January 11, 1957

Page 1

XXXV —No. 14

second (Jlaat Halllne ITKChcci Authorized Bt Omutia Nrjjr.







J r .7

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Tuesday Night

Ben Gurion to Speak


Entire Community Invited to Attend Nationwide Closed Circuit Telecast at New City Civic Auditorium Omaha Jewry has been ijnitcd to attend a dramatic closed circuit nationwide telecastj thil fir-»t o£ its kind ever bold by a philanthropic prtgnuizatipn, at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday; January 15 when the United Jen ioli -Appeal will roach 27 communitiesthroughout theUnited States via* i private television network, .lack W, JIarer, the president of the Federation for Jewish:SerV|ie, The telecast originating lxi,.'jl<w;:: rk City will be shown to th«, community at tb« Omaha .CLyiaAuditorium, 17th aha PaVenport '


Community Joins National Hook-Up


Onidlu will Join twenty-six other cities throughout the nation in receiving tho United Jewish Appeal Closed Circuit Television Network Program, Tuesday at 7:30 p, m. The other metropolitan incus to receive (lie program are: —Alt run —Atlanta —Itultimort' —llnston —Buffalo


—( Itirltimitl —<,l(«v«-lnntl

Primo Minister David Ben Gurion will deliver a speciul nie«3age on the problems of the current refugee (situation in b r a d on the telecast to be presented at .7:30 p. m., Tuesday, January ,15 in the Civic Auditorium.

ArrivcaSs Tell Tale



Morri? E. Jacobs, putstandirtg civic leadei-, Is chairman, of tha"

—Dallas —Detroit —Houston —'JiidiaiiupolU —LonUvllIfl —I.os Aiifjelei —Miami —Miluuukre

p —Nowark —New Orleuni —MilladoIphU Naples (WNS)-.Sordid stories ii stateless, fciihl the police had —rittnliurjrh how !hc Nasser regime i" E;:yi>' beaten him until he signed a —St. IxniM Is practicing horror and lirulnllty pledge to leave the counti"y for- —St. Paul •gainst the Jewish population ever1. An Egyptian-born Jew, Ib- —Han Francisco •part from tho commonplace dis- rahim Vetayn, related that ho and crimination were unfolded litre bis wife were expelled after tho —Worcester by n group of 907 Jewish refugees authorities sequestered bin textile Who arrived here fr.mi Eitypt by boat under tlw nej;ls ni ll)« in- concern und bank accounts totaling about 51,100,000. ternational Ited Cross. Tho fifth annual Citation DinItnhbl Herbert Friedman, exec- Oinii'lteil from Dispatcher utive vice president of Hie UnitMany Jewish refugees from ner of Beth Israel Synagogue, ed Jewish Appeal, ami Moses Kf;ypt who havo arrived In New honolrng former President Harry Leavltt, executive vice chairman York City havo found themselves Truman, will bo held Sunday, 01 the Joint Distribution ('.;niinlt- penniless due to the worlhlessness March 3 at 0:43 p, m. nl the Sytce met the arrival!', most of (jf travelers' checks or letters of nagogue. Ilsibnl Herbert Friedman Whom Indicated preference for credit Ijourcht from tho Egyptian Dan Gordman waj named geniettlomcnt in Israel. National Bunk, according to in- eral chairman of tho event in an Among the arrivals were many formation received hero by the announcement today by Harry Who wf?io made "s t ft t e 1 o H " World Jewish Congress. Sldman, president of tho synathrdufih the duress of Egyptian gogue. More than 10,000 stateless Officials who made them renounce Egyptian Jews have registered fur Tho former president was setheir Egyptian citizenship. In emigration from Kfiypt at a spe- lected to receive tho citation in many Instances there was resort cial lUn\ Cross section opened in trlbuto for his unstinting efforts Otto Nathan, internntlonnllyto police brutality not only to the offices of the rabbinate In on hehnlf of Israel, Mr. Gordman known economist, will speak on liavc 'he victims surrender their Cairo, said. It was reported by the Citizenship rii'.lits but to extract Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "Tho decisive manner In which "The Hungarian Revolt—Is This promises from them that they President Truman supported the The Kntl of Communism?" at the A croup of Jews arriving In recognition of Israel's statehood," Jewish Community Center, Sunivould never return to Kv:ypt. Most of tho arrivals said they Geneva Monday states that the Mr. Gordmnn added, "and his ex- day, January 13, nt 8 p. ra. H was Lebanese Government 1» putting tremely syuipathetic approach to (pent tho last weeks before their announced by Dr, A. Grcenbcrg, peparturo In prisons, camps or info effect a series of anti-Jewish tho problems of the young .State, program chairman- Mr. Nathan's Concentration centers. About 300 measures'. Thin far, they said, both during his term of office t>f tho arrivals were of Italian "petty but efficient anti-Jewish and subsequently, mark him as a appearance In Omaha to part of At'lgin, a country which was not measure*" have already been put pre-eminent .statesman worthy of the "Program of the Month" seinto force. Among tho obstacles the ncclalm of our people." ries sponsored by> the .Jewish Involved in tho current Mid-Ivist ,-ire excessive taxation, refusal to Itress. renew residence permits for nonIncluded In tho group were two I-cbancua nationals nnd hindering hyslclans, formerly with the the Issuance of commercial liewlsh Hospital In Cairo, who censes. [aid they line! been held pending Of tho 8,700 Jewish refugees Deportation In a Jewish school In The Annual Meeting of. tho Federation for Jewish Cairo together with several hun- from Ilmicary procossed by the Service will be held Sunday evoning, Jan. 20 at the Jewish dred men whose wives had been Hebrew ImmlRrant Aid Society Community Center, Jack W. Marcr, Federation president, in Vienna, nearly a fifth will be lent to it camp nt Hellopolis. Ono young man aald he wai de- coming to Canada, according to announced. prived of hi« citizenship and In-arrangements made with tho JewOrganisations are requested to keep that date open. terned when b» applied for a pasi- ish Immigrant Aid Society of Canport to Paris. Ah^tbrr young man, ada,

Beth Israel to Cite Harry S. Truman

• ..


.;• .."'••.

"This will prove to be the most unforgeta'blc and most impressive assembly In tho history-of our. community," Mr. Macer said, and I Urge every member of the cpm» munity to bo present at this extraordinary and unusual meeting," A most unique and exceptional feature of the program will be a special filmed report from David Hen Gurion, Primo Minister of Israol, who will describe the current refugee .situation in Israel. ;, Kaubi Herbert Friedman, vice* chairman of the United Jewish Ap« peal, who has just returned from a survey trip of chief gathering points in Europe where 4hc itream of Jewish refugees from Hungary, Poland and Esjypt is constantly Wowing, will give a first-hand report on the greatest refugee crtall , since the Nazi terror. V . •; ••/;' He'will discuss the emergency rescue project launched in recent;. weeks to aid tho thousands of JeW». ish families streaming out of Hungaiy nnd other Iron Curtain cottn* tries.

..• • :



"...'.•'.•. :;' "-.'' >

An unusual feature Of tha national telecast meeting WU1 j>e th»V announcements of gifts and con*/ trlbutlons made by national Jew* ish leaders to the 1957 Rescue Fund, neporta will also be mad* via the hook-up by many communities on their activities In behali-' of the Rescue Fund. , • ;, Omaha Jewry will see and hear : the reactions of a Jewish refuge* from Egypt and another from anV < Iron Curtain country who were interviewed at their place of rescuo.

xonomist to Speak i .Hungarian Revolt


Federation Annual Meeting Set

Community Center and the B'nal, B'rith lodges and chapters. ;. * ' Author of "The Nail Economic System" and "Nazi Banking and Finance," Dr. Nathan was editor from ]()0Q to 1928 of the German • Magazine "World Economic Review." He has taught at the College for Politics in Berlin, at Princeton, Columbia and Vassar, and at the U.S. American Army University at Hlarritiz, as well as at Howard and New York Unlvcrsitics. Educated In Germany,: Belgium and England, he hna worked Iti international banks and In the government service. He has lie™ economic advisor ta committees appointed hy Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt, and Chief Economic Analyst to tha United States treasury department. Presenting a different speaker (Continued on Page 1).

11 K








Friday, J«mmry ] ] , 18S7

Border Volunteers Published Every Friday by tlu Federation of Jewish Servle* Seconil Class Mailing Privilege* Authorized itt Omaha, Nebraska. Annui.l Subtcrlptlon, $4 00. Advertising Kales on Application. Editorial Office—101 No. 30th strtvt, Omaha, Nebr, /Ackun 1M6. Kfilt Shop Adllrcil 4808 So 25th bltect. <MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Kciilo

Behind the Scenes

'New U. S. Policy To Win Arabs' ily David llornwlti

l.'nilcil Nations (AJP) — The new U.S. .Middle Eastern policy-- " nu iiialtcr from which angle one wishes to look at it—is basically aimed a( winning over the Arabs. Israel is considered only as of W i m aad happetdags at The secondary importance. Dr. Fhlll» Shrr Jewish Home United Nations, N. Y.. (JTA)— Reaction to the plan among For The Aged by Darld Orkew. UN delegates so far is not very Iiraelcarae under steadily mountJanuary 1—Rabbi Benjamin Ing pressure from the Unltec mcouraging. Many of them hold CroniT visited Our Folks and that, insofar as the military antl- . Slates this week to yield unconcontinued his discussion of " C'onmmniKt aspect of the scheme ditionally all her recent military rials." Is concerned, any move in that gains. Including the Gaza strip, direction should not bo made • January 3—The Council, of Jew The Xew York Times reported without direct UN consideration. ish Women Sewing Group, includthat the United States has inOne diplomat Indicated that tho ing the Mcgdomcs M. L. Pepper, formed Israel no American supsupply of U.S. arms in order t o H. Fried. M, Fried. M. 2alk. H. port will be f o r t h c o m i n g far checkmate purchases from the Wohlner, I. Brown. K. Hornstcln, Israel's efforts to win some adCrowd* of volunteer" gutlirr In tlic early morning In downtown Communists 'can only aggravate Rose Kagan and B. Tcssler, held vantages from the Sinai camJerusalem prior to leaving for a wtfk of work In the burlier settle, the arm* crisis with Israel—since their regular monthly session a paign. merit Nalial-Or. most of the military equipment Home For The Aged. Movie ma will go t o 1hc Arabs. Israel must JTA correspondents reported tinee was beld that in both public statements and have equal access to the American January A—Special Memorial private diplomatic talks, Israel plan to maintain the balance, he Services were held in The Home has been pressing the United said. Synagogue for Mrs. Bcbctta Er States to back come kind of InAnother reason for UN skepmann and Mrs. Miriam Weissman ternational guarantees that would CandUellghting 4'.55 p. m. London, (JTA)—Forty cases of ticism 1* that the delegates feel Donzcs on the anniversary of (1) auure unimpeded passage for unpunished attacks on Jews In that the Suez and Palestine probtheir deaths which is second day Israeli shipping through the Suez TEMPLE ISRAEL Canal; (2) keep the Strait of Services will be held Friday Poland are reported in Trytnma lems—though not directly imof Shcvat. Wolnosd, official organ of the Akaba open for Israeli shipping to plicated—cannot be drawn away evening at 8:15 p. m. Itabbl Jaruary 7—"The Power United W o r k e r s (Communist) Elath, Israel's Rfd Sea port; (3) Life"—Jewish film was presented. ban re-establishment of bases by Brooks will preach on "What Party in Poland, revealed here to- from the confines of the U N Rabbis Learn From Each Other1 day. The paper also reveals that where they belong. The possibilJanuary 8—Rabbi Myer S. Egypt in Sinai for fedayeen raid- A reflection of his return t o Jews were thrown out of work, ity, therefore, that the UN might Kriplie was our rabbinical visitor. era; (41 forbid the Egyptian army Hebrew Union College. solely because they were Jews. be by-passed i s deplored. Also, Mrs. Meyer Bcbor, assisted by to rcoccupy the Gaza strip. Shabbas morning services will It calls for more intensive action they realize that the Palestine the Mesdames T. A. Tully and ArThe American rejection of begin at U;30 and the Religious to combat the anti-Jewish senti- armistice lines, mnjor centers of thur Anchcl. started the winter School Choir under the direction violence, will not be affected by session of occupational therapy. Israel's picas for some sort of in- of Dim Ida Gitlln will sing the ment among the population. ternational security guarantees Folkstlnune, the only Jewish Washington's policy. Nor will the This program is under the ausmusical portions of the service, second violence potential—a posncmspaper in Poland, carries an " pices of The National Council of was made, according to the reible war between -two Arab port, at a meeting last, week bearticle stating that the -growing Jewish Women, tween Secretary of State John BETH I X number of anti-Semitic Incidents itates. " i Additional Memorial Foster Dulles and Mrs. Golda Sabbath services at Beth El It provoking "restlessness" among There Is still another vital reaServices to be held In The Home Mcir, Israeli Foreign Minister, and Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. all sections of Polish Jewry. "A Synagogue during the Menth of at conferences between U. S. Em- Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will preach considerable numoer of Jews who son for UN skepticism—that hich concerns the economic asSlievnt will be tin follow*,: bassy and Israel Foreign Minis- on "Acbad HaMm—Philosopher never, before though of leaving Mrs. Bessie Margolin. 10th try Officials In Tel Aviv this of Zionism", in the first of a Poland, have now decided to emi- l>ect of the plan. It is known that (series of three vignettes. The other grate from the country/ tne paper he World Organization would like week. Shoviit, Jan. 12. o establish on Economic ComMri. Herman Nichols, 10th 'A spokesman for the Israel two wilt be on Louis D. Barndcl* reports. "They Include many Jew- mission for the whole Middle Sherot, Jan. 12. Embassy in Washington called the nnd Hcinrlch Heine. Cantor Aaron llh Communists who for decides astern region similar to that Edgar and the Beth El Syna were active In the fight for SocialJalc Zeldfhbcrg, 11th Shevat, Times story "a fanciful report of •hich f u n c t i o n s In Asia Jon. .13. the conversation between the Rogue Choir will render the mus- Ism in Poland nnd who now ask ECAFE). Latin - A m e r i c a Meyer Brooksteln, Mth Shevnt, Israel Foreign Minister and Secre- ical portions of the service. UX'LA) nnd Europe (ECE). The Sabbath morning service* be- us?" tary-.of State that was under Jan. 16. I UN, deli'i:,itps hold, possesses the David Slegel, 2}>t Shevat. Jan. stood to have been confidential.' gin nt 9:30 o'clock and the Junior hi f h The spokesman added that the Congregation .Services are at 23. , M p p u o n Of 10:.'(0. Mincha-Maarlv at 5 p. m. g FaunJe Adetochlein, 26th She- Times «tory 'does not cover the thut all Jews who wish to emiDaily services at 7 a. m. and subjects discussed at the ci nizes lliut the enormous fund cmvat. Jan. 28. grate from Poland must apply p. m. Sundy services nt 9 a. ra. Coining Events: Omaha Chap- venation in the course of which for exit vinas even though they Ijodicd in the economic phase of many problems were debated nnd ter of Hadassah will present n the mutual desire of the two gov- BKTir 1KSAEL might have submitted such ap- the U.S. plan can certainly supTu irShevft Party Wednesday, ernments for friendship and co- Kabbl Benjamin Groner, Cantor plication a long time nt;o. The ply the vital life-blood' for^ Implementation. Tills aspect, thereJanuary 16 at 2 p. m. operation was reaffirmed.") li K.-igan, Beth Israel Choir and Itatcmcnt by the Ministry of In- fore. Is welcomed. But the UN past Bar & Bas Mltzva* will con- terior came after Intervention by must l>e the organ for such Imuct late, Friday evening services Jewish leaders in Wnrsaw who plementation. wanted to know why no action Dramatic Club to Fete it 8 p.m. Moreover, this economic plan, Traditional Friday services had been taken on Jewish applicaDonald Harris Kraft, son. of Members' Birthdays Kabbolaj Shabbos) begin at 5:00 tion, for exit visas submitted while attractive on paper, in reMr. nnd Mrs. Hyman Kraft, will observe his Bar Mltzvah, Friday The birthdays of nix members i. m. Sabbath services begin at since 1948. It was Indicated that ality depends on Arab willingness the renewed application would to nuke peace with Israel—and evening, January 11 and Saturday of the Workman Circle's Drama- :30 a, m. Junior Congregational receive immediate attention. no ono here sees this possibility morning, January 12 at Beth El tie Club will tie celebrated at a it 10:00 a. m. Sabbath Mlncba even on the furthermost horizons. dinner at 6 p. m., January 13 at it 5 p. m. followed by Sholesho Synaijoguc. 'oudoe and Maaiiv. Dally servThus, insofar as Israel is con.Friends and relatives are in-the Labor Lyceum. cerned, the new U.S. .policy previted to attend both services and Those being honored are l i e s - ices at 7 a. m.: and S:15 p. m, Sunday services begin at 8:45 sents a number ot dangerous the receptions which will follow. dames Milton Nearenberg, Jennie m. Sunday morning Junior problems, In attempts to win over Riflcln, Max Crounce, Nathan LerJfew Yfirk (JTA)—"The. newstart* at 8:30 a. m. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mulnlck man, Lewis Witkin and Sam Sussthe Arabs from Communist Inly announced determination of fluence, it might mean a strengthannounce the Bar Mitzyah of i an. President Eisenhower to seek their son. Howard David Mulnlck, enlng of the Arab positions withMrs. Susaman, president of the stand-by authority for the u»cout any assurance from Naiacr Friday evening, January 18 andgroup, will serve at toastmaster 1 oven of American forces in theand the other fuedal dictators in Satuiday morning, January 19 at t the dinner. Middle .East as a deterrent the area that the new U.S. arm* Beth'El Synagogue. New York (JTA)—Jews In theagainst Communist aggression may not eventually he used "Friends and relatives - are InPra-School P-TA Jnited States are "deeply trou- opens a new and decisive phisc In aggimt Israel. And even if such vited to attend both services and lie by the growing peril* that be- our country's Middle East policy. "assurances" arc given, some dipthe leceptions which will follow. The parent* of the Jewish Com. M>t Israel," by arrogant speeches Senator Jacob K. JuviU declared lomats ask, how con they renlly wunlty Center Pre-Schoolers will Hie Bar Mitzvah of Barry Lee hold-their first P-TA'meeting of nade by hostile states In the here this week at a reception giv- be relied upon in the light of reJnited Nations, tm well as by un- en him by the American Zionist cont Arab trickery and broken Fredltin, son of Mr. and Mm, the year, Thursday, January 17, decked and unrebuked aggros- Committee for Public Affairs. Dave M. Fredktn will be observed promises? p. m. a t the Center, Mrs. Leon- ions against Isntcl, Louis Iipsky, "Properly implemented, the next Saturday "morning, January As,I his column has indicated on ard Kulakofsky, chairman, an'eteran Zionist leader, declared President's plan can bo the begin19 ot Beth Israel Synagogue. AU lerc at a dinner given in his hon- ning of reassurances. 1. To theseveral 'occasion. In order' to meSrhers of the family and ounced. "win" Anil) "Rood will," the U-S. Tho program will Include the or at the Hotel Pierre. The oc-world that World War III will friends, arc Invited to attend the and Britain will need a "scapeservices' and the reception fol- discussion of "Problems of Pre-casion wm his 80th birthday and not start In the Middle East erls- goiil"—and who but the Jewish schoolers," followed by a social larked bis contributions to the ^ Is: 2. To Israel that It will not lowing the services. Jour. Parents of the pre-jchoo! development of the Zionist niovp-j again be submitted to the lutol- Stale will fit thin role best. The question remains: to what roup arc urged to attend. jrnent. crable tbrcils to Iti national life, The prorei-din;,'* of the United ! »n 3 Til France and (iieat Hi it- limits will Ki|Lcnhovvcr and Dulles go in their desire to bring the Mi\ I.i|isky told the dis- nin of freedom »f B.I. Latke Party Aral! suite* In lino with their BEARR linf.'iiiHhfd nudlencp of Jewish | op*r.ition< from lieliu; tied ; ScilMces were held Sunday, BotJi Isr.iol P.TA. Ijiike-Canl leaders fnnn all walks of life vvhnj Egyptian Imlitic-il nmti-nl,11 S>n now |j«llry? I!ir)7 will tell tho Jan. ||i, for Harry Bearr with In- 'arty will be held Satuiday, y, J.m | attended Ihe dinner, give the Im-|| J'i^its stilted terment at Fisher Knmi ftinc- 2. nt 8:30 p, m. There will be prfSsion thnt "Isnel H\e"i In the | "When I Wiis In icn-nttery,|Mr. Bearr, fi7, nn Oinaha i and prize-; as well as tho-,f Unitrd Nations In a (state of irola- i '>'." he continticil, "I found tin- Young Soloist groctfr for more Minn 30 yearn, traditional potato Mikes plut sillitlnnnwl under ealctilattd discilm- deepest apprehension that while died ISnturdny, Jan. 5 in :i local the trimmings. Tickets may bejinatlom Zt Is a humiliating ex- wn interpret our iwlicy to mean Dennis S'chulm.in, pianist, puhospital after en illness of .several rnirchanod at the door for s-ven-1 hlbitlon of the low state of Inter. that we nrc opposed to his till tics pil of Professor Hans Bucr, will ty-flve cents per person. months. national procedures' nnd prac- ns n way to end International ten- be soloist on the YOUIIK Artist's Mr Benrr operated n^ttoie .'it tices," he declared. "It gives sions, our policy Is Interpreted In Series Program of the Omaha Twc4y-<-i(!htli .Street and Dcvvey U JA President evidence of a lack of fairnecs ami Israel ns a part of n process Music Tenchcr»' Association on Avrnllie until hl.<i retirement in Ntatemaiuhip. It reveals behind which will build UJI Col. Nasser Sunday, January 20, nt 3 p. m. 1554. New York UTA)—Morris W. the mask of diplomacy, ominous despite a military defcut, In Is-at tin- Joslyn Art Museum. rael, it Is thought that If this Hells survived by his wife, Bess, Berliiitcin, Syracuse, has been ambitions and oggrcssions." He will piny "Notturno" by ne»build-up is not checked It could pighi and tho well known "WarOmalia; a daughter. Mm. -Max elected president of the United Lavinc, Lincoln, Nebr., and twoJewish Appeal. He succeeds EdFive states, Illinois, Iowa, Kan- enable Col. Nnscer to realize his. saw Concerto" by Addinscl). Dengrandchildren. ward M. M. Warburg who hassas, Massachusetts and Missouri ambition to dominate the Arab nis li the son of Mr. and Mr*. been mimed honorary chairman do not have a specified automobile and perhaps the whole Moslem. Harry Schulman. The public i* World. Piitronize Our Advertisers of the organization. speed limit Invited to attend.

Wilh the Home Folk

Mounting ng Pressure For Yielding Idi Gaza

Religious News

Attacks Reported On Polish Jews

•nf^e r ^ i r . r;;-,,r";-----

Bar & Bas MHzvohs

Eisenhower Plan To Benefit Israel

"Growing Perils Beset Israel


FrfcUy, Imatrj


11, HUT

Hadassah to Hold Oneg Shabat Sat. An Onpg Shabat' for Tu Uiblicvat and the Jewish Nat ionul Fund will be held by Oniuha Chapter Hd&aiSHh Saturday at 2 p. m. at Belh £1 Synagogue. Nardssui plants grown by Miss Curie Rubin, daughter of Hildassah's president, Mr«. Meyer N. Rubin, will be presented to M n . Rose Kagan,. representing Dr. Philip Slur Home for the Aged, by Mn, M. F. Levensoii. The bulbs were »cnt here from bracL Memben of the Debka Debs, Senior Young Judeans, will prcgent a number of Jewish folk dances. A, panel discuision of Hadasuh's new book, "Great Ages and Ideui of the Jewish People," wiU be moderated by Mrs. Max Grouimn. H n . I. F. Oberman u chairman and Mmes. Louis Hurwitz, Milton Simon* and David Rosenbaum, co-chairmen.

Prof. Use Meitner Gets Berlin Award Berlin (JTA)—The Free University 'here has bestowed an honorary doctorate in mathematics and natural science on Prof. U s e Jleitner, renowned Jewish atomic physicist now associated with' the Stockholm Nobel Institute. The ceremony'* high point was i eulogy addressed to her by Nobel Prize winner Max von IJUO.

Born In Vienna. 77 years ago, Dr. Noltner worked In Berlin from 1908 to 1938 with Prof, Otto Hnhn, Germany's foremost atomic scientist. In 1938, when they were on -the point of splitting the uranimum atom by bombarding it with, neutrons, she escaped to Seanttinavia,, although In her case the Nazis were willing to close their eyes to her JcwishnfiM. Many observers believe that it mny have b«en her flight which prevented Hitler Ormnny from being the first country to produce an atom bomb. - After her emigration, she Informed scientist* In America about the successful Berlin experiment* conducted by Prof. Hnhn and herself. This information was a vital factor in the American development nf the atomic bomb. Patronize Our Advertisers

Want Ads moo* 1JL 1341 lo liuwt jour Wul At fa TU Jtw1«h i i w . Carmt n l m i o mtfj for we* f w U— loMtilga, TIM Pnm nun* <bt neil u> Unit t\— of MUII •4nnlHani. BAH and B i s Hltzvah congratuInUons also for al) Jewish faollday*. and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1302 Dodge

Library Lane ny llowlle IVrlls Kmitli Did you know tli.it Harry HIIUdinl was the son of n jioor lalilil, and that, appmnin'ri to n locksmith, he made n study of lurks tliat was to prove of inesiimiibli1. value to him in l;it».'r life' 1 didn't know it eitiirr until I read "Jews at a Glance," by Mac Davis, one of the new books in the Jewish Community Library. Browsing through this book of 114 brief biographies is a pleasant way to refresh your memory or to learn some surprising facts from the lives of the famous ones. For instance; Did you know that Irving Berlin, born Israel Ballne In Siberia, earned thirty-seven cents from his first song. "Marie from Sunny Italy T" Did you know that when Jan Peerce, born Jacob Pinous Perelmuth, Was to make hit debut, at the Music Hall, the show ran too long and his song1 was left out? When his next chance finally came he did not appear on the stage but was required to sing from the wings. Did you know that Al Cnpp, born Alfred Caplin, lost his right leg In a street ear accident when he was twelve? Even so, he worked at odd Jobs to earn art school fees. Did you know that Albert Einstein seemed mentally backward as a child and could hardly learn to speak? He hated school, found little sympathy at borne, and was exceedingly lonely. Did you know that Edna Ferber wanted to be an actress but Was forced to go to work as a reporter when her father went blind? She threw her first novel into the dustbin, but her mother rescued It and sent It to n. publisher. Over 10,000 copies were sold. Did you know that George Gershwin was a very athletic child and was rough, tough and mean to kltls who played the pinlio? When he was eighteen he sold his first song, for five dollars. Did you know that Sarah 'Bernhardt as a child lived in such poverty that she scrublied flooi-s, ate scraps, and learned nothing but the crude manners and language of the back alleys? Her first appearance, when the was seventeen, was such a failure that she took polHon and nearly died. Did you know that Sigmund Freud studied the biology of rare fishes for several yearn, but because of financial troubles gave up his laboratory for clinical medicine? Glancing through the book and realizing . how much o f . themselves these great men and women have given to the world, and that there is no field to which Jews have not contributed, one t« proud to be a Jew.



Organizations ItllU II ( IIOLIM Members of Uikur Cliollm Society will meet for a. dr-MTt lunchinn Monday, Jim. M at. the Jewish (,'oin nuiiity Center Door prizes warded A board meeting held nt 11 a, in, preceding will the ineheon, Ml/.KAMIl WOMKN The Omaha Chapter Mlzrachi Wurwn will observe Chamishuh Asar B-Shevat, Hebrew Arbor Day, at their regular meeting, Wednesday, January 16 at the Jewish Community Center. Fruits will be served at the 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. Members will take part in a Tu B'Shcvat program, arranged by Mmes. H. Brandstetter and J. Douglas, program chairmen. The. following have purchased trees to be planted In Israel. The chapter and Mrs. Ben Handler, for the recovery of Mrs. Morris J. Franklin; Mmes. J. Adler, Sol Nogg, and M. Eosensteln, foe the recovery of Mrs. Dave Blumcnthal; Mrs. Julia Novak, In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Joseph C. Schlck; Mrs, Novak, in' honor of the birthday of her granddaughter, Linda Jo Novak. Mr, and Mrs. George Kaplan, Mr, and Mrs. Izzlc Zellin, Mrs. A. Bogdanoff, in memory of Mrs. Rebecca Fingcrsh of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. George Kaplan, in memory of Fannie Dolgoff; Mr. and Mi's. Eli Bittncr, in memory of Fannie Cohen; The chapter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaplan, Mrs. Rose Freiden, in memory of David Forman; Mrs. M. Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sherman, in memory of Sarah Spar. COUNCIL WOMEfT Dr. Philip Starr of the Nebraska Psychiatric I n s 111 u I e, will speak at the monthly luncheon meeting of the Omaha Section National Council of Jewish Woman, Tuesday, January 15 at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Dr. Starr, chief of children's out-patient service at the Institute and former director of the Child Guidance Clinic at -Washinirtpn University, St. Louis, will talk on "Are Our Children' OverJlndulgcd." The meeting will be held In conjunction with the Council's national mental health program, with Mrs. LouU Katz, as program chairman. Mrs. Leonard Krasne and Mrs. William Katman are luncheon chairman for- the month. Reservations ' are being taken by Mrs. Harl Weiss, Re 7818.

FOR SALE-Near new, size 8, New York (JTA)—The Amergirl's figure ice skates. Call Mrs. Harry Goldberg, JA 1366. ican Fund For Israel Institutions wil lchange Its name ,to the AmerFOR RENT—Spacious Sleeping ican-Israel Cultural Foundation Room for Woman, lovely'neigh- it was announced this week. borhood, very reasonable. Call RK 7526, KLDKRLY Omaha woman desires female tutor In English. Cull .family service department, JA UOG. . SAVE BY ORDKIUNG 30 Months Ladles Home Journal, $5.85. ,11 Months Holiday, $3.21. 18 Months Readers Dlgent, $2. 7 Months, Coronet, $1. 28 Weeks V. S. News, J3.27, '22 Months House Beautiful, 95.50. 2 Yean Good Hiniii'keopInK, S3.0& 16 Montlis Harpers Bu/iinr, 22 Months Town and Country. 18 50. For these unil many other offers call Mrs. Horwich, WA 39S7. EXCELLENT executive position in personnel work open for the right man. Top salary. Contact Mr. Goldfarb, Director of Family Service, Family Service Department, ,JA KIM.


Economist to Spheric


(Continued from Page 1.)

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Slegler have received word of birth of a grandson, Richard Alien, December 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Slcgler, Richland, Wash.

or artist monthly, the Program of the Month Series Is part of the Jewish Community Center and B'nnl B'rith cultural an& educational program for the community. The series was arranged by the National Jewish' Welfare Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell M. LandBoard's Jewish Center Lecture Bureau, which books artists and man, Roslyn Heights, N. TT., anr lectures for o r g a n i z a t i o n s nounce the birth of a son. Marc Matthew, born, December 19. Mr. Landman is the son "of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Landman, Omaha. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Morris Jncobson, Long Island, N. Y.

Engagement Told Mrs. Molly Cohen, formerly of Omaha, announces the engagement nf her daughter, Ann, to David Ronald Shallta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon S h a 1 i t a , Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Cobcn, a graduate -of Loa Angeles City and State Colleges, teaches in a Los Angles public school. Mr. Shallta will be graduated from the school of engineering of the LOR Angeles State College this summer. Plans are being made for a late summer wedding. Otto Nathan throughout the country. Information and tickets for the Program of the Month may he obtained from the Jewish Community Center or members of the B'nol B'rith Program Committee. Omaha teenagers' will have an opportunity to meet Dr. Nathan at an informal cokctail and discussion hour at the Center Sunday at 2 p. m. The event, sponsored by the Jewish Youth Council ii open to all Omaha teenagers.

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Friday, January 11, 193T

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K.C. Young Adults Will Visit Here

Restaurant with 1-1 records. By Jim KartiatM'h This Sunday tht first game Is MIDOET BASKETBALL A large delegation of the between Nebraska Furniture and Last Sunday In Midget Basket' I-Go Van at 1:30 p. m. followed Young Adult Council of Knnsai ball the caliber of basketball Im- by Playland Park and AU Makes City, Mo., Is expected in Oma. proved In almost every game. Typewriter Co. at 2:15 p. m. At ha tills week-end for a three-day Thl» week, th» regular competi- 3 o'clock It Is Richmond-Gordman Joint prop am with the Young tive schedule starts for tht "B" against Cowboy Liquors. In the Adult Committee of the Jewish Division in what should be > close "A" Division at 3:45, Fireside ResCommunity Center, it was rerace. The ttrongest teams to far taurant plays Gerelick Motor* and ported by Toby Okrent, organiza»eem to b* iUchman-Gordman, the last game sees H. A. Wolfe, tion president. Cowboy Liquors and Nebraska Inc. playing Micklin-Rusco at 4:30. Friday evening's schedule will Furniture. Include attendance at Beth El lUdinun-Cordman Wins r. a. "A Synagogue service* followed by Richman-Gordman beat NebrasTht Unafflliales charged into an open house a t the home of Mis* lea Furniture in a team effort, 34- first place Thursday In the Youth Judy Cohn, 113 So, 68 Avenue. 13, Joel Snelder, Dave Soshnik Council "A" League basketball A feature of tht week-end will and Dan Katikee carried the bulk race as they defeated AZA J be a dance at the Blrchwood Satp( the (coring for the winnori, 31-20 under coach Bob Kelley for urday at 9 p. m. with "Show but there was much help from the 2 wins against 0 losses. That leaves Time 57" as tht theme. An 11:30 rest of Uit team, especially on AZA's 1 and 1 tied for second a. m., brunch at the Fireside res* with 1-1 records and Rayim lost defense. taurant has been planned for SunJerry Lohrman and Alex Orkow two. day, -A Joint business meeting will The winners of the feature game repeatedly tied up the ball In the conclude tht wek-end's activities. forecourt to take the edgt off had six men In the scoring column with Don Goldstein and Chuck Among those working on ar. Nebraska Furniture's s c o r i n g punch. Scoring load for Nebraska Ravltz scoring 10 and 9 respecrangements are Joan Wiseman, tively, but were slightly behind Bill Two accountants carry bricks for the new, enlarged chicken welcome chairman and Joe KlrshFurniture Was carried by Gins burg, BUI Kully and Ted high scorer Will Plotkln who had house being built at the border settlement Nahal-Ox. cnbaum, transportation chairman, Banford, but many of their shots 11, The game was still on the Mr. Klnhcnbaum asked that volhad to be taken from far out as floor at the start of the last unteers who wish to • assist him quarter as the Unaffiliates led Jr. Y.C. Bowling the lUchman-Gordman team kept call HA 0592. 15-19. -But AZA 1 scored only six them from fast breaks or easy lay times from the free throw line Coaches from the Youth CounUP shots. Coach Leo Sherman of to finish their scoring, and the Rlchman-Gordman used all of his Unafs put In 12 points Including cil Clubs have be*n selected for A Memorial Fund for Bard Sperteam In the victory and empha- two baskets and two free throws each team In the Junior Youth Council Bowling League. Some ling, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shersized ball Control to the utmost. by Goldstein. of the teams will have alternate man Sperling, Council Bluffs, has Cowboy JLIquors In a Close One Plotkin was cramped considerCowboy Liquors and Playland ably by four personal fouls during coaches each Sunday as th« Y. C. been started by tht B'nai Israel United' Nations, N. Y., (JTA>— Park had the closest game of the the last quarter. Scrappy Krizcl- boys and girls agreed to help the Sisterhood, Council Bluffs, it was gypt, Jordan, Syria and to » day as Cowboys finally won 24- man hit 4 for 7 Tree throws. The teams and Individuals in their announced Friday by Mrs. Lloyd lesser extent Lebanon have placed, £L They poured In 12 points In score indicates that neither team weekly competition. Each team Krasne, Council Bluffs, sisterhood so many obstacles in the effort the last quarter to erase a 17-12 was particularly accurate on field was assigned at least one coach president. of the United Nations Relief and lead at the end of the third quart goal attempts. The youngsters, a nephew of Works Agency for Palestine refuand the program will swing Into •r. It was Ernie Shwideison, HarMr. and Mrs, Albert Newman of gees to alleviate the lot of the AZA 100 fed the ball to Bob old Schneider, Dave Forbes And Epstein who was particularly h o t action at 12:30 p. m. this Sunday Omaha, died December 30 In a Arab reugees that it may bt t the Music Box. Sandy Kasln for the winners with lie ran up a total of 27 points local hospital. necessary to "suspend or terfive quick baskets that put the to lead AZA 100 to a 50-37 vicContributions to the fund may minate" UNRWA activities in Coaches are Dennis Shulman, Cowboys In front. Three of these tory over Rayim. Rcfcrvo Lustsome of these countries unless the be made by contacting Mrs. David baskets were scored within one gartcn blew 25 fouls during the Judy .Kutier, Bill Katzman, -Sid Gallner, 820 Oakland Avenue, governments give the UN "open minute as Playland became care- game as the scrappy Rayim club Pessin, Eden Cohen, Ed Sldman, Council Bluffs, telephone 3-6769. and full cooperation." less in bringing the ball in after refused to fold before the final Harold Kalman and Bradley EpThat was part of a blast at tht The Sisterhood will hold its a score. gun. The Century club had the stein. monthly meeting Tuesday, Janu- Arab governments delivered here Alike Sherman was high point mapority of fouls, but Rayim The inauguration of this pro- ary 29 at 1 p. m. at the B'nal this week by Henry R. Laboulsse, man with 10 points for Playland. could not cash In at the free gram began on th* last Friday Israel synagogue with Mrs. Mycr director of UNRWA, In his an. He also got help from Stuart throw line. Their total on free of winter vacation as over 23 Krlpke at guest speaker. Mrs, Iko mm! report to tht General AsForbes, Larry Kirke, and Sandy tosses was for seventeen. Jerry aoys and girls participated In a St'emhiil i* in charge of the lunch. sembly. The report, which touched Friedman In the scoring column. Rosen- backed up Epstein in the nly on the activities of the last eon. The outcome of the game was not point column. He had six field bowling clinic for the league. It iHcul year, ending June 30, 193% decided until the last minute as goals, with no chances at the *as conducted by Jack LJeb, specified numlicr of serious hurdKirke and Friedman kept their free throw line. High man for league secretary, and included a Leadership 'Guides' les placed In the path of UNRWA >y tlic four Arab states which art team in the game, but aggressive- Rayim was Bob Obermnn with 13. half hour session In the Jay auWill Be Discussed "host" countries where 922,279 ness and a tight defense paid off lltorium. VARSITY The sixth session of th« Center offirlally-dmOenaied Arab refufur the Cowboys. The league will continue each Markel Cleaners and Bernstein Sunday at the Music Box and Leadership training Course will ees me now i-CRislercd •with UNP i n t Win for AU Hakes I-Go Van couudn't keep up the Auction remained undefeated to hose wishing to register late meet Tuesday, J.immiy 13, 7 3 0 tWA. lead tht Jay Varsity Basketball p. m. with Sherman Piwka, Youth pace as they went down to All ihould contact tht Health ' and Jordan has failed to keep its Hakes Typewriter Company 23- League last week. Markels put Physical Education office at the Council Director, as dueusilon promise to help clear tht UNRWA ' 15. Bill Kutier ran his point total together a team effort to defeat Center. There art some openings leader. Mr, Poska will speak on rolls of ID-called refugees who program skills as related to to 18 for scoring honors in that Star Auto Part* 48-44 and Bern- for subs on a few of the teams, agency programs and leaderships may not be entitled to any relict game, but he had a lot of help stein Auction Company maintained Two weeks ago, Larry Land- and discuss tools of leadership at all, according to the La BouIsM In clearing the boards from Mark a slim lead to win over Brandels- man rolled a 191 gamt to set a and guides for determining pro- report Jordan has also Insisted Plattner and Marshall Wldman. Phllco in tht 8:30 gamt last Wed- new mark for the lesgut In the grams. on restricting UNRWA activities Chester Stohler, Bob Wcinsteln nesday. Sandy Brophy, Fred Bernstein individual high game column. The Mis* Maybellt Carter, execu- by Imposing import taxes on supand Ed Altman stood out for I-Go mark was 60 pins ovtr his aver- tive director of th* Campfir* Girls plies brought Into (he country Van in defeat Stoler garnered and Ray Kirkt all had double age. and Saul Silverman, Jewish Com- exclusively for relief purposes. 11 points and hawked th« ball digit (coring for Markels, and only ont man failed to acort on munity Center, activities director Egypt and Syria both have created Often for hit team. their squad. A] daymen w u high could not control the rebounds will discuss th* religious and "particular difficulties" by trying Fireside- Triumphs to .curb UNRWA'* freedom to apKeith Llbcrman effectively used point man in th* game however, against Ron Simons, Sid Pessen spiritual content of programs for point members needed for it* a twisting jump shot from the with 23 points Including 9-7 st and Tom Platt of tht 100 team, all ages at tht 7th meeting of tht staffs, and in some Instances has ligh point scorer for tht game class, Tuesday, January 22. key-hole to lead Fireside Restau- the free throw line. Star Auto led at the third quart- I-BJ little Mikt Markovitz with Tht eighth and final session of rtfuied UNRWA personnel tht rant to victory over H. A, Wolf, 1 38-32, but Markel Cleaners used L2 points on four field goats and the class Tuesday, Jan. 29, will right to leave the countries eveq Inc. 33-36. Five men figured in on official UNRWA business, th* the team victory for Fireside as ball control and a three quarter our free throws. Ho didn't miss feature Ceorgt Robinson, execu- UN director states Inhls report. . Howard Chudacoff, Mike Sadof- pressing defense to outscort them >nce while at the charity marker. tive director for the Omaha UrAZA IB Is now In second place ban League. Mr. Robinson will -jky, Bud Epstein and Jerry Heeg- in tht final stanza 16-6 for the ,1th a 2-2 it-cord while AZA 100 speak on "Evaluation of Program Fedaycen Attacks " er jelled into an offensive unit game. Brophy scored 8 of his 15 points ind Rayim B arc fighting out of and Leadership." (or coach Morey Handleman. Certificates wiU be presented United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— H A A . Wolfe was In the game during the last quarter after hav- he cellar position. to thost persons who have com- Israel warned the United Nations •11 the way with six men (coring ing to play conservative ball bepleted all the requirements for tht cause of four personals. that the continuing attacks Inat least once, but a loose defense INTER-CITY SEKIIZS Bernstein Auction was behind tide Israel by Egyptian-trained cost them the game. Howard During the winter \acation course. 'edayeen commandos "will have Shrler was high man for H. A. it the end of the first quarter IBYO Convention at the Center, Wolfe, with the help of Jeff Wohl- but outscorcd Branclcls-Philco in f-ntntlvc plans were mode for the Jr. B.B. Bowling ihe most serious implications for Her and Dick Kaslow. Fireside every quarter after that. With two nnual Sioux City-Omaha Jewish Terrlll Greenstone was high In the peace and security of., the minutes left, the score read 30-30 trailed 25-27 going into the last >ntcr home and home basket- ho Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling ireu" If they are allowed to conquarter, but held the H. A. Wolfe, with both team* trying to main- ill Ramps, >agui? with a 274 series nnd a nue. Inc. tcnm'to only six points while tain ball control. Moiey HandleTills year tbiec Omaha Jay 158 (jinne. Tlit warning was—made in • garnering eleven for themselves. man put together a free throw •ams will Jjurncy to SIOIK City Bmlily Marcus was high In the :omniunlcatlon from Abba Eban, The best Individual play of the and ft basket to Ho up the Rime, r-bruary 10 for the fn*t lulf of boys' diiNion. II« had games of iead of Israel's delegation herY earnc was by Buddy L'p-<t<Mn as ml then Cohen. Seif;.il iind Her- l series. to Secretary General Dag Ham* 4f> and 103 for u 2.">1 series. he scored on a running jump shot man Mink fire (hi HUH for the The °ili'-dule <iill for nn II TiO Splits Mere swept by Connio marskjolrt. It was the third com* #fter four passes from the Icpy margin fo victory. Honor s i'.n Motjin; aic cuii(*ntl> a. in. fro h-*-oph K.mic follo'wd picgnl, S-B-10; Hurry Fredkln, munlcatlon on tbo subject writ* hole to tie up the garni' at 31-31. ten by Mr. ICban. The others « 4 r t eld by AI n - i j m m i\Ith h8, ]by th" 1 p m •eventh mid''Ichih •1-10; Buddy Marcus, V6-10. Mlfklln-Itiisco Units >ent to Mr. Hammnrskjold 01 Other High* Once again, Steve Cuss handled olloutd by Larry Lincoln with jci-'de AU-Star game. 'Ihe last. 126-122-248 December 3 and December 18. Jump balls, backboard rebounds 5. Next week sees Star Auto I name will be nt 3 p. m. between Mickey Sacks Braiidc-k-i'hllco. at 7:30 and'the high i-cbool al|-stai« of both Harry Krlscfold . . . 12G-116-242 #nd Iiigh passes to lead Micklin Jtusco over Gerelick Motors 32- Tarkel Cleaners against Bern- Centers. Selection of tbo teams Marvin Polikov . . . . 118-111-229 unday Funday from the Omaha Jay will be de- Stevt Marcus 120-107—227 $8 In the last game. Twenty fouls tcin Auction at 8:30. y. C. "IJ* I.EAGl'E termined by tbo Health nnd Dick Zncliaria 32698-224 A puppet show and special mul%vere called as both teams played AZA 300 moved well into the Physical Education Committee. Fiances Grossman 129- 93—222 c program will ba presented \>f fiard, aggressive ball. Harry FredJ.'IG- 80—222 the .Sunday Funday groups, Sun* fcin put his team in front with ead in Youth Council "II" League They are expected to follow the Mike Green two baskets during the (bird lasketball with a 33-28 victory pattern of previous years in en- Buddy Epstein . . . . 115-106—221 ay, February 10, 2 p. m. at th» vcr AZA IB in the Center gym listing tbo aid of tha leasw? offi- Howard Halm 119-101-220 Community Center, Mrs. Marily4 tjunrter, nnd from that time, st week. The Century club cial1) and coaches In their selec- Barbara Kutier . . . 114-103-219 Cohen, Center Children's Program Miehlin-Rusco was never behind. )layed the last six minutes with tion. Jerry Stevens 130- 85—215 chairman, reported. Tht evont J)ick Zacharlo and Steve Gould 106- 99—203 will be held In conjunction with layed good ball for Gerelick rily four men as forward Bill . March 3 has been tentatively Mike Simon ntzman left the court with n set as the date, for the return John Sutln 128 —205 National Jewish Musis Month, Iotora and Gould was high point and injury. The difference in the games. Final arrangements for Don Fiedler . . . . . . 119 —207 Jnnunry 12 to February 12. Inan with 11. Mlcklln-Ru3Co moves out In ;ame came in the helghth diffor- both dates will bo confirmed upon Robert Stein 112- 92-20-1 ncc between the two. teams. Harfront with a 2-0 record, followed 102-99-201 the clearing of calendars by both Larry Kirk the Want Ads to buy, by Gerelick Motors and Fireside >ld Kaiman, center for AZA IB Centers. —. Ronl Meytr 115- 83-201 or rent.

Memorial Fund for Bluffs Youngster


Arabs Hamper UN Refugees' Relief

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