Pace TbtM
Second OlM> Mltllln( Prirtlrgta Authorized ftt Omaha NeUr
KXKV— No. 12
<>a 28,
get by Fed. Iloord
Ben Ou.ilon to Speah on Telecast _ (Jmuliii Hill In- line nf Ih,- ?.H cuiiiiniuiltfi', In tin- nation In i.™ and ln-iir U w l I'rlnii1 .Minister Iluvlil ISen <;»r!i,>i un « rli.siil TV llfiult nl K |i. in., Tli.-silav, -Jim. I."., muli-r (lie m i l l e r s ill Hie 1'nllHl Jcivlsh Ajipi-ul. Loading Inrm-li Irnth-nt ami na(toii:il I'.JA figures us vvell HI (ihtitlKllbliiil quests will t:il;r part III till* pru^ntiu. Him dips nf .)i;ut>li rcfii(;i'cf* un lln- niuvo (r,»m nu/i[,'ury. I'-K.vpl »«'l l-'i-iti-m Kun>iH> ht'llftf cared for liy I'.J.t n^ncli-t vilJl lie *1H»VWI.
The i-\tr,vi!i!tn:iry iwprrimcnt <i( presenting a national IMA tclevislun I'linfrrfiK-i- i« a fir*l f'lr tli<i IMA. Tlir program will originate In .New V«rli J'llv. it Hill Inllliiti- a fiiiirentratril cffnrt (<i r..Kc :, 100 million lUner^t'tiey Kr*<'»e Fuml over iinil above 19.»7 IH-P<K—to trulls* fiorl ami re^Hll*1 a t least 100,000 Jewish men, ivdmt-n mid rlillilri-ii In danger In '''BM't, Hungary anil "rlnn-il dour" I'uiuilrlci of l:iirii|ic, North Africa mul (!»• .MMilli> Kutt. Tim Trlrvltlnn Ilroadrunt <'"innilltre for Omaha Includes: Untty Tru*tln, Chairman, Milton Abraham*, IJuvM Blacker, Mrw. Mlk« rreenuui, Arthur (iolil'jtpln, Mri. J, Hflrry Kulaliofwliy ami F.rnrvt A. Nogp.
-iii-« l'ubUshod eterj Brlaay, 101 W. SOtit Annual Kate 4 D«UMV 1U..8 ommb*. Ketniuu. Vbone 1& lMt. Sftijle Copy 1* Onto
OVKIISKAS A.VJIISlt.\l:r, American I'nnd for Israel ImfitiifIon* ? 885.00— Vuiitli All.val 10,400.00 llelnelv 1,'nlvi'rslly and Tcellnlon A|i|l('iil . , , 3,500.00 Nulldiliil Committee fur Ijilmr Israel 2,'USM National ('(iimell of ,IrnMi Women ,........,.,. 1,380.00 I'loiieer Wonlen'n Orpini/atloi 1,330.00 lliltod Illas Senlif ., 1,160.0(1 l u l l ed Jen iih Appeal
I'nlled Jewish Appeal i:mer);eury F u n d
Total , 317,330.00 C'OMMIJNITir Ki:i..\TIONS Amerlean JcwKM Coiierejij > ,, SOO-00 •)• nl»h J.n!<nr Cummltteo ..,..,..,... 1,105.00 Jfivhli U ' n r Veteran* 235.00 Joint DrfeiH-A|ijM-nl ,..,..,,,. 9,735.00 JVailiuinl C'oniiiiunliy ItelatlutiK A J v h o r y Council . . . . . . . 280.00
Total , 11,815.00 H E A L T H A N D IVIXI'AIIE Ainorifan Medical Center, Denver « • , • • • » • « • , • * * • * • • « • « 6AS.00 Clly of Kii|H>, I.ui Angetea ,..,.........,,. ttO.OO Hx-I'iitlmt, TnUcrriilar Home, Denver • • • - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 f^-o N . I-eil Memorial Iloapltal, H o t Sprlngi 720,00 Nnt'l llomn for J r n l i l i A t t l u n a t l c Children, Denver . . . . . 100.00 Natlniml J c n i i l i l!oi)iltnl, Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,110,00 Tlie Solczcm were brought to Tli» ( Jewish Humjarlnn Natloasl .JoivWIi Ilo,|,ltnl Dulldlne F u n d 1,800.00 refugee family hu.i been wel- the United States by the United comed here aflor successfully Hebrew Immigration Aid Society. Total 5,103.00 completing tliolr cheapo from the On their arrival here, they wore N A T I O N A L SKltVICK S m i e l tciTor In their homeland. met by loaders of communitl orAmerican Association for Jotvlsli Kducfttlon . . . . . . . » • • • » 455.00 jinnizntlons. On hand were: Dr. i l T n i a n Sale/or, a chemical en- Abo Creenl'erj;, vice-president of (oinirll of Jewish IVdrrallorn and Welfare Fund* . . . . . . . 3,343.00 gineer, arrived In Omah.i last the Federation for Jewish .ServNational Jcirlsli Welfare F u n d 4,425.00 Thursday evening with hi* wlf« ice; Ijiui.t Km/, chairman "f Hw •Sjiiiic'Kiie Counrll of America 43.00 Mii!-<l.i ami son Peter. Keileratloil'n Family Service ComTotal 8,200.00 Mr. .Halc/pr, who directed the mittee; I'aui Veret, Federation "I'L'uplffs ItobW Itndlo" diirlni; tlie Kxeeutive Director; Sol Coldfurb, VUf.TVKAh American ZlonUt i'tind 220.00 first V.ITIIH of the freedom uprls- Direclni- (if tiie family Service IS'iuil Il'rllli Voulli Servicrv Appeal 4,203.00 lnu. li;i<i ii price of 10 thoiiv-'iul IJepai-tninnt: Mrs. Lloyd FriedDrnjnle College 00.00 dollars placed on hi? head liy the man, president of the Omalw IlhtmlruUi Ivrltit 00.00 piipiwi ;;ui.>'rniiu-nt of Jlun.i.iry, Section, National Council-of JowJfWWl Krallle lliHlltoln i 100.00 With bit family, lie escaped No- i^-li Women: Mrs. i'idu'/ini I^evinJeuMi Clmulainma Suclety Winter 12 by slipping arros; the a member of (lie national frc'ilom frontier into Austria. I ho/ml of the United MAS; mid Total 4,HKO.OU .Take Wine, n member of An active woilter In the Zion- Mrs. 1 KI'.I.K.lDl'M I'.i iDuvcmi'iil, Mr. K a U v r licljwil tin Family .Service Committee l i e t h J a e o l i , . S r l m o k N . i f l Colinell, N'eiv Vnrll , nearly !0,0<i0 Jinri (<j c c a j w to and President of th<- liilcnr ChoiH e b r e w TlieoloRlruI C o l l e g e , (']ilfn|;i Od'.'i.OO, tln< I.'iiitfil .States and nth- inl .Society. J I M V M I T h ( (ildnlcal S e m i n a r y , N n v Vi, r U 1,330.00 or r"!intrk'v; of the free world. Mexlfin T l f o r e t h J e r u s a l e m , N e w Vork fiO.OO The money you contribute to l i e v/as sentenced 1o Kerve n len* the Jewish Philanthropies CamSHrrer Y c i h l v u h C e n t r a l I n s t i t u t e , N e w Vorlt 43.00 year prison term for thin activity palirn helps [;lve the Salczers and Mfzrarlil l a l u e a l l n n & Kxpan-ilon F u n d x , N e w Vurk 110.00 lint was released after three yenrs many thoiwimlx HUe them who lUtihliiti-al ('(.liege of T e l i h e , C l e v e l a n d 110.01) liecftiKe lii^ shilli were needed by are fortunate* pitouifli to escape Kaliljlnlral .Seminary o f A m e r i c a , iVciv I'orlt 00.00 tin1 puppet covermnent. To rail t'ltlChorull, N e i v Vork 23.00 Soviet oppression a new lease on After lioins freed, Mr. Salezer ll(e In la'inh wliieh hold freedom I'nlon o f A m e r l c n n Hnlirmv C o n s r e R a t l o n s , N e w V o r k . . . 1,330.00 cj'.ain enj;ni'e<l in ilk*K»l emigra- to l>e man's fundamental U n i t e d I.ulmvlohor Yeslilvolli, N e w York 173.00 Ye«lilrali C l i i i t e l l C l m l m o f Itadnn, N e i v f o r k , 00.00 tion actlvillrH )iel[iinii more Jews to esea|>e the Red terror and was V e i l d v a l i U n i v e r s i t y , N m v York >. 605.00 Benin imprisoned. He was freed Yeshlvath Cliaehmey I.olilln, Detroit • 00.00 & ChnrltaMo Jnstltiitlorn In Israel 2,870.00 !u;nin niul became active In the Hungarian liberation movement. Total '• 7,780.00 Mr. Snlczer Hupei*\'ised resistDr. OtW Nathnn, noted eco- OMAHA ance in an urea about 40 miles Ileth F.I Itrlli;liiu» Scliooli Bubmntlon 10,162.74 from I!«<la[K.'lt, where thn {rce- nomic analyst, will be the next Ileth i;i Itellclou* Hrliooli Staff Itccruitmeat . . . . . . . . . . . 203.71 IJOIH fiiihters tried to halt the speaker ot tha Sunday Jewish Jloth Israel Kell^'mia Sclioola Subvention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,470.98 movement of ituMian troop.t Tlic Cultural Series sponsored by the Tnnplo HTMI HellRlmu Hrliool« Subvention . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.SS9.S0 Snlc/er home in Stulilwoisson- Jewish Community Center nnd Tnniple Israel ItcUglous Scliool. Staff Recruitment . . . . . . 419.52 Ijnr); l>ecanie an nrmory Jor arms IJ'nal B'rlth lodges and cliapten. Slutaro Zlim I!ellf;loiM School Subvention 550.00 one) ammunition. lie estimated The program will ba held at Jcivhli Education IlureaU ti Library 4,500.00 thp ItiiHslnns had 50 army divi- 8 p. m., Sunday, Jtimmry 13 in Jewish M u n i t i o n Survey 308.20 sion* In Hunfjary to put down Ihe the Center auditorium. Dr. Abo people's revolt. Gi'ecnberE, program chairman an- Pr. rhiilp Slier Homo for Aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / • . . . M.IOO.OO Cnmii JT»y-t)-C 4,000.00 nounced. 10,000.00 Dr. Nathan was economic ad- Jon lih C'onmiunlty Center IKK AM) Np:IIICU Jowltli I'rest 9,685.00 visor to President Hoover'* E'»erUmdon, (JTAl—President Els- Kency Committee on l&nploynicnt, Mllcvah t.000.00 enltowcr anil India'u Trime Minis- to tho President Franklin D. 3f»xUh Family Service « Medical B o a r / 11,850.00 ter Jnwnharlal Nehru have worked Iloosevelt'g Council of National .Special Itcpalr* Si Itnnov»Unn» 8,000.00 : out a "New Ueal" for the Middle Defense. He has also lx>en chief Arnird Service* Artlvltie* & Women'* Federation . . . . . . . 1,000.00
Economic Analyst Speak Here
East, the Sunday Express reported Sunday. The "New Deal" reportedly Involves these threo points: 1. A Clear statement sulKcrihed to by the United Stntes, Britlan nnd India, clarlfyint: Israel's status, thus "ending tlw mnln cause of friction in die Middle East"; 2. International control of the ."Juez Canal under the United Nations; 8. Sharing of oil revenues so as to Improve tlis standard of living of AMIM, particularly In the
poorer Arab states.
Center Display The Jewish Community Center along witli other agencies ijelonKing to the Omaha Adult Education Council will have » dliplny In Brandeb Store window | n JanUary 4<"crlblnK Its service! to •adulU.
economic analyst to the V. 3. Total Treasury Department and consultant on economic literature to MISCKIXANKODS the Library of Congress. Administration & Collections Campaign Erp«n*e» Educated in Germany, England and BelRlum. lie has worked with Contingencies & Shrinkage International banks on delegations Overall Total to the I-eaKUO ot Nations, International Labor Office, the World Economic Conference and other internal economic convention!). Federation Annual Ho has taught at Princeton, Columbia, Vnssar, New York and Meeting Set Harvard Universities. He Is the author of "Tlic Nazi The Annual Meeting of tin Economic System and Nazi Bank- Federation for Jewish Service InK Finance" and articles and re- will be held Sunday evening, vlows In French, Gentian, English, Jan. 20, at the Jewish Commuand American Journals. nity Center, Jack W. Marer, Season tickets for jeries can be Federation p r e s i d e n t anobtained at'the Center or from nounced. '••••> ; • members of the B'nal B'rlth comOrganization! ma r mlttw. Seajonuickttt are $1.50 •nd fourprogftmi n>mW'ih the tokeep that ier!e#. ' - - ' '• ! " ; "" • •
118,600.43 20,000.00 5,000.00 • 10,289.03 »50J.340.08
AIIAB.1 rl.ANNKl) Paris (WNS)^Piemier Guy Mollet, defending lil» government'* foreign policy In general and the Anglo-French intervention In Egypt, told the French National Assembly that, by attacking first, Israel had broken the general Arab assault that was belnc prepared ai;aln«t her. If none of tha three nations hnd acted but had \yslted instead for the'UN to intervene "we'would havewfpf oyor a destroyed a*' we ' Weep, ppwcrlesj, " martyred .Hungary."" .'•
Tho Jewisli Philanthropic* Budget of $504,340 for the pariod of July 1, 1956, to June 30, 1057, was approved by tha Erccutivc Committee of tha Federation for Jowish Sorvico at ft meeting- held Sunday morning, Jack W, Marer, Federation president, announced this week, The budget was adopted, Mr. • Marer explained, after a close e»ainlnatlon of local, nullonal, over* seas nnd Israel needs. (A complete list yf agencies and institutions Is shown at the left.) 1h* budget was submitted by Calvta) M, Newman, VIce-clialrman of the Budget Committee, In tha ab» gence of Nathan L. Nogg, Budget Committee c" ' The work of the Budget Committee, Mr. Newman explained, was divided among seven eoffl.mUtoeJ, each of which studied • specific field or operation ot agoncles aupported by the Philanthroplea Drive. Foity%x mtm-' ber« served on the various subcommittees, Including representation from the women's group nnd young adults. Ten meeting* were held by the sub-commlttcei nnd the general committee. "This year's experiment ha* evoked considerable satisfaction and pitilse," Mr. Newman said. "Its immediate effect was that more people knew mote about the agencies we support, and about the difficult problems Involved in the allocation of availMile funds." tie thanked the chalPmen ami members of the varloul sub-commlltees for their earnestness in discharging their tasks. Nathan 7... Nogg is chairman of Ihe Htidget Committee and Calvin M. Neivmmi Is co-chairman. Members ot Vte sub-cotnmUlcol are: Abo H. Brodkey, (chairman of Overseas Unit), Isadora Chapman, J. Harry Kulakofuky, Sant N. Wolf, Mrs. Morris Grossman and Barton Greenlierg. Arthur II. Goldstein, (chairman of Community Relations), MUto* Abrahams, Itabbl Sidney Brook*, Hobert H. Koopor, Mr«. Henry A. Newman nnd David nice. Dr. Mnurico SlelnVjerg, (chahv mnn of Health nnd Welfare), Dh Jerome Blelchcr, Dh Milton SI* mons, Harry Trustln, Mrs. Aaron Rips and Dan Katzman. Ben E. Kaslow, (chairman ot National Service), Howard Kap» Ian, Joe M. Ilica, Mrs. Mike Freeman and Arthur Kulakofsky. Mike Freeman, (chairman of Cultural), Rabbi Myer S. Kriplte, Harry Sidman, Mrs, J. Harry Kulakofsky and Warner Frohman. Sam A- Ulce, (clmlvman ot Religious), Rabbi Benjamin Gronoiy Morton Richards, Mrs. Edwin & Brodkoy and Ray Simon. Dr. A1» Groenberg, (chairman of Ix>cal Unit), Hyman Ferer, S. Elmer Gross, Alfred S. Mayer, Ernest A. Nogg, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey and James Llpscy. Jack W. Marer, Federation President, Paul Verct, FederaUon . Executive Director, anft Mayor John Rosenblatt, 1956-5T Philanthropies Campaign Chairman are ex-officlo members.
Early Deadline The deadline for next week has been advanced to noon Monday due to the New Year ^olidny', PuWlcl'ty. ttyatonan.iwr ] aidtf d to seiid tliei,r, relc'ssel la pearly.' . ' . . . ' / '.
rig* tm
Friday, December 28, 1936
Religious News Cumllf li R litlli K i n p. in.
PUbltebed t v r r y trtUa} 0} Hit HUeralluu cil Jcivuli Service S«CVDL inn.... I'rlni
^ J u f t t i l u l l l j i , . r ' l l v l i L , ^ A u l n u n - Z L i <il u . n a l i f a autJWJiPtHin JIIX A c j M l l l I I < ' l l l i l l A T [>HCI>1 >Ull i U l T l c e 1U M ) * l re 1 1 O i t u - i n l A c K n n l a i I • w 4diiriii "•(> . ' I c ' ><•'
• •• -
You and Me
'i ii i)
Series to Be Given
FOOD FOR THOUGHT The "Club ami SiMeihood for three lecrcieUtion b> the Jewish Statuti-1 uirc-dnoissinns to be held in Jancal Uureau that of the 4 2')7 nib-> Fehrunry, and March Thret distlnguikhcd iicholan bU in this country only about 2,300 actually hold nibbintail will present thiee pauses of 'The posts in congregation* has given Jewish Heritage for Our Day" .'many Jewish loaders food for Dr. Judoh I Goldin, Pesn of the thought,. / WnathapHened to the Teachers 'Institute of the Semmothers who were trained and or» innryiind'Jomwrly •Associate Pro-dainedas rabbis? . . .About 1.000 fessor of. Religion nt the-State of them hove drifted Into social University of -loon, Mill speak and organizational work a* paid January 23-Dr* Stephen-S Kay«cr, Curator-of the Jewish Mu' directors of communal institu* scum,~New York and consultant - tians , Most of them do not on the Jewish exhibit at Jostyn • w j cafe to be known by the Museum, will speak February 1.1 -title of raBbi . . . In addition, sev- The guest speaker' TWarch 2T -will eral -hundred have drifted auay be Dr. Milton KonVit/,* Professor 'from the rabbinate into osm- of Industrial Relations at Cornel! -tnerce, Industry, law and other University » secular fields . . . JVs matters now Season tickets for the three ' stand, there are only Z185 rabbis -affiliated with the six rabbinic*! lectures ulli bo S1.50 Individual "groups in this country . . . AlMut admissions for any one leclure -650 arc affiliated with the asso- will be one dollar Tickets may be ciation of Reform rabbis, the O n - obtained at the synagogue ot/lec, -Iral Conference of American Hob-* or from Mrs Robert Faicr, sisterbis . About 530 arc affiliated hood, chairman, or Arnold Rose-with the association of the Con- man, Men's Club chairman, or b of their committees •wnrativc rabbts. the Rabbinical 'Assembly of America , And 1.305 rabbis are affiliated with' R g T H 1 tlie three associations of Orthodox ——"" •rabbit—1he Union of Orthodox •Babbis of Ihe United States and
•« Hold dent
|lng Service. In I dents home for the vacation paiOlanc* of America Itlcipate, vi ill be held the Sabb.ith The question arises Why do of Decerabcr 28 at 8 15 rsbbu cease to be rabbii and p m adrift into non-rnbhimcal fields to«ho will pnrlldpate are Jday when there U a iswat short.igc Eugene DuUoff,. soil of Mr. ami of rabbis in this country' Is Mrs H a i r y DuBpff. Richard it the fact Out commuml work Is ! Friink, son of Mr and Mr« A V financially more rewarding than [Frank: MijrieJ Green, iiauuhter of •the rabbinate? . . . Or is It that '• Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Green; Dave -in many eon^re^ations rabbis ran- ! Hi-raoK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irv-not get alnn:: «ilh HIM lay leader- j ini! Her/.nj;; Roljert Meyer, wm nt. Bhip? . . . All indications (Kiint | M r - anil Mrs. l i s t e r Mi-j-er; I>iris t h a t the latter tray lie the case Raduziner. daughter nf Mr and since the salaries of rabbis- plus : M r s - William Haduzinei. Micldon i >s l ' """ "' M r - a n i 1 i I l v Aaron < their - income from the r«-rf«mi- ! l''• t: s: Art '' ^'"' Schwartz, s m of liar-mil/\nh ;-n<i anceof inarriiiKo, liarmil/\nh ;n<i Mr ;| (I phiI D other ceremonies provide an in- Ii;in>- " SiKej', - Mrs -sun of Mi. and Mi's. come as Rood as that of a wellpaid joeial worker . . . Ineiii.mal- Hulw.Tt .Silver; Jerry Turner, son of .Mr. atirl Mrs. XatJi in 'I\irner; ly, Dr. H. S. Unficld. I'.VK'ulive :ind Jerry Zie^nan, M>II of Mr head of the Jewish Stnliscjil liutt>au, points out thai aijout ."JO years ago there wrre only XCt rind friends are invite.! to attend rabbis in thi.s ct>uutry. ;>.n.i 'Jj the senie* and the vieiul hourj ;-cars apo only 1.731 rabbis were which will follow. '.-ixorded . . . Of the 2,5<J0 rabbis Jiow -KervinK in congregation.1;, nearly 80 percent have received their rabbinical training in the » States and „.,., have .,„.,. hud ,,„.. a ., Hue, t l _ - . Sm* ami Iliippeningii at tlw United nlar education of four years of I I ) r l > l t l "P .SIIIT 4c«Mi Home for • -o'Uege or more . . .These include! A E f d '•>' l ) i l v l < l Orkow. .'.II rabbis who were trained in the ! DccemlxT" IS M n , Mejcr Btf.lewinh theological schools in this t w r a«sistttf by Mrs, Dave St«in cnuntry. continued tlieir pri%ram of occu» .' •» , " i p-illonal therapy, a project of the.
With the Home Folks
Jewish fnrnilies <eem to have ;i !)-'Mcsd4mes Jake BTong interest in Jewish education, and in Jewish youth aetlviiies j Wine, Minar, AbramSon' and Paul I Katzman oftMeBlliui'Chollm'So* than they do in other lype-; of Jewish communal services . . : i cit'ty's Gray' Uadje* \]^ite:I our "•.••" » Tills has been established by the ' IVilki today; Council of Jewish IV-der.-ilions ;md i December.'24—Special nullnee. ! December.' 25 — Itsbbi Matthew ] Welfare Funds . . . The Council fldvises local_ federations to ^ive I Poli.'ikoff was ou; greater attention lo the "priority : D^eembr?r 27 — AVeekly movie' Deeds" of-ihe uronp that will he In communily Jendi'i' liij> tomoirow : VAHRZI-nT- Specinl! . . . If these m-'-ds ;nv not mrt ; .--erviex's vvill he held in the Hon Udequateiy hy tlu: fierier.-ilioti. the .Sjiiri;;.)^!!!.1 for lhe fiiiitiA'ng on, younger Jev.i^h families '.'.ill seel: i ihe'iinniveisary of their d e i t l r from individual inslitu- I Tev.Mh 22 D<c. '2(i Hoi ilie lions at the ex|,f.nse of a total community orientation, the Coun- i Teveth 23 D,-c. 27--Mn.x Vecil warns . . . The need-; MM in to rc-t. be greatPC in the newer r,i'i;;;il«irhoods, whether in the fjUhurlw or In the cities . . . .Most of the new- |e.\|x'rimentation. and there have c r neighborhoods have a prepon- | ;i]';o !>een some notable failures derance of. young families, for 1 in planning . . . . In tome minrauti'hom educational and recreation- ;nities, for instance. con^rCK^tions, al .•services m e .1 primary interest |community center and Jewish * . . Thus far, no definite pattern j schools have built new facilities' has-emerged'for n Jewish federa- ;without any real coordination and tion program fif educational and [joint planniiy; . , . the result has croup vwiik. services . . . There jlK-ed not only a multiplication.of fcu, however, ljeen n good d"cil of j facilities, but »n Intensification of lor^ani/atlon.-il riv.ilrirs . . .
»ii'T, Cantor I ('110,1 I- .11 •.•rviec, at H
i I I ij
l i e f inioii'livinp. Ixwl •>' ,!!(•. of the Jewish U l i o ' ^ n ll 1 •Seminar} uill I*. hioui,hl In O m Ih.i b> Beth H S j n . g o K U i s J i m s r
< j
- ' 9 Book'
By Boris Similar (Gopjrijht. 1B.W. JTA)
BE >L vin
Be t w e e n \/
Til 111 IMIM 1. 1' o i l 1J i l. i ] 1 Ml 1 ll I t
s e r V Ie e^ n i l je;:in al 'I 'l~t ^i i li n n ninfr M r\ ires i' h i 11 it J u n i o r Coni 11 U) i in iili M n t h i dt 4:43 P. m.
> JI i ii i
• 1 •.. i h >h I, m S'eu'do.-, and M i II . 1) Iv -.(mci s at 7 a, m. Hid l:.">0 p. m. Siind.iy morninil i ii in tit 8;45 a. m. Sim,> m i nn hinni Minyan st.irti it h M in
s n i , » i i l lie h e l d F r i d a y a t s l i p " i 1' ' b b i S i d n e y H . B r o o k s r i i (niti iiiiiii s p e a k e r will I, \ n i i l l Kiiniin H nior student i I'I'J « l n will s p i t k ' o n ' T J i v e r i\ i • I n n i i its T h i s will l «
Clerks String Barbed Wire Tn.,
. I. rl s I r v i l i . l r
, I. i r b . i l
wire fence in Nnlml-Oz on Israel's Imrdir.
! Temple College Student Service
Workmen's Loan
The next regular weddj n r ' l ing of the Om ib i \ \ >ikiii>ii •= Loan Association uill be I < Itl nt i i f n nI 30 p m , Monti i>, Jim 7 in tl< i Arnold Kiiima I ^li \ \ iili mi in will In Jewish Community C m t i r it the Annual Cor making pijmenls on lojn. I1 in .1 s|x il«i it l i i |>' or information nhout semi ing a . Honu (<imin/ Si I I , \t run loan, contact Harry Snenbeit ' i s l ir! this I m i l 2208 CuminK Stivtt. JA W i oi H e Is K . b b l t Ii n n 1 i II I OL23M nuKOKiie in I t ' l l O Mi I
| ," . I )
V " ' " t
" ' " " " " " ' E
slu I'nl
-i .1)' itli MIU v I-ml i M M I i i m )i
i i, , it Bi.'lh Kl ill li in .it 8:15 p. m. T K n p (• will deliver < int r A a r o n I. Kd-
C n . i i ,11 i< 1 i tlu musical por[ MIS if in 'niu i i l i i t h m o " nn,; services begin i I 0 o < , i 1' incl t h e J u n i o r ( m ifi.'11 *n services a r e at Hi ' ) M i m u M i i r i t a t . 4 £ 0 p . m.
nt 7 a. m. and
n i n n altf-nded Yale Universils7 p in Sundiy services «t 9 o. m. ,i ( i n d u it< of tl e I n'vei i i \ of ( mi i n n i t i iir d is n n . i <*( ni< B<lh Isr.iel &>nnf;npiii> I'aienls- s t u t i r n t ,il tin Hi In iv . I nir,i < ,,! Tenrhen Association is plnnmni; lor;e H e '.v 111 11 i i d on il is i r i b its pnrty It will l>e h"ld «.ntur hi in Jim< Munich (JTA)- The first Wom-
P-TA Lotke Party
West German ORT
day, Jan 12 a t 8 30 p m in tli^ social liall of the syrinRggiu1 The entire proceeds of this nfair will so to the Talmud Tornh ildinc fund. T)H' tickets aic Ti ctnls pi r pcrsnn and may IM> ohtalnc'l 1/y alling thff chnirnmn, Mrs. Nm nnn I'itlor, PL, .6024.
liahlii a n d M r s . S i d n e y II. i H r o o k s will he '",'it h'imf*11 imme|tll!lti|v if'ei t) e <» HIM' it till II ' t w i n V ( i s I Tin m i S l u e ! t o .'II | In m, i imlni' o i l ' M ' e • Inrli ni» .iiid , their imrents. I1 ill >\i/i O n A 1
en s r m r Committee In'Germany \ i founded here with t h e instol* Mtlon or offireis he ided by clmlrm HI Mi>. 1 !•!• Mijer-littllnKor. . ^'Is fnitiiiiie Kiphnn, a past piislilint of the Women's Amerl-' c m OUT (mil a vlre prcsldrnt of t i e Woill OUT Lnion, instnlled the offlcf is
If You ?®y Y©yr
JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES HEDGES NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 31 You May Deduct Your Payments from Your Income Tax Returns!
The New Tax Act Allows 20% Tax Claim for Charity The act.permits taxpayers to claim deductions Up to 20 per cent of gross income for contributions to charitable organizations.
You Can How Give More to UJA Than Ever Before!
Friday, DMtmbrr 28, IBS*
Library Lane Hy Itoseilc IVrlh Smith The followliii! hooks, rori'iitb added to tin' J m h h CoininunHs l.iljr:iry. ;MC m;.il:ilili" In l«rnnv
Suzanne Simons : To Wed in Summer
Abramson Weds Chicago Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Simons h a w j' aiiMourK'Ot.l the f'n;;a;^'inont of j their (iauj'Jiicr, Mis-- .Sii/;ninc and j \<il K. Miller, Kansas City, Mo., on of Mr. und Mi-. Sani Miller. |. Kan.iiis City. I Tlw coLipli.-'s betrothal was: i1*1\c t iicd iit a Miiali f'tvlJ ;ui jiitrly fucn .Saturday tii:;hl at Hie Simon's hmnt1. Mis1; Sirnuns i-> the Kt'iimidattiOiter of Abraham Simons and I lie lite Mr. mid Mi;/ I.oui-; i;pslt in. Hold .\li'..s Simons and her fiance at 1 em led llie l:ni\c! :,ity of Nebraska. She is a sophomore in Ji n'heiV College and a inemijcr of Sij;ma IJi-lt.-i Tau Sorority. Her finnrc, immediate past president o! Zeta I id a 'J*;iu l-'ralernity, is .i *eni(*r in tlie Collcfv'-' of liu.iiit)<':;.'. Adniinistiatlon. A summer wedding is planned.
.Mi^s Jjoiis Uapoport ol Chicago in.uiif'd Alvin Abr'amson at the C.'oxcmuit Club in ('hicaf;o. D«cf'intjcj' :l(i.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul iiapoport and Ibo bri(lct;rouni is 1be son of Mr, and Mrs Isidore Abramson of Omaha. The bride wore a gown of while ch.'intilly lace o\er white satin and tulle. She carried a Bible covered with satin and white orchids. The mother of the bride wore a pink chantilly lace gown and the mother of the groom wore a blue, imported lace gown. The brides-, maids wore mauve pink pcau de sois gowns and carried white lace parasols covered with baby or•Miss 1'lMirli* Ortleii chids. Those in the bridal party Judncnn Caves," hy II. I!. Y. Kent!; were Mrs. Bernard Susniun, Mrs. and "Secrets of the l)e;id Se i Richard Goldman, both sisters of ; Sculls." by llu:;h .1. .SclionfiHil the groom, Mrs. Allen Chcrnow' and Mrs. Howard Goodman, ma.iVWisll history VillllllN"; CUII-I I tron-of-honor. of; "The ARC of Faitli" ami "Our M R Klllnt llronn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orach nn- Mr, Abramson had as his best Oriental Heritniic" hotli hy Will noiinee I he eriKiiKement of their ;'•: Durant; "Sacrnl Winr;slilp in An(laiiKhler Miss I.aiirie Jean, to man, his father, Isador Abramci<*nt Israel," hy Aubrey H. JohnPriKtle C.inion A. EiowlU. son son. His ushers were Lloyd Ai> ffin, find "Omit Asp's nnd !(i»'.vi Michael Jay Vitdi'l-son, a .stiuient of Mr. and Mrs. I/adore Klewitz. kin, Richard Kohan, Richard' of the Jewish IViple," by I-en W. at University of California, Los Goldman, Dr. Bernard Susman I'rivnte lilcwitz is a graduate Sdwnrz. Married Sunday Dec. W at Beth Angeles, is visiting with his par- of t h e Electronics Division of the and Dr. Leonard Hapoport. In a rolifriotis vein uc h;i\<". "Al- Isiael were Miss Phyl- ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton H. Yu- Nebraska S t a t e Trade and Tech- After a honeymoon rt» Mexico, tnrs of the," liy Lew Ayre.s; lis MaeSynano^ue Kaplan and Elliot Hroun. delson. nical School. He Is stationed with Mr. and Mrs. Abramson will make "Jewish I.lttii'Ky," by A. /.. J<M- Kabbi Benjamin (Ironer officiated. the Army Signal Corps a t Fort their home in Omnhn. Ktilin; ""HIP Talcs of Itabbi NaehMiss Doftnnc Mnrkovitz nnd Monmouth, N. J. v * • ••!• Tile bride is the daughter of . man," by Martin Btibcr; "A Picthree clnsBmates are spending the MONSKV CHAPTER ture Dictionary of Jewish Life," Mr. .'ind Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, holiday vacation with her par- The couple plans a summer wed- Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nal ding. ... , ' ••'• •'.:.' .•:..' ; -. ' ! by Alvan D. Iliibin; '"I'he Talmud The bridegroom is the .son of Mi's. ents, Mr. ami Mi's. 'A.- H. Mni-koB'rith v/Ul hold, its; regujar meet.01 Jerusalem." ^vilh prefar.' by Harry L. Brown, St. Paul, Minn. vliz. Her classmate* are Misses ing at the Jewish Community CenMrs. Stanley Diamond was Nannctte Shilstat of Memphis; wljagobert I). RUIU-N; "Ulllel the. ter Wednesday, Jan. 9 at li p. m, •. Elder." by Nalmni N. Glatzer; and mutron-of-honor and the Misses Ti-nn, Toby Don nnd Jo Anhe'Utht Mr, and Mrs; Robert Hoot of This Is the annual Leo N. Levi '"The Religion of the Semites," by Sandra Kisher, ICpstoin nnd ilmi, lKith of University City, Mo. Chicago, III,:anh(xin6c the birth coin shower, which w|"l. be preSarita Zoorwill bridesmaids. V Itobertson Smith. of a daughter: born December 5, ceded by a free- luncheon for memHillard B r o w n . Minneapolis, Former Omanahs, Mr. and Mra;bers,, "Tender Victory," by Taylor >"br those who wish to read Minn., H best, man for his Fed. Clubs to Meet Harry Kutlef are grandparcntSi Caldwcil, wm be reviewed by Wr«. about Israel nnd the Middle Kiisi brother. wa Ushers were another .the library offers: "New Lijjlit on brother, Charles Brown, and Irv- The. Federation of. Jewish Wom- Mrs. Hoot is the former Miss Shir- Sam 'Xaiz'man. Mrs. Sam Shyken the Most Ancient. Kast," by V.iiiK Mlsel, both of St. Paul; Dr. en's Clubs will hold Its luncheon Icy: Kutler' of Omaha. Mrs. Rose Is the Leo N. Lev! chairman.. ,. -.-Cordon Clillile: "The Middle Knst." Harold K a d e s k y, Minuea[K>liH, meeting, Jan. 3 at 1 Kutler of our city is great-grand• Patronize Our Advertisers. by Edward J. Jurji; "Siiuill Ara- Jennne (.'uhen, Dtinald Storn and p. in., In the Jewish Community mother. ibfa,' by St. John 1'hilby: "Tour Ru"-se!l Ivnplan, the latter a broth- Center. Guide to Jrrusnleiii," edited by er of the bride. Mrs. Henry / . Newman is Got TV trouble? SAMPLE FUR SHOP W. Turnowsky; "(V.mmiinUm and bridal dinner was served at president of the Federation pt Nationalism in I he Middle Knst," theA synagogue. Call Saul—That's All! Omaha'i Reliable Furrier Jewish Women's Clubs. •by Walter '/.. Liuiiueiir; "The Everything in Fun i;uesli> iillcmline Saul's TV & Radio Service 'Arab-Ixrnvli War, 101S," by Kdrar theOut-of-town weddini,' were: Dr. nnd Mrs. at Lowest Prices in City O'Hnllnn<f; "The Kiirly Traililimis Frank Ij-mian of Culcinnato, O.; Cousins Club 170S Cumli-9 AT 2539 1519 FARNAM ST. Nights and Sunday—WA 0574 of Israel," by Oithhert A. Simp- Mr. and Miv Dave Zmctsky of son; "Othn- Hearts in Other (.'inrinnnti; Mi-s. Anne Kaufman, Mrs. Phil Ilinule will 'be. hostess ut the next meeting of the CouI-ands," edited by International St. Paul Minn.; Mrs. Harry Drown. Kami Youth Kxchrint,''1: "Tensions St. Paul; Mr. nnd Mrs. Illllnnl sins Club to be held nt 12:M p. m. in the '.Middle Kay.t," edited by Brown, Minneapolis; Dr. nnd Mrs. Wednesday, Jan. 2 in the Fircsido William Sands: nrul "Thy Ideas Harold Kadeslty, Minneapolis; Irv- Restaurant. Those who me unable Of Arab Nationalism," liy Ma/em ini: and Harvey Mliel of St. Paul; to utteml call Mrs. Rinijle, RIO RUG & UPHOLSTERY 2. *\uso!t>eh. Mr. and Mrs. John Gelinnn, of CLEANERS I'aul; Miss Ann Grlman and New fiction includes: "Selected St. RUGS—CARPETING Meyer (ielman of SI. Paul; Mrs. Storit'H of Sholom Alelchem;" Mi Kadesky, Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvin LAMP SHADES "Techllla and Oilier Israeli T.ilej,," Sliver nnd Miss Sandra Sliver of by S. J. Action and others: nnd Minneapolis; Mrs. Ben Silvennnn FURNITURE "Hameknshcr Anthology," t-dlfcd of Chicnco, 111., and Mr. an<l Mrs. Cleaned In Your Homel by Shirley Lo-thner and Yeliuda Dave Knplnn of Sioux City, In. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA>— The United .Slates, for the first Binding • Laying • Repairing The couple left on a wedding time publicly made it knon'n / Vur young readers we have: Don Beinstein HA 2554 "Jeremy's and Judy's Ilanukah," trip to Mexico City nnd Alcnpuleo, here that il has information Mexico. about Kuyptian maltreatment by Lillian S. Abramsun; "Jeremy They will make their home nt and de|K>rtntion of Jews. At the and the Toralt," find "Jeremy and some time Israel, also for tho Judy Say the Sh'nia," Ixith by Lib- •MiO!) (.'ass Street. HOMEMADE BAR-B-QUED RIBS first time, presented to the UN , by. M. Klapemian; "Sabbuth is Genernl Assembly documentary Spednl," by Mollle Kolatch; "Klni; AND CHICKEN proof of the extent of Egypt's Solomon's HOISTO," by Norn liennnti-Jewish actions. jamln Kuble; "The First ChanuAdier's Bakery Products Fresh Daily hah," by Charles K. Illoch. nnd "Till! United States has re'"Travel Book," "Bible Sd.ry ceived inhumation," snid U.S.' and Sliced to Your Order York UTA»---The impact representative James J. WadsBook," aiid "Picture Hook," all nf New Isrucl on Jnwish llfr in this worth, CHICAGO BREAD AND PASTRY Illustrated hy well known Israeli country "concerning the treatment is "jiffirmntivo, dofinitn •rtistn. certain nationals nnd stateless! .'mil conclu.sivc," cxicndlng' to Ihcof Party Specialties for New Year Fetes Tho librarian will help you with RyiKiROKtie and ihc liouv, 1o thepersons in f^gypt. The informayoiir selections If you wish. Make Jewish rclijiious* school as well tion which is presently available OPEN JANUARY 1—8 A.M.-4 P.M. to the United States Indicates It n habit to visit your Jewish iIN lo cultui'iil activities. It has that nn indeterminate number of Community Library regularly. I aKo liclpoii to submerge the persons, including British and Kosher Meat Mkt. idooio^icJil differences of AmerU French nationals, and persons of and Delicatessen cfin .Inwry. 'I'Jjfsr wove t hf? conCanadian Jews Jewish origin In Egypt, have clusions ro.'iohed by Amoriwin lieen 4415 CUMING ST. FREE PARKING subjected to pressure nnd 1 WA SS54 Toronto (WNS.I--Nathan I'hil- Jewish social scientists ami his-intimidation and, In some Intorifins after a two-dny conf<*rlips has boon re-elncled mayor of stances, have been ordered deToronto for a second term, and enc(! which closed hero .Sunday. ported." The pKKirain was dcsinned to In lirantfonl. a Ihrivipu: industrial Same Day Service ; Telling Ihc UN General AsCity of 50,000 in Central Ontario, (letcinn'ne the decree (o which the sembly that the American AmHie electorate chose as Its Mayor recipiocal iilallunship hetween No Extra Charge the prominent Jewish merchant Amt'i'jc.'iii Jewry and Israel Jewry bassador in Cairo has been reto "bring to the attention In at 10 A.M. { affects various areas of. American quested Max SheiTnnn. 1 Another Jew, Vernon Singer Jewish life, Midi as education, of tin Government of Egypt the Ready by 5 P.M. won a smashing victory in North .^elf-identification and communal concern of the American people CASH and CARRY York, suburb of Metropolitan activities. The conference u-as over these reports." Toronto, when he was elected convened Ijy the Theodor Her/I Institute, an educational and eulPortraits Patronize Our Advertisers. Reeve, the American equivalent of Also Pickup and bailiff or steward, by a volo of tur.'U ie.',carch center for the Weddings 2-1,000 ni;alii:;t 5,000 for his op-study of Zionism and the ConDelivery Service Commercial ponent. In Cornwall, liou'fver, the ference on Jewish Social Studies, electorate decided, it was time for nn association of .sooioloclsls and Pnme M iHtio to wttrt youi vVanr Ad a change us it turned out of office hi.'ilorifms, Its purpose was <on Tlie JewJijii Vrtti*. Curfnt rat*? i» M ccnin fot eicn InscrAaron Horowitz, who served n.smeasure the influence of tho Ufjn. Tlie I'rec.i rraTvrs tlio rlfclir to llmll the city's mnyor lor eighteen j State of Israel on the cultural ilzo of f.xch a'lvertlfrinonL years. [ and communal life of American Cfiiinukiih Cards i Jewry. 1 BAH and Das Mitzvali congratu817 S. 36 St. ' Cartfli;ena, n Spanish seaix>rt, Jntions also for all Jewish holiHA 1044 112N.18lh JA1578 In the province of Murcln, Is the Vermouth i* n white wine days and special occnslonn. principal naval harbor In Spain. Meyers New* Stand, IH02 Dodge flavored with nromntlc herbs. . ,<_-w hio^r.-jphics liiciutlf: "Th< lirumit'is I'.c.'iikT," c d i i r d liy I i vin H . H i l l a c l i ; • 1 <:ii.i:;iill," Ijy I.i onello V f i i l u i i : "A (l.-illcrv of .SSionisI I J ni(il(-s," !•>• l-""i- A. I.i| siiyi nnd "A Ji'v. H i I'il'ti ini;i::i by iHriinl C o h e n . ,.\>me n e w, on 11»-- i;;hl' ' a m i t h e J > ; u l Kin K n o l l s ,'<n " T h e Hlble iis I l h . l n r y , " by \V< 1 ni>r K e l l e r ; " I / ' ; - ' " ' ! < "f t h e liibie." l»y Louis ( l i i i / l i t i : ' ; " ' i h ' ' T e n -Cominiimlment:-." hy A. I'owcij Da vies: "Uilili 1 IMinp.,•ulie.i." b y H c l c n n Sokolmv, "i;ilile Atl.-is" hy 1 K m i l G. K n i e l i n ^ ; "Tieii-iiiiv [ r a n
Miss Laurie Oruch Engagement Told
Omaha Sketches Newlyweds Visit Acapulco, Mexico
U. S. Has Reports Of Maltreatment
Impact on Jewish Life Is Measured
The Finest in Photography by JOHN
Want Ads
FrM«y, December tt, IMC
Bar Mitzvah
Center Sports
Henry Powell, son of Major and Mrs. Roger F. Powell, will observ< his Bar Mitzvati Saturday nmrn ing, Dec. 29 at Beth El Synagoijue Friends and relatives are invit ed to attend the service and the . reception which will follow.
B|T J i m K a r b a t s c h
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kurt an nounce the Bar Mitzvah of tli"ir son, Stcphan Arvum Kort, whicl will be observed Friday evcnin:; . Jan. 4 and Saturday morning, Jun 5 at Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and relatives are inyited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Debka Deb Vice ToBeatBlockstone '-
Debka Debs, a member elub of the Jewish Youth Council, will hold its annual vice "A Knisht to Itemerober'' from 9 p. m. to 12 • ». m , Thursday, Jan. 3 in the Blacksfone Hotel Ballroom. Candidates for ,'Hic'night"'.. are Murray Mayer, Mike Shrier, Steve SUver aiid WUJard piotklnT TheBob Wlgton Quartet will pro••' "•; v i d e t h e t n u i i c ..•.•'•.;•,'•.••'; •''••'•
".':'..-. Tickets . are $1-73 per couple; : Tickets may be obtained from any :: Deb mewberor may be purchased at
t h edoor.
• .,••••:-•...- • •'. " •-
Vacation Program \ The second Week ot the Winter Vacation Program will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 3 and A a t t h e Jewjjh, Community ; e n t e r . ::. . , -.•... / . /• " The program U supervised by members id the Teen Leadership Group of the Center. ':.'.• Children, 6-12 years*old are eligible t<^ register for the program even If. they did not attend the first lesilon. Call the Center Activities Office, JA 1368.
Global Report ISRAEL CONTKII»rTi;S Jerusalem (WNSi 1st :«d luis contributed the sum of S'l.V" towani the niamten nice an.I succor of refugees who f!•••] from nil terror in Hwuvu-y. The contribution wa-. forwaidefl to the International Red C i « s , FEUAVKKN STItllli: Jerusalem (JTA t - V c il a y e e n have struck njjaiii from the Jordanian border, severely <|-trri'iRlng a clinic In the southern section of the Jezrecl Valley, not far front the Jordanian frontier. Explosive* early .Sunday seemed to have been placed under pillars Of the facade of the led southward, directly to the Jordanian border.
throws by liny Kirke and Jerry
Berman. If. C. B A S K K T B A L I . It was a roiiKh game a* tin T h e Unaffiliiilei did it again, referee called ,'lli personal fouls. this t i m e "for r e a l " in the first Holh U'nn-, ii-a\lv scrambled for 1 ^ a m e ol t h e r e g u l a r cumpi'tit .e season in Youth Council H a - k e t - iclioon'lj .iii.l p:is-> interception I..,..' halls. Harold Nepomnlclc ball. T h e y b.-at AX.A 10" at the ian up 20 for Urandeis-I'hllco. Centi-r I'j'in last weel: :C-'J'.I in j Iviii'.clrid IK lor the winner*. )f tile be-t pi.iyed f,-mn'i in ierent years. J MIIH.IT IJASIilrril.U.I. lioth ti-aim w,-r-' filed u|i for (•I.'-IMV l.iqiiors, Jed by Sandy 1 tiiis iVriiii' and }iMci i v.m>'M a ;-e- K.i7>n, nrntn.nni'i.l a '•lim lea/f in r i " . of |.-.,t halls in till- i i r . t (|uar- 'h.. la i quarter I,, beat All Makes |IT V.iliril l-nded K-7 for t i l " C'Vll- Typewriter., 12-11 in ji,l Sunday't l!ii,ki.tiK,;| Le,,,;,,,., K'asin t u i y d u l l l . . u i y I l e i m . i n and Hob ."I!" r.|l.-.le\ll Ivoth :.l'.>led l o u r 1','iill I' vor.-.l nun- point , wild tiie help of I'.irry Sado(.-i:y and Stuart lead tll"ir t e a m s . 1 T h e t h i r d q u a r t e r ended oj-L'o Korb'. <>n l". '* I'liels alivl passes. Hill ICuile,-, of the. Io..i'1-.s, scored T h e b l e a k c a m e in the last i|iiareiLihi, but liie Cowboys pill toti'i a-. J e i r y .Shenll'in r r o i e d 'nji'ia! b.Mui-t to r.iv" t h e t'naf- :.;''tli'T ,i tifjit defrii'-i" in the last • i l i i t e s a four point lead anil en- quarter to hold ihem to only a pair of five throw.-. ibl.'d th.'iu t o freeze t h e ball. Mil:..' I51.ll t d o s e d t h e |;.ip to .' Nebraska WIIK lit! w i t h til" only succe-.',fu It was 18-17 for .Wbr.i-.ka Kurfree t h r o w »|i" A/.A m e n ln:t<!' nilur,. iivr-r I'layl.ind I'arlc in thel\util,.-,t (oi.'.hl I'.anii- of the day. u'm;1, ttie e n t i r e i ; a m ' \ Tin.' Uiiee m i n u t e s s a w AZA They came (nun behind to scora
Israelis Dig Trenches Two rlrrku take a turn at <IIKKI«I; trenrhfs and building
United InraH Appeal uRenrit i nrc, this >car, spending; about 000 on ««M> measure* tor tlir pr»l>Tft»n of Immigrant*, Including searchlight*, wlrp fences, nppronrh rmids, telephone*, »1ieHeiw nntl similar means, to dl*e«urt>j;« border Infill rutors.
Oil Strikes And Hope for Future By Itlnna Grossman Jerusalem (A.II'j—It is perhaps time now hi bi iiu: up to date the story of tin.' Israeli oil wellv A year, nnd a bit n\y>. the stoiy first hi-uke. Papers throughout the world carried the details - and all of Israel rejoiced. Since then, irouuled w.iteli, pitrliCTilnrly tho>e of the .Suez ('anal, obscured the oil nil the story, evrn in the local iress. sillied itself out in a few ines every now and then The ui'M important thing to !)•.• :-ai'l is that, it year's work arid research over, th" IieleU oil field M'fins inoie th in likely to live up to its eM'itin;: potential. Tiie number of wells in operation then? will iiit'ieaM'. by I l v end of the calendar year, from 1 to 10 or 12. Five percent of Israel's oil consumption will now be recovered from Heletz alone, here some 20 more drillings are planned, and it Is exjK'Cted
Dulles Views No Icsrly Settlement Washington (WNS)--The situation today in the Middle Kist is not conducive to an early ArabIsrael peace settlement, Secretary of State John Foster Puil"'i d'-cl.irfd here nt ft piess conference whei-e he hinted that un international loan may b? made by Israel to finance comp'oisatlon to Arab refufiees. At the same time, Mr. Dulles asserted that the U.S. would continue its efforts nloni: tin; lin<\s of the iwjliry he made Aur.ust 2<"i. l!l"i, when In- said til" U.S. ilood prepared to guarantee any border settlement made between Islai'l and the Arab state,. The .Secretary "f" also sjiolc of tho ii"ed of reviewing the status of Jerusalem. Another Administration KJIOUC-,. man. I're.iili'iitial Assistant Kl.erman Adams, in a letter to IS'nai P.'rith president Philip KHit/nlck. voiced belief that positive stepj may soon !*> taken to end the political conflict in the Middle Kast.
that up to 15 per cent of the needed oil may come from Ibis, field alone in r>717. All through tho year, the oil came to the Haifa refinery in trucks. Now, a new pilK'lino from Heletz to Ashkelori Jr. B.B. Bowling •will shorten tlu* route, uml from SPV 8KNTKNCF.D A-shkcIon the oil will travel to Howard Fcldmanhnd tlm high Tel Aviv f\VNS>—Alexander Haifa by train. The strike a name of tbe day in the Junior Yulln, a veteran of Israel',; war Heletz has justified a nation's wild! ll'nal li'rith Howling I-eague. with of liberation and a former captain dreams and hopes. his l.*»l. There was a series tie In the Israeli Army, was senbetween Howard Feldtmm mid Hut all this is jint Hcleu. What Don Fieiller. They rach bad a 2.V! tenced here by a military court to a prison term of five years of other fields? The news is series. following conviction on charges briijhtly tim;<:d. Oil, or sis;ns of it, lias Indeed been located elsewhere, Connie Splegal was hii;h in the of spying for Egypt. still Hot in commercial quantities. girls' division with a 211 series. Near the Dead Sea, at Wadi Ara Connie had (;arnes of I'll and 110. EAST UKKMANr Jerusalem (JTA)—Anti-Semi- and ancient Caraarea, the twen- The 3-10 split wns converted by tism and anti-Semitic distur- tieth century divining rod and in- Fran Grossman. bances are increasing in Kast dicated black cold was underneath Other High* Germany, according To an authori- the earth. One day, jwrhap; the Mike Green 125-12.1- 2J8 tative report obtained here from quantities available here will be I'.urtdy Marcus 139-102--241 a refugee from the Communist- ascertained. Hut in the meantime, Buddy Epstein J.TM01—2.18 the best bet seems to be in the dominated section of Germany. Nectv. So far two drillings, neith- Terrlll Greenstone l.*ll-101—232 The report seems supported by er successful, have been made Mickey Sacks 131- 97-228 East German radio broadcasts, there, but somehow everyone con- Su?l Scglin 117-108-22.1! monitored here, m\nr, rabidly cerned seems to think that there Mike -Simon J2>- 89-211 anti-S e m i 11 c phraseology and is oil In the South and as I write, y Kirke 137 —211 blaming Jews in general for Israelis are drilling at Sodum, Marvin Kirke . . . . 121 — 20H Israel's action against Egypt in their hopes high. Jon Krieden . . . . . . 121 —2CM the Slnal Pennlnsula. Howard Ifahn 128 205 It.Is not only the major Industrial picture that will alter tharpPOLISH JEW'S Washington, (JTA)—Jews in ly. The average Israeli's life will Conspiracy of Silence Poland have formally requested change when oil leaps op throned Jerusalem (JTA i - T h e writers the new Polish regime to take the derricks in the Negev. And urgent action against glowing while peace is otlll a phantom, and of Israel called on all writers and cultural on spiritual l e a d e r s •nti-Semitlxm In the country, It tho myriad problems of the Jewwas learned here Sunday from ish State relate to a beclouded In- throughout the world to arouse Official sources. They also formal- ternational scene, the future still public opinion and compel tho To drive near yptian rei;im« to Opd its perly demanded that the new regime claims orpriority. through the Negev with secution of tlje Jews. They called of Wladyslaw Gomulka allow em- Ifeletz an eye out for the men who ocigration to Israel without restric- cupy themselves with the search on their colleague* throughout the tion!, a> well as closer contacts for oil Is to realize once aeain that world to act so that th'e conspiracy of silence over the Hitler exwith Jewish people abroad. this nation concerns Itself chiefly termination camps should not now with the promise,of tomorrow. In lie repented. They also urged supThe .California gray whale ha.! this way, Israel differs most keen counted out as extinct three sharply from many of thw* state?, porj of Israel In its /Wt struggle ,tittemnttUmet in history/ It now her neighbors and. other $, which for.,peac« ( Ji) the-^MliJdle» 5Es«t •fa reappearing In growing; num- neeni .often t<> control-her destiny. which would help-to, eiwur* world fcen along ate Pacific coast. peace. : ! "'• >.•.'•.•' • ' •.
I'XI in u presslm: defense while hall conirol paid (iff for the winners. Herman nnd Goldstein scored 12 apiece for the Unafs and Stu Kutler was second for the losers with 10. The margin of victory may have conn- in the free blow column as the winners made our for nine. AZ.V I WINS The second fjame saw AZA 1 beat Rayim ^-."il In a (janie that wns Hoser than the score iiullcatM. Jerrj' GoMsJrom mnrte all if his 10 points In the last quarter or AZA 1 HH Itayim concentrated on center Will Plotkln and Wjjli scorer Al KriKlmnn In an effort 0 eko out a win. Hob Oberman. to[)[«'d by Kri/olnian In ^orini; honors L'U-l!t toolt advantage uf quid: passint: from l.arry Zacharia. Steve S";;lin and Dave \V:ntrou'i, but the scorin(; ;)iinch was not provided by the •st of tin- team. AZA 1 had two men tied for third in ?ieoiin;; with Will Vl'itUin nnd Jerry fiiiMstnim iilon;; with Howard VVelnlien:. nil with 10. I'.otli ;;,cues \'.e!e V. ilije'.sed ll>"
1 rrov.d of ro!le;;e aloinni \vhlch idded n (jreat d"al of .spirit to the il.iy.
'Hie UHVO c-m.miion leaves lie Y. ('. schedule blank until tnnuary 't when Kriyim meets AZA IX) at 7 p. m. followed by the .'naftiliate; anil AZA 1 at B p. m. I'hU nifilit has been (I"iii;nate<l Parent's Nli;bt by the Youth C'otin•il Athletic Committee. "B" I.MRW0 Kmil Block led A/.A in to victory over The Itayim Ii squad In 'Ii" Youth Council Basketball eajjue last week. He scored eli:hcen points, all of them field Koals. I'lrold Kaiman was effective for A/.A III in clearing the (wards .mil settint: up tbe fast break with Mock dulnij the scoring. Rnylni I! eloied tiie yap at the bird quarter to two p-jints with icorinii by Jaclc I.ieli, Al New>erji and a free throw by Kisk, >ut were handicapjied by lack of i tall man under the basket.
oii;lit inints in the Jnst quarter and hold PI lybnd to only two Points tor the victory, lilll GinsImrj; v\',is liii;li point man with 10 IKilnts tor Nebraska Furniture, but it was a liiam effort that " o n thu ganw. riayl.ind doulilo timed on scoring with Mike .Sherman and Jerry Slushy with ].') j«lnts be» tween them. I-fio .Srorr* l-<lt Van beat Richinan-Gordman 19-lrt in tlm last "II" Leafju* Kame. They teamed up to put four men in th.? scoring column wit Ii Chester .Stoler icadlnK with 10 (•lints. The Richman-G o r d m a it team wai led liy UM\ Katskee and D.ive .Su.ihnil; with six each. It . was a rough came ns Referee Hob Kromkiii called lfi fouls <luriii(; the spirit (S( play.
Steve Gun led with 21 point* for Micklin.Ru-.-eo over H. A. Wolf, Inc.. in the "A" division. The tall center displayed j;ood technique on tip-ins and hook shots as Luefschtiet/, Kaplan and Forbes used their tail man to £ood advantage. Jeff Wohln.'r find Howard Shrier teamed up f,,r H. A. Wolf, Inc., fiom th" outside on pis.-fo., from Ka.low, Mulnick and Itoss for tho bulk of their scoring. The final score was 21-11. firndli k TrluniiiliH Coach Hay Kirke just had too much power in hU Clerclick .Motors .squad as they beat Kiresldu I'.estaurant 61-22 in tho final Ri\me of the day. Don Fiedler, .Stevo '»ould and Howard Chudacoff covered the floor like a blnnkct for tho bulk of Mice «Miiiii; uml !>lclt /.achari.i clobbered them wilh ball ijteallri;; and fast breaks. Firesld» scoriii); was led by I.ib"mian with 12, l>iit hur'n :iv>n was Klcdler with 23.
Renewing Attacks on Israel
V.MiSlTIf I.KAUUK YA Iielj;rade came in rough with n twisting lump allot in a sudden eath overtime period to defeat Star Auto Parts, -10-11 last week In Varsity League play. It was the !irst i;amc of the reijulur season 'or both teams. liernsteln Auction railed during the entire taim1 heore they went ahead 42-11 on ield Roals by Jerry Herman nntl l^eroy ICatz. but hied point man, -indy Paul, tied It up with less ban a minute romalnlnj;. Star Auln scoring was concentratisl between LIndy Paul and Al dayman, while liernsteln flcured their whole first team In points well distributed. Paul had 19 for icorlnj honors. He made seven out of nine free throws.
United Nations (WN-SI—Rejiewal by K|;ypt of "deliberate and planned acts of belligerency" against Israel charged horo liy Israeli Ambassador Abba Kban in a letter to Secretary General Dag Haminarskjold for clrculalion nmoni; the mcmlwrs of th» Tienenil Assembly. Enumeratini; five g u e r i l l a lioniblni;« of Israel between Do« ccmber 3 and 15, Mr. Ebnn's letter pointed out that "these at« lacks must Inflame the tense »ltlatlon In the area, and merit your irgent attention nnd that of th« General Assembly. The five incidents were: the bombing of railway tracks inside Israel Decomlier .1 and I, the liomb[»K of an aqueduct on 'December 6, the bombing of a railroad track near the border of Jordan on DecemIxr 10, and the murder ol ft watchman and Injuries to his wife and daughter on Deeemher 15.
Markel Cleaners yot a scare from Rrandels-Phllco in the second game, They led through out the first three quarters but had to overcome a three point lead in the last quarter to win. Dan Knytein nnd Harold Nepomnlclc got hot to push thnouf.h ,three quick bankets each for the toner* during -tin? l«»t session, but Maricelj got hack 'lie at tfic six points on free
ANCIKNT SVNA0OUI7K Cologne (JTA1 Excavations In Hie center of the old city hero have unearthed (he remains of an historic synagogue and Mikvah Jewish rltal Imth), believed to bf jf- twelfth ccuiui>', origin. Both, building* y/cre once located. In tilt > center sof- the , medloVal (muminltyher«.