary Wine, WA 2087, for rummage paekup. The monthly board mooing will be held at the home of Mrs. 1'aill MIZKACIU WOMKX Wolk, .116 N. 31st Street at 8 The latke party eiven by the Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women p, m., Wednesday, Dec. 12. Just week was well attended. Hostesses for the affair were Mes- the home of Mrs. Zalk. 115 N. dnmes Ben ElsenberK, Hose Fo(;el, 50th St., nt I p. m., Thursday, II. Franklin, I.. Gerellck, J. Good- Dec. 13. Nebraska Chapter .TIC of li'n.ii K'rilh will hold a I',iiil-ui> Memt/ership Luncheon. ThurMlay, l)<c. 3.') at 1 p. m., at the .South Omaha SymiKOjtue. Mrs. Joe Lipton is
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VISITOIIS Mrs. Ik'iilah Rutstein of Kioux City, la., Is visiting here witli her daughter!!, Mrs. Harry lielmont and Miss Frances llutstcin.
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Rabbi Benjamin Groner talked on conditions at the time of the Maccabees and the present time, Mrs. Mary Zalk and Mrs. Ida Brown have initiated the Donor Luncheon Circle. They will enIcrtnln at a dessert luncheon at
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A Center Sports I Center Midgets four
By Jlin
To Open League
Friday, DfiMoiDer T, 1»M
'Plain Talk for Boys'
Israel! Israel!
The Jewish Ynuth Council U sponsoring a "Plain T.ilk i\>r itoya"* piojjram thl.> Sundiy, Di-c- !) a t 1 l> in. in Hi.- Ji-rti,li Omimiinily Center. The [II ii^idni v-ill f>f in thi* I'Htri ttt » lerlui iM)i-»rU".^i"ii i-Mi'ltirtcd hy A well-knoivii OMIIIH d >cl!ir. H> will C\|.I,IM II.!• In-.!-, ;; r .i| facia of cuur<*pliini mil low. A Qufslinu and ansiver f>=-ii'«\f i-. ill foil >^ anil all lf>y« o( thi> (' .lit- invited to atl"wl tlii1 Hi'tsioii.
Bjr Hannah l<o(M« h e in ttie Je\u: A Pigmy among th» Ai lh CianU r Midget Ba »on round of Y. ('. "A" IJ;I4WII>.III '*< t h . i l l Divid and r.olUtli l.i' i " this Sunday A tiedicated poa(>l» were plsjed List> .it tin'Games are scheduled to ite^m a Stifled to n d v m t y Center fiyin. In th,> np-m-i AZA 1 :'M p. m. Two divisions hate Ij Which was their I >t 1 controlled Ihe iwnd-, and formed. Six^teaiiH make up the Ainnnj the natlain. consequently the cam." to triumph fifth and sixth ^rade* and fou Dedjcjtcd to ifd-.-iin tlieir hwielana'. teams are In the seventh am over Kayirn '-"J-19. With the dream of the IJIJLT to heaven eighth grades. Both clubs played u ^ r r i bill, In their lu'arti Ihe hjp> of peas*. Thii year, each team will have which seasoning and experience "Pv>opl« of should nullify, but enthusiasm fur its own coach. Men helping with this program have utarted coach Rcmnantt of the Cavenjint the game « a s paramount. Ing the league and will continue Young Adult' Head How fares it with you in ISRAELT • The t'nafillatM »tavcd off a to coach their team each Sunday. Nat peace, but iurrodnJing hitred. _ last quarter rally by AZA 100 to They are Slwf KaUikee, Sam Ban, >li» Tuliy Oliifiit u ii elected Powerful nations, win 3l-2t; o \ e ra cold shooting Lou Hurwitz. Leo Sherman, Mor. clifliim;*(i i>f tin; Jmvkli (''midiiiBlind to the Cautei ' ; ' . team. AZA 100 icorcd more «y Ilandleman, Bob Fromkln, Larnfty Center'* Yminn A'lull Cniup That keep tlie Middle Ea«t in turmoil. points In the last quarter than In ry Lincoln, Howie Upton and Ray !lt a inei'tlni; ln'M SKII-I «y. Clear It !«.— the other three quarter! com K j r k e . : ; . ••-•..;•;;;;; ; : \ ; i i • • : , - , : : : ' Th.; group will !»• h>,,l t.i th» "Pot not your tnut In Prinqei." r_ blned. The Century club turned Yuuni; Adult CuuriiH fi.un Kanvn Playing time*, coaching aulgnon the heat In the last quarter, Id Israel, ileep after labor b troubled, Cily. Mo., J.wi. 12 .in.) 1,1, it w,i» ment» and* tearfi sponsor* will be , but the last quarter scoring; mar- posted on the bulletin board* In The work at their hand* U dlipolled, nunivd hy Al FeMiinn, rh.-iirLife b In continual jeopardy, , gin of four points was not enough. the gym. Flyeri have been mailed m in of Hi'.' Y.jiin.; Adult CuiimiitCivilian* have turned toldlen, tee, .innonnce.l. Next week, December 13, Rty- to all partldpantf in the league, The land is In danger and. lurmall. „ Im meet*, the Unaffiliatc* at 7 Only i miracle can resolve Urt lwu«, p.* m. and both AZA clubs meet GOD, who parted the Red Sea at 8 p. m. Parents and friends are Will again protect HU own heritage. . hfMted to,attend the games at Joseph Schlk, son ot JWrs. Itose . .the Center gym. Novak Schlk, will observe his Bar Mitzvah (his evening, "Bee 7 and VARSITY THIUIXEKS Saturday morning. Dec. 8 at Beth Teen Leadership v Last Wednesday «t the Center El Synagogue. Mlu Gertrude Hoffman, Croup gymnasium, the JCC Varsity Friends and, relatives are invited Fran Davidson and Bob Kpitein League,began, its first round of to attend both services and theWork Division Secretary for United Community-Service*, will be are to be congratulated fur mnkplay with both games being; de- receptions which will follow. Eueit apcaker at the next meet- i n ^ the cost of "Oklahnnm" at cided by one field goal or les*. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Altman inn of the Jewish Community Cen- Central; we know they will mike " ' " BrandeU-Philco team came out on the long end of a 49-47 score announce tlie Bar Mitzvah of their ter'* Leadership Training Croup. the Youth Council proLd of them against Markle Laundry a t Morey son. Michael TI. Altman. will be The meeting will be held at 7 3 0 Patronize Our Advertisers. - Handleman broke a 47-47 tie with celebrated Saturday morning, Dec. p m., Tuesday, Dec IL 10 seconds left on a Jong one hand 15 at Beth-El Synagogue. Friends and relative* are Invited push shot from near mid-court. to attend the service and the re' The second game between Bel- ception which will follow. grade's Bombers and Star Au(o Parts saw a 47-48 ball game with The Bar Mitzvah of Neil Morris Al Clayman scoring H of a 27 point total in the last quarter. Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bloom will be observed this FriStar Auto jumped Into a lead in - the first quarter and led by notday evening and Saturday mornmore than 8 polnti i t any time ng, D e e 7 and 8 at Beth Israel during tBe game. Second high Synagogue. All members of the scorer was Ed Belgrade with 18 amily and friends are Invited to GIVE poitits, but a poor free throw rec- attend the services and the reord of hitting 3 for 10 cost them ception* following the ken ires. the game. Next week. December 12, Mar- U.S.Y. Officers Wte L Laundr)' l» pitted agalrwt Star rx-Koven was reM i s s ^ nice Auioin the ftrst-game and Bran- „ „ „ p | e c t e d v, „, Vniled :deljrPhllco again!,! B e I s r u d e S v m c l i ; u l ; Y o l J t h . O l l l ! > r mw „,. Botnbei-s In the sec md. I lie public fj-(.,,1.s .„.,.. M l S 9 A n winlroub, H Invited to attend. vice-president; Arnk- Wintroub. uy; Mikp Kit?, treasurer; Joinf r,iml>n ICn:in. hihtoii.'in, niu! wl) nnd Misi H J I i Tile Youth Group of Temple Is- , B a r i , c;re-nl«.wg. srrKe,inls-atr»el will hold H joint dinner meet- jarm .<. Jng with the rnemt>er« of the i Youth Group of the First Met hoMORE than 1,500 children and ;dl»t Church at the Temple^De- youth in IsrSeJ benefit from exlen-. cernber 9. A speaker from sive programs of the Mlzrachi the United Community Services Women's Organisation of America will prctent'a discussion on .some , in children's villages, ceiitcn, netof the community piobleim of i Dement house*, and vocational Omann. ' schools in the Holy Land. TIM)
Y. C. BASKKTBAI.I. T I'jv their first The first gdmes in Hi-- ]n .< ,IM- ( * u m i n u r n ! > ( i
Bar Mifcvah
.YC'ers in ihe News
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