January 18, 1957

Page 1

X X X V - No. 15

8e*ond Ul»»» Hulling Prlvllt-jt AutUorirrA at Omaha Nrlir


Fit 11) A V( J ill.»,\V


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fublUbeu evrr> *rltlu> 101 ti. tQth Annual tt»t« 4 DoUmn Nctra«ka IMionr 4A 13116 Blnrlr Copy I * Ceoto



COMM Annual Reports MUlard Kotenberg, vlcw-ilmlrinun, ADI. Advisory Committee Calvin M. Newman, vice-rhalniinn, nudist Committee Joseph Soshnlk, vlre-rhnlrmun, llurcuu of Jewish Education Gerald C. Groan, chairman, Curnp Juy-C-C Donald A. Itlce, vire-chalrman, Jcwlnh Community Center Stanley Perimeter, vlre-rhslrnian, Dr. Flilllp Slier JewUh 'Home (or Aged Louis Kate, chalrmun, J^IVIHII Family Service Mayor John Kotrnblatt, rlmlrman, 1050 JewUh Phllan-


Richard Goldman, vice-chairman, Jewish Frew / . Harry Kulakohky, chairman, Home (or Aged New Wing D o u l d Nogg, vice-chairman, Community Statistics Mr». Henry A. Newman, president, Federation of Jewish Women'* Club* Paul Veret, executive dirrctor, Jewish Federation

Poles Admit Jump In Anti-Semitism London (WNS)—Admission of mounting anti-Semitism in Poland came to the fore this week when the Polish government, In a broadcast over Radio Warsaw, warned the Polisii population that elements abroad are hostile to Poland's regime would not "fall to exploit anti-Jewish excesses to blacken the Polish revolution." The broadcast quoted the Warsaw weekly "Po Prpstu" as condemning the "forces of conservatism and ordinary troublemakers" for attempting to use Jews as the scapegoats for failures In Polish

Fed. Officers To Be Elected AH members of the Jewish

community have been invited to the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Federation for Jewish Servici to be held at 8 p. m.( Sunday, January 20, at the Jewish Community Center, Jack W. Marer, Federation president, announced today.

Young Leaders Report Continuing the precedent cstablished last year, the colorful story of the Federation activities Jack W. Marer l i f e . ; •.-.;..•.• . ' . . " • . : . • • . . - . • ; will be presented by the FederaMigration Law Admitting that there had been tion departments. However, most anti-Jewish; excesses In recent of the reports will be given by Washington (JTA)—President months, the article stated that the young vice-chairmen of the Eisenhower announced" in his departments. This Is in line with FUGM Washington (WNS)—Of- State of the Union message that "local tyrants of Aryan origin" the development of a program ficial concerns over report* that he would "shortly recommend to had used anti-Semitism to "obEgyptian Jews have been deport- the Congress by special message tain full absolution" of errors involving young adult leadership A three act Israeli comedy, ed or otherwise mistreated was the changes in our immigration thy had; committed. The antiin the various Federation func"Dreams and Deeds" will be preSemitic line of argument, it said, this week expressed by the Amer- laws that I deem necessary in the tions, through actual participation ican Government to the Egyp'is hot only anti-humanist but sented Wednesday, February 20 In its operations. (See box at left light of our world responsibilitian Government. The State De- ties." also anti-nationalist in character." at the Jewish Community Cen- for complete listing1.). . partment said that American However, it also warned against ter by the Yiddish Culture comThe President did not make Home for Aged Wing Ambassador Raymond Hare had Jewish officials who tried to mittee in cooperation with the any specific recommendations on A special report to the commutaken up the matter directly with evade responsibility for their mis- Workmen's Circle, i t was animmigration, except to state that nounced by Joe Radlnowski, Cul- nity will be presented by J. HarEgyptian P-esldent Nasser. he would ask Congress to enact takes by attributing "justified ry Kulakofsky on the progress of Ambassador Hare, it was re- legislation promptly to regular- criticism" of them to anti-Semi- ture Committee chairman. The play was written by Isaac the new addition to the Dr. Philip vealed, had urged Nasser to adopt ize the status In the United Stater tic persecution. "moderate policies" t o w a r d of Hungarian refugees brought Many Leaving Poland Sela and translated from Hebrew Sher Jewish Home for Aged, now Egypt's Jews. However, the Egyp- here as parolees. (Many of tho surviving 45,000 by Wolf Youln. The cast will be almost completed. tian Government's reaction was to 75.000 Polish Jews are migrat- composed of New York Jewish Mayor John Rosenblatt, GenHot disclosed. ing because of the present up- Theater performers. eral Chairman of the 1956 Philsurge of "virulent anti-Semitism" Adinmion is by season ticket or nnthroples Campaign, will submit At the lame time, President thiounhout the country, both individual admission of $1. Elsenhower was urged this week the final campaign report, and .iinonf; the population and in the to propose an "emergency Impresent special awards to his migration measure" which would Polish Communist party, a discampaign co-leaders. Washington (WNS)—Premier patch from Warsaw to the New provide asylum in the United Election of Officers States for Egyptian Jews. A reso- David lien Gurion of Israel Is con- York Times, reported this week. Federation officers will be lution to this effect wns ndopted sidered by Americans as one of The dispatch stated that many elected for 1957. This meeting by 1,700 person!) at a meeting the world's outstanding figures, it Jews have withdrawn their chilsponsored by the Jewish Commu- was revealed here by a Gallup dren from public schools, fearing The second session of the Jew- will mark the completion of Mr. nity Council of Greater Washing- Poll. It showed tho colorful Is- physical harm. It also reported ish Community Center Prc-school Marcr's term as Federation preston,': which heard strong pleas for raeli leader showing the way to that at party meetings where can- will begin Wednesday, January 23. ident in 1955 and 1956. He served action by Senator O'Mahoncy, such world luminaries as Premier didates for the January 20 parliaClasses will be held Monday, a two year term as provided by Democrat of Wyoming, Governor Nehru, former British Prime Min- mentary elections were to be Wednesday and Friday from 9 the Federation constitution. McKcldln of Maryland, and oth- ister Eden and Henry Cabot chosen members shouted, "We do a. m. to 11:30 a. m. The school Present officers of the Federaers. Lodge, chief U.S. delegate to the not want any Jewish candidates.) Is designed for children who are tion besides Mr. Marer, are: Dr. UN. too young to attend regular pubFrom Cairo It was reported by Abe Grcenberg, first vice-presiCharging the Egyptian GovernCon ''icted by the American in- the Associated Press , that mis- lic school. They will receive a dent; Robert H. Kooper, second ment with deporting and arresting Jews And with "the seizure of stitute of Public Opinion under treatment of Jews during recent mld-mornlng snack and are fur- vice-president; Harry & Trustln, treasurer; Ernest A. Nogg, secrehostages, the deprivation of citl- the aegis of Dr. George Gallup, weeks started a chain reaction nished with transportation. Children may be enrolled for tary; Dr. Philip Sher, honorary Xenship, and the confiscation of the survey was aimed at deter- among Egypt's Jewish commuproperty u n - d e r concentration mining which of the great figures nity of 45,000, so that "it appears the winter and spring sessions by president. camp conditions," the resolutions of the world were most admired the majority are planning to leave calling the Center Activities' OfYoung Adults Urged also asked for a U.S. diplomatic by the American people. fice, JA 1366. Egypt anyhow." Special urging to the young protest, U S . backing of a UN inadults of the community to atvestigation and a UN warning to tend the Annual Meeting was IsPresident Nasser of Egypt "that 1 sued by Mr. Marer. "During 1956 the civilized world v"- not tolwe have succeeded In launching erate such reigns < vr." the young adult participation In New York thi. .Ulolph program. We have begun to deHeld, national chu uf the velop an awareness among the Jewish Labor Comm.iue, In a young folks of .their communal telegram to Secretary of State responsibility and of the need ot Dulles urged the United States to potential leadership. At this meet- take the leud In pressing for a Ing, through the reports of the United Nations Inquiry I n t o young leaders, we will be able Egyptian treatment of its deportto sec the measure of success of ed Jews. Held asked that the our plan." American delegation to the UN Commission on Human Rights be The Golden Age Club will preInstructed to call a special session sent a gift of a silver serving troy to investigate charges, of misto the Community Center, as a treatment nnd violence made this marl: of its own participation in week by Jewish refugees from community affairs. TV first Screening of refugee problem Cairo nnd Alexandria who arMrs. Mike Freeman, a member rived In Naples, I lalyy. Egypt's Colonel Nasser "means of the National Board of the About BOO members of the com-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, munity saw and heard a report on declared: "History has imposed to strip Egypt's 50,000 Jews of Women's Division" of the United the gravest Jewish refugee crisis upon us another supreme task— whatever they own and push them Jewish Appeal, will report on the since tho Hitler terror Tuesday tho task of rescuing tho greatest out by summer," a Jewish refugee recent national meeting. evening at national United Jew- possible number of our fellow Jews who was driven from Egypt told A social hour will follow unish Appeal closed circuit television tlio' TV audience. The refugee, Jack Williams, Crelghton Uni- program presented at the Civic and providing them with tho op-whose real name was concealed In der the auspices of the Federaportunity to live and work In the order not to jeopardize relatives tion of Jewish Women's Clubs. versity registrar and secretary of Auditorium, the Omaha Adult Education Counstill In Egypt, was one of the 7,More than 10,000 Jewish com- frea world." cil spoke to the Jewsh Commu- munity leaders throughout the na- Herbert Lehman, who was the 000 Jews President Nasser has Israel's Population nity Center Staff during one of tion took part In the TV confer- first Director General of tho Unlt- driven out In the past eight weeks. Shows Jump of 82,925 their regular staff meetings. Mr. ence to organize tlio UJA $100,- od Nations Rolief and RehabilitaOmahans taking part in the proWilliams, formerly affiliated with 000,000 emergency rescue fund. tion Administration, stressed that The population of Israel showed the FDI, stressed the values of Tho fund will b« used to rescue "a combination of Arab totalitar- gram were: Jack W. Marer, Presi•dult education within an agency and settle In Israel and other ianism and Communist terror is dent of Federation for Jewish n net incrcaso of 82,925 person! as part of an ln-scrvico training countries of the frco world at least creating a situation of horror for Service; Mayor Rosenblatt, over- at the end of 1956, according to a and development program. The 100,000 Jewbh refugees f r o m at least 100,000 Jewish refugees." all chairman of the Philanthropies government report. A census sets Jewish Community Center Is one Egypt, Hungary and other lands But he added the situation today is Campaign; Morris E. Jacobs, chair- the 1956 population at 1,873,000 of the Red Feather agences em- of danger In Europe, North Africa different from tho Hitler, period manof, the, evening; David Black- compared with.the 1953 figures because "this time we can save er, chairman of arrangements; and of 1,789^75. The' 1956 t o i a U i n - ' ploying a staff In-service educa- and the Middle East.' elude 200,000 non-Jewish etttnns. In a filmed talk, David Ben them." Esther Leaf DuBoff, organist. tional program. •

U. S. Expresses Official Concern

Israeli Comedy Coming to Center

Israel's Premier Popular in Poll

Second Pre-School Begins Wednesday

Omahans See TV Refugee Report

College Official Meets Wtih Staff



ran T"»

Friday, January IB. 1957


Omahans in the News Mayor John Rosenblatt filed for the mayoralty post this week on Ms. wife's birthday. The Mayor became the first candidate to file for the pmltion undi r th' m si '..Editor charter. lit* served fi»r throe tem,s on the Ot> ('ouni-il bl.'ulm,; in 1»48 and h.id lir-ni Public I'lupnty and Street Cm-inn-iimncr before being named Mayor In 1!KM Mr. KoM-nblutt this jear headed the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign which r,:i'-ed mote Ihitn a half million dollars for Jewish social services.

Published Every Friday by Ihr Federation of Jewish Service SJecond C l u n Mailing Pnvlli'iin Authorlzrd at Omaha. Ntliranka. Annual Subscription, $4.(1". AdvviltslriK Kale* oa AppllcaMpn. Edltorlm Offfie— 101 No vinh siirrt, Omaha, Nebr, JAckton 13<J6. Prlat hiiup Atldii-b^ Wi ±>ij 'J5lh ^1.1 Lt-L


Bar and Bas Mitzvah


Howard*David Mulnlck, son of fir. and Mrs. Harry Mulniric, will observe hU Bar- Mitzvah Friday evening, January * 8 a n d Saturday morning, January 19th at 5:03 p. m. Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relative* arc invited 'to attend BETH ISRAEL both services and the receptions Itabbi Benjamin Groner, Canwhich will follow. tor Hi Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and Club Tovtoi wOl conduct late The Bar Mitxvah or Banry Lee Friday evening services at 8 pm. Fredkta. son of Mr. and Mrs. Traditional Frday e v e n i n g Bave Fredkin will be observed services (Kabbolaa Shabbos) bethis Saturday morning. January gin at 5 p. m. S»>bath morning 19, beginning at 8:30 «. m. at the services begin at 8:30 a. m. JunBeth Israel Synagogue. All mem- ior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabber* of the family and friends, bi Groner will conduct the Talare cordially invited to attend mud class at 4:30 p. m. Sabbath the service »nd the TCCeTtion fol- Mincha at S p. m. followed by lowing. Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily services.at 7 a. m. and afternoon services at 5:45 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday mombig Junior Minyan, folLincoln, Nebr. - The Distin- lowed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 guished Citizen's Award is being conferred by Nebraska Wcsleyan University today upon Morris E. TEMPLE ISKAEL Jacobs, Omaha civic leader and Services will be , held Friday head of Bozell and Jacobs, pub- evening at 8:15 p. m. itabbi lic relations firm. Brooks will preach on "A 3.O0O The University reported that Year Preview." Preparation for the award is being bestowed upon Viewing UM Ten Comman'dMr. Jacobs for his efforts In be- ments. half of education in Nebraska. It Shabbas morning services will lauded his work with the Stnte begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Board of Education, the Crelgh- Brooks officiating and the Reton University Development Pro- ligious School choir under the digram and the Nebraska Independ- rection of Miss Ida Gltlln singent College Foundation. ing the musical portions of the The citation Is being awarded service. at the University's Founder's Day ceremonies Friday morning at BKTII KL Lincoln. Sabbath sen-ices at Beth Kl Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. lUbbi Myer S. Kripke will preach Save 'Pinch' Tests on "Louis D. Brnndcls" in the second of a series of three bioJerusalem. < J T A ) — G r o c e r y •hopping methods in Israel, gen- graphical vignettes. Cantor Aarerally far behind American super- on -I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Symarket techniques, will boast* one nagogue choir will render the new idea which will probably musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin never be adopted in the United at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior ConStates. Cooperative self-service stores, gregation Services are at 10:30 through which much Israeli food m. Ifincha-Maariv at 5 p. in. shopping is done, will soon packDally services at 7 a, in. and 7 age bread in re-usable plastic p. m, Sunday services at 9 a. m. bags, a device designed to discourage a widespread shopping habit of testing the freshness of • loaf by giving it a quick .pinch. The plastic bag will be reNew* sod nappe'niagii at me moved for subsequent re-use when the cashier checks out the shop- Dr. I'hlllp Khrr Jrwhli Home. For Ai;ed hy Ihivld Orkow. P«r,


M. E. Jacobs Gets University Award

WiHi the Home FoIVs

Rabbinical School London. (WNSl— Establishment of a rabbinical school in Moscow \ras disclosed this week in a broad^caet over the Moscow lladjo. The radio broadcast suid Dr. Solomon SchliMcr, Chief Huljbi of Moscow, would head the institution. Plans to opi'n n rabbinical school in Moscow crime to fore during the recent visit of a number of American rabbis to the Soviet Union. On their return to America, some of the rabbis said they doubted there were rnouch registrants for such an institution. The Moscow broadcast failed to give added details.

Memorial Forest New York IJTA)—A memorial forest for General Osaph Simchonia, conqueror of the • Sinai desert who was killed in an airplane crash, will be planted in Israel by Pioneer Women, th* Women's Labor Zionist Organization of America. Mrs. Chaya Surchln, Pioneer Women president, laid 171 gardens of 100 trees each In the Slmehonl Forest on Jewish National , Jiimd Jand. will commemorate Hw 'fi«jni» of Israeli lOlfller* klDed . In the IBlhaf campaign. ',

January 11—Dr. Sum Rrcchberg donated a surgical table to the Home hospital unit. January 12—Mrs. Hose Kagan Home resident accepted the narcissus plant from the Omaha Chapter of I-I.-ulnss.ah from Tu lrShcvat. January. 33- Flowers .were tent by Mr. and M B . Knlmun Krafl In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of tlx-ir son, Donald Harris Krafl. January 13 — Ilabhi Sidney Urook* was our speaker for tiic week. 'l"he residents look funvard to these wcr-My Itabbinlcal sessions. J:imiary 16—The Tu B'Shevut parly, held at 2 p. m. was sponsored by tlie Omaha Chapter of Hadtissah with Mi's.' Kdward K. Hrodkry its chairmnn. Mrs. Jade Diamond entertained our folia with i'iddich songs nnd readings. Refreshments of cake and fruit and candy were served by Mesdames: Robart Bernttein, -Win. Fried and Irving Schnelderman.

New Club Meets The newly formed United Synagogue IntermtdltU Club will meet Sunday. January 30 at Beth 13 Synagogue Steve Guts, pmldent. Mil lead a diseuulon on world attainj.

William W. Wolfe wa* elected president of the Nebraska Motor Carriers Association by unanimous vote at a recent meeting of the organization in Omaha. Mr. Wolfe Is executive vice-presld/wit of Watson Bro«.. Transportation Co., Inc. Murray kloadahlne*, associated with the fashion business for 30 y e a n in Wichita, Kani., has become manager of Caimans. The Mondshines are making their home at the Ambassador apartments. MM. J. -Harry Kulakofiky attended a meeting of .the Board of Governors for Israel Bands and a national meeting of the national board of Hadassah in New York. Irving Trlclusr, director X>t Israel Bonds here, attended the National SlafJ conference for Israel Bonds in N?w York:

Major Jqhn lUmmbUtt member of the national movie committee, were among the CO delegates who attended the state meeting of (be National Conference of Christians and Jews In Grand Island. Nell Danborg, regional director, said the meeting was the first effort to organize the NCCJ on a state-wide basil. Lloyd Friedmaa has been named vice-president of Allied Insurers, Inc., an Omaha agency. He'was formerly executive vice-president of Kcrzbcrg's Department store.

Mn. Harold Fx'rlier has been named general chairman of the 1937 Children* Memorial Hospital Leonard Kul*kof«ky, stale cocn- Bazaar. Mn. ITyman Fercr is one rnltteeman and L M. Wrlnrr, of her co-chairman.

$176,000 Israeli Bonds Sold in Omaha in 1956 A tea uill IK? hr Id in 1'ilmijiy Mi ii..inc Moms Croisman and to award Chen ('haims to ivi.m- iIlMni.in Uond.inn, Chen co-chaiten who bought fir v!d $2.r>00 lit'n. worth u( bond, durinc ll»* 1 •'•">» M'-n M'i-\lng <m the committee M'ael Hunii canipai^ii. it v. ;i= :m- v.i-ir: David lllnckc-r, llahhi Sidlounced tiiis week by .IIK* M. Kice. ney lirmiks, I/. Oiaprnan, A. II. Gemller. Ur. Abo Gieenberg. Knlicampaign chairman. tii U'njamin (".roncr. Sam Knt:i Mr. i'.ice rt-ixnted that more man, Habbi Myer Kripke, J. II. than S176.000 «(jHh of bonds KiilnkofsUy. Karl Louis, Jack were purchased by approximate- Miirer, Nathim Nogp, Hyman ly 450 persons in 1956. lie will lie Osoff, Sum I'olhik, Sam Kice. awarded a I laggadah designed by Ot-ne Ilieli, Morton Hichnrds, Sam Artist Szyk. by the Israel Bond lUfkin, Honorce John llosenhlntt, Harry Trustln, Paul Vcret and Office for his leadership. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakohky Samuel Wolf. served as honorary chairman durHighlights'of the recent camng the drive with Mesdamm Sum paign included a women's tea adWolf and Isidore Levinsorf, as cocMcd by Mrs. Avis Shulman. chairman. T h e announcement two parlor meetings, a* dinner «rodltod die Women*s Division with Gcrshon Agron, M a y o r oi" with netting over JlOOflOO of the Jerusalem, as j;uest spc/ikcr, »n t o t a l . / / •-••••;•.- • • ; •• • Israel Day city-wide nollcitation Otlwr chairmen w e r e Mrs. Na- and a Chanaukah Festivals with than Nogg, sponsor choirman and Molly Picon. ;


Speech Stresses Hope for Peace An atomic war will ljrin^ al>out great destruction to both the Kast anrl the West, Vr. ')tto Nathan, jireihcttd p± In- fipri'-sed the hone for \'.uild jH'ace in an addi<' s Siindnv i M nine at the Jew. ish (.Vinunuiiity t'enttr. Dr. Nathan, internationally known eionomist. WUK the second celebrity to make'an appearance in Oinnha on the "Program of the Month" series sponsored by the Jewish Coinmuiiily Center and the li'nai B'rith lodges and chapters. He d-clarcd that the atomic weapons of modern warfare will nut biiny security to anyone, but only varying degrees of destruction to nil and that every effort should be made to work for peSce. There Is hope in the United Nation*. Dr. Nathan added, because, there, as a meeting place, for all nations, progress can be made in the direction of world peace. The "Program of the Month" series will present Bill Johnson, a boss baritone, Sunday, February 17. at 8 p. m. at the Center. Mr. Johnson ha& an international reputation as a concert artist, radio and TV personality, He 1* well known for his interpretation* and folk «ongs of all nations,

Ask Canadian Asylum Montreal, ( W N S l —Canadian asylum for Egyptian Jewish refugees was requester this week of Immigration officials by a joint delegation representing the Jewish Immigrant Air Society nnd the Canadian Jewish Congress. The Canadian authorities v c r e reported sympathetic toward f i e Jewish proposals. Present at tlio meeting, first of sever.il. was t':e Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, J. W. Pickcrsxlll and his Deputy Minister. The latter l» schedules to meet at another parley with the Jewish delegation to work out specific details. Mc»nr while it was rcvenled the United Hias Service hus processed 1.309 Hungarian Jewish rcuf'jees for immigration to Cannd.v- 'J65 hnve left for Canada

Red Cross Gets Ships Geneva (JTAI—The International Red Cross is arranging for n second ship to take ,out of Egypt Jews who are either bc'ng expelled or.leaving under durrss, it was reported licrc from Cairo. A total of 357 Jcwi were brought to Naples January 1 on the 'first .ship, the majority of whom .were either expelled outright or released from Interment on condition that they leave "voluntarily,"

Plonw Forbidden

Between You and Me By Nathan Ziprin THINKING ALO15U . . . -^ulzbenxr in one of his recent columns in the New York Times quotes H cltwc friend of Secretary of Stntc Dulles as having observed privately.that the ".Secretary nid .ibsolutcly no policy In the Middle Kast prior to the Suez invasion," thus confirming what has been suspected and said all nloiiR. However, it would appear from the Secretary's secret testimony that he had at least one policy close Mo his heart—opposition to British nmi French military efforts to overthrow the Nasser regime. Mr. Dulles, evidently, has lenmed little even from most i-ccent hi.story.Had Hitler been stopped in hi.t tracks on time Oie catastrophic second world war might have been avoided. If war erupts In the Middle East, a possibility Washington now seems to concede, the,tragic script will be the mme—a failure to lock the

barn before the horse has been stoltn. It 1» apparent even to th« naked eye that what Nailer li striving for is not only the destruction of Israel end some of the neighboring Arab states but absolute domination of the entire ana and Itt subjugation to ruthlea dictatonhip. . ' ! ; Our Washington pundits tail

"Tel Aviv (WNS)--Tlie flight of nn Kl Al passenger plane over Yugoslav territory was prevented this week by Yu^'o»bv authorities in what was believed to be the first such action liy Hie Tito reXime agulnst Isrneli air transit. The plane with new immigrant* aboard was forced 10 chant;* course when Yugoslav iitithoriliei, Middenly witliduw |x>im!sslon for flight through Yugoslav nlrspace.

this luintls-off diplomacy, neutralhm Biid non-intervention, but the bare fact Is that is U naked and brutal appeasement. Were the climate not one of appeasement, the new moralists in the country's capitol woijld ilomiciles. True, our Ambassador in Egyptland has recorded American concern over the situation that Its motivation seems formality rather than qen-1 ulne concern. With inip<'rsonal Snake Serum that Its motivation seems formalPetnch Tikv.-di IJTA) - - The ity rather than nenulne concern. Land of Miracles has produced a With Nasser riding the high camel new one—snal:es whose venom il now, it Is perhaps doubtful wheth- impervious to all known scrums. er a stntcment by high echelon ofConsequently, research on an ficials in Washington expressing effective scrum has been in progthe country'* concern and.indigna- ress for several months at th« tion over Egypt's violation of the Hupat Holim Institute for MediUN human rights concept would cal ReGcnrch at Hi* Bellinson Hosdeter Mitzralmlnnd from over pital here. Egypt'* violation of the UN human rights concept would deter Mitzramland from its nnzi-strewn len Gurion May Visit path, but the fact that there has New York. (WNSJ—It war even been no gesture in that direc- rumored In UN circles that Israeli tion by authoritative Washington Prime Minister David Ben Gurion official! Is not only Indicative of may come to the General Aisembchilling winds In our capitol but ly session to dramatize before th« of a collapsi of values that have United Nations Israel's Insistence bwn held in high esteem In our that it must have UN guaranteei country throughout 1U prior his- against Egyptian or other Arab. try. Silence under these' :drcum> resumption of various belligerstances, may. be. good diplohwcy ent act* like military lncuttlona, but by n« mtaM good morali. fedayeen raids, shipping blockade* tnd economic boycott.

i ^

Vridfty, ttuauLij 18, 1W7





Hadassah to Hold Regional Meeting

The two-day Mid-Winter board will be cf-lcVinited. Mrs. Milton Nearcnberg will he in charge of mectln;,' Monday and Tuesday, of entertainment. Sum Jtifkin will I he Mountain Plains JU'j;iim o{ Hadasfiah will feature on Its opcnpresi nt a tullt at the; meeting. iiii; day an address by Dr. Aldrich K. Paul, head of the Speech DeII'NAI H'lilTll IIOAICO rJirlmcnt at till1 University of Tilt: next board Jiiet.-tini: of tlif Henry Monsity Chapter of P>"nui >m;ilm. Dr. Paul will talk on H'ritl) Women, will be held Public Relations" at a luncheon, Tlniiwiny, JnniKiry 21, 1 p. »). «1 MwJay at the liluckstotK' Hotel. Mrs. Julius Mcer. Mnuntainthe hoini.1 of Mrs. H;IIT>' I J J I I N U , "TKMl'I.K HOOK HICVIKW 'flic second in the 'IVtnpli' I:>- .'i.r)0 No. .'!fi Ave., with Mrs. Hurry Plains Hfj;ifin jufsident and Mrs. .1. Hurry KulakofsUy, Omaha's tno} i«rrie5 of book reviews will bo Sidman, co-hosU'ss, A <!'•; ;,rit fafj.'j.vsah national board )nvniliei', held Wednesday, January 23, nt luncheon will ha served. ho (iltendi-d the national Midthe home of Mil. Maurice l'epWlntor Hoard tnrotiiiK in New pcr, 6202 California Kt.. at 1 p. m II. It. ADl'l/r KIUX'ATION York, will speak at the Tuesday Rabbi Sidney 11: Iirooks will Rive The Jewish Aihilt. Jvhirat the book review. S'ni;le ndmjs. group of the Henry Alon'^y rhap- hinclieon rncefjnjj. «;ons may tw purchased at the ter of H'niii li'rith Women will Chapter representatives from floor from n Temple Israel Sister- bf1 held VVednesdiiy, January 'i'.i Denver, Sioux City, Lincoln, Pucb hood member. lo, Alberquerqiie and Council at the home of Mrs. Sam Kaplnn, 5-131 Lafayette Avo., at Hi.'tO p. in. 1 Huffs, are expected to nttend. FIONKKK WOMEN with Mrs. S.'un -Shyken, co-host- Mrs. Morris Franklin is general The.regular monthly luncheon ess, It was announced by Mrs. chairman of the event. meeting of the Pioneer Women Samuel Stone, group chairman. will bo held January 22 at 12:30 Snmt)cl Stone, of the Beth Isp. m. at the Jewish Community rnel school system will spenk on New School Term Center, Birthdays of members "Jewish Education Yesterday and Feb. 1 at Temple Today." The program will also Application* are now being Include Mat- Jongg and cards. taken for the-second semester of The Temple Israel Nursery" school HADASSAir Mrs. Charles Caret, 3013 S. 42 beginning Friday, February 1, by St., will be hoiten- to members Mrs. Morris J. Llpp, chairman of The annual Business and Pro- of the Hadaseah Education Coun- the nursery school committee, GL fessional Women's Card Party cil for • their January Oneg Sha- 9197. pr «? the Templf office, RE and Bazaar will be hrld at the bat, Saturday, .January 19, at 1 Blackstonc H o t e 1, Wednesday, p. m.. All members Are. urged to The concluding gemester conJanuary 30. The fvent l» the ' sisted o( free play, atoty telling, a t t e n d : ,• : . .'•].. ;•.•.:,.•; ••• •' gnnizallon'* only fund ralalng af- . Members Of. the Omaha Chap- singing, dancing, painting and fair, serving to cover all quotas tor Hadasiah and Group Boards various phase* ol the Jewish holifor Israel. will meet Uiurisday,; January -2*. day education under the'Instruc. Mrs. Chariot ROM, president; 1 p. m. at A!, Green'» Sky Room tion of Mr». Thomas C, Ernestl Mesdamcs Phil Schwartz, Julia wheij they will joioUy discuss Jhc and Mri. Bernard Groenberg, Jacobi, Eve Konecky and 'Mils Janunry- 30 chapter.; meeting Ut teachers.'••'.Future plant of the : Evelyn Levy, past presidents, will feature the H a d a s s o h - H e b f e w ??iiri!ery SchooJ include gardening, • e t v e a r h o s t e i a e s . .••'.' .• . \ • a adence"corner where the chilUrilvcrsilj' Medical Center. . Others working on the bazaar The Omaha Chapter's quota to* flren can learn about plants, flowar« Miss Evelyn Levy, ticker wards the $12^00,000 Center is ers, birds and shells. Special chairman, assisted by. Mcsdomes $4,000 to be used to finish a re- events,will Include a train ride Cti'l Lagman, Alice Hccger, Julia covery room for the Eye, Ear, to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Jacobs; Mi.<ues Julia Zuker, Aim Nose and Throat division of the The nursery school's staff of Va'Ccnshater, Mildred Levy and institution. Mrs. Julius Stein is- consultants include Dr. Herman Lena Grec^borg; decorations com- ehflpler Medical-center chairman. Jnhr, Mrs. Angeline Anderson, mittee, MlK5q« Myrtle Freeman, Group chairmen are Herzl, Mrs. Mrs. Martin Ifaykin and Dr. PhilMarion Yawlt7, Ilel)ccca Bereo Mnx Shapiro; S/^)ld, Mi's. Max ip Starr. vid, Bets Blank, Jean Kaplan and Kronikin and Welzmtui, Mines. Nursery school pupils will ho HoMlIc Handler; financial sccre Ben I'crelman nnd Dave Kulz- accepted in order of their regislurles, Mrs, Phil Schwartz and tration, since the enrollment is Miss Islia Itothholz; (.pecial Kilts, limited, Mrs. Lipp reported. Mesdames Flo Brookslein. Kan SUiMA AI.MIA MIT S1OTIIKRS Sherman, Julius Newman, I. Dan- Moinlicrs of the Sigma Alpha «ky, Frances Greenherg nnd Gnicc Mu Mothers* Club will meet for a Sisterhood to Take Part l*nk and publicity. Mrs. Kvc 1 p. m. luncheon Tuesday, JanMembers of the Sisterhood will Konecky." Co-chnlrmnn are the uary 22, at the home of Mrs. Sam Mls»es Dorothy Rosenthal and Garrop, 2950 Nd. M St. Mrs. Har- participate In the Friday evening services of Beth El Synagogue Kena Gross. . •. • • ry Friedman. will be co-hostess. February h Mrs. WJlliam Alberts Those who have not been notified will be chairman for a reception by phone, please contact Mrs. given by the organization followAppoint Co-chairmen Sam Turkel, GL 3425 or Mni. X ing the service. She will be asDan Gordman, general chalr- Milton Margolin, GL, 4668. • ' sisted by Mrs. Sam Green and miin of the fifth annual Beth IsMrs, Philip Rosenblatt. and memrael Citation Dinner, March 3. bers of Circle. No. 2. <-• ./ . honoring former President Harry Mrs. Roosevelt New York (WNS>— Israel's reTruman, has announced the ap' pointment of Art Gould as co- fusal to return to Egypt the twi DEBKA DEBS chairman, in charge of the Sou- small islands commanding the en- The pledge group of the Debvenir Journal, Mrs. Jack Levey trance to the Gulf of Aqaba was ka Debs was formally initiated will serve Mr. Gould's co-chair- supported this week by Mrs. in a ceremony recently at the man for the Souvenir Journal Kleanor Roosevelt In an address home of Miss Barbara Brodkey, lelivercd at a luncheon sponsored It was announced by Miss Linda project. Other appointments arc as fol- by the American Christian Pales- Rosenbaum, group reporter. Miss low*: Maurice Katzman, program; tine Committee. Israel's only In- Phyllis Katzman received the Jitmtt. Henry Appel. Sam h'alz- terest In the islands, which bad "best pledge award." .man, Sidney Goldberg, bnno.uet; been used to bar Israel shipping, llnrry Sldman, rescravllftns; Mrs, ivas to prevent their Twlng used Sidney Kwlatrt: and Normun Jtas- for aggressive purposes, she enzwelg, publishing; Mrs. Sain stated. Garrop, table decorations; Irvin;: Hiwie ik I2flrt to Iniert your Want Ad In Tlir JrwlMi I'rrif. Stern, checking; Kujjene Ilraun, Admission Pleas Current I*U \* M cmti for tach four parking; Mm. Harry Sidninn, lint lnB«rt(oB. The I'rtit rcscrrn the rlfht limit *U« of ««ch •4v«rttiemffnt. VVashlncton. (WNS)—Pleas ror jewel page; Max Greenfield nnd Hurry Lewis, table arrangement; the cxpnnsion of the refugee pro- BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratugram to include the admission ltcnry Appel. uerviiif;. lations ulso for all Jewish holifo (he V. S. o! Jewish refugees days and special occasions, from Egypt ivrrr fioune'ed on the Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Israel Gains Friends floors of l>oth Houses .of Congress Tel Aviv, |WNS)~Mrs. Golda amidst mountInc concern of the FHONT bedroom for rent in private home, 852 S. 35th av. Mcir, Foreign Minister, declared fate of Egypt's Jewry. Coll AT 3189. here on her return from the United States, where she ad- Jets From France SAVE BY ORDERING d i c t e d the'United Nations and ,'iO Months Ladies Home JourJerusalem rf.'TA)-—I/iiael will numerous Jewish gatherings, that nal, $5.85. despite the difficulty of explain- Ijurcliase the latest model Mysterc 11 Months Holiday, $3.21. ing Israel's position throughout IV-B Jet planes from France. 16 Months Readers Digest, $2. the world, the country has gained Shimon Peress, director general 7 Months Coronet, Jl. of th« Ministry of Defense, « • many more friends. 26 Wetks, U.S. Mews, 83.27. vealed htrc this «««k at a meet22 Months Home Beautiful, ng devoted to the sale of InterHit by Syrian Guns $5.50. nal defense bonds. 2 Yean Good Housekeeping, Ttl Aviv, (WNS)— Wounding of en Israeli at a border settlement Visitors 13.98. by Syrian gunfire wai disclosed 16 Months Htrpen B m i r , Mr. and Mrs. Herman W!t« and here in I report which «al<! two li.SO. son, Richard of Chicago, w«re settltrs w«r« fired upon while 22 Months Town and Country, on patrol duty som» 800 yards among: tha sue»l« who h«lp«l 18.50. ,• Iran the Syrian border. Tht Syr- ceUbrate the 8 1 birthday, JanTor these and many other bfIan (Ire was ,returrj«4 ,by othtr u*ry ,1, of Mr*. lAnn. Llpp, mother trrt, Call, Mri. Korwich. WA WJ««, , . •••,„<•' 'settlers. . ' . . • . , • • ' • • , ' . ' • : ctUn. » 9 S 7 . •'. ; : , • ; , • - . ; .'• •.." :.: COUNCIL STTDY <iUOI.Il' Mrs. Norniun Bntt ivjjj discus? the Arab-Isrnrl situation at a meeting of the Current Events study group of the National ("ountfl cif Jewish Women Tuesday January '12, 1. p. m. nt the home of Mrs. David Lewis, 1H20 No 53 St.


Acudath Provides 600 Scholarships N e w Y o r k , fJTA)—Agudath Israel of America is providing tiOO Kcholanhips for Hungarian refugee Jewish children who wij) settle in the United Slates. Michael G. Trer,R, administrative president, h;js reported on his return from V'if.-mia. lie said that (he first of the scholarships were jiresented to a r.n>up of ehihlren In Vienna. The A;;udatli Israel offlclul strongly denied charges made by S. '/.. Shragai, Jewish leader, that Agud.-ith Israel is propagandizing Hungarian Jews against going to I l

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Center Sports By Jim Karbatich MIDGET BASKETBALL MickluvRusco won over ever) ' team In the first round of "A division, Midget basketball compo tltlon. Winners In the first game In regular competition in the "IV divUton Were Nebraska Furniture, All Makes Typewriters and Richsnah-Gordnuut It wat an individual acoring duel between Nebraska Furniture's Bill Glnsburf and I-Go Van'i Chester Stonier in the t i n t game last Sun day. Glnsburg poured through 1' points for high honors in the scoring column followed by 13 points for Stonier. The difference came Intbe support given by their teammates w h e n Bill Kully came through with 8 points for the win .nen. The final score Was 29-15. Ted Sanford made 4 for Nebraska Furniture and Ed Altman scored a field goal for I-Go. The furniture men played much more aggressive ball,' and despite 8 personal fouls, more than made up the difference In easy lay up shots after having stolen the ball. All Make* Typewriters Win Playland Park just didn't have a big point maker in the scoring column as they lost to All Makes Typewriters 16-12. Their team ef fort paid off with five men mak Ing baskets, but a loose defense enabled sharp shooter Bill Kutler to score 13 points to lead his team to victory. AH Makes maintained a slim lead throughout the first hair, but ended up with a 11-11 score going into the final stanza. With the pressure on, Kutler made S points in the last quarter on two baskets and one free throw. Meanwhile, Mike Sherman, Dave Forbes and Larry Kirke were being well covered In a zone defense that really put a lid over their basket. C-edlt for the good defense should b? given to Bob Gould, Marshall Widman and John SpiUer, Rlchnun-Oordnua Nets M Points "here Was no stopping a strong Rchman-Gordman team as they ran up a total of 26 points against the Cowboy Liquors team in the last "B" division game. Joel Snelder, Dave Soshnlk and Dun Katskee parlayed a fast break and constant ball hawking into a lop-sided victory. Cowboy Liquors put four then in the scoring column with Barry Sadofsky, Snndy Kasin, Harold Schneider and Larry Cohn. Coach Leo Sherman had his boys playing well as a unit for the winning team. Oerellck Motors Had Speed Gerelick Motors used speed and deception to top Fireside Restaurant 39-24 in the "A" division. Don Fiedler, Steve Gould and Dick Zacharia worked the bail Well for


'Gymnastics' Taught

the winners Fiedler w-as hi£ [Mint man with IB points. Mik Sadofsky played a good floor gam for the Cowboys. His left-handed running jump shot kept Fireside in the game. Keith Liberman an Howard Chudacoff rebounded well for Fireside, but the job was more than they could handle with Fiedler and Gould getting floor position the majority of the time. H. A. Wolf Put Up Good Fight H. A. Wolfe, Inc., put on a las quarter rally but Mlcklin-Ruseo won 34-33, The realtors outscored their opponents 1 nthe last quarter to go in front 33-30 with two min Utes to go. Steve Guss put in a basket to close the g»P and then two free throws for the win. Good floor games were turned l i v b y Howie Shrier, Dick Kaslow Jeff Wohlner and Karl LeufschueU. On January 20, the 1:30 game is between I-Go Van and Cowboy Liquors.- Following are Playland Park and Rlchtnan-Gordman, with the 3:00 game between Nebraska Furniture and All Makes Typewriters. In the "A" division, H. A. Wolf, Inc., vs. Gerelick Motors at 3:45 and Fireside Restaurant vs MlckUn-Rusco at 4;3O. AU players are asked to come a little early for their game In order to receive uniforms. X. O. BASKETBALb AZA 1 failed to score In the last quarter and still came through with a victory over AZA 100 in the first Youth Council "A" basketball game last week, Going into the third quarter, the Mother Chapter led 29-22, and that's all it took for AZA 100 that night. A missed free throw In the final 15 seconds could have tied up th* toll game, but "that's the way th* ball bounces." Jerry Rosen kept the Century club in the game with thirteen points for scoring honors, but In the last quarter John Okun closed the gap to thret points and free throws by Rosen and Mike Canar almost tied up the game. Will Plotkln had four personals going into the fourth quarter, but prior to that time his point total was 12, Al Krizleman and Jerry Freedman kept the 100 team of balance as Freedman got his share of rebounds and Krizelman played a good floor game. They got 15 points between them. The third win in a row for the Unaffilialcs came at the expense f Rayim in the second game. Final score was 37-31. Rayim made IS points alone on free throws, but had a hard time shakIn gloose for a good shot. Chuck Wise played all around good ball for the Unafflliates. He was their high point man with 10, but still

Tumbhni; imtniiimn v,ill Ix-jjl soon In the ornn.istits cl.i's f< Youth Ctiuncil llnjr, h. Id W.d neiday aftern'toiib in Inr CYnt< work-out rooin The cource, conducted by D J Fogel, former University i-t N'e braska gymnastics li'tliiin.ni, n eludes elementary and routine maneuvers on the high horuontn bar, side horse and ttimbliiu;. Boys wishing to register for the course are asked to contact the Health and Physical Education office before next Wednesday.

Friday, January 18, 1937

Eldne Falken Wins Abe Lincoln Contest


I.l.iine K.illun, d.iui'htii of Mr .UKI MM I'hllip Knlkin, f CI.H: Bluffs was the winner if .in ii

Sigma Alpha Mu Personalities



Abraham Lincoln Ilii;l Council Bluffs tlii.'i «•!• k Mi. Is Ilcglnnal U'm Glil-s piesident and p: ist Hodi HUG president. She will nter the state contest at the State Unl vcrslty of Iowa in April,

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Lin) 1 l.pitein him been elected I>it -irli nt nf the Campus Ited Ciths Clulj He is also assistant Yell Kiiii; of the Yell Squad, asblstaiit business maiutgcr for the Daily Niliraskon, the university papor »nd a member of Corn Cotis. Marvin Breslow is a member of the student council, the student governing body for the university and the Board of Student Governors. Larry Schwartz is a member of the Kosmet Club, the University Men's Dramatic organiaztlon. Stan Widman serve* as sport staff writer for the Nebraska^ Alan Rosen is a member of the Phalanx Military Honorary and the track team. Ken Freed and Stan Burateln belong to the University Symphony Or* chestra. Arnold Epstein plays in the University Symphony Band and the Marching Bank and is a member of the Honorary Band Fraternity. Mike Levy is the Section Head of the Comhuaker year Book, Alan Hecgar is a member of the Mathcmatlc* Honorary Fraternity and works as a l a b oratory instructor in the Physic* department. Forrest Poska is a Chemistry laboratory Instructor.

took second to Bob Obcrman and Buddy Marcus was high In last Larry Kohn, each with 11. Every Sunday's competition with a 310 man on the Unafs team racked up series In Junior B'nai B'rith in the scoring column with the Bowling League. Buddy had least point total being 3 by two games of 153 and 157. men. Rayim outscored the Unafs Don Fiedler had the high game, in the last quarter but a comfort: able 10 point margin at the start a 173. Don's second game of a of tht session enabjed them to use 131 gave him a 304 series. stalling tactics for the win. Terrill Greenstone was high in UnaffiUates.now lead the league the girls' division with her 245 with a 3-0 record while AZA 1 series. She had games of 124 broke the tie (or second place and 121 with a 2-1 record. Bob Obcrman Linda LJeb'r 125 was high game of Rayim now leads the league In for the'girls'. Her 107 gave her a scoring with 43 points, followed by 232 series. Al Krizelman with 34. Will Plotkln Splits were converted by: Lar. and Bob Epstein have 33. ry Kirke, 3-10; Sue GHInsky. 4-6; New Kind of Record ' Ray "klrke made the best catch Laupra'Segal, 9-10; Linda Lieb, of the year last week in the Cen- •7. ter gym. While the maintenance Other lUghs man was changing an arc light in Buddy Epstein . . . . MS-131—277 one of the ceiling fixtures, one ac-, Mike Green 147-117—264 MOTHER CHAPTER AZA MO. I ddentally slipped. Kirke came to Mickey Sacks 147-117—263 the rescue with a fine one-handed John Sutin New committee chairmen for 135-128—263 catch of the 750 watt globe after a Jim Karsne 142-121-263 Mother Chapter of AZA No. 1 25 foot fall. were named in an announcement Howard Feldman . . 130-128-358 YOUTH COUNCIL BOWLING Dick Zacharia 128-125—253 Friday. Appointments are social, The Unafflllates moved out in Bob Stein 124-110—234 Steve Dloogotf, Jerry Goldstrom, front in the boys Youth Council Alan Ross 129-105-334 Mike Markovitz; athletic, Jerry Bowling league with a record of Larry Green 120-114—234 Schwartz, Frank Goldberg; corn* 24-6. Jerry Sherman and Larry Larry Kirke 128-104-232 munlty service. Allan Ostravlch, Herman carry the team'* top over- Linda Lieb . . . . . . . . 139-107—232 Ed Sldman; Cultural, Art Raz> ages with 175 and 168 respectively. Gary Parllman . . . . 120-111—321 nick, Sam Bleicher, Gary Epstein; Sherman leads the league in this religious, Marv Ruback, Mike department with Herman being Gary Mulnlck . . . . . 137- 92—229 Kati; human! relations, Al Ep124-103—227 tied for fourth. Second man Is Sherry Kraft stein, Irving Nathan: noliflcu126- 96-222 Lions, Arnle Winer, Saul Kalman; Mike Platt with 172, BUI Katzman Sue GHInsky has 169 and Stu Kutler also has a Barry Fredkln . . . . 122- 96—218 ropcrtlcs. Louis Rich, Howl* 168. The fifth spot belongs to Bonnie Tarnoff . . . 110-106—216 Martin and publicity Lowell Barb;.a Kutler . . . 112-102—214 Uarty Greene with 166. Baumer. AZA IB is tied with Ilayim A iheldon Krizelman 111- 94—205 108-96—201 The chapter is planning an athwith a 20-10 record to leave the 'Im Glmple etic Stan. January 26 and a Unaffillatej with a comfortable 3rothcrh<xHi basketball game and nargin. High team game and high mcial with Central Men's Hl-Y, J.Y.C. Bowling earn scries go to AZA 10OA with ~cb. 16. 19 ond 2,595 respectively. High The Four Aces lead the \ca\pie Individual game goes to Jerry Junior Youth Council Bowling Sherman with 248 and high invith a 20-6 record after 13 weeks New Swim Program ivldual series goes to Mike Platt if "competition. They are followed A new swimming program, ,-lth a 593. y the Mild Cats and the Lucky "Swlm-O-Tol'M for women and our. High four scries last week men over 18 years of age has been Hailfa, (JTA)-^A $50,000 fund from an' American businessman, vere bowled by Stu Smith 140-135 started at the Jewish Community who found a way to cut through or a 275 and Larry Landman -enter. Classes will meet eacti ;ovcrnmcnt red tape for fast lth 126-104 for a 230. There will *eek, Monday through Thursday action, will make it possible for e no bowling on January 20 due rrom 5:15 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. with Hailfa children to enjoy U, S.- to an adult tourney at the Music foe Mlcek, Center aquatics director, in cha-gc. style wading pools next summer. Sox.



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