December 21, 1956

Page 1

XXXV- N«. I!

UlM»h llatltuft I rl/rd Bt Oiniihr

Federation Executive Committee to Meet






The Executive C'.iiiulittcr of the I'VcU'iiitidii fni" Jewish Service will inert at II) it, m., Sunday, Dec. -'.(. in MM Jewish Community Center, It win announced by Jack W. Mjrer, Kerteiatlon piesiilenl.


ml e«er» (cldnj mi f, 201b Annual Kntr ollars Net r»mU» I'tiotif >K 1566 Sinclr Opr II OeutS

About 2 0 0 0 Jewish Refugees Will Enter

Coinpilfil from J'rfif DUp.itilif-s 'At leait 2,(WI) JeM« Hill lie Included In flip 2,51)0 Hungarian i-efuKFt-a bcini; admitted Into tills country under tlie rniirgMii'y procedure, It w«t rttlmatril by Murray 1. Oiirfeln, |irp»lilriit of United Hla» *jl'"1''*' ^ Almost 6,000 persons hive bi!?n tegistered in HIAS Austrian oftices for Immigration to countriff* Including the United States, CanFederation Head A s k s . . . idj, Australia, Latin America and Western Europe. More than. 409 New Yoik (WNS)-Alaimlng lefugoes have arrived In the Uniticporis that panic Is gripping Pol- ed States, Air, Gurfein announced. Hunjjaiian refugees in Vienna HIAS office ish Jewry amidst fear that PoThe Austrian Government ha* land may hecome another "Hun- agteed to establish & camp l»f A call wan Isnued by Jack. W. gary" aic reaching Jewish oigan- some 1,300 Hungarian Jewish refMuror, president of l l « Federation Nations in the United States, it ugees at Bad Kreutzen, In Upper (or Jewish Srrvice to all local orwas reported here hy the Yiddish Austria, jn view of the inability ganlzallonj. to elect their repredaily The Forward In a front-page of Jewish communlly and weltar* sentatives to the 1937 Hoard Of story whlcIV said that Poland's organizations to find quarters for Governors of the Federation. W.000 Jews were living In great the new arrivals. 'The Board of Governors of fear over their near future. The Agudas Israel organization the Federation". Mr, Man>r slated, The newspaper reports wide- In Vienna is. providing 2,000 kosher "consist* of representative* of meals a day for Orthodox refugees. spread fear that bloody uprisings every adult Jewinh organization in Tlie number of Hungarian Jeware bound to arise sooner or later the community. Kach organization In Polnnd's cities and towfts and ish refugees registered with th» I* entitled t o at least one reprethat the Soviet army will meet Joint. Distribution Committee and sentative on the Board or Govthe situation with the same ruth- the Jewish community in "Vienna ernors, and to additional repreles.iness anr1 barbarism as in Hun- has Jumped to 8,100 and the end It sentative*, one for each additional nut In sight. Some 6,800 In this city 100 members, or major fraction >-y. First refugees flown to London alone are being cared by commuthereof. The panic among the Jews In nity staffs and JDC workers asPoland, the Forward discloses, is sembled from half a dozen Kuro< "Through the Board of Govthreefold: ernors", Mr. M a w continued, "all l»an countries, Jewish groups In the community (1) they fear being crushed beInterested in maintaining and tween the wheels of an uprising developing Jewish communal life, (2) they are aware that the are participating in the affairs mitl-roinmunlst revolutionaries in , of the federation, In (tils manWashington. (J'i'Ai- The thiee then the netting will meieiy have Poland will more than any where ner, the Board of Governors le- goals of Israel's poliry in the pre been ciealeil foi a confl.tgation vent their spite on Jews presents a true •erosjt ..section of sent Egyptian conflict were outfar gi.iier thin the 1'isl," )tn through pogroms. the entire JewMi community". od heie rm tin1 pn."« New Yi>ik (WNS) -Thirty-four Men1 vvamed. l.1> that the Jews in such an Pioleitint clci gymen, including Organizations ate requested to List week hy (.'>!()i Men-, Israel's pvnfuallty would have no avenue She n i d that h u r l "will never iplun Mlmstei, •.[n'lkini; befon* the In-nls of Ifiiee dernonlnations eliVt now their r«prmf>nlatltes be A passive victim and told the of escii|>e a* In the ense of Ilun- ami nine bishops, have urged t i n to the IV17 Hoard of Gotcinois. I the N u1.1l i'l.-ss Clul, since Poland borders with United States to Introduce a reIii.ti'l'» major aiim In the pre- ni'Wiiihi'ii, '1 would tetnttul you , Czechoslovakia And IJust solution 111 the United Natiuni e {lieif that'In the lung Insloiy of i i l m l i i 1I1011. i h e i-i[>l l i n e d , J i e r " l i c u s i n i n t u f o i I i i i c I . n : i i i i s ( j the JcuUh people flout the (f. )>* (leiuiiiiiy. condemning Kyypt for her "mass )f antiquity until Hitlei, ue Imie This wouhl mean for them to ilepoiUUun ot Jews" and hei; .lijKiisiiiiii, f i i v | u i i i j ( Iliiough Ihi! Suez Canal 11ml the (iiilf <>t found ourselves too often the j Jump from the fire Into the fry- "new lacist policy." The request Akuha; no posKihillly whatever ohj.vt of |»hi sir il holocaust, ami ing pan. The situation amon^ the wan made in the form of an open Vienna (WNSi••-S»i••?( author- of J-i;jpl lliii'.ili'iilni; or conduct- thereafter the subject of moral Jews in Poland Is such, the news- letter to President Eisenhower. Illes in iccent ueeks ilc- ing hostility a,:.nnst isiHel'fiom eulogies. Now, haviNK been en- paper rel.ttes, thdt pmic nas not Pointing out that the present poiletl to Siberia llioin.iml< of the pievlous positions occupied by trusted by our iwol'le with re- only stricken the wide masses of aii(i-Jewi->h activities of Egypt Je«* fiom the Ukraine and the lit armies. sponsibility for the Integrity of Polish Jews hut even the so-called were at "cleaily imitative of. Urn Baltic st«tp«. acrotdlmt to reThe United Nations, Mrs. Melr the state and the security of its "concealed" Jews who trace their ports reaching heie fiom author- declared, was in a position to people, we were determined that survival tinder Hitler to Christian J filler pattern and the present Communist pattern In Ilungaiy," itative sources In Kuiope. ii.ssme "these legitimate alms" our slate should live, and decided identification documents and who the letter noted that Egypt'* to act for our survival today, not If It approached the ploblcm "in In Waisaw it win reported that sought to become assimilated with anti-Jcwhli program "Js an awful many Jews there liad received a coimtructlve spirit." She said Wait and provide a subject for a the general Polish population. and terrible refinement of tlia letters from relatives in the Uk- the United Nation's would make post-mortem tomorrow." At the same time the Forward Hitler program and practices raine begging them to bring them Its most effective contribution if reports that some 350 Polish Jews which ultimately plunged tha to Poland. Many of the Jews fac- It called on the Arab states and arc slated to leave for Israel via world into var." Israel 1 0 conduct direct peace ing deportation claim Polish CitizAustria and Italy this week, Tha signers ot the loiter a h a enship since they were born In the negotiation. among them the famous actress reminded the President that when "if the United Nation* will part ol Poland that wan taken ovtfr Miriam Brodcrson, widow of the Hitler "first began to rage" tbera merely clear the way for Nasser by Hie Soviet Union. The second program to he pre- noted Yiddish poet Mosho Broder- had been "woeful toleration" of At the same time It was dis- to return to Sinai and Gaza with sented by the Yiddish Culture son who died mysteriously in War- Ills threats and that "In the preclosed In a report carried In the new Jury, new resources and vast- Committee will be held at 8 p. m, saw some months ago within a sent -.Egyptian program directed Warsaw communist Yiddish news- ly greater outside aid, If it will Sunday, Jan. 6, at the Jewish short time after his release from against the human rights,"security, paper, "Folkstlmme," that the attempt to restore the resump- Community Center. The program confinement in the Soviet Union. freedom and economic welfare of Jewish Communist Cultural organ- tion of the blockade In the Suez will feature the highly acclaimed Egyptian Jews and Jews In Egypt, ization in Poland adopted a re- Canal and the Gulf of Akaba U> Yiddish movie "The Power of a pattern has emerged that I* Ike Invites solution of solidarity with Israel Israel ships and the shipping of Life". clearly imitative of the Hitler while blasting Premier David Ben other nations trading with Israel, Jerusalem (WNSi — President pal|cm." Unless the United States Tho story centers around the Gurlon.The newspaper itself, dealeternal druggie o[ parents sacri- Eisenhower has Invited Baruch "opposes firmly and Immediately Ing with the Jewish situation In ficing for children. The father It/huk Barchal of this city to at- the reappearance of racism In Egypt. <ald that "Jews the' world serves an undeserved prison term tend the inaugural ceremony in Egypt, in whatever guise, thin pver have the right to be conpernicious evil will endanger tha for the mistakes of an ungrateful Washington on January 19. cerned over In* (ale of the Jews spiritual foundations of morality son and a selfish daughter. In The. luclty Invitee gained the In Egypt," and freedom in all the world." Jerome Grossman, National De- spite of this, he helps them after distinction as a result of having 'What is happening to Jews puty Hosplull/atlon Officer and liis Telease through his earnings written a letter to Mr, Eisenhower locnl VAVS repi esi>nM tiro an- from a patent on a successful In- two weeks prior to U10 election In Kgypt today," the statement 1, nounced that Kpstein-Morgan tention. predicting a smashing-Ike victory went on, "can neither be excused, XOJ Angeles. (JTA) —•Waller Post, Jpwlih War '.V-terans will Admltsion to the program is by a majority of about four mil- nor explained by the military conRetither, vice-president of the again present a Clinslmas Kve by season ticket or individual ad- lion votes. The Picsident ac- flict between the governments of Ameiican Federation of Lalwi- 11,11 l y [ o r the p itlents a t t h e mission which Is SO cents for the knowledged the gesture and sent those nation" nor "should our Comjreis of Organiza- Orn ill 1 V e i e i . i n , ] Mon- movie. the Jcrusnicmite an autographed View of this evil be affected by whatever view one may hold* as I tions. H«1 presented lecrntly with day nn,rht, ]jer 21. Other program* will be: The photograph. The invitation to Mr. the Arnb-Ixraeli conflict In tha 'J'rtny Hindi.'y .'Hid his 'linnd, VVoiktnciis Circle Piny Febiuary Barclial wns sent by the head ot the Illsl.i'lnit's 30Hi iinnlieisniy Middle East. . awnril. The nward WHS wade In tliinuuh the ciiinti-sj i>( the local 20; Farliiind Lalwr Zionist Con- the imtallution committee. recognition of Mr. Mouther's ef- .Miifiu 1'inb I'IIIIHI, u i l l p e i f o n n at cert March VI; and a Yiddish forts to fosf.'r nmlerstamliiis be- the t w o shows (hut will he p r c . Lecture, time to be announced. tween the American and Israeli ••••iiti'cl C h i K t n m I . w Jo.ui PoseTickets m,>y he. nhUincil at the Federation Annual k a n j , .1 ]i ist n i t i o n i l ch iiii|iion JewUli Community ('enter or from Montreal IJTA.i- National conwill present somi' ijiifil.inilini; Meeting Set any jnembrr of the Yldilish Culventions of the Canadian Mi/ruclii B i l o i l lulilliii{ hy lici^'lf Jii'l her ture Committee, Joe K.itllnmvski, Organization nnil the IMpoel pupils. Tlie Annual Miwliiij? of the roinmilW 1 lull in 111 .iiinoiinced H iiiu/iiiclii i p p n n H i n putIj the Thi) In-it allow will h.i p i e I'ViliMiiioii for Ji-Hish Sei'vice mi1!K<%I of the two mi; nn/.itiom 1 sented at 7 p. in. and the. second will hi M i l Sunday owning, 'I he action p u illels the mei[;,-r of show will he at 8 p. 111, Defense Costs Jim. '-'I), at the Jewish CommuHit1 world l)i«li>"-i of the Mi/.rachi Thf il'Mdline for next week Refreshment* vtill lie ieucil nity Onlor, Jack W. M.'irer, inrl f.alior Mizrachi movements lim li-'i'n nilvAii<'<!tl U> noon JiMiiiilt-m U T A i Isi lei ,[,.-nt the pilleuls hy 111.; luiies .uixlKeilci.itinn n> 1 e si il c n t >»Afniidfiy flue Vt the Christmas d i l l c l l P s fl (Wl.S million) for defense pur'I li 400 Oil) V MlOUS Ilary of the l''Ht. All memhen who (> V holliliiy. Publicity chairmen me le< tr-ct s iinue i of C m t can attemi an) nikc.ti to hi* at |inii>) in the I n t SIK month. .1^ .1 ;»tums aftlce.I to send their releases In the V. A II'J,(MI il tn )i.*l|> In l>ntu:- duett ie<nlt of tin Sm.iel-1 o p - Pni/.'m ol MontreM 1>l (*S ii> keep (I ili; open. early. iiiK some of the wheel ch:iir pat- tion 311111 IIIMI, Tieiiiny (n;ui>'< th,* lil'M I;I' I f;i ou{> 1111 1 I * il In M Zimbrousl.>, chiiim 1 ! rele.ned lintlcjtrd. ient.') to the atuw.

Panic Grips Jews In Poland Told

Groups to Elect . Board Delegates

Israel's Foreign Minister Tells Policy Goals in Egypt Conflict

Clergy Protests Egypt's Actions

Soviets Deporting Jews to Siberia

Yiddish Group To Present Film

Christmas Party For Yet Patients

Award to Reuther

Canadians Merge

Early Deadline

—• 1

Pag* .Two



Friday, December 21, 1056


With the Home Folks

Religious News


N m s and happening* st the Candlellghtlng 4:37 p. in. Dr. l'liiliu Slier Hume for Aged Zelik Kaplan fubtisbed Every HTWaj bj tbe Federation oi Jewish Servlea liy David Orkoiv. uu u « u .vinumii fnvucgci Auuiurun. «l m u l t , Mtfwuka S o m e •> wcic held Sunday, Dec. New Residents — Mr. .Meyer TEMPLE IS HA K.I, Annual julincripuun 14.1X. Advertising Kales on Acplmttun tuiturui oiflce— 1(C Nu Vfith street Omalu. Nebi. JAckum UMie. Strauss litis l>een welcomed as a 16 for Zelik Kaplan with interServices will be held Friday Print <•>« iddrcM -«80t So * t * Sweet member of the Home for the Atjed ment at Fisher Farm Cemetery. HAftRV HAUEHl Ertltoi evening at 8:15. Jlabbi Sidney II. Club. Brooks will preach on "Who IK Mr. K;iplan, 1)0, a long-time resiDec. 14—Weekly movie matinee. dent of Omaha, died Saturday, Like Our God?"—explanation of Dec. 17—The flowers at the the En Kelohenu—the Ideas beHome this week were donated by Dec. 15. hind the words. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan in He Is survived by his fion, Sam Shabbas morning services will London (WNS)—Barnett Janhonor of the wedding of their Kaplan of Wichita, Kans., fend begin at 11:30 o'clock and the redatightcr. Phyllis to Elliot Brown. three grandchildren. Jerusalem tJTA>— Agreement ner, president of the Board of

Sinai Withdrawal Formula Reached

Global Report

en a system for determining the speed of the withdrawal of Israel forces Irom the SlnaJ Peninsula end their replacement by United Nations units has been reached by Mai, Gen. E. L.. M Burns, United Nations Emergency Force commander, and Maj. Gen, Moshe Dayan. Israel chlet of staff, lnfomwd circles said Monday. The two men met Sunday, at Lydda .Airport to review the situation. While the understanding reached provides only the general framework and not the actual timetable moves, it i* not likely that the actual timing phases of the withill p itt fthr drawal r necessitate further meetings of the two commanders This timing, it is assumed, will be agreed upon In lower-level contacts. To a certain extent, the actual puce of the Israel withdrawal will be linked to the capability of the United Nations units to replace the Israel forces. United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold is apparently not intervening at all In this question and in the practical aspects of the Israel evacuation of the Sinai Peninsula, leaving thff entire matter in the hands of Gen. Burns.

Deputies: of British Jews, charged at a meeting of. the organization that UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold has not yet revealed certain Information he has about Egyptian Jewry. • • • Washington (W N S)— Syria"! Ambassador to the U. S., appearling on television panel show program said there was no hope for peace in the Middle East as long as Israel exists as a state, and ho added at the same time that he sees" Israel's disintegration. As to Moscow's crimes in Hungary, the Ambassador said his country refused to join in the censure resolution in the UN because 'Information Syria has about Hungary Is not enough to come to a condemnation." / . . • New York (WNS)—The United States Government holds "many of the keys" to the future of the Middle East, but Is not acting as though it appreciated Its responsibilities in that area. Senator Herbert H. Lehman told 1,500 members of the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress at a luncheon held here at the Waldorf-Astoria. • • • Tel Aviv (WNS)—A mobile cultural caualcade to tour Isolated border settlements designed to foster closer ties botween the United States and Israel was launched here by the ZOA-Daniel Frisch House, a project of the Zionist Organization of America. Tel Aviv (WNS)-Two Arab students have won awards by the Tel Aviv municipality for essays on H. N. Biallk. noted Hebrew poet. The winners are students at Jaffa.

Israel circles are greatly concerned, however, that despite the progress of evacuation Of Sinai by Israel, no guarantees have yet been received from the United Nations that the Sinai Peninsula tuay not again become a base for aggression.

Evacuation Protest - ' Tel Aviv (JTA)—Several thou sand Tel Aviv residents attended • second Herat Party demonstration, held here Sunday night in Second of November Square, to protest against the withdrawal o Israel forces from the Sinai Peninsula. - Menachem Beigfn, party leader and chief speaker at the meeting, called on the Government to resign If It could not show enough strength to "discontinue the retreat." He told his followers that France would support Israel In the international arena. Later, the demonstrators paraded to the District Commissioner's office where they submitted a written memorandum demanding that the Sinai evacuation be halted.

Fedayeen Raids Jerusalem (JTA) — Israel authorities were considering Monday the form In which to raise before the United Nations Genera! Assembly the problem of continued fedayeen operations under Egyptian command in violation of the United Nations resolution of N"ovrmber 2 ordering cessation of all types of hostile actions. Israel circles expressed the be lief Monday that the attack In Tel Mond Saturday night in which the watchman at the home of Mrs Sleff was killed, was perpetuated by fedajeen organized and despatched by the

t' •

Home (WNS'—Two hundred more Italian. French and British Jews deported from Egypt reached Naples this week. They all de scribed the situation In Alexandria and other cities as choatic and said there were signs of new anti-Jewish wave in Egypt. • • • Jerusalem (WNS)—The Hebrew newspaper "Davar" wai fined 400 pounds for revealing the name of the American woman. Mary Hagen. who some months ago was sentenced to a prison term of one year for spying against Israel. Other newspapers are facing the same charges. Davar's defense wa* that the woman'* name had been mentioned in the foreign press before publication.

ligious school choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlln will sing Special services were held this the musical portions of the serv- morning for Julius Newman on the anniversary of his death. ice. Dec 18—Rabbi Nathan Feldman was our rabbincal visitor toBETH EL day. Sabbath services at Beth El SyDec 20—Weekly movie matinee. nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. mRabbl Myer S Kripke win deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Ed- Forband to Meet gar and the Beth El Synagogue A special meeting of the FarChoir will render the musical por- band Labor Zionist group will be held at 7:15 p. m., Sunday, Dec. tion* of the service. Sabbath morning services begin 23 in the Jewish Community Cenat 9:30 o'clock and the Junior ter. A national referendum will be Congregation Services are at voted on, All members are urged 10 JO. Mincha-Maarfv at 4:30 p. m. to attend. Refreshments will be Dally services at 7 a. m. and served. 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m.

BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan. Beth Israel Choir and Seconday B class will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. . Traditional Friday s e r v i c e s (Kabbdlas Shabbot) begin at 4:45 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 o'clock. Junior- Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:45 p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'cudos and Maariv. Dally service* at 7 a. m. and 4^50 p. m. Sunday morning service* begin at 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Junior Minyan starts at 8 JO a. m. Morning Services Tuesday, Dec 25 will begin at 8:45 a. m. Benjamin Franklin, the first postmaster general of the U. S.. assisted In organizing the Canadian postal system.

Beth El Homecoming

Beth El Annual Homecoming Service, in which college students home for the holiday vacation participate, will be held Friday evening, Dec. 28 at 8:15 p. m. Vacationing college students and their families are especially invited to attend this service,

David Forman Services were held Thursday, Dec, 13 for David Forman with inferment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Farman, 48, died Tuesday, Dec. 11 at a local hospital. He i* survived by his wife, Bertha; two tons, Allan and Donald; a daughter, Marda; his mother, Mrs. A, Forman, and two sister*. Mr*. Harry Ferensleln and Mr*. Harry Colick.

Sol Berg Services were held Wednesday, Dec. 19 for Sol Berg-with inter* ment at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Mr. Berg died Tuesday, Dec. 18. He Is survived by hi* wife, Florence; a son, Franklin, a sister, Mrs. Eva Swartz, Los Angeles, Cal.; and two brother*, Ed Berg of Omaha and Abe Berg of Huron, S. D.

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Rabbi Held

Tel Aviv (WNS)-JewUh deportees from Egypt who arrived here recently from Rome by air reported that Chief Rabbi Halm Nahoum of Egypt was being held under hou« arrest and that he was neither permitted to leave his home nor attend synagogue services. The arm alt, a group of 34, said 58 Jews had been held in chains In a Cairo Mouuic for three weeks. ivhnn the Italian Consul arranged for their passage out of Egypt. In addition to this group, an Italian Monumenr Dedication tcamer arriving in Haifa brought 31 dcpoitpcs from Erypt and 97 The family of the late Morris refugees from Ilungnry. Mlttlcmnn will dedicate a monument in his memory at 31 n. m.. Sunday, Dec. 23 at .Mount Sinai Egypt Not to Permit Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner Washington 'JTA) — gyp will officiate and friends and rela- foreign Minister M.ihmoud Faw tives arc invited to attend the i indicated here that Egypt has memorial service. no intention of allowing Israel hips to pass through a reopened utz Canal. Addressing the NaRabbi Silver Feted ional Press CIub.-Mr. Fawzl said New York (JTA)—Dr . Abba he Israel shipping issue was not Hillel Silver called upon the Unit- a legitimate part of the Suez ed States government Monday Canal controversy but "part and night to take "forthright leader- pared of the whole Palestinian ship" In the United Nations, to question." He defended the use of achieve a permanent peace lettlo- edayeen murder gangs against Israel. „ ,n>*nt Jn, the Middle East,.

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Friday. Der«nb«r 21, 1IU0

Needlework Guild Contributions

Mrs. Dave Colin. chaiMiutM. Jewish Charities .Section of Hit1 Needlework (Juild Dine urvjes all thoi>c who have not as yet .sent In their contributions to do so immediately. _In addition to those women who contributed previously, the following contributions are reported: Mesdames Leo Abrumson, Milton Abrahams, Sam H. Binder, Harry Aaron Brodkey, Sam Can•r, Ben Chalt, Julius Chusanov, ' ' Abraham Diamond, Jacob Feldman, Irving VV. Forbes, Alfred Frank, David L. Fredrlcki, Sam E, GiUniky, Henry Leon Grecnbcrg, Elmer S. Gross, Bernard Hockenbcrg, Jacob Kaplan, Seymour KaU r Rode Konecky, Nathan Kort, David L. Krnntz, Moore Lasher, Louli E. Lipp, Darwin1 Marcus. Frank Marks, Sol Martin, Peter Meyers, Benjamin Mlroff, Alvin S Nogg, Donald Nogg. Mmct. Louis Papemy, Harry Puakowitz, Keith Peltz, Harold Po'llactt, Jack Raznlck, Joe Raznlck, Leo Roeenthai, Leon Schmldman, Meyer Schulman, Harry A. Smith, Louis Sokolof, Max A. Wauerman, Hymle V. Weiner, Leo Weltz, Joe White, Joe L. Zweiback and blisses Isabellc Gorber. Sara GlUnsky, and Susie Jacobs.

Miss S. P. Zalkin Engagement Told Mr. ani Mrs. Ell M. Zalkin announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sandra Pauline, to Edward Lee Belgrade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Belgrade. Miss Zalkin attended Ohio State University where the was affiliated with Delta Phi Epsllon, social corority. She Is now attending University of Omaha. Her fiance wns graduated from the Omaha U. Miss Zalkin I* the granddaughter of Mrs. Sam Katx of The couple plans an early spring wedding.

Organizations IMI" HADASSMI Tli« nvnl.ii inn Inij.; of the I'.iulntJis fiiid J'l'ofc.'isiun.'il Women of Iladassah will Ire lu'ld «l 7::!0 p in., Thursday, Dec- 27 at the Jewish Community Center. A motion picture "Two Came to Eut Sheba" depicting Youth Aliyah activities will bo shown. Mrs. Julia Jacobs will present a resume of the lato Henrietta Szold's work rehabilitating the youth of 72 countries. Plans for the annual B&P Iladassah Card Party and Bazaar (b be held January 30 at the Blackstone Hotel are being formulated. IIADAS8AI1 All members of Hadassah are invited to attend an open chapter board luncheon meeting at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, Dec. 26, at 12:30. MiM Sarah Glllnsky, who just returned from a trip to Europe and Israel, and Richard Frank, and Ramon Somberg, who visited Israel this summer, will talk informally on their impressions of the new country. All college students home on vacation are Invited to be guests at the luncheon and panel discussion. FIONEER WOMEN Pioneer Women'* Organization will hold its monthly Oneg Shabbat at 1:30 p. m., Saturday, Dec. 22 at the home of Mrs. Morris Sterenbcrg, 3005 Hamilton Street, A cultural an dmiuical program is planned for the afternoon. All members are invited to attend. Mrs. Milton Nenrcnbcrg Is cultural chairman.


Omaha Sketches Miiiiiy L. Sdnwirtz, dnector of Temple Israel Religious School, will attend (lie. annual convention of the National Association of Temple Educators which will be held In Chicago December 23 to 26.

Page Three

Sunday Radio "A (iifl to (lie Living" will he presented on the Ktcnuil Uijlit program over KFAB from 10:45 to 11:15 p. m. It Is the story of the work of a synagogue sisterhood which binds braille books and what this work means to the members and the sightless people who benefit from it.

Mrs. H. Kulakofsky Gets Aliyah Award Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky was honied Sunday night at the Paxton Hotel as Omaha Capter Hadassah's "Woman of Valor," She uas presentSd an Ima award by Mrs. Moses Epstein of New York City, national Hadassah board member. The Ima, which means "mother in Israel," was given Mrs. Kulakofftky for her work in behalf of Youth Aliyah, a branch of Hadajsah which brings refugee children from all parts of the world to Israel and cares for them. A proclamation p.-alsing Mrs, Kulnkofsky's efforts in communal work in Omaha was presented by Jack W. Marcr, president of the Federation for Jewish Service. Arthur Parsons, head of the Omaha Public Library, gave Mrs. Kulakofsky a resolution passed by the Omaha Public Library Board marking hei service on behalf of the library. Friends, children and grandchildren paraded post her in a "Tills Is Your Life" sketch. Marine Corps sergeant presented Mrs, Kulakofsky with a plaque bearing the inscription of Omaha Chapter Hndassab which was found during World War II on a wrecked jeep in the South Pacific. Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, donor chairman, was narrator. Mr.;.* Kulakofsky, a member of national Hadassuh's service committee and honorary president of the Omaha Chapter, has been a member of Hadasssh for 33 years.

Martin Well, Temple Youth Group president, will head a delegation of members who are going to attend the regional NIFTY Port Said Tragedy conclave in St. Louis, Mo., DecemLondon (WNS) - - Port Said's ber 27 to 29. Mr. Schwartz will Jewish population of 300 has been also attend. reduced to two frightened families who refused to leave the Eleven teenagers from youth Egyptian city until their men are clubs of Beth Israel Synagogue released from hostage, thus (jiving and their leader, Irving Stern, will Nasser the dubious1 distinction of leave Sunday morning. Dec. 23 to sharing the Hitlerite dream of attend a four-day Synagogue cities without Jews. Youth Organization Convention in Shortly before British and Minneapolis, Mfnn, French forces landed in Port Said, Delegates from the SYO Club Egyptian officials and secret poarei Paul Shyken, Jerry Stone, lice made secret visits to all JewKeva Shyken, Jack Lleb, Diane ish homes, taking one hostage Groner, Carol Gomberg, Madelyn from each family. According to Dolgoff, Harriet Schloff, and Mar- Rabbi Marcele Kaljfa, Jewish lenc Friedman. chaplain with the French forces, Delegates from Club Tovlm are: some 92 Jews were taken as hostSusan Ash and Marvin, Pollkov. ages in the pre-dawn raid and nothing has been heard from them. Miss Marlene Suartz, a fresh- 'Ninety-five Jews, men, women and man at the University of Alabama, children, were pluced aboard a arrived home Tuesday to spend French trnopshlp several days beher holiday vacation with her par- fore its departure because French ents. She is the daughter of Mr. army officers thought it safest to get them aboard as soon as posand Mrs. Robert Swartz. sible. Miss Barbara JoffC, a student at the University of Minnesota, will The four largest passenger linspend her holiday vacation with Natal, t h e capital of Rio her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max ers in the worid are the Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, United Grande se Norte, a state in Brazil Jolfc. is noted as one of the most imStates and Llberte. portant air centers in the world. MIBS Lora Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, will spend the holiday vacation here with her parents. She is a freshman at the University of RUG & UPHO'.STERY California, Berkeley.

NEDrt. l,ODflI3 The Nebraska Ixxlge No. 1445 of B'nal B'rlth will hold its bonrd meeting and the Bnal B'rlth Chapter No. 346 will hold Its regular meeting at 8:30 p. m. ThursMax Bear, son of Mr. and Mrs. day, Dec. 27 nt the South Omnhn Abe Bear, and his fiancee, Miss SynngORUc. Durham Cl|;clnlk will spend the holiday vacation here with parents. He Is n senior at Roosevelt College In Chicago, 111.

Home Nursing

Camp Jay Reunion At Center Dec. 23

A series of home nursing courses will be held beginning January 7 nt the Red Cross Chapter House, 39th and Dewey Streets. The scries Is being presented by the Douglas County Chapter in cooperation with the Jewish Community Center. Two Msslons will be held each month. There is no charge for instruction. A special course for expectant parents will also be available. For additional Information, call the Center Activities office. JA 1366 or the Red Cross office, AT 2723.

Camp Jny-C-C will hold its Winter Reunion at the Jewish Community : Center Sunday, Doc. 23 from 2 to 4:30 p. m. Cnmpcrs who have attended Camp Jay-C-C this past summer are Invited to attend the reunion. A special program has been planned and admission to the reunion is free. Staff members will be on hand to welcome the various cabin groups. Campers arc asked to bring their swim suits. Make your reservations by callIng the Camp Office at JA 1366.

The Sea of Galilee is also known • I the Sea of Tlberla*.

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JWV Auxiliary To Give Yule Gifts The Ladles Auriliary of Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War Veterans will again pass out Rifts to all of the patients nt the Omaha Veterans Hospital on Christmas Day. After the distribution of the gifts, the Auxiliary will be host to-the patients and their visitors at a coffee hour, according to the announcement by Mrs. Aaron Epstein, VAVS representative or the Auxiliary, who is in charge of the Christmas Day affair.


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d u b ; held'1-'17-



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F r i e n d ^ a n dichilivr^ a i e invited i.) a i i i ' i i d b o t h si'i-vici'.-i a n d t i n t l e e e p i i u m w h i c h will foll-nv.



h i d H I - h i ,ii s e r i e :




d by Su,;ui

S . i p l i i r , . - i t t i u t !•".

i-dl-l j S l i o l . i i , ' i;,.d-d. . I o n (>l,.in; A l . ' p h I . . w i t h ' . S l m l a i e ] - : . i t i . n - , l-."i|.|ii> U ' l i i l r o i i b ; j ' " ! Ali-ph i l r i l o n m . Si,-'. I : i . - 1 . ' ~ ; ; . n d:


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Splits u 11 :> "•'•


department. Teams entered in IIH t(Hirnnni"iit a n ' Snkol, South S i



.'.corili'.; v.ell, iMlble. te.nnui ; t t 1 A M \ t e i m l».-a-;ii-' v . i > f u j n K - d \ C [ S t e \ e C i l . s of Mirkliti at a meetin',' called hy c h a d i . r,oi \s>)ik ioi 1 Urr--U'.lc (if I I I " C i t y

Bar Mifzvah

Their New Officers

i-eally mjoyed this Bime, A cull for Jewish Citriimnniiy j :n,m and Sln^kv c-ini'-i.l the C e n t e r V a r s i t y vulh-ili.-ill ti,-. 1 for went uiit last week m preparation I Kind for rl.-iyhnd .is fur the CIS.« I! City Vo!h->ball :..[•., •^ \ionni.-i with (J e a c h .


r. B.B. Bowling

Su/1 Sfgllri w a i high in t h e Robert David Singer, son of Mr. J u n i o r 1VIV*\ B'tivh liowiing •llllj M i l . ijMlU SilllJI'l', Will o l l !.e;r,jiii> v^itti h e r 285 s e r i e i ill List f.ast the j i ' j - v c I I M I ! a rM i t z v u l i F r i d a y c v e Sun'1'iv'.-i roinn.'liliun a t the Music it M iiinif. !>•'<-. L'l a n d S a t u r d a y i i i ' i i n liwlhi-., ,1ml fl|e ||; J of 118 and p r o a n d CUM d i . e u . ^ i i m s nir t h i i - e l '^- ^ " "

i-t. The ciowd of .il*>ut 40 specta-

L C d l J U t ' tN l » ' pi:i}!'<i i t Iln.' ('-•Mt'-T | , Moclda\ nights tn'Muniii^ Jivii-

Frfaiajr, tltcrmtxr Si, 1M4


Y.C. ClubS Elect

Center Sports By J i m K a r l M t . c h




l - ' l i - u d s a n d n l i t i u ' - i ; i | . ' in-- H---1

OTlll;!! HKillS





' " ' I ' • " . ' • • i rr iu trraalt.f' [f rr oumm tH i ni t- ', • . , . „ • • , , f o , - Mir-kA l i . - k - {' II'.looin '.l u. '. IJud.h M u n i s J M l - I T J • L'li:! • The J . u Irani will U> tin? <f.'- | f 1-l-in 1;'.:".-I21 ••.'.',(; l i n - P . l K r o ; i s ( • • l l i n - n l n t l i o i 'HI Hi" I A 7. A, .'.'). 1 offic-i e: Aleph ; fendine; champi""* ;K ih<*y only | achaiit 1.T1-11"» 'Jl« 1 r. !••<!. C n i i o l . A l S i . •[,•(; t;ill nirin It'll h i m 1111 A l . - i . l i S 1 ,'. i n , l»»*l two tjami'S l;>st Vi'ir with T.unolf 117-1 Hi- 'j:vi Zuclvuirt \v;is hl-'.h in in u i l h l»i H . i i o l . l K n i i n . i n ; A l - . Ma/I;ir. ; l:"iini Bud BflH-r, Klliul llnm-n. IXm Ilaiiincr: Al-ph Su|ihii s. i I'Vani-ic Coopei 111:111 IL'J-IHI 2','.'. for the Stein, Slicitn PosU-i. Al Aliraham: (J1 J 117-11-1 •.'-'.') If A W'oll Ifu- b ' - , i ! I ' I I ' ^ i d i - i - ' >' f - K ' l ' d i n . u i - i n d i J i - i i n i s . S h u l - M i r \ i n I ' o l i k ' $on ami Jerry Cohen.


1l'-:il i n ' t b - o t h r , — A "

Call Jim Kathatsdi, at th<" Cen-. J e f f WohliHi I...I i h " \ i c ter, JA ]36B, ext 2I>. for tryjuts. )•" ' . tory with -M jioini i iluou.:ii cf-


A l . ' p h S h o t . i i v <;.>dol. Sti-%,- ' / I V i r i l l ( ; n - . - n . t . . a . I ; A l e p h S h o l t . - i r e K o t o n e , j H a r r y K r i c - f . - l . l . . . 127-1H1 I ' . n h a c k : a n d A l e p h K . . h - i S b a i . i n .Mill.-i10S-HH',


,fe.-tiv,' p;.vjim; v i , S h r i i T . .Mulniclt I " " " ( ' " " 1 " 1 ' W U n d IStodii. M i U e K.-iil..M;y i - a n i ! ' . | " ' " ' ' " " I ' K ' i '

y. v. R.tsKKTnAi.i.


"' " ' ' ' ' " ' k ' " H U M lViith

iMai.In O n c.ii U \ I.I.I i v Kill;..

•: pit-sidi'lil. J o in .Mai \ ; \ i Rsyim vipset the Un ifilli.itos | t h e l o a d f o r lh.< l - i - . - n a s I . i b ^ r p i c ^ i d r n t , l.''iii \\'iiH-; rt'coi din:; lnjt wci'k In the giuii? of pr?-sr;ison baskethnll in th«> Youth J u s t i n M i t l n i d ; h ' - l p i - d I h i ' vvtnuiii'.; id'tri-lai-y, Alice K m / ; coi i i v p o n d in1.^ sf'i.i t't.ti y. l-'lop'nn 1 S l u a ^ o ; Council "A" BasUcthall Li-aijup. j e f f o r t a s h1-' I f i l l c i l , ' r o i n I h ' s i d - ' Ii'.'asuicr, IJo^.iniii' -Sip.iiin; i . ' The final score was Xt-M IH an p u - i y t i m e t i c l-'iiI'Ti'ti' c-inii-n. p o r t . ' r , .loiint' I-'i i.'dmau; liisloiiau. out-mannrd Itaylin tcuii fuiijht t(i t r a t i *~* - di iril on W I I' uoilni li il i .' '! r ., ..Mnlnii-1; MFIIM|TJ\ •» | i r | • v j , . __ a victory. The Unafilliatcs. wilh , , . , , , ,- , , I Mvi-a ( o i n ; Y. ( . i-e.-prcscnlat vi10 and Sa.|,ifs!;y was hr-h for , . - . . , . , . . . . ' , , ' , . , . . . . . ..... »harp-sh(H)lcrs Larry H <• v m ,T II, C i r o l e Combers ,in.l Kbine Selo, I-'iifiidi' with Hi. Don Goldsldii nnd Ciiiick I'.r.iU and B.IJ.Y.C. re-ipre n l i i t l \ e This wfck':; sell.-dull' s t i l l s wilh WPIP hald pressed |,t i;.-t away Mtv/.y and Annie their favorite set and jump shots Cowboy|iioi-s a n d All Mak.-J at Wi'intiaiib. \:V\ p . m., follimcrl hy I'l.iyluid BRiiinst a well-CM'fiam/eil di-fen^i'. Ueanor,e\ell Chapter B.1 Boh Olv>imin was lii^-h point man P a r k a n d N " b r a s k a Kurnituii at H. (1. nnlued: jne-iident, M^addi with Hi points for th.» winnoiK ai 'J:15 p. in. T h e last "H M L;.-tuH' is Miroff. vice-president, Berdine Rayim worked well with tln-ir Ix'tw-pi'it f-Go V m tiud Itichinaiipoit man fiordinnn lit 3 p . m . 1

Jeff Swailz hroiiiilit the l.'nafil-' In the "A" dKM.ui, Fireside li«tc< into the I1.1II-uunie liurlnK meets fierellck at .'!:I5 p. m. with the second quarter a« lie .stole the the last L-nnie Ix'twc'ii Micltlinbsll and hn club siorcil siv quiflc I'.usro and H. A. Wolf, Inc., at points to close an i'i;',ht ixiiut niir- l.'M p. in. This will b" the last e in pi.'-s",T,on pl'ty f. 11' the Rin at the close of the first half. But ftivini played a sciappy t;iinu? "A" division, but Hu* "IV league «iilh I.any Zacharia. I.iiry Kohn, has two more w v k s of pi e-li'.i^ue ;ali!''S. nnd IVuc Wintroub d.-spiti- t!v fnct t h a t l.-irry Il.'iinaii a n d .It-r- « . V M N A S T K : S <:i..\SS r j S h i ' i ' i i i n uot H i - in 1 i n i t \ - of D a n Ko;;el. C n l w c i i y of N e th» rebounds. ibi.isjia (;\;nn.istit's li'tli'inian, t>ef 11 tin" second S.IIII... AZA l ' r t ^ a n i n s l r u c l i n s : class in fiymnasOt.-i[i.iv\ -led AZA 1 to Ilk' tuni- of j lies f o r Y o u t h Council hoys l a s t 47- >1 a-, p u ' i y IIKIII but o n e f o r j M o n d a y a t thi* Ji-ivi-,h C o i u n i i m i t y A7.\ Hi') - o t in Hi." :,'orin,,' i-ol-| CVntei- w o i k o u t m-im. M r . Ko;;el limn, Jlu;h m a n w.i-v i'1'1 I p-ili-in \ poinl. d o u l I b " \'uioii-! types of v.ith 2 - points s'-oi.-.i wilii 311 IM-'I- : itiipaiatus a n d d'-mon S t a l e d s o m e Si HI f n . m a |.-ft b i n d ;\ jump slml .of t b " fvi-lri-i'S for each. tit tb.-' sid. 1 liu"-; for at I c i - t f j \ e I 7 .ei;i>lration for i h " cl,i;s is n o t \ b a s k e t s . AZA 1, l"d by Will ['lot- ! closed a m i t h e i u " ; t in-cliii;; is I kin a n d Al K r i / " h n n n . W'-re b a n - i schcdulf-d for \V'i'dne^'I.iy, J a n . 2 ilicnp/K-d by lack of all a r o u n d J a t ,T:-'!0 p. in. I'.ei-.Utration m a y he p l i y e r bi"i;;iit ,-is iitdieal.-d h v t h e j mad.- a ! t h e H e a l t h a n d Pliyjical • relwiind t'hnrl. J K d u c a t i o n office a t Hi" C e n t e r . K o i w n r d s Mil;.- isl-iii a n d S t u K i i t l e r h'-l[ K -d t a k e th-- load off j V. C. " I l " M-:.A«iI'K Kpstein a n d p r e s e n t a diversified j AZA I0OH r a n m e r AZA I I I lo offense h y s c o r i n g 2 0 t u i u t s b e - t h e score uf .Vi-21 in ' I ' l i c d a y ' , ; at t h e J e w h h C o i n m u n i t y tvvef-n Itiem. (,'>ul. Hill K;)l/iu:in w a s This w a s tht.- la >l pre-season Cfl\lcr KauiL-, a n d nevl week, Itayiin hiKh point m a n wilh I .'I p o i n t ; for t h e wimtei.s, but a diversified a t nu'.-ls AZA .100 in t h e opener a t Fo^el, S t a n 7 p. m . and t h e Moiiier C h a p t e r tack wilh S t u a r t ti'tki-s on t h e I'nafilli-jles a t 'H j Greenfield, a n d Joel Paw-i kept p. in. ! t h e losers off b-ilant-e, I AZA I I ! bail four 111-n in t h e MIIKiliT l U s K C T I i . M X j s t o r i n g column with Harold K'aiTli/- r ' c o n d wcel: of Midget H a s - j m a n leadim; t h e p i c k . H e scored k e t h i l l a» the J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y {s"1. en w i t h t h " beljt :,{ some K'>od C e n t e r g y m n a s i u m indicated t h a t j pa.-vi/ij; by Mike M-u k o \ i l / , N o r m ROUI" eh »n^e:s musf be made in or- ' f - a r r o p a n d l-^nil Hloi-k. It \'.,is t h e d e r to e c u out i h e coni[i"tilion. ! third i | u n t i - r l i n t h u r t AZA II!. " A " League ch'UU.M's a r e conipk'X \ '\ hey w e r e oiitscoii-d lti-2, a n d h-'caust' of t h e wide r , i u ; e of s i / e 'could not overcom? Hie 27-H lead a n d ability n,,. sew-nth i •-- • —

and eighth ,;n«i"'-

J Eagles'Project

J Cowboy U ' I U O I S cam-' t h r o u g h • with their fust -.i./toiy over ; T h e K:II:!'-N, a hoys clulj spoiiI-Go Van in a c l o e one 13-17. I-(;o sor"d by t h e Jev.i,h C o m m u n i t y . k'll d u r i n g t h e fu .1 half hut iCenlei- h-c.e decided to eonslrucl i coul.In'i .suppress d i . t e a m v . o i k i a panor.una model of ( " i m p J a y nnd hall h.'indlin:! of K.uin, Saicof- !C-C u n d e r Hie supervision of lioh sUy ;ind Schneider of thri Cow- ; Meyer-, club lender. hoys. Stiller a n d Cohen led the. i In addition, lo t h i ; piojert t h e fii;ht a ^ i i n s t t h e wirtnei s wilh 1 2 | " i o u p Is also planning a trip-out iKMween t h e m . Cohen of I-Go tiedi.-ind a p a r t y . T h e club m e e t s 011 S-uiofsk} of Cowl>oys for seurim; ' a l t e r n a t e Friday nft.-inoons in t h e itonors w i t h 7. jliomes of t h e im-mb"r.-;. N e b r a s k a I-'urnilure juiufied into ; — —-— — flu e a r l y lead and m a i n t a i n e d it 1i> heat All M a k e s T y p e w r i t e r Co.. 17-10 in the second name. 5ianford nnd C i u s h u r i ; k-.imed up to score nlT1,1'i.l"jr»*>nl:i-'ifiV ' 3 '

Want Ads

nil hut two of Nebraska I-'urnl- |a,'f'r"!"t ',*,"„" *'„'.""' ''',",'"

furc's points, nnd Hill Kutler w<is s the 01 esth nveniieiium.




tlit; poncr for all Makes receivim; j jT^ , " j excelle,it cfK.per.-ilion from Kavich, 1BAp d ^ " „ ! „ , „ " ' con-raltr Spitzer, and Gould for the loses. ^ . ^ fl,so f()f n l , J( . v , ish ' | i g ] j The third game was Citivmely days nnd specnl occasions, flose as Ilicliman-Gordman edged Meyers News Stand. 1S02 Dodfje Flayland Park 1«-M In the final »econtls. PJayland led thi'nii<;lioiit NUIISIN'O in your home for bedpiorj( of (he game, then lost their ridden or convalescent putienU. lead .in" the last (jnarjer as Orkovv Day or nii'ht duty. Mr*. IJ.'lty scored twb free throws to tie nnd Uirsch, G12 N. 47th M. Call Of-

Schneidermade the winnins Imck-





c E N T E R

1 0 1 - 1 0 1 1>H

ley .Sbiff. iz.: Our Advertwu.

YOUTH Lounge M., T., W.. Th., F. 3-5:30, 7-9:30 P.M. Swimming Week Days 3:30-1:15 P.M. Handball Classes Thursday, 3:15 P.M. Season Sports Basketball, M., T., W. Wrestlinu, Tliurs., Frl. Gymnastics, 3:30 P.M. Leadership Training Program—Si.50 7:30 P.M. — 8 Weeks Tuesday Nights

Pre-School—M.W.F 9-11:.'!() A.M. Bowling—Sunday

J 2::!()-1:30 K M .

Youth Council 3:00 P.M. Daily PilIK Pong Chess—CliceUers Game Room

Sunday Funday — Sunday

Sp&ed Beading 10 Wks., $3..r)0. 3:30 P.M. Charm Course Wi?d. 3:30 P.M. SG—GU'eeks


J.V.C Bowling Sunday-—12:30 P.M. Boy Scout Swimming Sunday - - 0:30 P.M.

Vocational Speaking 8 Speakers — H Weeks Individual Collego Guidance Advisors' Clinics Monthly Meetings For Club Leaders Special Service Monthly Counsel Calendar Y. C. Press

Girl Scout Swimming Wed.-TJiurs.—0:30 P.M. Library Daily O:00-r>:f)0 P.M.

Clubs Sunday 2-1:30 P.M. Stamp Club Sunday 3::>,() P.M. Eagles: Boys' Club (11-12) Boys and Girls Winter Vacation Program Twice Weekly, 2-1 P.M.

t.> a t l < ' l n l '•••ption

I h . ' .--i-iAiiv





I , ' -


Jay Girls Dramatic Club Is Formed A ' 1 I ; U M : J I H : c h i b f o r s;u'l* b * twi'i'ii n i n e a n d 11 y c a l . i - o f . a : ; » is h r i i i " f o i m c l a t t i n ' C n i i i p i i i n i l y C c i i l - ' i . Cbi-^si's .ui-1 llli-.-liir:s will b f lii-ld Hlliid l y afi,.ino<iiH f r o m l o u r l o fivif-thirly i'i-lo!-k. T i n ; f i n a l u i i v l i i i ' ; o f tli'» <-'Iuh w i l l f e a t u r e a d r a m a t i c . («-.'.-.eiilnlioii a n d a c a s t fp i n l y . T b . »


will b " led by Misses I'.n.lmi Andy J e a n Gross, nn

' l ' l a i u i n " Cl'tss. I-'t>r fiullier Infoim.lion. lire-tentative, ISeidine G 11 and 1 t b " Activilles Office a t JA-l'!'i'i. J u d y K n t b - r ; an-1 Cbaiilain, S h i r - ;


Girls' Dramatic Group Sundays, '1 P.M.


Zweiback. finillci-il secretary. Miiiain K;it/; hisioii.-ui, I'c;^:)1 I l n b i n , t e i n - , v c p , . i t " i , K<l.-n C D I I I I ; li.H.Y.C. r e p i e , i ' i i l ilive. l o n a K a r l and Main.'.-M K p s t e i n ; Y.C, i e .




(iicen; reconlin^ >ecrelary, I.ynn .Sinjjer; C M r . ' s i n i i d i i i ^ si-cietaiy. Judy Ki-eed; tn-aMiier. Maxini-


2-1:30 P.M. Ails-Crafts Dancing Glee Club Athletics Movies Dramatics Holiiiay Programs Special Pros rams

M a j o r a n d M l : , . l i o : ; i - r I-'. )',!•.>..'II i n i l - . i i u c i ' t h e i ; ii M i U v . i h o f t h e i r vili, I l - n l y . will b e o b - e r V e d S i t u i d i v i n ' u n i n e , I l e e '.VI ,it I'.-'lii i ' l Syn;i.:<i ; u e .

The planet Mars U m o i e n - ' n l l i k . ' J-Zii-lli t h i n m yof t b - o ' b plinels.

ADULTS CLASSES: Aiinnicatilzatiott, M., W.' 9::5O-ll::iO A.M. Latin-American Danco Wednosday, 7:15 V.n. Art—7 P.M. Mondays Oil, Watoi- Color Ci'raniics (Fii'sinn^rs) First Aid Bridgo (To Ho Aiitioimccdl Swimming Ladies, M., F., I0:(X) A.M. B&r, 5:15 P.M. M., T., W., T., I''. Adults Co. Ed., T. and Tit. 7:30-9:30 I».M. RHC. Swim, T. & Thitvs. 8:30-9:30 P.M. College, T., & Th., 1:30 Figure Aids 9:00 A.M., T. & Thurs. Health Club(Men) Daily, 9:00 A.M. Basketball (Men) Tues., 7:30 P.M. Volleyball M.; W., Fri., 1L':3OP.M. Wednesday, 5:30 P.M. Yiddish Cultural Group Mon I lily Foreign Film Scries Monthly P-TA Pro-School Parents—Monthly • Golden Age Club Monthly Omaha Camera Club 1st Tins. Mo., 8:00 P.M.

Classes Throughout Yeor Parlimentary Procedure Office Machines Projector, Etc.

Acquariutn Society 1st Tues. Mo., 7:30 P.M.

LIBRARY—Open Daily

Clayramics Club 2d Fi-l. Mo., 1-.00 P.M.


Baby Sitting Courso Mon., 4:15 P.M.

Chess Club Mon., 7:30 P.M.

Library Open M., T., W., Th., F. [

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