u r f ' I ' l f i i n i ix lain I'ublU&ed ever/ Friday, 101 N, ZOtU. Annual Bate 4 PoUan J>1.CJ..1II1KU 1«, 1850 omnliB. Nel ra/ka riione M MM. Single O>w lMJtate
gypt's 'Inhuman Acts' Israel Prevented Third World War Although Israel fought for horI'elf, she prevented World Wnr III Just In tlic nick of time uud brought to light Russian intentions in the Middle East, Dr. Rnnnan Wcltz said Sunday morning. Dr. Wcltz, Director uf the Scttlcnicnt Department of the Jewish Agency, addressed un emergency meet Ins of the Board of Governors of the federation for Jewish Service. During the Israeli Array's penetration of the Slnal Peninsula, It uncovered a tremendous Hod plot in the Middle East, he stated. Dr. Wcltz, one of the first civilians to enter the Sinai area, xold huge underground fortification of reinforced concrete were found that could only have been built by So< Viet technlcans. Secret military archives of the Egyptian Army which fell into Israeli hands, ho emphasized, told of preparations for the annihilation of Israel. Captured equipment bore Soviet marking! and the huge stores gave evidence of a buildup for launching • major attack against Israel, Dr. Wcltz painted out. The Sinai campaign was a counterattack, Dr. Wcltz said, for ' Egypt still declare* It is in a state of war with Israel. This tlmo the Israelis who hove been under constant attack struck first before waiting for the Egyptians to move, lie declared. Up to now, the Egyptians have chosen the time and place to strike with their hit and run tactics, the director added. President Nnsser like Hitler before him lifts declared openly his Intention* and like Hitler no one took him seriously, Dr. Weltz stated. The director, who had fought with the British Eighth Acmy during World War II, stressed that even during the Slnal campaign {migration into Israel continued. Even during this life or death battle, lie said, trucks and equipment were diverted for use by the newly arrived Immigrants. He pounded home Israel's desire to keep the immigration doors open and the unity of-purpose as all the Israelis stood together in their hour of crisis. We must be prepared to repelvo the Hungarian and Egyptian refugees into Israel, he said, He mentioned the United Jewish Appeal's Emergency Itcscue Fund and cald that the historic mission Of laving remments of Jewry must not fall.
Center Pre-School 2nd Term Jan. 23 The second session of the Jewish Comunlly Center Pie-School will begin, Wednesday, Jur. 23. The final bcsslon of the first period will be Monday, Jan. 21. Parents planning to enroll their pre-schoolers for the winter and spring s e s s i o n s arc asked to register now. The Center prc-school h especially adapted for children who arc too young to attend public school. Classes facet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 9 to 11:30 o'clock. Tiansportatiiin Is furnished door to door. Children receive n mltl-mornlng snaclt e.ich day. Call the A c t i v i t i e s Office JA-13G6 for added Information. The Annual Clianukah party for parents by the children of our Pie-school Class 39.~>fl-D7 had a good turnout. In nddition to the skits and games n story of C'h.'inulcnh, refreshments were served.
Telegram to President Eisenhower Sent by Senator Hruska The dignity and human rights of the Jews in Egypt are being flagrantly violated by the Nasser Government. News dispatches throughout the world and other authoritative reports reveal that over 8,000 Jews in Egypt have been imprisoned! 40,000 stateless, foreign nationals and Egyptian citizen Jews have, been ordered to leave Egypt within SO days: Hostages are being retained and no complete family unit has been permitted to leave: There has been wholesale confiscation of homes and property. Regardless of the merit of any differences between Egypt and Israel, all civilized peoples take cognizance that such •barbarous acts aro a violation of human and moral principles, and must not stand idly by and permit such acts' to continue without an expression of revulsion and to demand that the Government of Egypt desist from such acts; ' Jewish organizations and citizens of the Jewish faith in Omaha met at a special meeting yesterday in which they approved a detailed resolution, full text of which goes forward by air mail. Pertinent portion thereof reads: "Do it resolved, that this assembly call upon the President and the Secretary of State of the United States, to reaffirm the basic belief of this nation that the dignity and human rights of all peoples regardless of their citizenship or residence should be respected by government and that these principles must be the concern of freedom loving people and, ho it further resolved, that the President and Secretary of State of the United States take such''official actions as may be proper and necessary to cause the Government of Egypt to bring an immediate halt to these inhuman acts which are contrary to these recognized and established rights of all people including the Jews of Egypt ami to restore to them their full freedom and liberty. ROMAN L.HKD8KA U. 8. SENATOR NEBRASKA Mr«. Muse* I'.
Hadassah to Fete U. S. Concerned Mrs. H. Kulakofsky Over Egypt Jews Mi*. J. Harry Kulakofsky will be honored ni Omaha Hadassah's "Woman of Valor,, Sundny, Dec. 16 at Hadassah's annual donor affair to be held in the Pnxlon Hotel at 8 p. m. Mr«. Kulakofsky, honorary president of trie Omaha chapter, hoi served as president of tht chapter and tho Mountain-Plains Region. She also was a .national vice-president of Hadassah. Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, chairman of Hadassah's national American Affairs program/ will be guest speaker. A former national president ot Hadassah, Mrs. Ep*te,tn will pay tribute to her coworker and .closa friend. Mrs. Kulakofsky, national board member, Is an active.member of Hadassah for over 20 years. She Is also an active community leader and headed the Women's Division of the first Jewish Philanthropies Campaign.' Sho Is president ot the Omaha Zionist Council and headed the Omaha Section, National Council' of Jewish Women, Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood and the Women's Division of the Israel Bond campaign. Mrs. Kulakofsky • hns been associated with the Social Settlement Association, Urban League, Public Library board and the United Community Services.
Federation Annual Meeting Set The Annual Meeting of the Federal Ion for Jewish Service will 1» held Sunday evening, Jan. 20 at tha Jewish Community Center, Jnck W. Miner, federation p r e s i d e n t announced. Organizations oro requested to keep that date open.
Compiled from DUp The State Department officially announced lute lust week that it had Informed Egypt of United States' concern about the report of the large number' of. Egyptian Jews facing deportation. Egypt hns denied any official mistreatment of Jews as a religious group. In Jerusalem, Israeli circles have complained that neither the United Nations nor the Great Powers have shown sufficient energy of effectiveness In halting Egyptian brutlallty and persecution of the Jews; The International-Red Cross has made contact with the Egyptian Rabbinate and has obtained from its lists of interned Egyptian Jews, and Red Cross representatives have already visited some,of the Imprisoned Jews. The Red Cross, a representative said, Is attempting to meet with Egyptian and Israeli authorities to discuss the prisoner of war situation. The Egyptians unofficially* tdmlt to holding only one Israeli "prisoner, a pilot named Johanan Etkes, who was wounded. Israel has supplied the Red Cross with a complete list of Egyptian prisoners. The anticipated arrival of Jewish refugees from Hungary and Egypt will Increase. tho original estimates of Immigration Into Israel In 1957 by some 50 per cent, It was reported In Jerusalem Jewish Agency circles. A large number of Hungarian Jews ore expected to arrive In Israel In the next few monllK. How tn organize Immigration Into Israel and how to finance tho absorption of the new Immigration wave into the Israel economy was ilncuiied Monday by the Joint Government-Jewish Agency co-ordination committed, It was reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Aupi'ite Limit, permanent observor In tho United Nations for Switzerland, was elected Monday by tho General Assembly an U. N. High, Commissioner for Refugees.
Israel Offers Peace Again United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Israel is ready to conclude peace with tho neighboring Arab countries "within 24 hours, or less, Mm. Golda Melr, Israel's Foreign Minister, declared Sunday In a coast-to-coast television interview. She emphasized that she had "no doubt whatever that; given a peace treaty, normal relations can exist between Egypt and Israel." Asked how pcact negotiations can start "when Israel's neighbors won't even admit that Israel exists," Mrs. Mclr replied: "That Is something to which the United Nations should not acquiesce. We a're a member of the UN and so are the Arab states. It seems to me that tho United Nations should demand that the Arab States should negotiate peace with us," Asked about Israel's stand regarding the Arab refugees, she declared: "In the first-place, we are prepared to plan the resettlement of the Arab refugees. In the second place, wa have always said that, within a peaco settlement, we naturally would be prepared to pay for the property that was left behind them by the Arabs who fled from the country and are now among the refugees." The Israel Foreign Minister stated It was her. position that the United Nations Emergency Force should not only be stationed In the Slnal peninsula, but should remain there until a peace settlement has been achieved: between Egypt and Israel. In any event, she declared, tho United Nations must not allow the old status quo to develop again In sucli a way that Egyptian forces come back again before there Is a peace settlement. The Sinai Peninsula, slip maintained, is a natural buffer area between Israel and Egypt. The 11 western states, according to the bureau of land management, aro Arizona, California, C'olor.idii, Idaho, Montana, Ni-vadn, New Mexico, Oregon, ULull, Washington and Wyoming.
Nebraska Senator Notes Violations Senator Roman Hruska said Monday the dignity and human rights of the Jews in Egypt ara being flagrantly violated by tnt Nasser Government, it wai reported by the World-Herald. The Senator from Nebraska sent telegrams to the President and tht United States Representative to the United Nations stating hi* views. (See text of telegram sent to the President at left.) Action to halt the "Inhuman acts which are contrary to the recognized and established right* of all people" and the restoration of the rights of Egyptian Jews in particular wa« asked Sunday of President Elsenhower and Secretary of State Dulles. - The resolution was unanimously adopted at a emergency session of the Board ot Governor* of tha Federation for Jewish Service and representatives of every Jewish organization In, Omaha. Tha resolution called for official action by th« United State* Government and that the U.S. Representative in tht United Nations urge the U.N. to use it* full moral and legal authority "to provide remedial action to restore the rights of Jews in Egypt." It was pointed out that accord' Ing to reports: 1. Over 8,000 Jews In Egypt have Beon placed in concentration camps or Imprisoned. 2. Nearly 17,000 Jews who have been living in Egypt for generatlons have been declared stateless and ordered to leave within 30 days, 3. Some 19,000 Jews who art Egyptian citizens have also been ordered out, i. An additional 4,000 Jews, citizens of foreign countries, hav» been asked to leave within seven days. 3. No complete family, unit ha* been permitted to leave Cairo, Those who have already departed were forced to Isave a member ot their family as hostage. Over 900 hostages have been taken. •6. Th« Nasser government ha* confiscated their homes and prop* Crty. Copies of tha resolution wart being sent to tho President, Secretary of State, U.S. Senators and Representatives of the State of Nebraska and the U.S. Representative to the U.N. •
Vacation Program For Jay Children The JcwUn Community Center will offer a special winter vacation children's program from % to 4 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center during the winter rocess from public school. Activities " will Include movies, games, swimming, bowling, trips, winter sport*, arts and crafts and skating. Enrollment will be limited so parents interested In registering their youngsters are urged to do so now. Supervision will be provided for each activity. •For further Information pleas* call the Activities Office at the Center, J A 1366.
Re-Entry to Sinai Jerusalem, (JTA)—United Nations Secretary General Dag .Ham* marskjold and MaJ. Gcri. E. L. M. Burns, commander-In-chlef of the UN Emergency Force in Egypt, have both told Israeli authorities that there is no way ot preventing the entry of Egyptian fores inlu the Sinai Peninsula in the wake nf the UNEF unit* which are taking over the evacuat* ing IM-.ICII trciops. This was learned in authoritative ciiclca here Saturday.
M^ Two
Friday, December 14, 19M ,
With the Home Folks Mizrachi to Hear SCOT and Happening* At the
Visitor to Israel
Baeck Memorial Service at Temple
Dr. Philip Slier Jru i«h Hume fur fubUsbed Ever} iftida) by the ledemtloo o» Jewish Service th» Atffd by David Orkcnv. Hablii Philip Plums, who ha RiiliM Siiliwy II. Brooks will scvumu j u mutiny fuviituti Aumunzec at um«u«, manulM Annuu iubscripuua *4.uc Advert'tine KOIM on AppHcuUun Dec. 4—Mrs. Meyer Debci1 ns recently returned from Israel, will conduct n spci'i.il service and LUJUITUU uillce— i e No '.iute Street, Oman* Nebt. JAckaon 13U> rTlni "•of address- 4H& So » t h Street jisted by Mcsdanics Arthur An- bring a menage from (lie Yishuv preach n memorial tribute tu the HAABS HALPER1 .................... Bfltoi chcl, T. A. Tully and Dave Stein, to the Omaha Jewish community late Ritbbl Lw Uneck tills Fricontinued their program of occu- this Sabbath. On Saturday, Dec. d.iy cwning, IJCC. 4 at Temple pational therapy at the Home for 22, at 10:00 a. m., he will be guest Israel at 8:15 p. m. Teacher Shortage the Aged. This program which Is
speaker at the Adas Jcshurun Rabbi Baeck, world famous 'under Council of Jewish Women Bnal Synagogue, 3028 Cumlng leader of modern Judaism dlc3 in auspices, has increased to the London November 2. CandleUKnttas; 4:S5 p. tn. .point where there ore 12 residents Street Until his recent illness, Rabbi* New York (JTA) — American Saturday evening, nt 8 o'clock, participating in the diversified acJewry "will lose another genera- ilETU EX he will address the regular meet- Bneck had been visiting profestivities. ing of the Mlttiichl Organization sor at the Hebrew CftUese, Cut* tion" unless drastic steps are tak- Sabbath services at Beth El Syen to meet the shortage of educa- nagogue will begin a t 8:15 p. m. Dec. 5 — A D u n d e e School at the Beth Kamcdrash Hagodol clnnati. It was there while piu> Brownie I*oop, under the direotional, personnel. Federal Judge Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will preach rion of limes. JuSius Kaplan an* Synagogue, 19th and Burt. "Insuing graduate studies; that Ran* bi Brooks came to know Rabbi Simon E. SobeloH Warned here on "Why Chanukah is Out ofPaul Rodger* entertainei our view of the .current situation In Baeck; tbe Middle 'East," said Rabbi M. Saturday night, addressing, the Place in the Public Schools." Can- Folks with a Chanukah program VL Pbllakoff. president of the Rabbi Baeck 1* best remembered 17th anniversary dinner' of the tor Aaron L Edgar and the choir of songs, followed by square danc- local Mizrachi, "we feel t h a t it for his leadership in Germany American Association for Jewish wli' lsing the musical portions of ing. The Troop included' the fol~wUJbe of vital importance for during the Nazi period. Despite " lowing: Sharon Anzalone; Carole. everyone to hear our distinguished many Imitations to come to the Education. He termed the short- the service. Sabbath morning services et BUnclurft Sharon DUgger. Kar- g n a t " United States, Rabbi Baeck deage ot Jewish teachers "stagger9:30 o'clock and Junior congrega- lync Friedman, Ellen Kaplan, J o clined to leave his people in Gering." tion services at 10:30. Mmeha- anne Kaplan, Linda. Orkow, Nancy many. In January of 1943, he The former U.S. Solicitor O n Maariv at 4:45 p. m. Dally serv- Peterson, Mary F. Rice, Wendy New Campus was arrested and Imprisoned in eral told the 500 Jewish educators ices at 7 a- m. and 7 p . m . Sunday Rodger* and. Ellen Winters. the Thereslemtodt concentration Chicago (JTA)—Groundbrcak- camp. and- leader* who attended the din services at 9 a. in. While there be otxerviKf Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Newmea and inr ceremonies for the new IS.ner that American Jewry Is "withi* seventieth birthday. In d o Hiss Ida Spring treated the resiBETH ISBAKL 000,000 campus of the Hebrew nessing a great boom" in Jewish fiance ot German order* he conRabbi Benjamin Groner, Can dents, to ice crc«ni tonight In bran- Theological College took place tinued to teach philosophy and" school enrollment. He ascribed - this development to a religious re- tor Eli Kagan, the Choir, and past or of Mrs. Lena Spring.'* birthday. Monday in Skokie, Illinois, In con- religion to his fellow Jews In the Dec 6—Arthur A. Conn, chair- nection with "Max Cohen Day" camp. vival and to the desire {or iden- Ear Mitzvah group will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. man of the Home board, gave a which' was celebrated here today. tiflfactlon and belonging. Traditional F r.i d a y services special tea party for the resident* The new college campus will have "Sufficient attention," he said "should be given to the recruit, (Kabbalas Shabbos) begin at 4:45 on his 60th birthday. The Council a four-year liberal arts college in Sonw Day Servk* ment of educational personnel, to p. m. Sabbath services begin at of Jewish Women Sewing Group addition to theological buildings. students' residence hall, adminis8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at consisting of Mines. S. NOCK, K. No Extra Chart* providing .the proper training for this personnel in suitable terms 10 a. m. Sabbath Mlncha at 4:45Hornstcln, Kyman Fried, H. Wohl- tration and classrooms, a* well as p. m. Dally services at 7 a. m. and a proposed gymnasium, athletic hatlOAJkt, ner, M. Roscnstein and Maurice and developing the social and eco4:50 p, m. Sunday morning icrv- Pepper had another of their teg- field, and high school building. Ready by BP.M. nomic position of the profession iecs begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior ular sessions at'the Home. Several to the paint where the turnover Minyau al 8:30 a. m. CASH and CARRY of our folks Joined the group, who can be reduced and people of call are doing an excellent job of makbcr attracted to enter and remain ing items needed at the Home. TKMFLE ISRAKI, in the field." Abo Pickup ami Services will be held Friday eve- The following residents aided the ning at 8 4 5 p. m. Rabbi Sidney group: Mrs. Rose Kagun, Mrs. Delivery Service 1 I. Brooks will present a personal Bessie Tcsslor and Solomon Silmemorial tribute to the late Leo ver-man, the latter two as models. TEDDY Baeck, rabbi, scholar, teacher, The Thursday movie matinee was Nate Castfeman friend. The worship wiir include well, attended. BEAR Word has bees received here of spcdnl prayers uiid music In mem- Dec 7—STianks to Paul Blotcky the death of Nate Castlcman in oiy of Rabbi Baeck. ind Milton Yudelson for their conGleaners Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Castlcman, Shabbas morning services will ribution of whiskey and wine to a former Om.ihon. died there Mon- begin at 11:30 and the religious he Home Synagogue. 112 N. 18tfi JA1578 day, December 3 after heart at- school choir will sing the musical Dec 9-The name giving ceretack. portions of the service. mony Dec. 2 for Gail Gios-smnn He I* survived by his wife, Lolshould have included the names of Ue, of Los Angeles; three sisters, B.E. Sabbath Dinner paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edith Rubenstein, Mrs. ElizMrs. Nathan Grossman of LinBeth El family night Sabbath abeth Rubenstein, both of Omaha, coln and the paternal great grandand S i n . Gertrude Wezclman of dinner will be held at 6 p. m.,mother, Mrs. Osheroff. Chicago, III.; and two sons, Wil- this evening. Dec. 14 in Beth El Dee, 10—A. beautiful floral cen4415 Cuming Street liam and Maurice, both of Lossocial halt terpiece was donated by the PioMembers of the United Syna- neer Women. Angeles. gogue Youth and Intermediates Dec. lV-Rabbi Sidney Brooks The Midivest's Neivest and Most wUl take part In the traditional" Dance Classes Sabbath dinner ceremonies, as -veil was our rabbinical visitor today YAHRZK1T-A special Kiddush Modern Meat Mkt. and Delicatessen Couples interested in learning as at the services. Those partici- ras given by Mrs. Julius Newman pating" are: Frances Erman, Le> to dance arc invited to join the anne Goldberg. Steve Gould, Steve in the occasion of the Yahrwit of Jewish Community Center's La- Guss. Jbn Kagan, Richard Kiislow, her husband the 33th day of TcvYour One Stop Kosher tin-American Dance class. Ses- Michael KaUt, Renee Rintmer- cth--Dec 17.
Warning Retold
Religious News
sions are held each Wednesday man, Martin* Snclder, Annie Weinevening in the Center and arc In- traub, Arnold Weintraub, and structed by Kiss Bctte Ann Pojka. Jeffrey Wohlncr. Call the Center Activities office Chairmen of Circle No. 3 , 15. for further information. and 18 are In charge of the dinner.
The names of Misses Unda fOeke* and Carole Sherman were omitted from the list of children who entertained at the Temple Israel Sisterhood Chanakah party held recently ,at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged,
N.Y. Yiddish Ploy
New York, I JTA)—An audience of Jewish cultural leaden and prominent writer* attended the performance' last rtlght of "The Lonesome Ship." a1 dramatic play by Moshe Dluzhnosky. well-known Monument Dedication novelist and playwright,- depleting the tragedy of Jews attemptThe family of the late Edward ng to escape from Nazi brutality. The performance marked the Gilbert will dedicate a monument in his memory at 2 p. m., Sunday. season's opening or the "FolkxDec. 16 at Pleasant Kill Cemetery. bicne." a Jewish theatrical instiRabbi Sidney H. Brooks wli: of-tution with 40 years tradition of ficiate. Friends and relatives are presenting a repertory of the best Invited to attend the memorial In Yiddish literature. service. Having [rouble getting your children to eat custard? Then, place a spoonful of strawberry,'chero peach, or i,rape preserves in t h e j j bottom of each cup, add custard. | and bake. j
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FrMaj, December 14, IBM
Organizations H.tUAS.SAH \ Members of the Hadubsah Influent iiinal Council will mi'ct for their ivEtilur monthly Onog Shablint .Saturday, l>c. 55, at 1 P- ">•. in the linmi: "f Mrs AllK-rt Fox, 120 So. ,'ilsl Ave. Hadassuh Group Boards will moot Thimsday, Dec. 20, at 12:30 p m. Members of the Her/1 Group will gather at the home of Mrs. Morton Richard* who will have as her co-hostesses Mesdames Donald Nogg, and James Samuelaon. Mrs. Max Crecnberg will be host«sa to the Szold Group and the will lie assisted by Mrs. Harry Mulnlck. The Weltzman Group will moet at the home of Mrs. Sam Bcrman.
Open House Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slni;er, 700 Faii'acrcs Iload, will hold open house December 22 from 7 to 30 ;>. m., for their out-of-town visitors Inclti'lin;: fonncr Omalians. Guests will be: .Mr. and Mrs. Max Singer, I-os Annelcs, Cal ; Mr. and Mm. Martin Freund, iMinncu|miis, Minn.; Dr. and Mrs. Leo Diamond, Indianapolis, Ind.; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adrome. Kaiuos City, Mo. No Invitations have been Issued.
SAM Mothers
The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers Club will meet at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. 18 at the home of Mrs. Max Rosen, 5008 Burt Street. Mrs. David Shukert will be co-hostess. If the telephone chairmen have failed to reach you, call Mrs. Sam KADIHAH CIIAPXER Turkei, GL 3423 or Mrs. J. MilThe December meeting of Kadimnh Chapter' of Pioneer Women ton Margolin, GL 4668. will be held at 8 p. m.r Thursday. Dec. 20 at the home of Mrs Charles Guns, 3703 Harney Street.Rnbbl Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue will be guest speaker. Mesdomcs Irving Stern, Malvln Topper and J i n . Sidney Znclmcr will be co-bostesses for the evening.
Births Dr. and Mrs. Ted Gershun of Los Angeles, Cal., announce the birth of a daughter, Marsha, born November 26. Grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun of Council Bluffs, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Polsky of Maria, Tex.
Hadassah Bowling Cooper Construction team .Is in first place in the Hadassah Bowling League this week. "Metz Beer Is in 'second spot followed by Pltlor Plumbing in third, This week's high bowlers are L. Hoberman, 531, D. Rubin. 528. and B, Muskin. 512. High team series" went to Metz Beer, 1952, and high team game to Fireside Restaurant, 722. A. Schulman took high Individual series and game. 590-244.
P«f* Three
Beershebo Station
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider of St. Louie, Ma., will arrive here December 22 for a short visit with Mrs. Anna Soskin. Mrs, Schneider is Mrs. Soskin's daugh-
Bocrsheba USD—A new railway station was opened here recently according to Mr. Avraham Lcvi, the statlonmuster. who used to be a railway district superintendent In Iraq, approximately 50,000 persons have travelled on the Negev line, in both directions, since it was first opened on April 17A total of 35,000 tons of phosphates, as well as 6,000-8,000 tdns of potash and about 3,000 tons of grain were shipped from Bcersheba to the northern part of the country. The newest, 48-mile section of Israel's rallwa1- connecting Beersheba with Jerusalem, Tel Aviv anf Haifa, was built at a cost of over five million dollars and took over three years to,complete. It passes over 107 wadi crossings and 13 large bridges.
Miss Karen Kncsfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kricsfeld, will arrive home today to spend her holiday vacation. Miss Kricsfeld, a student at the University of California, Berkley, was recently elected treasurer of Delta Phi EpsUon Sorority.
Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Max Kadis announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Walter Paul Woskoff, son of Mrs. 'Eva Woskoff, Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Woskoff attended the University of Southern California and University of California, "Berkeley. No wedding date has been s e t
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Ml/.IUCHI WOMEN A denert luncheon at 1 p. in. will precede the business meetIng of the Omaha Chapter Mlzrachl'Women at the Jewish'Community Center Wednesday,, Dec. 39. Mmes. H. Brandstetter and J. Dlnkcls are arranging the program. There are RUII a number df Jewish National Fund boxes thai hnve not been brought In. They can bo brought to this meeting. Baby sitter service will be provided.
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CentrolROTC Promotions Told '
YoUth Councilors were among those promoted by Central llieh School's R.OTC Dcpnrtinrnl Martin Greonp, Michael Hn'/oK. llobert Joseph, 1-ury Knhn, Wlllard Plotkin, Allen Krizelinun, Steven Silver, Ijiny Znthaiia and Marly Sophir received the mnk ol first lieutenant. Commissioned as second lieutenants were Peter Brodkcy and Garry Plotkin; while- Irvln Bobcr, Bernard Bloom, Bruce Bloom and Jack Llcb were named cadet master sergeants. Arnie Ban and Paul Shykcn were named cadet first sergeants while Morris Brodkcy, Alien Epstein, Phillip Goiclfck, Stanley Greenfield, Larry Iloiierman, Bill Katzman and Justin Lewis were promoted to the rank of cadet sergeant. Others appointed as cadet sergeants wero John Schlmmcl, Howard Slusky, Marc Samuelson, Dennis 'Schulman, Jim 8ophlr, Jerry Schwartz and David Wlntroub, Steve Greonborg wa* made a cadet corporal.'
Thank You The t'pjonecr Women wish to thank everyone who helped make the Child Rescue Fund dinner that was held last Sunday a success Commandment Common to all Christian* and Jews and any creature created by God Is the great Commandment of Love . .'. True charity admits of no substitute, If we prostitute our love by admitting some and excluding others from our affections because they differ from u<s >ln race, religion, color, political beliefs, then we arc counterfeit religionists and traitorous Americans.—Bishop Murlt If. Carroll, THE Bessie GotsMd Children's Village at Rann.inj, a piojed of the Mizrachi Women's Oisam/.itlon of America, is more than selfsustaining in m.inj JBiiciilliirnl areas. The school ontnljutf", to the economy of Israel l>y mirktt]ng surplus produce through Tnu\a, the Isuel iii.ukriiiiK fOjpe tlvc.
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Enrollment Rises In Jewish Schools
Rayim Homecoming
l i o i ' 1 1 Fraternity of the Jewish fjurno were well under control. Ynntli Ojiincil will hold its annual A n ;jn.ii> I,* o f c m r i l h u r hi H I Bud Kjwtem mid Kuth Lil'cnu.nt The Omaha Young Adult Couni il.Ji '\ stt* honicnmiinsj ti:ince tit •kv.l-.ll K-lli'lmi., M l n i ' i ' , ' l n . i , ,i cil of the Jewish Community Cen- MIOGF.T LEAtil'E shone fur Fuesidc. Si .0 p in., Sniirlay, Due. DO in u i m . m l l i ' i i ' l , I n M u m s .M n Midget League b a s k e t b a l l ter will attend Friday evening Dick Zncharia and Dun Fiedler servlfces tonight, Dec. 11, at Beth coaches got their first look at carried the scoring buidni foi ftoliri, c l i . M i j D i i n o f t h e J J U K . I ' I {>( Hi" lil .rkstone U'jlcl ballroom. Itiivlin's alumni will In; IVJUOKMI El Synagogue, it was announced their teams in action during the Gcrcllck Motors in the 32-23 l u - J i ' i u i h l . i l i u . i l , . . ! ] , i n i i ' i i n r > i l I n ! i by Toby Okrent, acting presi- games in th opening pre-season umph over H. A . Wolf, Inc. Znch- Since VXil, the unrulier of chil- .nirl ,i tiophy will ho iiif-.cnted to (lien of i;r,ide MIUKII •/,"" inmlli'l !l'• fi.ilernity's ni'ist outstanding dent of the group. Following schedule at the Jewish Commu- arlaV speed and deceptivcm'ks enservices the group will meet at nity Center gym last Sunday aft- ublcd him to break fast and score in Jewish schools IKIS risen from S ' ' I ] K M . 70 to 82 per cent (icconliiii; to the The Central Ili];b School Dance the home of Fred Marcus, 315 ernoon. 14 points. Fiedler got 10 from lip- latest fluurpi released two weeks -jBouth 68th Street for a discussion In the "B" division, il was Play- Ins and lay ups with assists from ago. Of 1140 youngsters in pub- li.nnl will play and tickets nro .'n.nl.ihlu from Knyini members of their proposed trip. land Park 16, All Makes TypeThe Young Adult Council U writer CO. 9; Richman-Gordman, Chuck Ginsburg, Steve Gould and lic schools, 935 are attending re- to the public for Sl-50. Howard Mulnick. ligious schools. planning a "gala weekend" Jan- 31, and Cowboy Liquor*, 6. / ! e This Sunday it will be I-Go Van A breakdown of enrollment ac- • Sell what you don't need . . . uary 11-13, called "Show Tune braska Furniture, 16, and I-Go 1957*. The young Adult Council Van. 1*. "A" division games were against the Cowboys at 1:30 Prirt. cording to sex shows that 85 per Muy what you need through the from Kansas City will be guests. won by Mtcklin-Rusco over Fire- All Makes vs. Nebraska Furniture cent of trays attend in comparison Want Ads. at 2:13 p. m., PUyland Park vs. to 79 per cent ot girls who arc Al Feldraan Center V. A. Comside Restaurant 28-16 and Gere- Richman-Gordman at 3 p, m. "A" receiving religious instruction. mittee Chairman said: The Young Adult Group Is open,to persons lick Motors over H. A. Wolf, Inc, division games will be Fireside A large percentage of those 32-23. 18-30 years of age. Against H. A. Wolf, Inc., at 4:30 youngsters not attending are In The highlight of the day saw p. m. and Gcrelick Motors against the higher grades. Dr. Margolin For farther Information call the Activities Office at the Center. Bill Ginsburg .score In the final Micklin-Ruseo at 3:15 p. m. pointed out. The tendency of minute for Nebraska Furniture JA-1366. youths to drop out after Bar and after I-Go Van had closed a five VAIW1TV LEAGUE Bas Mitzvah. ta not & good situapoint gap In the fourth quarter. Markcl Cleaners lived up to tion, the bureau chairman stated. Ginsburg stole the ball on a press- their name as they scprcd 78 Bar and Bas Mitzvah Is not a deMichael I I Altman, son of Mr. Ing defense and made the score points against Belgrade's Bomb- sirable time Xor youngsters to end and Mrs. Charles Altman. will ob- unassisteders 50 In the Vanity Basketball their Jewish education, he added, Coach Sam Ban employed a de- "League last week. Ray Klrke was, for they are just at th*ege when serve his Bar Mitzvah Saturday vastating fast break for Richmorning, Dec. 15 at Both El Syred hot. with a running jump shot they are ready to learn about Jewmond-Gordman with Dan Kats- and set shot as ho garnered 25 ish philosophy and culture. He nagogue. Friends and relatives are in- kee, Marshall Widnum and Joel points (or scoring honors. Sandy pointed out that only S3 students vited to Bttendthe service and the Schneider as Schneider rang up 21 Brophy was right next to him with are recelvelng Jewish education points over ihe Cowboy Liquors 24 also for Market. The Bombers pn a high school level. reception which will follow. If You Love Sreofci team. Cowboys were especially didn't warm up at all until the Another pertinent fact Dr. MarCome to HARRY'S Mr. and Mrs. Louii Singer nn- cold as they failed to score in the second quarter. Their output in golin brought out Is that parents tiounce the Bar Mitzvah of their second and tliird quarters. the first was only four points, but of more than the 30 per cenf of fli* Restaurant That Teamwork paid off for Plnyland in no-quarter did they ouUcore boys and girls not attending son, Robert David Singer, Friday Knows How Steaht evening, Dec. 21 and Saturday Park as they triumphed over All Markets. Fred Bernstein and Irv schools arc not oittlinted with tiny morning, Dec. 22 at llcth El Sy- M a t e . Mike Shfniuin and Jerry Yatfee passed effectively for Mar- synagogue. Should Bt S e r v e d . . . Slusky ench scored six for high kels even while garnering 19 nagogue. Thick, Juicy, and Friends and relatives arc in- honors, but they received excellent points between them. cooperation from Stunrt Forbes, Broiled Under Interne Heat vited to attend both services and In the first game, Brnndelifor That "Charcoalthe receptions which wll Hollow. I*rry Kirkc and Lnrry Grossman. Plillco dominated the boards with Fireside Restaurant couldn't Al Nepomnlck, Morey Handtanan Broiled Flavor! RUG & UPHOLSTERY solve the riddle of superior height and Steve Lustgarten to win aver Vacation Swim us center Steve Cui« scored 16 CLEANERS Special recreational swim per- points for Micklin-Kusoo. Between Star Auto Parts 52-41. The losers RUGS—CAUI'LTING iods for" youngsters of all ages Guss, Stu Hurwltz und Harold had the high point man in Llndy (In Wellington Hotel) will be held at the Jewish Com- Forbes, the backboards and the Paul with 15, but lack of a tall LAMP SHADES 1819 Foinam center was keenly felt. High man munity Center's swimming pool FURNITURE For RetervotloiK — J A $244 (or the victors nws Al Nepomduring the winter vacation it was nick witli 14. Free Parking at announced by Joe Mlcck, Center New Deb Officers Cleaned In Your Homel Next week Markcl Cleaners will aquatic director. Loop Parking Co. llndiBO Laylnt) Repair!*; The new officers of Debka Debs meet Brandets-Phllco In the 8-.30 There will be no charge for 1814 Harney Center members and guest* will were installed at the home of game and Star Auto will play Bel- Don Bernstein HA 2S54 Acroit from Public Library Miss Joanie Mayer. They arc; grade's Bombers In the opener. be admitted for 25 cents. president,, Miss Joanie Mayer; first vice-president, Miss Barbara Quiz Box Brodkey; second vice-president • QUESTION': What I* the origin Miss Barbara Nogs; secretary, of the Dune "return TikvaliT" Miss And/Jean Groan: treasurer. ANSWER: Petach-Tlkvah is the Miss Sally Fieeman; dues treaOldest Jewish agricultural settle- surer, Miss Carolyn Stern; Sgt*.ment In modem Palestine. It was at-arms, Miss Leslie Smith and ro.ni of of in n. Ti«« t/ne(l*4 U STAHDARD TlUS n r*o< ot d once referred to as th mother Barbara Grccnbcrg, historian. Miss of the Jewish colonies In the Holy Faye Anne KaU; reporter Miss Land. Those who founded it were Linda Rosenbaum; Y. C. Reprea originally attempting to found a sentative, Miss Linda Vcrct; and settlement near Jericho since that Y. C. Alternate, Miss Kaye Turnlocation was the first location of er. Israel conquered by Joshua. The The Deb vice will be held Januname they thought of was ary 4 at the Blackstone 'Hotel. "Petach-Tikvah" which means a Candidate* are. Murray Mayer, door of hope and which Is taken A. Z. A. No. 100; Willard Plotkin, from the Bible where it is written: A. Z. A. No. 1: Steve Silver, "And I will give her vineyards Rayim: and Mlke.Shrler, Indepenfrom thence, and the valley of dents. Tickets may be purchased Achor for a 'door of hope'." (Hosea from any Deb member for $1.75. 2:17), For various reasons they could not develop a settlement there and then developed it nenr Cornbelt Cpnclave Jaffa. They still clung to the Members of the Cornbelt Region name since it was the first set- of B'nal B'rith Youth Organiza* tlemcnt and was Indeed a "door tion will hold their annual winter of hope," perhaps the first door convention in Omaha Dec. 25 to that was opened on tlie way to 27. Chairmen arc Miss Shirley the new State of Israel. This Sniff, Miss Joan Marx. Miss Madeolony was established in 1878,— elyn Mlroff, Alan Siegal and Alan (JTA), Kriielman. By Jim Kurlmtwh
Bar Mitzvah
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