XKXV-No. Ifi
Dr. Greenberg Heads
3r», Jir.7
I'lHilmlifU OUT* I riria.t IUI Pt *'0tli Ajinuat Kate 4 Oollarf Onmlm NrlrHnl I'lu.nr JA (Sill) <Uncl« Copj I t Cent'
Federation Appeal ChairmenPresented Certificate Awards by Mayor Dr, Abe Greenberg identified with Jewish communal and organizational actvities in Omaha for many years, was elected president of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service at the 53rd Annual Community Sleeting:, Sunday evening, at the Jewish Community Center,
Offli'i-rn rlri'tril Sunday IIIKIU to licuil III" Federation for Ji-wlnh urn-Ian *arr (I. to r.) Kobert H. Kiioper, fln.1 vlw-prnddi-nt; Arllmr II. (Juhhlrln, sivretary; »r. Alio (irrrnbrrg, president; ErnestA. NIIKJ,'. tn-tiHiirrr, and Hurry Tnmtln, second vl<-«i-prr»ldi>nt.
United Nations Chief Asks Egypt To Reconsider Its Stand
Omahans Place in Forensic Contest
J. That the United Nations Emergency Foicc occupy the Islands of Tirnn and Slniiflr and the cast coast of the SUial Peninsula under a clear inundate from the General Assembly that Its "task in to prevent the renewal of the blockade and that in stays there until oilier arrangements are made for the snfcguaidinc; of freedom of passage." 2. A four-power agreement among Israel. KKypt and .Snudl Arabia m u t u a l l y guaranteeing freedom of passage. X KffccIKo Riiaiantc-M ITOIII Ihc Civut Powers, osneclally the United States, that a blockude will not be toleriitcd. ConimentinK on the (;eneral Afise.nlily H-solutlon o r d e r i n g Israel out of all Egyptian teirltory at once, a Forelg)' Ministry spokesman said that morally there cannot lw one Inw for Kgypl and another for Israel, that the UN could not demand Israel compliance with UN resolutions while permitting Kgypt to disregard them. Itenewal of Egyptian blockade and fedayeen attacks, the xpokesman said, are "matters affecting the very life of Ittrac!." Ills remark* were viewed here as further indication of Israel's refusal to withdraw from Gaza and the Tiran area utthout adequate guarantees. fiB»> Strip Normal Life In the Ga/a Strip is now normal and Israeli civil police arc maintaining law and order with the help of a "wry cooperative" population. U . Co). Hnim Gonn. military governor, told a press conference. • final B'rith Hill sponsor another In a review of the achieu'nienlH of their periodic drKcs for blood of the vnrioiw Israeli departments at th« Regional Wood Center of since occupation of the Strip. the Red Cms*, 2541) F a r n n m Col. Goan said that new clinics Street, on Thursday, January 31, had been net up, particularly for from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. eye ailments common nmonv. ' "A dlro .need for blood" was an- children, and that new nurseries nounced by Mrs. Max Sucks, in her and agriculture HCIIOON are helping plea "for an all-out effort to help Gaa-a Strip filmier* prcpaie for build the blood supply." the now planting Reason. He also ' Appointment) can be mndo for reported that Gn/a Stiip oiaiiKiB'nai B'rith Blood Bank Day by growcra had been made nwmlwrn calling the Red Cross, AT 2721, or of the Israeli Citius Maiketlni: any one on the following commit- Hoard to help market their ri-op. tee. Mosdamos Harry Sidmnn, Goodman Cohen, J. Milton Margolin. Hurry Sclmiiimn, Al Temin, Visitors See Omahan Albert A. Oruch, Abe Hen. I'.ml Accept- Of f ice Sunday Sacks, Aaron Kpstcin, H a i r y Smith, II,irry Frlvdiiiiin l l i n - r j Mi and Mr I nun. M l l e n l i . K li Welnborg, Stanley Shapiro, ot Piedin.'tnt. t ' a l . , u c r e Kiicst.-i Charles Fisher, Kit-hud Wiight, Suliil i> evi'iil : if tin' li)-,lalliilinii Jay Stoller, . Bertn .Stem, Milton dl I)i- Al>" d i i i iilu <:; ,<~, p i i .nil n l Mintz and M> tun I'liui'iff M K , I , nf the I'ViliM'ntlon of J«'wish ServSam Pollack, Alan Macks, Dr. ices ,-it the Jewi-ili Coiiiiiiiinily Ralph Turkc], Nate Kraft. Dr. Ceiiler. ^Ir. .'ind Mrs. Milenl«ieh. who are Jit the Illaclistiinc are Norman Amir and Il.irry Colick. Th<». B'nai IJ'rlfh t;ruu|»s sponsor- Visiting with- the Greenliorcs nnd Dr. ing this drive include: Heiu-y Mmi. their Min.mid ilaiigl>ter>ih:l:iiv. g M tt Vi rr tt .'iii'.el.'STju. ' l ' S T K jky Lodge ami Chapter, Ndir,i»k4 .in i d Mi Ktigell Lodge and Chapter, Conihu'sitcr' is' Hie (liniifli'tbr-dr Dr." ami Mis. Lodge.
Two Omaha Central High school Kenlora ivere among those receiving honor* at the Knid Miller Memorial Forensic Tournament sponsored by the Nebraska Wesleyan University In Llneolh. Marvin Frcedman, *on of Mr, and Mrs, Irving Freedman, and Howard Kaslow, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaslow, received a trophy for capturing first place In delwtf. Both men are honor students at Central. Howard is district president of AZA and Marvin is It* regional president. Young Frcedman rated third p l a c e in liie extemporaneous speaking section.
I .utcfl Nations N. Y. (JTA>— Secretary General Dug Hammnnkjold will report to the General Assembly on the itntui of Jsr.iel's compliance with the troop w'thdrawl resolutions by Friday. ; ir. HummandOold faces the task demanded by mnny delegations In. eluding Israel'* of formulating ' wlutionc to the Gulf of Akaba and Gaza problems. Mr. Hnmmnrckjold ha« • alrrady a«ked the Eicyptlnn Government to reconrfkler ft' total disappro\al of Israel's positions regarding fi codam of pasuige in the Akaha \vntenvny and the future xtnlus o ' the Gala Strip Jtr. Hamimirskjdld }cstenluy held two sessions with Israel's Ambassador Ahb;i Kl),m and Dr. Fuuzl. 1 Air. Kban wo* dlciwslng primarily tha need tor "slmultancouii anil related measures" In connection with complete withdrawal of hraol troop? from S h a r m e l Sheikh. Condition* fur Kvuruallon Israel according to a JTA dinpntch from Jerusalem would be willing to accept any one of three, p o s s i b l e arrangement* under which It would quit it* positions commanding the Straits of Tiran in the Akaua area, Israel officials ' MKcried here Init nltiht, Without one of these resolutions, they Raid, Inrdi'l would not withdraw from the iircn. Tliey are:
Port ElqHi to Be Larger Tel Aviv, (JTA I—French enKinccr.s here are planning enliii cement of the port of Klatli, to accommodate increased navigation after freedom of passage had been guaranteed permanentaly In the Akuba waterway, y and the establLsIiment of a shipyard Israel's . Mediterranean port, • ; • ' ;
' \ y
Knlargement of the port of Klath will be blueprinted by the illrectoi* of the French port Of L'Havre. He bod laid put Eloth'n present facHHleii.
Other Federation officers elect--* ed were Robert H, Kooper, first Nogg, the previous year's chairvice-president; Harry Trustin, second vice-president; E r n e « t A. man. Mayor Rosenblatt In turn pre, treasurer, and Arthur H. sented certificates to his , s chairi Goldstein, secretary, Isadore Chapman,: Initial sen and and A certificate of award was pre- Gifts;; and Jeroldd I.. Rosen sented to Mayor John Rosenblatt, Marvin F. Kaplan, Men's Division; general chairman of the 1956 Phll- Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey, Women's anthroplei Campaign, by Erndst A. Division; Mrs. Harry Sldman, Women's Division. Unable to attend the presentation were Harry Weinborg, co-chairman for th« men's division; Mrs. E, Leo Nogg and Mrs. R. Max Cahar, co-chairmen, Women's Division; Mls» ElizThe Workman Circle Dramatic abeth J, Hart, Chairman, Business Club will celebrate its 25t|i anni- and Professional Women'* Diviversary Sunday, January 27, with sion, and Miss Phyllis Bernstein, a banquet at 6:30 p, m. at the Chairman, Youth Division. Labor Lyceum. Guests from Lin- ff Highlighting the program w e n coln, Des Moines and Sioux City the annual reports of Federation are expected for the event. activities by department chairmen A musical program has been ar- and.vice chairmen. Report* wert ranged by Sam Zwerllng, choir di- glveh by Gerald S. Gross, chairrector. The committee In'charge of man, Camp Jay-C-C; J. Harry the celebration include Morris Kulakofsky, chairman, Horn* for Goodman, chairman, Milton Ncar- Aged New Wing; Louis Kate, enberg, Max Crounse, Ben Miroff, chairman, Jewish Family Service; Mrs. Sam Binder and Mrs. Nathan Mayor Rosenblatt, general chairLermaji, man, Jewish Philanthropies, and During IU existence, the club Mrs. Honry A. Newman, president has presented annual plays and of tha Federation of Jewish Wommade many contributions to char- en's Clubs. Vice-presidents reviewitable institutions. ing their committee's activities were Mlllard Rosenberg, ADL Advisory; Dr. Joseph Sosiinik, Bureau of Jewish Kducutlon; Stanley Perimeter, Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged; Donald A. Rice, New York (JTA) — M o s h e Jewish Community Center; RichSharett, f o r m e r Prime Min- ard Goldman, Jewish Press; Donister and Foreign Minister of aid Nogg, statistical, and Calvui Israel, will lie the principal speak- M. Newman, budget, Mrs. Newman announced the aper at a dinner here February 2 iaunchliiB the United Jewish Ap- pointment of Mrs. Edward i',. pcul's $100 million Emergency Brodkey, as over-all chairman of Ilcscue Fund and its regular 1957 the Women's Division of the 1937 campaign. The dinner will honor Philanthropies Appeal. Mrs. Brod(Continued on Page 3.) Samuel D. Lcldcsdorf, philanthro-
Club WiH Observe 25th Anniversary '
Sharett to U. S., Launch Appeal
pist and communal leader, and will serve also as a tribute to 1956 UJA officers, who will receive special awards, according to William Rosenwald, UJA general chairman.
B'nai B'rith Plans Blood Bank Appeal
r \
Sirs. Kdn-ard. K. Brodllcy (1.) n » i n.imctj uvrr-nll chairman of tlm VVnriit'ii's I n d i a n of llio 10.17 l'lillantlirojilrt Appcnl l>y Mrs. Hfijirji 'A'.NrKiimii (r.), president of'tli* l'>drratlon vt llii- JVderutliiil nf .riwlsli Women's (hilts, lit the frlril nniiual riiminiinlt.\ nurtliig ul tha Fcdcratlun (ur Jewish Servlee Uunduy nl(;lit at tlm Center.
Klutznick Reports On Egyptian Scene Washington (WNS)—Former Nazi officials arc administering a vast persecution program against Jews In Kgypt, according to a report from reliuble sources received by B'nai B'rith this week. The report was submitted to the State Department by Philip M. Klutznick, president of B'nai B'rith, who urged that the facts be investigated by the United States and the United Nations. The report said that five conoenetratlon camps have been established In Kgypt with a capacity for all of Egypt's Jewish inhabitants. It stated that a systematic campaign against Egyptian Jewry has been launched by the so-called State S e c u r i t y Agency directed by former Nazis now In Egypt under nssumed names. The State Security Agency is responsible for antl-Jewl»h measures, according to B'nai B'rith and constitutes a 70.000 man force, including 6,249 Nazis operating under "Arabizcd" names. The Agency is organized along tho linos of the Nazi security Bcrvlco, the former "Slcherreitodienst." Commanding tho State Security Cadre IK I,t. Col. Al Nacher who is identified by B'nul B'rith as Leopold Gielm, one time chief of. the Nii/i secret guard, Anti-Jewish liius were inspired by Lt. Genem] Hen Siilem, Chief of the KKyptiim secict .police, charged . with-iuili-JcwlHh|iKtriltcRy ti a former Oostnno .Chief,1 Helnrlch Sellnlim.i. nim' under the •Hal of Ll. Col. Iliimin Suleiman.
PabUtked Erery Friday by Oie Federation «IJtwMi S«rvk» Second CJ«s» Mailing Privilege* Authorized u Omaha. Nebraska. Annual Subscription. (4.00. Advertising Ratti fin ApplUatlDn. Editorial Office—101 No. 2uih street, Omaha, Nebr, JAckMin 1346. Print Shup Addreni 48U8 So. 23th Stieet. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN ............... Editor
ConsuHonf for Temple School
Friday, January **, 1(5?
AnH-S*mitism Among Hungarian Refugees New York, (WNS)-Serious conmii over "\lrulent antl-Sem« Itism" among Hungarian refugees now in Austria was voiced this week liy Zev Weiss, member. of the executive of Youth Aliyah, Mr. Weiss, a native of Hungary who has lived in Israel since 1939, addressed the Mid-Wlnter Con. Terence of Hadauuih, the Women's Zionist Organization of America. H« uri-fvcd in the United States this week and reported to Hadassah children now in Austria. "Anti-SemitUm among the Hungarian refugees in Ausrfan transit centers had become so acute a few weeks ago, shortly after the refugees had begun to arrive, that the Austrian police had to Issue a warning that such, excusucs ngninst Jews would not be tolerated. Despite this, however, the anti-Semitism continued. Aside from verbal insults, there were cases where Jews were actually physically assaulted. The result «as that Hungarian Jewish refugees were placed in a separate camp for their own protection," he stated. Mr. Weiss said that in the light of this situation, Youth Aliynh is speeding up its operations to bring Hungarian Jewish refugee children—orphans and others from broken homos, ranging in ngc from 12 to 14 years—to Israel, He announced that more thnn 250 Hungarian Jewish refugee children win be brought to Israel nnd looked after by Youth Allyah with, in the next month. These, he said, are inaddltlon to some 50 children who have arrived In Israel in the past two weeks. New York Governor Averell larrlman sent a message to the ladassoh conference in' which he expressed the hope that the integrity and security of Israel will lie provided for as a result of current discussion In the United Nations and in the America Congress.
Harold Abel, the director of the C h i l d Development Laboratory, University of Nebraska in Lincoln., has named Temple Israel's newt Nursery School consultant, j Mr. Abe) Is director of the nursery school at the University of :11 p. m. Nebraska, and Is a lecturer in child development. BETH EL He will meet Tuesday, February Sabbath services at Beth El 5, at the Temple School with Mr. Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Maury L. Schwartz, director of the Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will preach Temple nursery school; Mrs. Jack on "Heinrich Heine, Tragedy of an Zysman, chairman of the advisory Age," in the last of a series of committee; and Mrs. Martin Hay- three vignettes. Cantor Aaron 1 kin, omultant on nursery school Edgar and the Beth El SynagogUi programming. a frrrdoui »hip bound f<tr T«r*rl, • Jrwith tttu%rr from Egypt geU the Choir win render the musical Dor. ilortimrnl* thai *ill start him on lite «ny lo • new lift a *>«jun • • lh« ihip dotfcs Mr. Abel, following a tour of the lions of the service. •I HaitV'With hundred* of Ep)|>t'« 66,000 JCKI bfroimng uprooted rrfugeci school and its facilities, will conSabbath morning services begin t\ery day, y, wiih 14,000 , JJfw* toho cM-aprri p the Sqtiri q i i trrror rr inn Hungary g y •cellingg sult on the content of the school at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Con i h (en* off thousand* h d d d i i l Jewi»h J i h refuge*I f Mreaming M i W i f , tiwJJ with off additional program, and will advise as to the gregation Services arc at 10:30 a •u( of other lands of dangrr »»d opprctsiun in Kurope and the Middle: Ent, best nursery school knowledge, m. Mincha-Maariv at 5:15 p. m. ihe United Jcwitfi Appeal liai called upon thr American Jewi*h community skilU, and technique. to raiM • 1100,000,000 Emergency KeM-ue fund lo iav« and tactile in Isnel Daily services at 7 a. m. and and othrr free rountrie* •minimum *f 100.000 endangered and dfcpoiicMed This meeting is part of Temple p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m, Jewi during 1957. The Rr»cue Fund droc U for mmi over and above the proNursery School's effort to improve reed* from the UJA'f regular campaign (o meet the welfare and rehabilitation and maintain superior nursery BKTH ISRAEL need* *# 525,009 JewUk • * « . wamca and cWdrea in IKMI and • aeon «f school standards. Rabbi Benjamin Gronor. Cantor oilier tountriti. Applications are bring taken for Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir interthe second semester of nursery, mediate and the class will conduct school which begins Friday, Feb- late Friday evening services at ruary 1. Parents may contact Mru. 8 p. m. .Morris J. Llpp, chairman o/ nurTraditional Friday evening rncl and Kgypt has been suddenly njry school committee, GL 9197, or ices (Kabbolas Shabbot) begin at OHKilN QUESTIONED London (WNS)—Occurrences of blocked by what appears a change the Temple office, RE 66.16. 3:15 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior' anti-Semitic incidents in Polnnd of mind in Cairo. Israel has some Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi In the days prior, to the conclusion 5,000 Egyptian prisoners of war as Groner will conduct the? Talmud there of the national election has against four Israelis held by EgyptClass at 4:45 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha been reported in a broadcast over at 5:15 p. m. followed by Sholeshc the Warsaw Radio. In some areas, MAMUAfiE ADVICE Washington (WNS) — A New S'cudos and Maarlv. Daily morn- candidates were asked by voters ing- services at 7 a. m.; afternoon to divulge their national origin. York University human relations Mr. BlU Johnson noted baa* bar- services at 5:30 p. m. Sunday expert is using the ancient sayings itone will appear at the Jewish morning services begin at 8:45 a. of the Talmud for advice on love CABNKOIE DEBUT Community Center, Sunday, Febnv followed by breakfast and RabNew York <WNZ>—Daniel Bar- and marriage. ruary 17, at 8 * 0 p. m, as the third Dr. Samuel I. Spector, a representation in the "Program ol bi's class in Bible. Sunday morn- enboim, 14-year-old Israeli pianist ing Junior Minyan, followed by hat made a sensational debut here search associate at NYU's Center the Month" series. breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. at Carnegie HalL Music critic* for Human Relations Studies, finds Mr. Johnson, a concert artist, hailed the young man as a first that the Hebrew sages were the radio and T.V. personality, U noted TEMTLE ISRAEL rate pianist, excelling In musician- marriage counselors of their day. Camp Jay-C-C will be held July for his interpretations and folk Services will be- held Friday eve- ship and technique. Among them, he says, "one dis- 28 through August 23 thU year. It •ongs of all nations. ning January 25, at 8:15 p. m. covers psychological Insights that was announced by Gerald Grots, "The Program of the Month" Rabbi Brooks, will preach on "Jew* REFUGEES IN AUSTRIA are cogent and vital, 'even for our chairman of the camp committee. series u presented jointly by the Behind the Iron Curtain." Recent The 1957 camp will be conducted New York ( W N S ) - A tolal of tlme»." B'nat {Frith lodges and chapters of Reports from Soviet Russia. Writing In the National Jewish at the Camp Brewstcrsife for two, about 18,000 Hungarian Jcwlnh Omaha and the Jewish Community will Shabbas morning services refugees have already reached Monthly, publication of B'nal wo-weck periods. The first period Center. begin at 11:30 a. m. with. Rabbi Austria and some 13,000 have or B'rith, the Jewish service organ- vill begin July 28-AuguAt 11, and Admission U by season ticket or Brooks officiating and the Religization. Dr. Spector reports that he Second period will be August by Individual admission. Tickets ious School Choir under the direc- are being procesesd by United Ulan the rabbis held lone discussions on Il-August 25. may be purchased at the Jewish tion of Miss Ida Gitlln singing the for emigration, it was disclosed Advance notice Is given to all here at a. conference by United marital problems—even their own. Community Center. musical portions of the service. •maha residents so that «arly regHIAS Service. The conference was FlMHiRAM itrations and enrollment can be attended by leaders from 18 stale*, New York <WNS)-Amcricnn made In view of the'heavy regisCanada and Australia. Jews will finance a $27,000,000 tration expected this s u m m e r housing program for Israel's ncw- locally and from out of town. CAMP INCITED corncra, a program which will inHenry fireenbers;, bead of Ican Camping Association. Mr. Appointments to discuss campVienna (WNS)- -Two Jews were clude 16,000 housing units. It was Green's Jewelry, has been named Sllvcrman succeed* George Reid, severely mauled and four others Ing needs may be made with camp a trustee of the Woadson Center, general secretary of the Chey- assaulted In the Zltesenheim camp revealed here this week by Dewey directors at the camp office which D. Stone, national chairman of the open during the day and on 3009 R Street, according to an an- enne Y. M. C. A. for Hungarian- refugees, The Jews United Israel Appeal, In a report reek-day evenings. Camp Jay-C-C nouncement by the Center. were attacked with knives. Red n member of the A m e r i c a n to the organization's bonrd of diBonus flomberc Junior at the agents were reported to have inBabM u d Mr*. Benjamin firm- University of Pennsylvania, at cited the camp residents with re- rectors. Tlie project will be Im- Camping Association. er are parents of twin daughters, Philadelphia. P a , has been clect- ports that Jews were receiving plemented by the Jewish Agency with funds derived from the United bom January 17 it LUthenm hosnre«Uent of Thete £Kapter of. preferential treatmentPre-Schoolers to. Israel Appeal, a major constituent pital. Rabbi Crone? isi spiritual Beta TBU, social,fraternity, of the United Jewish Appeal cam- To Take Train Ride leader jjrf the Belh Israel Synathe son of Mr,' and Mrs. COt'BT KIIJ.VO paign. gogue The1 couple-Hats 'four1 other Sombere and a graduate of Bnussel (WNS)—A ruling diThe Jewish Community Center children. Raphael, Dliije. Gladys Central High School when: he was T recting the return of a Jewish war 're-Schoolers will.go,on a train and Linda. ' ;•, a member of Hayim. orphan to his uncle in Algiers wax Instinctor Selected •xcurslon to Council Bluffs, Janiihanded down here by a high Bei- For Bridge Classes iry 30th, at 9:30 a. m., it was anMrs. Jay Cheraiirk, has been rcSamuel V. Copper, attorney, lounccd by Mrs. Leonard Kulifkoappointed 'to the tboard- of the jCharter Convention delegate, has jjlnn court in an opinion which The .Center Adult Bridge class ky. Pre-School chairman. that blood relatives were cnClarkson Hospital' Ethics League announced his eandiducy for the The children will be taken on litled to custody of a child that will start early In February with as style show contufthnt: a t y Coundl. tour -of the train and station nil lx'(>n placed for safekeeping Mrs. Gladys B. Robinson, local 1 bridge teacher, as Instructor, it is part of the field' trip currfcwith stranger !. The orphan. A. H n ami Mr*. Ahrlri It. Mejrr, wu<; announced today. ulum of the Center's jire-school llas u,js born in Antivcrp in 1911 formerly of Nashville, Tentr., arc Mrs. rtobinfion will employ the Mm. Kulakofsky announced that nil later enme under the cure of making their home in Omaha. .Mrs. "Goren's Point: Count Bidding" few openings remain in the Pre>liss F. Ik'nnird, notorioiw foe the Meyer is the former Louise Rothmethod. The class is open to be- School Department where chll. uraiwr of Jf.-wish children »he fcop. Mr. Meyer h associated with Kinncni and intermediate players dren from tbrecand one-half to A ten week v r . e , of cla-~f>i In'sought to take w.iy from their and to both men and women. the Nebraska Luggage Company. five are eligible for enrollment. Modern Dance for Kirls, 10-13, will fiilth while |;ivin(c them shelter. The fee Is $10.00 for 12 lessons •re-School meets Monday, WedHarry Triintln, president of Por- w'n':n Sundiy, Kcbra.iry 10 at til" anil $15.00 for couples. Each les- lesday and Friday mornings front ter-Trustin Company, is one. of I ho Jewi-ih (immunity Center KXCIIAMiK )U.O( KKI) son will run from twy to two and to• 11:30 p. m. Transportation Is Tmseven persons who Wednesday ;inId Ji'ni.'ialcin (WNS) -A srhcdnk'd half hours. Class members will provided. Additional information \T> fujin 2-.'iO p. -11-:! 30 p. m. un- CMli.iiiiiv of pii'-oncis l)ft»»cn Isxjounced their candidacy for d-iie printed lessons In addition my IK? secured by calling thedi-r the d.recti.m of M.--i .M.iniyn Cily Counril .n "KricncI-, of to personal instruction.,A special >nter, JA. l.'IGG. t erond Br,in(Ies. j ii>n,or Kducition M.ij'jr Charter." Mr. Titiitin i.itc will be offered f'j'ijroifp apvice-pres,d''nt of the Federation at the L'nuc-rs.ty of Om.ih.i nnd Class Offered in plications. Additional' Information for Jewish .Service-., pist president president of jti "O.-chi'sn" d.incc Latin-American Dancing may be obtained fmni'the Activi- Young Adults Will of tile Xebr.iska Lonffie of Muniei- i'roup. ties offiee, JA. l.Tfifi. Meet February 3rd palitic-f, past president of B'nal Tne in-.tnictirjn will btre^s physiThe Center's Latin-Amencm B'rith, piit commander of til* cal anil mental poise through Dance class i.i acccption ri'^n- OONTEIt DIHI'I.AV , Tne Yuuiig Adult Committee df Amencin Legion No. 1 and vice- "Modern Dance'1 Interprctatjons. tratiuni. for the winter and spring Tin1 Jewish Oimmfinltji Center tlic Jewish (Community Center will chalrmm of the Onrter Conten- Each girl will receive literature terms. • Instruction will lx.> given i s mil" o f t h e . i x f i i r i i i l i s t r d , m i d huhl its nest infeling Sunday, Febtion. from ti],_» Center Health and Physi- in the Mambo, Tan::o, Ciia Clia on display hy the Oniaha -Adult niary 3, G:.IO p. in. at the Center. cal Education department in con- and Rumba ani< in other dances Kducation Council in the Branrivis Meetings of the organization win 8anl Sllverman, program direc- nection with the classes. on request Store Window. The Jewish Com- t» licld on the first anil third Suntor of the Jewish Community CenThe; ten we«k series has been •The classes, which will-begin munity Center is a member of <lay of each month according to an ter, has been elected president of .scheduled at a cost of $6.00 per Bt 8 p. m. are open to adults and nnd n-pLTscnti'il "ij the Omaha ."innftunremcnt by Toby Okrent, the Nebraska Section of the Amcr- individual. j o u n ; adults. Adult Education CuuncIL* • idt
Global Report
Noted Singer Will Appear at Center
Dotes Announced For Jay-C-C Camp
Omahans in the News
Center Offering 'Modern Dance'
18, If 5T
nswun n u n
Bazaar to Feature Bakery, Handiwork
Dr. Greenberg
Pag* Threa
(Continued from Page 1.) key nerved In the same capacity in 1951 and 1952. The sale of luindmade articles HADASSAII Mr*. Mike Freeman, nations Children's Village. Any one interfancy baking will be featured ' board member of (he Women's Di- und Mrs. Robert Rosen will direct ested in joining the circle is tfWednesday evening, January 'M at vision of the United Jewish Ap the Annual Husiness and Profesand produce a dramatic sketch, vlted to call Mrs. J. Goodbinder pea], reported that It would be re"The Heart of Hadassah" at the GL 3115. Women's Card Parly am gponaible for saving 10,000 Jews sional January luncheon meeting of OmaBazaar at the Blackstonc hotel. , of the 100,000 expected to be res )u Chapter Hadassah Wednesday, JOINT MEETING |j; cued from countries where their Proceeds from the event wll January 30, 12:30 p. m. at the A Joint meeting to commemorserve to cover quotas for Israel. Jewish Community Center Audi ate Brotherhood week will be held llvnj arc tn constant jeopardy. torium. The playlet, written by Tuesday, February 12 by the DunThe recent UJA closed circuit Handiwork to be offered at the Marc Sicgcl, was presented at U dee Presbyterian Church Women's television program which empha- Bazaar include embroidered towels pot holders, bed slippers, hats and 1055 National Hadassah Conven- Auxiliary and the Beth El Sistersized the seriousness of the Jewtion In Chicago. ish refugee problem was described ceramics. This section will include hood in the Both El Social Hall. a 24-Inch doll with an entire wardby David Blacker, arrangement A choral group directed by John Members of the cast include the chairman for the program in Oma robe designed and created by Mrs narrator, Mrs. Norman Whitman, Miller, music director of the DunHarry L. Chernlss of C o u n c i l ha. dee Presbyterian Church and Diplayers, Mesdames Jerry Bern Mr. Blacker praised efforts to Bluffs. stein, Ernest Hockster, Bernard rector of Choral Music at Omaha , Involve young adult leaders' par- Members report thoy will emHockcnbcrg, Leonard Gould, Sol University, will be featured. Choir ticipation in Jewish community ploy their favorite recipes for bakLittman, Morrle Landman, Ted members arc the Mesdames George ery items to bo donated to the lire. , Sanford, and William FlnkJo, Pro- Humphrey, Arthur C. Johnson, Mrs. \A. L, sale. Paul Veret, executive director, duction assistants are Mesdames John D. Miller, Stewart Muskin, in a brief report, sketched a proIrv Kainian, William Finkle, Bern- Donald Nogg and Arnold Roscman. file of community leadership, as Seminary Accredited ard Aitsuler, Morris Jabenls, Mor- Among the participants in the prosymbolized by Mr. Marer's career rle Landman, William Nash, Don- gram will be Mrs, Clarke Adams New York, (WNS)—The 40and Mr." Sol Littmnn. in public life. ald Nogg and Max Dinner. ycar-old Jewish Teachers SeminA Presidential Plaque in recog- ary and People's University of The B'nal B'rlth groups of Oma. Sitter service will be provided. nition of services rendered was New York will be converted Into ha on Monday, January 28, will flOLDKN A(iK CLUB presented to Mr. Marer, by J. Har- on accredited college, It was an- hold a reception for Mr*. L. L. A card party Is being planned ry Kulakoftky, his predecessor. nounced this week by Meyer Perlman, Chicago, national presi- WORKMAN CIItCI.K The gift of a silver platter was Brown, Seminary president. A dent of Ihe Women's Supreme Sam Sussman wns re-elected for the January 28 meeting of the Golden Age Club at the Jewish made to Arthur H. Goldstein, Ccn charter for that purpose has been Council of B'nal B'rlth. The event president of the Workman Circle tor chairman, by. Mrs. Nathan Si- granted by the Legislature, he will bo held at the Blackstone ho- Dramatic Club at a meeting Sat- Community Center. Guests may mon, on behalf of the Golden Age slated. urday evening at the Labor Ly- make up their own tables for card tel at 8:30 p. m. playing. A dessert luncheon will be Club. A Haylm Greenberg Institute Mrs. Perlman received a certifi- seum. Other officers elected were served Rt 12:30 p. m. Harry Sldman submitted the for Jewish Social Service and cate, of honor for meritorious serv- Morris Goodman, vice-president; nominations for new officers for Studies will be opened next year ice to the community from the Louis Witkln, dramatic director, The Golden Age Club Is sponsored by the Omaha Section, Nathe nominating committee, on the 40th anniversary of the Chicago Sun-Times In 1945. Along and Milton Nearenberg, assistant Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, presi- Seminary, said Mr. Brown, and with her many activities in numer- director; Mrs. Margie Nearenberg, tional Council of Jewish Women d c n t of the Zionist Council, an initial fund of $500,000 will ous Jewish Organizations, she has secretary; Mrs. S, H. Binder, and the Jewish Community Cenbrought a last minute report on be raised, of which nearly 15 per- served on National Conference of treasurer and welfare; Sam Zwer- ter. the Sinaf and Gaza strip situation cent has been pledged. ling, musical director, and Mrs. Christian!) and Jews. to the attention of those attend' and l'rofemilonat The Anita M. Perlman Scholar- Mnx Levinc, publicity. Trustees ing the meeting. arc Ben Mlroff and Max Crounse. The members of the Business ship Fund which subsidizes college A reception following the bus! Hostesses for the evening wern and Professional Women of Haeducation and leadership training JICM meeting was tendered by a will honor Mrs, Sarah scholarships for young women wns Mrs. Binder, Mrs. Nathan Lcrman Federation of Jewish Women's Meer of Denver, Colorado, regionestablished by the B'nal B'rith and Mrs. Yetta-Oronstcln. Clubs committee including Mcs- A Hollywood "sneak preview" Girls and B'nai B'rlth Young al president of the Mountain dames Robert H. Kooper and Jack will be a feature of the January Women in recognition of the Chi Plains Region, at a bruch SunWine, co-chairmen, and officers, meeting of the Henry Monaky cagoan's efforts in behalf of youth KADIMAH day noon; January 27 at the BlackReports on the recent midwest stone hotel. Mrs. Henry A. Nathan, president: Lodge, B'nal B'rilh. The show will groups. Mrs, Mike Freeman, first vice- be presented Wednesday at 8:30 Mrs. Perlman, long active in conference of Pioneer women, Janpresident; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, p. m. at the Jewish Community community affairs, has been a uary 6 in Chicago, were given at second vice-president, and Mrs. Center, it was announced by Rc member of B'nal B'rlth women the January meeting of Kadlmah Kosher Food at Center the home of Mrs. Sam Epstein Harry Sldman, secretary. ben Llppett, program chairman. since 1935. She received the Le< at New York (WNS)—A special Mesdamos Raymond Corey, The movie will be followed by a glort of Honor award from the or- by Herman Mirowltz, Herbert Win- dining hall serving kosher meals, social hour and refreshments. ganization's Youth Commission in troub and Dave Wine. Sunday Radio Series which was established by United Members have been asked to invite Tile "Message of Israel" series their families and friends to the 1947 for outstanding service to Hias Service, th3 wroldwide Jewish young people. will lie broadcast over station preview. migration agency, at the Joyce She has been active in the Worn. StIZBACHI WOMEN KBON each Sunday, 12:05-12:30 Kilmer Reception Center In New ' en's Division of the Urban League, Mesdames Rose Fogel, Sol Nogg Jersey, has drawn the plaudits o( p. m. during February. Dr. Louts Parent Teaohen Association, Can and H. Franklin who have joined individuals and several national L. Mann, Slnal Congregation, Chicer Research, Northwest Home for the donor luncheon circle of the groups concerned with religious cago, will present four sermons on the Aged, Chicago Consumptive Omaha Chapter Mlzrachl Women, observances, It was disclosed here "Religion and Healthy • mindedM 11*1 to InMrt your (Vint Ad Aid Society and Illinois A&soda. will entertain at a 1 p. m, lunchness," in connection with the pro- In PIMM TIM Jawlah P n u . con Monday, February 4 at the by Murray I. Gurfein, President ot gram. Currtnt ratt 1i 00 »nti for «aeh four tlon of Big Brother and Sister. tint InicHlon. Ttw PrMi rt»*tvt* tha right ' The B'nal B'rlth groups in Oma< Jewish Community Center. Pro- the migration organization/ to limit «lu of each adventMtntnt ha consist of H e n r y Monsky ceeds from the affair will help to United Hias is presently spendBAR and Cos Mitzvah congratu- Lodge, Henry Monsky Chnpter, maintain the Children's Village at ing $8,000 per week for feeding Some Day Service lations also for all Jewish holi- Nebraska Lodge, Nebraska Chap-' Raenann. Reservations may bo immigrants at Kilmer and at the days and special occasions. ter, and Corahuskcr Lodge. The made with Mrs. H. Franklin, WE organization's shelter In New York No Extra Charge Meyers News Stand, 1302 Dodge B'nal B'rlth Youth groups, A. Z. 5245. Use the Want Ads to buy, sell A. 1, A. Z. A. 100, Hodl Chapter, Members of circle are those who li or 10 A.M. SAVE BY ORDERING entertain for the benefit of the or rent. and Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter. 30 Months Ladies Home JourRMdybySP.M. A luncheon will be held by both nal, $5.85. the Henry Monsky and Nebraska CASH and CARRY Got TV Trouble? 11 Months Holiday, $3.21. SAMPLE FUR SHOP chapters of B'nal B'rith in Mrs. 16 Months Readers Digest, $2. Pcrlman's honor Monday at 1 Omaha's Reliable Furrier Carl Saul—That's AM 7 Months Coronet, $L p. m. at Harry's Restaurant. SemEverything in Furs Aho Pfckup and 26 Weeks, U.S. News, $3.27. inars will follow the luncheon. Saul's TV & Radio Service at Lowest Price! in City 22 Month* House Beautiful, D«tlv*ry Strvlc* 1705 Cumlng AT 2S3f $5.50. 1519 FARNAM ST. Nlghti and Sunday—WA 0574 2 Years Good Housekeeping, Hebrew U, Study $3.98. ' New York, (WNS)—A program 16 Months Harpers Bazaar, of study enabling American col$4.80. lege students to participate in a 22 Months Town and CounO-y, special one year course at the J8.50. Hebrew University of Jerusalem RUG & UPHOLSTERY For these and many other of- got underway here this week for CLEANERS fers. Cull Mrs. Harwich, WA the third consecutive year. It was 112 N. 18th JA1578 3957. disclosed by Professor Oscar I. RUGS-CARPETING Janowsky, chairman of. the AcaLAMP SHADES demic Council of the American FURNITURE friends of Hebrew University. The JIFFY-QUICK, JUST OPEN THE T I N project Is sponsored by the JeruCleaned In Your Homel salem university in cooperation Binding • toying • Repairing with the American Friends of the Hebrew University and the JewDon Bernstein HA 2554 ish Agency for Palestine.
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Henry Monsky Lodge B'nal B'rith PRESENTS A
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JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Members: Bring Your Wives, Sweethearts Friends and Relatives
Pige Fuor
Center Sports By Jim Karbatscb M11M1ET BASKKTBAI.I. All Makes Typewriter stand ii first place alone as a result of last week's games in J.C.C. "B" Midget Baseketball. Four teams tied for second place with 1-1 records are NeVaska Furniture, Richman-Gordman, Playland Park and Cowboy liquors. Micklln Ru<sco bas taken a strong lead in the "A" division. They are undefeated in four starts, followed by Gerelick Motors with a 3-1 record. t'owbo>« ItegUtcr Win I-Co Van played Without the services of high scoring Chel Stonier and lost 34-13 to Cowboy Liquors. Snndy Kasin rah up 14 points, for scoring honors. He had help from Barry Sadofsky with 4. Larry Cohn with S, H;irold Schneider with 4 and Dan Katskee with 4. I-Cio was staying In the game during Ihc firs' throe quarter*, but fulled tt> score in the Just quarter against a pressing defense. Kiitskee clinched the game with four quick points tit the start of the last session. Win* Thrillfr The winner In thio second gnmc was not determined until the final buzzer. Richmun-GonVnan'-lost it •J4-4 lead early in the first quarter and had to come from'behind to put on the thrilling finish. At the beginning of the laK quarter it was 22-21 in favor of Playland, then Mike Sherman and Joel Schneider went to work trading
baskets, three apiece, to the end 17-11 Finish It was 17-11 for All Makes as they led through the entire game on ball control and careful shooting o\er Nebraska Furniture in the last "B" game of the day. Taking advantage of tall center Bill Kiitler, the All Makes team, coached by Shcf ICatikee, put the lid on the Furniture men.. Here: tofore. their biggest weapon was a fast break from Ted Sanford to Bill Kully to 1)111 Glmburt! for some easy baskets, but the Typers solved that riddle with a four man offense and a delayed guard doun coin t. llrlu-r-Skclti-r Game In a helter-skelter ball gome in the "A" division, Gerellcks took a 26-13 win over H. A. Wolfe, Inc. Don Fiedler controlled the boards for Gerelick Motors and scored 17 points to boot with the help of Dick Zarhnrin. Howard Mulnlc'< and Steve Gould. H A. Wolf. Inc.. had a team effort, but the lack of a tall man hurt them In getting possession of the ball for an effect h e offense. Howard Shrier. Bill Blcdii and Justin Mu'nielc pla.\ed a good floor gam?, while Dick Kaslow was doing all he could under the boards. Fireside Restaurant took nnnnd came out on the short end of a 38-22 score in the last "A" game, Karl Lufscheut/ rang up 15 points on set shots that kept the pressure off Steve Guss. Mike
Friday, January 23, HIT
.Sadofsky, Hud Kpsloin nnd Keith Liberman led the Fireside team will) some slurp passing and ^<xi'l defense, hut a low shot |K'iceriTat:e lost tJie hall too many times foi them to oime up with a victory VC Hiislii-lball AZA 1 moved into a tie for fist place us a resijl of their victory over Kajlm, 34-22, and the L'naffiliates Ims to AZA 101) 37-10 AZA 100 IIHallatm After two straight losses to the Unaffillute*, one in pre-season play, AZA 100 got themselves up for the gome against tlie 'Unafs' and came oul on top 40-37. Jerry Rosen, or AZA 100. made eight points in the lust quarter to lead his team to victory with n 15 point output for \ game scoring honors. The 'Unafs' led throughout the entire game. At the half. It was a 7 point mnrjiii. and at the third quarter it was a five point difference. AZA 1 8eU Thr Stage The scoie wns 31-22 in tl'o \ZA 1-IUiylm game a* I he Mother Chapter put Ihcins.'hcs Into position for the first place tie, t'tllbIng the sei-vlces of agre*sive Will Plotkin on the post nnd the floor play of Al Krirclmnh AZA 1 inmed Into a 17-8 lead at the half nfter Retting off to a slow start with only 3 p»lnt« in the first quarter. Rayim played ulthnut the sei-vices of Itob Obcrman heir high scoring center, and Just couldn't get the Job done VAKSITV BASKi:Tn.\l.l. Market Cleaners bioke the tie 'or the fln.t place In the J.C.C I'arsity ' isketkill league last
Wednesday at the Center gyn with a 51-40 win over Ucinsteii Auction. In the first game, .Star Auto was set buck by BI.IIHIPISl'liiko as they broke Into the >vii column 30-30. Markets ftl-40 Tricky passing, a tight zone defense and a g<x>d khot percent age was the winning combination fur Markel Cleaners. High point man for'the game wus Ed Bel grade of Bernstein Auction with 21 pouits, but team support fur Sandy Brophy In Ray Klrke and Fred Bernstein enabled them to score. 20, '15 and 14 respectively for the win. The pattern of the game changed entirely In the second half as both teams let up on de fensc. For n while it looked like a rally was forthcoming for Bern' stein's as they closed the gap to 24-31 with six minutes left after scoring three quick baskets. But at that point, as the score Indi catex, the two squads practically traded baskets in a flurry of field goals Vlctorj for HrandrU-I'lill™ It was a ball control game fur both teams in the first game lust week. UranricU-Phllcu came out on top 36-30 over Star Auto for their first league victor)- The winners scored 10 point* In ench of the three quarters and then put a freeze on the ball for the victory. Dan Kpsteln. of BrandelBPhllco was high man with 10 points, hut Larry Lincoln for the Auto men put in 15 to almost match him. Free throws rehlly paid off for the winners. They only; missed one out of seven.
Jr. B.B. Bowling Junior H'nul Hrllli Howling I-eu|fUi-;i Buddy Marcus fired a 17.') for high game in the League for tha season. This crenti>i a temporary tie for high game, since Don Fiedler 'also lias a 173 game. Buddy could only muster a 120 second same for a beautiful 299 series. Howard FekLrmn had the high series with hN 307. His sanies con. slsted or 156 and 131. Judy Verct had !he high gain* in the girls' division-a 132. She unund up with a 223 aeries. Flmil Meyer had the high scries fur the girls a 2.12. She had games f 119 and 113. Splits were mtiBtcied by: Bonnie Tarnoff- 3-9-10; nnd Don Fled, ler- 5-7. Gary Parilnuin, a 92 avcra^a kegler. fired away with an enviable 165 game and 270 lonei. The Roberts Dairy sqund cams in to take the High Team Gums and Series fiom the Lengue loadIng Maypcrs team. Membeii of I'.oborts lagged a 5Rft nnd 1159, Floor general) Und) Paul and Sieve Lustgarlen had their teams well under control In constant attempts to work the ball in toward the banket. Next week, January 21. at 7..T0 p. m. it is Drandcls-Philco vs. Bernstein Auction followed by Markel Cleaners nnd Star Auto at 8:30 p. m. Ray Kirke leads- with 62, nnd Larry Lincoln fallows with Hn even 60, Third man with 50 points is Dan Epstein.
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