XXXV-No. 17
J, 1057
ruMLhtil orcrt Irhluj l(ll (, ;llll Oniatia Nebraska I'lionf JA IS6B
Annual IUt« i Usllut Slmle Co»r U Oak
Congressmen Urge Measures T@ Aver! Mew Warfare Washington, I). C— Congressman Glenn Cunningham Joined other Republican representatives in a letter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, urging Mr, Dulles to have the United States delegation to the United Nations do all that H possible to avoid
Artist to Feature Folksong Program
conditions which existed last Oo* tober and led to tha outbreak ot war between Egypt and I«rael. Tlie letter urged that ,it thf United Nations forces Israel t4. wl'hdraw, that tho United Ststef delegation support a strong plan of action. Measures, should bs taken, the letter asked, "to aisur* that the United Nation Emergency Forces will be d e p l o y e d In the Sinai Peninsula to prevent armed Egyptian forces from reoocupying their former bases In tht Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip and from carrying on war-like act§ aimed at Israel's destruction."
Folksong interpretations will be featured by Hill Johnson, wellknown baritone, Sunday,, February 17, 8 p. in. at tho Jewish Community Center. Mr. Johnson will appear on the program of the month series sponsored by the ii'nai H'ritli Indies and chapters and the Center. Mr. Johnson is well known for his interpretation songs in Yiddish, A special 'showing of an Israel Hebrew, Russian, Hungarian, aa film "And They Met in Galilei" well as In English. He began his will be telecast on WOW-TV, career by winning seven medals Channel 6, on Sunday, February 3, from 1:30 to 2 p.m. in a Chlcagiiland festival. Admission to.-the concert is by This film has won a number of nwards ct International Film Fe»» season individual ticket, Dr. Abo Greenbcrg is chairman tlvals. It tells the story of alt ' of the Program of tho Month American's adventures In Israel, on his second visit ther«. series.
Israeli Picture on WOW-TV Sunday
Kxffiitho roninitttfo number* who attended women's dhEslon session were: (Rtunrilng, I. tu r.) MflMlitnacii MorrU Katleman, J. Harry Kiilultofthy, Diivtd Sherman, Davltl (ireeiifocrif, K, Lflo N«j;g, Harry Truatln, Duvo Colin, It. Max Cininr, Harry Hlilnian, Jim 3. Oreenberif, Ernest A. NORK and Hubert Sommrr; ("rated I. t» r.) Miss Kalah I'runklln, Mr»<lunii><i Herman floniliirln, JKilwurd K, Brvdkcy, Henry A. Ncwnuin, Edwin E. Ilroilliey uml Mike 1'recinnii.
Women's Committee 1957 Philanthropies Needs
Israel Prisoners Tell of Tortures
Tel Aviv (VVNS)—Stories of .An executive committee session mectinf; of the executive commitWas held Tuesday afternoon to lay tee and the advisory committee torture und mistreatment at tlie the foundation for "the Women's Friday, February 8 at the home hands of their Egyptian jailors Division's participation in the ]!).">7 of .Mil. I'.. Max Canar to com-were told here by four Israeli Philanthropies Drive. The commit- plete iiiTiiiwmonti for the forth- prisoners of war who were extee met at the home of Mi:). Ed- coming campaign. changed for some 5,000 Egyptian Ward !'•• Brodkey, general clinirApril 2.1 was sHeclcd as the captives, inan of the croup. Pinna were made fur n julnt date fur the "Dig" meeting of the The men said their Egyptiancaptors sought to wring military Women's Divisltyii. Mis. Eilwin I-:, ISrodkey, 1II5C information from them through Famed Educator to women's head and Mis. Miko torture. One of the returnees, l-'rcman. national board member Lieutenant Johathait Elites, showConduct Institute of the Women's Division of the ing a black eye, said he had been In the pyes by his InterProfessor Hen Solomon of the United Jewish Appeal will serve kicked a.-^oeiate chainnen for Mrs.rogator who also applied llghled Now York University, department as IJrodkey. Mrs. Herman liondarin cigarettes to tho captive's cars Of education, New York City, will will act as chairman for the Busi- and nostrils. be featured by the United Com- ness and Professional Women's The Egyptians also used the munity Service Leadership Insti- section. electric .shock method and injectute ot a two-day training pro- Co-rhairnien who complete the tion In an effort to make him talk. gram at the Jewish Community executive commit lee are Mesdames Another l'OVV said his Jailors held Morris Katleman, J. Ilnrry Kill- knives against his throat. Apart Center, February 38 and 1!). Tile Institute will be presented ukofsky, Dav|d Sherman, David from being subjected to physical by nil -the organizations of the fireenlierg. E. I.eo Nogg. Harry torture the men were kept on United Community Services of Tnistin, Dave. Colin, It, Max Can- starvation diets and in unclean Which the Jewish Community Cen- ar, Harry Sldnian, Joe- J. Green- quarters, except on the occasions berg, Ernest A. Nogg.. Hubert of visits by Red Cross or UN offiter Is a participating; member. • • Mr. Solomon, editor of the. .Sommer, Edward K. lirodkey, Hen- cials, Youth Leaders Dicest end con-ry A. Newman, Uiuis- Kulnliofsky, lultant in mnny fields of educa- Albert H. Newman, Aaron Hips Turks Blame tion, will conduct the program and Miss Kalah Franklin. hete for agency stuff, volunteers, Mis. lirodkey urged that OmaIstanbul (JTA)—Turkey beand advisers. Advance registra- ha women volunteer their services came Ilia first Moslem state to tion may be made by calling the for the campaign as early as pos- charge that Egyptian provocation activities office of the Jewish sible by calling her ot GI. O7.')i) or caused the recent military acCommunity Center. Tha institute tiie Jewish Community Center, JA tions nijalnst Egypt by Britain, Will begin at 9:30 a. m. and close Fiance and Israel. •t 3:30 p. m. each day.
Education Bureau to Meet With Federation Board
Dr. Judah l'llcli
Dr. Judah Pilch, Executlvo Dl« rector o£ tho American Association for Jewish Education, will speak nt a Joint meeting of th» Executive Committee of tha Fed> oration for Jewish Service and th» IJureau of Jewish Education, Wednesday noon, February 6, at tht Jewish Community Center, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Federation president announced. The Omaha Federation is participating In the National Jewish Education Survey which Is conducted under the auspices of th« association of which Dr. Pilch ll tho Director. Dr. Pilch will also meet with the members of the staffs of th» Hebrew Schools, Wednesday morning, Dr. Morris Margolin, Jewish Education Bureau Chairman, said. This will be In the nature of, ft professional seminar.
Cabinet Approves Program
Jerusalem fWNS)—The Israel as a "masterpiece of obscurity" Cablne, meeting to consider tlie the spokesman charged that hit report submitted to tho UN Gen- foi initiation was in fact "an ateral Assembly by Dag Hammar- tempt for the first time to glv« skjold, approved a series of proj- color to Egypt's claim to belligerects for the Gaza area designed ent status and her right to mainV to strengthen the link between tain a blockade policy In connec- , lion with both the Gulf of Aqab* that strip and Israel. This move was at once seen as and the Suez Canal." Tho Foreign an Indication that the government Ministry official called the Hamdoes not intend to go along with marskjold report "negative and. . 700 Finalists the UN Secretary General's rejec- unconstructlve" because It "docs: New York (WNS)-Of the tion of Israel's position that there no more than seek to restore th» can bo no withdrawal from the regime which has already ended T.500 high school s t u d e n t s Gaza area and the Strait of Tiran in disaster." At the same time ha ' throughout the country who minluntil there is assurance that the noted thut Israel had suggested tdcdj to take the test for the Nastrip will not be rcoccupicd by signing ot a non-belligerency l tional Merit Scholarship some . Egypt and that there will bo notreaty with Cairo. 700, or ten percent, are Jews, it relmposition by Cairo of the blockMeanwhile Israel's eyes wcr* was revealed hero with the pubcade against Israeli s h i p p i n g upon tho United Nations, wher» lication of the names of the wlnthrough the Gulf of Aqaba. tha General'Assembly is to grop« lieds. Jews constitute about 3 percent of tho general population In At tha samo timu Iho Hammar- anew with the problem BB th». th« United States. skjold was severely denounced by Afro-Asian bloc was rumored prea Foreign Ministry spokesman paring a resolution calling for . who said tha Hammarskjold report drastic measures against Israel, Young Adults was "remarkable no less for what Including sanctions. At the Barn* . • Tha next meeting of tho Young It Ignores as for some theories It time there were indications that » 'Adult Council will bo held Sunpropounds.".Ha stressed tho fact number of Western delegation* flay, February 3 at 6:30 p. m. at that tin Seerotary General "did were working on a formula Inthe Jewish Community Center, It not condemn, or even mention, at cluding guarantees against a reWai announced by Toby Okrent, any point that for eight yoars" newed Egyptian attack on Israel. president. Egypt continued defying tha Unit- In Washington, Ambassador ed Nation prlnclplB that member Abba Eban conferred with Deputy DR. SIIEK, C'HAIUMAN states must abstain from force or Under Secretary of State Robert Dr. Philip Slier has been named threat of force by Insisting that a on enlisting American A "lift" for the health «nd Hinted by Aaron Hoglnsky for stat* of war existed between Is- Murphy honorary chairman of tha Omaha support in getting UN guarantee!, Federation for Jewish Service*. medical service program has Sin. Heuben KuUkofaky. (»«• rael and Egyptof protection before withdrawing Hit name was Inadvertently been praented to the Dr. 1'hlllp th« Dr, fiber Horn* column for Referring to Mr. Hammarsk- Israeli troops from the Gaza atrip omlu'pil from the announcement Slier Home for the Aged. Th» story.) Jold's tliesU on tl\e Gulf of Aqaba and GulC of Aqabaarea. of tlie 1957 official appointments. tiw of the device Is being demoa-
Friday, February 1, 1857
The.Eisenbergs Find Freedom Religious
Fubllfched Every Friday by the Federation of JenUb Service Second ClaB« Mulling Prlvilcnn Autlmrlzril nt Omaha, Nebraska. Annual SubiM-Ttptlun, 11.00. Advcithu.K R.'itcs on AmtllratlunEditorial Olllie -101 N'n. Vrtli Klin-t. Omaliu. Ntur., jAckton 13«ti. Print Shop Address •ifaija .Su. i j ' n y . m t . (MHS.) FRANCES KLEIN FJitoi
Services OiidliilKliUng, 0:20 |i. m. TlvM !•!.!.; ISKAIX Services will he held Friday evening nt 8:1J p. in. Rabbi Urouki will continue the lecture series and di'irusrioi) on "Reform Jewish Practice Jirid lielief." This will Iw tin.1 fifth in The srHes, and th« topic will be 'The Sabbath," llomr. Synagogue, Private and Public Observance. An Informal discussion will bo held lit the Oneg Sbiibcat following services. Shabbas morning services will begin nt 11:30 n. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious .School Choir under the direction of .Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
Omahans in the News A former Oraaiiiin, Dr. J. Leon* ard (ioldnrr, is the subject <A a cover picture and has an article in the December issue of Modern Medicine Magazine. He is the gonof Dr. and Mrs. Otear C. Goldner. Dr. Goldncr is an Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Duke University, Durham, N. C. lie was graduated from Central High school and the University of Nebraska College of Medicine.
Cross Safety Services Instructors Club. The Installation of Mlu Klalne Arenson, claims representative Kith the Sodal Security office, a: president of local 20, National Fed eratIon of-Federal Employers, dxik place recently at the Elks Club. Mtos Arenson Is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sara Arenson. Pretewor Ilaas Barr, director o the Center Piano Studio has been named program chairman for the Ensemble Concert of the Omaha Music Teachers Association, at tlic Concert Hall, Joselyn Art Museum May 12 at 3 p. m. One of the features of the program will be a piano diwt by Dennis Schulman And Gayle Fellman at separate pianos,
Mr. aad H n . Herbert Kotua attended the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable convention in Phil' addnhU during the past week aft' er visiting with Mr. Kotzen's parents, Mr, and Mrs, S. L. Kotzen in Boston. They also spent several days In New York City. The Kotzens returned to Boston where Mrs. Steve Feldnua aad Mrs. KI«ril«T(f. a «-year-eiId HungnrUn school teacher, lil> Mrs. Kotzen and son, Scott, will Sam t. 8trlafarrg will leave Feb wife, LivU, (13, and nun, Andraa, 7, who Mrd from their Iludajx-st remain for several weeks. ruray 10 for New York to visit home, were welcomed on thdr arrival In Omalia Ti>p«day nlKlit by their sister. Miss Zena Upsey of Mr. Eia*nberg'» eoiuln lirwln Klu-nberg, a rrsldrnt of the I.'nltrd Meyer L. Halprla, owner of the New York City. SUtri « v e n yean. Sol (iolfurb, Hie Center", Family Service DirecOmaha Bag and Burlap company, tor, Mrs. Jullut Ntivman and Mr*. Jack Wlnp, mrmlwri «f the has announced his candidacy for Family Service rommlttt-e, nfre on hnnd, alto, to tilth Dr. Sol KuUer took first place the City Council. He is a member In the WesUlde Toastmastcrs well In their new land. of the Junior Chamber of Com- Club's speech contest and will take merce and B'nal B'rith. part in the area competition, March S at the Rome Hotel. Joe MIcek. head of the Center Swimming department, has been Saudi, tvidnuo, 17, daughter of stricken «ix-ycnr-old son whom he named vice-president of. the Hod Mr. and Mrs. Steve Feldman, was UOLUA MEIK IIKCOVKR8 New York (WNS)- Mrs. Golda brought to this country on his visit one of 18 finalists In the "Miss Melr, Israeli Foreign Minister, has with President Eisenhower. The Auto Show" contest. She is a stu been released from Mt. Sinai Hos- physician 4s Dr. Henry Kessler of dent at Central High school. pital, where «hc WHS kept for rest West Orange, N. J., who was enfrom exhaustion for several day*. gaged by King Saud before he deNewcomers to Omaha are Mr. parted for the U. S. ?Jew» and IlappFniiitft at the Or. Philip Sher JruUh Home Mid Mm. Sydney Mintrr, formerly INCIDENTS HEI'OKTKD of .Minneapolis, Minn., who are Jerusalem <WNSi Syrian solfor Aged by Dai Id Orkotv. making their home at 102« No. 32 Jlcrs were reported to h/nc lired CKMKTEHY DKSM HATKD Rome (\VNS) - - Pemolltlon of iTt. They have a daughter, twice from their military encampJanuary 2 5 - A Hover pMiint lifter, which safely raises n pa- .SIIMIII Ijnylfc. Mr. Minte-r ib as- n'-n! nt H ^loup of youthful !.•;- gravestones and desecration of tombs on Cairo's Jewish cemetery tlent in bed, transfers him to unil sociated with the Remington Rand in-lit who were f/icr.leking ne:ir by Egyptian soldiers was reported from a wheel chair, commode or Corporation. Lake Huleh, wounding one ot the here by a group of Jewish refugees bath was donated to the Dr. Philip Kruup. Two Arab infiltrators were Sher Jewish Home for AKCI by ay ChrrnlaU, Plill Orrllrk and killed and another was captured from Kgypt. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Mr. Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf nre serving in a clash with an Israeli patrol. and Mrs. S. L. Kay nnd Mr. and on the '35-mcmber »ub-committer At the fcame time, it was r«i>orte-d CON'CKIIN KXI'HIOS.SKI) Mrs. Aaron Rlcharels In honor nf of tlio Mayor's city-wide planning that Israel's totnl in dead Chicago lU'.N'.S) Il'nul B i l l h the 59th »veddlng anniversary of committee in charge of studying and wounded in the recent action president Philip M. Kut/nicU, adMr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky. and bringing in recommendations against Egypt reached 373. dressing an I.-rael liond Bildience here, declared that the concern of January 27— In Mcmoriom: Mrs. for the park and recreation program. American Jens f.,r the well-lit-ing JEWIXH DOCTOH HKI.KCTKD Pearl Cohen. Washington ( W N S ) - King Saud of Israel "Is not n case of pollticnl January 28—A special Kiddush of Saudi Arabia, whoue discrimin- natlonnllMu, but a regard for the was* given by Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry atory policy against American citi- simple principles of humnn digKaplan on the occasion of the zens of the Jewish faith hns long nity and human nccurity—the two Yahntelt of Mrs. Kannie AdelLOl'18 KOIILL been under fire, has engaged n hnslc requisites for world peace." •chtein. Rabbi Nathan Feldman Funeral services for Louis Ko- Jewish physician to treat his pollwas our rabbinical viiitor today. CltOKF CONSIUKl(r:D The Council of Jewish Women arts hl], owner of the Park Avenue New York (WNS)- Establishand crafts program ra held. It is Drug Store, were held Sunday at ment of B central representative given every second Tuesday at 2 3:30 p. m. lit the Jewish Funeral Home. Mr. Kohll, 43, died Jan. 25 body Is being considered by the p. m. A "FIIWT" AT CKNTHAL 26,000 Jews In India, it was reJanuary 30—A Movie Matinee. in a local hospital. Burial was n Nancy and Barbara Brodkey are Pleasant Hill Cemetery. ported here by Dr. Aaron SteinFebruary 3 — Rabbi Benjamin believed to be the fir/~t sisters to Surviving are wife, Lcona, two hold membership at the name time berg, director of the cultural deGroner will be our Rabbinical viseons, Marvin and Jerry, Omaha; in the Central High school stu- partment of the World Jewish itor today. Congress, who said he received Yahrzeit — S p e c i a l memorial mother, Mrs. Anna Kohlberg, Los dent Council. Nancy, n freshman that information from two Jewish services will be held in the Home Angeles, Cnl.. four brothers and •'md Barbara, a junior aifi the leaders from India ot the recent 'our si.ste-rs.Synagogue during the month of daughters of Mr. and Mrs. EdUNESCO meeting at New Delhi. Adar for the following: ivard I). Urodkey. Both are honor foil students nnd participate in Harry Roitstcin, Adnr ] , Feb. 2. MKS. I'KAIU, COHEN Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl mitny school acti\itieE. Barbnra NATIONALS' riiOIJMJM Rose Srcldc-n, Adnr 1, Feb. 2. Rome iWNS)--The Itnlinn CubFannie Lli-bovici, Adnr 3. Feb. 6. Cohen, 75, who died January 24 •s Young Judea Regional HistorMrs. Harry Friedman, Adar 21 was held Sunday at 2 p. m. at the ian and n Sunday school teacher Inet is pxpected to discuss the Jewish Funeral Home. Interment at Temple Israel. problem of Italian nationals who Feb. 22. fled or were exiled from Egypt, It Morris Spivak, Adar 22, Feb. 2.1. was at Fisher Farm cemetery. DEBKA DKIli Mrs. Cohen is survived by three was disclosed here following a reLouis S. Braunstcln, Adar 24, The freshman cla.«s of Deljlta port that some ,"»00 Jewish refudaughters, Mrs, Bertha Levlnsky, Feb. 25. Debs «ill gi\e a party for their Ruth Shames, Adar 25, Feb. 26. Mrs. F.tta Douglas and Alice; one big sisteni Sunday, February 3 gees from Egypt had staged a Coming Events: The Brandris son, Arthur; four grandchildren, at 1:30 p. m. The general chair- demonstration in Naples flgalnst University. Omaha Chapter, will une great grandchild, all of Oma- man, Nancy Brodkey will be as- Inadequate assistance and a reentertain our Folks on February lia; three brothers and one sister sisted by Diane Groner, decora- ported government plan to re5 at 2 p. m. during the occasion if Los Angeles, CaL tions; Marilyn Braun, refresh- settle them in Sicily. of Jewish Music Festival month. ments; Mary Koy Hobcrman, MHH. L. SKGELJIAN transportation; Janice Katlemon. Israel Team Mrs. Leo Kiscnstatt, chairman. Funeral Ecrvices for Mrs. I.. notations nnd Cindy Klein, enFebruary 7—The Council of New York (JTA)- The national Jewish Women sewing group, will Segelman, resident of Omaha C5 tertainment. basketball team of Israel will hold their regular meeting at the years, who died January 22, v.crc N' K VV OFFICEItS Dr.,Philip Sher Jewish Hume for held at the Jewish Funeral home, open a transcontinental series of Susie Gillnsky was elected presi- appearances in the UniUd States January 23. Burial was In C-olden Aged. IU1 cemetery. Surviving are four dent of the Stvcnth Grade Young with a contcit nt Madison Square daughters, three sons, seven grand- Judea group at Its first meeting Garden in New York City on Sunchildren, 1 great-grandchild and Sunday January 27 at the home day afternoon, February 3. Scholarships of Carrie Rubin. Other officers two brothers. The visiting players are the are Shelly Sommer, vice presiNew York, UTA)—A cultural Israeli Olympic team which, was dent; Lois Grccnberg, treasurer; exchange program to bring to this ,01, LONDON forced to withdraw from the reFuneral services for Sol Lon- Neena Beber, secretary end Liz cent Melbourne competition becountry prominent Israeli artists and to set up 100 Middle East don, €2, 1410 No. 33 street, were Catz, sergeant nt arms. Mfos cause of the hostilities In Egypt. Scholarships was announced by held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Marilyn Rice Is leader of the club. The Israelis will be guided on the American Fund for Israel In- home with burial in Fisher Farm Eleanor Roosev«lt group of the their American tour by Elmer stitutions at Its annual dinner cemetery. Mr. Fisher died January B'nai B'rith girls will hold « bake Ripley, noted American, basketconcert at the Walforf Astoria 24 a ta local hospital. He is sur- sale at Brandels Store Saturday ball coach who prepared th» I s Grand Ballroom. vived by his wife, Fannie. from 10:30 a. m. to 5 p.m . raeli quint for the Olympic ramej.
Global Report
With the Home Folks
Youth Activities
BETH KL Sohbath sei-\ices at Beth Kl Syn.iiioguc will begin nt 8:15 p. m. This we-ek will be .Sisterhood Sabbath, 'llie Kenunnctlc will be given by Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, a pastpresident of the Sisterhood. Canor Aiiron I. Edgur and the Beth Kl .Synagogue C^iolr will render the inuslcnl jiortions of the service. Also taking jmrt In the service) will be the Mines. Joseph S. GUSH, Sam Hun, Krnest A. Nogg, Dav« Katzmnn, Kugene Rich, Arthur Grossman, Harry Fcrrnsteln, Morlis Roltsteln, Alfred Fiedler, M. A. Bcrcovcl. M. A. Vcnger, D. R. Cohen, A. V. Frank, Phlneas Wlntroub. Robert Kooper, A. C. Fellman, George Kagen, Myer 8. Kripke. Sabliath morning services begin at 9:30 n. m. nnd the Junior Congregation Services are at 10:30 a. in. Mlncha-Maiiriv at 5:15 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday fenices Kt fl a. m, Beth Kl Scout Sabbath v.ill b» ibservcd Friday, February 8 at he 8:15 p. m. services. n . i i i iMiAi;/, Jtnbhi Benjitmin Groner, Cantor Kli Kagnn, liHh Israel Choir and lub Ttiryng, will conduct Ut« Friday evening re-rvlits at 8. Traditional Friday e\cning services fh'nbbolas Khablios) begin a t 'M p. :n. Sabbath morning services begin nt H:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. ni. Rabbi iJronr-r will tvnduct the Talmud doss nl 5 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at .V.'SO p. m. followed by Sholenh* R'eudos nnd Manriv. Dally mornIng .Mivicfs nt 7 a. m.; afternoon enlccs at 5:30 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. in. followed by breakfast and Rtibbilis class In Dible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan, followed liy breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. in.
Israel Shorts I-ouis Lip:,ky, just back from r.sracl, says that the Itusslans lnlended to give, the Arabs more han arm'!. The Israelis found something lilte 100,000 winter uniforms and the name number of .nmmer uniforms In the Arab nrsenal. The Russians expected to send their volunteers and Infiltrate "the Arab armies, he says. Lipsky noted large quantities of weapons which none of the Arab Boldleu or officers had any idea liow lo handle. All of this, saya Lipsky, points to the fact that long ago the Russians were planning to take over the Middle East A m e r i c a , iay» Mr. Lipsky, ihould be grateful to Israel for er frustration of the S o v i e t plans. Well, anyway, the I s r a e l i s ) ihould be nblc to keep warm from now on, Mr. Llpslty tells me th» Isnielii enptured something Uk» one million blankets sent by Ruti *o the Middle East—(JTA) SItAJEI- INDEX " Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel'* coit if living Index dropped eleven points in Kovcmber, It was r«,ealcd here. The index stands t t !48 compared to a September, 852 bast of 100. Increased sup- >Hfs of fresh vegetable) and fruit* •tre responsible in Urge measur* or brlnsine nrles A
FrW*y, February h 1» S J
Dinner Will Mark lowctns' Befrothal
I .
torn nwisa PRESS
Don Grwnberg, University of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Siegi-I of Oklahoma sophomore, was a memKA1UMAI1 I luncheon circle of Omnhii Chapter ber of student group which during Council Bluffs, la., Hniioimec the Mans for the next ilin- ! .MUn.rhi, Monday at the engagement of their dauj;hter, the holiday bet ween semesters Her parlv anil sodal ewm.,,; were Jewish Community Conor. Pro.leanclte Sally, to U'wis Gerald took (lie University Rp.''nsored skimad', at" a ixmi-il mec.tin;; at the. cerils will 1* given to he (nilHuhni.n, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Inn trip to Aspen, Colo., and home .if Mrs. Herbert Wl.itrmib. <l'en's Village, Kaunaiu,, Israel. Charles Klliott Hulman of Daven- stayed at the Roaring Forks hotel. He is the soil of Mr. and Mrs. ElThe dinner will he held Salnrrtay "" port, Iu. evening, February 10, al the home j OMAHA IIAUAS.SAII Miss Siegcl is a l!)5ti graduate .ner Greenberg. of Mr. nnil Mrs. Raymond Corey, I (•)„,j,:e scats for the performance of the State Unhe.Mty of Iowa, S)19 Davenport Street. I „( "Hatful of Hain." iinnini; Vlvwhere she was affiliated with Sij;Among the students who en» Kndimah members worliinn on | |. m jji n | nP , at tlif Civic Aurlitormn Delta Tim, social sorority. She •oiled at the University of Omaha the Polio Drive are Mules. Charles )i u n 1 t Thursday, February 11, ut is teaching at Hoover Sclio.;! In for the new semester were th« Guss, Raymond Corey anil Charles js .jr, j,. ,,1ip ,,iay be purchased Council Bluffs. Shirley Raznick, daughter of Mr. Hosenhcim. j from numbers of Omaha Chapter Mr. Hulman, n junior in Civil ml Mrs. David Raznlck; Sari Hadnssah, nt $5 eaeh. Cheeks Knglncerlng lit the State Univer- Khukei t, daughter of Mr. and Mr». .hould l»e made to Omaha Chapter MIZRACill U'OMKV sity of Iowa, is a member of The- David Shukert; Sharlene Fischer, aflassah, Kprclfing seat localion A luncheon and card parly Has 1ii Tan, professional engineering daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald given by Mines. Hose Kogel. Sol and mailed to one of the three Fischer; Patricia Mogll, daughter fraternity. Noge and H- Franklin of the donor Jliulnstiiili ticlict rhainnan: Mrs. A summer wedding is planned. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mogil and Mr*. Krnnetli I'oul Welner 1-eo Weitz, .117 No. 52nd Street; Friends and relatives have been Lesly Klein, daughter of Mm. rs. Krvin Simon. ,'tO!) So. fiOtli invited to a buffet dinner, Sunday, I^eonurd Klein. They formerly at» trect; Mrs. Norman Cain, (!!M0 at the home of the bride's parents, tended the University of Nebraska where they were members Of urt Street; Mrs. I'hil Orcllcic, in honor of the engaged couple. Sigma Delta Tail Sorority, .. iO llncktierry IMiid, or Mrs. Kalian NUK;;, «•>« No. 55th .Street. Mr. and Mri. Richard J. Kohan, Hie deadline for these best tents lielh F.I Synagogue was the set- Bequest Upheld University of Oklahoma freshing for tiie late Sunday afternoon whose marriage took place Janthe '"oiise i» Fcbrmuy 4. New York, (WNS)— A bequest man who spent their "between wedding of Miss Judith Ann Ito«n, uary 6 In Chicago are a thoroc semester" vacations here at home daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwar.l of mound $150,000 to the Antl- were Richard Raskin, Bruce Harafter a tveddlng trip to Las Vegas, OIISINS CI-UB Difam.ition I-eaguc of B'nai B'rith Mrs. Kd Simon will be hostess A. Ilosen to Kcnni'tli Paul Welner, in the will of n Protestant bene- wich, Marvin Joseph, Colt GreenNcv. the Cousins Club, Wednesday S. N., son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto F. factor was upheld this week by I berg and Art Novak. They si) »r« The bride Is . the former Miss Queens County Judge who dis- PI Lambda Phi pledges. 'Nancy Modneck, daughter of Mr. •'ebruury 6, 12:30 p. m. nt Hie Weiner of Chicago, 111. legls Hotel. Anyone unable to atand H n , Max Modneck of Chicago, Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc performed missed a family action against the end Is asked to call Oh 0835. He th»t rffuwth correction deMr. Kohan is the son of Mr. and the ceremony 'Ix'ncath a canopy bequest by Mrs. tJertrude M. Ellis splseth his own soul, but that he Mr*. Allen Kohan. e.nercd with while stock and pink of Kew Garden Hills, N. V. It WBB hrarkrnrth to reproof getteth unthe largest bequest ever received Mcmben of the bridal party in- PIOHEER WOMKN sna|Klrngons. A dinner followed cluded Misn Carole Mann, maid' The Pioneer Women »iil hull at the Shoraton-Fontcnelle hotel, from a non-Jewish donor, accord- derstanding.—Dr. Philip SherM Wisdom from the Bible. Ing to A. D. L. officials. of-honor, Mm. Harry Cohen* ma? heir monthly Oneg Shabbat .Sat (•ariands of flowers lined the ' tron-of-honor, Mr*. Morton Kess- trdsy, February 2, 1:30 p. in. a patli of the wedding party. Cantor ler, H n , : Donald Vann and Mr*, :he home of Mrs. Frank Rubin Aaron 1. Kdgar rendered two tra- PROCEEDS FOB HOSPITAL iteln, 3101 Evans Street. En gone Hoffman. Jeffrey Mayner, 9, son of Mr. ditional songs. Donald Vann wax best man. and Mrs. Stanley Mayper and The program will Include full Tim bride wore a Priscllla gown BaiTy Zobb, if, »ori of Mr. and tfohcrf were Lloyd Arkln; Stanley songs by Mrs. Milton Nearenberi;, of ivory tulle nnd white Chantllly Mrs. Seymour Zoob -will prewnt Llpsey and Martin Kaplan. cultural chairman, reading of lace. The cuffed bodice was em- a magic'show In the Zoob baseMr. / n d Mrs. Kohan will live poem by Mm. M. Specifier and talk on Israel by Joe Kailin<m>-ki broidered with circles of pearls ment Saturday at 2 p. m. to raise In Omaha. > centered with iridescent*). The full money for the Children's Memorial skirl of tulle was banded with lace Hospital polio ward. ZIONIST MKKTINti, FlvM. 6 and ended with a chapel train. 'Die Oniiiha Zionist Counei Her two-tiered fingertip veil of which uminlly meets on the secon ory illusion was held by a scalWednesday of cadi month has ipi-d pillbox. She carried a prayer CAMP JOBS OPEN changed Its Kcbrunry meeting di.te Application* are being accepted to Wedjiesdoy rveninC. FVbruiiry ook with white butterfly orchids, I' IK UG'l lo lni*rl jour Want Ail lievof-the-valley and one large TUB Jrwliti ITT.. tor senior counselor positions fo Current rate u 60 ftnti f',r #arhi four It will Ixi held at ten home of Lite orchid. :« !:i-.frH'>n. The I're.ii reBrrvrs fhe rlj^t the 1957 summer sessions of Camp Mrs. Sidney HullLi, :»7 .So. CO For her daughter's wedding Mrs. lo limit K'lt til far.. n<lv<trtleem*nt, Jny-C-C «nd the Centers Day street v.itii Mrs. J. H. Kulakofuky. :osen chore a gown of pink taf- BAR nmJ Uns Mitzvnh congratuCamp. Interested persona are president, presldinn. ta and Alencon lace. Mrs. Weinlations aiso for nil Jewish holiwked'to call the camp office, a A rciwrt will be mailc of the days and special occasions. the Jewish Community Center, fo regional conferenec of 17 major •r wore sapphire blue luce over RUG & UPHOLSTERY Meyers News Stand. 1302 Dodge Interviews. Applicants must be a Jewish organizations to be. held nffcta. CLEANERS Mrs. Shenvin J. Finehamller, leant 18 years of age. May 3 In Chicago. Philip Klutz- lyrucuse, N. Y., a former Omu- FOR IlENT—Sleeping room, beauRUGS—CARPETING nlck, fonnei' Omnium, will speak tifully furnished, privnte home, was matron of honor. BridesKI'KKI) JlKADIMi Ol'FEJIKD at the Chicago m«tini:. LAMP SHADES very reasonable, one and half imids «ere Mrs. Marvin JlnndoAn adult speed reading class wil blocks to bus line, 852 So. 35 FURNITURE k, Evanston, III., Jilts Marcla be offered at the Jewish Commu- II'NAI U'RITII Ave. Call AT 3189. j?e Goodmnn, Tcrrc Haute, Ind., jilty Center. Applicant* may enrol Mrs. Cieruld Goldberg, Detroit, Miss Bernlce June Cohen, llelleCleaned In Your HOOMI by callliiK the Activities Office, J; president of the Woniens district SAVE BY ORDERING 1366. The courje Is open to bot Brand lodge No. 6, B'nnl D'rith, ,ille, N. J.. ond Mrs. Nathan No.10 Months Ladles Home Jourak. men and women. nal, 155.83. will be the guest speaker Monday, Don Bernstein HA 8554 Marvin Bandolik, Chicago was 11 Months Holiday, $3J1. 1 p. m. at the bonrd meeting of the mnn. Ushers wcro Stanley MI.'HIC LIHTKNINM 16 Months Reader* Digest, « . Nebraska Chapter No. 316 at Har- Block, Mctvin Cole, Chicago, 111.; The raualc listening group pre ry's Restaurant. 7 Months Coronet, f l . Nathan Novak and Jerome Ilosen. viewed "Concert* On Film" n 26 Week*. VS. News, J3.2T. Sam* Day S«nrk« Mr. find Mrs. Welner will be at .their last regular home concert ZIONISTS NO. B« 22 Months House Beautiful,' home nt 1023 Lincoln Ave., San N« Extra Chorft meeting, January .11 «t 8 p. m. n J 5 . 5 0 . ' • - . ' • • . • ; ':•'. . . : : • ' • • • ? . ' • . • • The Fnrbnnd Lalior Zionist the horn* of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwnrf Branch No. 54, Poale' 7.lon will Diego, Cnl., after a motor trlp-to 2 Years Good Houselteeplnsr, la « 10 A.M. Ijike Au-owheRd, Cal. D. Bnxlkcy. Tho music groi $ 3 . 9 8 . : • :-•••:.•., •::':..: \ -:. '' hold an election nt a Sundny supGuests from out-of-town were ««*»rfcy» P.M. which meets once it month In th< 16 Montlis Harperf Bazaar, per meeting, 7 p. in. nt the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. France, hornet of memberii, featured c m : CASH and CARRY « r l i on film by Rtibeiistein mi Community Center. Mm. J. Feld- ilencoe, III.; Mr. nnd Mrs. I-oui nian and Mrs. A. Cohen are In "Ickus, Waukegnn, 111.; Mr. end 22 Months Town and Country, Pl«tagorl«ky. J 8 . 5 0 . . . v ; : ' • > • / : • :..'•;. • : . • • • • * • charge of arrangements. Reserva- Mrs. I-ouls I« Pcrlman, Mr. and For theso and many other oftions may be made, by calling JA Mrs. Saul Cornell, Mrs. Harry JKWIMH MUSIC MONTH fers, Call jtfrs. Horwlch, WA .180 J. ranee, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sorkin, The Jewljh Community Ccnte 3957, . .•-.•••••••• and Mr. and Mrs, A. Sorkin..Chi„ Will prenent n program of Jewis cago, 111.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip RESPONSIBLE PERSON mimic on rndio station WOW, Sun- 100,000 Refugees, 1957 Jaffee, Hlrminghnm, Ala.; Mr. and Male or femal.ef rom this area, day, February 10 at 5:45 p. m. Ttic Mm. lien Novak, Lou Webber, and wanted to service and collect New York (WNSJ-••"Tills year " program Is presented in celebrachildren: Donald and Mnrciu Web- from large console cigarette mamay nee more than 100,000 Jews tion Of Jewish Music Montli it was ber, Tulsn, Okln.; Mr. and Mrs. chines. No selling. Age jiot esannounced by Mm: Abe C. Fell- in flight from Kasserlsm In Egypt Kay Novalc, Culorndo Springs, sential. Car, and references and man, Music Activities Chairman. :'ommunlim in Hungary and dan- Colo.; Miss Murcia Wittniv, I/)r$1,000 i n v e s t ment necessary. gers in other lands," Rabbi Herralne, O.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney ICpVer ygood returns and only 7 to 112N. 18tfi JA1S78 AFTKKNOON BHIMOK CLASS bert A. Friedman, executive vice stein and Mr. and Mrs, S. Hockcn12 hours weekly. The best and Mm. Gladys Koblnson, local chairman of the United Jewish Ap iei%' Des Moines, fa.; Shei-wln most plcasnnt way to supplebridge Instructor Is now accepting peal, declared nt a press confer Pinehandler, SyracuKC, N. V.; Mr. ment your income. Full time adults for enrollment for her aft- ence licie this week following his and Mrs. Gary Goldstein, Arthur work If you wish. For local inreturn from a 10-day survey o * ernoon bridge clans on WednesNovak, Norman, Okla.; Mr. and terview give full particulars, nnd emergency nil] efforts in Weiiten: days, 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. at Europe for thousands of Jewlsl Mrs. I-co Hill and Mr. and Mrs. phone number. the Jewish Community Center. •efujiees from'Hungary aiid ERSP Harry I.evinson, Lincoln, Nebr.; Write -Security Distributing Co. Mrs. floblnson employs the Gorcn being carried on by the Joint DIs Mr. nnil Mrs. Harry Novak and 3C03 Nicollet Ave.; Herman Novalc, Nebraska City; »y«tem of bidding In her course. Minneapolis 9, Minn. trlb.ition Cf/inniltlee and the JewMrs. Kttn Hose nnd Marshall The fee for 12 weeks is $10 per ish Agency. Kushner, Lincoln. person. Special arrangements mny Rabbi Friedman with Moses A, Gor TV Trouble? be made for groups Interested In Out-of-town visitors and gentleLeavilt, executive \ iee-chnlrmnn the course. men in the bridal party were Call Saul—That's All! In addition to the afternoon of the Joint Distribution Commit- guests nt n bachelor dinner given class the Ctntcr will offer an eve- tee, met the Egyptian liner Mlsr, Saturday night at the Fireside Saul's TV A Radio Service ning bridge class for adults and which landed 97G expelled Egyp- Itcstnurnnt by the groom's father. 1705 Cumlnj *T 2!3? tian Jews nt Naples, the week be young adulti. Nights ond Sunday—WA 0574 At the same time the bride enterfore. Both also visited the Austro WORKMEN'S CIRCLE I'LAV tained her attendants and out-ofThe Yiddijli Culture Council will Hungarian border a few days In town guests nt a trousseau party ter to talk with some of the 16.50C present th« Workmen's Circle SAMPLE FUR SHOP Jews who are part of the 165.O0C Rt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Den Play, Wednesday, February 20, at cicnpeea of all faiths who have flee Novnlf. the Jewish Community Center, Joe the communist regime In Hungary Omaho'f Reliable Furrier lUdinowskl, chairman announced. Everything In Fun 817 S. 36 St. Heasnnt noriln are as » honeyAdmission Is by leauon ticket or t\ Lowest Price« in City comb, sweet to the wul and health HA 1044 Let another man praUe then am •Ingle (dmiislon Js $1. 151* FARNAM ST. not thine own moutlu—Dr. WUII| to the body.—Dr. Philip « > • ' • Wlndom from th» Bible. 8btr'« Wisdom frem the Bible. Fitronlze Our Advertiser*
R. Cohens Return From Honeymoon
'J. CBriefs
Judy Rosen, Bride Of Ken Weiner
Want Ads
The Finest in Photography by JOHN
Portraits Weddings Commercial
Center Sports By Jim Earbituch MIDGET BASKKTBAIX Cowboy Liquors won over All Makes Typewriters 23-21 to go Into a tie for first place in the "IT division. In the closest game of the day, Dan KaUkee led the Cowboyi into the tie for first with All Makes with 10 points. He and Sandy Kasln teamed up for 19 points total. Bill Kutler was the big gan for All Makes. l i e scored 15 points on some good passing by the Levin brothers. Mark Platttier and Marshall Widman. rtatt ner and Kavich also scored for All Makes. The Cowboys were behind at the half by one point, but dominated the scoring in the third quarter with seven point out-burst while holding All Makes to • single field goal. All Makes couldn't close the gap in the last quarter even though outscoring their opponents. They were in possession when the game ended. KICHMAN-GOROMAN WINS Joel Sncfder and company ran over. I-Go Van 32-15 for a Richtnan-Gordman victory. A devastating fast break between Jerry Lohrman, Dave Syshnlk, Alex Orkpw and Snclder was Just too much for the I-Go team. Chct Stonier and Carl Cohen tried to match their scoring, but Just didn't have the team work to get the Job done. They were met with an agressive defence thnt stole the ball often and made passes often go astray. PLAVLAND WINS AGAIN Playland Park won over Nebraska Furniture 21-15 in a game which saw only two men score for Nebraska. Figuring in the scoring' for Playland wot Mike Sherman with 11, Jerry Slusky with 4, Sandy Friedman with 4 and Larry Klrke with 2. Handling the ball well for Playland was Larry Lefltz. Larry Grossman and Lloyd Rottsteln is a team effort that put the ball in scoring position often. Nebraska Furniture had the heighth and nsKrekslveness in Steve Boguchval. -Bill Kully and Jerry Stevens, but the Playland defense clumped down on the Nebraska Furniture scorers. - FIRKSIUK TAKKS VICTORV - Tile score wns 41-19 for Fireside Restaurant over H, A. Wolfe. |nc., in a well played lull game that saw Keith Liberman and Mike Sadofkky hCore a total of 25 points. H. A, Wolf playing without the services of Jeff Wohlner, had only three men In the Scoring column. They were led . by Dick Kaslow with 9 points, but lack or heighth under the boards hampered their scoring considerably. Jerry Hecger. Howard qhudacoff and Bud Epstein used effective passing in feeding the scorers,- while keeping the defense off balance with some good outside shooting also. HICKUN-BUSCO ON WIN The big red team remained undefeated In a 45-26 victory over Cerelick Motors in the last "A" game of the day. Utilizing center Steve Guss to the utmost, Marshall Kaplan. Harold Forbes and -- Karl Luefscheutz used man to man defense against Gerclick that Just wouldn't let them control the b^U, Consequently, the outside shot that missed w ere cleared ~by Steve Cuss and company and .turned into a score. Playland meets I-Go at 1:30 p. m. Sunday. Cowboy Liquors will try to lasso Nebraska Furniture at 2-15 and All Make* will tackle 'Rlchmari-Conlmnn at 3:00. "A" grimes nee Fireside Restaurant agalnsi Gerellck Motors at 3:45 and Mirkhn-Rusro plays H A. Wolf, Inc., at 4;.T0. Four trams are in n tie for firat place In "B" st i!i<lm;;s All Makes. Cowboys. l!ichm;in-Gordman and Playland have 2-1 records1 Nebrnsk.i Km inline lia, 1-2 record while I-Go IVJS yet to icenter a victory. I n t h e " A " l<\i','u<\ Mifklm-Itiii.CO has 5 w i n s in f> si n t > . G I - H - I M I ;
follows witli a .1-2 record. Firoslrc is 2-3. and II. A. Wolf, Inc. is secklrfg a win. VAIMITir BASKETBALL After five weeks of regular Competition in the J. C. C Varsity. Basketball League, Marltcl-Ciean«rs has an unblemished record after four starts, ami Bernstein Auction Co. has lost once to the league leaders, but defeated the Other two teams. Both leaders
have a make up game which could tie up the race while Star Auto has a 2-3 record and BrandclsPhllco has won 1 and lost 4. NIP AND TUCK It was 42-41 In a nip and tuck ball game last week at the Center gym. Bernstein Auction came out on top over Brandels-Plnlco in a game that was not decided until the final gun. During the game there was seldom more than a three point spread in points, 118 in the first quarter. 22-20 at the half and 32-32 at the third quarter. The Auction men maintained a slim lead through the first half, but were tied up at 20-20 with less than a minute in the second quarter. They went ahead again on Jerry Bertnan's -two free throws Just before the gun. It was a fast aggressive game which saw two men foul out on the Brundeis-Phllco squad. Dan Epstein left the game with 8 points during the third quarter, and Mo Handleman garnered 11 points until the end of the last quarter. Brandeln-Phllco needed four points to tie with lens than a minute to go, then Harold Nepomnlek put in the Insrficld goal on a drive in shot with thirty seconds to go. Bernstein Auction could have widened the margin In the lust two minute* had they sank four free throw*. Game high noint man wns Wayne Slegel with 14. CLEANER* UNDEFEATED In the last half scoring free for a l l / Markel Cleaners ran up 72 against 55 for Star Auto in the second game. Star* Auto, playing with two men on the floor had a hard time getting the ball Into the hoop as they were forced to shoot long set shots that seldom hit the mark. Al dayman played good, aggressive ball under the boards and put In 21 points for scoring honors, but a team effort by Markel Cleaners included Sandy Brophy. Ferd Bernstein, Ray Klrke and Try Yaffee with double digit scoring. The Cleaners jumped Into an eight point lead during the first quarter and were never behind. Y. C. "B" BASKETBAIX . AZA IB ran over Rnyitn B last week in Youth Council "B" laskrtball to the tune of 44-12. Hlch point man was Larry Garrop with 12 points on five goals and two free throws. AZA 100C is still at the top of the list after having won a lop-sided victory over thoir B club the previous Tuesday. V. C. BASKETBALL Five overtime periods In two games featured the Youth Council Basketball Leagues last week at the Jewish Community Center. The Unaffillates won out over AZA 1 in three overtimes 37-37 and AZA 100 beat Rayim 49-47 in two overtime periods. The first game between "Unafs" and AZA X ended 29-29 after the first four quarters. The two point rule In games played by quarters, came into effect as AZA 1 led 31-30 nt the end of the first overtime. Al Krlzeiman scored two free throws to lead his team Into the second overtime. It was M-33 for the Unaffillates at the end of the second overtime on a basket by Dave Goldstein. With seconds left in the third overtime, Larry Herman scored a free throw for the two point margin and Dave Goldstein came through with An anti-climactic field goal. CLOSE fiAMK During the game. AZA 1 led by 7 during the first quaitrr and went Into the last session with nn 8 point margin, but Will Plotkin fouled out and the "Unnfs" roared nto the tie. Game high point man was D u e Goldstein with 20 p unts, but he had n great deal of help f ' i i .Ii-iiy Sli"rm in. Laiiy Heinian. Chuck Wise and Tom Kully. Al Kri/clman led AZA with 18 points wilh some sh up floor pl,iy coining from Al Sle.^el, Howard Martin and Jerry Freedman, Will I'lutkin did a good Job of clening (he bunds AZA 100 KICKS WIN AZA 100 led almost through out the entire game, only to lie. tied with Rnylm al 43 all at the end of regular play. Bob Olierman find Howard Welnberg tied up with hook shots and tip ins as they went to work under the boards to send the game into overtime. At the end of the first overtime it was
['It CSS
. Frbruary 1, 1»37
Differing Trade School Patterns Hy Dr. Wllllwii Heckrr (The writer Is Vocational Specialist with the V, S. Operations Mission in Israel)
I wo of the thousands of refugeos who ars ruining out of lotalilarian countries to start * free life in Israel arc AIIOWII on their way to tlic li»me assigned to llicm in a new TttU-ment. The man on the right in the top picture ii tliuwn again (holtom picture) in his fint set after entering hit new quarters— nailing a mcziuxa to his door. As a Nazi-like terror threatens Egypt's 66.000 Jew,, a> 14.000 Jews who fled Hungary »eek a new Hart, and aH tens of tliounandt pour out of other lands of oppression the United Jewish Appeal is preuirg its nationwide call for a 1100.000,000 Emergency Rescue Fund, over •nd above regular campaign needs, to save and resettle in the fret world at lean 100.000 endangered Jews during 1957. tried tn control the" loll. Actually tin1 uinniiiK points were scored by Mlfcc'1 Platt on .two free throws, then Jerry Rosen iced the victory with a field goal. As the game ended, Howard Weinberg was fouled, and he cashed in both of his free throws for, the two point margin. Weinberg and Epttcln each had 17 for game scoring honors,,Bob Obermnn made 16 for Rayim! but that was balanced out by 9 each by Stu Kutler and Jerry Rosen. Unaffillates now lead the pack with a 4-1 record while AZA 1 and AZA 100 are tied with 3-2 records. Even though Rnyim is winless. they have been battling to close scores In almost c\ery game.. r. <;. BOWLINO The Unaffilintcs ha\e surged ahead In the Youth" C o u n c i l Bowling league to lead other Youth Council clubs in both bowlIng and basketball. They hold a record of 27-0, three gomes ahead of AZA IB with 24-12. AZA 100A «nd Rayim A each have 22-14 to tie for third place, The race tor high average now belongs to Bob, Epstein of AZA 100 with a 178, but there arc seven bowlers with the top five averages onlyN13Kpo'nts apart Jerry Sherman holds a 175, and third belongs o Larry Herman and Mike Platt with a 169. Stu Kutler is fourth with 167. Marty Greene and Bill Katzman each have 165 for the fifth spot. In cases of tics, bowlers with the most games will be appointed to the honor.'This may lie nn Important fnctor In determinng the top five for Award Night.
All Stars Win J. C. C. Vnrsity All-Stars won 70-57 over Bcllcvuc Motor* of the iss AA City league lust Sunday nt tlio Center gym in their first start of the year. Al Clay' i m j i mid Lindy Pa I clicked for 11 points each to In id J. (.' . C. .connf; but Chikson of IV'llevue lilt V.) fur scoring honors The All-Stir; hid a genuine team \ictoiy with sh.up pissing, K lcboiinflinf; and pit defense Sandy Bropliy, Al dayman and Kd Belgrade cleared the boards well for J. (.'. C, but passes from Wlchart and Fisher to Clarkson, over the heads of tlie defendct-», kept the t;nmr> much closer than the? score indicates. Fred Bernstein and Dan Epstein defended well against a fast break also. Sell what you don't need , . . Buy what you need through the Want Ads.
Excavation to Help Fix Exodus Date Mew York (WNS)-General Ylgal Yadln, former Chief of the Israel Defense Army, and noted archaeologist, dncrilied Important finding* during the 1950 excavations in Hazor, an ancient Canannlte stronghold which he said "m»y allow us to fix the date of the Kxodu* find the occupation of Canaan by the tribes of Israel." General Yuclin. lecturer in archaeology at the Hebrew University In Jcimalem and director of the James A. de Rothschild Expedition at Hazor, made this disclosure to an o\ erf low audience at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America as he delivered the Cltaim Wetzmann lecture opening the 1936 Seminary Israel Institute, He told the audience that the excavations at Hazor have turned out "to be of paramount importance, not only as a means of uncovering the remains of its different strata and material culture, But also in providing a clue to the vexed problem in Biblical archaeology of fixing the date of the Exodus and the occupation of Canaan by the tril>e< of Israel under Joshua,
Junior B.B. Bowling JUNIOR IJ'NAl B'RITII Buddy Epstein had the high game in the League—a 168. A 114 second game gave him a 282 scries. Howard Feldman had the high series—a 297, He had games of 1C1 and 133. Susan Ash was high In the girls' division with J46 and 123 gomes for a 269 scries. Splits were swept by Barry Krk-sfold, 3-10: Buddy Epstein, 2-7; Mickey Sucks, 5-10. The Kraft Cleaners squad came in to take the High Team Game— a 004 from the leading Roberts Dairy Team1 who had a 588 high OTHKIt 1IIUIIH Mickey S.icks Io1-141—205 Justin Muinick 158-113-271 Bob Stein 139-122-2G1 Mike f.iecn IJI-lO't- 260 Neil Hloom 132-114-24(> TeiTillGieenstono . . ^H-lll -2V) Avha Fcldin.m 111- 13-219 Buddy Marcus 125-1M-ZI!) Lnrry Greene 124-111—235 Man in Polikov . . . . 132- fi7—223 D.ury Kilrsfeld . . . . 112-112-221 Suzle Scglln 128- 9."i—223 Larry Kirke 116-103-221 Gary Parilman 119-100-21!) Phyllis Shapiro . . . . 110-106-210 Frances Coonormun 119- 95—214 Gary Mulnlck 101-103-207 Steve Marcus 101-102-206 Bonnie Tarnoff . . . . 104-100-204 Don Fiedler 107- 9 7 - 2 0 4
An American outsider finds th* basis of trade schools in Israel, at typified by the schools of OUT, somewhat different from t h e American pattern. This difference does not imply that one is necessarily better than the other. Each is intended to fulfill Its own needs. The average American boy has had more mechanical Interests thrust in his direction than th« average present-day Israel lad. Mechanical toys, tools, pictures, and the like hive been before hi* eyes everywhere, probably far more than anywhere else in th« world today. In his elementary school training the American boy frequently encounters machinery and tooli of various types. Usually, he obtains a variety of Industrial arts shop experiences. Comparatively lit II* of this has been available to tin Israel boy. The first year in an ORT or other Israel vocational school must therefore provide this mechanical background. It does «o, and Its emphasis goes far toward developing an appreciation of and accuracy in handwork. Because of this it is probably safe to say thnt standards of handwork accuracy are higher in Israel vocational s schools than In their American Counterparts. However, another need forces Israel to concentrate on handwork —the lack of any wide selection of inter-changeable mechanical parts. The American Worker Is trained to replace a worn mechanical part; the Israeli worker, however, must often make or repair it. At present there arc simply not enough spare ports to go around. The average Israel vocational course of study is "less spelled out," and probably based rather lens on precise Job analysis procedure than Its American counterpart. However, It does Include a phas* of training which is not tiied so much in the average American, vocational school, I. «„..production' training. Practically everything made In an DRT vocational school for sale or at least for use in ORT or another school. The average American would not, offhand, appreciate the difficulties caused by lack of instructional devices. He always sees -so many books, charts and other leaching devices readily availab.1* that he hardly bothers to-give tht matter a second thought. But thli , is a problem of the firat magnltud* in Israel. , Visual material, books, charts, Resigns, models and the various) projected aids are simply not available m abundant quantities her* a» they are in America, The Israel instructor must produce them, improvising and utilizing whatever 1* available or whatever he can make. , ORT It constantly working on this problem; its.Geneva and Israel staffs are drawing, adapting and Interpreting so as to provide the material In Hebrew, the language of Israel. Advanced pupils here all study English, the language used In present and abundant Instructional material, ORT mechanical equipment if well selected and certainly effectively used, especially machine shop equipment. I have yet to se« pupil mistreating equipment Pride in its care and cleaning IS ingrained in the ORT pupil.
Three Teams Will Go to Sioux City Three teams will represent the Omaha Jay in Sioux City, Fcbrui .'iiy 10 In basketball competition. They nre the Y. (.'. All-Stars, the Mi<H;ct I.cncue All Stars and « team of MKihomorcs and freshlien. Tlio results of balloting by the coaches and lenRiic officials In the various leagues now under way, will be announced shortly. The Youth Council athletic cc«i» mlttce will be the official solco« tlon committee for the freshmansophomore squad. Vse the Want Ads to buy, sell or rent.