Serund Claik Hailing rrlvllfEf' 4ilthorlzrd at Omalta Nrhr
*, J9.",7
I'liljlinhtid etrr> 1'rKIKj 1(11 h :1m, l n n u « l UlIC I U t l l l n Omaha N c l r u i t n l-hunr J/< l.ncs bl.i»lf Copy U Oeat>
Federation Annual Meeting Set The Animal Meeting of the Federation lor Jewish Service will bo held Sunday evening, Jan. 21, nt Hit' Jewish Community Outer, Jack W. Mnrcr, Federation president announccil.
Philanthropies Net $125,677 in Dec. Omaha Jewry is readily reiponding to the cull of the Jewish Philanthropies for a sp<*ed-up ill payment on pledge:;, David Feder. Pledge Redemption Chalrtnan, reported as he announced that 125,077 cash was collected during the month of December. "This response for rasli payments." Mr. Feder said, "prove-; thnt Omaha Jews recognize the Urgency of the need to pnnid" Immediate funds for the rescue activities of the I'niterl Jewish Appeal mid nil other agencies supported tliroiii;ii t hi- Jcwhh Philanthropies cninnai^n." Mr. Feticr stnv.pd that "a dollnr now h worth time dullon ne\t wo-ek." and app'-alcd to PI>iUinlhnipie>i sub icriliei s to aet promptly and lomit f;r h on their pledges. "Tiie present crisis in F.gypt and Hungary has placed heavy burdens on the United Jewish Appeal, which require pddltional cash to assist Jewish refugees fleeing and escapees," Mr, Fcder emphasized.
1000 Hungarians Arrive in Israel
Young Adults Plan Exchange Program
Tel A\iv (JTAi—Thn Jewish Agency Saturday d'-nied press leporls that only (WO of 11,000 Jewish refugees who fled from Hungary to Austria in the last two months are willing to settle m Israel. "More than 3.000 Hungarian Jews have already arrived In Israel, and the Jewish Agency Is- plumiing now to charter .ships for the transfer of an additional I,(KM) refugees who have already been approved in Vienna for emigration to Israel," Slilonio Zaliiiiin Shragai, bead of the Agency's i in in I ;;r a t l o n department, stated. He expressed the belief that half of all the Hungarian Jewish refugees In Vienna will proceed to Israel. The Jewish Agency also received reports .Saturday that more than 2,000 Jews have left I.'gypt since the start of Ihu latist anti-Jewish p e r s e c u t i o n s I here. The reports show tint a large majority of the Jewish refugees from I-:,"J|)t will migrate to Israel. Of 1-1H Jews who nrrhed in Albein from F.gyp! last week, almost all will i'.'i on to this cuuutiy. Other icIugeeH have gone, by themselves or in groups, to Italy, France, F.nghind, and other points in Kurope, But most of .stops are not regarded as ultimate destinations but only as stop-overs lo straighten out personal or family business before proceeding to Israel. In Vienna, the Joint Distribution Committee, United Hint, and Agudath Israel are stepping up their activities here on behalf of Jewish refugees from Hungary. About 14,000 Jews are among the escapees from Hungary. Of the total, more than 2,1)00 have been helped by United Ilias to emigrate to other countries.
About 50 Kansas City Young Adult Council members will come to Omaha to take part in the exchange week-end program, January 12 and l.'J It was announced by Al Feldman, sponsor of tho Omaha Young Adult group. Miss Toby Okrent, newly elected president, reported on tho final arrangements at the Sunday meeting in the Jewish Community Center following her return from Kansas City. The week-end program will include a dance at the Birchwood Club and a business meeting and brunch ut the Fireside Restaurant. Hob Schiller and his band will play for dancing, Hal Seiner, general dance chairman announced. Miss Joanne Wiseman and Joe Klrshenbaum are heading up the welcoming committee. The Young Adult Committee lias elected its permanent officers. They include in addition to Miss Ol^rent: Mr. Kirshenbaum, vicepresident; Miss Marilyn Meyer, recording secretary; Miss Wiseman, corresponding secretary, and Miss Uelte Ann Posk.i. public relations. The next meeting of the group will be held nt G:.')0 p. m.t Thursday, Jan. 10 In the Center. For further information eontact Miss Okrent, RE 6118 or Center Activities Director, Saul Silverman, JA KiGfi.
ANTMHOTICS Jerusalem (WNSi A coudi, liution of lH.OOO grams of streptomycin and penicillin has been '.tnadc by the Government of Israel to hospital in Budapest, Hungary. . The drugs will he brought to Budapest by Arieh Kihel, chief or the eastern division of the Israel Foreign Ministry, who is on hi» way for « visit to Hungary. NI.W HI III' Kronen (JTAi--The 2300-ton "Palmach," first seagoing vessel SCHOLARSHIPS Jerusalem IWNS i - Th» I le- constructed in Germany for a of private Israeli shipownfcrcw University recently an- firm r nounced Hint it would grant c s under the terms of the reparations agreement, was taken Scholarships to two students In over by tho Atid Navigation Etliiopla. The recipient* of the scholar- Company In n ceremony outside ships are to ho chosen by the German territorial waterj near here. Ethopian Government.
Mr*, l.connrd Klein
Mrs. Klein Accepts Jewish Press Post Mrs. Leonard Klein will become, editor of the Jewish Press early in January, succeeding Harry Halpert, who accepted a position with The Omnlia World-Herald, Ralph Nogg, Jewish Press Committee chairman, announced this week. This appointment was approved by the Federation Executive Committee last week. Mrs. Klein has been Public Relations Director of the Nebraska .Society for Crippled Children, and editor of its state-wide Newsletter, She also was a staff member of a daily newspaper here and fierved as Omaha's correspondent of the National Jewish Post. Mrs. Klein, daughter of Mr. rmd Mrs. John Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr., a pioneer family In Nebraska, is ji graduate of (lie School of Journalism of University of Nebraska. She Is a member of (lie Nebraska Association of Industrial Editors and Sigma Delta Tan and Thela Sigma Phi, honorary journalism sorority. llrr daughter, Lesly, is n junior nl the Unherslty of Nebraska.
The second program to bo presented by the Yiddish Culture Committee will bo held at 8 p. in. Sunday, Jan. 6, at tho Jewish Community Center. The program will feature the highly acclaimed Yiddisii movie "The Power of Life." The story centers around the eternal struggle of parents sacrificing for children. The father serves an undeserved prison term for the mistakes of an ungrateful son and a selfish daughter. In spile of this, he helps them after lii.i release through his earnings from a patent on a successful invention. Admission to thn program is by season ticket or individual admission which is 50 cents for the movie. gary, Egypt, and other countries Other programs will he: The in Europe, North Africa and the Workmen* Circle- Play February Middle East. It will cover the 20; Fsrband Labor Zionist Congreatest rescue operation undertaken sinco. the end of World War II. Change of Tune Omaha's share In the Rescue Detroit (WNS)—Dr. M. Jamali, Fund will he raised in connection head of the Iraqui delegation to with the forthcoming animal Jew- the United Nations, who in recent ish Philanthropies Campaign. weeks has been thundering In the William Ilosenwald, UJA gen- corridors of the International oreral chairman, imported that ganization that thero will bo no "electrifying nclion is sweeping peace in the Middle East until Isthe communities of the nation rael Is extinguished, changed his and that American Jewry li re- tune hero somewhat when adsponding at an extraordinary dressing a gathering of poople. level, with leaders announclhj; dedicated to Ilia principle of morgifts to the Rescue Fund without al rearmament. waiting for the start of Iho offiThe Iraqui diplomat said tho cial drive/' He disclosed that sev- Arabs "would be ready to live In en national leaders have already peaco witli Israel" If tho Jewish announced gifts ranging from Stato "demonstrate!! peaceful inS2.ri0,000 to $300,000 each,. tentions." Israel, ho said, ''must See Text of Resolution on open .its onus and apologize to Page 2. ihu Arab countries."
Rescue Fund for Refugees Full (support of Oinahu was pledged last week by the Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Senice in .support of the. $100,000,000 Emergency Ite.scue Fund, which will lie nought in 3057 by the United Jewish Appeal to cojie with the greatest refugee crisis since the Hitler terror. This [insurance was given in a fspecial resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the Federation which ratified the Emergency Rescuo Fund Resolution and resolved that our Jewish community will make every effort to do Its fair share in this Emergency Itescue Fund Campaign. Tlie 5100.000,000 Rescue Fund will he over rmd above the regular UJA Campaign needs, It will be used to finance1 the transportation find resettlement of at least 100,000 refugees from Hun-
Washington (WNS)—A noto urging the United State* to use- its good offices to halt the mounting incursioni into Israel of Egyptian-directed fedayecn raiders has been presented by Xirael to the Stato Department, it was disclosed here by a -high department official who said tho note was under study.
cert March 12; ami a Yiddish Lecture, time to he announced. Tickets may ba obtained at the Jewish Community Center or from any member of tiia Yiddish Culture Committee, Joe Radinowskl, committee chairman, announced,
Greek Centers New York (WN.SI -The first Jewish Centers In Finland and Greece have just been opened, according to word received by the National Jewish Welfare Board and the World Federation of YMHAs and Jewjsh Community Centers from Louis Kraft, World Federal Ion secretary. Finland's Jewish Community Center is in Abo, located on n site adjoining the community's 44-year-old synagogue. Tho Center's facilities include club, game, exercise and classrooms, kindergarten, library, dining room and offices. The Jewish Youth Center In Greece is In Athens. It already lias 183 members enrolled in its cultural nnd recreational program. Plans are tinder way for n full Jewish Community Center in Athens.
Citing tlii-ee recent raids, th» Israeli note pointed to the faot tliat tho incursions began rising in frwjiR'ney immediately after a D«. comber 2 broadcast by the Cairo radio announcing resumption at fedayeen activities against Israel, This fact, the noto stressed, wa« evidence that the. guerilla attack! were directed by Egypt in dear violation of tin. UN resolution of December 2 which not only called for a cease-fire but also for th« cessation of raids. The document called attention to the further faot that on the very day when the UN resoutions was adopted, the Cairo radio announced that "fedayeen headquarters have decided to carry out large-scale action during the'eoming winter season." Israel has reported nineteen raids, mostly from Jordan, b»rweon December .1 and December 21. The tin-en specific ineursloni referred to in the Israol note occurred on December 11, when A railroad line was blown up betwei'n Haders and Lydda, on. December lo, when commando raiders bluw up a house between Tel Aviv mid Haifa, killing a woman and Injuring her child, and on December 2:i, when a medical clinic was blown up at Yoknaam, twelv« mile,< inside Israel from the Jordanian bonier. A similar memorandum was reported to liavo been presented to tlu> French Government by Israeli Ambassador Tsur. The note charging Egyptian renewal of the fedayeen raids was submitted to Foreign Minister Christian Pineau.
Dr. Noihcm to Talk At Center Jan. 13 The second event of the "program of tho Month" series, sponsored by the Jewish Community Center in cooperation with B'nal lirith, will feature Dr. Otto Nathan, internationally-known economist, who will appear at th« Center Sunday, Jan. 13, at 8 p. m. Dr. Nathan lias drawn excellent comment wherever ho ha* appeared. Following are some excerpts: "Dr. Nathan immediately convinced us o( his intellectual probity and his wido knowledge of offaira, and his prompt and enlightening answers to all questions asked were as lucid as his masterly public address . • » "Dr. Nathan made a happy Impression with his personal charm and enlightened wit and humor "We havo had nothing but the most laudatory comments on hl» comprehensive nnd skillful di»cussion. '•Dr. Nnlhun held the Interest f the audience throughout because of tho vibrant and Interesting manner of his presentation." Tickets for. the series may ba jiurchased nt the Center or from H'nal Il'iith members. Dr. Abe Greenberg is chairman of the series. .
Reserve Tuesday, January 15 At 8 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, a closed circuit telecast of vital importanco will be directed to 30 communities In tho United States, including Omaha. Don't miss attending thin program which will bo held nt Music Hall of the Olty Auditorium. More details in next week's issue.
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Friday, January 4, 1937
CampusNews Sigma Alpha Mu recently won first plttc? in the curtain act d u l slon of the all-fraternity Ko-nn-t lilub show held at the Knh.-rsity of Nebraska coliseum. The skit was titled, "Ye Olde ('lav iral Hit Piir.-nlf." Kenny I'Vp'tl s'i\eil as skitmusier. I.aiit .Sunday Ihe .S.-minm i crliratcd their .'I'.Hh unMivoisury a t the annual Founders' Day H;>ni|uet h'-iil at the Lincoln Hold. Approximately folly alums and fotiml!vr\ Mieiul'-d the affair. (In the cainpii-i scene, Mai \ in
Published every tvrlUay t» the I edrrutioo ol Jewish Service setxm*. ,tb»i, vioiJin*: fiiviu't'c: Aultiunu.1 ai umaDta, (VtwiisK* AUDua aLbSciipUun J4.Ui AUvtjUSii.' ttulc;- UIJ AOPilcutlon t,UJlunu» uifiee—10* No ifou* Street, Orrmha New, JAcksou L3W> Print - > m Address 4£G> So 7-Mh direct
French Jet Planes Available to Israel Jerusalem i JTA t—Israel could puich.ihc French Mystcre-I-B > t planes which an; superior to the Mjntorc-4 fighters this country bought fiom Franco recently, it vtas stated here Saturday, by Pierre Montcl, chairman of the French National Assembly's defense committee. M, Montcl made hU statement here just before departing for home after a five-day visit. He laid all Israel needs to do to set the frlystere-4-B planes is to ask (or them. The French legislator expressed himself as satisfied with Israel's appreciation of the help she received from France earlier In the form of Jet planes and tanks. He advised Isarcl to 'use the "bargaining power" it a c q u i r e d through the recent military operations in nt effort to obtain satisfactory guarantees against further border raids by Arab elements, and against resumption of the Arab blockade against Israel.
Religious News .1:03 |>. m. I1KTII EL Sabbath services at Beth I' Synagogue Kill b?gin at 8:15 p. m ttabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical pui tloni of the service. Sabbath morning services be^m at 9:30 o'clock and the Junior Congregation Services .ire at 10.30. Mlncha-Maariv at 4:45 p. m. Dally services at 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m.
BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth brael Choir and Junior A Class, will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday s e r v i c e s (Kabbola. Shabbo.) begin at 4:15 p. m, Sabbath services begin at 8:30 a. nv: Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Sabbath Mincha at 5 p. m., followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 5 p. ni. Sunday set-vice* begin M. Montel. who expects to go at 8:43 a. m.; Junior Mlnyan at ' to the United States, said he will 8:30 a jn. " explain the situation here to Americans so that they might understand Israel's position more TEMl'Lt ISRAEL Services will be held Friday at dearly. He expressed the hope that Americans n* a whole, and 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks »ill continue his lecture scries and President Elsenhower, might soon "reach a more realis- sion* on Reform Jewish Practice tic understanding of Israel's and Belief. This will be the fourth in the fears.." ries and the t>p.c will bj ' When Sorrow Comes." An infomal disB. B. AT OXFORD cussion U-ill-b? lwld at the Oneg New York UTAI—The B nai Shabbat following services. B'nth plaits to establish student Shabb-is morning services* will centers at Oxford University and bej;ai ai 11:30 o'clock and the OfI the L'nnu.lty of Leeds in Kn^ li'^iou-i Scivj A Choir under ihe diKind, and the University of Ijc-lft rection "f .Miss Ida (litlln will -,:JIJ; in HolL'in<l. it W;LS aimounced Ihe miisicnl pjrti./ns ul the h i n litre, in .m expansion of the Iliilcl Ice. Foundations overseas program. I -
if I!K' t'ni\cr il>'s thirl'-en memi'is of Phi IW-la Kappa. Alan Ku-,»*i. Alpha JM, lumn r a i y. Tli>- f fail Tint y'rj new ntl'ii-'iTS iit'.'liii!'1: M : i r u n liicslovy, l ' d o r ;
Larry Kpstein, Vicr-prinr; AJmi ami Schwart/. fi'>:«fii, K
Akaba Base Jerusalem U T A 1 - Israel has now officially f-^laliliTilK^d n naval base at iis (iulf of Akaba port of Klath. The frigate Miznak. which arrived recently iit Elath. has cnoutfb i;un|)ower to outshoot liny possible ^un positions that K"V|)t might try to reestablish at the toiithernmost tip of the S : nal Peninsula merlookini; tho waterway from tho lied Kea to Klath.. The. arriial ' of the Miznak, which made a '12-dyy joiirncy t o Summoned Into evtraordliuryy by y(tirt lulled Jrulah A]>] Klath fi-oin li.iifa. hy way nf the N In New Vork City, Friday, XIIVCIHIMT 80, .mil having heard n- Cape nf (lood Hojte, is bttnff portu from resixinklmV JeuNh leader* of the Tnlled of Stutrs und Isniel, American Jew- j hailed by Hie Israeli press ,,s a we tlie mnre than 1,000 leadern and sh Communities present here, deelare ni follows: j major faclur complcmentim: the
Rescue Fund Resolution
WIIKItKAS, this Is an hour of ei.nsiiminaie pi-rll for hundreds of, •t'in''>i ciinp,-,l;;n. Thn. \nv.'s conliousitnds of J u m tixersens und for tlie frei. and demncratlc people of .seiisus is tiiat opening of the new Israel now threatened to a degree unmatched since (he. Hitler days by' naval base, i h i n i ; Israel a tivolaKed and rampant totalitarianism— f-ca N.'uy -with Haifa on the IVIIKKEA.S, the w r y rl|;lit of the ] pie of Israel to evlst as a: Mediterranean, and Klath in the ree iiml Independent state has Lien challenged hy hclll K erent Arab! ^ " " t h ii an achievement of nrliflibors Into U-IIOM- hands the Soviets have put vast <|ii:intltles of j .'N'l'ater impi.rtnuee then any most modi-rn ut war, IneluihnK Jl't homhers, plam-s, tanks ble aoconi[ilishnieiit on the diplotnntic front. and cu IVIIKHEAS, the lii-rnle people or Israi-I, in tile fare of the Kruve threat tu tin niseiyc«, liave rvhlhlfcd tlie lilglirsl kind of moral courage Arab by not forgolni; for u moment the great and holy purpose for which W«s1>iiis;to!i (JTA)--The .SecIsrael wus created—that of offrrlujr liavrn nnd n'fugr tr Jews In danretai-y of Prtsldent Kisenhowcr's WHIillEAS, tens of thousands of Mich endangered und threatened Inaugural Committee admitted he J«v» look lo Israel for Just mieli refuse, nnd are trying to malic their is a registered Arab nKent, Init The pl.in5 were reported by l>r. J W V tO MfiGt way tu It even from lands whose doors mem closed— soti|;M to minimi/c the role he William H.ilx-r of Ann Arbor.! WHEREAS, Kvi'ral thousand .Jewn are already ninoiiK the multi- takes as adUsrr to the Arabs. Mich, nl'O was ri-el'-ctcd nntion- j The first inciting of tin- New He is Douglas Whitlnck. n leadtudes «lio fled Hungary during the course or the recent tlolcnl revolt, al chairman of the Jlilli-I Coin-j Year for tho Kp^li-iii-Moi^an mtssioti for a second I'o.-I, Ji--.\i:;li War Veterans, will and are In Vlennn Hliere they Hritcntly require food, clothing anil old ing Washington attorney, whose appointment to the 1957 inatnjurterm. The two additional itrilish |lx- lu-ki at 8 p. m. in the Jewish In resi-ttlliig— University Mile! centers will be-• Community Outer, Wednesday WIIKKKAS, In Ki;ypt, Naster dally reveal* himself u» the tplrltuul al body w.-ci recently annouwrcd. nddefl to one now in operati-in at t evening. Jail. '.). I'lans for the Vct.- lirlr of Nazism, having thrmtrnxl the rvpulslon of 50,000 Jewn while Mr. Whit lock's law firm is rrgthe L'pUeisity of I/union. jfi-iiiis IIi«:pital program service «ulijectin([ Jewish rrnldt-nt* to pTwcution, dejirlvatlon of Illiertj, con- j i'tered with the Justice IX'part— j (•,;[• tj l c yi_-ai- will be outlined. fiM-allon of private property In Ihe manner of thr Infamous Nnreni-' ment as ndtl.iers to the Arab III— I formation tVntcr. The Center disINVKVTOUS Ki.VOItK . | OIK- of the outstanding Cluist- liurj; laws— WIIKItKAS, In Hie year nlirad the peoplr of Israel arc rrndy to;-':flniinati>5 propar;iin(l» for Ihe Neu York MTAt- Nnt a sin-!nias Kve shows ever presented by receive i Arab cause In the United Stales. of ttiousands of additional Immigrants—perhaps 100,000 £le Amrncan investor in thr: Am* tin.' Post given at the Vet h t b l f h According to Mr. Whltlock, hi* Israel c'or|«ir:ition rnns Monday e\'eninjr, rvcii tlinugh Hwy theinsfIvf» face mintlirr iwrlod of severest trial and employment Is "strictly advisory." - which r the larf/%U iM"oup of I Dec. '1\. Jerome Grossman, VAVS danger— II*? said he "in no wise" deals with WIIKItEAtt, HIP people nf Israel will lip In no position to bear any private American investi/rs in Is Hospital repreM.'nlative was in rrseh i nteiiiriscs. has requested to cl;arj;i- of the program which in- part of tin- liujr eostn of Hi* hainanltnrlan work of rescuing, reielv-!any rtisputcrf between the Aral)* J nnil "Hit- Zionists or other Israeli Iwive his holdings sold wlien the clnded the Tony lirarllry Orclvs- infc anil ttbMirblne tlif-t); ni'wrumrm— ANI> WIIKKEAS, JrwliJi refiigrn will require uld to reach or lo j organizations." His service, lie Middle l«ist crisis developed, Ira fiiul the Joan P.sekany Chaml,,,,^ W(1!i c ,,,,f ini . ( i t 0 pildancn to Abi.ihuu UiclK'n.slein, pn'sidenl pion Baton Twirlnrs. 'Hie Ladies stay In countries other than Israel— -TIIKKKI'-OIIK UK IT KKSOLVEO tlml: tlier* be eonstltiiled for j the Arab-i on lew!, admlnishaof ti,e tiJrjionr.ion, reported at Auxiliary insisted the Post in Ihe iu l!M'IKU .IKWISH Al'I'KAL i:MKIu;f:NCV IIKSCt'K r i N » ; , U ( . ,.lmi rconomic matters. the !Mth rriflilar nn ctin« of Am- s'-rvin*; of rcfiTshmrnts. I and to carry out the foregoing, UK IT I-l-KTIIKIl RKSOI.VKU: ! . pal's honrd of directors, Junior Veteran Commander —That the t ulti-d Jewish Appeal Knirrgrnry Itcsciip Fund cam-i _^ . , i Delmcr KICMII repfirts that t!i'.* palcn he conducted liy Hie Jewish communities «f the I'nlted States! OultUQVV HOMKT K.WOY | Post has rc.-ichrd tho halfway corollary to the repilar campaign for I'J'tT, t " Jcnisilnn 1JTA1- 'Hie Ioai.-I mark in paid up membership-; for —TliTit. In ndditioil to thrlr rnntrlhutlous to Hin regular campaign,; Mrirry OsterfTIOn 1 I'oitijjn "»Iinisti-y (Vjiifirine-! re- 1957. Dues are tin/ nmv. the Jews of America be railed an lo contribute the sum of SI'IO,1100,000 j ' pints, tint the Soviet Cnion ii to this Kmi-ru'iicy Itescue Fund. I Services were held Monday, scndirr; bick its Ambassador, —That rontrihutiiins to this Fund be obtained Ilirutiglt the fund- D,,., .(1 for Harry Oslennnn with Leadership Speakers raising facilities of the local Jewish Welfare Funds, and the Welfare Interment at Golden Hill CemeA'e^.indiT Abramov. who w.'.s recalled fiom Isivel durint; th" The ni'.vt rc'iilar mrctin " of thr i '" l "" l s '"" 'ailed upon to provide a rlmr and distinct channel for such tery. Mr. O.sterman. 50, died nt contributions. 1 height u[ tho .Sinai-Suez crisis to his homo .Sunday, Dec. .'JO. ^n Lendi.-rshif) f.'l;::-s w ill Ix held —That each Jewish community ngrecs to accept for Itself a fair HndiMvuri" the Kn-miin's iii:- i-i Ttn sfLiy, Jan. K. at ~i\"M p. ni. in He is t.urvhcd by three brothtlsfnction with Israel's part in i the Jewish Community Outer. share of this sum of $100,0011,000 and make rver.v possible effort to ers. that >.( iif , of actions. head w")f"rr "worker ' at^IJoys i ~ T l l ; l t """ f<-P«n«»'Ulty "' participating In the Ki»ierKeiicy Fund Bert Poska .jY^n ; be placed on each nnd every contributor. CLAIMS —That contributions by individuals to the Emergency Itrscu Bonn 'UN'S > - Th" ft-leral j licit Po.ka died In Lincoln, budget submiMed last week by Nebr., Dccemlier 14. Mr. Poskn the MlnMiv of Kinance for Ilunhad been employed ut the Mat* destag appiuvfil includes an item prison for over twenty years. of ?175.fXK),WK) for |i.iyment or He is .survived by his brothers, JciVish material claims. A. .1. Polka of Ixis AnRcIos, Cal., and Sam D. Poska of Omnha. Of the total alxitit .WO.OOO.OOQ Is e.umaikcd for payment of.repDance Class Hodi to Install orationsi to Israel and the re- Kadimah Delegates S. Fleishman mainder for individual indernnifiCouples interested In learning The Incoming officers of Hodi Mcmlxirs of Kadimah Chapter Samuel Fleishman, 67, furmer cat ion. of Pioneer Women will attend the Latin American and Ball P.oom Chapter, li'nai B'rilh Girls will be Omnhan, died suddenly WednesMobilization Conference of Pioneer dancing are Invited to join Ihe Installed Sunday, Jan. 6, nt the day, Dec. 26 In Los Angles, Cal., Zionist Council to Meet Women at the Hotel Sherman in Jewish Community Center's Dance Council Bluffs, Jewish Commu- of a heart attack. Funeral services Chicago, III. Saturday and Sunday, Class. Miss Iktte Ann Poska nity Center. The formal Initiation were held in Los Angeles. Ihe n"M meeting ot the Oma- Jnn. 5 and 6. of new members will also take dance instructor announced. Mr. Fleishman is survived by ha Zionist Council will !)e held Representatives from Kadimah A second session for the Latin place. his wife, Dora; son, Jerry, both of Wednesday, Jan. 9, nt 8 p. m. This are: Me^dames Abe" Bear, Her- American dancers will start toon. Miss Ltnl Wine won the ttory Los Angeles; two brothers, Harry month the members will meet at bert W i n t r o u b , Dave Wine, For further Information call telling contest of the AZA-BBG C , and Dr. MAX and two listers, fhe home of Mrs. Sidney ilollis. Charles Guss, Herman MirowiU the Center Activities Office JA- Convention which was held De- Mr«. I. N. Clicrnbis and Mrs. Her307 ,South 00th Street, and Raymond Corey. cember 25-27 in Omaha. 1366. • man Aucrbach, sll of Omalit. VI l * l l " t t n
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Frld»y, January 4, 1847
Miss Sari Shukert To Wed in June
R. Marer to Wed Calif ornian Jan. 13
Tilr. n n d M i s . IJ;iv irl .Shiilu'i I h a v e a n n o u n c u l t h e (iif';ii;* niccil i of t h e i r d a u g h t e r , Mr--; S;o i, and : P a u l L r o n n r d Wulf, Chirair". ID-, ' t o n of Mr, mid Mrs. Al II. Wulf, T h e nrmounrniHiit V.;IK mad'.1 M o n d a y ovr-niii!; at a p ; u t y i,iw;i l>y Mr. urn! Mi':. y.\nih'-i t';-.i t h e IJ'.'iekstone Iliitrl. .Miss S h u k c i i i.s a .'ojjh.iininc ' fit t h e U n i \ f i : ily ill .\Y!i!ii!.lia • w h e r e she is a in"inb'-r «l ,Sii;ma ' D e l i a Tim Sorority, i H e r fiance iitt*. i H!*-*1 Ike I ' n i v r i - ' 1 fiity (if lovva, Jm'.;i <"il\, '.VIHI' he \vas affiliated « i i h i'lii Kpsiloii : P i F r a t e r n i t y . H f w a s j;ra<iuati d ! fr</m Noitlnu t u n I m u i it; ]
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Harwin <if . Lo:; Angeles, Oil., announce Ih'1 | j forthcoming marriage of !hf if j (daughter, Harbara Diane, to l! Hrnd Harold Mai.-r. .Mr. Marer Is I he .son of .Mr. and .Mrs. Robert I, Marer of Omaha. ! Miss Harwin was graduated jjlieverly Hills High School and 11 also attended Hie I 'imcn-ity of ' | California al Los Angeles. SI)'! was a ini'inl-iT of Ihe California .Scholarship I'Ydrralidn. Mr. Marer was graduated Centra! I lif-li School and attended Universities nf Omaha nnd Nchra.'.Ua. He is a meinher of Al|iba
Let's Face It By Hannah Logasa History lias dealt hardly with Israel Now u pawn in power politics In danger from foes and friends In the self-seeking nations In the United Nations V/itli their own motives to further.
Miss P. H. Boster Engagement Told
To expect justice from such a group la to expect the impossible. On only one certain rock can Israel buildThe succor of God above, Their own courage and faith, And the help we will give.
Joint Sisterhood Tea at Beth Israel
Tllf wedding dale lias been set for January l.'l, in the Garden lioom of the llel-Air- Hotel, H< COI'.NTII. IK).Mil) Air, Oil. This year, Beth Israel SisterOmaha Seeti<»n, Natiimal Council of Jewi.-h Wnm.'n'i (itKirrt meet- hood will bo hostess to the Sising will follow a dessert luncheon terhoods of Both El and Temple Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hosier at I p. in. Thur.-d.iy, Jan. 10, atIsrael at the annual Intra-faith the li.ime of Mrs. liichnrd Hiller, Sisterho.'id meeting. The tea, to announce HIM inca^i'incjit ol their 1)7^0 Davenport Street. Co-hostcs. he in the synaj;o(!ue social hall clauirhter. Phyllis Ihdainc, to Sol will be Mrs, Jeruld Iloscn. will be held January 8 at 1:30 1.. Wcinhi'i'i;. Mill of MIH. Sam p. m. UVinb'Ti,'. Miss Hosier attended By BurlH Similar JWV AIMI.tAUY lite UniviT'.ily nf Oniahn. Mr. (Copyright, I9,*»(J) Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, program Weiiihci'i: attended the I'niverThe regular meeting of the I S U A K L I PERSONALITY: chairman, has announced the can- '. :.ity of Nebraska where he was a Much has been said and written Ladies Auxiliary, Epstein-Morgan tata, "I Am The Synagogue" will. memh-.-r of Si;'ma Alpha Mil fra- about Secretary of State John Post, Jewish War Veterans will be be presented. : trrnily. Hi' was cradnnted with Foster Dulles as the "flying" mem- held Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 8 p. m. Baby sitter service will b« distinction fnmi the Univei-sity ber of (he government.-. . . But Hostesses at the Christmas Vet- available. ot Omaha and received his Mas- Israel's Foreign Minister Mrs, Gol- eran's party were Mrs. Aaron Members are asked to call the ters Decree from Washington da Mclr puts his record to shame Epstein, Hospital chairman, Mrs. when it comes to "flying missions" Abe Miller, Mrs; Frank Cohen, following for reservations: University, St. Louis, Mo. . . . During her current visit to Temple Israel No date has been set. fur the the United Slates she has per- Mrs. Min Cutler, Mrs. Belle BergMrs. Paul Veret, GL 360t er, of Waterloo, la. Mrs. Harry ueddin;;. formed a really .superhuman task Mrs. Adolph: Trout, GL 9595. in flying from one city to another Smith, Mrs. Nate Marcus and Miss B e t h E f V . ;...••'•;' as mi other Korean Minister has Eileen Epstein. Mrs. M. W. Rosenbaum, GL ever done . . . With plenty of 2744. •' diplomatic worries on her head, T. I. KISTKICIIOOD Mrs. Ben Kaslow, WA 3223/ she. not only spent her time The Temple Sisterhood board Mrs, Max Lashinsky, GL 330L ! .k'nis;ih m < WNSi- Rundblurk.- addressing the United Nations and meeting will be held at the TemMrs. Stuart Fried, HE 5447. ; ;iml iwMert policr patrol units conferring with Washington offi- ple at 11:30 a. in. Mrs. Edward Mm. Nurniun I'lllur cials . . . Cilberl. president,of Temple SisBeth Itinu-l : Iwivi' been pliuvd alone tlit? roads terhood, will preside at the board Mrs. Isadore Lewis, GL 3107. tending from Sinai to (Inzn in or."she al.-'u drvol.'d her visit in meeting. Mrs. Edward Lincoln, OR 2991. ; ilfir 1<> iuilt the tick of. Sinai this country to arousing greater : A rah.1; to flip tlaza area, it was interest among American Jews in I discltt.scrl here by KovenuiH'Jit of- tho fate of Israel in its present Got TV Trouble? SAMPLE FUR SHOP Tickets arc Kointf fast fur the ! finals who said tho movement Sinai crisis > • • And iu order E r t h Israrl P-TA I-atk<> P.'uu, j was motivate] by a desire to to achieve this, she addressed nuOmaha's Reliable Furrier Call Saul—That's All! reports Mrs. Norman 1'itloi. '• avoid failing aj^ain under Kj:yp- merous L'JA and Israel bun.l meetEverything in Furi Saul's TV & Radio Service ings from the Atlantic to the Pa[ lian nilo. chairman. at Lowest Prices in City 1705 Cumlng AT 2539 cific . . . In the morning on< This d<:v<.'l(ipin(."nt is Ixj n K The nnnual affair is tu lie held 1519 FARNAM ST. Hlghtt and Sunday—WA 0574 Snttmlny, Jan. 12 at H:'M p. m.viewed here as an indiratio-i of could hear her deliver a pasMonatt In t h e KynaK<>KUn wicial Itall. iieneral belief unioni; K^yptifui.s speech at the United Nations (lenThere wiU he ','amcs and |>ri/.rs that Ktfypt will not rrtuni to the cral Assembly and in the as well as those traditional po- <*nza Strip, which has nevor been evening she vv.i.s addressing a band meeting in IAM Angeles . . . Thi tato lakes plus al! the trimniiiu;.^. Egyptian territory. next morning she was again in At th(* sat no time it was re- New York addressing a press can Proewffa go to the Talmud RUG & UPHOLSTERY Torah Building Fund. Tickets me ported that talks with CJaza in- fe.renee, and in the same evening CLEANERS (till available and can he obtained habitants < lack of rnthus- she somewhere, in the .South by calllnjs Mrs. Pitlor, PL .6024, atnonjj them for tlio idr-a of speaking at a UJA dinner . . . A RUGS—CARPETING reluming thr* .strip t» Kj»ypt, day later she was answering quer, i o r only 75 cents per person. LAMP SHADES .Most of thosn who said they pre- tions on a nationwide television ferred UN rule over Israeli an- h»o![-up originating from WashingFURNITURE Mothers'Club ton, and that same day she mannexation said Mich an armnjjt!Sigma Delta Tau Mother's inont would cnsuri* that rr[ui;'-('-'> aged to fly to Boston to appear at Cleaned In Your Homel Club, Thetii chapter, will meet at kept on relief would not compote.1 a Jewish gathering there . . . In Binding • Laying • Rt^ahtli) 1 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 10, at rconomloaUy with tho local popu- the evening she attended a recepHarry's Restaurant, 1815 Farnam, lation. On fcccoml thought, how- tion In New York anil early the Don Bernstein HA 2554 fur u luncheon mcctini;. over, many said that a UN nr- next morning she was again on . U you haven't been contacted, IVUIKI'MPIIL would be merely a the plane winging toward a city in please call Mi's. Ben .Simon, GL transitory solution while they the .Middle West. . . . Same Day Service 6778, or Mrs. A. Steinberg, WE would like to finnlly know what One day she addressed the Na4455. their permanent future in coinR tlonoal Club in Washington No Extra Charge to be. Curiously, even in Kl-Arish, and the next morning she ap| whose resiflents consist of Ki;yp-- peared at a gathering in NewIn at 10 A.M. Delegates Named Temple Israel Sisterhood deln- tinn citizens, there was heavy York . . . Her commuting beReady by 5 P.M. Bates to the National Temple Sis- piffeienc? for UN rule ovpr nn tween cities was always dune (in planes, sometimes on night planes, terhood Convention to he hold Kliyptian relurn. CASH and CARRY ;ometimes on early morning plane.s In Toronto, Canada, April 28 to after a night of little or no sleep •I May 2, hnve been named. They i Portraits No wonder she has acquired »ro: Mrs. Edward Gilbert, presiAlso Pickup and tremendous admiration a rn o n j ; Weddings dent of the Sisterhood; Mrs. EdDelivery Service NVWK and lm|»iH*niiiK5 a t thr. Jews in this country during these . ward. Levlnson, first vice-president; Mrs. A. II. Urodkey, auditor; Dr. riiltlp Slier Jtuish Ilomi; for trying days for Israel . . . To the average American Jew she repre«ml Mrs. Paul Ulotcky, rui-rcK- April hy Oavltl Orliow. December 2'1.—Mi*, and Mrs. ented the personification ol all pondlng secretary. Jacob Goldstein sent flowers to ,|,e onei-y and effon that the peothe Home fur the Aged in honor pie in Israel are investing to preof the wedding of their daughter serve the security anil stability of lienae Kstelle, to William May- their country . . . Her current 817 S. 36 St. nard Cohen, son of Lt. Col, and visit to the United Stales, although HA 1044 Mrs, Michael Cohen. not her, has made Ameri- 112 N. 18th JA1578 The deadline for Jewish December 20.- Mr. and Mrs. can Jews think about Israel's iWWWVWWWWWWHt Press publicity has been set Hubert .SonmuT donated wine to needs more deeply than at any for noon Monday. No matvml the Home in honor of Sam Sum- time since tin; establishment of will be accepted ofter that Israel . . . ' mer, home resident. time. If material arrives late, December 21.- In Memoriam. It will lie kept for the followMrs, Iie.--.sie Scglln. The U. S. Department of Health ing week whenever possible. December 31.—The flowers at estimates that, from one-tenth to the Home this week were sent by one-third of the persons over t»3 It l» important for news to Mr. and Mrs. Allen ZalltJn in years of ago have chronic Illbe turned in on time so that Chicago Bread and Fresh Bakery honor of the engagement of their nesses, there Is enough time to edit son Marshall to Miss Joan Remer the material. The deadline Is of Kansas City, Mo. Adler's Bakery Products Fresh Daily the last possible time that publicity may be Rotten In and and Sliced to Your Order articles may be tent in early ZBT Mothers Piuce JA- iLJGo to insert jour tV&nt AU to facilitate its handling. ThB Jtwlati fruit Zeta Beta Tau Mothers Club j) Current la BO cents foi •ten mn«rAll publicity chairmen end Vvill hold its luncheon meeting at •Joo. Tbatutn F m s reaervts tbt rlfcht to Hiaji Kosher Meat Mkt. organizations orn risked to co- 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 9 %'ze of tacb LdvcrtUtmtnt. operate 10 that the Press will in tha Dundee Dell. Mrs. Max Co- BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuand DelicateMBB be «ble to lervc the commu- hen and Mrs. John Goldner will lations also for all Jewish holi4415 CUMING ST. FREE PARKIN* W A 5SS4 nity better. days and special occasions. serve ae co-hostesses. Mothers of Meyers News Stand. 1302 Dodge idumnl arc invited to attend. Evanston, III. ; The couple plain a JIIIH; V,LI! ,
Between You and Me
Sinai Arabs Trek To Escape Egypt
Beth Israel P-TA Latke Party Jan. 12
ii The Finest I in Photography
by JOHN .A Commercial
BEAR Gleaners
New Deadline
i: Photographer
Homemade Hot iar-B-Qued Ribs and Chicken
Want Ads
tm. ncwisn
hf* Four
Jay Basketball
Friday, January t, IK1
Bar MitaVdh
'Soviet Jews Feel Commie Wrath'
key Sacks established a Steiihan A w u n l Kurt, Mm of; .jH i new hie,h in t h e J u n i o r H'nai Mr. and Mrs. Jlan.kl Korl. v I l i ' r i t h Binvliu;; I^'.lijue for both Jerusalem ( WjN'S 1 - Jews ill lh» (.ibsi-ru1 his );.-ir Mit/vah F r i d a y VAKSITV I.K.Kil i : Hi Jim Karliutsrh s^rlrs and jj.-une, Mickey blunted Soviet Union IVI'M reported unevenin;-, ,(;tn. 1 ;\\A S a t u r d a y ,1! an :i'17 !,erii-.s with names of 171 L a , I uvek ill Var.ilty ba-kell. MlixiKT II.ASKI;TB.M.I. der;;oinj; inrreased dilfieulty at tnornin::. J a n . :. at ISeth LI Svn.-i'and Ki'i. Nebraska Furniture won 'S>-~~t S t a r Aulu I'.ilN defeated Hr. n-1 the haiid-i of I'.u sian authmitie» to defeat Cowboy Liquors in .!.(.'.C TelTill (Ii r r n - . t u n e liad t h e hif.;h as a lesult til the reeent events i 72-511 in a ni->h of sCoi'inand la-latiw--, a r Midget Basketball l;i-,t Sunday at 15"). in the Middle-Ka'.t and the ae. n e i n t i n - c i r l ' ditl-lon -; by L.-ury Lincoln. He score i :\2 \i|i-d to a t t e n d both s e m c i the Center. Haruld Schnciiler put viWi J ' V l d m a n ha.I the l i i i ; h ; n u for j p m e honors on j u . t the r>-i'.'jtli'»!is \Uiirh will ) in:: In 10 points to be liip.ti p>>jnt in;in by it lit e w r v tvJK' of .shot br.iideifk t i n ' H i " Kill '' a 2.Sii. on his team, but Bill (iinshur;; kina four out of five at tlu- free Mr. and Mis. Ilyman Kr.-ift anp J J s Will.' niii-.TCI'd bV I ! ' T ran up 18 for hif:h honors. Only row circle. S t a r A u t o j u m p e d ! nouiu.-e Hi,- l!,,i- M i l / i ; d i of i h . i r As the Sovi'-t p n . s i n r n ' a s e s T.irnutf. fi-6-10, L i n d a ' Piie.>two other men scored on the Nelead at the s t a r t of t h e ! •••oil. Ixmald Harris, will be u\>its .slandi'i'His and iiidi-.lewi.sli *a n, .'l-y-ld. nnd Laura Ke»nl, braska Furniture liiwup. They me l-'riday evt-iiinf;, J a n . II proiJ.ij;and:i, Jewish eiti/ens havo leading at the end of the were Hill Kully anil Ted Kanford first quarter 12-8 and hud in- anil S a t u r d a y mnrutn;.'. 3;iu. 1L! at •!.i-10. In-111 in.ailc tu fi'el tin- w r a t h p m WinneiT, of t h e loin n;,nieiit hi id with four each. Cowboy?, led creased their k'ad at everv inter- IJetli \ . I i-il by tlii'M- a t t a c k , . Mnnjr Syna'-Oiiue. through out the first hall, then val. Friends and rclitivr'.s are imited ii few v.erks aj;o w.-re ( h e r j l Ji/\\s h a . e In i-n fired from (;uvF r i e d m a n anil IVTiiie Tarnolf. (led up the Hume ai;aln in the last to attend both services and the f i n n u n l nnd iii>n-f:u\ern[lH-nt jobs 'i'he winneis were d';terinineil on quarter ony to lu-.e out on a last Al Clayinan and Lincoln had loo receptions which will follow. and replaced by non-Jews on t h « heighth under tlie backa "pins over a v e r a g e ";. minute basket by Ted Stanford. much hasis fif r a t h e r flimsy and linjusboards for Brandels-Philco. Hay Cheryl bowled C.j pins mi'i- her tifiid charges uliirh a t l e m p t t o Nebraska Furniture made six out Kirke . I'se the Want Ads to buy. sell was given the Job of hand; 12 avenifje; Uei nie rolled f)! piie, \eil throf 10 at the free throw line. auti-Seinilic ( iMiitially ling the tall men along wiih Steve over his 72 nvei a>;e. Trophies will toni* (it ilu' rainpai;;n,. lMityhind Triumph* Lustgarten in <i double post, but be awarded to lw>th at the Jearue Playl.ind beat I-Go Van 16-12 outside shots by Marshall Kuslmer •nblatt. ll is reliably lepurted that banquet which will be held M t h e In the heeond "U" game. I-Gp and Lindy Paul kept the Brandcis Jerry Berman high point Ihous.iud-, (il Jews in t h e Soviet played gnod ball, but just couldn't team off balance. Hijjh man for man for Bernstein Auction with close of t h e season. I n i u n ii:i.' iinsious and ready t o Oilier Ill^hs make enough baskcth They were Brandels-Phllco was Dan I'-iMcln 18 points, followed by Kil Belgiade r i n l | ' i a t e lo the S t a l e of Israel scoreless dm inn the second quart- with 18 polnu as he hil well from with 1». Degrade had a cold fir.t liuddy Mnrcui . . . . J-11-1.'C> 271! immediati'ly wen- l i n y p e r m i t t e d er. Curl Cohen of I-C;o and Stuart the outside. quarter, but began hitting toward Howard Keldiiian . . .MK-127- 27") to do so. Jewish youths, who v.ero Forbes of Playland each had six Bernstein Auction played an ex- the end of the first half. Berman Don Fiedler ] 12-12:t-271 horn nnd educated under t h e points for high honors. It wax a hibition game with Lust year's scored hl» points on corner shots Mike Green LTl-llO- 21.! Communist ic;:iine, a r e as anxious team victory for Playland as Mike Youth O)uncil boys home from col- and fast breaks. I.'il-IOG 210 to In.ive as ore the older e l e m e n t s Buddyy Kpslein Sherman, Larry Kirke and Sandy lege.- They ivere led by Irv Yaffee Next week's games will pit Mar- John Sul in l.'!2- 9«-22H ol t h e J c i v H i population. Friedman all contributed to the of Market Cleaners, but v>?rc de- ke| Cleaners against Brandcis- C.ury Mulnlck •• 111-111-222 •coring. Sidney Helslcr, Lloyd feated 47-36 in a game that was Phllco at 7:.')0 p. in. and Bernstein Barry Krlcsfclil I2.'!- 97- 220 Roitstcin and' Larry Grossman very close during the first half. Auction against Star Auto at 8 30 Hob Stein Ill- 01 213 114-102-21fi Jan Freidi 11 . passed well to feed the shooters. KfMOJ -2I1 The college boys «ere Chubby P. m. Games are held Thursday Bonnie Tnrnoff . 110- 97-216 Mike .Simon . Rirhnun-OordJnan Wlan Pasxer, John Goldner, Sonny Bel- evenings nt the Center gym and Francie Grossman 107-100 -207 113-102—213 Sharon Miller Dan -K«Ukee. Joel Schneider man, Doug Cohen, and Ste\e Ro.i- the public Is invited, 101- 98-202 fju.sanA.sli 127^85-212 Larry Kirke . \]'.:
and Dave Soshnlk did all the scor- ing for as they beat All Makes 30-23 in the last game. Coach Leo Sherman had . f|U boyi working Well together for the scoring punch u-ith Orkow and Lohrman doing most of the passing. Bill Kutler ran up 15 points for All Makes to tie for scoring honors with Sehneider. fierellrk Gurnrn Don Fiedler and Dick Zncharia carried the scorfng load fur GcreUck Motors as they beat II. A. Wolf, Jnc. ,'S0-24 in an "A" league game, II A. WoH m.ide a real team effort as eight men figured In their bcoring. But the lack of a tall man hurl their offensive punch. Coach Hay. Kirke had his men u-Mi-kini; the ball in nell to the scorer* with Steve Gould, Joel l-'inkel and Sheldon Ki j/i-in.-m doin;: tlie j);,.s-iriu. Al Ito^ ami Cordon Ilollis nasit-d uell fur II. A Wolf. Mlriflln Si-ori'i Steve GUSH r;in;: up L'fi points for Micklin-Ruscii as they outscored Fireside Knsfaurant 4!t-2!l in the last game. Mike Sadofsky led Fin-side on the scoriu;; end with 18 points, but rrbouiHllnj; loads were carried by Howard Chudaeoff and Keith 'l.ihi-rman. Hob Lohrman put in eight fur Fireside aLso. Karl Liiefscheutz had 16 for Micklin-Itiism but be nnd Guss had lots of help from Barry Frcdkin, Marsh run! Marvin Kirke. This weelt at ] :.'',0 p. in. Klch-! man-Gordon and Ncbraslia Furnj j ture open the star! of thr- ie;;nl:.rj competitive season. They me' followed by Playland Park and Cow• boy Liquors lit 2:15 p. in. The last "13" (,'ame is Iwlueen All Makes nnd I-Go at ?, p. m. In their short history a» a free people, the citizens of Israel Tho .srcoiid ueek of "A" hall i have lived in ft state of perpetual emergency, a state of pits Fireside against JI. A. Wolf, nt 3:'3.1 p. rn. and the list eaine' i1 almost constant crisis , . . BUT AT NO TIME HAS THE nt 4.-DO Is Gerelick Motors' vs. PERIL BEEN AS GREAT AS IT IS TODAY. Micklin-Rusco. V. V. L.i'-.t week the Youth Couneil ;Tlie peoplo of Isrnel liave dedicated themselves to protect their homej, . bowleiN selected Larry IM-mrm a, j preserve their freedom and strengthen tiie democratic nation which they their le.-ifjue president and Jerry ! have created. Sherman as vice-presiiieni. S(u They need your help NOW, at never before. Kutler is tlie secretary. The ica;;ue ; head, will meet soon to determine They're wailing for a message from you! ba n rj II e t arrannenients, trojihjf, j and will name other leaj/ue offjciali, The league bawls Sunday ; BUT WORDS ALONE AREN'T ENOUGH. A me«?age which contains nothing mornings at the Rose Hoivl. The Unaffiliatis ai-e inovin;; out | but statements of good intention* or expressions of hope- is merely a gesture. In front in Ixiyj league. They lead with 20 wins afjalnst four losses ; NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTI0NI over Rayini uhicli has l'J wins and cicht losses. Four ti-am-- are tied Your message to Israel must be one of deede, not words. for third plare with 11-10 recurd-i. ^ V y are AZA 100 A, AZA II). we must rally to support and strengthen the The beleaguered people of Israel — in the AZA 100 J3, and liuyim C. IliKh ^vcrago honors are extremely close people of Israel, Let it not be too little and face of their gravest crisis — cannot bo as only six points-divide the fi\ctop mm. .ferry Sherman ha? 175 too late. *- Israel needs dollars expected to carry this staggering financial for top position and Mike I'Jalt is three (Mints behind him, but Stu to keep her factories going, her machinery burden, in addit/on to the sacrifices they Kutier, Larry Herman and Marty Cre?ne have 171, 170 and Ifi!) rerunning, her irrigation waters flowing fo are being called upon to make to defend spectively. meet the challenge fo her very existence. their lives and homes/ Now more than ever Besides Larry Herman and Jerry Sherman. Unaffiliates hfivc; Si in Kilt (mm. Ch'ick Wise undj Marti' Siirier on their top team. I
and ask for Jerusalem